Updated on 2025/03/12

Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Associate Professor
Master of Engineering ( Waseda University )
Ph.D. in Engineering ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2015.04

    Waseda University Art and Architecture School   Architecture and Urban Design Course   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   Associate Professor

  • 2011.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2009.04

    Waseda University   Institute for Advanced Study   Assistant Professor

  • 2007.04

    Waseda University Art and Architecture School   Architecture and Urban Design Course   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2006.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   Research Associate

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Education Background

  • 2003.04

    Waseda University   Doctoral Course, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering   Architecture  

  • 2001.04

    Waseda University   Master Course, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering   Architecture  

  • 1997.04

    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering   Department of Architecture  

Committee Memberships

  • 2023.06

    日本建築学会  関東支部常議員・学術幹事

  • 2022.07

    東京都墨田区  文化財保護審議会委員

  • 2020.03

    Architectural Institute of Japan  Representative

  • 2017.04

    日本建築学会  建築歴史・意匠委員会 幹事

Professional Memberships




    Society of Architectural Historians of Japan


    Architectural Institute of Japan


    Society of Architectural Historians


    The City Planning Institute of Japan

Research Areas

  • Architectural history and design / Sociology of science, history of science and technology / Cultural assets study / Museology

Research Interests

  • Architectural history of Japan

  • Architectural history of the Orient

  • Preservation and restoration of cultural assets



  • The tendency of method and idea for the architectural preservation of Takehara Kichisuke, a preservation expert

    Yuka ASHIZAWA, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 911 - 912  2023.07

  • Design Philosophy of Water Facilities at Angkor Temples Through Study of Monuments from the Bayon Period

    Naju KASAI, Takeshi NAKAGAWA, Masaki KOIWA, Mitsumasa ISHIZUKA

      ( 2023 ) 833 - 834  2023.07

  • New Roman Baroque Theory ~ Based on Wolfflin's "Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe" ~

    Mayuko TANAKA, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 803 - 804  2023.07

  • A Study on Noboru Kawazoe's Theory of Metabolism - Through Kawazoe's Discourse -

    Satomi KIDO, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 423 - 424  2023.07

  • Theatrical Space Thinking and Its Influence on the Stage Designer Setsu Asakura

    Sara ASANO, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 353 - 354  2023.07

  • The Process of Establishment of Drive-Ins in Japan

    Riku TERUYA, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 329 - 330  2023.07

  • Josiah Condor's design philosophy seen through the relationship with Thomas Roger Smith and William Burges -through analysis of openings-

    Akari IWAHASHI, Masaki KOIWA

      225 ( 226 )  2023.07

  • Chado in Yusuhara, Takaoka-gun, Kochi Prefecture : A Survey of the Current Situation

    Mizuki YABE, Riku TERUYA, Masaaki MAKISE, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 141 - 142  2023.07

  • The Transformation of Sericultural Beliefs in Gunma Prefecture, Seimou Region over Time

    Yuna ISHIDA, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 105 - 106  2023.07

  • Evaluation of Sloping Residential Gardens in Hibarigaoka Area

    Masaaki MAKISE, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 53 - 54  2023.07

  • A research on “Tateba” and “Ainoshuku” in the Gokaido Roads

    Masaki ODAKA, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2023 ) 35 - 36  2023.07

  • Reconsidering the Tai Xie Architecture: Spatial Composition of Earth and Wood in Ancient Chinese Architecture

    Muzuki YABE, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2022 ) 417 - 418  2022.07


  • Eating Space in the Eating-Out Scene of Lower Class Samurai in the Edo Period

    Takeru KIKUCHI, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2022 ) 377 - 378  2022.07


  • A Study on Togakushi Oshi Village-Transformation of Beliefs and Spatial Composition of Foothill Villages in Early Modern Shugendo-

    Yuki HAYASHI, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2022 ) 395 - 396  2022.07


  • 早稲田大学の教育史にみる建築教育の歴史観:昭和初期『早稲田建築講義録』の分析を通じて

    Hanyang Wang, Masaki Koiwa

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING   21 ( 3 ) 766 - 790  2022.05  [Refereed]

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    The dawn of modern architecture education in Japan came as the Meiji Administration established public universities and technical training schools. During the the end of the Taisho period (1912-1926) to the Showa period (1926-1989), with rapid social modernization, construction technologies also needed to be modernized. In the private education sector, Waseda University, the pioneer in individualized architecture education, introduced and implemented a special education system called correspondence education (a form of distance learning) in the early Showa period to serve the society's demand for architectural professionals and technicians. The Waseda Architecture Lecture Notes, used as course materials for correspondence education, play a vital role in understanding Japanese architectural education's founding period. This paper focuses on current storage locations, publication time frames, educational background of the lecturers, proportional arrangements of the various subjects, as well as the design and characteristics of lecture syllabi of the Waseda Architecture Lecture notes. This analysis reveals that the Waseda Architecture Lecture Notes had specifically emphasized on architectonics courses. Therefore, Waseda University made significant contributions to the national reserve and the cultivation of architectural specialists through the distance learning approach tailored to the historical context of the Showa period.[GRAPHICS].



  • A Study of the Design Method of Miruk-Jon Hall Kumsan-Sa Temple in Korea-Through a Comparison with the Kiwari Method

    Byungjin Kim, Masaki Koiwa, Takesi Nakagawa

    SUSTAINABILITY   14 ( 8 )  2022.04  [Refereed]

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    It is considered that it is difficult to build a well-constructed building without proportional or dimensional relationships of precise parts, so it is estimated that Korea has some sort of numerical determination method now. Also, in China there is "Ying Zao Fa Shi: " of technical books and it is doubtful that there is no similar technology in Korea with the same architectural flow, given that there are ways to decide "Kiwarisho: (sic)" in Japan. Therefore, focus on this point and aim to clarify the dimension determination method of Miruk-jon Hall Kumsan-sa Temple using analysis method of each proportional method in Japan.




    Chihiro KUROIWA, Takeshi NAKAGAWA, Masaki KOIWA

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   87 ( 791 ) 232 - 241  2022.01  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this paper is to confirm the process and characteristics of the introduction of the law and system of classification of the Historic Monuments in French Indochina by comparison of the law in French mainland. Furthermore, it aims to discuss the significance and relationship of the boundary of protection area around Angkor monuments in Cambodia, which established after the introduction of the law on the Historic Monuments.


  • The Blue of Giyofu -Architecture-Color and Change in the Meiji Era-

    Mako HAYASHI, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2021 ) 667 - 668  2021.07


  • A Study of the transition on the Significance of Antarctic Architecture and in Spatiality in Antarctica

    Ren MORITA, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2021 ) 685 - 686  2021.07


  • The Relationship between Depth and Reduction in Size in Roman Churches of the 16th - 17th Centuries

    Mayuko TANAKA, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2021 ) 577 - 578  2021.07


  • Rethinking “Ai no Syuku“: Nakasendo and Fukiage from the perspective of the relationship between place and people

    Masaki ODAKA, Masaki KOIWA

      ( 2021 ) 891 - 892  2021.07


  • 「池田邸」にみるアントニン・レーモンドの設計理念

    岩井 亮, 豊永 早織, 種田 駿, 河合 七海, 小岩 正樹

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   ( 91 ) 521 - 524  2021.03


  • 9137 A Survey on the Materials in Architecture Lecture Notes of Waseda University


    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2020 ) 273 - 274  2020.09


  • 9161 アンコール地域バイヨン期平地型寺院における隅建物に関する比較考察

    杉本 功太, 中川 武, 石塚 充雅, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2020 ) 321 - 322  2020.09


  • 9156 ミャンマー・バガン遺跡群の方位分析

    黒岩 千尋, 中川 武, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2020 ) 311 - 312  2020.09


  • 9157 ミャンマー・バガンにおける四塔配置形式のストゥーパ遺構に関する建築的分析

    成井 至, 中川 武, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2020 ) 313 - 314  2020.09


  • 9459 人と木工具の相互関係 ドイツの木工具の形成と発展を通して

    河合 七海, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2020 ) 917 - 918  2020.09


  • 9053 民家における大黒柱の研究 近畿の民家の大黒柱調査を通して

    森田 歩, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2020 ) 105 - 106  2020.09


  • 9449 シェムリアップ歴史地区の路地空間の特性と展望

    岩井 亮, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2020 ) 897 - 898  2020.09



    ONO Hiromi, TAKADA Keisuke, KOIWA Masaki

    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design   26 ( 62 ) 365 - 370  2020.02  [Refereed]

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    The documents about the construction of Ishiyamadera-temple during the Nara period still exist, and the restoration research of the main hall has been examined. This paper focused on rafters and angle rafter and tried to restore the roof by examining document and drawing. The grade can be calculated from the dimensions of the listed rafter, and the advanced estimation of the material used for the main hall. As a conclusion, it is thought that the roof type was a hipped roof, and discovered the process of construction in ancient periods.

    DOI CiNii



    MIZOGUCHI Akinori, YONEZAWA Takanori, KOIWA Masaki

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   85 ( 767 ) 151 - 160  2020  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we showed that Dimensional planning method of column interval was Shiwari-sei (枝割制), and Dimension of Kumimono (組物) was planed by Taruki-wari (垂木割) in the Zen style architecture. Then, we presented its concrete technique.

     In the conventional research, four methods of the column spacing dimensional planning of the Zen style building have been assumed: “Kansu-sei (完数制)”(the method of controlling the dimension between columns with the Syaku(尺), in principle.”), “Aita (アイタ)”(the method to control the dimension between columns by the width of Kumimono in Tsumegumi (詰組)), “ratio (比)”(the method that uses a simple ratio such as 3: 2 or 4: 3 between the central bay and the side), and “Shiwari-sei”(the planning method based on the distance between adjacent rafters, measuring from the center of the rafters, called "Isshi”.). Among them, Shiwari-sei has been considered to be relatively unimportant, because of the characteristics of the Zen style architecture such as the fan rafter, the Zen style Kumimono and Tsumegumi. However, it is pointed out that the Shiwari-sei is a precondition of Aita from the result of the Architectural technical book research. In addition, the almost Wayo style (和様) buildings had been planned by Shiwari-sei, and this style was the dominant style in the medieval period. And even in some remnants which considered planed by Kansu-sei, is compatible with Shiwari-sei. Based on these, in this paper, we examined the possibility that Shiwari-sei existed as dimensional planning method in the medieval Zen style Buddhist Halls. We analyzed following four buildings. Shohukuji Jizodo (正福寺地蔵堂, 1407), Seihakuji Butsuden(清白寺仏殿, 1415), Tokoji Hondo (東光寺本堂, before 1517), Okunoin Bentendo (奥之院弁天堂, Middle Muromachi).

     As a result, it was found that the column spacing dimensional planning for each building was designed by Shiwari-sei and the size of Kumimono was also planned by Taruki-wari. In addition to the Shofukuji Jizodo, where the use of the split system was pointed out conventionally, we found a concrete Taruki-wari plan that is latent in a building (Seihakuji Butsuden, Tokoji Hondo) that was previously considered unrelated to it. As the column spacing composition gets under the influence of Tsumegumi and the center bay and the side bay settles in a 3: 2 relationship, Taruki-wari was limited to Shiwari that could maintain this relationship. Its combinations were 19.5shi and 13shi at Seihakuji Butsuden and 24shi and 16shi at Tokoji Hondo. By fixing the number of rafters between columns in this way, the planning method changes, for example, to the technique in which the dimension of one branch is determined as a result of making the size of the center bay the Kansu. It was shown that the maximum width of Kumimono was determined based on the Isshi dimensions thus obtained. At the same time, we also shown that these dimensions could be easily and accurately obtained using the carpenter's square in those day.

    DOI CiNii

  • THE AUTHOR'S ANSWER TO DISCUSSION BY AKIRA NAKANISI: (Akira NAKANISHI, J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 85, No. 777, 2501-2502, Nov., 2020)

    KIM Byungjin, KOIWA Masaki, NAKAGAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   85 ( 777 ) 2503 - 2503  2020

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    The authors thanks Dr. Akira Nakanisi for his discussion, and the answers are as follows:

     1. The definition of 「integer multiple」 in Table 2 has been clarified.

     2, 3. A comparative analysis is conducted on the relationship between 「Sujangpok」 and the size of each building.

    DOI CiNii


    KIM Byungjin, KOIWA Masaki, NAKAGAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   85 ( 768 ) 443 - 451  2020  [Refereed]

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    It is considered that it is difficult to build a well-constructed building without proportional or dimensional relationships of precise parts, so it is estimated that Korea has some sort of numerical determination method now. Also, in China there is "Ying Zao Fa Shi" of technical books and it is doubtful that there is no similar technology in Korea with the same architectural flow, given that there are ways to decide Kiwarisho in Japan. Therefore, focus on this point Sujanpok as an example, the objective is to examine the Korean design method through comparative analysis of existing building dimensions and its proportional method.

     Specifically, Sujangpok is the only thing remaining as a proportional method among Korean building materials. However, Sujangpok has not been discussed, studied, etc., it is an on-site carpenter's field technology, its origin is unknown. So, in this paper we will clarify whether Sujangpok is applied to Korean buildings, and prove Sujangpok which is among the proportional method of Korea.

     The conclusion of study is as follows:

     1. It is understood that there are many buildings which can be judged that Sujagpok is used among the buildings to be analyzed. As a result of each Type, A: 33, B: 12, C: 26, D: 4, E: 1 with no dimensions listed in the report, and 2 with no Nukizai became. With regard to D, it was confirmed that the dimensional difference of the four members occurs due to the replacement of the members at the time of disassembly and repair, that there is no variation in the dimensions of each member, and no description of the dimensions. Among the 78 buildings considered, 71 buildings (a total of A, B, and C) excluding 7 unmatched and unknown buildings (A, B, and C total) had the result that Sujangpok was used (91%). When examining the standard material in Sujangpok, it is thought that Hijiki is more likely to be the standard material than Nuki.

     2. The members determined from Sujangpok are Makito, Nuki. Daito are not matched. From this it is true that in the case of Korea the square and the width are the same size and the width is the column diameter . Daito confirmed that when planning the size, rather than Sujangpok, the column diameter takes precedence.

     3. From the examination according to the style, Dapo is a theory that plans mainly on Kumimono, but from this analysis, it is confirmed that the building to be analyzed is often multiplied by an integer multiple from Sujangpok.

     4. It is possible to confirm that the occupancy rate of A Type increases by analyzing the result values ​​ of the 17th and 18th centuries in which the comparison group is formed. It can be inferred that the ratio of 50% or more of the 18th century figures is the technology possessed in this era. Looking at the overall occupancy rates of the 18th century A, B, and C types, the overall occupancy rate is 96%, excluding the 12th building.

    DOI CiNii

  • 9200 シェムリアップ歴史地区の移り変わりとショップハウスの編年考察

    尾上 千尋, 中川 武, 小岩 正樹, 黒岩 千尋

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2019 ) 399 - 400  2019.07


  • 9395 奈良時代の石山寺仏堂における隅木復原

    小野 緋呂美, 高田 圭祐, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2019 ) 789 - 790  2019.07


  • 9340 戦後沖縄建築に見られる花ブロックの起源と発展についての考察

    喜久里 尚人, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2019 ) 679 - 680  2019.07


  • 9405 平安時代の女性と空間 女流文学からみる空間への認識

    豊永 早織, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2019 ) 809 - 810  2019.07


  • ON THE DIMENSIONAL PLAN IN PRASAT SAMBOR MONUMENTS IN SAMBOR PREI KUK MONUMENTS: Study on the technique of planning methods in times of Pre-Angkor period (1)

    NARUI Itaru, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, KOIWA Masaki

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   84 ( 760 ) 1463 - 1472  2019  [Refereed]

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    Sambor Prei Kuk Monuments were functioned as huge-scale heritage of city between the period of Pre-Angkor and Angkor. These Monuments are regarded as "Īsānapura" and "伊奢那城" appered in Chinese historical documents and inscriptions. These Monuments were registered UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015 based on the historical importance and the sites have been restored vigorously. However, the architectural study is not progressed actively, especially about the planning methods of brick structures. The purpose of this study is to revealing the method of planning the structure based on recent studies about dimensional planning of Khmer temple complex achived certain results.

     Sambor Prei Kuk Monuments is bisected by O-Kru-Ker River and west Zone called "city zone" and east zone is called "temple zone". In temple zone, three main complexes of temple: North Group, Central Group and South Group, are situated, and many brick shrines situated in. These Monuments were functioned as capital of Chenla from 6 century. After transfered to Angkor period, these were functioned as provincial city subtend Angkor area. Recent studies of methods of plan Khmer temples in structures in Angkor period, reveal that the modules of architectural planning are "hasta" and "vyama" based on body length. In Pre-Angkor period. the values of module are estimated close to those. Therefore the purpose is to reason the value of module in times of Pre-Angkor and the basical planning.

     Through the analyzing N1, N7, N8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14, N18, and N22, the value of module is estimated about 410 mm = 1 unit. However, some groups of module are confirmed as around unit = 420, 410 and 400 mm. The shrines belong to group of unit = 420 mm are rectangle plan and situated between middle and outer enclorsure. The shrines of rectangle plan is positioned in early times in Khmer history, so the larger module compared with other shrines may be possible to regard as low-level of construction. On the other hand, the different of value may be distinguished depending in module of finger intentionally. About the basical planning, for example of N13 tower, inner chamber is rectangle and outer wall is square plan. In the analyzed structures, the form of plan is the only and characteristic. The planning is regarded as secondly manipulation. Therefore, all plans of rectangle should not be placed in early times in Angkor easily. In additions to that, two tendencies are indicated those are relationship thikness of wall and innner chamber. About shrines of rectangle plan, the dimension of shorter side and thickness of wall proportional relationship. The directions of development transition are observed in two tendencies.

     Accordingly, the result of analysis reveal the each basical planning and values of module. As the result, the values of module apprpach to that of Angkor-period. However, the different of these values are necessary to examine carefully. That the module of dimension changes significantly would not be expected in brief period. There is the possibility that shrines of rectangle plan are designed the way that is different with square plans. In addditon to that, the planning method involved with thickness of wall closely. The shorter side of inner chamber and thickness of wall is propotional relationship. It may be possible to obtain the structural index. Therefore, rectangle plans and square plans are different explicitly in methods of planning. It is supposed that the square plan is intend to expand the area of chamber. The age of planning is possible to evaluate with accurancy construction. On the other hand, it is necessary to analysis the detail of each and other sites.

    DOI CiNii

  • 9306 海龍王寺五重小塔の設計計画分析の前提 海龍王寺五重小塔の設計計画分析1

    萩原 安寿, 小岩 正樹, 李 廷敏, 成井 至, 小野 緋呂美

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2018 ) 611 - 612  2018.07


  • 9011 フライングパレスの装飾計画と編年考察 サンボー・プレイ・クック遺跡群を事例として

    檀原 江, 中川 武, 小岩 正樹, 成井 至

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2018 ) 21 - 22  2018.07


  • 9010 サンボー・プレイ・クック遺跡群北寺院群における中央祠堂設計計画の研究

    成井 至, 中川 武, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2018 ) 19 - 20  2018.07


  • カンボジア、サンボー・プレイ・クック遺跡群N1祠堂の発掘調査: 2016年8月—Archeological Investigation on the Sambor Prei Kuk Monuments: August 2016

    田畑, 幸嗣, 小岩, 正樹, 中川, 武, So, Sokuntheary, 成井, 至, 奥, 勇介, 川上, 真那, 横山, 未来, 堀川, 洸太朗, 辻角, 桃子

    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   63   645 - 667  2018.03


  • 9419 コンポン・スヴァイのプレア・カーン寺院 第1回廊における形状の復原的考察 カンボジア コンポン・スヴァイのプレア・カーン寺院に関する研究(2)

    高橋 泉美, 中川 武, 溝口 明則, 小岩 正樹, 石塚 充雅, 黒岩 千尋

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2017 ) 837 - 838  2017.07


  • 9420 アンコール期大型寺院における列柱回廊の計画方法の分析 カンボジア コンポン・スヴァイのプレア・カーン寺院に関する研究(3)

    成井 至, 中川 武, 溝口 明則, 小岩 正樹, 石塚 充雅, 黒岩 千尋

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2017 ) 839 - 840  2017.07


  • 9422 ペディメント装飾形式の時代変遷 クメール建築における屋根発展の考察

    金子 達哉, 中川 武, 溝口 明則, 小岩 正樹, 黒岩 千尋

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2017 ) 843 - 844  2017.07


  • 9421 Neak Peanの寸法計画とその配置計画の比較考察

    宮﨑 瑶希, 中川 武, 溝口 明則, 小岩 正樹

    建築歴史・意匠   ( 2017 ) 841 - 842  2017.07



    MIZOGUCHI Akinori, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, KOIWA Masaki, ISHIZUKA Mitsumasa, KUROIWA Chihiro

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 741 ) 2969 - 2978  2017  [Refereed]

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    In the history of Khmer architecture, it is well known that there was a transition from wooden construction to stone construction during the early 10th century to the second half of the 11th century. Also well known in the course of transition there was a period when wooden roof structure with tile on the stone structure wall appeared. There was a famous study by J. Dumarcay on the construction of wooden roofs in these periods, and the critically revisited by Chika Sawada, Kunikazu Ueno, there are many unclear elements requiring further study. The connection of the wooden roof structure and stone structure wall was a very technical problem in the period of transition from wooden to stone structure.<br> This report studied and organized the process of transition of the pole plate and beam at the upper part of the stone wall with a central focus on Preah Vihear because the monument had a history of continuous extension and reconstruction from about end of the 9th century to 11th century. Additionally, a comparison with other temples constructed in a similar age showed similar trace elements with Preah Vihear. Concurrently, the result of this study includes a new proposal to the construction process of Preah Vihear adding to proposals by H. Parmentier, and S. Sahai.<br> Koh Ker monuments did not have a pole plate and put the beam directly on the stone structure wall, whereas the pole plate was generated after the East Mebon. The pole plate in this period was embedded in the upper face of the stone wall, and from around 1000 AD was put on the upper face. There are many cases where stone parts had the decoration of roof tile on the outside. Although in the early period the beam was thicker than the pole plate and the beam was set under the pole plate, from around second quarter of the 11th century the position of beam and pole plate reversed and beam set on the pole plate. The size of beam and pole plate became the same, and stone parts were used to cover the upper parts of the pole plate from rain water.<br> Based on this study, the phases of the construction process and period of each building in Preah Vihear can be proposed with the other temples being the benchmark of age had wooden roof structure on the stone structure wall. Each construction period is possible to define become in the later period if the same technique was applied the process shows the upper limit of the period.<br> 1) Jayavarman IV (928-941): attached building in Prasat Thom, transept of the gopura in Prasat Krachap,<br> 2) Rajendravarman II (944-968), third quarter of the 10th century: East Mebon, Pre Rup, attached building of Banteay Srei (before reconstruction)<br> 3) Jayavarman V (968- around 1000), fourth quarter of 10th century?: attached building of Banteay Srei(after reconstruction), attached building of Ta Keo, preceding building shaped as “一” (center part of H') at the west of Gopura III and building E in Preah Vihear<br> 4) Suryavarman I (1002-1050), end of 10th century – first quarter of 11th century : Gopura I and II and west attached building shaped as “コ” (I') and east attached building shaped as “一” (H) of Gopura III, building F<br> 5) Suryavarman I (1002-1050), second quarter of the 11th century: east attached building shaped as “コ” (I) of Gopura III<br> 6) After Udayadityavarman II (1050-1066), second half of the 11th century – 12th century: Gopura III, IV, and V in Preah Vihear

    DOI CiNii

  • A TYPOLOGICAL STUDY ON RINZŌ OF JAPAN AND CHINA- On the base of examples and architectural technic books -

    YU Lina, KOIWA Masaki

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 740 ) 2701 - 2711  2017  [Refereed]

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    This paper explores Rinzō, the wooden revolving bookshelf used for storing sutras in Buddhism temples. Although this particular type of small architecture has attracted a quite number of scholarly attentions, the importance of Rinzō either in architectural history or in social history has not been clearly clarified. Therefore, the paper used the typology method to figure out a new classification of the type of Rinzō between Japan and China, mainly focusing on the existing Rinzō examples and several architectural technic books.<br> Based on the structure and shape characteristics, and the type ideas found in the ancient architectural books, three types of Rinzō in Japan and China are classified by the author. A type refers to the Rinzō of Yingzaofashi, which shows a separated structure of ‘Rin’ (revolving structure) and ‘Zō’ (outside cover imitating the real architecture), and is thought to be an early style traced to Tang dynasty. B type, the most popular Rinzō shape of the two countries, shows the unified shape of ‘Rin’ and ‘Zō’ which can be traced back to the Chinese North Song dynasty. Moreover, the B type Rinzō is classified into three phases: the Rinzō with eaves, Rinzō without eaves, and multi-story Rinzō. C type refers to the Rinzō with decorated middle column, which only can be found in Japan. The C type Rinzō is divided into two phases: the Rinzō with eaves and without eaves.<br> Besides, based on the type classification, the authors take a brief look at the age and regional distinction of Japanese Rinzō. Before the 18th century, the Rinzō almost showed the type of B-I, and the erection of Rinzō was managed by the classes of nobility and the samurai. C type and II phase Rinzō occurred in 17th century. However, B-I type was still the mainstream style of Japanese Rinzō. After the 18th century, based on the publishing of “Obaku” version Tripitaka, Rinzō was swiftly spread all over the country. By this way, the property of Rinzō had been experienced a revolutionary process changing from ‘official’ into ‘folk’. When it comes to the 19th century (before the age of Meiji), the C-II type Rinzō had become the most famous type. Moreover, the Japanese Rinzō can be divided into four districts: the district of B type (Kinki area, Shikoku area, Chūgoku area and Kyūshū area), the district of C type (Kantō area and Tōhoku area), the district mixed with B and C type (Chūbu area).<br> In conclusion, Rinzō, which was originated in China, showed separated type (A type) and unified type (B type) in Tang and Song dynasty, then the unified type Rinzō was introduced into Japan along with the introduction of Tripitaka and Zen Buddhism during the Japanese medieval period. After that, the development of Rinzō of the two countries each underwent independent process. All in all, Rinzō is not only proof of technical communication between Japan and China, but also an epitome of religious prosperity in public.

    DOI CiNii

  • 9005 Reconstruction of the Ishiyama-dera Temple through the Crossbeams Recorded in the Construction Documents

    KOIWA Masaki, YONEZAWA Takanori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014   9 - 10  2014.09



    KOIWA Masaki

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   79 ( 696 ) 507 - 516  2014  [Refereed]

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    Jitchu was a famous monk who played an active part in Todai-ji from the late Nara period to the early Heian period. Among his various activities, this study aims to clarify the actual situation of his construction works. In this paper it is revealed that Jitchu played several roles in the construction for not only the management but also planning and site working. This shows that he had broad and respective relations with those who concerning in the construction processes, especially he was linked closely to the Empress Shotoku in several cases.

    DOI CiNii

  • 9167 A study on technical terms for stables written by KIKUDAKI-NO CHUMON

    SASAKI Masataka, NAGAI Norio, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, MIZOGUCHI Akinori, KAWAZU Yuji, SAKAMOTO Tadanori, KOIWA Masaki, YONEZAWA Takanori, FUSHIMI Yui, YAMAGISHI Yoshihiro

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013   333 - 334  2013.08


  • 「奈良時代後期における技術官人の出向について –木工大工および長上工を中心に –」


    『2013年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北海道)』   F-2 ( 2013 ) 327 - 328  2013.08


  • 両国公会堂調査報告書

    小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, 伏見唯


  • 「巡礼記にみる建築の様相の記述 –『七大寺日記』と『入唐求法巡礼行記』を例に–」


    2012年度日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   II ( 83 ) 641 - 644  2013.03


  • 「実忠の様と奈良諸大寺の小塔殿の建築形式 –『東大寺権別当実忠二十九ヶ条事』における小塔殿の様の研究 その1–」


    日本建築学会計画系論文集   685 ( 685 ) 683 - 692  2013.03  [Refereed]

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    "Tameshi" is a specific word seen in the historical material of ancient Japan, recognized as an exemplar or normative model. This study aims to clarify the practical function and influence of the Tameshi manufactured by Todai-ji monk Jitchu, in the architectural construction process of the miniature pagoda halls at Nara period. In this paper it is revealed that the halls of relevant temples were not same style, therefore the temples did not apply the Jitchu's Tameshi entirely on the construction. This shows that the regulation of Tameshi was not strict, while it was dedicated to the Empress Shotoku.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study on the way of urban living in the end of the early modern age and modern ages: by looking at the characteristics and the transitions of Tokyo Sumida private houses

    Manabe Reiko, Nakagawa Takeshi, Koiwa Masaki


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    The purpose of this study is to reveal the true nature of detached houses of a city by looking at the characteristics and the transitions of Tokyo Sumida private houses. The depth of dirt floor and kitchen space from a street impinges on the way of urban living in the end of the early modern age and modern ages. To make an investigation into wife's whereabouts, fittings which divide an area into zones, or, which connect or link dirt floor and kitchen are surveyed. Along with an urban environment, Tokyo Sumida private houses vary continuously, people in these areas keep the existentialist character of their ideas. The depth of dirt floor and kitchen space from a street is a historic epitome of that.

    DOI CiNii

  • 「『木砕之注文』における厩の用語について」

    佐々木昌孝, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, 伏見唯, 山岸吉弘

    『2013年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北海道)』   F-2   333 - 334  2013

  • 9398 A study on Measuring cup of "MASU" written by "KIKUDAKI-NO CHUMON"

    SASAKI Masataka, NAGAI Norio, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, MIZOGUCHI Akinori, KAWAZU Yuji, SAKAMOTO Tadanori, KOIWA Masaki, YONEZAWA Takanori, FUSHIMI Yui, YAMAGISHI Yoshihiro

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012   795 - 796  2012.09


  • 9399 Study on the KIWARI of Torii in "KIKUDAKI-NO CHUMON"

    YAMAGISHI Yoshihiro, NAGAI Norio, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, MIZOGUCHI Akinori, KAWAZU Yuji, SAKAMOTO Tadanori, SASAKI Masataka, KOIWA Masaki, YONEZAWA Takanori, FUSHIMI Yui

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012   797 - 798  2012.09


  • 「『木砕之注文』における門の木割について」

    佐々木昌孝, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, 伏見唯, 山岸吉弘

    『2012年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東海)』   F-2   795 - 796  2012.09

  • 「『木砕之注文』における鳥居の木割について」

    山岸吉弘, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 佐々木昌孝, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, 伏見唯

    『2012年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東海)』   F-2   797 - 798  2012.09

  • 「田上山作所における長上工と将領の作材 –日本古代建築における様の研究 その6-」


    『2012年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東海)』   F-2 ( 2012 ) 867 - 868  2012.09


  • 『株式会社ジー・エム・イー・タナカ社屋実測調査報告書』

    小岩正樹, 眞鍋怜子


  • 「天長年間の東大寺大仏修理にみる造営関係」


    2011年度日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   II ( 2 ) 685 - 688  2012.03


  • 『築地本願寺慈光院本堂実測調査報告書』

    眞鍋怜子, 小岩正樹


  • 「『木砕之注文』における柱-組物-垂木の関係について」

    山岸吉弘, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 佐々木昌孝, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, 伏見唯

    『2011年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東)』   F-2   661 - 662  2011.08

  • 「大野老松天満社旧本殿と『木砕之注文』の木割」

    伏見唯, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 佐々木昌孝, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, 山岸吉弘

    『2011年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東)』   F-2   659 - 660  2011.08

  • 「木砕之注文に見られる寺社、建物、年紀、人物について」

    米澤貴紀, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 佐々木昌孝, 小岩正樹, 伏見唯, 山岸吉弘

    『2011年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東)』   F-2   657 - 658  2011.08

  • 「木砕之注文と洲本御大工斎藤家について」

    佐々木昌孝, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, 伏見唯, 山岸吉弘

    『2011年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東)』   F-2   655 - 656  2011.08

  • 「良弁の石山寺造営における改作指示について -日本古代建築における様の研究 その5-」


    『2011年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東)』   F-2 ( 2011 ) 645 - 646  2011.08


  • 「高岡市金屋町の町家の平面分析 -高岡市金屋町の町並みに関する研究(1)-」

    山崎幹泰, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀

    『2011年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東)』   F-2   515 - 516  2011.08

  • 『鋳物師の町並み 金屋町・内免伝統的建造物群保存対策調査報告書』

    山崎幹泰, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀


  • 『大乗寺伽藍詳細調査報告書』

    山崎幹泰, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀


  • 『東京都墨田区料亭花の里実測調査報告書』



  • 早稲田建築学報2011



  • 「『木砕之注文』における輿について」

    米澤貴紀, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 佐々木昌孝, 小岩正樹, 伏見唯

    『2010年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北陸)』   F-2   39 - 40  2010.09

  • 「『木砕之注文』における枡の寸法について」

    佐々木昌孝, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, 伏見唯

    『2010年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北陸)』   F-2   41 - 42  2010.09

  • 「『木砕之注文』における多宝塔上重の枝割」

    小岩正樹, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 佐々木昌孝, 米澤貴紀, 伏見唯

    『2010年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北陸)』   F-2   43 - 44  2010.09

  • 『墨田区文化財建造物調査報告集(平成21年度版)』

    小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀


  • 『木砕之注文』を通してみた室町時代中期高良大社本殿平面形式の復原

    米澤貴紀, 永井規男, 中川武, 溝口明則, 河津優司, 坂本忠規, 佐々木昌孝, 小岩正樹, 伏見唯

    2009年度日本建築学会関東支部研究論文集   ( 80 ) 509 - 512  2010


  • 特集「白井晟一を探して」

    白井晟一学習会, 中谷礼仁, 小岩正樹, 武田夏樹, 真鍋怜子, 廣江俊輔

    『住宅建築』    2010.01

  • 「古代における駅家建築の様について -日本古代建築における様の研究 その4-」


    『2009年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東北)』   F-2 ( 2009 ) 457 - 458  2009.08


  • 『天徳院本堂・観音堂・庫裏・福宝殿・鐘楼・回廊 詳細調査報告書』

    山崎幹泰, 小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀, キムミンスク, 山岸吉弘


  • 『墨田区文化財建造物調査報告集(平成20年度版)』

    小岩正樹, 米澤貴紀


  • 『東京都の近代和風建築』



  • 「思託による西大寺塔造営について -日本古代建築における様の研究 その3-」


    『2008年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(中国)』   F-2 ( 2008 ) 5 - 6  2008.09


  • 『早稲田大学大隈記念講堂保存再生工事報告書』



  • 「旧前田侯爵家駒場本邸」

    河東義之, 小岩正樹

    『文化財の保護』   40   71 - 108  2008.03

  • 『東京都新宿区宏明館調査概要報告書』



  • 国分寺および大安寺造営における図と様の関係について -日本古代建築における様の研究 その2-」


    『2007年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(九州)』   F-2 ( 2007 ) 7 - 8  2007.08


  • 『専長寺本堂・庫裏・鐘楼詳細調査報告書』

    山崎幹泰, 小岩正樹


  • The Carpenter’s Design Manual in Pre Modern: Hereditary Writing of Masahito Ihe-e Kashiwagi Scroll 1: Palace Style (Second Half)

    坂本忠規, 中川武, 山崎幹泰, 佐々木昌孝, 小岩正樹

    竹中大工道具館研究紀要   ( 18 )  2007


  • 『東京都墨田区照田家住宅実測調査報告書』


    東京都墨田区教育委員会発行    2006.11

  • 『東京都新宿区旧中村彝アトリエ調査概要報告書』



  • 「建築における様の解釈について -日本古代建築における様の研究 その1-」


    『2006年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東)』   F-2 ( 2006 ) 83 - 84  2006.09


  • 『東京都墨田区松本家住宅実測調査報告書』


    東京都墨田区教育委員会発行    2005.11

  • 「ダハシュール北部で発見された新王国時代の建造物について15 -タの神殿型貴族の断面復原案-」

    小岩正樹, 西本真一, 中川武, 柏木裕之, 吉村作治, 近藤二郎, 長谷川奏, 馬場匡浩

    『2005年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(近畿)』   F-2   423 - 424  2005.09

  • 「『バイヨンシンポジウム』の課題と展望4 -『バイヨン憲章』の立案-」

    江口千奈美, 中川武, 小岩正樹

    『2005年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(近畿)』   F-2   455 - 456  2005.09

  • 『祐天寺建築物文化財調査報告書』


    東京都目黒区教育委員会発行    2005.08

  • 『東京都墨田区福島質店蔵二棟実測調査報告書』


    東京都墨田区教育委員会発行    2005.03

  • 『東京都墨田区三囲神社境内社顕名霊社社殿実測調査報告書』


    東京都墨田区教育委員会発行    2004.10

  • 「ダハシュール北部で発見された新王国時代の建造物について13 -タの神殿型石造貴族墓-」

    小岩正樹, 西本真一, 中川武, 柏木裕之, 吉村作治, 近藤二郎, 長谷川奏, 馬場匡浩

    『日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北海道)』   F-2   525 - 526  2004.08

  • 「ダハシュール北部で発見された新王国時代の建造物について14 -タの神殿型石造貴族墓から出土した建築片-」

    西本真一, 中川武, 柏木裕之, 小岩正樹, 吉村作治, 近藤二郎, 長谷川奏, 馬場匡浩

    『2004年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北海道)』   F-2   527 - 528  2004.08

  • 『東京都墨田区多聞寺山門実測調査報告書』


    東京都墨田区教育委員会発行    2004.03

  • 『東京都墨田区岡田商事社屋実測調査報告書』


    東京都墨田区教育委員会発行    2004.03

  • 『目黒区近代建築物個別調査報告書』


    東京都目黒区教育委員会発行    2004.03

  • 「建築の仕様とその記載について -慶長・元和期の中井家文書より-」


    『2003年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東海)』   F-2 ( 2003 ) 37 - 38  2003.09


  • 「エジプト・ダハシュール北部で発見されたパシェドゥの神殿型貴族墓」

    小岩正樹, 吉村作治, 近藤二郎, 長谷川奏, 西本真一, 中川武

    『日本建築学会計画系論文集』   569 ( 569 ) 223 - 230  2003.07

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    The institute of Egyptology of Waseda University newly uncovered a tomb-chapel of the high official named Pashedw at the New Kingdom cemetery of the north Dahshur in the spring of 2002. The close observation of the remaining stone pavement and numerous incised preliminary lines on it revealed the whole superstructure consisted of an impressive portico at the front with four columns, a pylon gateway, a courtyard with tomb-shaft, a tripartite offering-chapel at the rear and a small pyramid at the western end, and that the plan is basically determined in multiples of the royal cubit (ca. 52.5cm). This structure would shed new light to the historical study on the development of tomb-style in the Memphite necropolis.

    DOI CiNii

  • 『東京都墨田区三囲神社本社実測調査報告書』


    東京都墨田区教育委員会発行    2003.03

  • 『東京都墨田区弘福寺大雄宝殿実測調査報告書』


    東京都墨田区教育委員会発行    2003.03

  • 『近世初期における建築仕様の研究』


    私家版(早稲田大学修士論文)    2003.03

  • 「ダハシュール北部で発見された新王国時代の建造物について9 -パシェドゥの神殿型石造貴族墓-」

    小岩正樹, 西本真一, 吉村作治, 近藤二郎, 長谷川奏, 中川武

    『2002年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北陸)』   F-2   633 - 634  2002.08

  • 「ダハシュール北部で発見された新王国時代の建造物について10 -パシェドゥの墓のピラミディオン-」

    西本真一, 小岩正樹, 吉村作治, 近藤二郎, 長谷川奏, 中川武

    『2002年度日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北陸)』   F-2   635 - 636  2002.08

  • 『幕末明治期における請負構造の研究 -横須賀製鉄所の建設工事をもとに-』


    私家版(早稲田大学卒業論文)    2001.03

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Books and Other Publications

  • 『木砕之注文』(影印・釈文篇、解題・現代語訳篇)


    中央公論美術出版  2013.03

  • 『東アジアの古建築図面の歴史と特徴』


    水原華城博物館  2012.10

  • 『日本近代建築大全〈東日本篇〉』


    講談社  2010.05

  • 『幻都バンティアイ・チュマールの神々』

    編集担当, オリヴィエ・クニン, 写真:BAKU斉藤

    梧桐書院  2005.07

  • 『バイヨン寺院全域の保存修復のためのマスタープラン』

    編集担当, 日本国政府アンコール遺跡救済チーム(JSA

    ユネスコ文化遺産保存日本信託基金・財団法人日本国際協力センター発行  2005.06

  • 『日本建築生産組織に関する研究 1959』


    明現社  2004.12

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  • 東京都文化財ウィーク企画「すみだの文化財めぐり」担当講師、東京都墨田区教育委員会主催

  • 東京都文化財ウィーク企画「大隈講堂特別公開」担当講師、東京都新宿区地域文化部主催

  • 「和の建築と茶室」連続講座担当講師、社団法人東京建設業協会主催


  • 震災資料から組織を超えたアーカイブズ連携を考える

    藤本貴子, 松本隆史, 栩木章, 小岩正樹  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • Edo – Meiji period; A-traditional cities and architectures in Japan

    Masaki Koiwa  [Invited]

    The Japan Foundation, Sydney "Transforming Cities, Buildings, and Culture" 

    Presentation date: 2023.02

  • History of the Arcitectural Drawings in Japan

    Masaki Koiwa  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • Architectural Information Exchange at the Nara Period, Japan

    Presentation date: 2011.09

Research Projects

  • 観光化が進む世界遺産の歴史的都心における住環境の変化と課題の考察

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    吉良 森子, 小岩 正樹, 小浦 久子, 木谷 建太

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  • Scientific Technical Research on the Spacial Structure of the Khmer Empire and Ancient Khmer Provincial Principal Monuments

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIZOGUCHI Akinori, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, KOIWA Masaki, SHIMODA Ichita, UCHIDA Etsuo, KUBO Sumiko, IKEUCHI Katsushi, OISHI Takeshi, SUGIYAMA Hiroshi, OGAWA Hidefumi, ONO Kunihiko, SATO Katsura

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    We implemented a study for Preah Vihear and Preah Khan in Kompong Svay for about 4 years commencing in 2012 by utilizing a mixed team from architecture and other various fields of study. We were able to achieve significant information from the study.
    At Preah Kha, a detail measuring survey was implemented. At Preah Vihear, we conducted studies that documented various new discoveries. The architecture unit made detail plan drawing of temple complex and each building and estimated the concept, dimensional plan and process from each measuring data detailed images of the original wooden roof structure from the traces. Petrological unit identified the possibility that part of annex building was older than others by the result of petrological survey such as magnetic susceptibility. Geomorphological unit revealed the relationship between natural and altered terrain, and the archeological unit elucidated the character of the foundation of building and construction method of the mounts.

  • Study on the Traditional Design methodology at the Ancient Japanese Architecture

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOIWA Masaki

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    The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the traditional planning method(design method) on the ancient Japanese architecture, especially at the Nara Period, while aiming to reconstruct the general model of architectural construction system in the ancient Japan. The study carried out to dealing with both historical records and monuments. Focused on the design of the eaves, planning process was reconstructed by reading "Shoso-in Documents," and detailed survey of the small five-storied pagoda at Kairyuou-ji Temple by using 3D portable scanner was conducted.

  • The study on architectural reference books of the carpenter in the Medieval Period.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SASAKI Masataka, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, KAWAZU Yuji, KOIWA Masaki, YONEZAWA Takanort

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    For the purpose of publishing a reprint of allotment of reference book "KIKUDAKI no CHUMON" and a commentary book after a study period, the establishment collected the excavation of the old initial allotment of timber book like "KIKUDAKI no CHUMON". We made a digital text of the whole book after having read and understood the original text concerned in detail and made a living language version of the original whole book based on a reading and understanding result. In addition, we made a commentary plate, a glossary. As result publication during a study period, we reported 8 parts in total in Architectural Institute of Japan.

  • Study on the Tameshi of Ancient Japanese Architectural Construction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOIWA Masaki

  • 大工技術の言語化に関する研究―初期大工技術書に見られる語句の用例集作成を通して―

    科学研究費助成事業(ものつくり大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • Restoration study of the construction process and buildings through "Zo-Ishiyamadera-syo documents" included in "Shosoin monjo" at Nara period

  • 平安時代前期における工匠組織の変遷に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 初期大工技術書に関する研究−「木砕之注文」にみる前近代的思想と技術について−

  • 大工技術の言語化に関する研究 &#8211;初期大工技術書に見られる語句の用例集作成を通して-

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  • Affiliated organization   Art and Architecture School

  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   School of Culture, Media and Society

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2021

    Institute of UNESCO World Heritage   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 四国における茶堂の建築と習俗の研究


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  • 四国における茶堂の建築と習俗の研究


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  • 国外における日本建築史学の成立に関する研究


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  • 東アジア建築技術書の基礎的比較研究

    2021   金柄鎭, 兪莉娜

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  • 国外における日本建築史学の成立状況に関する研究


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  • 東アジア建築技術書の基礎的比較研究

    2020   金柄鎭, 兪莉娜, 万長城

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  • 東アジア建築技術書の基礎的比較研究


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  • クメール帝国の地方拠点遺跡と国土統治の空間構造に関する研究

    2018   田畑幸嗣

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  • 平安時代前期における古代律令的建築生産の変遷に関する研究


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  • 伝統的大工技術書における木割と図面の相関関係


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  • 文化財建造物を対象とした光学測量機器調査による研究手法の開発


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    建築史学においては、古文書読解等による史料研究に加えて、建造物を直接確認する現地調査が基本的な研究方法であり、両側面からの研究成果を得ることが必要である。このうち後者の遺構調査に関しては、近年の技術開発に伴い、文化財保存科学等における分析機器のみならず、建造物の配置や形状の把握について、デジタル画像による写真測量法や、レーザー距離測量機、ポータブル三次元デジタルスキャナ等の光学測量機器の利用が始められつつある。このような機器の利用と、既存の建造物調査との融合を目的とする。本研究では、いたずらに新技術の適用に趣旨があるあるのではなく、かえって既往の調査方法からすれば、作業内容や用いる能力が異なるため、抵抗感も覚えなくもない。しかし、新技術を用いることで新たに判明した事実があることも確かである。したがって本研究課題では、特に三次元スキャン調査を中心に、これら光学測量機器の調査への貢献の度合いを測り、かつ適切な機器の使用方法の確立や、機器自体の工夫や開発を視野に入れて、試行的に行うものである。具体的な研究の目的は、前年度に取得した三次元データの統合処理と分析、および、新たに文化財建造物の三次元スキャン調査を実施することであった。しかし、後者に関しては目的に適した文化財の調査機会が得られなかったため、前者に集中して行った。後者に関しては、継続して調査現場の協力を求めてゆく。研究成果は、以下に箇条書きにして述べる。1. 出力形態、成果のアウトプットについての注意まずは、調査の目的に則して調査精度を定める必要がある。建造物として1mm以下の精度を求めなければ稜線すなわち部材の境界線・輪郭線は定まらないが、すべての部材においてその精度でもってスキャニングを行うことは、多くの時間、調査労力、データ容量が求められる。また、アウトプットを三次元モデルとして示すならば、すべての表面に対してスキャニングを行い、完全な三次元データを作製する必要がある。しかし、特に木造文化財では、軒の垂木に象徴されるように、一点から視認することができる面は限られており、小刻みにスキャナを移動させてその都度スキャンを行う必要があり、多くの労力を要する。したがって、出力媒体が図面であるならば、遺構すべてに対してスキャニングを行わず、その図面に必要となる線や面に限って実施する方が効率的である。2. 現況情報への注意三次元スキャンで得られる情報は、精確な現況、すなわち破損状況である。これに対し、一般に文化財建造物のアウトプットである調査図面では、水平や鉛直、直線、平滑面、等間隔などの見なしや操作によって作製される。それらは、伝統的に培われた設計技法の意図をもって行っており、誤差・公差を越えて、建造時の意図を優先するものである。一律な三次元スキャンではそれら技法に関する考察や知識がなくともアウトプットが得られるため、注意が必要である。3. データ処理・データ利用の注意三次元スキャン調査の作業は、現地での測量性能のみではなく、スキャンデータの編集が必要である。編集ソフトによる原データ(点群データ)の編集作業性、PCのCPU等に関する処理速度の性能、グラフィックボード等に関する画像処理の性能などが、いずれも直接的に調査事項に関わる。また、デジタルデータであるため実態はなく、基本的にディスプレイ上のみでの利用となる(三次元プリンタの利用は現状では現実的ではない)。伝統的調査方法では、 現場で確認し、現地で同時に野帳という成果物があり、検証が可能である。また三次元スキャンは、形状把握のみが中心となり、材質、痕跡などの把握までは不可能である。4. オペレーティング体制の注意既往の文化財調査の方法は、基本的には伝統的な建築技法を追体験するものであった。しかし、三次元スキャナを用いた調査では、上記のように情報学に基づく異なる能力が必要となり、既存の文化財調査に求められる能力とは別のものである。以上、必ずしも三次元スキャナを用いた調査は、一概に効率が良いとは限らず、汎用性が高いとは言い切れない。足場が組めない、環境が危険であるなどの、作業員による直接的な調査ができない場合、遺構に触れられない場合(劣化が激しい等)、測量時間に制限がある場合等、特殊な条件下では効率的であると考えられる。しかし、三次元スキャン調査のみではなく、既往の方法との組み合わせや、ほかの調査器具と併用すること等によって、文化財調査が有意義に進む可能性がある。三次元スキャナは、得られるものは点群データなので、見方によっては高速自動型のトータルステーションとも捉えうる。中空、高所などの基準であるべき建築部位の座標情報を効率よく把握することが可能である。また、トータルステーションのように特定の基準点を設定して追う手間も省ける。例えば、調査ではまず視認によるスケッチを行い、その後にスケッチに測量寸法値や痕跡などの調査事項を記入するという段階を踏むが、スケッチを行う作業と並行して三次元スキャンを実施し、同時に組み合わせるなどスケジュールを組めば、時間や人員の短縮にもつながる可能性などが挙げられる。今後は、まずはデータの分析結果をまとめた論文の発表と、上記考察検討に基づく三次元スキャン調査の実施を目指す。

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