Professional Memberships
Japanese Association for Research in Disclosure
Japan Accounting Association
Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering
Japan Finance Association
Nippon Finance Association
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Japanese Association for Research in Disclosure
Japan Accounting Association
Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering
Japan Finance Association
Nippon Finance Association
Asset Pricing, Equity Valuation, Portfolio Management
Best Paper Award
2022.12 Second International Conference on Business & Economics Expected Default Frequency-Adjusted Implied Cost of Equity
Winner: Hitoshi Takehara
2018.09 日本会計研究学会
Best Paper Award
2017.12 Sixth International Conference on Business Management and Economics Relationship between Technological Innovation, Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance
Winner: Hitoshi Takehara
2016.11 日本経済研究センター
2015.07 企業家研究フォーラム Market liquidity, private information, and the cost of capital: Market microstructure studies on family firms in Japan
Winner: 海老原崇, 久保田敬一, 竹原 均, 横田絵里
Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research Best Paper Award
Best Paper Award for a WBI Journal (Global Economy and Finance Journal)
Best Paper Award at 22nd International Business Research Conference
American Association of Individual Investors Best Paper Award
Southwestern Finance Association Best Paper in Corporate Finance
2007 Pacific Basin Finance Journal Research Excellence Awards
東京証券取引所市場区分変更がFama-French 3ファクターに与える影響
竹原 均
証券アナリストジャーナル 60 ( 9 ) 54 - 62 2022.09 [Refereed]
井出真吾, 竹原 均
証券アナリストジャーナル 60 ( 7 ) 97 - 106 2022.07 [Refereed]
Employee-oriented corporate social responsibility, innovation, and firm value
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 29 ( 4 ) 765 - 778 2022 [Refereed]
Impact of corporate social responsibility intensity on firm-specific risk and innovation: evidence from Japan
Megumi Suto, Hitoshi Takehara
Social Responsibility Journal 18 ( 3 ) 484 - 500 2022 [Refereed]
商標権ポートフォリオがリスク・リターン特性に与える効果: リスク削減仮説の検証
井出真吾, 竹原 均
経営財務研究 41 ( 1-2 ) 56 - 72 2021.12 [Refereed]
特許権、商標権が企業価値に与える影響 ―特許と商標の交互作用効果の確認―
井出真吾, 竹原 均
証券アナリストジャーナル 59 ( 4 ) 69 - 78 2021.04 [Refereed]
Megumi Suto, Hitoshi Takehara
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 27 ( 6 ) 3047 - 3059 2020.08 [Refereed]
Did BOJ's ETF buying affect equity risk premiums? Empirical analysis using expected default frequency adjusted implied cost of equity
Shingo Ide, Hitoshi Takehara
Securities Analysts Journal 58 ( 7 ) 42 - 51 2020.07 [Invited]
Stock Liquidity Premium on The Tokyo Stock Exchange
Xin Zhong, Hitoshi Takehara
Journal of Critical Reviews 7 ( 12 ) 14 - 28 2020.06 [Refereed]
The Value Relevance of Trademarks: Evidence from Japanese Firms
Shingo Ide, Hitoshi Takehara
Securities Analysts Journal 58 ( 1 ) 81 - 90 2020.01 [Refereed]
On the Construction Rules of Fama and French Three Factors in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Securities Analysts Journal 57 ( 12 ) 99 - 107 2019.12 [Refereed]
Measuring the Components of Earnings Persistency: Applications of the VAR Model to Long-run Japanese Data
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 34 ( 2 ) 329 - 342 2019.10 [Refereed]
Pricing Liquidity Risk on the Tokyo Stock Exchange: Empirical Analysis Using Multiple Liquidity Measures
Xin Zhong, Hitoshi Takehara
Journal of Accounting and Finance 19 ( 4 ) 229 - 248 2019.09 [Refereed]
Comparing multi-factor models: Which model should we use to calculate cost of equity?
Hitoshi Takehara
Securities Analysts Journal 57 ( 3 ) 8 - 16 2019.03
Big Data in Accounting Research
MURAMIYA, Katsuhiko, Hitoshi TAKEHARA
Securities Analysts Journal 56 ( 12 ) 25 - 35 2018.12 [Invited]
Corporate innovation and earnings persistency: Empirical analysis based on an RNOA forecast model
Shingo Ide, Hitoshi Takehara
Contemporary Disclosure Research 17 1 - 15 2018.10 [Refereed]
Selection of asset pricing model and accrual anomaly: Counter-evidence to the functional fixation hypothesis
Hitoshi Takehara
Accounting Progress 19 1 - 16 2018.09 [Refereed]
日本企業の技術競争力と財務戦略: デュポンシステムを用いた分析
Shingo Ide, Hitoshi Takehara
Japan Journal of Finance 36 28 - 43 2017.12 [Refereed]
CSR and cost of capital: evidence from Japan
Social Responsibility Journal 13 ( 4 ) 794 - 816 2017.09 [Refereed]
Dissemination of patent information into stock prices
Shingo Ide, Hitoshi Takehara
証券アナリストジャーナル 54 ( 10 ) 68 - 77 2016.10 [Refereed]
The link between corporate social performance and financial performance: Empirical evidence from Japanese firms
MegumiSuto, Hitoshi Takehara
International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility 1 ( 1 ) 4 - 25 2016.06 [Refereed]
Estimating the hidden corporate social performance of Japanese firms
Meumi Suto, Hitoshi Takehara
Social Responsibility Journal 2016.06 [Refereed]
Information asymmetry and quarterly disclosure decisions by firms: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
International Review of Finance 16 ( 1 ) 2016.03 [Refereed]
Accrual-based and real activities based earnings management behavior of family firms in Japan
Tai-Yuan Chen, Zhaoyang Gu, Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
The Japanese Accounting Review 5 21 - 47 2016.01 [Refereed]
Family firms, accounting conservatism, and information asymmetry: Evidence from Japan
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
Journal of Strategic and International Studies 10 ( 4 ) 5 - 21 2015.07 [Refereed]
Family firms, firm characteristics, and corporate social performance: A study of public firms in Japan
Michikazu Aoi, Sigeru Asaba, Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
Journal of Family Business Management 5 ( 2 ) 192 - 217 2015.06
Effects of a Consumption Tax Rate Increase on Equity Value: Japanese Firms Experience
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 6 ( 2 ) 125 - 128 2015.04
竹原 均
経営財務研究 34 ( 1-2 ) 53 - 71 2015.04
Superior corporate social performance and financial constraints: The case of Japan
Ahamed Roshan Ajward, Hitoshi Takehara
Global Economy and Finance Journal 7 ( 2 ) 42 - 58 2014.10
Corporate financing, taxation, and Tobin's q: Evidence from Japanese firms and industries
Keiichi Kubota, Susumu Saito, Hitoshi Takehara
Journal of Mathematical Finance 3 ( 3A ) 27 - 45 2013.10
Corporate investment, interest tax shields, and Tobin’s q: Business cycle analysis of Japanese industries and firms
Keiichi Kubota, Susumu Saito, Hitoshi Takehara
Journal of Strategic Management Studies 4 ( 1,2 ) 27 - 45 2013.09
Effects of tax rate cuts on equity valuation: Impacts of Firms’ profitability and variability
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
経営財務研究 32 ( 1-2 ) 23 - 39 2013.04
株式投資: アセットプライシングの視点からの再検討
竹原 均
証券アナリストジャーナル 50 ( 11 ) 22 - 36 2012.10
Calendar cycles, infrequent decisions and the cross-section of stock returns
Ravi Jagannathan, Srikant Marakani, Hitoshi Takehara, Yong Wang
Management Science 58 507 - 522 2012.06
竹原 均
現代ファイナンス 31 3 - 27 2012.04
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
The Japanese Accounting Review 1 21 - 42 2012.02
On the relationship between earnings quality and the degree of information asymmetry
Ahamed Roshan Ajward, Hitoshi Takehara
Japan Jurnal of Finance 31 ( 1 ) 76 - 98 2011.09
Expected return, liquidity risk, and contrarian strategy: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange firms
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
Managerial Finance 36 ( 8 ) 655 - 679 2010.08
Dissemination of accruals information, role of semi-annual reporting, and analysts' earnings forecasts: Evidence from Japan
Kubota Keiichi, Kazuyuki Suda, Hitoshi Takehara
Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 21 ( 2 ) 120 - 160 2010.04
Common risk factors versus a mispricing factor of Tokyo Stock Exchange firms: Inquiries into the fundamental value derived from Analyst Earnings forecasts
Keiichi Kubota, Kazuyuki Suda, Hitoshi Takehara
International Review of Finance 9 ( 3 ) 269 - 294 2009.09
Information based trade, the PIN variable, and portfolio style differences: Evidence from Tokyo stock exchange firms
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
Pacific Basin Finance Journal 17 ( 3 ) 319 - 337 2009.06
ダウンサイドリスクモデル再考 -年金基金の基本ポートフォリオ策定への応用-
竹原 均
証券アナリストジャーナル 46 ( 12 ) 99 - 106 2008.12
久保田敬一, 竹原 均
経営財務研究 27 ( 2 ) 2 - 25 2008.09
Effects of tax rate changes on the cost of capital: The case of Japanese firms
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
FINANZARCHIV 63 ( 2 ) 163 - 185 2007.06 [Refereed]
久保田敬一, 須田一幸, 竹原 均
経営財務研究 26 ( 1, 2 ) 53 - 69 2006.12
On the association between accruals,operating cash flows and expected default probability
C. Hung, H. Takehara
Japan Journal of Finance 23 88 - 98 2004
竹原 均
Journal of Operations Research Society of Japan 41 508 - 529 2002
竹原 均, 矢野 学
経営財務研究 21 4 - 22 2001
竹原 均
経営財務研究 21 23 - 40 2001
Relationship between labor-income risk and average return: Empirical evidence from the Japanese stock market
R Jagannathan, K Kubota, H Takehara
JOURNAL OF BUSINESS 71 ( 3 ) 319 - 347 1998.07 [Refereed]
久保田敬一, 竹原 均
日本経営財務学会研究双書 18 1 - 29 1998
先物, オプション組み込みポートフォリオのリスクとヘッジ - 2パラメーター分析の再考と解決 -
岩井千尋, 久保田敬一, 大野三郎, 竹原 均
日本経営財務研究学会研究双書 13 53 - 81 1993
多期間投資モデルによる資産配分方法 -ハカンソン法の有効性の検証 -
竹原 均
日本経営財務研究学会研究双書 12 79 - 94 1992
Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Finance in Japan
Megumi Suto, Hitoshi Takehara
Springer 2018.07
Building New Bridges Between Business and Society
Lu, H, Schmidpeter, R, Capaldi, N, Zu, L( Part: Contributor)
Springer 2018.03
Reform and Price Discovery at the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
Palgrave Macmillan 2015.06 ISBN: 9781137540386
太田 亘, 宇野 淳, 竹原 均
中央経済社 2011.03 ISBN: 9784502684302
竹原 均
中央経済社 2008.11 ISBN: 9784502289507
竹原 均
三菱UFJトラスト投資工学研究所 2008.01 ISBN: 9784901146012
竹原 均
朝倉書店 ファイナンス講座第8巻 2000
動的ポートフォリオスタイル分析: スタイルの時間変化とパフォーマンス評価
竹原 均
フィナンシャルテクノロジーのフロンティア 1998
竹原 均
朝倉書店 ファイナンス講座第5巻 1997
Common risk factors of Tokyo Stock Exchange firms: Finding mimicking portfolios
K. Kubota, H. Takehara
T. Boss and T. Fetherstone eds., Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets,JAI Press 1997
Cross-section risk and return of Tokyo Stock Exchange firms
K. Kubota, H. Takehara
T. Boss and T. Fetherstone eds., Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets,JAI Press 1996
International diversification when small firm stocks are treated as separate investment assets: An application of the multi-period model
T. Hiraki, H. Takehara
R. Aggarwal ed., Global Portfolio Diversification, Academic Press 1995
商標権ポートフォリオが企業財務特性に与える効果: リスク削減仮説の検証
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2020.10
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2020.09
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2020.06
Stock Liquidity Premium on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.12
Liquidity and Price Discovery at the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.12
当期純利益, その他の包括利益の相対・増分情報内容の分析
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2019.11
アセットプライシング研究の新展開: アルファ追求からベータ制御へ
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2019.09
Corporate Social Responsibilityと会社利益予想の四半期変化
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2019.09
Innovation, CSR Intensity, and Market-based Risk: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.08
Management Earnings Forecasts and Investor Trust: Signaling Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.08
The Heterogeneity of Institutional Ownership and Innovation in Japanese Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.07
日本銀行によるETF買入れが株価発見に与えた影響: 個別銘柄ティックデータを用いた分析
Presentation date: 2019.06
Management Earnings Forecasts and Investor Trust: Signaling Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.05
Pricing Liquidity Risk on the Tokyo Stock Exchange: Empirical Analysis Using Multiple Liquidity Measures
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.03
Liquidity and Stock Returns: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.03
Management Forecast Bias and Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2019.01
Value Relevance of Trademarks: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2018.12
流動性と株式リターン: 尺度の多様性の再検証
Presentation date: 2018.10
当期純利益, その他の包括利益の相対・増分情報内容の分析
Presentation date: 2018.09
Management Forecast Bias and Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2018.08
Relationship between Technological Innovation, Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2018.06
Fama-French 3ファクターモデルの有効性の時間変化: ベンチマーク構築方法とリスクファクター特性の再検証
Presentation date: 2018.06
Relationship between Technological Innovation, Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2018.03
日本銀行によるETF買い入れが株価発見に与えた影響: 個別銘柄ティックデータを用いた分析
ワークショップ 「証券市場の諸問題」
Presentation date: 2018.03
Relationship between Technological Innovation, Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2017.12
Presentation date: 2017.12
Presentation date: 2017.12
ベンチマークプライシングモデル選択と合理的期待形成: 会計発生高アノマリーの再検証
Presentation date: 2017.09
Effects of Corporate Social Performance on Default Risk: Structural Model-based Analysis on Japanese Firms
Presentation date: 2017.08
Effects of Corporate Social Performance on Default Risk: Structural Model-based Analysis on Japanese Firms
Presentation date: 2017.07
ベンチマークの平均分散効率性とアセットプライシング, 資本コスト推定
Presentation date: 2017.07
The Heterogeneity of Institutional Ownership and Innovation in Japanese Firms
Presentation date: 2017.06
Corporate Innovation in Family Business: Evidence from Japanese Public Firms
Presentation date: 2017.03
The Heterogeneity of Institutional Ownership and Innovation in Japanese Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2017.03
How do Normative and Compliant CSR Affect the Earnings Quality of Japanese Firms?
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2017.01
Innovation of Japanese Family Firms: Comparison with Non-Family Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
The MT International Conference on Business Research
Presentation date: 2016.12
Presentation date: 2016.12
日本企業の財務戦略と技術競争力: デュポンシステムを用いた分析
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2016.12
How do Normative and Compliant CSR Affect the Earnings Quality of Japanese Firms?
Hitoshi Takehara
2016 American Accounting Association Annual Meetings
Presentation date: 2016.08
How do Normative and Compliant CSR Affect the Earnings Quality of Japanese Firms?
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2016.08
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2016.05
The Heterogeneity of Institutional Ownership and Innovation in Japanese Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Shidler Seminar Series, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Presentation date: 2016.03
回帰分析モデルの設定と 会計発生高アノマリーの頑健性
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2015.12
An Empirical Comparison of Asset Pricing Models for the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
2015 World Finance and Banking Symposium (Hanoi)
Presentation date: 2015.12
Does Fama and French Five Factor Model Work Well in Japan?
Hitoshi Takehara
International Interdisciplinary Business Economics Advancement Conference
Presentation date: 2015.11
Does Fama and French Five Factor Model Work Well in Japan?
Hitoshi Takehara
39th Annual Meeting of Japan Finance Association (Kyushu University)
Presentation date: 2015.10
Do Family Firms in Japan Possess Competitive Advantages to Innovate?
Hitoshi Takehara
39th Annual Meeting of Japan Finance Association
Presentation date: 2015.10
Effects of Corporate Social Performance on Default Risk: Structural Model Based Analysis
Hitoshi Takehara
International Workshop on Long-term Growth of Firms and Corporate Governance (Mumbai)
Presentation date: 2015.09
Do Family Firms in Japan Possess Competitive Advantages to Innovate?
Hitoshi Takehara
International Workshop on Long-term Growth of Firms and Corporate Governance (Mumbai)
Presentation date: 2015.09
新規領域・学際領域の研究に取り組む: 同族企業研究・CSR研究を題材に
Hitoshi Takehara
ファイナンスキャンプ (日本経営財務研究学会)
Presentation date: 2015.07
Family Firms, Accounting Conservatism, and Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
2015 Academic OASIS - BANGKOK International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference
Presentation date: 2015.07
Price Discovery before and after the Launch of arrowhead Trading System at Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
2015 Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2015.06
An Empirical Comparison of Asset Pricing Models for the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2015.06
An Empirical Comparison of Asset Pricing Models for the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
54th Annual Meeting of Southwestern Finance Association
Presentation date: 2015.03
An Empirical Comparison of Asset Pricing Models for the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
The 5th International Conference of TJAR
Presentation date: 2014.12
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2014.12
Price Discovery before and after the Launch of arrowhead Trading System at Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
Second Annual IFMA International Conference
Presentation date: 2014.12
Accrual Based and Real Activities Based Earnings Management Behavior of Family Firms in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
2014 World Finance and Banking Symposium
Presentation date: 2014.12
Effects of a Consumption Tax Rate Increase on Equity Value: Japanese Firms Experience
Hitoshi Takehara
2014 International Conference on Marketing, Business and Management
Presentation date: 2014.11
The Impact of Corporate Social Performance on Financial Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2014.10
Price Discovery before and after the Launch of arrowhead Trading System at Tokyo Stock Exchange
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2014.09
Accuals Based and Real Activities Base Earnings Management Behavior of Japanes Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Conference on Growth of Firms, Ownership, and Value: East meets West
Presentation date: 2014.09
Accuals Based and Real Activities Base Earnings Management Behavior of Japanes Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
2014 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2014.08
Effects of a Consumption Tax Increase on Firm Valuation: Free Cash Flow Approach to Individual Firm Data
Hitoshi Takehara
20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
Presentation date: 2014.07
Accuals Based and Real Activities Base Earnings Management Behavior of Japanes Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2014.06
Family Firms, Firm Characteristics and Corporate Social Performance:A Study of Public Firms in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Seminar at Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Presentation date: 2014.05
東証arrowheadの稼働と市場特性の変化: 高頻度取引が価格発見過程に与える影響
竹原 均
横浜国立大学 Economics Workshop
Presentation date: 2014.03
業績予想開示と価格発見: Realized Fama-French three factor model betasを用いた分析
竹原 均
大阪大学金融・保険教育研究センターワークショップ 「証券市場の諸問題」
Presentation date: 2014.02
Financial and Social Performance of Japanese Family Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2014.01
Accrual Based and Real Activities Based Earnings Management Behavior of Family Firms in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2014.01
An Examination of the Relationship between Earnings Quality and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
2013 Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2013.11
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2013.10
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2013.10
An Examination of the Relationship between Earnings Quality and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
The 22nd International Business Research Conference
Presentation date: 2013.09
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2013.09
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2013.07
Family Firms, Accounting Conservatism, and Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
The 7th Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference
Presentation date: 2013.07
The Impact of Corporate Social Performance on Financial Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2013.06
Does Superior Corporate Social Performance Ease Financial Constraints of Companies? The Japanese Experience
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2013.06
An Examination of the Relationship between Earnings Quality and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
36th Annual Congress of European Accounting Association
Presentation date: 2013.05
Stock Ownership Structure and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
52nd Annual Meeting of Southwestern Finance Association
Presentation date: 2013.03
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2013.01
An Examination of the Relationship between Earnings Quality and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
25th Australian Finance and Banking Conference
Presentation date: 2012.12
An Examination of the Relationship between Earnings Quality and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
13th Asian Academic Accounting Association Conference
Presentation date: 2012.11
Incidence of Corporate Tax and Sales Tax Rate Changes upon Japanese Firms: Discounted Cash Flow Simulation Approach
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2012.10
Stock Ownership Structure and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Fourth International Conference on Accounting and Finance
Presentation date: 2012.08
Market Liquidity, Private Information, and the Cost of Capital: Microstructure Studies on Family Firms in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Third World Finance Conference
Presentation date: 2012.07
An Examination of the Relationship between Earnings Quality and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2012.06
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2012.05
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2012.04
Family Businesses and Corporate Social Performance: An Empirical Study of Public Firms in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2012.03
Family Businesses and Corporate Social Performance: An Empirical Study of Public Firms in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Southwestern Finance Association 2012 Annual Meeti
Presentation date: 2012.03
効率的市場仮説とModern Portfolio Theory
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2012.02
株式市場のトレンド変化とアルファ: 流動性向上が取引コスト及びアルファに与えた影響
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2011.11
Market Efficiency, Role of Earnings Information, and the Stock Returns: A Vector Autoregressive Model Approach
Hitoshi Takehara
Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2011.11
株式アクティブ運用における規模の不経済: ファンド・キャパシティーと運用パフォーマンス
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2011.10
Role of Earnings Information for Rationally Forecasting Stock Returns: VAR Applications to Japanese Data
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2011.09
Corporate Social Performance and Family Businesses: The Case of Japanese Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
2011 Nagoya Family Business Conference
Presentation date: 2011.09
Effects of Tax Rate Cut on Firm Investment and Valuation: Microsimulation Approach
Hitoshi Takehara
2011 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2011.08
資産運用の新展開 -何を変え, 何を残すべきか-
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2011.06
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2011.05
市場効率性の再検証: 株式市場に質的変化は起きたのか
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2011.05
Effects of Tax Rate Cut on Firms’ Profitability and Valuation:A Micro Foundations Approach
Hitoshi Takehara
60th Annual Meeting of Southwestern Finance Association
Presentation date: 2011.03
Market Efficiency, Role of Earnings Information, and the Stock Returns: A Vector Autoregressive Model Approach
Hitoshi Takehara
2011 TJAR Conference
Presentation date: 2011.01
流動性, 情報の非対称性と株価形成に関する実証研究: PIN Variableをめぐる研究の動向をふまえて
竹原 均
大阪大学 金融・保険教育研究センター2010年度 中之島ワークショップ 「金融工学・数理計量ファイナンスの諸問題2010」
Presentation date: 2010.12
Private Information vs. Public Information of Public Traded Stocks of Family Businesses in Japan: Microstructure Study
Hitoshi Takehara
First Workshop on Finance and Accounting Research in the Asia Pacific Region
Presentation date: 2010.12
Effects of Tax Rate Cut on Firms’ Profitability and Valuation: A Micro-Foundation Approach
Hitoshi Takehara
22th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues
Presentation date: 2010.11
東京証券取引所上場企業の株価形成, 流動性イントラデイ・パターンの検証
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2010.10
Effects of Tax Rate Cut on Firms’ Profitability and Valuation: A Micro Foundations Approach
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2010.09
Private Information vs. Public Information of Public Traded Stocks of Family Businesses in Japan: Microstructure Study
Hitoshi Takehara
International Conference on Business Groups and Family Business: India, Japan and Thailand
Presentation date: 2010.09
Impact of Quarterly Disclosure on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2010.08
Effects of Tax Rate Cut on Firms’ Profitability and Valuation: A Micro-Simulation Approach
Hitoshi Takehara
66th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance
Presentation date: 2010.08
Impact of Quarterly Disclosure on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Asian Finance Association 2010 Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2010.07
情報の非対称性, 流動性の日中変動パターンの分析
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2010.05
Impact of Quarterly Disclosure on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Southwestern Finance Association 49th Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2010.03
流動性, ディスクロージャーと株価形成
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2010.03
Impact of Quarterly Disclosure on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
10th Annual Conference of Asian Academic Accounting Association
Presentation date: 2009.11
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2009.11
流動性尺度の相互比較と株式リターンとの関係: 日次・ティックデータを用いた分析
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2009.10
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2009.09
株式流動性指標間の相関, および株式リターンとの関係の分析
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2009.09
Impact of Quarterly Disclosure on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2009.08
Corporate Financing, Taxation, and Tobin’s q: Evidence from Japanese Firms and Industries
Hitoshi Takehara
65th Annual Congress of the Institute of Public Finance
Presentation date: 2009.08
Liquidity Pricing, Stock Returns, and Contrarian Strategy: Evidence from all the Listed Firms in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Asian Finance Association International Conference
Presentation date: 2009.07
Liquidity Pricing, Stock Returns, and Contrarian Strategy: Evidence from All Listed Firms in Japan
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2009.05
市場流動性ファクターのプライシング: 日次データを使用した銘柄流動性の測定と市場リスクファクターの抽出
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2009.02
Expected Return, Liquidity Risk and the Contrarian Strategy: Investigation of Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Southwestern Finance Association 48th Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2009.02
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2008.11
On the Relationship between the Accruals Anomaly and Default Risk: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
9th Annual Conference of Asian Academic Accounting Association
Presentation date: 2008.11
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2008.09
税制度が資本コスト, Tobin’s q に与える影響の分析: 節税効果を考慮した修正q レシオ
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2008.09
Expected Return, Liquidity Risk and the Contrarian Strategy: Investigation of Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
2008 AsianFA/NFA International Conference
Presentation date: 2008.07
Expected Return, Liquidity Risk and the Contrarian Strategy: Investigation of Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
International Federation of Operational Research Societies Conference
Presentation date: 2008.07
マネージャー評価とベンチマークモデル, スタイルインデックス
竹原 均
シニアライフプラン機構・東証共催 年金資金運用セミナー
Presentation date: 2008.07
Hitoshi Takehara
Presentation date: 2008.06
Corporate Investment, Taxation, and Tobin’s q: Evidence from Japanese Firms and Industries
Hitoshi Takehara
Southwestern Finance Association 47th Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2008.03
Fama-French 3ファクターモデルの有効性の検証, および5ファクターモデルへの拡張
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2008.02
株式リスクモデルの新潮流 Fama-Frenchから5ファクターモデルへ
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2008.01
株式価値評価と会計発生高アノマリー: 日本市場における実証
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2007.12
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2007.11
コントラリアン戦略, 流動性リスクと期待リターン: 市場効率性の再検証
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2007.10
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2007.09
Information Content of Net Income and Other Comprehensive Income: Further Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Asian Academic Accounting Association
Presentation date: 2007.08
Information Based Trade, PIN Variable, and the Portfolio Style Differences: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Asian Finance Association Conference
Presentation date: 2007.07
異常会計発生高アノマリーと 債務不履行リスク
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2007.06
Information Based Trade, PIN Variable, and the Portfolio Style Differences: Evidence from Tokyo Stock Exchange Firms
Hitoshi Takehara
Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2007.03
公的機関投資家の資産運用についてー 「有識者調査」を素材としてー
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2007.02
会計発生高アノマリーと 債務不履行リスク
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2006.11
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2006.09
Reporting of the Net Income plus Other Comprehensive Income: Information Content Test of Japanese Firms and Industries
Hitoshi Takehara
Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2006.09
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2006.09
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2006.09
Reporting of the Current Earnings plus Other Comprehensive Income: Information Content Test of the Japanese Firms and Industries
Hitoshi Takehara
American Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2006.08
私的情報, 業績予想精度と株式資本コスト
竹原 均
Presentation date: 2006.06
Cost of Capital, Economic Dynamics, and the Tax Rate Changes: Evidence from Japanese Industries and Sectors
Hitoshi Takehara
INFORMS International Conference
Presentation date: 2006.06
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
竹原 均
Interaction between CSR activities and R&D Investment from a Corporate Sustainability Perspective
Project Year :
Project Year :
Relationship between Corporate Innovation, Financial Performance, and Evaluation in Capital Market: Evidence from Japan
Project Year :
Corporate Social Responsibility and Risk-Stakeholder Management and Financial Performance
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Suto Megumi
Setting of Long Term Objectives and Sustainable Growth of Firms: A Corporate Finance View
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Reexamination of the Decision Usefulness of Accounting Information: Empirical Analysis using High Frequency Data and Stock Ownership Data
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Management and Governance of Family Firms: Analyses of Corporate Financial Behavior, Efficiency, and Innovation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KUBOTA Keiichi, EBIHARA Takashi, YOKOTA Eri, NIKAIDO Yuko, KAWAI Tadahiko, ASABA Shigeru, TAKEHARA Hitoshi, SAWAKI Katsushige, SAITO Susumu, MATSUMOTO Toshifumi, TOKUNAGA Toshifumi, YONEYAMA Shigemi, FURUSE Kimihiro, IWAI Chihiro, UCHIDA Kounari
Development of Analytical Methods to Improve the Reliability of accounting Information
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
TAKEHARA Hitoshi, KUBOTA Keiichi, OKUMURA Masashi
Management Compensation, Stock Prices, and Quality of Firms
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KUBOTA Keiichi, TOKUNAGA Toshifumi, SAITO Susumu, TAKEHARA Hitoshi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MAEDA Sadayoshi, KUBOTA Keiichi, OHTA Koji, YOKOTA Eri, TSUJIYAMA Eiko, TAKEHARA Hitoshi
Financial Engineering Research or Asset Management and Pricing
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KONNO Hiroshi, SUZUKI Kennichi, SHIRAKAWA Hiroshi, FURUKAWA Koichi, TAKEHARA Hitoshi, KUSUOKA Shigeo
Introduction: Corporate social responsibility and Japanese corporations
Megumi Suto, Hitoshi Takehara
Advances in Japanese Business and Economics 17 1 - 13 2018
Reform and price discovery at the Tokyo stock exchange: From 1990 to 2012
Keiichi Kubota, Hitoshi Takehara
Reform and Price Discovery at the Tokyo Stock Exchange: From 1990 to 2012 1 - 111 2015.01
Seminar on Portfolio Management[MSc in Finance]
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Portfolio Management[MSc in Finance]
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 spring semester
Seminar on Portfolio Management (Research Guidance)[MSc in Finance]
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Portfolio Management (Research Guidance)[MSc in Finance]
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 spring semester
Seminar in Portfolio Management (Research Guidance)
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 fall semester
Seminar in Portfolio Management (Research Guidance)
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 spring semester
What is Happening around ESG Investment and Analyzing the Linkage among Stakeholders
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 fall quarter
米国 Univerisity of Hawaii at Manoa
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
Faculty of Commerce Graduate School of Commerce
2023 井出真吾, 小松原宰明
2022 首藤 恵
2021 首藤 恵
2018 井出真吾
2017 首藤 惠
2010 首藤 惠, 森平爽一郎, 宇野 淳, 米澤康博
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