Updated on 2025/03/14


HIROSE, Norikazu
Faculty of Sport Sciences, School of Sport and Sciences
Job title
博士(学術) ( 東京大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2022.02

    日テレ東京ヴェルディベレーザ   フィジカルコーチ

  • 2008.02

    公益財団法人 日本サッカー協会   サッカー女子日本代表   フィジカルコーチ

  • 2010.02

    ジェフユナイテッド市原・千葉   ユースアカデミー   コンディショニングコーチ

  • 2007.02

    Japan Forging Association

  • 2009.02

    京都サンガ   ユースアカデミー   コンディショニングコーチ

  • 2007.02

    名古屋グランパス   ユースアカデミー   コンディショニングコーチ

  • 1998.02

    東京ヴェルディ1969   ユースアカデミー   フィジカルコーチ

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Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of General Culture  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Science   Sports Sciences  

Committee Memberships

  • 2022.04

    日本トレーニング科学会  編集委員長

  • 2018.11

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会  編集委員

  • 2018.05

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会  代表理事

  • 2018.05

    International Journal of Sport and Health Sciences  Editor

  • 2016.04

    日本トレーニング学会  副編集委員長

  • 2016.10

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会  編集委員長

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Professional Memberships






    European College of Sports Science











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Research Areas

  • Sports sciences

Research Interests

  • Athletic Training, Injury Prevention, Talent Identification, Growth&Maturation, Soccer


  • 最優秀ポスター賞

    2017.12   NSCAジャパン  

    Winner: 周藤晃平, 峯田晋史郎, 広瀬統一

  • 若手科学的奨励研究者賞

    2016.01   日本トレーニング指導者協会   足関節内反捻挫好発者の動的および静的バランスの質的評価と要因解析

    Winner: 峯田晋史郎

  • 優秀ポスター賞

    2015.12   NSCAジャパン   方向転換動作の遅速に寄与する顕在的因子、潜在的因子の抽出

    Winner: 佐々部孝紀



  • Internal completeness and validity of the injury reporting when using the newly established consensus recommendations in Japan


    Japanese Journal of Athletic Training   10 ( 1 ) 11 - 23  2024.10

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    The Japanese Society of Clinical Sports Medicine and the Japanese Society for Athletic Training have developed the consensus recommendations on injury and illness surveillance methodology. This study aimed to assess the internal completeness and validity of data collected using the recommended methods by the academic societies. Participants were recruited using two methods : snowball sampling and outreach via social media platforms. Individuals who were involved in the evaluation of athletes and reporting of sports injuries on a daily basis were enrolled. They were tasked to read seven fictitious injury reports and fill out relevant information on a standardized injury and illness form. The internal completeness and inter-rater reliability were examined for the following variables : date of onset of injury/illness, activity type, history of injury, mechanism of injury, mode of onset, body part, pathology type, side of injury, date of full return to play, illness evaluation, and illness diagnosis. The inter-rater reliability was evaluated using Flaissʼ kappa coefficients. A total of 70 and 367 responses were analyzed from snowball sampling and social media, respectively. The internal completeness of the data was almost perfect when reported by licensed/certified healthcare professionals (97.8-99.4%) except for dentists (73.68%). Regarding internal validity, the data collected for Illness evaluation and illness diagnosis had poor agreements (k=−0.11-0). In conclusion, the standardized reporting form consisted of recommended variables was suitable in collecting comprehensive data with a high internal completeness. However, the inter-rater reliability of the data collected for illness evaluation and illness diagnosis was notably low, indicating a need for improved methodologies.


  • 鼠径部痛既往者におけるジャンプ動作のキネマティクス的特徴

    江波戸 智希, 廣重 陽介, 高山 慎, 広瀬 統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   32 ( 4 ) S295 - S295  2024.10

  • Associations of Sport Participation and Training Volume With Overuse Injuries in Japanese Male Youth Soccer Players: Implications for Early Sport Specialization

    Naoto Nakaichi, Dai Sugimoto, Daisuke Numa, Ryosuke Kotani, Hayato Nakamura, Kei Akiyama, Norikazu Hirose

    Sports Health    2024

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    Background: Sport specialization is associated with increased risk of overuse injuries. However, the effects of sport specialization on the risk of overuse injury may differ by specific sport and sociocultural parameters. This study aimed to determine the associations of sport participation and training volume with previous overuse injuries in Japanese male youth soccer players. Hypothesis: Being highly specialized before the age of 12 years and high training volume relative to participant age would be associated with a history of serious overuse injury. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Level of Evidence: Level 3. Methods: Survey data were collected from male youth soccer players (seventh-ninth grade) during midseason of the 2020-2021 academic year. Participants completed a questionnaire regarding their status of sport participation (single- and multisport athletes), weekly sports volume in first- sixth grade and injury history in the previous year. Odds ratio (OR) was calculated to identify associations of specialization and training volume with a history of serious overuse injury. Results: A total of 841 players (mean age, 13.7 ± 0.9 years) participated; 11% reported serious overuse injury in the previous year, and 64% participated in other sports before the age of 12 years. Players who participated in other sports at <12 years old (OR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.09-2.94; P = 0.02) and those who trained for more weekly hours than their age in fifth to sixth grade (OR, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.07-2.72; P = 0.03) had greater odds of reporting serious overuse injuries. Conclusion: Multisport athletes and high training volume in fifth-sixth grade were associated with previous serious overuse injuries. Clinical Relevance: Coaches and parents of male youth soccer players should be aware of the increased risk of serious overuse injury participating in multiple sports simultaneously, and youth athletes should adhere to age-appropriate volume recommendations.



  • 提言書により定められたスポーツ外傷・障害・疾病調査の調査項目の検者間信頼性検証

    山中 美和子, 金岡 恒治, 細川 由梨, 砂川 憲彦, 川原 貴, 広瀬 統一, 深町 花子, 青野 博

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   31 ( 4 ) S316 - S316  2023.10

  • Electromyographic activity of hip extensor muscles during Nordic hamstring and razor curl exercises on leveled and inclined shanks

    Toshiaki Soga, Nadaka Hakariya, Hiromi Saito, Naoto Nakaichi, Kei Akiyama, Norikazu Hirose

    Sport Sciences for Health    2023.08

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    Changes in electromyographic (EMG) activity of hip extensor muscles and knee flexion angles at peak biceps femoris long head (BFlh) EMG activity by different shank angles during razor curl (RC) exercises are unknown.


    We investigated the changes in EMG activity of hip extensor muscles and knee flexion angle at peak BFlh EMG activity with different shank angles during RC and also compared the Nordic hamstring (NH) and RC exercises in the EMG activity of hip extensor muscles.


    Twelve male university students randomly performed two repetitions of NH and RC with the lower leg slope angle set at 0° (NH0, RC0) and 40° (NH40, RC40). The EMG activity of hip extensor muscles was measured at the BFlh and related muscles. EMG activity was calculated based on the peak value of the root mean square, normalized as a percentage of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction.


    The BFlh EMG activity of NH0 was higher than that of RC0 (p = 0.002) and RC40 (p = 0.008). The knee flexion angle at peak BFlh EMG activity of NH0 was larger than that of NH40 (p = 0.003) and RC40 (p = 0.002), and RC0 was larger than that of NH40 (p = 0.002) and RC40 (p = 0.002).


    NH40, the BFlh EMG activity equivalent to NH0, might be more effective for preventing recurrence of hamstring injury because the knee flexion angle at peak BFlh EMG activity remains within 30°, combined with a high BFlh EMG activity.



  • Risk Factors of Throwing Injuries Related to Pitching Mechanics in Young Baseball Players: A Longitudinal Cohort Study.

    Jun Sakata, Toshiharu Tsutsui, Tomoya Uchida, Masaki Akeda, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery    2023.08  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Risk factors for throwing injuries related to pitching mechanics are unknown. Insufficient pelvic rotation during pitching may be a risk factor for shoulder and elbow injury. HYPOTHESIS: This cohort study aimed to identify biomechanics risk factors for throwing injuries in young baseball players. We hypothesized that excessive mechanical load and motion errors would be risk factors for throwing injuries. METHODS: Young baseball pitchers (aged 8-9 years) were recruited from regional baseball leagues between December 2016 and December 2019. Pitching measurements were performed before the start of each season and after the end of the last season in December 2019. The trunk tilt angular displacement, pelvic rotation angular displacement, and forearm rotation angle were calculated using a markerless motion capture system. We also measured elbow varus torque using an accelerometer. After the initial test session, each participant was followed-up for 3 years to determine the occurrence of throwing injuries. Players with throwing shoulder and elbow injuries were categorized into the throwing injury group, and those without shoulder and elbow pain for 3 years were categorized into the non-injured group. RESULTS: In this study, 97 baseball pitchers completed a 3-year follow-up. Among those participants, 66 (68.0%) had throwing injuries. A significant difference was observed between the throwing injury and non-injured groups, whereby the injured players had less pelvic rotation angular displacement. CONCLUSION: Insufficient pelvic rotation during pitching is a newly discovered risk factor related to throwing injuries.

    DOI PubMed


  • The validity and reliability of a smartphone app for measuring break-point angle during Nordic hamstring exercise

    Toshiaki Soga, Shota Yamaguchi, Takayuki Inami, Hiromi Saito, Nadaka Hakariya, Naoto Nakaichi, Sho Shinohara, Kei Akiyama, Norikazu Hirose

      18 ( 4 )  2023.08  [Refereed]



  • Less impact absorption at the ankle joint is related to the single-leg landing stability deficit in patients with chronic ankle instability

    Shinshiro Mineta, Mako Fukano, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of Biomechanics   149   111509 - 111509  2023.03



  • Associations of eccentric force variables during jumping and eccentric lower-limb strength with vertical jump performance: A systematic review.

    Daichi Nishiumi, Takuya Nishioka, Hiromi Saito, Takanori Kurokawa, Norikazu Hirose

    PloS one   18 ( 8 ) e0289631  2023  [International journal]

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    The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize the associations of eccentric force variables during jumping and eccentric lower-limb strength with vertical jump performance. A literature search was conducted in September 2022 using PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus. Thirteen cross-sectional studies investigating the relationship between eccentric force and strength variables, such as force, rate of force development (RFD), power, time, and velocity, and vertical jump performance, including the jump height, reactive strength index (RSI), and reactive strength index-modified (RSImod), were included in this systematic review. As eccentric strength, variables during the unloading-to-braking phase of countermovement jump (CMJ) (force, RFD, etc.) and the eccentric force of the squat movement and knee joint were included. The CMJ height, RSImod, and drop jump RSI were included to analyze the vertical jump performance. The modified form of the Downs and Black checklist was used to evaluate quality. Associations between the force and RFD during the descending phase of the CMJ and jump height were observed in some studies but not in others, with differences between the studies. Some studies reported associations between the force and/or RFD during the descending phase of the CMJ and RSImod of the CMJ, with no differences among their results. In addition, there are associations of the eccentric forces during squatting and knee extension with the CMJ and the drop jump heights and RSI of the drop jump. The eccentric force variables in the CMJ and RSImod are related; however, their relationship with jump height remains unclear. Furthermore, improved eccentric muscle strength may contribute to vertical jump height because of the associations of the eccentric strength during knee extension and squatting with jump height.

    DOI PubMed


  • 関東大学バスケットボール連盟に所属する男子バスケットボール選手を対象にした慢性足関節不安定症の有病率の調査

    鎌田 晃太郎, 関根 悠太, 伊藤 恵梨, 小松 孝行, 小山 孟志, 星川 精豪, 内野 小百合, 広瀬 統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   30 ( 4 ) S254 - S254  2022.10

  • The effects of calf muscle self-massage on ankle joint range of motion and tendon-muscle morphology.

    Akane Yoshimura, Yuta Sekine, Atsuya Furusho, Kazuya Yamazaki, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of bodywork and movement therapies   32   196 - 200  2022.10  [International journal]

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    INTRODUCTION: Self-massage using a foam roller (foam rolling) has been used to improve joint range of motion (ROM). However, the effect of foam rolling on the morphology of a targeted muscle, tendon, and muscle-tendon unit (MTU) has not been fully clarified. This study aimed to investigate extensibility changes in the gastrocnemius muscle (GM), MTU, and the Achilles tendon (AT) in terms of maximum ankle dorsiflexion (max-DF) following a foam rolling intervention. This was an interventional study with no controls. METHODS: Study participants comprised 10 male and female students (mean [standard deviation]: 22.7 [2.5] years; height, 164.2 [6.7] cm; weight, 57.9 [7.9] kg). The foam rolling intervention was performed on the right leg plantar flexor muscles for 3 min. The outcomes were max-DF with specified resistance values (ROM-SR) and non-specified resistance values (ROM-NSR) and GM, MTU, and AT extensibility. An ultrasound device was used to determine the rate of change by subtracting the value in a neutral ankle joint position (0°) from the ankle max-DF to identify GM, MTU, and AT extensibility. All outcomes were measured pre- and post-intervention. RESULTS: The range of ankle joint dorsiflexion increased significantly following the foam rolling intervention (Δ: ROM-SR, +4.35 [5.79]; ROM-NSR, +4.18 [4.43]), whereas GM extensibility increased 4.0 mm, although no significant difference was observed pre- and post-intervention. CONCLUSION: Foam rolling was effective in increasing ankle joint dorsiflexion ROM. Moreover, it was suggested that the GM morphology might be affected by the intervention.

    DOI PubMed


  • Epidemiology of sudden cardiac death and sudden cardiac arrest with resultant disability during high school organized sport in Japan.

    Miwako Suzuki-Yamanaka, Mamoru Ayusawa, Yuri Hosokawa, Norikazu Hirose, Koji Kaneoka

    Journal of science and medicine in sport   25 ( 9 ) 705 - 709  2022.09  [International journal]

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    OBJECTIVES: To examine the incidence and survival rates of sudden cardiac arrest that were documented during school organized sports in Japan. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. METHODS: Insurance claim data of cardiac events (sudden cardiac death and sudden cardiac arrest with resultant disabilities) that occurred during Japanese high school organized sports between 2009 and 2018 were retrieved. Participation data from All Japan High School Athletic Federation and Japan High School Baseball Federation were used for incidence rate calculations. Incidence rate ratios with 95 % confidence interval were calculated to compare the risk by sports and sex. The survival rate was calculated with the proportion of resuscitated cases to total number of cardiac events in this dataset. RESULTS: A total of 55 cardiac events (25 survivors and 30 deceased) were identified in the dataset. The majority affected male student-athletes (92.7 %). The frequency and incidence rate of cardiac events were highest in male baseball (n = 16 [29.1 %], incidence rate: 0.91 per 100,000 athlete-years). Incidence rate ratio revealed that male basketball (2.19, 95 % confidence interval: 1.04-4.60), male baseball (2.31, 95 % confidence interval: 1.32-4.03), and first-year male baseball (4.11, 95 % confidence interval: 2.10-8.07) had significantly higher risk of cardiac events, compared to the overall incidence rate (0.38 per 100,000 athlete-years). The survival rates were 37.5 % in the first half (2009-2013) and 56.5 % in the latter half (2014-2018) of the study period. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of cardiac events was highest in male, baseball, first-year student-athletes. Rapid AED application by bystanders should be advocated to enhance better survival.

    DOI PubMed


  • Differences in the recruitment properties of the corticospinal pathway between the biceps femoris and rectus femoris muscles.

    Ayako Higashihara, Kento Nakagawa, Genki Futatsubashi, Hirofumi Sekiguchi, Yasuharu Nagano, Norikazu Hirose

    Brain research   1790   147963 - 147963  2022.06  [International journal]

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    The neuromuscular activity in the hamstring and quadriceps muscles is vital for rapid force control during athletic movements. This study aimed to investigate the recruitment properties of the corticospinal pathway of the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles. Thirty-two male subjects were participated in this study. Corticospinal excitability was investigated for BFlh and RF during the isometric knee flexion and extension tasks, respectively, using transcranial magnetic stimulation. A sigmoidal relationship was observed between the stimulus intensity and amplitude of motor-evoked potentials and characterized by a plateau value, maximum slope, and threshold. Compared with RF, BFlh had a significantly lower plateau value (P < 0.001, d = 1.17), maximum slope (P < 0.001, r = 0.79), and threshold (P = 0.003, d = 0.62). The results showed that the recruitment properties of the corticospinal pathway significantly differ between BFlh and RF. These results reveal that when a sudden large force is required during athletic movements, the RF can produce force through a rapid increase in the recruitment of motor units. The BFlh, on the other hand, requires larger or more synchronized motor commands for enabling the proper motor unit behavior to exert large forces. These differences in the neurophysiological factors between the hamstrings and quadriceps can have a substantial effect on the balance of force generation during athletic activities.

    DOI PubMed


  • Changes in Amplitude of Hamstring Electromyographic Activity and Its Peak Location During Nordic Hamstring Exercise by Adding External Load

    Toshiaki Soga, Hiromi Saito, Kei Akiyama, Norikazu Hirose

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training     1 - 6  2022

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    This crossover trial aimed to investigate whether additional loading of unilateral Nordic hamstring exercise on a sloped platform would increase the biceps femoris long head electromyographic activity. Participants were randomly allocated to unilateral Nordic hamstring exercise under three conditions: bodyweight only (BW) or BW with an added weighted ball of 3 kg (BW + 3 kg) or 6 kg (BW + 6 kg), respectively. The biceps femoris long head electromyographic activity was significantly higher for BW + 6 kg (p &lt; .001) than for BW and BW + 3 kg (p &lt; .01). Therefore, adding a load to unilateral Nordic hamstring exercise on a sloped platform might be effective for rehabilitation and prevention of hamstring strain injury recurrence.



  • Recommended Methods for Sports Injury and Illness Surveillance: Japanese Society of Clinical Sports Medicine and Japanese Society for Athletic Training Consensus Document

    Sunagawa, N, Manabe, T, Hangai, M, Hosokawa, Y, Okuwaki, T, Hirose, N, Nakayama, H, Taketomi, S, Kasahara, M, Mashimo, S, Masujima, A

    Japanese Journal of Clinical Sports Medicine   30 ( 2 ) 317 - 331  2022

  • The Relationship between Motor Ability and Change-of-Direction Kinematics in Elite College Basketball Players

    Sasabe Koki, Sekine Yuta, Hirose Norikazu

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   20   175 - 180  2022

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    The change-of-direction speed is an essential physical component in basketball. This study aimed to reveal the relationship between change-of-direction kinematics and the related motor abilities in basketball players. Motor abilities, including squat, sprint speed, vertical jump, and horizontal jump, were measured in 14 male collegiate basketball players. Furthermore, the change-of-direction speed and kinematics during the change-of-direction task, including the trunk lean angle and center-of-gravity height, were evaluated. Correlations between change-of-direction time and kinematics were assessed using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Once significant correlations were detected, correlations between motor abilities and change-of-direction kinematics variables related to change-of-direction time were assessed using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. There were significant correlations between change-of-direction time and center-of-gravity height (r=0.54), and trunk lean angle (r=−0.74). Moreover, there was a strong correlation (r=−0.53) between the center-of-gravity height and lower body strength. Improving lower muscle strength and change-of-direction kinematics may be necessary to enhance the overall change-of-direction performance.


  • Neuromuscular responses of the hamstring and lumbopelvic muscles during unanticipated trunk perturbations

    Ayako Higashihara, Jurdan Mendiguchia, Takashi Ono, Yasuharu Nagano, Shogo Sasaki, Shinshiro Mineta, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of Sports Sciences   40 ( 4 ) 1 - 11  2021.11



  • Maturity-Associated Variations in Resistance Exercise-Induced Hormonal Responses in Young Male Athletes.

    Yuta Sekine, Norikazu Hirose

    Pediatric exercise science     1 - 8  2021.09  [International journal]

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    PURPOSE: To examine differences in resistance exercise-induced hormonal responses among young athletes according to their maturity levels. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 12 collegiate and 32 junior high school male athletes were enrolled. The junior high school participants were divided into pre-peak height velocity (PHV) and post-PHV groups, according to their PHV ages. The salivary testosterone, cortisol, and human growth hormone levels were analyzed before (pre), immediately after (post), and at 15 minutes after performing body weight resistance exercise. RESULTS: The testosterone levels were higher in the collegiate than in the junior high school group (P < .01) and increased after 15 minutes of exercise (P < .01). A significant decrease in the cortisol levels postexercise in the junior high school groups (P < .01) and an increase in the human growth hormone levels at 15 minutes after exercise in the post-PHV group were observed (P < .01). In the collegiate and post-PHV groups, the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio increased post and at 15 minutes after exercise (P < .01). The testosterone-to-cortisol ratio values were higher in the collegiate than in the post-PHV (at preexercise and at 15 min after [P < .01]) and pre-PHV groups (at all times [P < .01]). CONCLUSION: Exercise-induced acute hormonal responses to resistance exercise may depend on individuals' maturity levels, even in those having the same age.

    DOI PubMed


  • Epidemiology of sports-related fatalities during organized school sports in Japanese high schools between 2009 and 2018

    Miwako Suzuki Yamanaka, Yuri Hosokawa, Mamoru Ayusawa, Norikazu Hirose, Koji Kaneoka

    PLOS ONE   16 ( 8 ) e0256383 - e0256383  2021.08

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    Limited literature has investigated epidemiology of sports-related fatalities during high school organizes sports in Japan. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to determine the frequency and incidence rate of sports-related fatalities in Japanese high schools by cause and sports, and to examine the type of on-site first responder. Insurance claim data of sports-related fatalities in Japanese high schools reported to Japan Sports Council Injury and Accident Mutual Aid Benefit System between 2009 and 2018 were retrieved as the primary data source. All fatalities were classified into direct or indirect type by the reported etiology and further categorized into cardiac-related, head and neck injury, exertional heat stroke (EHS), or other. Frequency and incidence rate were calculated by cause of death and sports, and incidence rates were expressed per 100,000 athlete-years (AY) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Information regarding first responder to the incident was also retrieved and examined by frequency. A total of 63 sports-related fatalities were analyzed. The overall incidence rate was 0.45 (95%CI = 0.25–0.65) per 100,000AY. The incidence rates of direct and indirect fatalities declined from 0.36 and 0.50 per 100,000AY to 0.28 and 0.00 per 100,000AY, respectively. The leading cause of deaths was cardiac-related (n = 30/63, 47.6%), followed by head and neck injury (n = 15/63, 23.8%) and EHS (n = 14/63, 22.2%). The number of fatalities was highest in male baseball (n = 12/63, 19.0%) and the incidence rate was highest in male judo (4.79 per 100,000 AY, 95%CI: 0.68–8.15). Coach was the most frequently reported first responder onsite (n = 52/63, 82.5%). Medically trained personnel were involved in onsite care in two cases (3.2%). In conclusion, the occurrence of sports-related fatalities has declined over time from 2009 to 2018. To deliver appropriate medical care onsite for better survival, employment of medically trained personnel should be promoted in high school sports setting in Japan.



  • Epidemiology Of Sports-related Fatalities In High School Organized Sports In Japan

    Miwako Suzuki-Yamanaka, Yuri Hosokawa, Mamoru Ayusawa, Norikazu Hirose, Koji Kaneoka

    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise   53 ( 8S ) 204 - 204  2021.08


  • High-Acceleration Movement, Muscle Damage, and Perceived Exertion in Basketball Games.

    Takeshi Koyama, Akira Rikukawa, Yasuharu Nagano, Shogo Sasaki, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Norikazu Hirose

    International journal of sports physiology and performance   17 ( 1 ) 1 - 6  2021.06  [International journal]

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of the number of high-acceleration movements on muscle damage and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in basketball games. METHODS: Twenty-one male collegiate basketball players (mean age, 20.0 [1.0] y) were included. A triaxial accelerometer was used to measure acceleration in basketball-simulated scrimmages. To detect higher physical load during the actual game, the resultant acceleration was calculated, and 3 thresholds were set: >4G, >6G, and >8G resultant accelerations. The number of the extracted movements was calculated at each acceleration threshold. Plasma creatine kinase (CK) levels (marker of muscle damage) were estimated before and 24 hours after the match, and the session-RPE load was calculated within 30 minutes after the match. Pearson product-moment correlations with 95% confidence intervals were used to determine the relationships between the number of high-acceleration movements and plasma CK and session-RPE load. RESULTS: Significant correlations were observed between the number of high-acceleration movements >8G and CK level (r = .74; 95% confidence interval, 0.44-0.89; P < .0001). Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between acceleration and CK increased with increased acceleration threshold (>4G: r = .65; >6G: r = .69). Contrastingly, the correlation coefficient between acceleration and the session-RPE load decreased with increased acceleration threshold (>4G: r = .72; >6G: r = .52; >8G: r = .43). CONCLUSIONS: The session-RPE reflects the total amount of movement, while the high-acceleration movement reflects the momentary large impact load or intensity, and they evaluated different factors. Basketball coaching and conditioning professionals recommended combining acceleration and session-RPE when monitoring the load of athletes.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effects of an Injury Prevention Program on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Factors in Adolescent Females at Different Stages of Maturation

    Reiko Otsuki, Daniel Benoit, Norikazu Hirose, Toru Fukubayashi

    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE   20 ( 2 ) 365 - 372  2021.06

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    The ideal timing to implement anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention programs with respect to maturation is unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an injury prevention program on knee mechanics in early-, late-, and postpubertal females. In the study, 178 adolescent female basketball players were assigned to six groups: early-pubertal training, early-pubertal control, late-pubertal training, and late-pubertal control, post-pubertal training, and post-pubertal control. The training groups performed an injury prevention program for six months. Medial knee displacement, knee flexion range of motion, and the probability of high knee abduction moment were assessed before and after the training period. After the six-month training period, medial knee displacement was significantly increased in the early-pubertal control group whereas it was unchanged in the early-pubertal training group. Knee flexion range of motion was significantly decreased in the early-pubertal control group whereas it did not change in the early-pubertal training group. The probability of high knee abduction moment was increased in the early-pubertal control group whereas it was unchanged in the earl-pubertal training group. The probability of high knee abduction moment was also decreased in the post-pubertal training group whereas it did not change in the post-pubertal control group. The program limited the development of high-risk movement patterns associated with maturation in early puberty while improving the knee mechanics in post-pubertal adolescents. Therefore, an injury prevention program should be initiated in early puberty and continue through the post-puberty years.



  • Effect of Different Slopes of the Lower Leg during the Nordic Hamstring Exercise on Hamstring Electromyography Activity

    Toshiaki Soga, Daichi Nishiumi, Atsuya Furusho, Kei Akiyama, Norikazu Hirose

    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE   20 ( 2 ) 216 - 221  2021.06  [International journal]

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether the NHE with an increased lower leg slope angle would enhance hamstring EMG activity in the final phase of the descend. The hamstring EMG activity was measured, the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and the semitendinosus (ST). Fifteen male volunteers participated in this study. Subjects performed a prone leg curl with maximal voluntary isometric contraction to normalize the hamstring EMG activity. Subsequently, subjects performed the NHE, with the help of a certified strength and conditioning specialist, while the lower leg slope angle were randomly set at 0 degrees (NH), 20 degrees (N20), and 40 degrees (N40). To compare hamstring EMG activity during the NHE variations, the knee flexion angle was set in the range from 0 degrees to 50 degrees, divided into five phases (0-10 degrees, 10-20 degrees, 20-30 degrees, 30-40 degrees and 40-50 degrees), where 0 degrees indicated that the knee was fully extended. To calculate the knee extension angular velocity, the knee flexion angle divided by time, and break point angle (BPA) was the angle at which 10 degrees/s was exceeded. In the statistical analysis, a two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used for the hamstring EMG activity and a one-way repeated measures ANOVA was used for the BPA. The EMG activity of the BFlh and the ST in N20 and N40 was significantly higher than in NH at knee flexion angle of 0-20 degrees (p < 0.05). For the BPA, NH (57.75 degrees +/- 13.28 degrees), N20 (36.27 degrees +/- 9.89 degrees) and N40 (16.26 degrees +/- 9.58 degrees) were significantly higher in that order (p < 0.05). The results of this study revealed that the NHE with an increased lower leg slope angle shifted the BPA to the lower knee flexion angle and enhanced the hamstring EMG activity in the final phase of the descent.

    DOI PubMed


  • Greater knee varus angle and pelvic internal rotation after landing are predictive factors of a non-contact lateral ankle sprain.

    Shinshiro Mineta, Takayuki Inami, Takuma Hoshiba, Ayako Higashihara, Tsukasa Kumai, Suguru Torii, Norikazu Hirose

    Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine   50   59 - 64  2021.04  [International journal]

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to clarify the kinematic, kinetic characteristics associated with lateral ankle sprain. DESIGN: A 16-month prospective cohort study. SETTING: Laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 179 college athletes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Joint kinematics, moment during single-leg landing tasks, and ankle laxity were measured. The attendance of each participating team, injury mechanism, existence of body contact, presence of orthosis, with or without medical diagnosis, and periods of absence were recorded. RESULTS: Twenty-nine participants incurred lateral ankle sprain during non-contact motion. The Cox regression analysis revealed that greater knee varus peak angle (hazard ratio: 1.16 [95% confidence interval: 1.10-1.22], p < 0.001) and greater pelvic internal rotation peak angle toward the support leg were associated with lateral ankle sprain (hazard ratio: 1.08 [95% confidence interval: 1.02-1.15], p = 0.009). The cut-off values for each predictive factor were -0.17° (area under the curve = 0.89, p < 0.001) and 6.63° (area under the curve = 0.74, p < 0.001), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A greater knee varus peak angle and pelvic internal rotation peak angle after single-leg landing are predictive factors for lateral ankle sprain.

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  • The effect of foam rollers of varying densities on range of motion recovery.

    Takuma Yanaoka, Akane Yoshimura, Risa Iwata, Momoko Fukuchi, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of bodywork and movement therapies   26   64 - 71  2021.04  [International journal]

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the effect of different density foam rollers on range of motion recovery. METHOD: Ten active men completed two, 3-day trials in random order. During the experimental trials, all participants performed 2 min of foam rolling (FR) using a medium-density (medium trial) or hard-density (hard trial) foam roller on the right posterior thigh after completing the 90-min Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST). The hip joint range of motion (ROM), muscle hardness, and muscle soreness were assessed before and after the LIST and at 0 min, 20 min, 60 min, 24 h, and 48 h after FR intervention. Serum creatine kinase (CK) concentrations were assessed before the LIST and at 60 min, 24 h, and 48 h after FR intervention. The contralateral leg in each trial was used as a control. RESULTS: The ROM at 0 min, 20 min, 60 min, 24 h, and 48 h after FR intervention were higher in the right leg (the massage leg) than in the left leg (the contralateral leg) (p < 0.05). In the right leg, the ROM at 0 min after FR intervention was higher than after the LIST (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the medium and hard trials for ROM. Muscle hardness, muscle soreness, and serum CK concentration were not affected by FR. CONCLUSION: FR has a positive effect on ROM recovery. Moreover, the two roller densities provided similar ROM recovery.

    DOI PubMed


  • Biceps Femoris Muscle is Activated by Performing Nordic Hamstring Exercise at a Shallow Knee Flexion Angle

    Norikazu Hirose, Masaaki Tsuruike, Ayako Higashihara

    Journal of Sports Science and Medicine   20 ( 2 ) 275 - 283  2021.03  [International journal]

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    The semitendinosus (ST) muscle is primarily used during Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE), which is often prescribed for preventing hamstring injury, though the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) muscle that is more susceptible to injuries. Thus, this study aimed to identify the modulation of BFlh muscle activity with different knee flexion angles during NHE using an inclined platform. Fourteen male athletes performed NHE and maintained their position at maximum inclination (NH). Subjects also performed isometric NHE using a platform inclined to 50° (ICL) and 40° (ICH), and the knee flexion angle was controlled to 50° and 30°. The electromyography (EMG) activity of the BFlh, ST, semimembranosus, gluteus maximus, elector spinae, and rectus abdominus muscles was determined during each exercise. The EMG of the ST was higher than that of the BFlh during NHE and the highest of all muscles in all exercises (p &lt; 0.05). Moreover, the activity of the BFlh tended to be higher than that of the ST for ICH than for ICL, regardless of the knee joint angle. The activity of the BFlh becomes equivalent to that of the ST during NHE at a knee flexion angle of less than 50°. These results indicate that performing NHE at a shallow knee flexion angle will enhance the activity of the BFlh muscle.

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    Akane Yoshimura, Yuta Sekine, Robert Schleip, Atsuya Furusyo, Kazuya Yamazaki, Takayuki Inami, Mitsuyoshi Murayama, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies    2021.03



  • The task dependent differences in electromyography activity of hamstring muscles during leg curls and hip extensions

    Norikazu Hirose, Nizam Uddin Ahamed, Yoshinori Kagaya, Masaaki Tsuruike

    PLOS ONE   16 ( 2 ) e0245838  2021.02  [International journal]

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of the task type on the relative electromyography (EMG) activity of biceps femoris long head (BFlh) to semitendinosus (ST) muscles, and of proximal to distal regions during isometric leg-curl (LC) and hip-extension (HE). Twenty male volunteers performed isometric LC with the knee flexed to 30° (LC30) and 90° (LC90), as well as isometric HE with the knee extended (HE0) and flexed to 90° (HE90), at 40% and 100% maximal voluntary contraction (MVIC). Hip position was neutral in all conditions. EMG activity was recorded from the proximal and distal region of the BFlh and ST muscles. BFlh/ST was calculated from the raw root-mean-square (RMS) amplitudes. The RMS of 40% MVIC was normalized using MVIC data and the proximal/distal (P/D) ratio of normalized EMG (NEMG) was calculated. The BFlh/ST ratio was higher in HE0 than in LC90 during MVIC and 40% MVIC (p<0.05), and was higher in HE90 than in LC90 (p<0.05) during 40% MVIC at the proximal region, whereas no difference was observed between HE0 and LC30. There was no inter-task difference in BFlh/ST ratio in the distal region. Furthermore, the P/D ratio was higher in LC90 than in LC30 and HE0 (p<0.05) in BFlh and ST muscles, and was higher in HE90 than in LC30 and HE0 (p<0.05) in BFlh during 40% MVIC. However, there was no difference in P/D ratio between LC30 and LC90, and HE0 and HE90. This showed that there was no task-dependent difference in the EMG activity of the BFlh muscle relative to the ST muscle between prone hip extension and prone knee flexion when the knee joint was set at an equivalent angle. Similarly, there was no task-dependent difference in the NEMG of the proximal region relative to the distal region in BFlh and ST muscles during 40% MVIC.

    DOI PubMed


  • コロナ禍における活動制限が大学男子バスケットボール選手の傷害発生に及ぼした影響

    鎌田 晃太郎, 関根 悠太, 小松 孝行, 小山 孟志, 広瀬 統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   7 ( Supplement ) 1P-18 - 1P-18  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • 「圧+転がし」刺激の圧条件は可動域変化の多寡へ影響しない

    広瀬 統一, 吉村 茜, 秋山 圭

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   7 ( Supplement ) 1P-09 - 1P-09  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • Jones骨折既往者におけるランニング時の足底圧の特徴

    江波戸 智希, 廣重 陽介, 広瀬 統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   7   1P - 08-1P-08  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • Difference of Hamstring Activity Between Bilateral and Unilateral Nordic Hamstring Exercises With a Sloped Platform

    Toshiaki Soga, Taspol Keerasomboon, Kei Akiyama, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of Sport Rehabilitation     1 - 6  2021

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    <italic><bold>Context</bold>:</italic> This study aimed to examine the differences in electromyographic (EMG) activity of the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles, break-point angle (BPA), and the angle at peak BFlh EMG activity between bilateral and unilateral Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) on a sloped platform. <italic><bold>Design</bold>:</italic> This study was designed as a case-control study. <italic><bold>Methods</bold>:</italic> Fourteen men participated in the study. The participants initially performed maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) on the prone leg curl to normalize the peak hamstring EMG amplitude as the %MVIC. Then, participants were randomized to perform the following 3 variations of NHE: bilateral (N40) or unilateral (N40U) NHE with a platform angle of 40°, and unilateral NHE with a platform angle of 50° (N50U). The EMG activities of the BFlh and ST and the knee flexion angle during the NHE variations were recorded to calculate the EMG activity of the BFlh and ST in terms of the %MVIC, the angle at peak BFlh EMG, and BPA. <italic><bold>Results</bold>:</italic> The BFlh %MVIC was significantly higher in N40U (<italic>P</italic> &lt; .05) and N50U (<italic>P</italic> &lt; .05) than in N40. A significant difference in BFlh %MVIC and ST %MVIC was observed between N40U (<italic>P</italic> &lt; .05) and N50U (<italic>P</italic> &lt; .05). The mean values of BPA and the angle at peak BFlh EMG were &lt;30° for all NHE variations. <italic><bold>Conclusions</bold>:</italic> In the late swing phase of high-speed running, BFlh showed higher EMG activity; thus, unilateral NHE may be a specific hamstring exercise for hamstring injury prevention.



  • Characteristics of running motion in patients with groin pain history

    EBATO Tomoki, HIROSHIGE Yosuke, YOSHIOKA Toshitsugu, HIROSE Norikazu

    Japanese Journal of Athletic Training   7 ( 1 ) 75 - 84  2021

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    <p>The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of running motion in a patient with groin pain history using biomechanics of 3D motion analysis. 11 of the legs that had pain in the groin in the past year were designated as groin pain group (GP group), and 14 of the legs with no history of pain were designated as the control group (C group). These two were compared and examined. As a result, Trendelenburg sign that the pelvis on the swing side was drop during the support period was recognized as a running characteristic of the GP group. The hip joint of the GP group was in the adduction position. The ankle joint of the GP group had a small change in angle from supination to pronation. The results suggest that improvement of pelvic, hip and ankle joint movements during running is necessary for rehabilitation and prevention of groin pain.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 股関節障害の既往者におけるランニング動作の特徴

    江波戸 智希, 広瀬 統一, 廣重 陽介

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   6   S29 - S29  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • フォームローラーを用いたセルフマッサージが関節可動域および筋腱の伸張性に及ぼす影響

    吉村 茜, 関根 悠太, 古庄 敦也, 山崎 和也, 広瀬 統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   6 ( 0 ) S7 - S7  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • Lateral Ankle Sprains and Their Association with Physical Function in Young Soccer Players

    Kenichiro Murata, Tsukasa Kumai, Norikazu Hirose

    OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   12   1 - 10  2021  [International journal]

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    Purpose: Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) in childhood can result in lateral malleolus avulsion fractures; additionally, bone nonunion may occur. Physical maturity relates to the development of bone morphology and physical functionality. It is unknown how changes in physical functionality attributable to physical maturity affect young soccer players with abnormal lateral malleolus (ALM) morphology. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the bone morphology of the lateral malleolus in young soccer players and to examine its relationship with physical functionality at different maturity levels.Subjects and Methods: Two hundred and ninety young soccer players aged 6-15 years were included. The presence of ALM was assessed using ultrasonography. The subjects were allocated to three groups based on physical maturity (Pre-, Mid-, and Post-peak height velocity age [PHVA]). The prevalence of ALM and the relationship between ALM and physical maturity were examined for body composition, foot pressure distribution, foot alignment, ankle mobility, and single-leg balance.Results: The prevalence of ALM was 17.6%. For physical maturity, the post-PHVA group showed a decrease in ankle dorsiflexion and eversion and an increase in one-leg hop distance compared to the Pre-PHVA group (P < 0.05). In the ALM group, the center of pressure during heel raising was distributed laterally in the Post-PHVA (P < 0.01), and the weight-bearing dorsiflexion angle was decreased in the Mid- and Post-PHVA (P < 0.05).Conclusion: In the Post-PHVA young soccer players, decreased ankle dorsiflexion and eversion and increased one-leg hop distance were observed. The ALM group exhibited lateral loading during heel raising in the Post-PHVA group and decreased weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion angle in the Mid- and Post-PHVA groups. The findings indicate the importance of secondary prevention of LAS and ultrasonography. Prospective studies of LAS in young athletes are required in the future.

    DOI PubMed


  • A 1-Minute Re-warm Up at High-Intensity Improves Sprint Performance During the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test

    Takuma Yanaoka, Risa Iwata, Akane Yoshimura, Norikazu Hirose

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY   11   616158 - 616158  2021.01  [International journal]

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    Although a 3- to 7-min re-warm up (RW) elicits performance and physiological benefits after half-time (HT), a time-efficient and feasible RW protocol is required for the use of an RW in the athletic setting. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a 1-min RW at high-intensity on the performance and physiological responses during the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST). In a randomized and counterbalanced cross-over design, 12 male amateur intermittent team sports players (soccer, basketball, handball, and lacrosse; age, 22 +/- 2 years; height, 1.70 +/- 0.08 m; body mass, 65.1 +/- 8.3 kg; body mass index, 22.4 +/- 1.9 kg m(-2); VO2max, 53.5 +/- 4.5 ml kg(-1) min(-1)) performed the LIST. The LIST comprised two 45-min halves separated by a 15-min HT. Each half comprised repetitions of exercise cycles consisting of 3 x 20-m walking, 1 x 20-m maximal sprint, 3 x 20-m jogging, and 3 x 20-m running. During the HT, the participants were assigned to a control trial (CON; 15-min seated rest) or an RW trial (1-min running at 90% of the maximal oxygen uptake after a 14-min seated rest). Compared to the CON, the RW prevents reductions in sprint performance at the fourth and sixth periods of the LIST (fourth: 2.4%, p = 0.002, d = 1.68, sixth: 3.6%, p = 0.012, d = 1.74) and a decrement of gastrointestinal temperature during HT (0.5 degrees C, p = 0.010, d = 1.41). Moreover, the RW decreased the electromyogram amplitude of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) after HT (12%, p = 0.017, d = 1.12) without a decrease of maximal voluntary contraction force, suggesting an increased neuromuscular efficiency (9%, p = 0.048, d = 0.58). The RW also increased the mean heart rate in the initial part of the second half (4 bpm, p = 0.016, d = 0.38). In conclusion, the RW improved sprint performance, core temperature, muscle activation, and heart rate in the second half of the LIST. The findings suggest that the RW should be recommended for intermittent team sports players when longer RWs are not possible.

    DOI PubMed


  • Influence of Altered Knee Angle and Muscular Contraction Type on Electromyographic Activity of Hamstring Muscles during 45° Hip Extension Exercise.

    Taspol Keerasomboon, Shinshiro Mineta, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of sports science & medicine   19 ( 4 ) 630 - 636  2020.12  [International journal]

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    In this study, we investigated differences in electromyographic activity in the biceps femoris long head (BFl), semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles during 45° hip extension with different knee angles during eccentric, concentric, and isometric hip 0°, and isometric hip 45° conditions with non-external resistance and 5-kg load. Twenty-two male volunteers performed 45° hip extension with knee flexion angles of 0°, 45° and 90° with non-external resistance and 5-kg load eccentric, concentric, isometric hip 0°, and isometric hip 45° conditions. The electromyographic data obtained during each condition were normalized with the values collected during maximal voluntary isometric contraction of each muscle. A multivariate analysis of variance with repeated measures using syntax was used to compare the normalized electromyography of each muscle across different knee joint angles in each weight condition. Electromyographic activities of the BFl, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus at 45° and 90° knee flexion angles were significantly greater than at 0° in the eccentric, concentric, isometric hip 0°, and in isometric hip 45° conditions with both non-external resistance and 5-kg load (p<0.05), except for that of the BFl and semitendinosus in isometric hip 45° with 5-kg load. The electromyographic activity of the BFl was significantly higher than that of the semimembranosus at 90° knee flexion in all conditions (p < 0.05), except during eccentric with non-external resistance. There was no significant difference in electromyographic activity in the hamstring muscles among different knee angles and muscular contraction conditions. This study showed that 45° hip extension with 45° and 90° knee flexion might be better in terms of the recruiting hamstring activity compared to 0° knee flexion, regardless of the training intensity. We recommend 45° hip extension exercises with knee flexion angles of 45° and 90° to activate the BFl, in preventing hamstring strain.



    Masaaki Tsuruike, Mackenzie Munson, Norikazu Hirose, Robert S. Nishime

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY   15 ( 6 ) 1052 - 1060  2020.12  [International journal]

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    Background: Little is known about the activity of the abdominal internal oblique (IO) and lumbar multifidus (LM) muscles relative to kinetic chain exercises performed in a standing position.Hypothesis/Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the activity of the IO and the LM muscles during weight-bearing exercises. The authors hypothesized that IO and LM muscle activity would vary with lower body positions during the kinetic chain exercises.Methods: Nineteen healthy, young, active subjects volunteered to participate. The electromyographic (EMG) activity (via surface EMG) of the abdominal external oblique (EO), IO, and LM muscles on both sides and the rectus femoris and semitendinosus muscles on the dominant side was determined during rhythmical lower body twisting exercise with three lower body positions: straight leg (SL), athletic position (AP), dynamic knee extension (DE) at two exercise speeds: 150 and 90 beats per min. These were reported as % maximum voluntary contraction. Mean EO, IO, and LM muscle activities were also compared with those of common core stability exercises.Results: IO EMG activity was significantly greater in SL than that of AP (p < 0.05). In contrast, LM EMG activity was significantly greater in the DE position than that of both SL and AP positions (p < 0.05).Conclusion: IO muscle activity could be attenuated by the contraction of lower body extensor muscles during the standing position.

    DOI PubMed


  • High-intensity cycling re-warm up within a very short time-frame increases the subsequent intermittent sprint performance

    Takuma Yanaoka, Yuka Hamada, Kyoko Fujihira, Ryo Yamamoto, Risa Iwata, Masashi Miyashita, Norikazu Hirose

    European Journal of Sport Science   20 ( 10 ) 1307 - 1317  2020.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    This study investigated the effect of high-intensity cycling re-warm up (RW) within a very short time-frame on the subsequent intermittent sprint performance. Twelve active males completed three trials in random order: control (CON); 3-min RW at 30% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) (RW30); and 1-min RW at 90% of VO2max (RW90). During the experimental trials, participants performed 40-min intermittent cycling exercise followed by 15-min rest. During the rest period, participants completed CON, RW30, or RW90. After the rest period, participants performed the Cycling Intermittent-Sprint Protocol (CISP), which consisted of 10-s rest, 5-s maximal sprint, and 105-s active recovery with the cycles repeated over 10 min. The mean work during sprint for the CISP was significantly higher in both RW trials than in the CON trial (mean +/- standard deviation; CON: 3539 +/- 698 J; RW30: 3724 +/- 720 J; RW90: 3739 +/- 736 J; p<0.05). The mean electromyogram amplitude during the sprint for the CISP was higher in the RW30 trial than in the CON trial; however, there was no significant difference between the two trials (p=0.06). The mean median frequency during sprint for the CISP was significantly higher in the RW90 trial than in the other trials (p<0.05). Rectal temperature did not differ among the three trials. Oxygenated haemoglobin during the initial 30 s of the CISP was significantly higher in the RW90 trial than in the CON trial (p<0.05). Compared with seated rest, RW, irrespective of whether it comprised 1-min at 90% of VO2max or 3-min at 30% of VO2max, increased the subsequent intermittent sprint performance.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effects of Self-Massage Using a Foam Roller on Ankle Range of Motion and Gastrocnemius Fascicle Length and Muscle Hardness: A Pilot Study

    Akane Yoshimura, Robert Schleip, Norikazu Hirose

    JOURNAL OF SPORT REHABILITATION   29 ( 8 ) 1171 - 1178  2020.11  [International journal]

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    Context: Several studies have reported that self-massage using a foam roller (FR) increased joint range of motion (ROM) immediately. However, the mechanism of increasing ROM by the FR intervention has not been elucidated. Objective: To clarify the mechanism by investigating properties and morphological changes of muscles targeted by the FR intervention. Design: An interventional study. Setting: An athletic training laboratory. Participants: Ten male college volunteers with no injuries in their lower limbs (mean [SD]: age 23.8 [3.2] y, height 173.2 [4.9] cm, weight 69.5 [8.6] kg). Intervention: The FR intervention on the right plantar flexors for 3 minutes. Main Outcome Measures: Maximum ankle ROM, muscle hardness, and fascicle length of the gastrocnemius muscle at the neutral (0 degrees), maximum dorsiflexion, and maximum plantar flexion positions. All measurements were conducted before (PRE) and after (POST) the FR intervention. Results: Dorsiflexion ROM increased significantly at POST (PRE: 13.6 degrees [8.01, POST: 16.6 degrees [8.4 degrees]; P < .001), although plantar flexion ROM did not change significantly between PRE and POST (PRE: 40.0 degrees [6.1 degrees], POST: 41.1 degrees [4.9 degrees]). There was no significant difference in muscle hardness and fascicle length between PRE and POST in any of the angles. Conclusions: Dorsiflexion ROM increased significantly by the FR intervention in the present study; however, muscle hardness and fascicle length did not change. FR may affect not only the muscle but also the fascia, tendon, and muscle-tendon unit. The FR protocol of the present study can be applied in clinical situations, because it was found to be effective to increase ROM.

    DOI PubMed

  • Immediate effects of plantar vibration stimuli during static upright posture following total hip arthroplasty in females

    Kosuke Oku, Isao Kawahara, Tatsuya Sugioka, Yasuhito Tanaka, Takuma Hoshiba, Norikazu Hirose, Tsukasa Kumai

    Somatosensory & Motor Research   37 ( 4 ) 238 - 244  2020.10  [International journal]

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    Purpose:Proprioceptive function of the lower limbs deteriorates in patients following total hip arthroplasty. Patients show poor balance and rely more on visual information than proprioceptive information. Plantar vibration stimuli can mechanically enhance somatosensory input from the plantar cutaneous mechanoreceptors, thereby improving static balance. Plantar vibration stimuli may improve static balance in patients after total hip arthroplasty. This is the first study to investigate whether plantar vibration stimuli affects static balance during the early phase following total hip arthroplasty. Materials and methods:In this cross-over design study, 16 female patients (aged 65.1 +/- 11.0 years) received plantar vibration stimuli for 2 minutes or the sham interventions after total hip arthroplasty in a randomized order on different days. The foot centre of pressure was measured for the total path length, mediolateral path length, and anteroposterior path length directions before and immediately after the interventions in the static standing position both with eyes open and closed. Patients were instructed to minimize body sway when standing. Results:A significant increase was observed in the centre of pressure parameters in the eyes closed condition than in the eyes open condition. The centre of pressure parameters for the eyes closed condition was significantly decreased after vibration interventions than that before intervention. Conclusions:This study supports the view that plantar vibration stimuli can change static balance in patients in the early phase after total hip arthroplasty temporarily by up-weighting sensory information. These stimuli may serve as a treatment option for influencing balance following total hip arthroplasty.

    DOI PubMed

  • Acceleration Profile of High-Intensity Movements in Basketball Games.

    Takeshi Koyama, Akira Rikukawa, Yasuharu Nagano, Shogo Sasaki, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of strength and conditioning research   36 ( 6 ) 1715 - 1719  2020.07  [International journal]

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    Koyama, T, Rikukawa, A, Nagano, Y, Sasaki, S, Ichikawa, H, and Hirose, N. Acceleration profile of high-intensity movements in basketball games. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2020-This study aimed to elucidate movements that require greater acceleration during basketball games, their occurrence frequency, and compare acceleration components. Eighteen male collegiate basketball players (age: 19.5 ± 0.8 years) were enrolled. Triaxial accelerometer was used to measure acceleration and a synchronized video was recorded. Moments that generated resultant accelerations >4, 6, and 8 G, and their coincided movements were identified. Ratios and frequencies of the extracted movements were calculated and Jonckheere-Terpstra trend test was used to examine which movement rate increased when acceleration threshold increased. In addition, the top 7 movements that generated a resultant acceleration >6 G among the combination of basketball-specific movements were extracted. Their resultant, mediolateral, vertical, and anteroposterior accelerations were identified and compared using one-way analysis of variance. Cohen's d was used to calculate effect sizes. All p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The extracted frequencies were 33.6, 9.1, and 2.3 cases per minute for >4 G, >6 G, and >8 G, respectively. As the threshold increased, the rate of deceleration, landing, and physical contact increased. The mediolateral acceleration of physical contact was significantly greater than other movements, whereas the vertical acceleration of landing and deceleration was significantly greater than other movements. Thus, acceleration component analysis was performed to classify movement types. Greater acceleration appeared frequently in movement during defense. It is suggested that many defense movements involve a reaction to the ball and opponent. There are many passive movements during defense and speed changes rapidly. If many passive movements occur when defending, larger physical load is applied, and may lead to fatigue.

    DOI PubMed


  • Relationship Among Biological Maturation, Physical Characteristics, and Motor Abilities in Youth Elite Soccer Players.

    Ryosuke Itoh, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of strength and conditioning research   34 ( 2 ) 382 - 388  2020.02  [International journal]

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    Itoh, R and Hirose, N. Relationship among biological maturation, physical characteristics, and motor abilities in youth elite soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 34(2): 382-388, 2020-Studies investigating skeletal maturity and motor abilities in youth Asian elite soccer players are lacking. We aimed to investigate the cross-sectional relationship among skeletal age (SA), physical characteristics, and motor abilities in youth elite soccer players. Skeletal age is commonly used to estimate the maturity status of youth athletes using a hand-wrist radiograph. We enrolled 49 youth elite male soccer players (12.7 ± 0.2 years). Height, body mass, body fat percentage, circumference (thigh/calf), flexibility, 10-m/50-m sprint, 10-m × 5 shuttle run, the crank test, 5-step bounding, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 2, and cooper run were measured. Participants were divided into early (n = 14), average (n = 22), and late (n = 13) maturation groups according to their chronological age (CA) and SA based on the following criteria: SA-CA < -1 year, SA-CA = ±1 year, and SA-CA > +1 year, respectively. The difference in parameters among the groups was analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc test. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. The early and average maturation groups were taller and heavier and had a larger circumference than the late maturation group (p < 0.05). Conversely, the early and average groups were significantly faster in 50-m sprint (p < 0.05) and scored higher in 5-step bounding (p < 0.05) than the late group. There was no difference in other parameters among the groups. In conclusion, the difference in biological maturity influences physical and physiological development, particularly height and muscular power, in youth elite soccer players.

    DOI PubMed


  • Fear Avoidance Beliefs in College Athletes with a History of Ankle Sprain.

    Mako Fukano, Shinshiro Mineta, Norikazu Hirose

    International journal of sports medicine   41 ( 2 ) 128 - 133  2020.02  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Ankle sprains are the most prevalent injuries, and elevated fear avoidance beliefs after ankle sprain episodes could inhibit athletic performance and contribute to residual symptoms, such as functional and/or mechanical instability. However, it remains unclear how fear avoidance beliefs differ according to conditions of posttraumatic sequelae. The purpose of this study was to determine whether fear of movement/reinjury differed between individuals with and without functional ankle instability (FI, NFI) and healthy controls (CON) and to examine the relationship between fear and ankle joint laxity by sex. Participants (115 male athletes, 105 female athletes) completed the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability, Athlete Fear Avoidance Questionnaire (AFAQ), Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK), and ankle joint laxity test. Total 168 athletes (79 males, 89 females) data were eligible for analysis. The results demonstrated that fear of movement/reinjury was lower in individuals in the absence of functional ankle instability although they experienced ankle sprain (FI; TSK=38.6±4.5, AFAQ=27.4±6.2, NFI; TSK=35.7±5.6, AFAQ=24.5±6.6). The fear of movement/reinjury had correlation with ankle joint laxity only in female athletes (TSK; r=0.285, p=0.013, AFAQ; r 0=0.322, p=0.045).

    DOI PubMed


  • Regional differences in hamstring muscle damage after a marathon.

    Ayako Higashihara, Kento Nakagawa, Takayuki Inami, Mako Fukano, Satoshi Iizuka, Toshihiro Maemichi, Satoru Hashizume, Takaya Narita, Norikazu Hirose

    PloS one   15 ( 6 ) e0234401  2020  [International journal]

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    Previous studies suggest that marathon running induces lower extremity muscle damage. This study aimed to examine inter- and intramuscular differences in hamstring muscle damage after a marathon using transverse relaxation time (T2)-weighted magnetic resonance images (MRI). 20 healthy collegiate marathon runners (15 males) were recruited for this study. T2-MRI was performed before (PRE) and at 1 (D1), 3 (D3), and 8 days (D8) after marathon, and the T2 values of each hamstring muscle at the distal, middle, and proximal sites were calculated. Results indicated that no significant intermuscular differences in T2 changes were observed and that, regardless of muscle, the T2 values of the distal and middle sites increased significantly at D1 and D3 and recovered at D8, although those values of the proximal site remained constant. T2 significantly increased at distal and middle sites of the biceps femoris long head on D1 (p = 0.030 and p = 0.004, respectively) and D3 (p = 0.007 and p = 0.041, respectively), distal biceps femoris short head on D1 (p = 0.036), distal semitendinosus on D1 (p = 0.047) and D3 (p = 0.010), middle semitendinosus on D1 (p = 0.005), and distal and middle sites of the semimembranosus on D1 (p = 0.008 and p = 0.040, respectively) and D3 (p = 0.002 and p = 0.018, respectively). These results suggest that the distal and middle sites of the hamstring muscles are more susceptible to damage induced by running a full marathon. Conditioning that focuses on the distal and middle sites of the hamstring muscles may be more useful in improving recovery strategies after prolonged running.

    DOI PubMed


  • Hamstring muscles’ function deficit during overground sprinting in track and field athletes with a history of strain injury

    Ayako Higashihara, Takashi Ono, Gaku Tokutake, Rieko Kuramochi, Yasuhiro Kunita, Yasuharu Nagano, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of Sports Sciences   37 ( 23 ) 2744 - 2750  2019.12  [International journal]

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    In this study, we aimed to clarify the characteristics of neuromuscular function, kinetics, and kinematics of the lower extremity during sprinting in track and field athletes with a history of strain injury. Ten male college sprinters with a history of unilateral hamstring injury performed maximum effort sprint on an athletic track. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the long head of the biceps femoris (BFlh) and gluteus maximus (Gmax) muscles and three-dimensional kinematic data were recorded. Bilateral comparisons were performed for the EMG activities, pelvic anterior tilt angle, hip and knee joint angles and torques, and the musculotendon length of BFlh. The activity of BFlh in the previously injured limb was significantly lower than that in the uninjured limb during the late-swing phase of sprinting (p < 0.05). However, the EMG activity of Gmax was not significantly different between the previously injured and uninjured limbs. Furthermore, during the late-swing phase, a significantly more flexed knee angle (p < 0.05) and a decrease in BFlh muscle length (p < 0.05) were noted in the injured limb. It was concluded that previously injured hamstring muscles demonstrate functional deficits during the late swing phase of sprinting in comparison with the uninjured contralateral muscles.

    DOI PubMed


  • セルフマッサージによる関節可動域向上の機序解明

    吉村 茜, 関根 悠太, 古庄 敦也, 山崎 和也, 広瀬 統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   27 ( 4 ) S189 - S189  2019.11  [Refereed]

  • Throwing Injuries in Youth Baseball Players: Can a Prevention Program Help? A Randomized Controlled Trial

    Jun Sakata, Emi Nakamura, Tatsuhiro Suzuki, Makoto Suzukawa, Masaki Akeda, Tetsuya Yamazaki, Todd S. Ellenbecker, Norikazu Hirose

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   47 ( 11 ) 2709 - 2716  2019.09  [International journal]

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    Background: Throwing injuries of the shoulder and elbow are common among youth baseball players. Hypothesis: A prevention program will reduce the incidence of throwing injuries of the shoulder and elbow by 50% among youth baseball players. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 1. Methods: The authors block randomized 16 youth baseball teams consisting of 237 players aged 9 to 11 years into an intervention group (8 teams, 117 players) and a control group (8 teams, 120 players). The intervention program consisted of 5 stretching, 2 dynamic mobility, and 2 balance training exercises performed during warm-up. Both groups were followed up for 12 months, during which the incidence of shoulder and elbow injuries was recorded. In addition, ball speed during pitching as a performance-related factor and variables of physical function (passive range of motion of the elbow, shoulder and hip, dynamic balance, and thoracic kyphosis angle) were assessed during the pre- and postintervention periods. Results: The incidence of shoulder and elbow injuries in the intervention group (1.7 per 1000 athlete-exposures) was significantly lower than that in the control group (3.1 per 1000 athlete-exposures) (hazard ratio, 1.940; 95% CI, 1.175-3.205; P = .010). The factors related to pitching performance, as assessed by ball speed, tended to increase in the intervention group as compared with the control group (P = .010). The program also improved shoulder horizontal adduction deficits on the dominant side, hip internal rotation on the nondominant side, and the thoracic kyphosis angle. Conclusion: A prevention program decreases throwing injuries of the shoulder and elbow and enhances the parameter of pitching performance in youth baseball players.

    DOI PubMed


  • Does Sport-Specific Experience Affect Reaction Times in the Premotor Phase?

    Mineta shinshiro

    Journal of Athletic Enhancement   8 ( 2 )  2019.09  [Refereed]

  • Effects of Self-myofascial Release Using a Foam Roller on Range of Motion and Morphological Changes in Muscle: A Crossover Study.

    Akane Yoshimura, Takayuki Inami, Robert Schleip, Shinshiro Mineta, Kohei Shudo, Norikazu Hirose

    Journal of strength and conditioning research   35 ( 9 ) 2444 - 2450  2019.05  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Yoshimura, A, Inami, T, Schleip, R, Mineta, S, Shudo, K, and Hirose, N. Effects of self-myofascial release using a foam roller on range of motion and morphological changes in muscle: a crossover study. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2019-Self-myofascial release using a foam roller (FR) is effective in improving range of motion (ROM) in at least some conditions. However, its mechanism is still unclear. Therefore, this study investigated potential acute muscle morphological changes after the FR intervention and aimed to clarify the mechanism of increases in ROM by the FR intervention. We hypothesized that the FR intervention may increase ROM because of changes in fascicle length (FL) and aponeurosis displacement. This crossover study, involving 22 male university students (21.5 ± 1.3 years, 170.6 ± 4.0 cm, and 64.1 ± 8.9 kg; mean ± SD), compared the FR intervention targeting the gastrocnemius muscle with the control trial. The outcome measures were maximum passive ankle ROM, morphology of the gastrocnemius muscle (FL and aponeurosis displacement) during passive ankle plantar flexor movement, degree of pain during the FR intervention, and sensation of the triceps surae muscle. Although ROM of both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion increased significantly after the FR intervention (p < 0.01), no significant differences were found in FL and aponeurosis displacement before and after the FR intervention. The mean perception of pain during the FR intervention was rated as "slightly uncomfortable," corresponding to a 2.3 ± 2.4-cm on a 9.5-cm visual analog scale. We found that the FR intervention did not influence the morphology of muscle. It is necessary to investigate other factors related to ROM as the next step of this study.

    DOI PubMed


  • Changes in the Linear Relationship between Muscle Contraction Intensity and Muscle Hardness after Rectus Femoris Muscle Strain.

    Takayuki Inami, Takuya Shimizu, Tomoaki Osuga, Takaya Narita, Norikazu Hirose, Mitsuyoshi Murayama

    Case reports in orthopedics   2019   7813217 - 7813217  2019  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Objective: Joint torque differences between healthy and rehabilitated legs are often measured as a clinical index of recovery from muscle strain injury. Unfortunately, it should be noted that this is a questionable evaluation measure of the muscle after injury because it is a composite value including related cooperating muscles. Meanwhile, the use of ultrasound elastography for the measurement of individual muscle mechanical properties (i.e., muscle hardness) has recently expanded. The purpose of this study was to examine, using ultrasound elastography, the differences in the linear relationship between muscle contraction intensity and muscle hardness during knee extension in athletes who had recovered from grade II rectus femoris muscle strain injury through comparison of the healthy and rehabilitated legs. Methods: Six athletes participated. Rectus femoris muscle hardness, determined during isometric contraction at 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of maximum voluntary contraction, was evaluated using ultrasound strain elastography. Results and Conclusion: The results indicated that for the healthy legs, the strain ratios, as indicated by muscle hardness, decreased linearly (became harder) with contraction intensity, but the strain ratios for the rehabilitated legs decreased nonlinearly. These results show the danger of judging the recovery period using only the difference between healthy and rehabilitated muscle strengths and the importance of evaluating individual muscles.

    DOI PubMed

  • The reliability, and discriminative ability of the identification of functional ankle instability questionnaire, Japanese version

    Shinshiro Mineta, Takayuki Inami, Mako Fukano, Takuma Hoshiba, Yuta Masuda, Akane Yoshimura, Tsukasa Kumai, Norikazu Hirose

    Physical Therapy in Sport   35   1 - 6  2019.01  [Refereed]

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    Objective: To assess the discriminability as well as the reliability, and internal consistency of the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability questionnaire translated into Japanese (IdFAI-J).Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: Collegiate athletic training/sports medicine clinic.Participants: Twenty bilingual and sixty-five collegiate athletes including participants with and without functional instability (FI).Main outcome measures: The sensitivity, specificity, test retest reliability, and internal consistency of IdFAI-J.Results: The optimal cutoff score between the FI and non-FI participants was >10, with an area under the curve of 0.92. We calculated high sensitivity (0.94) and specificity (0.77) at the cutoff point. For the testretest reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient value of the IdFAI-J was 0.96; the standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change value was 1.69 and 3.60, respectively. Cronbach's a was 0.87; there was no improvement when a particular item was deleted from the scale.Conclusions: The IdFAI-J has excellent discriminability, test-retest reliability, and internal consistency. Hence, the IdFAI-J significantly contribute to clinical practice and future research related to ankle instability in Japan. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Development of a Japanese version of the Athlete Fear Avoidance Questionnaire (AFAQ-J)

    Mako Fukano, Shinshiro Mineta, Takuma Hoshiba, Norikazu Hirose, Toru Fukubayashi

      27 ( 1 ) 145 - 148  2019  [Refereed]


  • 異なる強度のハーフタイム・リウォームアップが間欠性スプリントパフォーマンスに与える影響

    柳岡 拓磨, 濱田 有香, 藤平 杏子, 倉田 クラン, 山本 遼, 宮下 政司, 広瀬 統一

    Journal of Training Science for Exercise and Sport   30 ( 3 ) 177 - 177  2018.12

  • ハムストリングス肉離れ既往脚におけるスプリント時の股関節伸展筋の筋活動および走動作特性

    東原 綾子, 小野 高志, 徳武 岳, 倉持 梨恵子, 國田 泰弘, 永野 康治, 広瀬 統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   26 ( 4 ) S203 - S203  2018.11


    Takuma Yanaoka, Yuka Hamada, Kyoko Kashiwabara, Kuran Kurata, Ryo Yamamoto, Masashi Miyashita, Norikazu Hirose

    JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH   32 ( 11 ) 3258 - 3266  2018.11  [Refereed]

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    This study investigated the effect of very-short-duration, low-intensity half-time re-warm up (RW) on subsequent intermittent sprint performance. Using a randomized cross-over design, 11 healthy men performed 3 trials. In the experimental trials, participants performed the first 40-minute intermittent exercise followed by a 15-minute half-time. The interventions at half-time were 15 minutes of seated rest (control), 3 minutes of moderate-intensity RW (cycling at 60% of maximal oxygen uptake [<(V)over dot>O(2)max]; [60% RW]), and 3 minutes of low-intensity RW (cycling at 30% of <(V)over dot>O(2)max; [30% RW]). After half-time, participants performed the Cycling Intermittent-Sprint Protocol (CISP), which consisted of 10 seconds of rest, 5 seconds of maximal sprint, and 105 seconds of active recovery at 50% of <(V)over dot>O(2)max, with the cycles repeated over the 20-minute duration. The mean work and electromyogram amplitude during the sprint in the CISP were higher in both RW trials than in the control trial (p < 0.05). Muscle temperature, estimated from the skin temperature, at 60 minutes was higher in the 60% RW trial than in the control and 30% RW trials (p < 0.05). The mean change in oxygenated hemoglobin concentration during active recovery at 55-65 minutes tended to be higher in both RW trials than in the control trial (60% RW trial: p = 0.06, 30% RW trial: p = 0.06). In conclusion, very-short-duration, low-intensity RW increased intermittent sprint performance after the half-time, in comparison with a traditional passive half-time practice, and was as effective as a moderate-intensity RW when matched for total duration.



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    Slawomir Marszalek, Maciej Gorecki, Marian Majchrzycki, Beata Aniola, Janusz DoS, Marta Liszka, Mateusz Szewczyk, Wojciech Golusinski, Norikazu Hirose, Akane Yoshimura, Takayuki Inami, Robert Schleip, Shinshiro Mineta, Kohei Shudo

    JOURNAL OF BODYWORK AND MOVEMENT THERAPIES   22 ( 4 ) 843 - 843  2018.10


  • Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic (KJOC) score and scapular dyskinesis test in collegiate baseball players

    Masaaki Tsuruike, Todd S. Ellenbecker, Norikazu Hirose

    JOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY   27 ( 10 ) 1830 - 1836  2018.10  [Refereed]

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    Background: The Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic (KJOC) score has been used to describe various parameters of throwing shoulder and elbow function for the return to play after a long period of rehabilitation, such as after ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction. No study has yet to identify how scapular dyskinesis (SD) in baseball players affects the KJOC score. This study investigated the relationship of the KJOC score to SD evaluated in collegiate baseball players with and without upper extremity injury.Materials and methods: The study participants were 30 male collegiate baseball players (13 pitchers) belonging to the National Collegiate Athletic Association D-I conference. Participants were assessed with the KJOC instrument in the beginning (PRE) and end (POST) of the season. The SD test was conducted (PRE) in shoulder flexion to identify SD.Results: The mean value of KJOC. score was significantly less in POST than that of PRE for the pitchers with SD (89.3 and 60.5, respectively; P = .001), whereas no difference was found in the KJOC score between PRE and POST for the pitchers without SD. For the position players, no difference in the mean value of KJOC score was found between PRE and POST, regardless of SD.Conclusion: The results of this study provide evidence that collegiate baseball pitchers with mild SD may have lower KJOC scores, particularly setup or relief pitchers. (C) 2018 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.



  • The Effect of Half-time Re-Warm up Duration on Intermittent Sprint Performance

    Takuma Yanaoka, Kyoko Kashiwabara, Yuta Masuda, Jumpei Yamagami, Kuran Kurata, Shun Takagi, Masashi Miyashita, Norikazu Hirose

    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE   17 ( 2 ) 269 - 278  2018.06  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of different durations of half-time re-warm up (RW) on intermittent sprint performance. Using a randomized crossover design, 13 healthy men performed three trials, which consisted of two, 40-min intermittent exercises separated by a 15-min half-time. Half-time interventions were 15 min of seated rest (Control), 7 min of cycling at 70% of maximal heart rate (HRmax) (7 min RW), and 3 min of cycling at 70% of HRmax (3 min RW). The second 40-min intermittent exercise as an exercise performance test was the Cycling Intermittent-Sprint Protocol (CISP), which consisted of 10 s of rest, 5 s of maximal sprint, and 105 s of low-intensity exercise at 50% of VO2max, with the cycles repeated over the 40-min duration. The mean work during the maximal sprint in the initial 10 min of the CISP was higher in the both RW trials than in the control trial (control: 3638 +/- 906 J, 7 min RW: 3808 +/- 949 J, p < 0.05, 3 min RW: 3827 +/- 960 J, p < 0.05). There were no significant differences among three trials for mean work at 10-20, 2030, and 30-40 min of the CISP. In the initial 10 min of the CISP, the change in oxygenated hemoglobin concentration during the 105 s of exercise at 50% of VO2max, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, and respiratory exchange ratio were higher in both RW trials than in the control trial (p < 0.05). The rating of perceived exertion after half-time interventions was higher in both RW trials than in the control trial (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the 3 min RW increased intermittent sprint performance after the half-time, compared with a traditional passive half-time practice, and was as effective in improving intermittent sprint performance as the 7 min RW.

  • Tanner–Whitehouse Skeletal Ages in Male Youth Soccer Players: TW2 or TW3?

    Robert M. Malina, Manuel J. Coelho-e-Silva, António J. Figueiredo, Renaat M. Philippaerts, Norikazu Hirose, Maria Eugenia Peña Reyes, Giulio Gilli, Andrea Benso, Roel Vaeyens, Dieter Deprez, Luiz G. A. Guglielmo, Rojapon Buranarugsa

    Sports Medicine   48 ( 4 ) 1029 - 1030  2018.04

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    An Online First version of this article was made available online at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40279-017-0799-7 on 29 October 2017. Errors were subsequently identified in the article, and the following corrections should be noted: Author listing: The name of the eleventh author, which previously read: “Luiz F. Guglielmo” should read: “Luiz G. A. Guglielmo” Author affiliation: The affiliation of the eleventh author, which previously read: 9. Human Performance Research Group, Center for Health and Sport Science, Santa Catarina State University (CEFID/UDESC), Floriano polis, Brazil should read: 9. Physical Effort Laboratory (Sports Center), Federal University of Santa Catarina, Floriano´polis, Brazil.



  • Differences in electromyographic activity of thehamstring, gluteus maximus, and erector spinae muscles in a vriety of kinetic changes

    Hirose N, Tsuruike M

    Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research   in print  2018.04  [Refereed]

  • Cognitive function and dynamic cerebral blood flow regulation in multiple concussions

    Akira Kumazaki, Shigehiko Ogoh, Ai Hirasawa, Sadayoshi Sakai, Norikazu Hirose

    Asian Journal of Sports Medicine   9 ( 1 )  2018.03  [Refereed]

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    Background: Concussion causes acute, short-term brain dysfunctions. However, the impact of repetitive concussion history on brain function remains unclear. Objectives: The present study examined the effect of a history of multiple concussions on the cognitive functions and dynamic cerebral blood flow (CBF) regulation in collegiate rugby football players. Methods: Nine male rugby football players with a history of≤1 concussion and nine players with a history of multiple concussions (≤ 4 concussions) participated in this study. Reaction time and working memory were assessed using a neurocognitive assessment device (CogSport
    CogState Ltd., Melbourne, Australia). Arterial blood pressure and middle cerebral artery blood velocity (MCAv) were measured continuously throughout the experiment. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation was examined using a thigh-cuff occlusion and release technique. Results:We found a significant difference in the short-term working memory between players with a history of ≤1 concussion and those with a history of multiple concussions (P &lt
    0.05). However, dynamic cerebral autoregulation was not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusions: We found a dysfunction in the short-term memory function of collegiate rugby football players with a history of multiple concussions. However, this impairment in brain function was not associated with changes in dynamic CBF regulation.



  • Effect of Hip-Focused Injury Prevention Training for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Reduction in Female Basketball Players A 12-Year Prospective Intervention Study

    Yorikatsu Omi, Dai Sugimoto, Setsurou Kuriyama, Tomohisa Kurihara, Kenji Miyamoto, Songjo Yun, Tatsuhiro Kawashima, Norikazu Hirose

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   46 ( 4 ) 852 - 861  2018.03  [Refereed]

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    Background: Programs to prevent anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in female basketball players are scarce. Also, ACL injury prevention training that focuses on hip joint function has not been reported.Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of a hip-focused ACL injury prevention program in female basketball players.Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2.Methods: A prospective intervention study was conducted for 12 years. Incidence rates of ACL injuries were collected in the first 4 years (observation period) from college female basketball players. After the observation period, a hip-focused ACL injury prevention program was implemented for 8 years (intervention period). A total of 309 players (mean +/- SD age, 19.6 +/- 1.2 years; height, 163.7 +/- 5.6 cm; weight, 59.1 +/- 5.1 kg; body mass index, 22.0 +/- 1.4) were tracked in the observation period and compared with 448 players (age, 19.6 +/- 1.1 years; height, 162.6 +/- 5.8 cm; weight, 58.0 +/- 5.7 kg; body mass index, 21.9 +/- 1.5) who participated in the intervention period. Athlete-exposures (AEs), ACL numbers and mechanisms of injury (MOIs), relative risk (RR), absolute risk reduction (ARR), numbers needed to treat (NNT), and compliance were analyzed.Results: There were 16 ACL injuries (13 noncontact MOIs) in the 4-year observation period, whereas 9 ACL injuries (8 noncontact MOls) were recorded in the 8-year intervention period. The overall ACL injury incidence was 0.25/1000 AEs in the 4-year observation period compared with 0.10/1000 AEs in the 8-year intervention period, respectively. Compared with the 4-year observation period, significant RR reduction was observed (0.38; 95% CI, 0.17-0.87; P =.017) with ARR and NNT of 0.032 (95% CI, 0.027-0.037) and 31.6 (95% CI, 27.1-37.7), respectively, in the 8-year intervention period. The noncontact ACL injury incidence was 0.21 per 1000 AEs during the 4-year observation period compared with 0.08/1000 AEs in the 8-year intervention period, which also showed significant RR reduction (0.37; 95% CI, 0.15-0.92; P =.026), with ARR and NNT of 0.024 (95% CI, 0.020-0.029) and 41.3 (95% CI, 34.6-51.3), respectively. The mean compliance rate during the intervention periods (8 years) was 89%.Conclusion: A hip-focused injury prevention program demonstrated significant reduction in the incidence of ACL injury in female collegiate basketball players.



  • 大学生男子サッカー選手における方向転換動作の動作方向が足底圧分布に与える影響.

    松田匠生, 福林徹, 広瀬統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   4 ( 2 ) 159 - 164  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • 足関節捻挫予防のテーピングおよび足関節底屈筋疲労がバウンディングパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響

    棒田英明, 広瀬統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   4 ( 2 ) 149 - 158  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • 高校年代投手におけるパフォーマンス維持のための適切な登板間隔の検討

    小黒喬史, 広瀬統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   4 ( 2 ) 141 - 148  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • Efficacy of a Prevention Program for Medial Elbow Injuries in Youth Baseball Players

    Jun Sakata, Emi Nakamura, Tatsuhiro Suzuki, Makoto Suzukawa, Atsushi Akaike, Kuniaki Shimizu, Norikazu Hirose

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   46 ( 2 ) 460 - 469  2018.02  [Refereed]

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    Background: Youth baseball players are at high risk for elbow injuries, which can lead to future functional disability.Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of a prevention program to lower the risk of medial elbow injury in these athletes.Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2.Methods: Youth baseball players, 8 to 11 years old, without a history of elbow and shoulder pain, were allocated to either the intervention (n = 136) or control (n = 169) group. The intervention consisted of 9 strengthening and 9 stretching exercises, performed during warm-up or at home, with high compliance defined as completion of the program 1 or more times per week. The following outcome variables were measured: clinical assessment of the elbow and shoulder joint, ultrasonography assessment of the elbow, and assessment of physical function (passive range of motion of the elbow, shoulder, and hip; strength of the shoulder and scapular muscles; and measurement of the thoracic kyphosis angle). The clinical and ultrasonography assessments were measured at baseline and at 3-month intervals over the 1-year follow-up. Physical function outcomes were measured at baseline and at the endpoint of the follow-up. The primary endpoint of effectiveness was the incidence of medial elbow injury. Secondary endpoints were absolute measures of physical function and change in these measures over the 1-year follow-up.Results: The incidence rate of medial elbow injury was significantly lower in the intervention group (0.8/1000 athlete-exposures) than the control group (1.7/1000 athlete-exposures) (hazard ratio, 50.8%; 95% CI, 0.292-0.882; P = .016). The program improved total range of shoulder rotation (dominant side), hip internal rotation (nondominant side), shoulder internal rotation deficit (bilaterally), lower trapezius muscle strength (dominant side), and the thoracic kyphosis angle. Improvements in the following variables of physical function were predictive of a lower rate of medial elbow injury: increased total shoulder total rotation (odds ratio [OR], 0.973; 95% CI, 0.950-0.997), increased hip internal rotation of the nondominant side (OR, 0.962; 95% CI, 0.936-0.989), and decreased thoracic kyphosis angle (OR, 1.058; 95% CI, 1.015-1.103).Conclusion: A prevention program aiming to improve physical function can prevent medial elbow injury in youth baseball players.



  • 大見頼一, 加藤宗規, 栗原智久, 関大輔, 井上拓海, 井上瑞穂, 広瀬統一

      33 ( 1 ) 109 - 115  2018.01  [Refereed]

  • The effect of upper extremityrhythmical exercise on core stabilty muscle activities during standing position

    Tsuruike M, Munson M, Hirose N

    Translational Sports Medicine   1   132 - 139  2018.01  [Refereed]

  • Effect of preventive intervention on asymmetry of single-leg landing, dynamic balance and lower muscle strength after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

    Yorikatsu Omi, Munenori Katoh, Tomohisa Kurihara, Daisuke Seki, Takumi Inoue, Mizuho Inoue, Norikazu Hirose

    Rigakuryoho Kagaku   33 ( 1 ) 109 - 115  2018

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    [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine whether preventive rehabilitation improves the asymmetry between the involved side and the uninvolved side of single-leg landing, dynamic balance, and lower limb muscular strength of young female athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). [Subjects and Methods] The subjects were twelve young females who returned to sports after preventive rehabilitation after ACLR. Two-dimensional analyses of single-leg landing and lower limb muscular strength (knee extension/flexion, hip abduction/external rotation), and the modified star excursion balance test (M-SEBT) were performed at the time of the return. The difference between the involved side and the uninvolved side of each measure was compared, and the limb symmetry index (LSI) was calculated. [Results] There were no differences in knee valgus and flexion angle in single-leg landing, and in the M-SEBT. LSI of lower limb muscular strength was over 90%. [Conclusion] The asymmetry between the involved side and the uninvolved side was improved by preventive rehabilitation.



  • Cross-sectional comparison of age-related changes in the quadriceps femoris in Japanese basketball players.

    Yuta Sekine, Norikazu Hirose

    International journal of adolescent medicine and health   23  2017.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Background This study examines age-related changes in the quadriceps femoris (QF), subdivided into the vastus medialis oblique (VMO), vastus medialis (VM), rectus femoris (RF), vastus intermedius (VI) and vastus lateralis (VL) in basketball players. Subjects Seventy male basketball players were divided into four groups according to age (12-13, 14-15, 16-17, and 18-20 years). Methods Ultrasonography was used to measure muscle architecture of the VMO, VM, RF, VI and VL. We created cubic approximate expressions and calculated inflexion points to evaluate peak growth age of each muscle head. Results Significant interactions were observed for all QF parts (p < 0.01-0.001). Muscle thickness (MT) in all QF parts was significantly lower in 12-13-year olds than in 18-20-year olds (p < 0.01-0.001). Significant differences were recognised between 12-13 and 16-17-year olds in VM (p < 0.001), RF (p < 0.001) and VL (p = 0.007). MT was significantly lower in 14-15-year olds than in 16-17-year olds in the VM (p = 0.007) and RF (p = 0.026) and in 18-20 year olds in the VM (p < 0.001), RF (p = 0.036) and VI (p < 0.001). Peak growth age was estimated for each QF part (VMO, 155.0 months; VM, 187.8 months; RF, 212.2 months, VI, 188.9 months; VL, 181.1 months). Conclusion QF parts have different growth rates due to differing functions in each muscle head.

    DOI PubMed


  • 再発予防介入が膝前十字靱帯再建術後の女性選手の片脚着地動作と下肢筋力に与えるトレーニング効果

    大見 頼一, 川島 達宏, 栗原 智久, 金子 雅志, 関 大輔, 國田 泰弘, 井上 拓海, 井上 瑞穂, 栗山 節郎, 星田 隆彦, 都賀 誠二, 広瀬 統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   25 ( 4 ) S294 - S294  2017.10

  • 前十字靱帯再建術後の半腱様筋の筋厚変化と等速性遠心性筋力との関係

    大川原 洋樹, 福林 徹, 金岡 恒治, 峯田 晋史郎, 中村 雅也, 広瀬 統一

    日本整形外科スポーツ医学会雑誌   37 ( 4 ) 373 - 373  2017.08

  • 足関節機能的不安定性を有するサッカー選手の片脚着地時における下肢キネマティクスと筋活動

    飯田聡, 広瀬統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   3 ( 2 )  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • 骨盤傾斜の変化が動作開始速度に及ぼす影響

    柳下幸太郎, 広瀬統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌   3 ( 1 )  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • Mechanism of anterior cruciate ligament injury in female soccer players

    Satoshi Kaneko, Shogo Sasak, Norikazu Hirose, Yasuharu Nagano, Mako Fukano, Toru Fukubayashi

    Asian Journal of Sports Medicine   8 ( 1 )  2017.03

     View Summary

    Background: The risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is higher in female soccer players than in male soccer players. The most common reason for non-contact ACL injury has been found to be a cutting or stopping maneuver combined with deceleration and landing from a jump. In a previous study, there was no difference in the incidence of ACL injury between offensive and defensive players and in the risk of ACL injury between goalkeepers and other players. Recently studies reported that the most frequent injury situation was pressing in male players. However, the most common type of situation associated with ACL injury in female soccer players has not been clarified. Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to identify the most common type of situation associated with ACL injury in female soccer players. Methods: We handed out questionnaires to 80 female soccer players with a history of ACL injury (90 ACL injuries). The players were asked about the injury characteristics, injury circumstance, maneuver being performed when the injury occurred, and playing type associated with the injury. The players responded to the questionnaire under the guidance of the medical staff of each team. Results: The 80 female soccer players reported a total of 90 ACL injuries during soccer. Among 55 non-contact injuries, 29 (55%) occurred during a cutting maneuver and 22 (44%) occurred during pressing. On assessing the frequency distributions of playing type (pressing vs. others) and body contact (contact vs. no contact), we found that non-contact injuries at pressing were significantly more common than contact injuries at pressing (odds ratio: 3.03
    95% confidence interval, 1.11 - 8.25, P = 0.036) Conclusions: ACL injury often occurs as non-contact injury during pressing at the time of defense, regardless of the playing area, in female soccer players.



  • Characteristics of the Foot Static Alignment and the Plantar Pressure Associated with Fifth Metatarsal Stress Fracture History in Male Soccer Players: a Case-Control Study

    Sho Matsuda, Toru Fukubayashi, Norikazu Hirose

    SPORTS MEDICINE-OPEN   3 ( 1 ) 27  2017  [Refereed]

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    Background: There is a large amount of information regarding risk factors for fifth metatarsal stress fractures; however, there are few studies involving large numbers of subjects. This study aimed to compare the static foot alignment and distribution of foot pressure of athletes with and without a history of fifth metatarsal stress fractures.Methods: The study participants comprised 335 collegiate male soccer players. Twenty-nine with a history of fifth metatarsal stress fractures were in the fracture group and 306 were in the control group (with subgroups as follows: 30 in the fracture foot group and 28 in the non-fracture group). We measured the foot length, arch height, weight-bearing leg-heel alignment, non-weight-bearing leg-heel alignment, forefoot angle relative to the rearfoot, forefoot angle relative to the horizontal axis, and foot pressure.Results: The non-weight-bearing leg-heel alignment was significantly smaller and the forefoot angle relative to the rearfoot was significantly greater in the fracture foot group than in the control foot group (P = 0.049 and P = 0.038, respectively). With regard to plantar pressure, there were no significant differences among the groups. Midfield players had significantly higher rates of fifth metatarsal stress fracture in their histories, whereas defenders had significantly lower rates (chi-square = 13.2, P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the frequency of fifth metatarsal stress fractures according to the type of foot (kicking foot vs. pivoting foot) or the severity of ankle sprain.Conclusions: Playing the midfield position and having an everted rearfoot and inverted forefoot alignment were associated with fifth metatarsal stress fractures. This information may be helpful for preventing fifth metatarsal stress fracture recurrence. More detailed load evaluations and a prospective study are needed in the future.



  • High lateral plantar pressure is related to an increased tibialis anterior/fibularis longus activity ratio in patients with recurrent lateral ankle sprain

    Shinshiro Mineta, Takayuki Inami, Raldy Mariano, Norikazu Hirose

    OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   8   123 - 131  2017  [Refereed]

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    Introduction: Center of pressure (COP) is a sudden displacement at the time of a lateral ankle sprain (LAS). It has been suggested that the distribution of plantar pressure and the quantity of COP displacement are important for assessing the risk of LAS. Therefore, we evaluated the plantar pressure during a single-leg balance test with eyes closed (SLB-C) to identify the factors and characteristics of plantar pressure in people with repeated cases of LAS.Methods: We recruited 22 collegiate athletes and divided them into an instability group (IG; n= 11) and a control group (CG; n= 11). We measured the distribution of plantar pressure and lower extremity muscle activity during a SLB-C along with static alignment and isometric ankle strength.Results: The fibularis longus (FL) activity was significantly lower in the IG than in the CG. The lateral plantar pressure (LPP)/medial plantar pressure (MPP) ratio was also higher in the IG than in the CG. In addition, the LPP/MPP ratio was correlated with the tibialis anterior (TA)/FL ratio.Conclusion: These results suggest that increased lateral plantar pressure is related to decreased FL activity and increased TA/FL ratio.


  • 女子サッカー選手の最大下間欠的運動能力評価法の有用性の検討

    江波戸智希, 広瀬統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌    2016.09  [Refereed]


    Kei Akiyama, Ryota Akagi, Kuniaki Hirayama, Norikazu Hirose, Hideyuki Takahashi, Toru Fukubayshi

    ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY   42 ( 8 ) 1779 - 1783  2016.08  [Refereed]

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    This study aimed to investigate the in vivo kinematics of shear modulus of the lower leg muscles in patients with medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS). The study population included 46 limbs with MTSS and 40 healthy limbs. The shear modulus of the medial head of the gastrocnemius, lateral head of the gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneus longus and tibialis anterior muscles were measured using shear wave ultrasound elastography. As a result, the shear modulus of the lower leg muscles was significantly greater in patients with MTSS than in healthy patients (p &lt; 0.01). Based on the differences in shear modulus of lower leg muscles between the patients with MTSS and healthy patients, the measurements obtained via shear wave ultrasound elastography could be used to evaluate risk factors of MTSS. (E-mail: kei.akiyama@jpnsport.go.jp) (C) 2016 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.



  • Two-year changes in anthropometric and motor ability values as talent identification indexes in youth soccer players

    Norikazu Hirose, Taigo Seki

    JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT   19 ( 2 ) 158 - 162  2016.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Objectives: The present study examined 2-year changes in anthropometric variables and motor abilities in elite male youth soccer players to identify potential talent identification indexes.
    Design: This was a cross-sequential study examining two different age groups at two time points.
    Methods: Height, weight, 40-m sprint speed, muscular power (5-step bounding), and change of direction (COD) ability (10 m x 5 COD) were measured in 12- and 14-year-old soccer players and repeated after 2 years (at 14 and 16 years of age). Correlations and changes in ranking between the two measurements were determined.
    Results: Both groups had small ranking changes in height (12-14-year-olds: r = 0.80, 14-16-year-olds: r=0.89; p &lt; 0.01), weight (r=0.94, r = 0.80; p &lt; 0.01), 40-m sprint speed (r = 0.81, r=0.90; p &lt; 0.01), and muscular power (r = 0.48, r = 0.64; p &lt;0.05), with a statistically significant correlation between the initial values and those obtained 2 years later. However, 10 m x 5 COD ability had a large ranking change, with no statistically significant correlation observed between the first- and second-year values.
    Conclusions: Because of the minimal ranking change in sprint speed in normal circumstances of soccer practice, linear sprint speed has the potential to be a useful talent identification index for youth soccer players. On the other hand, muscular power and COD ability is changeable during growth period suggests that these parameters is not useful for talent identification index. (C) 2015 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Two-year changes in anthropometric and motor ability values as talent identification indexes in youth soccer players

    Norikazu Hirose, Taigo Seki

    Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport   19 ( 2 ) 158 - 162  2016.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Objectives: The present study examined 2-year changes in anthropometric variables and motor abilities in elite male youth soccer players to identify potential talent identification indexes. Design: This was a cross-sequential study examining two different age groups at two time points. Methods: Height, weight, 40-m sprint speed, muscular power (5-step bounding), and change of direction (COD) ability (10 m × 5 COD) were measured in 12- and 14-year-old soccer players and repeated after 2 years (at 14 and 16 years of age). Correlations and changes in ranking between the two measurements were determined. Results: Both groups had small ranking changes in height (12-14-year-olds: r = 0.80, 14-16-year-olds: r = 0.89
    p &lt
    0.01), weight (r = 0.94, r = 0.80
    p &lt
    0.01), 40-m sprint speed (r = 0.81, r = 0.90
    p &lt
    0.01), and muscular power (r = 0.48, r = 0.64
    p &lt
    0.05), with a statistically significant correlation between the initial values and those obtained 2 years later. However, 10 m × 5 COD ability had a large ranking change, with no statistically significant correlation observed between the first- and second-year values. Conclusions: Because of the minimal ranking change in sprint speed in normal circumstances of soccer practice, linear sprint speed has the potential to be a useful talent identification index for youth soccer players. On the other hand, muscular power and COD ability is changeable during growth period suggests that these parameters is not useful for talent identification index.

    DOI PubMed


  • Relationship between muscle hardness assessed by strain elastography and indirect markers of muscle damage

    INAMI Takayuki

    トレーニング科学   27 ( 4 ) 101 - 109  2016  [Refereed]


  • カッティング動作における慢性足関節不安定症例の膝関節運動特性―Point Cluster法を用いて―

    板花 俊希, 深野 真子, 広瀬 統一, 福林 徹, 井田 博史

    理学療法学Supplement   2015 ( 0 ) 1269 - 1269  2016

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    【はじめに,目的】慢性足関節不安定症(CAI)は足関節捻挫受傷後の後遺症であり,足関節構造及び機能の問題から反復性の足関節捻挫を引き起こす。CAIは動作時に足関節運動の変化をもたらすと報告されているが,近年は膝関節運動にも変化が生じ,特に膝関節矢状面上での角度変化が報告されている。一方,足関節捻挫が頻発するとされるカッティング動作において膝関節運動を3運動面から詳細に検討した研究はない。本研究ではカッティング動作課題にて,Point Cluster法を用いてCAIの膝関節運動を詳細に検討した。【方法】被験者は健常群8名(男性4名,女性4名)とCAI群8名(男性4名,女性4名)とした。両群において身体的特徴に差は認められなかった。動作解析には3次元動作解析システム(Motion Analysis社)を用い,赤外線カメラ(Motion Analysis社;サンプリング周波数250Hz)8台,床反力計(Kistler社;サンプリング周波数1000Hz)1枚を使用した。被験者にはボディスパッツを着用で,Andriacchiら(J Biomech Eng, 1998.)の方法に基づき,身体の各ランドマークに加えて検査脚大腿部に10個,下腿部に6個のクラスターマーカーを,そして全身に41個の反射マーカーを貼付した。動作課題は1歩のサイドステップからの180度方向の方向転換動作とした。データは床反力垂直成分が10Nを超えた時間を初期接地(IC)と定義して,IC前後100msを解析区間とし,Point Cluster法を用いて膝関節屈曲・外転・内旋角度を算出した。膝関節の運動は,立位からの変位で示した。統計解析にはSPSS ver.22(International Business Machines社)を用い,健常群とCAI群のIC前後100msにおける膝関節角度の差を対応の無いt検定(有意水準95%)を行った。なお,時間の影響を考慮するため3データポイント以上連続して有意差が認められた場合のみ有意差ありとした。【結果】IC前100ms~68ms及びIC後40ms~80msにおいて健常群よりもCAI群の屈曲角度が有意に小さかった(p<0.05)。また,IC前20ms~IC後36ms及びIC後52ms~76msにおいて健常群よりもCAI群の内旋角度が有意に小さかった(p<0.05)。外転角度は2群間で有意差が認められなかった(p>0.05)。【結論】本研究では新たな知見として,カッティング動作においてCAIはIC前後で膝関節内旋角度が小さくなる,つまり膝関節外旋傾向にあることが示された。接地時に足関節が固定された状態での膝関節外旋角度の増大は,足関節内旋ストレスを高めて足関節捻挫の受傷リスクを高める可能性がある。今後は足関節運動についても検討していく必要がある。また,膝関節のScrew home movementから,膝関節屈曲角度変化と膝関節内旋角度変化の関連性も考慮する必要がある。

    DOI CiNii

  • 04生-26-口-12 暑熱環境下での間欠的運動時における中間冷却が持久的パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響(04 運動生理学,一般研究発表,2020東京オリンピック・パラリンピックと体育・スポーツ科学研究)

    坂井 禎良, 広瀬 統一

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   66 ( 66 ) 172 - 172  2015.08

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of the talocrural and subtalar joint motions in patients with medial tibial stress syndrome

    Kei Akiyama, Byungjoo Noh, Mako Fukano, Shumpei Miyakawa, Norikazu Hirose, Toru Fukubayashi

    JOURNAL OF FOOT AND ANKLE RESEARCH   8 ( 1 )  2015.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Background: The rearfoot motion during sports activities in patients with the medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is unknown. This study aimed to investigate the difference in kinematics of the rearfoot in MTSS patients (eight male soccer players) and control participants (eight male soccer players) during a forward step.
    Methods: Sixteen male soccer players, including eight players with MTSS, participated. Forward step trials were recorded with cineradiographic images obtained at a sampling rate of 60 Hz. Geometric bone models of the tibia and talus/calcaneus were created from computed tomography scans of the distal part of one lower limb. Following a combination of approaches, anatomical coordinate systems were embedded in each bone model. The talocrural joint motion (relative motion of the talus with respect to the tibia) and subtalar joint motion (relative motion of the calcaneus with respect to the talus) were examined.
    Results: A significantly larger range of internal/external rotation and inversion/eversion motion was observed in the subtalar joint of MTSS patients compared to healthy controls (P &lt; 0.05) from heel contact to heel off. There were no significant differences between the MTSS patients and healthy participants in the ranges of all talocrural joint angles during the forward step.
    Conclusion: Our results indicate that the range of subtalar joint motion is greater in patients with MTSS during the stance phase of the forward step. The kinematic results obtained of this study may have important clinical implications and add quantitative data to an in vivo database of MTSS patients.



  • Landing Preparation Affects Knee Valgus Kinematics: Implications for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention Strategy

    Reiko Otsuki, Norikazu Hirose, Toru Fukubayashi

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   47 ( 5 ) 91 - 91  2015.05


  • Age Differences in Change-of-Direction Performance and Its Subelements in Female Football Players

    Norikazu Hirose, Chikako Nakahori


     View Summary

    Purpose:To describe cross-sectional age differences in change-of-direction performance (CODp) in female football players and investigate the relationship between CODp and linear-sprint speed, muscle power, and body size. Methods: A sample of 135 well-trained female football players was divided into 8 age groups. Anthropometry (height, body mass, and lean body mass) and athletic performance (10-m sprint speed, 10-m x 5-CODp, and 5-step bounding distance) were compared to determine interage differences using ANOVA. Then, the participants were divided into 3 age groups: 12- to 14-y-olds, 15- to 17-y-olds, and &gt;= 18 y-olds. Simple- and multiple-regression analyses were conducted to determine the correlation between CODp and the other measurement variables in each age group. Results: Age-related differences were found for CODp (F = 10.41, P &lt; .01), sprint speed (F = 3.27, P &lt; .01), and bounding distance (F = 4.20, P &lt; .01). Post hoc analysis revealed that the CODp of 17-y-old players was faster than that of 16-y-old players (P &lt; .01), with no interage differences in sprint speed and bounding distance. Sprint speed and bounding distance were weakly correlated with CODp in 15- to &gt;= 18-y-old players, but only sprint speed was correlated with CODp in 12- to 14-y-old players. Conclusions: CODp improves from 16 to 17 y of age in female players. Linear-sprint speed, muscle power, and body size were weakly correlated with the age differences in CODp.

    DOI PubMed


  • ユニバーシアードサッカー日本女子代表選手の体力特性

    川本竜史, 堀野博幸, 太田真司, 山口由美子, 島田真梨子, 黒澤尚, 岩崎陸, 広瀬統一

    トレーニング科学   26 ( 3 ) 169 - 176  2015  [Refereed]

  • Estimation of Tensile Force in the Hamstring Muscles during Overground Sprinting

    T. Ono, A. Higashihara, J. Shinohara, N. Hirose, T. Fukubayashi

    International Journal of Sports Medicine   36 ( 2 ) 163 - 168  2014.09

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the period of the gait cycle during which the hamstring muscles were likely injured by estimating the magnitude of tensile force in each muscle during overground sprinting. We conducted three-dimensional motion analysis of 12 male athletes performing overground sprinting at their maximal speed and calculated the hamstring muscle-tendon length and joint angles of the right limb throughout a gait cycle during which the ground reaction force was measured. Electromyographic activity during sprinting was recorded for the biceps femoris long head, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles of ipsilateral limb. We estimated the magnitude of tensile force in each muscle by using the length change occurred in the musculotendon and normalized electromyographic activity value. The study found a quick increase of estimated tensile force in the biceps femoris long head during the early stance phase of the gait cycle during which the increased hip flexion angle and ground reaction force occurred at the same time. This study provides quantitative data of tensile force in the hamstring muscles suggesting that the biceps femoris long head muscle is susceptible to a strain injury during the early stance phase of the sprinting gait cycle.

    DOI PubMed


  • A Cross-Sectional Study of the Plantar Flexor Muscle and Tendon during Growth

    K. Kubo, T. Teshima, N. Hirose, N. Tsunoda

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   35 ( 10 ) 828 - 834  2014.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to investigate growth changes in human plantar flexor muscle and tendons. In addition, we ascertained whether growth changes in muscle and tendon were more closely related to skeletal age than chronological age. 22 elementary school children (ESC), 19 junior high school students (JHS), and 23 young adults (ADT) men participated in this study. Maximal strain and hysteresis of tendon structures and cross-sectional area of Achilles tendon were measured using ultrasonography. In addition, skeletal age was assessed using Tanner-Whitehouse III method. Maximal strain of ESC was significantly greater than that of other groups, while no significant difference was observed between JHS and ADT. There was no difference in hysteresis among 3 groups. Relative cross-sectional area (to body mass 2/3) of ADT was significantly smaller than that of other groups. For ESC and JHS, measured variables of muscle and tendon were significantly correlated to both chronological and skeletal ages. These results suggested that immature musculoskeletal system was protected by more extensible and larger tendon structures in ESC and only by larger tendon structures in JHS, respectively. Furthermore, there were no differences in correlation coefficient values between measured variables of muscle and tendon and chronological or skeletal ages.



  • 発27-017 東京オリンピック1964出場選手の生まれ月(07 発育発達,一般研究発表抄録)

    勝亦 陽一, 広瀬 統一, 杉崎 範英, 池田 達昭, 森丘 保典, 川原 貴

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   65 ( 65 ) 194 - 194  2014.08

    DOI CiNii

  • Growth Changes in Morphological and Mechanical Properties of Human Patellar Tendon in Vivo

    Keitaro Kubo, Takanori Teshima, Norikazu Hirose, Naoya Tsunoda

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS   30 ( 3 ) 415 - 422  2014.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to compare the morphological and mechanical properties of the human patellar tendon among elementary school children (prepubertal), junior high school students (pubertal), and adults. Twenty-one elementary school children, 18 junior high school students, and 22 adults participated in this study. The maximal strain, stiffness, Young's modulus, hysteresis, and cross-sectional area of the patellar tendon were measured using ultrasonography. No significant difference was observed in the relative length (to thigh length) or cross-sectional area (to body mass(2/3)) of the patellar tendon among the three groups. Stiffness and Young's modulus were significantly lower in elementary school children than in the other groups, while no significant differences were observed between junior high school students and adults. No significant differences were observed in maximal strain or hysteresis among the three groups. These results suggest that the material property (Young's modulus) of the patellar tendons of elementary school children was lower than that of the other groups, whereas that of junior high school students was already similar to that of adults. In addition, no significant differences were observed in the extensibility (maximal strain) or viscosity (hysteresis) of the patellar tendon among the three groups.



  • 脛骨内側ストレス症候群を有した選手における足部の特徴

    秋山圭, 広瀬統一, 福林徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   in press  2014

  • The effect of changes in cerebral blood flow on cognitive function during exercise

    Shigehiko Ogoh, Hayato Tsukamoto, Ai Hirasawa, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Norikazu Hirose, Takeshi Hashimoto

    Physiological Reports   2 ( 9 ) 1 - 8  2014  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    No studies have identified the direct effect of changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) on cognitive function at rest and during exercise. In this study, we manipulated CBF using hypercapnic gas to examine whether an increase in CBF improves cognitive function during prolonged exercise. The speed and the accuracy of cognitive function were assessed using the Stroop color-word test. After the Stroop test at rest, the subjects began exercising on a cycling ergometer in which the workload was increased by 0.5 kilopond every minute until a target heart rate of 140 beats/min was achieved. Then, the subjects continued to cycle at a constant rate for 50 min. At four time points during the exercise (0, 10, 20, 50 min), the subjects performed a Stroop test with and without hypercapnic respiratory gas (2.0% CO2), with a random order of the exposures in the two tests. Despite a decrease in the mean blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery (MCA Vmean), the reaction time for the Stroop test gradually decreased during the prolonged exercise without any loss of performance accuracy. In addition, the hypercapnia-induced increase in MCA Vmean produced neither changes in the reaction time nor error in the Stroop test during exercise. These findings suggest that the changes in CBF are unlikely to affect cognitive function during prolonged exercise. Thus, we conclude that improved cognitive function may be due to cerebral neural activation associated with exercise rather than global cerebral circulatory condition.



  • 大学ラグビー選手の頭部衝撃既往は認知機能に影響を及ぼしているか?

    熊崎晶, 星川精豪, 太田千尋, 鳥居俊, 広瀬統一

    臨床スポーツ医学   in press  2014

  • シンガポールユースオリンピック日本代表選手における発育期のスポーツ活動状況(選手へのアンケート調査から) 3)専門競技開始年齢群別の比較


    トップアスリート育成のための追跡調査報告書 第一報     33 - 34  2014

  • アスリートのコンディショニングにおけるディトレーニング


    体育の科学   64 ( 10 ) 707 - 712  2014


  • Tendon properties and muscle architecture for knee extensors and plantar flexors in boys and men

    Keitaro Kubo, Takanori Teshima, Toshihiro Ikebukuro, Norikazu Hirose, Naoya Tsunoda

    Clinical Biomechanics   29 ( 5 ) 506 - 511  2014

     View Summary

    Background The purpose of this study was to compare the elastic properties and size of tendinous structures and muscle architecture for knee extensors and plantar flexors in boys and men. Methods Twenty-two early pubescent boys (9.6-12.7 yrs) and 23 young adult men (19.8-26.2 yrs) participated in this study. The maximal strain and thickness of tendinous structures for knee extensors and plantar flexors were measured using ultrasonography. In addition, the fascicle lengths of vastus lateralis and medial gastrocnemius muscles were measured. Findings The maximal strain of tendinous structures for plantar flexors was significantly greater in boys than in men, while there was no difference in the maximal strain for knee extensors between the two groups. The relative thickness (to body mass1/3) of Achilles tendon was significantly greater in boys than in men, although there was no difference in that of patellar tendon between the two groups. The relative fascicle length (to limb length) of vastus lateralis muscle was significantly lower in boys than in men, although there was no difference in that of medial gastrocnemius muscle between the two groups. Interpretation These results suggest that the amount of changes in the elastic properties and sizes of tendinous structures and in the fascicle lengths from early pubescence to maturity is different for different muscle groups (in particular, the knee extensors and the plantar flexors). © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • 骨盤傾斜の変化が動作の遅速に及ぼす影響

    柳下幸太郎, 広瀬統一

    スポーツ科学研究   ( 10 ) 198 - 209  2013.11

  • 陳旧性足関節外側靱帯損傷に対するテーピングならびに装具療法

    上松大輔, 広瀬統一

    臨床スポーツ医学   30 ( 7 ) 659 - 665  2013

  • Milk peptide intake may reduce muscle damage after eccentric exercise.

    Hirose N, Sato M, Yanagisawa O, Fukubayashi T

    Int J Spo Health Sci   ( 11 ) 20 - 28  2013.01

  • Relationship between quadriceps femoris muscle volume and muscle torque after anterior cruciate ligament rupture

    Konishi Y, Oda S, Tsukazaki S, Hirose N, Fukubayashi T

    Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy   19 ( 4 ) 641 - 645  2012.11  [Refereed]


  • 04生-24-ポ-35 Yo-Yo IR1テストの走行距離は有酸素性能力に依存する(運動生理学,ポスター発表,一般研究発表抄録)

    江波戸 智希, 広瀬 統一

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   63 ( 63 ) 152 - 152  2012.08

    DOI CiNii

  • The bias toward biological maturation through the talent selection in Japanese elite youth soccer players

    Hirose N, Hirano A

    Int J Spo Health Sci   10   30 - 38  2012

     View Summary

    In the present study, we aimed to determine whether the advancement in skeletal age (SA) of youth soccer players relative to chronological age was dependent on the maturation spurt or selection bias toward biological maturation. These factors were investigated using cross-sectional and mixed longitudinal study designs. Height, body mass, SA, and maturation differences in 181 youth soccer players (age range; 9.3-16.0 years) were measured. SAs were assessed using the Tanner-Whitehouse three (TW3) and Japanese-standardized SA (J-SA) methods. Thirty-seven of the 181 players (age range; 9.6-13.0 years) then participated in a one-year follow-up study. The participants were divided into seven age groups (under 10 (U10)-U16). Cross-sectional differences in all measurements between the categories were compared with annual increment data. There were significant cross-sectional differences in height (14.9 vs. 10.9±3.3 cm), body mass (13.4 vs. 8.2±3.1 kg), and SA (J-SA: 1.7 vs. 1.0±0.6 yrs; TW3: 2.6 vs. 1.5±0.8 years) between the U12 and U13 groups (p<0.01 each). Furthermore, these differences were higher than those for mixed longitudinal data. These findings imply that advanced biological maturation in youth soccer players may depend on selection bias towards the early biological maturation.<br>

    DOI CiNii

  • スポーツ障害のリハビリテーション—持久力トレーニングについて—


    Medical Rehabilitation   137 ( 137 ) 127 - 133  2011.10


  • Relationship between quadriceps femoris muscle volume and muscle torque after anterior cruciate ligament rupture

    Yu Konishi, Toshiaki Oda, Satoshi Tsukazaki, Ryuta Kinugasa, Norikazu Hirose, Toru Fukubayashi

    KNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPY   19 ( 4 ) 641 - 645  2011.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to obtain evidence to support the hypothesis that motor unit recruitment is reduced in the quadriceps femoris (QF) of patients with ACL rupture.
    We compared muscle torque per unit volume in the QF from injured and uninjured sides to normal subjects. If high-threshold motor unit recruitment is reduced in patients with ACL rupture, this reduction will theoretically lead to a reduction in muscle torque per unit volume compared to the control group. The subjects included 22 patients with ACL rupture and 22 subjects with no history of knee injury. To identify the muscle torque per unit volume, the isokinetic peak torque was divided by QF volume which was obtained by MRI.
    Tests revealed that the mean muscle torque per unit volume of the uninjured and injured sides was significantly lower than those of the control group.
    This study demonstrated that the values of the muscle torque per unit volume of both injured and uninjured sides of patients with ACL rupture were significantly lower than those of the control group, thereby providing indirect evidence of the hindrance of motor unit recruitment in these patients. The results of the present study also indicate that there may be bilateral QF weakness in patients with ACL rupture. Since persistent QF weakness is a significant barrier to effective rehabilitation in patients with ACL injuries, a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms will allow clinicians and scientists to develop more effective therapeutic strategies for patient rehabilitation.



  • スポーツフィールドと科学の架け橋 : リコンディショニングの科学

    福田 崇, 広瀬 統一, 泉 重樹, 岡田 隆, 小粥 智浩, 倉持 梨恵子

    体力科學   60 ( 1 ) 80 - 80  2011.02

    DOI CiNii

  • FIFA Woman’s world cup Germany 2011 「9. フィジカル」 (解説)


    JFA Technical report     16 - 17  2011

  • 女子サッカー選手を育て・鍛え・守ることに関わるトレーニングのあり方と課題—女子サッカー選手のスポーツ外傷予防の取り組み—


    日本女子体育大学付属基礎体力研究所紀要     33 - 36  2011

  • Prediction of talent in youth soccer players: prospective study over 4-6 years

    Norikazu Hirose

    Football Science   8   1 - 7  2011

  • 成長期における測定と評価 (特集 測定と評価)

    広瀬 統一

    月刊トレーニング・ジャーナル   32 ( 1 ) 31 - 37  2010.01


  • フィジカルチェック結果からみた日本人選手の特徴

    安松幹展, 広瀬統一

    トレーニング科学   22 ( 4 ) 307 - 312  2010


  • 育成年代の指導者のかかわり ⅰ‐フィジカルトレーニング‐ (解説)


    JFA女子テクニカルレポート2009     35 - 37  2009

  • Relationships among birth-month distribution, skeletal age and anthropometric characteristics in adolescent elite soccer players

    Norikazu Hirose

    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES   27 ( 11 ) 1159 - 1166  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The aim of the present study was to clarify relationships among the distribution of birth month, maturation and body size in young soccer players. We therefore examined physical and maturational differences between selected players, who were considered to have higher potential to play soccer at a professional level as decided subjectively by coaches, and unselected players. Participants were 332 elite soccer players (mean age 12.2 +/- 1.5 years; range 9.1-15.0 years). Participants were divided into six categories (under - U10 to U15), depending on chronological age. Height, body mass skeletal age and maturation difference (skeletal age - chronological age) were compared among four groups (quarter = Q1 to Q4) depending on month of birth. Overall, the distribution of players across the four quarters was skewed such that numbers were greatest in Q1 and smallest in Q4. No significant differences in maturation difference were observed between birth quarters in any age category. On the other hand, except for the U14 age category, there were no significant differences in height between Q4 and Q1 players. However, the height of Q4 players was significantly smaller than those of Q1 in three (U11, U13 and U14, P &lt; 0.01) of six categories when maturation difference was statistically controlled. Our results suggest a clear bias toward quarter of birth and this bias may depend to some extent on differences in individual skeletal age and body size. Individual biological maturation should thus be considered when selecting adolescent soccer players.



  • ユースサッカー選手のスポーツ傷害と発育発達


    バイオメカニクス研究   13 ( 4 ) 212 - 217  2009


  • 328. Maturity Offsetを用いた成長期サッカー選手の成熟度評価と体力要素の変化(加齢・性差,一般口演,第63回日本体力医学会大会)

    広瀬 統一

    体力科學   57 ( 6 ) 796 - 796  2008.12


  • The relationship between individual biological maturations and birth-month distribution in adolescent elite soccer players

    Hirose Norikazu, Hirano Atsushi

    Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research   2008 ( 37 ) 17 - 24  2008

     View Summary

    In this study, we examined the relationship between birth-month distribution, skeletal age, height, and weight in adolescent soccer players. The participants were 271 well-trained male adolescent soccer players aged between 9.1 to 15.9 years (N=101 for U12, N=132 for U15, and N=38 for U18). They were divided into four groups according to their month of birth (Q1: Apr-Jun, Q2: Jul-Sep, Q3: Oct-Dec, and Q4: Jan-Mar). Then, the number of players in each group was compared with the standard population of children in Tokyo. Our result showed significant asymmetries in the birth-month distribution for participants of all age groups (p<0.001); it was less than 10% for participants belonging to group Q4. However, no significant difference in maturation ratio (skeletal age-chronological age) was seen among the groups. Moreover, skeletal age did not differ significantly among birth-month for all groups except for Q3. These tendencies were also seen in height and weight distributions. These findings imply that players who biologically mature at an early stage may be selected systematically as soccer players at competitive levels; however, biases based on maturation and physique may cause asymmetric birth-month distribution, as seen in this study.

    DOI CiNii

  • フィジカルコーチからみた『なでしこJAPAN』の体力特性, —北京オリンピックから— (解説)


    フットボールの科学   4 ( 1 ) 4 - 9  2008

  • Possible predictor of talent identification in professional soccer players.

    広瀬統一, 福林徹

    スポーツ科学研究   5 ( 5 ) 1 - 9  2008


  • サッカーのタレント発掘と育成(解説)


    トレーニング科学   20 ( 4 ) 253 - 259  2008

  • 509. 陸上競技選手における疾走時の筋電図と膝関節屈曲角度から肉離れのリスクを検討する(スポーツと疾患,第62回日本体力医学会大会)

    小林 万壽夫, 覚張 秀樹, 広瀬 統一, 熊川 大介, 青山 利春, 角田 直也

    体力科學   56 ( 6 ) 833 - 833  2007.12


  • 254. 成長期サッカー選手のタレント発掘と生物学的成熟度(加齢・性差,第62回日本体力医学大会)

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤

    体力科學   56 ( 6 ) 705 - 705  2007.12


  • 成長期エリートサッカー選手の産まれ月による身長・体重・骨年齢の比較

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤, 福林 徹

    発育発達研究     30 - 30  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • 407. 異なる方向へのカッティングパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響(トレーニング, 第61回 日本体力医学会大会)

    笹木 正悟, 広瀬 統一, 福林 徹

    体力科學   55 ( 6 ) 782 - 782  2006.12


  • 545. プロサッカー選手の身体的、生理学的タレントに関するプロスペクティブスタディ(生理学的研究/その他, 第61回 日本体力医学会大会)

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤, 覚張 秀樹, 福林 徹

    体力科學   55 ( 6 ) 851 - 851  2006.12


  • スポーツ選手の骨成長と膝痛(解説)


    臨床スポーツ医学   23 ( 9 ) 1005 - 1012  2006.09


  • 成長期サッカー選手の足部形態, 神経学的側面からみた装具使用の是非(解説)

    広瀬統一, 石栗建, 平野篤

    臨床スポーツ医学   23 ( 4 ) 429 - 434  2006.04


  • 痛みに対する徒手療法(解説)

    覚張秀樹, 広瀬統一

    理学療法   23   178 - 184  2006

  • 骨成長と思春期(解説)

    広瀬統一, 福林徹

    子どもと発育発達   3 ( 4 ) 215 - 219  2006


  • 46.サッカーパフォーマンスと選択反応時間の関係 : 学年間の縦断的研究から(神経・感覚,一般口演,第60回 日本体力医学会大会)

    三好 健夫, 広瀬 統一, 福林 徹

    体力科學   54 ( 6 ) 441 - 441  2005.12


  • The interaction among soccer performance, selective reaction time and biological maturity

    三好健夫, 広瀬統一, 福林徹

    スポーツ科学研究   2 ( 2 ) 128 - 136  2005


  • サッカーパフォーマンスと選択反応時間及び骨年齢の関係(神経・感覚, 第59回日本体力医学会大会)

    三好 健夫, 広瀬 統一, 福林 徹

    体力科學   53 ( 6 ) 647 - 647  2004.12


  • サッカー少年の心とその発達(解説)

    広瀬統一, 志岐幸子

      2 ( 1 ) 19 - 22  2004


  • ウォーミングアップとクーリングダウンにおけるストレッチング(解説)

    覚張秀樹, 広瀬統一

    理学療法   21 ( 12 ) 1482 - 1491  2004


  • Biological maturity and choice reaction time in Japanese adolescent soccer players

    Norikazu Hirose, Atsushi Hirano, Toru Fukubayashi

    Research in Sports Medicine   12 ( 1 ) 45 - 58  2004.01

     View Summary

    In this study, the effect of biological maturity in developments of central information processing (CIP) evaluated from choice reaction time (CRT) was investigated from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The subjects were Japanese adolescent soccer players. Biological maturity was evaluated according to skeletal age. CRT was measured using the Talent-Diagnose-System. In the cross-sectional study, skeletal age correlated with CRT (r = -0.52, p &lt
    0.01), and there were some differences in developmental aspects of CRT between chronological age and skeletal age. In the longitudinal study, CRT improved significantly from 10 to 11 years of chronological age. During this period, development of skeletal age exceeded chronological maturation. Moreover, the annual improvement of CRT correlated with that of skeletal age (r=-0.45, p &lt
    0.01). Our results suggest that while we have to consider the effect of external input, such as experience and training, development of CIP was influenced by development of biological maturity in Japanese adolescent soccer players.



  • 476. 成長期サッカー選手の生物学的成熟度からみたEEGおよびEMGの横断的変化(加齢・性差)

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤, 福林 徹

    体力科學   52 ( 6 ) 952 - 952  2003.12


  • Effects of lidocaine into knee on QF strength and EMG in patients with ACL lesion

    Y Konishi, Y Suzuki, N Hirose, T Fukubayashi

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   35 ( 11 ) 1805 - 1808  2003.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    KONISHI, Y. Y. SUZUKI, N. HIROSE, and T. FUKUBAYASHI. Effects of Lidocaine into Knee on QF Strength and EMG in Patients with ACL Lesion. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 1805-1808, 2003. Purpose: In our previous study, we found that injection of lidocaine into intact knees reduced the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and integrated electromyogram (I-EMG) of the quadriceps femoris (QF). This study was designed to investigate changes in the MVC and I-EMG of the QF in response to lidocaine, in patients with anterior cruciate, ligament (ACL) lesion, to evaluate alpha-motoneuron activity innervating the QF. Methods: The MVC of knee extension and I-EMG of the vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and rectus femoris (RF) muscles were measured in eight patients with ruptured ACL, before and after lidocaine injection into the knee. Results: There were no significant differences between preinjection and postinjection values of MVC (preinjection: 167 +/- 49 N(.)m; postinjection: 164 +/- 55 N(.)m) and I-EMG (preinjection: VL: 0.11 +/- 0.06, VM: 0.13 +/- 0.10, RF: 0.09 +/- 0.04) (postinjection: VL: 0.12 +/- 0.07, VM: 0.13 +/- 0.10, RF: 0.09 +/- 0.05). Conclusion: Our results indicated that hindrance of afferent feedback from the knee in patients with ACL rupture did not significantly change alpha-motoneuron activity. Lidocaine injection into the knee joint of the subjects in this study only attenuated afferent feedback from mechanoreceptors in the knee joint cavity, but not in the ACL. as afferent feedback from ACL was already lost due to ACL rupture. This indicated that attenuation of afferent feedback from mechanoreceptors in the knee joint cavity other than the ACL did not significantly decrease the activity of alpha-motoneurons innervating the QF during MVC exertion. Therefore, our findings provide evidence that afferent feedback from the ACL has a major influence on the MVC exertion of the QF.





    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   51 ( 3 ) 299 - 306  2002.06

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to clarify the differences in reaction time, stepping frequency and stepping endurance estimated by chronological age compared to skeletal age. The participants were 76 well-trained soccer players aged from 9.7 to 14.8 years old. Height and weight were measured before training. Their skeletal ages were evaluated by RUS score of TW II method. RUS score was calculated for skeletal age by Murata's method. Reaction time, stepping frequency and endurance were measured by Talent-Diagnose-System (Werthner Sports Consulting, KEG, Co, Ltd.) . For chronological age, height increased linearly from 9 to 14. Height estimated by skeletal age increased slowly from 8 to 10, then increased drastically between the ages of 10 to 15. Significant change was shown between the ages of 12 and 13 (p<0.01) . Complex reaction time (CRT) estimated from chronological age developed linearly from 9 to 14 years of age. However for skeletal age, CRT at 10 was slower than at 8 and 9 years of age. Then it developed significantly between the ages of 10 and 11 (p<0.05) . On the other hand, stepping frequency and endurance did not show as remarkable a change with increasing age as reaction time. The results of this present study indicate that in adolescent soccer players, there are some differences between skeletal age and chronological age in cross-sectional change of reaction time. Moreover, skeletal age did not affect the development of stepping frequency and endurance.

    DOI CiNii


  • スポーツ外傷・障害の理学診断 Osgood-Schlatter病(解説)

    平野篤, 広瀬統一

    臨床スポーツ医学   18   267 - 272  2001.11


  • 骨年齢と身長からみた成長期サッカー選手の障害調査(学会発表抄録)

    広瀬統一, 平野篤, 石栗建, 福林徹

    サッカー医・科学研究   21   80 - 84  2001

  • 378.成長期サッカー選手の敏捷性の骨年齢/暦年齢での比較 : 2年間の継続調査

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤, 石栗 建, 福林 徹

    体力科學   49 ( 6 ) 855 - 855  2000.12


  • 成長期サッカー選手の選択的全身反応時間の変化-暦年齢・骨年齢・身長との関連から-(発表抄録)

    広瀬統一, 平野篤, 石栗建, 福林徹

    サッカー医・科学研究   20   69 - 73  2000

  • スポーツ選手の骨年齢と暦年齢-成長期男子サッカー選手の調査-(研究資料)

    平野篤, 広瀬統一

    CLINICAL CALCIUM   10   50 - 56  2000

  • スポーツ選手の骨年齢と暦年齢:成長期男子サッカー選手の調査(研究資料)

    平野篤, 広瀬統一

    体育の科学   49 ( 8 ) 634 - 638  1999.08


  • The Diagnosis and Treatment of Osgood-Schlatter Disease


      19 ( 2 ) 113 - 113  1999.06


  • 骨年齢を利用した成長期スポーツ傷害の予防と対策 : Jリーグクラブでの取り組み

    平野 篤, 福林 徹, 田渕 健一, 広瀬 統一, 石栗 健, 落合 直之

    日本整形外科學會雜誌 = The Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   73 ( 3 ) S789  1999.03


  • 50C50712 成長期サッカー選手の反応時間およびステッピング能力の発達

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤, 石栗 建, 福林 徹

    日本体育学会大会号   50 ( 0 ) 401 - 401  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • 成長期サッカー選手の反応時間およびステッピング能力の発達(発表抄録)

    広瀬統一, 平野篤, 石栗建, 福林徹

    サッカー医・科学研究   19   101 - 104  1999

  • 557.小学生サッカー選手の選考会における合格者、不合格者の生理的、形態学的およびファミリーバックグラウンドの比較 : タレント発掘を意識して

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤, 石栗 建, 加藤 久, 福林 徹

    体力科學   47 ( 6 ) 981 - 981  1998.12




      18 ( 3 ) 245 - 245  1998.09


  • 骨盤傾斜の変化が動作の遅速に及ぼす影響

    柳下幸太郎, 広瀬統一

    スポーツ科学研究   10   198 - 208  [Refereed]

  • 骨年齢を活かしたジュニア・ジュニアユース年代のトレーニング(学会発表抄録)


    サッカー医・科学研究   22   254 - 270

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Books and Other Publications

  • 競技種目特性からみたリハビリテーションとリコンディショニング 「競技における素早さ」

    広瀬統一, 小林寛之, 福林徹 編

    文光堂  2014

  • スポーツ指導者に必要な生理学と運動生理学の知識 「応急処置」


    市村出版  2013

  • 加齢と発育の科学 「第二部-2 子どもの運動不足と体力低下」

    広瀬統一, 高石昌弘, 監修, 樋口満, 佐竹隆

    大修館書店  2012

  • スポーツトレーナーマニュアル 第Ⅲ部-2-D 「バランスエクササイズ」

    広瀬統一, 武藤芳照, 鹿倉二郎, 小林寛和

    南江堂  2011

  • スポーツトレーナーマニュアル 第Ⅲ部-2-E 「コーディネーションエクササイズ」

    広瀬統一, 武藤芳照, 鹿倉二郎, 小林寛和

    南江堂  2011

  • スポーツ損傷予防と競技復帰のためのコンディショニング 「ⅱコンディショニングの評価とその活用 -具体的な評価手法とその応用- 下肢の柔軟性」


    文光堂  2011

  • アスリートのリハビリテーションとコンディショニング -リスクマネジメントに基づいたアプローチ- 「Ⅲ.リハビリテーションとリコンディショニングの手法、キック動作」

    広瀬統一, 小林寛和, 福林徹 編

    文光堂  2011

  • リスクマネジメントに基づいたアプローチ- 「Ⅲ.リハビリテーションとリコンディショニングの手法、全身持久力」

    広瀬統一, 小林寛和, 福林徹 編

    文光堂  2011

  • 運動療法学 「Ⅱ-7 スポーツ傷害の運動療法」

    覚張秀樹, 広瀬統一

    金原出版  2011

  • 教養としてのスポーツ科学 「トレーナーがカバーする領域」

    広瀬統一, 早稲田大学スポーツ科学学術院編

    大修館書店  2011

  • 教養としてのスポーツ科学 「リコンディショニングに必要な知識」

    広瀬統一, 早稲田大学スポーツ科学学術院編

    大修館書店  2011

  • アスリートのリハビリテーションとリコンディショニング 「⑦スポーツ動作の観察 ”蹴る”」

    広瀬統一, 小林寛和, 福林徹 編

    文光堂  2010.11

  • アスレティックトレーニング入門 「栄養」

    広瀬統一, 中村千秋

    大修館書店  2010

  • 現場で役立つスポーツ損傷ガイド 「ボディコンディショニングとメンテナンス」


    NAP  2009.12

  • 運動療法学 「スポーツ傷害の運動療法」

    覚張秀樹, 広瀬統一

    金原出版  2006.05

  • 競技種目別 コーディネーションエクササイズ 「サッカーで活かすコーディネーションエクササイズ」


    全国書籍出版  2004.09

  • 新版スポーツ外傷・障害の理学診断 理学療法ガイド 「Osgood-Schlatter病」

    平野篤, 広瀬統一, 日本臨床スポーツ医学会

    文光堂  2003.06

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  • 17th Asian Game (Football Women's National Team) Runner's-up



  • 18th AFC Asian Cup (Football Women's National Team) Champion



  • Algarve Cup (Football Women's National Team) Runner's-up



  • EAFF East Asian Cup (Football Women's U23 National Team), 3rd place



  • Algarve Cup (Football Women's National Team)



  • 4th East Asia Football Federation Cup (Football Women's National Team) Runner's-up



  • Games of the XXX Olympiad (Football Women's National Team) Runners-up



  • Sweden Cup (Football Women's National Team) Runners-up



  • Kirin challenge cup (Football Women's National Team) Champion



  • Algarve Cup (Football Women's National Team) Runners-up



  • AFC Olympic Asian elimination round (Football Women's National Team) Champion



  • FIFA Women's World Cup 2011 in Germany (Football Women's National Team) Champion



  • 3rd East Asia Football Federation Cup (Football Women's National Team) Champion



  • 17th AFC Asian Cup (Football Women's National Team) 3rd place



  • 56th Olympic Game (Women's Soccer National Team) 4th place



  • 16th AFC Women's Soccer Tournament Cup 3rd place



  • 2nd East Asia Football Federation Cup (Women's National Team) Champion



  • 11th Manchester Premier Cup (U-15 Soccer Club World Cup) 6th place



  • 8th Nike Premier Cup (U-15 Soccer Club World Cup) 6th place



  • 4th Nike Premier Cup (U-15 Soccer Club World Cup) Runner's Up



  • 3rd Nike Premier Cup (U-15 Soccer Club World Cup) 5th place



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  • Maturity Offset法を用いたユースサッカー選手の成熟度評価の妥当性と運動能力の変化に対する影響


    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • The spurt in skeletal maturation does not explain the advances in skeletal maturation in elite youth soccer players.

    Youth Sports 2010 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Talent Identification in Football

    KNSU International Conference 2010 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • Milk peptide intake might reduce muscle damage after eccentric exercise

    13th European College of Sports Sciences 

    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • 成長期サッカ-選手の産まれ月による形態的特徴と成熟度


    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • 成長期サッカ-選手のタレントセレクションと成熟度,体格の関係


    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • 成長期サッカ-選手の障害発症率と足部内側縦ア-チ高,成熟Phaseの関係

    dai 18回日本臨床スポ-ツ医学会 

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 成長期サッカ-選手のタレント発掘と成熟度


    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • Relationship between date of birth, skeletal age, and anthropometric characteristics in adolescent elite soccer players

    12th European College of Sports Sciences 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • 成長期サッカ-選手のタレント発掘と成熟度の関係に関する縦断的調査


    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • Possible predictor of talent identification of professional football players ~ Prospective study~

    5th World Congress on Science &amp; Football 

    Presentation date: 2007.01

  • プロサッカ-選手の身体的,生理学的特徴に関するプロスペクティブスタディ


    Presentation date: 2006.12

  • 生物学的成熟度を考慮したタレント発掘,育成システム


    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • こどもの骨年齢とスポ-ツ


    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • これからのサッカ-育成ヴィジョン


    Presentation date: 2006.08

  • 骨年齢からみた足部縦ア-チの変化


    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • Cross-sectional change of biological maturity and neuromuscular response ability in adolescent soccer players

    51th American College of Sports Medicine 

    Presentation date: 2004.06

  • Jリ-グ下部組織サッカ-鍛錬児童の中枢刺激伝達能力と骨年齢の横断的変化


    Presentation date: 2004.01

  • 成長期サッカ-鍛錬児童における生物学的成熟度からみたEEG・EMGの変化


    Presentation date: 2003.09

  • 成長期サッカ-選手の骨成熟と反応時間の関係


    Presentation date: 2002.12

  • 骨年齢を活かしたジュニア・ジュニアユ-ス年代のフィジカルトレ-ニング


    Presentation date: 2002.01

  • 骨年齢と身長からみた成長期サッカ-選手の障害調査


    Presentation date: 2001.01

  • 成長期サッカ-選手の敏捷性の骨年齢・暦年齢での比較‐2年間の継続調査‐


    Presentation date: 2000.09

  • 成長期サッカ-選手の選択的全身反応時間の変化-暦年齢・骨年齢・身長との関連から-


    Presentation date: 2000.01

  • 成長期サッカ-選手の選択的反応時間およびステッピングの縦断的変化


    Presentation date: 1999.10

  • 成長期サッカ-選手の反応時間およびステッピング能力の発達


    Presentation date: 1999.01

  • 小学生サッカ-選手の選考会における合格者,不合格者の生理的,形態的およびファミリ-バックグラウンドの比較〜タレント発掘を意識して〜


    Presentation date: 1998.09

  • 成長期障害に対するスポ-ツ用装具の連用は是か否か


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Research Projects

  • An examination of neural mechanisms underlying error monitoring associated with recovery of motor function

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Masaki Hiroaki

     View Summary

    The aim of this study was to integrate a new perspective of "performance monitoring" as a crucial mechanism of motor learning into rehabilitation science. The error detection capability that supports motor learning was evaluated by recording the error-related negativity (ERN) and the correct-related negativity (CRN) in a spatial Stroop task. It was revealed that both ERN and CRN predicted motor learning processes. Participants who had recovered from anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries exhibited a smaller ERN amplitude than healthy participants, suggesting weaker performance monitoring. In addition, a simultaneous recording of fMRI and ERN showed the importance of evaluating performance monitoring in association with the functional connectivity between the anterior cingulate cortex and the anterior insulae. The paradigm adopted in this study can evaluate ERPs independent of dynamic movements and thus is applicable for any sporting subjects.

  • The influence of maturity status on development of motor ability in adolescent male and female soccer players, and investigating practical indicator for maturity status.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Hirose Norikazu, Torii Suguru, Ono Takashi, Sasaki Shogo

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    The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between development of motor-ability and individual maturation, which was evaluated by using peak height velocity age (PHVA) in adolescent male and female soccer players. Secondly, we aimed to investigate the reliability and validity of “maturity offset method” which estimate PHVA. In addition, we aimed to establish reference data of motor-ability of youth soccer players. The results of this study showed that jump ability developed after one-year post-PHVA in females and two years post-PHVA in males, and changes in lean body mass had no correlation. The change of direction ability developed during pre-PHVA, with the effect of the improvement of deceleration ability. On the other hand, there were no differences in intermittent exercise ability among each maturation stage. Lastly, the study found that the maturity offset method has low reliability for Japanese children

  • 女性アスリートの方向転換能力向上要因分析と年代別トレーニングプログラム構築

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    C:トレーニングプログラムの検討: 上述の結果から、COD向上プログラムとして、減速から停止局面での重心変移量軽減のためのコアトレーニング、トリプルフレクションのトレーニングを構築し、介入することとした。

  • Talent Identification for junior top athletes regarding the biological maturation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIROSE Norikazu

     View Summary

    The aim of this study was to examine the usage of choice reaction time (CRT) as a predictor of talent identification. In addition, we investigated the influence of biological maturation on the development of CRT. Our findings suggest that adolescent soccer players with faster CRT are likely to have more successful careers in soccer.On the other hand, no remarkable development of CRT was recognized during adolescence. Because of this developmental characteristic of CRT, biological maturation had a significant influence on the development of CRT during childhood; we could not find this relation in adolescent soccer players

  • Relationship between skeletal age and event-related potentials in well-trained adolescent athletes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    In this study, we aimed to clarify the relationship between central information processing (CI) ability and performance in adolescent athletes such as soccer player. We also examined the influence of biological maturation on the development of CIP. Our result showed that well-trained adolescent soccer players had significantly faster reaction times in case of hand (p<0.05), foot (p<0.01), and whole body (p<0,001) conditions compared with less-trained player. This result may suggest that CIP has some influence on the performance of during adolescence. On the other hand, it is well known that CIP develops during pre-and mid-adolescence when large individual differences in biological maturation appear. In this regard, to clarify the relationship between the development of CIP and biological maturation, we examined the relationship between development of skeletal age, choice reaction time, and event-related potentials (N200 and P300) . Results of our study showed that the development of choice reaction time in case of the whole body condition had moderate relationship with an increase in skeletal age. Moreover, there were significant differences in N200 and P300 latencies between the 10-, 11-, and 12-year age groups. Then the cross-sectional change of P300 had significant correlation with only skeletal age =-0.50, p<0.05) . From these results, we speculate that increasing skeletal age may influence the development of CIP during pre-adolescence.Our findings are very significant since they imply that CIP ability develops drastically during adolescence because of a spurt in biological maturity


  • 提言書により定められたスポーツ外傷・障害・疾病調査の調査項目の検者間信頼性検証

    山中美和子, 山中美和子, 金岡恒治, 細川由梨, 砂川憲彦, 川原貴, 広瀬統一, 深町花子, 青野博

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   31 ( 4 )  2023


  • 本邦におけるスポーツ傷害(外傷・障害・関連疾患)調査の方法論に関するシステマティックレビュー—Systematic Review of the Methodology of Studies Reporting Epidemiological Data of Sports-Related Injury and Illness in Japan

    山中 美和子, 吉村 茜, 細川 由梨, 砂川 憲彦, 広瀬 統一, 金岡 恒治, 川原 貴

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌 / 日本臨床スポーツ医学会編集委員会 編   30 ( 3 ) 781 - 796  2022

  • Jones骨折既往者におけるランニング時の足底圧の特徴

    江波戸智希, 廣重陽介, 広瀬統一

    日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌(Web)   7 ( Supplement )  2021


  • リトルリーグ野球選手における投球動作の経年変化からみた投球障害危険因子の検討

    坂田 淳, 広瀬 統一, 小田 智之, 酒井 忠博

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   28 ( 4 ) S217 - S217  2020.10

  • Differences in anthropometric characteristics and athletic performance among young Japanese elite basketball players with varying levels of maturity

    関根悠太, 関根悠太, 広瀬統一

    日本成長学会雑誌   26 ( 2 )  2020


  • Longitudinal Age-Related Morphological and Physiological Changes in Adolescent Male Basketball Players

    Yuta Sekine, Seigo Hoshikawa, Norikazu Hirose

    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE   18 ( 4 ) 751 - 757  2019.12  [International journal]

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    This study aimed to examine longitudinal age-related changes in muscle morphology and jump and sprint performances of youth athletes. The subjects of this longitudinal study were 41 youth male basketball players who were assigned to late, mid, and early groups based on differences regarding the estimated age at peak height velocity. The vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, biceps brachii, and triceps brachii thicknesses were assessed using ultrasonography. The subjects' anaerobic capacities were evaluated based on Abalakov jumps and 20-m sprint time. After 1 year, the vastus medialis and biceps brachii thicknesses increased significantly in all groups, and the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, and vastus lateralis thicknesses increased significantly in the late and mid groups, but not in the early group. The Abalakov jumps and 20-m sprint time improved significantly in all groups. The early group's 10-m sprint time improved significantly. Cross-sectional comparisons showed that after 1 year, the early group' s Abalakov jumps and 20-m sprint time at baseline, its Abalakov jumps, and 10-m and 20-m sprint times were significantly better than those in the mid and late groups. Hence, significant muscle growth occurred before the athletes reached the age at peak height velocity. During puberty, late maturers' sprint times and jump performances may not catch up with those of early maturers. The speed and tempo of the morphological growth and anaerobic ability of athletes in the same age category depend on athletes' biological maturity.


  • 超音波画像診断装置による圧刺激介入効果の検討

    吉村茜, 広瀬統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   26 ( 4 )  2018


  • 学童野球選手における上腕骨小頭離断性骨軟骨炎の身体所見からみた危険因子に関する前向きコホート研究

    坂田 淳, 鈴川 仁人, 清水 邦明, 青木 治人, 広瀬 統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   25 ( 4 ) S263 - S263  2017.10

  • 送風冷却を併用した短期的暑熱順化トレーニングの効果検証

    増田雄太, 永島計, 坂井禎良, 広瀬統一

    日本生気象学会雑誌   54 ( 3 ) S28 - S28  2017.10


  • 学童野球選手における投球パフォーマンスと肘内側障害の関連

    坂田 淳, 鈴川 仁人, 清水 邦明, 青木 治人, 広瀬 統一

    日本整形外科スポーツ医学会雑誌   37 ( 4 ) 553 - 553  2017.08

  • Selection of hamstring strain injury prevention training based on activation properties

    HIGASHIHARA Ayako, HIROSE Norikazu

    Japanese Journal of Athletic Training   3 ( 1 ) 13 - 18  2017

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    <p>Over the last 10 years there has been accumulating evidence regarding the epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology and management of hamstring strain injuries. However, despite our increasing knowledge base, epidemiological data confirms that hamstring strain injury incidence remain high. Furthermore, high rates of injury recurrence are arguably the most troublesome aspect of hamstring strains because recurring injuries often result in substantially more lost playing time than the original insults. Previous studies have suggested that the activation patterns of each hamstring muscle are not uniform during hip-based and knee-based training as well as during sprinting. The mechanism underlying activation differences among these muscles may involve morphological differences, which may reflect each muscle's function. In addition, the biceps femoris long head muscle is the most frequently injured area and is susceptible to strain injury during high-speed or high-intensity situations such as sprinting. Thus, to protect the biceps femoris long head from strain injury, an improved understanding of the patterns of hamstring muscle activation during injury inducing movements, such as sprinting, as well as during strength training is necessary. Therefore, the objectives of this article are to provide better comprehension of (i) site-specific activation patterns of the hamstring muscle during sprint performance and during commonly employed strength training exercises, and (ii) the effects of exercise selection on hamstring strain injury risk. This may contribute to sports clinicians and strength and conditioning coaches who specifically design training, injury prevention and rehabilitation programs in respect of hamstring muscle strain based on scientific evidence.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 月経周期とストレッチング介入による足関節最大可動域および筋膜の滑走性の関連性

    福地萌々子, 吉村茜, 鳥居俊, 広瀬統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   25 ( 4 )  2017


  • Foam Rollerを用いたセルフマッサージが関節可動域および筋の伸長性に及ぼす影響

    吉村茜, 稲見崇孝, 峯田晋史郎, 周藤滉平, 熊井司, 広瀬統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   25 ( 4 )  2017


  • 大学ラグビー選手に対する外傷・障害調査-FMSスコアとの関係-

    増田雄太, 増田雄太, 鳥居俊, 広瀬統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   25 ( 4 )  2017


  • 運動休憩中のファニングによる,その後の疲労感に与える影響の評価

    永島計, 坂井禎良, 広瀬統一

    日本生気象学会雑誌   53 ( 3 ) S71 - S71  2016.10


  • サッカーの選手養成と発育発達 (特集 スポーツの競技特性と発育発達)

    江波戸 智希, 広瀬 統一

    子どもと発育発達   14 ( 4 ) 284 - 292  2016


  • 高体温障害予防のためのウエアラブルセンサー活用法の探索

    永島計, 坂井禎良, 広瀬統一, 瀬山倫子, 瀬山倫子, 桑原啓, 笠原亮一

    体力科学   64 ( 6 ) 748 - 748  2015.12


  • 暑熱環境下での間欠的運動時における中間冷却が持久的パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響

    坂井禎良, 永島計, 広瀬統一

    体力科学   64 ( 6 ) 639 - 639  2015.12


  • 女子バスケットボール選手に対する股関節に着目した予防トレーニングの効果 介入前後での膝前十字靱帯損傷発生率の比較

    大見 頼一, 尹 成祚, 長妻 香織, 川島 達宏, 栗原 智久, 金子 雅志, 吉本 真純, 関 大輔, 國田 泰弘, 井上 拓海, 栗山 節郎, 宮本 謙司, 大嶺 尚世, 野口 恵, 服部 紗都子, 広瀬 統一

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   23 ( 4 ) S184 - S184  2015.10

  • 若年女子サッカーにおける膝前十字靱帯損傷の受傷機転

    金子 聡, 笹木 正悟, 永野 康治, 広瀬 統一, 福林 徹

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   23 ( 4 ) S270 - S270  2015.10

  • アジリティおよび身体バランスのトレーニング (特集 パフォーマンス向上のためのスポーツ医・科学) -- (パフォーマンス向上のためのトレーニング方法)

    広瀬 統一, 峯田 晋史郎

    臨床スポーツ医学   32 ( 2 ) 172 - 185  2015.02


  • 伸張性収縮運動後の筋硬度変化に及ぼす要因について

    米津貴久, 稲見崇孝, 川上泰雄, 広瀬統一, 福林徹

    日本トレーニング科学会大会プログラム・抄録集   27th  2014


  • The influence of postural differences on movement speed

    Hirose Norikazu, Yagishita Kotaro

      11   54 - 54  2014


  • 筋の硬さに関する研究小史

    INAMI Takayuki

    Sportsmedicine   166   4 - 7  2014  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 中学生バスケットボール選手に対する外傷予防プログラム効果の性差について

    永野 康治, 小形 倫子, 鈴川 仁人, 玉置 龍也, 清水 結, 津田 清美, 三木 英之, 広瀬 統一, 福林 徹

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   18 ( 4 ) S147 - S147  2010.10

  • 中学生バスケットボール選手の着地動作における性別、成長の影響

    小形 倫子, 永野 康治, 鈴川 仁人, 玉置 龍也, 清水 結, 川崎 渉, 三木 英之, 広瀬 統一, 福林 徹

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   17 ( 4 ) S107 - S107  2009.10

  • 成長期サッカー選手の内側縦アーチの横断的変化

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤, 福林 徹

    発育発達研究   2006 ( 0 ) 34 - 34  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • The Relationship between Disorders and Conditioning for Soccer Players

    HIRANO Atsushi, FUKUBAYASHI Toru, HIROSE Norikazu

      22 ( 1 ) 102 - 102  2002.02


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Overseas Activities

  • サッカー選手の体力特性分析とコンディション評価指標の検討


    米国   サンノゼ州立大学


  • Faculty of Sport Sciences   Graduate School of Sport Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 人のネットワークの定量化と内的・外的要因の相互影響分析


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    本研究は人の協調状態を定量化する手法の確立と、協調状態の相互影響要因を身体内・身体外の二要因から明らかにすることを目的とした。女子サッカー選手を対象として、サッカーの試合中の協調状態の相互影響のうち、外的なイベントが協調状態に及ぼす影響について検討した。まず、試合中の協調状態を、2人および3人のつながりを構成する人の変化を「多様性」、つながりの量の多さを「活性度」として評価する指標を確立した。その上で、チーム(組織)としての成熟度を大学女子サッカーチームと女子プロサッカーチームの2群に大別し、各群の公式戦として大学生女子サッカーチームは6試合、女子プロサッカーチームは8試合における協調状態の多様性と活性度を比較検討した。次に、試合中に生じる外的なイベントとして相手チームあるいは自チームの選手交代、自チームの得点および失点の4つを抽出し、その前後5分間におけるつながりの多様性と活性度を、女子プロサッカーチームを対象に比較し、これらの外的イベントが協調状態に及ぼす影響について検討した。その結果、大学生女子サッカーチーム(2人:0.13AU vs. 0.24AU、3人:0.25AU vs. 0.333AU; p&lt;0.05)および女子プロサッカーチーム(0.10AU vs. 0.41AU、0.21AU vs. 0.44AU; p&lt;0.05)ともに、試合の前半よりも後半の方が2人・3人のつながりともに多様度が低下する、すなわち一定のメンバーがつながりを形成するという特徴が示された。しかし、多様性の低下度は女子プロサッカーチームの方が大きく、より固定化された協調状態が形成されることが示された。一方で、両群ともに試合後半の協調状態の活性度は前半よりも低値を示した。この傾向は女子プロサッカーチームで強く示された。このことは、女子プロサッカーチームは前半と後半の間のハーフタイムを通じて、固定化された協調状態で活性度が低い、すなわち一定の協調状態をつくりながら試合の勝利、すなわち攻撃と守備を行っているという成熟した戦略運用状態を示すものと推察された。また、試合中に生じる各種イベントにおいて、その前後の協調状態に最も影響し得るものは失点であり、失点後には3人のつながりの活性度が低下することが示された。

  • ウェアラブル加速度計を用いた脳振盪既往者の脳機能障害モニタリング指標の検討

    2021   広瀬統一

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    本研究で脳振盪受傷既往歴の有無による日常生活の身体活動動態の違いを明らかにすることを目的とした。複数回の脳振盪既往のある大学ラグビー選手6名と脳振盪既往のない大学ラグビー選手6名を対象に11日間の測定を行った。時計型三軸加速度計を用いて得られたデータをもとに加速度のゼロクロス回数から「活動」と「休息」の時間を算出した。連続する休息時間の累積比率と休息の継続時間の両対数グラフのプロットの傾きをべき乗指数として比較した。その結果、既往者のべき乗指数が有意に低かった。(-1.10±0.17 vs -1.00±0.17, p&lt;0.001)脳振盪既往者は長時間休息の発生頻度が増加していたことから、脳振盪既往は休息のパターンに影響を与える可能性を示唆した。

  • 加速度計を用いたコンディショニング(体調管理)指標開発

    2020   山崎和也

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  • 成長期男女サッカー選手の成熟度を考慮した運動能力発達と成熟度簡易評価指標の検討


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    本研究は成長期男女サッカー選手を対象とし、成熟度を考慮した運動能力発達の特徴を明らかにすることと、それをスポーツ現場においても簡便に行えるための成熟度評価指標の開発を目的としている。これまでに、小学生および中学生のサッカー選手を対象として研究を行い、スピードや筋力が成熟度の遅速の影響を受けること、そして両者の関係は成熟が早いことによる形態的な特徴、すなわち除脂肪体重の増大が直接的に影響していることを明らかにした。(本研究の一部はJournal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34 (2), 2020,P382-388.に掲載)一方で、トレーニング介入による変化をみると、身長が急激に伸びる時期(PHVA)の1.5年前と1.5年後までの選手を対象に筋力向上を目的とした介入研究結果(股関節伸展運動)では、両者ともに筋力が向上し、対象とした範囲に限った場合には、必ずしも成熟の遅速が介入による筋力の増大に影響しない可能性が示された。しかしながら、PHVA後の選手の筋厚が増加するなど、影響がみられる項目もあり、継続した調査が必要であると考えられた。上記の成果から、成長期サッカー選手の育成現場において子どもの成熟度の遅速を把握することは、トレーニング効果を最大化するためには必要であることが推察された。これを受けて、子どもの形態変化からPHVAを推測する予測式の開発を進めており、データ収集までが一部終了している。今後、予測式の開発と一般化するためのシステムの構築を目指す。

  • 大学ラグビー選手の脳震盪および頭部打撃受傷回数と脳機能の関係


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  • 球技系女性アスリートの体力・運動能力向上トレーニングの科学的基礎構築

    2015   内藤

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     本研究では大学生男女サッカー選手のACTN3遺伝子多型による運動能力の差異を横断的に比較した。対象は大学生男子(87名)と女子(80名)サッカー選手とし、摂取された口腔粘膜からACTN3遺伝子多型の同定(RR、RX、XX)を行い、スピード(50m走)、パワー(5段跳び)、間歇的持久力(Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test)の測定値をRR、RX、XX群間で比較した。その結果、男子大学サッカー選手におけるRR型はXX型よりも50m走スピードで有意に速い値を示した(6.67 ± 0.31s vs 6.86± 0.27s, p=0.038)。一方、女子大学サッカー選手においては、フィジカル測定項目の全てにおいて遺伝子多型間に有意差は認められず、特に女子選手においてはACTN3遺伝子多型間が運動能力に影響していないことが示唆された。

  • バスケットボール選手の足部アライメント不良による下肢傷害発症メカニズムの検証


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    バスケットボールでは下肢、特に足部・足関節や膝関節の傷害が好発し、主にジャンプの着地時に頻発する。下肢スポーツ傷害を引き起こす内的要因のひとつとして足部形態、特に足部内側縦アーチ(以下、足部アーチ)や踵骨傾斜角度が挙げられる。足部アーチと踵骨傾斜角度は荷重時に変位することで荷重ストレスの緩衝に寄与するが、過度なアーチ低下や踵骨角度変位は衝撃緩衝能の低下や、運動連鎖の観点から膝関節の挙動に影響を与え、下肢傷害の危険因子となりうる。したがってジャンプ動作時の足部形態と足部および膝関節の挙動の関係を検討することは下肢傷害発症リスクとメカニズムを明らかにし、傷害予防指針を作成する上で重要である。そこで本研究では次元足型計測機を使用し、男子バスケットボール選手の足部形態測定を行い、足部形態と足関節・膝関節挙動との関係を解析し、下肢の傷害発症メカニズムとの関係について検討することを目的とした。本研究の結果、男子バスケットボール選手の足部アーチ高は12歳(40.5mm)から15歳(46.2mm)まで上昇し、さらに踵骨が回外方向へ変化することが示された。これらの選手のうち、踵骨回内/アーチ高の低下(扁平足)と踵骨回外/上昇(ハイアーチ)が認められた選手12名(両群各6名)を対象に、両上前腸骨、大転子、膝関節内側/外側裂隙、足関節内外踝、踵骨上端、下端にマーカーを貼付し、片脚ランニングジャンプをハイスピードカメラ4台で撮影した。動作をジャンプへの踏み込み期とジャンプからの着地期に二分し、さらに踏み込みと着地期のHeel strike(Initial contact)期、Foot flat期、膝関節最大屈曲期の合計6期における1)膝関節屈曲角度、2)骨盤外転角度、3)骨盤回旋角度、4)膝関節回旋角度、5)膝関節変位量(膝関節の回内方向への変位)、6)踵骨傾斜角度を解析した。これらの値を回内群と回外群でT検定を用いて比較検討した。統計学的有意水準は危険率5%未満とした。その結果、踵骨回内群は着地時により大きな踵骨回内挙動を示し(回内群 25.2°vs. 回外群 18.3°)、特に踵骨回内+アーチ低下を呈するものの変化が顕著であることが示された。この結果は踵骨過回内の場合には、同骨の挙動に関与する後脛骨筋や長母指屈筋などの伸張性ストレスを増大し、足部や下腿の障害リスクとなる得ることを示唆するものと考えられる。また、踵骨過回内、過回外による膝関節の挙動には変化が少なく、この要因として着地時の骨盤の挙動変位が少ないことが推察された。このことから膝関節の傷害発症リスクを検討する際には足部と骨盤の双方からの検討が必要であると考えられた。本研究結果から、バスケットボール選手のアーチ高や踵骨傾斜角度は経年的に上昇あるいは回外変位することが明らかとなった。このような変化を示す中で、踵骨の過回内や過回外を呈する選手はジャンプ着地時の踵骨角度変化の増大を引き起こし、傷害発症リスクが増大する可能性が示唆された。一方で、膝関節の傷害発症に関しては、骨盤帯の影響も大きく、今後傷害予防指針作成に向けてはインソールなどの足部アライメントに対する対策に加え、骨盤帯の挙動にも着目する必要があると考えられた。

  • 日本人ジュニアアスリートの簡便な成熟度評価指標の検討


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     成長期には早熟、晩熟といった生物学的成熟度の個人差が大きく存在する。この成熟度の遅速は体格や運動能力の優劣に影響するため、選手評価やフィットネスプログラミングの際に考慮する必要があると考えられている。しかしながら生物学的成熟度として用いられている骨年齢や性成熟評価法は、技術的問題や倫理的問題があるため一般化することが困難である。上述した問題を考慮し、近年身長、体重、座高、暦年齢をもとに身長最大増加時期(PHVA)からの年齢を推定するMaturity Offset(MO)法が提唱されている。スポーツ現場で簡便に評価可能であるものの、同方法は米国のデータを用いた方法であり、日本人児童を対象とした研究は認められない。日米の児童の発育過程が異なることから、日本人児童における有用性の検討が必要と考えられる。そこで本研究はMO値の妥当性について、BTT法によるPHV年齢算出値と比較し、検討することを目的とした。また各種体力要素との関係について検討し、成長期サッカー選手の体力評価への応用について検討することを目的とした。対象は小学校6年生(11.5-12.5歳)の成長期サッカー選手61名とした。身長、体重、座高を測定し、暦年齢とともにMaturity Offset値に暦年齢を加え、PHV年齢を算出した。また、各学校で行われている定期健康診断時の身長をアンケート調査により過去5年分を得て、AUXAL3.0(Scientific software international社)を用いてBTT法によるPHV年齢を推定した。さらに運動能力とMO値およびRUSスコアで評価した成熟度との関係を検討するために、10m・40m走タイム、5段飛びを測定した。 MO値とBTT法、およびMO値・RUSスコア・運動能力の関係はピアソン相関係数を用いて分析した。統計学的有意水準は危険率5%未満とした。まず、各種測定項目の平均値を表1に示す。次にMO法とBTT法で推定したPHV年齢の関係をみると、両者には強い相関関係が認められた(r=0.728、p<0.01)。さらにMO値およびRUSスコアと各種運動能力との関係をみると、両者ともに40m走タイムや5段跳びとは強い相関が認められたものの、10m走タイムには相関が認められなかった。また、各種運動能力とRUSスコアおよびMO値との間の相関係数は近似していた。本研究の結果において、MO法はBTT法で得られたPHV年齢と強い相関が認められることから、小学校6年生サッカー選手のPHV年齢推定法として妥当性のある方法だと考えられた。しかしながら一部の選手においてはMO値がBTT法よりもPHV年齢を1歳程度高く推定する、すなわち測定時点での成熟度を晩熟に見積もる傾向も示されている。今後対象人数や対象年齢層を増やし、これらの傾向を生み出す要因について精査する必要がある。 一方、MO値およびRUSスコアと運動能力の関係をみると、両者ともに40mと緩やかな相関を、また5段跳びと強い相関を示した。また両者の相関係数が近似することから、小学校6年生を対象として40m走タイムや5段跳びの能力を評価する際には、Maturity Offset値で補正することで、成熟度の遅速を考慮して運動能力を評価可能であることが示唆された。

  • エリートサッカー選手に必要な運動能力強化戦略-育成・性差の観点から-


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    IntroductionIt has the very important role to develop the player who has excellence in soccer, talent identification and development process. In the possible predictor of talent identification, physiological and anthropometric factors were thought to be as usual index (William and Reilly, 2000). However, there are few researches in the case of female elite soccer players. Thus in this study, we aimed to investigate the possible predictor of talent identification index from the motor ability and anthropometric characteristics. To reveal this issue, we clarified characteristics of motor ability and anthropometrics of female elite soccer players.MeasurementParticipants were 97 female national team soccer players (Japanese female national team player and there sub-team , National team aged under nineteen year-old, National team aged under sixteen year-old). Players were divided into “elite” or “sub-elite” players by coaches' subjective assessment. Elite players have took part in the FIFA World Cup or Olympic game. Then their speed (40m sprint test), agility (10m×5 agility test), power (5 step bounding power test) endurance (Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level1), stature and lean body mass were measured. The significant difference among each category was analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey’s test. Then comparison between “Elite” and “Sub-elite” players was analyzed using Student’s t-test. Statistical significance was p<0.05. Result and DiscussionIn our study, Elite players in A and U16 were significantly faster in 40m sprint (Elite vs. sub-elite; 6.08±0.20 sec. vs. 6.25±0.26 sec for A, p<0.05; 6.20±0.22 sec. vs. 6.43±0.21 sec. for U16, p<0.01) and agility (11.72±0.23 sec. vs. 11.95±0.29 sec. for A, p<0.05; 12.31±0.30 vs. 12.75±0.39 sec. for U16, p<0.01). Moreover, in all categories, elite players had stronger 5 step bounding power than sub-elite players (10.70±0.45 m vs. 10.13±0.40m for A, p<0.001; 10.33±0.66m vs. 9.69±0.36m for U19, p<0.01; 10.31±0.32m vs. 9.91±0.38m for U16, p<0.01). These tendencies have been reported in the male soccer players (Gil et al. 2007; Reilly et al, 2001; Tsukoshi and Asai, 2010). Thus our results might imply the highly demand for the speed, agility and power in female elite soccer players’ selection process as well as male footballers. On the other hand, when we compare motor abilities among each age category, there was no significant difference in 40m sprint time among three categories. This result may be explained by the general development of sprint ability because general girl’s 50m sprint ability tend to complete around 12 years-old (Minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology-Japan, 2009). In contrast to the development of sprint ability, adult and U19 (, 10.00±0.61m) players tend to have better agility (11.87±0.29sec. for adult and 12.02±0.30sec. for U19) than U16 (12.52±0.40sec.) players. This result may imply that agility develops rapidly after 16 years old, and this development is not necessarily accompanied by development of speed and power.

  • 子供の身体発育・体力発達に対する食育プログラム介入の影響


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    本研究は児童の発育発達と生活習慣や食習慣の関係、および食育・生活習慣教育による行動変容が発育発達にもたらす影響について検討することを目的とする。本年度は対象とする児童の体格と体力の横断的変化を分析し、次年度以降の研究遂行に対する基礎資料作成を行うとともに、先行研究で示される日本人一般児童のデータとの比較から、対象群の身体特性を把握することを目的とした。 専門的な競技に週3回未満従事する7歳から15歳の男子141名(各年齢:11、18、20、23、26、20、16、4、3名)、女子114名(10、12、10、10、19、10、22、11、10名)の身長、体重、20m走、立ち幅跳び、反復横跳びを測定した。そして各測定項目の年齢間の平均値の差を一元配置分散分析で検討し、有意差が認められた場合に多重比較検定(Sheffe法)を行った。統計学的有意水準は危険率5%未満とした。 その結果、男女ともに年齢が高くなるにつれて有意に身長は高く、体重は重く、20m走・反復横跳び・立ち幅跳びは優れた値を示した(p<0.01)。一方、年齢群間比較では、男子の身長(12-13歳;10.7cm、p<0.01)と女子の身長(9-10歳;8.8cm、p<0.05:11-12歳;9.1歳、p<0.01)、体重(11-12歳;12.9kg、p<0.01)、20m走(9-10歳;0.48秒、p<0.05)のみに有意な差が認められた。この結果は本対象群が、女子の身長発育スパートが男子に先行するという一般的な傾向を有することを示している。また、本研究の各測定項目の平均値を、先行研究の一般日本児童の年齢別平均値+/-標準偏差と比較すると、14歳,15歳女子の立幅跳び以外の全項目は、一般児童の平均値+/-1標準偏差内の値であった。 これらの結果から、本研究の対象児童は専門的な競技を行っているものの、体格および体力は一般児童と同程度であり、本対象群の発育発達と食習慣・生活習慣の関係や教育を通じた行動変容による発育発達への影響を検討することで、日本人一般児童へ還元できる妥当性の高い分析が可能であると考えられた。

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