Updated on 2024/07/03


TAKANO, Takako
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
PhD ( University of Edinburgh )
M.Phil ( University of Cambridge )
MA ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, arts and Sicences   Professor

  • 2016.04


  • 2013.04

    Waseda University   Center for International Education   Professor

  • 2016.04

    Rikkyo University   Service Learning Center   Visiting Professor

  • 2011

    Visiting Professor at Waseda University ()

  • 2010

    Specially Appointed Professor at Rikkyo University ()

  • 2006

    Visiting Assistant Professor at Waseda University ()

  • 2004

    Associate researcher at Nagoya University, The Research Center of Health, Physical fitness and Sports (present)

  • 1997

    Research associate at University of Cambridge ()

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Education Background


    University of Edinbrugh   Graduate School, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences   Outdoor Environmental & Sustainability Education  


    University fof Cambridge   Graduate School, Division of Environmental Science   The Environment and Development  


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Politics   Political Science  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Literature   Sociology  

Committee Memberships

  • 2013

    日本環境教育学会理事(国際交流委員会委員長 2013から)

  • 2011.04


  • 2011.03


  • 2011

    日本環境教育学会  理事・国際交流委員長

  • 2011

    Japanese Society of Environmental Education  Chair of JSOEE International Communication Committee

  • 2009.05


  • 2005.12




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Professional Memberships


    Rikkyo Intercultural Communication Society


    Japan Outdoor Education Society


    Royal Geographycal Society


    Japanese Society of Environmental Education

Research Areas

  • Sociology / Education / Geography

Research Interests

  • Outdoor/environmental/sustainability education, community development, experiential learning, social anthropology, sociology, geography, environmental sociology


  • Dragonfly Award

    2019   Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative  

    Winner: TAKANO, Takako

  • The Butterfly Award

    2018   The International Camping Fellowship  


  • 春期早稲田大学ティーチングアワード

    2016   早稲田大学  

    Winner: 髙野孝子



  • Challenges and possibilities for re-wilding education policy in Japan

    Yuko Oguri, Takako Takano

    Policy Futures in Education   19 ( 3 ) 339 - 357  2021.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper discusses human relationships with the natural world in Japanese educational policy. Based on two case studies, we argue that policy must recognize the cultural and spiritual ties that people in Japan have fostered in order to live well, which this paper considers to be part of “re-wilding education policy.” We briefly review the history of educational policy in Japan and identify its core features before clarifying the existing power structure between national and local governments regarding such policy. We also describe the characteristics of the Japanese education system, which stem partly from tensions between central and local governments due to the interpretation of legal frameworks. Through two case studies—situated in a traditional farming community in a mountainous area, and a community on a group of remote islands—this paper focuses on educational practices derived not from the dominant education policy but from local realities. These two cases allow us to demonstrate effective efforts made in these communities to rebuild traditional human–nature relationships on a small scale based on the everyday lives of the inhabitants. We conclude that any successful re-wilding of education policy in Japan will depend on the central government’s release of power, recognition of the unique features of diverse localities in Japan, and support for spontaneous activities emerging in local communities.



  • How experiences transform over time: A retrospective study on place-based education in Micronesia and the Philippines

    Takako Takano

    Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning     1 - 12  2020.11  [Refereed]



  • What future/s for outdoor and environmental education in a world that has contended with COVID-19?

    John Quay, Tonia Gray, Glyn Thomas, Sandy Allen-Craig, Morten Asfeldt, Soren Andkjaer, Simon Beames, Marg Cosgriff, Janet Dyment, Pete Higgins, Susanna Ho, Mark Leather, Denise Mitten, Marcus Morse, James Neill, Chris North, Rowena Passy, Kirsti Pedersen-Gurholt, Scott Polley, Alistair Stewart, Takako Takano, Sue Waite, Dorothy Foley

    Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education   23   93 - 117  2020  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Exploring the benefits of combined outdoor adventure education and dual-immersion short-term study abroad experiences

    Morten Asfeldt, Takako Takano

      32 ( 2 ) 12 - 33  2020  [Refereed]

  • Culture, Role in Outdoor Learning

    TAKANO Takako

    Encyclopedia of Teacher Education    2019  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Seeking a Way Beyond Gender: A Case from a Personal Story


        851 - 862  2018

  • Linkage between global and local: background and summary of the symposium in 2017

    TAKANO Takako

    国際シンポジウム報告書「持続可能な社会の形成に向けた『場の教育』:グローバリゼーションと地域」     4 - 7  2017.03

  • Contributing to Sustainability Education of East Asian University Students through a Field Trip Experience: A Social-Ecological Perspective

    Tae Kyung Yoon, Seongjun Kim, Takako Takano, Sun-Jin Yun, Yowhan Son

    SUSTAINABILITY   8 ( 10 )  2016.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study reports the effects of a field trip environmental education program with a social-ecological perspective on the experience and learning of university students from China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam. The students visited Jeju Island, the SaemangeumSeaDike, theDemilitarized Zone and Seoul, South Korea. Their experiences and learning about social-ecological interactions were analyzed using the new environmental paradigmtest, an evaluation questionnaire, group presentations and individual reports. Across demographic characteristics, the participants believed the program fairly presented the concept of social-ecological systems. Some developed new ideas of social-ecological systems through interpreting, transforming and contextualizing their field trip experience based on prior knowledge bases; others compared the sites to case studies. They preferred the sites where social-ecological issues were clearly presented by well-preserved landscapes, successful environmental management or environmental conflict. The results show the need for an advanced multi-dimensional methodology to evaluate students' learning through constructive processes. The program design of this study from planning to field trip and evaluation, the field site design in which regional site resources were organized in a social-ecological context and the analysis of participants' learning and experiences could contribute to attempts to couple the social-ecological perspective with the practice of sustainability and environmental education in field trip design.



  • Exploring the values of rural communities through place-based education in Niigata prefecture

    TAKANO Takako

    Educating for Sustainability in Japan: Fostering resilient communities after the triple disaster     249 - 263  2016.10  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Ethical Consequences of “Educations” Linked to Sustainability

    TAKANO Takako

    Conference proceedings of Uehiro-Carnegie-Oxford Conference on“Global Warming-Environmental Ethics and Its Practice”    2015.10  [Invited]

  • 日本環境教育学会協定学会を中心とした環境教育の国際的動向(2014年度)と今後の国際交流の活性化に向けた提案

    高野孝子, 萩原豪, 佐藤真久

    環境教育   24 ( 3 )  2015  [Refereed]

  • つながりの教育〜冒険の現場から見えること

    TAKANO Takako

    中等教育資料   ( 934 )  2014.03  [Invited]

  • 持続可能な社会づくりを目指す「地域に根ざした環境教育」モデル構築事業 調査報告書



  • 「地域に根ざした環境教育プロジェクト 2011-12年度の展開」


    国際シンポジウム報告書「地域に根ざす試み」の可能性と課題     22 - 27  2013.03

  • 山里の生物多様性保全・教育プロジェクト活動報告


        1 - 32  2013.03

  • 地域に根ざした教育の概観と考察:環境教育と野外教育の接合領域として

    TAKANO Takako

    環境教育   23 ( 2 ) 27 - 37  2013  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 国内外の「土地と地域に根ざした教育」概観


    持続可能な社会づくりを目指した「地域に根ざした環境教育」モデルの構築 国際シンポジウム報告書     22 - 25  2012.03

  • 大地とのつながりを求めて(3)—ヌナブト準州イグルーリクでの伝統的技術を伝えるプログラム—


    北海道北方民族博物館紀要   第21巻   19 - 40  2012

  • 農山村のひとと暮らしが支える地域の教育力


    文部科学省「社会教育による地域の教育力教化プロジェクト」における実証的共同研究     1 - 26  2011.03

  • A 20-year retrospective study of the impact of expeditions on Japanese participants

    Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning   Vol.10 ( No.2 ) 77 - 94  2010.12

  • 大地とのつながりを求めて (2)—アラスカ州ロシアンミッション村、地域文化と伝統を織り込んだ教育課程—


    北海道北方民族博物館紀要   第19巻   15 - 42  2010

  • 地域に根ざす生き方


        20 - 25  2010.01

  • 大地とのつながりを求めて (1)—アラスカ州コディアック島での教育プログラムとアイデンティティの構築—


    北海道北方民族博物館紀要   第18巻   29 - 58  2009

  • Connecting with place: implications of integrating cultural values into the school curriculum in Alaska

    Takako Takano, Peter Higgins, Pat McLaughlin

    ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESEARCH   15 ( 3 ) 343 - 370  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Many authors primarily from industrialised nations discuss human relationships with the natural environment in the context of global environmental issues, and highlight the close relationships that 'traditional' societies have with nature. There is a growing trend among indigenous people in North America to restore such a connection with the land through place-based education. This article reports on progress on such a programme at Russian Mission School in rural Alaska in the period 2002-2007 and its implications for sustainability. The programme actively seeks to integrate the community's cultural values and activities into their curriculum. This has resulted in raising pupils' academic skills and confidence, and seems to be bridging a gap of distrust between the school and community. An ethnographical approach was adopted with a mixed research design based primarily on participant observation, supported by semi-structured interviews, written surveys, and conversations with stakeholders, student writings and secondary sources. The initial fieldwork in 2002 was followed up five years later.



  • The power of place and practices: Contemporary attempts in bonding with the land among “traditional” societies

    TAKANO Takako

    Connecting with the Essence: Proceedings from the 4th International Adventure Therapy Conference     22 - 33  2009

  • Essence of friluftsliv: Outdoor education in Alaska and Japan

    TAKANO Takako

    The Norwegian Journal of Friluftsliv (web journal) http://www.hint.no/~aaj/    2006

  • Connections with the land: Land-skills courses in Igloolik, Nunavut

    TAKANO Takako

    Ethnography   Vol. 6, No. 4   427 - 450  2005

  • Bonding with the land: Outdoor environmental education programmes and their cultural contexts

    TAKANO Takako

    unpublished doctoral thesis     1 - 604  2004

  • Sustainable development in the Arctic and environmental perception: Case study in Ammassalik, Greenland

    TAKANO Takako

    unpublished M.Phil dissertation     1 - 102  2000

  • 関係性を回復し平和につながる野外教育〜グローバリゼーションの中で

    TAKANO Takako

    野外教育情報   ( 22 ) 10 - 19  [Invited]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 地域から探るレジリエンスな暮らしーミクロネシアで出会う新しい価値観

    古川柳蔵;生田博子( Part: Contributor, 第6章、pp105-124)

    筑波書房  2021.07

  • PBE(地域に根ざした教育)


    『事典 持続可能な社会と教育』 一般社団法人日本環境教育学会(編)  2020

  • 「サステナビリティに関する教育の倫理的側面」『クライメート・チェンジ―新たな環境倫理の探求と対話―』

    吉川成美( Part: Contributor)

    清水弘文堂書房  2018.10

  • 「Live Well よく生きる」『見えてきた「場の教育」 Place-Based Education』

    高野孝子( Part: Edit)

    エコプラス  2018.03

  • ‘Seeking a Way Beyond Gender: A Case from a Personal Story’, "The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Outdoor Learning"

    Gray, T, Mitten, D( Part: Contributor)

    Palgrave  2018.01

  • 「研究のレビューと今後の課題」『野外教育学研究法』

    日本野外教育学会( Part: Contributor)

    杏林書院  2018.01

  • Experiential Learning Helps Change Behaviors, “EarthEd:Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet”

    Worldwatch Institute( Part: Contributor)

    Island Press  2017.06

  • 「交感のチャネル」『<交感>自然・環境に呼応する心』

    野田研一( Part: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2017.03

  • PBE地域に根ざした教育: 持続可能な社会づくりへの試み

    TAKANO Takako( Part: Edit)

    海象社  2014.10

  • 「TAPPO南魚沼やまとくらしの学校」『ESD拠点としての自然学校 持続可能な社会づくりに果たす自然学校の役割』

    阿部治, 川島直( Part: Contributor)

    みくに出版  2012.02 ISBN: 9784840304665

  • 場の教育:土地に根ざす学びの水脈

    高野孝子, 岩崎正弥

    農文協  2010.08 ISBN: 9784540092251

  • 地球の笑顔に魅せられて


    海象社  2010.07 ISBN: 9784907717063

  • Discourses of Difference Within and Beyond Education

    Reiss, Michael, l( Part: Contributor)

    Trentham  2007 ISBN: 9781858564128

  • 持続可能な社会のための環境学習

    木俣美樹男, 藤村コノエ(編, 高野孝子

    培風館  2005.04 ISBN: 4563056863

  • 非戦


    幻冬舎  2002.01 ISBN: 4344001443

  • 世界遺産のいま

    高野孝子, 平山郁夫, 石弘之

    朝日新聞社  1998.11 ISBN: 4022572760

  • ホワイトアウトの世界で


    国土社  1998.06 ISBN: 4337600019

  • 野外で変わる子どもたち


    情報センター出版  1996.08 ISBN: 4795821720

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  • Invitation to Place-based education: Exploration of environmental education for sustainable society

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Experiential activities for youth to correspond with current issues: searching for sustainable society

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • The educational aspects of the Japanese farming villages

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • The educational elements of the Japanese countryside

    5th International Outdoor Education Research Conference 2011: Research in "friluftsliv" and outdoor education: Different places, critical perspectives and new possibilities! Denmark 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • Gaining ecological understanding through life elements of wilderness expedition

    Wilderness Educational Expeditions: International Perspectives and Practices, Hosted by Augustana Campus, University of Alberta, CANADA 

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • Outdoor learning as University’s module of “sustainable society and citizens’ roles”

    Sustainability and outdoor learning: the ‘where’, ‘when’ and why?” (GCYFWG3), Royal Geographical Society 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • Young people’s relationship with nature through outdoor experiences in the UK, Alaska and Canada

    Sustainability and outdoor learning: the ‘where’, ‘when’ and why?” (GCYFWG3), Royal Geographical Society 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • Place-based education and diversities in learning

    the 33rd Annual International Conference for Experiential Education in Tucson, USA 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • The power of place and practices: contemporary attempts in bonding with the land among “traditional” societies

    4th International Adventure Therapy Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand 

    Presentation date: 2006.02

  • Building a bond with the natural environment through experiential engagement: A case study of land-based education curriculum in Rural Alaska

    the Symposium on Experiential Education Research, the 33rd Annual International Conference for Experiential Education in Tucson, USA 

    Presentation date: 2005.11

  • Geographical and cultural aspects of education for sustainability

    European Conference on Educational Research, University College Dublin 

    Presentation date: 2005.09

  • Possibility of Place-Based Education: Russian Mission, Alaska

    International Rural Network Conference, Southwest Virginia Education Center, Abingdon, VN 

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • Relationships to the land through educational programmes in Scotland and Nunavut

    Discourses of Difference Within and Beyond Education Seminar Series, The Institute of Education, University of London 

    Presentation date: 2004.12

  • Environmental Outdoor Education Programmes and Their Cultural Context

    Wild at Heart, Aviemore 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Meanings of “connection” with the environment: Findings from outdoor educational programs in Scotland, Alaska and Nunavut

    International Outdoor Education Research Conference, La Trobe University Bendigo, Victoria, Australia 

    Presentation date: 2004.07

  • Essence of Friluftsliv: Outdoor Education in Alaska and Japan

    International Seminar in Education: "FRILUFTSLIV", Oslo, 12 April 2002 

    Presentation date: 2002.04

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Research Projects

  • 持続可能な社会作りを目指す「地域に根ざした環境教育」モデルの構築

    Project Year :


  • 中山間地に残る伝統的知識による地域活性化に関する調査研究

    Project Year :


  • 「社会教育による地域の教育力強化プロジェクト」における実証的共同研究

    Project Year :


  • Relationships between education and career choice as well as influential elements of belongings to homeland. Commissioned by Niigata Prefectural Government

    Project Year :


  • 野外での自然と異文化体験の長期的影響

    Project Year :


  • 都市農村交流と自然体験学習の促進

    Project Year :


  • 英国での環境教育指導者養成制度について

    Project Year :


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  • 持続可能な社会とは何か〜農山漁村の役割を考える〜(前編)


    町村週報3071号 H31.2.25     2 - 4  2019.02  [Invited]

  • 持続可能な社会づくりを目指す「地域に根ざした環境教育」モデル構築事業 調査報告書


       2013.03  [Refereed]

  • 「地域に根ざした環境教育プロジェクト 2011-12年度の展開」


    国際シンポジウム報告書「地域に根ざす試み」の可能性と課題     22 - 27  2013.03  [Refereed]

  • 山里の生物多様性保全・教育プロジェクト活動報告


        1 - 32  2013.03  [Refereed]

  • 国内外の「土地と地域に根ざした教育」概観


    持続可能な社会づくりを目指した「地域に根ざした環境教育」モデルの構築 国際シンポジウム報告書     22 - 25  2012.03  [Refereed]

  • 大地とのつながりを求めて(3)―ヌナブト準州イグルーリクでの伝統的技術を伝えるプログラム―


    北海道北方民族博物館紀要   第21巻   19 - 40  2012

  • 農山村のひとと暮らしが支える地域の教育力


    文部科学省「社会教育による地域の教育力教化プロジェクト」における実証的共同研究     1 - 26  2011.03  [Refereed]

  • A 20-year retrospective study of the impact of expeditions on Japanese participants

    TAKANO Takako

    Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning   Vol.10 ( No.2 ) 77 - 94  2010.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    While 'lasting effects' of outdoor experiences have been suggested, few empirical studies have traced influences more than one year after the experiences. This study examines the written responses of 67 Japanese expedition participants who took part in a British-organized overseas youth expedition 20-23 years ago, to investigate their perception of the influences of the experience through a retrospective approach. The findings show that the vast majority of respondents (99%) considered their expedition experience to be significant in their lives, and 96% answered that this experience had influenced their present selves. The study also identified perceived key elements of the expeditions that generated the influences, such as a diverse group of people, age of participation, and the natural environment. The findings yielded two implications for practice. Organizers of overseas youth expeditions should carefully consider the social and cultural dimensions of the hosting nations as well as those of the participants. Reflection and sharing after the experiences seem to help the learning to grow, and it is worthwhile for practitioners to encourage networking and sharing among participants after programmes are completed. © 2010 Institute for Outdoor Learning.


  • 地域に根ざす生き方


        20 - 25  2010.01  [Refereed]

  • 大地とのつながりを求めて (2)―アラスカ州ロシアンミッション村、地域文化と伝統を織り込んだ教育課程―


    北海道北方民族博物館紀要   第19巻   15 - 42  2010

  • 大地とのつながりを求めて (1)―アラスカ州コディアック島での教育プログラムとアイデンティティの構築―


    北海道北方民族博物館紀要   第18巻   29 - 58  2009

  • Connecting with place: implications of integrating cultural values into the school curriculum in Alaska

    Takako Takano, Peter Higgins, Pat McLaughlin

    ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESEARCH   15 ( 3 ) 343 - 370  2009

     View Summary

    Many authors primarily from industrialised nations discuss human relationships with the natural environment in the context of global environmental issues, and highlight the close relationships that 'traditional' societies have with nature. There is a growing trend among indigenous people in North America to restore such a connection with the land through place-based education. This article reports on progress on such a programme at Russian Mission School in rural Alaska in the period 2002-2007 and its implications for sustainability. The programme actively seeks to integrate the community's cultural values and activities into their curriculum. This has resulted in raising pupils' academic skills and confidence, and seems to be bridging a gap of distrust between the school and community. An ethnographical approach was adopted with a mixed research design based primarily on participant observation, supported by semi-structured interviews, written surveys, and conversations with stakeholders, student writings and secondary sources. The initial fieldwork in 2002 was followed up five years later.


  • The power of place and practices: Contemporary attempts in bonding with the land among “traditional” societies

    TAKANO Takako

    Connecting with the Essence: Proceedings from the 4th International Adventure Therapy Conference     22 - 33  2009

  • Connecting with place: implications of integrating cultural values into the school curriculum in Alaska

    Takako Takano, Peter Higgins, Pat McLaughlin

    ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESEARCH   15 ( 3 ) 343 - 370  2009

     View Summary

    Many authors primarily from industrialised nations discuss human relationships with the natural environment in the context of global environmental issues, and highlight the close relationships that 'traditional' societies have with nature. There is a growing trend among indigenous people in North America to restore such a connection with the land through place-based education. This article reports on progress on such a programme at Russian Mission School in rural Alaska in the period 2002-2007 and its implications for sustainability. The programme actively seeks to integrate the community's cultural values and activities into their curriculum. This has resulted in raising pupils' academic skills and confidence, and seems to be bridging a gap of distrust between the school and community. An ethnographical approach was adopted with a mixed research design based primarily on participant observation, supported by semi-structured interviews, written surveys, and conversations with stakeholders, student writings and secondary sources. The initial fieldwork in 2002 was followed up five years later.


  • The power of place and practices: Contemporary attempts in bonding with the land among “traditional” societies

    TAKANO Takako

    Connecting with the Essence: Proceedings from the 4th International Adventure Therapy Conference     22 - 33  2009

  • Environmental education as lifelong learning and career: efforts for leader training and key persons' ideas in UK

    TAKANO Takako

    Journal of the research on lifelong learning and career education   第2号 ( 2 ) 29 - 38  2006


  • Essence of friluftsliv: Outdoor education in Alaska and Japan

    TAKANO Takako

    The Norwegian Journal of Friluftsliv (web journal) http://www.hint.no/~aaj/    2006

  • Essence of friluftsliv: Outdoor education in Alaska and Japan

    TAKANO Takako

    The Norwegian Journal of Friluftsliv (web journal) http://www.hint.no/~aaj/    2006

  • Connections with the land: Land-skills courses in Igloolik, Nunavut

    TAKANO Takako

    Ethnography   Vol. 6, No. 4   427 - 450  2005

  • Connections with the land: Land-skills courses in Igloolik, Nunavut

    TAKANO Takako

    Ethnography   Vol. 6, No. 4   427 - 450  2005

  • Bonding with the land: Outdoor environmental education programmes and their cultural contexts

    TAKANO Takako

    unpublished doctoral thesis     1 - 604  2004

  • Bonding with the land: Outdoor environmental education programmes and their cultural contexts

    TAKANO Takako

    unpublished doctoral thesis     1 - 604  2004

  • Sustainable development in the Arctic and environmental perception: Case study in Ammassalik, Greenland

    TAKANO Takako

    unpublished M.Phil dissertation     1 - 102  2000

  • Sustainable development in the Arctic and environmental perception: Case study in Ammassalik, Greenland

    TAKANO Takako

    unpublished M.Phil dissertation     1 - 102  2000

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Social Activities

  • ともしび vol. 126


  • 新潟日報 本紙連載


  • テレビ朝日「いきなり!黄金伝説」


  • 新潟日報夕刊一面連載


  • 本:元気が出る日本人100人のことば


  • 新潟文化 No. 21


  • 読売新聞 新潟版


  • 朝日新聞 新潟版


  • 新潟日報


  • 原子力文化八月号 vol. 41 No. 8


  • のんびる 6 No.44


  • 環境ドキュメンタリー映画:地球交響曲第七番


  • FM東京:Gift from the World with National Geographic Magazine


  • ニッポン放送


  • ラジオNIKKEI


  • 中日新聞


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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 自然との関わりとウェルビーング文献研究


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     自然とウェルビーイングの関わりについては、近年急速に様々な研究がなされてきている。 20年ほど前より、難病を抱える人たちが比較的厳しい自然体験をすることの価値について研究したいと考えていた。今回の研究では、難病や厳しい自然体験にとどまらず、広く自然との関わりとウェルビーイングに関して、近年蓄積されてきた知見や調査方法について調べることを第一の目的とする。 この調査の一環として、8月にスウェーデンで予定されている大会(Wild pedagogies gathering at Enaforsholm)に参加した。デンマーク、オランダ、アイスランド、アイルランド、ノルウェー、スウェーデン、イスラエル、US、カナダ、オーストラリア、ギリシャなどから40人限定で集まった。 Wild PedagogiesやEcologizing Educationなど、自然との関わりと教育を社会変革に繋げる視座が提供され、「ある個人がありのままでいられる」学びの場にウェルビーイングの要素が含まれる視点を得た。Fossness によるVulnerabilityセッション、BeemanによるFrom I to it、Paulsen によるWuwei, Onto-sympathy and zoelogical memoriesなどは、自然と人の関わり、自然とウェルビーイングの関わりについて体験的、認知的に検討する機会であった。 Ritchieとともに、Earthing and ecohealthと題したワークショップと講義を展開したが、さまざまな反響があった。研究テーマとして当初考えていた、「高齢者のウェルビーイングと自然との関わり」、「コロナ期を経た青少年にとっての自然体験活動の意味」などよりはもっと哲学的な思考をする場となった。同時に、具体的にRitchieとは研究論文と発表につながる動きとなった。

  • 南魚沼市の子どもの遊びの現状とCovid-19の影響調査


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  • COVID-19禍におけるオンライン授業の考察―大学生の視点から


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  • 農村地域での遊びを通した異世代交流によるコミュニティづくり


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  • グローバル化に置ける「地域に根ざした教育」の可能性と課題ー少数民族の事例から


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  • 過疎農村の中学生による昔遊び調査と地域づくりの関わり


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    Gathering traditional children’s games and community buildingThis study stemmed from an interest how traditional knowledge, memories and experiences held by older generations can contribute to nurturing people and communities. A group of junior-high school students in Ikeda-cho, Fukui Prefecture, where residents over 65 years old comprise 43% of the total population, interviewed elders supported by university students regarding plays and games which those elders used to do in their childhood.From several writing questionnaires and reports together with interviews, it appeared that the project contributed to the students’ confidence, self-awareness, and academic skills as well as knowledge about their own town and new relationship with people. Many were inspired by not only the plays themselves but also the way of life and how the town was like before.In addition, the research revealed that the junior-high students do not communicate with adults even in the same area and that they are very concerned about making friends with someone new.Further investigation is required how to support the youth’s sound development under the current situation through communication with different generations in town.

  • 海外島嶼地域で実施された教育プログラムの長期的影響の研究


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    Long-term changes of the influence from educational programmes on islands overseasThis study looks at perceived influence and its changes over time by educational programme participants who took part in between 1992 and 2016 on islands in Micronesia and Philippines. This is a qualitative and quantitative mixed study, and analysed 129 responses, whose ages at the respective programme range from 9 and 28 years old, in addition to 36 and 43 observers. About 97% of respondents said the participation in the programme was ‘significant’, and 94% said the experiences link to current lifestyle or activities. Most mentioned the continuation of the influences and transformation as an extension of the influence throughout the time. The analysis shows that their learning became part of their values, and led to their attitudes and choices which are linked to sustainability. The programme elements to lead to the impact are perceived as a self-conducted group life close to nature supported by kind and knowledgeable local islanders. Time to think and try again as well as to talk and share, and appropriate questions are also recognised to be important for the learning to be generated.

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