Research Experience
Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University Visiting Scholar
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University Visiting Scholar
University of California, Berkeley Department of Linguistics
日本語用論学会 評議員
日本語用論学会 事業委員会・委員長
社会言語科学会 企画委員会委員
日本語用論学会 事業委員会委員
社会言語科学会 学会誌編集委員会委員
社会言語科学会 研究大会発表賞選考委員会委員
The Pragmatics Society of Japan
International Pragmatics Association
Japan Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
American Anthropological Association
Linguistic Anthropology
Language and Gender
Spatial Cognition
Making Distinctions between "Us" and "Them" in a Meta-Frame of Interaction
Makiko Takekuro
Identity Perspectives from Peripheries, eds. Jan-Ola Ostman and Yoshiko Matsumoto. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Forthcoming.) 2025 [Refereed]
『ポエティクスの新展開ープルリモーダルな実践の詩的解釈に向けて』片岡邦好・武黒麻紀子・榎本剛士編 ひつじ書房 219 - 247 2022.11 [Invited]
Pluri-Modal Poetic Performance of Banter: The Angama Ritual on Ishigaki Island in Japan
Makiko Takekuro
Humour in Asian Cultures: Tradition and Context, ed. Jessica Milner Davis. Singapore and London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis. 88 - 116 2022.06 [Refereed] [Invited]
The Japanese Journal of Language in Society 23 ( 1 ) 1 - 4 2020.09
Discordance as a metapragmatic frame: Communicative practice of the island-mainland dichotomy in Ishigaki
Makiko Takekuro
Discordance in Interaction: A Linguistic Anthropological View of Disharmony and Conflict 2018.05
Discordance and communication
Makiko Takekuro
Discordance in Interaction: A Linguistic Anthropological View of Disharmony and Conflict 1 - 27 2018.05
Describing Space as an Intersubjective Activity: Examples from Ishigaki
Makiko Takekuro
Papers On and Around the Linguistics of BA 33 - 43 2017.03
Attunement in Sequential Use of Japanese Honorifics
Makiko Takekuro
Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 31 ( 1 ) 2014.06
Compass-Based Use of Language and Gesture among Speakers of Ishigaki
Makiko Takekuro
Proceedings of the 33nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 33 412 - 423 2013 [Refereed]
言語の間主観性ー認知・文化の多様な姿を探る 65 - 85 2011.03
言語の間主観性ー認知・文化の多様な姿を探る 7 - 17 2011.02
Collaborative Use of Honorifics in Japanese Interaction: An Example of a Breaching Experiment
Makiko Takekuro
Humanitas 48 ( 48 ) 166 - 194 2010.03
柴崎礼士郎, 武黒麻紀子
沖縄国際大学外国語研究 10 ( 1 ) 83 - 97 2007.03
Humor in Japanese and English
Makiko Takekuro
Understanding Humor in Japan, ed. by Jessica Milner Davis. 85 - 98 2006.12 [Refereed] [Invited]
Makiko Takekuro
Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 32 ( 1 ) 401 - 401 2006.10
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu: Routine practice of the routine formula in Japanese
Makiko Takekuro
Broadening the Horizon of Linguistic Politeness 87 - 97 2005
Indexicals in Dialogic Interaction
Makiko Takekuro
Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 29 ( 1 ) 451 - 451 2003.06
Indexicality and Socialization: Age-Graded Changes of Japanese Women’s Speech
Makiko Takekuro
Culture, Interaction, and Language, eds. by Kuniyoshi Kataoka and Sachiko Ide 195 - 214 2002.09 [Invited]
Conversational Jokes in Japanese and English
Makiko Takekuro
Special Issue of the Australian Journal of Comedy 7 ( 2 ) 47 - 56 2001.12 [Refereed] [Invited]
New Vistas in Poetics: Plurimodal Approaches to Poetic Practice
Kuniyoshi Kataoka, Makiko Takekuro, Takeshi Enomoto( Part: Joint editor)
Hitsuji Publishers 2022.11 ISBN: 9784823411441
Discordance in Interaction: A Linguistic Anthropological View of Disharmony and Conflict
Makiko Takekuro( Part: Edit)
Hitsuzi Publishers 2018.05 ISBN: 9784894769205
Intersubjectivity in Language: A Quest for the Diversity of Language and Cognition
Makiko Takekuro
Waseda University Press 2011.03 ISBN: 9784657115034
社会言語科学会第49回大会 ワークショップ『談話研究における「コンテクスト」とは何か? ―談話分析の実例から考える―』
Presentation date: 2025.02
Ethnopoetics and Performance on Japan’s Periphery
Makiko Takekuro
2024 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2024.11
武黒麻紀子 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2024.03
Secrets of Phaticity: Weak Bonds in Rural Japan
Makiko Takekuro
The 18th International Pragmatics Conference
Presentation date: 2023.07
敬語研究コース担当, 武黒麻紀子 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2022.03
Pluri-Modal Poetic Performance of Humor and Laughter in the Angama Ritual on Ishigaki Island
Makiko Takekuro
17th International Pragmatics Conference
Presentation date: 2021.07
The Improvisational Performance of Culture in Humor: The Angama Banter on Ishigaki Island
The Second Symposium of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
Presentation date: 2020.09
Humor as poetic performance: A plurimodal analysis of Angama banter in a bon festival on Ishigaki Island
Makiko Takekuro
The 44th Meeting of Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (Doshisha University)
Presentation date: 2020.03
Poetics and Performance on Japan’s Periphery
Makiko Takekuro
The 16th International Pragmatics Conference, Panel "Poetic Language Use and Beyond: From Asia-Pacific Perspectives" (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Presentation date: 2019.06
Identity, Migration and Merger in Rural Japan
Max Drayappah-Harrison, Makiko Takekuro
The 16th International Pragmatics Conference, Panel "Towards Finding Ways for Co-existence with Migrants and Minorities in Japan: Empirically-based Approaches of Discourse" (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Presentation date: 2019.06
Making Distinctions: An Implicit Frame of Interaction on Ishigaki
Satoshi Matsuoka, Makiko Takekuro
The 16th International Pragmatics Conference, Panel "Identity Perspectives from Peripheries" (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Presentation date: 2019.06
Poetics in a Harvest Festival on Ishigaki Island
Makiko Takekuro [Invited]
Poetics in Everyday Life (Aichi University) Aichi University
Presentation date: 2019.06
Poetics and Performance in a Harvest Festival on Ishigaki Island in Japan
Makiko Takekuro
Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, Panel "Poetics, Performance, and Plurimodality: From Asia-Pacific Perspectives" (The University of Auckland)
Presentation date: 2018.06
Influences from Outside and Forces Inside an Insular Community: Linguistic Practices and Regional Identity on Ishigaki
Makiko Takekuro, Masataka Yamaguchi
The 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Panel "Responsibility, Migration, and Integration" (Waterfront Centre, Belfast)
Presentation date: 2017.07
Discerning Discordance in “Harmonious” Interactions: The Cases of Cross-cultural Encounters in Brisbane and Ishigaki Island, Okinawa
Masataka Yamaguchi, Makiko Takekuro
The 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Panel "The Pragmatics of 'Bonding' in Cross-Cultural Encounters: East Asian Perspectives" (Waterfront Centre, Belfast)
Presentation date: 2017.07
第3回「移動とことば」研究会 (早稲田大学)
Presentation date: 2017.04
Rituals and Communication on Ishigaki Island: Discordance over Traditions
Makiko Takekuro
The 21st Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language/The Fourth International Workshop on the Linguistics of Ba (Waseda University)
Presentation date: 2016.12
Discordance in Interaction: Rethinking the Gasshuukoku (‘united states’) Metaphor on Ishigaki Island
Makiko Takekuro
The 24th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
Presentation date: 2016.10
Makiko Takekuro
The 38th Japan Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Bonded but Un-Bonded: What Meta-Communicative Comments Reveal about Interaction
Makiko Takekuro
Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Panel “The Discursive Art of “Bonding through Context”: Rethinking Interactional Alignment” (University of Murcia, Spain)
Presentation date: 2016.06
Discordance at multiple levels of communication
Makiko Takekuro
(Kansai Gaidai University)
Presentation date: 2015.11
Managing Discordance in an Island Community: Examples from Ishigaki
Makiko Takekuro
The 14th International Pragmatics Conference, Panel "Discourse and Discordance: Linguistic, Pragmatic and Sociocultural Strategies for Accordance" (University of Antwerp)
Presentation date: 2015.07
第16回日本語用論学会 ワークショップ「言語人類学とエスノグラフィー」
Presentation date: 2013.12
日本英語学会第30回大会 ワークショップ「エスノグラフィー・エスノメソドロジーと日・英語コミュニケーション」
Presentation date: 2012.11
Interactional Effects of Self-Respectful Forms in Japanese
Makiko Takekuro
The 22nd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
Presentation date: 2012.10
Spatial Descriptions as an Intersubjective Activity
Makiko Takekuro
The International Workshop on the Linguistics of BA
Presentation date: 2011.12
Honorification and Linguistic Ideologies
Makiko Takekuro
Presentation date: 2010.11
Spatial Descriptions and Intersubjectivity
Makiko Takekuro
The 3rd International Spring Forum of the English Linguistics Society of Japan, Workshop "Language, Communication, and Intersubjectivity"
Presentation date: 2010.04
Presentation date: 2009.09
Humor in the Use of Japanese Honorifics
Makiko Takekuro
The 11th International Pragmatics Conference
Presentation date: 2009.07
Presentation date: 2008.07
Space, Language, and Gesture among Speakers of Ishigaki
Makiko Takekuro
The 3rd Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics (Korea University, Seoul)
Presentation date: 2007.07
Indexing Feelings and Identities in Interaction
Makiko Takekuro
The 21st Pacific Science Congress
Presentation date: 2007.06
Compass-based Use of Language and Gesture among Speakers of Ishigaki
Makiko Takekuro
The 33nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (University of California, Berkeley) University of California, Berkeley
Presentation date: 2007.02
Makiko Takekuro [Invited]
Special Symposium of "Language and Human" Group (St. Paul University)
Presentation date: 2006.12
Attunement in Social Interaction
Makiko Takekuro
The Twelfth Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture (University of California, Los Angeles) University of Calfiornia, Los Angeles
Presentation date: 2006.05
Japanese Honorific Use from Co-Present Participants’ Perspectives
Makiko Takekuro
UCLA Anthropology Discourse Laboratory (University of California, Los Angeles)
Presentation date: 2006.05
From Keigo (Honorifics) to Keii-Hyougen (Respect Expressions): Linguistic Ideologies in Contemporary Japan
Makiko Takekuro
The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (University of California, Berkeley) University of California, Berkeley
Presentation date: 2006.02
Changes in Japanese Women’s Speech from a Life-Course Perspective
Makiko Takekuro
The Annual Meeting of Linguistic Society of America
Presentation date: 2006.01
Democratic or Undemocratic?: Linguistic Ideologies of Japanese Honorifics
Makiko Takekuro
he Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association
Presentation date: 2005.11
Attunement in Sequential Use of Japanese Honorifics
Makiko Takekuro
The 9th International Pragmatics Conference
Presentation date: 2005.07
“Smooth” Communication in Japan: The Linguistic Ideology of Japanese Honorification
Makiko Takekuro [Invited]
The Meeting of American Ethnological Society
Presentation date: 2005.04
Attunement in Sequential Use of Japanese Honorifics
Makiko Takekuro
The 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society
Presentation date: 2005.02
Age and Gender Dynamics of Japanese Women’s Speech from a Life-Course Perspective
Makiko Takekuro
Georgetown Linguistics Society 2005: The Language and Identity Tapestry
Presentation date: 2005.02
The Indexical Ground of Honorifics and Sentence-Final Particles in Japanese
Makiko Takekuro
The 11th Workshop on East Asian Languages
Presentation date: 2003.03
Linguistic Harmonization: The Indexical Use of Honorifics and Sentence-Final Particles in Japanese
Makiko Takekuro
The 29th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley
Presentation date: 2003.02
Indexicality and Socialization: Age-Graded Changes of Japanese Women’s Speech
Makiko Takekuro [Invited]
The 9th Meeting of Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences, Workshop "Language and Social Relations: Aspects of Ideology and Indexicality in Language Use"
Presentation date: 2002.03
Age-Graded Shift of Gendered Discourse among Young Japanese Females
Makiko Takekuro
The Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America
Presentation date: 2002.01
Diachronic Analysis of Japanese Women’s Language Use
Makiko Takekuro
The Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association
Presentation date: 2000.12
Conversational Jokes in Japanese and English
Makiko Takekuro
The 19th International Humor Conference
Presentation date: 2000.07
Consideration towards Harmony in Japanese: Pragmatic Modality on Television Debate Programs
Makiko Takekuro
The 7th International Pragmatics Conference
Presentation date: 2000.07
Formulaic Expressions and Social Conventions in Japanese
Makiko Takekuro
The International Symposium on Linguistic Politeness: Theoretical Approaches and Intercultural Perspectives
Presentation date: 1999.12
Discourse Framing in Japanese and English
Makiko Takekuro
The 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics AILA
Presentation date: 1999.08
Culture behind Wordplays in Japanese Advertisements
Makiko Takekuro
The 18th International Humor Conference
Presentation date: 1999.07
Presentation date: 1998.07
Conversational Jokes as a Politeness Strategy: Observations from English and Japanese
Makiko Takekuro
The 6th International Pragmatics Conference
Presentation date: 1998.07
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
武黒 麻紀子
Linguistics of 'Ba': Emergence of Meaning in Ba
Project Year :
A linguistic anthropological analysis of interaction: The intersection between language, gesture, and lived space on Ishigaki Island
Project Year :
Exploring limits for presupposition manipulation
Project Year :
Toward Construction of Linguistics of BA : Semantics and Pragmatics of BA
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HARADA Yasunari, IDE Sachiko, KATAGIRI Yasuhiro, YOSHIMOTO Kei, SAKAI Kazuo, SHUDO Sachiko, TAKEKURO Makiko, MAEBO Kanako, YOKOMORI Daisuke, ENDO Tomoko, HELENE Wlodarczyk, CHOE Jae-woong
A linguistic anthropological analysis of interaction in Ishigaki : A quest for the intersection between language, gesture, and environment
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Project Year :
コラム ネットワークゼロに導かれて
『ポエティクスの新展開ープルリモーダルな実践の詩的解釈に向けて』 片岡邦好・武黒麻紀子・榎本剛士編 ひつじ書房 248 - 249 2022.11
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
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