Updated on 2024/10/24


OKADA, Masanori
Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title
LL.M. ( Graduate School of Law, Waseda University )
LL.D. ( Graduate School of Law, Waseda University )

Research Areas

  • Public law


  • On Reform of Legal Professionals Education System and the Bar Examination in Japan: Historical Background and Current Situation

    OKADA, Masanori

    Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law   40   13 - 25  2022.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • State Responsibility in Construction Asbestos Litigations

    OKADA, Masanori

      51 ( 3 ) 14 - 19  2022.01  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Science and politics in Japan: Thinking from the issue of refusal to appoint members of the Science Council of Japan

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 951 ) 76 - 85  2021.11  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Respect for gender identity in the workplace: Responsibility of the National Personnel Authority and Court

    OKADA, Masanori

      93 ( 12 ) 4 - 6  2021.10  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A study on a new regional management system by the central government: The pitfall of the "dual representation system" theory

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 713 ) 52 - 56  2021.10  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Despair and hope for justice: From the experience of writing the administrative case "Expert Opinion"

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 559 ) 13 - 16  2021.06  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • "Rights" theory in social security disputes: From the perspective of "reconstruction of society and life"

    OKADA, Masanori

        443 - 453  2021.06  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Administrative Decision-making and its Grounds Presentation in the Cases that require Expertise: A Study on Disability Pension System

    OKADA, Masanori

      96 ( 2 ) 121 - 177  2021.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Unconstitutionality and illegality of refusal to appoint members of the Science Council of Japan [Supplementary version]

    OKADA, Masanori

        179 - 192  2021.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The problem of refusal to appoint a member of the Science Council of Japan: its essence and the way to solve the problem

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 23 ) 104 - 113  2021.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Issues in the legal system for disaster countermeasures from the perspective of local autonomy

    OKADA, Masanori

        213 - 235  2021.01  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • From positive law to basic law subjects; Taking the Nationality Act Lawsuit as an example

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 792 ) 10 - 13  2021.01  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Unconstitutionality and illegality of refusal to appoint members of the Science Council of Japan

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 554 ) 13 - 16  2020.12  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Legality and public considerations in withdrawing administrative action: Taking the withdrawal of public water landfill approval as an example

    OKADA, Masanori

        200 - 219  2020.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Responsibility of the Japanese Government in Postwar Compensation Issues: Can the State Revoke Individual Claims?

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 51 ) 126 - 131  2020.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Toward a Sustainable Local Community: From a viewpoint of Legal System for Sharing Care-related Information

    OKADA, Masanori, NAKATSUKA, Fujio

        291 - 315  2020.08  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The formation process of the modern nation-state and the "maturity" of "civil society"

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 785 ) 12 - 18  2020.05  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • An Analysis on the Timing of Jurisdiction-decision under the Administrative Complaint Review Act

    OKADA, Masanori

      95 ( 3 ) 225 - 241  2020.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • An Analysis of the Concept of "six codes" in Japan : Memorandum on Cinq codes napoleoniens and Codification/Translation/Transformation of Modern Law

    OKADA, Masanori

      94 ( 4 ) 149 - 177  2019.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Governance legislation for advanced technology; domestic and international trends

    OKADA, Masanori

      91 ( 6 ) 55 - 57  2019.05  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Henoko new base landfill problem and local autonomy

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 20 ) 2 - 18  2019.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Social network theory, administrative law, and local autonomy

    OKADA, Masanori

        97 - 116  2019.02  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • National Policy and Courts: Historical Background of “Administrative Litigation Malfunction”

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 534 ) 4 - 9  2018.12  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Starting point of extinction prescription of disability pension claim

    OKADA, Masanori

      154 ( 3 )  2018.08  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Private Rights, Human Rights, and Civil Rights: The concept of "civil" and "citoyen" during the French Revolution

    OKADA, Masanori

        119 - 148  2018.05  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Code civil des Français and Germany's nation-state formation

    OKADA, Masanori

        175 - 197  2018.05  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • On the Supreme Court decision of the Henoko case (Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism vs. Governor of Okinawa)

    OKADA, Masanori

      90 ( 2 ) 136 - 154  2018.02  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Judge's Responsibility in Trial of Administrative Litigation

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 2351 ) 122 - 130  2018.01  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Administrative Lawsuit and Judicial System in Japan

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 524 ) 15 - 17  2017.12  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • State's Responsibility for non-exercise of regulatory power in the Fukushima nuclear accident

    OKADA, Masanori

      ( 2339 ) 239 - 243  2017.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 辺野古新基地問題が映し出す地方自治の現在


    市政研究   ( 195 ) 16 - 27  2017.04  [Invited]


  • 市街化調整区域内の開発工事完了後における開発許可取消訴訟の訴えの利益


    ジュリスト   ( 1505 ) 43 - 45  2017.04  [Invited]

  • A Proposal of "Dual Registration System": for Protection of the Rights of Nuclear Accident Evacuees to choose his/her Domicile and to Return to Hometown

    OKADA, Masanori

    Trends in the Sciences   22 ( 4 ) 80 - 83  2017.04  [Invited]

  • 厚木基地訴訟・辺野古訴訟最高裁判決からみた司法制度の現状


    法と民主主義   ( 516 ) 38 - 42  2017.03  [Invited]

  • 「政治的司法」と地方自治の危機——辺野古訴訟最高裁判決を読み解く


    世界   ( 891 ) 93 - 100  2017.01  [Invited]

  • グローバル化と現代行政法


    岡田正則ほか編『現代行政法講座・第1巻/現代行政法の諸相』     351 - 373  2016.12  [Invited]

  • 辺野古訴訟で問われる日本の法治主義と地方自治——高裁判決をどう是正するか


    世界   ( 888 ) 40 - 47  2016.10  [Invited]

  • 司法制度改革後の法学教育——その危機と再生


    法の科学   ( 47 ) 8 - 16  2016.09  [Invited]

  • 埋立承認の職権取消処分と取消権制限の法理


    紙野健二・本多滝夫編『辺野古訴訟と法治主義』     187 - 212  2016.08  [Invited]

  • Die Rechtsreflextheorie in Staatshaftungsprozessen: Am Beispiel des Bauasbestfalls

    OKADA, Masanori

    Waseda Law Review   91 ( 4 ) 1 - 32  2016.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Während die Staatshaftung für Fabrikarbeiter im Falle der Asbestkrankheit durch den Obersten Gerichtshof mittlerweile anerkannt ist, bleibt diejenige für Bauarbeiter noch unklar. Einige Entscheidungen der Landesgerichte haben eine solche Staatshaftung verneint, weil Bauarbeiter außerhalb des Schutzbereiches des Arbeitsrechts stünden und der Minister des Bauministeriums keine Befugnis zur Kontrolle über die Asbestbaumaterialien habe. Dieser Artikel untersucht diesen Streitpunkt und stellt die These auf, dass die Unterlassung der Ausübung dieser Kontrollbefugnis rechtswidrig sei.
    1. Einleitung
    2. Die Funktion der § 2 Nr. 7 bis 9 Baugesetz
    3. Der Schutzbereich der § 2 Nr. 7 bis 9 Baugesetz
    4. Fazit


  • 在外被爆者が日本国外で医療を受けた場合の一般疾病医療費支給の可否


    法学教室   ( 424 ) 53 - 58  2016.01  [Invited]

  • On Limits of Discretionary Power of Education Board in the Decision of Reemployment of Retired Teachers: with relation to Kimigayo Cases

    OKADA, Masanori

    Nanzan Hogaku (Nanzan Law Review)   38 ( 3-4 ) 409 - 451  2015.07  [Invited]

     View Summary

    On Limits of Discretionary Power of Education Board in the Decision of Reemployment of Retired Teachers: with relation to Kimigayo Cases


  • 足立区反社会的団体規制条例に基づく過料処分が十分な説明を欠くものとして取り消された事例(判例評論)


    判例時報   ( 2247 ) 132 - 135  2015.04

  • グローバル新自由主義と最高裁判例の変容


    民主主義科学者協会法律部会編『改憲の時代に挑む民主主義法学』(日本評論社、2014年)     82 - 87  2014.11

  • 日本法曹培育制度・司法考試制度改革:歴史・成果・展望


    国家菁英(中華民國考選部)   ( 39 ) 169 - 181  2014.10

  • 議会における「いじめ」の違法性と地方自治体の賠償責任


    川崎和代・井上英夫編『代読裁判——声をなくした議員の闘い』(法律文化社、2014年)     83 - 97  2014.06

  • 自治体と国との争訟

    岡田正則, 長内祐樹

    大久保規子編『自治体法務講座3・争訟管理』(ぎょうせい)     179 - 213  2013.09

  • 基地騒音の差止請求と改正行政事件訴訟法


    早稲田法学   88 ( 3 ) 1 - 65  2013.08


  • 住民訴訟債権の議会による放棄


    ジュリスト別冊・地方自治判例百選(第4版)     188 - 189  2013.05

  • 巨大自然災害・原発災害と法—基礎法学の視点から—


    法律時報   85 ( 3 ) 77 - 79  2013.03

  • 事件で学ぶ民法・行政法

    岡田正則, 山野目章夫, 原和良, 森直美

    法学セミナー   ( 698 ) 26 - 37  2013.03


    Masanori Okada


  • 日本における行政訴訟制度の形成史と改革の課題


    司法(JURIS/韓国大法院)   22   389 - 446  2012.12

  • 現代における法・判例の形成と実定法学の課題——企画趣旨説明


    法の科学   43   8 - 15  2012.09

  • 地方自治とナショナルミニマム——社会保障における国家・社会・個人——


    井上英夫・林弘子・菊池馨実『新・社会保障法講座(第3巻)』法律文化社     49 - 66  2012.07

  • 韓国憲法裁判所の沿革と現状——二つの「最高裁判所」の競合問題と相乗的発展——


    法と民主主義   ( 470 ) 6 - 12  2012.07

  • 国による石綿建材の指定・認定行為と国家賠償責任


    早稲田法学   87 ( 2 ) 75 - 101  2012


  • 公法学と法実務・基礎法学


    法律時報   84 ( 3 ) 63 - 67  2012

  • The Formation and Development of the Economic Administrative Law in Japan

    OKADA, Masanori

    Journal of Law and Economic Regulation (Center for Law &amp; Public Utilities / Seoul National University)   5   169 - 200  2012

  • A Study on Development and Function of the Constitutional and Administrative Litigation System in Korea

    Masanori Okada, Ha Myeong Ho

    Comparative law review   45 ( 2 ) 1 - 18  2011.12


  • 教育公務員の懲戒処分に関する裁量権の逸脱・濫用の違法について


    Law &amp; Practice   ( 5 ) 171 - 199  2011

  • 権利論と裁量論


    早稲田大学大学院法学研究科(編)『法学研究の基礎<法と権利>』     93 - 111  2011

  • 韓国における憲法裁判所および行政法院の機能と役割

    岡田正則, 河明鎬

    比較法学   45 ( 2 ) 1 - 18  2011

  • 経済行政法理論の生成と展開


    首藤重幸・岡田正則(編)『経済行政法の理論』日本評論社     3 - 32  2010

  • 福祉サービス供給の拡充と地域自治——自治体内分権の視点から——


    社会保障法   ( 25 ) 157 - 169  2010

  • 日本における行政権・司法権の関係史と司法制度改革


    法の科学   ( 41 ) 78 - 83  2010

  • 事実行為の権力性に関する一考察——渡辺洋三『農業水利権の研究』を手がかりとして


    戒能通厚・原田純孝・広渡清吾編『日本社会と法律学』(渡辺洋三先生追悼論集)日本評論社     223 - 238  2009

  • 災害・リスク対策法制の現状と課題


    法律時報   81 ( 9 ) 4 - 7  2009


  • 平野事件:公職追放と行政訴訟法制の転轍


    法学教室   ( 349 ) 4 - 7  2009

  • 立法による行政の変革と公法学——塩野宏先生に聞く

    塩野宏, 岡田正則, 人見剛

    法律時報   80 ( 10 ) 4 - 19  2008


  • 行政改革関連法制の整備と公法学——概観


    法律時報   80 ( 10 ) 20 - 21  2008

  • 行政不服審査の対象


    福家俊朗・本多滝夫・岡田正則ほか『行政不服審査制度の改革』日本評論社     64 - 75  2008

  • 明治憲法体制確立期における国の不法行為責任(4)——国家無答責の法理と公権力概念——


    南山法学   31 ( 1-2 ) 85 - 112  2007

  • 行政処分・行政行為の概念史と行政救済法の課題


    法律時報   79 ( 9 ) 15 - 21  2007


  • 民営児童養護施設における養育監護行為の過失と都道府県の損害賠償責任


    賃金と社会保障   ( 1445 ) 70 - 76  2007

  • 明治憲法体制確立期における国の不法行為責任(2)——国家無答責の法理と公権力概念——


    南山法学   29 ( 2 ) 1 - 55  2006

  • 戦争被害者と社会保障


    井上英夫ほか編『実務社会保障法講義』民事法研究会     394 - 422  2006

  • 公務員の政治的行為に対する罰則適用の意義と限界


    早稲田法学   81 ( 3 ) 335 - 365  2006


  • 長期にわたる都市計画制限と補償の要否


    小早川光郎ほか編『行政判例百選 II[第5版]』(ジュリスト別冊)有斐閣     514 - 515  2006

  • 「自然環境保全法制の日独比較」およびコメント


    獨協国際交流年報   ( 19 ) 217 - 227  2006

  • 明治憲法体制確立期における国の不法行為責任(1)——国家無答責の法理と公権力概念——


    南山法学   28 ( 4 ) 1 - 29  2005

  • 学生無年金障害者訴訟の経緯と論点——違憲立法の合法性審査を中心に——

    岡田正則, 石口俊一, 南野雄二

    法律時報   77 ( 7 ) 69 - 74  2005

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • The Legal Doctrines of the Rule of Law and the Legal State (Rechtsstaat)

    J. R. Silkenat, J. E. Hickey Jr, P. D. Barenboim( Part: Translator/Editor, Translator / Editor / Translator Postscript)

    2020.03 ISBN: 9784792306632

  • Administrative Remedy Law: Considered from Case Law [2nd Edition]

    OKADA, Masanori, SAKAKIBARA, Hidenori, HONDA, Takio( Part: Joint author)

    2019.09 ISBN: 9784535524484

  • Modern administration and network theory

    NORO, Mitsuru, OKADA, Masanori, HITOMI, Takeshi, ISHIZAKI, Seiya( Part: Joint author, Chapter 6)

    2019.02 ISBN: 9784589039873

  • 現代行政法講座・第1巻

    岡田正則( Part: Joint author)

    日本評論社  2016.12 ISBN: 9784535067042

  • 地方自治のしくみと法

    岡田正則, 榊原秀訓, 大田直史, 豊島明子

    自治体研究社  2014.10

  • 判例から考える行政救済法

    岡田正則, 本多滝夫, 榊原秀訓

    日本評論社  2014.09

  • 国の不法行為責任と公権力の概念史----国家賠償制度史研究


    弘文堂  2013.02 ISBN: 9784335312151

  • ドイツ環境法


    早稲田大学比較法研究所/成文堂  2012

  • 経済行政法の理論

    首藤重幸, 岡田正則

    日本評論社  2010

  • 実務判例・逐条国家賠償法

    佐藤英善, 岡田正則, 下山憲治, 首藤重幸

    三協法規出版  2008

  • 日韓の相互理解と戦後補償

    池明観, 五十嵐正博, 岡田正則, 名古道功

    日本評論社  2002

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  • Eine historisch-theoretische Analyse &#252;ber soziale Netzwerke: Zum Verwaltungsrecht in der Zeit der Entstaatlichung

    Verwaltung in Netzwerken / Deutsch-Japanisches Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • Issues of Japanese Personal Data Protection System

    2014 MRLC-Korea Personal Data Protection Law Association Joint Seminar, "Comparison of Privacy Data Protections Laws in Northeast Asia" 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Translation deutschen &#246;ffentlichen Rechts nach Japan im 19. Jahrhundert: Skizze eines Forschungsvorhabens mit einem besonderen Fokus auf dem Verwaltungsgerichtssystem

    Workshop: Rezeption, Transfer, Translation -- Neue Ans&#228;tze zur Erforschung interkulturell vermittelter Rechtsbildungsprozesse am Beispiel Japans im 19. Jahrhundert 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • On Historical Background of Reform of Administrative Litigation System in Japan

    9th Japan-Chinese Public Law Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Recent Japanese Reform Plan for the Legal Professionals Education System and the Bar Examination: Their History, Outcome and the Future Vision

    2013 International and Cross-Strait Conference 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Modern States, Citizenship, and the Nation: Historical Development of the State Redress System in Japan

    2013 International Meeting in Boston, Law and Society Association 

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • Administration of Social Security System: from a Viewpoint of Functional Responsibility between Central and Local Government

    Presentation date: 2013.03

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Research Projects

  • A Study of Law and Economics from a viewpoint of Global Administrative Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 地域の再生を通した持続可能な社会保障制度の再構築

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • 人口減少社会における生活保障のあり方-原発被災地復興支援を題材に-

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Relocation of state administration in interdependence network of governance - reconsideration and revival of "modern administrative law"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Noro Mitsuru, KAJI Tetsunori, ISHIZUKA Takeshi

     View Summary

    Regarding the significance of network theory in administrative law, firstly we investigated the theoretical trends in Germany and the United States. Next, various areas such as measures for the poor, town planning by the residents, response to the shrinking of the city, relations between local governments, network phenomena beyond the nation in procurement contracts were examined. This research revealed that there is a phenomenon that needs analysis by network theory, because it can not be clarified by conventional hierarchy models and public and private collaborative models. In addition, we examine the significance, limitations and problems of network theory for general theory of administrative law

  • A Historical Study on Administrative Litigation System in Modern States

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    First, as to the concept of "civil", I clarified that while it provided a philosophical basis for the formation of modern nation states, it also played a role of privatizing the legal relationship of the members of the state and of hindering the formation of a national state for neighboring countries. Second, I showed a methodology for analyzing legal transformations in the historical context of globalization of legal relations, using the viewpoint of translation studies. Thirdly, I showed the historical cause of the disability of the courts in the administrative relief system in Japan, pointing out their origin as a branch of administrative power and the distortion of postwar reform, and then I examined the legal issues concerning the reform of administrative litigation system in the future

  • A Historical Study on Administrative Litigation System in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKADA Masanori

     View Summary

    I published a book "State's Tort Liability and Conceptual History of Public Power" (2013) and made a presentation, "Modern States, Citizenship, and the Nation: Historical Development of the State Redress System in Japan" at 2013 International Meeting of Law and Society Association in Boston (on May 31. 2013).It seems to me that legal concepts especially in East Asian Law have various origins and therefore they are not always consistent. For example the concept of "administrative action (gyousei-shobun)" in Japan, which is the almost same concept of "exercise of public power", has two origins: "acte administratif" from France and "Verwaltungsakt" from Germany. Today two origins of this concept bring various contradictions to Japanese administrative law. We need to analyze carefully this kind of patchwork legal system

  • The interdisciplinary research on the development of human rights Indicators in the field of social security

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Yoshimi, MUNESUE Toshiyuki, AKIMOTO Miyo, INOUE Hideo, OKADA Masanori, MATSUDA Ryozo, MUNESUE Tokuko, JIN Yoko, FUJIWARA Seigo, SHIBAIKE Toshiteru, UEDA Akihiro, NORITAKE Tatsuki, BRIGIT Toebes

     View Summary

    The list of achievements towards the development of human rights indicator is accomplished, inter alia, in the specific areas of right to health and gender. The interest group presentation at the International Human Rights Law Association, which is anticipated to continue on an annual basis, established a solid base for an unremitting collaborative research at the level of academic institute.

  • The change of the measures to the economic and social regulations and its influence on the administrative law system

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUTO Shigeyuki, OKADA Masanori, TAMURA Tatuhisa, SUGIHARA Takesi

     View Summary

    While the public utilities have been being privatized in the developed countries, we can find a paradoxical fact that regulations have grown enormously in these countries at the same time. Analyzing the measures of these regulations in these countries shows that the flexible and diverse measures have been taken not only to ensure the fairness of regulations but also prevent governments from obstructing the privatization of public utilities. These flexibility and diversity has demanded the reform of the stiff thinking of the public regulations in the existing administrative law approach. Besides it certainly has introduced a new academic research subject,"the economic administrative law".

  • The Development of Japanese Administrative Litigation System and the Concept of Public Power

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKADA Masanori

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    The aim of this study is to illustrate the historical development of Japanese administrative litigation and remedy system from a viewpoint of comparative legal history. In this study I analyzed (1) perspectives and methods for historical study in public law, (2) cases and legal theories on tort liability of state and on concept of "administrative action (Gyousei-shobun)" in years 1890-1960, (3) the process of development in the litigation system and theories on economic administrative law and legal remedy in Japan. The results of this study are 10 articles and 4 reports in the academic societies

  • A Comprehensive Study on the Process of Injunction in the Administrative Litigation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKADA Masanori

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    (1) On the injunction system in the Japanese administrative litigation law I have published an article "Procedural Provisions in the Revised Administrative Litigation Law and the Right of Access to the Courts" (in THE HOURITSU JIHOU vol. 77 No. 3, 2005). And then my study focused on the concept of exercise of public power, which Japanese courts apply in order to exclude injunctions of civil procedure.(2) On the concept of "exercise of public power", I analyzed firstly its historical basis. Articles on this theme are "Tort Liability of the State in the Establishing Era of the Meiji Constitutional System: State Immunity Discipline and the Concept of Public Power(1)-(5)" (in NANZAN LAW REVIEW from vol. 28, No. 4 to vol. 31 No. 3, 2005-7). I gave already a lecture about an outline of these articles were already in a symposium of the Japan Democratic Scientist Society (Division of Law) and summary of this lecture is the article in the journal of this academic society "Science in Law" No. 37. Secondly I examined the concepts of "GYOUSEI-SHOBUN" and "GYOUSEI-KOUI". Both of them mean "administrative action", which is a typical example of "exercise of public power". As a result of my study, I explicated the difference of historical origin of these concepts (former meant originally "administrative measure") and a cause of today's theoretical confusion, which is brought by identifying these two. In other words, because of this confusion Japanese courts deny a series of action for prevention against plane noise, for no other reason than that an action of this kind neither civil nor administrative action.(3) An article on the injunction system in German law will be also appeared in 2006. I examine in this article into the cases and litigation systems of mandamus proceeding or injunction to permitted establishments or facilities, which should pass the criteria in environmental and town planning acts, to non-permitted, which are exempted from regulatory provisions, and to military installations. On the basis of suggestions of these litigation systems, I will propose theoretical and institutional ideas on procedure, object of suit, and effects of judicial decision : I have pointed out a part of these ideas in the Dokkyo International Forum 2005.In addition to these studies from a viewpoint of comparative law, I prepare a Japanese version of H.-J. KOCH (ed.), "UMWELTRECHT" (2002, Luchterhand), which will be published in 2008.(4) In relation to this study theme I have reviewed decisions of courts. Results of this review are reports in THE HOUGAKU SEMINAR since April 2004

  • A Study on Administrative Procedure and Information System from the Viewpoint of Right to Social Security

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKADA Masanori

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    1. If administrative bodies would play its role in the social security by means of contract system of civil law, they must introduce not only those systems, in which they support the adequate supply of services by private sectors, supervise the quality of the services and eliminate the barriers against the beneficiary of services, give adequate information about the services, and help the beneficiary of services to bargain with these undertaking bodies, but also those procedural conditions of contracts, which take the characteristics of legal relation in social security into consideration.2. A systematic statute of administrative procedure for social securities should be provided. Following points are elemental : estoppel-principle, notification of the detailed reason for the administrative decisions, inquiry into the matter, factfinding, duty of administrative agencies to advise about remedial procedures and to give information about the administrative decision, adjustment procedure in case of mistake of administrative decision (esp. overpayment of benefits etc.), and the advocate system in these procedures.3. On the judicial reform I came to the following conclusions. (1) Although it is undoubtedly necessary for us to reform social security procedure and process system, questions with regard to this point are ignored in current discussions on judicial reform. (2) In reforming judicial system, we must take the characteristics of social security cases into consideration. (3) From the viewpoint of right to social security, it is very important to introduce a model action system and a wide-range judicial decision system, which is Corresponding to the administrative decisions with a long-term effect, into the Japanese administrative litigation system

  • The Mutual Understandings between Japan and Korea and the Post-war Compensation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAMONO Yukio, NAKO Michitaka, INOUE Hideo, IGARASHI Masahiro, SADAKATA Mamoru, OKADA Masanori

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    The study is to examine the various problems concerning the post-war compensation in general. and the so-called comfort women in partienlar focusing mainly on the relationship between the Republic of Korea and Japan in taking also into the protertion of human rights of Koreans residing in Japan, and to propose the prosped to solve these problems.The research results are as follows :1 The situations surronnding the Japan-Korean relation between 1965 when the Japan-Korean Agreement was concluded and the present have considerably changed : the eitizens of both eountries have established elear historical understandings toward matured civil society, and they have recognized that the solution of the post-war compensation problems is not only related to the Governments of both countries. but also related to the reconciliation and cooperation between the citizens of both countries.2 The problems which "comfort women" have so far suffered were made clear through historical studies and interviews : the true facts and fundamental reasons that "comfort women" problems have been seriously posed to date have been made clear and the daily life security for them is urgently needed.3 After examming eritieally the treaty-making process of the Japan-Korean Agreements of 1965, based mainly on the political and economic factors thereon. it is obvious that problems of compensation of individual persons have not yet solved.4 So far as the legal problems are coneorned, Japanese courts, apart from the Kanpuease, have denied the elaims for compensation on the ground that the statule of limitations can be applied. or the relevant rules of international law which the appheants insoked cannot be applied. We reaxamined these judgments critically from constitutional law, administrative law and international law view points and pointed out that there could be a legal possibility to recognize compensation based on the State responsibity and the enactment of compensation laws is urgently needed in comparing with German precedents.5 Since the solution of post-war compensation at Govermental level has made very slow progress the promotion of exchange at various levels between citizens of our countries for mutual understandings has increasingly become important. Therefore, public opinions of two countries were examined by means of questionnaires.6 Based on the understanding that the Japan-Korean relations has entered into new stage after the Joint Deelaration between our conntries was concluded when Presdent Kim visited Japan in 1998. the problems and prospeets toward the solution of post-war compensation were posed from Korean as well as Japanese partieipants of this study

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Overseas Activities

  • 近代国家における行政救済制度の形成過程に関する総合的研究


    ドイツ連邦共和国   マックスプランク欧州法史研究所


  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences

  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 経済関係のグローバル化に対応する経済行政法理論の構築


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     法関係のグローバル化に関して、論文「国家賠償法6条の違憲性──あるいは相互保証主義の合憲限定解釈の限界」で外国人の人権保障の視点から、憲法17条および国家賠償法の制定の意義を確かめるとともに、同法6条の問題点(違憲性)を明らかにした。経済行政法の歴史と理論に関しては、近刊のHarald Baum他編“Handbuch des Japanischen Handels- und&nbsp;Wirtschaftsrecht, 2.Aufl.”において、論文“Die Geschichte des Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrechts in Japan”を公表する。これらのほか、スポーツ事故をめぐる補償・賠償・事故予防システムのあり方について、論文「スポーツ事故をめぐる補償と事故予防」を公刊し、雑誌「法学教室」において、行政法総論に関するテーマの検討を毎月連載した。

  • 経済関係のグローバル化に対応する経済行政法理論の構築


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  • 経済関係のグローバル化に対応する経済行政法理論の構築


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     法関係のグローバル化に関して、国際学会での日本の司法制度改革に関する報告の成果を公表した。また、中国社会科学院主催の国際シンポジウム(Legal Regulation of Digital Economy)で個人情報保護法制に関する報告を担当した。その他、2020年に公刊したシルケナートほか編(岡田ほか編訳)『法の支配と法治主義』に関わる検討の成果の公表、グローバルな視点からの政治と学術の関係に関する分析を行った。経済規制システムに関する考察として、建設アスベスト訴訟の検討、地域経済システムと法制度の関係に関する考察として、定住自立圏・連携中枢都市圏構想および「二元代表制」論に関する検討、社会保障行政に即した権利論の検討を行った。

  • 経済関係のグローバル化に対応する経済行政法理論の構築


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  • 経済関係のグローバル化に対応する経済行政法理論の構築


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     歴史研究に関して、 岡田正則「「六法」という思想:ナポレオン五法典・行政法典と近代法継受に関する覚書」早稲田法学94巻4号149-177頁(2019年)、訴訟制度に関して、同「辺野古新基地埋立て承認撤回をめぐる法律問題と今後の課題:地方自治の視点から」法学館憲法研究所報20号2-18頁(2019年)、経済行政法理論に関して、同「先端技術のガバナンス法制をめぐる国内外の動向」法律時報91巻6号55-57頁(2019年)。その他、2019年5月に青島大学・青島科技大学・山東科技大学で講演「日本における国家賠償制度の発展」、9月に華東政法大学で講演「日本における行政訴訟の現状と課題」など。

  • 経済関係のグローバル化に対応する経済行政法論理の構築


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      本テーマに関する今年度の研究成果として、 岡田正則「フランス民法典とドイツの国民国家形成」、同 「私権・人権と市民的権利」、同「 国策と裁判所:“行政訴訟の機能不全”の歴史的背景と今後の課題」、同「 社会的ネットワーク論と行政法・地域自治」、OKADA,Masanori, Riskcontrol of Technology in administrative law, in: German-Japanese Conference onNew Technology Governance / 1st September 2018, Saarland Univ.など。

  • 法関係のグローバル化・分権化に対応する経済行政法理論の構築

    2018   田村 達久, ツーファル フレデリケ, 杉原 丈史, 友岡 史仁

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  • 近代国家における行政救済制度形成史の総合的研究


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    2017年度の前半は行政権と司法制度との歴史的な関係を日本の近代化に即して考察を進めた。後半は、マックスプランク研究所主催の「Comparative Workshop onLegal Transformations in 19th and early 20th Century」での報告等の準備を行った。岡田「行政訴訟と司法はどうあるべきか」法と民主主義524号15頁、同「行政訴訟の審理と裁判官の責任」判例時報2351号122-130頁、OKADA, Legal Transformations ofJapanese Public Law in late 19th and early 20th Century: From a Perspective ofAdministrative&nbsp;Litigation Systemなどが主な成果である。

  • 法関係のグローバル化・分権化に対応する経済行政法理論の構築


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  • 経済関係のグローバル化に対する経済行政法理論の構築


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  • 経済関係のグローバル化に対応する経済行政法理論の構築

    2016   首藤 重幸, 田村 達久, 杉原 丈史, 友岡 史仁

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    @font-face { font-family: "Times";}@font-face { font-family: "MS 明朝";}@font-face { font-family: "@MS 明朝";}@font-face { font-family: "平成明朝";}@font-face { font-family: "êÔˇø◊‰ T¿Ù/†°ÖɿT(ˇø0ôÁTƒØD";}@font-face { font-family: "@平成明朝";}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0mm 0mm 0.0001pt; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { } 研究会を3回開催した(早大比較法研究所共同研究「経済行政法理論の比較法的研究」としての研究活動でもある)。グローバル化現象の法的分析については、岡田「グローバル化と現代行政法」、杉原「難民認定処分の義務付けの訴え」、その国内法(経済規制等)に関わる論点については、友岡「Legal Systems」報告、同「原発「再稼働」にかかる専門的知見の反映」、地方自治との関係については、岡田「裁判所による法治主義・地方自治の破壊」、田村「住民訴訟制度」、杉原「三号請求訴訟の新たな可能性」が成果である。

  • 行政法関係における差止請求と公権力概念


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     本研究は、近年の判決等で流布されている国家無答責の法理に関する実定法説(この法理は1890年の諸立法の前提とされているので実定法上の根拠を有するという説)および「行政裁判法と旧民法が公布された明治23年[1890年]の時点で、公権力行使についての国家無答責の法理を採用するという基本的法政策が確立した」という1890年確立テーゼの真偽を検討するために、関係立法の制定経過、戦前の大審院判例の変遷、および学説の推移を検討した。 結論は次のとおりである。第一に、関係立法における立法者意思、大審院判例の推移、戦前の学説の認識のいずれの面から見ても、国家無答責の法理が1890年の立法措置(行政裁判法16条・裁判所構成法2条および26条・旧民法373条)によって実定法上で確立された法理だということは不可能であること、および、この法理が後年の大審院の判決により形成された判例法理であったこと、は明白である。実定法説が成り立つ余地はない。第二に、同じく戦前の立法・判例・学説のいずれの面からみても、1890年確立テーゼの前提にある認定、すなわち、行政裁判法16条が国に対する損害賠償請求訴訟についての司法裁判所の管轄権を否定したという認定および旧民法373条が「高権的活動に対しては民法に基づく国家責任を否定しようとする立法者意思のあらわれとみることができる」という認定は誤りである。このテーゼは、国家無答責の法理が判例法理として確立されるための制度的基礎を1890年の諸立法が与えた、という限りにおいて妥当性を有する。第三に、国家無答責の法理の適用について、大審院の判決は一貫してはいなかった。「大審院も公務員の違法な公権力の行使に関して、常に国に賠償責任のないことを判示して来た」という認定は誤りである。第四に、国家無答責の法理は、判例法理であるので、国家賠償法附則6項にいう「従前の例」には該当しない。また、その実体的内容は今日の法体系の下ではもはや妥当性を持たないので、現代の裁判所においてこれを適用することは許されない。

  • 行政法関係における差止請求と公権力概念


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     本研究は、行政救済法における「公権力」概念の機能を歴史的脈絡から解明することによって、行政訴訟における差止請求(ひいては抗告訴訟全体)の権利救済上の役割を提示し、最終的には、行政訴訟および民事訴訟における訴訟類型の適用に関する法解釈の指針および訴訟制度改正による解決方向を示すことを目的としている。 2006年度の研究では、戦後改革期における国家賠償制度の創設および行政訴訟制度の再編成(行政裁判所の廃止、行政事件訴訟特例法の制定など)を重点的に検討する計画であったが、まだそれ以前の時期に関する作業が不十分であったため、(1)1890年代の関係立法(裁判所構成法、旧民法・現行民法の不法行為関係規定)の検討、(2)国家賠償責任に関する戦前の大審院判例の変遷の検討、(3)国家賠償責任の成否の鍵となる「公権力」概念のヨーロッパおよび日本での形成過程に関する学説史の検討を進めた。後掲論文「明治憲法体制確立期における国の不法行為責任(3)」が上記(1)に対応する研究成果であり、後掲論文「明治憲法体制確立期における国の不法行為責任(4)」が上記(2)および(3)に対応する研究成果であり、後掲論文「日本における行政救済制度の形成史と理論的課題」が上記(3)と戦後改革期の検討に対応する研究成果である。 なお、論文「明治憲法体制確立期における国の不法行為責任」は今年度中に完結させる予定であったが、「(4)」の分量が大部になったため、これを二分し、後半を「(5・完)」として来年度に公表することとした。この論文によって、日本における国家賠償制度史・理論史研究の欠落を埋めることができ、行政訴訟・民事訴訟を含めた解釈論・立法論の指針を提供できるものと自負している。

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