Updated on 2025/03/13


AKIMOTO, Takayuki
Faculty of Sport Sciences, School of Sport and Sciences
Job title
Ph.D. (Medical Sciences) ( University of Tsukuba )

Research Experience

  • 2016.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Sport Sciences

  • 2007.09

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Medicine   Assistant Professor

  • 2010.03

    University of Padova   Visiting Professor

  • 2005.09

    Waseda University

  • 2003.08

    Duke University Medical Center   Research Associate

  • 2000.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

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Committee Memberships

  • 2022

    Japan Anti-doping Agency  Committee for Health and Medical Sciences

  • 2022

    International Journal of Sports Medicine  Editorial board member

  • 2019

    Scientific Reports  Editorial Board member

  • 2019

    日本体力医学会  渉外委員会委員

  • 2019

    日本スポーツ振興センターハイパフォーマンススポーツセンター  アドバイザー

  • 2018

    文部科学省  NISTEP専門調査員

  • 2016

    J Exerc Nutrition Biochem  Editorial Board member

  • 2016

    日本筋学会  理事

  • 2015

    日本体力医学会  編集委員会委員

  • 2002

    日本運動免疫学研究会  運営委員

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Professional Memberships


    American Physiological Society


    Japan Muscle Society






    European College of Sports Science


    International Society of Exercise & Immunology


    American Society for Cell Biology

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Research Areas

  • Nutrition science and health science / Physiology / Sports sciences

Research Interests

  • adaptation

  • mesenchymal tissue

  • メカニカルストレス

  • Mechanical stress


  • Waseda Research Award


    Winner: AKIMOTO Takayuki

  • Young Investigator Award, International Research Group on Biochemistry of Exercise


  • 優秀業績賞

    2006   早稲田大学先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構  

    Winner: 秋本 崇之

  • 日本体力医学会 若手奨励賞


  • Research Recognition Award, The American Physiological Society


  • 東京大学学術奨励資金


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  • The Rubicon-WIPI axis regulates exosome biogenesis during ageing.

    Kyosuke Yanagawa, Akiko Kuma, Maho Hamasaki, Shunbun Kita, Tadashi Yamamuro, Kohei Nishino, Shuhei Nakamura, Hiroko Omori, Tatsuya Kaminishi, Satoshi Oikawa, Yoshio Kato, Ryuya Edahiro, Ryosuke Kawagoe, Takako Taniguchi, Yoko Tanaka, Takayuki Shima, Keisuke Tabata, Miki Iwatani, Nao Bekku, Rikinari Hanayama, Yukinori Okada, Takayuki Akimoto, Hidetaka Kosako, Akiko Takahashi, Iichiro Shimomura, Yasushi Sakata, Tamotsu Yoshimori

    Nature cell biology   26 ( 9 ) 1558 - 1570  2024.09  [International journal]

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    Cells release intraluminal vesicles in multivesicular bodies as exosomes to communicate with other cells. Although recent studies suggest an intimate link between exosome biogenesis and autophagy, the detailed mechanism is not fully understood. Here we employed comprehensive RNA interference screening for autophagy-related factors and discovered that Rubicon, a negative regulator of autophagy, is essential for exosome release. Rubicon recruits WIPI2d to endosomes to promote exosome biogenesis. Interactome analysis of WIPI2d identified the ESCRT components that are required for intraluminal vesicle formation. Notably, we found that Rubicon is required for an age-dependent increase of exosome release in mice. In addition, small RNA sequencing of serum exosomes revealed that Rubicon determines the fate of exosomal microRNAs associated with cellular senescence and longevity pathways. Taken together, our current results suggest that the Rubicon-WIPI axis functions as a key regulator of exosome biogenesis and is responsible for age-dependent changes in exosome quantity and quality.

    DOI PubMed


  • Roles of programmed death-1 and muscle innate lymphoid cell-derived interleukin 13 in sepsis-induced intensive care unit-acquired weakness.

    Yuichi Akama, Eun Jeong Park, Naoko Satoh-Takayama, Atsushi Ito, Eiji Kawamoto, Arong Gaowa, Eri Matsuo, Satoshi Oikawa, Masafumi Saito, Shigeaki Inoue, Takayuki Akimoto, Kei Suzuki, Motomu Shimaoka

    Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle    2024.07  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Intensive care unit-acquired weakness (ICU-AW) is a syndrome characterized by a long-term muscle weakness often observed in sepsis-surviving patients during the chronic phase. Although ICU-AW is independently associated with increased mortality, effective therapies have yet to be established. Programmed death-1 (PD-1) inhibitors have attracted attention as potential treatments for reversing immune exhaustion in sepsis; however, its impact on ICU-AW remains to be elucidated. Here, we study how PD-1 deficiency affects sepsis-induced skeletal muscle dysfunction in a preclinical sepsis model. METHODS: Chronic sepsis model was developed by treating wild-type (WT) and PD-1 knockout (KO) mice with caecal slurry, followed by resuscitation with antibiotics and saline. Mice were euthanized on days 15-17. Body weights, muscle weights, and limb muscle strengths were measured. Interleukin 13 (IL-13) and PD-1 expressions were examined by flow cytometry. Messenger RNA (mRNA) expressions of slow-twitch muscles were measured by reverse transcription and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). In an in vitro study, C2C12 myotubes were treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and recombinant IL-13 followed by gene expression measurements. RESULTS: WT septic mice exhibited decreased muscle weight (quadriceps, P < 0.01; gastrocnemius, P < 0.05; and tibialis anterior, P < 0.01) and long-term muscle weakness (P < 0.0001), whereas PD-1 KO septic mice did not exhibit any reduction in muscle weights and strengths. Slow-twitch specific mRNAs, including myoglobin (Mb), troponin I type 1 (Tnni1), and myosin heavy chain 7 (Myh7) were decreased in WT skeletal muscle (Mb, P < 0.0001; Tnni1, P < 0.05; and Myh7, P < 0.05) after sepsis induction, but mRNA expressions of Tnni1 and Myh7 were increased in PD-1 KO septic mice (Mb, not significant; Tnni1, P < 0.0001; and Myh7, P < 0.05). Treatment of C2C12 myotube cells with LPS decreased the expression of slow-twitch mRNAs, which was restored by IL-13 (Mb, P < 0.0001; Tnni1, P < 0.001; and Myh7, P < 0.05). IL-13 production was significantly higher in ILC2s compared to T cells in skeletal muscle (P < 0.05). IL-13-producing ILC2s in skeletal muscle were examined and found to increase in PD-1 KO septic mice, compared with WT septic mice (P < 0.05). ILC2-derived IL-13 was increased by PD-1 KO septic mice and thought to protect the muscles from experimental ICU-AW. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term muscle weakness in experimental ICU-AW was ameliorated in PD-1 KO mice. ILC2-derived IL-13 production in skeletal muscles was increased in PD-1 KO mice, thereby suggesting that IL-13 alleviates muscle weakness during sepsis. This study demonstrates the effects of PD-1 blockade in preserving muscle strength during sepsis through an increase in ILC2-derived IL-13 and may be an attractive therapeutic target for sepsis-induced ICU-AW.

    DOI PubMed


  • Myelin-Specific microRNA-23a/b Cluster Deletion Inhibits Myelination in the Central Nervous System during Postnatal Growth and Aging.

    Shigeki Ishibashi, Naosuke Kamei, Yuji Tsuchikawa, Toshio Nakamae, Takayuki Akimoto, Shigeru Miyaki, Nobuo Adachi

    Genes   15 ( 4 )  2024.03  [International journal]

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    Microribonucleic acids (miRNAs) comprising miR-23a/b clusters, specifically miR-23a and miR-27a, are recognized for their divergent roles in myelination within the central nervous system. However, cluster-specific miRNA functions remain controversial as miRNAs within the same cluster have been suggested to function complementarily. This study aims to clarify the role of miR-23a/b clusters in myelination using mice with a miR-23a/b cluster deletion (KO mice), specifically in myelin expressing proteolipid protein (PLP). Inducible conditional KO mice were generated by crossing miR-23a/b clusterflox/flox mice with PlpCre-ERT2 mice; the offspring were injected with tamoxifen at 10 days or 10 weeks of age to induce a myelin-specific miR-23a/b cluster deletion. Evaluation was performed at 10 weeks or 12 months of age and compared with control mice that were not treated with tamoxifen. KO mice exhibit impaired motor function and hypoplastic myelin sheaths in the brain and spinal cord at 10 weeks and 12 months of age. Simultaneously, significant decreases in myelin basic protein (MBP) and PLP expression occur in KO mice. The percentages of oligodendrocyte precursors and mature oligodendrocytes are consistent between the KO and control mice. However, the proportion of oligodendrocytes expressing MBP is significantly lower in KO mice. Moreover, changes in protein expression occur in KO mice, with increased leucine zipper-like transcriptional regulator 1 expression, decreased R-RAS expression, and decreased phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases. These findings highlight the significant influence of miR-23a/b clusters on myelination during postnatal growth and aging.

    DOI PubMed


  • Skeletal muscle-enriched miRNAs are highly unstable in vivo and may be regulated in a Dicer-independent manner.

    Satoshi Oikawa, Shuaibang Yuan, Yoshio Kato, Takayuki Akimoto

    The FEBS journal   290 ( 24 ) 5692 - 5703  2023.07  [International journal]

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that control essential cellular processes. For several decades, the molecular mechanisms underlying the functions and biogenesis of miRNAs have been clarified, whereas the molecular dynamics of miRNAs are poorly understood. We recently found that muscle-enriched miRNAs were reduced by only 20~50% in the skeletal muscles even 4 weeks after the suppression of miRNA processing through an inducible depletion of Dicer1 gene. These data suggest that miRNAs are stably expressed in skeletal muscle. In this study, we investigated the half-lives of those miRNAs in adult skeletal muscle with an in vivo metabolic labeling strategy and a genetic mouse model. In contrast to the hypothesis, in vivo metabolic labeling revealed that the half-lives of skeletal-muscle-enriched miRNAs were approximately 11-20 hours. Furthermore, the levels of mature miR-23a decreased rapidly in the skeletal muscle of mice lacking miR-23 clusters in a tamoxifen-inducible manner. These data suggest that skeletal-muscle-enriched miRNAs are not highly stable in vivo. We also observed that the transfer of miR-150 into Dicer1-deficient muscle increased the miR-150 level to the same as that in control muscle. Taken together, our data demonstrate that miRNAs are degraded within a few days in adult skeletal muscle and that a Dicer-independent biogenetic pathway may produce mature miRNAs.

    DOI PubMed


  • MicroRNA-140 is not involved in sepsis-induced muscle atrophy.

    Jaehoon Shin, Shigeru Miyaki, Hiroshi Asahara, Takayuki Akimoto

    American journal of physiology. Cell physiology   325 ( 2 ) C509-C518  2023.07  [International journal]

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    Sepsis is a life-threatening inflammatory response to infection, often accompanied by skeletal muscle atrophy. A previous study demonstrated that the administration of microRNA-140 (miR-140) attenuated lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced muscle atrophy, whereas miR-140 knockdown with siRNA promoted atrophy. Therefore, we investigated whether miR-140 is involved in LPS-induced muscle atrophy using a genetic model, miR-140-/- mice. We found that a single injection of LPS induced atrophy both in slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles. The muscle weights and fiber cross-sectional areas were significantly reduced in both the wild-type (WT) and miR-140-/- mice, with no difference between genotypes. The expression of several proteolysis markers, muscle-specific RING-finger 1 (MuRF1) and MAFbx/atrogin-1, increased in both groups after LPS injection. The ubiquitinated proteins in the miR-140-/- mice were similar to those in the WT mice. Therefore, the deletion of miR-140 did not affect sepsis-induced muscle atrophy.

    DOI PubMed


  • The Expanded Exercise Addiction Inventory (EAI-3): Towards Reliable and International Screening of Exercise-Related Dysfunction.

    Umberto Granziol, Mark D Griffiths, Liye Zou, Peiying Yang, Hannah K Herschel, Annika Junker, Takayuki Akimoto, Oliver Stoll, Merve Alpay, Zeynep Aydın, Thomas Zandonai, Laura Di Lodovico, Mia Beck Lichtenstein, Mike Trott, Robert M Portman, Melanie Schipfer, Brian Cook, Silvia Cerea, Aleksei Y Egorov, Abril Cantù-Berrueto, Ricardo de la Vega Marcos, Paula Texeira Fernandes, Emilio Landolfi, Zsolt Demetrovics, Eliza E Tóth, Marco Solmi, Attila Szabo

    International journal of mental health and addiction     1 - 27  2023.05  [International journal]

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    Exercise addiction (EA) refers to excessive exercise, lack of control, and health risks. The Exercise Addiction Inventory (EAI) is one of the most widely used tools in its assessment. However, the cross-cultural psychometric properties of the EAI could be improved because it misses three pathological patterns, including guilt, exercise despite injury, and experienced harm. Therefore, the present study tested the psychometric properties of the expanded EAI (EAI-3) in a large international sample. The EAI-3 was administered to 1931 physically active adult exercisers speaking five languages (Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, and Turkish) and other measures for obsessive-compulsive behavior, eating disorders, and personality traits. The assessment structure and reliability of the EAI-3 were tested with factorial analyses and through measurement invariance across languages and sex. Finally, a cutoff point for dysfunction-proneness was calculated. The EAI-3 comprised two factors, reflecting the positive and pathological sides of exercise. The structure had excellent reliability and goodness-of-fit indices and configural and metric invariances of the scale were supported. However, three items caused violations in scalar invariance. The results of partial measurement invariance testing suggested an adequate fit for the data. Following sensitivity and specificity analysis, the EAI-3's cutoff score was 34 out of a maximum score of 48. This preliminary study suggests that the EAI-3 is a promising tool for screening EA in an international sample, with a robust and reliable structure comparable across languages and sex. In addition, the proposed cutoff could pave the way toward a consensus on a threshold to screen for EA.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effects of joint mobilization combined with acupuncture on pain, physical function, and depression in stroke patients with chronic neuropathic pain: A randomized controlled trial.

    Ji-Eun Lee, Takayuki Akimoto, Jisuk Chang, Ho-Seong Lee

    PloS one   18 ( 8 ) e0281968  2023  [International journal]

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effectiveness of joint mobilization (JM) combined with acupuncture (AC) for the treatment of pain, physical function and depression in poststroke patients. METHODS: A total of 69 poststroke patients were randomly assigned to the JM+AC group (n = 23), the JM group (n = 23), and the control group (n = 23). Patients in the JM+AC group and the JM group received JM for 30 minutes, twice a week for 12 weeks, and the JM+AC group received AC for 30 minutes separately once a week. The control group did not receive JM or AC. Pain (visual analog scale, shoulder pain and disability index, Western Ontario and McMaster universities osteoarthritis index), physical function (range of motion, 10-m walking speed test, functional gait assessment, manual function test, activities of daily living scale, instrumental activities of daily living scale), and depression (center for epidemiologic studies depression scale, Beck depression inventory) were assessed for each patient before and after the 12 weeks of intervention. RESULTS: Pain and physical function were improved significantly in the JM+AC group compared with the JM and control groups. Physical function and depression were improved significantly in the JM+AC and JM groups compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: The treatment of JM combined with AC improved pain, depression, and physical function of poststroke patients with chronic neuropathic pain in this study. This valuable finding provides empirical evidence for the designing therapeutic interventions and identifying potential therapeutic targets.

    DOI PubMed


  • Deficiency of MicroRNA-23-27-24 Clusters Exhibits the Impairment of Myelination in the Central Nervous System.

    Yuji Tsuchikawa, Naosuke Kamei, Yohei Sanada, Toshio Nakamae, Takahiro Harada, Kazunori Imaizumi, Takayuki Akimoto, Shigeru Miyaki, Nobuo Adachi

    Neural plasticity   2023   8938674 - 8938674  2023  [International journal]

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    Several microRNAs (miRNAs), including miR-23 and miR-27a have been reportedly involved in regulating myelination in the central nervous system. Although miR-23 and miR-27a form clusters in vivo and the clustered miRNAs are known to perform complementary functions, the role of these miRNA clusters in myelination has not been studied. To investigate the role of miR-23-27-24 clusters in myelination, we generated miR-23-27-24 cluster knockout mice and evaluated myelination in the brain and spinal cord. Our results showed that 10-week-old knockout mice had reduced motor function in the hanging wire test compared to the wild-type mice. At 4 weeks, 10 weeks, and 12 months of age, knockout mice showed reduced myelination compared to wild-type mice. The expression levels of myelin basic protein and myelin proteolipid protein were also significantly lower in the knockout mice compared to the wild-type mice. Although differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells to oligodendrocytes was not inhibited in the knockout mice, the percentage of oligodendrocytes expressing myelin basic protein was significantly lower in 4-week-old knockout mice than that in wild-type mice. Proteome analysis and western blotting showed increased expression of leucine-zipper-like transcription regulator 1 (LZTR1) and decreased expression of R-RAS and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (pERK1/2) in the knockout mice. In summary, loss of miR-23-27-24 clusters reduces myelination and compromises motor functions in mice. Further, LZTR1, which regulates R-RAS upstream of the ERK1/2 pathway, a signal that promotes myelination, has been identified as a novel target of the miR-23-27-24 cluster in this study.

    DOI PubMed


  • Functional Analysis of MicroRNAs in Skeletal Muscle.

    Satoshi Oikawa, Takayuki Akimoto

    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)   2640   339 - 349  2023  [International journal]

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that are highly conserved in vertebrates and play important roles in diverse biological processes. miRNAs function to fine-tune gene expression by accelerating the degradation of mRNA and/or by inhibiting protein translation. Identification of muscle-specific miRNAs has extended our knowledge of the molecular network in skeletal muscle. Here we describe methods that are commonly used to analyze the function of miRNAs in skeletal muscle.

    DOI PubMed


  • Senescence-accelerated mice prone 8 (SAMP8) in male as a spontaneous osteoarthritis model.

    Yohei Sanada, Yasunari Ikuta, Chenyang Ding, Masahiro Shinohara, Dilimulati Yimiti, Hiroyuki Ishitobi, Keita Nagira, Minjung Lee, Takayuki Akimoto, Sachi Shibata, Masakazu Ishikawa, Tomoyuki Nakasa, Kiminori Matsubara, Martin K Lotz, Nobuo Adachi, Shigeru Miyaki

    Arthritis research & therapy   24 ( 1 ) 235 - 235  2022.10  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Animal models of spontaneous osteoarthritis (OA) are sparse and not well characterized. The purpose of the present study is to examine OA-related changes and mechanisms in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) that displays a phenotype of accelerated aging.  METHODS: Knees of male SAMP8 and SAM-resistant 1 (SAMR1) mice as control from 6 to 33 weeks of age were evaluated by histological grading systems for joint tissues (cartilage, meniscus, synovium, and subchondral bone), and µCT analysis. Gene expression patterns in articular cartilage were analyzed by real-time PCR. Immunohistochemistry was performed for OA-related factors, senescence markers, and apoptosis. RESULTS: Starting at 14 weeks of age, SAMP8 exhibited mild OA-like changes such as proteoglycan loss and cartilage fibrillation. From 18 to 33 weeks of age, SAMP8 progressed to partial or full-thickness defects with exposure of subchondral bone on the medial tibia and exhibited synovitis. Histological scoring indicated significantly more severe OA in SAMP8 compared with SAMR1 from 14 weeks [median (interquartile range): SAMR1: 0.89 (0.56-1.81) vs SAMP8: 1.78 (1.35-4.62)] to 33 weeks of age [SAMR1: 1.67 (1.61-1.04) vs SAMP8: 13.03 (12.26-13.57)]. Subchondral bone sclerosis in the medial tibia, bone mineral density (BMD) loss of femoral metaphysis, and meniscus degeneration occurred much earlier than the onset of cartilage degeneration in SAMP8 at 14 weeks of age. CONCLUSIONS: SAMP8 are a spontaneous OA model that is useful for investigating the pathogenesis of primary OA and evaluating therapeutic interventions.

    DOI PubMed


  • miR-23a/b clusters are not essential for the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis in mouse aging and post-traumatic models.

    Yusuke Fujiwara, Chenyang Ding, Yohei Sanada, Dilimulati Yimiti, Masakazu Ishikawa, Tomoyuki Nakasa, Naosuke Kamei, Kazunori Imaizumi, Martin K Lotz, Takayuki Akimoto, Shigeru Miyaki, Nobuo Adachi

    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology   10   1043259 - 1043259  2022  [International journal]

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    Osteoarthritis (OA), the most prevalent aging-related joint disease, is characterized by insufficient extracellular matrix synthesis and articular cartilage degradation and is caused by various risk factors including aging and traumatic injury. Most microRNAs (miRNAs) have been associated with pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA) using in vitro models. However, the role of many miRNAs in skeletal development and OA pathogenesis is uncharacterized in vivo using genetically modified mice. Here, we focused on miR-23-27-24 clusters. There are two paralogous miR-23-27-24 clusters: miR-23a-27a-24-2 (miR-23a cluster) and miR-23b-27b-24-1 (miR-23b cluster). Each miR-23a/b, miR-24, and miR-27a/b is thought to function coordinately and complementary to each other, and the role of each miR-23a/b, miR-24, and miR-27a/b in OA pathogenesis is still controversial. MiR-23a/b clusters are highly expressed in chondrocytes and the present study examined their role in OA. We analyzed miRNA expression in chondrocytes and investigated cartilage-specific miR-23a/b clusters knockout (Col2a1-Cre; miR-23a/bflox/flox: Cart-miR-23clus KO) mice and global miR-23a/b clusters knockout (CAG-Cre; miR-23a/bflox/flox: Glob-miR-23clus KO) mice. Knees of Cart- and Glob-miR-23a/b clusters KO mice were evaluated by histological grading systems for knee joint tissues using aging model (12 and/or 18 month-old) and surgically-induced OA model. miR-23a/b clusters were among the most highly expressed miRNAs in chondrocytes. Skeletal development of Cart- and Glob-miR-23clus KO mice was grossly normal although Glob-miR-23clus KO had reduced body weight, adipose tissue and bone density. In the aging model and surgically-induced OA model, Cart- and Glob-miR-23clus KO mice exhibited mild OA-like changes such as proteoglycan loss and cartilage fibrillation. However, the histological scores were not significantly different in terms of the severity of OA in Cart- and Glob-miR-23clus KO mice compared with control mice. Together, miR-23a/b clusters, composed of miR-23a/b, miR-24, miR-27a/b do not significantly contribute to OA pathogenesis.

    DOI PubMed


  • Tendon-Specific Dicer Deficient Mice Exhibit Hypoplastic Tendon Through the Downregulation of Tendon-Related Genes and MicroRNAs.

    Takenori Omoto, Dilimulati Yimiti, Yohei Sanada, Minoru Toriyama, Chenyang Ding, Yuta Hayashi, Yasunari Ikuta, Tomoyuki Nakasa, Masakazu Ishikawa, Masayuki Sano, Minjung Lee, Takayuki Akimoto, Chisa Shukunami, Shigeru Miyaki, Nobuo Adachi

    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology   10   898428 - 898428  2022  [International journal]

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    Tendon is a fibrous connective tissue, that is, transmitting the forces that permit body movement. However, tendon/ligament biology is still not fully understood and especially, the role of miRNAs in tendon/ligament is sparse and uncharacterized in in vivo models. The objectives of this study were to address the function of DICER using mice with tendon/ligament-specific deletion of Dicer (Dicer conditional knockout; cKO), and to identify key miRNAs in tendon/ligament. Dicer cKO mice exhibited hypoplastic tendons through structurally abnormal collagen fibrils with downregulation of tendon-related genes. The fragility of tendon did not significantly affect the tensile strength of tendon in Dicer cKO mice, but they showed larger dorsiflexion angle in gait compared with Control mice. We identified two miRNAs, miR-135a and miR-1247, which were highly expressed in the Achilles tendon of Control mice and were downregulated in the Achilles tendon of Dicer cKO mice compared with Control mice. miR-135a mimic increased the expression of tendon-related genes in injured Achilles tendon-derived fibroblasts. In this study, Dicer cKO mice exhibited immature tendons in which collagen fibrils have small diameter with the downregulation of tendon-related genes such as transcriptional factor, extracellular matrix, and miRNAs. Thus, DICER plays an important role in tendon maturation, and miR-135a may have the potential to become key miRNA for tendon maturation and healing.

    DOI PubMed


  • Live-cell imaging of microRNA expression with post-transcriptional feedback control

    Masayuki Sano, Kana Morishita, Satoshi Oikawa, Takayuki Akimoto, Kimio Sumaru, Yoshio Kato

    Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids   26   547 - 556  2021.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that regulate complex gene expression networks in eukaryotic cells. Because of their unique expression patterns, miRNAs are potential molecular markers for specific cell states. Although a system capable of imaging miRNA in living cells is needed to visually detect miRNA expression, very few fluorescence signal-on sensors that respond to expression of target miRNA (miR-ON sensors) are available. Here we report an miR-ON sensor containing a bidirectional promoter-driven Csy4 endoribonuclease and green fluorescent protein, ZsGreen1, for live-cell imaging of miRNAs with post-transcriptional feedback control. Csy4-assisted miR-ON (Csy4-miR-ON) sensors generate negligible background but respond sensitively to target miRNAs, allowing high-contrast fluorescence detection of miRNAs in various human cells. We show that Csy4-miR-ON sensors enabled imaging of various miRNAs, including miR-21, miR-302a, and miR-133, in vitro as well as in vivo. This robust tool can be used to evaluate miRNA expression in diverse biological and medical applications.

    DOI PubMed


  • Dicer-mediated miRNA processing is not involved in controlling muscle mass during muscle atrophy

    Satoshi Oikawa, Jaehoon Shin, Takao Akama, Takayuki Akimoto

    Scientific Reports   11 ( 1 ) 19361 - 19361  2021.12  [International journal]

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    <title>Abstract</title>Muscle atrophy occurs in a variety of physiological and pathological conditions. Specific molecular networks that govern protein synthesis and degradation play important roles in controlling muscle mass under diverse catabolic states. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) were previously found to be regulators of protein synthesis and degradation, and their expressions in skeletal muscle were altered in muscle wasting conditions. However, functional roles of miRNAs in muscle atrophy are poorly understood. In this study, we generated tamoxifen-inducible <italic>Dicer</italic> knockout (iDicer KO) mice and subjected them to 2 weeks of single hindlimb denervation. The expression of <italic>Dicer</italic> mRNA was significantly reduced in muscle of the iDicer KO mice compared to that of WT mice. The loss of <italic>Dicer</italic> moderately reduced levels of muscle-enriched miRNAs, miR-1, miR-133a and miR-206 in both innervated and denervated muscles of the iDicer KO mice. We also found that the extent of denervation-induced muscle atrophy as well as changes of signaling molecules related to protein synthesis/degradation pathways in the iDicer KO mice were comparable to these in WT mice. Taken together, <italic>Dicer</italic> knockout in adult skeletal muscle did not affect denervation-induced muscle atrophy.

    DOI PubMed


  • An acute eccentric exercise increases circulating myomesin 3 fragments

    Minjung Lee, Jaehoon Shin, Tatsuya Kato, Kazue Kanda, Satoshi Oikawa, Jun Sakuma, Kaoru Sugama, Yasuo Kawakami, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Takayuki Akimoto

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   71 ( 1 ) 4 - 4  2021.12  [Domestic journal]

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    Discovery of blood biomarkers to evaluate exercise-induced muscle damage have attracted many researchers and coaches. This study aimed to determine changes in circulating myomesin 3 fragments as a novel biomarker for exercise-induced muscle damage. Nine healthy males performed 10 sets of 40 repetitions of one-leg calf-raise exercise by the load corresponding to the half of their body weight. Muscle symptoms were evaluated by a visual analog scale (VAS). Blood samples were collected before and 2, 4, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h post-exercise. Plasma myomesin 3 fragments levels were significantly increased at 96 h after the eccentric exercise. The myomesin 3 fragments levels were correlated with other biomarkers of muscle damage and the muscle symptoms. These results suggest that the circulating myomesin 3 fragments levels are potential biomarkers reflecting eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.

    DOI PubMed


  • 偏心運動による筋損傷に伴う循環型マイオメシン3フラグメントの変化(Changes in circulating myomesin 3 fragments in response to eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage)

    Lee Minjung, Shin Jaehoon, Kato Tatsuya, Kanda Kazue, Oikawa Satoshi, Sakuma Jun, Sugama Kaoru, Kawakami Yasuo, Suzuki Katsuhiko, Akimoto Takayuki

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   10 ( 6 ) 299 - 299  2021.11

  • Dicerを介したmiRNAのプロセシングは筋萎縮時の筋量制御に関与しない(Dicer-mediated miRNA processing is not involved in controlling muscle mass during muscle atrophy)

    Oikawa Satoshi, Shin Jaehoon, Akama Takao, Akimoto Takayuki

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   10 ( 6 ) 311 - 311  2021.11

  • Molecular Mechanisms of Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy.

    Stefano Schiaffino, Carlo Reggiani, Takayuki Akimoto, Bert Blaauw

    Journal of neuromuscular diseases   8 ( 2 ) 169 - 183  2021  [International journal]

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    Skeletal muscle hypertrophy can be induced by hormones and growth factors acting directly as positive regulators of muscle growth or indirectly by neutralizing negative regulators, and by mechanical signals mediating the effect of resistance exercise. Muscle growth during hypertrophy is controlled at the translational level, through the stimulation of protein synthesis, and at the transcriptional level, through the activation of ribosomal RNAs and muscle-specific genes. mTORC1 has a central role in the regulation of both protein synthesis and ribosomal biogenesis. Several transcription factors and co-activators, including MEF2, SRF, PGC-1α4, and YAP promote the growth of the myofibers. Satellite cell proliferation and fusion is involved in some but not all muscle hypertrophy models.

    DOI PubMed


  • microRNAs slow translating ribosomes to prevent protein misfolding

    Hiroaki Sako, Takayuki Akimoto, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Takashi Ushida, Tadashi Yamamoto

    The EMBO journal   42 ( 18 ) e112469  2020.12  [International journal]

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    <title>Abstract</title>An evolutionarily conserved mechanism, use of non-optimal codons, slows ribosomes during translation to allow proper folding of nascent polypeptides. However, until now, it was unknown whether any eukaryote-specific mechanisms exist for this purpose. Here, we propose that miRNAs slow translating ribosomes to prevent protein misfolding, with little negative effect on protein abundance. To prove this, we bioinformatically analyze ribosome profiling and miRNA binding sites and biochemically confirm that miRNA deficiency causes severe misfolding, which is rescued by slowing translating ribosomes. We demonstrate that non-cleaving shRNAs, targeting regions where elongation rates become faster in miRNA-deficient cells, improve protein folding with minimal effects on protein abundance. These results reveal broader functionality of miRNAs and a previously unknown mechanism to prevent protein misfolding.

    <sec><title>One Sentence Summary</title>Eukaryote use of miRNAs prevents protein misfolding in a target-specific manner.


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  • 成体マウスにおいてDicerを条件付きで欠損させると骨格筋再生が損なわれる(Conditional deletion of Dicer in adult mice impairs skeletal muscle regeneration)

    Oikawa Satoshi, Lee Minjung, Akimoto Takayuki

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   9 ( 6 ) 279 - 279  2020.11

  • Changes in Urinary Titin Fragment in Response to Different Types of Dynamic Eccentric Exercises

    Minjung Lee, Kamil Goral, DamianJ Flis, Wojciech Skrobot, Karol Cieminski, RobertA Olek, Takayuki Akimoto, Wieslaw Ziolkowski

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   42 ( 5 ) 432 - 440  2020.10  [International journal]

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    The urinary level of the titin fragment has been considered a non-invasive and sensitive biomarker for muscle damage in clinical cases. However, there is little evidence regarding changes in the urinary titin fragment in response to exercise-induced muscle damage. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether the urinary titin fragment reflects the magnitude of muscle damage induced by two lower-limb eccentric exercises. In this study, healthy young male subjects performed drop jump (n=9) and eccentric ergometer exercise (n=9). Blood and urine samples were collected at various time points before and after the exercises. Although perceived muscle soreness assessed by sit-to-stand tasks was increased at 24h and 48h after both drop jump and the eccentric ergometer exercise groups, the pressure pain threshold was not changed. Changes of the urinary titin fragment, plasma myomesin 3 fragments, creatine kinase (CK), and myoglobin (Mb) after the eccentric exercises were increased but not statistically significant. Meanwhile, we found that the changes in the urinary titin fragment levels in response to both drop jump and the eccentric ergometer exercise were correlated with those of plasma CK and Mb levels. These results provide evidence that the urinary titin fragment level is a non-invasive biomarker reflecting the magnitude of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.

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  • Role of damage and management in muscle hypertrophy: Different behaviors of muscle stem cells in regeneration and hypertrophy

    So-ichiro Fukada, Takayuki Akimoto, Athanassia Sotiropoulos

    BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH   1867 ( 9 ) 118742 - 118742  2020.09  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Skeletal muscle is a dynamic tissue with two unique abilities; one is its excellent regenerative ability, due to the activity of skeletal muscle-resident stem cells named muscle satellite cells (MuSCs); and the other is the adaptation of myofiber size in response to external stimulation, intrinsic factors, or physical activity, which is known as plasticity. Low physical activity and some disease conditions lead to the reduction of myofiber size, called atrophy, whereas hypertrophy refers to the increase in myofiber size induced by high physical activity or anabolic hormones/drugs. MuSCs are essential for generating new myofibers during regeneration and the increase in new myonuclei during hypertrophy; however, there has been little investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying MuSC activation, proliferation, and differentiation during hypertrophy compared to those of regeneration. One reason is that `degenerative damage' to myofibers during muscle injury or upon hypertrophy (especially overloaded muscle) is believed to trigger similar activation/proliferation of MuSCs. However, evidence suggests that degenerative damage of myofibers is not necessary for MuSC activation/proliferation during hypertrophy. When considering MuSC-based therapy for atrophy, including sarcopenia, it will be indispensable to elucidate MuSC behaviors in muscles that exhibit non-degenerative damage, because degenerated myofibers are not present in the atrophied muscles. In this review, we summarize recent findings concerning the relationship between MuSCs and hypertrophy, and discuss what remains to be discovered to inform the development and application of relevant treatments for muscle atrophy.

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  • Effects of trunk extensor eccentric exercise on lipid profile and glycaemic response

    Ho-Seong Lee, Takayuki Akimoto, Ah-Ram Kim

    BMJ OPEN SPORT & EXERCISE MEDICINE   6 ( 1 ) e000861  2020  [International journal]

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    Objectives A number of previous studies reported physiological responses and adaptations after eccentric muscle contraction of limb muscles. In contrast, no study has determined physiological response after eccentric contraction of trunk muscles. The purpose of the present study was to compare the functional and metabolic changes after eccentric or concentric exercises of trunk extensor muscles.Methods In this randomised, crossover study, 10 men performed a single bout of 50 maximal voluntary concentric and eccentric contractions of the trunk extensor with an interval of 2 weeks between bouts. The activities of the paraspinal muscles were recorded during concentric and eccentric contractions. Muscle soreness, muscle function, blood lipid profiles and glycaemic responses were measured before, immediately after and at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after each bout.Results The lumbar multifidus and iliocostalis lumborum activities during eccentric contractions were significantly higher than those during concentric contractions (p<0.05). The maximal strength and muscle endurance of the trunk extensor were not decreased even after the eccentric contractions. Compared with concentric contractions, muscle soreness was significantly increased at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after eccentric contractions (p<0.05). The TG, TC and LDL-C were significantly lower at 48, 72 and 96 hours after eccentric contractions (p<0.05), while blood glucose levels and HOMA-IR were significantly greater at 48 and 72 hours after eccentric contractions (p<0.05).Conclusion This study indicated that eccentric contractions of the trunk extensor had positive effects on the lipid profile and the glycaemic response.

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  • タモキシフェン誘導性Dicer欠損マウスにおける持久運動誘発性の筋適応(Endurance exercise-induced muscle adaptation in tamoxifen-inducible Dicer knockout mice)

    Oikawa Satoshi, Lee Minjung, Motohashi Norio, Maeda Seiji, Akimoto Takayuki

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   8 ( 6 ) 279 - 279  2019.11

  • Conditional Deletion of Dicer in Adult Mice Impairs Skeletal Muscle Regeneration

    Satoshi Oikawa, Minjung Lee, Takayuki Akimoto

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES   20 ( 22 )  2019.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Skeletal muscle has a remarkable regenerative capacity, which is orchestrated by multiple processes, including the proliferation, fusion, and differentiation of the resident stem cells in muscle. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that mediate the translational repression or degradation of mRNA to regulate diverse biological functions. Previous studies have suggested that several miRNAs play important roles in myoblast proliferation and differentiation in vitro. However, their potential roles in skeletal muscle regeneration in vivo have not been fully established. In this study, we generated a mouse in which the Dicer gene, which encodes an enzyme essential in miRNA processing, was knocked out in a tamoxifen-inducible way (iDicer KO mouse) and determined its regenerative potential after cardiotoxin-induced acute muscle injury. Dicer mRNA expression was significantly reduced in the tibialis anterior muscle of the iDicer KO mice, whereas the expression of muscle-enriched miRNAs was only slightly reduced in the Dicer-deficient muscles. After cardiotoxin injection, the iDicer KO mice showed impaired muscle regeneration. We also demonstrated that the number of PAX7(+) cells, cell proliferation, and the myogenic differentiation capacity of the primary myoblasts did not differ between the wild-type and the iDicer KO mice. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Dicer is a critical factor for muscle regeneration in vivo.

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  • Effects of Exercise Training on Growth and Differentiation Factor 11 Expression in Aged Mice

    Minjung Lee, Satoshi Oikawa, Takashi Ushida, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Takayuki Akimoto

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY   10   970  2019.07  [Refereed]

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    Exercise training is considered an effective way to prevent age-related skeletal muscle loss. However, the molecular mechanism has not been clarified. Growth and differentiation factor 11 (GDF11) has been controversially considered a regulator of skeletal muscle aging. In this study, we examined whether GDF11 is associated with skeletal muscle aging and the effects of exercise training on age-related skeletal muscle loss. First, we observed that Gdf11 mRNA and protein expression levels in young (5-month-old, n = 6) and aged (22-to 26-month-old, n = 5) mice were not significantly different. Aged mice were then divided into sedentary (n = 5) and exercise (n = 6) groups. The exercise group performed moderate-intensity treadmill running for 6 weeks. Treadmill exercise training increased Gdf11 mRNA expression in the soleus muscle, but its protein expression was not altered. In contrast, the GDF11 level in the plantaris muscle was not changed at either the mRNA or protein level. Collectively, our data demonstrate that GDF11 levels do not change during aging, and that treadmill exercise training increased Gdf11 mRNA expression in a predominantly slow-twitch muscle.

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  • An inducible knockout of Dicer in adult mice does not affect endurance exercise-induced muscle adaptation

    Satoshi Oikawa, Minjung Lee, Norio Motohashi, Seiji Maeda, Takayuki Akimoto

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY   316 ( 2 ) C285 - C292  2019.02  [Refereed]

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    The contractile and metabolic properties of adult skeletal muscle change in response to endurance exercise. The mechanisms of transcriptional regulation in exercise-induced skeletal muscle adaptation, including fiber-type switching and mitochondrial biogenesis, have been investigated intensively, whereas the role of microRNA (miRNA)-mediated posttranscriptional gene regulation is less well understood. We used tamoxifen-inducible Dicer1 knockout (iDicer KO) mice to reduce the global expression of miRNAs in adult skeletal muscle and subjected these mice to 2 wk of voluntary wheel running. Dicer mRNA expression was completely depleted in fast-twitch plantaris muscle after tamoxifen injection. However, several muscle-enriched miRNAs, including miR-1 and miR-133a, were reduced by only 30-50% in both the slow and fast muscles. The endurance exercise-induced changes that occurred for many parameters (i.e., fast-to-slow fiber-type switch and increases in succinate dehydrogenase, respiratory chain complex II. and citrate synthase activity) in wild type (WT) also occurred in the iDicer KO mice. Protein expression of myosin heavy chain Ha, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator- 1 alpha, and cytochrome c complex IV was also increased in the iDicer KO mice by the voluntary running. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in oxygen consumption rate in the isolated mitochondria between the WT and iDicer KO mice. These data indicate that muscle-enriched miRNAs were detectable even after 4 wk of tamoxifen treatment and there was no apparent specific endurance-exercise-induced muscle phenotype in the iDicer KO mice.

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  • Loss of microRNA-23-27-24 clusters in skeletal muscle is not influential in skeletal muscle development and exercise-induced muscle adaptation

    Minjung Lee, Shogo Wada, Satoshi Oikawa, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Takashi Ushida, Takayuki Akimoto

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   9 ( 1 ) 1092  2019.01  [Refereed]

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    MicroRNAs are small regulatory noncoding RNAs that repress gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. Previous studies have reported that the expression of miR-23, miR-27, and miR-24, driven from two miR-23-27-24 clusters, is altered by various pathophysiological conditions. However, their functions in skeletal muscle have not been clarified. To define the roles of the miR-23-27-24 clusters in skeletal muscle, we generated double-knockout (dKO) mice muscle-specifically lacking the miR-23-27-24 clusters. The dKO mice were viable and showed normal growth. The contractile and metabolic features of the muscles, represented by the expression of the myosin heavy chain and the oxidative markers PGC1-alpha and COX IV, were not altered in the dKO mice compared with wild-type mice. The dKO mice showed increased cross-sectional areas of the oxidative fibers. However, this dKO did not induce functional changes in the muscles. The dKO mice also showed normal adaptation to voluntary wheel running for 4 weeks, including the glycolytic-to-oxidative fiber type switch, and increases in mitochondrial markers, succinate dehydrogenase activity, and angiogenesis. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the miR-23-27-24 clusters have subtle effects on skeletal muscle development and endurance-exercise-induced muscle adaptation.

    DOI PubMed


  • 運動誘発性血管新生におけるmiR-23クラスターの役割(The role of miR-23 clusters in exercise-induced angiogenesis)

    Oikawa Satoshi, Wada Shogo, Lee Minjung, Maeda Seiji, Akimoto Takayuki

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   7 ( 6 ) 369 - 369  2018.11

  • Role of endothelial microRNA-23 clusters in angiogenesis in vivo

    Satoshi Oikawa, Shogo Wada, Minjung Lee, Seiji Maeda, Takayuki Akimoto


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    The capillary network is distributed throughout the body. and its reconstruction is induced under various pathophysiological conditions. MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression via posttranscriptional mechanisms and are involved in many biological functions, including angiogenesis. Previous studies have shown that each microRNA of miR-23 clusters, composed of the miR-23a cluster (miR-23a-27a-24-2) and miR-23b cluster (miR-23b-27b-24-1), regulates angiogenesis in vitro. However, the role of miR-23 clusters. located within a single transcription unit, in angiogenesis in vivo has not been elucidated. In the present study. we generated vascular endothelial cell (EC)-specific miR-23 cluster double-knockout (DKO) mice and demonstrated sprouting angiogenesis under various conditions, including voluntary running exercise. hindlimb ischemia, skin wound healing, and EC sprouting from aorta explants. Here, we demonstrated that EC-specific miR-23 DKO mice are viable and fertile, with no gross abnormalities observed in pups or adults. The capillary number was normally increased in the muscles of these DKO mice in response to 2 wk of voluntary running and hindlimb ischemia. Furthermore, we did not observe any abnormalities in skin wound closure or EC sprouting from aortic ring explains in EC-specific miR-23 cluster DKO mice. Our results suggest that endothelial miR-23 clusters are dispensable for embryonic development and postnatal angiogenesis in vivo.NEW & NOTEWORTHY We generated vascular endothelial cell (EC)-specific miR-23a/b cluster double-knockout mice and determined sprouting angiogenesis under various conditions, including voluntary running exercise. hindlimb ischemia, skin wound healing, and EC sprouting from aorta explants. We demonstrated that the double-knockout mice were viable and fertile, with no gross abnormalities in exercise- and ischemia-induced angiogenesis and skin wound closure or EC sprouting from aortic ring explants.

    DOI PubMed


  • 【整形外科疾患と慢性炎症】転写コアクチベーターPGC-1αによる骨格筋の収縮・代謝特性の制御

    及川 哲志, 秋本 崇之

    別冊Bio Clinica: 慢性炎症と疾患   7 ( 2 ) 31 - 35  2018.05  [Refereed]

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    骨格筋は、多様な外的刺激に適応し、自身の収縮・代謝特性を変化させる高い可塑性を有している。これまでの多くの研究から、転写コアクチベーターであるPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α(PGC-1α)が、骨格筋の可塑性を制御する中心的な分子の1つであることが理解されている。PGC-1αは、筋ミトコンドリア新生などの収縮・代謝特性の制御に加え、種々の因子を介して骨格筋を栄養する毛細血管ネットワークの再構築にも関与するなど、その作用は広範にわたる。(著者抄録)

  • Effect of acute mid-intensity treadmill exercise on the androgen hormone level and uncoupling protein-1 expression in brown fat tissue of mouse.

    Kim N, Kim J, Yoo C, Lim K, Akimoto T, Park J

    Journal of exercise nutrition & biochemistry   22 ( 1 ) 15 - 21  2018.03  [Refereed]

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  • 血圧恒常性における血管内皮細胞のマイクロRNAの影響(Effect of endothelial microRNAs on blood pressure homeostasis)

    Oikawa Satoshi, Maeda Seiji, Akimoto Takayuki

    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   7 ( 1 ) 41 - 45  2018.01

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    血管内皮機能は血圧の恒常性維持に重要な因子である。近年、血管内皮細胞におけるマイクロRNAが血管内皮機能を調節することが明らかにされている。しかしながら、血圧の恒常性維持におけるマイクロRNAの役割は不明である。そこで我々は、血管内皮細胞特異的Dicer欠損マウスを用いて、安静時および8週間の食塩水摂取後に血圧を測定することで、血圧調節における血管内皮細胞のマイクロRNAの役割を検討した。血管内皮細胞特異的Dicerホモ欠損マウスは胎生致死であったため、ヘテロ欠損マウス(Het)を用いて血行動態の解析を行った。Hetマウスの肺におけるDicer mRNA発現は、WTマウスと比較して有意に減少した。しかしながら、8週間の食塩水摂取の前後において、心拍数、収縮期血圧および拡張期血圧のいずれにも顕著な差は認められなかった。本研究において、血管内皮細胞特異的Dicer欠損マウスが胎生致死であることから、血管内皮細胞のDicerおよびマイクロRNAはマウス胚発生に必須であることが示された。加えて、血管内皮細胞特異的Dicerヘテロ欠損マウスでは、血行動態に顕著な表現型は観察されなかった。(著者抄録)

  • Detection of titin fragments in urine in response to exercise-induced muscle damage

    Kazue Kanda, Jun Sakuma, Takayuki Akimoto, Yasuo Kawakami, Katsuhiko Suzuki

    PLOS ONE   12 ( 7 ) e0181623  2017.07  [Refereed]

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    Many studies have attempted to determine the associations between blood biomarkers and exercise-induced muscle damage. However, poor correlations between the changes in biomarker levels and the magnitude of muscle symptoms have been reported. Recent advances in proteomic tools offer a strategy for the comprehensive analysis of protein expression, which can be used to identify biomarkers. Here, we used a proteomic analysis to identify urinary proteins that appear in response to a calf-raise exercise, including repetitive eccentric muscle contractions, and found that a titin (also known as connectin) N-terminal fragment molecule appears in the urine after eccentric exercise. We measured the titin fragment in urine samples from nine individuals before and after eccentric exercise using a newly-established enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and found that the titin fragment excretion rate increased 96 h after the exercise (5.1 to 77.6 pg/min, p < 0.01). The changes in the titin fragment excretion rate were correlated strongly with blood markers of muscle damage and with muscle symptoms. These findings suggest that the urinary titin fragment is potentially a noninvasive biomarker of muscle damage.

    DOI PubMed


  • Heat Stress Modulates Both Anabolic and Catabolic Signaling Pathways Preventing Dexamethasone-Induced Muscle Atrophy In Vitro

    Wakako Tsuchida, Masahiro Iwata, Takayuki Akimoto, Shingo Matsuo, Yuji Asai, Shigeyuki Suzuki

    JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY   232 ( 3 ) 650 - 664  2017.03  [Refereed]

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    It is generally recognized that synthetic glucocorticoids induce skeletal muscle weakness, and endogenous glucocorticoid levels increase in patients with muscle atrophy. It is reported that heat stress attenuates glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy; however, the mechanisms involved are unknown. Therefore, we examined the mechanisms underlying the effects of heat stress against glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy using C2C12 myotubes in vitro, focusing on expression of key molecules and signaling pathways involved in regulating protein synthesis and degradation. The synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone decreased myotube diameter and protein content, and heat stress prevented the morphological and biochemical glucocorticoid effects. Heat stress also attenuated increases in mRNAs of regulated in development and DNA damage responses 1 (REDD1) and Kruppel-like factor 15 (KLF15). Heat stress recovered the dexamethasone-induced inhibition of PI3K/Akt signaling. These data suggest that changes in anabolic and catabolic signals are involved in heat stress-induced protection against glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy. These results have a potentially broad clinical impact because elevated glucocorticoid levels are implicated in a wide range of diseases associated with muscle wasting. J. Cell. Physiol. 232: 650-664, 2017. (c) 2016 The Authors. Journal of Cellular Physiology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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    Akiko Onda, Hajime Kono, Qibin Jiao, Takayuki Akimoto, Toshikazu Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Sawada, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yoichiro Kusakari, Susumu Minamisawa, Toru Fukubayashi

    MUSCLE & NERVE   54 ( 4 ) 788 - 791  2016.10  [Refereed]

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    Introduction: Disuse-induced skeletal muscle atrophy is a serious concern; however, there is not an effective mouse model to elucidate the molecular mechanisms. We developed a noninvasive atrophy model in mice. Methods: After the ankle joints of mice were bandaged into a bilateral plantar flexed position, either bilateral or unilateral hindlimbs were immobilized by wrapping in bonsai steel wire. Results: After 3, 5, or 10 days of immobilization of the hip, knee, and ankle, the weight of the soleus and plantaris muscles decreased significantly in both bilateral and unilateral immobilization. MAFbx/atrogin-1 and MuRF1 mRNA was found to have significantly increased in both muscles, consistent with disuse-induced atrophy. Notably, the procedure did not result in either edema or necrosis in the fixed hindlimbs. Conclusions: This method allows repeated, direct access to the immobilized muscle, making it a useful procedure for concurrent application and assessment of various therapeutic interventions.

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  • MRF4 negatively regulates adult skeletal muscle growth by repressing MEF2 activity

    Irene Moretti, Stefano Ciciliot, Kenneth A. Dyar, Reimar Abraham, Marta Murgia, Lisa Agatea, Takayuki Akimoto, Silvio Bicciato, Mattia Forcato, Philippe Pierre, N. Henriette Uhlenhaut, Peter W. J. Rigby, Jaime J. Carvajal, Bert Blaauw, Elisa Calabria, Stefano Schiaffino

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   7   12397 - 12397  2016.08  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    The myogenic regulatory factor MRF4 is highly expressed in adult skeletal muscle but its function is unknown. Here we show that Mrf4 knockdown in adult muscle induces hypertrophy and prevents denervation-induced atrophy. This effect is accompanied by increased protein synthesis and widespread activation of muscle-specific genes, many of which are targets of MEF2 transcription factors. MEF2-dependent genes represent the top-ranking gene set enriched after Mrf4 RNAi and a MEF2 reporter is inhibited by co-transfected MRF4 and activated by Mrf4 RNAi. The Mrf4 RNAi-dependent increase in fibre size is prevented by dominant negative MEF2, while constitutively active MEF2 is able to induce myofibre hypertrophy. The nuclear localization of the MEF2 corepressor HDAC4 is impaired by Mrf4 knockdown, suggesting that MRF4 acts by stabilizing a repressor complex that controls MEF2 activity. These findings open new perspectives in the search for therapeutic targets to prevent muscle wasting, in particular sarcopenia and cachexia.

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  • MicroRNA expression profiling in skeletal muscle reveals different regulatory patterns in high and low responders to resistance training

    Riki Ogasawara, Takayuki Akimoto, Tokushi Umeno, Shuji Sawada, Takafumi Hamaoka, Satoshi Fujita

    PHYSIOLOGICAL GENOMICS   48 ( 4 ) 320 - 324  2016.04  [Refereed]

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    Large variability exists in muscle adaptive response to resistance exercise (RE) training between individuals. Recent studies have revealed a significant role for microRNAs (miRNAs) in skeletal muscle plasticity. In this study, we investigated how RE affects miRNA expression and whether the variability of muscle hypertrophy to RE training may be attributed to differential miRNA regulation in the skeletal muscle. To screen high and low responders to RE, we had 18 young men perform arm curl exercise training. After screening, all the men performed 12 wk of lower body RE training, but only the high or low responders participated in the acute RE test before training. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle at baseline, 3 h after acute RE, and after the training period. Total RNA was extracted from the skeletal muscle, and miRNA expression (800 miRNAs) was analyzed. RE training increased the cross-sectional area of the biceps brachii (-1.7-26.1%), quadriceps (2.2-16.8%), and hamstrings (1.6-18.4%). Eighty-five and 102 miRNAs were differentially expressed after acute and chronic RE, respectively (P < 0.05). Seventeen miRNAs, especially 23b-3p, 26a-5p, 32-5p, 148b-3p, and 376a-3p, were differentially expressed at baseline, and 23 miRNAs, especially let-7a-5p, 95, 148a-3p, and 376a-3p, and 26 miRNAs, especially 30d-5p and 376a-3p, were differentially regulated after acute and chronic RE, respectively, in the skeletal muscle between high and low responders, indicating that the expression patterns of several miRNAs are altered by acute or chronic RE, and that miRNAs are involved in skeletal muscle adaptation to RE training.

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  • The Impact of Different Amounts of Calcium Intake on Bone Mass and Arterial Calcification in Ovariectomized Rats

    Umon Agata, Jong-Hoon Park, Satoshi Hattori, Yuki Aikawa, Yuya Kakutani, Ikuko Ezawa, Takayuki Akimoto, Naomi Omi

    JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY   61 ( 5 ) 391 - 399  2015.10  [Refereed]

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    Reduced estrogen secretion and low calcium (Ca) intake are risk factors for bone loss and arterial calcification in female rodents. To evaluate the effects of Ca intake at different amounts on bone mass changes and arterial calcification, 8-wk-old female Wistar rats were randomly placed in ovariectomized (OVX) control and OVX with vitamin D-3 plus nicotine (VDN) treatment groups. The OVX with VDN rats were then divided into six groups to receive different amounts of Ca in their diets: 0.01%, 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.6%, 1.2%, or 2.4% Ca. After 8 wk of administration, low Ca intake groups with 0.01% and 0.1% Ca diets had significantly reduced bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mechanical properties as compared with those of the other groups, whereas high Ca intake groups with 1.2% and 2.4% Ca diets showed no differences as compared with the 0.6% Ca intake group. For both the 0.01% and 2.4% Ca intake groups, Ca levels in their thoracic arteries were significantly higher as compared with those of the 0.6% Ca diet group, and that was highly correlated with serum PTH levels. An increase in relative BMP-2 mRNA expression in the arterial tissues of the 0.01% and 2.4% Ca diet groups was also observed. These results suggested that extremely low Ca intake during periods of estrogen deficiency may be a possible risk for the complications of reduced BMD and arterial calcification and that extremely high Ca intake may promote arterial calcification with no changes in BMD.

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  • Changes in the number of circulating CD34(+) cells after eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors in relation to muscle damage

    Ho Seong Lee, Makii Muthalib, Takayuki Akimoto, Kazunori Nosaka

    JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCE   4 ( 3 ) 275 - 281  2015.09  [Refereed]

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    Background: It has been reported that strenuous exercise increases the number of bone marrow-derived progenitor cells such as CD34(+) cells in the blood, but no previous studies have investigated the changes in circulating CD34(+) cells following resistance exercise. This study tested the hypothesis that the number of CD34(+) cells in the blood would increase after eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors, but decrease in recovery, and the magnitude of the changes would be dependent on the magnitude of muscle damage.Methods: Nine men (28.0 +/- 6.6 years) performed exercises consisting of 10 sets of six maximal voluntary eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors with their non-dominant arm. Six of them performed the same exercise with the same arm 4 weeks later. Changes in indirect markers of muscle damage were measured before, within 10 min after, and at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after eccentric exercise. Differential leukocyte counts (total leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes) and CD34(+) cells in the blood were measured before, immediately after, and at 2, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h following the exercises.Results: After eccentric exercise, significant (p < 0.05) decreases in maximal voluntary isometric contraction torque and increases in delayed onset muscle soreness and plasma creatine kinase activity were observed. However, no significant changes in leukocytes and CD34(+) cells were evident. The changes in muscle damage markers were significantly (p < 0.05) smaller following the second exercise session as compared with the first exercise session, but the changes in leukocytes and CD34(+) cells were not significantly different between sessions.Conclusion: These results did not support the hypothesis, and showed that eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage to the elbow flexors did not influence the number of circulating CD34(+) cells. Copyright (C) 2014, Shanghai University of Sport. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Mesenchymal-stem-cell-derived exosomes accelerate skeletal muscle regeneration

    Yoshihiro Nakamura, Shigeru Miyaki, Hiroyuki Ishitobi, Sho Matsuyama, Tomoyuki Nakasa, Naosuke Kamei, Takayuki Akimoto, Yukihito Higashi, Mitsuo Ochi

    FEBS LETTERS   589 ( 11 ) 1257 - 1265  2015.05  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation is used for treatment of many diseases. The paracrine role of MSCs in tissue regeneration is attracting particular attention. We investigate the role of MSC exosomes in skeletal muscle regeneration. MSC exosomes promote myogenesis and angiogenesis in vitro, and muscle regeneration in an in vivo model of muscle injury. Although MSC exosomes had low concentrations of muscle-repair-related cytokines, a number of repair-related miRNAs were identified. This study suggests that the MSC-derived exosomes promote muscle regeneration by enhancing myogenesis and angiogenesis, which is at least in part mediated by miRNAs such as miR-494. (C) 2015 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • MicroRNA-23a has minimal effect on endurance exercise-induced adaptation of mouse skeletal muscle

    Shogo Wada, Yoshio Kato, Shuji Sawada, Katsuji Aizawa, Jong-Hoon Park, Aaron P. Russell, Takashi Ushida, Takayuki Akimoto

    PFLUGERS ARCHIV-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY   467 ( 2 ) 389 - 398  2015.02  [Refereed]

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    Skeletal muscles contain several subtypes of myofibers that differ in contractile and metabolic properties. Transcriptional control of fiber-type specification and adaptation has been intensively investigated over the past several decades. Recently, microRNA (miRNA)-mediated posttranscriptional gene regulation has attracted increasing attention. MiR-23a targets key molecules regulating contractile and metabolic properties of skeletal muscle, such as myosin heavy-chains and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha). In the present study, we analyzed the skeletal muscle phenotype of miR-23a transgenic (miR-23a Tg) mice to explore whether forced expression of miR-23a affects markers of mitochondrial content, muscle fiber composition, and muscle adaptations induced by 4 weeks of voluntary wheel running. When compared with wild-type mice, protein markers of mitochondrial content, including PGC-1 alpha, and cytochrome c oxidase complex IV (COX IV), were significantly decreased in the slow soleus muscle, but not the fast plantaris muscle of miR-23a Tg mice. There was a decrease in type IId/x fibers only in the soleus muscle of the Tg mice. Following 4 weeks of voluntary wheel running, there was no difference in the endurance exercise capacity as well as in several muscle adaptive responses including an increase in muscle mass, capillary density, or the protein content of myosin heavy-chain IIa, PGC-1 alpha, COX IV, and cytochrome c. These results show that miR-23a targets PGC-1 alpha and regulates basal metabolic properties of slow but not fast twitch muscles. Elevated levels of miR-23a did not impact on whole body endurance capacity or exercise-induced muscle adaptations in the fast plantaris muscle.

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  • Effects of systemic hypoxia on human muscular adaptations to resistance exercise training

    Michihiro Kon, Nao Ohiwa, Akiko Honda, Takeo Matsubayashi, Tatsuaki Ikeda, Takayuki Akimoto, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Yuichi Hirano, Aaron P. Russell

    PHYSIOLOGICAL REPORTS   3 ( 1 )  2015.01  [Refereed]

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  • Food Restriction Causes Low Bone Strength and Microarchitectural Deterioration in Exercised Growing Male Rats

    Satoshi Hattori, Jong-Hoon Park, Umon Agata, Masaya Oda, Michito Higano, Yuki Aikawa, Takayuki Akimoto, Yoshiharu Nabekura, Hideyuki Yamato, Ikuko Ezawa, Naomi Omi

    JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY   60 ( 1 ) 35 - 42  2014.02  [Refereed]

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    The pathogenesis of bone disorders in young male athletes has not been well understood. We hypothesized that bone fragility is caused by low energy availability, due to insufficient food intake and excessive exercise energy expenditure in young male athletes. To examine this hypothesis, we investigated the influence of food restriction on bone strength and bone morphology in exercised growing male rats, using three-point bending test, dual-energy X-ray absormetry, and micro-computed tomography. Four-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into the following groups: the control (Con) group, exercise (Ex) group, food restriction (R) group, and food restriction plus exercise (REx) group after a 1-wk acclimatization period. Thirty-percent food restriction in the R and REx groups was carried out in comparison with that in the Con group. Voluntary running exercise was performed in the Ex and REx groups. The experimental period lasted 13 wk. At the endpoint of this experiment, the bone strength of the femurs and tibial BMD in the REx group were significantly lower than those in the Con group. Moreover, trabecular bone volume and cortical bone volume in the REx group were also significantly lower than those in the Con group. These findings indicate that food restriction causes low bone strength and microarchitectural deterioration in exercised growing male rats.

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  • Effects of systemic hypoxia on human muscular adaptations to resistance exercise training

    Michihiro Kon, Nao Ohiwa, Akiko Honda, Takeo Matsubayashi, Tatsuaki Ikeda, Takayuki Akimoto, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Yuichi Hirano, Aaron P. Russell

    Physiological Reports   2 ( 6 ) e12033  2014  [Refereed]

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    Hypoxia is an important modulator of endurance exercise-induced oxidative adaptations in skeletal muscle. However, whether hypoxia affects resistance exercise-induced muscle adaptations remains unknown. Here, we determined the effect of resistance exercise training under systemic hypoxia on muscular adaptations known to occur following both resistance and endurance exercise training, including muscle cross-sectional area (CSA), one-repetition maximum (1RM), muscular endurance, and makers of mitochondrial biogenesis and angiogenesis, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), citrate synthase (CS) activity, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), and capillary-to-fiber ratio. Sixteen healthy male subjects were randomly assigned to either a normoxic resistance training group (NRT, n = 7) or a hypoxic (14.4% oxygen) resistance training group (HRT, n = 9) and performed 8 weeks of resistance training. Blood and muscle biopsy samples were obtained before and after training. After training muscle CSA of the femoral region, 1RM for bench-press and leg-press, muscular endurance, and skeletal muscle VEGF protein levels significantly increased in both groups. The increase in muscular endurance was significantly higher in the HRT group. Plasma VEGF concentration and skeletal muscle capillary-to-fiber ratio were significantly higher in the HRT group than the NRT group following training. Our results suggest that, in addition to increases in muscle size and strength, HRT may also lead to increased muscular endurance and the promotion of angiogenesis in skeletal muscle.

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  • Influence of Food Restriction Combined with Voluntary Running on Bone Morphology and Strength in Male Rats

    Satoshi Hattori, Jong-Hoon Park, Umon Agata, Takayuki Akimoto, Masaya Oda, Michito Higano, Yuki Aikawa, Yoshiharu Nabekura, Hideyuki Yamato, Ikuko Ezawa, Naomi Omi

    CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL   93 ( 6 ) 540 - 548  2013.12  [Refereed]

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    Athletes, in particular endurance athletes and dancers, are chronically exposed to a state of low energy availability due to insufficient dietary energy intake and massive exercise energy expenditure. Low energy availability sometimes causes bone fragility, thereby increasing the risk of bone disorders. Although the decrease in energy availability shows no sexual dimorphism, epidemiological studies have reported that bone disorders are less frequent in male athletes than in female athletes. We hypothesized that bone tissue was not affected by low energy availability in males. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of food restriction combined with voluntary running training on bone morphology and strength in adult male rats. Fourteen-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into four groups: control (C) group, food restriction (R) group, exercise (Ex) group, and food restriction plus exercise (REx) group. For the R and REx groups, 30 % food restriction was carried out in comparison with the C group. Bone strength, bone mineral density (BMD), bone architecture, and bone turnover rate were measured after a 13-week experimental period. Bone strength was not significantly lower in the REx group compared with the C group. BMD and trabecular bone volume showed no difference among groups. These findings indicate that bone morphology and strength were little affected by food restriction combined with exercise training in adult male rats.

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  • Regulation of miRNAs in human skeletal muscle following acute endurance exercise and short-term endurance training

    Aaron P. Russell, Severine Lamon, Hanneke Boon, Shogo Wada, Isabelle Gueller, Erin L. Brown, Alexander V. Chibalin, Juleen R. Zierath, Rod J. Snow, Nigel Stepto, Glenn D. Wadley, Takayuki Akimoto

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON   591 ( 18 ) 4637 - 4653  2013.09  [Refereed]

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    center dot The discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) has established new mechanisms that control health, but little is known about the regulation of skeletal muscle miRNAs in response to exercise.center dot This study investigated components of the miRNA biogenesis pathway (Drosha, Dicer and Exportin-5), muscle enriched miRNAs, (miR-1, -133a, -133b and 206), and several miRNAs dysregulated in muscle myopathies, and showed that 3 h following an acute exercise bout, Drosha, Dicer and Exportin-5, as well as miR-1, -133a, -133-b and miR-181a were all increased, while miR-9, -23a, -23b and -31 were decreased.center dot Short-term training increased miR-1 and miR-29b, while miR-31 remained decreased.center dot Negative correlations were observed between miR-9 and HDAC4 protein, miR-31 and HDAC4 protein and between miR-31 and NRF1 protein, 3 h after exercise.center dot miR-31 binding to the HDAC4 and NRF1 3 untranslated region (UTR) reduced luciferase reporter activity.center dot Exercise rapidly and transiently regulates several miRNA species potentially involved in the regulation of skeletal muscle regeneration, gene transcription and mitochondrial biogenesis.Abstract The identification of microRNAs (miRNAs) has established new mechanisms that control skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise. The present study investigated the mRNA regulation of components of the miRNA biogenesis pathway (Drosha, Dicer and Exportin-5), muscle enriched miRNAs, (miR-1, -133a, -133b and -206), and several miRNAs dysregulated in muscle myopathies (miR-9, -23, -29, -31 and -181). Measurements were made in muscle biopsies from nine healthy untrained males at rest, 3 h following an acute bout of moderate-intensity endurance cycling and following 10 days of endurance training. Bioinformatics analysis was used to predict potential miRNA targets. In the 3 h period following the acute exercise bout, Drosha, Dicer and Exportin-5, as well as miR-1, -133a, -133-b and -181a were all increased. In contrast miR-9, -23a, -23b and -31 were decreased. Short-term training increased miR-1 and -29b, while miR-31 remained decreased. Negative correlations were observed between miR-9 and HDAC4 protein (r=-0.71; P= 0.04), miR-31 and HDAC4 protein (r =-0.87; P= 0.026) and miR-31 and NRF1 protein (r =-0.77; P= 0.01) 3 h following exercise. miR-31 binding to the HDAC4 and NRF1 3 untranslated region (UTR) reduced luciferase reporter activity. Exercise rapidly and transiently regulates several miRNA species in muscle. Several of these miRNAs may be involved in the regulation of skeletal muscle regeneration, gene transcription and mitochondrial biogenesis. Identifying endurance exercise-mediated stress signals regulating skeletal muscle miRNAs, as well as validating their targets and regulatory pathways post exercise, will advance our understanding of their potential role/s in human health.

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  • Profiling of Circulating MicroRNAs after a Bout of Acute Resistance Exercise in Humans

    Shuji Sawada, Michihiro Kon, Shogo Wada, Takashi Ushida, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Takayuki Akimoto

    PLOS ONE   8 ( 7 ) e70823  2013.07  [Refereed]

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    Recent studies have revealed a new aspect of physiological regulation in which microRNAs (miRNAs) play fundamental roles in diverse biological and pathological processes. Furthermore, it was recently discovered that miRNAs are stably secreted into blood and that circulating miRNAs may play important roles in cell-cell communication. Here, we examined whether the circulating miRNA profile is affected by acute resistance exercise. Twelve males performed a resistance exercise session (bench press and leg press), consisting of five sets of 10 repetitions at 70% of maximum strength, with a 1 min rest between sets. Blood samples were taken before exercise, and at 0 and 60 min, 1 day, and 3 days after exercise. The circulating miRNA profile was determined by microarray analysis. Quantitative real-time PCR confirmed that the miR-149* level increased three days after resistance exercise. In contrast, the miR-146a and miR-221 levels decreased three days after resistance exercise. Our findings suggest that circulating miRNA levels change in response to acute resistance exercise, and miRNAs may play important roles in resistance-exercise-induced adaptation.

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  • Skeletal muscle adaptation in response to mechanical stress in p130cas(-/-) mice

    Takayuki Akimoto, Kanako Okuhira, Katsuji Aizawa, Shogo Wada, Hiroaki Honda, Toru Fukubayashi, Takashi Ushida

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY   304 ( 6 ) C541 - C547  2013.03  [Refereed]

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    Akimoto T, Okuhira K, Aizawa K, Wada S, Honda H, Fukubayashi T, Ushida T. Skeletal muscle adaptation in response to mechanical stress in p130cas(-/-) mice. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 304: C541-C547, 2013. First published January 16, 2013; doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00243.2012.-Mammalian skeletal muscles undergo adaptation in response to changes in the functional demands upon them, involving mechanical-stress-induced cellular signaling called "mechanotransduction." We hypothesized that p130Cas, which is reported to act as a mechanosensor that transduces mechanical extension into cellular signaling, plays an important role in maintaining and promoting skeletal muscle adaptation in response to mechanical stress via the p38 MAPK signaling pathway. We demonstrate that muscle-specific p130Cas(-/-) mice express the contractile proteins normally in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, muscle-specific p130Cas(-/-) mice show normal mechanical-stress-induced muscle adaptation, including exercise-induced IIb-to-IIa muscle fiber type transformation and hypertrophy. Finally, we provide evidence that exercise-induced p38 MAPK signaling is not impaired by the muscle-specific deletion of p130Cas. We conclude that p130Cas plays a limited role in mechanical-stress-induced skeletal muscle adaptation.

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  • The Effect of Different Amounts of Calcium Intake on Bone Metabolism and Arterial Calcification in Ovariectomized Rats

    Umon Agata, Jong-Hoon Park, Satoshi Hattori, Yuki Iimura, Ikuko Ezawa, Takayuki Akimoto, Naomi Omi

    JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY   59 ( 1 ) 29 - 36  2013.02  [Refereed]

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    Low calcium (Ca) intake is the one of risk factors for both bone loss and medial elastocalcinosis in an estrogen deficiency state. To examine the effect of different amounts of Ca intake on the relationship between bone mass alteration and medial elastocalcinosis, 6-wk-old female SD rats were randomized into ovariectomized (OVX) control or OVX treated with vitamin D-3 plus nicotine injection (VDN) groups. The OVX treated with VDN group was then divided into 5 groups depending on the different Ca content in their diet, 0.01%, 0.1%, 0.6%, 1.2%, and 2.4% Ca intakes. After 8 wk of experimentation, the low Ca intake groups of 0.01% and 0.1% showed a low bone mineral density (BMD) and bone properties significantly different from those of the other groups, whereas the high Ca intake groups of 1.2% and 2.4% showed no difference compared with the OVX control. Only in the 0.01% Ca intake group, a significantly higher Ca content in the thoracic artery was found compared with that of the OVX control. Arterial tissues of the 0.01% Ca intake group showed an increase of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) activity, a marker of bone mineralization, associated with arterial Ca content. However, the high Ca intake did not affect arterial Ca content nor arterial BAP activity. These results suggested that a low Ca intake during periods of rapid bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency might be one possible cause for the complication of both bone loss and medial elastocalcinosis.

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  • Disruption of skeletal muscle mitochondrial network genes and miRNAs in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    Aaron P. Russell, Shogo Wada, Lodovica Vergani, M. Benjamin Hock, Severine Lamon, Bertrand Leger, Takashi Ushida, Romain Cartoni, Glenn D. Wadley, Peter Hespel, Anastasia Kralli, Gianni Soraru, Corrado Angelini, Takayuki Akimoto

    NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE   49   107 - 117  2013.01  [Refereed]

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    Skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction is believed to play a role in the progression and severity of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The regulation of transcriptional co-activators involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and function in ALS is not well known. When compared with healthy control subjects, patients with ALS, but not neurogenic disease (ND), had lower levels of skeletal muscle peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha) mRNA and protein and estrogen-related receptor-alpha (ERR alpha) and mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) mRNA PGC-1 beta, nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) and Mfn1 mRNA as well as cytochrome C oxidase subunit IV (COXIV) mRNA and protein were lower in patients with ALS and ND. Both patient groups had reductions in citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase activity. Similar observations were made in skeletal muscle from transgenic ALS G93A transgenic mice. In vitro, PGC-1 alpha and PGC-1 beta regulated Mfn1 and Mfn2 in an ERR alpha-dependent manner. Compared to healthy controls, miRNA 23a, 29b, 206 and 455 were increased in skeletal muscle of ALS patients. miR-23a repressed PGC-1 alpha translation in a 3' UTR dependent manner. Transgenic mice over expressing miR-23a had a reduction in PGC-1 alpha, cytochome-b and COXIV protein levels. These results show that skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction in ALS patients is associated with a reduction in PGC-1 alpha signalling networks involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and function, as well as increases in several miRNAs potentially implicated in skeletal muscle and neuromuscular junction regeneration. As miR-23a negatively regulates PGC-1 alpha signalling, therapeutic inhibition of miR-23a may be a strategy to rescue PGC-1 alpha activity and ameliorate skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in ALS. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Daisuke Nakamura, Tomohiro Suzuki, Mikinobu Yasumatsu, Takayuki Akimoto

    JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH   26 ( 12 ) 3392 - 3397  2012.12  [Refereed]

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    Nakamura, D, Suzuki, T, Yasumatsu, M, and Akimoto, T. Moderate running and plyometric training during off-season did not show a significant difference on soccer-related high-intensity performances compared with no training controls. J Strength Cond Res 26(12): 3392-3397, 2012-Several investigators have reported the effects of reduced training and interrupted training on athletic performance, but few reports are available for soccer players. The purpose of this study was to examine, using the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 2 (YoYoIR2) test and sprint performance, the effects on soccer players of a reduced training program consisting of either moderate running training, plyometric training. After the completion of a competitive season, 29 male soccer players were divided into 3 groups: the running group (n = 13), the plyometric group (n = 11), and the control group (n = 5). Both training groups completed either running or plyometric training sessions 2 d.wk(-1) for 3 weeks, whereas the control group was not allowed to perform any training. The subjects performed YoYoIR2 and 20-m sprint tests before (pre) and after (post) the experimental period. Neither training group showed any significant training effects on the YoYoIR2 performance or 20-m sprint times compared with the control group. This study suggests that neither endurance running nor plyometric training 2 d.wk(-1) for 3 weeks has a significant effect on high-intensity performance compared with a nontraining regimen. However, our results do not support complete inactivity. These results may have important implications for the management of training cessation for a few weeks.

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  • Cyclic mechanical strain maintains Nanog expression through PI3K/Akt signaling in mouse embryonic stem cells

    Rie Horiuchi, Takayuki Akimoto, Zhang Hong, Takashi Ushida

    EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH   318 ( 14 ) 1726 - 1732  2012.08  [Refereed]

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    Mechanical strain has been reported to affect the proliferation/differentiation of many cell types; however, the effects of mechanotransduction on self-renewal as well as pluripotency of embryonic stem (ES) cells remains unknown. To investigate the effects of mechanical strain on mouse ES cell fate, we examined the expression of Nanog, which is an essential regulator of self-renewal and pluripotency as well as Nanog-associated intracellular signaling during uniaxial cyclic mechanical strain. The mouse ES cell line, CCE was plated onto elastic membranes, and we applied 10% strain at 0.17 Hz. The expression of Nanog was reduced during ES cell differentiation in response to the withdrawal of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF); however, two days of cyclic mechanical strain attenuated this reduction of Nanog expression. On the other hand, the cyclic mechanical strain promoted PI3K-Akt signaling, which is reported as an upstream of Nanog transcription. The cyclic mechanical strain-induced Akt phosphorylation was blunted by the PI3K inhibitor wortmannin. Furthermore, cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin polymerization, also inhibited the mechanical strain-induced increase in phospho-Akt These findings imply that mechanical force plays a role in regulating Nanog expression in ES cells through the actin cytoskeleton-PI3K-Akt signaling. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • Endurance Exercise Training Enhances Local Sex Steroidogenesis in Skeletal Muscle

    Katsuji Aizawa, Motoyuki Iemitsu, Seiji Maeda, Noboru Mesaki, Takashi Ushida, Takayuki Akimoto

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   43 ( 11 ) 2072 - 2080  2011.11  [Refereed]

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    AIZAWA, K., M. IEMITSU, S. MAEDA, N. MESAKI, T. USHIDA, and T. AKIMOTO. Endurance Exercise Training Enhances Local Sex Steroidogenesis in Skeletal Muscle. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 11, pp. 2072-2080, 2011. Purpose: Endurance training improves skeletal muscular function including energy metabolism and structure. Sex steroid hormones partly contribute to the exercise-induced muscular adaptations. Recently, we demonstrated that skeletal muscle contains steroidogenic converting enzymes to synthesize sex steroid hormones and an acute endurance exercise activates local steroidogenesis in skeletal muscle. However, whether chronic endurance training leads to enhanced steroidogenesis in skeletal muscle is unknown. Here, we examined changes in steroidogenic enzymes and sex steroid hormones in the skeletal muscle after chronic endurance exercise training. Methods: Eleven male rats were divided into two groups: sedentary (n = 6) and trained (n = 5). Endurance training was performed on a treadmill (30 m.min(-1), 30 min) for 5 d.wk(-1) for 12 wk. The posttraining harvesting was performed 48 h after the last exercise training. Results: The mRNA expressions of 3 beta-HSD, aromatase cytochrome P450, and 5 alpha-reductase in the skeletal muscle of trained rats were significantly higher than those of sedentary rats (P < 0.05). The protein expressions of aromatase cytochrome P450 and 5 alpha-reductase in the skeletal muscle of trained rats were also significantly higher than those of sedentary rats (P < 0.05). The muscular dihydrotestosterone (DHT) concentrations in the skeletal muscle of trained rats were significantly higher than those of sedentary rats (P < 0.01), but there was no change in dehydroepiandrosterone, total testosterone, free testosterone, and estradiol. Furthermore, muscle weight corrected for body weight of trained rats was moderately correlated with the level of muscular DHT concentration in trained rats (r = 0.41, P < 0.05). Conclusions: Endurance exercise training enhances the muscular DHT concentration through 5 alpha-reductase in the skeletal muscle of rats, suggesting that local bioactive androgen metabolism may participate in exercise training-induced skeletal muscular adaptation.

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  • Translational Suppression of Atrophic Regulators by MicroRNA-23a Integrates Resistance to Skeletal Muscle Atrophy

    Shogo Wada, Yoshio Kato, Mitsuharu Okutsu, Shigeru Miyaki, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Zhen Yan, Stefano Schiaffino, Hiroshi Asahara, Takashi Ushida, Takayuki Akimoto

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   286 ( 44 ) 38456 - 38465  2011.11  [Refereed]

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    Muscle atrophy is caused by accelerated protein degradation and occurs in many pathological states. Two muscle-specific ubiquitin ligases, MAFbx/atrogin-1 and muscle RING-finger 1 (MuRF1), are prominently induced during muscle atrophy and mediate atrophy-associated protein degradation. Blocking the expression of these two ubiquitin ligases provides protection against muscle atrophy. Here we report that miR-23a suppresses the translation of both MAFbx/atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in a 3'-UTR-dependent manner. Ectopic expression of miR-23a is sufficient to protect muscles from atrophy in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, miR-23a transgenic mice showed resistance against glucocorticoid-induced skeletal muscle atrophy. These data suggest that suppression of multiple regulators by a single miRNA can have significant consequences in adult tissues.

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  • Effect of Acute Maximal Exercise on Circulating Levels of Interleukin-12 during Ramadan Fasting.

    Abedelmalek S, Souissi N, Takayuki A, Hadouk S, Tabka Z

    Asian journal of sports medicine   2 ( 3 ) 154 - 160  2011.09  [Refereed]


  • DHEA Administration Activates Local Bioactive Androgen Metabolism in Cancellous Site of Tibia of Ovariectomized Rats

    Jong-Hoon Park, Katsuji Aizawa, Motoyuki Iemitsu, Koji Sato, Takayuki Akimoto, Umon Agata, Seiji Maeda, Ikuko Ezawa, Naomi Omi

    CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL   89 ( 2 ) 105 - 110  2011.08  [Refereed]

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    It is not known whether local androgen metabolism is involved in the mechanisms underlying the dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) administration-induced improvement of bone mineral density (BMD) in an estrogen-deficiency state. The aim of the present study was to clarify whether DHEA administration would improve local androgen metabolism and BMD in cancellous site of tibia of ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Twenty-two female rats, 6 weeks old, were randomized into three groups: sham-operated rats, OVX control rats, and OVX rats that received DHEA treatment. DHEA was administered intraperitoneally at 20 mg/kg body weight for 8 weeks. The concentrations of free testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in cancellous site of tibia did not change as a result of ovariectomy, while the DHT concentration increased following DHEA administration. We revealed that DHEA administration improved the reduction of 17 beta- and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases and clearly reversed the reduction of 5 alpha-reductase types 1 and 2 and androgen receptor in the cancellous site of tibia of OVX rats. DHEA administration suppressed estrogen deficiency relative to the decrease in the cancellous BMD, which was positively associated with local DHT concentration. These findings indicate that DHEA administration enhances local bioactive androgen metabolism in the cancellous tibia of young OVX rats, suggesting that local DHT may play a part in the DHEA administration-induced improvement of cancellous BMD.

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  • Acupuncture ameliorated skeletal muscle atrophy induced by hindlimb suspension in mice

    Akiko Onda, Qibin Jiao, Yasuharu Nagano, Takayuki Akimoto, Toshikazu Miyamoto, Susumu Minamisawa, Toru Fukubayashi

    BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS   410 ( 3 ) 434 - 439  2011.07  [Refereed]

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    Preventing skeletal muscle atrophy is critical for maintaining quality of life, but it is often a challenging goal for the elderly and patients with severe conditions. We hypothesized that acupuncture in place of exercise training is an alternative non-pharmacological intervention that can help to prevent muscle atrophy. To elucidate the effects of acupuncture on skeletal muscle atrophy caused by hindlimb suspension (HS), we performed acupuncture on mice according to two different methods: acupuncture with electrical stimulation (EA: electroacupuncture) and without electrical stimulation (MA: manual acupuncture). A needle was retained in the gastrocnemius muscle for 30 min every day for 2 weeks in the EA and MA groups. In the EA group, 30 min of repetitive electrical stimulation (1 Hz, 1 ms pulse width, 6.5 m]A intensity) was also applied. HS significantly reduced muscle mass and the cross-sectional area of the soleus muscles. This HS-induced reduction was significantly improved in the EA group, although the level of improvement remained insufficient when compared with the control group. We found that the mRNA expression levels of atrogin-1 and MuRF1, which play a principal role in muscle-specific degradation as E3 ubiquitin ligases, were significantly increased in the HS group compared to the control group. EA and MA reduced the HS-induced upregulation of atrogin-1 (p < 0.01 in EA and MA) and MuRF1 (p < 0.01 in EA) mRNAs. We also found that the expression levels of PI3K, Akt1, TRPV4, adenosine A1 receptor, myostatin, and SIRT1 mRNAs tended to be increased by HS. EA and MA further increased the HS-induced upregulation of Akt1 (p < 0.05 in MA) and TRPV4 (p < 0.05 in MA) mRNAs. We concluded that acupuncture partially prevented skeletal muscle atrophy. This effect might be due to an increase in protein synthesis and a decrease in protein degradation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • Effects Of Resistance Training Under Systemic Hypoxia On Hormonal Responses And Muscular Adaptations

    Michihiro Kon, Takeo Matsubayashi, Tatsuaki Ikeda, Akiko Honda, Nao Ohiwa, Takayuki Akimoto, Yasuhiro Suzuki

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   43 ( 5 ) 842 - 842  2011.05  [Refereed]


  • Modulation of Viability of Live Cells by Focused Ion-Beam Exposure

    Takahiro Shinada, Takayuki Akimoto, Yanwei Zhu, Hisa Goke, Iwao Ohdomari

    BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING   108 ( 1 ) 222 - 225  2011.01  [Refereed]

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    Introduction of membrane-impermeant substances into living cells is the key method to understand contemporary cellular processes by investigating cellular responses and phenotypes. Here, we performed gold ion beam exposure into live cells by using the focused ion beam implantation method, which was originally developed to precisely control semiconductor device performances. We evaluated the viability of the gold-irradiated cells by measuring the concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is an intracellular energy source produced in the mitochondrial membrane. The viability of the irradiated cells was found to be 20% higher than that of the unirradiated control cells. The atoms might promote the energy generating processes within the mitochondrion. Our results suggest that the viability of living cells can be modulated by accurately controlling the dopant atom numbers. Our technique may be considered as a potential tool in life and medical sciences to quantitatively elucidate the dose-dependent effects of dopants. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 222-225. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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  • Effect of acupuncture on salivary immunoglobulin A after a bout of intense exercise

    Yuichi Matsubara, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Yuko Tanimura, Toshikazu Miyamoto, Takayuki Akimoto, Ichiro Kono

    ACUPUNCTURE IN MEDICINE   28 ( 4 ) 214 - 214  2010.12  [Refereed]

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    Ryohei Yamauchi, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Takuo Furukawa, Koichi Watanabe, Masahiro Takemura, Takao Akama, Takayuki Akimoto, Ichiro Kono

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE   58 ( 1 ) 131 - 141  2009.02  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between alterations of salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) and the occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in rugby football players.We examined the relationship between the onset of URTI and the daily alterations of SIgA. levels in 32 male collegiate rugby football players (20.5 +/- 1.3 years) during Summer training camp for 36 days.Total of 6 in 32 subjects had the appearance of URTI symptoms (18%). SIgA secretion rate decreased significantly in the middle of training camp compared to the baseline (P < 0.05). Furthermore, SIgA secretion rate during the appearance of URTI (13.7 +/- 1.1 mu g/min) were significantly lower than that without symptoms (19.2 +/- 1.4 mu g/min, P < 0.01). These results suggest that serial monitoring of SIgA may be useful to assess the risk status of URTI affection in athletes.



  • Transcriptional control of the Pgc-1 alpha gene in skeletal muscle in vivo

    Zhen Yan, Ping Li, Takayuki Akimoto

    EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCES REVIEWS   35 ( 3 ) 97 - 101  2007.07  [Refereed]

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    Endurance exercise promotes mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle possibly by inducing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator la gene transcription through activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. A novel imaging analysis revealed the importance of activating transcription factor 2 and histone deacetylase 5/myocyte enhancer factor 2 in the regulation of the Pgc-1 alpha gene in skeletal muscle in vivo.

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  • Effects of exercise, age and gender on salivary secretory immunoglobulin A in elderly individuals

    Kazuhiro Shimizu, Fuminori Kimura, Takayuki Akimoto, Takao Akama, Takeshi Otsuki, Takahiko Nishijima, Shinya Kuno, Ichiro Kono

    EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW   13   55 - 66  2007  [Refereed]

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    The influence of age and gender on salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) in response to moderate exercise training was studied in 158 elderly subjects, Subjects were assigned to an exercise training group (EXC: 51 males, 74 females) or a non-exercise control group (CON: 11 males, 22 females). The subjects in each group were separated into four age-gender subgroups (60-69-yr-old males, over 70-yr-old males, 60-69-yr-old females, over 70-yr-old females) and compared by age and gender Subjects in EXC participated in exercise sessions 5-days a week for 6 months. Saliva samples were collected both before and after the study period. The SIgA secretion rates were significantly increased after training (p < 0.05) in all the age-gender subgroups of EXC (60-69 males: 41%, over 70 males: 55%, 60-69 females: 40%, over 70 females: 38%); no age- or gender-related differences were observed. On the other hand, none of the age-gender subgroups of CON showed significant changes in the SIgA secretion rate; also, there were no age- or gender-related differences. In conclusion, enhancement of mucosal immune function following regular moderate exercise training occurs in elderlies in their 60s and over 70 years, and in both, males and females.


  • Changes of pituitary,adrenal and gonadal hormones during competition among female soccer players.

    Katsuji Aizawa, Chikako Nakahori, Takayuki Akimoto, Fuminori Kimura, Kouichiro Hayashi, Ichiro Kono, Noboru Mesaki

    J Sports Med Physical Fit   46   >322-327  2006.10

  • Resident stem cells are not required for exercise-induced fiber-type switching and angiogenesis but are necessary for activity-dependent muscle growth

    P Li, T Akimoto, M Zhang, RS Williams, Z Yan

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY   290 ( 6 ) C1461 - C1468  2006.06  [Refereed]

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    Skeletal muscle undergoes active remodeling in response to endurance exercise training, and the underlying mechanisms of this remodeling remain to be defined fully. We have recently obtained evidence that voluntary running induces cell cycle gene expression and cell proliferation in mouse plantaris muscles that undergo fast-to-slow fiber-type switching and angiogenesis after long-term exercise. To ascertain the functional role of cell proliferation in skeletal muscle adaptation, we performed in vivo 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) pulse labeling (a single intraperitoneal injection), which demonstrated a phasic increase (5- to 10-fold) in BrdU-positive cells in plantaris muscle between days 3 and 14 during 4 wk of voluntary running. Daily intraperitoneal injection of BrdU for 4 wk labeled 2.0% and 15.4% of the nuclei in plantaris muscle in sedentary and trained mice, respectively, and revealed the myogenic and angiogenic fates of the majority of proliferative cells. Ablation of resident stem cell activity by X-ray irradiation did not prevent voluntary running-induced increases of type IIa myofibers and CD31-positive endothelial cells but completely blocked the increase in muscle mass. These findings suggest that resident stem cell proliferation is not required for exercise-induced type IIb-to-IIa fiber-type switching and angiogenesis but is required for activity-dependent muscle growth. The origin of the angiogenic cells in this physiological exercise model remains to be determined.

    DOI PubMed


  • Comparison Of Effects Of Continuous Training On SIgA In Elderly By Area, Sex And Age

    Kazuhiro Shimizu, Fuminori Kimura, Takao Akama, Takayuki Akimoto, Ichiro Kono, Shinya Kuno

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   37   S372 - S372  2005.05  [Refereed]


  • Effects Of Cryotherapy After Contusion Using Real-time Intra-vital Microscopy

    Hoseong Lee, Hiroaki Natsui, Takayuki Akimoto, Kennichi Yanagi, Norio Ohshima, Kono Ichiro

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   37   S356 - S356  2005.05  [Refereed]


  • Skeletal muscle adaptation in response to voluntary running in Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV-deficient mice

    T Akimoto, TJ Ribar, RS Williams, Z Yan

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY   287 ( 5 ) C1311 - C1319  2004.11  [Refereed]

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    Mammalian skeletal muscles undergo adaptation in response to alteration in functional demands by means of a variety of cellular signaling events. Previous experiments in transgenic mice showed that an active form of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaMKIV) is capable of stimulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-coactivator 1alpha (PGC-1alpha) gene expression, promoting fast-to-slow fiber type switching and augmenting mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. However, a role for endogenous CaMKIV in skeletal muscle has not been investigated rigorously. We report that genetically modified mice devoid of CaMKIV have normal fiber type composition and mitochondrial enzyme expression in fast-twitch skeletal muscles and responded to long-term ( 4 wk) voluntary running with increased expression of myosin heavy chain type IIa, myoglobin, PGC-1alpha, and cytochrome c oxidase IV proteins in plantaris muscle in a manner similar to that of wild-type mice. Short-term motor nerve stimulation ( 2 h at 10 Hz) likewise increased PGC-1alpha mRNA expression in tibialis anterior muscles in both Camk4(-/-) and wild-type mice. In addition, we have confirmed that no detectable CaMKIV protein is expressed in murine skeletal muscle. Thus CaMKIV is not required for the maintenance of slow-twitch muscle phenotype and endurance training-induced mitochondrial biogenesis and IIb-to-IIa fiber type switching in murine skeletal muscle. Other protein kinases sharing substrates with constitutively active CaMKIV may function as endogenous mediators of activity-dependent changes in myofiber phenotype.

    DOI PubMed


  • Real-time imaging of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha promoter activity in skeletal muscles of living mice

    T Akimoto, BS Sorg, Z Yan

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY   287 ( 3 ) C790 - C796  2004.09  [Refereed]

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    In response to sustained increase in contractile activity, mammalian skeletal muscle undergoes adaptation with enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis and fiber type switching. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha) was recently identified as a key regulator for these adaptive processes. To investigate the sequence elements in the PGC-1alpha gene that are responsible for activity-dependent transcriptional activation, we have established a unique system to analyze promoter activity in skeletal muscle of living mice. Expression of PGC-1alpha-firefly luciferase reporter gene in mouse tibialis anterior muscle transfected by electric pulse-mediated gene transfer was assessed repeatedly in the same muscle by using optical bioluminescence imaging analysis before and after low-frequency ( 10 Hz) motor nerve stimulation. Nerve stimulation ( 2 h) resulted in a transient 3-fold increase ( P &lt; 0.05) in PGC-1&alpha; promoter activity along with a 1.6-fold increase (P &lt; 0.05) in endogenous PGC-1alpha mRNA. Mutation of two consensus myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) binding sites ( - 2901 and - 1539) or a cAMP response element (CRE) ( - 222) completely abolished nerve stimulation-induced increase in PGC-1alpha promoter activity. These findings provide direct evidence that contractile activity-induced PGC-1alpha promoter activity in skeletal muscle is dependent on the MEF2 and the CRE sequence elements. The experimental methods used in the present study have general applicability to studies of gene regulation in muscle.

    DOI PubMed


  • Differences in underwater and land-based leg muscle activity

    K Kaneda, F Kimura, T Akimoto, Kono, I

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE   53 ( 1 ) 141 - 147  2004.02  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate differences between underwater and land-based exercise in leg muscle activity. Nine healthy males (mean age : 21.7 +/- 0.5 years, mean height : 173.4 +/- 2.2 cm) had electrodes placed on their left leg muscles (Tibialis Anterior; TA, Medial Gastrocnemius; MG, Soleus; SOL, Rectus Femoris; RF, and Biceps Femoris; BF), and their muscle activity was measured during various exercises. The subjects performed six types of exercise such as the forward walk, backward walk, squat, calf raise, leg range, and one leg wave, both in the water (waist level) and on land. These exercises were categorized as 3 types of leg movement according to direction; horizontal, vertical, and mixed movement. In the forward walk and backward walk, categorized as horizontal movements, the integrated electromyogram (IEMG) significantly increased during underwater exercise compared with on land. In the squat, as a vertical movement, the IEMG showed a similar change under both conditions. In the calf raise, as a vertical movement, and leg range and one leg wave, as mixed movements, the IEMG significantly decreased during underwater exercise compared with on land. These results suggest that leg muscle activity during underwater exercise is different based on the movement direction of the legs. In a word, it was apparent that movement in a horizontal direction underwater provides greater activity for leg muscles than on land; but movement in a vertical and/or mixed direction underwater provides less activity for leg muscles than on land. In prescribing an exercise program, it may be helpful to understand the differences between underwater and land-based exercise in leg muscle activity.

  • Changes in saliva dehydroepiandrosterone in female football players during competitive sports

    K Aizawa, C Nakahori, T Akimoto, F Kimura, K Hayashi, Kono, I, N Mesaki

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE   53 ( 1 ) 149 - 156  2004.02  [Refereed]

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    [Objective] The aim of this investigation was to evaluate salivary dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) responses during a competitive period among female football players.
    [Methods] Subjects were college female football players (n=9). Saliva and blood samples were collected at 18 : 00 (6 : 00 pm) and the profile of mood state (POMS) was recorded during a period of normal training (Pre), 3 days of competition (Competition), and a recovery period (Post). Levels of salivary DHEA, cortisol, and serum creatin kinase (CK), urea nitorogen (UN), were determined.
    [Results] The levels of salivary DHEA significantly increased during competition (2 nd days) compared-with Pre (p&lt;0.05), and significantly decreased after competition compared with Pre (p&lt; 0.05). The levels of salivary cortisol significantly increased during the competition (2 nd and 3 rd days) compared with Pre (p&lt;0.05). Whereas it decreased after competition compared with Pre. The levels of serum CK significantly increased during the competition (2 nd days) compared with Pre (P&lt;0.05). The levels of serum UN did not change during the study. The fatigue score-of POMS significantly increased during competition (2 nd days) compared with Pre (P&lt;0.05).
    [Conclusion] These data suggest that DHEA could be a useful endocrinological indicator for evaluating training status in female athletes.

  • Resting serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate level increases after 8-week resistance training among young females

    K Aizawa, T Akimoto, H Inoue, F Kimura, M Joo, F Murai, N Mesaki

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   90 ( 5-6 ) 575 - 580  2003.11  [Refereed]

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    This study examined changes among young females of resting serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) concentration after an 8-week period of resistance training. Nineteen healthy untrained young females [training group: age 18.9 (0.3) years, n=10, control group: age 19.3 (1.0) years, n=9; mean (SD)] were recruited in this study. The training group participated in an 8-week resistance training program (2 days per week on nonconsecutive days). The control group did not involve in any resistance training or regular exercise during the study period. Muscular strength, anthropometry, and resting hormonal levels were measured before and after training in both groups. Serum concentrations of DHEAS, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), testosterone and cortisol were measured by radioimmunoassay. Body mass (2.4%) and lean body mass (2.4%) were significantly increased in the training group (P&lt;0.05), but not in the control group. The training also significantly increased one-repetition maximum (1-RM) values (P&lt;0.05). In the training group, resting concentration of serum DHEAS significantly increased after training (P&lt;0.05). Percent change of DHEAS in the training group was greater than that of the control group (P&lt;0.05). In the training group, the change of DHEAS level was positively correlated with the change of lean body mass during the training (r=0.61; P&lt;0.05). Serum DHEA, testosterone and cortisol concentrations did not change in either group during the training. The dramatic increase of resting serum DHEAS concentration after training indicates that DHEAS might be an anabolic hormone marker of adaptation to resistance training among young females. Results are presented as mean (SD).

    DOI PubMed


  • Resting serum DHEAS level increases after 8-week resistance training among young femaies.

    Katsuji Aizawa, Takayuki Akimoto, Hironobu Inoue, Fuminori Kimura, Mihyun Joo, Fumie Murai, Noboru Mesaki

    Eur Appl Physiol   90   >575-580  2003.08

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  • Effect of icing treatment on muscle reaction time and functional performance of a sprained ankle

    H Lee, N Mukai, T Akimoto, Kono, I

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE   51 ( 2 ) 175 - 183  2002.04  [Refereed]

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    [Objective] The purpose of this study was to determine whether icing treatment has an effect on muscle reaction time and functional performance of a sprained ankle. [Methods] Subjects were six persons (healthy group) and six persons who had an acute ankle sprain (patient group). Anterior talar translation and talar tilt of the six patient group were evaluated by the stress X-ray measure. Ice treatment was applied for 20 minutes. [Results] The following points were clarified : 1) Reaction times of peroneus longus (PL) and peroneus brevis (PB) for the sprained ankle group (SA) were significantly longer than those for the non-sprained ankle group (NA) (p&lt;0.05). Length of time of standing on one leg with closed eyes for SA was significantly shorter than for NA (p&lt;0.05). 2) After icing treatment, reaction time of PL for SA tended to be shorter. Furthermore, PB significantly decreased after icing treatment (p&lt;0.05). Side-steps for SA were significantly increased after icing treatment (p&lt;0.05). 3) Reaction times of PL and PB for NA significantly increased after icing treatment (p&lt;0.05). Standing on one leg with closed eyes for NA significantly decreased after icing treatment (p&lt;0.05). [Conclusion] It was shown that icing treatment of a sprained ankle leads to a shorter muscle reaction time and an increase in the number of side-steps. Therefore, it was concluded that icing treatment of a sprained ankle might be able to improve incapacitated neuromuscular function and functional performance by acute trauma.

  • Antiprothrombin autoantibodies in severe preeclampsia and abortion

    T Akimoto, T Akama, M Saitoh, Kono, I, T Sumida

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE   110 ( 3 ) 188 - 191  2001.02  [Refereed]

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    PURPOSE: We examined the levels of autoantibodies against prethrombin-1 and fragment-1 in pregnant women to determine the type of autoantibodies that were associated with severe, preeclampsia or spontaneous abortion.
    SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We measured autoantibodies bound to prethrombin-1, prethromhin-1, and fragment-1 by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 12 healthy nonpregnant women, 36 women with normal pregnancies, 28 pregnant women with severe preeclampsia, and 19 pregnant women who subsequently had spontaneous abortion.
    RESULTS: Plasma samples in 10 (36%) of the 28 women with severe preeclampsia and 11 (58%) of the 19 women with spontaneous abortion were positive for antiprothrombin antibodies as compared with 3 (9%) of the 36 women with normal pregnancies. AU II of the positive samples from women who had spontaneous abortions were positive for antiprethrombin-1 antibody, but only 1 was positive for antifragment-1 antibody. The mean ( +/- SD) titer of antiprethrombin-1 1 antibodies in patients with spontaneous abortion (36 +/- 9 U) was higher than that in women with normal pregnancies (10 +/- 4 U; P &lt; 0.01). Antiprethrombin-1 antibody was detected in only 28 women with severe preeclampsia, whereas all 10 women with antiprethrombin antibodies were positive for antifragment-1 antibody. The antifragment-1 antibody titer in patients with severe pre eclampsia (49 +/- 15 U) was higher than in women with normal pregnancies(l3 +/- 6 U, P &lt;0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a strong and specific association between various types of antiprothrombin antibodies with severe preeclampsia and spontaneous abortion. (C)2001 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.

  • Effect of brief maximal exercise on circulating levels of interleukin-12

    T Akimoto, T Akama, M Tatsuno, M Saito, Kono, I

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   81 ( 6 ) 510 - 512  2000.04  [Refereed]

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    Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a cytokine that was originally identified as natural killer cell stimulatory factor. It induces the activity of T-helper 1 (Th1) cells and exhibits strong anti-tumor activity. In this study, we studied the effects of brief anaerobic maximal exercise on circulating levels of IL-12. Six healthy males [mean (SD) 25.2 (2.6) years] performed a modified Wingate test exercise (resistance 0.075 kg/kg of body mass). The exercise consisted of five bouts of maximal cycling for 10 s, with rest intervals of 50 s between them. Blood samples were taken before, immediately after, 30 min after, 60 min after and 120 min after the exercise. Plasma concentrations of IL-12 were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Data were corrected for hemoglobin and hematocrit measurements. Plasma concentrations of IL-12 averaged [mean (SD)] 234.2 (40.9) pg/ml before, 305.2 (62.1) pg/ml immediately after, 202.8 (24.2) pg/ml 30 min after, 239.7 (35.1) pg/ml 60 min after, and 199.6 (49.2) pg/ml 120 min after the exercise. We showed that plasma concentrations of IL-12 increased significantly immediately after brief anaerobic maximal cycle ergometer exercise (P &lt; 0.01).

  • Detergent and antigen fragility affect the ELISA for measurement of anti-prothrombin autoantibodies

    Takayuki Akimoto, Takao Akama, Ichiro Kono, Kazuhide Yamane, Takayuki Sumida

    Journal of Rheumatology   26 ( 3 ) 580 - 587  1999  [Refereed]

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    Objective. Some investigators have reported that anti-prothrombin autoantibodies (aPT) in lupus anticoagulant positive sera were detectable by ELISA. Discrepancies in aPT ELISA were observed by some investigators. To clarify this situation, we tested the binding of aPT positive sera to purified prothrombin under various conditions. Methods. We performed aPT ELISA under different conditions. The variables we tested were: ELISA plate (untreated or gamma irradiated polystyrene plates), buffer (phosphate buffered saline or Tris buffered saline), detergent (presence or absence of Tween-20), and antigen condition (intact or fragmented prothrombin). Results. Anti-PT from patients with lupus or antiphospholipid syndrome were similarly bound to prothrombin with both buffers. Addition of Tween-20 to the buffer increased reactivity in the irradiated plate assay, but decreased reactivity in the untreated plate assay. Reactivities in 90% of lupus sera were decreased by the use of fragmented prothrombin. In contrast, the reactivity of serum from a healthy subject was remarkably increased by antigen fragmentation. Conclusion. The discrepant ELISA results in measurement of aPT in the various reports may have been due to the use of detergent in the buffer and condition of the prothrombin used as antigen. In our experiments the best ELISA condition for measurement of aPT was achieved using buffer with Tween-20 detergent, with prothrombin directly coated onto irradiated polystyrene plates.


  • Relationship between clinical features and binding domains of anti-prothrombin antoantibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome

    T Akimoto, T Akama, Kono, I, T Sumida

    LUPUS   8 ( 9 ) 761 - 766  1999  [Refereed]

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    Autoantibodies against prothrombin, including lupus anticoagulant antibodies (LAC), have been identified in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). To identify the epitopes of LAC in patients with SLE and APS, we analyzed B cell epitopes of anti-prothrombin Abs. Prothrombin was purified from fresh plasma samples from healthy subjects, and fragmented by thrombin. Two fragments (prethrombin-1, 50 kDa, and fragment-1, 22 kDa) were separated and used for further experiments. The two fragments were coated on irradiated plate and the binding activities of sera from 13 patients with anti-prothrombin Abs (SLE, 7; APS, 4; SLE + APS, 2) were determined by using ELISA. The assay was conducted under the following conditions: use of irradiated plates, and TBS containing Tween-20. We detected two types of anti-prothrombin Abs. The first was anti-prethrombin-1 (n = 5) while the other was Ab against fragment-1 (n = 8). There were no patients with Abs that showed binding activities to both fragments. A higher proportion of patients with thrombosis were positive for anti-prethrombin-1 Abs (80%) than for anti-fragment-1 Abs (25%). Two patients with anti-prethrombin-1 Ab were positive for LAC and negative for anti-cardiolipin-beta(2) glycoprotein I antibody (aCL-beta(2)GPI). Our results strongly support the notion that both prethrombin-1 and fragment-1 on prothrombin molecule are B cell epitopes.

  • Effects of repetitious intense exercise training on resting salivary IgA

    T Akimoto, T Akama, Y Koda, T Waku, E Hayashi, M Tatsuno, K Sugiura, K Amano, Kono, I

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE   47 ( 2 ) 245 - 251  1998.04  [Refereed]

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    It is generally accepted that secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is a major effector of local immunity in the oral cavity. The salivary sIgA level is known to be temporarily decreased after an acute single bout of intense exercise. On the other hand, the effect of continuous exercise training on salivary sIgA has been controversial. In the present study, we collected timed saliva samples from collegiate kendoists using the reliable saliva collection method that has already bren reported. The collection was performed before, during and after a traditional high-intensity 10-day training camp during the coldest part of the winter. We investigated the effect of repetitious intense exercise training on resting sIgA levels in saliva.
    The subjects were 19 males and 8 females (age:19.9+/-0.5 years) who took part in the camp. We obtained saliva samples before the camp, on the first and the 10 th days of the camp, and 4 and 10 days after the camp at 5 p. m. The concentration of sIgA was measured by ELISA, and the sIgA secretion rate was calculated.
    The resting sIgA secretion rate decreased significantly during the camp. It remained at a lower level 4 and 10 days after the camp compared to the initial level, a;though it tended to recover gradually. Prolonged suppression of the resting sIgA secretion rate during a traditional winter kendo training camp might be induced by repetition of high-intensity training.

  • Alteration of local immunity in the oral cavity after endurance running

    T Akimoto, T Akama, K Sugiura, J Tatsuno, Y Koda, T Waku, Kono, I

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE   47 ( 1 ) 53 - 61  1998.02  [Refereed]

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    To investigate the effect of intense exercise on immunological factors in saliva, we measured secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), lactoferrin and fibronectin. We used a reliable saliva collection method that has already been reported. Timed saliva samples were obtained from 16 healthy young males. Samples were collected before, immediately after, 1 day after and 5 days after endurance running (42.195 km). The concentrations mu g/ml) of sIgA, lactoferrin and fibronectin were measured hy ELISA, and the secretion rates (mu g/min) of each were calculated. Immediately alter the exercise, the concentration of total protein in saliva increased significantly, but the sIgA secretion rate decreased to 53%. The secretion rates of both lactoferrin and fibronectin did not change significantly. The local immune system plays an important role in mucosal surface defense against upper respiratory tract infection. The sIgA level in the oral cavity was temporarily decreased after intense exercise. A decreased sIgA secretion rate might partly explain the increased susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infection after endurance exercise.

  • Effects of Cold Environment Exposure and Cold Acclimatization on Exercise-Induced Salivary Cortisol Response

    Shuhei Izawa, Kijin Kim, Takayuki Akimoto, Nayoung Ahn, Hoseong Lee, Katsuhiko Suzuki

    WILDERNESS & ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE   20 ( 3 ) 239 - 243  1970.01

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    Objective.-Considering the adverse effects of exercise-induced cortisol secretion on health in athletes, it is important to determine the environmental and individual factors that contribute to the variations in exercise-induced cortisol secretion. In this study, the effects of cold environment exposure and cold acclimatization on exercise-induced salivary cortisol responses were investigated.Methods.-Short track skaters (n = 11), who usually practice under cold conditions, and inline skaters (n = 11), who usually practice under room temperature conditions, participated in a randomized crossover study. All participants cycled for 60 minutes at 65% (V) over doto(2) max under cold (ambient temperature: 5 +/- 1 degrees C, relative humidity 41% +/- 9%) and room temperature (ambient temperature: 21 +/- 1 degrees C, relative humidity 35% +/- 5%) conditions. The participants had a 120-minute bed rest recovery phase at room temperature after both exercise bouts. Cortisol levels were measured in saliva samples collected pre-exercise and postexercise at 1 minute, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 120 minutes.Results.-Both short track and inline skaters exhibited clear cortisol responses to exercise under cold and room temperature conditions. The magnitude of the cortisol response, however, was different between skaters and conditions. The inline skaters exhibited significantly higher cortisol values under cold conditions than under room temperature conditions (7.6 nmol/L and 4.2 nmol/L, respectively). However, the short track skaters exhibited significantly higher cortisol values under cold conditions compared to room temperature conditions (8.7 nmol/L and 5.4 nmol/L, respectively).Conclusions.-The effects of cold environment exposure on exercise-induced cortisol response were different between skaters who usually practice under cold or room temperature conditions. These results can be interpreted as acclimatization to either cold or room temperature conditions attenuating the cortisol response, suggesting that acclimatization may be beneficial in reducing the exercise-induced cortisol response.




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Research Projects

  • マルチオミックス解析を用いた新規老化関連バイオマーカーの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    秋本 崇之, 赤澤 暢彦, 李 ミンジョン

  • Regulation of life span by the exercise-responsible miRNAs

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 運動によるインスリン抵抗性改善の分子基盤

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    秋本 崇之, 加藤 義雄, 狩野 豊

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    次にin vitroでの三次元培養によって骨格筋組織を構築し,これを上記の糖代謝動態の観察に用いるための実験系の最適化を実施した.現状において三次元培養組織を構築することは可能となったが,これをハイスループット化し,ドラッグスクリーニングを試行するためには,三次元組織培養系の更なる最適化が必要なことが明らかとなった.
    また同時にグルコース感受性蛍光タンパク質を用いて,筋収縮時の筋細胞内グルコース動態をin vivo環境下で経時的に観察する技法の確立を目的とし,収縮前後での細胞内グルコース動態の検証を実施した.

  • マイクロRNA欠損による早期老化のメカニズムの解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    秋本 崇之, LEE MINJUNG

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) is a small non-coding RNA which represses its target genes at post-transcriptional level. In previous studies, the host researcher established genetically modified mice of several miRNAs which are involved in exercise-induced skeletal muscle adaptation. Coincidentally, we found that certain modification of miRNAs caused accelerated aging. To clarify the aging factor(s), first we determined the aging phenotypes of the GM mice during the fellowship tenure.
    The average lifespan of GM mice were significantly shorter than those for males and females for WT. The median survival time was also significantly shorter in GM mice than in WT mice. Frailty index of the GM mice was significantly higher than that of WT mice. Collectively, these results suggested that the aging process is accelerated in the GM mice and it eventually shortened the lifespan of the mice.

  • Development of fluorescent probe for glucose uptake into skeletal muscle

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIMOTO Takayuki

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    Insulin resistance, which means the failure to take up blood glucose by insulin, is one of the fundamental mechanisms behind lifestyle-related diseases that are increasing worldwide, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. At present, several drugs are the first treatments for insulin resistance in the clinic, but none of them have been able to improve the prognosis for all patients. Therefore, in this study, we developed a fluorescent probe that can observe the uptake of sugars into living cells and tissues. We are currently applying for the technology as a patent in Japan.

  • Role of microRNAs in exercise-induced angiogenesis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIMOTO Takayuki

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    In this study, we determined exercise-induced angiogenesis in mice lacking almost all miRNAs by deleting Dicer, an enzyme essential for microRNA (miRNA) processing and in mice lacking specific miRNAs.
    First, the tamoxifen-induced Dicer knockout mice died within 5 weeks after tamoxifen administration, suggesting that miRNAs play an important role in maintaining life.
    With regard to analysis using specific miRNA-deficient mice, even in the mice lacking miR-23 cluster miRNAs showed normal exercise-induced angiogenesis in response to endurance exercise training. These findings suggest that the role of miR-23 cluster miRNAs in exercise-induced angiogenesis in skeletal muscle is limited.

  • Development of novel biomarkers on exercise, stress and aging and their functional analyses

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Suzuki Katsuhiko

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    Using aging-model mice and young mice together with acute exercise model mice and endurance exercise model mice, grobal mRNA sequence and ribosome profiling were performed using next-generation sequencer. Changed variables and factors based on the analyses were further confirmed by real-time PCR and western blotting, and messages and proteins were quantified. In addition, gene network analyses were performed to capture changes at the system level of skeletal muscle, and found interesting genes and their potentially new functions.

  • The mechanism underlying sleep disorder-induced decrease in athletic performance and its improvement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MAEDA Seiji, SHIMOJO Nobutake

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    The present study investigated the effect of sleep quality on athletic performance, the mechanism underlying decrease in sleep quality, and the effect of replenishment of the deficient substance on sleep and athletic performance. We demonstrated that the sleep quality affected cognitive performance during a relatively intense aerobic exercise. We found using metabolomics that carnosine and ornithine were decreased by poor sleep quality. Furthermore, the present study suggested that intake of carnosine improved sleep and athletic performance.

  • development of in vivo imaging system for skeletal muscle biology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIMOTO Takayuki

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    We developed an in vivo imaging system to combine spining-disc conforcal system with sensitive CCD camera. As a result of this project, we observed that the Nuclear factor of activated T-cells(NFAT)were translocated into nucleus in response to muscle contraction in adult skeletal muscle.
    We will apply this technique to see various phenomena in skeletal muscle in near the future

  • The role of microRNAs in mechanical stress-induced muscle adaptation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIMOTO Takayuki

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    We investigated the role of microRNA on mechanical stress-induced muscle adaptation by using Dicer1 knock-out mice (Dicer1 KO). As a result, the muscle-specific Dicer1KO mice died by 6 weeks due to dysfunction of muscles, suggesting that microRNAs in muscle play important roles in homeostasis of muscles.

  • Development of novel biomarkers on exercise, stress and aging

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Katsuhiko, AKIMOTO Takayuki

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    In order to explore new biomarkers which respond to exercise and stress, we performed proteomics using blood and urine samples before and after exhaustive exercise and identified the molecules using mass spectrometric analyses. Among the molecules which exhibited remarkable increases, we developed measurement system using ELISA. Also, we identified several microRNAs in the blood circulation in response to acute resistant exercise using microarray, and quantified expression levels using real-time PCR. Furthermore, we set up global analyses of translation dynamics using ribosome profiling for biomarker discovery.

  • Monitoring stress protein in saliva to prevent impairment of physical condition in athletes and elderly individuals

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONO Ichiro, SHIMIZU Kazuhiro, AKAMA Takao, AKIMOTO Takayuki, WATANABE Koichi

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    The purpose of this study was evaluating the availability of salivary HSP70 to assess the physical condition in athletes and elderly individuals. The salivary HSP70 was increased after the acute intensive exercise. In athletes, continuous intensive exercise did not markedly change resting salivary HSP70 levels. This result might be influenced by individual differences of HSP70 responses to intensive exercise. In elderly subjects, continuous moderate exercise training enhanced resting salivary HSP70. In addition, HSP70 might be involved with T-cell activation in response to exercise training. In conclusion, salivary HSP70 might be useful to assess the physical condition in elderly subjects, while it might require to consideration in athletes.

  • Effect of mechanical stress on stemness of embryonic stem cells

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIMOTO Takayuki

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    Mechanical strain has been reported to affect the proliferation/differentiation of many cell types. however, the effects of mechanotransduction on embryonic stem (ES) cells remains unknown. To investigate the effects of mechanical strain on ES cell fate, we examined the expression of Nanog as well as Nanog-associated intracellular signaling during uniaxial cyclic stretch. The mouse ES cell was plated onto elastic membranes, and we applied 10% strain at 0.16 Hz. The expression of Nanog was reduced during ES cell differentiation in response to the withdrawal of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF); however, two days of mechanical strain attenuated this reduction of Nanog expression. On the other hand, the mechanical strain promoted PI3K-Akt signaling, which is reported as an upstream of Nanog transcription.These findings imply that mechanical force plays a role in regulating Nanog expression in ES cells through the actin cytoskeleton-PI3K-Akt signaling.

  • Local muscular steroidogenesis and exercise for anti-aging

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MESAKI Noboru, AKIMOTO Takayuki, EMITSU Motoyuki, AIZAWA Katsuji

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    Sex steroid hormones are mainly produced and secreted by the ovary, testis, and adrenal cortex and affect diverse physiological processes of target organs or tissues, such as reproductive organs, bones, liver, heart, vasculature, brain, and skeletal muscles. Previously, we demonstrated that skeletal muscles are capable of locally synthesizing circulating DHEA to testosterone and estrogen. This study examined association of life-style related diseases and sarcopenia in local skeletal and cardiac muscles and intended to apply it to exercise therapy for anti-aging. Our data demonstrated that local steroidogenesis is involved in age-related life-style related diseases and sarcopenia, suggesting that this mechanism provides beneficial information as a basic finding of the exercise therapy for anti-aging prevention.

  • Functional analysis of mechanical stress-induced microRNAs

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIMOTO Takayuki

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    The aim of this study is to determine gene regulation related to physical exercise, especially focusing on post-transcriptional control due to mechanical stress-induced microRNA (miRNA)s. We first identified several mechanical stress-induced miRNAs by a comprehensive microarray analysis. Among them, we chose miR-23a to analyze with respect to its function in skeletal muscle by using cultured cells and experimental animals. We found that miR-23a inhibits skeletal muscle atrophy by suppressing the translation of two ubiquitin ligases, atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in their 3'UTR dependent manner.

  • The effects of exercise on immune senescence in elderly

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONO Ichiro, AKAMA Takao, AKIMOTO Takayuki

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise training on immune function in elderly individuals. Moderate exercise training might up-regulate T-cell activation in elderly. In older rat, moderate exercise training might increase splenic lymphocyte-subsets in relation to T-cell activation. Moreover, combined lactobacillus intake and moderate exercise training might bolster mucosal immune function in elderly subjects. Consequently, exercise training might enhance immune function in elderly people.

  • Regulation of mesenchymal cell differentiation by mechanical stress via PGC-1a

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIMOTO Takayuki

  • ダイナミックな環境における細胞内シグナルの可視化

    Project Year :


  • 感染症に対する抵抗力を反映する新規指標の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

     View Summary


  • Development of the personalized health promotion program for the prevention of life-style related disease : Contribution of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Obesity Genes to the Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SANADA Kiyoshi, HIGUCHI Mitsuru, SUZUKI Katsuhiko

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    Little information is available regarding the relationships among human obesity-related genes, cardiorespiratory fitness and metabolic syndrome (MS) or predisposition to MS (MP). The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of obese-related genes and cardiorespiratory fitness to the MS in middle-aged and old men and women. Seven hundred fifty eight healthy men and women participated in this study. We measured maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) during an incremental cycle ergometer exercise test. Serum BDL-cholesterol, triglyceride and plasma glucose levels were measured in all subjects. Total and regional lean soft tissue and fat mass were also measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). We analysed the genotype of b3-adrenergic receptor (ADRB3 64 T>A), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG 1431 C>. Pro12Ala), uncoupling protein 1(UCP1 3826 A>G), and fatty acid-binding protein 2(FABP2 54 A>T) using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay. Significant associations were observed between VO2max less than 32 nil/kg/min in men and 30 ml/kg/min in women and increases in the number of risk factors of MS (P<0.05). Poor VO2max was associated with the prevalence of MS in men and women independently of the 1431 C>T polymorphism in PPAR_Y. It is important to maintain high cardiorespiratory fitness regardless of the obesity gene variance for the prevention of metabolic syndrome.

  • An analysis of the non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    INTRODUCTION : The non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries often occur in cutting or single limb landing movement. From the video analysis it appears forceful valgus collapse occurred combined with external foot rotation. On the other hand from bone bruises of MRI and arthroscopic findings it looks the valgus knee impingement combined with the anterior internal rotation of the tibia occurred. The purpose of this study was to prove that internal rotation and abduction of the tibia occur during single limb landing.
    METHODS : ten healthy athletes (5male 5female age : 22yrs) participated in this study. All subjects performed a drop landing from a platform 30cm in height. Each trial was recorded using VICON system (Oxford Metrics, Inc). Data were processed using point cluster technique (Andriacchi 1998) with 24 makers on the stance limb. Internal/external rotation and adduction/abduction of the tibia with respect to the femur was analyzed during the first 150ms after toe contact.
    RESULTS : all subjects experienced internal rotation of the tibia after a toe contact. About in 50ms after a toe contact, internal rotation of the tibia was maximum degree. The value was 6.1±1.2deg for female and 3.3±0.8deg for males. The female showed significantly larger value that the male (p=0.002). Almost subjects experienced abduction of the tibia after toe contact (4.1±2.7deg for females, 4.9±3.5deg for males).
    DISCUSSION & SUMMARY : the increase of the internal tibial rotation with knee valgus lets increase the strain of ACL. This phenomena can be one of the reasons for female athletes have higher risk of ACL injuries than males. This study has shown that the most likely mechanism of non-contact ACL injuries is internal rotation of the tibia combined with knee valgus.

  • 培養細胞系を用いた物理的刺激によるPGC-1遺伝子活性化メカニズムの解析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    秋本 崇之

  • Development of a SIgA measurement kit for monitoring of risk of URTI

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONO Ichiro, AKAMA Takeo

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    Development of SIgA kit
    We tried to develop a SIgA measurement kit by using commercially available monoclonal antibody. However, we could not develop an optimal system of SIgA measurement, because of the titer and/or epitope of monoclonal antibody. So, we are trying to make some monoclonal antibodies to be able to use TIA. Now we are screening the antibody
    Determination of the relationship between SIgA level and URTI
    Our research which we pointed out the relationship between SIgA and URTI, was published in Japanese Journal of Clinical Sports Medicine. Furthermore, another research which dealt with changes of SIgA and physical and mental stress was published in Medicine and Science in Spurts and Exercise. Resulting from this study, we clarified that there is a certain relationship between SIgA level and risk of URTI, we may be able to apply the relationship to prevent URTI in athletes

  • メカニカルストレスによる細胞分化制御

▼display all


  • Metabolic dynamics of microRNA in adult skeletal muscle

    AKIMOTO Takayuki, YUAN Shuaibang, OIKAWA Satoshi

    Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   13 ( 6 )  2024


  • 生体骨格筋におけるマイクロRNAの代謝動態

    及川哲志, 秋本崇之

    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   7th  2021


  • Development of an miRNA detection system with post-transcriptional feedback control

    佐野将之, 森下加奈, 及川哲志, 秋本崇之, 須丸公雄, 加藤義雄

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   44th  2021


  • miR-23-27-24クラスターマイクロRNAの欠損が骨格筋の発生・可塑性に及ぼす影響

    加藤達也, 及川哲志, 李ミンジョン, 秋本崇之

    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   6th  2020


  • miR-23-27-24クラスターmiRNAの筋特異的な欠損は持久性運動による骨格筋の適応に影響しない

    李ミンジョン, 和田正吾, 及川哲志, 鈴木克彦, 牛田多加志, 秋本崇之

    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   5th  2019


  • 生体マウスにおけるDicerの欠損は持久性運動による骨格筋適応に影響しない

    及川哲志, 李ミンジョン, 本橋紀夫, 前田清司, 秋本崇之

    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   5th  2019


  • 【超高齢社会に挑む骨格筋のメディカルサイエンス 筋疾患から代謝・全身性制御へと広がる筋研究を、健康寿命の延伸につなげる】 (第3章)骨格筋量・質の調節機構 骨格筋収縮・代謝特性の制御

    和田 正吾, 秋本 崇之

    実験医学   36 ( 7 ) 1184 - 1190  2018.05

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  • 【整形外科疾患と慢性炎症】 転写コアクチベーターPGC-1αによる骨格筋の収縮・代謝特性の制御

    及川 哲志, 秋本 崇之

    別冊Bio Clinica: 慢性炎症と疾患   7 ( 2 ) 31 - 35  2018.05

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    骨格筋は、多様な外的刺激に適応し、自身の収縮・代謝特性を変化させる高い可塑性を有している。これまでの多くの研究から、転写コアクチベーターであるPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α(PGC-1α)が、骨格筋の可塑性を制御する中心的な分子の1つであることが理解されている。PGC-1αは、筋ミトコンドリア新生などの収縮・代謝特性の制御に加え、種々の因子を介して骨格筋を栄養する毛細血管ネットワークの再構築にも関与するなど、その作用は広範にわたる。(著者抄録)


  • 共発現遺伝子ネットワークによる遺伝子の機能予測とその解析

    佐古 博皓, 秋本 崇之, 鈴木 克彦

    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   3回   128 - 128  2017.07

  • 温熱刺激はグルココルチコイド投与に伴う筋タンパク質分解経路の活性化と筋タンパク質合成経路の不活性化を抑制する

    土田 和可子, 岩田 全広, 秋本 崇之, 松尾 真吾, 浅井 友詞, 鈴木 重行

    理学療法学   44 ( Suppl.2 ) O - KS  2017.04

  • 【骨格筋の肥大・萎縮・再生の不思議をさぐる】 マイクロRNAと骨格筋の適応機構

    李 ミンジョン, 秋本 崇之

    体育の科学   66 ( 9 ) 664 - 668  2016.09


  • 温熱刺激が三次元培養筋の収縮機能に及ぼす影響

    高木 空, 秋本 崇之, 藤里 俊哉, 中村 友浩

    体力科学   64 ( 6 ) 559 - 559  2015.12

  • ホメオボックス遺伝子Mkx欠損マウスの骨格筋表現型

    秋本 崇之, 狩野 豊, 中村 一隆, 味八木 茂, 浅原 弘嗣, 牛田 多加志

    体力科学   64 ( 6 ) 560 - 560  2015.12

  • カヘキシーに由来する骨格筋萎縮の進行抑制を引き起こす温熱刺激条件の検討

    大野 嘉太, 岩田 全広, 土田 和可子, 秋本 崇之, 鈴木 重行

    体力科学   64 ( 6 ) 564 - 564  2015.12

  • 老齢マウスの運動トレーニングによる骨格筋Growth and differentiation factor(GDF)-11の変動

    李 ミンジョン, 鈴木 克彦, 牛田 多加志, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   64 ( 6 ) 567 - 567  2015.12

  • 3次元培養筋を利用した新規マイオカイン遺伝子群の探索

    中村 友浩, 高木 空, 奥崎 大介, 秋本 崇之, 藤里 俊哉

    体力科学   64 ( 6 ) 662 - 662  2015.12

  • 3次元培養筋を利用した筋収縮依存的に転写誘導される遺伝子群の網羅的解析

    中村 友浩, 高木 空, 松本 彰宏, 秋本 崇之, 奥崎 大介, 藤里 俊哉

    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集   88回・38回   [1P0256] - [1P0256]  2015.12


  • Influence of caloric restriction and exercise on mitochondrial quality control in skeletal muscle

    Satoshi Hattori, Takayuki Akimoto

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   64 ( 4 ) 389 - 396  2015

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    Mitochondria play a central role in energy production but also are the main cellular source of reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is widely believed that aging is related to the accumulation of oxidative molecular damage due to ROS. Aging also induces a decrease in muscle function. Recent studies indicate that caloric restriction and physical exercise suppress the decrease in muscle function though the maintaining quality of mitochondria. This review provides the current understanding of the influence of caloric restriction and exercise on mitochondrial quality control in skeletal muscle.


  • 温熱刺激が悪液質(カヘキシー)による骨格筋萎縮の進行を抑制する可能性

    岩田 全広, 名倉 広絵, 塚田 有佳子, 土田 和可子, 坂野 裕洋, 秋本 崇之, 鈴木 重行

    体力科学   63 ( 6 ) 557 - 557  2014.12

  • メカニカルストレスを介した活性型アンドロゲンによる筋萎縮抵抗性

    相澤 勝治, 目崎 登, 牛田 多加志, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   63 ( 6 ) 566 - 566  2014.12

  • 三次元培養骨格筋を用いた疲労モデルの検討

    高木 空, 秋本 崇之, 藤里 俊哉, 中村 友浩

    体力科学   63 ( 6 ) 569 - 569  2014.12

  • MicroRNA-23aは持久性運動による筋適応に関与しない

    秋本 崇之, 和田 正吾, 加藤 義雄, 沢田 秀司, 相澤 勝治, 朴 鐘薫, 牛田 多加志

    体力科学   63 ( 6 ) 698 - 698  2014.12

  • 【アスリートのアレルギー疾患に対するケア】 アレルギーに対する運動の影響

    秋本 崇之

    臨床スポーツ医学   31 ( 8 ) 724 - 728  2014.08


  • 血中マイクロRNA-23aは一過性レジスタンス運動によって増加する

    沢田 秀司, 今 有礼, 和田 正吾, 牛田 多加志, 鈴木 克彦, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   62 ( 6 ) 499 - 499  2013.12


  • マウス胚性幹細胞において反復性機械的歪みはPI3K/Aktシグナル伝達を介してNanog発現を維持する(Cyclic mechanical strain maintains Nanog expression through PI3K/Akt signaling in mouse embryonic stem cells)

    秋本 崇之, 牛田 多加志

    体力科学   62 ( 6 ) 506 - 506  2013.12


  • 筋萎縮抵抗性における筋局所活性型アンドロゲンの役割

    相澤 勝治, 和田 正吾, 目崎 登, 牛田 多加志, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   62 ( 6 ) 587 - 587  2013.12

  • 身体運動によるヘルスベネフィットのメカニズムを探る

    秋本 崇之

    体力科學   62 ( 1 ) 57 - 58  2013.02


  • 疾病予防・健康増進のための分子スポーツ医学 骨格筋(筋線維タイプ移行)

    秋本 崇之

    医学のあゆみ   244 ( 6 ) 564 - 568  2013.02

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  • メカノセンサp130Casは骨格筋のメカニカルストレス適応に関与しない

    秋本 崇之, 相澤 勝治, 和田 正吾, 福林 徹, 牛田 多加志

    体力科学   61 ( 6 ) 588 - 588  2012.12

  • 成長期雄ラットにおける食餌制限および自発走行運動が骨に及ぼす影響

    服部 聡士, 朴 鐘薫, 相川 悠貴, 秋本 崇之, 鍋倉 賢治, 麻見 直美

    体力科学   61 ( 6 ) 596 - 596  2012.12

  • 運動ストレスに対する新規バイオマーカーとしての血中microRNA

    鈴木 克彦, 秋本 崇之

    日本補完代替医療学会誌   9 ( 2 ) 69 - 74  2012.09

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    DOI CiNii

  • 成熟期雄ラットにおける食餌制限および自発的走行運動が骨に及ぼす影響

    服部 聡士, 朴 鐘薫, 縣 右門, 小田 将也, 日向野 通人, 相川 悠貴, 秋本 崇之, 鍋倉 賢治, 江澤 郁子, 麻見 直美

    Osteoporosis Japan   20 ( Suppl.1 ) 231 - 231  2012.08

  • 低カルシウムあるいは高カルシウム摂取が雌ラットの骨量および動脈石灰化に及ぼす影響

    縣 右門, 朴 鍾薫, 相川 悠貴, 角谷 雄哉, 日向野 通人, 秋本 崇之, 江澤 郁子, 麻見 直美

    Osteoporosis Japan   20 ( Suppl.1 ) 307 - 307  2012.08

  • 運動負荷による骨代謝の変化に性ホルモンが及ぼす影響

    朴 鍾薫, 秋本 崇之, 麻見 直美

    日本運動生理学雑誌   19 ( 2 ) 59 - 63  2012.07

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    Bone tissue is constantly deconstructed by osteoclasts and reconstructed by osteoblasts. This dynamic metabolism makes bone mass stable. After menopause, rapid bone loss is commonly occurred by a decrease in circulating estrogen, leading to osteoporosis. Exercise (mechanical loading) can effectively prevent the rapid bone loss. On the other hand, the exercise also increases circulating sex steroid hormones such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and estradiol (E_2). The exercise-induced circulating sex steroid hormones may be of significance for mechanical loading-induced changes in bone metabolism. This short review focuses on role of the sex steroid hormones in the process of mechanical loading-induced bone metabolism among elderly women.


  • 骨格筋局所における性ホルモン産生の加齢変化

    相澤 勝治, 家光 素行, 目崎 登, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   61 ( 1 ) 148 - 149  2012.02

  • 骨格筋萎縮を抑制するマイクロRNAの解析

    秋本 崇之

    医科学応用研究財団研究報告   29   183 - 184  2012.02

  • MicroRNAs in skeletal muscle

    Takayuki Akimoto, Shuji Sawada

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   61 ( 1 ) 61 - 70  2012

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

     View Summary

    Skeletal muscle is the dominant organ in locomotion and energy metabolism so that maintaining skeletal muscle function is a prerequisite for our health and independent living throughout the life. A loss or decrease in skeletal muscle function leads to increased morbid-ity and mortality through the development of secondary diseases such as metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular and respiratory disease. Identifying mechanisms which influence the processes regulating skeletal muscle function is a key priority. The recent discov-ery of microRNAs (miRNAs) provides a new knowledge controlling skeletal muscle function. miRNAs suppress gene expression through either in inhibition of protein translation or in deg-radation of the mRNA transcripts through a process similar to RNA interference (RNAi). This review provides the current understanding in skeletal muscle miRNA biology and focuses on their role and regulation under physiological conditions with exercise.


  • 骨粗鬆症モデルラットにおけるDHEA投与は海綿骨主体の脛骨近位部における性ホルモン関連合成酵素を活性化させる

    朴 鐘薫, 相澤 勝治, 家光 素行, 秋本 崇之, 佐藤 幸治, 縣 右門, 前田 清司, 江澤 郁子, 麻見 直美

    Osteoporosis Japan   19 ( Suppl.1 ) 300 - 300  2011.11


    Kazuhiro Shimizu, Katsuji Aizawa, Natsumi Suzuki, Katsuyuki Masuchi, Hirotaka Okada, Takayuki Akimoto, Noboru Mesaki, Ichiro Kono, Takao Akama

    JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH   25 ( 7 ) 1943 - 1950  2011.07

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    Shimizu, K, Aizawa, K, Suzuki, N, Masuchi, K, Okada, H, Akimoto, T, Mesaki, N, and Akama, T. Influences of weight loss on monocytes and T-cell subpopulations in male judo athletes. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 1943-1950, 2011-The purpose of this study was to examine weight loss effects on immune function in judo athletes. Six elite male Japanese judo athletes (20.3 +/- 0.4 years) were enrolled in this study. They completed usual weight loss programs during 2 weeks preceding an actual competition. Subjects noted the appearance of upper-respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms during the study period. Blood samples were obtained at 40 (baseline period: BL) and 3 (weight loss period: WL) days before and 1 day after the competition (AC). The CD3(+), CD4(+), CD8(+), CD56(+)CD3(-), CD28(+)CD4(+), CD28(+)CD8(+), and Toll-like-receptor-4(+) (TLR-4) CD14(+) cells were counted by using flow cytometer analysis. The 6 subjects reported 1 headache, 3 runny nose conditions, and 1 coughing instance during the WL. The CD3(+), CD4(+), CD8(+), and CD28(+)CD4(+) cell counts were significantly lower at WL than at BL (p <= 0.05); they reverted to the baseline value at AC. The TLR-4(+)CD14(+) cells were significantly fewer at WL (p <= 0.05); they remained fewer than they had been at BL, even at AC. These results suggest that 2 weeks of weight loss before a competition can impair cell-mediated immune function and induce high susceptibility to URTI in judo athletes. Coaches, support staff, and athletes should monitor athletes' weight loss, hydration status, appearance of URTI symptoms, and immunocompetence such as lymphocytes and monocytes to prevent the physical condition from becoming worse.


  • Virus activation and immune function during intense training in rugby football players

    R. Yamauchi, K. Shimizu, F. Kimura, M. Takemura, K. Suzuki, T. Akama, I. Kono, T. Akimoto

    International Journal of Sports Medicine   32 ( 5 ) 393 - 398  2011

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    Epidemiological studies suggest that highly trained athletes are more susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) compared with the general population. Upper respiratory symptoms (URS) often appear as either primary invasion of pathogenic organisms and/or reactivation of latent viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between EBV reactivation and the appearance of URS during intensive training in collegiate rugby football players. We evaluated EBV-DNA expression in saliva and examined the relationship between onset of URS and daily changes in EBV-DNA as well as secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) levels among 32 male collegiate rugby football players during a 1-month training camp. The EBV-DNA expression tended to be higher in subjects who exhibited sore throat (p=0.07) and cough (p=0.18) than that of those who had no symptoms, although their differences were not significant. The SIgA level was significantly lower 1 day before the EBV-DNA expression (p&lt
    0.05). The number of URS increased along with the EBV-DNA expression and decrease of SIgA levels. These results suggest that the appearance of URS is associated with reactivation of EBV and reduction of SIgA during training. © 2010 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

    DOI PubMed

  • 廃用性萎縮モデルマウスに対する鍼通電療法の効果

    遠田 明子, 秋本 崇之, 福林 徹

    体力科学   59 ( 6 ) 596 - 596  2010.12

  • 骨格筋における運動誘発性アンドロゲン産生の調節機序

    相澤 勝治, 和田 正吾, 目崎 登, 牛田 多加志, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   59 ( 6 ) 598 - 598  2010.12

  • Mohawkホメオボックス遺伝子は腱分化の重要な制御因子である(The Mohawk homeobox gene is a critical regulator of tendon differentiation)

    伊藤 義晃, 鳥内 直哉, 吉鷹 輝仁, 上野 寛枝, 佐藤 天平, 横山 成俊, 西田 圭一郎, 秋本 崇之, 高橋 路子, 味八木 茂, 浅原 弘嗣

    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集   83回・33回   1P - 0940  2010.12


    Michihiro Kon, Taro Iizuka, Taketeru Maegawa, Emi Hashimoto, Jun Yuda, Toru Aoyanagi, Takayuki Akimoto, Hideyuki Takahashi

    JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH   24 ( 8 ) 2249 - 2254  2010.08

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    Kon, M, Iizuka, T, Maegawa, T, Hashimoto, E, Yuda, J, Aoyanagi, T, Akimoto, T, and Takahashi, H. Salivary secretory immunoglobulin A response of elite speed skaters during a competition period. J Strength Cond Res 24(8): 2249-2254, 2010-We aimed to determine the responses of salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) and the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) symptoms among elite speed skaters during an actual competition period. The subjects were 8 international-class elite speed skaters. Saliva samples were obtained 3, 2, and 1 days before the race, the day of the race, and 1 day after the race. Salivary secretory immunoglobulin A concentration was measured by enzyme immunoassay, and SIgA secretion rate was calculated. A visual analogue scale was used to subjectively assess fatigue and tension. Daily URTI symptoms were recorded by using a questionnaire. There was no statistically significant difference in the saliva flow rate (p = 0.69), SIgA concentration (p = 0.07), and subjective fatigue (p = 0.07) during the competition period. The SIgA secretion rate recorded for the day of the race was significantly high compared with that of 3 and 2 days before and 1 day after the race (p < 0.05). The subjective tension recorded on the race day was significantly high compared with that for 3, 2, and 1 days before the race (p < 0.05). Two subjects exhibited URTI symptoms after the race. These findings suggest that salivary SIgA in elite speed skaters increased after a tapering period and that an actual high-intensity speed skating race decreased salivary SIgA in elite speed skaters. These data also suggest that the incidence of URTI symptoms might be related to the SIgA level. Coaches may need to take precautions after competitions to minimize their athletes' contact with cold viruses and adjust training load for a few days after competition to improve the decreased mucosal immune function.


  • 骨粗鬆症モデルラットにおけるDHEA投与は海綿骨主体の脛骨近位部におけるアンドロゲン関連合成酵素を活性化させる

    朴 鐘薫, 相澤 勝治, 家光 素行, 秋本 崇之, 佐藤 幸治, 江澤 郁子, 麻見 直美

    日本骨代謝学会学術集会プログラム抄録集   28回   251 - 251  2010.07

  • Effects of Acute Hypoxia on Metabolic and Hormonal Responses to Resistance Exercise

    Michihiro Kon, Tatsuaki Ikeda, Toshiyuki Homma, Takayuki Akimoto, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Takashi Kawahara

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   42 ( 7 ) 1279 - 1285  2010.07

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    KON, M., T. IKEDA, T. HOMMA, T. AKIMOTO, Y. SUZUKI, and T. KAWAHARA. Effects of Acute Hypoxia on Metabolic and Hormonal Responses to Resistance Exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1279-1285, 2010. Introduction: Several recent studies have shown that resistance exercise combined with vascular occlusion effectively causes increases in muscular size and strength. Researchers speculated that the vascular occlusion-induced local hypoxia may contribute to the adaptations via promoting anabolic hormone secretions stimulated by local accumulation of metabolic subproducts. Here, we examined whether acute systemic hypoxia affects metabolic and hormonal responses to resistance exercise. Methods: Twelve male subjects participated in two experimental trials: 1) resistance exercise while breathing normoxic air [normoxic resistance exercise (NR)] and 2) resistance exercise while breathing 13% oxygen [hypoxic resistance exercise (HR)]. The resistance exercises (bench press and leg press) consisted of 10 repetitions for five sets at 70% of maximum strength with 1-min rest between sets. Blood lactate, serum growth hormone (GH), epinephrine (E), norepinephrine (NE), insulin-like growth factor 1, testosterone, and cortisol concentrations were measured before normoxia and hypoxia exposures, 15 min after the exposures, and at 0, 15, 30, and 60 min after the exercises. Results: Lactate significantly increased after exercises in both trials (P < 0.05). In the HR trial, GH and cortisol significantly increased after the exercise (P < 0.05) but not in the NR trial. The E, NE, insulin-like growth factor 1, and testosterone significantly increased after the exercises in both trials (P < 0.05). The mean values of lactate, GH, E, and NE after exercises were significantly higher in the HR trial than those in the NR trial (P < 0.05). Conclusions: These findings suggest that resistance exercise in hypoxic condition caused greater accumulation of metabolites and strong anabolic hormone response.


  • 廃用性萎縮モデルマウスに対する鍼通電療法の効果

    遠田 明子, 秋本 崇之, 福林 徹

    運動療法と物理療法   21 ( 2 ) 162 - 162  2010.06

  • The Mohawk homeobox gene is a critical regulator of tendon differentiation

    Yoshiaki Ito, Naoya Toriuchi, Teruhito Yoshitaka, Hiroe Ueno-Kudoh, Tempei Sato, Shigetoshi Yokoyama, Keiichiro Nishida, Takayuki Akimoto, Michiko Takahashi, Shigeru Miyaki, Hiroshi Asahara


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    Mohawk(Mkx) is a member of the Three Amino acid Loop Extension superclass of atypical homeobox genes that is expressed in developing tendons. To investigate the in vivo functions of Mkx, we generated Mkx(-/-) mice. These mice had hypoplastic tendons throughout the body. Despite the reduction in tendon mass, the cell number in tail tendon fiber bundles was similar between wild-type and Mkx(-/-) mice. We also observed small collagen fibril diameters and a down-regulation of type I collagen in Mkx(-/-) tendons. These data indicate that Mkx plays a critical role in tendon differentiation by regulating type I collagen production in tendon cells.


  • アスリート障害の治療とパフォーマンス向上を目的とした鍼治療の有用性

    福林 徹, 秋本 崇之, 遠田 明子, 廻谷 誠

    人間科学研究   23 ( 1 ) 184 - 185  2010.03


  • Effect of acupuncture on salivary immunoglobulin A after a bout of intense exercise

    Yuichi Matsubara, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Yuko Tanimura, Toshikazu Miyamoto, Takayuki Akimoto, Ichiro Kono

    ACUPUNCTURE IN MEDICINE   28 ( 1 ) 28 - 32  2010.03

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    In the field of athletics, acupuncture has been used for treatment of injury, reduction of fatigue and management of physical condition. However, there is little information on the effect of acupuncture on the immune function in response to exercise.Purpose The aim of this study was to examine the effect of acupuncture treatment on the mucosal immune function after a single period of intense exercise by measuring salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA).Methods 12 healthy men (23.6 +/- SEv 0.3 years) participated in this study with a crossover design. The subjects exercised on a bicycle equipped with an ergometer at 75% VO(2)max for 60 min. Acupuncture treatment was applied at LU6, LI4, ST36 and ST6, for 30 min after the exercise. The control treatment was rest without acupuncture and that the order of the treatment was randomised. We measured parameters including saliva flow rate, SIgA concentration, SIgA secretion rate, heart rate and plasma catecholamine concentration all before the exercise and at 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h and 24 h after the exercise. The visual analogue scale for self-perceived tiredness and the profile of mood states questionnaires were recorded before the exercise and at 24 h after the exercise.Result Intense exercise-induced decrease of SIgA levels was attenuated by the acupuncture treatment. In contrast, the subjective fatigue score and psychological measurement were not affected by the acupuncture.Conclusion Acupuncture treatment may attenuate the decrease in SIgA level induced by intense exercise.


  • Acute exercise activates local bioactive androgen metabolism in skeletal muscle

    Katsuji Aizawa, Motoyuki Iemitsu, Seiji Maeda, Takeshi Otsuki, Koji Sato, Takashi Ushida, Noboru Mesaki, Takayuki Akimoto

    STEROIDS   75 ( 3 ) 219 - 223  2010.03

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    Androgens, Such as testosterone, play important roles in regulation of diverse physiological process of target tissues. Recently, we reported that steroidogenic enzymes exist in skeletal Muscle and regulate local production of testosterone in response to exercise. Testosterone is transformed into a bioactive androgen metabolite, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by 5 alpha-reductase. However, it is unclear whether exercise stimulates local bioactive androgen metabolism in the skeletal muscle in both sexes. In the present study, we examined sex differences in the levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), free testosterone, DHT, and steroidogenesis-related enzymes 5 alpha-reductase and androgen receptor (AR) in rat's skeletal muscle before and after a single bout of exercise. Basal muscular free testosterone and DHT levels were higher in males than females, whereas the levels of DHEA did not differ between the sexes. Muscular DHEA, free testosterone, and DHT levels were increased in both sexes after the exercise. There were no differences of 5 alpha-reductase and AR transcripts and proteins between the sexes, and the expression of 5 alpha-reductase was significantly increased in both sexes after the exercise. Finally, the expression of AR was significantly higher in female rats, but not in males after the exercise. These data Suggest that acute exercise enhances the local bioactive androgen metabolism in the skeletal Muscle of both sexes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • The Myogenesis 骨格筋の発生・分化・再生・適応の分子機構 マイクロRNAによる骨格筋の制御

    秋本 崇之, 和田 正吾, 加藤 義雄, 浅原 弘嗣, 牛田 多加志

    体力科学   59 ( 1 ) 28 - 28  2010.02

  • メカニカルストレスによるPGC-1αアイソフォームの発現

    秋本 崇之, 和田 正吾, 相澤 勝治, 牛田 多加志

    体力科学   58 ( 6 ) 590 - 590  2009.12

  • 骨格筋における活性型アンドロゲン産生の調節機序

    相澤 勝治, 和田 正吾, 家光 素行, 牛田 多加志, 目崎 登, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   58 ( 6 ) 630 - 630  2009.12

  • 廃用性萎縮モデルマウスに対する低周波鍼通電療法の効果

    遠田 明子, 秋本 崇之, 福林 徹

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   17 ( 4 ) S161 - S161  2009.10

  • Exercise in, and adaptations to a cold environment have no effect on SIgA

    T. Akimoto, K. Kim, R. Yamauchi, S. Izawa, C. Hong, K. Aizawa, H. Lee, K. Suzuki


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    Aim. The authors hypothesized that inconsistent SIgA response to exercise is caused by the different adaptative status of subjects to a cold environment. The purposes of the study were to examine whether moderate-intense exercise in a cold environment decreases SIgA and whether adaptation to a cold environment has any effect on SIgA.
    Methods. Young male skaters, short track (N=9) and inline (N=10), participated in this study. All subjects cycled for 60 min at 65% (V) over dot(2max) in cold (ambient temperature: 5+/-1 degrees C, relative humidity 41+/-9%) and thermoneutral (ambient temperature: 21+/-1 degrees C, relative humidity 35+/-5%) conditions. Saliva samples were collected as follows: before and after 1 hour of environmental exposure; immediately, 30-min, 60-min and 120-min after the exercise.
    Results and conclusion. Salivary SIgA and saliva flow rate decreased after the exercise in both groups only in thermoneutral conditions. The SIgA secretion rate did not decrease after moderate-high intensity exercise in a cold environment, and the SIgA response to exercise was not affected by the different adaptative status of subjects to the cold environment.

  • 【ますます重要になる細胞周辺環境(細胞ニッチ)の最新科学技術 細胞の生存、増殖、機能のコントロールから創薬研究、再生医療まで】 細胞周辺環境のための培養技術 物理刺激

    秋本 崇之, 牛田 多加志

    遺伝子医学MOOK   別冊 ( ますます重要になる細胞周辺環境(細胞ニッチ)の最新科学技術 ) 339 - 343  2009.08

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  • 【身体活動・運動と生活習慣病 運動生理学と最新の予防・治療】 身体活動の基礎 身体活動と免疫機能

    秋本 崇之

    日本臨床   67 ( 増刊2 身体活動・運動と生活習慣病 ) 74 - 78  2009.04


  • 日常生活における身体活動レベルの違いが中高齢女性の免疫機能に及ぼす影響

    清水 和弘, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎, 赤間 高雄

    健康医科学研究助成論文集   ( 24 ) 63 - 70  2009.03

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  • P-4 Effects of exercise training on B cells in elderly rats(Free communication (Poster),8^<TH> INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF EXERCISE AND IMMUNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM,ISEI2007 INFLAMMATION IN EXERCISE FRIEND OR FOE?)

    Nokura Keisuke, Shimizu Kazuhiro, Kimura Fuminori, Akimoto Takayuki, Akama Takao, Kono Ichiro

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   58 ( 1 ) 195 - 195  2009.02


  • F-6 The relationship between Epstein-Barr virus reactivation and upper respiratory infection during summer training camp in rugby football(Free communication (Slide),8^<TH> INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF EXERCISE AND IMMUNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM,ISEI2007 INFLAMMATION IN EXERCISE FRIEND OR FOE?)

    Yamauchi Ryohei, Kimura Fuminori, Suzuki Katsuhiko, Akama Takao, Kono Ichiro, Akimoto Takayuki

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   58 ( 1 ) 185 - 185  2009.02


  • F-9 Effects of exercise, age and gender on SIgA in elderly(Free communication (Slide),8^<TH> INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF EXERCISE AND IMMUNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM,ISEI2007 INFLAMMATION IN EXERCISE FRIEND OR FOE?)

    Shimizu Kazuhiro, Kimura Fuminori, Akimoto Takayuki, Akama Takao, Otsuki Takeshi, Nishijima Takahiko, Kuno Shinya, Kono Ichiro

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   58 ( 1 ) 187 - 187  2009.02


  • P-10 A rat model of saliva secretory immunoglobulin A suppression caused by intense exercise(Free communication (Poster),8^<TH> INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF EXERCISE AND IMMUNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM,ISEI2007 INFLAMMATION IN EXERCISE FRIEND OR FOE?)

    Kimura Fuminori, Aizawa Katsuji, Tanabe Kai, Shimizu Kazuhiro, Kon Michihiro, Lee Hoseong, Akimoto Takayuki, Akama Takao, Kono Ichiro

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   58 ( 1 ) 198 - 198  2009.02


  • 大学ラグビー選手における合宿期間中の唾液中分泌型免疫グロブリンAの変動

    山内 亮平, 清水 和弘, 古川 拓生, 渡部 厚一, 竹村 雅裕, 赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   58 ( 1 ) 131 - 141  2009.02

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    Takayuki Akimoto, Ping Li, Zhen Yan

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   59   221 - 221  2009

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Effects of cold environment exposure and cold acclimatization on exercise-induced salivary cortisol response

    Shuhei Izawa, Kijin Kim, Takayuki Akimoto, Nayoung Ahn, Hoseong Lee, Katsuhiko Suzuki

    Wilderness and Environmental Medicine   20 ( 3 ) 239 - 243  2009

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    Objective.-Considering the adverse effects of exercise-induced cortisol secretion on health in athletes, it is important to determine the environmental and individual factors that contribute to the variations in exercise-induced cortisol secretion. In this study, the effects of cold environment exposure and cold acclimatization on exercise-induced salivary cortisol responses were investigated. Methods.-Short track skaters (n = 11), who usually practice under cold conditions, and inline skaters (n = 11), who usually practice under room temperature conditions, participated in a randomized crossover study. All participants cycled for 60 minutes at 65% V̇o2 max under cold (ambient temperature: 5 ± 1°C, relative humidity 41% ± 9%) and room temperature (ambient temperature: 21 ± 1°C, relative humidity 35% ± 5%) conditions. The participants had a 120-minute bed rest recovery phase at room temperature after both exercise bouts. Cortisol levels were measured in saliva samples collected pre-exercise and postexercise at 1 minute, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 120 minutes. Results.-Both short track and inline skaters exhibited clear cortisol responses to exercise under cold and room temperature conditions. The magnitude of the cortisol response, however, was different between skaters and conditions. The inline skaters exhibited significantly higher cortisol values under cold conditions than under room temperature conditions (7.6 nmol/L and 4.2 nmol/L, respectively). However, the short track skaters exhibited significantly higher cortisol values under cold conditions compared to room temperature conditions (8.7 nmol/L and 5.4 nmol/L, respectively). Conclusions.-The effects of cold environment exposure on exercise-induced cortisol response were different between skaters who usually practice under cold or room temperature conditions. These results can be interpreted as acclimatization to either cold or room temperature conditions attenuating the cortisol response, suggesting that acclimatization may be beneficial in reducing the exercise-induced cortisol response. © 2009 Wilderness Medical Society.

    DOI PubMed

  • 一過性運動における骨格筋局所のアンドロゲン代謝活性の変動と性差

    相澤 勝治, 家光 素行, 前田 清司, 佐藤 幸治, 大槻 毅, 牛田 多加志, 目崎 登, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   57 ( 6 ) 657 - 657  2008.12

  • ストレス誘導性miR-23aはatrogin-1の転写後制御を介して骨格筋萎縮を抑制する

    和田 正吾, 奥津 光晴, 味八木 茂, 鈴木 克彦, 牛田 多加志, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   57 ( 6 ) 674 - 674  2008.12

  • メカニカルストレス/筋収縮によるPGC-1αの転写制御

    秋本 崇之, 和田 正吾, 相澤 勝治, 味八木 茂, 牛田 多加志

    体力科学   57 ( 6 ) 679 - 679  2008.12

  • 高齢者における免疫機能の低下に対する運動効果

    清水 和弘, 相澤 勝治, 鈴木 なつ未, 難波 秀行, 今井 智子, 秋本 崇之, 久野 譜也, 目崎 登, 河野 一郎, 赤間 高雄

    体力科学   57 ( 6 ) 895 - 895  2008.12

  • 急速減量がアスリートの内分泌機能に及ぼす影響

    秋本 崇之, 相澤 勝治, 鈴木 なつ未, 清水 和弘, 楢崎 教子, 目崎 登

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   16 ( 4 ) S167 - S167  2008.10

  • Reducing exercise-induced muscular injury in kendo athletes with supplementation of coenzyme Q(10)

    Michihiro Kon, Kai Tanabe, Takayuki Akimoto, Fuminori Kimura, Yuko Tanimura, Kazuhlro Shimizu, Tadashi Okamoto, Ichiro Kono

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION   100 ( 4 ) 903 - 909  2008.10

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    intensive physical exercise may cause muscular injury and increase oxidative stress. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an antioxidant. coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)), on muscular injury and oxidative stress during exercise training. Eighteen male students, all elite Japanese kendo athletes. were randomly assigned to either a CoQ(10) group (n 10) or a placebo group n 8) in a double-blind manner. Subjects in the CoQ(10) group took 300 mg CoQ(10) per d for 20d, while subjects in the placebo group took the same dosage of a placebo. All subjects practised kendo 5.5 h per d for 6d during the experimental period. Blood samples were taken 2 weeks before, during (1d, 3d, 5d) and I week after the training. Serum creatine kinase (CK) activity and myoglobin (Mb) concentration significantly increased in both groups (at 3d and 5d). Serum CK (at 3d), Mb (at 3d) and lipid peroxide (at 3d and 5d) of the CoQ(10) group were lower than those of the placebo group. The leucocyte counts in the placebo group significantly increased (at 3d) and neutrophils significantly increased in both groups (at 3d and 5d). Serum scavenging activity against superoxide anion did not change in either group. These results indicate that CoQ(10) supplementation reduced exercise-induced Muscular injury in athletes.


  • 【メカニカルストレスと骨】 メカニカルストレスと再生医工学

    秋本 崇之, 川西 誠, 牛田 多加志

    Clinical Calcium   18 ( 9 ) 1313 - 1320  2008.08

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    近年、メカニカルストレスが細胞の機能や分化に与える影響が注目されるようになってきた。本稿では再生医工学におけるメカニカルストレス利用の例として、静水圧が再生軟骨に与える影響について論じる。現在、関節軟骨組織の再構築のためには、in vitroでの培養・増殖に伴い脱分化した軟骨細胞を再分化させる基盤技術が必要となる。関節軟骨組織に生理的に負荷されている静水圧という物理刺激下での培養は、脱分化した軟骨細胞の再分化において促進的な効果がある。メカニカルストレスによる細胞の分化コントロールは、再生医療において汚染の原因となる外来因子を必要としない再生医工学の新たなアプローチとなる可能性があると考えられる。(著者抄録)

  • Functional interaction of regulatory factors with the Pgc-1 alpha promoter in response to exercise by in vivo imaging

    Takayuki Akimoto, Ping Li, Zhen Yan


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    Realtime optical bioluminescence imaging is a powerful tool for studies of gene regulation in living animals. To elucidate exercise-induced signaling/transcriptional control of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha (Pgc-1 alpha) gene in skeletal muscle, we combined this technology with electric pulse-mediated gene transfer to cotransfect the Pgc-1 alpha reporter gene with plasmid DNA encoding mutant/deletion forms of putative regulatory factors and, thereby, assess the responsiveness of the promoter to skeletal muscle contraction. We show that each of the myocyte enhancer factor 2 sites on the Pgc-1 alpha promoter is required for contractile activity-induced Pgc-1 alpha transcription. The responsiveness of the Pgc-1 alpha promoter to contractile activity could be completely blocked by overexpression of the dominant-negative form of activating transcription factor 2 (ATF2), the signaling-resistant form of histone deacetylase (HDAC) 5 (HDAC5), or protein kinase D (PKD), but not by HDAC4. These findings provide in vivo evidence for functional interactions between PKD/HDAC5 and ATF2 regulatory factors and the Pgc-1 alpha gene in adult skeletal muscle.


  • A rat model of saliva secretory immunoglobulin: A suppression caused by intense exercise

    F. Kimura, K. Aizawa, K. Tanabe, K. Shimizu, M. Kon, H. Lee, T. Akimoto, T. Akama, I. Kono


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    We aimed to develop a valid model of immunosuppression induced by intense exercise in rats. Rats were divided into three groups. In the rest (Rest) group, saliva was collected from resting rats on 4 consecutive days. In the exercise (Ex) group, rats ran on a treadmill untill exhaustion (exercise time: 60.0 +/- 3.7 min), and their saliva was collected before and after exercise; the salivary glands were removed after exercise. In the control (Con) group, saliva collection and gland removal were also performed, but the rats did not exercise. Secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) concentrations in saliva and polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) mRNA expression in the glands were measured. There was no significant change in SIgA concentration in the Rest group over 4 days. In the Ex group, SIgA concentration decreased significantly after exercise compared with before, whereas there was no significant change in the Con group. The expression of pIgR mRNA was significantly lower in the Ex group post-exercise than in the Con group. Our procedure for saliva collection appeared suitable, and the exercise-induced SIgA suppression was probably caused by a decline in pIgR mRNA expression. We propose to use this reproducible and reliable rat model of exercise-induced SIgA suppression in future studies.


  • Deletion of the protein kinase A/protein kinase G target SMTNL1 promotes an exercise-adapted phenotype in vascular smooth muscle

    Anne A. Wooldridge, Christopher N. Fortner, Beata Lontay, Takayuki Akimoto, Ronald L. Neppl, Carie Facemire, Michael B. Datto, Ashley Kwon, Everett McCook, Ping Li, Shiliang Wang, Randy J. Thresher, Sara E. Miller, Jean-Claude Perriard, Timothy P. Gavin, Robert C. Hickner, Thomas M. Coffman, Avril V. Somlyo, Zhen Yan, Timothy A. J. Haystead

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   283 ( 17 ) 11850 - 11859  2008.04

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    In vivo protein kinases A and G (PKA and PKG) coordinately phosphorylate a broad range of substrates to mediate their various physiological effects. The functions of many of these substrates have yet to be defined genetically. Herein we show a role for smoothelin-like protein 1 (SMTNL1), a novel in vivo target of PKG/PKA, in mediating vascular adaptations to exercise. Aortas from smtnl1(-/-) mice exhibited strikingly enhanced vasorelaxation before exercise, similar in extent to that achieved after endurance training of wild-type littermates. Additionally, contractile responses to alpha-adrenergic agonists were greatly attenuated. Immunological studies showed SMTNL1 is expressed in smooth muscle and type 2a striated muscle fibers. Consistent with a role in adaptations to exercise, smtnl1(-/-) mice also exhibited increased type 2a fibers before training and better performance after forced endurance training compared smtnl1(-/-) mice. Furthermore, exercise was found to reduce expression of SMTNL1, particularly in female mice. In both muscle types, SMTNL1 is phosphorylated at Ser-301 in response to adrenergic signals. In vitro SMTNL1 suppresses myosin phosphatase activity through a substrate-directed effect, which is relieved by Ser-301 phosphorylation. Our findings suggest roles for SMTNL1 in cGMP/cAMP-mediated adaptations to exercise through mechanisms involving direct modulation of contractile activity.

    DOI PubMed

  • 日常生活における高レベルの身体活動が中高齢者の免疫機能に及ぼす影響

    清水 和弘, 木村 文律, 田辺 匠, 小林 大祐, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    スポーツ科学研究   5   19 - 33  2008.03

  • 生活習慣病に対する運動の効用 そのメカニズムを分子レベルで紐解く

    鈴木 克彦, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   57 ( 1 ) 35 - 35  2008.02

    DOI CiNii

  • 運動と免疫の最近の研究 分泌型免疫グロブリンAの観点から

    秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   57 ( 1 ) 62 - 62  2008.02

    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of moderate exercise training on T-helper cell subpopulations in elderly people

    Kazuhiro Shimizu, Fuminori Kimura, Takayuki Akimoto, Takao Akama, Kai Tanabe, Takahiko Nishijima, Shinya Kuno, Ichiro Kono

    EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW   14   24 - 37  2008

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

     View Summary

    CD28 molecule expression on the surface of T cells plays a critical role in up-regulation of various cytokines synthesis and T-helper (Th) cell proliferation and differentiation. However aging induces a decrease in CD28 expression and unbalance of Th1/Th2, leading to impairment of Th-cell mediated immune function. The purpose of this study was to assess the affects of moderate exercise training on CD28 expression and the balance of Th1/Th2 cells in elderly people. Forty-eight elderly subjects were assigned to an exercise training group (EXC: 13 males, 15 females; aged 61-76) or a non-exercise control group (CON: 7 males, 13 females; aged 62-79). Subjects in EXC participated in exercise sessions 5-days a week for 6 months. Meanwhile, subjects in CON maintained their normal physical activity levels during the study period. Blood samples were collected before and after the training period. Samples were measured for the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes, as well as for CD3(+), CD4(+), CD28(+)CD4(+), IFN-gamma(+)CD4(+), IL-4(+)CD4(+) cells. The number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, and CD3+ cells did not change after 6 months in both EXC and CON. The number of CD4(+) and CD28(+)CD4(+) cells significantly increased after the training in EXC (P < 0.05), while CON did not show significant changes. In the EXC group, IFN-gamma(+)CD4(+) cell numbers were significantly higher following the training (P < 0.05), but the number of IL-4(+)CD4(+) cells was not changed. In the CON group, there were no significant alterations in IFN-gamma(+)CD4(+) and IL-4(+)CD4(+) cell numbers. In conclusion, moderate exercise training in the elderly is associated with improvement of expression of CD28 on Th cells and Th1/Th2 balances. Therefore, exercise training could up-regulate Th cell-mediated immune functions and be helpful for a decrease in the risk of infections and autoimmune diseases in elderly people.

  • Mechanical stress and tissue engineering

    T. Akimoto, M. Kawanishi, T. Ushida

    Clin Calcium   18 ( 9 ) 1313 - 1320  2008

  • 熱ストレスが骨格筋萎縮に与える影響

    和田 正吾, 奥津 光晴, 鈴木 克彦, 牛田 多加志, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   56 ( 6 ) 609 - 609  2007.12

  • 膝関節内靱帯に発現する遺伝子の網羅的解析

    秋本 崇之, 槌谷 宏平, 味八木 茂, 浅原 弘嗣, 牛田 多加志

    体力科学   56 ( 6 ) 631 - 631  2007.12

  • コエンザイムQ10摂取が合宿期の免疫応答に及ぼす影響

    清水 和弘, 今 有礼, 谷村 祐子, 木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   56 ( 6 ) 665 - 665  2007.12

  • コエンザイムQ10投与が高強度運動後の酸化ストレスに及ぼす影響

    今 有礼, 木村 文律, 田辺 解, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   56 ( 6 ) 692 - 692  2007.12

  • Transcriptional control of the Pgc-1 alpha gene in skeletal muscle in vivo

    Zhen Yan, Ping Li, Takayuki Akimoto

    EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCES REVIEWS   35 ( 3 ) 97 - 101  2007.07

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

     View Summary

    Endurance exercise promotes mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle possibly by inducing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator la gene transcription through activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. A novel imaging analysis revealed the importance of activating transcription factor 2 and histone deacetylase 5/myocyte enhancer factor 2 in the regulation of the Pgc-1 alpha gene in skeletal muscle in vivo.


  • 【運動器のミクロ環境と運動】 骨格筋のミトコンドリア・バイオジェネシスとPGC-1α

    秋本 崇之, 和田 正吾

    体育の科学   57 ( 5 ) 345 - 350  2007.05


  • 粘膜免疫とストレス・エイジング 粘膜免疫と運動

    赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之

    日本栄養・食糧学会大会講演要旨集   61回   71 - 71  2007.04

  • Effect of free-living daily physical activity on salivary secretory IgA in elderly

    Kazuhiro Shimizu, Fuminori Kimura, Takayuki Akimoto, Takao Akama, Shinya Kuno, Ichiro Kono

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   39 ( 4 ) 593 - 598  2007.04

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    Purpose: The aim of this work was to assess the relationship in elderly subjects between free-living daily physical activity and mucosal immunity, especially salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA). Methods: Elderly volunteers (114 men and 170 women) aged 71.3 +/- 0.3 yr (range: 65-86 yr) participated in this study. Resting saliva samples were collected in the morning. Saliva samples stimulated by chewing a sterile cotton ball at a frequency of 60/60 s were collected. The SIgA concentration was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the SIgA secretion rate was calculated. Free-living step count (steps per day), energy expenditure (kJ(.)kg(-1)-d(-1)), and activity durations (min(.)d(-1)) at specific intensity levels (inactive, light, moderate, and vigorous) were evaluated using an electric pedometer. The data obtained were stratified by pedometer-determined steps per day using quartiles (Q1-Q4) for distribution. Results: Elderly in quartiles showed step counts of 2962 94, 5118 62, 6832 59, and 9951 264 steps per day. Significant differences were found in the mean step count (P < 0.0001), energy expenditure (P < 0.0001), and activity duration (P < 0.0001) with increasing pedometer-determined activity quartiles. Both SIgA concentration and SIgA-secretion rate were significantly higher for Q3 than for Q1 (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, saliva flow rates showed no significant differences across quartiles. Conclusion: These results suggest that a free-living daily physical activity level of approximately 7000 steps per day might be regarded as a moderate daily physical activity target for elderly people to improve mucosal immune function.


  • Eccentric muscle contractions induce greater oxidative stress than concentric contractions in skeletal muscle

    Michihiro Kon, Kai Tanabe, Hoseong Lee, Fuminori Kimura, Takayuki Akimoto, Ichiro Kono


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    The purpose of this study was to examine oxidative stress in skeletal muscle after eccentric and concentric muscle contractions. Eight-week-old Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice (n = 90) were divided into 3 groups: eccentric muscle contraction group (ECC, n = 42), concentric muscle contraction group (CON, n = 42), and control group (pre, n = 6). The tibialis anterior muscle was stimulated via the peroneal nerve to contract either eccentrically or concentrically. The tibialis anterior muscle was isolated before and 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 72, and 168 h after muscle contraction. Immediately after muscle contractions, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in skeletal muscle significantly increased (p < 0.05) in both ECC and CON conditions. However, in the ECC group alone, the TBARS level peaked at 12 and 72 h after the contractions. There was greater migration of mononuclear cells in ECC than in CON muscle. In addition, there was a correlation between TBARS in skeletal muscle and migration of mononuclear cells in ECC muscle (r = 0.773, p < 0.01), but this correlation was not apparent in CON muscle (r = 0.324, p = 0.12). The increased mononuclear cells may reflect inflammatory cells. These data suggest that eccentric muscle contraction induces greater oxidative stress in skeletal muscle, which may in turn be due to enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by migrating inflammatory cells.


  • Effects of moderate exercise training, gender and aging on salivary secretory immunoglobulin A in elderly people

    K. Shimizu, F. Kimura, T. Akimoto, T. Akama, T. Otsuki, S. Kuno, M. Nishijima, I. Kono

    Exerc Immunol Rev   13   55 - 66  2007

  • Effect of Coenzyme Q(10) supplementation on exercise-induced muscular injury of rats

    Michihiro Kon, Fuminori Kimura, Takayuki Akimoto, Kai Tanabe, Yosuke Murase, Sachiko Ikemune, Ichiro Kono

    EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW   13   76 - 88  2007

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

     View Summary

    Aim: We aimed to examine the effect of Coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)) supplementation on the exhaustive exercise-induced injury and oxidative stress in skeletal muscle and liver.Methods: Rats were divided into four groups: rest group [control (Con)-Rest; n = 6)], exercise group (Con-Ex; n = 6), rest group with CoQ(10) supplement (CoQ(10)-Rest; n = 6), and exercise group with CoQ(10) supplement (CoQ(10)-Ex; n = 6). The exercise groups were run on a treadmill until exhaustion. The CoQ(10) supplemented groups received an oral administration of CoQ(10) (300 mg kg(-1), 4 weeks). After 4 weeks, total CoQ concentration, creatine kinase (CK), glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), malondialdehyde (MDA), scavenging activity against reactive oxygen species [ROS; superoxide anions (0(2)(.-)) and hydroxyl radicals (HO.)] were measured.Results: Total CoQ concentration in plasma, slow-twitch muscles (soleus and gastronemius deep portion), and liver were significantly increased by CoQ(10) supplementation. Plasma CK was significantly higher in Con-Ex compared with Con-Rest, whereas there was no difference between CoQ(10)-Rest and CoQ(10)-Ex. There were no significant differences in muscle MDA in each group. Plasma GOT and liver MDA in exercise groups were significantly higher than that of rest groups, but not significantly different between CoQ(10) supplemented groups and control groups. CoQ(10) supplementation was not able to favorably influence ROS scavenging activity in skeletal muscle and liverConclusions: These data indicated that CoQ(10) supplementation increased total CoQ concentration in the slow-twitch muscles, and was useful for reducing exhaustive exercise-induced muscular injury by enhancing stabilization of muscle cell membrane.

  • 潜伏性ウイルスDNAを用いた高強度運動時における個体の免疫機能の評価

    山内 亮平, 谷村 祐子, 清水 和弘, 木村 文律, 大槻 毅, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   55 ( 6 ) 670 - 670  2006.12

  • ビタミンA投与による高強度運動後の唾液分泌型免疫グロブリンA低下の抑制

    木村 文律, 今 有礼, 清水 和弘, 田辺 解, 相澤 勝治, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   55 ( 6 ) 671 - 671  2006.12

  • コエンザイムQ10摂取が合宿期における大学剣道選手の筋損傷と酸化ストレスに及ぼす影響

    今 有礼, 田辺 解, 谷村 祐子, 清水 和弘, 木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   55 ( 6 ) 706 - 706  2006.12

  • コエンザイムQ10摂取が合宿期における大学剣道選手の筋損傷に及ぼす効果

    今 有礼, 田辺 解, 谷村 祐子, 清水 和弘, 木村 文律, 岡本 正志, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   14 ( 4 ) S151 - S151  2006.10

  • Effects of music during exercise on RPE, heart rate and the autonomic nervous system

    S. Yamashita, K. Twai, T. Aktmoto, J. Sugawara, I. Kono


     View Summary

    Aim. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the influence of music on RPE during sub-maximal exercise and on the autonomic nervous system before and after sub-maximal exercise.
    Methods. Heart rate (HR), HR variability (HRV) and rates of physical fatigue (RPE) during exercise at 60% and at 40% (V) over dot O-2max with and without music were measured. The exercise protocol consisted of a 30-min seated rest (control) period followed by a 30-min submaximal cycling exercise and a 35-min recovery period. Autonomic-nervous activity was measured before and after exercise. During exercise, RPE was recorded every 3 min and HR was recorded for every minute.
    Results. Although RPE did not differ during exercise at 60% (V) over dot O-2max, this value was lower during exercise at 40% (V) over dot O-2max in the presence, than in the absence of a favorite piece music (P&lt;0.05). HR, HFA and LFA/HFA of HRV significantly differed with exercise intensity in the absence (P&lt;0.05), but not in the presence of music.
    Conclusions. These findings suggested that music evokes a "distraction effect" during low intensity exercise, but might not influence the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, when jogging or walking at comparatively low exercise intensity, listening to a favorite piece of music might decrease the influence of stress caused by fatigue, thus increasing the "comfort" level of performing the exercise.

  • Study of Conditioning of National Team Mogul Skiers:-Analysis of Conditioning for Winter Olympic Games-

    Suzuki Takeshi, Kono Ichiro, Akimoto Takayuki

    Int. J. Sport Health Sci.   4   57 - 66  2006

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the conditioning of elite mogul skiers through the 2001-2002 Federation International de Ski season (that is, the World Cup freestyle competition and the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games) using a single-case study method. Four elite mogul skiers were observed independently and measured in parameters such as athletic condition. The results indicated that during the competition season there was no significant change in the conditioning of the world-class skiers of this group. However, the conditioning of the intermediate skiers did change. It was concluded that it is preferable to use the single-case study method when analyzing physical conditioning.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effects of Walking Exercise Training on Immune Response in Elderly Subjects

    Fuminori Kimura, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Takao Akama, Takayuki Akimoto, Shinya Kuno, Ichiro Kono

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   4   508 - 514  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • Changes of various hormones during competition among female soccer players.

    J Sports Med Physical Fit    2006

  • The effects of walking exercise training on immune response in elderly subjects.

    Fuminori Kimura, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Takao Akama, Takayuki Akimoto, Shinya Kuno, Ichiro Kono

    Int J Sport Health Sci   in press   508 - 514  2006


  • Daily changes in secretion rate of salivary secretory immunoglobulin A

    J Sports Med Physical Fit    2006

  • 82.エキセントリック筋収縮後における神経型NOS発現の経時的変動(運動器,一般口演,第60回 日本体力医学会大会)

    今 有礼, 田辺 解, 李 虎城, 木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   54 ( 6 ) 459 - 459  2005.12


  • 高齢者における日常の身体活動量と唾液中分泌型免疫グロブリンAの関係-SATプロジェクト177

    清水 和弘, 木村 文律, 赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   54 ( 6 ) 504 - 504  2005.12


  • ウォーキングが高齢者の免疫系に与える影響-SATプロジェクト178

    木村 文律, 清水 和弘, 赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   54 ( 6 ) 507 - 507  2005.12

  • Transcriptional profiling in mouse skeletal muscle following a single bout of voluntary running: evidence of increased cell proliferation

    S Choi, XB Liu, P Li, T Akimoto, SY Lee, M Zhang, Z Yan

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   99 ( 6 ) 2406 - 2415  2005.12

     View Summary

    Transcriptional profiling in mouse skeletal muscle following a single bout of voluntary running: evidence of increased cell proliferation. J Appl Physiol 99: 2406-2415, 2005. First published August 4, 2005; doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00545.2005.-Skeletal muscle undergoes adaptation following repetitive bouts of exercise. We hypothesize that transcriptional reprogramming and cellular remodeling start in the early phase of long-term training and play an important role in skeletal muscle adaptation. The aim of this study was to define the global mRNA expression in mouse plantaris muscle during (run for 3 and 12 h) and after (3, 6, 12, and 24 h postexercise) a single bout of voluntary running and compare it with that after long-term training (4 wk of running). Among 15,832 gene elements surveyed in a high-density cDNA microarray analysis, 900 showed more than twofold changes at one or more time points. K-means clustering and cumulative hypergeometric probability distribution analyses revealed a significant enrichment of genes involved in defense, cell cycle, cell adhesion and motility, signal transduction, and apoptosis, with induced expression patterns sharing similar patterns with that of peroxisome proliferator activator receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha and vascular endothelial growth factor A. We focused on the finding of a delayed (at 24 h postexercise) induction of mRNA expression of cell cycle genes origin recognition complex 1, cyclin A2, and cell division 2 homolog A (Schizoccharomyces pombe) and confirmed increased cell proliferation by in vivo 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine labeling following voluntary running. X-ray irradiation of the hindlimb significantly diminished exercise-induced 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation. These findings suggest that a single bout of voluntary running activates the transcriptional network and promotes adaptive processes in skeletal muscle, including cell proliferation.


  • The effects of walking exercise training on immune response in elderly subjects

    F Kimura, K Shimizu, T Akama, T Akimoto, S Kuno, Kono, I

    BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY   19 ( 5 ) 487 - 487  2005.09

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma co-activator 1 alpha-mediated metabolic remodeling of skeletal myocytes mimics exercise training and reverses lipid-induced mitochondrial inefficiency

    TR Koves, P Li, J An, T Akimoto, D Slentz, O Ilkayeva, GL Dohm, Z Yan, CB Newgard, DM Muoio

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   280 ( 39 ) 33588 - 33598  2005.09

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma co- activator 1 alpha (PGC1 alpha) is a promiscuous co- activator that plays a key role in regulating mitochondrial biogenesis and fuel homeostasis. Emergent evidence links decreased skeletal muscle PGC1 alpha activity and coincident impairments in mitochondrial performance to the development of insulin resistance in humans. Here we used rodent models to demonstrate that muscle mitochondrial efficiency is compromised by diet-induced obesity and is subsequently rescued by exercise training. Chronic high fat feeding caused accelerated rates of incomplete fatty acid oxidation and accumulation of beta-oxidative intermediates. The capacity of muscle mitochondria to fully oxidize a heavy influx of fatty acid depended on factors such as fiber type and exercise training and was positively correlated with expression levels of PGC1 alpha. Likewise, an efficient lipid-induced substrate switch in cultured myocytes depended on adenovirus-mediated increases in PGC1 alpha expression. Our results supported a novel paradigm in which a high lipid supply, occurring under conditions of low PGC1 alpha, provokes a disconnect between mitochondrial beta-oxidation and tricarboxylic acid cycle activity. Conversely, the metabolic remodeling that occurred in response to PGC1 alpha overexpression favored a shift from incomplete to complete beta-oxidation. We proposed that PGC1 alpha enables muscle mitochondria to better cope with a high lipid load, possibly reflecting a fundamental metabolic benefit of exercise training.


  • Effects of cryotherapy after contusion using real-time intravital microscopy

    Hoseong Lee, Hiroaki Natsui, Takayuki Akimoto, Kennichi Yanagi, Norio Ohshima, Ichiro Kono

    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise   37 ( 7 ) 1093 - 1098  2005.07

     View Summary

    Purpose: To examine effects of local tissue cooling on contusion-induced microvascular hemodynamics and leukocytes behavior using real-time intravital microscopy. Methods: Male Wistar rats (N = 21, 130-150 g) were randomly assigned to intensive cooling group (3°C, N = 7), a moderate cooling group (27°C, N = 7), or control group (37°C, N = 7). Contusion was induced by dropping a plastic ball on exposed cremaster muscle. After 5 min, the cremaster muscle was superfused with a saline solution for 10 min at controlled temperature of either 3°C (cooling), 27°C (moderate cooling), or 37°C (control). Microvascular hemodynamics (vessel internal diameter, blood flow rate and erythrocyte velocity) and leukocyte behavior (rolling and adhesion) were measured from recorded videotapes in the same venules before and after contusion, and after cooling. Results: Cooling-induced vasoconstriction was marked at 3°C and moderate at 27°C compared with that at 37°C. Blood flow rate and erythrocyte velocity were markedly lower at 3°C compared to 37°C. At 27°C, erythrocyte velocity was higher than that at 37°C, but blood flow rate was maintained at a level similar to that at 37°C. The number of rolling and adhering leukocytes at 3°C and 27°C were significantly less than at 37°C. Conclusion: Our results suggest that local tissue cooling, similar to cryotherapy, improves edema and inflammatory reaction, and may be useful for reducing inflammatory response without inhibiting blood flow after contusion. Copyright © 2005 by the American College of Sports Medicine.

    DOI PubMed

  • Exercise stimulates Pgc-1 alpha transcription in skeletal muscle through activation of the p38 MAPK pathway

    T Akimoto, SC Pohnert, P Li, M Zhang, C Gumbs, PB Rosenberg, RS Williams, Z Yan

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   280 ( 20 ) 19587 - 19593  2005.05

     View Summary

    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha) promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and slow fiber formation in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK) pathway in response to increased muscle activity stimulated Pgc-1 alpha gene transcription as part of the mechanisms for skeletal muscle adaptation. Here we report that a single bout of voluntary running induced a transient increase of Pgc-1 alpha mRNA expression in mouse plantaris muscle, concurrent with an activation of the p38 MAPK pathway. Activation of the p38 MAPK pathway in cultured C2C12 myocytes stimulated Pgc-1 alpha promoter activity, which could be blocked by the specific inhibitors of p38, SB203580 and SB202190, or a dominant negative p38. Furthermore, the p38-mediated increase in Pgc-1 alpha promoter activity was enhanced by increased expression of the downstream transcription factor ATF2 and completely blocked by ATF2 Delta N, a dominant negative ATF2. Skeletal muscle-specific expression of a constitutively active activator of p38, MKK6E, in transgenic mice resulted in enhanced Pgc-1 alpha and cytochrome oxidase IV protein expression in fast-twitch skeletal muscles. These findings suggest that contractile activity-induced activation of the p38 MAPK pathway promotes Pgc-1 alpha gene expression and skeletal muscle adaptation.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Exercise stimulates Pgc-1 alpha transcription in skeletal muscle through activation of the p38 MAPK pathway

    T Akimoto, SC Pohnert, P Li, M Zhang, C Gumbs, PB Rosenberg, RS Williams, Z Yan

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   280 ( 20 ) 19587 - 19593  2005.05

     View Summary

    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha) promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and slow fiber formation in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK) pathway in response to increased muscle activity stimulated Pgc-1 alpha gene transcription as part of the mechanisms for skeletal muscle adaptation. Here we report that a single bout of voluntary running induced a transient increase of Pgc-1 alpha mRNA expression in mouse plantaris muscle, concurrent with an activation of the p38 MAPK pathway. Activation of the p38 MAPK pathway in cultured C2C12 myocytes stimulated Pgc-1 alpha promoter activity, which could be blocked by the specific inhibitors of p38, SB203580 and SB202190, or a dominant negative p38. Furthermore, the p38-mediated increase in Pgc-1 alpha promoter activity was enhanced by increased expression of the downstream transcription factor ATF2 and completely blocked by ATF2 Delta N, a dominant negative ATF2. Skeletal muscle-specific expression of a constitutively active activator of p38, MKK6E, in transgenic mice resulted in enhanced Pgc-1 alpha and cytochrome oxidase IV protein expression in fast-twitch skeletal muscles. These findings suggest that contractile activity-induced activation of the p38 MAPK pathway promotes Pgc-1 alpha gene expression and skeletal muscle adaptation.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Mechanical stretch inhibits myoblast-to-adipocyte differentiation through Wnt signaling

    T Akimoto, T Ushida, S Miyaki, H Akaogi, K Tsuchlya, Z Yan, RS Williams, T Tateishi


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    Myoblasts are able to differentiate into other mesenchymal lineages including adipocytes and osteoblasts. However, it is not known how this differentiation is normally regulated in intact animals and humans. Here, we subjected cultured C2CI2 myoblasts to cyclic mechanical stretch (20% elongation) during differentiation into adipocytes. Mechanical stretch inhibited the myoblast-toadipocyte differentiation significantly, concurrent with an enhanced expression of WntlOb mRNA. Inhibition of the Writ signaling by incubation of the myoblasts with a soluble Writ ligand, sFRP-2, abolished the inhibitory function of mechanical stretch on adipogenesis. These findings provide evidence that mechanical stretch inhibits myoblast-to-adipocyte differentiation possibly through Writ signaling. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Changes in the condition of top Japanese athletes in association with prolonged air travel to foreign countries


    Japanese journal of clinical sports medicine   13 ( 1 ) 31 - 41  2005.01

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  • Daily changes in secretion rate of salivary secretory immunoglobulin A correlate with appearance of upper respiratory symptoms during physical training.

    J Sports Med Physical Fit    2005

  • Changes of various hormones during competition among female soccer players.

    J Sports Med Physical Fit    2005

  • PPARg coactivator-1-mediated metabolic remodeling of skeletal myocytes mimics exercise training and reverses lipid-induced mitochondrial inefficiency.

    J Biol Chem   280 ( 39 ) 33588 - 22598  2005


  • 軟部組織打撲後のアイシングが生体内血行動態に及ぼす影響(スポーツと疾患, 第59回日本体力医学会大会)

    李 虎城, 夏井 裕明, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   53 ( 6 ) 880 - 880  2004.12


  • エキセントリック筋収縮後における酸化ストレスの経時的変動(運動器, 第59回日本体力医学会大会)

    今 有礼, 田辺 解, 木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   53 ( 6 ) 679 - 679  2004.12


  • 女子サッカー選手における試合時の内分泌機能動態と疲労マーカーとしての応用(体液・内分泌, 第59回日本体力医学会大会)

    相澤 勝治, 中堀 千香子, 秋本 崇之, 木村 文律, 林 貢一郎, 河野 一郎, 目崎 登

    体力科學   53 ( 6 ) 728 - 728  2004.12


  • 【スポーツ医学検査測定ハンドブック】 検体検査 免疫検査 免疫グロブリン・補体

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄

    臨床スポーツ医学   21 ( 臨増 ) 397 - 398  2004.12

  • 【スポーツ医学検査測定ハンドブック】 検体検査 免疫検査 リンパ球サブセット

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄

    臨床スポーツ医学   21 ( 臨増 ) 399 - 400  2004.12

  • 中高齢者における継続的トレーニングがリンパ球のサイトカイン産生能とCD28発現T細胞に与える影響 SATプロジェクト139

    清水 和弘, 木村 文律, 赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   53 ( 6 ) 721 - 721  2004.12

  • Skeletal muscle adaptation in response to voluntary running in Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV-deficient mice

    T Akimoto, TJ Ribar, RS Williams, Z Yan


     View Summary

    Mammalian skeletal muscles undergo adaptation in response to alteration in functional demands by means of a variety of cellular signaling events. Previous experiments in transgenic mice showed that an active form of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaMKIV) is capable of stimulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-coactivator 1alpha (PGC-1alpha) gene expression, promoting fast-to-slow fiber type switching and augmenting mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. However, a role for endogenous CaMKIV in skeletal muscle has not been investigated rigorously. We report that genetically modified mice devoid of CaMKIV have normal fiber type composition and mitochondrial enzyme expression in fast-twitch skeletal muscles and responded to long-term ( 4 wk) voluntary running with increased expression of myosin heavy chain type IIa, myoglobin, PGC-1alpha, and cytochrome c oxidase IV proteins in plantaris muscle in a manner similar to that of wild-type mice. Short-term motor nerve stimulation ( 2 h at 10 Hz) likewise increased PGC-1alpha mRNA expression in tibialis anterior muscles in both Camk4(-/-) and wild-type mice. In addition, we have confirmed that no detectable CaMKIV protein is expressed in murine skeletal muscle. Thus CaMKIV is not required for the maintenance of slow-twitch muscle phenotype and endurance training-induced mitochondrial biogenesis and IIb-to-IIa fiber type switching in murine skeletal muscle. Other protein kinases sharing substrates with constitutively active CaMKIV may function as endogenous mediators of activity-dependent changes in myofiber phenotype.


  • Skeletal muscle adaptation in response to voluntary running in Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV-deficient mice

    Takayuki Akimoto, Thomas J. Ribar, R. Sanders Williams, Zhen Yan

    American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology   287 ( 5 ) C1311 - C1319  2004.11

     View Summary

    Mammalian skeletal muscles undergo adaptation in response to alteration in functional demands by means of a variety of cellular signaling events. Previous experiments in transgenic mice showed that an active form of Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaMKIV) is capable of stimulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ-coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) gene expression, promoting fast-to-slow fiber type switching and augmenting mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. However, a role for endogenous CaMKIV in skeletal muscle has not been investigated rigorously. We report that genetically modified mice devoid of CaMKIV have normal fiber type composition and mitochondrial enzyme expression in fast-twitch skeletal muscles and responded to long-term (4 wk) voluntary running with increased expression of myosin heavy chain type IIa, myoglobin, PGC-1α, and cytochrome c oxidase IV proteins in plantaris muscle in a manner similar to that of wild-type mice. Short-term motor nerve stimulation (2 h at 10 Hz) likewise increased PGC-1α mRNA expression in tibialis anterior muscles in both Camk4-/- and wild-type mice. In addition, we have confirmed that no detectable CaMKIV protein is expressed in murine skeletal muscle. Thus CaMKIV is not required for the maintenance of slow-twitch muscle phenotype and endurance training-induced mitochondrial biogenesis and IIb-to-IIa fiber type switching in murine skeletal muscle. Other protein kinases sharing substrates with constitutively active CaMKIV may function as endogenous mediators of activity-dependent changes in myofiber phenotype.

    DOI PubMed

  • Real-time imaging of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha promoter activity in skeletal muscles of living mice

    T Akimoto, BS Sorg, Z Yan


     View Summary

    In response to sustained increase in contractile activity, mammalian skeletal muscle undergoes adaptation with enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis and fiber type switching. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha) was recently identified as a key regulator for these adaptive processes. To investigate the sequence elements in the PGC-1alpha gene that are responsible for activity-dependent transcriptional activation, we have established a unique system to analyze promoter activity in skeletal muscle of living mice. Expression of PGC-1alpha-firefly luciferase reporter gene in mouse tibialis anterior muscle transfected by electric pulse-mediated gene transfer was assessed repeatedly in the same muscle by using optical bioluminescence imaging analysis before and after low-frequency ( 10 Hz) motor nerve stimulation. Nerve stimulation ( 2 h) resulted in a transient 3-fold increase ( P &lt; 0.05) in PGC-1&alpha; promoter activity along with a 1.6-fold increase (P &lt; 0.05) in endogenous PGC-1alpha mRNA. Mutation of two consensus myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) binding sites ( - 2901 and - 1539) or a cAMP response element (CRE) ( - 222) completely abolished nerve stimulation-induced increase in PGC-1alpha promoter activity. These findings provide direct evidence that contractile activity-induced PGC-1alpha promoter activity in skeletal muscle is dependent on the MEF2 and the CRE sequence elements. The experimental methods used in the present study have general applicability to studies of gene regulation in muscle.


  • Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate enhances albumin mRNA expression and secretion of porcine hepatocytes

    Dawei Yang, Toshie Koyama, Ai Okamura, Yoshiaki Shiba, Takayuki Akimoto, Makoto Kodama

    Materials Science and Engineering C   24 ( 3 ) 323 - 327  2004.04

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    The effect of ascorbic acid 2-phosphate (Asc2P) was tested on porcine and rat mature hepatocytes in vitro. Asc2P enhanced the porcine albumin mRNA expression. The albumin secretion released into the culture medium from the porcine hepatocytes was also increased by Asc2P. However, Asc2P did not give any effects to rat hepatocytes on albumin mRNA expression and albumin secretion. This result shows that Asc2P is one of the important factors to enhance porcine hepatocyte activity. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • Effect of mechanical stretch on TGF-beta 1 expression of C2C12 myogenic cells

    T Akimoto, T Uchida, S Miyaki, H Akaogi, T Tateishi, T Fukubayashi


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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether mechanical stretch altered the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 in cultured myogenic satellite cell. C2C12 myogenic satellite cell was plated on collagenized silastic membrane and cultured in growth medium and stretched 20% elongation for 24 h. The expression of TGF-beta1 was determined by semiquantitive reverse transcriptional polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Mechanical stretch decreased myogenic regulatory factors. The expression of TGF-beta1 was increased in stretched C2C12 as compared to control. This result demonstrates that mechanical stretch inhibits myogenic differentiation by an increase of TGF-beta1 expression on C2C12 myogenic satellite cell. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • Identification of membrane and secreted proteins in anterior cruciate ligament derived cells using "signal-sequence-trap", a retrovirus-mediated expression screening method

    S Miyaki, K Tezuka, T Ushida, T Akimoto, H Akaogi, T Kitamura, Y Miyanaga, J Tanaka, N Ochiai, T Tateishi


     View Summary

    Ligament injuries are one of most common injuries to the knee joint; however, little is known about how ligaments heal and what kinds of precursor cells participate in ligament repair. Ligament cells were thought to be members of one of the lineages from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). However, there have been no reports on the differentiation mechanism of MSC to ligament cells because they do not have known phenotypic markers. To identify the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-specific phenotypic marker, we screened a cDNA library derived from rabbit ACL cells, using the signal sequence trap by the retrovirus-mediated expression screening (SST-REX) method. We detected known clones representing 135 independent proteins. Among them, 120 were secreted proteins and 15 were membrane proteins. Some of the clones encoded proteins that have never been reported to be expressed in ACLs. Therefore, the data could provide a better understanding of ACL cells and could help in finding their phenotypic markers. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • Basic fibroblast growth factor supports in vitro chondrogenesis of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells from patients with osteoarthritis

    H Akaogi, T Akimoto, S Miyaki, T Ushida, N Ochiai, T Tateishi, J Tanaka


     View Summary

    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMDMSCs) possess pluripotent differentiation potential including differentiation into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes, and muscle cells. Using tissue engineering technology, the treatment of osteochondral lesions has been attempted with chondrocytes differentiated from mesenchymal stem cells in vitro. However, the capability of these stem cells for chondrogenic differentiation becomes gradually decreased with the passage of cell culture. Furthermore, previous studies showed that the cells from patients with osteoarthritis (OA) seemed to have reduced chondrogenic differentiation potential. It was reported that basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) retained the multilinage differentiation potential of mesenchymal cells during expansion at the monolayer culture. In this study, we determined whether the BMDMSCs from patients with osteoarthritis could maintain their capability to differentiate into chondrocytes in the presence or absence of b-FGF in culture medium. We demonstrated that the chondrogenic differentiation capability of the BMDMSCs was improved by the addition of b-FGF. We concluded that bone marrow-derived stem cells from patients with osteoarthritis might be an acceptable cell source for cartilage tissue engineering. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate enhances albumin mRNA expression and secretion of porcine hepatocytes

    DW Yang, T Koyama, A Okamura, Y Shiba, T Akimoto, M Kodama


     View Summary

    The effect of ascorbic acid 2-phosphate (Asc2P) was tested on porcine and rat mature hepatocytes in vitro. Asc2P enhanced the porcine albumin mRNA expression. The albumin secretion released into the culture medium from the porcine hepatocytes was also increased by Asc2P. However, Asc2P did not give any effects to rat hepatocytes on albumin mRNA expression and albumin secretion. This result shows that Asc2P is one of the important factors to enhance porcine hepatocyte activity. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • 水中および陸上運動時の下肢筋群における筋活動とその違い

    金田晃一, 木村文律, 秋本崇之, 河野一郎

    体力科学   53 ( 1 ) 141 - 147  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • Real-time imaging of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ

    Am J Physiol Cell Physiol   278 ( 8 ) C790-C796  2004

  • 水中及び陸上運動が下肢筋の筋活動に与える影響とその違いについて -筋電図学的考察-.

    体力科学   53 ( 1 ) 141 - 148  2004


  • 女性サッカー選手における試合期間中の唾液中DHEAの変動.

    相沢勝治, 中堀千香子, 秋本崇之, 木村文律, 林貢一郎, 河野一郎, 目崎登

    体力科学   53 ( 1 ) 149 - 156  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • 女性サッカー選手における試合期間中の唾液中DHEAの変動.

    体力科学   53 ( 1 ) 149 - 156  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • 水中及び陸上運動が下肢筋の筋活動に与える影響とその違いについて -筋電図学的考察-.

    体力科学   53 ( 1 ) 141 - 148  2004


  • 364. 脱水モデルの微小循環血流動態の解析(呼吸・循環)

    夏井 裕明, 李 虎城, 秋本 崇之, 柳 健一, 大島 宣雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   52 ( 6 ) 896 - 896  2003.12


  • 605. ナンバ走りが運動パフォーマンスに与える影響(その他)

    中嶋 和恵, 秋本 崇之, 下條 仁士, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   52 ( 6 ) 1017 - 1017  2003.12


  • 388. 若年女性における8週間のレジスタンストレーニングが安静時IGF-1レベルに及ぼす影響(体液・内分泌)

    相澤 勝治, 秋本 崇之, 林 貢一郎, 朱 美賢, 村井 文江, 目崎 登

    体力科學   52 ( 6 ) 908 - 908  2003.12


  • 383. ラットの唾液分泌型免疫グロブリンAの運動による変動(血液・免疫)

    木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   52 ( 6 ) 906 - 906  2003.12


  • 急性常圧低酸素曝露時のリンパ球サブセットの変化

    花井 淑晃, 太田 暁美, 高橋 英幸, 秋本 崇之

    体力科学   52 ( 6 ) 728 - 728  2003.12


  • 日常の身体活動が高齢者の免疫機能に及ぼす影響 3地域比較SATプロジェクト120

    清水 和弘, 木村 文律, 赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   52 ( 6 ) 905 - 905  2003.12

  • 軟部組織打撲後のアイシングが血管透過性及び白血球動態に及ぼす影響

    李 虎城, 夏井 裕明, 秋本 崇之, 柳 健一, 大島 宣雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   52 ( 6 ) 976 - 976  2003.12

  • Resting serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate level increases after 8-week resistance training among young females

    K Aizawa, T Akimoto, H Inoue, F Kimura, M Joo, F Murai, N Mesaki

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   90 ( 5-6 ) 575 - 580  2003.11

     View Summary

    This study examined changes among young females of resting serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) concentration after an 8-week period of resistance training. Nineteen healthy untrained young females [training group: age 18.9 (0.3) years, n=10, control group: age 19.3 (1.0) years, n=9; mean (SD)] were recruited in this study. The training group participated in an 8-week resistance training program (2 days per week on nonconsecutive days). The control group did not involve in any resistance training or regular exercise during the study period. Muscular strength, anthropometry, and resting hormonal levels were measured before and after training in both groups. Serum concentrations of DHEAS, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), testosterone and cortisol were measured by radioimmunoassay. Body mass (2.4%) and lean body mass (2.4%) were significantly increased in the training group (P&lt;0.05), but not in the control group. The training also significantly increased one-repetition maximum (1-RM) values (P&lt;0.05). In the training group, resting concentration of serum DHEAS significantly increased after training (P&lt;0.05). Percent change of DHEAS in the training group was greater than that of the control group (P&lt;0.05). In the training group, the change of DHEAS level was positively correlated with the change of lean body mass during the training (r=0.61; P&lt;0.05). Serum DHEA, testosterone and cortisol concentrations did not change in either group during the training. The dramatic increase of resting serum DHEAS concentration after training indicates that DHEAS might be an anabolic hormone marker of adaptation to resistance training among young females. Results are presented as mean (SD).


  • セラミックネックレスが体表温度に与える影響

    小林 大祐, 秋本 崇之, 宮本 俊和, 河野 一郎

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   11 ( 4 ) S101 - S101  2003.10

  • T cell epitopes of prothrombin in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome

    K Yoshida, A Tsutsumi, Y Ohnishi, T Akimoto, H Murata, T Sumida

    ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES   62 ( 9 ) 905 - 906  2003.09


  • Acupuncture and responses of immunologic and endocrine markers during competition

    T Akimoto, C Nakahori, K Aizawa, F Kimura, T Fukubayashi, Kono, I

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   35 ( 8 ) 1296 - 1302  2003.08

     View Summary

    Introduction: Acupuncture is used to modulate the physical well-being of athletes in Asian countries. However, there is little information on the immediate effects of acupuncture treatment on physiological or psychological responses to exercise. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of acupuncture treatment on the physical well-being of elite female soccer players during a competition period. Methods: Subjects were divided into two groups: those who received acupuncture treatment (18.1 +/- 2.3 yr [+/-SD], N = 9) and a control group (17.7 +/- 2.8 yr, N = 12). In the treatment group, acupuncture stimulus was applied at LI 4 (Goukoku), ST 36 (Ashi-sanri) for 20 min, and ST 6 (Kyosya), LU 6 (Ko-sai) points for 15 min 4 h after the game every night during the competition period. The measured parameters included salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) level, cortisol level in saliva, subjective rating of physical well-being, and profile of mood states (POMS). Results: The following were the main results: 1) Exercise-induced decrease of salivary SIgA and increase of salivary cortisol were inhibited by acupuncture. 2) Acupuncture improved subjective rating of muscle tension and fatigue. 3) The POMS score was modulated by acupuncture. Conclusion: These results support the effectiveness of acupuncture for physical and mental well-being of athletes.


  • 筋サテライト細胞の筋芽細胞,脂肪細胞への分化に及ぼすストレッチの効果

    牛田 多加志, 秋本 崇之, 福林 徹

    運動療法と物理療法   14 ( 1 ) 39 - 39  2003.06

  • Effects of 12 months of exercise training on salivary secretory IgA levels in elderly subjects

    T Akimoto, Y Kumai, T Akama, E Hayashi, H Murakami, R Soma, S Kuno, Kono, I

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   37 ( 1 ) 76 - 79  2003.02

     View Summary

    Background: The immune system declines in efficiency with advancing age, making the elderly less resistant to pathogenic microorganisms. Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) is a common illness. Recent studies have shown that suppression of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) is associated with increased incidence of URTL
    Objective: To assess the effect of exercise on salivary SIgA in elderly subjects.
    Methods: Forty five elderly subjects (18 men, 27 women; mean (SD) age 64.9 (8.4) years) performed both 60 minute resistance and 60 minute moderate endurance training a week for 12 months. Saliva samples were obtained before training, and at four and 12 months during the training period. Salivary SIgA concentrations were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, and the SIgA secretion rate was calculated.
    Results: SlgA concentrations before training, and at four and 12 months during training were 24.7 (14.4), 27.2 (14.2), and 33.8 (18.5) mug/ml respectively. SIgA secretion rates were 29.5 (26.0), 33.8 (27.2) and 46.5 (35.1) mug/min respectively. The results indicate that both the concentration and secretion rate of SlgA significantly (p&lt;0.01) increased during 12 months of exercise in these elderly subjects.
    Conclusion: Regular moderate exercise seems to enhance mucosal immune function in elderly subjects.


  • Effects of 12 months of exercise training on salivary secretory IgA levels in elderly subjects

    T. Akimoto, Y. Kumai, T. Akama, E. Hayashi, H. Murakami, R. Soma, S. Kuno, I. Kono

    British Journal of Sports Medicine   37 ( 1 ) 76 - 79  2003.02

     View Summary

    Background: The immune system declines in efficiency with advancing age, making the elderly less resistant to pathogenic microorganisms. Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) is a common illness. Recent studies have shown that suppression of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) is associated with increased incidence of URTI. Objective: To assess the effect of exercise on salivary SIgA in elderly subjects. Methods: Forty five elderly subjects (18 men, 27 women
    mean (SD) age 64.9 (8.4) years) performed both 60 minute resistance and 60 minute moderate endurance training a week for 12 months. Saliva samples were obtained before training, and at four and 12 months during the training period. Salivary SIgA concentrations were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, and the SIgA secretion rate was calculated. Results: SIgA concentrations before training, and at four and 12 months during training were 24.7 (14.4), 27.2 (14.2), and 33.8 (18.5) μg/ml respectively. SIgA secretion rates were 29.5 (26.0), 33.8 (27.2) and 46.5 (35.1) μg/min respectively. The results indicate that both the concentration and secretion rate of SIgA significantly (p&lt
    0.01) increased during 12 months of exercise in these elderly subjects. Conclusion: Regular moderate exercise seems to enhance mucosal immune function in elderly subjects.

    DOI PubMed

  • 【運動能力と遺伝子 その解明へのアプローチ】 遺伝子ドーピングの現状

    秋本 崇之

    臨床スポーツ医学   20 ( 1 ) 47 - 51  2003.01


  • 日本代表選手の国外遠征とそのコンディショニングの実態

    和久貴洋, 久木留毅, 赤間高雄, 荒谷潤, 高野淑識, 秋本崇之, 河野一郎

    体力科学   52 ( 6 )  2003


  • Resting serum DHEAS level increases after an 8 weeks-resistance training among young females.

    Eur J Appl Physiol   90 ( 5-6 ) 575 - 580  2003

  • Contusion-induced elevated vascular permeability are inhibited by acute icing application.

    Microcirculation Ann   19 ( ? ) 99 - 100  2003

  • 継続的運動が中高年者の末梢血リンパ球サブセットに与える影響.

    体力科学   52 ( ? ) 193 - 202  2003

  • 高齢者の免疫機能に及ぼす運動の影響.

    体力科学   52 ( ? ) 65 - 72  2003

  • 高齢者の免疫機能に及ぼす運動の影響.

    体力科学   52 ( ? ) 65 - 72  2003

  • 継続的運動が中高年者の末梢血リンパ球サブセットに与える影響.

    体力科学   52 ( ? ) 193 - 202  2003

  • Contusion-induced elevated vascular permeability are inhibited by acute icing application.

    Microcirculation Ann   19 ( ? ) 99 - 100  2003

  • 317.若年女性におけるレジタンス運動トレーニングが安静時血清dehydroepiandrosterone sulfateに及ぼす影響(トレーニング)

    相澤 勝治, 秋本 崇之, 井上 博信, 朱 美賢, 木村 文律, 村井 文江, 目崎 登

    体力科學   51 ( 6 ) 701 - 701  2002.12


  • エキセントリック筋収縮による骨格筋損傷局所に動員される免疫担当細胞の同定

    相馬 卓, 秋本 崇之, 水藤 圭祐, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   51 ( 6 ) 576 - 576  2002.12

  • 173.継続的トレーニングによる中高年者のリンパ球サブセットの変化 : SATプロジェクト92(血液・免疫)

    木村 文律, 小泉 佳右, 清水 和弘, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 石津 政雄, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   51 ( 6 ) 629 - 629  2002.12


  • 175.長期間のトレーニングが中高年者の唾液中分泌型免疫グロブリンAに及ぼす影響 : SATプロジェクト93(血液・免疫)

    赤間 高雄, 清水 和弘, 木村 文律, 小泉 佳右, 秋本 崇之, 石津 政雄, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   51 ( 6 ) 630 - 630  2002.12


  • 【運動は免疫能を高めるか?】 疫学からみたエビデンス

    秋本 崇之, 扇原 淳

    臨床スポーツ医学   19 ( 11 ) 1283 - 1287  2002.11


  • 大学サッカー選手における唾液中SIgAを用いた上気道感染症罹患リスク把握の試み

    中村 大輔, 秋本 崇之, 和久 貴洋, 鈴木 滋, 河野 一郎

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   10 ( 3 ) 445 - 450  2002.08

     View Summary

    大学男子サッカー選手31名を対象に,2ヵ月間練習前に唾液を採取し,分泌型免疫グロブリンA(SIgA)分泌速度の変動と上気道感染症の発症との関係を検討した.その結果,測定期間中に上気道感染症と判断された選手は6名で,内2名は発症前のBase lineと比較して発症後にSIgA分泌速度の低下が確認された.以上の結果より,SIgA分泌速度を定期的にモニタリングすることで上気道感染症の発症のリスク評価をできる可能性が示唆された

  • フィジカル・パフォーマンスと遺伝子多型

    秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   10 ( 3 ) 548 - 554  2002.08

  • Effect of icing treatment on muscle reaction time and functional performance of a sprained ankle

    Hoseong Lee, Naoki Mukai, Takayuki Akimoto, Ichiro Kono

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   51 ( 2 ) 175 - 183  2002

     View Summary

    [Objective] The purpose of this study was to determine whether icing treatment bas an effect on muscle reaction time and functional performance of a sprained ankle. [Methods] Subjects were six persons (healthy group) and six persons who had an acute ankle sprain (patient group). Anterior talar translation and talar tilt of the six patient group were evaluated by the stress X-ray measure. Ice treatment was applied for 20 minutes. [Results] The following points were clarified: 1) Reaction times of peroneus longus (PL) and peroneus brevis (PB) for the sprained ankle group (SA) were significantly longer than those for the non-sprained ankle group (NA) (p&lt
    0.05). Length of time of standing on one leg with closed eyes for SA was significantly shorter than for NA (p&lt
    0.05). 2) After icing treatment, reaction time of PL for SA tended to be shorter. Furthermore, PB significantly decreased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). Side-steps for SA were significantly increased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). 3) Reaction times of PL and PB for NA significantly increased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). Standing on one leg with closed eyes for NA significantly decreased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). [Conclusion] It was shown that icing treatment of a sprained ankle leads to a shorter muscle reaction time and an increase in the number of side-steps. Therefore, it was concluded that icing treatment of a sprained ankle might be able to improve incapacitated neuromuscular function and functional performance by acute trauma.


  • Increased plasma concentrations of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 after strenuous exercise associated with muscle damage

    T Akimoto, M Furudate, M Saitoh, K Sugiura, T Waku, T Akama, Kono, I

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   86 ( 3 ) 185 - 190  2002.01

     View Summary

    Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) plays an important role in leukocyte migration from the circulation and intervention it sites of inflammation. We investigated the effects of various types of exercise on circulating levels OF Soluble ICAM-1 (sICAM-1) in normal healthy male adults. Plasma concentrations of sICAM-1 were measured before and after bicycle ergometer exercise at intensity or 80% maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) (16min). 42 km endurance running and 30-min downhill running at intensity of ventilation threshold (VT). The plasma sICAM-1 level increased I day after the endurance running (12%) and downhill running (14%). but not after ergometer exercise. Plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) and creatine kinase (CK) concentrations also increased I day after running. Our data suggest that exercise associated with muscle damage and, or inflammation results in increased levels of plasma sICAM-1. The physiological significance of post-exercise high plasma sICAM-1 levels is not clear at this stage. but changes in plasma sICAM-1 may reflect the status of the immune system.


  • 大学サッカー選手における唾液中sIgAを用いた上気道感染症予防の試み.

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   10 ( 3 ) 445 - 450  2002

  • ストレスX線画像によるアイシング前後の足関節安定性の比較

    李 虎城, 向井 直樹, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   10 ( 1 ) 70 - 75  2002.01

     View Summary



  • Effect of icing treatment on muscle reaction time and functional performance of a sprained ankle

    Hoseong Lee, Naoki Mukai, Takayuki Akimoto, Ichiro Kono

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   51 ( 2 ) 175 - 183  2002

     View Summary

    [Objective] The purpose of this study was to determine whether icing treatment bas an effect on muscle reaction time and functional performance of a sprained ankle. [Methods] Subjects were six persons (healthy group) and six persons who had an acute ankle sprain (patient group). Anterior talar translation and talar tilt of the six patient group were evaluated by the stress X-ray measure. Ice treatment was applied for 20 minutes. [Results] The following points were clarified: 1) Reaction times of peroneus longus (PL) and peroneus brevis (PB) for the sprained ankle group (SA) were significantly longer than those for the non-sprained ankle group (NA) (p&lt
    0.05). Length of time of standing on one leg with closed eyes for SA was significantly shorter than for NA (p&lt
    0.05). 2) After icing treatment, reaction time of PL for SA tended to be shorter. Furthermore, PB significantly decreased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). Side-steps for SA were significantly increased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). 3) Reaction times of PL and PB for NA significantly increased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). Standing on one leg with closed eyes for NA significantly decreased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). [Conclusion] It was shown that icing treatment of a sprained ankle leads to a shorter muscle reaction time and an increase in the number of side-steps. Therefore, it was concluded that icing treatment of a sprained ankle might be able to improve incapacitated neuromuscular function and functional performance by acute trauma.


  • Effect of icing treatment on muscle reaction time and functional performance of a sprained ankle

    Hoseong Lee, Naoki Mukai, Takayuki Akimoto, Ichiro Kono

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   51 ( 2 ) 175 - 183  2002

     View Summary

    [Objective] The purpose of this study was to determine whether icing treatment bas an effect on muscle reaction time and functional performance of a sprained ankle. [Methods] Subjects were six persons (healthy group) and six persons who had an acute ankle sprain (patient group). Anterior talar translation and talar tilt of the six patient group were evaluated by the stress X-ray measure. Ice treatment was applied for 20 minutes. [Results] The following points were clarified: 1) Reaction times of peroneus longus (PL) and peroneus brevis (PB) for the sprained ankle group (SA) were significantly longer than those for the non-sprained ankle group (NA) (p&lt
    0.05). Length of time of standing on one leg with closed eyes for SA was significantly shorter than for NA (p&lt
    0.05). 2) After icing treatment, reaction time of PL for SA tended to be shorter. Furthermore, PB significantly decreased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). Side-steps for SA were significantly increased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). 3) Reaction times of PL and PB for NA significantly increased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). Standing on one leg with closed eyes for NA significantly decreased after icing treatment (p&lt
    0.05). [Conclusion] It was shown that icing treatment of a sprained ankle leads to a shorter muscle reaction time and an increase in the number of side-steps. Therefore, it was concluded that icing treatment of a sprained ankle might be able to improve incapacitated neuromuscular function and functional performance by acute trauma.


  • 大学サッカー選手における唾液中sIgAを用いた上気道感染症予防の試み.

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   10 ( 3 ) 445 - 450  2002

  • Increased plasma concentrations of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 after strenuous exercise associated with muscle damage

    Takayuki Akimoto, Masahiro Furudate, Makoto Saitoh, Koichi Sugiura, Takahiro Waku, Takao Akama, Ichiro Kono

    European Journal of Applied Physiology   86 ( 3 ) 185 - 190  2002

     View Summary

    Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) plays an important role in leukocyte migration from the circulation and intervention at sites of inflammation. We investigated the effects of various types of exercise on circulating levels of soluble ICAM-1 (sICAM-1) in normal healthy male adults. Plasma concentrations of sICAM-1 were measured before and after bicycle ergometer exercise at intensity of 80% maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) (16 min), 42 km endurance running and 30-min downhill running at intensity of ventilation threshold (VT). The plasma sICAM-1 level increased 1 day after the endurance running (12%) and downhill running (14%), but not after ergometer exercise. Plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) and creatine kinase (CK) concentrations also increased 1 day after running. Our data suggest that exercise associated with muscle damage and/or inflammation results in increased levels of plasma sICAM-1. The physiological significance of post-exercise high plasma sICAM-1 levels is not clear at this stage, but changes in plasma sICAM-1 may reflect the status of the immune system.

    DOI PubMed

  • 102.Mechanical stretch is a downregulatory signal for differentiation of C2C12 myogenic cells(【運動器】)

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   50 ( 6 ) 783 - 783  2001.12


  • マウスの唾液分泌型免疫グロブリンAの運動による変動

    木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   50 ( 6 ) 833 - 833  2001.12

  • 運動トレーニングが中高年者の上気道感染症に及ぼす影響 SATプロジェクト(49)

    赤間 高雄, 小泉 佳右, 木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 石津 政雄, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   50 ( 6 ) 832 - 832  2001.12

  • 筋損傷の違いが肥大に与える影響

    水藤 圭祐, 秋本 崇之, 相馬 卓, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   50 ( 6 ) 777 - 777  2001.12

  • エクセントリック筋収縮による骨格筋損傷局所に動員される免疫細胞の同定

    相馬 卓, 秋本 崇之, 水藤 圭祐, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   50 ( 6 ) 780 - 780  2001.12

  • 継続的トレーニング前後における中高年者のリンパ球サブセットの変化 SATプロジェクト48

    小泉 佳右, 木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 石津 政雄, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   50 ( 6 ) 827 - 827  2001.12

  • 一過性レジスタンス運動による血清steroid hormone応答

    相澤 勝治, 秋本 崇之, 林 貢一郎, 中村 真理子, 村井 文江, 中尾 喜久子, 佐々木 純一, 目崎 登

    体力科学   50 ( 6 ) 837 - 837  2001.12

  • Mechanical stretch is a down-regulatory signal for differentiation of C-2C12 myogenic cells

    T Akimoto, T Ushida, S Miyaki, T Tateishi, T Fukubayashi


     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine whether mechanical stretch alters the expression of myogenic regulatory factors in cultured myogenic satellite cells. C2Cl2 myogenic satellite cells were plated on collagenized silastic membrane and cultured in growth medium and stretched with 20% elongation for 24 h. The expressions of myogenic regulatory factors including MyoD, myogenin, myocyte nuclear factor (MNF)-alpha and -beta were determined by semiquantitive reverse transcriptional-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis, The expressions of MyoD and MNF-alpha were decreased in stretched C2Cl2 as compared to control condition. The expressions of myogenin and MNF-beta were not detected. These results demonstrate that mechanical stretch inhibits differentiation of C2Cl2 myogenic satellite cells to myotube in the cultured condition. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • 一流女性柔道選手における一過性運動による唾液中DHEAの変動

    相澤 勝治, 秋本 崇之, 林 貢一郎, 目崎 登

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   9 ( 4 ) S104 - S104  2001.09

  • 大学サッカー選手のコンディショニングにおける免疫学的指標の試み

    中村 大輔, 秋本 崇之, 和久 貴洋, 鈴木 滋, 河野 一郎

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   9 ( 4 ) S110 - S110  2001.09

  • セラミックネックレスが皮膚温に与える影響

    水藤 圭祐, 秋本 崇之, 石山 信男, 河野 一郎, 宮本 俊和

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   9 ( 4 ) S103 - S103  2001.09

  • 一流女性柔道選手における一過性運動による唾液中DHEAの変動

    相澤 勝治, 秋本 崇之, 林 貢一郎, 目崎 登

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   9 ( 3 ) 372 - 378  2001.08

     View Summary



  • Serum steroid hormone responses to acute resistance exercise

    K Aizawa, T Akimoto, K Hayashi, M Nakamura, F Murai, N Mesaki


     View Summary

    [Objective] The aim of this investigation was to evaluate serum steroid hormone responses to acute resistance exercise. [Methods] Subjects were young healthy males (n=6) and females (n=6). Each group performed three sets of 10 leg press and 10 bench press exercises at an intensity of their individual 10-repetition maximum (10RM), with I min rest between sets. Blood samples were collected before (Pre-Ex) and immediately following the exercise (P0), 30 min (P30), 60 min (P60), and 24 hours (P24 h) after the exercise. Levels of blood lactate, serum testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and cortisol were determined. [Results] The levels of blood lactate in males and females significantly increased at P0 and P30 compared with Pre-Ex (p &lt;0.05). In males, the serum level of testosterone significantly increased at PO (p &lt;0.05), whereas in females, it significantly decreased at P0, P30, P60, P24 h. (p &lt;0.05). The level of DHEAS significantly increased at P0 in both males and females (p &lt;0.05). [Conclusion] The change in the level of testosterone was different between males and females, but that of DHEAS showed a similar pattern for both sexes. The data suggest that DHEAS could be a useful indicator for evaluating the anabolic status of acute resistance exercise in females.


  • 【運動と免疫】 スポーツ活動時の免疫応答

    秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体育の科学   51 ( 2 ) 113 - 118  2001.02


  • ハーフタイムにおけるアイシングがパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響

    石山修盟, 和久貴洋, 山本利春, 古舘昌宏, 秋本崇之, 河野一郎

    体力科学   50 ( 6 )  2001


  • 142.J1プロサッカー選手のslgAに対する急性運動負荷および継続的トレーニングの影響

    田辺 解, 秋本 崇之, 中嶋 由晴, 星川 佳広, 久野 譜也, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   49 ( 6 ) 737 - 737  2000.12


  • 143.大学サッカー選手における免疫学的コンディショニングの試み : 唾液中slgAを指標として

    中村 大輔, 秋本 崇之, 和久 貴洋, 鈴木 滋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   49 ( 6 ) 738 - 738  2000.12


  • 539.持久性運動に先行するエクセントリック運動が心血管系の反応に及ぼす影響

    古舘 昌宏, 秋本 崇之, 寺本 未来, 小泉 佳右, 木村 文律, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   49 ( 6 ) 936 - 936  2000.12


  • 450.足関節捻挫に対するアイシングが機能性パフォーマンスに与える影響

    李 虎城, 向井 直樹, 秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   49 ( 6 ) 891 - 891  2000.12


  • 125.運動トレーニングが中高年者のリンパ球サブセットに及ぼす影響 : SATプロジェクト12

    小泉 佳右, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 熊井 康こ, 木村 文律, 石津 政雄, 久野 譜也, 岡田 守彦, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   49 ( 6 ) 729 - 729  2000.12


  • 123.血中可溶性ICAM-1濃度は筋損傷を伴う運動で増加する

    秋本 崇之, 古館 昌宏, 斎藤 実, 杉浦 弘一, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   49 ( 6 ) 728 - 728  2000.12


  • 【スポーツ活動と健康】 ストレス

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    保健の科学   42 ( 12 ) 964 - 968  2000.12


  • 120.運動による唾液中ICAM-1の変動

    赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 香田 泰子, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   49 ( 6 ) 726 - 726  2000.12


  • スポーツと免疫 (特集 スポーツと健康管理)

    秋本 崇之, 河野 一郎

    Food style 21   4 ( 6 ) 58 - 61  2000.06


  • リコンビナントタンパクを用いた抗プロトロンビン抗体のエピトープ解析

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 北川 峰丈, 木村 文律, 河野 一郎, 住田 孝之

    リウマチ   40 ( 2 ) 388 - 388  2000.04

  • SLE患者の抗prethrombin-1抗体

    赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 竹村 博之, 湯原 孝典, 安達 佳宏, 村田 秀行, 山根 一秀, 河野 一郎, 住田 孝之

    リウマチ   40 ( 2 ) 388 - 388  2000.04

  • ファージディスプレイ法を用いたCD40結合性ペプチドの探索・解析

    北川 峰丈, 秋本 崇之, 木村 文律, 住田 孝之

    リウマチ   40 ( 2 ) 472 - 472  2000.04

  • シェーグレン症候群におけるαアミラーゼのT細胞エピトープ解析

    木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 北川 峰丈, 安達 佳宏, 住田 孝之

    リウマチ   40 ( 2 ) 522 - 522  2000.04

  • 中高年者の唾液中slgAに対する運動トレーニングの影響 大洋村健康づくりプロジェクト16

    熊井 康こ, 秋本 崇之, 林 栄輔, 田辺 解, 木村 文律, 赤間 高雄, 香田 泰子, 石津 政雄, 久野 譜也, 岡田 守彦

    体力科学   48 ( 6 ) 898 - 898  1999.12


  • 運動によって増加した好中球は筋損傷の修復に関与するか?

    秋本 崇之, 齋藤 実, 林 栄輔, 香田 泰子, 赤間 高雄, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   48 ( 6 ) 897 - 897  1999.12


  • 中高年者の血液検査値に及ぼす運動トレーニングの影響 大洋村健康づくりプロジェクト(17)

    赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 熊井 康こ, 林 栄輔, 田辺 解, 木村 文律, 香田 泰子, 石津 政雄, 久野 譜也, 岡田 守彦

    体力科学   48 ( 6 ) 898 - 898  1999.12


  • リコンビナント欠損タンパクを用いた抗プロトロンビン抗体のエピトープ解析

    秋本 崇之, 谷村 ゆう, 北川 峰丈, 赤間 高雄, 住田 孝之

    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録   29   34 - 34  1999.10

  • シェーグレン症候群におけるαアミラーゼのT細胞エピトープ解析

    木村 文律, 秋本 崇之, 北川 峰丈, 安達 佳宏, 住田 孝之

    日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録   29   34 - 34  1999.10

  • 妊娠中毒症と流産患者における抗prothrombin抗体の検討

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 齋藤 正博, 河野 一郎, 住田 孝之

    リウマチ   39 ( 2 ) 279 - 279  1999.04

  • SLEにおける抗prothrombin抗体の解析

    赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 竹村 博之, 湯原 孝典, 山根 一秀, 河野 一郎, 住田 孝之

    リウマチ   39 ( 2 ) 279 - 279  1999.04

  • 運動負荷による児童の唾液中分泌型IgAの変動

    林 栄輔, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 天野 和彦, 龍野 美恵子, 熊井 康こ, 香城 諭, 木村 文律, 香田 泰子, 和久 貴洋

    体力科学   47 ( 6 ) 814 - 814  1998.12


  • マラソンによる盲人ランナーの唾液中分泌型IgAの変動

    香田 泰子, 柿山 哲治, 赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 林 栄輔, 香城 諭, 木村 文律, 天野 和彦, 熊井 康こ, 河野 一郎

    体力科学   47 ( 6 ) 815 - 815  1998.12


  • 233.最大運動による血中Interleukin-12濃度の変動

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 龍野 美恵子, 斎藤 実, 林 栄輔, 熊井 康こ, 香城 諭, 木村 文律, 香田 泰子, 和久 貴洋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   47 ( 6 ) 819 - 819  1998.12


  • SLE患者血清中に存在する抗prothrombin抗体のB cell epitopeの解析

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 住田 孝之

    日本臨床免疫学会会誌   ( 26回抄録集 ) 35 - 35  1998.10

  • 高強度トレーニングによる安静時唾液中分泌型IgAの変

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 香田 泰子

    体力科学   47 ( 2 ) 245 - 251  1998.04

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    DOI CiNii

  • 抗prothrombin抗体のエピトープの解析

    秋本 崇之

    リウマチ   38 ( 2 ) 270 - 270  1998.04

  • 持久性ランニングによる口腔局所免疫能の変動

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 杉浦 弘一

    体力科学   47 ( 1 ) 53 - 61  1998.02

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  • 大学競技スポーツ選手における鍼治療の実態

    秋本 崇之, 宮本 俊和, 河野 一郎

    臨床スポーツ医学   15 ( 1 ) 87 - 93  1998.01

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    1)効果を認知する割合は鍼治療の未経験者の方が低かった.鍼治療未経験者の内13.8%が鍼の適応を知らなかったと答えた. 2)スポーツ障害の経験者は全体の82.1%で,鍼治療の経験率は51.3%であったことから競技スポーツ選手の鍼治療の利用は一般の人に比べて割合,頻度共に高い.競技レベルが高くなればなるほど鍼治療の経験回数が高くなった. 3)治療部位は腰部,足首,大腿部,膝,肩の順に多かった.治療目的は西洋医学的治療法では難しい「痛みの軽減」,「筋肉のハリの除去」,「筋疲労の除去」が多かった. 4)93.6%がスポーツに理解のある鍼師ならば今後利用したいと答えた


  • 587.運動により腎におけるendothelin-1の生産が増大する

    前田 清司, 宮内 卓, 酒井 俊, 杉下 靖郎, 杉浦 弘一, 秋本 崇之, 龍野 美恵子, 山本 祐里江, 松田 光生

    体力科學   46 ( 6 ) 906 - 906  1997.12


  • 10日間の運動負荷による唾液中分泌型IgAの変動

    秋本 崇之

    体力科学   46 ( 6 ) 877 - 877  1997.12


  • 525.運動によるInterleukin-12血漿濃度の変化

    赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 林 栄輔, 杉浦 弘一, 龍野 美恵子, 香田 泰子, 和久 貴洋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   46 ( 6 ) 875 - 875  1997.12


  • 528.剣道の寒稽古によるNK細胞数の変動

    香田 泰子, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 和久 貴洋, 林 栄輔, 龍野 美恵子, 杉浦 弘一, 小澤 聡, 天野 和彦, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   46 ( 6 ) 876 - 876  1997.12


  • 529.スポーツ活動による児童の唾液中分泌型IgAの変動

    林 栄輔, 秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄, 龍野 美恵子, 香田 泰子, 和久 貴洋, 目崎 登, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   46 ( 6 ) 877 - 877  1997.12


  • 【スポーツと臨床検査】 検体検査 免疫学的検査 唾液IgA

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄

    臨床スポーツ医学   14 ( 臨増 ) 215 - 216  1997.11


  • 【スポーツと臨床検査】 検体検査 免疫学的検査 T・Bリンパ球サブセット

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄

    臨床スポーツ医学   14 ( 臨増 ) 205 - 206  1997.11

  • 【スポーツと臨床検査】 検体検査 免疫学的検査 リンパ球芽球化反応試験

    秋本 崇之, 赤間 高雄

    臨床スポーツ医学   14 ( 臨増 ) 207 - 208  1997.11

  • 一過性運動負荷による唾液中分泌型IgAの変動 視覚障害者における検討

    秋本 崇之, 香田 泰子, 赤間 高雄

    体力科学   46 ( 5 ) 523 - 527  1997.10

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    DOI CiNii

  • 視覚障害者における運動による唾液中分泌型IgAの変動

    秋本 崇之

    体力科学   46 ( 1 ) 155 - 155  1997.02

  • スポーツと心身医療 スポーツ活動と免疫機能

    河野 一郎, 秋本 崇之, 杉浦 弘一

    心身医療   9 ( 3 ) 271 - 275  1997.02


  • スポーツドクターのためのインターネット活用法 ホームページの作り方

    秋本 崇之, 牧 真一, 河野 一郎

    臨床スポーツ医学   14 ( 1 ) 71 - 78  1997.01


  • 運動による血中可溶性ICAM-1の変動

    秋本 崇之

    体力科学   45 ( 6 ) 777 - 777  1996.12


  • 345.運動が視覚障害者の免疫機能に及ぼす影響

    香田 泰子, 赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 杉浦 弘一, 龍野 美恵子, 山本 祐里江, 柳川 真美, 天野 和彦, 斎藤 まゆみ, 和久 貴洋, 柿山 哲治, 前田 清司, 松田 光生, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   45 ( 6 ) 777 - 777  1996.12


  • 347.運動による可溶性HLA class I抗原の変動

    赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 杉浦 弘一, 龍野 美恵子, 山本 祐里江, 香田 泰子, 斉藤 まゆみ, 和久 貴洋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   45 ( 6 ) 778 - 778  1996.12


  • 348.無酸素運動が好中球の活性酸素種産生能に及ぼす影響

    龍野 美恵子, 赤間 高雄, 齋藤 実, 香田 泰子, 斉藤 まゆみ, 杉浦 弘一, 秋本 崇之, 山本 祐里江, 和久 貴洋, 松田 光生, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   45 ( 6 ) 778 - 778  1996.12


  • スポーツドクターのためのインターネット活用法 インターネットへの接続 Macintosh編

    秋本 崇之, 牧 真一, 河野 一郎

    臨床スポーツ医学   13 ( 10 ) 1166 - 1170  1996.10

  • 運動負荷による唾液中分泌型IgA濃度の変動

    秋本 崇之

    体力科学   44 ( 6 ) 753 - 753  1995.12


  • 291.運動による細胞接着分子の変動

    赤間 高雄, 秋本 崇之, 杉浦 弘一, 龍野 美恵子, 香田 泰子, 斉藤 まゆみ, 和久 貴洋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   44 ( 6 ) 752 - 752  1995.12


  • 293.急性運動負荷による好中球O2^-産生能の変化

    杉浦 弘一, 赤間 高雄, 香田 泰子, 龍野 美恵子, 秋本 崇之, 斎藤 まゆみ, 和久 貴洋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   44 ( 6 ) 753 - 753  1995.12


  • 295.剣道の寒稽古における免疫学的な指標の変動

    香田 泰子, 赤間 高雄, 和久 貴洋, 杉浦 弘一, 龍野 美恵子, 秋本 崇之, 斎藤 まゆみ, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   44 ( 6 ) 754 - 754  1995.12


  • 428.競技スポーツ選手のコンディション評価に関する研究

    和久 貴洋, 香田 泰子, 赤間 高雄, 杉浦 弘一, 秋本 崇之, 龍野 美恵子, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   44 ( 6 ) 820 - 820  1995.12


  • 80.好中球の殺菌能に対する運動の影響

    杉浦 弘一, 赤間 高雄, 香田 泰子, 秋本 崇之, 龍野 美恵子, 高山 貴久子, 和久 貴洋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   43 ( 6 ) 546 - 546  1994.12


  • 79.可溶性IL-6レセプターに対する運動の影響

    赤間 高雄, 高山 貴久子, 杉浦 弘一, 龍野 美恵子, 香田 泰子, 秋本 崇之, 和久 貴洋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   43 ( 6 ) 546 - 546  1994.12


  • 81.単球活性酸素産生能に対する運動の影響

    香田 泰子, 赤間 高雄, 杉浦 弘一, 龍野 美恵子, 秋本 崇之, 高山 貴久子, 和久 貴洋, 河野 一郎

    体力科學   43 ( 6 ) 547 - 547  1994.12


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Industrial Property Rights

  • 細胞の糖取り込みを可視化するためのキメラタンパク質

    加藤義雄, 古旗祐一, 秋本崇之


  • 抗筋萎縮剤

    秋本崇之, 和田正吾, 牛田多加志




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  • Faculty of Sport Sciences   Graduate School of Sport Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 狩猟鳥獣の骨格筋に関する研究


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  • 狩猟鳥獣の筋に関する研究


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  • 非侵襲的に骨格筋線維タイプを推定する試み


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    本研究では,ヒトの骨格筋線維タイプを非侵襲的に推定することを最終目的に,本年度はまず実験動物を用いた基礎的検討を行った.ヒト骨格筋線維タイプについては,1980年代に精力的に研究がなされ,骨格筋線維タイプと競技パフォーマンスに深い関連があることが認識されている.現在骨格筋線維タイプを測定するためには,対象者より筋生検によって骨格筋組織を取得し,免疫染色によって線維タイプを同定することが必要であるが,これは対象者の肉体的負担が大きいため,トップアスリートや,発育期の児童や高齢者に適応することは困難である.本研究では,骨格筋線維タイプを反映する体液中のバイオマーカー を確立することで,低侵襲で骨格筋線維タイプを推定する方法論の確立を目指す.まず,筋線維タイプの異なる実験動物を対象に,骨格筋を損傷させ,血液中に漏れ出す分子を網羅的に解析し,筋線維タイプと相関するバイオマーカーを複数同定した.

  • 老化を規定するマイクロRNA


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    超高齢社会を迎えた我が国を含め,先進諸国において人口の高齢化が進んでおり,高齢者の健康問題のみならず介護・医療費の増加による経済的負担の増加,生産年齢人口の低下等が大きな社会課題となっており,これらに対応することが世界的にも喫緊の課題となっている.このような超高齢社会の到来の中で,従来の制度では対応しきれない問題が生じ,社会的な変革の必要性が叫ばれていると同時に,「老化」の生物学的本質やそのプロセスに関する科学的なエビデンス,またサクセスフル・エイジングを達成するための介入等がこれまで以上に注目されている.老化の原因を解明することで,老化関連疾病の対策発見が期待でき,介護や医療に費やされる社会保障費の削減のためにも必要であると考えられる. 老化の原因に関する仮説(老化仮説)として,プログラム説,活性酸素説,テロメア説,遺伝子修復エラー説など様々な仮説が提案されているものの,高等生物の動物個体における老化を説明できる仮説は存在せず,老化の原因はいまだ解明されていない. 本研究では,我々の研究室で作製したあるマイクロRNAの遺伝子改変マウスにおいて偶然見出された「老化加速」表現型を解析するための予備的な検討を行った.

  • 老化の制御におけるマイクロRNAの役割


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  • 三次元培養人工骨格筋組織を用いた糖取り込み機構の解析


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    最近,骨格筋におけるイベントが筋局所だけでなく全身の代謝調節に係っている事が明らかになるとともに,筋機能の維持が近年大きな問題になっているメタボリックシンドローム等の代謝性疾患を防ぐ手段となり得る事が明らかになってきた.特に,骨格筋は最大の血糖処理器官であり,糖のみならず脂質代謝にも重要な働きをしていることから,骨格筋におけるインスリン作用の不全,すなわちインスリン抵抗性は糖尿病をはじめとする多くの生活習慣病の発症基盤となっていると考えられる.本研究では,骨格筋組織の糖取り込み機構について解析するために,まず組織工学技術を応用した筋組織の三次元培養法を確立を試みた.その結果,脱細胞化ブダ大動脈を人工腱として利用し,コラーゲンゲルを基質とした筋芽細胞の三次元培養によって,in vitroで人工筋組織を作製する事に成功した.今後は,作製中の蛍光プローブを用いて,人工筋組織での糖取り込みを観察する.

  • 組織への糖取り込みをリアルタイム観察可能な蛍光プローブの開発


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    最近,骨格筋におけるイベントが筋局所だけでなく全身の代謝調節に係っている事が明らかになるとともに,筋機能の維持が近年大きな問題になっているメタボリックシンドローム等の代謝性疾患を防ぐ手段となり得る事が明らかになってきた.特に,骨格筋は最大の血糖処理器官であり,糖のみならず脂質代謝にも重要な働きをしていることから,骨格筋におけるインスリン作用の不全,すなわちインスリン抵抗性は糖尿病をはじめとする多くの生活習慣病の発症基盤となっていると考えられる.本研究では,骨格筋組織の糖取り込み機構について解析するために,まず組織工学技術を応用した筋組織の三次元培養法を確立を試みた.その結果,脱細胞化ブダ大動脈を人工腱として利用し,コラーゲンゲルを基質とした筋芽細胞の三次元培養によって,in vitroで人工筋組織を作製する事に成功した.今後は,作製中の蛍光プローブを用いて,人工筋組織での糖取り込みを観察する.

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