Updated on 2025/02/07


TAMAKI, Kenichiro
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Associate Professor
Doctor of Science ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2008.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Associate Professor

  • 2005.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   Research Associate

Professional Memberships


    Mathematical Society of Japan


    Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering


    Japan Statistical Society


    International Society for Mathematical Sciences

Research Areas

  • Statistical science

Research Interests

  • Statistical Finance, Time Series Analysis



  • Asymptotic Expansion for Term Structures of Defaultable Bonds with Non-Gaussian Dependent Innovations

    Masakazu Miura, Kenichiro Tamaki, Takayuki Shiohama

    Asia-Pacific Financial Markets   20 ( 4 ) 311 - 344  2013  [Refereed]

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    In the context of credit risk, the term structure models that have been studied in the literature are typically models driven by Brownian motion or standard jump diffusions. These models provide coherent modeling that is straightforward to implement. To make these models more flexible, we develop a discrete-time approximation of a continuous-time Vasicek term structure analysis with non-Gaussian and dependent innovations. Higher-order asymptotic theory enables us to evaluate the term structures of defaultable bonds. Numerical examples show that the effects of non-Gaussianity and the dependency of both risk-free rate and default process strongly influence the evaluation of defaultable bonds. As an application, we estimate the parameters of our proposed models for the Japanese corporate credit default swap market. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.




    Masanobu Taniguchi, Kenichiro Tamaki, Thomas J. DiCiccio, Anna Clara Monti

    STATISTICA SINICA   22 ( 3 ) 1287 - 1304  2012.07  [Refereed]

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    The Whittle estimator (Whittle (1962)) is widely used in time series analysis. Although it is asymptotically Gaussian and efficient, this estimator suffers from large bias, especially when the underlying process has nearly unit roots. In this paper, we apply the jackknife technique to the Whittle likelihood in the frequency domain, and we derive the asymptotic properties of the jackknifed Whittle estimator. In particular, the second-order bias of the jackknifed estimator is shown to vanish for non-Gaussian stationary processes when the unknown parameter is innovation-free. The effectiveness of the jackknife technique for reducing the bias of the Whittle estimator is demonstrated in numerical studies. Since the Whittle estimator is applicable in many fields, including the natural sciences, signal processing, and econometrics, the bias-reduced jackknifed Whittle estimator can have widespread use.



  • Preliminary test estimation for spectra

    Yusuke Maeyama, Kenichiro Tamaki, Masanobu Taniguchi

    STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS   81 ( 11 ) 1580 - 1587  2011.11  [Refereed]

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    For a general non-Gaussian stationary linear process, quasi-maximum likelihood estimation of a subset of the parameters of the spectral density is considered when the complementary subset is suspected to be superfluous. A preliminary test quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (q-MLE) of parameters is introduced and, in the light of its mean square error, is compared with the restricted and unrestricted q-MLE. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Higher order asymptotic bond price valuation for interest rates with non-Gaussian dependent innovations

    Tetsuhiro Honda, Kenichiro Tamaki, Takayuki Shiohama

    FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS   7 ( 1 ) 60 - 69  2010.03  [Refereed]

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    This paper considers the effect on zero-coupon bond price valuation when short rate model has non-Gaussian dependent innovations. Higher order asymptotic theory enables Lis to obtain the approximate bond price formula. Some numerical examples are presented, where the process of innovations follows particular model. These examples indicate non-Gaussianity and dependency of innovations have a great influence on zero-coupon bond price. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Second-order properties of locally stationary processes

    Kenichiro Tamaki

    JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS   30 ( 1 ) 145 - 166  2009.01  [Refereed]

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    In this article, we investigate an optimal property of the maximum likelihood estimator of Gaussian locally stationary processes by the second-order approximation. In the case where the model is correctly specified, it is shown that appropriate modifications of the maximum likelihood estimator for Gaussian locally stationary processes is second-order asymptotically efficient. We also discuss second-order robustness properties.



  • Generalized information criteria in model selection for locally stationary processes

    Junichi Hirukawa, Hiroko Solvang Kato, Kenichiro Tamaki, Masanobu Taniguchi

    Journal of the Japan Statistical Society   38 ( 1 ) 157 - 171  2008

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    The problem of fitting a parametric model of time series with time varying parameters attracts our attention. We evaluate a goodness of time varying spectral models from an information theoretic point of view. We propose model selection criteria for locally stationary processes based on nonlinear functionals of a time varying spectral density without assuming that the true time varying spectral density belongs to the model. Also, we obtain a sufficient condition such that our information criteria coincide with Akaike's information criterion.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Bernstein-von Mises theorem for stationary processes

    Kenichiro Tamaki

    Journal of the Japan Statistical Society   38 ( 2 ) 311 - 323  2008

  • Higher order asymptotic option valuation for non-Gaussian dependent returns

    Kenichiro Tamaki, Masanobu Taniguchi

    JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE   137 ( 3 ) 1043 - 1058  2007.03  [Refereed]

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    This paper discusses the option pricing problems using statistical series expansion for the price process of an underlying asset. We derive the Edgeworth expansion for the stock log return via extracting dynamics structure of time series. Using this result, we I investigate influences of the non-Gaussianity and the dependency of log return processes for option pricing. Numerical studies show some interesting features of them. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Second order optimality for estimators in time series regression models

    Kenichiro Tamaki

    JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS   98 ( 3 ) 638 - 659  2007.03  [Refereed]

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    We consider the second order asymptotic properties of an efficient frequency domain regression coefficient estimator (beta) over tilde proposed by Hannan I Regression for time series, Proc. Sympos. Time Series Analysis (Brown Univ., 1962), Wiley, New York, 1963, pp. 17-371. This estimator is a semiparametric estimator based on nonparametric spectral estimators. We derive the second order Edgeworth expansion of the distribution of (beta) over tilde. Then it is shown that the second order asymtotic properties are independent of the bandwidth choice for residual spectral estimator, which implies that (beta) over tilde has the same rate of convergence as in regular parametric estimation. This is a sharp contrast with the general semiparametric estimation theory. We also examine the second order Gaussian efficiency of (beta) over tilde Numerical studies are given to confirm the theoretical results. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Power properties of empirical likelihood for stationary processes

    Kenichiro Tamaki

    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae   66 ( 3 ) 359 - 369  2007

  • Second order asymptotic properties of a class of test statistics under the existence of nuisance parameters

    Kenichiro Tamaki

    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae   61 ( 1 ) 119 - 143  2005


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Books and Other Publications

  • Optimal Statistical Inference in Financial Engineering

    Masanobu Taniguchi, Junichi Hirukawa, Kenichiro Tamaki

    Chapman & Hall/CRC  2008 ISBN: 1584885912


  • 時系列モデルに対する高次漸近理論


    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Higher order asymptotic option valuation for non-Gaussian dependent returns

    4th World Congress of Bachelier Finance Society 

    Presentation date: 2006.08

  • Second order optimality for estimators in time series regression models

    25th European Meeting of Statisticians 

    Presentation date: 2005.07

Research Projects

  • Generalized empirical likelihood for time series

    Project Year :


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    When we analyze data using time series models, there are many steps such as model selection, estimation of parameters, and diagnostic checking. Generally, since these steps are separately implemented, time series data analysis is complicated. Also, interpretation is difficult when the results of these steps are different. Therefore, we propose empirical likelihood methods that can compute these simultaneously, and elucidated that it has excellent properties especially in diagnostic checking. Simulation studies also showed that the proposed method performed equally or better than the usual method in many cases

  • Theory and Applications for Mathematical Methods in Statistical Science

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANIGUCHI Masanobu, YOSHIDA Nakahiro, OCHI Yoshimichi, YAO Feng, WAKAKI Hirofumi, KAKIZAWA Yoshihide, JIMBO Masakazu, MAESONO Nobuhiko, ANO Yutaka, HIRUKAWA Junichi, SHIMIZU Kunio, KONDO Masao, UNO Chikara, MIYATA Yoichi, TAKADA Yoshikazu, NOMAKUCHI Kentaro, KURIKI Shinji, KATO Takeshi, AKAHIRA Masafumi, TAKEMURA Akimichi, KONISHI Sadanori, TAKAHASHI Daisuke, MAEKAWA Koichi, SUZUKI Takeru, NISHII Ryuei, SASABUCHI Yoichi, AKI Shigeo, KURIKI Satoshi, AOSHIMA Makoto, TAMAKI Kenichiro, SHIRAISHI Hiroshi, SHIRAHATA Shingo, SHIOHAMA Takayuki

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    Mathematical models that describe random phenomena depending on past, present and future are called stochastic processes. In this research we established statistically optimal estimation theory for general stochastic processes, and applied the theoretical results to various fields, e.g., finance, economics, medical sciences, engineering and environment etc., yielding a lot of contributions. We performed the research with many foreign researchers as well as domestic ones, and developed young researchers.

  • Bayes approach to time series models

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAMAKI Kenichiro

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    First, we considered the second order power properties of empirical likelihood for stationary processes. Next, we investigated an optimal property of the maximum likelihood estimator of Gaussian locally stationary processes by the second order approximation. To elucidate the effect on zero-coupon bond price valuation when short rate model has non-Gaussian dependent innovations, we derived the approximate bond price formula using higher order asymptotic theory. Moreover we investigated asymptotic distribution of the change point test statistic based on the frequency domain empirical likelihood

  • 局外母数をもつ時系列回帰モデルのセミパラメトリックな高次漸近理論

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


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  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Faculty of Social Sciences   School of Social Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Center for Data Science   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 非線形モデルによる高次のオプション評価


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    私は本年度Whittle measureによる高次漸近理論の研究を行い、この研究成果を学会等で発表しました。時系列解析では、従属性をもつデータを扱うので、尤度が大変複雑になります。それ故、推定や検定において、Whittle likelihoodがよく用いられます。これは、対数正規尤度の近似となっており、真の尤度より計算が容易であるという利点があります。また、近年、正規定常過程に対して、Whittle measureのContiguityが示されました。本年度の研究では、正規定常過程に対して、Whittle measureにもとづく検定と正確なmeasureにもとづく検定の高次の性質を議論しました。まず、定常過程の正規性を仮定し、Whittle likelihoodより構成される検定統計量のクラスを考えます。次に、この検定統計量に対して、2次のEdgeworth展開を用いて、Whittle measureと真のmeasureの下でのLeCam's third lemma型の高次の漸布の変換公式を与えています。これにより、検定統計量のWhittle measureの下での検出力から真のmeasureの下での検出力が導き出せます。現在、著書では、時系列の最適推測に基づいた金融工学を発展させつつあります。また、時系列モデルに対するベイズ手法によるアプローチを考え、Whittle likelihoodにもとづく推定量の事後確率の漸近的な性質を研究しています。この研究では、長期記憶過程を含む定常過程において、Whittle measureを用いたBernstein-von Mises theoremを示すことを目標としています。さらに、Nonergodicなモデルに対する上記の定理を得ることも目標としています。

  • 非定常時系列に対する高次漸近理論


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