Updated on 2025/02/05


KITAMURA, Yoshihiro
Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Job title
Ph.D. in Economics ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2013

    Professor, Waseda University

  • 2011

    Associate Professor, Waseda University

  • 2008

    Associate Professor, University of Toyama

  • 2006

    Lecturer, University of Toyama

  • 2005

    Research Assistant, Waseda University

  • 2003

    Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Economics  


    Waseda Univ.   Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences  

Professional Memberships





Research Areas

  • Public economics and labor economics / Money and finance

Research Interests

  • International finance



  • Estimating Systematic and Partial Exchange Rate Exposures: The Case of Japanese Firms

    Jae H. Kim, Yoshihiro Kitamura

    International Journal of Empirical Economics    2022.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    We decompose exchange rate exposure into systematic and partial parts. The former is the product of the exposure of the market portfolio and a firm’s market beta, reflecting the risk of the exchange rate to a macroeconomy. The latter is the residual one that most previous studies have examined. Using Japanese data, we find that Japanese firms are systematically exposed to the exchange rate from the beginning of 2000. We also highlight the timely yen-selling intervention by the Bank of Japan when the firms are systematically exposed. However, we find that, even when most Japanese firms are significantly exposed to the exchange rate, the partial exposure can seriously underestimate the full extent of the exchange rate exposure.


  • LSTM forecasting foreign exchange rates using limit order book

    Katsuki Ito, Hitoshi Iima, Yoshihiro Kitamura

    Finance Research Letters     102517 - 102517  2021.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author



  • A lesson from the four recent large public Japanese FX interventions

    Kitamura, Yoshihiro

    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies   57  2020.09  [Refereed]

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    A large volatility reflects dispersed opinions among market participants. Even when an FX intervention moves the level of the FX rate in its intending direction, this movement is transient unless the intervention mitigates the volatility and dissolves the dispersion among market participants. I adopt pulse and step functions to examine the short-run dynamic effects of four recent Japanese FX interventions on the level and volatility of the yen/dollar rate. The four interventions are large and public, and these are important factors in the effectiveness of the intervention. I find that the two recent interventions are successful in terms of persistent depreciation and mitigating volatility. The two successful interventions are characterized by their size effect. In turn, although the third intervention caused the yen to depreciate, this is short-lived because of increasing volatility.



  • A stopping time approach to assessing the effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention: An application to Japanese data

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE   75   32 - 46  2017.07  [Refereed]

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    I propose a new methodology to assess the effect of foreign exchange (FX) intervention, based on the probability of an FX rate reaching. The variable is the probability of an FX rate reaching a particular threshold before reaching another. Importantly, the probability depends on not only the level, but also the trend and volatility of a current FX rate. When an intervention changes the probability in a desired direction, the intervention is effective. The notable feature of the probability is that it considers both the level and volatility of an FX rate comprehensively, while previous studies have examined these effects of FX intervention separately. Empirical results based on regression and nearest neighbor analyses applied to Japanese data indicate that publicity and size are significant in the effectiveness of intervention. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Simple measures of market efficiency: A study in foreign exchange markets

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY   41   1 - 16  2017.03  [Refereed]

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    Previous studies on the stock market consider the degree of market efficiency to be an inverse of the predictive power of order flow. Following this notion, I propose simple market efficiency measures in foreign exchange (FX) markets. The first measure considers the market to be inefficient when positive (negative) order flows predict the appreciation (depreciation) of a base currency. The second measure considers whether predictions using order flow result in tangible gains. These measures are related to liquidity levels and information factors in FX markets, unlike the measures in previous studies. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Predicting a flash crash in the yen/dollar foreign exchange market

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS   24 ( 14 ) 987 - 990  2017  [Refereed]

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    I examine whether the volume-synchronized probability of informed trading (VPIN) can predict a flash crash in the yen/dollar foreign exchange market. The results show that VPIN using bulk volume classification predicted a recent event. However, VPIN using order flows, which are the amount of the ask-side transaction minus those of bid-side, does not.



  • The probability of informed trading measured with price impact, price reversal, and volatility

    Yoshihiro Kitamura


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    Contemporaneous and positive correlation between order flow and exchange rate is a stylized fact. I postulate that the order flow driven by informed trading has a significant price impact. I also do that little price reversal occurs in the subsequent period. The Markov-switching model provides probabilities of a significant price impact and little price reversal. I apply these probabilities to measure the probability of informed trading. The measure explains a greater share of the random walk component of price compared to other measures offered by previous studies. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Does the simple microstructure model tell the time of the FX intervention? A one day analysis of the Japanese FX intervention

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    Research in International Business and Finance   36   436 - 446  2016.01  [Refereed]

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    Using tick data of the USD/JPY rate, I propose the method to detect the time of the FX intervention. I use the simple microstructure model and assume that the FX intervention causes regime-switching in the microstructure of the USD/JPY market, changes in adverse selection, and inventory effect. The time of the intervention is estimated endogenously by the Markov-switching model, and the actual starting time is well estimated. I also find that no market orders, except a large U.S. dollar purchase, convey any private information during the period of the intervention.



  • A Survey on Characteristics of Japanese Academic Job Market and Evaluation

    Koji Domon, Yoshihiro Kitamura

    Evaluation Review   39 ( 1 ) 82 - 101  2015.02

    DOI PubMed


  • A microstructural effect of Japanese official intervention in the yen/dollar foreign exchange market

    Hiroya Akiba, Yoshihiro Kitamura, Shinichi Matsuda, Ayano Sato

    Exchange Rates in Developed and Emerging Markets: Practices, Challenges and Economic Implications     59 - 74  2013

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    This study adopts a microstructural approach to examine the effect of Japanese official intervention in the yen/dollar foreign exchange market. Our empirical results show that the number of informed traders after the series of interventions is significantly larger and the degree of the market maker's reaction to the order flow and the cost of informed trading in the post-intervention period are significantly smaller than those in the pre-intervention one. This finding implies that frequent and intense intervention promotes competition among the informed traders. We interpret these data to conclude that this competition lowers the degree of information asymmetry in the market. JEL Classification: D82; E58; F31 © 2013 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Effect of exchange rate return on volatility spill-over across trading regions

    Don U. A. Galagedera, Yoshihiro Kitamura

    JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY   24 ( 4 ) 254 - 265  2012.12  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines the effect of realized exchange rate returns on the volatility spill-over between the euro-US dollar and US dollar-yen currency pairs across the five trading regions: Asia. Asia-Europe overlap, Europe, Europe-America overlap and America. Modelling the interaction between returns and volatility in an autoregressive five-equation system, we find evidence that depreciation of the US dollar against the yen has a greater impact on the US dollar-yen volatility spill-over than appreciation in the subprime crisis period. Appreciation and depreciation of the US dollar against the euro does not appear to have an asymmetric effect on the euro-US dollar volatility spill-over. Our results support the notion that the yen may have been preferred to the euro as a 'safe-haven' currency relative to the US dollar during the subprime crisis period. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Effect of exchange rate return on volatility spill-over across trading regions

    Don U. A. Galagedera, Yoshihiro Kitamura

    JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY   24 ( 4 ) 254 - 265  2012.12  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines the effect of realized exchange rate returns on the volatility spill-over between the euro-US dollar and US dollar-yen currency pairs across the five trading regions: Asia. Asia-Europe overlap, Europe, Europe-America overlap and America. Modelling the interaction between returns and volatility in an autoregressive five-equation system, we find evidence that depreciation of the US dollar against the yen has a greater impact on the US dollar-yen volatility spill-over than appreciation in the subprime crisis period. Appreciation and depreciation of the US dollar against the euro does not appear to have an asymmetric effect on the euro-US dollar volatility spill-over. Our results support the notion that the yen may have been preferred to the euro as a 'safe-haven' currency relative to the US dollar during the subprime crisis period. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Informational linkages among the major currencies in the EBS market: Evidence from the spot rates of the Euro, Yen and Swiss franc

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    Japan and the World Economy   24 ( 1 ) 17 - 26  2012.01  [Refereed]

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    Using high-frequency data on the Euro, Yen and Swiss franc, this paper examines whether the permanent (informational) component of one currency's variance explains the variances of the other currencies as well. Previous studies have not considered this interdependency among currencies. A variance decomposition shows that trade-correlated news on the Euro effectively contributes to the variance of the Swiss franc. In addition, for these two currencies, non-trade-correlated news on one currency reciprocally affects the other. The findings suggest that prior studies may have overestimated the impact of trade-correlated news about a currency on its own permanent variance. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.



  • Informational linkages among the major currencies in the EBS market: Evidence from the spot rates of the Euro, Yen and Swiss franc

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY   24 ( 1 ) 17 - 26  2012.01  [Refereed]

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    Using high-frequency data on the Euro, Yen and Swiss franc, this paper examines whether the permanent (informational) component of one currency's variance explains the variances of the other currencies as well. Previous studies have not considered this interdependency among currencies. A variance decomposition shows that trade-correlated news on the Euro effectively contributes to the variance of the Swiss franc. In addition, for these two currencies, non-trade-correlated news on one currency reciprocally affects the other. The findings suggest that prior studies may have overestimated the impact of trade-correlated news about a currency on its own permanent variance. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • The Impact of Order Flow on the Foreign Exchange Market: A Copula Approach

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    Asia-Pacific Financial Markets   18 ( 1 ) 1 - 31  2011  [Refereed]

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    Using the copula function, I propose a new econometric method to measure the state-dependent impact of order flows on returns in foreign exchange markets and examine whether this impact is affected by the number of informed traders. My results indicate that the impact of the order flow decreases as trading becomes more informed. This finding suggests an especially important theoretical implication: that the effect of competition among informed traders tends to dominate that of the adverse selection problem faced by uninformed traders in the euro/dollar and yen/dollar markets. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.



  • Testing for intraday interdependence and volatility spillover among the euro, the pound and the Swiss franc markets

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    Research in International Business and Finance   24 ( 2 ) 158 - 171  2010.06  [Refereed]

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    To examine intraday interdependence and volatility spillover among the euro, the pound and the Swiss franc, we employ the varying-correlation model of multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Our main findings are (1) return volatility in the euro spills into the pound and the Swiss franc
    and (2) these markets are highly integrated with the euro, and the degree of interdependence is state-dependent: euro news has a simultaneous impact on the pound and the Swiss franc, and co-movements of these currencies and the euro become much higher in proportion to the arrival of news of the euro. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • The current account and stock returns

    Yoshihiro Kitamura

    Research in International Business and Finance   23 ( 3 ) 302 - 321  2009.09  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, I use stock return data to test an intertemporal model of the current account. I find that the model performs well in three countries: the U.K., Canada, and Japan. Hall [Hall, R.E., 1978. Stochastic implication of the life cycle-permanent income hypothesis: theory and evidence. J. Polit. Econ. 86 (6), 971-987] points out that because stock price predicts the future state of the economy, it predicts consumption. Assuming that consumption depends on permanent income, my empirical finding indicates that a representative agent smoothes consumption based on stock market information. In other words, stock market returns yield information about permanent income. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Intraday evidence of the informational efficiency of the yen/dollar exchange rate

    Kentaro Iwatsubo, Yoshihiro Kitamura

    Applied Financial Economics   19 ( 14 ) 1103 - 1115  2009  [Refereed]

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    The informational efficiency of the yen/dollar exchange rate is investigated in five market segments within each business day from 1987 to 2007. Among the results, we first find that the daily exchange rate has a cointegrating relationship with the cumulative price change of the segment for which the London and New York (NY) markets are both open, but not with that of any other segments. Second, the cumulative price change of the London/NY segment is the most persistent among the five market segments in the medium and long run. These results suggest that the greatest concentration of informed traders is in the London/NY segment, where intraday transactions are the highest. This is consistent with the theoretical prediction by Admati and Pfleiderer (1988) that prices are more informative when trading volume is heavier.



  • The optimal exchange rate regime for a small country

    Hiroya Akiba, Yukihiro Iida, Yoshihiro Kitamura

    International Economics and Economic Policy   6 ( 3 ) 315 - 343  2009  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines the welfare comparisons between a freely floating, a managed floating, and a pegged exchange rate regime. We compare the expected loss under these regimes by modifying and generalizing Hamada's (2002) model to accommodate intervention policy. We consider the de jure and de facto classifications, where the former is defined by the officially stated intentions of the monetary authorities, while the latter is based on the actually observed behavior of the nominal exchange rate. We first examine the exchange rate regimes from the central bank's policy stance and the actual exchange rate policy. Next we assume that the regime which the private sector perceives according to an official announcement may be different from the one adopted actually by the central bank. We examine nine combinations of the de jure and de facto regimes. We interpret that, whenever they are different, there is informational friction between the central bank and the private sector. We show that the welfare level of a small country under freely floating is no less than that under other regimes, and that with some restrictive conditions, the de facto pegged or de facto managed floating is close to freely floating. This partly explains 'Fear of floating' and 'Fear of pegging'. © Springer-Verlag 2009.



  • 外国為替市場におけるボラティリティ波及効果に関する一考察


    金融・通貨制度の経済分析     153 - 178  2008.12

  • The role of the five segments in the yen-dollar exchange rate

    Kitamura, Y

    Working Paper:Faculty of Economics, University of Toyama   No.218   1 - 27  2007.05

  • What causes volatility spillover? Evidence from the euro, the yen, and the Swiss franc spot rates

    Kitamura, Y

    Working Paper:Faculty of Economics, University of Toyama   No.219   1 - 26  2007.05

  • Information arrival, interest rate differentials, and yen/dollar exchange rate

    Y Kitamura, H Akiba

    JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY   18 ( 1 ) 108 - 119  2006.01  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines the effects of interest rate differentials as inflowing information into the forex market on the yen/dollar exchange rate and unexpected trading volume by a structural VAR model. The impulse responses show that the short-term interest rate differential affects the exchange rate through (a) UIP with little change in unexpected trading volume, and (b) different expectation revisions at different points in time with a high transaction volume. The effects of long-term interest rate differential on the exchange rate appear instantaneous with high trading volume, reflecting instantaneous reshuffling in international portfolio holdings of long-term assets. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • 日次為替レート変化率とGARCH/EGARCH効果:円-ドル外国為替市場での考察


    早稲田経済学研究   ( 60 ) 25 - 39  2005.03

  • 開放小国の最適な為替レート制度

    飯田幸裕, 北村能寛, 秋葉弘哉

    マクロ経済学と経済制度     179 - 197  2005

  • 先物プレミアムパズル-国際資本移動における取引費用

    佐藤綾野, 北村能寛, 秋葉弘哉

    現代マクロ経済学のフロンティア     165 - 185  2003

  • Empirical Assessment of Two Traditional Models for the Asian Currency Crisis

    Akiba Hiroya, Iida Yukihiro, Sato Ayano, Kitamura Yoshihiro

    Working paper series   402   1 - 20

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    This paper examines empirically which of the first or the second generation models is more convincing in accounting for the Asian currency crisis. We construct a regression model with both fundamentals and changes in expectations by news together. We found that, in Thailand, Korea and Indonesia, a growth rate of domestic credit, as a proxy for deterioration of fundamentals, and the "news", as a proxy for a shift in expectations, has a reasonably convincing explanatory power for the currency crisis. On the other hand, in the rest of our sample countries, the latter is reasonably convincing in explaining the crisis.


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Books and Other Publications

  • 国際経済学 (第3章担当)


    ミネルヴァ書房  2010


  • Simple Measures of Market Efficiency: A Study in Foreign Exchange Markets

    Auckland Finance Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • Intraday Liquidity in Foreign Exchange Markets: An Application of the Markov-switching Model

    Vietnam International Conference in Finance 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • A microstructural effect of Japanese official intervention in the yen/dollar foreign exchange market

    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • Market expectation and dispersion in foreign exchange markets: A new approach

    Australasian Finance & Banking Conference 

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • The impact of order flow on the foreign exchange market: A copula approach

    European Economic Association 

    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • Which is optimal: De fact and de jure combinations of exchange rate regimes

    All China Economics International Conference 

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • What does cause volatility spillover? Evidence from the euro, the yen, and the Swiss franc spot rates

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • Information, pricing error, and segments: Evidence in the USD/JPY FX market

    Presentation date: 2007.06

  • 利子率の影響を考慮した経常収支の現在価値モデル


    Presentation date: 2005.06

  • Interest rate and present value models of the current account

    International Atlantic Economic Conference 

    Presentation date: 2004.03

  • Asian currency crisis and foreign investment

    Presentation date: 2003.10

  • EGARCH effects in daily exchange rate changes; The yen /dollar foreign exchange market

    Western Economic Association International 

    Presentation date: 2003.07

  • Transaction costs and the forward premium puzzle

    Western Economic Association International Pacific Rim Conference 

    Presentation date: 2003.01

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Research Projects

  • ファイナンス理論の臨床性評価における深層学習の活用

    Project Year :


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  • 人工知能取引の影響を考慮した、価格発見過程の再検討

    Project Year :


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    本研究の目的は、人工知能が取引を支配する今日の外国為替市場において、人間の取引を前提として構築された従来の為替レート・モデルを刷新する実証エビデンスを示す、ことである。今回の研究では、為替レート市場をその直接の分析対象とするが、本研究でのエビデンスは株式市場等、他の人工知能取引が台頭する資産市場における理論モデルを再構築する際にも有用である。人工知能はその処理速度の速さから、従来の情報トレーダーが採用する「成行」注文ではなく、取引価格の設定が可能な「指値」注文を採用する。ゆえに、これまでの研究で注目されなかった「指値」注文の価格発見過程における役割に注目する。研究初年度は、指値注文板上でのイベントと為替レートの関係に注目して実証分析を中心に行った。この研究は未だ進行中であるが、これまでに得られた成果を日本ファイナンス学会第1回秋季研究大会(2019年11月)、4th Annual International Conference on High Frequency Exchange Rate Dynamics: Econophysics and Econometric Analysis Based on the EBS data sets(2019年12月)で報告した。これまでに得られた主な研究成果は以下である。第一に、市場最良気配を更新するimproving orderの回数から市場最良気配を悪化させるキャンセル回数を引いたnet improving orderの価格発見における役割の大きさが明らかとなった。これは市場環境の変化に迅速に対応することが可能な自動化された取引(automated trade)が支流となり、従来の成行注文の価格発見における役割が improving orderに移行していることを示唆するものである。<BR>第二に、成行注文から計算されるオーダフローの価格発見における役割が低下していることが示唆された。オーダフローは、価格伝達の役割を担うものとして従来の研究では注目されてきたが、この従来の方向性に疑問を投げかける。<BR>三番目の研究成果として、インターバンク為替取引システムであるEBSの特徴を考慮した理論モデルを構築した点にある。EBS市場においては成行取引はIOC(immediate or cancel)注文であり、一定条件下では、IOCに比較して指値注文のほうが期待利益が大きいことが理論的に示される。この理論的結果は、情報トレーダーがその情報有意性を利用する場合、成行取引ではなく、指値注文行うことを示唆する。未だ未完ではあるものの、研究課題に関する論文を書き上げた。またその成果は、日本ファイナンス学会第1回秋季研究大会(2019年11月)、4th Annual International Conference on High Frequency Exchange Rate Dynamics: Econophysics and Econometric Analysis Based on the EBS data sets(2019年12月)で報告した。以上の初年度研究活動内容より、本研究課題は「おおむね順調に進展している」と自己評価する。まず、追加データの購入・分析により結果の頑健性をより強化する。さらには、EURUSD, USDJPY市場に加え、近年取引高が大幅に増えたUSDCNH(人民元)市場の価格発見メカニズムについても分析を行う。USDCNH市場は、そのオンショア市場であるUSDCNY市場との関係から、他の2通貨ペアに比較して、価格発見メカニズムが異なるのか。異なるのであれば、その差異を説明する要因は何かを明らかにしたい。不確実な研究環境ではあるものの、研究内容を国際学会で報告することを予定している。<BR>そして、これまでの研究で明らかとなった、「improving order」の価格発見における役割の重要性をより明らかとしていきたい。具体的には、米国失業率発表前後の注文板上の動きを詳細に分析することで、improving order、worsening cancelがオーダフローにくらべ為替レートとより関連の深い動きをすることを示す。つまりは、最初2つのオーダーが為替レートの価格形成において重要な役割を果たすことを具体的なイベント事例を用いて明らかとする。<BR>そして、今年度の後半には、研究論文の国際専門誌へ投稿することを目標とし、研究を進めていく

  • Microstructure approach to the efficiency in the FX market

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kitamura Yoshihiro

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    By focusing on the informational role of order flow, I analyze the market efficiency of foreign exchange rate market. Order flow is the net buyer-initiated trade and reflects information about the exchange rate. I estimate the speed of exchange rate discovering this information to examine the market efficiency in the foreign exchange rate market. As my research contribution, I have published the five journal articles regarding this research

  • Estimation of market expectation: A study in foreign exchange markets

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITAMURA Yosihihiro

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    This research proposed the way to estimate market expectation in foreign exchange rate market. This study found that order flow, which is the net buyer initiated trade, can predict future exchange rate changes. This empirical result indicates that order flows reflect the expectation of market participant which motivates the transaction of them, and private information generates that expectation.<br>The above finding motivates me to estimate the market expectation by focusing on order flow in foreign exchange markets

  • Theoretical and empirical approaches to highly informational symmetric foreign exchange markets

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITAMURA Yoshihiro

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    Using high frequency data set, I found that order flows, which are considered to convey market expectation to a foreign exchange rate, do not show a highly positive correlation with exchange rate movement. This possibly indicates that order flows consist of the two factors ; informational and noise ones. For this issue, I built the model which decomposes order flows into those two factors. I hope that this decomposition will enable a monetary authority to understand marker expectation correctly and intervene into foreign exchange market at adequate timing

  • A role of five segments in the yen/dollar foreign spot exchange rate market

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITAMURA Yoshihiro

  • Welfare Analyzes of Exchange Rate Regimes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIBA Hiroya, IIDA Yukihiro, KITAMURA Yoshihiro

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    This research theoretically analyzes which exchange rate regime is optimal as an exchange rate regime after the exchange rate crises in 1990's from the welfare standpoint of a small open economy. The fact that crises erupted from countries that adopted an intermediate exchange rate regime between a floating rate regime and a fixed rate regime, it has been argued that the bi-polar system would prevail among those countries. We constructed our theoretical model to compare the differences in welfare levels, keeping the difficulty in mind of selecting the optimal exchange rate regime,. because many of the crisis-hit countries have been-subject to the so-called Fear of Floating as well as Fear of Pegging . The model clearly distinguishes a de jure regime and a de facto regime. We made welfare comparisons of those regimes together with the combinations of them.In order to consider and compare a floating regime with other regimes, we inevitably construct a 3-county model. For our Welfare analysis, the loss function assumed for a small country is similar to that of the large country. In the model the central bank or the government is assumed to minimize the losses arising from unemployment and inflation. The balance of payments disequilibrium is another scam of losses for a country if they adopt a fixed or an intermediate rate regime The welfare comparison is made for a fixed rate, a floating rate, and an intermediate rate regime. We deliberately modeled an intermediate rate regime by incorporating plausible intervention activities by the central bankSeveral interesting conclusions emerge from our theoretical analysis : (a) a floating rate regime is superior to an intermediate regime in a welfare sense, (b) for a de facto intermediate regime, a de jure intermediate regime may dominate a floating regime in welfare, (c) for a de jure and de facto intermediate and a fixed regime, an intermediate regime dominates, (d) for a de jure and de facto floating and a fixed regime, a floating regime dominates, (e) for a de jure floating regime, a de facto floating dominates a de facto intermediate regime, (f) for a de facto and de jure fixed regime, and a de jure floating but de facto intermediate regime, the latter dominates in a welfare sense. Some other interesting results are also derived

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  • 外国為替市場におけるボラティリティ波及効果に関する一考察


    金融・通貨制度の経済分析     153 - 178  2008.12  [Refereed]

  • Why is Managed Floating Adopted as a De Facto Exchange Rate Regime?

    Akiba Hiroya, Iida Yukihiro, Kitamura Yoshihiro

    Working paper series   502   1 - 37  2005.07

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    This paper examines the welfare implications of the managed floating as an intermediate regime. Modifying and generalizing the Hamada's model (2002) to accommodate intervention policy, we compare the expected losses under three alternative regimes; freely floating, pegged exchange rate, and managed floating. We show that, with some restrictive conditions, the welfare level of a small country under the managed floating regime is possibly higher than that under other regimes. This is because the private sector misconceives the exchange rate regime that the central bank actually selects. This partly explains why managed floating is widely adopted as a de facto regime.


  • 日次為替レート変化率とGARCH/EGARCH効果:円-ドル外国為替市場での考察


    早稲田経済学研究   ( 60 ) 25 - 39  2005.03

  • 開放小国の最適な為替レート制度

    飯田幸裕, 北村能寛, 秋葉弘哉

    マクロ経済学と経済制度     179 - 197  2005

  • 日次為替レート変化率とボラティリティ・ショックの持続性:円-ドル外国為替市場での考察


    早稲田経済学研究   ( 57 ) 45 - 54  2003.07  [Refereed]

  • 先物プレミアムパズル-国際資本移動における取引費用

    佐藤綾野, 北村能寛, 秋葉弘哉

    現代マクロ経済学のフロンティア     165 - 185  2003

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Overseas Activities

  • 外国為替市場の効率性に関する研究


    Australia   La Trobe University


  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 株式市場における二酸化炭素排出量リスクの分析


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    Refinitiv ESGスコアに基づき、東京証券取引所1部上場企業をGreen(ESGスコア上位25%)とBrown(下位25%)に分割し、各企業の株価年次リターンを計算しそれぞれのグループ内での単純平均を計算したEGSポートフォリオを作成した。EGSスコアは年次ベースで変化するため、それぞれのポートフォリオは年次ベースで再構築される。そして、Brownポートフォリオ収益率マイナスGreenポートフォリオ収益率を各年で計算した。これは、Brownポートフォリオの買い(ロング)Greenポートフォリオ(ショート)のESGゼロコスト・ポートフォリオとして定義される。ここで金融市場がESG要因をリスクとして認識しているのであれば、将来の環境規制により経済活動が制限されるなどBrownポートフォリオはESGリスクにさらされているので、そのリスクを反映した正のリスクプレミアムの結果、期待収益率は高くなる。一方でGreenポートフォリオはESGリスクからは比較的フリーであると考えられ、その分ESGリスクに対する保険的意味合いから負のリスクプレミアムを反映すると考えられる。以上を考慮すれば、ESGゼロコスト・ポートフォリオの収益率は時系列的に見て正であると考えうる(ESGリスクプレミアム仮説)。実際のデータを検証したところ、累積リターンの意味でESGゼロコスト・ポートフォリオリターンは正の値を示すものであり、日本の株式市場におけるESGリスクプレミアム仮説を支持するものであった。

  • 人民元管理政策の研究


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    When analyzing the relationship between the Chinese renminbi (RMB) spot and forwardforeign exchange (FX) rates, this paper takes into account the covered interest parity(CIP) condition. To incorporate the CIP, the paper introduces the forward swap rate, whichreflects the implicit interest rate differential between the two currencies involved in theexchange. The result exhibits that both onshore (CNY) and offshore (CNH) spot FX ratescontribute to the price discovery of the spot and forward FX rates. The contribution of theCNY is equivalent to and more dominant than that of the CNH in the price discovery ofthe spot FX rates. This implies that the Chinese monetary authority has the ability tomanage the CNH market by controlling the CNY. The authority can also influence thepricing of renminbi forward FX rates through its control over the CNY. The empiricalanalysis in this paper provides evidence that the central parity setting by the Chinesemonetary authority plays a role in explaining the price leadership of the CNY in the spotFX market. In other words, the central parity exhibits a signaling effect and directlyinfluences onshore spot FX trading. During this period, the CNY, serving as a reflectionof information on China's FX rate policy, becomes the price leader in the renminbicurrency markets. However, the analysis also suggests that there are additional factorscontributing to the CNY's price leadership that have not been fully examined. Futureresearch should explore other Chinese monetary policy instruments that may influencethe price discovery process of the renminbi, in order to gain a more comprehensiveunderstanding of the dynamics and drivers of the CNY's leadership in the FX market.

  • 為替レート価格発見に対する積極的指値注文の役割


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  • 積極的な指値注文の役割に注目した為替レート価格発見過程の再考


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  • 指値注文と為替レートの価格発見過程


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  • マーケット・プレッシャーの推定:為替レート市場を事例として


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  • 為替レート価格発見過程における指値注文の重要的役割


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    研究成果としては、最良気配値を更新するimpriving order(以下IO)と最良気配値をキャンセルするworsening cancel(以下WC)の為替レートの価格発見に対する役割の重要性が実証的に明らかとなった。通常、IOを打ち消すようにWCは市場に到達するが、為替レートのファンダメンタルズに影響する米国雇用統計等のニュースが市場に到達するときには、IOとWCは同調的に到達することが判明した。このメカニズムを明らかにした先行研究は、少なくとも著者の知る限りにおいては存在しない。この当該年度に得られた研究成果をさらに詳しく解析することが、引き続き大きな研究テーマとなる。

  • 日本の為替介入政策の長期的効果検証


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      本研究では、「為替介入により企業の為替リスクが長期的に軽減される」を検証することで、為替介入の長期的効果を検証した。研究方法を単純に要約すれば、以下となる。個々の企業の株価変化率を為替レート変化率に回帰し、その係数の大きさ、統計的信頼度が、為替介入との関連でどう変化するかを検証する。回帰式のその他説明変数は、ファイナンス理論に基づき、慎重に選択する。 結果の統計的信頼性を担保するため、サンプリング手法の一種であるワイルド・ブートストラップで、回帰係数の信頼区間を得る。ワイルド・ブートストラップを用いるメリットは、1)小サンプルにおける(誤りの帰無仮説を正しく棄却する)検出力の向上、2)回帰式の誤差項に予め決められたパラメトリックな仮定が(極力)不要な点である。 本研究成果は論文としてまとめ上げられ、現在国際専門誌に投稿・審査中である。

  • 企業の為替リスクに注目した、為替介入政策の評価


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  • プログラミング取引の市場効率性に対する影響の定量的評価:外国為替市場を事例として


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  • 突発的かつ大幅な価格変化の事前予測方法に関する研究:外国為替市場を事例として


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    情報トレーダの取引を計測する指標としての、volume-synchronized probability of informed trading (VPIN)の瞬時的価格崩壊予測力に注目して研究を進めた。 情報トレーダーとは、一部の取引参加者に限定され利用可能な情報にもとづき取引を行う取引参加者である。ここでの情報とは、為替レートに影響を及ぼす情報である。従来の研究では、情報トレーダーはその執行確率の高さから成り行き注文を選択することが前提とされ、その取引をオーダーフローで代理することが一般的である。しかしながら、従来の成行注文に基づき執行される取引では、指値注文を行う情報トレーダーの取引が考慮されないという問題がある。その一方で、VPINは、指値注文のみならず成り行き注文をも考慮した情報トレーダーの取引代理変数となりうる可能性がある。そこで、オーダーフロー、VPINいずれが、為替市場の瞬時的価格崩壊を予測できるかに注目した実証研究を行った。情報トレーダーの取引が断続的であれば、非情報トレーダーは「負け」が蓄積することになり、その結果ロスカット目的で「投げ売り」を行う。その取引は瞬時的価格崩壊をもたらす。実証分析結果は、VPINは瞬時的価格崩壊を予測できる可能性を示唆するものであった。その一方で、オーダーフローの瞬時的価格崩壊予測力を支持する結果は得られなかった。この結果は、情報トレーダーの代理変数としてVPINを採用することの根拠となりうる。一連の研究成果は、以下の論文として公刊されている。Kitamura, Y., 2017. Predicting a flash crash in the yen/dollar foreign exchange market.Applied Economics Letters 24 (14), 987-990.Abstract&nbsp;I examine whether the volume-synchronized probability of informed trading&nbsp;(VPIN) can predict a flash crash in the yen/dollar foreign exchange market. The results show&nbsp;that VPIN using bulk volume classification predicted a recent event. However, VPIN using&nbsp;order flows, which are the amount of the ask-side transaction minus those of bid-side, does&nbsp;not.

  • 為替介入政策に対する新しい評価方法の研究


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  • 外国為替市場の効率性に関する研究


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    Previousstudies on the stock market consider the degree of market efficiency to be an inverseof the predictive power of order flow. Following this notion, I propose simple marketefficiency measures in foreign exchange (FX) markets. The first measureconsiders the market to be inefficient when positive (negative) order flowspredict the appreciation (depreciation) of a base currency. The second measure considerswhether predictions using order flow result in tangible gains. These measuresare related to liquidity levels and information factors in FX markets, unlike themeasures in previous studies.

  • 外国為替直物市場における期待の計測に関する研究


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    本研究は科研費若手研究Bの課題「外国為替直物市場の情報透明性を考慮した経済モデルの構築およびその実証」と相互補完するかたちでなされたものであり、以下の研究目的ならびにそれを達成すべく研究を行い、その研究成果を国際専門誌で公刊した。外国為替直物市場の市場参加者の期待を、日次、日中ベースでリアルタイムに計測することを目的とし研究を進めた。この研究の政策的意義は、為替介入政策等を行う財務省等の通貨当局が市場心理をより適切に把握し、より効率的にその政策目的を達成することに貢献するといったところにある。つまりは、外国為替市場に対して介入政策などを実施する通貨当局は、市場がどのような状態にあるのかをより正確にリアルタイムで把握することが必要であると考え、そのための計量的手法を開発することが本研究の目的であった。また、たとえ介入政策が行われなくとも、市場が如何なる状態にあるか(市場が何を考えているか)といったことを把握することは、金融政策全般にとっても必要不可欠なことである。 近年、市場期待を為替レートに反映させる役割を果たすと考えられてきたオーダー・フローのその役割が低下していることが、ここ数年のデーターセットを用いた実証分析より明らかとなった。このことは、オーダー・フローは市場期待を伝達する要素とそれ以外の要素(ノイズ等)で構成され、前者が後者に支配されていることを推測させる。そこで、今後はオーダー・フローの要素別分解方法についての研究を中心に行い、その分解から市場期待を抽出することを試みた。そうすることで、観察されたオーダー・フローから市場期待と知ることが可能となり、適切なタイミングでの政策発動もしくは適切な政策の立案への貢献が期待される。 具体的な研究成果としては、その計測モデルを確立することができ、そのやや複雑な構造をもったモデルを推定することで市場期待に関連すると考えられる具体的な値(数値)を得ることが出来たことである。

  • 異時点間消費と経常収支の関係


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    経常収支の動向と利子率の関係に注目した研究を行った.本研究は,経常収支の動向と利子率との経験的な関係に注目している.本研究の具体的なアプローチとしては,国際資本市場での利子率の変動に影響を受ける異時点間消費平準化行動を考え,その行動から導かれる経常収支の変動に注目している.本研究は,基本的にはBergin and Sheffrin(2000. Economic Journal 110, 535-558)で展開されたモデルを応用して,利子率が一定とされる従来の経常収支の異時点間モデル(simple model)を,利子率が可変的なモデルへと拡張している.利子率としては,短期金融市場金利(market model)と株価収益率(stock model)を考え,simple, market そしてstockモデルを日本,カナダ,英国のデータを用いてそれぞれ実証分析し,それらの現実の経常収支に対する説明力を比較している.そして,異時点間の消費最適化行動と国際株式市場の収益率(先進7カ国の株式市場平均収益率)との関連を経常収支のモデルに組み入れた場合,そのモデルが現実の経常収支の動向を非常に高い精度で予測することが前記3カ国のデータを用いた分析で明らかにされた.上述した本研究の結果は,代表的個人が自らの恒常所得を一時的に上回る部分の所得を対外的に貸し付けることに加えて,その貸し付けを行うことで得られる収益率をも考慮して行動するものと解釈される.加えて,対外資産に占める株式保有の割合が低水準である日本で,世界株式収益率を考慮した場合,異時点間消費最適化モデルを用いると,現実の経常収支に対する説明力が極めて良くなるといった,一見すると奇妙な実証結果が得られた.この事実は,世界株式収益率が,収益としてのみならず,経済の先行きといった自らの恒常所得に関わる「情報」として,代表的個人の異時点間消費行動に影響するという側面から解釈されるという仮説を提示したことになる.

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