Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title

Research Projects

  • "The Great Retrenchment" and Regimes of Regional Integration: Testing Political Economic Systems

    Project Year :


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    The Great Retrenchment of capital flows after the global financial crisis revealed the development dynamism of East Asian regime of regional integration as compared to European counterpart. First, as to macro-financial aspects, while Europe exposed the structural vulnerability of a common currency system without fiscal federalism, East Asia, free from common currency and based on the experience of the Asian financial crisis, has successfully established macro-financial policy regimes, which is exchange rate and financial stability oriented as against the volatility of international capital flows. Second, as to the real aspect of trade and investment, while the endogenous dynamism of trend wage growth is transforming industrial location in East Asia, the value-chain linkage of these two regions interestingly started to deepen through declining link cost due to technological innovation and trade policy as well

  • Spillover and Cycle Effects of Regional Integration : Growth and Business Cycles in East Asia and Enlarged EU

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOHSAKA Akira, ABE Shigeyuki, OGAWA Eiji, KIMURA Fukunari, FUKAGAWA Yukiko, SATOU Kiyotaka, MIENO Fumiharu, OTSUKI Tsunehiro, NAGANO Mamoru, OKABE Misa, HOJO Masakazu, ENYA Masahiro, MCKENZIE C. R., NAIKI Yoshiko

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    In East Asia, expanding production networks through intermediate goods trade and foreign direct investment have promoted regional integration. This accompanies hollowing-out of manufacturing in advanced economies and nurtures engines of industrialization in developing economies, drawing up a new industrial map in the region. On the other hand, against financial business cycles caused by ballooning capital flows, East Asia has pursued exchange rate stability, lengthened capital compositions and constrained external financing along with production networking, thereby building up unique macro-financial regimes more robust against growing financial risks. East Asian regional integration may constitute a new 21century type development model

  • Studies of East Asian Community with Reference to the Legacy of Empires

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMEMORI Naoyuki, MOURI Kazuko, WAKATABE Masazumi, MOTONO Eiichi, NAGAYO Susumu, OKAMOTO Koichi, KUDO Motoo, RI Sonshi, AMAKO Satoshi, TSUBOI Yoshiharu, FUKAGAWA Yukiko, RYU Ketsu, SHINODA Toru, OBIBATA Sumio, ANZAI Kunio, GOTO Kenichi, KURODA Kazuo, SONODA Shigeto, HIRANO Keniciro

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    Our project has contributed to scholarly investigations on East Asian Community in terms of the collection of historical materials on "Asianism" in postwar Japan, the promotion of mutual historical understandings between Japan and Korea, and the development of new methodologies for Asian Studies. The Construction of the database of Japan Socialist Party documents, the publication of three volume bulletins on "Historical Recognition in Japan and Korea," and three volume book series "Ajiagaku no susume (Introduction to Asian Studies)" are the examples of our accomplishments.

  • Language Reform and Modernity ; an East Asian Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KARIMA Fumitoshi

  • アジアNICs諸国比較研究(I)韓国・台湾

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  • Institutional Convergence and Development Strategy/Policy Choice under Regional Integration in the Pacific Region

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  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center