(KIET), Sep. ~ Mar. 1999
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(KIET), Sep. ~ Mar. 1999
該当なし 経済学研究科 Economics
該当なし 経済学研究科 Economics
該当なし 経済学部 Economics
American Economic Association
Econometric Society
Society for Computational Economics
Monetary Policy and Corporate Investment: Analysis of the Asset Price Channel and the Balance Sheet Channel
SaangJoon Baak
BOK 経済分析 2018-9 2018年03月
Is the yen misaligned more during the Abenomics period?
SaangJoon Baak
Japan and the World Economy ( 44 ) 26 - 34 2017年10月 [査読有り]
Estimates of Korea’s bilateral export functions
SaangJoon Baak
Journal of Market Economy 44 ( 1 ) 1 - 32 2015年
Changes in the Japanese market since Abenomics and penetration strategies for Korean firms
日本研究、韓日産業技術協力財団 14 ( 03 ) 2014年03月
The long recession of Japan and its lessons for Korea
SaangJoon Baak
Market and Government Research Center, Seoul National University 2014年03月
Revisiting the J curve for Japan
M. Ono, S.J. Baak
Modern Economy vol. 5 32 - 47 2014年
世界経済の構造転換が東アジア地域に与える影響、日中韓国際共同研究報告書、内閣府経済社会総合研究所 2013年
Measuring misalignments in the Korean exchange rate
SaangJoon Baak
ERINA Discussion Paper No. 1102e 2011年
The impact of exchange rates on the Korean exports: Focusing the possibility of structural changes
SaangJoon Baak
Journal of Market Economy vol. 40 ( no.1 ) 27 - 49 2011年
The impact of the Chinese Renminbi on Korean and Japanese Exports to the United States
SaangJoon Baak
Korea and the World Economy vol. 12 ( no. 3 ) 425 - 455 2011年
Revisiting the J curve for Japan
Masanori Ono, SaangJoon Baak
Discussion Paper Series 66, The Economic Society of Fukushima University 2010年
The service sector in the ROK
SaangJoon Baak
ERINA ROK Economic System Series no. 14 2008年
The bilateral real exchange rates and trade between China and the U.S.
SaangJoon Baak
China Economic Review vol. 19, no. 3 2008年 [査読有り]
The effect of the Chinese renminbi on Korean Exports to Japan
SaangJoon Baak
The Journal of Econometric Study of Northeast Asia vol. 6, no. 1 103 - 112 2007年
Exchange rate volatility and exports from East Asian countries to Japan and the U.S.
SaangJoon Baak
Applied Economics vol. 39 2007年 [査読有り]
The impact of the Chinese renminbi on the exports of the ROK and Japan to the US
SaangJoon Baak
ERINA Discussion Paper No. 0604e 2006年
Exchange rate volatility and trade among the Asia Pacific countries
SaangJoon Baak
Journal of International Economic Studies 8 ( 1 ) 93 - 116 2004年
Exchange rate volatility and exports from East Asian countries to Japan and the U.S.
SaangJoon Baak, Arif Al-Mahmood, Souksavanh Vixathep
International Development Series 03-2 2003年
The impact of the Japanese yen on the Korean won: before and after the Asian financial crisis
SaangJoon Baak
Journal of Econometric Study of Northeast Asia, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 39~50. 3 ( 2 ) 39 - 50 2002年
Exchange rate volatility and the Korean exports
SaangJoon Baak
Journal of Korean Economic Analysis 7 ( 3 ) 179 - 213 2001年
Dynamics of a market with market participants switching their expectation formation functions
Korea’s Official Pool of International Economists & Regional Experts Series 2001-33 2001年
Heterogeneous Expectations, Volatility and Welfare
International Development Series 1 2000年
Optimal strategies for the futures trade of the Korean Public Procurement Service
SaangJoon Baak, Y.S. Jung
Tests for Bounded Rationality with a Linear Dynamic Model Distorted by Heterogeneous Expectations
SaangJoon Baak
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control vol. 23 1517 - 1527 1999年 [査読有り]
The macroeconomic effects of foreign direct investment
SaangJoon Baak
KIET industrial economy (KIET産業経済) vol. 2 1998年
Investment of Physical Capital in Korean Manufacturing Industries: From Quantity to Quality
SaangJoon Baak
KIET Economic Review vol. 3 ( no. 2 ) 3 - 7 1998年
IMF Bail-Out and Korea’s Economic Reform
SaangJoon Baak, Y. S. Jung
KIET Economic Review vol. 3 ( no.1 ) 3 - 15 1998年
明石書店 2014年 ISBN: 9784750340821
韓国のサービス部門−その傾向と労働生産性の国際比較 (第4章、韓国経済の現代的課題)
日本評論社 2010年 ISBN: 9784535556164
Impacts of tariffs of the US against China on the machinery exports of China and Japan to the US
Was there a structural break in the impacts of exchange rates on the machinery exports of Japan to the US?
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Baak SaangJoon
Impacts of tariffs of the US against China on the machinery exports of Asian countries to the US
Republic of Korea Seoul National University
Bounded rationality and Exchange rate volatility
アメリカ Ann-Arbor,University of Michigan
国際学術院 大学院アジア太平洋研究科
政治経済学術院 大学院経済学研究科
産業経営研究所 兼任研究所員
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