クィーンズランド大学 言語科学研究科 コンピュータ支援語学学習、第2言語習得論
南クィーンズランド大学 教育学研究科 第2言語教授法
ボンド大学 文芸・言語研究科 応用言語学、コンピュータ支援語学学習
2025/02/08 更新
クィーンズランド大学 言語科学研究科 コンピュータ支援語学学習、第2言語習得論
南クィーンズランド大学 教育学研究科 第2言語教授法
ボンド大学 文芸・言語研究科 応用言語学、コンピュータ支援語学学習
Motivation and autonomy
Glenn Stockwell, Yijen Wang
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology 144 - 156 2024年01月
Proceedings of the XXIst International CALL Research Conference
Yijen Wang, Glenn Stockwell
Shifting Paradigms in Language Learning and Teaching
Glenn Stockwell
Mobile Assisted Language Learning 2022年
Physical, Psychosocial and Pedagogical Issues
Glenn Stockwell
Mobile Assisted Language Learning 2022年
Fundamental Considerations of Teaching with Mobile Technologies
Glenn Stockwell
Mobile Assisted Language Learning 2022年
Insights from replication on the factors affecting task engagement in mobile-based learning activities
Glenn Stockwell
Technology in Language Teaching & Learning 2019年06月
Digital Media Literacy in Language Teaching
Glenn Stockwell
Journal of Korean Language Education null ( 36 ) 361 - 381 2015年
Tasks and technology: Introduction
Glenn Stockwell
Contemporary Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia 191 - 192 2015年01月
Exploring theory in computer-assisted language learning
Stockwell, G
In X. Deng & R. Seow (Eds), Alternative Pedagogies in the English Language & Communication Classroom: Selected Papers from the Fourth CELC Symposium for English Language Teachers. Singapore: Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore. 25 - 30 2014年06月
Investigating an intelligent system for vocabulary learning through reading
Glenn Stockwell
The JALT CALL Journal 9 ( 3 ) 259 - 274 2013年12月
Technology and Motivation in English-Language Teaching and Learning
Glenn Stockwell
International Perspectives on Motivation: Language Learning and Professional Challenges 156 - 175 2013年08月
Some emerging principles for mobile-assisted language learning
Stockwell, G., &am, Hubbard, P
TIRF Report 2013 1 - 14 2013年06月
Tracking Learner Usage of Mobile Phones for Language Learning Outside of the Classroom
Glenn Stockwell
CALICO Journal 118 - 136 2013年06月
Online Approaches to Learning Vocabulary: Teacher-Centred or Learner-Centred?
Glenn Stockwell
Explorations of Language Teaching and Learning with Computational Assistance 2013年
Technology and Motivation
Glenn Stockwell
The Incidental Development of L2 Proficiency in NS-NNS Email Interactions
Glenn Stockwell, Michael Harrington
CALICO Journal 20 ( 2 ) 337 - 359 2013年01月
Working with constraints in mobile learning: A response to ballance
Glenn Stockwell
Language Learning and Technology 16 ( 3 ) 24 - 31 2012年10月 [査読有り]
Mobile-assisted language learning
Stockwell, G
In M. Thomas, H. Reinders & M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary computer-assisted language learning. London & New York: Continuum Books. 201 - 216 2012年02月
Glenn Stockwell
Computer-assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice 2012年
Stockwell, G.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice 2012年
Stockwell, G., Tanaka-Ellis, N.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice 2012年
Computer-Assisted Language Learning Diversity in Research and Practice Introduction
Glenn Stockwell
Computer-assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice 2012年
Computer-Assisted Language Learning Diversity in Research and Practice Conclusion
Glenn Stockwell
Computer-assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice 2012年
Stockwell, G.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice 2012年
Diversity in research and practice
Glenn Stockwell
Computer-assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice 2012年
Online Approaches to Learning Vocabulary
Glenn Stockwell
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 1 ( 1 ) 33 - 44 2011年04月
Theme: Mobile Language Learning
Stockwell, G., Sotillo, S.
Language, Learning and Technology 15 ( 3 ) 2011年
Glenn Stockwell
LANGUAGE LEARNING & TECHNOLOGY 14 ( 2 ) 95 - 110 2010年06月 [査読有り]
Stockwell, G.
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 4 ( 3 ) 2010年
Effects of multimodality in computer-mediated communication tasks
Stockwell, G
In M. Thomas & H. Reinders (Eds.), Task-based language teaching and technology. London & New York: Continuum Books. 2009年10月
Effects of multimodality in computer-mediated communication tasks
Stockwell, G
In M. Thomas & H. Reinders (Eds.), Task-based language teaching and technology. London & New York: Continuum Books. 83 - 104 2009年10月
Technology choice for teaching language skills: A review of the CALL literature
Stockwell, G
ReCALL Journal 19 ( 2 ) 2007年05月
A review of technology choice for teaching language skills and areas in the CALL literature
Stockwell, G.
ReCALL 19 ( 2 ) 105 - 120 2007年05月
Syntactical and lexical development in NNS-NNS Asynchronous CMC
Glenn Stockwell
The JALT CALL Journal 1 ( 3 ) 33 - 49 2005年12月
Communication breakdown in asynchronous CMC.
Stockwell, G
Australian Language & Literacy Matters 1 ( 3 ) 7 - 31 2004年11月
What do learners really acquire through email interactions with native speakers?
Stockwell, G
LET Kyushu-Okinawa Bulletin 3 31 - 42 2003年11月
Stockwell, G.
ReCALL 15 ( 1 ) 37 - 50 2003年05月
The incidental development of L2 proficiency in NS-NNS email interactions.
Stockwell, G. &, Harrington, M
CALICO Journal 20 ( 2 ) 337 - 359 2003年04月
Using email for enhanced cultural awareness.
Stockwell, E.S.H. &, Stockwell, G
Australian Language Matters 11 ( 1 ) 3 - 4 2003年01月
Review of the book "Studies in language testing: A comparison of direct and semi-direct speaking tests."
Stockwell, G
Australian Language Matters 10 ( 1 ) 18 - 18 2002年02月
Sustainability of email interactions between native speakers and nonnative speakers.
Stockwell, G. &, Levy, M
Computer Assisted Language Learning, 14 (5), 419-442. 14 ( 5 ) 419 - 442 2001年12月
Review of the book "Planning lessons and courses: Designing sequences of work for the language classroom".
Stockwell, G
Australian Language Matters 9 ( 4 ) 15 - 15 2001年12月
Review of the book "Oral language and the teaching of English: An inservice package".
Stockwell, G
Australian Language Matters 8 ( 4 ) 12 - 12 2001年12月
Developing second language proficiency descriptions for interactions via electronic mail: A look at the ISLPR.
Stockwell, G
Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics 3 22 - 37 2001年10月
Sustainability of e-mail interactions between native speakers and nonnative speakers
Stockwell, G., Levy, M.
International Journal of Phytoremediation 21 ( 1 ) 2001年
NS-NNS interactions and SLA.
Stockwell, G
Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics 2 5 - 22 2000年10月
Review of the book "Armed martial arts of Japan: Swordsmanship and archery".
Stockwell, G
Asian Studies Review 24 ( 2 ) 291 - 293 2000年08月
Internationalisation of Japanese language education in the 21st century.
Stockwell, G
Cultural Mandala (Online Journal) 4 ( 2 ) 2000年06月
Electronic mail as a medium for second language learning.
Stockwell, G
Working Papers in CALL No. 6. Griffith University. (ISBN 0-909291-45-X) 2000年06月
Computer-mediated communication: Some research issues.
Stockwell, G
Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics 1 19 - 32 1999年10月
Testing English speaking skills through the computer: A preliminary study
Stockwell, G
Working Papers in CALL No. 5. Griffith University. (ISBN 0-909291-43-8). 1999年06月
Using computer-mediated communication for language and culture acquisition.
Gray, R. &, Stockwell. G
On-CALL 12 ( 3 ) 2 - 9 1998年12月
Using computer-mediated communication for language and culture acquisition.
Gray, R. &, Stockwell, G
On-CALL 12 ( 3 ) 2 - 9 1998年11月
Simulations in language learning: A student perspective.
Stockwell, G
Babel 33 ( 2 ) 24 - 27 1998年07月
Introducing CALL into a spoken Japanese language class.
Stockwell, G
Working Papers in CALL No. 4. Griffith University. (ISBN 0-909291-42-X). 1998年06月
Utilising CALL with elementary Japanese students.
Stockwell, G
Working Papers in CALL No. 3. Griffith University. (ISBN 0-909291-41-1). 1997年06月
Review of the book "Virtual connections".
Stockwell, G
On-CALL 11 ( 2 ) 60 - 61 1997年06月
ESL students and simulations on computer.
Stockwell, G
Working Papers in CALL No. 2. Griffith University. (ISBN 0-909291-40-3). 1996年06月
The realities and possibilities of computers in language classrooms.
Stockwell, G
Working Papers in CALL No. 1. Griffith University. (ISBN 0-909291-39-X). 1995年07月
Computer Assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research & Practice.
Stockwell. G
Cambridge University Press 2012年01月 ISBN: 9781107016347
CALL dimensions: Options and issues in Computer-Assisted Language Learning.
Levy, M. &, Stockwell, G
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 2006年06月
XVIIth International CALL Research Conference, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
発表年月: 2015年07月
JALTCALL 2015 Conference, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan
発表年月: 2015年06月
KOTESOL 2015 National Conference, Sookmyung Womens's University, Seoul, South Korea
発表年月: 2015年05月
The Digital Education Show Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
発表年月: 2015年05月
AsiaCALL 2014 Conference, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan
発表年月: 2014年11月
2014 International Conference on Educational Innovation, National Hsinchu University of Education, Hsinchu, Taiwan
発表年月: 2014年11月
XVIth International CALL Research Conference, Antwerp, Belgium
発表年月: 2014年07月
JALTCALL 2014 Conference, Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Nagoya, Japan
発表年月: 2014年06月
TESOL BEYOND Conference, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea
発表年月: 2014年04月
International Conference on Computers in Education, University of Bali, Indonesia
発表年月: 2013年11月
GloCALL 2013 Conference, University of Danang, Vietnam
発表年月: 2013年11月
2014 Forum on Technology and ESP, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
発表年月: 2013年07月
25th ETRA Conference, National Chengkung University, Taiwan
発表年月: 2013年05月
IVth Singapore CELC Symposium, Singapore National University, Singapore
発表年月: 2013年05月
KOTESOL 2012 Conference, Sookmyung Womens University, South Korea
発表年月: 2012年10月
EuroCALL 2012 Conference, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
発表年月: 2012年09月
Paper presented at the JALTCALL 2012 Conference, Konan University, Japan
発表年月: 2012年06月
15th International CALL Research Conference, Providence University, Taiwan
発表年月: 2012年05月
KAMALL 2011 Conference, Paichai University, South Korea
発表年月: 2011年11月
JALTCALL 2011 Conference, Kurume University, Japan
発表年月: 2011年06月
EuroCALL 2010 Conference, University of Bordeaux, France
発表年月: 2010年09月
EuroCALL 2010 Conference, University of Bordeaux, France
発表年月: 2010年09月
14th International CALL Research Conference, University of Antwerp, Belgium
発表年月: 2010年08月
GloCALL 2009 Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand
発表年月: 2009年12月
JALT 2009 Conference, Shizuoka, Japan
発表年月: 2009年11月
XIIIth International CALL Research Conference, University of Antwerp, Belgium
発表年月: 2008年08月
JALTCALL 2008 Conference, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Nagoya
発表年月: 2008年06月
JALTCALL 2007 Conference, Waseda University, Tokyo
発表年月: 2007年06月
British Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, The Open University, UK
発表年月: 2007年06月
EuroCALL 2006 Conference, University of Granada, Spain
発表年月: 2006年09月
12th International CALL Research Conference, University of Antwerp, Belgium
発表年月: 2006年08月
ALAA 2006 Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
発表年月: 2006年07月
PacSLRF 2006 Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
発表年月: 2006年07月
JALTCALL 2006 Conference, Sapporo Gakuin University, Hokkaido, Japan
発表年月: 2006年06月
JALTCALL 2005 Conference, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
発表年月: 2005年06月
EuroCALL 2004 Conference, University of Vienna, Austria
発表年月: 2004年09月
EuroCALL 2003 Conference, Limerick, Ireland
発表年月: 2003年09月
28th Annual Congress of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
発表年月: 2003年07月
EuroCALL 2002 Conference, Jyvaskyla, Finland
発表年月: 2002年08月
Cross-institutional study on the effects of an intelligent embedded training system on language learning in a mobile environment.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
G・R Stockwel
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))
原田 康也, 中野 美知子, 井佐原 均, 楠元 範明, 北原 真冬, STOCKWELL G・R, 星井 牧子, 河村 まゆみ, 前坊 香菜子, 中野 美知子, 井佐原 均, 楠元 範明, 北原 真冬, ストックウエル グレン
Mobile Assisted Language Learning Concepts, Contexts and Challenges
Glenn Stockwell
Mobile Assisted Language Learning Concepts, Contexts and Challenges 1 - 242 2022年01月
Technology, Motivation and Autonomy, and Teacher Psychology in Language Learning: Exploring the Myths and Possibilities
Glenn Stockwell, Hayo Reinders
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 39 40 - 51 2019年
Call dimensions: Options and issues in computer-assisted language learning
Mike Levy, Glenn Stockwell
Call Dimensions: Options and Issues in Computer-Assisted Language Learning 1 - 310 2013年01月
2024年 秋学期
2024年 春学期
2024年 秋学期
2024年 春学期
International Communications and Culture II S (Teaching English As a Second Language)
2024年 春学期
International Communications and Culture II F (Teaching English As a Second Language)
2024年 秋学期
International Communications and Culture I F (Teaching English As a Second Language)
2024年 秋学期
International Communications and Culture I S (Teaching English As a Second Language)
2024年 春学期
韓国 ソウル国立大学
ベルギー アントワープ大学
法学学術院 大学院法学研究科
国際学術院 国際コミュニケーション研究科
附属機関・学校 グローバルエデュケーションセンター
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