Updated on 2024/10/24

Faculty of Law, School of Law
Job title
Ph.D. ( Georgetown University )

Research Experience

  • 2005.04

    早稲田大学法学学術院   法学部   専任講師

  • 1999

    The University of Tokyo   Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology

Education Background

  • 1990.08

    Georgetown University   Department of Linguistics  

  • 1988.01

    University of Delaware   Department of English   English Language Studies  

  • 1986.01

    University of Delaware   Department of English  

  • 1979.04

    Sophia University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Department of Sociology  

Committee Memberships

  • 2022.04

    Pragmatics Society of Japan  Editorial Board, Studies in Pragmatics

  • 2015.04

    Japan Association of Language and Law  Editor-in-chief

  • 2015.04

    日本語用論学会  運営委員

  • 2009

    法と言語学会  理事

Professional Memberships


    The Japanese Association for Language and Law


    Pragmatics Society of Japan


    Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences


    Linguistic Society of Japan


    International Association of Forensic Linguists


    International Association of Pragmatics

▼display all

Research Areas

  • Linguistics

Research Interests

  • Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, language and law


  • Routledge Outstanding Linguistics Dissertation (2002)




  • Ordeals and New Paths of Presupposition Studies: Sharing and Manipulation of Presupposition in the Age of Metaverse

    Sachiko Shudo

    IEICE Technical Report   122 ( 103 ) 19 - 23  2022.07  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • How to Translate Apology and Non-apology in Legal Contexts: A Linguistic Analysis of Potentially Serious “Subtle Mistranslation” in Japan

    Sachiko Shudo

    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law   32 ( 4 ) 795 - 817  2019.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © 2019, Springer Nature B.V. Rendering equivalency in the translation of apologies is a perennial difficulty for court interpreters, especially given the likely involvement of cross-cultural differences with regard to remorse, since they may or may not imply admissions of guilt. This article discusses translations during the 2009 Japanese trial of an English-speaking defendant that appeared subtly to shift the defendant’s ‘non-apologies’ and ‘semi-apologies’ toward ‘apologies’. The difference between the expression “I felt bad” used by the defendant and the Japanese apologetic expression used by the translator is explained with reference to the pragmatic notions of speech acts, presuppositions, and implicature. Such pragmatically inaccurate translations highlight the difficulty of the court interpreter’s job, and show that judges and attorneys should be sensitive to the judgement calls that interpreters inevitably make and to the possibility that the translations they receive may convey erroneous implications.



  • Contextual Variations in the Apologetic Expressions in Japanese

    Sachiko Shudo

    IEICE Report   118 ( 516 ) 103 - 107  2019.03

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • ポライトネス方略を伴う評価提示発話に対する聞き手の『値踏み』行動を考える―「微妙な」を中心に―

    『聞き手行動のコミュニケーション学』(村田和代(編)) ひつじ書房    2018.12

  • Sincerity Condition Revisited: Truth or Dare?

    Sachiko Shudo

    IEICE Technical Report   116   101 - 104  2016.12

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • 近年の「普通に」の言語使用における泡沫性ポライトネス効果

    緒形杏史由, 首藤佐智子

    電子情報通信学会技術報告(信学技報)   ( 2015-48 ) 47 - 52  2015.12

  • 前提を伴う表現の司法コンテクストにおける取り扱い-ガルスパハ事件における誤訳問題-


    電子情報通信学会技術報告(信学技報) TL2015-48   ( 2015-48 ) 73 - 78  2015.12

  • 「残念な」の客観化にみる語用論的制約操作とポライトネスの希薄化現象


    日本語語用論フォーラム1 加藤重広(編)   ( 1 ) 209 - 247  2015.09

  • Unbearable lightness of politeness : An analysis of new (and newer) usages of zannen in Japanese

    JCSS Japanese Congnitive Science Society     661 - 666  2013.09


  • 名詞句連接の日韓対照研究- 「NP1のNP2」と「NP1의NP2」の制約の相違と相対的頻度-

    日本認知科学会第29回大会論文集     440 - 446  2012.12

  • A Contrastive Study on the Adnominal Case Constructions in Japanese and Korean Based on Relative Frequency of '-no' vs. '-ui'

    Jae-Woong Choe, Sachiko Shudo, Yasunari Harada

    Language Information   7  2012.03  [Refereed]

  • A Contrastive Study on the Adnominal Constructions in Japanese and Korean: Relative Frequency of ‘-no’ vs. ‘-ui'.

    Jae-woong Choe, Sachiko Shudo, Yasunari Harada

    Technical Report of IEICE TL2011-49   111 ( 320 ) 61 - 66  2011.11

  • A Contrastive Study on the Adnominal Constructions in Japanese and Korean : Relative Frequency of '-no' vs. '-ui'

    CHOE Jae-Woong, SHUDO Sachiko, HARADA Yasunari

    Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language   111 ( 320 ) 61 - 66  2011.11

     View Summary

    Syntax in Japanese and Korean shows "striking similarities" especially when we consider that the two languages are not directly connected historically the way Spanish and Italian are, for instance. Such similarities also pertain in the way two nouns (phrases) are combined to form a larger nominal expression. However, when we take a careful look into the distribution and relative frequency of adnominal constructions with particles '-no' and '-ui' against noun-noun compounds, we notice an interesting difference between the two languages. Here we report a preliminary result of our survey using a small parallel corpus, corroborated with data from larger monolingual corpora.


  • Syugo HOTTA, "Linguistic theories of language in legal settings"

    SHUDO Sachiko

    Japanse journal of law and psychology   10 ( 1 ) 161 - 163  2011.03


  • 前提条件における間主観的制約の多様性について


    武黒麻紀子(編)「言語の間主観性-認知・文化の多様な姿を探る」 早稲田大学出版会    2011.03

  • 書評:堀田秀吾「法コンテキストの言語理論」


    法と心理   10:1  2011.03

  • 評議における力関係構築の語用論的考察


    日本語用論学会発表論文集   ( 5 ) 233 - 236  2010.12


  • Even: expectation and beyond

    Sachiko Shudo

    日本語用論学会発表論文集   ( 5 ) 185 - 192  2010.12


  • 評議における裁判官による言語行為

    堀田秀吾, 首藤佐智子

    日本語用論学会発表論文集   ( 4 )  2009.12

  • 言語使用のメタ認知的内省の情報資源としてのインターネット: 前提条件再構築の検討を例として

    首藤佐智子, 原田康也

    日本認知科学会第26回大会予稿集    2009.09

  • 「の」の意味論と語用論再考:容認度に反映される文脈への貢献度

    原田康也, 首藤佐智子

    日本認知科学会第26回大会予稿集    2009.09

  • おとり捜査における違法性認識をめぐる言語分析—産業スパイ事件を題材に—


    月刊言語   ( 9 )  2009.08

  • Large companies’ preemption of university inventions by joint research is strangling Japanese entrepreneurship and contributing to the degradation of university science

    Robert Kneller, Sachiko Shudo

    Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan    2009.01

  • 大学共同研究における企業のプリエンプションの健全性を問う—ベンチャーを育む研究環境こそが真の科学を生み出す—

    ロバート・ケネラー, 首藤佐智子

    日本知財学会誌    2009.01

  • Japanese mo and Korean to in even-like usages: What Gricean Maxims tell us to optimize in a scalar model

    Sachiko Shudo

    日本語用論学会発表論文集第3号   ( 3 ) 279 - 286  2008.12


  • 文脈的制約の再構築による前提の特定——助詞モと文脈依存的類義性

    首藤佐智子, 原田康也

    日本言語学会第136回大会予稿集    2008.06

  • How even revises expectation in a scalar model: Analogy with Japanese mo

    Sachiko Shudo

    Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, PACLIC 22     74 - 86  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study, concentrating on multi-focus usages of scalar additive particles, such as English even, mo in Japanese and to in Korean, shows that they signal the survival of a correlational continuum in a scalar model despite the described unexpected event. This analysis, building upon the scalar model proposed by Fillmore, et al (1988) and Kay's (1990) analysis of even, extends Shudo's analysis (1998, 2002) of mo and claims that even behaves like scalar mo and to. © 2008 by Sachiko Shudo.

  • 前提条件操作の限界:「よろしかったでしょうか」の語用論分析

    首藤 佐智子

    日本言語学会第135回大会予稿集    2007.11

  • 商標の普通名称化問題における言語学的論点:ウォークマン事件を題材に

    首藤 佐智子

    社会言語科学   7 ( 2 ) 14 - 24  2005.03

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    This study analyzes linguistic issues involved in legal decisions on the genericization of trademarks. In particular, the Austrian Supreme Court decision on the trademark Walkman is examined. The analysis focuses on the following two issues. First, the generic usage of a trademark is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the mark has become generic. If a person is aware of the trademark status of the word, it is usually possible for him/her to distinguish when the word is being used in its trademarked or generic senses. Secondly, the Austrian decision reasons that the listing of the word in a dictionary is evidence of its genericization. However, such reasoning may not be valid in view of the objectives and the lexicographic principles of a dictionary.

    DOI CiNii

  • 商標の類似性判断における客観的判断指標の模索:大森林事件に学ぶ

    首藤 佐智子

    日本知財学会第2回研究発表予稿集    2004.07

  • Politeness paradox in manipulating presupposition

    Sachiko Shudo

    8th International Pragmatics Association Conference    2003.07

  • 商標の普通名称化問題における言語学的論点——ウォークマン事件を中心に

    首藤 佐智子

    第11回社会言語科学会研究大会予稿集    2003.03

  • 産学間の技術移転における知的財産権の役割

    ケネラーロバート, 首藤佐智子

    研究開発マネジメント   6 ( 5月 ) 30 - 45  2001.05


  • The pragmatic constraint on the usage of janaidesuka and its implication for politeness strategies

    Sachiko Shudo

    Lingua 11, Sophia University Language Education Center   ( 11 ) 201 - 213  2000.04


  • 官庁通知にみるあいまいな表現とその解釈—

    首藤 佐智子

    第4回社会言語科学会研究大会予稿集    1998.07

  • 『じゃないですか』の使用にみる語用論的制約の遵守とポライトネスの関係

    首藤 佐智子

    第3回社会言語科学会研究大会予稿集    1998.03

  • 発話行為の「名前」による概念の形成を探る―「脅迫する」「おどす」「おどかす」の成立条件の比較を参考に―

    池邉瑞和, 首藤佐智子


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Books and Other Publications

  • 『法と言語―法言語学へのいざない』橋内武・堀田秀吾 (編) 第10章

    首藤佐智子( Part: Contributor)

    くろしお出版  2012.04

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  • 『法と言語―法言語学へのいざない』橋内武・堀田秀吾 (編) 第9章

    首藤佐智子( Part: Contributor)

    くろしお出版  2012.04

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    第9章(ことばの証拠 (2) 商標の類否と識別性・商品の表示と注意書き)を担当

  • Trademark Distinctiveness in a Global Context

    Sachiko Shudo

    Intellectual Property Rights: A Global Vision. S.K. Verma & R. Mittal. (eds.)  2003.12

  • The Presupposition and Discourse Functions of the Japanese Particle Mo

    Sachiko Shudo

    Routledge  2002.07


  • 日本経済新聞2004年6月23日経済教室「利益相反の『管理』目指せ:ガイドライン必要」


  • 科学技術振興調整費成果報告書「技術移転の進化モデルの開発と法制度整備」



  • 司法的論点を伴うコンテクストにおける言語使用を語用論というツールを使って考える(裁判における誤訳)

    首藤佐智子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 司法的論点を伴うコンテクストにおける言語使用を語用論というツールを使って考える(偽証罪事件)

    首藤 佐智子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • Politeness Paradox: A Highly Intersubjective Presupposition Is Hard to Manipulate

    The English Linguistic Society of Japan 3rd International Spring Forum 2010 

    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • 言語形式を通して伝達される「場」に依存する情報


    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • 評議における力関係構築の語用論的考察


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • Even: expectation and beyond

    The 12th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • Internet Considered as Information Resource of Meta-Cognitive Reflections on Language Use: Reconstructing Presupposition

    The 26th Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • Contextual effects of the Japanese adnominal particle no

    The 26th Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • Presupposition manipulation as a politeness strategy: politeness through ostensive inferential communication

    The 11th International Pragmatics Conference 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • Presupposition of Even Revisited

    The 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language 

    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 評議における裁判官による言語行為: 発話内行為・発話媒介行為を中心に


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • How Even Revises Expectation in a Scalar Model: Analogy with Japanese Mo

    The 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 文脈的制約の再構築による前提の特定——助詞モと文脈依存的類義性


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 外国語を使用したおとり捜査における違法性認識の司法判断


    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • Japanese mo and Korean to in even-like usages: What Gricean Maxims tell us to optimize in a scalar model

    The 10th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • 前提条件操作の限界:「よろしかったでしょうか」の語用論分析


    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • Towards more objective criteria for decisions on similarities in trademark disputes: What linguistics analysis may contribute


    Presentation date: 2005.07

  • 商標の類似性判断における客観的判断指標の模索:大森林事件に学ぶ


    Presentation date: 2004.07

  • 商標裁判の類似性判断における言語学的分析の寄与


    Presentation date: 2004.05

  • Trademark Distinctiveness in a Global Context

    International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property Congress 

    Presentation date: 2003.08

  • 商標の普通名称的使用におけるパラドックス


    Presentation date: 2003.07

  • Politeness paradox in manipulating presupposition

    8th International Pragmatics Association Conference 

    Presentation date: 2003.07

  • 商標の普通名称化問題における言語学的論点—ウォークマン事件を中心に


    Presentation date: 2003.03

  • 官庁通知にみるあいまいな表現とその解釈—文部省通知の一考察


    Presentation date: 1999.07

  • 『じゃないですか』の使用にみる語用論的制約の遵守とポライトネスの関係


    Presentation date: 1999.03

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Research Projects

  • Towards better understanding how phonetic characteristics convey sincerity in speech acts: Phonetic analysis of apologies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • An Empirical and Interdisciplinary Study of Linguistic Phenomena Observed in Criminal Investigation which Aims to Apply Linguistic Analyses to Legal Practice

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



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    We have achieved almost all the goals proposed at the beginning of this study. We were lucky enough to obtain documents of false accusation cases which were offered by the defense counsel. We first analyzed them linguistically, conducted psychological experiments concerning utterance patters observed in those cases, and then examined the result and a proposal from a legal viewpoint. There are a few expressions that DO appear in the criminal investigation process but disappear when recorded on the documents. We focused on speech acts and sentence-ending particles which would help us determine what the accused would have wanted to express and what they would have thought to examine whether they really were trying to confess. The results were reported in many domestic and international conferences.

  • Linguistics of 'Ba': Emergence of Meaning in Ba

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :



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    This research was conceived on the idea to develop a novel theory on context-dependency in ordinary language use, by applying and extending the idea of 'Ba' (field), which is originally developed in the fields of physical and biological sciences to capture the interaction between local and global structures and phenomena. Based on cross-linguistic and cross-cultural analyses of dialogue interactions, together with a critical examination of conventional pragmatics theories, we proposed a picture of 'Ba' as a bundle of social norms and informational constraints implicit but shared by the participants in the situations of conversation. 'Wakimae' and dynamic construction are identified as two-way mechanisms that play central roles in the interaction between 'Ba' and utterances.

  • Linguistic Analysis of Language Use in Legal Contexts

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    Shudo Sachiko, HARADA Yasunari, TAKAHASHI Norio, HASHIUCHI Takeshi, HOTTA Syugo, IKEBE Migiwa, FUJII Tomoya

     View Summary

    This research linguistically analysed language use in legal contexts and explored the possible contribution of linguistics in legal fields. In particular, we examined through linguistic analysis controversial Japanese cases that were prosecuted as threats. As the linguistic analysis matches the conclusions of the judgments, it illustrates how linguistic analysis may help courts to solidify the objective bases of their judgments involving an utterance alleged as a threat.
    I also analyzed judicial interpretations in which the defendant’s ‘non-apologies’ and ‘semi-apologies’ were translated as apologies to show the necessity of achieving equivalence in translating such delicate expressions involving elements of apology.

  • Linguistics of 'Ba': Emergence of Meaning in Ba

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This research was conceived on the idea to develop a novel theory on context-dependency in ordinary language use, by applying and extending the idea of 'Ba' (field), which is originally developed in the fields of physical and biological sciences to capture the interaction between local and global structures and phenomena. Based on cross-linguistic and cross-cultural analyses of dialogue interactions, together with a critical examination of conventional pragmatics theories, we proposed a picture of 'Ba' as a bundle of social norms and informational constraints implicit but shared by the participants in the situations of conversation. 'Wakimae' and dynamic construction are identified as two-way mechanisms that play central roles in the interaction between 'Ba' and utterances

  • Linguistic Analysis of Language Use in Legal Contexts

    Project Year :


  • Toward Establishment and Practical Application of Linguistic Methods to Analyze Trademarks

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    HOTTA SYUGO, FUJITA Masahiro, SHUDO Sachiko

     View Summary

    The purposes of this study were to establish methods to analyze linguistic aspects of trademarks and to find ways to apply them to legal practice. Among the phenomena concerning trademarks, genericide and dilution were focused on and event related potentials (ERP) of marks undergoing those phenomena were measured. Some distinctive features were discovered concerning each of the phenomena in terms of ERP. We believe the results would have some implications for the practical application of those analyses.

  • Toward Establishment and Practical Application of Linguistic Methods to Analyze Trademarks

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    The purposes of this study were to establish methods to analyze linguistic aspects of trademarks and to find ways to apply them to legal practice. Among the phenomena concerning trademarks, genericide and dilution were focused on and event related potentials (ERP) of marks undergoing those phenomena were measured. Some distinctive features were discovered concerning each of the phenomena in terms of ERP. We believe the results would have some implications for the practical application of those analyses

  • 前提研究の新アプローチ:前提条件操作の限界事例からの検証

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Toward Construction of Linguistics of BA : Semantics and Pragmatics of BA

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HARADA Yasunari, IDE Sachiko, KATAGIRI Yasuhiro, YOSHIMOTO Kei, SAKAI Kazuo, SHUDO Sachiko, TAKEKURO Makiko, MAEBO Kanako, YOKOMORI Daisuke, ENDO Tomoko, HELENE Wlodarczyk, CHOE Jae-woong

     View Summary

    During the project period which started in fiscal 2009 and ended in fiscal 2011, researchers in various related fields including the principal investigator, liaison researchers, international research collaborators and supporting researchers joined together in private meetings, research meetings and two symposia and an international workshop for construction of and promotion of the concept of "linguistics of BA." Through those activities by renowned researchers in theoretical linguistics, formal semantics and pragmatics, discourse and conversation analyses, chaos and complex systems, artificial intelligence and man-machine interface, we clarified the need for theoretical grounding of this new approach and established the significance of "linguistics of BA."

  • An Interdisciplinary Study of Language in Lay Judge Trials and Its Influence on Participants' Decisions.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research a proposed research project)

    Project Year :


    HOTTA Syugo, HASHIUCHI Takeshi, MIZUNO Makiko, OKAWARA Mami, SYUDOU Sachiko, FUJITA Masahiro, WATANABE Gisyu, NAKAMURA Sachiko

     View Summary

    The goal of this study was to blend different disciplines, law, psychology, and linguistics and examine linguistic communication and in lay-judge trials and its effects on the outcomes. The goal was accomplished almost as originally planned, This team also published 4 books on language and law, and held the very first international symposium on forensic linguistics in Japan, which will be an important cornerstone for the development of this field in Japan.

  • Quantitative Analysis of Linguistic Communication in Lay Judge Trials and Exploration of Judicial Communication Models

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HOTTA Syugo, HASHIUTI Takeshi, MIZUNO Makiko, NAKAMURA Sachiko, SHUDOU Sachiko

     View Summary

    In this study, we compiled corpora of judicial communication and proposed a communication model in legal settings as planned. The corpora were compiled from deliberation and written judgments. The communication model was considered in terms of communicative competence.

  • Toward Construction of Linguistics of BA : Semantics and Pragmatics of BA

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    HARADA Yasunari, IDE Sachiko, KATAGIRI Yasuhiro, YOSHIMOTO Kei, SAKAI Kazuo, SHUDO Sachiko, TAKEKURO Makiko, MAEBO Kanako, YOKOMORI Daisuke, ENDO Tomoko, HELENE Wlodarczyk, CHOE Jae-woong

     View Summary

    During the project period which started in fiscal 2009 and ended in fiscal 2011, researchers in various related fields including the principal investigator, liaison researchers, international research collaborators and supporting researchers joined together in private meetings, research meetings and two symposia and an international workshop for construction of and promotion of the concept of "linguistics of BA." Through those activities by renowned researchers in theoretical linguistics, formal semantics and pragmatics, discourse and conversation analyses, chaos and complex systems, artificial intelligence and man-machine interface, we clarified the need for theoretical grounding of this new approach and established the significance of "linguistics of BA."

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  • 書評:堀田秀吾「法コンテキストの言語理論」


    法と心理   10:1  2011.03



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Overseas Activities

  • 非真理命題的意味に貢献する言語形式による意味生成の仕組み


    アメリカ   スタンフォード大学


  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 司法コンテクストにおける言語使用の特殊性・非特殊性を考える:語用論の視点から


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  • 司法的論点を伴う発話行為の語用論的分析


     View Summary


  • 司法的論点を伴う発話行為の語用論的分析


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  • 発話行為の成立を視野に入れた言語表現語用論的制約の考察


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  • ポライトネス要因に誘発された発話における言語表現の解釈プロセスにおけるポライトネス処理の考察


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     本研究では、言語形式の語用論的制約の操作事例において、ポライトネス効果が持続しない現象に焦点をあてて、その意味変遷や社会言語的に聞き手に与える印象等の考察を行った。「ポライトネス方略を伴う評価提示発話に対する聞き手の『値踏み』行動を考える」を他の発表者と著書にするために原稿を執筆中であり、現時点で発行に至っていない。また、謝罪における音声的特徴に着目した分析を行い、その音声的特徴が誠実性条件の伝達に関与し、操作可能な制約として機能していることを示した。この成果は、Sincerity Condition Revisited: Truth or Dare? と題して、2016年12月に電子情報通信学会思考と言語研究会で発表した。

  • ポライトネス誘因による語用論的制約操作が言語表現の意味変遷に与える影響の考察

    2015   緒形杏史由

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  • 言語学的前提条件を操作した限界事例の語用論的分析


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  • 前提研究の新アプローチ:前提条件操作の限界からの検証

    2010   原田康也

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    研究代表者(首藤)は2010年8月より米国スタンフォード大学言語情報研究センター(CSLI)において客員研究員として研究活動を行った。インターネットにおける情報の収集・分析を行った。受け入れ教員である同センター長のスタンリー・ピーターズ教授との意見交換を頻繁に行った。連携研究者(原田)とは、2010年7月までは、大学内において週に2回程度の打ち合わせを行い、8月以降は、8月末、12月末、1月上旬、3月末に米国スタンフォード大学において打ち合わせを行った。この成果は「前提条件における間主観的制約の多様性について」として執筆し、早稲田大学出版会から2011年3月に出版された「言語の間主観性-認知・文化の多様な姿を探る」(武黒麻紀子(編))に収録された。他の論文としては、日本語用論学会発表論文集第5号に「Even:expectation and beyond」と「 評議における力関係構築の語用論的考察」が掲載された。

  • 言語による面子威嚇行為の観点から見た前提条件操作に関する研究


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    前提を伴う言語表現を操作する用法について、インターネット上の情報を分析し、面子威嚇行為として聞き手に不快な印象を与えている可能性を模索した。研究成果を国内外の学会で発表した。2009年7月には、オーストラリアメルボルン大学で開催された第11回国際語用論学会で、Presupposition manipulation as a politeness strategy: politeness through ostensive inferential communicationと題する口頭発表を行った。2009年9月には、慶應大学藤沢キャンパスで開催された日本認知科学会第26回大会では、「言語のメタ認知情報資源としてのインターネット:一般的な母語話者の母語に対するメタ認知的内省にアクセスする」と「『の』の意味論と語用論再考:容認度に反映される文脈への貢献度」の2本のポスター発表を行った。2009年12月には、日本語用論学会第12回研究発表大会において、Even: expectation and beyondと題する口頭発表を行った。いずれの発表においても、他の研究者と活発な意見交換が行われ、有意義な研究の発展につながった。

  • 司法判断の事実認定における言語学的分析の寄与の模索


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    ○国際法言語学会 2005年7月1日から4日まで大英帝国ウェールズのカーディフ大学において開催された国際法言語学会に参加した。各国の法言語学者と意見を交換を行い、共同研究の可能性について協議した。4日には、Plain Language and Transparent Legal System for Lay People(一般人向けの法制度のための言語的課題)と題するシンポジウムを行なった。コーディネータである高崎経済大の大河原眞美教授が法の専門家と非専門家が司法に参加する際の相違を言語学的モデルを用いて説明し、政策研究大学院大学の藤田政博助教授が陪審員/裁判員への指示の理解における法律家特殊言語の影響の実験の報告した。首藤は、Towards more objective criteria for decisions on similarities in trademark disputes: What linguistics analysis may contributeと題する発表を行ない、日本の「大森林事件」を例に商標の類似判断において言語学的分析がその客観性を高める可能性を示唆した。○米国ジョージタウン大学訪問 2005年8月に米国のジョージタウン大学において調査を行った。○社会言語科学 2005年の社会言語科学第7巻第2号に「商標の普通名称化問題における言語学的論点: ウォークマン事件を題材に」と題する論文掲載された。○法と言語研究会 法と言語研究会立ち上げに向けて、他機関の研究者と連携を行なった。正式な研究会の立ち上げは2007年9月に行なった。2007年12月には同研究会の第2回研究発表会で、「外国語を使用したおとり捜査における違法性認識の司法判断」と題する発表を行なった。

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