Updated on 2025/02/07

Faculty of Commerce
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Doctor(Commerce) ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2002

    Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration,Kobe University

  • 2000

    Professor, Faculty of Economics, Sophia(Jyochi) University

  • 1994

    Professor, Faculty of Economics, Seikei University

  • 1988

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Seikei University

  • 1984

    Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Jyosai University

Education Background

  • 1981.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Commerce   Accounting  

  • 1978.04

    Yokohama City University  

  • 1974.04

    Gakusyuin University   Faculty of Economics   Depertment of Business  

Professional Memberships

  • 2019.05


  • 2019.05


  • 2014.07


  • 2000.05



    The Japanese Association of Management Accounting


    The Japanese Society of Quality Management


    Japan Accounting Association


    Japan Cost Accounting Association

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Research Areas

  • Accounting

Research Interests

  • Management Accounting


  • 日本管理会計学会功績賞

    2021.08   日本管理会計学会  

    Winner: 伊藤嘉博

  • 余暇ツーリズム学会文献賞

    2016.10   余暇ツーリズム学会   サービス・リエンジニアリング;顧客の感動を呼ぶホスピタリティを低コストで実現する

    Winner: 伊藤嘉博, 岡田幸彦, 南知恵子, 山本浩二, 清水孝, 庵谷治男, 長谷川惠一, 小林啓孝, 加藤典生, 目時壮浩, 平野光俊

  • 日経品質管理文献賞(デミング賞文献賞)


  • 原価計算研究学会賞




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Books and Other Publications

  • 異論・正論管理会計

    伊藤, 嘉博, 目時, 壮浩( Part: Joint author)

    中央経済社,中央経済グループパブリッシング (発売)  2021.09 ISBN: 9784502394515

  • スタンダード管理会計(第2版)

    小林, 啓孝, 伊藤, 嘉博, 清水, 孝, 長谷川, 惠一(第1章;第11章;第12章)

    東洋経済新報社  2017.04 ISBN: 9784492602256

  • サービス・リエンジニアリング : 顧客の感動を呼ぶホスピタリティを低コストで実現する

    伊藤嘉博, 岡田幸彦, 南知恵子, 山本浩二, 清水孝, 庵谷治男, 長谷川惠一, 小林啓孝, 加藤典生, 目時壮浩, 平野光俊( Part: Edit, 第1章;第6章;第12章)

    中央経済社,中央経済グループパブリッシング (発売)  2016.01 ISBN: 9784502173813

  • インタンジブルズの管理会計

    櫻井通晴, 伊藤嘉博ほか

    中央経済社  2012.03

  • 環境経営意思決定を支援する会計システム

    植田和弘, 國部克彦, 伊藤嘉博ほか

    中央経済社  2011.10

  • 戦略管理会計

    伊藤 嘉博, 浅田孝幸ほか

    中央経済社  2011.06

  • MBAアカウンティング ケーススタディ戦略管理会計

    辻 正雄, 伊藤 嘉博, 櫻井通晴ほか

    中央経済社  2010.04

  • スタンダード管理会計 = Standard management accounting

    小林, 啓孝, 伊藤, 嘉博, 清水, 孝, 長谷川, 惠一( Part: Joint author, 第1章第11章第12章)

    東洋経済新報社  2009.09 ISBN: 9784492601938

  • 実践 品質コストマネジメント-最小のコストで最高の品質を実現する


    日科技連出版社  2009.09

  • スタンダード管理会計

    小林啓孝, 伊藤嘉博, 清水孝, 長谷川惠一

    東洋経済新報社  2009.09

  • 品質コストマネジメントシステムの構築と戦略的運用

    伊藤 嘉博

    日科技連出版社  2005.07

  • 成功する管理会計システム—その導入と進化

    谷武幸, 伊藤嘉博, 梶原 武久, 窪田 祐一, 古賀健太郎, 挽 文子, 松尾貴巳, 三矢裕, 吉田栄介

    中央経済社  2004.04 ISBN: 4502242608

  • 環境会計最前線:企業と社会のための実践的なツールをめざして

    國部克彦, 伊藤 嘉博ほか

    省エネルギーセンター  2003.03

  • 世界標準の戦略マネジメント・ツール:バランスト・スコアカード実践ガイド

    伊藤 嘉博, 矢島 茂, 黒澤耀貴

    日科技連出版社  2003.02

  • コストマネジメント入門

    伊藤 嘉博

    日本経済新聞社  2001.10

  • 環境を重視する品質コストマネジメント

    伊藤 嘉博

    中央経済社  2001.10

  • 管理会計のパースペクティブ

    伊藤 嘉博

    上智大学出版会  2001.08

  • ネオ・バランスト・スコアカード経営

    伊藤 嘉博, 小林啓孝, 清水 孝, 長谷川恵一, 野崎 通, 高橋義郎, 森沢 徹

    中央経済社  2001.05

  • バランスト・スコアカード 理論と導入

    伊藤 嘉博, 清水 孝, 長谷川恵一

    ダイヤモンド社  2001.01

  • 競争優位の管理会計

    谷 武幸, 岩淵吉秀, 加登 豊, 伊藤 嘉博ほか

    中央経済社  2000.04

  • 品質コストマネジメント〜品質管理と原価管理の融合

    伊藤 嘉博

    中央経済社  1999.01

  • マーケティングの管理会計〜市場、製品、顧客に関する会計測度

    田中隆雄, 小林啓孝, 長谷川惠一, 清水孝, 小倉昇, 辻正雄, 伊藤嘉博ほか

    中央経済社  1998.12

  • 企業のグローバル化と管理会計

    伊藤 嘉博, 岩淵吉秀, 上條秀三, 成道秀雄, 田中浩, 挽文子ほか

    中央経済社  1995.10

  • 原価企画戦略〜競争優位に立つ原価管理

    田中隆雄, 小林啓孝, 山本浩二, 長谷川惠一, 伊藤和憲, 高橋史安, 伊藤嘉博ほか

    中央経済社  1995.02

  • 管理会計のフロンティア

    加登 豊, 山本浩二, 小林啓孝, 國部克彦, 小倉 昇, 長谷川惠一, 伊藤嘉博ほか

    中央経済社  1994.04

  • 管理会計論ガイダンス

    田中隆雄, 小林啓孝, 岩淵吉秀, 小倉昇, 本橋正美, 原田昇, 伊藤嘉博ほか

    中央経済社  1993.04

  • わが国企業の管理会計システム

    佐藤康男, 豊島義一, 木島淑孝, 佐藤紘光, 小倉昇, 溝口周二, 伊藤嘉博ほか

    白桃書房  1993.03

  • 予算管理ハンドブック

    青木茂男, 西沢 脩, 石塚博司, 大塚宗春, 櫻井通晴, 伊藤 嘉博ほか

    中央経済社  1986.04

  • 現代経営学〜環境変化と経営

    副島萬里夫, 渡辺徳二, 簗場保行, 武田実, 加藤武信, 坂口博, 伊藤嘉博ほか

    創成社  1985.05

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Research Projects

  • 統合報告と管理会計の相互的影響に関する多面的研究

    Project Year :


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    統合報告が管理会計実践ならびに研究に及ぼす影響には、能動的な側面と受動的な側面の2つがある。このうち、昨年度は受動的な影響の分析を中心として調査研究を実施したが、本年度は能動的影響に的を絞って研究活動を行った。この能動的影響とは、統合報告が目的とする企業の長期的な価値創造(プロセス)とその影響の伝達に関連して、管理会計システムに期待される貢献をベースとしている。具体的には、バランスト・スコアカード(BSC)ないし戦略マップといった既存の管理会計ツールが統合報告の推進を支援する強力な手段となりうると考え、その可能性と課題について分析・検討を行った。事実、内外を問わず、相当数の統合報告実践企業がBSCないし戦略マップを、自社の戦略を投資家に説明する際の枠組みとして活用している。われわれは、そうした企業に積極的にインタビュー調査を実施してきたが、本来は内部管理、わけても戦略マネジメントのツールであるそれらを外部報告に活用するには自ずと限界がある。なによりも、極秘事項である自社の戦略を外部にさらけ出すことにつながるため、ぼかしやアレンジが多岐にわたって施され、その結果外部からは戦略とその実践プロセスとの有機的なつながりが読みにくくなっているのが現状である。そのことは、内部管理のツールとしてのBSCないし戦略マップそのものに対する評価にも、少なからずマイナスの影響を及ぼしているという事実を、先の調査を通じて確信した次第である。これにより、総合的にみれば、管理会計スステムが統合報告の推進に向けて果たすと期待される能動的な影響は、表見的にはともかく、本質的な意味においては、さほど期待できないとの印象を持つに至った。前年度に引き続き、先行研究のレビューや日本企業へのインタビュー調査を積極的に行ってきた。他方で、前年度に予定しながら、現地の治安悪化により断念した南アフリカ共和国への調査を再度試みたが、現地の治安状態がその後もさほど改善が見られないことから、インドおよび、ベトナム、ミャンマーへの代替調査を企画した。ただし、折しも新型コロナウイルスの感染が世界的に拡大する中、各大学より海外渡航の自粛を要請される事態となり、これらの海外調査を断念せざるを得なかった。これにより、本年度調査の中心に位置づけていた海外調査をことごとく断念せざるをえなくなり、研究の遅延を余儀なくされた。前述のように、本年度は管理会計システムが統合報告の進展に寄与する能動的な役割に注目して研究を行った。その結果、未だわが国では当該影響に関する確固たる兆候を確認することはできなかった。それでも、統合報告がきっかけとなり、内部管理の様相が大きく変わりつつあることを感じ取ることはできた。実は、そこでもBSCおよび戦略マップが少なからず関連することから、今後はやや視点を変えて、先の能動的な影響を別の角度からさらに深く掘り下げていきたいと考えている。すなわち、統合報告が企業内部における戦略および意思決定に変容を促し、そのことを通じて管理会計システムの変革につながるという側面に的を絞って研究調査を続けたいと考えている。これは、ある意味ではむしろ受動的間接的影響といえるかもしれないが、巡りめぐって、管理会計それ自身が統合報告のあり方に革新をもたらす能動的影響につながるものとわれわては考えている。この点について付言するなら、現在統合報告書を開示している企業の多くが、ビジネスモデルの表現方法や非財務情報のKPI(key performance indicators)化に苦慮しており、その結果として投資家が本当に求めている情報を十分に提供できているのかどうか疑心暗鬼に陥っているとされる。いうまでもなく、統合報告は戦略の実践プロセスの開示を求めており、かつ組織内部での経営情報の共有の手段としても注目されていることから、上記の能動的影響を最大限に引き出すことが、まさに管理会計システムに求められているのである。同時に、こうした点に着目することにより、単に統合報告に限らず、従来は関連が薄いと認識されてきた外部報告が企業内部の戦略策定、経営意思決定さらにはマンジメントコントロールに及ぼす多面的な影響とその結果としての企業業績の変容について明らかにできるものと考えている

  • The Integrated Study on Performance Indicators Supporting to Servitaization

    Project Year :


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    The purpose of this study is to identify the roles that management accounting system play in the process of serviceization. It is also about presenting concepts and models that lead to the development of new tools that facilitate serviceization . In the process of research, it became clear that the serviceization in Japanese manufacturing industry is relatively delayed compared to overseas. In addition, it has also been highlighted that the productization in service industries is progressing globally. Therefore, this study modified the research framework and focusing on the manufacturing industry, searched for new management accounting tools and models across industries. As a result, a model such as servitality costing(the new quality cost analysis common to both manufacturing and service industries) has been presented

  • Management problems in the tourism industry and solutions

    Project Year :


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    The tourism industry, especially the inbound market, in Japan has been growing since 2011. In the industry, this growth is beneficial to some large firms but not to some middle-sized or small-sized firms. We conducted an interdisciplinary research about the management problems in the tourism industry in Japan. The researchers' original research fields were management, accounting, marketing, public finance, and so on. As a result, we found that there were many middle-sized or small-sized companies in which few management methods were adopted. The managers of such companies are lack of fundamental management concepts or don't know how to do. It is concluded that they must learn more about managerial concepts and ways to let their companies be more efficient and profitable

  • わが国の観光産業のインバウンド戦略を支援する会計システムの探究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


  • サービタイゼーションを支援する業績指標に関する統合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

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  • An Interdiscipnary Research on Eravorating Service Contents and Its Economical Effects

    Project Year :


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    The objective of this research is to develop a methodology for providing attractive services at low costs with a view to improving the profitability of the service industry. The difficulty of identifying customer needs accurately was generally held responsible for the delayed improvement in restoring profitability. However, our field research and questionnaire studies have pointed to the uncertainty as to a return on investment to be used for improvement and the underestimation of opportunity losses due to customer dissatisfaction as major hindrances to the effective implementation of improvement schemes. A model of a strategic supporting tool has also been suggested.

  • The development of guidline for cost accounting that fits in modern production systems.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Takashi, KOBAYASHI Yoshitaka, ITOH Yoshihiro, YAMAMOTO Koji

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    In this research, at first we conducted the questionary and hearing investigations. Secondly, we figured out problem points of cost accounting under the modern production processes by the information we got from those investigations. Main problem points are: the difficulty in allocating overheads, the ambiguity of the result of cost accounting by the cost accounting module in ERP systems, and the change of the meaning of “Standard” in the standard costing. It is impossible for us to study them out perfectly but we try to propose the solutions for problems including these points.

  • A Study on The Significance and Possibility of CSR Scorecard

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Yoshihiro, HASEGAWA Keiichi, YAGI Hiroyuki, OMORI Akira, CHIBA Takanori, YAMAMOTO Koji, IWABUCHI Shoko

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    This study examined the potential of a management accounting tool that helps to estimate the profitability of CSR(cooperate social responsibility) rerated activities. Every firm hopes to estimate the effects or influences of these activities on their economical performance, since they must reach a consensus on the activities with their stake-holders and ensure the sustainable execution of CSR. The contents of CSR rerated activities, however, are put on various, and the domain to which management accounting could contribute is limited. For the above objectives, probably, CSR Scorecard (or CSR Strategy Map) backed up by the ideas and framework of Balanced Scorecard will be one of the very few useful tools.
    The tool shows a cause and effect relationship between CSR related activities and economical returns in future, although it is not able to evaluate the "materiality" of the activities directly; how much these activities increase organizational profits. By innovation action research, our study verified the relevance of CSR Scorecard to visualize the potential of CSR as intangibles, and especially identified that it will be a strong support tool to promote the consensus-building for carrying out CSR among the organization members. Furthermore, we suggested a new framework for evaluating the "readiness" that is an alternative to materiality and means the facility or ease with which intangibles combine with economical results.

  • The Study and Research on the Environment-Oriented Target Cost Management

    Project Year :


  • The Research and Study of Target Costing for Environment

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Yoshihiro, KOBAYASHI Yoshitaka, OMORI Akira, YAGI Hiroyuki, CHIBA Takanori

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    Target Costing attempts to manage various factors determined cost behaviors and to reduce radically product cost through the product designing and development stages. Since not only the most parts of life-cycle cost but only the total volume of burden for environment by a product are fixed in the above stages, it is appropriate for Target Costing to be required further attentions to environmental protection. The study researched how to realize the Target Costing for Environment (TCfE).The domains of TCfE would quite spread if we recognized it's essential contribution is to control environmental costs in the origins of business process, although Target Costing itself is generally recognized as the inherent approach of the assembly industries. We clarified the problems of TCfE in a widespread perspective and inquired the solutions. The reasons why we expanded the domain of Target Costing are as the follows.We could never manage the environmental costs only in product designing and development stages even though we limited the domain of TCfE to the assembly industries, since the components of product life-cycle cost are diverse and include the items related to mining resources, distributing and scrapping product and materials that are difficult to add to the target cost objects. Furthermore, we affirmed that the idea common to Target Costing is necessary for all industries and organizations to cope with environmental problems speedy and initially, since it is not valid to claim the responsibility of environmental problems for only manufacturers.Thus, we made various organizations including process industries and local governments including their supply-chain the subject of our research, and the study suggested the signification of TCeE and how to drive it for individual organization. We also investigated the possibility of the Green-Budget Matrix Model to apply it as a tool for design to environmental performance under various constraints in planning stages without distinction of industries or organizations. The model can provide useful information for Environmental planning and budgeting for the next fiscal year. The process of preparation of the Matrix especially can contribute to (1) identify the principal and most serious environmental problems within the organization,(2) formulate plans for activities to reduce the environmental burden, and(3)allocate business resources to these activities.In addition, we inquired into the co-relationships between TCfE and Balanced Scorecard with a view to summarizing the results from Target Costing into a strategic action plan for environmental protection. As the results, the study showed a new model of "Sustainability Scorecard" which has recently given rise to a discussion in Europe

  • Comprehensive Research of Influence of Non-financial Indexes on Accounting Information

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATO Yutaka, TANI Takeyuki, ITOH Yoshihiro, KOKUBU Katsuhiko, MIYA Hiroshi

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    The purpose of this research is to clarify the relationships between non-financial information and accounting information. Topics discussed are balanced scorecard, inter-organizational relationships especially buyer-suppliers relationships, environmental management accounting, micro profit center including Kyocera's amoeba systems, total quality control and quality cost management, divisional organizational management, and management accounting implementation.Balanced scorecard integrates non-financial information into accounting for performance evaluation and strategy formulation. Even trusty relationships have established between buyers and suppliers, buyers monitor suppliers' activities using both financial and non-financial information.. Environmental consideration during new product development often generates additional costs. Material flow accounting, however, attains the 'trade-on' between costs and green operations. Design-for-environment and life cycle assessment utilize financial and non-financial information. Philosophy embedded micro profit center organization makes it possible far employees to attains profit target even their business units are cost centers. Japanese quality control has its dysfunction, especially the lack of cost conscious attitude. Return on quality approach could resolves the problem above mentioned Organizational changes are based on the belief that changes could improve financial performance. Our empirical research reveals that such changes rarely generate the higher financial performance. We also find that implementation of new management accounting initiatives often fail, mainly because non-financial consideration is not sufficient.We find management accounting research rarely extends its perspective beyond accounting boundary and limits its consideration around accounting information. As described, non-financial information and consideration are indispensable for management accounting. This suggests that management accounting should extend its perspective to non-financial issues. It may be curious accounting must respect non-accounting factors. Nevertheless, we should emphasis that accounting issues is not a sole accounting issu

  • The Research of Environmental Costing Based on PAF Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Yoshihiro

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    Quality costing is a tool for cost management which classifies quality costs into prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure costs in line with the PAF (prevention-appraisal-failure) approach. Since both quality and the environment have similar characteristics, some studies of quality costing have incorporated environmental factors into the area of academic research. Specifically, quality costing for the environment applies the PAF approach to environmental cost classification, and provides useful information for management decision making.The purpose of this research was to verify the validity of PAF approach to environmental management, especially to planning and budgeting for environmental conservation activities. First, some former studies about environmental budgeting and quality cost accounting methods were reviewed, then Green Budget Matrix Model (GBMM) was developed originally and introduced into several Japanese companies.The aim of the GBMM is not only just the reduction of environmental costs. Its main objective is to generate various information which will support environmental activities, such as environmental investment projects or environmental conservation measures, in order to reduce the environmental burden. The experiences of four Japanese firms which implemented the GBMM show the usefulness and relevance of the model as the strong driving tool for EMA (environmental management accounting)

  • The Construction of Frameworks of Environmental Accounting

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWANO Masao, UEDA Tosiaki, KOGUTI Yosiaki, KOSEKI Seizou, KOUZUMA Naoyosi, ITOU Yosihiro

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    The purposes of this project are to investigate the international developments of environmental accounting and to construct environmental accounting frameworks which consist of a general model and some specific models. Consequently, the contents of this project are organized in the following five parts:1.Developing a general framework of environmental accounting2.External environmental accounting(1)International trends (2)EU (3)North America (4)Korea (5)Japan3.Internal environmental accounting (environmental management accounting)(1)International trends (2)EU (3)North America (4)Australia (5)Japan4.Environmental accounting for local governments(1)Japan (2)Foreign countries5.Macro environmental accounting(1)Satellite accounts (2)Natural resource account

  • The Field Study for the effect of Installation and Practice of Design for Performance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In this study, we invented the concept named Design to Performance (DTP) and we tried to practice DTP in the corporations. DTP is the approach which aims to design strategically the organizational performance in the stage of planning. In DTP, it becomes important to examine the good or bad of the strategy or the plan from the multiple view point. Thus we positioned the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as one of the most important tools for realizing DTP We performed the study for the corporation which installed BSC by hearings and by action research. Action research is the way of study in that corporations and researchers cooperate for improving the performances of the corporation. The future of this method of study is active participation of the researchers in the practices of the corporation.
    We developed the tools for connecting BSC to DTP We tried DTP worksheets (one of the tools which we invented) experimentally in the corporations and tested its effectiveness. In our process of action research, we witnessed it occurred the innovations and employees invented the new tool (the tree type strategic map).
    In this study, we tried to apply the new concept and the new tools to the practice of corporation in order to induce the innovation. We believe it becomes possible to induce the new ideas and to test the effectiveness of these ideas by applying our way of study.

  • The Studies on the Intoducing Management Accounting Systems into Business Organizations

    Project Year :


  • The Research on the Developments in Environmental Business

    Project Year :


  • The Guidelines of Environmental Accounting in the Machinery Industries

    Project Year :


  • Theoretical and Empirical Research of Accounting Measures for Markets, Products and Customers : Revenue Drivers and Cost Drivers related to Products Development, Marketing and Logistics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Takao, HASEGAWA Keiichi, OGURA Noboru, ASADA Takayuki, KOBAYASHI Yoshitaka, TSUJI Masao

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    To ensure their survival in this age of mega-competition, corporations have been putting a great deal of effort into R & D and marketing. Nevertheless, there has been significant delay in developing management accounting infromationrelated to R & D and marketing.
    By focusing mainly on production, control methods designed to reduce cost have been developed. Profitability improves not only when costs are lowered, but when revenues expand as well. Pinpointing revenues-influencing factors related to markets, products and customers, and thus clarifying the relationship between resource investment and revenue fluctuations, are important research goals management accounting.
    However, research in management accounting has accomplished very little, where market and customers are concerned. The mission of this research is to discuss the development and feasibility of accounting measures related to marketing and research and development.
    While surveying existing research on accounting measures related to markets, products and customers, we interviewed representatives from 20 leading companies in Japan. We also sent questionnaires to all of the 1,165 companies listed on Tokyo stock exchange, asking about management of R & D and marketing costs.
    The factors that varies revenue are called revenue drivers. They include, for examples, product quantity, product features, advertising expense, brand loyalty, sales promotion, namber of distribution channels, number of sales cutles, and number of retained and new customers. If the correlation between revenue and resources invested in a specific revenue drivers is quantified, we can make such investment more effective and efficient in attaining the revenue goals.
    There is a certain amount of correlation between advertising expense and revenue, and greater correlation between sales promotion expense and revenue. For practical purpose, however, such correlation is not cleary understood and such information is little used in decision-making.
    There is also certain correlation between new products and sales or profit. Despite the recession, companieswith a relatively large portion of new products in their product lines have been growing steadily and enjoying relatively high profitability. There have been attempts to measure R & D results as "technical stock, " calculate that from anticipated sales, and maintain it at a certain level. A very few companies have established systems that base their R & D investment levels on some logical ground.
    We have seen few examples of revenue drivers and technological stock in practical use as control tools in Japanese companies. It is possible, technically, to develop such accounting measures. By accumulation fact-finding research, we must develop and promote models that can help project more precisely the correlation between investment and revenue.

  • The Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Accountings Measures Related to Markets, Products and Customers

    Project Year :


  • The Globalization of Business Organizations and Management Accounting

    Project Year :


  • The Frontior of Managemnt Accounting

    Project Year :


  • 現象学的方法による管理会計実務の多様性の根拠の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    伊藤 嘉博

  • 「製造物責任制度」の導入が企業の原価企画活動に及ぼす影響に関する実証研究

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  • 環境管理会計の意義と可能性に関する研究

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  • Implementation Study of Management Accounting Systems

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    The purpose of the present study is to discuss the potential research fields, challenges and relevant research methods regarding the introduction processes research of management accounting. The present study concludes :1. Extant literature of the introduction process research of management accounting has employed the framework of studies on the introduction of management information systems. Thus, the introduction process research of management accounting needs to extract factors unique to the theories that are not included in the framework of management information systems. The unique factors can be identified through examination of theory-based systems such as ABC/ABM and Balanced Scorecard.2. Innovation action research advocated by Kaplan should be included in the field of introduction process research of management accounting.3. Examination of the practice-based systems can lead to new theories that do not currently exist in management accounting. Studies investigating the transfer of target costing outside Japan or to not-for-profit organizations are good examples.4. Introduction process research of management accounting is should attract attention and cooperation from both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations because there is a need for innovative management accounting theories

  • Study on environmental accounting system supporting environmental management decision-making

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    This study is divided into the below three dimensions :(1) environmental accounting supporting for corporate internal decision-making ;(2) environmental accounting supporting for decision-making of external stakeholders ; and(3) construction of environmental accounting system.(1) The current practices of environmental management accounting was examined and some new method was developed.(2)' Eco-index' as a new method was developed for investor's decision-making, and possibilities for carbon accounting, soil contamination information disclosure, and CSR accounting for external stakeholders' decision-making were examined.(3) A new framework for environmental accounting system was constructed based on the above researches

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Overseas Activities

  • ツーリズム管理会計に関する研究


    イタリア   パヴィア大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 産業ツーリズムを促進する情報システムの構築


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  • サービタイゼーションを支援する業績指標に関する学際的研究

    2014   晝間文彦

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      国際競争力に陰りが見えるわが国の製造業にとって、生き残りをかけた有望な戦略のひとつがサービタイゼーション(製造企業が事業構成に占めるサービスの比率を高めること)である。サービタイゼーションは、製品販売後のアフターサービスにフォーカスをおく商品開発をメーカーに促すことになり、これに呼応したコストの配分と収益の予測を商品企画段階で的確に実行できなければ成功はおぼつかない。 本研究では、サービタイゼーションを支援する各種の業績指標を有機的に統合したライフサイクル・プロフィッティングの実践モデルの探究を目指し、モデル自体の構築には至らなかったものの、その概念的フレームワークを抽出することはできたと確信している。

  • サービス・リエンジニアリングの意義とその実践方法に関する学際的研究


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    サービスリエンジニアリングとは、自社が提供するサービスの品質を根本から見直し、顧客を感動させるサービスを最小のコストで作り込むことによって、サービス価値の劇的な向上を図るアプローチであり、本研究はこれを実現するための具体的な方法論の確立を目指した。サービス品質の改善によってどれだけの収益の向上が見込まれる予測困難だが、本研究では、現状の品質レベルで発生が見込まれる機会損失をベースにこれを見積もるモデルを提示することを主眼に研究を行ってきた。その上で、革新的なサービスコンテンツの作りこみを支援する施策のあり方を展望し、その可能性をイノベーションアクションリサーチを通じて多面的に検証していくことを目指した。 研究活動を通じて、サービスリエンジニアリングの実践モデルのフレームワークの構築はほぼ完了することができた。これは、マトリックス形式のワークシート上で、顧客が要求するサービス属性と当該属性を実現する媒体となる活動・人・設備などの諸要素(サービスコンテンツ)との対応関係の強弱にもとづいて、経営資源(コスト)を後者の媒体への効果的な配分を行うというものである。これを受けて、当該フレームワークの適用可能性を検証するためのアクションリサーチを実施する予定であったが、現時点ではリサーチの対象サイトをツーリズム産業に絞り込むことについては確定したものの、具体的なリサーチ組織の選定までには至っておらず、アクションリサーチの実施は今後の課題となっている。

  • 環境予算の意義とその編成方法に関する研究


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     予算は、企業の経常的な運営において必要不可欠な制度であるとともに、予算が策定され執行されてはじめて、実際の経営活動が遂行されるのである。企業の環境保全活動には、多くの経済的資源が投入されることになるため、当該活動の実行にあたっては、その活動に関する予算が設定されている必要がある。実際、わが国の企業において環境保全活動に関する予算を策定しているところは、すでに多数に上っている。また、一部の先進企業では、環境マネジメントシステムの目的と目標を自社の中期計画と施策の管理に活用し、その実行のための予算を編成しているところも見受けられる。本研究では、これらの先進企業の環境予算の編成とその後の統制活動の実態を明らかにすべく、継続的にインタビュー調査を行った。他方で、環境予算のロジカルな編成を支援するツールである環境予算マトリックスの導入研究(アクションリサーチ)を日本企業3社の協力を得て実施した。その結果、企業の環境保全活動の管理において予算が有益な役割を果たすことが明らかとなった。とりわけ、目標の達成度合いの検証、予実管理に基づくフィードバックによる改善および管理者や従業員の動機づけという点において、環境マネジメントへの予算の活用の有用性が示唆された。 ともあれ、アカデミックなフィールドにおいては、環境予算に関する研究はこれまで、Burritt & Schaltegger(2002)の研究を除けば皆無に近い状況にあった。それだけに、環境コストと環境負荷の削減の効率的な目標管理を目指す環境予算の重要性とその具体的な展開方法について、一定の方向性を示せる研究成果を得たことの意義は大きいと考えている。なお、環境予算マトリックスの導入研究については今後も継続していく予定である。