Updated on 2025/03/12


TANG, Liang
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
法学博士 ( 慶應義塾大学 )

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Politics

Research Interests

  • 中国の政治と外交、比較政治


  • 大平正芳記念賞」(受賞作『変貌する中国政治—漸進路線と民主化』東京大学出版会、2001年)


  • 発展途上国研究奨励賞(受賞作『現代中国の党政関係』(慶應義塾大学出版会、1997年)



Books and Other Publications

  • 漸進民主


    八方文化  2004

  • 変貌する中国政治


    東京大学出版会  2001

  • 『現代中国の党政関係』


    慶應義塾大学出版会  1997

Research Projects

  • Comparative Empirical and Public Policy Study on Civil Society and Urban Governance between Japan and Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • comprehensive research on China's politcal elites: selection, competition and governance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study to elucidate corruption paradox in contemporary China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Comparative Local Governance (State-Civil Society Relations) in Asia and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tsujinaka Yutaka

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    In Asia, where the political regime type and the degree of social development are very different, there is increasing interest in improving local governance and thereby improving the quality of life (QOL), as in Japan. In the midst of rapid globalization and social transformation, these are closely related to the survival of the government leaders and even regimes of each country. In order to understand the actual situation in Japan and Asia, in this project, with the cooperation of 13 municipalities in Japan (2 Tokyo special wards and 11 cities), we conducted a survey of neighborhood associations, and also regarding 57 municipalities in Japan, a mail survey to the four departments of the government office as a municipal government survey. In addition, the above 13 municipalities and 6 cities in Asia (Beijing, Zhejiang, Chongqing, Taipei, Seoul, Bangkok) we conducted a citizen opinion survey (web monitors) related to urban governance. Currently, a comparative analysis is underway.

  • Rising Nationalism in China and its impact on the Chinese foreign policy

    Project Year :


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    Focusing on the diversification and increasing autonomy of Chinese society from the state, this research found the existence of diversified popular nationalism besides government-made nationalism. Among them, illiberal nationalism existed mainly in the weak, leftist intellectuals, and they played a central role in anti-foreign countries events. Liberal nationalism emphasizes compliance with international rules and external cooperation. The Chinese government tries to utilize nationalism from the standpoint of maintaining the one-party system. In the meantime, it also tries to restrict and even punish radial activities, in order to promote open-door policy and keep social stability

  • 中国抗議型維権活動拡大のメカニズム:認知の解放・支配方式の転換・動員手段の多様化

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Zhongnanhai Studies: Socio-political research on Chinese Communist Party

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HISHIDA Masaharu, MORI Kazuko, AMAKO Satoshi, KATO Hiroyuki, TAKAHARA Akio, OSHIMA Kazutsugu, ZHAO Hongwei, MINAMI Yuko, WANK David, TANG Liang, KOJIMA Kazuko, ZHU Jianrong, KAMO Tomoki, SUWA Kazuyuki, SUZUKI Takashi, AKO Tomoko, NAKAOKA Mari, NAKAI Yoshihumi, LIM Jaehwan, FUKUDA Madoka, WU Maosong, YUMINO Masahiro

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    We have conducted extensive in-depth interviews and opinion surveys on perceptions and images of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its party members with cooperation from Chinese counterparts, aiming at positioning CCP as a socio-political organization.Cross analysis revealed weakening Party-State relations and declining Party’s accountability toward people. In consideration of remaining strong trust to governments, in particular central government, it is considered that the Party’s fragility could be compensated by state actors’ resilience. In this sense, the CCP’s Survival Strategy can be confirmed as still functioning

  • elite,governance,political and social cleavage and values

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANG Liang, MATUZATO Kimitaka, TAKAHARA Akio, SAWAE Fumiko, MIYAKE Yasuyuki, OGUSHI Atsushi, TAHARA Fumiki, MORI Kazuko, HAZAMA Yasushi, ADACHI Yuko

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    This research project regard political system as main part of the development model. While China Russia and India has recently emerged as regional powers because of their size and rapid industrialization, the development model is different among these countries. Taking political elites, political cohesion, national integration and social stability, governing capability, transitional strategy as medium variables, this research project examined that how political and economic system, level of economic and social development, culture and tradition as independent variables, influence their choice of the development model, and how effective are the development models in regional countries

  • General Overview of "Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia"

    Project Year :


  • The Politics of Harmonious Society: A Comprehensive Study of the Formulation and Implementation of an Harmonious Developmental Policy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAHARA Akio, GEN Zenpei, KOJIMA Kazuko, SONODA Shigeto, TOU Ryo, TAKEDA Yasuhiro, AOYAMA Rumi, KAMO Tomoki, MIYAKE Yasuyuki, NAKAOKA Mari, AKO Tomoko, BAI Zhili, CHEN Jiaxi, LANG Xouxing, WANG Pu, XIONG Peiyun, DENG Ke, ZHOU Jun, CHEN Wen, BO Zhiyue, JIA Yimeng, YANG Xueling, ZHENG Shiping, WANG Zhenyu, HE Junzhi, LI Hui, WANG Shikai, WU WEI, ANAMI Yusuke, SATO Koichi

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    This project analyzed the political process of reforming and establishing institutions for interest coordination in contemporary China, where supposedly reform policies were to be introduced to create a “harmonious society”. Our study has shown that spontaneous or desperate attempts at expressing interests have gained force “from below”, while the response “from above” by the Chinese Communist Party has been delayed since the Party is afraid of relativizing the absolute power that it has enjoyed so far. We could also ascertain that the proliferation of new technology such as the Chinese version of Twitter contributes to strengthening the pressure “from below”.

  • Comparative studies on political transition : relations between preconditions and the costs of democratization, consolidation of democratic institutions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANG Liang

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    Depending on the cost of political transition, democratization process can be divided into such patterns as soft landing, hard landing and a hybridin-between soft landing and hard landing. Even after regime transition, the quality of democracy after the transition in different countries is not necessarily the same. The preconditions for democratization, including level of economic development, the political consciousness of the middle class, the provisional status of rule of law, and the maturity of civil society, has monumental impact on the cost of political transition and the maturation of the democratic polity. In extant literature, democratization process is divided into two stages, the political transition and the consolidation of democracy thereafter. This research find it necessary to expand our scope of research to include the building of democratic infrastructure.

  • A field research on the private enterprises in China's Zhejiang province

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Michiki, MAKINO Fumio, SUZUKI Yutaka, WU Xiaolin, TANG Liang

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    It was private enterprises that have led the economic growth of Zhe jiang province in China. While various places in this province have a common feature of formation of an industrial cluster, they have various features related to the ownership pattern of the enterprise, the relation to the distribution sector, and the level of participation of the local government. The private enterprises of Zhe jiang province are urged by the conversion to a new growth method facing the phase that the enterprise in other regions have strengthened competitive edge

  • A Study on Societal Aspect of China's Communist Party

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HISHIDA Masaharu, MORI Kazuko, AMAKO Satoshi, KATO Hiroyuki, TANG Liang, TAKAHARA Akio, KOJIMA Kazuko, ZHU Jianrong, ZHAO Hongwei, SUWA Kazuyuki, AKO Tomoko, MINAMI Yuko, NAKAOKA Mari, KAMO Tomoki, NAKAI Yoshifumi, WU Maosong, BAI Zhili, ZHENG Yongnian, JING Yuejin, ZHAO Xiumei

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    Having identified the CPC as an "organization", the CPC's existence, although seemingly in crisis during a period of reform and opening up, has been ultimately with the critical elements strengthened by the internal and external environmental changes. Taking those changes as a good opportunity, the largest political party in the world and at the same time the largest-scale interests organization, is being reinforced by the restructuring of its base of existence and then consolidating its new raison d'etre

  • Bottom-up Political Reform : Comprehensive Study of Political Participation in China's Social Transformation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAHARA Akio, SHIMOTOMAI Nobuo, SONODA Shigeto, GEN Zenpei, TOU Ryou, AOYAMA Rumi, NAKAOKA Mari, MIYAKE Yasuyuki, KOJIMA Kazuko, AKO Tomoko, KAMO Tomoki, TAHARA Fumiki, SHIROYAMA Hidemi, CHOU Shikou, TO Soukoku, BAI Zhili, MATSUDA Yasuhiro, TAKEDA Yasuhiro, KIMURA Kan, KAWAHARA Akira

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    We have found that political activity at the grassroots level in China has been activated in various areas due to marketisation and economic development. However, empirical research into developments in the activities of the mass media, people's congresses, flat owners' associations, peasants, etc., also revealed that signs of what could be called "bottom-up" reforms are yet to emerge. A major cause of this is the control of the Party that sets a limit to these activities. The future reform therefore depends on how the Party will deal with the developing dynamics at the grassroots level.

  • The Engagement Policy of International Society and Political Changes in China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    LIANG Tang

     View Summary

    This project was to examine the effectiveness of the engagement policy of the international society on political changes in China. In my research, I analyzed two contradictory points of the Government initiated political reform. Which the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) maintains the one-party rule and is still reluctant to accept political pluralism, the promotion of political institution reforms have been moving in the direction of democracy and freedom. Through the case study of engagement over China's human right issues, I developed a theoretical framework to assess the effectiveness of the engagement policy based on an examination of the different engagement approaches by the international society, which include external pressure, strategy dialogue, information engagement and technical support, assessed the impact of the engagement policy on political changes in China

  • Social Corporatism in Contemporary China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HISHIDA Masaharu, AMAKO Satoshi, TANG Liang, MINAMI Yuko, KOJIMA Kazuko, ISHII Tomoaki

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    People' s Republic of China has been witnessing unprecedented transformation process in the light of the state-society relations. This research project has aimed at finding how the society in contemporary China has penetrated into the state' s sphere, focusing bottom-up process of autonomous society into the state governance.Since we signed the agreement with China Labour Institute in 2004 under the general scheme of this project, we have conducted joint research poll surveys on the behavior and awareness of trade unions directors at local grassroots level. 1811 samples from Beijing, Shanghai, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Guandong and other regions have been successfully collected and analyzed. Same sort of endeavor of scrutinizing grassroots level political leadership have been made at Sichuan Province. 200 samples of personal data of rural elites at County/Xian governments, congress and party branch including family background, academic achievement, career paths and even political awareness were obtained through joint research with Sichuan Academy of Social Science.In order to put these first-hand research findings into the international comparison and reference, this project had organized the international conference at December 10th, 2007 in Tokyo under the title of 'Governance in grassroots China'. On this opportunity, this research project has been summarized through the discussion with scholars from the other regions and disciplines, and the principal result of this research is scheduled to be published by the Hosei University Press in this coming autumn

  • Mass Media Marketization and Media Reportage Reform in China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANG Liang

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    In Mao's period, institutions of mass media were governmental organizations, most of which lacked consciousness of management and competition in media market, because governmental budgets provided full financial supports to them. Since 1980's, newspapers, television and radio stations have been asked to be profitable or self-reliance in finance, Chinese mass media began to consider needs of readers and audience, and had to make reportage reforms. Because institutions of mass media increased greatly, competition in media market become more and more intensive. As a result of the competition, the party organs such as people's daily have been declining, newspapers, magazines and programs of TV and radio which stress on needs of citizens become more and more popular and influential. The communist government still controls mass media by appointing cadres, restricting activities of the press. But on the other hand, the authority had to promote marketization process of mass media with conditions and expand reportage freedom little by little under the pressures from domestic and international society

  • China's Market Economy And Transformation Of The State

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTA Katsuhiro, ZHAO Hong wei, SHIMOTOMAI Nobuo, KIKUCHI Michiki, TAKAHARA Akio, TANAKA Nobuyuki

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    During the years from 2001 to 2003, the work "China's Market Economy And Transformation Of The State" was completed, the application for aid to publish has been submitted.This book is constituted by 3 major parts and 10 Chapters, focuses on the development of China's Market Economy and the changes of State role, especially on the grassroots' level, it's reality and task.Part I : Grassroots Democracy And It's Limits. Examines the realities of basic level democratic elections. The lit Chapter tracks down the four stages of the development of rural area grassroots' level election, describes the peasants' adaptation to them and analyses the problems. The 2nd Chapter analyzes the relation between Party cells and the Villagers Association. The 3rd Chapter focus on the election of People's Representatives in the urban area, shows the birth of voluntary candidate and the trend towards real competitive election.Part II : Rural Governance And The Crisis Of "Three Agrics" The 4^<th> Chapter deals with the "Three Agrics" etc., Agriculture, Village and Peasants problems from a view of political science. The 5^<th> Chapter is a research on the reformation of taxation mechanisms in the rural area, based on the field research in the trial province Anhui. The 6^<th> Chapter deals with the County Area Economy. The 7^<th> Chapter analyses the famous "Wenzhou Model", how it became possible, and points out the importance of the role of local government.Part III : The Transformation Of Urban Cities and The Growth Of Civil Society Tackles the tremendous changes as the result of the transformation from "Unit Man" to "Social Man". The 8^<th> Chapter analyses different types of "Community". The 9^<th> Chapter describes the commercialization of housing and its relation with urban local organization from a legal point of view. The 10^<th> Chapter examines the surprisingly high speed development of IT industry and proves the impossibility for the Party to control information

  • Structural Change in Chinese Politics and Revival of Regional Power

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AMAKO Satoshi, SAWADA Yukari, ZHAO Hongwei, KOKUBUN Ryosei, NAKAI Yoshihumi, TANG Liang

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    This team conducted research into the structure of rule in the Peoples Republic of China, the relations of the center with the regions, policymaking, the role of bureaucratic system in politic and the economy, the dynamics of regional politics and related issue.The subject of our team is to analyze whether the change of the relation between center and regions has brought out the change of Political system itself or not. That is still debating.Tang Liang has researched personnel management of CCP and concluded that CCP has sill controled regions strongly. Thao Hongwei has analyzed double roles and functions of a secretary of province party committee. Sawada Yukari has researched the fact-findings of social guarantee system on regional levels. She indicated that although social structural changes has occurred since starting reform and open-door policy, social guarantee system by regional government has not fulfilled function fully. Nakai Yashihumi carried out research into the relation between center and regional government on the foreign economic policies by inquirying the case studies of north-east areas. Kokuhun Ryosei tried to analyze changes the bureaucratic system on the top of these members

  • 現代中国の党-軍関係に関する実証的研究

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Overseas Activities

  • 中国・抗議型維権運動拡大メカニズム


    中国   浙江大学公共管理学院


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 比較分析から見る中国派閥政治の構造的特徴


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  • 中国の政治的応答性に関する研究:支配正当性の調達・エリートの動機付け・応答の範囲


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  • 中国地方政府のイノベーションー推進体制を中心に―


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  • 中国の地方政府における制度改革のメカニズム


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  • 権威主義体制の変容とNGOの発展空間: 改革解放期の中国を事例として


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    The proportion of China’smiddle class has steadily increased among the working-age population as itseconomy has registered high growth. The development of education and media hasbrought modern ideas and enhanced people’s consciousness about democracy,freedom, human rights, justice and equality. Increasing globalization,liberalization, and information flows also contribute to the change in theideational landscape. As a result, civil society organizations that draw &nbsp;membership from the middle class have experiencedsteady increase as well. More NGOs are active in more fields. The scope for citizens’participation has enlarged, and the NGOs’ influence on the public opinion aswell as on the making and implementation of some public policies is increasing.The NGOs are a check on the government too. Overall, NGOs have become apositive force in reforming the Chinese society. All these augur well fordemocracy, as they constitute a crucial part of the initial conditions for futuredemocratic transition. &nbsp;Weneed to keep our expectations under check, however. China’s middle class, andthe civil society organizations are far from being mature social formations. Afterall, China’s level of economic development still lags behind that of thedeveloped countries. Either out of fear or habit, the Chinese citizens are notclamoring for the opportunity to participate in the political process. Theystill lack the experience for self-regulation and self-governance while thegovernment continues to exert tight control on them.

  • 中産階級の政治的立場に関する多次元的分析


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  • 中産階級の政治的立場に関する多次元的分析


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  • 改革期の中国における政治指導者の選抜過程と権威主義体制の適応能力:選抜基準・育成過程・政治人脈・特質


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  • 中国・政治社会の変容と「抗議型維権活動」拡大のメカニズム


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  • 中国式民主化の論理と実践 -コーポラティズムの視点を中心に-


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