Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title

Education Background


    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Education   Sociology of Education  

Committee Memberships

  • 2019.06

    一般財団法人 教育文化総合研究所  所長

  • 2003.04


  • 2001.04


  • 2017.10

    日本教育社会学会  理事

  • 2017.10

    日本教育社会学会  研究委員会委員長

  • 2018.04

    日本学術振興会科学研究費 審査第一部会 第9小委員会 委員

  • 2015.06

    日本教育経営学会紀要編集委員会  委員

  • 2014.04


  • 2011.04


  • 2009.10

    日本教育社会学会紀要編集委員会  委員

  • 2007.10

    日本教育社会学会  理事

  • 2009.04


  • 2003.06

    日本教育経営学会紀要編集委員会  委員

  • 2005.10

    日本教育社会学会紀要編集委員会  委員

  • 2004.04


  • 2001.10

    日本教育社会学会研究部  部員

  • 2002.05


  • 2000.09


  • 2000.05


  • 1999.10

    日本教育社会学会庶務部  副部長

  • 1997.06

    日本教育経営学会紀要編集委員会  委員

  • 1997.10

    日本教育社会学会紀要編集委員会  委員

  • 1998.04


  • 1995.10

    日本教育社会学会研究部  部員

  • 1990.06

    日本教育経営学会  常任研究推進委員

  • 1987.10

    日本教育社会学会庶務部  部員


    日本学術振興会科学研究費 挑戦的研究部会第9小委員会Ⅱ 委員

▼display all

Professional Memberships





Research Areas

  • Sociology of education

Research Interests

  • 教育改革、教育社会学、臨床、対話的関係、〈多元的生成モデル〉、他人事≒自分事、高校づくり



  • 「教職の危機」の本質を問う-小学校現場の声から-


    神奈川県教育文化研究所所報     4 - 10  2023.05  [Invited]

  • "Quality Assurance" Problems and the Structural Transformation of Learning::Reconstruction based on studies of high school education

    KIKUCHI Eiji

    The Journal of Educational Sociology   98 ( 0 ) 51 - 70  2016

     View Summary

    <p>The purpose of this paper is to focus upon the "quality assurance" problem and examine its impact on the articulation between high school education and higher education, focusing on the social definition of "competence" in contemporary Japan as a globalizing society. A critical examination of discourse and practices on educational reform is attempted. It is found that there are several contradictory realities, since Japanese high schools show various conditions and goals in each high school. After some consideration, a tentative reform model is proposed based on grassroots research regarding some suggestive innovation practices in Osaka Prefectural high schools. The findings are as follows. <BR><BR>First of all, the "quality assurance" problem is socially constructed; to some degree, this has been affected by utilitarianism in the era when stable economic growth can no longer be expected. As liberal arts education has not been emphasized in Japanese universities, economic needs have influenced higher education as a whole.<BR><BR>Secondly, "bachelor competence" (gakushiryoku) is defined from the viewpoint of usefulness and breadth. The entities of theoretical definitions and linear self-growth assumptions have not been changed, so it is concluded that this theory remains as the conventional one.<BR><BR>Thirdly, although a new testing scheme (two kinds of national standard tests) has been proposed by political intentions, these have run into serious conflicts and contradictions. Such a testing policy does not consider the various conditions of many high schools.<BR><BR>Fourthly, a longitudinal study of high school teachers shows that (1) they recognize that academic achievement and school discipline could be promoted to a proper level, (2) high school teachers cannot maintain their autonomy partly because of their busy work conditions, (3) their students tend to lose the opportunity of experiencing real society. These tendencies enhance the difficult conditions that discourses and practices on "quality assurance" problems conceal in educational reform.<BR><BR>Finally, mainly based on the case studies of the Osaka Prefectural high schools, it is certain that the structural transformation of learning processes is focusing on interactive subject transformation. The gradual and steady shift from the <unitary operation model> to a <pluralistic generation model> should be fulfilled in the various social fields.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 「教育の主体論再考-『揺らぐ主体/問われる社会』を読む-」

    教育と文化   ( 75 )  2014.04

  • 「目指す教師の専門的力量に関する問題―教職大学院経営と教育経営研究―」


    『日本教育経営学会紀要』   第51号  2009.06

  • 「教師の豊かな学びを問い直す-新自由主義の教育改革の行方-」


    『教育展望』財団法人教育調査研究所   51 ( 1 ) 36 - 43  2005.01

  • 〈ゆらぎ〉としてのモラトリアム現象-教育社会を問い直すために-


    『現代のエスプリ モラトリアム青年肯定論』至文堂   ( 460 ) 111 - 119  2005


  • 「地域運営学校(コミュニティ・スクール)はどのように語られてきたのか」


    市川昭午編『教育改革の論争点』教育開発研究所     44 - 45  2004.08

  • 「フリースクールから何を学ぶことができるか」


    市川昭午編『教育改革の論争点』教育開発研究所     58 - 59  2004.08

  • 「論点2 特色ある高校づくり-持続可能なホンモノの改革を目指す-」


    『教員養成セミナー4月号別冊 教育改革04年』時事通信社     7 - 10  2004.04

  • 『ホリスティックな教育改革の実践と構造に関する総合的研究』


    科学研究費研究成果報告書     1 - 410  2004.03

  • 『公共性をはぐくむオルタナティブ教育の存立基盤に関する総合的研究』


    国立教育政策研究所    2004.03

  • 「『学校評価』を問い直す-学校文化を深く耕すために-」


    『教育展望』財団法人教育調査研究所   50 ( 2 ) 32 - 39  2004.03

  • 「成熟した高校教育への道-『一人前の大人』として共に育つために-」


    『高校教育年鑑2003-2004』学事出版     5 - 12  2003.11

  • 「困難な時代の中等教育を捉え直す」


    『日本教育』社団法人日本教育会   ( 318 ) 6 - 9  2003.11

  • 「中高一貫教育校の成果と課題」


    『学校経営』第一法規   48 ( 10 ) 23 - 28  2003.09

  • 「教育改革の現在とコミュニティ・スクールの未来像」


    『教職研修』教育開発研究所   ( 372 ) 126 - 129  2003.08

  • 「ほんものの教育改革のための一歩を踏み出す」


    子どものしあわせ』草土文化   ( 625 ) 32 - 37  2003.03

  • 「語られる教育改革の果てに」


    『子どものしあわせ』草土文化   ( 624 ) 27 - 33  2003.02

  • 「教育改革の〈公共性〉と公教育の未来像-中学校教師たちの声を聴く-」


    『教育展望』財団法人教育調査研究所   49 ( 1 ) 22 - 29  2003.02

  • 「〈まなざしの転換〉を切望する-岐路に立つ不登校対策と学校づくり-」


    『悠』ぎょうせい   19 ( 11 ) 88 - 89  2002.11

  • 「公私格差-捉え直すべき教育における〈公共性〉-」


    『教員養成セミナー』時事通信社   25 ( 1 ) 150 - 151  2002.09

  • 「学級崩壊-『学級崩壊』の実態と構造-」


    『教員養成セミナー』時事通信社   25 ( 1 ) 182 - 183  2002.09

  • 「現代若者文化を読み解く-『聴く』ことの回復をめざして-」


    『郵政』   54 ( 2 ) 28 - 31  2002.02


  • 「学級崩壊の実状をさぐる」


    『小5教育技術』小学館   55 ( 13 ) 67 - 73  2002.02

  • 「『学級崩壊』からの回復をもたらす『場』の力として-小学校教育の再構築のために-」


    『教職課程』第28巻   28 ( 2 ) 32 - 35  2002.02

  • 「もうひとつの公共圏のために-学習塾の未来像?-」


    『塾ジャーナル』   8 ( 3 ) 25 - 27  2002.01

  • 「『新教育課程』時代の教師像-知の再構築のために-」


    『教育展望』財団法人教育調査研究所   48 ( 1 ) 44 - 51  2002.01


  • 「『不登校問題』からオルタナティブな教育へ-『追跡調査報告書』を手がかりとして-」


    『月刊生徒指導』学事出版   31 ( 15 ) 25 - 28  2001.12


  • 「オルタナティブな学び舎の社会学-教育の〈公共性〉を再考する-」


    『教育社会学研究』   68   65 - 84  2001.05

     View Summary

    One of the outstanding phenomena of Japanese education in the last few decades has been the increasing number of children with a psychological hatred toward attending school. These "school-refusers" have rapidly increased in number, coming to exceed 130,000 in the 1990s. In order to resolve this newly emerging problem, the government has implemented a number of educational reforms at various levels. However these efforts based on "operationalism" have not brought the problem settled. The present authors believe that it will be impossible to find a solution without regarding the phenomena not as a burden to the existing systems of our society, but rather as a mirror image of modern society. Therefore, our attention should be directed not to discovering the causes of "school-refusing" and to shifting the responsibility onto their mental defects, but to creating "public spheres" in pluralistic educational systems. This paper, which focuses upon various forms of alternative learning for "school-refusers" in Japan, endeavors to depict the whole picture of Japanese alternative education. First, it begins by reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of some thoughts on "publicness" by several thinkers such as H.Arendt, J.Habermas, N.Fraser, R.Sennett. Second, the authors attempt to give a picture of the present situation of alternative education in Japan with quantitative and qualitative analysis from the findings of a questionnaire survey conducted in 1999. Third, in order to take an objective view of the existing educational system, the paper describes some trends in alternative education and supporting systems in countries as the United States, Denmark, Republic of Korea and Thailand. It is indispensable to examine these actual movements in and outside the country and search for possibilities for creating our own "public spheres." In conclusion, the paper attempts to discuss some portions of the "message" we receive from these alternative practices and finally the authors stress the importance of taking a self-reflective attitude towards the creation of "public spheres."


  • 「ホリスティックな高校教育改革の試み-〈闇〉と〈深さ〉のイニシエーション-」


    『ホリスティック教育研究』   4 ( 4 ) 23 - 33  2001.03


  • 「教員評価の現代的課題-より豊かな教育社会のために-」


    『教育展望』財団法人教育調査研究所   47 ( 1 ) 44 - 51  2001.01


  • 「教育-だれのための改革なのか-」


    『imidas 2001』集英社     540 - 541  2001.01

  • 「この課題をどう考える⑤-奉仕活動-」


    『総合教育技術』小学館   55 ( 14 ) 40 - 42  2001.01

  • 「『学級崩壊』調査から浮かぶ危機対応へのヒント」


    『週刊教育資料』日本教育新聞社   ( 672 ) 11 - 13  2000.06

  • 「『学級崩壊』からの回復事例に学ぶ]


    『週刊教育資料』 日本教育新聞社   ( 669 ) 9  2000.06

  • 「『移行措置』を生かす高校づくり」


    『高校教育展望』小学館   25 ( 1 ) 16 - 19  2000.04

  • 「教員の資質向上と教員養成課程・免許更新制の見直し」


    『教職研修』    2000.01

  • 「オルタナティブ教育の社会学」


    『臨床心理学研究』   38 ( 2 ) 40 - 63  2000


  • 「高校教育改革と教養の行方」


    『教育学研究』   66 ( 4 ) 427 - 435  1999.12

  • 「福祉教育の実践課題-根っこを創るために-」


    『教育展望』財団法人教育調査研究所   45 ( 8 ) 40 - 49  1999.09


  • 「縮小期の高校教育-『改革』の深さを求めて-」


    『高校教育年鑑1999-2000』(『月高校教育』1999年8月増刊)学事出版     10 - 16  1999.08

  • 「ホリスティック教育の理論と実践第3回 『モモ』からの贈り物」


    『感性・心の教育』明治図書   ( 3 ) 86 - 89  1999.08

  • 「高校入試の改善をどう図るか」


    『学校経営』第一法規     32 - 39  1999.07

  • 「がまんしなくていい時代の子どもたち-社会環境から」


    『児童心理』金子書房     36 - 40  1999.07

  • 「ホリスティック教育の理論と実践第2回 不登校現象から何を学ぶか」


    『感性・心の教育』明治図書   ( 2 ) 88 - 89  1999.05

  • 「『福祉についての課題に取り組む』-その考え方と進め方」


    山極 隆編『「総合的な学習の時間」で基礎的素養を育む』教育開発研究所     254 - 257  1999.05

  • 「中高一貫教育のあり方をどう考えるか」


    『月刊高校教育』学事出版     34 - 37  1999.03

  • 「ホリスティック教育の理論と実践第1回 なぜいま『ホリスティックな教育』なのか」


    『感性・心の教育』明治図書   ( 1 ) 92 - 93  1999.02

  • High School Education Reform and the Future of Culture

    Kikuchi Eiji

    The Japanese Journal of Educational Research   66 ( 4 ) 427 - 435  1999

     View Summary

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the following three subjects: (1)How was 'culture' (kyouyou) discussed in the arguments on Japanese high school education, and what kinds of fundamental forms were marked? (2)What influence did the high school education reforms exert on deconstruction and reconstruction of 'culture' after the Second World War? (3)How can we change our concept of "culture" in the contemporary society? The status group 'culture' couldn't be 'culture as citizenship', as it had reproduced the inequality in social and cultural dimensions. We can find that a well-balanced philosophy of 'culture' was presented soon after the war. However, the way in which we have taken 'culture' as substances has been dominant, and so it was taken narrowly as 'educational foundation' or 'individuality'. The economic logic and theory of educational investment individualized 'culture' accompanied with the elitist ideology. As high school education expanded further and its hierarchical structure deepened, 'culture' was considered as the minute differences between academic achievements. We can recognize the "modem view of the world" as an undercurrent of the 'educational discourse of deficiency' that has dominated high school education reform. Such a structure of discourse generates the fragmented 'culture' in a structural way. Recent reforms of high school education couldn't prevent such tendencies. Thus, the "relations" (ie. relating and relationships) of high school students have some distinctive features which are far from the status of the wholeness of 'Life'. We should break with substantialism and recreate culture in the same way that we reconstruct the "relations" with our various environment respectively in the contemporary society. It is tentatively emphasized the five essential points in this paper are as follows: (1) To view the wholeness of "knowledge" and "Life" more importantly. (2) To try to reflect toward an open-system of "culture". (3) To reexamine the conditions of our jobs and organization in the view of teacher as a coordinator. (4) To reconstruct "relations" through public opinion and communication instead of opposition and dispute. (5) To establish interactive "relations" with the outside world (including political issues). We are now at a fuming point and need to test what kind of "culture" we can reconstruct in our high school education system.

    DOI CiNii

  • SYMPOSIUM : The Competence and Ability Required for Teachers in Future

    Journal of JASEA   41   50 - 51  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • 「スピリチュアリティの教育」


    『児童心理』金子書房     57  1998.12

  • 「福祉教育」


    『児童心理』金子書房     75  1998.11

  • 「これからの教師に求められる資質能力を考える-ホリスティックな視点から-」


    『学校経営』第一法規   43 ( 13 ) 97 - 103  1998.11

  • 「規制緩和」


    『児童心理』金子書房     64  1998.10

  • 「ボランティア」


    『児童心理』金子書房     59  1998.09

  • 「ネットワーキング」


    『児童心理』8月号、金子書房     51  1998.08

  • 「ホリスティックな高校づくりを展望する」


    月刊高校教育編集部編『これまでの高校、 これからの高校』学事出版     183 - 187  1998.07

  • 「ホリスティックな高校づくりを展望する」


    月刊高校教育編集部編『これまでの高校、 これからの高校』学事出版     146 - 149  1998.07

  • 「トラッキング」


    『児童心理』金子書房     58  1998.07

  • 「ジェンダー」


    『児童心理』金子書房     62  1998.06

  • 「隠れたカリキュラム」


    『児童心理』金子書房     76  1998.05

  • 「中高一貫校の言説と実践-教育経営研究の行方-」


    『日本教育経営学会紀要』   40   28 - 37  1998.05

     View Summary

    At present, a dispute is carried out from various positions centering around the introduction of 6 years secondary schools. The purpose of this paper is to examine the following two themes. First of all, a qualitative analysis is tried to describe the content and form of some discourses. The initial intension for 'tentative attempt' is turned into more realistic strategy, which is regarded to be indsipensable for survival of school organizations. It is so difficult to find persuasive grounds for the institutionalization of 6 years secondary school. The well-balanced attitudes cannot be maintained in the dispute and disappears through the dynamics of 'educational market'. In the latter half of this paper, the empirical data are analysed to explore the reality of practices in 6 years secondary schools. For instance, advanced learning for entrance examination is likely to be adopted in the schools, and a large number of the private schools hold to the system of 6 days schooling. The hierarchical structure among schools influences upon the functioning of 6 year secondary schools. A study of educational administration is required to refine more ecological approaches in order to brush up more 'radical' social philosophy. In a sense, we stand at a turning point like other social sciences.

    DOI CiNii

  • 「私事化」


    」『児童心理』金子書房     72  1998.04

  • 「高校教育改革のマクロな構造を読む」


    『学校経営研究』大塚学校経営研究会   23 ( 23 ) 58 - 63  1998.04


  • 「スクール・ソーシャルワーク」


    『児童心理』金子書房     102  1998.03

  • 「『新しいタイプの高校』再考-J高校の事例-」


    『IDE 現代の高等教育』民主教育協会   ( 395 ) 19 - 24  1998.03


  • 「変化する社会と教師の自己教育力」


    『初等教育資料』東洋館出版社   ( 681 ) 14 - 19  1998.02


  • 「学校化社会」2月号


    『児童心理』金子書房     48  1998.02

  • 「ホリスティックな教育」


    『児童心理』金子書房   52 ( 1 ) 80 - 80  1998.01


  • 「社会の諸問題についての児童・生徒の認識を高めるにはどのような配慮が必要か」


    奥田真丈監修、宮川八岐編『体験・ボランティア活動の考え方・進め方』教育開発研究所     74 - 75  1997.12

  • 「高等学校教育の多様化」


    下村哲夫編『学校と規制緩和読本』教育開発研究所     186 - 191  1997.03

  • 「『教師文化』」


    牧 昌見編『教職「大変な時代」』教育開発研究所     246 - 252  1997.02

  • 「高校教育改革の『最前線』」耳塚寛明・樋田大二郎編著『多様化と個性化の潮流をさ ぐる-高校教育改革の比較教育社会学-』


    (月刊高校教育増刊号)学事出版     28 - 44  1996.11

  • 「不登校現象の読み方/読まれ方」


    『武蔵野女子大学教職課程年報』   3   26 - 31  1996.07

  • 「能力主義か平等主義か」


    新井郁男編『学校の役割転換』教育開発研究所     12 - 15  1996.05

  • 「総合学科のフィールド・スタディ」


    『月刊高校教育』学事出版   29   113 - 121  1996.05

  • 「〈ゆらぎ〉としての単位制高校」


    『国立教育研究所研究集録』   32   17 - 29  1996.03


  • 「高校教育改革の現代的課題」


    『月刊高校教育』学事出版   29 ( 1 ) 134 - 141  1996.01

  • 「高校教育改革の実像と課題」


    『教員養成セミナー』時事通信社   18 ( 3 ) 26 - 28  1995.11

  • 「はじまりとしての不登校現象-フリースペースの試み-」


    『社会教育』全日本社会教育連合会   50 ( 11 ) 20 - 22  1995.11


  • 「教師専門職論の功罪から何を学びとることができるか」


    菱村幸彦監修、佐藤 全編『変化の時代の教師像-新しい指導力と研修-』教育開発研究所     162 - 165  1995.10

  • 「高校教育改革の潮流を探る」


    『高校教育展望』小学館   20 ( 3 ) 8 - 11  1995.08

  • 「教師のモラールの高揚」


    牧 昌見編『学校改善の課題』第一法規     72 - 79  1995.08

  • 「『総合学科』の初期評価」46-49頁


    『教育と情報』第一法規   ( 449 ) 46 - 49  1995.08

  • 「高校教育改革はどこまで進展するか」


    菱村幸彦編『変化の時代の学校像-生涯学習 社会への移行-』教育開発研究所     72 - 75  1995.05

  • 「『若者文化論』再考-脱近代の視点-」


    『国立教育研究所研究集録』   30   51 - 58  1995.03

  • 「高校教育改革の『最前線』」


    『月刊ホームルーム』学事出版     72 - 84  1995.01

  • 「単位制高校にはいかなる可能性があるか」


    菱村幸彦監修、佐藤三郎編『学習指導・評 価の論争点』教育開発研究所     126 - 127  1994.12

  • 「教師のモラールの高揚」


    『学校経営』第一法規   39 ( 11 ) 43 - 49  1994.10

  • 「教育経営における組織文化とは何か」


    菱村幸彦監修、牧昌見・小松郁夫編『教育経営の論争点』教育開発研究所     14 - 15  1994.04

  • 「学校の公式組織と非公式組織の関係はどうあるのがのぞましいか」


    菱村幸彦監修、牧 昌見・小松郁夫編『教育経営の論争点』教育開発研究所     30 - 31  1994.04

  • 「〈職業高校〉の制度化/正当化過程に関する一考察-農業高校の事例-」


    『国立教育研究所研究集録』   28   19 - 31  1994.03


  • 「『差異化』する高校教育-近未来のシナリオ-」


    『月刊高校教育』学事出版     108 - 116  1994.01

  • 「学校の組織風土と研修への影響」


    『学校経営』第一法規   32 ( 12 ) 44 - 52  1993.11

  • 「総合選択制高校と生徒文化の変容」


    『教育と情報』第一法規   ( 426 ) 20 - 25  1993.09

  • 「初任者の力量形成と勤務校の組織風土-『教科指導』研修を中心に-」


    『日本教育経営学会紀要』   35   56 - 68  1993.06

     View Summary

    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the influences of the organizational climates of the schools on the effectiveness of training for beginning teachers, especially focused on the 'subject-teaching' training. And we take account of the individuality of beginning teachers (e. g. personality traits, adaptation to teaching, attitudes for learning). By analyzing quantitative data collected by the questionnaire survey (N=1,061), conducted for elementary and junior high school teachers, some findings are indicated as follows: (1) The quality of training effectiveness evaluation by beginning teachers partly depends on some aspects of the organizational climates of their schools (i. e. the cooperative climate, the existence of the relationships of instructive interaction among teachers). (2) 'Self-confidence of subject-teaching' is not necessarily influenced by the organizational climates. But as to junior high school beginning teachers, the association is more significant, in particular with the coherence of teachers group. (3) The individual traits of beginning teachers associate with the 'self-confidence of subject-teaching'. This study suggests the limits and possibilities of the organizational climates of schools. Further theoretical and empirical examinations are expected, including some relevant variables.

    DOI CiNii

  • 「高校教育改革の成果と展望-先導的事例からの示唆-」


    『月刊高校教育』学事出版     90 - 99  1993.05

  • 「ジェンダー文化の変容と両義性-異性観・結婚観を中心に-」


    『東京大学教育学部紀要』   32   141 - 143  1993.03

  • 「〈女性内分化〉のダイナミクス-社会化機関としての家庭・学校-」


    『東京大学教育学部紀要』   32   122 - 125  1993.03

  • 「改革の実現可能性・イデオロギー性を読む(特集:動き出した高校教育改革)」


    『月刊高校教育』学事出版     63 - 66  1992.10

  • 「初任者研修の現状と課題-調査結果の概要-」


    『教育と情報』第一法規   ( 411 ) 40 - 43  1992.06

  • 「高等学校における不本意就学の発生メカニズム」


    『日本教育経営学会紀要』   32   67 - 81  1990.06

     View Summary

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the generating processes of invol-untary attendance in Japanese senior high schools, where there are many serious problems in proportion to the "universalization". First of all, it is suggested that we should clarify the definition of "involuntary attendance", especially concerning its variability. Reviewing some previous literatures, two kinds of variables are pointed out as related factors (ie. "structural factors" and "process factors"). They are supposed to affect the generation of involuntary attendance in complicated way. Secondly, an empirical study is conducted according to the preceding theoretical framework. Through the statistical analysis of quantitative data on high school students (N=853), some findings are indicated as follows: (1) Involuntary attendance isn't inevitable phenomenon at all. (2) Indeed "stuructural factors" (in particular "involuntary entrance") are important ones in some degree, but "process factors" can function as the "improving factors". (3) Occupational relevance of formal curriculum can enhance the proportion of voluntary students, though a wish to get occupational qualifications isn't substantial. (4) Adaptaion to significant others in the classroom (eg. teachers ) can be a match for "structural factors" in the strength of partial correlation. (5) A possibility of organizational activities is exemplified. Finally, the political implications of this study are summarized and the conflicting relations between "conservatism" and "radicalism" are noted. It is necessary to analyze the social functions of Japanese senior high schools by scientific methods. It is also the essential task to the advancement of "involuntary attendance research"

    DOI CiNii

  • 不本意就学の発生メカニズムを考える


    『月刊高校教育』学事出版     42 - 50  1990.03

  • 「岐路に立つ職業高校」


    『青少年問題』財団法人青少年問題研究会   37 ( 3 ) 14 - 23  1990.03


  • 「高等学校における習熟度別学級編成の背景と効果-社会学的パースペクティブから -」


    『日本教育経営学会紀要』   30   75 - 90  1988.06

     View Summary

    Since the end of the 1970s, ability grouping (Syujukudobetsu-gakkyuhensei) has been increasingly prevalent in Japanese senior high schools. The purpose of this paper is to examine the causes and consequences of ability grouping from sociological viewpoints. Both theoretical and empirical considerations are under-taken. Firstly, reviewing existing studies, the causal relations among some relevant variables are clarified. And also the processes through which ability grouping is formed are explored. They are lack in an attempt to synthesize such two perspectives in a systematic way. In the latter half of this article, we try to overcome the weakness of ability grouping studies. Two kinds of school surveys lead some remarkable findings as follows: (1) Ability-range of student body cannot explain the prevalence of ability grouping practices. (2) Ability grouping is comprised of two major subcategories (ie. banding vs setting), and each has different background. (3) On the whole, banding is more popular in "second-best" schools, which are oriented to improve the academic excellence. (4) But the expectation for banding is not fulfilled at least in the first grade. (5) Rather, banding functions as a "sorting device" which differentiate students' educational expectations. These findings need to be verified and modified through more intensive ethnographic studies.

    DOI CiNii

  • 「習熟度別学級編成の社会学-社会的構成過程序説-」


    『東京大学教育学部紀要』   27   239 - 249  1987.02

  • 「中等教育における『トラッキング』と生徒の分化過程-理論的検討と事例研究の展開-」


    『教育社会学研究』   41   136 - 150  1986.10

     View Summary

    Some complicated factors are causing many Japan's high schools to homogenize classroom composition. Under the circumstances, tracking is regarded as one of the most useful concepts. Having widened its range of application, tracking remains to be used as a "metaphor". Thus, this paper has three interrelated matters as follows. First of all, the conceptual refinement of "tracking" and "differentiation" leads us to redefine the former as a sub-category of the latter. Then, many kinds of tracking can be understood in light of some "anatomical" features, which are comprised of criteria of selection, locus of decision-making, scope, visibility, and so forth. Secondly, the intervening processes are examined. Tracking is followed by two different processes before and after track placement. Each of them is summarized as anticipatory socialization and sequences of some tracks, and as differential distribution of three major "resources" ......instruction, peers, and label (expectation). Finally, what we call "grass-roots" research is conducted. Using intensive data from two high schools, we examine the differentiation processes of educational expectations. Our findings suggest that institutionalized internal tracking per se (eg. "banding" in "A" High School) can be operated as a "sorting machine", and that such a function is fulfilled mainly through the differential distribution of various "resources", although not automatically caused. Hereafter, an attempt to grasp the dynamics of tracking-construction could help us to have a proper understanding of such a practice.


  • 「高等学校における学習習熟度別学級編成に関する研究」


    『東京大学教育学部紀要』   26 ( 26 ) 27 - 58  1986.02


  • 「高校における進路指導の調査と分析」


    『高等教育研究紀要』   5   33 - 73  1985.11

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 他人事≒自分事 : 教育と社会の根本課題を読み解く

    菊地, 栄治( Part: Sole author)

    東信堂  2020.03 ISBN: 9784798916316

  • 希望をつむぐ高校 : 生徒の現実と向き合う学校改革

    菊地, 栄治

    岩波書店  2012.03 ISBN: 9784000225939

  • 〈多元的生成モデル〉にもとづく教育政策の再構築に関する総合的研究

    菊地栄治( Part: Edit)


  • みんなでつくるインクルーシブ教育

    平野智之, 菊地栄治( Part: Joint editor)

    アドバンテージサーバー  2023

  • 『新たな学びの構築へ-コロナ危機から構想する学校教育-』

    ( Part: Joint author, 「ポストコロナを問い直す-ケア/「他人事≒自分事」/ゆたかな学び-」)

    アドバンテージサーバー教育文化総合研究所編  2021.05

  • 「縮小期」後期の高校教育改革を問い直す-〈多元的生成モデル〉の可能性-

    ( Part: Sole author)


  • 3.11を心に刻んで

    岩波書店編集部( Part: Contributor)

    岩波書店  2021.03 ISBN: 9784002710426

  • 人間教育をめざしたカリキュラム創造 : 「ひと」を教え育てる教育をつくる

    古川, 治, 矢野, 裕俊( Part: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2020.12 ISBN: 9784623088447

  • 能力2040 : AI時代に人間する

    池田, 賢市, 市野川, 容孝, 伊藤, 書佳, 菊地, 栄治, 工藤, 律子, 松嶋, 健

    太田出版  2020.05 ISBN: 9784778316945

  • 戦後の教育実践、「今」へ伝えるメッセージ

    「戦後教育実践セミナー」編集委員会, 早稲田大学教師教育研究所( Part: Contributor)

    学文社  2020.03 ISBN: 9784762029097

  • 「片隅の世界」からつむがれる教育と研究

    早稲田大学教育総合研究所, 伊勢真一, 菊地栄治, 平野智之, 松嶋健( Part: Contributor)

    学文社  2020.03 ISBN: 9784762029943

  • 変容する世界と日本のオルタナティブ教育 : 生を優先する多様性の方へ

    永田, 佳之( Part: Contributor)

    世織書房  2019.12 ISBN: 9784866860091

  • 〈多元的生成モデル〉にもとづく教育改革の実践と構造に関する総合的研究

    ( Part: Edit)


  • 『主権者はつくられる』

    ( Part: Joint author, 「『政治的中立性問題』を問い直す」)

    アドバンテージサーバー  2018.07

  • 『教育経営における研究と実践』(講座現代の教育経営4)

    日本教育経営学会編( Part: Contributor, 「学校制度の〈ゆらぎ〉と教育経営研究」)

    学文社  2018.06

  • 『教育経営ハンドブック』(講座 現代の教育経営5)

    日本教育経営学会編( Part: Contributor, 「高校教育改革」)

    学文社  2018.06

  • 教育社会学事典

    日本教育社会学会( Part: Joint editor)

    丸善出版  2018.01 ISBN: 9784621302330

  • 学校のポリティクス

    小玉, 重夫, 藤田, 英典, 青木, 栄一, 大桃, 敏行, 志水, 宏吉, 小国, 喜弘, 菊地, 栄治, 小山, 静子, 木村, 涼子, 村上, 祐介, 広瀬, 裕子, 苅谷, 剛彦

    岩波書店  2016.11 ISBN: 9784000113960

  • 「若年市民層」の教育エンパワメントの実践構造と促進方策に関する臨床的研究

    菊地, 栄治( Part: Edit)

    [菊地栄治]  2015.03

  • 「負の連鎖を断つ―高校における教育エンパワメントの試み―」

    菊地栄治( Part: Contributor)

    学文社  2015.03

  • 『持続する学び 持続する社会-学制改革論議に対抗する教育像-』

    国民教育文化総合研究所, 持続する学び研究委員会( Part: Contributor, 「学びの在り方を求めて」「中高の接続を考える-中高一貫教育(校)の課題と可能性-」)

    国民教育文化総合研究所  2014.11

  • 『社会調査事典』

    (「社会における教育-ボランティア, NPO, オルタナティブ・スクール-」)

    丸善出版  2014.01

  • 『いじめによる子どもの自死をなくしたい』

    近藤庄一, 安達昇編著( Part: Contributor, 「難題と向き合うもうひとつの学級づくり-子どもの現実と『学級崩壊』現象の分析を重ね合わせて-」)

    学文社  2011.06

  • 「「後期子ども」の教育エンパワメントの実践と構造に関する総合的研究」



  • 『最新教育原理』

    安彦忠彦, 石堂常世編( Part: Contributor, 「社会の変動と教育」)

    勁草書房  2010.10

  • 世界から見た日本の教育

    MacDonald, Laurence, 菊地, 栄治, 山田, 浩之, 橋本, 鉱市, 廣田, 照幸

    日本図書センター  2009.09 ISBN: 9784284302647

  • 〈公共圏〉を生成する教育改革の実践と構造に関する総合的研究

    菊地栄治( Part: Edit)


  • 「高校教育の実践と構造に関する全国調査報告書」

    菊地栄治( Part: Edit)


  • 「持続可能な教育社会をつくる―環境・開発・スピリチュアリティ―」

    吉田敦彦, 永田佳之, 菊地栄治編

    せせらぎ出版  2006.03

  • 『モラトリアム青年肯定論』(現代のエスプリ460号)


    至文堂  2005.08

  • 『学力の総合的研究』

    高浦勝義編( Part: Contributor, 「高校の『総合的な学習の時間』の輪郭-『学力低下』論争のはざまで-」)

    黎明書房  2005.03

  • 『教育改革の論争点』

    市川昭午編( Part: Contributor, 「フリースクールから何を学ぶことができるか」「地域運営学校(コミュニティ・スクール)はどのように語られてきたのか」)

    教育開発研究所  2004.03

  • ホリスティックな教育改革の実践と構造に関する総合的研究

    菊地, 栄治

    [菊地栄治]  2003

  • るるくで行こう! : 新たな学びのスタイルで性と生を考える : ピア・エデュケーション

    横田, 恵子, 平野, 智之, 菊地, 栄治

    学事出版  2003.01 ISBN: 4761908564

  • 「ホリスティックな教育改革の実践と構造に関する総合的研究」

    研究代表者, 菊地栄治

    [菊地栄治]  2003

  • 『るるくで行こう!-新たな学びのスタイル(ピア・エデュケーション)で性と生を考える-』


    学事出版  2003.01

  • 『教育学年報9 大学改革』

    藤田英典他編( Part: Contributor, 「『オルタナティブ教育』研究についての覚え書き-2002年国際セミナーとの重ね合せから-」)

    世織書房  2002.09

  • 「『オルタナティブ教育』研究についての覚え書き-2002年国際セミナーとの重ね合せから-」


    藤田英典他編『教育学年報9 大学改革』世織書房  2002.09

  • 不登校現象の現代的構造と実践的対応に関する総合的研究

    菊地, 栄治

    [菊地栄治]  2002.03

  • 「不登校現象の現代的構造と実践的対応に関する総合的研究」

    研究代表者, 菊地栄治

    [菊地栄治]  2002

  • 福祉教育・ボランティア学習の構造と実践に関する総合的研究

    菊地, 栄治

    菊地栄治(国立教育政策研究所)  2001.03

  • 「福祉教育・ボランティア学習の構造と実践に関する総合的研究」

    研究代表者, 菊地栄治

    菊地栄治(国立教育政策研究所)  2001

  • 進化する高校 深化する学び : 総合的 (ホリスティック) な知をはぐくむ松高の実践

    菊地栄治( Part: Edit)

    学事出版  2000.10 ISBN: 4761907193

  • 『進化する高校 深化する学び-総合的な知をはぐくむ松高の実践-』


    学事出版  2000.10

  • 「脱年齢主義の行方と展望-教育と労働の〈ゆらぎ〉を読む-」


    新井郁男編『「効率」学校の超克-教育社会から学習社会への転換をデザインする-』東洋館出版社  2000.07

  • 「高等学校移行措置の解説」


    『新学習指導要領 移行措置の解説』時事通信社  1999.12

  • 「『教育と選抜』再考-〈関係〉の再構築のために-」


    新井郁男編『学習社会としての学校-「教育する学校」を超えて-』教育出版  1999.08

  • 『福祉社会事典』

    庄司洋子他編( Part: Contributor, 「カルチャーセンター」「コミュニティ・カレッジ」「総合学科」「偏差値」)

    弘文堂、1999年5月  1999.05

  • 『「総合的な学習の時間」で基礎的素養を育む』

    山極隆編( Part: Contributor, 「『福祉についての課題に取り組む』-その考え方と進め方」)

    教育開発研究所  1999.05

  • 「教育の多様化と個性化-中等教育のカリキュラム-」


    佐伯 胖ほか編『岩波講座 現代の教育9 教育の政治経済学』岩波書店  1998.12

  • 『これまでの高校、これからの高校』

    月刊高校教育編集部編( Part: Contributor, 「ホリスティックな高校づくりを展望する」)

    学事出版  1998.07

  • 『体験・ボランティア活動の考え方・進め方』

    奥田真丈監修, 宮川八岐編(「社会の諸問題についての児童・生徒の認識を高めるにはどのような配慮が必要か」)

    教育開発研究所  1997.12

  • 「高校におけるホリスティックな学校づくり-違いを活かす開放系の試み-」


    高橋史朗編『ホリスティックな学校づくり』明治図書  1997.10

  • 『学校と規制緩和読本』

    下村哲夫編( Part: Contributor, 「高等学校教育の多様化」)

    教育開発研究所  1997.03

  • 『教職「大変な時代」』

    牧昌見編( Part: Contributor, 「『教師文化』」)

    教育開発研究所  1997.02

  • 高校教育改革の総合的研究

    菊地, 栄治, 小川, 洋, 横尾, 浩一, 柏浦, 勝良, 坂野, 慎二, 佐野, 享子, 高浦, 勝義, 樋田, 大二郎, 屋敷, 和佳, 加藤, 幸次, 永田, 佳之

    多賀出版  1997.02 ISBN: 4811544919

  • 「高校教育改革の『最前線』」


    耳塚寛明・樋田大二郎編著『多様化と個性化の潮流をさ ぐる-高校教育改革の比較教育社会学-』学事出版  1997

  • 「ホリスティックな教育とポストモダン」


    『ホリスティック医学と教育-いのちを包括的に観る』(現代のエスプリ355号)至文堂  1997.01

  • 『多様化と個性化の潮流をさぐる-高校教育改革の比較教育社会学-』

    耳塚寛明, 樋田大二郎編著( Part: Contributor, 「高校教育改革の『最前線』」)

    学事出版  1996.12

  • 「現代日本における教員評価の虚像と実像-先行研究の再検討-」


    佐藤 全・坂本 孝徳編『教員に求められる力量と評価-日本と諸外国-』東洋館出版社、  1996.06

  • 『変化の時代の教師像-新しい指導力と研修-』

    菱村幸彦監修, 佐藤全編( Part: Contributor, 「教師専門職論の功罪から何を学びとることができるか」)

    教育開発研究所  1995.10

  • 『学校改善の課題』


    第一法規  1995.08

  • 「学校の組織風土と研修への影響」


    牧 昌見編『学校改善の課題』第一法規  1995.08

  • 『変化の時代の学校像-生涯学習社会への移行-』

    菱村幸彦編( Part: Contributor, 「高校教育改革はどこまで進展するか」)

    教育開発研究所  1995.05

  • 『学校の役割転換』

    新井郁男編( Part: Contributor, 「能力主義か平等主義か」)

    教育開発研究所  1995.05

  • 『学習指導・評価の論争点』

    菱村幸彦監修, 佐藤三郎編(「単位制高校にはいかなる可能性があるか」)

    教育開発研究所  1994.12

  • 『教育経営の論争点』

    菱村幸彦監修, 牧昌見, 小松郁夫編( Part: Contributor, 「学校の公式組織と非公式組織の関係はどうあるのがのぞましいか」「教育経営における組織文化とは何か」)

    教育開発研究所  1994.04

  • 『教育経営の改善研究事典』

    金子照基, 中留武昭編(「学校文化」)

    ㈱学校運営研究会  1994.03

  • ジェンダーと権力 : セクシュアリティの社会学

    Connell, R. W., 森, 重雄, 菊地, 栄治, 加藤, 隆雄, 越知, 康詞

    三交社  1993.12 ISBN: 4879191175

  • 「総合選択制,学校生活,進路選択」


    西本憲弘・佐古順彦編『伊奈学園-新しい高校 モデルの創造と評価-』第一法規  1993.11

  • 教授・学習の行動科学

    滝沢, 武久, 東, 洋, 永野, 重史, 河井, 芳文, 真島, 真理, 所澤, 潤, 清水, 民子, 菊地, 栄治, 藤田, 英典, 大塚, 雄作, 中野, 照海, 岡本, 敏雄, 菅井, 勝雄, 梶田, 叡一, 田島, 信元, 並木, 博, 渋谷, 憲一, 鈴木, 康平, 梶田, 正巳, 速水, 敏彦, 北尾, 倫彦, 黒田, 実郎

    福村出版  1991.05 ISBN: 4571205392

  • 「教授・学習活動における集団的文脈」


    滝沢武久・東洋編『応用心理学講座9 教授・学習の行動科学』福村出版  1991.05

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Research Projects

  • 「進路多様校」のエンパワメント実践と支援構造に関する臨床的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    菊地 栄治

  • 〈多元的生成モデル〉にもとづく教育政策の再構築に関する総合的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    菊地 栄治, 池田 賢市, 木村 優, 紅林 伸幸, 小国 喜弘, 白川 優治, 末冨 芳, 高橋 亜希子, 永田 佳之, 仁平 典宏, 根津 朋実, 丸山 英樹, 宮古 紀宏, 油布 佐和子, 吉田 敦彦, 和井田 清司

     View Summary


  • The Clinical Study of Promotion Conditions for Recreating High Schools Based on the " Pluralistic Generation Model "

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kikuchi Eiji

     View Summary

    Due to the neo-liberal educational reforms during the deflationary period, recreating senior high schools faces serious challenges such as busy teachers, deterioration of dialogic relationships, and weakening of learning conditions for younger teachers. The “Layer V”, which has the most serious difficulties in terms of academic ability of students, has achieved certain outcomes by strengthening discipline and promoting learning processes on lessons. On the other hand, the “Layer IV” appears to be most affected by the deterioration of dialogic relationships. The result of recreating high school is hindered / promoted by different factors for each Layer. Through the intensive fieldwork of this research, the importance of trying to foster subjects forming society by facing various social issues starting from the reality of the students was confirmed, and we could find the effectiveness of the <pluralistic generative model> in collaborative learning among teachers.

  • A Comprehensive Study of Practices and Structures in Educational Reforms Based on "Pluralistic Generation Model "

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The questionnaire survey was conducted for principals and teachers of public junior high schools on a nation scale in 2017, and the following findings were obtained mainly from comparison with 2002 data. (1) A number of teachers became busy, and the ratio of "12 hours or more" during work hours on weekdays doubled. (2) As a result of multiple regression analysis, it was confirmed that the main factors of busyness were "general office work(Ippan-Jimu)" and "club activities(Bukatsudo)". (3) The dialogic relationship has been deteriorated due to busyness, but the "conservation of young people" legitimizes the situation. (4) The top-down school management system has stimulated busyness. At the root of this is the penetration of the <unitary operation model>. Several spontaneous attempts based on the <pluralistic generation model> have produced remarkable results. From now on, research to actualize "alternative story" is expected.

  • 〈多元的生成モデル〉にもとづく教育改革の実践と構造に関する総合的研究


    Project Year :


  • A clinical study of constructing <pluralistic generation model> in high school education reform

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Eiji

     View Summary

    In this study,a questionnaire survey was conducted for high school principals and teachers naitionwide in 2015. Based on the comparison with the corresponding 2004 data, the following findings were obtained. First, as we have missed the opportunities to encounter diverse people and social realities during these periods, teachers have neglected the competence for constructing societies more and more. Secondly, both principles and teachers have decreaced thier autonomy, especially among middle-aged teachers. Thirdly, teachers are weakening the involvement with students. Finally. these trends have been influenced to some degree by teachers' busy work conditions. These changes in around a decade are the results of the penetration of <unitary operation model>, and so we are afraid of the vicious circle. According to case studies, <pluratistic generation model> has the potential to provide important alternatives.

  • Synthetic Study on Sustainability and Resilience of Education in Asian Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Nagata Yoshiyuki, Kikuchi Eiji, Ichinose Tomoroni, Yoshida Atsuhiko, Yamanishi Yuji, Soga Sachiyo, Yokota Kazuko, Nakata Yuki, Suvendrini Kakuchi, Yoshida Naoko, Tsujimoto Yui, Nagumo Yuta

     View Summary

    This study focused on five countries in Asia and the Pacific. These are Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Japan. By making the most of questionnaire and interviews in Japan and overseas, the study identified some of the characteristics of sustainability and resilience of these countries. As regard with resilience, which was one of the key concept of the research design, five elements of redundancy, robustness, diversity and autonomy were emphasized and found that some countries were strong while others were weak in terms of autonomy and others. The research also found some of the issues and/or challenges for schools or communities to be more sustainable.

  • A Clinical Study of Prantice Structures and Enhancement Processes in Educational Empowerment for "Youth as Citizen"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Through this research project, we have shared the recognition that the deprived condition of youth is the most serious problem. However, as collaborative case-studies have shown, we can find that many young people are empowered. As a whole, the policies and practices based on “uni-dimensional operative model” might deprive them of power. In contrast, we find that “multi-dimensional generative model” could empower the deprived youth. And the latter model is regarded as interactive transformation among actors in most cases. “Multi-dimensional generative model” is regarded as the essence of empowerment practices, and so suggests the direction of educational reform in the future.

  • アジア諸国における教育の持続可能性とレジリエンスに関する総合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(聖心女子大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • A clinical study of sustainable practices and their structure in high school educational reforms of Japan

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    Concerning parctices and structures of sustainable reforms in high school education, the case study and the questionnaire survey give following facts;(1)"Abilities to be nurtured" are influenced by the stratum of high school strongly, so that it is necessary to set goals based on students' realities.(2) The crucial thing is that teachers create "learning organization" by piling up common success experiences through facing each others and transform themselves.(3) It is important to enhance the sustainability as the whole system by exploiting social capital (i.e. local community, administrative agencies), based on the fact that only the limited high schools perform their reforms that give suggestions to other schools

  • A clinical study of sustainable practices and their structure in high school educational reforms of Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Eiji

     View Summary

    Concerning parctices and structures of sustainable reforms in high school education, the case study and the questionnaire survey give following facts;
    (1)"Abilities to be nurtured" are influenced by the stratum of high school strongly, so that it is necessary to set goals based on students' realities.
    (2) The crucial thing is that teachers create "learning organization" by piling up common success experiences through facing each others and transform themselves.
    (3) It is important to enhance the sustainability as the whole system by exploiting social capital (i.e. local community, administrative agencies), based on the fact that only the limited high schools perform their reforms that give suggestions to other schools.

  • Comprehensive Study on the Practice and Structure of Educational Empowerment for "Kouki-Kodomo"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Eiji, IKEDA Kenichi, TAKATA Ken, TAKAHASHI Akiko, NAGATA Yoshiyuki, HIRATSUKA Maki, MUKUMOTO Hiroshi, YOSHIDA Atsuhiko, YOSHIMOTO Keiichi, WAIDA Seiji, WATABE Makoto

     View Summary

    This study finds out the situation and structure of social views of "kouki-kodomo" (young adults around 18-30 years old) through some questionnaire researches. On the same time, it is explored a possibility to change fixed social consciousness. In addition, we explore some measures to empower "kouki-kodomo", based on the results of questionnaire researches, analyzing the officially collected data and case studies. Finally, it is empirically and theoretically reported an importance of putting into action multidirectional measures such as encounters with inspiring other people, construction of relationship between "kouki-kodomo" and communities, autonomous and organized school reforms, and administrative supports.

  • エンパワメントを促す高校づくりの実践と基盤に関する臨床的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    菊地 栄治

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  • Research of Class Evaluation Investigation that Supports Growth of Teacher of University

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    MIO Tadao, NAGASHIMA Hitonori, KIKUCHI Eiji, NANBU Masatoshi, URANO Hiroshi, HATANO Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    The difference between the perception about the present state of affairs and the problem consideration arranged how the teacher of the university grew up as those who taught it by individual's seeing the class and. investigating the class evaluation in the following points for practice by those who taught it who were the person in charge of the subject of a certain. teacher-training course arranged the case in the effect of giving it.
    1.Effect on class improvement of accumulation to make teaching portfolio Those who taught it recognized the viewpoint of a high class improvement of concreteness or more by exchanging making to the electron and that of the material of a lecture, related material of the result, the class evaluation investigation result(summary), and the facilities equipment(The photograph is included) among those who taught it, and it was possible to try actually. Moreover, it was effective to a more appropriate method and making the standard by exchanging these information on the evaluation of learning results.
    2. The class evaluation investigation and usual Mio, the southern part, Urano, and Hatano by the mark sheet analyzed Mio and Hatano by the adult number class(250 people 100) about the understanding of student's course content, how to catch the class method, and the tendency to the those who taught it comment on the content of the description of the declaration of the greediness for learning and the attitude and participants with a shuttle card(account book). As for the those who teach it comment, it differs and certain has been understood from the history as the class person's teacher the quality and the amount of the content. Those who teach it by the experience of the teacher of primary and the secondary education before have understood the comment to which more educational consideration is abundant is returned to the student, and the amount of the character is also large.

  • Research of Class Evaluation Investigation that Supports Growth of Teacher of University

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    The difference between the perception about the present state of affairs and the problem consideration arranged how the teacher of the university grew up as those who taught it by individual's seeing the class and. investigating the class evaluation in the following points for practice by those who taught it who were the person in charge of the subject of a certain. teacher-training course arranged the case in the effect of giving it.
    1.Effect on class improvement of accumulation to make teaching portfolio Those who taught it recognized the viewpoint of a high class improvement of concreteness or more by exchanging making to the electron and that of the material of a lecture, related material of the result, the class evaluation investigation result(summary), and the facilities equipment(The photograph is included) among those who taught it, and it was possible to try actually. Moreover, it was effective to a more appropriate method and making the standard by exchanging these information on the evaluation of learning results.
    2. The class evaluation investigation and usual Mio, the southern part, Urano, and Hatano by the mark sheet analyzed Mio and Hatano by the adult number class(250 people 100) about the understanding of student's course content, how to catch the class method, and the tendency to the those who taught it comment on the content of the description of the declaration of the greediness for learning and the attitude and participants with a shuttle card(account book). As for the those who teach it comment, it differs and certain has been understood from the history as the class person's teacher the quality and the amount of the content. Those who teach it by the experience of the teacher of primary and the secondary education before have understood the comment to which more educational consideration is abundant is returned to the student, and the amount of the character is also large.

  • Comprehensive study on the practice and structure that enhance public sphere

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Eiji, ABUMIYA Mariko, SAWANO Yukiko, NAGATA Yoshiyuki, HASHIMOTO Akihiko, YOSHIDA Atsuhiko

     View Summary

    The aim of this research is to show difficulties that children have and to find out the way to go in good education practices by understanding education reform through the perspective of public sphere. Main findings are following.
    Firstly, neo-liberal and neoconservative education reform have destroyed public sphere and as a result, they have broken down a possibility of empowerment that education practitioners had developed for a long time. This showed the limit of recent education in which children are treated separately.
    Secondly, as a result of the research that we analyzed the children's life, it is conformed that the experiences children have gone through are made shallow. Instead, investments for education have been conducted.
    Thirdly, the feature is linked to hierarchy. On the one hand, media like TV in consumer society is emphasized, but on the other hand, organization like cram school is spread. Both of them are something to make vulnerable children's relationship with society and others.
    However, education practice that nurtures public sphere has been held. This kind of sphere is the place to face economic difficulty, to include children's weakness, to learn each other and to work together. To support these attempts is social responsibility of public administration. It is needed that the way of looking at children is changed fundamentally including role of the nation.

  • アジア太平洋地域の持続可能な開発のための教育に関する国際研究集会に向けた企画調査

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    永田 佳之, 山西 優二, 菊地 栄治, 北川 文美, 丸山 英樹

     View Summary


  • アジア太平洋地域の持続可能な開発のための教育に関する国際研究集会に向けた企画調査

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育政策研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • International Comparative Study on Publicly-funded Privately-run Schools-with special focus on evaluation of public good

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    NAGATA Yoshiyuki, YAMANISHI Yuji, KIKUCHI Eiji, SAWANO Yukiko, FUKAHORI Satoko, KAJIMA Midori

     View Summary

    As a result of this study we found ‘seeds'for fruitful educational society in the countries with which this study dealt Alternative forms of development were in progress in the countries which have gone through radical reform in education Such systems as quality control function in the way that they do stop widening gap of educational opportunities in a society
    In Australia, though they face various difficulties of disputes between local administration and alternative schools, interesting cases such as publicly-run Waldorf schools can be seen.
    In Asian countries they seek to find how to create publicly-run privately-operated schools as well. However, at the same time they deal with various types of problem. In Korea an alternative school were pending in court, and in Taipei another experimental school was at issue and nearly closed down. In Japan, there are innovative cases of schools or facilities supported by municipal ordinance. On the other hand, it is not difficult to see ‘pitfalls'for such practices to be trapped in atop-down administrative reform.
    Apart from these individual cases, there are themes in common among various nations. One of the most important topics is relationships between ‘public sector' and ‘private sector'. Questions posed are what and how the inner should guarantee and what kind of public good the latter create. Collaboration between these sectors are an urgent matter. Again we have found fruitful practices on this as well. Cases particularly from New York City and New Zealand should be worthwhile mentioning.

  • <公共性>を育む高校教育改革の実践と構造に関する臨床的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    菊地 栄治

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  • 少子化と地域差を考慮した基礎学力を保障するための小中高一貫教育の総合調査研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    坂野 慎二, 小松 郁夫, 川島 啓二, 木岡 一明, 屋敷 和佳, 名取 一好, 菊地 栄治

     View Summary


  • International Comparative Study on Publicly-funded Privately-run Schools-with special focus on evaluation of public good

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    As a result of this study we found ‘seeds'for fruitful educational society in the countries with which this study dealt Alternative forms of development were in progress in the countries which have gone through radical reform in education Such systems as quality control function in the way that they do stop widening gap of educational opportunities in a society
    In Australia, though they face various difficulties of disputes between local administration and alternative schools, interesting cases such as publicly-run Waldorf schools can be seen.
    In Asian countries they seek to find how to create publicly-run privately-operated schools as well. However, at the same time they deal with various types of problem. In Korea an alternative school were pending in court, and in Taipei another experimental school was at issue and nearly closed down. In Japan, there are innovative cases of schools or facilities supported by municipal ordinance. On the other hand, it is not difficult to see ‘pitfalls'for such practices to be trapped in atop-down administrative reform.
    Apart from these individual cases, there are themes in common among various nations. One of the most important topics is relationships between ‘public sector' and ‘private sector'. Questions posed are what and how the inner should guarantee and what kind of public good the latter create. Collaboration between these sectors are an urgent matter. Again we have found fruitful practices on this as well. Cases particularly from New York City and New Zealand should be worthwhile mentioning.

  • 教育における評価研究の在り方に関する日韓比較研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    橋本 昭彦, 鐙屋 真理子, 菊地 栄治, 金 泰勲

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  • A Comprehensive Study on the Practices and Structures of Holistic Educational Reform

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Eiji, NAGATA Yoshiyuki, KOMATSU Ikuo, ABUMIYA Mariko, SAWANO Yukiko, HASHIMOTO Akihiko

     View Summary

    In this fiscal year, we analyzed the data collected through a nationwide questionnaire for the headmasters and the teachers at the public junior high schools, and also examined the conceptual meanings and social implications of holistic educational reform.
    Various reform practices are classified in three areas, ie. 1) local community and alternative learning facilities, 2) primary schools and junior high schools, 3) senior high schools, and are evaluated from a viewpoint of effectiveness and deepness as holistic educational reform.
    The main findings are suggested as the following.
    1.As the neo-liberal and neo-conservative educational reform has been carried out, institutional discrimination has been extended and diffused. In this way, the essential function of education in Japan has been weakened and various infrastructures which concern learning, life and growth were steadily collapsed.
    2.Even the people who accept the reform positively in the past become to raise an objection on the plan of the educational reform. Between the side which drafts a policy and the side which is engaged in the educational practices, the trust relation has begun to receive a damage. It is suggested that the education reform in these days brings about the busy-ing ("tabouka") of the teachers and diminishes the collaborative collegiality among them, through analyzing the distress written by approximately 3,000 teachers in qualitative way.
    3.By analyzing various fluctuation ("yuragi") of the junior high school education, we reached the following conclusion. That is, we have to throw away the dominant story and overcome an structural difficulties. For its purpose, it is important to refine the theory on the essence of "human development" and to promote reflective/flexible dialogue.
    4.Already, the "bud" of the holistic educational reform, which is peculiar to my country, is surely beginning to appear. This study shows that it is indispensable to "listen" politely to these practices and structural realities of educational society. In the future, it may become a key factor to extract some common features of the various reform areas and to refine the measures by which a colleague or peer make the solidarity. Such a innovation may become possible only if we know more deeply and penetrate the relation with society, human beings and true self.

  • Comparative Study of Curricula of Secondary Schools in Japan and Germany

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SAKANO Shinji, SAKAMOTO Takanori, KIKUCHI Eiji, YASHIKI Kazuyoshi, SETO Hirofumi

     View Summary

    This reseach analyses the 2 functions of secondary education system, Qualification of rights to higher education and that of vocations. Those are analysed from the view points of individualzing learning and common contents. This research group has analysed them compared with that in Japan and in Germany.
    With our analyzing we showed following points.
    1. In Japan integrated secondary schools are established only a few years ago. They cpan't show significant characteristics yet.
    2. The investigation from the students shows different impression to the integrated secondary sdhool.
    3. In the integrated secondary schools, which have 6 grades, there are less students in one grade than senior high schools, which can have more students in one grade.
    4. In Germany survey students at the universities felt that they nees at least 4 subjects test by the graduation from GYMNASIEN.
    5. They agree that students should be given more than 4 subjects by graduating GYMNASIEN.

  • Research for the recent function of classroom management and pupil behavior in elementary schools

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this research is focused upon the function of classroom andthe dis-funjction by the pupil misbehavior.During in the middle 1990s, some elementary schools had problems in terms of classroom dis-functions.This problems requested classroom teacher should have new way of classroom management and pupil asked new relationships with each others.This research project organized three parts of research plan.1. History of classroom management2. Comparative research between USA, the Republic of Korea and Germany.3. Questionnaire about Year 5 pupils behavior and their thoughtsThe summary of this research is1. There were severe disorders in any size of class in terms of Classroom Dis-unction : Gakkyuu houkai2. The key of solution to the problems is made by the complex system like good lessens and friendship with each others.3. Teachers had better rely upon the good ethos of pupils

  • An International Study on Practices of Alternative Education and Its Administration

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    NAGATA Yoshiyuki, ABUMIYA Mariko ichimi, KIKUCHI Eiji, KOMATSU Ikuo, YOKOTA Masao, ISHIKAWA Norihiko

     View Summary

    The research results of the study are summarized as a final report. Within Part I of the report, the chapters introduce practice and theories as well as structure, systems and administration of alternative schools by making the most of field surveys including interviews in America, Canada, Korea,the Netherlands, Russia, etc. In Part II, from the international comparative viewpoints the authors analyze some features of alternative education elaborated in previous chapters.
    Part III is a synthetic part. It reviews definitions and interpretations of the term "alternative school". After examining the special characteristics of alternative education in the modern context, the author turns to identify quantitative data relating to the number of alternative schools and students in several countries. As a result of the analysis, it can be shown that in countries, showing that in countries with an established educational stream for alternative schools, approximately 10-20% of all the schools at primary and secondary levels provide some form of alternative education, and that about 10% of school-age children participate in alternative education.
    Also Part III summarizes laws and regulations, guidelines, standards for accreditation and evaluation criteria concerning alternative education in the different countries. Furthermore, the final chapter takes the key concept of "Quality Assurance" (QA), the various regulations concerning the content of alternative education, and shows how the quality of alternative schools is ensured in several countries. There the author articulates the four ways of administering alternative education : 1) positive support/controlling administration ; 2) negative support/interfering administration ; 3) negative support/laissez-feire administration ; 4) positive support/caring administration. Theauthor stresses the problem of the first and the third type in view of recent educational trends in Japan and other countries. At the same time, he tries to search for possibilities for realizing the fourth type.

  • オルタナティブな学び舎における〈公共性〉の生成と変容に関する質的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽的研究

    Project Year :


    永田 佳之, 菊地 栄治

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  • ホリスティックな高校教育改革の実践と構造に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

    Project Year :


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  • A comprehensive Study on the Structures and Practices of Welfare Education and Volunteer Learning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Eiji, ITO Ryuji, NAGATA Yoshiyuki, YAMAMOTO Yoshihiro, NATSUAKI Hidefusa, YOKOTA Masao

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    This study reconstructs some perspectives for revising various practices, considering about the modern structures of welfare education and volunteer activities. It leads us to four major findings as follows.
    First of all, we make a qualitative examination of educational practices in junior and senior high schools to find that the idea of welfare education is very ambiguous. Secondly, a large part of the educational practices repeats highly operational perspectives on children and are lack of critical/reflective thinking on social philosophy, and so they cannot still overcome the limitations as 'modern knowledge'. Thirdly, a small part of the attempts are designs in accordance with the children's reality and influence the social structures through the interaction with outside societies of schools, where they do neither treat welfare education as the matter of the one for the old people in narrow sense nor are reduced to the education of 'kokoro'. In this report some suggestive practices are introduced as innovative practices. Fourthly, similar attempts can be found in alternative education that accepts the school refusers. In particular, free spaces, which have increased remarkably since 1990's, don't see welfare education in mechanical way but make some evidences showing that adults and communities are able to transform themselves together with the children. However, a deep welfare education spends more time and cannot necessarily produce perfect results.
    We should be more careful neither to systematize welfare education and volunteer activities nor to spoil the deepness of the practices. For these purposes, we should radically restruct our prevalent knowledge that is internalized in the restrains of modern schooled society. Hereafter, it is necessary more and more for the researchers to be learned by various practices and connect the isolated spaces each other.

  • Positive Research on Extension Courses of High School

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAMOTO Yoshihiro, KITO Naoko, SAWANO Yukiko, SASAI Hiromi, IWATSUKI Tomoya, KIKUCHI Eiji

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    The purpose of this study is to prove the new role of high school in the lifelong learning society. In recent years, many high school proposed learning opportunity to their communities. So we had a research to every prefecture on the situation of extension courses proposed by high schools. We analyzed the statistics of the situation in each prefecture.
    Furthermore, we had many interviews of those high schools in a variety of courses, information technology, marine sports, agricultural environment, welfare, local culture, etc. By those interviews and statistics, we made a report on such studies and published in 2000 lastly.

  • 総合学科・総合選択制高校のアカウンタビリティの研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

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  • Current Situation of the Upper Secondary School Students' Competence for Decision of Their Future Way of Life and the Teacher's Effect

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATO Akira, KIKUCHI Eiji, IWAKI Hideo

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    1. Educational Activities and School Management
    Students' competence for decision on their future way of life and for positive living is not sufficient. Educational activities on nurturing these competence should be provided at each school by the school management that can bring collabolative activities among teachers.
    2. Students' Competence for Decision on Career Paths and Vocational Education
    The fairer half of the students can draw perspectives of their future way of life and carrer paths. Their perspectives are affected by TV rather than by teachers. Vocational education should consist of not only theoretical studies but also skill practice to make the students' competence for occupational choice more sufficient.
    3. Neccessity of New Subject "EDUCATION"
    It is most fundamental problem of nurturing the students' competence for their future way of life and positive living to recover the decline of the educational function of family by taking measures to create new required subject such as "EDUCATION" in upper secondary school, because most of the students are prospective parents.

  • ホリスティックな学校づくりに関する臨床的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

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  • 都道府県における高等学校の再編計画に関する研究-教育の多様化と資源配分の観点から

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • A Comprehensive Study on the Contemporary Structures and Practical Measures for School Refusal Phenomenon

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Eiji, TAKEUCHI Kiyoshi, MORI Shigeo, SATO Akira, HOSAKA Toru, ARIMOTO Norifumi

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the contemporary structures of school refusal phenomenon and examine some practices from multiphasic viewpoints. The report is composed of Part I and Part II.
    In Part I, the history of 'school refusal problems' is explored and its modern features are described. The major findings are pointed out as follows :
    1. In the beginning of Meiji Era, when modern educational system has been developed, school refusal tended to be treated as problematic, as non-attendants could neither be tracked as socio-economic winner nor be educated for well-disciplined children.
    2. School refusal has been interpreted and analyzed through modern episteme such as psychiatry and we can find long-term habits of thinking that have interpreted the phenomena as some kinds of individual disease since 1950's.
    3. The voices of children has been ignored for a long time and dominant views remained to be manipulative and mechanical ones.
    4. However, some schools are trying to reconstruct conventional school cultures and results in the decline of non-attendance rates.
    5. A drastic changes can be found through an ethnographic study of some non-public facilities (ex. free space). The practices that respect children's well-being and reflect adult's way of life could bring us some fruitful and radical changes.

  • 教員の職能成長を促進する勤務校の特性に関する実証的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    1 文献研究の成果
    2 調査結果の概要
    3 今後の研究課題

  • 単位制高等学校の意味と機能に関する実証的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

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  • 単位制高等学校の社会的機能に関する実証的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

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  • 教員の転任が職能成長と学校経営に及ぼす影響に関する実証的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    1 文献による基礎的研究から得られた成果
    2 転任人事が学校と異動教員に及ぼす効果に関する質問紙調査の結果概要
    3 教員を対象とする職能成長契機に関する調査結果の概要

  • Basic and Facts-finding Research on Actual State of Guidance in Induction Training for Beginning Teachers by Advising Teachers and Their Consciousness

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAMOTO Takanori, SAKANO Shinji, KIKUCHI Eiji, SATO Akira, ITO Minoru

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    Implementation of the Research Project in Fiscal 1995
    (1) Collection and analysis of research materials and literature in Japan and foreign countries
    (2) Conducted survey of heating by visits to schools where biginning teachers assigned to work and to local education centers and results of hearings were analysed.
    (3) Based on the preliminary survey, questionnaire was prepared and sent to the beginning teachers (n : 308) who had undergone induction training in fiscal 1994, advising teachers (n : 231) and school principals (n : 228) of the schools where biginning teachers were assigned to work in three prefecture and two cities. And answers were analysed.
    Newly Identified Facts
    With the results of above-mentioned research on literature, hearing survey and questinnaire survey, following three points are identified :
    (1) There are disagreements between consciousness of advising teachers and beginning teachers concerning their human relations and communication.
    (2) It is identified that by smooth human relations and active communication among advising teachers and other teachers, system of induction training guidance in the school can be established and effectiveness of induction training also can be further developed.
    (3) It is identified that there is a positive correlation between biginning teachers' adaptation to school culture and effect of their induction training.
    Future Research Problems
    Based on the research results of 2-year period from fiscal 1994 to 1995, following three point can be pointed out as future research problems :
    (1) It is desired to have a research on beginning teachers' adaptation to school cultures and its promotion.
    (2) It is necessary to do R & D on guidance system/organization to enrich in-service induction training at schools where biginning teachers assigned to work.
    (3) For the purpose of furthering actual effects of induction training, it is urgent need to have a research on developing training programs of advising teachers.

  • 単位制高等学校の構造と機能に関する実証的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

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  • 教員評価制度の比較研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

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  • 近年の自然科学・社会科学等の進展・転換に鑑みての教育科学の学的存立基盤の再検討-教育科学の新しいパラダイム構築の基礎作業として-

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • The Co-operative Research on Improvement of Curriculum-Planning and Crediting in Senior High Schools

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATO Akira, KIKUCHI Eiji

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    This study examines "Sogo-gakka" (comprehensive departments) both theoretically and positively, which is an eyecatcher in the comig reforms of senior high school education. "Sogo-gakka" that started in 1994 includes various elements of such a educational reform. The major feature of this study is to survey in two levels of decision-making(in each prefecture and school). And also we explore some difficulties which "new type high schools" have been faced, and some problems as to the teaching-learning processes are considered. Some findings are indicated about reforms of curriculum-planning and crediting in senior high schools as follows :
    1."Sogo-gakka" is a new system which has been introduced for high schools to correspond to increasing "differences" in students'aspiration, achievement, aptitude etc. Otherwise this system is regarded as a "survival strategy" in organizational terms. Three different "intensions" are recognized in the nation. prefectures and schools.
    2.These three kinds of decision-making seem to be coincided each other harmoniously. But in practice prefectures and high schools adjust to external conditions according to the lack of financial and personnel support. And there is a subtle "disagreement" between the nation and prefectures in reform-planning, so there is enough reason to reconsider the way of decision-making.
    3.As many people still prefer to academic courses, school teachers tend to take "Sogo-gakka" as a department which is more advantageous for admission to college and university than academic one("Futsu-ka"). This fact can be easily guessed through an examination of academic comprehensive high schools. The high school education reforms cannot be accomplished in "selective high schools", so it is somewhat doubtful if these reforms will bring a drastic change.

  • 教育経営研究の学術性と有用性に関する分析的・実証的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(B))

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  • 総合選択制・単位制高等学校の社会的機能に関する実証的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(国立教育研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • The Empirical Study on the Populalizability of Some Models for the High School Education Reforms

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MAKI Masami, KIKUCHI Eiji, SATO Akira

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the realities of various kinds of high school education reforms and examine their popularizability as reform models. Especially we focused on the success and failure of "the new types of high school", ex. "comprehensive" high schools and credit-system high schools. Some findings are indicated as follows :
    1. The great part of the high school education reforms resulted in establishing "some courses fr college-attendance". If there is not enough financial support for better educational resurces, the value of "efficiency" likely to be emphasized.
    2. Academic "comprehensive" high schols can get a great populality of junior high schol graduates. For instance, Saitama Prefectural Inagakuen Comprehensive High Schol can provide their students with more active and psitive school life than usual comparable high schols. But most of the success is brought by some special treatments. This is "paradx" of high schl education regorms.
    3. Credit-system high schols, which was institutionalized in 1988, are very diverstified in their socio-historical backgrunds. These schools function as the institution for "saving" some dropouts. This might be accomplished by the small teacher/pupil ratio and polite instruction.
    4. We can expect that the articulation between secondary and tertiary education will make a great change and youth culture will be transformed in consumer society. We have to grasp the future of high schol education reforms with taking account of these "macro-trends".

  • 中等教育の構造変動と機能変容に関する実証的研究-職業準備教育を中心に-

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

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    菊地 栄治

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