Updated on 2024/10/24


HARADA, Tetsuo
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Ph.D. ( 1999.09 University of California, Los Angeles )
MA ( 1992.09 University College London, University of London )
MA ( 1987.03 University of Tsukuba )
BA ( 1984.03 Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2006.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2013.09

    University of California, Los Angeles   Department of Linguistics   Visiting Scholar

  • 2013.09

    University of California, Los Angeles   Department of Asian Languages and Cultures   Visiting Professor

  • 2005.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2000

    University of Oregon   Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures   Assistant Professor

  • 1999.09

    University of Oregon   Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures   Visiting assistant professor

  • 1999.06

    University of California, Los Angeles   Department of Asian Languages and Cultures   Instructor

  • 1999

    University of California, Los Angeles   Office of Instructional Development   Technology Teaching Assistant Consultant

  • 1998

    Santa Monica College, California   Department of Modern Languages and Cultures   Adjunct Instructor

  • 1998.01

    University of California, Los Angeles   Anderson Graduate School of Management, CIBER-IMF Program   Adjunct Instructor

  • 1998

    Glendale Community College, California   Adjunct Instructor

  • 1994

    University of California, Los Angeles   Department of Asian Languages & Cultures   Teaching Associate

  • 1993

    University of California, Los Angeles   ESL Service Courses   Teaching Assistant/Associate

  • 1992

    Greenwich Community College   Adjunct Instructor

  • 1992

    School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London   Department of the Far East   Adjunct Instructor

  • 1991

    Thamesside Adult Education Institute   Adjunct Instructor

  • 1990.04

    Tokyo Rissho Junior College   Adjunct Instructor

  • 1989

    University of Chiba   College of Liberal Arts   Adjunct Instructor

  • 1988

    Tokyo Jogakkan Junior College   Assistant Professor

  • 1984

    Fukuoka Senior High School, Saitama   Teacher

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Education Background

  • 1993.09

    University of California, Los Angeles   Department of Applied Linguistics and TESL  

    Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics

  • 1992.09

    University of London   Institute of Education   Department of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages  

    M.Phil. course in TESOL

  • 1991.09

    University of London   University College London   Department of Phonetics and Linguistics  

    M.A. in Phonetics

  • 1985.04

    University of Tsukuba   Graduate School of Education   English Language Teaching  

    M.A. in Education with a concentration in English Language Teaching

  • 1979.04

    Waseda University   School of Education   Department of English Language and Literature  

    B.A. in English Language and Literature

  • 1981.09

    Oregon State University   Exchange Program  

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Committee Memberships

  • 2018

    Editorial Board for The Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (JMBS)

  • 2017.09

    Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Second Language Pronunciation

  • 2019.08

    New Sounds 2019: The 9th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech  Chair of the Organizing Committee


    Reviewer for Second Language Research


    Reviewer for the Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education (JICB)


    Reviewer for Foreign Language Annals


    Reviewer for World Englishes


    Reviewer for Phonetica


    Reviewer for the National Science Foundation


    Reviewer for Language Learning


    Reviewer for the Journal of Phonetics


    Reviewer for the Journal of Japanese Linguistics (JJL)

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Professional Memberships


    The Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ)


    The American Council on Immersion Education (ACIE)


    Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


    The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)


    The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)


    The Japanese Society for Mother Tongue, Heritage Language, and Bilingual Education


    Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association


    The Association of Teachers of Japanese in Oregon (ATJO)


    Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching (COFLT)


    Teachers of Japanese in Southern California (TJSC)


    California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL)


    International Phonetic Association (IPA)

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Research Areas

  • Foreign language education   Second Language Acquisition / Foreign language education   English Language Teaching / Japanese language education   Japanese Phonetics / Linguistics   Phonetics and Phonology

Research Interests

  • Content-Based Instruction (CBI)

  • Immersion Education

  • Language Teaching

  • Second Language Phonetics and Phonology

  • Second Language Acquisition

  • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

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  • English medium instruction (EMI) in Asia: Conceptual underpinnings and practical issues

    Harada, T.

    Selected Papers from the Thirty-first International Symposium on English Language Teaching     11 - 22  2022.11  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 授業成績評価に関する早稲田大学教育学部教員の意識調査—対面授業とオンライン授業を比較して—

    澤木泰代, 原田哲男

    『オンライン授業の評価と方法』早稲田教育ブックレット   27   30 - 54  2022.03

  • 外国語:外国語活動と外国語科の考え方


    『新学習指導要領 どう変わるか』早稲田教育ブックレット   25   56 - 66  2021.03  [Invited]

  • Analyzing discourse in EMI courses from an ELF perspective

    Harada, T, Moriya, R

    English as a Lingua Franca in Japan: Towards multilingual practices     133 - 155  2020  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • EMI as sheltered instruction to provide sufficient scaffolding

    Harada, T

    The Journal of the Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association (JJCLIL)   2   21 - 25  2020  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Outcomes and Issues of Content-Based Instruction (CBI) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): From Perspectives of Second Language Acquisition and Bilingual Education

    Harada, T.

    Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language   22   44 - 61  2019.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • イマージョン教育について-日本の小学校英語教育への展望-

    原田 哲男

    『東アジア地域における小学校英語教育 -日・中・韓の国際比較ー』早稲田教育ブックレット21   21  2019.03

  • Students' perspectives on the role of English-medium instruction in English learning: A case study

    Suzuki, S, Harada, T, Eguchi, M, Kudo, S, Moriya, R

    The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University (Separate Volume)   26 ( 1 ) 1 - 17  2018.09  [Refereed]


  • Roles of vocabulary knowledge for success in English-medium instruction: Self-perceptions and academic outcomes of Japanese undergraduates

    Uchihara, T, Harada, T

    TESOL Quarterly   52 ( 3 ) 564 - 587  2018  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study investigated the relationship between vocabulary knowledge (written and aural receptive vocabulary size and self-rating of vocabulary knowledge) and self-perceptions of four language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) targeting undergraduate students in English-medium instruction (EMI) courses in Japan. The students' academic performance (course grades and quiz scores) was also compared to their vocabulary knowledge. Results showed that learners with larger aural vocabulary sizes were more confident in spoken language use, and those who self-rated higher on their vocabulary knowledge were more likely to perceive themselves as proficient in productive language skills. Interestingly, learners with larger written vocabulary sizes tended to perceive themselves as less proficient in performing EMI tasks. Results also showed that none of the vocabulary measures were significantly associated with academic outcomes. Interview data suggest that EMI students' performance could be affected by the complex interplay of various factors, though not necessarily a large vocabulary size alone. Based on these findings, implications are discussed in terms of teaching and assessing vocabulary knowledge in EMI courses.



  • Investigating the relationship between students’ attitudes toward English-medium instruction and L2 speaking

    Suzuki, S, Harada, T, Eguchi, M, Kudo, S, Moriya, R

    Essays on English Language and Literature   46 ( 46 ) 25 - 41  2017.03  [Refereed]


  • Investigating English speaking anxiety in English-medium instruction

    Kudo, S, Harada, T, Eguchi, M, Suzuki, S, Moriya, R

    Essays on English Language and Literature   46 ( 46 ) 7 - 23  2017.03  [Refereed]


  • パネルディスカッション<抄> CBI・CLIL・EMIの課題

    原田哲男, 澤木泰代

    『英語で教科内容や専門を学ぶ―内容重視指導(CBI)、内容言語統合学習(CLIL)と英語による専門科目の指導(EMI)の視点から―』早稲田教育ブックレット    2017  [Invited]

  • Foreign language learning motivation in the Japanese context: Social and political influences on self

    McEown, S. M, Sawaki, Y, Harada, T

    The Modern Language Journal   101 ( 3 ) 533 - 547  2017  [Refereed]  [Invited]

     View Summary

    The study focuses on the role of different theories when considered together in a foreign language other than English (LOTE) context. Specifically, the study examines (a) to what extent influential second language (L2) motivational theories, when integrated, explain motivation to learn LOTEs, and (b) how the powerful status of English in Japan affects learners’ self- and identity-related motivation to learn LOTEs. Survey responses of 250 Japanese learners, who simultaneously learned a foreign LOTE and English as a required language, were analyzed using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The results offer insight into how various coexisting social factors are connected to learners’ multiple self- and identity-related orientations, which in turn predict several varied academic consequences (e.g., effort, attitude, and L2 ability). We also confirmed positive and negative interplay of English- and LOTE-related orientations such that the self- and identity-related orientations of the languages will play a competing role (e.g., Csizér & Lukács, 2010). This finding highlights the importance of taking sociopolitical perspectives into consideration in a context where learners learn two languages and one has a specific political presence.



  • Developing a content-based English as a foreign language program: Needs analysis and curriculum design at the university level


    The content-based classroom: New perspectives on integrating language and content (2nd ed.)     37 - 52  2017  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Factors affecting successful late learners’ phonemic discrimination between /l/ and /r/ in English


    Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)    2015  [Refereed]

  • Does early foreign language learning in school affect phonemic discrimination in adulthood?


    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   136   2108  2014  [Refereed]

  • Effects of early language learning on speech perception: From an ELF perspective


    Waseda Working Papers in ELF (English as a Lingua Franca)   2   111 - 122  2013  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • Effects of early language learning on speech learning: From perspectives of immersion education

    Harada, T

    The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University   25 ( 1 ) 1 - 14  2011


  • Limited long-term effects of early immersion on L2 segmental timing in adulthood

    Harada, T

    Achievements and perspectives in the acquisition of second language speech: New Sounds 2010   Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang   103 - 115  2011  [Refereed]

  • Few long-term effects of early immersion on L2 segmental timing in adulthood

    Harada, T

    Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech New Sounds, Poznan, Poland.   CD-ROM  2010

  • Limited effects of early language learning in immersion education on L2 pronunciation in adulthood

    Harada, T

    生井 健一、深田 嘉昭(編)『言語・文化・教育の融合を目指して― 国際的・学際的研究の視座から ―』 開拓社     208 - 221  2009

  • 第二言語における音声習得と早期言語教育への示唆


    『音声研究のパラダイム』 今石元久(編) 和泉書院     323 - 342  2008

  • Content-Based Instruction (CBI)の理論と実践ー日本の大学における英語リスニング指導を中心にー


    『コミュニケーション能力育成再考―ヘンリー・ウィドウソンと日本の応用言語学・言語教育』 村田久美子、原田哲男(編) ひつじ書房     151 - 180  2008

  • The production of voice onset time (VOT) by English-speaking children in a Japanese immersion program

    Harada, T

    IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching   45 ( 4 ) 353 - 378  2007.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    This study analyzed the production of voice onset time (VOT) for /p, t, k/ in Japanese and English by English-speaking children (n 15) in a Japanese immersion program. The immersion children produced Japanese voiceless stops with significantly longer VOT values than the monolingual Japanese children and the immersion teachers, but they produced them with significantly shorter VOT values than their English VOT. This suggests that the immersion students are making a phonetic distinction in VOT between Japanese and English, though their VOT values are still intermediate, compared with the norms of the monolingual speakers and their immersion teachers. In other words, the immersion children implemented the VOT contrast differently from the model they were exposed to, that is, that of the Japanese English bilingual teachers. © Walter de Gruyter 2007.



  • Long-term phonological benefits of childhood L2 experience in a Japanese immersion program

    Harada, T

    Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Saarbrucken, Germany.     1669 - 1672  2007

  • The acquisition of single and geminate stops by English-speaking children in a Japanese immersion program

    Harada, T

    Studies in Second Language Acquisition   28 ( 4 ) 601 - 632  2006.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study acoustically analyzed the production of single and geminate stops in Japanese by English-speaking children (N = 19) at three different grade levels in a Japanese immersion program. Results show that both their singletons and geminates were significantly longer than those of Japanese monolinguals and the bilinguals' immersion teachers, but all of the immersion groups have acquired the contrast between the two types of stop. This finding supports Flege's (1995) hypothesis that a phonetic category established for second language sounds by a bilingual might differ from that of a monolingual. Additionally, 52 native speakers of Japanese rated the contrast between the two stops produced by all of the bilingual children and a subset of the monolingual children. The accent ratings suggest that the contrast made by the immersion children was not native-like despite some individual differences in their performance and that there was no statistical difference in accent ratings across the grade levels. The degree of the contrast correlated fairly highly with the closure duration ratio of geminates to singletons.



  • Acoustic analysis of the production of unstressed English vowels by early and late Korean and Japanese bilinguals

    Borim Lee, Susan G. Guion, Tetsuo Harada

    Studies in Second Language Acquisition   28 ( 3 ) 487 - 513  2006.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The production of unstressed vowels in English by early and late Korean- and Japanese-English bilinguals was investigated. All groups were nativelike in having a lower fundamental frequency for unstressed as opposed to stressed vowels. Both Korean groups made less of an intensity difference between unstressed and stressed vowels than the native speakers (NSs) of English as well as less of a difference in duration between the two types of vowel than the NSs. The Japanese speakers, whose native language has a phonemic length distinction, produced more nativelike durational patterns. Finally, the vowel quality (first and second formant frequencies) of unstressed vowels was different from the NS group's for the late bilinguals, for whom unstressed vowels were widely dispersed in the vowel space according to their orthographic representations, and from the early Korean bilinguals, who substituted the Korean high central vowel. The results are discussed in terms of the effect of the phonological status of first language phonetic features and age of acquisition.



  • The acquisition of English VOT by early and late Chinese-English bilinguals.

    Harada, T

    The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University   16 ( 16 ) 93 - 110  2006


  • 音声教育―海外での教育事情

    原田哲男, 今石元久

    『音声研究入門』 和泉書院     114 - 126  2005

  • Lost in an academic lecture: The effects of content-based instruction on academic listening skills.

    Harada, T

    In J. Frodese & C. Holten (Eds.), The Power of Context in Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Thomson & Heinle.     173 - 184  2004  [Refereed]

  • Acoustic analysis of the production of stressed, unstressed and reduced English vowels by early and late Korean and Japanese learners.

    Lee, B, Guion, S. G, Harada, T

    Proceedings of 2004 English Phonology Workshop: The 2004 English Language and Literature Association of Korea (ELLAK) International Conference in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary.     72 - 87  2004

  • Early and late Spanish-English bilinguals’ acquisition of English word stress patterns.

    Guion, S, Harada, T, Clark, J.J

    Bilingualism: Language and Cognition   7 ( 3 ) 207 - 226  2004  [Refereed]

  • L2 influence on L1 speech in the production of VOT.

    Harada, T

    Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).     1085 - 1088  2003

  • Factors affecting stress placement for English nonwords include syllabic structure, lexical class, and stress patterns of phonologically similar words

    SG Guion, JJ Clark, T Harada, RP Wayland

    Language and Speech   46 ( 4 ) 403 - 427  2003  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Seventeen native English speakers participated in an investigation of language users' knowledge of English main stress patterns. First, they produced 40 two-syllable nonwords of varying syllabic structure as nouns and verbs. Second, they indicated their preference for first or second syllable stress of the same words in a perception task. Finally, they indicated words they considered to be phonologically similar to the nonwords. Analyses of variance on the production and perception data indicated that both syllabic structure and lexical class (noun or verb) had an effect on main stress assignment. In logistic regression analyses on the production and perception responses, predictions of stress placement made by (1) syllable structure, (2) lexical class, and (3) stress patterns of phonologically similar words all contributed significantly and uniquely to the prediction of main stress assignment. The results indicate that phonological theories of English word stress need to allow for multiple, competing, probabilistic factors in accounts of main stress placement including syllabic structure (most notably vowel length), lexical class, and stress patterns of phonologically similar words.

  • The acquisition of voice onset time by children in a Japanese immersion program.

    Harada, T

    In A. James & J. Leather (Eds.), New Sounds 2000: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second-Language Speech. Klagenfurt, Austria: University of Klagenfurt.     158 - 165  2002  [Refereed]

  • Network-based Japanese language teaching.

    Harada, T

    In S. Matsunaga (Ed.), Proceedings of the Teachers of Japanese in Southern California (TJSC) Workshops. Los Angeles: The Teachers of Japanese in Southern California.     54 - 61  2001

  • The acquisition of segmental timing by children in a Japanese immersion program.

    Harada, T

    Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.    1999  [Refereed]

  • Mishearings of content words by ESL learners.

    Harada, T

    The CATESOL Journal.   10 ( 1 ) 51 - 70  1998  [Refereed]

  • Reinforcing content through visuals.

    Harada, T

    In D. Brinton & P. Master (Eds.), New ways in content-based instruction. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.     227 - 233  1997  [Refereed]

  • Contrastive and error analysis of English and Japanese consonants: Their implications for the teaching of Japanese as a foreign language.

    Harada, T

    Gengo Bunka Kenkyu Kai: Kenkyu Kiyo [Studies in Language and Culture].   1   39 - 66  1992

  • Intonation patterns of Japanese learners of English.

    Harada, T

    Tokyo Jogakkan Junior College Working Papers.   13   10 - 25  1990

  • English rhythm and the teaching of pronunciation.

    Harada, T

    Tokyo Jogakkan Junior College Working Papers.   12   1 - 8  1989

  • Accentual patterns of polysyllabic words in American and Japanese English.

    Harada, T

    Tokyo Jogakkan Junior College Working Papers.   11   1 - 35  1988

  • リスニングのメカニズム―日本人学生のその実態


    早稲田大学英語英文学叢誌   17   22 - 34  1987

  • Englishness in the pronunciation of disyllabic words by Japanese speakers

    Harada, T

    Tsukuba English Language Teaching.   8   81 - 103  1987


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  • Comparison of One-Way and Two-Way Immersion Education for English-Japanese Bilinguals’ Pronunciation Skills

    Harada, T, Hayashi-Takakura, A

    Pronunciation in Second Language Learning & Teaching (PSLLT), 11th Annual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Research methods in investigating voice onset time (VOT) in second language pronunciation

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    Pronunciation in Second Language Learning & Teaching (PSLLT), 10th Annual Conference, Pre-conference Workshop 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • Cross-sectional comparison of pronunciation skills of children in one-way and two-way immersion programs

    Harada, T, Hayashi-Takakura, A[International coauthorship]

    The 14th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) Conference  (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana) 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • World Japaneses: Who are Japanese speakers and how we assess their pronunciation

    Hayashi-Takakura, A, Harada, T[International coauthorship]

    The 14th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) Conference  (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana) 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • Speaking and pronunciation skills of children in a Japanese English two-way immersion program in the US

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    Paralinguistic information and phonological acquisition in Japanese and some European languages: Tolerance of foreign accent in multilingual societies  (Brussels)  Waseda University Brussels Office

    Presentation date: 2023.07

  • Content-based curriculum design and implementation: Principles, practice, and challenges

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 2022/31st International Symposium and Book Exhibit on English Language Teaching  (Taipei)  ETA-ROC, Taiwan ESP Association

    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • English medium instruction (EMI) in Asia: Conceptual underpinnings and practical issues

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 2022/31st International Symposium and Book Exhibit on English Language Teaching  ETA-ROC, Taiwan ESP Association

    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • A report on early childhood bilingual education opportunities in Japan and the US. What and how they learn in two languages

    Hayashi-Takakura, A, Harada, T, Hongo, M

    BMCN Annual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • Linguistic outcomes of Japanese English two-way immersion education in the US

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    (Oberlin, Ohio)  The Department of East Asian Studies, Oberlin College

    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • Speaking proficiency and phonetic ability of children in a Japanese English two-way immersion program in the US

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    (Columbus)  The Institute for Japanese Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, and Department of Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University

    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • コロナ禍における日米小学生の言語・文化交流の実践を通して考えるトランスランゲージング

    The Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE) Annual Conference 2022 

    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:
  • Collaborative CBI projects with higher education partners for a two-way immersion (TWI) program

    Asako Takakura, Tetsuo Harada

    The Second International Symposium for Critical Language Education 

    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:
  • A showcase of Japanese heritage language development and maintenance pathways in three educational settings

    Tetsuo Harada, Mary Ann Triest, Asako Hayashi Takakura

    The Fourth International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 大学における英語による専門科目の授業(English-Medium Instruction)へ向けて:成功への様々な要因

    原田哲男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • 授業成績評価に関する早稲田大学教育学部教員の意識調査—対面授業とオンライン授業を比較して—

    澤木泰代, 原田哲男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.12

  • CBI/CLILとしてのEAP(English for Academic Purposes)とEMI(English Medium Instruction)の大学での実践

    原田哲男  [Invited]

    『Content-Based Instruction (CBI) と Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) の 理論と実践』立教大学英語教育研究所 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • なぜCBI/CLIL?理論的背景とその課題

    原田哲男  [Invited]

    『Content-Based Instruction (CBI) と Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) の 理論と実践』立教大学英語教育研究所 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • World Japaneses: Who are Japanese speakers and how we assess their language proficiency

    Hayashi-Takakura, A, Harada, T

    The Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education 

    Presentation date: 2021.08

  • Effects of two-way immersion on the learning of geminate stops by Japanese-as-a-foreign language learners

    Harada, T, Hayashi-Takakura, A

    The PSLLT Conference 

    Presentation date: 2021.06

  • Acquisition of geminate stops by children in a Japanese/English two-way immersion program in the US

    Harada, T, Hayashi-Takakura, A

    The AAAL Virtual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • 外国語:外国語活動と外国語科の考え方

    原田哲男  [Invited]

    教育最前線講演会シリーズ31「新学習指導要領、どう変わるか」早稲田大学 教育総合研究所 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

  • ロサンゼルス地域における日本人保護者のバイリンガル言語習得の意識調査と児童・生徒の両言語発達・保持への一考察

    高倉(林) あさ子, 原田 哲男


    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • 21世紀の英語教育指導の方向性と課題−英語学習者から英語使用者へ−

    原田 哲男


    Presentation date: 2020.01

  • Speaking and Pronunciation Skills of Children in a Japanese Dual Language Program in the US

    Harada, T

    Global Education Symposium, College of Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • 第二言語習得研究から見た日英語イマージョン教育−日本と米国のバイリンガル教育の共通点と相違点−

    原田 哲男  [Invited]

    21世紀を生きる高度グローバル人材育成のための 日本語・英語バイリンガル教育 西大和学園ロサンゼルス校 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 双方向イマージョンプログラムにおける日本語学習者と継承語話者の言語 口頭運用能力

    高倉(林)あさ子, 原田哲男


    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • EMI as Sheltered Instruction to Provide Sufficient Scaffolding—Symposium: Collaboration of CLIL pedagogy in Asia—

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 2nd J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • Acquisition of pronunciation by Japanese heritage and foreign language learners in a two-way immersion program

    Harada, T

    The American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) Spring Conference, Denver, Colorado 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Acquisition of voice onset time (VOT) by English-Japanese bilinguals in a two-way immersion program

    Harada, T

    The Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, Georgia 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Acquisition of Japanese voiceless stops by English-dominant children in a two-way immersion bilingual program

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    ALT Research Seminar, Centre for Applied Linguistics, University College London Institute of Education (UCL IOE), UK 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 「国際バカロレア教育と英語教育:CBI/CLILの視点から」 大学での国際バカロレア担当教員養成の課題と展望

    原田哲男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Bilingual education and ELF speakers in Japan

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 8th Waseda ELF International Workshop and Symposium, Symposium 2: Applied Linguistic Research from an ELF Perspective: Current and Future Directions, Waseda University, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • 第二言語習得研究から見た二言語・多言語教育:CBI/CLILの再考

    原田 哲男  [Invited]

    グローバル社会を生きる知性とは 言語とアイデンティティの視点から―フィンランドの言語教育に学ぶ日本の英語教育― 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • イマージョン教育について―日本の小学校英語教育への展望―

    原田 哲男  [Invited]

    東アジア地域における小学校英語教育―日・中・韓の国際比較― 教育最前線講演会シリーズ28 早稲田大学教育総合研究所主催 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • New speakers in dual language education in the US: A Japanese-English two-way immersion program

    Harada, T

    The 4th Language Education in Global and Multilingual Context (LEGMC) Colloquium, Waseda University, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • Immersion Education in China, Japan and the USA

    Harada, T

    International Forum English Education in Elementary Schools: Comparative Studies between Japan and China, Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • English Medium Instruction and Curriculum Development at a University in Japan

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 2018 BeSeTo Symposium, Korea University 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 初級者を対象としたCLILと外国語教育(2) カリキュラムに対する教師の意識改革とその実践

    原田 哲男


    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • English- and Japanese-dominant children’s voice onset time (VOT) in a two-way immersion program

    Harada, T, Takakura-Hayashi, A

    Pronunciation in Second Language Learning & Teaching (PSLLT), 10th Annual Conference, Pre-conference Workshop 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • Needs analysis and curriculum design for content-based instruction at the university level

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    Invited lecture given at University College London Institute of Education (UCL IOE), UK 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Japanese language proficiency of high school students who attended a Japanese/English Immersion Program in California

    Takakura-Hayashi, A, Harada, T

    The NHLRC Conference, The National Heritage Language Resource Center at the University of California, Los Angeles, California 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • CLIL/CBI to EMI: Curriculum design and implementation at the university level

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The J-CLIL conference, Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • 初級者を対象としたCLILと外国語教育: 第二言語習得とバイリンガル教育の視点から

    原田 哲男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • Differentiated instructions of pronunciation for K-16 Japanese learners

    Takakura-Hayashi, A, Harada, T, Shoji, K

    The 2017 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, Music City Center, Nashville, Tennessee 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Preparing first-year students for English-medium instruction(EMI): Assessing English for academic purposes (EAP) and advising in language learning (ALL)

    Matsumura, K, Moriya, R, Harada, T, Sawaki, Y  [Invited]

    The 7th Waseda ELF International Workshop & the 3rd EMI-ELF Workshop, Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • English-Medium Instruction (EMI) の理論と実践

    原田 哲男  [Invited]

    東京工業大学 授業の英語化推進WG 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Accent and comprehensibility of English-speaking children’s Japanese speech in a two-way immersion program

    Harada, T, Hayashi-Takakura, A

    The Pronunciation in Second Language Learning & Teaching (PSLLT) 9th Annual Conference, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Relationships of vocabulary size with self-perceptions and academic outcomes in English-medium instruction: A case of EFL undergraduate students in Japan

    Uchihara, T, Harada, T

    The European Second Language Association (EuroSLA), Reading, UK 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • How successfully TBLT can be applied in English-medium instruction and regular language courses in an EFL context?

    Harada, T, Suzuki, N, Eguchi, M, Kudo, S, Suzuki, S

    Colloquium held at the Seventh International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Barcelona, Spain 

    Presentation date: 2017.04

  • A Myth of the Earlier the Better: Evidence from Foreign Language Learning

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The School of English and Education, the Research Center for Linguistics and English Education, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Guangzhou(Canton) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • English speaking anxiety and academic tasks in English-medium instruction

    Harada, T, Kudo, S  [Invited]

    The 2nd EMI-ELF Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • Effects of two-way immersion instruction on accent, comprehensibility, and voice onset time (VOT)

    Harada, T, Asako Hayashi-Takakura

    The 35th Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 第二言語習得を基盤にした英語による専門科目の授業実践

    原田 哲男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Pronunciation skills of English-speaking children in a Japanese two-way immersion program

    Harada, T, Hayashi-Takakura, A

    The 8th International Conference on Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2016), Aarhus University, Denmark 

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • My EMI courses: Implications for the syllabus design of EMI courses in EFL contexts

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 1st EMI-ELF Workshop: Reflections on EMI practices: EMI, ELF and language education, Waseda University, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 外国語としての英語学習は早いほうがよいのか: 音声習得の観点か

    原田 哲男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • Academic and language outcomes in two-way immersion programs in the United States: Implications for early foreign language learning in Japan

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 1st Colloquium on Language Education in Global and Multilingual Context (LEGMC): The multilingual turn: where to start? Waseda University, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • Age of learning may not matter in foreign language learning: The perception of phonemic contrast between English /r/ and /l/

    Harada, T

    The International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMBS 2015), Crete, Greece 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Research in monolingual and bilingual speech: Past, present, future

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2015 (ISMBS 2015), Chania, Crete, Greece 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Factors affecting successful late learners’ phonemic discrimination between /l/ and /r/ in English

    Harada, T

    The 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Glasgow, Scotland, UK 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • 海外赴任の家族のための学校選び:第二言語習得の立場から

    原田 哲男

    国際バカロレア (IB) と内容言語統合型学習 (CLIL)―保護者と教師のためのバイリンガル教育シンポジウム―、上智大学国際言語情報研究所 

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • Part 1 グローバル社会に求められる英語力と教授法 Part 2 早期外国語教育:日英双方向二言語同時教育

    原田 哲男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • Does early foreign language learning in school affect phonemic discrimination in adulthood?

    Harada, T

    The 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, Indiana 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Early English language learning and phonemic discrimination in adulthood

    Harada, T

    The CATESOL Annual Conference, Santa Clara, California 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Phonological development in a dual language program

    Harada, T

    Invited lecture given at the UCLA Department of Education 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • Not age but length of learning matters in second language speech learning in a minimal input situation

    HARADA Tetsuo

    The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, Oregon 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Later learners’ outperformance over early learners with minimal input in phonemic discrimination

    Harada, T

    The Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Provo, Utah 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Effects of minimal input in childhood on talker differences in second language speech perception

    Harada, T, Kawase, S

    New Sounds: International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, Concordia University, Montreal 

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • Effects of early language learning on speech perception: From an ELF perspective

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 2nd Waseda ELF International Workshop: Part 2 Panel: ELF Research and Its Implications for Pedagogy, Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Talker differences in speech perception by early English learners in a minimal input situation

    Harada, T

    The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Dallas, Texas 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • 小学校での音声指導とインプット

    日本私立小学校連合会 全国教員夏季研修会 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Effects of minimal exposure to English in early childhood on phonemic perception

    Harada, T, Sato, K

    The 4th Annual Conference on Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT), Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Effects of early English learning in a minimal input situation on phonemic perception

    Harada, T

    The 22nd Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Effects of input enhancement and corrective feedback on the development of grammatical morphemes by Japanese EFL learners

    Harada, T

    The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Beijing Foreign Studies University, China 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • ELF and future directions for SLA research

    Harada, T  [Invited]

    The 1st Waseda ELF International Workshop, Tokyo, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 第二言語の音声習得と音声指導

    原田 哲男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 小学校英語がもたらすもの:言語面と非言語面

    原田 哲男  [Invited]

    外国語教育メディア学会(LET)早期外国語教育研修研究部会 研究会 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Few long-term effects of early immersion on L2 segmental timing in adulthood

    Harada, T

    The Sixth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech New Sounds 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • No pronunciation advantage for early learners over late learners

    Harada, T

    The 20th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (Eurosla), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Content-based academic writing instruction through online discussions in an EFL setting

    Harada, T

    The 1st Philippine International English Language Conference 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Limited effects of early language learning on second language speech production

    Harada, T

    The 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • No pronunciation advantage for immersion learners over late L2 learners

    Harada, T

    The Second Language Research Forum 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Academic writing in content-based language teaching through technology (CoBaLTT)

    Harada, T

    The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention and World Languages Expo 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • The retention of segmental timing in Japanese by English-speaking immersion graduates

    Harada, T

    The 2nd International Workshop on Language and Speech Science 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Effects of childhood exposure to a second language on the production of voice onset time and closure duration

    Harada, T

    The 156th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Long-term effects of an immersion program on the production of Japanese VOT by English-speaking adults

    Harada, T

    The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Annual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Long-term phonological benefits of childhood L2 experience in a Japanese immersion program

    Harada, T

    The 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • 日本語イマージョン教育に於ける音声習得とその維持

    原田 哲男


    Presentation date: 2006

  • To what extent can L2 speakers acquire L2 pronunciation?

    Harada, T

    The Symposium for the 2006 English Phonetic Society of Japan (EPSJ) Kanto Chapter Conference 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • The long-term retention of phonetic categories by Japanese immersion graduates

    Harada, T

    The 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan (ASA/ASJ) 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Age of acquisition effects on English stress in Japanese-English bilinguals

    Harada, T

    The AAAL Conference 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • Acoustic analysis of the production of stressed, unstressed and reduced English vowels by early and late Korean and Japanese learners.

    Lee, B., Harada, T., & Guion, S. G. The English Language and Literature Association of Korea (ELLAK) International Conference 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • L2 influence on L1 speech in the production of VOT

    Harada, T

    The 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • L2 influence on L1 VOT in Japanese English bilinguals

    Harada, T

    The 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA) 2002 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • The acquisition of segmental timing by Japanese immersion children: Degree of perceived foreign accent

    Harada, T

    The 2001 AAAL Conference 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • L2 influence on L1 speech in the production of VOT

    Harada, T

    The Pacific Second Language Research Forum (PacSLRF) 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • The acquisition of geminates by children in a Japanese immersion program

    Harada, T

    The AAAL Conference, Vancouver 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Non-native speaking English teachers: challenges, resources, and experiences

    Harada, T

    The TESOL Annual Convention 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • The acquisition of voice onset time by children in a Japanese immersion program

    Harada, T

    The Fourth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second-Language Speech, New Sounds 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Perceived degree of foreign accent in Japanese immersion children

    Harada, T

    The Second Language Research Forum 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Mishearings of content words by ESL learners

    Harada, T

    The TESOL Annual Convention 

    Presentation date: 1998

  • Teaching Japanese pronunciation communicatively

    Harada, T

    The TJSC Spring Workshop 

    Presentation date: 1998

  • Is there a critical period for acquiring aspiration? The acquisition of voice onset time (VOT) by Chinese speakers of English

    Harada, T

    The TESOL Annual Convention 

    Presentation date: 1997

  • An analysis of mishearings by ESL learners

    Harada, T

    The Southern California ESL Teaching Conference 

    Presentation date: 1996

  • How does the adjunct model affect academic listening skills? In case of the UCLA summer advanced English program (AEP)

    Harada, T

    The Los Angeles Area Regional CATESOL Conference 

    Presentation date: 1996

  • Theme-based oral communication activities through closed captions

    Harada, T

    The Los Angeles Area Regional CATESOL Conference 

    Presentation date: 1995

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 4技能タスクを活用した高校、大学における英語授業の質的向上のための研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    鈴木 夏代, 原田 哲男

     View Summary


  • Productive Skills in Japanese and English among Children in Bilingual Programs: For the Development of Advanced Global Human Resources

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HARADA Tetsuo

  • 学習言語としての英語教育と継承言語教育のカリキュラム

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究

    Project Year :


    原田 哲男

  • Uncovering China's Strategy for Becoming a Superpower:A Comparative Study of English Language Education in Elementary Schools in China and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kobayashi Atsuko

     View Summary

    This study aimed to examine how English language education at the elementary level is being promoted in China under the Belt and Road Initiative. A survey of Chinese elementary schools revealed a number of noteworthy education policies. These include the training of a large number of elementary school English teachers who will use English as the language of instruction, enhanced teacher training, use of awards to increase teacher motivation, learning and dissemination of information about China in English, and the use of information and communications technology in the classroom. We then compared these against English language teaching in Japanese elementary schools and conclude that, above all, English language education at the elementary level in China serves as the social foundation for the Belt and Road Initiative.There is much for Japan to learn from China's English education, including the training of high-level elementary school English teachers in China.

  • 国際バカロレア(IB)とバイリンガル教育の比較

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究

    Project Year :


    原田 哲男

  • Linguistic skills of children in a Japanese-English two-way immersion program: Implications for English language teaching in elementary school

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HARADA Tetsuo

     View Summary

    This is a project on the development of language skills by children in a Japanese English two-way immersion program. It consists of their speaking skills measured by the ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) and pronunciation accuracy obtained by acoustic analysis (i.e., voice onset time for [p, t, k] in both English Japanese). For the assessment of their speaking skills, many of the participants (85%) reached the level of at least I-2 or I-3 (Intermediate Mid), whereas the top 15% of them successfully reached the Intermediate High (I-5) level. For the analysis of VOT, though they did not develop their VOT values across grades, speakers of both Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) and Japanese as a heritage language (JHL) in the program produced VOT in the same way regardless of the place of articulation. In addition, the JFL learners successfully distinguished in VOT between English and Japanese.

  • 英語による専門科目の授業(EMI)で要求される音声語彙力の量的質的研究

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究

    Project Year :


    原田 哲男

  • 英語による専門科目の授業(EMI)における学生と教員のサポート

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究

    Project Year :


    原田 哲男

  • 英語ディグリー・プログラム実現のためのファカルティ・ディベロプメントの基礎研究

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究

    Project Year :


    原田 哲男

  • Dual Language Programs(双方向二言語教育)の基礎調査研究-早期英語教育への示唆-

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究

    Project Year :


    原田 哲男

  • Short- and long-term effects of the amount of input in early foreign language learning on phonemic discrimination

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HARADA Tetsuo

     View Summary

    This study investigated effects of a younger starting age in a situation of minimal classroom exposure on the perception of English consonants produced by different talkers with two noise levels. The listeners were two groups of Japanese university students: early learners (n = 21) who started studying English in kindergarten or elementary school, and late learners (n = 24) who began to study in junior high school. The selected target phonemes were word-medial approximants (/l, r/). Results showed that the late learners discriminated /l/ and /r/ better than the early learners regardless of the noise conditions and talker differences (p < .05). A multiple regression analysis revealed that the late learners’ success could be accounted for by the following predictors: 1) classroom interaction with teacher and peers, 2) use of spoken English outside of classroom, and 3) overall English language proficiency. The age factor may not matter in the minimal input situation.

  • The Use of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in Academic and Business Contexts in Japan – An analysis of its use and implications for language education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The contribution of the current research is classfied into the following three:① the deepening of understanding of the concept of English as a lingua franca (ELF) ② detailed description and understanding of the use of ELF in actual situations and ③ heightening awareness of the use of ELF and impliacations for language pedagogy. The first has been mainly achieved by holding various workshops and publishing working papers based on them. The second has been made possible by collecting and analysing various types of data from diverse ELF users in their use of ELF and by showing how cooperatively and successfully they achieve their communicative needs. Thirdly, disseminating these results and their implications by way of conference presentations and publications has contributed to heightening the awarness of people about ELF and to furthering pedagogical implications.

  • The acquisition and retention of second language speech sounds in immersion education and traditional foreign language education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HARADA Tetsuo

     View Summary

    This study investigated long-term effects of childhood second language (L2) experience in an instructional setting on L2 pronunciation in adulthood. Specifically, it compared the production of Japanese speech sounds by English-speaking university students who had spent their early years in a Japanese immersion program (early learners) to that of English-speaking learners of university-level intermediate Japanese with no exposure to Japanese in childhood (late learners). Results did not confirm enough advantages in pronunciation for the early learners over the late learners despite a substantial amount of childhood experience in the immersion program.

  • Content-Based Academic Writing

    Grants and Funding

    Project Year :


    HARADA Tetsuo

  • 日本語イマージョン教育の卒業生の発音維持:小学校英語教育への示唆

    早稲田大学 教育総合研究所  補助金

    Project Year :


    原田 哲男

  • Research on Phonological Acquisition Strategies and Pronunciation Learning Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    TODA Takako, HARADA Tetsuo, KINOSHITA Naoko, FUKUI Kiyomi, LIU Jiaqi, YOON Hyojung

  • The Acquisition of L2 Speech Sounds in Early Language Learning : Linguistic and Cognitive-Psychological Aspects

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HARADA Tetsuo

     View Summary

    This study investigates the acquisition of second language(L2) speech in an immersion program from both phonetic and psycholinguistic points of view, and also tests the Speech Learning Model(SLM) hypothesized by Flege(1995). Specifically, the study examines whether or not English-speaking children in a Japanese immersion program, in which many content subjects are taught in Japanese, can successfully acquire segmental timing(i.e., voice onset time(VOT) and closure duration fur singletons and geminates) in Japanese, and can retain this ability despite the decrease of L2 input after they have exited the program. Data were collected from 15 children in a Japanese immersion program, 5 immersion teachers in the program, 10 Japanese monolinguals, 10 English monolinguals, and 10 English-speaking university students who exited a Japanese immersion program in elementary school(N=50). The informants were asked to repeat several target words with initial/p, t, k/for VOT, and medial/p, t, k/ and/pp, tt, kk/ for singletons and geminates in a sentence frame. Both VOT of the initial stops and closure duration of the medial stops were measured. The results show that 1) although both their singletons and geminates were significantly longer than those of the Japanese monolinguals, the immersion children acquired the contrast, and that 2) although they produced Japanese voiceless stops with significantly longer VOT values than the monolingual Japanese children, they produced them with significantly shorter VOT values than their English VOT. The findings suggest that 3) the bilingual children may have phonetic categories different from Ll speakers', which can be a L2 speaker's psychological strategy for differentiating between similar sounds in Ll and L2, and this will support Flege's SLM. Also, though the results are not conclusive, the immersion graduates seem to have retained their phonetic ability after they exited the program.

  • The Acquisition of L2 Speech in Immersion Programs

    Project Year :


    HARADA Tetsuo

  • Acoustic analysis of the production of stress by early and late bilinguals

    Korea Research Foundation (KRF) 

    Project Year :


    Borim Lee, Susan Guion, Tetsuo Harada

  • L2 influence on L1 consonants produced by early and late bilinguals

    The Freeman Foundation Faculty Research Fellowship

    Project Year :


    HARADA Tetsuo

  • Acquisition of rule-governed vs. lexical stress

    The National Institutes of Health (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders) 

    Project Year :


    Susan Guion, Tetsuo Harada, Ratree Wayland

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  • 必携 英語発音指導マニュアル

    東後 勝明, 御園 和夫, 松坂 ヒロシ, 高本 裕迅, 阿野 幸一, 分担執筆


  • 第5章 発音指導の理論と実際

    王伸子, 原田哲男, 閔光準, シリラック・ダーンワーニッチャクル

    『日本語の音声II』 NAFL Institute 日本語教師養成通信講座 アルク    2002

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • Review of the book Teaching pronunciation: A reference for teachers of English to speakers of other languages

    Harada, T

    ORTESOL Quarterly Newsletter   24 ( 3 ) 14 - 15  2002  [Refereed]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 音声学的な見方と音韻論的な見方

    原田 哲男

    水谷修(編) 『日本語なんでも相談』 アルク    1990

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 連載 インタビューと英語のリスニング

    原田 哲男

    Active English アルク    1989

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 英語のリスニングの方法

    原田 哲男

    Active English アルク    1988

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 『日本語の音声II』

    大坪一夫, 安藤伸子, シリラック・ダーンワーニッチャクル, 崔聖玉, 原田哲男, 閔光準

    NAFL Institute 日本語教師養成通信講座 アルク    1987

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 『日本語の音声I』

    大坪一夫, 安藤伸子, シリラック・ダーンワーニッチャクル, 原田哲男, 閔光準

    NAFL Institute 日本語教師養成通信講座 アルク    1987

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

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Teaching Experience

  • Bilingualism and Bilingual Education

    Waseda University  


  • Advanced Phonetics

    Waseda University  


  • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

    Waseda University  


  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language

    Waseda University  


  • Second Language Phonetics and Phonology

    Waseda University  


  • Second Language Acquisition

    Waseda University  


  • 実験音声学

    Waseda University  


  • Foreign Language in the Elementary School (FLES)

    Waseda University  


  • Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

    University of California, Los Angeles  


  • Japanese Phonology and Morphology

    University of California, Los Angeles  


  • Second Language Acquisition of Japanese

    University of Oregon  


  • Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language

    University of Oregon  


  • Research Methods in Japanese Applied Linguistics

    University of Oregon  


  • Second Language Phonetics and Phonology of Japanese

    University of Oregon  


  • Japanese Phonology and Morphology

    University of Oregon  


  • Japanese Pedagogical Grammar

    University of Oregon  


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Overseas Activities

  • 早期外国語教育のインプット量が音声習得に与える長期的・短期的影響


    アメリカ   カリフォルニア大学


  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 公立小学校における英語イマージョン教育とトランスランゲージング


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    言語以外の教科学習を母語と第二言語で行うイマージョン教育は1965年にカナダで始まって以来、長い歴史がある。日本でも数年前から公立小学校で英語イマージョンプログラムが導入され、従来の北米や日本の私立小学校のモデルとは異なり、大変興味深いカリキュラムである。伝統的な北米のカリキュラムでは、どの教科またはどのユニットをどちらの言語で教えるかを規定され、授業中に複数の言語を同時に使用しないことになっている。一方、日本の公立小学校での英語イマージョン教育では、国語と道徳以外を英語で教えるカリキュラムを採用しているが、両言語でのサポートを可能にするために英語話者と日本語話者の教員がティーム・ティーチングを行い、児童の理解を促進するために日本語での説明や児童の言語選択も自由に行われている。このような手法はトランスランゲージング(両言語を行ったり来たりして使うこと)と言われて、教育的効果が高いと言われている(Cenoz, &amp; Gorter 2021; Rabbidge, 2019)。 本研究の目標は、当該の公立小学校への訪問を複数回行い、授業見学、管理職や担当教員との話し合い、教員研修会への参加を通して、様々な観点からカリキュラムや指導の実際を把握し、授業中のトランスランゲージングの使用とその効果を観察することにある。まだ研究は継続中であるが、次のようなことが暫定的に言えそうである。まず、児童間には授業が英語であることへの抵抗感はなく、適切な日本語使用により教科の内容理解が促進されている。例えば、教員による英語での算数や社会の難しい概念の説明後に、児童が日本語で確認する場面もあり、大切な概念を両言語でしっかり理解できている。さらに、授業中に児童の「英語で言うとどうなる?」などの発話も自然に出ており、両言語で表現したいという意識も高い。最後に、トランスランゲージングの使用は、目標言語のインプットやアウトプットが減少するという不安もあるが、両言語を自由に使えることによって教科学習への不安もなく、学年が上がるにつれて、授業中に使われている英語は確実に理解できるようになっており、それに従って表現力も着実に習得されつつある。

  • 公立学校における英語イマージョン教育のカリキュラム


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    日本の公立小学校に於ける英語イマージョン教育に焦点を当てる。カナダやアメリカでは半分以上の教科学習を外国語で行うイマージョン教育が、公立小学校で一般に導入されてきたが、日本では私立学校のみだった。しかし、2020年度に国内の公立学校で初めて愛知県豊橋市立八町小学校で実施を開始した。 イマージョン教育の形態は様々であり、開始時期、外国語で行う授業数、母語使用の方針など、公立学校でどのように展開されているのか非常に興味深い。そこで、本研究の目的は八町小学校のカリキュラム内容やその実施方法を調べ、アメリカの公立学校のイマージョン教育と比較しながら、国内の公立学校におけるイマージョン教育の可能性を探る。

  • 公立学校におけるイマージョン教育の可能性


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  • 学習言語としての英語教育と継承言語教育のカリキュラム

    2020   高倉(林)あさ子

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  • 国際バカロレア(IB)とバイリンガル教育の比較


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     文科省は、グローバル人材育成の観点から、国際バカロレア(IB)を推進し、2020年までにIB認定校を200校以上にすることを目指している。この動きに拍車を掛けたのは、IBのディプロマ・プログラム(DP)を日本語と英語で実施できるDual Language DPである。英語以外の科目を英語で履修させるカリキュラムは、既に北米で長い歴史があるバイリンガル教育(とくに、イマージョン教育)や内容重視教育(CBI)、さらには最近注目されている内容言語統合学習(CLIL)と多くの共通点を持つ。本研究は、バイリンガル教育の観点からIBプログラムのカリキュラムを調査し、英語能力の習得と教科科目を英語で行なった場合の理解度に焦点を当て考察する。

  • 英語による専門科目の授業(EMI)で要求される音声語彙力の量的質的研究


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    本研究は、英語による専門科目の授業(EMI)を受講している学生の「読んで理解できる語彙力」と「聞いて理解できる音声語彙力」を測定した。一般的に、学術的な内容の英語を聞いて理解するには、最低4,000から5,000語程度のワードファミリーを音声語彙として理解できる必要がある(Dang &amp; Webb, 2014)。日本の大学のEMIの受講生の語彙力を把握するために、学部学生35名を対象に両者の語彙力を測定した。とくに音声語彙力は2,000語レベルでも正答率が90%以下で、講義の理解に要求されるレベルをかなり下回っていることが分かった。詳細は、Uchihara &amp; Harada (2018)を参照。

  • 英語による専門科目の授業(EMI)における学生と教員のサポート


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    最近早稲田大学も含めて様々な大学で専門科目を英語で開講する大学が急増しているが、本研究は学生と教員の両方に焦点を当て、前者は実際に英語による専門科目の授業(English medium instruction = EMI)を履修している学生の語彙力とEMIに参加した学生の方略(ストラティジ)を調べた。後者は、EMIに関する講演を依頼された際に、様々な教員側の問題点を、質疑応答や討論を通して探った。先行研究のEMIに必要な語彙力と比較すると、学生の語彙力はかなり不足しているが、様々なストラティジを使って乗り切っていることが判明した。一方、EMIを担当する専門科目の教員は、従来の英語教育からEMIへの移行プロセスを学び、EMI授業に向けて意識改革する必要がある。

  • 英語ディグリー・プログラム実現のためのファカルティ・ディベロプメントの基礎研究


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    ファカルティー・ディベロップメントの方法論を構築するために、今年度は、英語による専門科目の授業に4人の大学院生をファシリテーターとして参加させて、 教員として何が必要かを、授業を通して経験してもらった。学期の半ばには、 授業 についての詳細なアンケートを 実施し、一部の学生にはインタビューを実施した。 その結果、EMIを担当する教員が意識しなくてはならない問題がいくつか明らかになった。1)非英語圏で英語を媒介語として授業を行う場合、教員は学生の不安をいかに抑えるかを考慮する必要があり、2)内容理解や英語力の発達を考えると、授業中に行うタスクの順序(タスク・シークエンス)が重要であることが判明した。

  • Dual Language Programs(双方向二言語教育)の基礎調査研究-早期英語教育への示唆-


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    本研究では、双方向二言語教育(Two-Way Immersion: TWI)に在籍する両言語の児童が、1)目標言語、2)母語、3)教科を十分に学習することができるのかを文献調査により明らかにした。TWIプログラムは、一般に従来のイマージョン教育よりも効果があり、母語も目標言語も十分に習得でき、教科学習にも成功すると言われている(Lessow-Hurley, 2012)。たとえば、スペイン語と英語のTWIの研究報告の多くは、言語教育と教科教育の両面に於いて、スペイン語話者にも英語話者にも効果的だとしている(e.g., Cazabon, Nicoladis, &amp; Lambert, 1998; Genesee et al., 2006: Lindholm-Leary, 2001; Lindholm-Leary &amp; Block, 2010; Thomas &amp; Collier, 2002)。さらに、両言語の児童は、母語による学習能力も優れていると報告されている(Lindholm-Leary, 2001)。一方、アジア言語に関しては韓国語(Sohn &amp; Merrill, 2008)と中国語(Padilla, et al., 2013)のTWIの例がほとんどで、残念なことに日本語と英語の体系的な事例研究はなかった。

  • 幼児期から始める外国語教育の形態であるイマージョン教育での発音習得


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     最近幼児期から算数や理科等の学科目を外国語で教えるイマージョン教育が日本でも脚光を浴びるようになった。幼児期から外国語を始める理由に、児童が言語音声に対して大人より敏感であることが挙げられるが、5歳前後の早い時期から第二言語に触れても、明らかに外国語訛りが残るとされる研究結果もある。臨界期説は、目標言語が話されている国で、多くの言語のインプットがある場合で、インプットが限られているような外国語教育にそのまま当てはまるとは限らない。臨界期説の多くの研究は、自然な環境で言語を学ぶ場合で、イマージョン教育等の教室内で集中して学ぶ場合の音声習得は、明らかにされていない。目標言語に触れる量が多いイマージョン教育でも、自然な環境での言語習得と比べると、インプットの量やその質が異なるため、早期外国語教育の形態であるイマージョン教育に於いての外国語の音声習得過程を明らかにする必要がある。 本研究はイマージョン教育に於ける発音習得の研究を行い、英語を母語とする児童は、音声的には日本語的な特徴を完全に習得することはできないが、母語である英語の類似音とは範疇的に区別し、日本語と英語の別の音声体系を構築できることを確認した。日本語イマージョンの児童が発話した日本語と英語の語頭の/p, t, k/のVoice Onset Time (VOT)と日本語の促音の持続時間を音響分析した。さらに、促音に関しては母語話者による発音評価テストを行った。 VOTの習得に関しては、VOT の値が最も短いのが日本語母語話者の小学生、次に短いのが日本語イマージョンの教師(英語とのバイリンガル話者)、そして一番長いのが日本語イマージョンの児童であった。しかし、日本語イマージョンの児童は、英語と日本語の /p, t, k/ の特徴を確実に区別していて、しかもこの能力は既に1年生(学習時間1600時間)でほぼできあがっていた。また、イマージョンの児童の促音の閉鎖持続時間に関しては、促音と非促音が共に母語話者より長くなる傾向にあるため、その対立は必ずしも明瞭ではないが、音響的には促音と非促音の区別がなされていた。さらに、イマージョンの児童の促音の発音を日本語母語話者に評価しもらった結果、音響的には促音がある場合とない場合の区別ができているが、明らかに母語話者よりも評定が低く、母語話者が促音があるかないかを判定するのに困難を伴った場合もあった。さらに、学年間(1年生、3年生、5年生)に統計的に有意差がなく、幼稚園から5年生までの6年間の約4000時間を越えたインプットでも決して十分であるとは言えないようである。すなわち、音声的にまったく母語話者(monolingual speakers)と同じくなることはなく、Flege (2002) の完全なバイリンガルはいない(No perfect bilinguals)という説にも繋がる。しかしながら、早期学習や多量のインプットにより、母語と外国語の音声を少なくとも個人の音声体系の中で区別できるようになる可能性があるのは、早期言語教育の大きな貢献であろう。 現在,英語イマージョン教育に於ける日本語を母語とする児童の発音データーとイマージョン教育の幼稚園・小学校を卒業して大学に進学した学生がどの程度イマージョンプログラムで習得した音声が維持できているかのデーターも分析中である。

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