Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of International Research and Education, School of International Liberal Studies
Job title
Ph.d. ( Sophia University )
修士 ( 上智大学 )

Professional Memberships


    The Society for Near Easterm Studies in Japan


    Assocation for Islamic Studies in Japan


    Japan Association for Middle East Studies

Research Areas

  • Area studies

Research Interests

  • Comparative Sociology, Islamic Area Studies, Iranian Studies


  • 6th International Cultural Research of the Year, Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance


  • The Asian Pacific Awards 2001




  • Being Shia in Bangladesh:The intersectionality of ethnicity, language, and transnational connectivity

    Humayun Kabir, Keiko Sakurai

    HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory   14 ( 2 ) 356 - 370  2024.09  [Refereed]



  • What Merit Does a University Degree Have? Perception of Students in Tehran, Iran

    Keiko Sakurai, Afsaneh Tavassoli

    Journal of Inter-Regional Studies: Regional and Global Perspectives (JIRS)   7   1 - 16  2024.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Educated Qataris: Their Current Situation and Challenges

    Keiko Sakurai, Woohyang Sim

    Waseda Global Forum   20   31 - 56  2023  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Teaching Iranian History: Narrative Style and Messages

    Keiko Sakurai

    Kazuo Morimoto and Sajjad Rizvi (eds.) Knowledge and Power in Muslim Societies- Approaches in Intellectual History     353 - 375  2023

  • Examining the Emerging Trends in Higher Education in Iran

    Keiko Sakurai

    Journal of Islamic Area Studies   ( 11号 ) 85 - 97  2019.03

  • The 90-year Evolution of Japan’s Academic Interest in Iran

    Keiko Sakurai

    Journal of Islamic Area Studies   ( 11 ) 29 - 46  2019.03

  • Western and Islamic Models of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia and Iran

    Keiko Sakurai

    Dale F. Eickelman, Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf (eds.) Higher Education Investment in the Arab States of the Gulf: Strategies for Excellence and Diversity     23 - 41  2017

  • Iran: Three Dimensional Conflicts

    Keiko Sakurai

    Mah-E-Rukh Ahmed (ed.) Education in West Central Asia, London: Bloomsbury Academic     58 - 78  2013

  • Shi'ite Women's Seminaries (howzeh-ye 'elmiyyeh-ye khahran) in Iran: Possibilities and Limitations

    Keiko Sakurai

    IRANIAN STUDIES   45 ( 6 ) 727 - 744  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The establishment of Jamiat al-Zahra, the first official female seminary in post-revolutionary Iran, opened new possibilities for women to enter the male-dominated clerical hierarchy. The rapid growth of female seminaries increased the presence of seminary-educated women in the official religious sphere. However, as opposed to the male seminaries whose dominant role is to train mojtaheds who can issue a competent legal opinion, the primary role of female seminaries is to train educators and propagandists. Drawing on interviews, documents issued by seminaries and secondary sources, this paper concludes that in spite of the rapid growth of female seminaries, very few women reach the rank of a mojtahed, and thus, in no way weaken the male-centric seminary system in contemporary Iran.



  • Les madrasas chiites afghans à l’aune iranienne: anthropologie d’une dépendance religieuse.

    Fariba Adelkhah, e, Keiko Sakurai

    Science-Po, Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales   173   1 - 38  2011.01

  • Une construction des immigrants musulmans: la mosqu醇Pe, un espace des communaut醇Ps musulmanes au Japon

    Keiko Sakurai

    Revue des mondes musulmans et de la M醇Pditerran醇Pe   125   89 - 110  2009.07

  • Muslims in Contemporary Japan

    Keiko Sakurai

    Asian Policy   5   69 - 87  2008.01

  • University Entrance Examination and the Making of an Islamic Society in Iran: A Study of the Post-Revolutionary Iranian Approach to "Konkur"

    Keiko Sakurai

    Iranian Studies,   37 ( 3 ) 385 - 406  2004.09  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • Shaping Global Islamic Discourses The Role of al-Azhar, al-Medina and al-Mustafa

    Masooda Bano, Keiko Sakurai( Part: Joint editor)

    Edinburgh University Press  2015.03 ISBN: 9780748696857

  • イランの宗教教育戦略-グローバル化と留学生


    山川出版社  2014.08 ISBN: 9784634474734

  • The Moral Economy of the Madrasa: Islam and Education Today (New Horizons in Islamic Studies)

    Keiko Sakurai, Edito, Fariba Adelkhah (Edito

    Routledge  2011.03 ISBN: 0415589886

  • シーア派 台頭するイスラーム少数派


    中公新書  2006.10 ISBN: 4121018664

  • 日本のムスリム社会


    ちくま新書  2003.07 ISBN: 4480061207

  • 現代イラン—神の国の変貌


    岩波新書  2001.07 ISBN: 4004307422

  • 革命イランの教科書メディア—イスラームとナショナリズムの相剋


    岩波書店  1999.05 ISBN: 4000028340

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Research Projects

  • Strategies adopted by Islamic Universities in the Middle East and Asia to attract international students: Globalization and localization of knowledge

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This research analyzed the strategies adopted by Islamic universities in three cities in the Middle East, namely Cairo in Egypt, Median in Saudi Arabia, and at Qom in Iran, to attract international students. It was found that these universities recruited students mostly through religious schools in Asia and Africa where graduates of these universities were engaged in teaching. Although graduates of these universities disseminated the knowledge gained from Islamic Universities in the Middle East as authentic when they returned to their country of origin, in the places where they were engaged in teaching, they preferred to adapt their religious knowledge to the local religious circumstances.

  • Comparative and Genealogical Analysis of Islamic Issues Focusing on Scientific and Regional Aspects

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITAMURA Toshiharu, SATO Tsugitaka, TANADA Hirobumi, KONDO Jiro, SAKURAI Keiko, TAKAHASHU Kenzou, HASEGAWA So, YOSHIMURA Sakuji, YAMASAKI Yoshio, OIKAWA Yasuhiro, OKANO Tomohiko, KAMOGAWA Akiko, HOSAKA Shuji, KANO Sadahiko, FUKAMI Naoko, SUZUKI Takanori

     View Summary

    This project undertook a comparative and genealogical approach to modern Islamic scientific/technological and regional socio/economic issues, focusing on Southeast Asia, Middle East, Central Asia and other related areas.
    Based on well-coordinated preparatory arrangements with local scholars and researchers, each Japanese team performed innovative research activities in the fields of classical astronomy, ceramics, pharmaceutics, and architecture in the most updated analytical context, resulting in the promotion studies of Islamic cultural preservation activities. Those contemporary socio/economic issues, confronted by modern Islamic societies and economies, were also grappled sometimes from critical viewpoints, producing most updated analyses of ICT application, social medical services and Islamic finance. A series of six symposia brouht to the fore vivid developments of constructive Islamic developments which will contribute to the benefits for both Islamic and non-Islamic societies.

  • Coexistence of Muslims and Non-Muslims in East Asia: A Comparative Study on the Acculturation of Life Styles

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOJIMA Hiroshi, SHIMBO Atsuko, TANADA Hirofumi, SAKURAI Keiko, OMAR Farouk, TAKESHITA Shuko, KUDO Masako, FUKUDA Tomoko, KIMURA Mizuka, SAWAI Mitsuo, NODA Jin, SAI Yukari, OKAI Hirofumi

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    This study focused on the acculturation of life styles (in the four dimensions of family, religious group, economic activity, and education) through the transcultural interaction between Muslim minority and non-Muslim majority in East Asian societies and aimed at clarifying the situation and challenges of coexistence of Muslims and non-Muslims in these societies. The results of cross-national, historical and institutional analyses suggest that local-level integration policies or multicultural coexistence policies based on the situation in each local community are preferable to the national-level unitary integration policy in Japan, where Muslim minority population is small but diverse and non-Muslim majority population is also diverse in terms of the interaction with Muslims.

  • "Study of Islamic issues and their future prospect based on a historical and broad-region approach from the viewpoint of modern science and technology"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITAMURA Toshiharu, SATO Tsugitaka, TANADA Hirobumi, SAKURAI Keiko, AMASAKI Yoshio, YOSHIMURA Sakuji, HASEGAWA So, OIKAWA Yasuhiro, KAMOGAWA Akiko, TAKAHASHI Kenzo, HOSAKA Shuji

     View Summary

    1) History of technology : Through the studies of the reconstruction of sugar production in agriculture, the analysis of Islamic ceramic in ceramic industry and the consideration on the medical science relating to the social consciousness, the genealogy of Islamic technology from the Early Islamic period to the period just before the Modern age was recovered. 2) Broad-region studies : Through the analysis of the Islamic societies at Middle East, South-Eastern Asia and Central Asia, the movements of the area became evident including the case where the economic activity based on the regional features became extinct because of the appearance of new resources, and the cases where the current IT has been applicated positively to the many fields of the Islamic societies.




Overseas Activities

  • 革命後のイランの社会変動と若年世代の教育動向に関する社会調査


    シリア   アルザフラ―女子大学教育心理学部

    イギリス   オックスフォード大学・ウォルフソン・カレッジ


  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center