Updated on 2025/02/16


YAMANOI, Junichi
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
Associate Professor
PhD in Business Administration ( University of Connecticut )

Research Experience

  • 2015

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University

  • 2012

    Specially-Appointed Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University

  • 2012

    Postdoctoral fellow, Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • 2006

    Graduate assistant, University of Connecticut

  • 2004

    Research Associate, Waseda University

Education Background

  • 2006

    University of Connecticut   School of Business   Department of Management  

Professional Memberships








    The Academy of Management


    Strategic Management Society


    Academy of International Business

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Research Areas

  • Business administration

Research Interests

  • 企業経営、事業組織


  • Finalist, the Alan M. Rugman Most Promising Scholar Award

    2016.07   Academy of International Business  

  • Nominee, the Best Conference Paper Prize at the 31st Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society, 2011.


  • Finalist, the Best Conference PhD Paper Prize at the 31st Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society, 2011.


  • CIBER Dissertation Research Award, 2010.




  • Inter-firm patent litigation networks: a study of network motif analysis

    Tomomi Kito, Yuki Murata, Junichi Yamanoi, Ravi Madhavan

    Frontiers in Physics   12  2024

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    Despite the recent complex intertwining of firms in fierce intellectual property disputes, the formation mechanisms of patent infringement litigation relationships between firms have been little studied from a network science perspective. We construct an inter-firm patent litigation network using longitudinal data on patent infringement litigation and the firms involved in the US, and examine its structural characteristics and the mechanisms of tie formation through network motif analysis, linking it to existing knowledge on negative ties. The results reveal the significant influence of mechanisms such as homophily, popularity, and activity on network formation, with reciprocity emerging as a pivotal factor. The absence of triadic closure is also observed. This distinct structural pattern is consistent across different technological fields and throughout the 20-year period. Furthermore, our analysis delves into the rapid countersuit strategies common within this network and provides valuable insights into patent litigation strategies between firms.



  • Attentional Uniqueness and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Growth Actions

    Takumi Shimizu, Susumu Nagayama, Junichi Yamanoi

    Journal of Management Studies    2024

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    The attention-based view posits that a firm's allocation of attention to particular issues directly influences its actions and performance. Yet, the impact of attentional uniqueness – how the pattern of a firm's attentional allocation diverges from its competitors within the same industry – on behaviour and performance remains underexplored. We argue for an inverted U-shaped relationship between attentional uniqueness and firm performance, mediated by the frequency of growth actions. This is because a firm's attentional allocation shapes its reaction to problems, opportunities, and threats in the competitive landscape, resulting in its competitive advantage. To generate growth actions, a firm needs to have both a unique perspective and a general understanding of its industry. Furthermore, we propose that this relationship is contingent on environmental munificence, which reflects the presence of growth opportunities. Our analysis, leveraging structural topic modelling on annual security reports from 986 Japanese listed companies between 2004 and 2016, broadly supports these theoretical predictions.



  • Extracting Network Structures from Corporate Organization Charts Using Heuristic Image Processing.

    Hiroki Sayama, Junichi Yamanoi

    CoRR   abs/2311.02460   61 - 70  2023

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    Organizational structure of corporations has the potential to provide implications for dynamics and performance of corporate operations. However, this subject has remained unexplored because of the lack of readily available organization network datasets. To overcome this gap, we developed a new heuristic image-processing method to extract and reconstruct organization network data from published organization charts. Our method analyzes a PDF file of a corporate organization chart and detects text labels, boxes, connecting lines, and other objects through multiple steps of heuristically implemented image processing. The detected components are reorganized together into Python’s NetworkX Graph object for visualization, validation, and further network analysis. We applied the developed method to the organization charts of all the listed firms in Japan shown in the “Organization Chart/System Diagram Handbook” published by Diamond, Inc., from 2008 to 2011. Out of the 10,008 organization chart PDF files, our method was able to reconstruct 4,606 organization networks (data acquisition success rate: 46%). For each reconstructed organization network, we measured several network diagnostics, which will be used for further statistical analysis to investigate their potential correlations with corporate behavior and performance.


  • CEOs’ religiosity and corporate green initiatives

    Hakaru Iguchi, Hajime Katayama, Junichi Yamanoi

    Small Business Economics   58 ( 1 ) 497 - 522  2021.01  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the ways in which the religiosity of a firm’s CEO affects his/her firm’s green initiatives. Previous research on corporate green initiatives offers limited insights into the micro-foundations of such behaviors. From an upper echelon perspective, we argue that CEOs with religiosity are more likely to engage in corporate green initiatives, because they hold higher perceptions about being monitored to fulfill religious role expectations, driving individuals to maintain public goods. Furthermore, this positive impact of CEOs’ religiosity is weaker when he/she uses participative decision-making processes. We examine a sample of 1184 small- and medium-sized manufacturers in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Using latent class modeling, we classify respondent CEOs’ religious belief systems into eight classes and find general support for the hypothesized relationships. Our findings contribute to the upper echelon and corporate social responsibility literature by revealing the missing link between a CEO’s religiosity and his/her firm’s corporate green initiatives.



  • Inter-organisational patent opposition network: how companies form adversarial relationships

    Tomomi Kito, Nagi Moriya, Junichi Yamanoi

    The Japanese Economic Review   72 ( 1 ) 145 - 166  2021.01  [Refereed]

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    <title>Abstract</title>Much of the research on networks using patent data focuses on citations and the collaboration networks of inventors, hence regarding patents as a positive sign of invention. However, patenting is, most importantly, a strategic action used by companies to compete with each other. This study sheds light on inter-organisational adversarial relationships in patenting for the first time. We constructed and analysed the network of companies connected via patent opposition relationships that occurred between 1980 and 2018. A majority of the companies are directly or indirectly connected to each other and hence form the largest connected component. We found that, in the network, many companies disapprove patents in various industrial sectors as well as those owned by foreign companies. The network exhibits heavy-tailed, power-law-like degree distribution, and assortative mixing. We further investigated the dynamics of the formation of this network by conducting a temporal network motif analysis, with patent co-ownership among the companies being considered. By regarding opposition as a negative relationship and patent co-ownership as a positive relationship, we analysed where collaboration may occur in the opposition network and how such positive relationships would interact with negative relationships. The results identified the structurally imbalanced triadic motifs and the temporal patterns of the occurrence of triads formed by a mixture of positive and negative relationships. Our findings suggest that the mechanisms of the emergence of the inter-organisational adversarial relationships may differ from those of other types of negative relationships, hence necessitating further research.



  • Acquisition announcements and stock market valuations of acquiring firms’ alliance partners: A transaction cost perspective

    JS Koo, J Yamanoi, T Sakano

    Journal of Business Research   118   129 - 140  2020.09  [Refereed]

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    This study examines the impact of an acquisition announcement on the market reaction to an acquirer's alliance partner. From a transaction cost perspective, we argue that the market valuation of an alliance partner around an acquisition announcement is negative because the stock market recognizes that an acquisition causes an unanticipated increase in the uncertainty of the acquirer's behavior, thereby decreasing the expected value from the alliance. Additionally, the negative impact of an acquisition announcement depends on the alliance and acquisition characteristics, which determine the degree of the unanticipated increase in the acquirer's behavioral uncertainty. Using an event study of 347 alliances associated with 150 acquisitions of Japanese public non-financial firms, we find that an acquirer's acquisition announcement triggers a negative market valuation of its alliance partner. Moreover, past alliance experience reduces the negative impact of an acquisition announcement, while non-horizontal alliance type and acquisition deal value enhance the negative impact.



  • Preface

    Naoki Masuda, Kwang Il Goh, Tao Jia, Junichi Yamanoi, Hiroki Sayama

    Springer Proceedings in Complexity     v - viii  2020

  • Beyond Social Fragmentation: Coexistence of Cultural Diversity and Structural Connectivity Is Possible with Social Constituent Diversity.

    Hiroki Sayama, Junichi Yamanoi

    CoRR   abs/1911.04381   171 - 181  2019

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    Social fragmentation caused by widening differences among constituents has recently become a highly relevant issue to our modern society. Theoretical models of social fragmentation using the adaptive network framework have been proposed and studied in earlier literature, which are known to either converge to a homogeneous, well-connected network or fragment into many disconnected subnetworks with distinct states. Here we introduced the diversities of behavioral attributes among social constituents and studied their effects on social network evolution. We investigated, using a networked agent-based simulation model, how the resulting network states and topologies would be affected when individual constituents’ cultural tolerance, cultural state change rate, and edge weight change rate were systematically diversified. The results showed that the diversity of cultural tolerance had the most direct effect to keep the cultural diversity within the society high and simultaneously reduce the average shortest path length of the social network, which was not previously reported in the earlier literature. Diversities of other behavioral attributes also had effects on final states of the social network, with some nonlinear interactions. Our results suggest that having a broad distribution of cultural tolerance levels within society can help promote the coexistence of cultural diversity and structural connectivity.



  • The impact of family ownership on establishment and ownership modes in foreign direct investment: The moderating role of corruption in host countries

    Yamanoi, Junichi, Asaba, Shigeru

    Global Strategy Journal   8 ( 1 ) 106 - 135  2018.02  [Refereed]

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    Copyright © 2017 Strategic Management Society Research Summary: In this study, we adopt a socioemotional wealth perspective to examine the influence of family ownership on foreign direct investment. When establishing foreign subsidiaries, firms with greater degrees of family ownership are more likely to engage in greenfield investment and full equity ownership in order to maintain family owners’ socioemotional wealth. Additionally, these relationships are more pronounced in countries with higher levels of corruption. In corrupt countries, greater control over foreign subsidiaries is necessary to restrict their corrupt behaviors, which can seriously damage the firm’s socioemotional wealth and destroy the reputation of the family owners. By using a dataset of foreign market entries by Japanese listed firms in the electronic machinery industry, we find general support for our hypotheses. Managerial Summary: We find evidence that Japanese listed electronic machinery manufacturers with larger family ownership are more likely to choose greenfield investment and full ownership when entering foreign countries. This result suggests that family owners prefer to maintain strong control on local subsidiaries, possibly for preserving their socioemotional wealth. Additionally, this tendency of family firms’ regarding the choice of greenfield investment is stronger when they enter countries with higher levels of corruption. Managers and investors of family firms might need to pay attention to family owners’ entry mode choices, which could be incentivized excessively for the preservation of socioemotional wealth, possibly at the expense of economic wealth.



  • Corporate misconduct in Japan: a conflict of corporate governance logics

    Hidetaka Aoki, S. U. Weichieh, Junichi Yamanoi, Eric W.K. Tsang

    2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2017   2017-August  2017

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    We discuss why corporate misconduct is increasing in Japan through a lenses of comparative corporate governance. We find that managerial ownership under stakeholder logic decreases whereas foreign ownership under shareholder logic increases corporate misconduct. Although stock options bring in strong shareholder logic, it has different effects on above mentioned relationships.




    Eric W. K. Tsang, Junichi Yamanoi

    STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL   37 ( 11 ) 2291 - 2306  2016.11  [Refereed]

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    Research summary: We use a sample of Singapore firms to replicate Barkema and Vermeulen's (1998) study of international expansion through start-ups or acquisitions by Dutch firms. We discover that the authors misinterpreted the regression coefficients for hypothesis testing and only two of their four hypotheses were actually tested. For these two hypotheses, one is not supported in either their study or ours, while the other is supported in their study but not ours. For the remaining two hypotheses we find support for one of them, which is concerned with the curvilinear effect of product diversity on the mode of expansion. In sum, the original study claims that all four hypotheses are supported, whereas only one is supported in the replication. More specifically, the former results, including the effects of the independent and control variables, are largely not generalizable to the latter.
    Managerial summary: Barkema and Vermeulen's (1998) study investigates the international expansion by Dutch firms during the period from 1966 to 1994. Their results indicate that whether a firm expands through setting up a greenfield operation or acquiring an existing operation is affected by the diversity of the firm's product lines, the diversity of the countries to which it has expanded, and how far the expansion is related to its existing business. We replicate their study using a sample of Singapore firms for the period from 1980 to 2000. Our results show only an effect of a firm's product diversity on its mode of international expansion. Our study clearly indicates the risk of drawing managerial implications from the results of a single study. More replication studies are needed for establishing a solid theoretical foundation to inform management decisions. Copyright (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



  • Puppets fight as puppet masters wish: The influence of shareholder overlap on interfirm rivalry

    Yamanoi, Junichi

    Chuo Journal of Policy Sciences and Cultural Studies   23   1 - 19  2015


  • Competition and termination of the alliances between asymmetric partners: The case of Japanese department stores

    Junichi Yamanoi, Qing Cao

    ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT   31 ( 4 ) 949 - 971  2014.12  [Refereed]

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    To enrich the literature on alliance termination, we recognize that the dynamics of individual alliances are subject to the structural characteristics of the alliance portfolios in which they are embedded. We anchor our study in the context of large industry leaders partnering with multiple small partners, the latter of which can be viewed as competing for access to the formers' resources. We expect that a small partner's relative capability in relation to peer partners within a leader's alliance portfolio is negatively related to the likelihood of alliance termination, since the leader acknowledges that partners with inferior capability do not deserve to be supported. Furthermore, this relationship would be moderated by alliance portfolio size, market overlap with peer partners, and with industry leaders. Using a unique dataset of 145 alliances between leading and small department stores in Japan in the period 1977-93, we found general support for the hypothesized relationships.



  • Partner selection in horizontal alliance formation: A competitive dynamics perspective


    日本経営学会誌   33   88 - 99  2014

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    This article theorizes the effects of interfirm rivalry on partner selection in horizontal alliance formation from a competitive dynamics perspective. Although horizontal alliances are formed between competing firms, previous studies have paid limited attention to the relationship between interfirm rivalry and partner selection. The article proposes two types of interfirm rivalries in horizontal alliances: inside-alliance rivalry and outside-alliance rivalry. The suggested model predicts that firms select partners that result in lesser inside-alliance rivalry. However, when firms face threatening common rivals, they tend to choose partners that reduce outside-alliance rivalry despite a high inside-alliance rivalry. The diversity of competitive repertoires of common rivals determines the type of interfirm rivalry that firms would consider more important in selecting partners. Additionally, when the level of intensity of outside-alliance rivalry for two firms is equal, they are more likely to form an alliance. This article contributes significantly to the alliance formation and competitive dynamics literature in three ways. First, this study utilizes the competitive dynamics perspective to explain partner selection in horizontal alliances, which is unprecedented. Second, and in continuity to the first contribution, this article clearly distinguishes between the effects of market commonality and resource similarity on partner selection. Finally, in the field of competitive dynamics, this study presents theoretical explanations for inter-firm rivalry related to allied firms.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Research Trend of Family Business

    Iriyama Akie, Yamanoi Jun-ichi

    Organizational Science   48 ( 1 ) 25 - 37  2014

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    In this paper, we review previous theoretical and empirical works on family business in the management and finance literatures. We particularly focus on the issue of alignment between ownership and management. We introduce three major theories─agency theory, resource-based theory, and socioemotional wealth theory─ and discuss how each of them accounts for mechanisms of "family ownership" and/or "family management." We also indicate that family management may be more influential than family ownership in the context of the Japanese family business. We finally discuss implications for future studies on family business in Japan.

    DOI CiNii

  • Post-merger cultural integration from a social network perspective: A computational modeling approach

    Yamanoi, J. &am, Sayama, H

    Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory   19 ( 4 ) 516 - 537  2013  [Refereed]

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    Although cultural integration, or sharing a common corporate culture, is crucial for the success of mergers, previous studies have been limited to firm-level analyses. From a social network perspective, this study explores how cultural integration emerges from the patterns of social interactions among individuals. Using an agent-based model, we investigate the impact of network structures within and between two merging firms on post-merger cultural integration and organizational dysfunctions-individual turnover, interpersonal conflict and organizational communication ineffectiveness-that arise from insufficient cultural integration. The simulation results demonstrate that the highest level of cultural integration is achieved when social ties are more centralized within each merging firm and the social ties between the merging firms are less concentrated on central individuals. Additionally, the results show that within-firm and between-firm network structures significantly affect individual turnover, interpersonal conflict and organizational communication ineffectiveness, and that these three outcome measurements do not vary in tandem. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.



  • Modeling complex systems with adaptive networks

    Hiroki Sayama, Irene Pestov, Jeffrey Schmidt, Benjamin James Bush, Chun Wong, Junichi Yamanoi, Thilo Gross

    Computers and Mathematics with Applications   65 ( 10 ) 1645 - 1664  2013  [Refereed]

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    Adaptive networks are a novel class of dynamical networks whose topologies and states coevolve. Many real-world complex systems can be modeled as adaptive networks, including social networks, transportation networks, neural networks and biological networks. In this paper, we introduce fundamental concepts and unique properties of adaptive networks through a brief, non-comprehensive review of recent literature on mathematical/computational modeling and analysis of such networks. We also report our recent work on several applications of computational adaptive network modeling and analysis to real-world problems, including temporal development of search and rescue operational networks, automated rule discovery from empirical network evolution data, and cultural integration in corporate merger. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 製品のモジュラー性と開発成果の関係性-情報システムにおける開発プロセスの定量分析-

    久保亮一, 山野井順一

    日本経営学会誌   28   16 - 29  2011

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    This study investigates the impact of product modularity on product development performance in the context of team processes. Although previous studies have argued that product development performance increases with product modularity, owing to the enhancement of problem solving in product development, few have empirically demonstrated the relationship. In addition, previous studies remain silent regarding the mechanism by which product modularity moderates the effects of team processes on performance during product development. We examine product modularity's direct effects on product development performance and moderating effects on team members' communication and effort. Using survey data of 48 project leaders in a Japanese system integration company, we found that the modularity of an information system enhanced the effectiveness and efficiency of its development. Furthermore, the positive impact of communication within team members was attenuated by product modularity. This study broadens our understanding of product modularity and team processes.

    DOI CiNii

  • 株式会社は誰のために?—日米上場会社の経営理念 から—

    広田真一, 山野井順一

    宮島英昭編『企業統治分析のフロンティア』     61 - 83  2008


  • 中小企業における経営者交代と戦略変更の関係:後継者の組織社会化の影響


    日本経営学会誌   18   43 - 55  2006

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    This paper analyzes the effects of a successor's organizational socialization in a relation-ship between CEO succession and strategic change. In former research, the factor whether a new CEO is promoted in a current company or is invited outside of the company has been treated as one of the CEO characteristics, moderating the relationship between CEO succession and strategic change. However, the empirical results are not consistent. The inconsistent results could be derived from an insufficient construct validity of the factor. Drawing on the distinction of an insider or outsider, researchers strive to explain the qualitative difference of the successor's knowledge and values. However, through measuring the factor by a dichotomous variable, the researchers have not fully considered the degree to which a successor absorbs the knowledge and values of a certain company. Considering the former research, organizational socialization, the process by which an individual comes to appreciate the values, abilities, expected behavior, and social knowledge essential for assuming an organizational role and for participating in as an organizational member, could function as a more explanatory construct. To examine its effect, 164 small businesses in Japan, half of which experienced CEO succession in 2000 and the rest did not, are selected as a sample. Empirical results are as follow: First, CEO succession promotes strategic change. Second, the degree of a successor's organizational socialization to the current company negatively influences the relationship. Third, the degree of the successor's organizational socialization to the other companies positively affects the relationship. Finally, the stronger organizational socialization to the other companies compared with that to the current company, the stronger the relationship will be. The dichotomous variable measuring the distinction of an insider or outsider, frequently used in the existing literature, is not statistically significant. The result implies that a successor's organizational socialization could be more explanatory than the distinction of an insider or outsider is.

    DOI CiNii

  • 組織の年齢と生存の関係

    山野井 順一

    産業経営   ( 35 ) 25 - 38  2004

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  • How do international business assets impact on M&amp;A performance between multinational enterprises?

    The 34th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society 

  • How do international business assets impact on M&A performance between multinational enterprises?

    The 34th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society 

  • Puppets fight as puppet masters wish: The influence of shareholder overlap on interfirm rivalry

    The 33rd Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society 

  • Technological modularity, team communication, and team cohesion in new product development: A study of a Japanese software service firm

    The 33rd Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society 

  • The dynamics of alliance strength: Effects of competition with peer partners in alliance portfolios

    The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Business Policy and Strategy Division) 

  • How does foreign direct investment influence local venture founding: Evidence from China

    The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (International Management Division) 

  • Confucius as Asian business leader: A comparison of paternalistic leadership in China, Japan and South Korea

    The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business 

  • The impact of foreign direct investment on local venture founding: Evidence from China

    The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business 

  • Time to act: Competitive responses to rivals’ executive turnover

    The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Business Policy and Strategy Division) 

  • Where to locate: The impact of local subsidiary distance on the location choice of regional headquarters

    The 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business 

  • The location choice of regional headquarters: The impact of local subsidiary distance

    The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (International Management Division). Vancouver, Canada. 

  • Post-merger cultural integration from a social network perspective: A computational modeling approach

    The 5th Intra-Organizational Networks (ION) Conference, Lexington, KY. 

  • The impact of rival firms’ executive succession on firm competitive behavior

    The 31st Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Miami, FL. 

  • Competition networks: The influence of relational and structural embeddedness on competitive activity

    The 31st Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Miami, FL. 

  • Partner selection in horizontal alliance formation: A competitive dynamics perspective

    The 69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Business Policy and Strategy Division), Chicago, IL. 

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Research Projects

  • 企業の技術ポートフォリオ価値評価モデル立案と多角化戦略導出のための枠組の確立

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    鬼頭 朋見, 山野井 順一

  • 日本の産業動態の研究:マルチレベル・アプローチ

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    淺羽 茂, 山野井 順一, 鳥田 友起, ALEXANDER・JEAN・LuC COAD, 井口 衡, 三橋 平, 清水 洋, 枝村 一磨

  • How does diversity of individuals affect the structure of society?: A constructive approach using adaptive networks

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • The Impact of Municipal Industrial Policy on Entrepreneurial Behaviors and Performance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 経営者の下方リスク回避度の定量的測定とその決定要因ならびに企業行動との関係性

    Project Year :


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    本研究は、ファイナンス、経済学分野において最近確立されつつある下方リスク回避度の測定方法を、経営者のリスク選好の測定に応用する方法を開発し、それを利用して、下方リスク回避度の決定要因ならびに企業行動・パフォーマンスへの影響を検証する学術的に先駆的な試みである。昨年度は、経営者のリスク選好、時間選好を測定するための質問票の作成に注力し、予備的な調査を行った。経営者を対象とした大規模調査を行う前に、質問票の妥当性を確認するため、会社員を対象とした調査が必要であった。そのため、個人のリスク選好、時間選好を測定するためにMultiple price list formatの質問票を作成し、どのような値が適切か、回収率はどの程度かについて、100名程度の保険会社の外交員を対象とした調査を行った。結果としては、当初想定していた金額、確率の選択では十分にパラメータが特定できないケースが多々あったため、修正を行い、再度予備的な調査を行うこととなった。経営者の下方リスク回避度に影響を与える属性、および、起業家的行動に関する理論モデルの構築については、順調に推移した。先行研究の調査から、経営学の領域においては、経営者のリスク選好は、パフォーマンスの変動(variance)や極端な値(extremeness)への選好としてとらえられており、上方リスクと下方リスクに関する考察は必ずしも十分に行われていないことを確認し、両者を分けることでの新たな理論的な示唆が得られることを見出した。本年度は、これらの予備的調査と理論研究の結果を受けて、新型コロナウィルスによる影響が下半期に収まることを想定して、中小企業経営者を対象とした大規模調査を行い、理論モデルの定量的な検証を行う予定である。予備的な調査を実施し、想定通りの結果が得られ、大規模調査の準備が整ったため。本年度は、昨年度に作成したリスク選好、時間選好についての質問票を用いて、中小企業経営者を対象とした大規模な調査の実施を行う予定である。そのデータを用いて、下方リスク回避度に影響を与える要因ならびにその結果について、定量的分析を行う

  • The impact of managers' work-family spillover on entrepreneurship and firm performance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 同族企業の後継者特性が企業のリスク行動に与える影響:定量的分析

    Project Year :


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  • The Impact of Exits from Foreign Markets on Entry Strategies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMANOI JUNICHI, Ueta Toshimitsu, Horibe Naoki

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    I found that a firm's experience of exiting from foreign markets significantly decreases foreign market entries. The negative impact was moderated by the size of exits and the turnover rate of top management teams. The findings suggest that learning experience from foreign market exits would not necessarily be exploited for later entries because of managerial concerns about the same failures in foreign market entries

  • 企業の海外市場からの撤退経験が与える参入戦略への影響:統計的分析による国際比較


    Project Year :


  • The Impact of Technological Relatedness on Firm Performance after Acquisitions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study examines how technological relatedness between acquiring and acquired firms influences after-acquisition performance, measured based on financial and innovation outputs. Its sample is acquisitions implemented by Japanese listed firms from 1997 to 2006. Using patent data, reflecting longitudinal change in patent ownership, I measured inter-firm technological relatedness using network analysis. Preliminary results are that technological relatedness between acquiring and acquired firms has a curvilinear impact on the acquiring firm’s cumulative abnormal return and the number of registered patents after its acquisition

  • How Japanese Firms Profit from Environmental Innovation

    Project Year :


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    This research project investigated why and how firms develop and deploy capabilities to mitigate the impact of business activities on the natural environment. 4 separate studies into this topic found that: 1. firms developing pollution reducing technologies, engage in more organizational exploration than exploitation, and emphasize incremental-rather than radical-technologies; 2. stronger national environmental regulations discourage Japanese firms from entering a country but this effect is reversed in Japanese firms with high environmental capabilities; 3. Japanese manufacturing facilities cause more damage to the local environment in firms that operate in more Japanese municipalities; 4. Japanese facilities polluting more than competitors work harder to improve their environmental when located in Japanese municipalities with more powerful local stakeholders. Together, these studies provide important theoretical and practical insights into environmental business strategy issues

  • 企業買収における技術的関連性とパフォーマンスの関係性:特許データによる定量分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


  • Board reform and corporate scandal: Empirical analysis on the executive officer system and outside directors

    Project Year :


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    This project aimed at academic and pragmatic contribution for corporate governance reforms in Japan by statistically analyzing the mutual relationship between the characteristics of board of directors and corporate scandals.The first task was to confirm whether corporate governance reforms would progress after the corporate scandal. The second task was to examine whether the introduction of the executive officer system and outside directors contribute to strengthen the monitoring function of board of directors and prevent corporate scandal. As a result, we confirmed that (1) corporate scandal facilitate corporate governance reforms, and (2) corporate governance characteristics affect financial misconduct.Finally, our efforts resulted in 1 book, 2 papers and 13 conference presentations (including international conference)

  • グローバル経済におけるビジネスと会計制度の変化に関する経済学的研究

    Project Year :


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    本年度は第4年度であり、当初の計画にしたがい、各グループ((a)ビジネス経済、(b)グローバル経済、(c)経済制度)内とメンバー全体が参加する多数の会合を通して、複数の共同研究課題を推進すると同時に、研究成果も徐々に形となってきた。特に、重要なアジェンダとして、「経済成長や市場整備が遅れた国々における会計制度に関する研究」(以下「途上国のビジネス経済学研究」と呼称)を中心とし、複数の共同研究活動の研究結果が出だしている。従来からのセミナー(通称「金曜セミナー」:第2・4金曜日)を開催し、学内外の有力な研究者を招聘することにより、経済学と関連分野の研究フロンティアの共有に努めた。昨年度に引き続き、会計分野に関する研究フロンティアの確認と共同研究課題の実施に資するため、「経済と会計ワークショップ」として商・企業法分野の発表を2回開催した。特に、今年度は2回目に「経済・ビジネス・会計に関する実証的研究のフロンティア」と題して、ゲーム理論実験、会計制度実験、経営戦略、構造推計、政府・公的データ分析で活躍している最先端の研究者5人をゲスト講演者としてお招きし、オープンワークショップを開催した。丸一日の長時間にわたる講演ながら、学内外から多数の参加者が集い、関連している研究者・専門家には非常に有益かつ刺激的な機会となった。当プロジェクト専用に前年度に設置されたサーバを用いて、ビジネス慣習や会計制度に関するデータ収集のためのアンケート調査の準備を更に進めた。日本や世界の企業や機関を対象にした、経営戦略、環境経営、国際経営、会計制度等に関する大規模なアンケート調査を行う前段階として、世界各国の金融当局に対するメール配信とWEB回答による試験的な調査の準備を更に進展させた。当研究課題は例外的に一昨年度途中(平成24年11月1日)に補助金が開始されたが、昨年度より研究分担者を中心にメンバーの顔触れは安定し、共同研究課題も順調に進展するようになった。各メンバーの着実な取り組みとメンバー間の頻繁な情報交換により、当プロジェクトの主な研究課題は、全体としてほぼ申請時の研究計画に沿った状況にある。現在、「IFRS採用の開発援助配分に与える影響」、「会計基準に対する会計監査人の反応」、「財務諸表監査と日本企業の国際化」、「会計監査市場における監査報酬と質との関係」、「海外進出企業の創業者経営の影響」など、昨年から引き続き有望な共同研究が実施されている。暫定的な研究結果に加え、研究成果も随時産出されている状態である。今年度の金曜セミナーは、ゲーム理論実験、契約理論、ファイナンス理論、産業組織論、数理経済学、マッチング理論、農業経済学、経済発展論、メカニズムデザイン、空間経済学、環境経済学など、新進気鋭の若手研究者を中心に招聘し、当プロジェクト内外における新たな研究フロンティアの共有と拡大に努めた。また、昨年に引き続き、ビジネスに関連する分野として、経営学を専門とする研究者計2名に発表を依頼し、経営学と経済学の垣根を越えて、分野横断的な研究推進への可能性を広げた。第4年度の終盤となり、これから複数の共同研究における実証的・計量的分析を進めていく上で必要不可欠な最先端の知見を共有するため、世界的に活躍している各専門分野の研究者を招聘してワークショップを開催した。当プロジェクトメンバーだけでなく、社会科学の実証分析に興味のある一般の方々を含めて、できるだけ幅広く情報公開するため、都心の施設において、約100人規模の講演会を開催し、実証的研究の伝播に大きく貢献した。当研究課題は例外的に年度途中(平成24年11月1日)からスタートし、一昨年(平成26)度に計画に沿って進展する段階に至り、昨年から今年度にかけてハイペースで進展するようになった。最終年である来年度に向けた主な目標は計画通り研究を進行することに留まらず、できるだけ多くの研究結果を基に、国際的なジャーナルにおける論文掲載や国際的な出版社からの著作出版を最終目的として、多数の研究成果(学会発表、セミナー発表、ワーキング・ディスカッションペーパー等)を生み出していくことである。引き続き、定期的な全体ミーティングに加え、各研究グループ内の情報交換を密にし、現地調査を含めて共同研究課題をできるだけ迅速に進めていく。その過程で、各メンバー単位の研究を含めて、暫定的な研究成果が出次第、各グループ・プロジェクト全体で共有し、当ウェブサイトを通じて、積極的に外部に情報発信していきたい。当プロジェクトの最終目標の1つとなる大規模なアンケート調査として、日本の中小企業を対象とした広範囲なアンケート調査を行う予定である。日本の上場企業を含めた主要企業に対するアンケート調査は、東京証券取引所、財政金融研究所、金融庁など多数存在するが、中小企業に対する本格的な学術的調査の数は非常に限られている。この大規模なアンケート調査を実施する準備として、当プロジェクト専用サーバを使い、世界各国の国際会計基準(International Financial Reporting Standards: IFRS)適用状況IFRS適用に関するアンケート調査を試験的に実施することになった。今年度は、先行研究のサーベイを通じて既存研究の対象外となった国や、既存研究において明確に記録されていない適用情報の把握に努め、来年度以降、順次調査を実施していく予定である

  • The Impact of Parent Firms' Temporal Orientation in Investment on their Joint Ventures

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMANOI Junichi

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    Although management scholars have started to examine a firm’s temporal orientation in investment, little attention has been paid to how multiple firms’ temporal orientations interactively influence the performance of their cooperation. Using the perspective of information processing, I theoretically and empirically investigate how the differences in temporal orientation in investment between parent firms influence their partner selection and joint ventures’ performance. Using a comprehensive dataset of domestic joint ventures between Japanese non-financial listed firms from 1990 to 2013, we found that levels of and absolute differences in parent firms' temporal orientation in investment significantly influence their joint ventures' financial performance and survival rates

  • The multiplexity in strategic alliances and its impact on alliance performance consequences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMANOI Junichi

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    In this study, I developed and tested a theory of multimarket cooperation, in which the configuration of two firms' cooperative relationships affects the performance of each cooperative relationship. In so doing, I based my argument on the theoretical perspectives of multimarket competition and strategic alliances. The multimarket competition perspective explains the mechanism through which the configuration of dyadic competitive relationships influences each competitive relationship, whereas the alliance literature explains the mechanism through which certain partner and dyadic characteristics create successful interfirm cooperative relationships. Using a unique dataset of the joint ventures of Japanese listed firms from 1990 to 2009, I found that the interdependence of collaborations and the reciprocal majority of collaborations increase and the complexity of collaborations decreases the performance of an individual collaboration

  • 企業間提携の多重性と提携のパフォーマンスの関係性についての実証研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


  • 企業買収の経済的パフォーマンスに対する無形資産とのれんの影響:定量的アプローチ

    野村マネジメント・スクール  学術研究支援(研究助成)

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  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Accountancy

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Waseda Innovation Laboratory   Director of Research Institute

  • 2019

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 経営者の心理的特性と企業行動の定量的分析


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    Are founders morerisk-tolerant and long-term oriented than successors and salaried workers?Although there is an accumulation of anecdotal evidence regarding founders'risk and time preferences, quantitative analysis is still limited; previousstudies have typically inferred these preferences from firm-level behaviors. Byanalyzing survey data from 533 founders, 1,110 successors, and 505 salaried workersin Japan, we quantitatively evaluated their individual risk and timepreferences and investigated their heterogeneity based on decision theory.During this analysis, we employed a holistic approach to categorize individualrisk and time preferences, postulating that a combination of risk and timepreference parameters has distinctive characteristics that cannot be reduced totheir separate elements. Our results lead to a twofold conclusion: first, foundersexhibit a higher tolerance for risk than successors and salaried-workers,although they are close to risk-neutral. Second, founders show more impatiencewith respect to time than both successors and salaried workers. Our studyoffers a detailed portrayal of managerial risk and time preferences.

  • 経営者のインタビューの言語・画像・音声からの心理的特性・状態の測定方法の開発のための予備的調査

    2023   永山晋

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  • 中小企業における被買収企業のパフォーマンスの変化とその決定要因

    2022   久保克行

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  • 同族企業の経営者のリスク、時間、社会選好と企業行動の関係性


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  • 運動と運動の自己有力感が仕事のモチベーションに与える影響


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  • 海外駐在員の身体的、精神的健康およびパフォーマンスへの現地国の生活環境の影響


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  • 被買収企業の選択に対する買収企業との共通の借入先の特性が与える影響:統計的分析


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  • 企業の技術的知識の特性が与える研究活動の効率性への影響:定量的分析による国際比較

    2016   佐山弘樹

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     本研究課題は、企業の特許出願において、特許が登録されるか、拒絶されるかという可能性について、国際比較を行いつつ、その決定要因を探るものである。現時点において、ビューロ・バン・ダイク社の提供するデータベースであるOrbisを利用し、1970年から2015年までのEuropean Patent Officeに登録されている世界の8100万件の特許出願について、企業データと紐づけを行い、分析を行っている。現在までに得られた予備的な分析結果であるが、特許出願のうち、特許が登録された件数は、約3100万件である。国による違いとしては、アメリカであれば、上記の期間において特許出願数は約1000万件であり、そのうち登録特許数は約590万件である。日本においては、同様の数字は、それぞれ、約2250万件、約440万件である。

  • 企業間の協調関係と競争関係の相互作用:石油化学産業のデータによるモデリング

    2015   Hiroki Sayama

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     本研究は、企業のジョイント・ベンチャーの創設、解散による協調関係の選択と、製品市場への参入、撤退による競争関係の選択が、両者の相互作用によりどのように組成されるかを、agent-based modelingと、石油化学産業の実データを用いた統計的分析により明らかにすることを目的として、展開された。複数のエージェントが、当該市場内での提携間の競争における利得と、その競争後の提携内での利得に基づく市場参入、撤退の意思決定を行うbiform gameを作成し、シミュレーションを行った。現在、石油化学産業の提携、市場参入、撤退の実データの用いてのシミュレーションモデルの検証を行っている。

  • 日本の中小企業における経営者交代と組織変革の関係


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     本研究は,経営者交代が齎す組織変革への影響とその関係を媒介する要因を,統計的分析により実証することを企図する. 経営者交代と組織変革を扱った先行研究では,経営者交代は組織変革を促すという関係が演繹されているものの,必ずしも全ての研究がその関係を確認しているわけではない.そのひとつの要因として,経営者の企業に対する影響が大企業においては大きくないことが推測される.よって,本研究は中小企業を対象とし経営者交代と組織変革の関係の実証を試みる.また,経営者交代と組織変革の関係を媒介するひとつの要因とされている後継者の出身(successor’s origin)については,先行研究において一意の扱いを受けておらず,その影響も不定である.新たな経営者つまり後継者が内部昇進か外部招聘かを問題とする後継者の出身の研究では,後継者が当該企業に入社した時期により,内部者・外部者を二項変数として分類している.しかしながら,その区分は研究間で差があり,構成概念妥当性に疑義がある.内部者は当該企業の価値観や規範が染み付いており,外部者は当該企業のものとは異なる他企業の価値観や規範が染み付いている,という論理展開が先行研究で用いられている.よって,内部者・外部者の概念は,後継者の企業への社会化の度合として捉えられよう.本稿では,組織変革を経営戦略,組織構造の二つに区分し,以上の関係を検証した. 研究方法は,以下の通りである.サンプルは,2000年度に経営者交代が発生し、前後3年間で経営者交代が発生していない中小企業101社である.中小企業のデータは,日本経済新聞社の『会社総鑑(未上場企業版)』の各年度より得た.独立変数は,社長の交代,後継者の当該企業での勤続年数,後継者の他企業での勤続年数を採った.従属変数については,経営者交代前から交代後にかけての当該企業における事業特化度の変化率と従業員数の変化率を,それぞれ戦略の変化,組織の変化の変数として採用した.コントロール変数は,先行研究に倣い,財務的危機,統治構造などを採った.以上の変数を用いて,重回帰分析を行った. 研究結果は以下の通りである.経営者の交代は,特化度の変化率には統計的に有意な正の影響を与えていた(5%水準で有意)が,従業員数の変化率については統計的に有意な影響は与えていなかった.また,後継者の当該企業における勤続年数は,特化度の変化率に有意な負の影響を与え(5%水準で有意),従業員数の変化率については,有意な影響は確認されなかった.最後に,特化度の変化率については有意な正の影響が確認でき(10%水準で有意),従業員数の変化率については,有意な影響は見られなかった. 上記の結果より,以下の結論が得られる.中小企業においては,経営者交代は組織変革を促すことが確認された.また,後継者の自社への社会化の度合が高いほど組織変革は妨げられ,他社への社会化の度合が大きいほど組織変革を促進されていた.しかしながら,上記の結果は,戦略の変化にのみ見られ,組織の変化については見出せなかった.この事実は,経営者交代が経営戦略と組織構造に対して,異なるメカニズムで作用していることを示唆する.

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