Updated on 2024/07/22


Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title
L.L.B ( The University of Tokyo )

Research Experience

  • 2004.04

    Professor, Waseda University, Waseda Law School,

  • 2000.04

    Professor, Kobe University, School of Law,

  • 1997.04

    Associate Professor, Kobe University, School of Law,

  • 1994.04

    (Visiting Scholar, University of California, )

  • 1987.10

    Research Associate, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law,

  • 1990.08

    Associate Professor, Nagoya University, School of Law,

  • 1984.04

    LL.B. University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law,

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Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Laws  

Committee Memberships

  • 2007.10

    Financial Services Agency of Japan, Financial Council  member

  • 2007.10

    金融庁 金融審議会  委員

Professional Memberships


    Japan Association of the Law of Finance


    The Institute of Maritime Law in Japan


    Japan Association of Private Law


    International Law Association, International Securities Committee

Research Areas

  • Civil law

Research Interests

  • Commercila Law, Corporate Law, Finance Law, Securities Law


  • 大隅健一郎賞




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Books and Other Publications

  • 論点体系 金融商品取引法3(第2版)不公正取引、課徴金:[第157条~第226条]

    黒沼 悦郎, 太田 洋( Part: Joint editor)

    第一法規  2022.07 ISBN: 9784474072237


  • 論点体系 金融商品取引法2(第2版)業者規制、自主規制 : 「第28条〜第156条の92」

    黒沼, 悦郎, 太田, 洋( Part: Joint editor)

    第一法規  2022.07 ISBN: 9784474072220

  • 論点体系 金融商品取引法1(第2版) 定義、情報開示、公開買付け : 「第1条〜第27条の38」

    黒沼, 悦郎, 太田, 洋( Part: Joint editor)

    第一法規  2022.07 ISBN: 9784474072213

  • 金融商品取引法入門(第8版)

    黒沼, 悦郎( Part: Sole author)

    日経BP日本経済新聞出版本部,日経BPマーケティング (発売)  2021.12 ISBN: 9784532114466

  • Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, 2nd edition

    ( Part: Sole author)

    2020.12 ISBN: 9784641138476

  • 会社法(第2版)

    黒沼, 悦郎( Part: Sole author)

    商事法務  2020.08 ISBN: 9784785727987

  • Law practice 商法(第4版)

    黒沼, 悦郎, 中東, 正文, 福島, 洋尚, 松井, 秀征, 行澤, 一人( Part: Edit)

    商事法務  2020.03 ISBN: 9784785727789

  • フェア・ディスクロージャー・ルールブック

    黒沼, 悦郎, 吉川, 純, 大和総研( Part: Joint author)

    金融財政事情研究会,きんざい (発売)  2019.03 ISBN: 9784322134384

  • 会社法

    黒沼悦郎( Part: Sole author)

    商事法務  2017.08 ISBN: 9784785725419

  • Law Practice Commercial Law (3rd ed.)

    KURONUMA, Etsro( Part: Edit)

    Commercial Law Center  2017.02 ISBN: 9784785724979

  • Financial Instruments and Exchange Law

    KURONUMA, Etsuro( Part: Sole author)

    Yuhikaku  2016.10 ISBN: 9784641136939

  • 金融商品取引法コンメンタール1

    神田秀樹, 黒沼悦郎, 松尾直彦( Part: Joint editor)

    商事法務  2016.08 ISBN: 9784785724467

  • 金融庁品取引法入門(第6版)

    黒沼悦郎( Part: Sole author)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2015.02 ISBN: 9784532113292

  • 金融商品取引法コンメンタール2

    神田秀樹, 黒沼悦郎, 松井直彦

    商事法務  2014.09 ISBN: 9784785722074

  • 会社法コンメンタール第9巻(分担執筆)


    商事法務  2014.08 ISBN: 9784785722104

  • 論点体系 金融商品取引法1

    黒沼悦郎, 太田洋編

    第一法規  2014.07 ISBN: 9784474103122

  • 論点体系 金融商品取引法2

    黒沼悦郎, 太田洋編

    第一法規  2014.07 ISBN: 9784474103139

  • Law Practice 商法(第2版)

    黒沼悦郎, 中東正文, 福島洋尚, 松井秀征, 行澤一人

    商事法務  2014.03 ISBN: 9784785721732

  • 民商法の溝をよむ(分担執筆)

    潮見佳男, 片木晴彦

    日本評論社  2013.09 ISBN: 9784535408432

  • 金融商品取引法入門(第5版)


    日経新聞出版社  2013.02 ISBN: 9784532112776

  • 金融商品取引法コンメンタール3

    神田秀樹, 黒沼悦郎, 松尾直彦

    商事法務  2012.06

  • 金融商品取引法コンメンタール4

    神田秀樹, 黒沼悦郎, 松尾直彦

    商事法務  2011.10

  • Law Practice 商法

    黒沼悦郎, 中東正文, 福島洋尚, 松井秀征, 行澤一人

    商事法務  2011.09 ISBN: 9784785719050

  • 金融商品取引法入門(第4版)


    日本経済新聞出版社  2011.02 ISBN: 9784532112370

  • 金融商品取引法入門(第2版)

    近藤光男, 吉原和志, 黒沼悦郎

    商事法務  2011.01 ISBN: 9784785718350

  • 新基本法コンメンタール 会社法1(分担執筆)

    奥島孝康, 落合誠一, 浜田道代編

    日本評論社  2010.10 ISBN: 9784535402393

  • 会社法コンメンタール第11巻(分担執筆)

    森本滋, 弥永真生編

    商事法務  2010.08 ISBN: 9784785717889

  • 金融商品取引業の業規制


    金融商品取引法研究記録29号(日本証券経済研究所)  2009.04

  • 金融商品取引法入門

    近藤光男, 吉原和志, 黒沼悦郎

    商事法務  2009.03 ISBN: 4532111145

  • 金融商品取引法入門(第3版)


    日本経済新聞出版社  2009.02

  • 金融商品取引法入門(第3版)


    日本経済新聞出版社  2009.02 ISBN: 9784785720520

  • 逐条解説会社法第4巻(分担執筆)

    酒巻俊雄, 龍田節

    中央経済社  2008.12 ISBN: 9784502965500

  • 金融商品取引法の検討〔3〕(座談会)


    商事法務(別冊商事法務323号)  2008.10 ISBN: 9784785751579

  • 金融商品取引法の検討〔2〕(座談会)


    商事法務(別冊商事法務320号)  2008.05 ISBN: 9784785751548

  • 日本会社法制への提言(分担執筆)


    商事法務  2008.03 ISBN: 9784785715168

  • Q&A金融商品取引法の実務

    黒沼悦郎監修, 柏尾哲哉, 川村彰志編

    三省堂  2008.02 ISBN: 9784385323008

  • 議決権種類株式の上場に関する報告書

    東京証券取引所, 種類株式の上場制度整備に向けた実務者懇談会

    http://www.tse.or.jp/rules/seibi/shurui.pdf  2008.01

  • ブルドックソース事件の法的検討(分担執筆)

    商事法務(別冊商事法務311号)  2007.11 ISBN: 9784785751456

  • 金融商品取引法入門〈第2版〉


    日本経済新聞出版社  2007.08 ISBN: 9784532111571

  • 金融商品取引法の検討〔1〕(座談会)


    商事法務(別冊商事法務308号)  2007.07 ISBN: 9784785751425

  • 新・アメリカ商事判例研究(分担執筆)

    近藤光男, 志谷匡史

    商事法務  2007.02

  • 企業法の理論(上)

    黒沼悦郎, 藤田友敬

    商事法務  2007.01

  • 企業法の理論(下)

    黒沼悦郎, 藤田友敬

    商事法務  2007.01 ISBN: 9784785713867

  • 平成17年・18年の証券取引法等の改正 〔座談会〕


    商事法務(別冊商事法務299号)  2006.11

  • 金融商品取引法入門


    日本経済新聞社  2006.08 ISBN: 9784785716332

  • 新会社法の検討—ファイナンス関係の改正— 〔座談会〕


    商事法務(別冊商事法務298号)  2006.05

  • 決算短信に関する研究会報告—決算短信のより適切な開示に向けて—


    東京証券取引所HP http://www.tse.or.jp/listing/kessan/tanshin/zenbun.pdf  2006.03

  • 投資サービス法(仮称)に向けての提言—資産運用の見地から—


    日本証券投資顧問業協会HP http://jsiaa.mediagalaxy.ne.jp/osiease/kenkyukai180210.pdf  2006.01

  • 目論見書制度の改革


    証券取引法研究会記録(日本証券経済研究所)  2005.10

  • 企業買収をめぐる諸相とニッポン放送事件鑑定意見(分担執筆)

    商事法務(別冊商事法務289号)  2005.09 ISBN: 4785751231

  • 平成16年の証券取引法等の改正 〔座談会〕


    商事法務(別冊商事法務290号)  2005.08

  • 比較会社法研究(分担執筆)


    商事法務  2005.03 ISBN: 4785710683

  • アメリカ証券取引法[第2版]


    弘文堂  2004.12 ISBN: 433530109X

  • 平成15年の証券取引法等の改正(座談会)


    商事法務(別冊商事法務275号)  2004.07 ISBN: 4785751096

  • 証券のペーパーレス化の理論と実務(座談会)


    商事法務(別冊商事法務272号)  2004.03 ISBN: 4785751061

  • 転換社債型新株予約権付社債の理論と実務(座談会)


    商事法務(別冊商事法務266号)  2003.10 ISBN: 4785751002

  • IT化の進展と商法・証券取引法の諸問題(座談会)


    商事法務(別冊商事法務261号)  2003.06 ISBN: 4785750952

  • 金庫株解禁に伴う商法・証券取引法(座談会)


    商事法務(別冊商事法務251号)  2002.06 ISBN: 4785750855

  • 証券市場の機能と不公正取引の規制

    有斐閣(神戸法学双書)  2002.03 ISBN: 4641199558

  • 株式公開買い付け(TOB)に関する調査研究


  • アメリカ商事判例研究

    岸田雅雄, 近藤光男, 黒沼悦郎

    商事法務  2001.09

  • 証券取引ハンドブック(第4版)(分担執筆)

    河本一郎, 大武泰南, 神崎克郎

    ダイヤモンド社  2000.03

  • アメリカ証券取引法


    弘文堂  1999.12

  • 平成10年改正商品取引所法逐条解説


    商事法務研究会  1999.09 ISBN: 4785708980

  • 会社法1

    吉原和志, 前田雅弘, 片木晴彦と共著

    有斐閣  1999.04

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Research Projects

  • Fluid National Borders in Public Law: Legal Eco-systems in Borderless Administrative Space

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 利益相反構造の有無を重視する観点からの会社法の解釈論の再検討

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Study of Diversification of Tort Law from Institutional and Legislative View Points

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Segawa Nobuhisa, HIGUCHI Norio, MAEDA Youichi, MIZUNO Ken, YONEMURA Shigeto, YOSHIMURA Ryoichi, OSAKA Eri, NAKAMURA Megumi, HIYAMA Emi, CHIBA Kazuki, SATOU Yuichiro, IKKA Tsunakuni, KURONUMA Etsuro, HARADA Masakazu, OSAWA Aya, YAMASHIRO Kazuma, ONODERA Michiko

     View Summary

    Tort law is facing new problematics since 1990's, especially in the cases of living environment violation, market transactions troubles including business-to-consumer site, and life and medical service errors. In order to make tort law theory more compatible with today's tort cases, our study worked to elucidate the structural characteristics of these new problems. The study was done not only from the legal interpretational view point but also from the institutional and legislative view point. It points out the structural characteristics of these new problems. First, the extension of liability cause form negligence to scientifically uncertain risk leads to a transformation of the concept of negligence. Second, the extension of the protection by tort law leads to diversification of legal benefit. Third, the pluralization of those involved in injury leads to the necessity to coordinate each one's duty and his liability

  • HIKAKU KAISHAHO KENKYU (Comparative Corporate Law-Seeking the Corporate Law in the 21th Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIMOTO Shigeru, KURONUMA Etsuro, KITAMURA Masashi, KATAGI Haruhiko, MAEDA Masahiro, KOBAYASHI Ryo

     View Summary

    This research aims to produce the models of the law and good practices relating to the publicly held corporations based on the reasonable concept. We have adopted the comparative law method, and conducted the investigation by the way of comparing Japanese corporate law and its amendments found during the last quarter of the 20^<th> century with the contemporary tendencies in other major counties, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and France. First, we selected as the important subjects to examine such topics as the disclosure of information, the corporate law as "default rules", the reform of corporate structure of management, the questionable significance of the rules relating to capital formation and maintenance and the diversification of corporate finance. Meanwhile, some amendments of Commercial Code took place, on which we also made some critical comments. A part of these results were presented at the annual academic meeting of the Japan Association of Private Law 2001. Second, we made a comparison between the counties in respect of the recent drift of law amendments in general, the impacts of information technology on the management of general meetings, and the importance of the legal capital. The results of the second investigation have been reported in Shojihomu [Commercial Law Review]. We published the whole results in book form in May 2003. The book contains the articles about directors' liability, derivative suits and classified shares, too

  • Study of Legal Problems of Derivatives and Other New Financial Products

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    EGASHIRA Kenjiro, KURONUMA Etsuro, NAKAZATO Minoru, KANDA Hideki, IWAHARA Shinsaku, OCHIAI Seiichi

     View Summary

    This project intends to analyze the legal problems concerning the innovative financial products such as derivatives. Derivatives products are, because of their special characteristics, giving rise to complicated problems in many fields of law, such as civil- and commercial law, banking Law, securities law, tax law. Members of the project investigated law and practices of derivatives in Japan and foreign countries comprehensively, and presented the possible solutions under the existing Japanese legal system. Furthermore they tried to describe the new legislative measures that are required for the sound developments of the derivatives in Japan. Subjects taken up under the project are, for instance, treatment of derivatives transacions under the bankruptcy proceeding, and distinction derivatives from insurance or wager in the field of private law. In the fields of banking law and securities regulation, regulation on the OTC-derivatives and risk management system in the financial institutions concerning the derivatives are main topics. Some members of the project reported on the results of the reserch at the sympojium of the Japanese Society of Law of Finance in October 1998, and they also contributed greatly to the recent amendments of the Banking Act and the Securities Transaction Act



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  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Accountancy

  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   School of Political Science and Economics