Updated on 2025/03/12


WADA, Yoshitaka
Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title
(BLANK) ( Kyoto University )
(BLANK) ( Kyoto University )

Research Experience

  • 1996

    Kyushu Univ. Professor

  • 1996

    Kyushu Univ. Professor

  • 1988

    Kyushu. Univ.

  • 1987

    Kyoto Univ. Research Assistant.

Education Background


    Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Law  


    Kyoto University   Faculty of Laws  

Professional Memberships





  • 『法と社会へのアプローチ』

    和田仁孝, 太田勝造, 阿部昌樹編

    日本評論社    2004

  • 『法社会学の可能性』

    和田仁孝, 阿部昌樹, 樫村志郎

    法律文化社    2004

  • 『弁護士活動を問い直す』

    和田仁孝, 佐藤彰一編

    商事法務    2004

  • 『交渉と紛争処理』

    和田仁孝, 太田勝造, 阿部昌樹編

    日本評論社    2001

Books and Other Publications

  • 医療メディエーション:近不r区都・マネジメントへのナラティヴ・アプローチ

    和田仁孝, 中西淑美

    シーニュ  2011.11

  • 医療事故sン外賠償の実務


    三協出版  2011.02

  • 医療事故対応の実践


    和田仁孝編  2009.09

  • ADR理論と実践


    有斐閣  2007.08

  • 法社会学


    法律文化社  2006.12

  • 医療コンフリクト・マネジメント

    和田仁孝, 中西淑美

    シーニュ  2006.05

  • リーガル・カウンセリングの技法

    和田仁孝, 中村芳彦

    法律文化社  2006.04

  • 法と社会へのアプローチ


    日本評論社  2004.10

  • 弁護士活動を問い直す


    商事法務  2004.10

  • 法社会学の可能性


    法律文化社  2004.08

  • 交渉と紛争処理


    日本評論社  2002.05

  • 『医療紛争…メディカル・コンフリクト・マネジメントの提案…』


    医学書院  2001

  • 『法社会学の解体と再生』


    弘文堂  1996

  • 『民事紛争処理論』


    信山社  1994

  • 『民事紛争交渉過程論』


    信山社  1991

  • ADR認証制度ガイドラインの解説



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  • Field Research on Japanese-Thai companies' contracting behavior.



Research Projects

  • Redefinition of Professional Legal Educatoin and the Research on Clinical Legal Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Miyagawa Shigeo, OTSUKA Masayuki, OKADA Yuko

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    This research project examined the pedagogy of raising legal professionals to be not only judges, prosecutors, and attorneys whose major works are litigation-related, but also other law-related professionals such as judicial scriveners, tax attorneys, administrative scriveners and etc. We found these law-related professions need to strengthen their educational basis and more attention to professional ethics as their works became more specialized in the dispute resolution. In the international context, we found most countries are engaged in the improvement of professional legal education. In the US, the American Bar Association required six credits of clinical courses for law schools conferring the JD degree in order to get the ABA accreditation. We also found another example of strenuous efforts to improve the quality of legal professionals in China. The law on the eligibility to take the national unified legal professions examination started to require a law degree in 2018.

  • Injury and Law as Cultural Practice

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The perception of injury is nothing but a culturally constracted conception. When people feelinjury happens to them, what cultural elements construct their injury perception, cause of it and responsibility emerged from the incident are examined closely based on qualitative data of medical malpractice victims and physicians. This construction of meaning of injury differs depending on the person's gender, age, nationality and occupations. This research examined this construction process based on social constructionist perspective

  • 医療職を対象とする法的コンピテンス養成教育プログラムの開発

    Project Year :


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  • Longitudinal Study on Career Determinants of Practicing Attorneys Who Graduated from Law Schools

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In order to find out factors which infuence career development of new attorneys, this project conducted mailed questionnaire surveys twice to the so-called 62nd Cohort of practicing attorneys who completed judicial traineeship in 2009. The first survey was conducted in January-February 2011, and 621 attorneys returned usable questionnaires, with a response rate of 29.3%. The second survey was conducted in January-March 2014, and 406 attorneys returned usable questionnaires, with a response rate of 19.5%. The two surveys were conducted on the condition that individual respondents would not be identified, so that the second survey was not limited to those who responded to the first survey. Questionnaires were sent to all the attorneys each time. Therefore, our project is not a longitudinal study in a strict sense, but repeated cross-sectional surveys. Still, our project was the first effort to find out above-mentioned factors in Japan, and it should be recognized forits significance

  • Structure and Transformation of Perceptions on Negligence in Medical Adverse Envent:Narrative Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Although there are many research on tort system and its fundamental conceptions, we have little knowledge on ordinary people's construction of meaning on negligence and responsibility. This research try to understand complicated meaning construction process by patient and family and by health care professionals, based on intensive interview survey to each side. It enable us to comprehend 1) differences in structure of each actor's everyday narrative on negligence and responsibility, 2) dynamic political relationships found in conflicting process caused by different cognitive construction of meaning, and 3) comparative characteristics among different cultures. Based on this theoretical framework, it become possible to design more effective approach to medical malpractice and dispute after medical adverse events. I proposed introduction of new model of in-house mediation, and Ministry of Health Care in Japan adapted this idea in the process of this research

  • Discipline behavior model based on the kinetics analysis - sociology of law of informed consent

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study was undertaken to provide more depth(e.g.,by examining the behaviors of medical students and doctors,and conducting surveys of the damage following the nuclear incident in Namie, Fukushima),from the perspective that autonomous decision making is both a dynamic process and a structural function of causal relationships. The process of shared dicision making, which is based on the participation of the three key parties of Wada and Nakanishi's Narrative Mediation Model, provides an ethically effective agreement process for obtaining infromed consent that is found in law. Based on evaluation in January 2012, this is regulatory model was considered to be highly effective in supporting autonomous decision making in clinical settings,and training to promote mediated dialogue in medical care was instituted as part of the system of patient healthcare support announced as basic policy of the Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare in April that same year(2012)

  • 臨床法学教育の課題と法科大学院教育の再検討

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • Mutual Construction of ADR Act and ADR Practice : Socio-legal approach to Mutual Construction Process of Law and Practice

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WADA Yoshitaka

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    In this research, I examined the process of transformation of ADR practice during the period before and after introduction of ADR legislation focusing on three topics including 1) penetration and adaptation of law in the process of constituting ADR Practice, 2) introduction of North American facilitative mediation model and its influence and 3) validity of newly established practice model of Japanese ADR institutions. The result shows that although North American constitutes basic communication model in their practice, legal or another professional evaluation is effectively mobilized. This can be seen Japanese adaptation of North American model into Japanese settings. On the other hand the legal problems and risks in the mixture of different procedure is not yet settled

  • Perception of "Damage" and "Responsibility" on medical malpractice and Possibilityof ADR : Socio-Legal Approach of ADR: Socio-Legal Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



  • Study on Patterns of Mobilization and Mutual Influencing Relations of Legal Services

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WADA Yoshitaka

  • The Study of the Remedial Law from the Perspective of Comparative and Practical Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWASHIMA Shiro, YAMAMOTO Kenji, WADA Yoshitaka, SONO Hiroo, HATTA Takuya, HONDA Yumiko

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    This four year's Research is including several proposals of future perspectives on the civil remedial process.The fundamental theory is the historical and comparative perspective of the remedial law, especially the viewpoint of "from right-oriented procedure to remedy-oriented procedure on the base of theoretical study and case study.The concrete studies are covering general perspectives and suggestions to reform the civil procedure proceedings, historical and comparative studies on the remedial process of civil procedure, the role of lawyers in the civil remedial process, the role of the courts in the civil remedial process, speedy trials and the mission of the courts to create the prospect of resolution, the basic function of negative declaratory judgments, new perspectives on the role of negative declaratory Judgments in an uncertain modern society, the prospects of ordering future relationships via declaratory judgments, the development of new functions for declaratory remedies, new perspectives on coercive remedies in the context of continuing mass torts future perspectives on preliminary injunctive remedies, future perspectives on the enforcement process of judgments, new developments on enforcement by substitution relief and new themes and perspectives on the civil remedial process and so on

  • Socio-legal Analysis on Effects of Legal Sanction on Prevention of Medical Accidents

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WADA Yoshitaka

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    The results of observation survey, interview research to health care professionals and questionnaire survey done in this research, shows that Legal sanctions like criminal charge, civil damages compensation and even the risk to be sued have negative effects on the behavior of health care professionals. Not only at the moment of accident but also in everyday practice, health care professions tend to behave defensively trying to avoid risky practice and being cautious against patients' claims.On the contrary, health care professionals have positive expectation on the possibility of alternative dispute resolution mechanism and believe that introduction of mediation and prevalence of facilitation skills would improve both patients' and health care professionals' attitude and then contribute to promote the safety in medical care.Based on this understanding, I proposed introduction of ADR in medical malpractice field and develop an effective training program of mediation skills that could be applied to first stage response by health care professionals to a patient and the family at the time of accident. This result and proposition based on my research is almost sama as that made by professor Carol Liebman and Chris Hyman of Columbia Law School for Tort Reform in Pennsylvania

  • Law and Modernization of the East Asia Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANASE Takao, TERADA Hiroaki, MATSUOKA Hisakazu, WADA Yoshitaka, JI Weidong

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    The research funded by this Kaken was aimed to explicate the impact of global market upon the development of law in East Asian societies, especially in China, with a comparison with Japan. In 2003, we made an overall research plan, and held research meetings regularly inviting scholars both domestic and abroad. We also visited China to do preliminary research. In 2004, along with regular research meetings, we made a trip to Thai and Vietnam to get a broader perspective of developments of law. We also wrote and published several theoretical papers to develop the analytical framework to further the research and integrate the findings. Later in the year, we published a book form report on our progress. Also, in this year, we made extensive interviews with corporate legal departments to find out how the globalization affected their contractual processes in China, Thai, and Japan. In 2005, the emphasis was placed more on the comparison with the developments of law in Japan, and we conducted a nation-wide survey on "changing legal consciousness". It was analyzed and then published in Kyoto University law review. In 2006, we revised questionnaires somewhat to adapt to China, and then conducted the survey. We also invited Chinese scholars to hold workshops. At the end of year, we published a final research report. But, as the legal consciousness survey we did in this year was not thoroughly analyzed, we will continue the analysis and write a full length paper, and hopefully publish a book containing other research papers on this topic

  • Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution Research

    Project Year :


  • Social research on contract renegotiation process under the currency crisis -Japanese companies in Thailand-

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WADA Yoshitaka

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    This research examines this complex relationship between the formal legal system and informal modes of dispute resolution analyzing Japanese companies' contract behavior at the moment of Currency Crisis in Thailand.This research consists of a questionnaire survey followed up by interviews.Firstly, I sent questionnaires to Japanese-Thai joint companies in Thailand and also to 100% Thai-owned companies which thought that they had a relationship with Japanese companies, in order to discover their perceptions of the idea of contract and their behavior in times of Economic Crisis. I sent 209 questionnaires and received 57 valid replies from Japanese-Thai companies and sent nearly 400 to Thai companies with 132 valid replies.Secondly, after receiving the replies, I conducted 15 intensive interviews with Japanese businessmen working for Japanese-Thai companies.According to the result, for the most of Japanese-Thai Companies avoiding contract law and courts is reasonable to preserve good relationships and pursue long-term profits from Japanese point of view. Expectation that both parties will co-operate to maintain trust is the most essential part of their social relationship. Japanese companies tend to be more flexible in handle disputes and contract renegotiation process

  • Comprehensive Study on the Modes of " Japanese " and " Okinawan " I dentities in Okinawa

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHIDA Masaharu, ADACHI Yoshihiro, WADA Yoshitaka, ISHIKAWA Shoji, NAKACHI Hiroshi, HIYANE Teruo

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    In our program, we have inquired how national identity and local identity of a person effect in his/her thought or behavior by taking Okinawa, an area located at the periphery of Japanese state and has historical cultural peculiarity, as our field. The focuses of participants were formation of the fatherland-narrative, civic actions, dispute resolution, religious movements, national integration and community organizations. We held forum periodically to discuss over each achievement, which have led us to understand some crucial points.As for the narrative formation, we could understand how a leading journalist named Ota Chofu had formed his image of fatherland Japan in his struggle for Okinawa's self-reliance through campaigns for the spread of producer's cooperatives.As for the civic actions, we found the sentiments of Okinawan people toward "Yamato" and "Okioawa" changedchronologically.In the area of dispute resolution, we became aware that the persons concerned justified themselves with the willful and strategic combination of "Okinawan reasons" and "Yamaton reasons."In religious movements, we made clear Okinawans were accepting Yamaton value or way of thinking with their acceptance of religions with mainland-origin while traditional ancestor worship was continuously reproducingpeculiar Okinawan identity.In the area of national integration, we knew that there had been moves to relativize the national identity of Japanese Empire through socialist movements abroad.In the study of community organization, we found the confused situation in which a tendency toward mainland standard could not fully overcome Okinawan heritage on the one hand, and wavering sense of belongings in the process of community organization on the other.In addition we could confirm the effectiveness of the way of study that would focus subjective behavior or willingness of people. Now it seems possible and necessary to make comprehensive study of Japanese nationalism and modernization in its initial period

  • 「契約紛争解決過程における交渉と合意」 の役割の解釈論的・実証的研究

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  • 少年犯罪被害者による民事損害賠償請求訴訟の法社会学的研究-紛争処理論の視点から見た少年法と民事司法の調和的架橋-

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  • 法化社会における紛争処理と民事司法の総括

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    特定領域研究全体の活動は、データ分析と研究成果の公開の段階に移行しているため、総括班では本研究の成果をまとまった形で刊行すること、および、本研究で得られたデータに基づき、国際的な研究活動を発展させることを、平成20年度の主な目的として活動した。具体的には、A班、B班、C班の活動の連携を図るために、総括班会議を5回開催した。また、全体研究会を年度前半に2回開催した。年度後半には、各班のなかで、研究成果出版に向けて研究成果のさらに掘り下げた検討を行うよう促し、平成21年度における出版のための作業を進めた。また、アメリカの法と社会学会のなかで正式に国際的研究グループであるCollaborative Research Network on Civil Justice and Dispute Resolutionを組織し活動を始めたほか、国際法社会学会International Sociological Association Research Committee on Sociology of Lawのなかに設立したWorking Group on Civil Justice and Dispute Resolutionも、本特定領域研究のメンバーが参加して学会報告を中心に国際的な研究活動を行った。総括班はこうした研究成果の国際発信をサポートしたほか、それらの邦語・英語報告をまとめたワーキングペーパー第5集も発行した

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  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

Research Institute

  • 2020

    Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Research   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 弁護士懲戒制度の機能転換へ向けて

    2024   和田仁孝

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    弁護士懲戒制度は弁護士自治の根幹をなす制度のひとつである。弁護士が自浄作用をもってその成員の行動規律を図ることは、公的使命を帯びた弁護士という職業にあって不可欠の重要性を持っている。しかるに、社会的環境の変化の中で、そうした機能に逆機能的な状況が生じてきていることも否定できない。弁護士懲戒委員会の委員としての参与観察から、以下のような問題点について検討した、第1に、受任した職務を放置する事案が、近年、顕著に増加いており、その背景に弁護士自身のメンタルヘルスの問題が潜んでいる場合が多いが、こうした事案は懲戒することよりも、問題を早期に把握し弁護士会としての適切な支援を提供しうるシステムの構築が必要である。わが国にはそうしたシステムは存在しないが、比較対象としてAmerican Bar Association の状況を検討した。アメリカでは、全米50州すべてに弁護士(週により裁判官も含む)を対象とする、Assistance Programが整備されており、24時間いつでも、相談できる体制を弁護士会内部に設置している。国内でのインタビュー調査により、東京にもならず少なからぬ地域で同様の傾向が見られ、懲戒処分を与える事後対応的処置とは異なる、アメリカのような早期対応システムの設置は弁護士のため、ひいては利用者のためにも必要であると思われる(なお11月に米国での補充調査もよちぇいしている)。懲戒制度も、ただ懲罰的機能に専心するだけの現在のシステムから、弁護士の業務の適正化のための支援機能をも担う新たな支援・教育型懲戒制度への転換を考えていく必要があると思われる。なお、本研究は、早稲田大学特定課題研究の支援のほか、民事紛争処理研究基金からの支援も受けることができた。

  • 責任概念をめぐる比較文化論的研究

    2022   和田仁孝

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  • リスク認知、責任観念の文化的差異と不法行為制度の動態に関する比較法社会学研究


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  • 民事責任の構成が責任観念に与える影響:無過失補障制度とリスク行為についての研究


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  • 不法行為加害者の責任意識の構造化と法的制裁:医療事故領域を素材に


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  • 医療事故調査制度の法的制裁関連機能の研究:紛争抑止機能及び訴訟促進機能の交錯


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  • リスク認知、責任観念の文化的差異と不法行為制度の動態に関する比較法社会学研究


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  • リスク認知と責任観念の連関モデルに関する法社会学的研究


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