Updated on 2025/03/12


KAI, Katsunori
Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title

Education Background


    Kyushu University   Graduate School, Division of Law  


    Kyushu University   Faculty of Laws  

Professional Memberships












Research Projects

  • A Comprehensive Study on the Legal Protection and the Use of Human Body's Information

    Project Year :


  • 先端医療分野における欧米の生命倫理政策に関する原理・法・文献の批判的研究

    Project Year :


  • 海上犯罪に対する刑事規制のあり方と近時の動向に関する検討

    Project Year :


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  • A Comprehensive Study on the Proper Use and Regulation of Human Body from the Viewpoint of Medical law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kai Katsunori

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    I predentated my special lecture on the end-of-life decision making in Japan in the 21th World Congress for Medical Law at Coimbra (Portugal).And I published two books on my study theme. One is Katsunori Kai, "Organ Transplantation and Criminal Law"(2016), and the other is Katsunori Kai, "Terminal Care and Criminal Law"(2017). Furthermore i published a edited book"Regenerative Medicine and Medical Law"(2017).These are very meaningful to my study theme and this most advanced field. In addition to these books, I published many articles on my study theme

  • Critical researches of principles,laws and literature in the world concerning the rights of patients and elaboration of guideline in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Koide Yasushi, IIDA Nobuyuki, MIZUNO Toshinari

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    We, specialists of philosophy or laws, have surveyed and researched the way of dealing with the rights of patient in several foreign countries. Especially, the subjects of our research were concentrated on the problems of the rights of terminal patient. Examining the propositions of law concerning the rights of patient that had already been made in our country, we considered from the points of view of philosophy and jurisprudence the way of dealing with the rights of patient not only in Benelux, where the euthanasia is admitted legally, but in America, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, POK, Taiwan, and so on. Besides, understanding also the rights of patient as those of human, we have considered what the bioethics should think in order to protect the rights of human being ranging from human genome, human embryo to brain dead patient. We published three collections of materials that contained all results of our research

  • Challenges of Clinical Legal Educatoin and Re-examination of Law School Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIYAGAWA Shigeo, HANAMOTO Hiroshi, MIYASHITA Tsuguhiro, MIYAZAWA Setsuo, WADA Yoshitaka, SUAMI Takao, TANAMURA Masayuki, URAKAWA Michitaro, KAI Katsunori, OHMI Koji, TAKABAYASHI Ryu, KIKUCHI Yoshimi, HIOKI Masaharu, SAKAKIBARA Fujiko, YAMASAKI Yuko, ISHIDA Kyoko, SATO Hironori, HARAGUCHI Yoshiaki, KIDANA Shyoichi

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    Our research revealed that externships are the most prevalent method of clinical legal education in Japan, and that their utmost challenge is to assure the quality of educational contents in field placement offices. Our research also found that the American law schools are headed toward making clinical courses required for students to graduate from law school. In European countries, faculties of law began to introduce the clinical pedagogy to the professional legal education in their respective tradition of the lecture-oriented method of doctrinal instructions. In our research on the collaboration in the medical/legal education, we began to develop a program to provide legal literacy for physicians and medical service providers to understand legal nature of physicians/patients disputes within the legal framework. We also began to develop a program to provide collaborative trainings by lawyers and clinical psychologists for mediators in family courts in Japan

  • Research on a new method in healthcare ethics that integrate theoretical frameworks and clinical practices

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIYASAKA Michio, TOYABE Shin-ichi, YAMANOUCHI Haruo, KURIHARA Takashi, GOTO Kiyoe, SAKAI Sayuri, HOSOMI Hiroshi, TAZAWA Ryushi, ADACHI Tomotaka, NAKATA Koh, KAI Katsunori

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    Our research project aimed at (1) to construct an integrated method of healthcare ethics, (2) to test the practicability of the method, and (3) to test the legal compatibility of the method. As the five-years outcome of the project, we developed a modified “four quadrants” that had been proposed by Jonsen et al to fit Japanese clinical context, and a “narrative protocol” that requires healthcare providers to carefully analyze how the case is experienced by individuals in different positions by means of collecting narratives. We also published research papers on clinical and legal analysis of ethical issues regarding Hansen’s disease (leprosy), terminal care, and genetic medicine

  • A critical study of principles, laws and documents around the world on decision making at the end of life and guidelines development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORINAGA SHINICHIRO, KATOU Hisatake, AKIBA Etsuko, ASAMI Shyogo, KAI Katunori, KAGAWA Chiaki, KUTSUNA Keizo, KUBOTA Kenji, KURATA Nobuo, KOIDE Yasusi, KODAMA Satoshi, KOBAYASHI Maki, SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, HONDA Mari, MATSUDA Jun, IIDA Nobuyuki, MIZUNO Tosinari

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    Our critical study of laws and guidelines on End-of-Life decision making revealed that: (1) No slippery slope effect occurs if there is trust in the doctor-patient relationship and transparency is secured throughout the procedure; (2) Palliative care and euthanasia are not mutually exclusive but are deemed integral part of good end-of-life care; (3) Nevertheless, the slippery slope hypothesis cannot be totally dispelled because doctors do not necessarily gain their patients' consents before they withdraw or withhold treatment, or practice life-shortening palliative care, even though they are normal medical practices. Thus, it is concluded that the best way to secure "a high quality of death" is to establish systems to ensure transparency in all medical end-of-life care, including these normal medical practices

  • Formation of social norms in accordance with the development of life and medical sciences: Construction of a basic law of bioethics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IDA Ryuichi, KAI Katsunori, KINAMI Atsushi, HATTORI Takahiro, BECKER Carl, FUJITA Jun, MORISAKI Takayuki, YAMAUCHI Msatake, MASUI Tohru, ASAI Atsushi, EGAWA Hiroto, KATO Kazuto, KUMAGAI Kenichi, TAMAI Mariko, NISHIMURA Shuzo

  • A Reseach on New Bioethics in 21c.

    Project Year :


  • Autonomic and Self-Determination in Criminal Law

    Project Year :


  • Total Study on Medical Criminal Law : Crossover between Self-determination and Paternalism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAI Katsunori

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    In my "Total Study on Medical Criminal Law : Crossover between Self-determination and Paternalism", I have gained some significant research product.Firstly, in the general part I have considered on the thought and doctrine of self-determination and reported on it in Japannese Criminal Association(2001). My thought that self-determination is important but not almighty was widely understood.Secndarily, I am now running a serial on medical criminal law in the law journal "Gendai-Keijiho". Here 1 have discussed various problems, especially medical treatment, refusal of blood transfusion, humanexperimentation or clinical trial, medical accident and so on.Thirdly, 1 have published my studies on medical accident and harmful effects of a medicine HlV-Case. These studies caused some impact in Japan.Fourthly, 1 have published my book "Euthanasia and Criminal Law" (Seibundo). This is one book of a series of my study "Medical Criminal Law Study".Lastly, I have published some articles on issues of human-cloning, ES-cell and so on

  • Analysis of visiting nurses' obligation from medical accidents in home health care

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHII Toku, NOGUCHI Kyoko, KAI Katsunori

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the medical accidents in home health care, and to analyze the obligation of visiting nurses from the legal point of view.We investigate the number of incidents and accidents by visiting nurses and home-helpers in home health care. A questionnaire surveys were conducted from September to October in 1999 for 247 visiting nurses and from July to August in 2000 for 479 home-helpers.The numbers of incidents and accidents by visiting nurses were 264 and 62 respectively. Most of the accidents were mistakes that related to medication. Also the numbers of incidents and accidents by home-helpers were 720 and 547 respectively. There are some illegal practice by home-helpers.According to revision of the Medical Law, it is presumed that the patients' home are the place of medical treatment. That need the risk management to indemnify against medical accidents for the patients at home.The visiting nurses are admitted their discretion fairly by The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. If the medical accidents are occurred by visiting nurses, they have to be liable to their negligence.The key of performing home health care is that visiting nurses are more nourished and encouraged to have sophisticated sense of their services to insure patients' safety

  • A Synthetic Study on Criminal Negligence

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAI Tatsunori

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    1. In 1997, I have consolidated the foundation of culpability, and could hold the symposium under the theme of "A Synthetic Study on the Negligent Crime Theorie" with four scholars, who are at home in Crime of Negligence. The result was published on KEIHO ZASSIII (JOUNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW) Vol.38 No.1 (1998). My theme was to analyze the changes of negligent responsibility and to ask again the essence of the responsibility of negligence (see Chapter 1 in Report). Further I could distinguish "Recklessness" and "Negligence without Knowledge" by pursuiting the essence of the responsibility of negligence and the unpunishability of the latter (see Chapter 2 in Report). In 1999, I have translated the German Book "Das Schuldprinzip" (of Arthur Kaufmann) into Japanese and published it from Kyushu University Publishing Firm. The translation is now highly evaluated.2. As particular studies, I have firstly cosiderated on fire accidents, especially the relation "rule of truth" and responsibility of negligence (see Chapter 3 in Report). Here I showed model of responsibility of negligence about the superintendents in organizations. Secondarily, as a problem in a compound sphere of intention and negligence, I examined the necessity of occurrence of public danger in arson from the viewpoint of substantive culpability (Chapter 4 in Report). And thirdly, I analyzed the decision of "CASE OF KINTETSU-IKOMA-TUNNEL FIRE" (Chapter 5 in Report). Incidentally, I and other study group have translated the english book "Medical Accidents" into Japanese and published it from NAKANISIIIYA. This is very highly paid attention to by many medical staff etc


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONTANI Koji, BARKAI John L., EGASHIRA Daizo, OKAMOTO Tomoko, KATAGI Haruhiko, KAI Katsunori

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    The subject of this research is to analyze the dispute resolution system in the United States from two perspectives ; the judiciary system itself and the professional who sustain the system.1 About the judiciary ; We observed the process of the jury system, which we believe is integrated deeply not only to the spirit, but also to the real function of the American democracy. Nevertheless, the process is maintained by heavy sacrifice of time and cost of the court, and the citizens who serve as jury. The demand for effective resolution of disputes necessitate the application of several ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) system, including court annexd arbitrage system, small claim courts, and even plea bargaining in the criminal procedures.2 About the professionals ; The legal professionals in the United States may be characterized by the fierce competition within the professionals and the consequential professionalization of legal business. (1) The fierce competition among the professionals may be one reason of the litigation addicted socienty. But such competition may also mobilize the legal innovation in fields such as sexual or racial discrimination, consumer protection, exploring the way to court and recovery for the otherwise deserted. (2) Professionalization and competition surely strengthen the quality of the legal service provided by the professional not only in the court, but also in many legal service outside of the court, including documentation of contracts, wills, and trusts, and wide fields of consulting. The latter is worthy of notice as the Japanese legal profession is under pressure for self innovation


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHOJI Kunihiko, SHINAGAWA Shinryo, KATO Hisao, KAI Katsunori, TAMADA Takao, IGARASHI Kiyoshi

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    1 Members of the research project (each responsible for a certain area of inquiry) met several times for informal sessions and formal research discussions, at which a number of logical points of contention became evident regarding socio-political policy toward the issue of Assisted Procreation. One result of the research effort is this report. All project members share the opinion that their findings are accurately reflected in the completed report.2 The most tangible, significant accomplishment of the project has been the editing and publication of this report, which contains 15 Recommendations. After the organizing og project members into working groups, fact-finding investigations and analysis of information proceeded. Following several research sessions and general meetings, a final draft of the report was completed in late 1993. Previous to that, legal and medical experts, lawyers, feminist groups, sociologists, and a broad selection of knowledgeable persons in the society at large were asked for their views andopinions. Ideas were solicited and exchanged via study sessions and questionnaire surveys. Project members made every effort to incorporate the information obtained into the report. This set of recommendations has already become a subject of discussion at conferences of medical specialists, and has also been scheduled for publication (accompanied by a commentary) in a legal affairs journalin the near future. It is expected that these recommendations will attract much attention and generate debate in various professional circles. It is also hoped that they prove to be an initial step toward the enactment of suitable Assisted Procreation laws in Japan.3 This project has been quite successful in terms of collecting books, reference material, and other information relating to legal research about Assisted Procreation and moves toward enactment of legislation in foreign countries. The laws of various foreign countries (which have seldom been introduced to Japan) were gathered, translated, and brought togather in a special collection of reference material.4 This project was also able to gather a variety of other useful information which has been compiled in a separate collection

  • Legal Issues on the Right of Person in Reproductive Medicine

    Project Year :



    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ONOZAKA Hiroshi, KAI Katsunori, HOMMA Kazuya, NAMAZUGOSHI Itsuhiro, FUJIO Akira, SAWANOBORI Yoshito

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    1. We investigated particularly following matters:the historic and comparative research of Jury System in U.K., Germany, France, U.S.A. and Japan. Investigation of Rules of Evidence, Appeal and Sentencing in Jury System.2. We held the meeting for the research of Jury System jointly with specialists several times. In this meeting, we discussed and analyzed grounds of introduction of Jury System into England, France, U.S.A., and Germany, and it's effects to modern criminal justice.3. We collected continuously foreign and Japanese literatures on Jury System.4. We researched positively judicial precedents using "Shadow Jury".Parts of our research results were published in journals and books in 1992

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  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 人体情報の法的保護と利用の総合的研究


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    本研究の成果として、3つの観点で成果をあげることができた。1.海外調査として、2018年10月末から11月初めにかけて、平成30年度科学研究費補助金「挑戦的研究(萌芽)」課題番号18K18554「人体情報の法的保護と利用の総合的研究」と連動して、アメリカのニューヨーク大学ロースクールで医事法の専門家Sylvia Law教授、およびBioethics Centerで所長の生命倫理の専門家Matthew Liao教授をそれぞれ訪問し、アメリカのHIPPAAルール、遺伝子差別禁止法(GINA)、ゲノム編集について意見交換をして最新情報を入手することができた。2.2018年11月末に、香港大学で開催された第2回Human Gennome Editing 国際サミットに参加し、ヒトゲノム遺伝子改変をめぐる世界の最新情報を入手することができた。3.論文として、「人体組織・人体構成体・人体情報の法的保護と利用の総合的研究」『久塚純一先生古稀祝賀祈念論集』(成文堂・2019年)、「医療情報と刑法」甲斐克則編『医事法講座第9巻 医療情報と医事法』(成文堂・2019年)をまとめた。

  • 医療安全の制度に関する法的・倫理的研究


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    2017年4月14日にフランスのリヨン第3大学で開催された「医事刑法国際シンポジウム:French Law from a Comparative Law Perspective: Foran Overhaul of Medical Criminal Law?」(13か国参加)において、「Medical Accidents and Criminal Responsibility inJapan.」と題して報告した。その成果はは、すでに書籍でフランスにおいて刊行されている。また、2017年11月3日には、国立台湾大学法律学院において、「持続可能な医療安全と医事法」と題する講演を行い、2018年3月13日には、台湾の国立高雄大学法学院で、専断的治療行為と刑法について講演した。

  • 医事法の日中比較研究


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  • 終末期医療における意思決定の研究


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    日本における終末期の意思決定について、世界医事法学会第21回大会(ポルトガル・コインブラ)の全体会議で基調講演を英語で行った。世界の専門家が集まる中でEnd of life Decision in Japan と題する基調講演できたことは、日本の理論的実務的現状と課題を広く知ってもらうことになり、大きな意義があった。また、小児の終末期医療について、医学系の雑誌に論文を2本掲載した。小児の終末期医療は、自己決定の論理が簡単に使えないため、より難解な課題があるが、その解決に向けた方向性を示すことができた。さらに、『臓器移植と医事法』という書を「医事法講座第6巻」として公刊した。国内外の脳死臓器移植や生体移植のの問題について、法的・倫理的・社会学的アプローチに基づいた多数の論文を収録した本書は、実に有益な内容となっている。その他、編訳書として、『海外の安楽死・自殺幇助と法』を公刊した。本書は、私が長年親交のある海外の著名な法律家を招いて日本で講演していただいた原稿を改めて翻訳しなおし、編集して配列したものであり、アメリカ、イギリス、オーストラリアの、ドイツ、フランス、オランダ、ベルギー、ルクセンブルクの状況が詳細に分析されている。

  • 医事刑法および企業刑法に関する日中比較研究

    2014   甲斐 克則

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  • 人体構成体・遺伝情報・DNAの保護と利用の法的・倫理的研究


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    人体構成体・遺伝情報・DNAの保護と利用の法的・倫理的側面に焦点を当てた比較法的研究を行い、以下のような成果を得た。(1) 2004年にゲノム解析完了宣言が出され、ポストゲノム社会を迎えた今日、遺伝子診断や遺伝子検査は加速度的に普及しつつあり、予知医学, 親子鑑定, 犯罪捜査の分野におけるDNA鑑定も定着しつつある。他方、遺伝子特許, ゲノム創薬, 遺伝情報を用いたビジネスをめぐる諸問題も生じつつある。これにどのように対処するか、という点にスポットを当てて、国際シンポジウム「ポストゲノム時代に向けた比較医事法の展開―文化葛藤の中のルール作り――」を早稲田大学比較法研究所50周年記念シンポジウムの一環として2008年6月28日-29日に早稲田大学にて開催し、企画・総合司会・報告を行った。日本の学者6名、オーストラリア、ドイツ、ニュージーランド、フィリピンの学者による、まさに学際的な比較医事法シンポジウムになった。この成果は、2009年度に信山社から『ポスト・ゲノム社会と医事法』と題して刊行されるよていである。(2) 「欧米における遺伝情報の保護と利用をめぐる議論――日本が目指すべき方向――」と題して、2008年6月20日、国立がんセンターで開催された第14回日本家族性腫瘍学会において、招待講演を行い、好評を得た(後掲論文参照)。(3) 2008年9月4日には、クロアチアのリエカ大学で開催された第9回世界生命倫理会議および第5回国際臨床生命倫理学会において、Legal Protection and Use of Genetic Information and DNA と題する報告を行った。          (4) 2009年3月12日には、Model of regulation on Medical Innovation/Medical Research from the Perspective of Comparative Law と題して、台湾の中央科学院(台北市・Academia Sinica)で開催された第5回国際臨床倫理コンサルテーション学会において研究成果を報告した。3月9日から13日にかけて20ヶ国から参加した専門家との議論も行った。                   

  • 生命の発生をめぐる生命倫理と法規制


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    (1) 生命の発生をめぐる生命倫理と法規制のあり方について、主としてイギリスにおける治療的ヒトクローン技術の応用と法的・倫理的規制の枠組を中心に研究をした。その成果は、2004年6月6日に金沢大学において開催された第67回比較法学会シンポジウム「生命倫理と法」で報告し、「生命倫理と法--イギリス」と題して、比較法学会誌の比較法研究66号に掲載した。また、より詳細な研究成果を「イギリスにおけるヒト胚研究の規制の動向」と題して比較法学38巻2号に発表している。なお、関連論稿として、デレク・モーガン「バイオエコノミーを規制すること--バイオテクノロジーと法との関係の予備的評価」を法律時報77巻4号に永水裕子氏と共訳で掲載した(いずれも後掲参照)。(2) 最先端の生命科学技術、特に生命の発生の周辺の問題は、進歩が早く、倫理的・法的ルール作りが追いつかない現状にある。固い規制で縛りをかけ過ぎると、人類に取り有益と見込まれる研究の阻害となり、緩すぎると、人権侵害ないし「人間の尊厳」に抵触する倫理的・法的諸問題を引き起こす。本研究では、イギリスの判例や報告書等の分析動向を主たる素材として、両者の調和を図るには、ハードローとソフトローの組合わせが必要であることを論証した。(3) イギリスでは、生殖補助医療については、Human Fertilisation and Emryology Act 1990を受けてHuman Fertilisation and Emryology Authority という認可機関が管理し、認可違反について刑事規制を行うシステムを作り出した。それでもなおその枠に収まりきれない問題、例えばES細胞を用いた研究や治療的クローンの問題については、『幹細胞研究の実証的研究に関する英国上院委員会報告書』が2002年に出され、その勧告に即して柔軟な対応が行われている。日本でも、この手法は大いに参考になる。                                  

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