Updated on 2024/07/03


KATO, Shigeo
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor
MSc ( Kyushu University )
MA ( University of Tokyo )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    University of Cambridge   Needham Research Institute   Visiting Scholar

  • 2018.03

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2004.10

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Assistant Professor

  • 2002.04

    Nihon University   College of Humanities and Sciences   Assistant Professor

  • 2000.03

    Nihon University   College of Humanities and Sciences   Research Associate

Education Background

  • 1995.04

    University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   Department of Basic Science  

  • 1994.04

    University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   Department of Basic Science  

  • 1992.04

    University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Science   History and Philosophy of Science  

  • 1990.04

    Kyushu University   Graduate School of Sciences   Department of Physics  

  • 1986.04

    Kyushu University   Faculty of Sciences   Department of Physics  

Committee Memberships

  • 2014.03

    Tokyo Geographical Society  Editorial Committee of History of Geosciences in Japan

  • 2014.03

    東京地学協会  日本地学史編纂委員会委員

  • 2009.04

    日本学術会議地球惑星科学委員会  IUGS分科会INHIGEO小委員会委員

  • 2008.08

    International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences  日本委員

Professional Memberships


    International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine


    Society for Social Studies of Science


    History of Science Society


    Association for Studies of Chinese Society and Culture




    Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry


    Japan Association for Science, Technology and Society


    Japanese Society for the History of Science and Technology


    History of Science Society of Japan

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Research Areas

  • Sociology of science, history of science and technology

Research Interests

  • History of Science, History of Technology, Science Studies



  • Trends of Geosciences after the Pacific War in Japan, 1945 to 1965 Part 7

    Kazuo KURODA, Shigeo KATO, Toshiyuki SHIMAZU, Toshihiko SUGAI, Tsutomu TANIMOTO, Hiroshi MATSUYAMA, Michiko YAJIMA, Toshifumi YATSUMIMI, Toshihiro YAMADA, Akira YAMAMOTO

    Journal of Geography   131 ( 1 ) 95 - 113  2022.02  [Refereed]

  • 戦時期日本の科学と植民地・帝国

    Kato Shigeo

    歴史評論   ( 832 ) 36 - 46  2019.08

  • Trends of Geosciences after the Pacific War in Japan, 1945 to 1965 Part 6

    Kuroda Kazuo, Kato Shigeo, Kato Shigeru, Shimazu Toshiyuki, Sugai Toshihiko, Tanimoto Tsutomu, Yajima Michiko, Yamada Toshihiro, Yatsumimi Toshifumi

    Journal of Geography   127 ( 6 ) 835 - 860  2018.06  [Refereed]

  • 戦後日本の地学(昭和20年~昭和40年)<その5>

    Kuroda Kazuo, Kato Shigeo, Kato Shigeru, Tanimoto Tsutomu, Yajima Michiko, Yamada Toshihiro, Yatsumimi Toshifumi

    地学雑誌   126 ( 5 ) 641 - 652  2017.10

  • 戦後日本の地学(昭和20年~昭和40年)<その4>

    Ishiyama Hiroshi, Kato Shigeo, Kato Shigeru, Kuroda Kazuo, Tanimoto Tsutomu, Yajima Michiko, Yamada Toshihiro, Yatsumimi Toshifumi

    地学雑誌   125 ( 2 ) 269 - 290  2016.05

  • 人間科学の歴史的パースペクティブ

    Kato Shigeo

    人間科学研究   28 ( 2 ) 169 - 172  2015.10

  • 「日本統治期における台湾人医師の集団的アイデンティティと社会的位置づけ」


    図書新聞   ( 3183 ) 5 - 5  2014.11

  • 書評「廣野喜幸『サイエンティフィック・リテラシー −科学技術リスクを考える』」

    Kato Shigeo

    学燈   110 ( 4 ) 56 - 57  2013.12

  • 台北帝国大学研究の現状と課題

    Kato Shigeo

    科学史研究 第II期   48 ( 249 ) 40 - 44  2009.03

  • 書評「山路勝彦『近代日本の植民地博覧会』」

    Kato Shigeo

    公明新聞   ( 2008年4月7日号 ) 4 - 4  2008.04

  • 地球化学と帝国 −岡田家武、合田史郎による微量元素・微量化合物の地球化学的研究を中心に−

    Kato Shigeo

    化学史研究   32 ( 4 ) 124 - 125  2005.12

  • 書評「瀬戸一夫『科学的思考とは何だろうか』」

    Kato Shigeo

    早稲田ウィークリー   ( 1059 ) 3 - 3  2005.05

  • 中国の映画・テレビドラマに見られる中国人の身体表現

    Koshimizu Masaru, Hirai Kazuyuki, Kato Shigeo

    学術フロンティア推進事業 平成16年度研究報告書   1   110 - 124  2005.03

  • シンポジウム日本戦時科学史の現状と課題 コメント

    Kato Shigeo

    科学史研究 第II期   43 ( 229 ) 55 - 55  2004.03

  • 上海自然科学研究所における研究と科学者の行動規範

    Kato Shigeo

    歴史学研究   ( 781 ) 95 - 103  2003.10

  • 中国フェミニズムにおける「女性」の問題 —20〜30年代中国の優生学—

    Tani E. Barlow

    思想   ( 949 ) 4 - 22  2003.05

  • 日本統治下の台湾における精神医療

    Kato Shigeo

    第一回東アジア近代史青年研究者交流会議論文集   1   1 - 12  2002.08

  • 科学をマッピングする

    Kato Shigeo

    現代思想   29 ( 12 ) 278  2001.10

  • 科学の外延 —植民地科学の視点から—

    Kato Shigeo

    現代思想   29 ( 10 ) 176 - 185  2001.08

  • A Comparative Study of Current Eugenics Laws in China, Taiwan and Japan

    Kato Shigeo

    日本大学文理学部人文科学研究所 研究紀要   60 ( 60 ) 15 - 26  2000.09


  • History and Philosophy of Science at University of Tokyo

    Kato Shigeo

    中國科學史通訊   17   150 - 157  1999.04

  • 植民地における科学技術の歴史叙述について

    Kato Shigeo

    科学史・科学哲学   14   38 - 46  1998.12


  • ヨーロッパにおける都市の倫理

    Paul Treanor

    10+1   13   185 - 199  1998.05

  • 近代都市空間と公衆衛生 後藤新平の衛生思想

    Kato Shigeo

    10+1   12   156 - 167  1998.02

  • 空間から場所へ、そして場所から空間へ -ポストモダニティの条件についての考察-

    David Harvey

    10+1   11   85 - 104  1997.11

  • 書評「黒崎政男編『サイエンス・パラダイムの潮流 -複雑系の基底を探る-」

    Kato Shigeo

    図書新聞   ( 1997年11月11日号 ) 8  1997.11

  • 上海自然科学研究所の設立構想

    Kato Shigeo

    年報 科学・技術・社会   6   1 - 34  1997.06

  • Prehistory of Shanghai Science Institute

    Kato Shigeo

    Science and Empire Newsletter   ( 10 ) 4 - 5  1997.04

  • カルチュラル・スタディーズと科学技術史

    Kato Shigeo

    化学史研究   24 ( 1 ) 91 - 92  1997.03

  • 書評「金森修『バシュラール -科学と詩-』」

    Kato Shigeo

    化学史研究   23 ( 4 ) 345 - 346  1996.12

  • 書評「佐伯修『上海自然科学研究所』」

    Kato Shigeo

    化学史研究   23 ( 2 ) 195 - 197  1996.06

  • 植民地科学の展開

    Kato Shigeo

    科学史・科学哲学   11   48 - 57  1993.03


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Books and Other Publications

  • 「科学批判としての村上科学論 –科学史・科学哲学と「新しい神学」」柿原泰・加藤茂生・川田勝編『村上陽一郎の科学論 –批判と応答』、119-179頁

    Kato Shigeo

    Shin'yosha  2016.12

  • 村上陽一郎の科学論 –批判と応答

    Kakihara Yasushi, Kato Shigeo, Kawada Masaru, eds

    Shin'yosha  2016.12

  • 郭文華「医薬品規制の最前線における人種とその表象 −日本人の「身体的差異」をめぐる国際論争から」加藤茂生訳、坂野徹・竹沢泰子編著『人種神話を解体する』第2巻『Knowledge 科学知と社会・集団』、243-272頁

    Kuo Wen-hua

    University of Tokyo Press  2016.11

  • 「科学技術の文化研究」吉見俊哉ほか編『現代社会学事典』

    Kato Shigeo

    Kobundo  2012.12

  • 「科学予測は8割はずれる」竹内薫『科学予測は8割はずれる −半日でわかる科学史入門』、207-230頁

    Kato Shigeo, Hirono Yoshiyuki, Takeuchi Kaoru

    東京書籍  2012.05

  • 「近代日本の医師3人の選択 −西洋医学と漢方医学の間」ソウル大学病院・病院の歴史と文化研究所編『マイクロ・ヒストリー、100年前の東アジアの医師たちに出会う』、177-199頁

    Kato Shigeo

    ソウル:大学社  2009.12

  • 「小屋掛け学問という批判をめぐって」『寺田寅彦全集』月報3、5-8頁

    Kato Shigeo

    Iwanami shoten  2009.11

  • 「人間科学と社会 −植民地における人類学・精神医学−」中島義明・根ヶ山光一編『「環境」人間科学』現代人間科学講座第2巻、189-195頁

    Kato Shigeo

    Asakura shoten  2008.09

  • 「殖民地科学史研究的理論与方法」梁波・陳凡・包国光編『科学技術社会史 −帝国主義研究視閾中的科学技術−』、72-81頁

    Kato Shigeo

    瀋陽:遼寧科学技術出版社  2008.06

  • 「殖民地科学的展開」梁波・陳凡・包国光編『科学技術社会史 −帝国主義研究視閾中的科学技術−』、63-71頁

    Kato Shigeo

    瀋陽:遼寧科学技術出版社  2008.06

  • 「高木仁三郎 −市民の科学をめざして−」岩崎稔・上野千鶴子・成田龍一編『戦後思想の名著50』、525-535頁

    Kato Shigeo

    Heibonsha  2006.02

  • 「クリプキ」、「大森荘蔵」、「村上陽一郎」、「自己組織化」小学館編『スーパー・ニッポニカ Professional日本大百科全書』

    Kato Shigeo

    Shogakukan  2004.02

  • 「子どもを持つという幸福 −台湾における代理出産と父権主義」青木保・姜尚中・小杉泰・坂元ひろ子・莫邦富・山室信一・吉見俊哉・四方田犬彦編『アジア新世紀〈4〉幸福―変容するライフスタイル』、181-196頁

    Kato Shigeo

    Iwanami shoten  2003.02

  • 「科学と技術」成田龍一・吉見俊哉編『二〇世紀日本の思想』、82-87頁

    Kato Shigeo

    Sakuhinsha  2002.02

  • 劉士永「台湾における植民地医学の形成とその特質」加藤茂生訳、飯島渉ほか編『疾病・開発・帝国医療 −アジアにおける病気と医療の歴史学−』、237-268頁

    Liu Shiyung

    University of Tokyo Press  2001.08

  • 「新城新蔵」『デジタルアーカイブ 日本の科学者・技術者 100人』

    Kato Shigeo

    田中館愛橘博士記念科学技術館  1999.04

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  • 制度史という方法について −廣重徹『科学の社会史』をめぐって

    Kato Shigeo

    「帝国日本の知識ネットワークに関する科学史研究」総括シンポジウム  (Waseda University) 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Japanese Imperialism and Geological Survey of Mineral Resources in China, 1895-1905

    Kato Shigeo

    The 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia  (École des hautes études en sciences sociales)  International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 明治期日本の中国における鉱産資源調査 1895〜1905

    Kato Shigeo

    日本科学史学会  (大阪市立大学)  日本科学史学会

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • 日本統治期台湾における精神医療の学知と患者

    Kato Shigeo

    Reconsidering Japanese Colonial Empire: Through Social Exclusion and the Minorities in Colonial Korea and Taiwan  (Seoul National University) 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 日本近代木乃伊的科學研究

    Kato Shigeo

    「木乃伊柯象的物質文化研究」學術研討會  (國立臺灣博物館) 

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • Representations of Taiwanese Aborigines by Psychiatrists between 1930s and 1960s

    Kato Shigeo

    Japanese Studies Association of Australia Conference  (University of Melbourne)  Japanese Studies Association of Australia

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • Constructing Racial Differences: Psychiatric Researches in Colonial Taiwan and Other Japanese Colonies

    Kato Shigeo

    Dis/continuities: Nation-State Formation in Japan with Science, Technology, and Medicine during Imperialism, War, Occupation, and Peace, 1932-1962  (UCLA) 

    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 台湾原住民の自殺に関する精神医学的研究

    Kato Shigeo

    日本科学史学会  (Kyushu University)  日本科学史学会

    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • The Three Japanese Doctors in Meiji-Showa Era

    Kato Shigeo

    The Second International Symposium on Hospital History  (Seoul National University) 

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • Western Medicine for General Practitioners: Pharmaceutical Modernity in Modern Japan

    Kato Shigeo

    The 12th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia  (Johns Hopkins University)  International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine

    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • 台北帝国大学研究の現状と課題

    Kato Shigeo

    日本科学史学会  (電気通信大学)  日本科学史学会

    Presentation date: 2008.05

  • 科学批判としての村上科学論 −科学批判の根拠としての新しい神学をめぐって−

    Kato Shigeo

    村上陽一郎先生退任記念シンポジウム 科学論のゆくえ −村上科学論 批判と応答−  (University of Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Modernizing Kampo Medicine as Anti Modern Medicine: Discourses on the Side Effects in Imperial Japan

    Kato Shigeo

    The 7th East Asian STS Conference  (Kobe University) 

    Presentation date: 2007.01

  • Probing East Asia: Science and Medicine in Transnatioal/Post-Colonial Contexts

    Kato Shigeo

    Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science  (Vancouver, B.C.)  Society for the Social Studies of Science

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • Science Studies and a Citizen Scientist in 20th century's Japan

    Kato Shigeo

    STS Workshop in Taiwan  (National Tshinghua University) 

    Presentation date: 2006.01

  • Asylums and Psychiatric Treatments in Colonial Taiwan, 1890s-1930s

    Kato Shigeo

    The 11th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia  (Deutsches Museum)  International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine

    Presentation date: 2005.08

  • Japanese Geophysicists at Shanghai, 1931-1945

    Kato Shigeo

    The 22nd International Congress of History of Science  (Beijng) 

    Presentation date: 2005.07

  • 地球化学と帝国 −岡田家武、合田史郎による微量元素・微量化合物の地球化学的研究を中心に−

    Kato Shigeo

    化学史学会年会  (Kobe University)  化学史学会

    Presentation date: 2005.06

  • Psychiatry and Society in Colonial Taiwan: Asylum, Ethnicity and Gender

    Kato Shigeo

    The 5th East Asian STS Conference  (Seoul National University) 

    Presentation date: 2004.12

  • 上海自然科学研究所における地質学研究

    Kato Shigeo

    第12回地質学史研究会  (青山学院大学)  地質学史研究会

    Presentation date: 2003.10

  • 台湾における近代化のエージェントとしての精神科医の治療とアイデンティティー

    Kato Shigeo

    日本台湾学会第五回学術大会  (関西大学)  日本台湾学会

    Presentation date: 2003.06

  • 上海自然科学研究所における研究と科学者の行動規範

    Kato Shigeo

    歴史学研究会大会  (駒澤大学)  歴史学研究会

    Presentation date: 2003.05

  • 日本統治下の台湾における精神医療

    Kato Shigeo

    第一回東アジア近代史青年研究者交流会議  (東京大学駒場留学生会館) 

    Presentation date: 2002.08

  • Science and the War Mahchine: R&D in 1930s

    Kato Shigeo

    International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia  (上海交通大学)  International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine

    Presentation date: 2002.08

  • 日本統治時代の科学・医療・身体、そしてジェンダー: 傅大爲教授への応答

    Kato Shigeo

    東アジアSTS国際シンポジウム  (Kobe University) 

    Presentation date: 2002.01

  • 日本統治下の台湾における精神医療

    Kato Shigeo

    日本科学史学会  (Waseda University)  日本科学史学会

    Presentation date: 2001.05

  • Totalitarianism and Individualism in Eugenics Law

    Kato Shigeo

    Eugenics in East Asia: A Transnational Perspective  (Harvard University) 

    Presentation date: 2000.05

  • 植民地台湾における公衆衛生の一側面

    Kato Shigeo

    日本科学史学会  (愛知大学)  日本科学史学会

    Presentation date: 1998.05

  • 「カルチュラル・スタディーズと科学技術史」シンポジウム『Cultural Studies と20世紀科学技術史』

    Kato Shigeo

    化学史学会年会  (千葉県立現代産業科学館)  化学史学会

    Presentation date: 1997.06

  • 清末から民国期前半の中国における優生思想

    Kato Shigeo

    バイオ・ポリティクス研究会  バイオ・ポリティクス研究会

    Presentation date: 1997.04

  • Prehistory of the Shanghai Science Institute: Science and Cultural Imperialism

    Kato Shigeo

    STS国際会議  (幕張メッセ)  STS国際会議

    Presentation date: 1997.03

  • 科学と帝国のヒストリオグラフィー

    Kato Shigeo

    21世紀財団日本研究チーム研究発表会  (学士会館)  21世紀財団日本研究チーム

    Presentation date: 1996.09

  • 自治と総合 −後藤新平の衛生学思想−

    Kato Shigeo

    日本科学史学会生物学史分科会  日本科学史学会生物学史分科会

    Presentation date: 1995.09

  • 中国における日本科学 −上海自然科学研究所のイデオロギー的起源をめぐって−」シンポジウム『帝国主義と科学 −特に戦前の日本を中心として−』

    Kato Shigeo

    日本科学史学会  (立命館大学)  日本科学史学会

    Presentation date: 1994.05

  • 戦間期における中日共同研究所の設立過程

    Kato Shigeo

    STS Network Japan研究発表会  (東京大学先端科学技術研究センター)  STS Network Japan

    Presentation date: 1994.03

  • 文化外交と科学 −戦前日本の対中国文化政策をめぐって−

    Kato Shigeo

    科学・技術と社会の会  (NTTデータ通信システム科学研究所)  科学・技術と社会の会

    Presentation date: 1994.01

  • 日本の膨張思想と科学 −後藤新平の文化帝国主義から上海自然科学研究所の設立へ−

    Kato Shigeo

    日本科学技術史研究会  (東京大学教養学部)  日本科学技術史研究会

    Presentation date: 1993.06

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Research Projects

  • Geological Researches by Japanese Scientists in China from the 19th century to the early 20th century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Historical Studies on Japanese Imperial Sciences and Its Network

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    (1)We have demonstrated that there were unequal flows and uneven distributions of information and knowledge in the interior of Japanese imperial network.(2)We have clarified the facts of interaction between people and knowledge through colonies.(3)We have found the possibilities of discussion on the continuity between the Imperial and the post-Imperial

  • Medicine in Modern Japan: Its Structural Transformation and Historical Layer

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Akihito, WAKIMURA Kouhei, SUGITA Satoru, HASHIMOTO Akira, IIJIMA Wataru, SUGITA Yoneyuki, KATO Shigeo, HIROKAWA Waka, WATANABE Mikio, YAMASHITA Mai, NAGASHIMA Takeshi, SHIN Changon, YONGUE Julia, KOZAI Toyoko, OOMI Kenichi, TANAKA Seiji

     View Summary

    The dynamic field of medicine constituted by the three agents of disease, sick person, and doctor has its historical structure. The modernization of Japan and the globe in the modern year affected the three-phased structural transformation of the shift i

  • Research on Former Japan's Colonial Universities from the viewpoint of the History of Science and Technology.

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


    TSUKAHARA Togo, KAKIHARA Yasushi, KATO Shigeo, SHIN Tyangon, NAKAJIMA Hideto, KANAMORI Osamu, SETOGUTI Akihisa, MIURA Nobuo, OGASAWARA Hiroki, SUGIYAMA Shigeo

  • Historical Study on International Coorperations by Japanese Scientists in East Asia

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


    KATO Shigeo

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    This is a research on the international scientific cooperation of Japanese scientists in Asia before and during WWII, focusing on the Shanghai Science Institute which was established in 1931 as a joint research organization of China and Japan, and the Taihoku Imperial University established in 1928 in colonial Taiwan. The progress of international cooperations between Japan and other nations in Asia on the science and technology is expected now, It is hoped that this study will contribute to consideration on the way of the international science cooperation in Asia.At the age of expansion and invasion of Japan into Asia, the scientific cooperation was not unrelated to a political intention. In fact, Chinese criticized the Japanese science diplomacy as "cultural invasion" of China in the fair name of cooperation. These kinds of phenomena have been analyzed in terms of cultural imperialism. So it was considered the relationship of science and cultural imperialism.On the Shanghai Science Institute, the historical materials in possession of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the journals and the magazines issued for the institute were analyzed as the main material. It was showend that Japanese physicists and chemists had researched by using personal relations to the Chinese researchers in the difficult situation.On the Taihoku Imperial University, mainly psychiatric researches were analyzed. Although there were Taiwanese researchers at that department, the number was small and education was limited. Some scientists and doctors emphasized racial differences between Japanese and Taiwanese in relation to climate, on the other hand, one psychiatrists presented relativistic view on aborigine. After the war, the cultural psychiatry research tradition was partially succeeded.Medical treatment at that time was examined from the viewpoint of relation between modern Western medicine and the traditional medicine because everyday medical practice has not been studied enough until now.Research results were presented at important international conferences and published not only in Japan but also in China and Korea

  • Chinese philosophy and Sufi theory of "Tianfang Xingli(天方性理)" written by Liu ZHI(劉智) Who is a Chinese Moslem scholar in Qing Dynasty

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


    AOKI Takashi, TONAGA Yasusi, KATO Shigeo, NIGO Toshiharu, KUROIWA Takashi, SATO Minoru

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    The Research Group on Works by Chinese Moslem Intellectuals started back in 1999. Since then, researchers from diverse fields as Chinese history, Chinese Philosophy, Arabic Philosophy, and cultural anthropology have taken part of in the group's research activities. Now the main objective of the group is to make a critical interpretation of the Tianfang Xingli (天方性理) , a work by Liu Zhi (劉智) , a typical Chinese Intellectual of the Qing dunasty. To understand works of Chinese Moslem intellectuals, it is vital to have knowledge on west asian and Islamic texts, Chinese traditional thought such as orthodox Confucianism and an understanding of the social environment surrounding the Chinese Moslem Intellectuals of the time. Therefore, the group has continued research in the form of collaborative studying with researchers og theses diverse fields. In addition, upon the process of reading works, Knowledge on Xixue (西学) , knowledge from Europe, in china of the time often became necessary as well as efforts on understanding the readers of Liu Zhi's works of modem and present time. This required cooperation from researchers on this specific field of topic. Thus seminars and lectures to exchange information with these experts of study. The group has compiled research on the first volume as "Yakuchu Tenpo Seiri Maki Ichi ("Yakuchu Tenpo Seiri Maki Ni Sono Ichi (巻二その1) "巻一) "t published in 2002. But, since then, by making a breakthrough on the research, that publication needs to be reexamined. Next, we published "Yakuchu Tenpo Seiri Maki Yon (訳註『天方性理』巻四) ", critical interpretation of the forth volume of this work in 2005. Liu Zhi advocates that all the Moslem need is to effort to approach to the state of the saint as Muhammad that is very look like the doctrine of orthodox Neo-Confuciasm. Later we published "Yakuchu Tenpo Seiri Maki Ni Sono Ichi ("Yakuchu Tenpo Seiri Maki Ni Sono Ichi (訳註『天方性理』巻二その1) " in 2006, and "Yakuchu Tenpo Seiri Maki Ni Sono Ichi (訳註『天方性理』巻二その2) " in 2007, these two are the second volume of this work. In this volume, he show his unique natural studies that originates in that of Alistotle and also is consistent with Chinese tradition of natural studies. Publication on the third volume of this work is due in this summer

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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences