Updated on 2025/02/07

Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
D.Phil.(Doctor of Philosophy) ( University of Oxford )
M.Litt.(Master of Letters) ( Oxford, UK )
学術修士 ( 東京大学大学院 )

Research Experience

  • 2002.04

    〜2007.3 上智大学 外国語学部国際関係副専攻 助教授

  • 2002.04

    〜2007.3 上智大学 外国語学部国際関係副専攻 助教授

  • 1994.04

    〜2002.3 神戸大学大学院 国際協力研究科 助教授

  • 1994.04

    〜2002.3 神戸大学大学院 国際協力研究科 助教授

  • 1993.04

    〜1994.3 神戸大学 法学部 助教授

  • 1993.04

    〜1994.3 神戸大学 法学部 助教授

  • 1993.01

    〜1993.3 神戸大学 法学部 助手

  • 1993.01

    〜1993.3 神戸大学 法学部 助手

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Education Background


    University of Oxford   Graduate School, Division of Politics   Department of International Relations  


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of General Culture  


    University of Oxford   Graduate School, Division of Politics   Department of International Relations  


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of General Culture  


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Liveral Arts (Humanities)  

Professional Memberships







Research Interests

  • 国際移動論、戦後国際関係史


  • 大平正芳記念賞




  • 序論 戦後イギリス外交の多元重層化


    国際政治(特集号 戦後イギリス外交の多元重層化)   no.173  2013.06

  • イギリスの対東南アジア文化政策の形成と変容(1942-1960)


    国際政治   146号  2006.11

  • 戦後日本の東南アジア移民送出計画とイギリスーヒトの移動からみたアジア復帰過程


    歴史学研究   818号  2006.09

  • 脱植民地化過程における多文化統合の試みー英領マラヤでのマルコム・マクドナルドの社会工学


    インターカルチュラル(日本国際文化学会誌)   第4号  2006

  • 戦後日本の対マラヤ復交とイギリス


    国際政治   No.124  2000.05

  • 東南アジアの地域主義形成とイギリス(1941〜1965)


    国際法外交雑誌   vol.98, no.4  1999.10

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Books and Other Publications

  • コロンボ・プランー戦後アジア国際秩序の形成(東南アジアに対する技術援助とイギリス広報政策 担当)


    法政大学出版局  2014

  • 冷戦と同盟—冷戦終焉の視点から(人の移動・交流と同盟関係の変容—ハンガリー動乱難民へのアメリカ、イギリスの対応から 担当)


    松籟社  2014

  • 国際文化関係史研究(解体する帝国の対外文化政策 担当)

    平野健一郎, 古田和子, 土田哲夫, 川村陶子編

    東京大学出版会  2013

  • 岩波講座 東アジア近現代通史7 アジア諸戦争の時代1945-1960年(東アジア国際関係の転機としてのバンドン会議 担当)


    岩波書店  2011

  • イギリス帝国と20世紀 4 脱植民地化の時代 (第7章 バンドン会議と日英関係 担当)


    ミネルヴァ書房  2009

  • Japanese Diplomacy in the 1950s: From isolation to integration

    Iokibe Makoto, Caroline Rose, Tomaru Junko, John Weste eds

    Routledge  2008 ISBN: 9780415372961

  • シリーズ国際社会7 変貌する「第三世界」と国際社会(第4章 先住民と移民政策 を担当)

    加納弘勝, 小倉充夫

    東京大学出版会  2002

  • 国際関係論のパラダイム(第3部第6章 エスニシティ 担当)

    初瀬龍平, 定形衛, 月村太郎編

    有信堂  2001

  • The Postwar Rapprochement of Malaya and Japan, 1945-1961: The Roles of Britain and Japan in South-East Asia

    Junko Tomaru

    Macmillan (UK)  2000

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Research Projects

  • Study on the Western Strategic Development Aid and the Self-reliancing of Asia in the Postwar period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE SHOICHI, KIBATA Yoichi, YOKOI Katsuhiko, AKITA Shigeru, TOMARU Junko, MAEKAWA Ichiro, YAMAGUCHI Ikuto, MIYAGI Taizo, KAN Hideki, MIYATA Toshiyuki, SATO Shigeru, Pierre van der Eng, Lee Wei-chen, HARADA Momoko

     View Summary

    This study aims to reconsider the policy and role of strategic economic aid for Asian development in the process of decolonization and the Cold War in the late 1950s and early 1970s from comparative and relational perspectives. We especially paid attensions to the analysis of intra-regional and global dynamics in the transformation of the international order of Asia through dynamic interactions between aid donors and recipients.In additon to that Great Britan tried to reestablish the Commonwealth system through the traditional relations, UN (World Bank), USA and even the communist countries joined the multilateral game of the development aids in Asia. On the other hand, Asian counties also skillfully tried to get the more aids for development by not only multilateral but also bilateral negotiations. This was never of the passive nature

  • A comparative study of Asianism across Asia from the perspectives of vision and network

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUURA Masataka, YAMAMURO Shin'ichi, HAMA Yukiko, TSUCHIYA Mitsuyoshi, NAKAJIMA Takeshi, TAKAHASHI Masaki, MIYAGI Taizo, WOLFF David, OBA Mie, YOSHIZAWA Seiichiro, KANG Dongkook, OGA Toru, SAKAI Tetsuya, GOTOU Ken'ichi, TOMARU Junko, SEKINE Masami, YAGUCHI Yujin, TAKAHARA Akio, ENDO Ken, MATSUMOTO Saho

     View Summary

    This project analyzed various cases of “Asianism” in the Asian region. It also tried to explain their visions and structures and then to compare the different versions of Asianism with each other. Additionally, the project traced the creation of a network of Asianism. By discussing case studies with scholars with expertise on different areas of Asia from Japan and abroad, the project clarified the common structure of the Asianism and the differences of each case within the various areas of Asia. In the end, it tried to take research on Asianism in various areas of Asia beyond the tendency of ethnocentrism in order to think about the possibility and the conditions of an “Asian Community” and toimagine ways that various races and nations could live together peacefully

  • 科研費基盤研究(A)戦後アジアにおける欧米諸国の開発援助戦略とアジアの自立化に関する総合的研究

    Project Year :


  • A Comprehensive Study of the Transformation of the Cold War andAlliances ? A Perspective from the End of the Cold War

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAN Hideki, TOMARU Junko, KURASHINA Itsuki, AKITA Shigeru, TANAKA Takahiko, SAITO Yoshiomi, MATSUDA Takeshi, NAKASHIMA Takuma, JEONG Kyongah, HATSUSE Ryuhei, MORI Satoru, FUJIMOTO Hiroshi, MATSUMURA Fuminori, TOYOSHITA Narahiko

     View Summary

    The project intended to make contribution not only to the study of the Cold War history based on primary sources but also to provide relevant and useful findings for better understanding of Japanese diplomacy by exploring and examining major problems concerning the Cold War and alliances, still the defining factors in understanding the post-Cold War world. First, by putting to empirical and historical examination the structure and nature of world politics during the Cold War period, the research tried to illuminate the continuity and discontinuity of the world order during and after the Cold War, thereby offering significant findings for understanding the existing world. Second, by examining Cold War alliance relationships both in Europe and Asia from a comparative perspective and through use of primary sources, the research was able to come up with relevant and useful findings for understanding both Cold War and post-Cold War alliances and problems, especially those of the US-J pan security treaty system and their implications for US-Japan relations and Japanese diplomacy. Third, by focusing our analysis on the cultural, social and ideological foundation of the alliances, largely neglected niches in the past alliance studies, we could shed light on unexplored aspects of the alliance relationships, thereby making unique contribution to the historical study of the Cold War as well as understanding alliances during and after the Cold War.

  • 科研費基盤研究(B)冷戦秩序の変容と同盟に関する総合的研究

    Project Year :


  • 科研費基盤研究(A)アジアにおける新国際秩序の形成と国際援助計画の総合的研究

    Project Year :


  • The Integrative Study on the Relation of the Formation of the New International Order in Asia and the International-Aids Plan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Shoichi, KIBATA Yoichi, AKITA Shigeru, YOKOI Katsuhiko, KAN Hideki, YOSHIDA Osamu, TOMARU Junko, HATANO Sumio, KAWANISI Kousuke, YAMAGUCHI Ikuto

     View Summary

    (1) Assuming that it is necessary to think about the formation of the new international order in Asia in the 1950s in relation to the development of the Cold War System, we have come tip with significant findings concerning the relation between its formation and the international economic aid Plan, that is, the Colombo Plan for Asia such as Marshall Plan for Europe.(2) lie found that the Colombo Plan was to preserve the influence of Great Britain in Asia for Great Britain and to secure the network of military powers against the communism.(3) Re also found that the necessary resources, mainly the sterling balances were fal I ing down in the mid-1950s. and the Asian countries have shifted from the bilateral policy to the multilateral to collect the fund.(4) Through case studies, we have discovered that the Colombo Plan had very important role in forming the self-governing regional association of the Asia countries during the fader way of British influence and the raising of United States' hegemony in the 1960s

  • Formation of Postwar Japanese Diplomacy -the 1950s

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TOMARU Junko, MINOHARA Toshihiro, IOKIBE Makoto

     View Summary

    As the result of multi-archival research and 5 intensive research workshops (including 3 Anglo-Japanese workshops), the project members were able to achieve multilateral and comprehensive analyses of Japanese diplomacy in the 1950s. Especially, project members were able to look at both Japanese diplomacy and the policies of the UK, the US and Asian countries towards Japan in a wider perspective of politics, security, economics, social conditions, and mentalities of decision-makers.Thus we learned clearly that with the background of the Cold War, Asian Decolonisation and the growing solidarity of the Third World countries, Japanese diplomacy was formed as multiple combination of mutually-related policy decisions concerning not only US-Japan relations, but also Russo-Japanese normalization, the two Chinas, coordination with Britain's Asian policy. UN membership, accession to GATT and ECAFE, etc.We also had a various new findings about the hitherto uncovered links between policy issues, links to Japan's domestic politics, use of informal channels, changes in American and British attitudes towards Japan in the mid-1950s, and perception gap between governments.The project members are now preparing articles for a joint book publication in Britain

  • Japnaese Diplomacy in the 1950s

    Project Year :


  • Globalization and Universalism in Regions : A Link to the 21st Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    1.This project was one of the international academic interchanges between Kobe University(Faculty of Law and Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies) and University of Sheffield, UK(Graduate School of East Asian Studies and Department of Politics). After two joint seminars (in UK, 1997, and in Kobe, 1998), we held the international seminar at Sheffield University, 7-8 January 2000. Beside the participants from both universities, many academicians (from University of Warwick, University of Leeds, University of Tokyo, and the like) participated in the seminar.2.The seminars' papers of the three years' project were included in the report, "Globalization and Universalism in Region : A Link to the 21st Century." From the project, we got knowledges as follows.(1)International relations are surely developing into the new phases which roughly resemble that of the medieval age.(2)The regionalization is observed in many international regions.(3)The beginning of the regionalization can be found in Japan, too.(4)International relations in the 21st century are anticipated as the multilevel interaction between relations among the states, regionalization and globalization.3.We will develop the academic interchange between Kobe University and University of Sheffield as one of the cores of international academic interchange between Japan and UK, in the future. This project is the important basis for it

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  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 戦後東南アジアをめぐる日・英の文化政策


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     戦後の東南アジアに日英が共通にかかわったプロジェクトとして、1950年からイギリスが主導した東南アジア・南アジア諸国への国際的経済援助計画(コロンボ・プラン)に着目して研究をすすめた。関連する2次文献の取り寄せと検討、さらに、同プランの実施状況も含めた1950年代から1960年代のアジア国際秩序の変容をテーマとするイギリス経済史・帝国史、国際関係論研究者による研究会への参加・報告をとおして、日英にとって、同プランがアジアに対する経済政策であると同時に、すぐれて政治的・戦略的な側面を持ち、日英のアジア地域への影響力を高めたり維持したりするための文化的政策も含んでいたことが判明した。 これをうけて、さらに関連の一次資料のコピーを英国公文書館から取り寄せたり、日本側の公文書などを検討した結果、具体的なプロジェクトや官僚たちの議論の中から、日英の東南アジアに対する文化的政策のあり方や意図がより明確になってきた。この成果は以下のような国際ワークショップや国際会議での報告の形で発表する予定である。今回の助成をいただいたことに深く感謝申しあげたい。