Updated on 2025/02/08


KUME, Ikuo
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Ph.D.(Government) ( Cornell University )

Research Experience




    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Social Science







Education Background


    Cornell University   The Department of Government  

  • 1981.04

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Law  


    Kyoto University   Faculty of Laws  

Professional Memberships


    American Political Science Association





Research Areas

  • Politics

Research Interests

  • Comparative Political Economy



  • Workers or Consumers? A Survey Experiment on the Duality of Citizens’ Interests in the Politics of Trade

    Megumi Naoi, Ikuo Kume

    Comparative Political Studies   48 ( 10 )  2015.10  [Refereed]

  • 人々はなぜ農業保護を支持するのか? サーベイ実験から見えてくるもの

    直井恵, 久米郁男

    レヴァイアサン   55  2014

  • Coalition of Losers: Why Agricultural Protectionism Has Survived during the Great Recession

    Naoi Megumi &amp, Ikuo Kume

    Politics in the New Hard Times: The Great Recession in Comparative Perspective (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)    2013

  • Explaining Mass Support for Agricultural Protectionism: Evidence from a Survey Experiment During the Global Recession

    Megumi Naoi, Ikuo Kume

    International Organization   Vol.65 ( No.4. ) 8 - 35  2011  [Refereed]


  • 事例研究:定性的研究の方法論的基礎


    清水和己・河野勝編『入門 政治経済学方法論』東洋経済新報社    2008

  • Bringing Politics Back In (Symposium)

    Ikuo Kume

    Labor History    2008

  • 小泉政治は分水嶺か


    アステイオン    2006

  • Coordination as a political problem in coordinated market economies

    K Thelen, Kume, I


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    The purpose of this article is to explore the political dynamics of employer coordination in three well-known "coordinated market economies." We examine differences in how employer coordination has been organized in Sweden, Germany, and Japan in the area of industrial relations, and we examine the extent to which such coordination represents a self-sustaining equilibrium, as some of the most influential treatments suggest. To preview the findings, we argue that precisely the intensification of cooperation between labor and management in some firms and industries ( that the "varieties of capitalism" literature correctly emphasizes) has paradoxically had deeply destabilizing collateral effects that have undermined or are undermining these systems as they were traditionally constituted. All three cases are characterized not so much by a full-blown breakdown of coordination so much as a very significant reconfiguration of the terms and scope of such coordination. Specifically, all three countries feature the emergence of new or intensified forms of dualism-different in each case based on different starting points-in which continued coordination within a smaller core has in some ways been underwritten through the breaking off of other, more peripheral, firms and workers.

  • 「先送り」と財政政策


    村松岐夫編『平成バブル 先送りの研究』東洋経済新報社    2005

  • 公的資金投入をめぐる世論・政治


    奥野正寛・村松岐夫編「平成バブルの研究」東洋経済新報社    2001

  • 機関委任事務制度はいかなる政策効果を持っていたのか - 幼稚園行政と保育行政の比較を手がかりに


    季刊行政管理研究   94号  2001

  • Institutionalizing postwar Japanese political economy: industrial policy revisited

    Ikuo Kume

    State Capacity in East Asia: Japan Twaiwan,China and Vietnam(K.E.Brodsgaard & S.Young eds) Oxford University Press    2000

  • The effects of globalization on labor revisited: Lessons from Germany and Japan

    K Thelen, Kume, I

    POLITICS & SOCIETY   27 ( 4 ) 477 - 505  1999.12  [Refereed]

  • The rise of non-market training regimes: Germany and Japan compared

    Kathleen Thelen &amp, Ikuo Kume

    Journal of Japanese Studies   27 ( 4 )  1999

  • 竹下登 保守政治完成者の不幸


    渡邊昭夫編『戦後日本の宰相達』中公文庫    1995

  • 政治経済環境の変化と行政システム


    西尾勝・村松岐夫編『講座行政学 第3巻 政策と行政』有斐閣    1995

  • Changing relations among the government, labor, and business in Japan after the oil crisis."

    Ikuo Kume

    International Organization   42, 4: 659-687  1988

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Books and Other Publications

  • 原因を推論する : 政治分析方法論のすゝめ = Causal inference and political analysis


    有斐閣  2013 ISBN: 9784641149076

  • 政治学

    久米郁男, 川出良枝, 古城佳子, 田中愛治, 真渕勝

    有斐閣  2011

  • 政治学

    久米郁男, ほか] 著

    有斐閣  2011 ISBN: 9784641053779

  • はじめて出会う政治学 : 構造改革の向こうに

    北山俊哉, 久米郁男, 真渕勝著

    有斐閣  2010 ISBN: 9784641123687

  • 専門知と政治


    早稲田大学出版部  2009 ISBN: 9784657097019

  • 生活者がつくる市場社会


    東信堂  2008 ISBN: 9784887138094

  • 現代日本の政治

    久米郁男, 田中愛治, 河野勝著

    放送大学教育振興会  2007 ISBN: 9784595307324

  • 新版 現代日本の政治

    久米郁男, 田中愛治, 河野勝

    放送大学出版会  2007

  • 日本政治変動の30年 : 政治家・官僚・団体調査に見る構造変容

    村松岐夫, 久米郁男編著

    東洋経済新報社  2006 ISBN: 4492211632

  • 労働政治


    中公新書  2005

  • はじめて出会う政治学

    北山俊哉, 真渕勝, 久米郁男

    有斐閣  2003

  • Local Government Development in Japan

    Michio Muramatsu, Farrukh Iqbal, Ikuo Kume

    Oxford University Press  2001

  • 変化をどう説明するか 政治編

    水口憲人, 北原鉄也, 久米郁男編

    木鐸社  2000

  • Disparaged Success: Labor Politics in Postwar Japan

    Ikuo Kume

    Cornell University Press  1998

  • 日本型労使関係の成功


    有斐閣  1998

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Research Projects

  • A study on political polarization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • comprehensive research on China's politcal elites: selection, competition and governance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Migration Policies in Aging Societies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 自由貿易と国内政治基盤:埋め込まれた自由主義の再検討

    Project Year :


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  • Quantitative Analysis of Edo Feudal Lord System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study tries to analyze the development of governance system of the feudal lords or daimyos in the Edo period. A lot of historical studies have shown that their governance system has been transformed from the "patrimonial" system to the "bureaucratic" system. This is the process of rationalization of the daimyo governance system. We analyzed this transformation and its impact on the stability of the daimyo's domain based on the quantitative analysis of the daimyo data, which we have created in this project

  • A Study on Globalization and Domestic Politics: From Quantitative to Qualitative Research

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kume Ikuo, KITAYAMA Toshiya, OHNISHI Yutaka, SOGA Kengo, NAOI Megumi

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    This study tried to investigate the ways in which globalization, especially deepening free trade, evoke various domestic responses and form domestic trade politics, using the case study method in combination with the quantitative analysis. We adopted two comparative case studies: We compare trade politics in Japan with South Korea, where free trade agreements have thrived, while we analyze how the politics of TPP played out at the national as well as the local politics levels. Based on the findings of the case study, we designed and conducted the internet survey experiments as well as the candidate surveys for the 2012 and 2014 Lower House Elections. We found expected employment concerns and consumer's benefit of the TPP played an important role in forming people's attitudes toward it. In addition, national security concerns framed within the real political discourse influence people's way of evaluating the TPP

  • Globalization and Domestic Politics : A Comprehensive Analysis based on Survey Research on Citizens and Policy Actors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUME Ikuo, KOJO Yoshiko, NISHIZAWA Yoshitaka, KOHNO Masaru, TATEBAYASHI Masahiko, SOGA Kengo, KAGE Rieko, FUJIMURA Naofumi, ARAI Kiichiro, KUNO Arata, NAOI Megumi

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    This research tries to explore how domestic political reactions are fostered to the increasing economic and financial globalization focusing on general public and the political and economic actors, and finds several factors influencing their attitudes toward globalization.

  • The comprehensive analysis of the changing intergovernmental relationship in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Mitsutoshi, INATSUGU Hiroaki, KAGE Rieko, KITAMURA Wataru, KITAYAMA Toshiya, HIROMOTO Masayuki, SHINADA Yutaka, ONISHI Yutaka, SOGA Kengo, MATSUNAMI Jun, KUME Ikuo, TATEBAYASHI Masahiko

  • Political Change and Decision Making Mechanism of the Japanese : Integration of Psychological Economic Experiment and Public Opinion Survey

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Aiji, KOHNO Masaru, SHIMIZU Kazumi, YAMADA Masahiro, WATABE Motoki, KUME Ikuo, NISHIZAWA Yoshitaka, HASEGAWA Mariko, FUNAKI Yukihiko, SHINADA Yutaka, KURIYAMA Kohichi, FUKUMOTO Kentaro, IMAI Ryosuke, HINO Airo, IIDA Takeshi

  • Empirical Study of Changing Policy Networks

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUME Ikuo, KONO Masaru, MURAMATSU Michio, NONAKA Naoto, SHINADA Yutaka, TATEBAYASHI Masahiko

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    Analyzing the three waves of survey data conducted over three decades with politicians, bureaucrats, and interest group leaders, we have published a book edited by Ikuo Kume and Michio Muramatsu, who has been in charge of these surveys,. This book tried to make sensed the structural change in Japanese politics over three decades. Having achieved this task, we moved on to the next step, that is causal inquiries of this transformation. In due course, we combined our survey data analysis with mass survey data analysis and social-economic data analysis as well as detailed case studies. In order to integrate these various analyses conducted by the project members, we had an interim international workshop in Kobe(March 2006). Then we organized an international conference Modeling Power Relationships in Japanese Democracy with the Center for Study of Democratic Institutions at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, inviting political scientists studying Japanese politics comparatively, Professors T.J.Pempel, Ellis Krauss, Megumi Naoi and others. The members of this project presented their papers and had intensive discussion with various participants.
    Our general findings are 1) Japanese policy making process, which used to be fairly fragmented and decentralized, has become substantially centralized at the top leader level, and 2) this change is consistent with changes in the state-societal relations being analyzed by the mass survey analysis and the interest group studies. We are now preparing to submit these analyses to the international journals.

  • Comparing the Core-Executives in the Changing Period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Mitsutoshi, AMIYA-NAKADA Ryosuke, SAKANO Tomokazu, KUBO Fumiaki, TAMADA Yoshifumi, SOGA Kengo

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    The aim of this project is to clarify the characteristics of the core-executives of several countries. The concept of core-executive implies not a single leader such as prime minister or president but networks of prime minister, cabinet members, cabinet committees, higher civil servants and so on.The papers of this report analyze respectively the core-executives of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Thailand. These studies, as a whole, shows a intriguing paradox that on one hand the politics have become more pluralistic, and on the other hand the core executives have been centralized in spite of a variety of histories, institutions, political dynamism among these countries.Accordingly, our research subject hereafter would be to investigate what has brought the centralization of the core-executives and to analyze the above-mentioned paradox

  • Japanese politics after the end of economic miracle

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This research intends to analyze Japanese politics after the high economic growth era, by conducting the survey research and the case study. The survey research team conducted three separate surveys for bureaucrats, parliamentarians, and interest group leaders respectively (between 2001 and 2003), which are compared with previous two waves of surveys. It is expected that we can observe changing self-perceptions of the policy actors and perceived interactions among them over three waves of survey research. The surveys of bureaucrats and parliamentarians have been completed by 2002, while the survey of interest group leaders has just completed in February 2004. We found several interesting changes : the self-perceived influence of bureaucrats declined ; politicians became less dependent on bureaucrats for policy information, information channel between interest groups and the government (i.e., politicians and bureaucrats) became narrower after the 1993 political realignment. We are now continuing our analysis in order to analyze the impact of the alteration of the government in 1993 as well as long term trends over 30 years.
    The case study team investigated 55 cases of policy making. We tried to pick up the cases in the 1990s broadly. We are interested in depicting the typical policy making process in the 1990s. In due course, we conducted a detailed analysis of each case, but we also try to combine the case study method with the survey analysis, because we believe we can answer the question of "who governs" by doing so. Two teams established two separate series of workshops, but are coordinated in order to combine the findings of the general trends in politics based on survey research and concrete nitty-gritty observations of the policy making in the 1990s.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Mitsutoshi, MABUCHI Masaru, SHINADA Yutaka, KUME Ikuo, KATO Junko, ONISHI Yutaka

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze from a political science point of view, the reason behind the delay in Japan's policies towards the bubble economy. In order to accomplish this, the project collected and compiled data and material, while also conducting extensive interviews and theoretical research. Furthermore, public opinion polls and press information was accumulated for data analysis. The emphasis of the project cab be dividedinto two parts : 1) fto, Mabuchi, and Onishi explaining the managing of the post-bubble collapse, and 2) Kato, Kume, and Shinada explaining environment priori o and after the bubble economy. In l), Ito and Mabuchi focused on the jusen problem. As this issue severely damagedthe image of using public funds among the general public, this made it increasingly difficult to utilize the same policy in relieving the bad credit, problem. Mabuchi followed the first, and second rebuilding plan of the NichijuMn, and examined the policies and actions of the actors. Ito used the neo institutionalism approach to explain the convoy policy and other numerous bureaupratic scandals. Onishi examined the Korean currency crisis, and explained the limits that were revealed of the quasi-central bank, leading to the the flight of the investors.In 2), Kato revealed the similarity and low fluidity shared among bureaucrats, parlies, and business institutions. The pros to this trait is that it is efficient when forming a consensus and implementation, yet the cons are that, it permits the demise of the functions of the institution. Kume examined and analyzed the press response to the usage of public funds to relieve bad credit. Shinada examined the election promises of each candidate and categorized them into two groups, "total-individual" and "creation-revision." The results revealed that after 1993, "creation-revision" type political reform pledges increased dramatically.As seen above, the project succeeded in fulfilling its main objectives. However, there still remain a few areas that still need to be examined. Upon incorporating the final results, the project will be published at the earliest, possible time


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IOKIBE Makoto, SHINADA Yutaka, KUME Ikuo, ITO Mitsutoshi, NAKANISHI Hiroshi, FUKUNAGA Fumio

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    During the final year of the research project, each participant conducted archival research in addition to conducting interviews. Furthermore, a study session was arranged where each project member gave a paper Mowed by a discussion. This was the final preparation before the final publication of the results.1) Archival material collection and organizationThe first results of our project was the accumulation of Kochikai related data and archival material. The title, position, and election results of all current and former Kochikai diet members were assimilated into a large database. This allowed us to analyze the traits specific to the Kochikai. Also, back issues of the Kochikai journal, Shinro, were collected and each article was reviewed and organized.2) InterviewInterviews were conducted again this year to ftirther our analysis of the Kochikai. The leader of our project, Makoto loldbe, interviewed Kiichi Myazawa. In addition, non-Kochikai politicians such as Yasuhiro Nakasone and Ryutaro Hashimoto were also interviewed. The findings were shared with the other project members. In the final stages, Hajime Morita - EM Secretary in the Ohira administration and later a Koehikai politician - was interviewed by all * the project members. This was followed by lecture on economic policy by Professor Ryuei Nakatmira.3) Research presentationMembers Shinada and Fukunaga presented their findings of their analysis ofKochikai politicians. Murata analyzed the political reason why there were so many Kochikai politicians who became defense ministers. Nakanishi and Kume analyzed the economic policies of the Kochikai. Nakanishi focused on the economic philosophy of Osamu Shimomura who was policy advisor in the Ikeda administration. loltibe summarized these findings in order to ascertain the significance of the Kochikai within postwar Japanese politics.4) Publication of findingsThe above results will be published in a forthcoming monograph by PHP Publishers

  • New Electoral System and Party Realignment in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUME Ikuo, TATEBAYASHI Masahiko, SUZUKI Motoshi, AMIYA Ryousuke, SHINADA Yutaka

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    Recently, Japan has undergone a major change in the electoral law for the House of Representatives. The new law enacted in fall 1994 has installed a "parallel system" combining proportional representation (PR) and plurality rule or a small district (SMD) system. This study examines two types of sophisticated voting - strategic voting and strategic balancing - that can be operative in the parallel system. It is shown that the parallel system contains institutional provisions (double candidacies and the loser-winner ratio) that make SMD votes nonexclusive and transferable to the PR portion, hence reducing the extent of strategic voting and weakening a tendency toward local two-partism. When more than two effective parties compete in a plurality election, parties holding similar policy and political orientations ought to coordinate their candidates in order to prevent the opposing parties from gaining electoral victory. Under the parallel system, however, the parties have disincentives to coordinate. Thus, Downsian centrist policy pressures are not imposed upon the winning party formulating a new government. In order to pressure it toward centrist policy, moderate voters with two votes under the parallel system perform the acts of balancing so that a coalition government is formed to check policy extremism that is otherwise pursued by a pluralist party constituting the core of a new government. The extent of strategic balancing is found to be associated with the degree of opposition coordination failures

  • Political Transformation of Japan and Europe

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTAKE Hideo, KUME Ikuo, TANAKA Akihiko, IOKIBE Makoto, SHINKAWA Toshimitsu, KABASHIMA Ikyo

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    This research project examined very rapid and drastic transformations in Japanese and European politics, focusing upon the three aspects : (1) party realignment observed in changing voters' party supports and shifting coalition buildings among the political parties, (2) the restructuring of political economy, particularly in the area of political intervention into the economic activities as well as the restructuring of the labor market and the welfare institutions, and (3) progresses and stagnations in regional integration in Europe and East Asia.The problems are complex and varied among various regions and countires, and the individual participants in this project have explored these varieties in his/her papers. The following generalizations, however, have drawn from this research project. Golobalization mostly due to the revolutions of information technologies, the collapse of the Soviet block, and the comeback of American military and economic hegemonies In the 1990s resulted in the further "re introduction" of market economy in Japan and tire western European nations. This has inevitably involved party realingnent in each county, the restructuring of the government-society relations and progressive regional integration. On the other hand, these general trends have been counterbalanced by the differences between Japan and Europe as well as those among the individual nation states. Those differences are mostly due to histrical legacies built in as the institutional arrangements such as the characteristics of the governmental and the market structure in each nations

  • The State-Society Relations in Germany and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MURAMATSU Michio, AGATA Koichiro, KUME Ikuo, MABUCHI Masaru, ITOH Mitsutoshi

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    The activities of this project ware as follows :
    1. Workshop in Kobe (12 December 1993)
    2. Conference on "State and Administration in Germany and in Japan" in Kyoto (1-3 March 1994)
    On 1-3 March 1994, the conference was hold at the International House in Kyoto. Following the last year's conference, which was held in Berlin, 5 German members and 6 Japanese members presented 12 papers.
    Gerhald Lehmbruch "The German State and Its Environment : A Developmental Analysis"
    Michio Muramatsu "Transformation of Japanese Bureaucracy under the Impact of Internationalization"
    Frieder Naschold "Industrial Policy in Germany : Old Issues and New Challenges"
    Masaru Mabuchi "Financing the Japanese Industries : Industrial Policies of the Financial Ministry and Financial Policies of the Industrial Ministry"
    Gerhard Lehmbruch "Varieties of the 'Network State'? : Elements of a German-Japanese Comparison"
    Adrienne Heritier "State and Society in German Social Policy"
    Kuniaki Tanabe "Pluralization and Diversification of Welfare Programs in Japan"
    Koichiro Agata "Telecommunication Policy in Germany and in Japan"
    Hellumut Wollmann "Administrative Reform Movements and Developments in Germany"
    Mitsutoshi Ito "Japanese Administrative Reform in the 1980s"
    Maria Oppen "Labour Policy in Germany : Regulation of the Age Limits to paid Workers"
    Ikuo Kume "Labor Policy in Japan : Labor Policies in the Era of Neo-Conservatism"
    Most Papers were paired, and the state and administration of the two countries were compared.
    In the conference, participants agreed that 1) both Japan and Germany are deeply affected by the institutionalized policies, but 2) both countries gradually go to other same direction under the strong pressure from internationalization and the interdependence of policies. It is also be noted here that there was argument on the methodological point of view.
    3. Workshop in Tokyo (5 March 1994)
    Following the Kyoto Conference, another workshop was held in Tokyo. In the workshop, 2 members of both countries and other German specialists were participated in.
    Finally, the activities of the conference are now being considered to be published in English.

  • The State-Society Relations in Germany and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MURAMATSU Michio, AGATA Koichiro, KUME Ikuo, MABUCHI Masaru, ITOH Mitsutoshi

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    We had 4 meetings at the workshop held in Berlin on March 25, 26 and 27, 1993. The papers presented were as follows.
    March 25 Postwar State in Changing Environment Administrative Reform
    March 26 Social Policy Industrial/Labor Policy
    G. Lehmbruch M. Muramatsu H. Wollmann M. Mabuchi A. Windhoff-Heritier M. Itoh F. Naschold I. Kume K. Agata
    On March 27, we had a meeting to plan the second workshop, and decided about it as follows. The site of the second workshop will be somewhere in Kyoto. The date will be on October 16 and 17, 1993.
    The language we use for writing papers and conversation in the second workshop will be English as was in the first workshop. After the second workshop, we revise the papers based on the comments and criticisms made in the first workshop and will translate them into Japanese and Germany for publication both in Japanese and Germany.

  • Empirical Study of the Measures to meet the Information Society in Japanese Political Science

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAGUCHI Fukuji, KUME Ikuo, MATOBA Toshihiro, ONO Koji, YAMAKAWA Katsumi, MIYAKE Ichiro

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    1. For the empirical study of the measures to meet the Information-Society and computerization in research and education of Political Science, at first in 1990, we sent questionnaires about the measures for that purpose to schools and institutions in which research and education of Political Science are held in Japan. Organs as samples amount to 164 and from 104 of them we could get answer-sheets. After aggregation of data from these answer-sheets by personal computer, we published first report-bulletin for this research project in June, 1991.
    2. As a second poll for this project, we sent questionnaires about the measures for that to all the members of Japanese Political Science Association (JPSA) in summer, 1991. From 401 members we could get answers, and we aggregated data from these answers like the first research. 63.1% of cases use Word-Processors and 38.7% use Personal Computers. We published second report-bulletin for this research project in March, 1992.

  • Development and Utilization of the Political Data Bank Sysytem

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOBAYASHI Yoshiaki, KUME Ikuo, MURAYAMA Koji, KONOE Shinsuke, YODA Hiroshi, MIYAKE Ichiro

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    We implemented the following researches.
    (1) Creation of Data Barik : To be more exact, we developed the Data Bank System that is designed to store ai-id utilize political data.
    (2) Creation of Survey Data Bank system : We rearranged all the information concerning to the Survey Data related to politics and stored them in HIKARI Disk File System. Also, we altered the Ministry of Autonomy Survey Data to PC format and developed Data Bank that is especially designed for PC. Furthermore, we solved the inconsistencies in variable numbers that are making time series analysis in ANES Survey Data difficult by assigning new consistent variable numbers and by creating the chart that connects old variable numbers to the new ones.
    (3) Creation of Aggregate Data Bank : We gathered, rearranged and stored political aggregate data such as election results of various countries in the Data Bank. We also gathered and stored data that relate to politicians' careers.
    (4) Popularization of the Data Bank : We drew up manuals for the Data Bank and for the data itself to aim easy and wide spread use of the Data Bank.
    For the future improvement, we will actively gather, rearrange and input political data into this Data Bank system.

  • 占領期日本の総合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(神戸大学)  科学研究費助成事業(総合研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • 55年体制と戦後政治

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  • 日本とヨーロッパにおける政治変動の比較研究

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  • 日本とドイツにおける技能形成の政治経済学的比較研究

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  • State and Society in Japan and Europe

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    This is the summary of research program linking Japanese and European scholars, arising from cooperation between the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and the Japanese Political Science Association (JPSA).To build on the success of the first phase, the ECPR and JPSA have formally agreed to begin the second phase of the joint project. This time, project leaders were Ikuo Kabashima and Kenneth Newton. The project was composed of four groups. Group 1, dealing with Political Attitudes and Values in Europe and Asia was convened by Takashi Inoguchi and John Blondel. Group 2, dealing with Democratization was convened by Hideo Otake and Geoffrey Pridham. Group 3, dealing with Political Philosophy was convened by Takeshi Sasaki, Shin Chiba, and Terrell Carver. Group 4, on Political Economy was coordinated by Ikuo Kume and Bo Rothstein.The four groups had joint workshops in Quebec in 2000, and Canterbury in 2001. In addition to these workshops, groups met independently in Tokyo, Kyoto and other European cities.The example of the joint project is the special issue of Electoral Studies. The papers in this special issue are all connected with the analysis of party system dynamics and change in Japan and Europe, dealing with matters such as party splits and fusions, the role of party factions, voting behavior ; electoral systems and party organization. This special issue pays particular attention to the juxtaposition of the Japanese and Italian cases this juxtaposition is instructive given the similarities between the current Japanese and Italian electoral systems, the convulsions recently experienced in both party systems, and the similar roles played in both systems by large, powerful, but yet highly factionalised parties- the Italian DC or its successors and the Japanese LDP. These papers are included in the present report. A Japanese-language version is appearing in the journal Leviathan.As I said this is second phase of the joint ECPR-JPSA research projects and this has been more productive and stimulating than the first

  • 経済危機争点化の比較政治学的研究

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    1.昨年度に引き続き、1990年代から現在までの経済危機が新聞においてどのように報道されてきたかを、内容分析の手法に基づいて分析した。その結果、当初危機が循環的な問題として理解されていたのが、不良債権問題、更に日本経済の構造問題として争点化されてきたこと、「経済危機」 への対応が、当初の対処療法的なものから、不良債権処理促進、金融危機対応から、構造改革へと性格を変えてきた原因であることが更に確認された。2.80年代に日本の経済繁栄を支えたとされた日本的経営に対する評価が逆転し、それの根本的変革が唱道されるようになったこと。それが、日本経済の構造改革の一環として主張されるに至ったことを示した。しかし、日本的経営を支えた3本柱とされる「年功賃金」、「終身雇用」、「協調的労使関係」について、個別に見ていくと、それらがどの程度実際に変化してきたかについては、大きな差異があることを、更に事例研究によって分析した。3.労使関係の変化について、キャサリン・セレン教授と日独比較分析に加えて、スウェーデンの事例を分析し、日本、ドイツ、スウェーデンという代表的な調整型市場経済において、従来とは異なる新たな労使連合と利益対立の分岐が生じていることを明らかにしたことりわけ、3カ国に共通に見られる新たな利益対立分岐は、輸出セクターと非輸出セクターの間に生じていることが解明された。4.上記の、分析をふまえて、制度変化と制度的相互補完性に関する英文研究論文を発表した。なお、その草稿は、欧米の研究者に回覧してコメントを得た

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  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 自由貿易と国内政治基盤:「埋め込まれた自由主義」の再検討


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    本研究は、戦後の国際的自由貿易体制の安定を、対外開放政策と介入的国内経済政策の組み合わせに求めた「埋め込まれた自由主義」仮説の再検討を目指した。本仮説においては、自由貿易が当事国の労働者の雇用に与えるネガティブな影響を緩和する福祉政策や経済政策が、自由貿易への支持を調達する上での条件とされてきた。本研究では、既に積み上げてきた日本におけるサーベイ実験の再分析とInternational Social Survey Programme (ISSP)が実施した2003年のデータ分析により、自由貿易支持は、福祉政策の展開よりも、貿易自体がもたらす消費者利益によって調達されうることを示した。

  • グローバル化と労働政治の変容


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    申請者とキャサリーン・セレンNorthwestern University教授は、スウェーデンにおいては1980年代に、グローバル化圧力の下で従来型労使関係制度が大きく変化するとともに、90年代にはいるとその変化は新たな労使関係調整制度の成立という形で安定化したのに対して、日本とドイツは90年代以降グローバル市場の圧力の下、従来型制度の「崩壊」過程が継続し新たな均衡に至っていないことを明らかにした。そこには、ドイツにおける産業別賃金交渉のカバー範囲の縮小や日本型経営を特徴づけてきた「年功賃金」「終身雇用制」、さらには春闘制度の変化といった「変化」の側面が観察されると同時に、従来型制度の継続の側面も観察された。その混在状況こそが、まさに両国の特徴である。 本研究では、何故スウェーデンにおける労使関係制度の再安定が比較的短期に生じ、日本とドイツがそうではないかを、更に進んで分析した。そこでは、スウェーデンにおける労働組合の交渉資源、戦略と日本、ドイツにおける労働組合、あるいは労働者の交渉資源、交渉戦略の違いを主たる分析の対象とした。 我々は、いずれの事例においても、グローバル化の下で経営者側からの一方的な攻勢が行われ従来型の労使関係制度が変容したわけではなく、そこに労使間のcross-class allianceが生じていたことを明らかにした。しかし、他方で、その様なallianceは、従来の労使関係制度の国別の相違、すなわち、スウェーデンでは全国レベルに、ドイツでは産業レベルに、そして日本では企業レベルに軸足をおいたものであったという制度的特徴に媒介されて、異なる均衡へと向かっていったこと(スウェーデンの事例)、あるいは向かいつつあること(日本とドイツの事例)を示した。そして、均衡へ至るスピードの差は各制度における取引費用の大きさに依存している可能性があることを結論とした。