Updated on 2025/03/09


ONODA, Hiroshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
Job title
Doctor of Engineering ( Waseda University )

Graduated with a PhD (Doctor of Engineering) from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, in March 2006. Lecturer at the Environmental Research Institute, Waseda University from April 2006, Associate Professor from April 2008, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Environment and Energy, Waseda University from April 2014, Professor (current position) from April 2017, Dean of the Graduate School of Environment and Energy, Waseda University from September 2022.
In August 2003, he established the environmental university venture Waseda Environmental Research Institute, Inc. and became its representative director; from April 2011 to November 2017, he was a director (part-time); from April 2010 to March 2015, he was a supervisory counsellor for environment and energy in Saitama Prefecture (part-time).
Research fields include environmentally friendly design, LCA, resource recycling technologies and systems, energy management systems, renewable energy heat utilisation technologies and systems, unused biomass utilisation technologies and systems, next-generation mobility systems and smart communities.

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering   Professor

  • 2011.04

    Waseda Environmental Institute Co., Ltd.   Board of Directors(non-executive)

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering   Associate Professor

  • 2010.04

    Saitama Prefecture   Environment Energy Special Advisor

  • 2008.04

    Waseda University   Environmental Research Institute   Associate Proffessor

  • 2003.08

    Waseda Environmental Institute Co., Ltd.   President

  • 2006.04

    Waseda University   Environmental Research Institute   Lecturer

  • 2003.09

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Research Associate

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Education Background

  • 2001.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Department of Mechanical Engineering  

  • 1997.04

    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering   Department of Mechanical Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2022.08

    京セラコミュニケーションシステム株式会社  石狩市物流ロボット活用研究会(委員・座長)

  • 2022.08

    岡崎市  岡崎市総合政策指針審議会(委員)

  • 2022.04

    相模原市  相模原駅北口地区のまちづくりに関する会議(委員)

  • 2021.12

    環境省  デジタル技術活用等による脱炭素型資源循環システム創生実証事業委託業務」に係る検討委員(委員、座長)

  • 2021.10

    忠岡町  忠岡町廃棄物減量等推進審議会(委員)

  • 2021.09

    横浜市  横浜市廃棄物減量化・資源化等推進審議会(委員)

  • 2021.06

    羽村市  羽村市廃棄物減量等推進審議会(会長)

  • 2021.05

    環境省  二酸化炭素排出抑制対策事業費等補助金(廃棄物処理 ×脱炭素によるマルチベネフィット達成促進事業)のうち廃棄物エネル ギーの有効活用によるマルチベネフィット達成促進事業審査委員会委員

  • 2021.04

    環境省  公益財団法人廃棄物・3R研究財団・「次世代静脈インフラの構築 に向けた包括的研究」検討会(委員)

  • 2021.04

    一般財団法人大阪科学技術センター  「地球環境技術推進懇談会」委員

  • 2021.04

    文部科学省  科学技術・学術審議会(臨時委員)技術士分科会

  • 2021.03

    相模原市  大規模事業評価委員会(会長)

  • 2021.02

    環境省  中央環境審議会(臨時委員)循環型社会部会

  • 2020.12

    経済産業省  産業構造審議会(臨時委員) 産業技術環境分科会廃棄物・リサイクル小委員会容器包装ワーキンググループ

  • 2019.04

    中央区  中央区清掃・リサイクル推進協議会委員(委員)(座長)

  • 2018.12

    公益財団法人本庄早稲田国際リサーチパーク  参与

  • 2018.01

    荒川区  荒川区清掃審議会(委員)

  • 2016

    企業環境リスク解決機構  産業廃棄物適正管理能力検定検討委員会(委員)

  • 2015.01

    宮城県  宮城県再生可能エネルギー等・省エネルギー促進審議会委員

  • 2013.01

    経済産業省  産業構造審議会(臨時委員) 産業技術環境分科会地球環境小委員会自動車・自動車部品・自動車車体ワーキンググループ

  • 2012.07

    新宿区  新宿区リサイクル清掃審議会(委員)(会長)

  • 2011.06

    中央区  中央区環境行動計画推進委員会(委員長)

  • 2022.06

    唐津市  「唐津市環境審議会」及び「唐津市地球温暖化対策地域推進会議」 (アドバイザー)

  • 2022.09

    環境省  自動車リサイクルのカーボンニュートラル及び3Rの推進・質の向上 に向けた検討会(委員)

  • 2022.07

    環境省  工場・事業場の脱炭素化のための新ガイドライン作成検討会(委員)

  • 2022.06

    環境省  「令和4年度カーボンニュートラルに向けた再エネ水素のあり方 検討等評価・検証委託業務」に係る有識者会合(委員)

  • 2021.11

    環境省  温室効果ガス排出削減等指針検討委員会(委員)

  • 2021.10

    青森県  再生可能エネルギー利活用高度化モデル検討委員会(委員長)

  • 2021.10

    環境省  LD-Tech認証制度設計検討会(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  次世代REPOSの在り方検討会(委員)

  • 2021.06

    環境省  「再エネ導入ポテンシャルに係る情報活用及び提供 方策検討等調査委託業務」の再生可能エネルギー導入ポテンシャル調査 ・利活用検討会に関する委員

  • 2021.04

    NEDO  技術委員

  • 2022.02

    環境省  「脱炭素型2Rビジネス構築等促進に関する実証・検証検討会」 (委員,座長)

  • 2021.11

    熊本市  地域再エネ導入戦略に関する専門家意見聴取(専門家)

  • 2021.10

    令和3年度エネルギー対策特別会計補助事業検証・評価委託 業務(廃棄物・リサイクル分野の脱炭素化推進事業)検証評価委員会 (委員長)

  • 2021.10

    経済産業省  「令和3年度地球温暖化問題等対策調査」(我が国に おける資源効率性の向上に関する調査)(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  令和3年度廃棄物処理システムにおける脱炭素・省CO2対策 普及促進方策検討委託業務」に係る検討委員(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  地域内での再エネ・省エネ・畜エネによる脱炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  脱フロン・脱炭素社会の早期実現のための省エネ型自然冷媒機器導入加速化事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  二酸化炭素の総量削減を目的とした効率的脱炭素化推進 事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  住宅等の脱炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  金融的支援による脱炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会 (委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  業務部門における再エネ・省エネによる脱炭素推進事業 に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  運輸分野の脱炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2021.09

    環境省  「地域循環共生圏の構築に資するグリーンスローモビリティのあり方検討会」(委員)

  • 2021.07

    経済産業省  プラスチック使用製品設計指針に関する研究会(委員)

  • 2021.07

    NEDO  3R技術ロードマップ作成に係る検討会(委員)

  • 2021.06

    環境省  「令和3年度水素利活用CO2排出削減効果等評価・検証業務」 に係る有識者会合(委員)

  • 2021.05

    環境省  令和3年度廃棄物・資源循環分野の2050年カーボン ニュートラル・脱炭素社会の実現に向けた検討会(委員)

  • 2021.02


  • 2019.07

    環境省  CCUSの早期社会実装会議(委員)

  • 2020.10

    京セラコミュニケーションシステム株式会社  石狩湾新港地域ロボット シェアリング型配送サービス実証研究会(座長)

  • 2020.08

    資源エネルギー庁  総合資源エネルギー調査会(臨時委員)

  • 2021.02

    環境省  令和2年度ばい煙発生施設影響評価検討会(委員)

  • 2020.12

    環境省  地方公共団体が参画・関与する地域新電力の設立検討ガイドライン(仮称)の作成に向けた有識者検討会(委員)

  • 2020.12

    環境省  地域の多様な課題に応える脱炭素地域づくりモデル形成事業に係る有識者会議(委員)

  • 2020.12

    石狩市  令和2年度 石狩市における再エネ地産地消による域内循環創出・地域づくりイノベーション事業検討研究会(座長)

  • 2020.12

    環境省  長期の脱炭素シナリオ作成方法に係る意見交換会(委員)

  • 2020.12

    環境省  令和2年度再エネの導入・有効活用促進のためのデータ利活用 基盤構築検証委託業務「太陽光を中心とした再エネ導入・有効活用促進 のためのデータ利活用基盤の構築検討委員会」(委員)

  • 2020.11

    環境省  環境スタートップ大賞審査委員会(審査委員)

  • 2020.11

    環境省  令和2年度先端的な情報通信技術等を活用した廃棄物処理システムによる低炭素化支援事業検討会(委員)

  • 2020.11

    環境省  令和2年度廃棄物処理システムにおける低炭素・省CO2対策普及方策検討調査検討会(委員)(座長)

  • 2020.11

    環境省  地域循環共生圏の構築に資するグリーンスローモビリティの在り方検討会(委員)

  • 2020.10

    環境省  廃棄物・リサイクルの低炭素化推進事業の検証評価委員会(委員長)

  • 2020.10

    関東経済産業局  地域主体の価値ある分散型エネルギー導入促進に向けた新たな支援・広報手法に関する検討会(委員)

  • 2020.10

    環境省  「低炭素型資源循環システム評価検証ワーキンググループ」 (委員,座長)

  • 2020.10

    環境省  令和2年度一般廃棄物処理における中長期ビジョン等策定検討委員会(委員)

  • 2020.09

    環境省  「令和2年度再生可能エネルギー設備等導入における事業性 評価促進業務」のうち地域新電力関連部分に関する有識者

  • 2020.09

    環境省  地域内での再エネ・省エネ・畜エネによる低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2020.09

    環境省  脱フロン・低炭素社会の早期実現のための省エネ型 自然冷媒機器導入加速化事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2020.09

    環境省  二酸化炭素の総量削減を目的とした効率的脱炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2020.09

    環境省  住宅等の低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2020.09

    環境省  金融的支援による低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会 (委員)

  • 2020.09

    環境省  業務部門における再エネ・省エネによる低炭素推進事業 に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2020.09

    環境省  運輸分野の低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2020.07

    環境省  「令和2年度水素利活用CO2排出削減効果等評価・検証業務」 に係る有識者会合(委員)

  • 2020.07

    公益財団法人廃棄物・3R研究財団  令和2年度共同研究事業「次世代静脈インフラの構築に向けた包括的研究」検討会(委員)

  • 2020.04

    一般社団法人企業環境リスク解決機構  産業廃棄物適正管理能力検討委員会(委員)

  • 2020.04

    環境省  令和2年度再生可能エネルギー導入ポテンシャルに関する 調査委託業務(外部アドバイザー)

  • 2020.02

    掛川市・菊川市衛生施設組合  掛川市・菊川市衛生施設組合廃棄物処理施設整備等基本構想策定検討委員

  • 2019.05

    NEDO  技術委員

  • 2014.04

    岡崎市  市政アドバイザー

  • 2019.04

    経済産業省  総合資源エネルギー調査会臨時委員

  • 2020.03

    環境省  地域循環共生圏の構築に資するグリーーンスローモビリテ の在り方検討会

  • 2020.02

    環境省  令和元年度「脱炭素社会を構築する情報通信ネットワークシステム評価検証事業委託業務」検討会(委員)

  • 2020.02

    環境省  地域の多様な課題に応える脱炭素型地域づくり形成事業に係る有識者会議(委員)

  • 2019.12

    石狩市  石狩市における再エネ地産地消による域内循環創出・地域づくりイノベーション事業検討研究会(座長)

  • 2019.12

    環境省  令和元年度再生可能エネルギーに関するゾーニング基礎情報等の整備・公開等に関する委託業務(外部アドバイザー)

  • 2019.12

    環境省  令和元年度地域に多面的価値を創出する廃棄物処理施設整備促進検討委員会(委員)

  • 2019.12

    環境省  令和元年度一般廃棄物処理システムにおける中長期ビジョン等策定検討委員会(委員)

  • 2019.12

    環境省  令和元年度廃棄物処理システムにおける低炭素・省CO2対策普及促進方策調査検討会(座長)

  • 2019.11

    環境省  令和元年度先端的な情報通信技術等を活用した廃棄物処理システムによる低炭素化資源事業検討会(委員)

  • 2019.11

    環境省  革新的資源循環の実現に向けた社会システム基盤に関する検討会(委員)

  • 2019.08

    環境省  平成31年度水素利活用CO2排出削減効果等評価・検証業務に係る有識者会合(委員)

  • 2019.08

    環境省  地域循環共生圏の高度化に向けた取組に関する有識者会合(座長)

  • 2019.08

    環境省  廃棄物・リサイクルの低炭素化推進事業の検証評価委員会(委員長)

  • 2019.07

    環境省  低炭素型資源循環システム評価検証ワーキンググループ(座長)

  • 2019.06

    環境省  業務部門における再エネ・省エネ・畜エネによる低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2019.06

    環境省  地域内での再エネ・省エネ・畜エネによる低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2019.06

    環境省  金融的支援による低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2019.06

    環境省  住宅等の低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2019.06

    環境省  運輸分野の低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2019.06

    環境省  先進対策の効率的実施による二酸化炭素排出量大幅削減設備補助事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2019.06

    環境省  CO2削減ポテンシャル診断推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2019.05

    台東区  台東区環境基本計画策定懇談会委員

  • 2019.04

    一般社団法人日本機械学会  環境工学部門部門学術誌編集委員会 副委員長

  • 2017.09

    公益財団法人廃棄物・3R研究財団  「MBT(メタン発酵+SRF製造)システムの中小廃棄物処理施設におけるエネルギー回収に関する調査」検討会(委員)

  • 2019.06

    特定非営利活動法人全日本自動車リサイクル事業連合  理事

  • 2019.03

    環境省  「CCUSの早期社会実装会議~実証事業の到達点と今後の道筋~」(委員)

  • 2018.12

    環境省  食品廃棄物リサイクルの経済効果に関する検討会(委員)

  • 2018.11

    環境省  平成30年度再生可能エネルギーに関するゾーニング基礎情報等の整備・公開等に関する委託業務(外部アドバイザー)

  • 2018.10

    一般財団法人日本総合研究所  ジェロントロジーに関する体系的研究会(研究会メンバー)

  • 2018.10

    環境省  低炭素型資源循環システム評価検証検討会(座長)

  • 2018.09

    環境省  平成30年度廃棄物処理等に関わる中長期行動指針等策定委員会(委員)

  • 2018.09

    環境省  廃棄物処理施設等安全対策委員会(委員)

  • 2018.08

    環境省  廃棄物・リサイクルの低炭素化推進事業の検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2018.07

    敦賀市  敦賀市調和型水素社会形成計画実施計画に関する意見交換会(委員)

  • 2018.07

    相模原商工会議所  スマートコミュニティ推進委員会(アドバイザー)

  • 2018.06

    経済産業省  我が国循環経済構築に向けた調査「循環経済ビジョン研究会」(委員)

  • 2018.06

    国土交通省  「まち・住まい・交通の地域エネルギー・環境に配慮した モデル構想策定支援事業タスクフォース」(委員)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  再エネ等を活用した水素利活用推進検討会(委員)商業化モデル検討分科会(座長)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  地域循環圏の高度化のための検討会(座長)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  平成30年度廃棄物エネルギー利活用計画策定検討調査検討会(委員)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  交通・住宅分野の低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  平成30年度低炭素行動変容推進方策検討委員会(委員)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  金融的支援による低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  業務及び産業分野の効率的低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  次世代社会インフラ整備に向けた低炭素化推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  低炭素地域づくり推進事業に係る検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2018.06

    環境省  CO2削減ポテンシャル診断ガイドライン改訂委員会(委員)

  • 2017.11

    敦賀市  敦賀市調和型水素社会形成計画推進事業に関する意見交換会(委員)

  • 2015

    環境省  水素利活用CO2排出削減効果評価・検証検討会(委員)

  • 2019.01

    浜松市  スマートプロジェクトマスタープラン策定業務「中区スマートプロジェクト実施計画策定検討委員会」(座長)

  • 2018.01

    環境省  破砕業者における自動車リサイクルの推進・質の向上に係る検討会(委員長)

  • 2018.01

    環境省  環境配慮設計の促進に向けた検討会(委員)

  • 2017.11

    公益財団法人本庄早稲田国際リサーチパーク  地域中核企業創出・支援事業「リユース蓄電池を活用した低コストEV充電システム製品化支援事業」(専門家)

  • 2017.11

    環境省  廃棄物処理等に関わる中長期行動指針等策定検討業務検討委員会(委員)

  • 2017.11

    国土交通省  「リサイクルポート施策の高度化研究会」(委員)

  • 2017.10

    関東経済産業局  「製造業の生産現場における環境負荷低減に向けた取組と技術動向に関する調査」検討会(委員)

  • 2017.08

    環境省  廃棄物処理・リサイクルの低炭素化支援等事業の検証評価委員会(委員)

  • 2017.03

    環境省  「地域循環圏高度化ワーキンググループ」及び「産業・地域共生のための動静脈ネットワーク会議」(委員)

  • 2015

    環境省  先進対策の効率的実施による二酸化炭素排出量大幅削減設備補助事業に係る評価委員会

  • 2014

    国土交通省  まち・住まい・交通の創蓄省エネルギー化モデル構築支援事業タスクフォース(委員)

  • 2017.11

    一般社団法人美園タウンマネジメント  「浦和美園地区・地産地消型再生可能エネルギー活用マスタープラン策定事業」検討会(委員)

  • 2016

    相模原商工会議所  スマートコミュニティ調査研究特別委員会(アドバイザー)

  • 2016

    渋谷区  環境基本計画等改定委員会(委員)

  • 2016

    環境省  廃棄物エネルギー利活用計画策定調査検討会(委員)

  • 2015

    環境省  低炭素地域づくり推進等事業に係る評価委員会(委員)

  • 2017.08

    株式会社エックス都市研究所  銚子市の地場産業エネルギー需要特性を考慮したCEMS構築可能性調査(検討委員)

  • 2017.04

    一般財団法人大阪科学技術センター  「地球環境技術推進懇談会」委員

  • 2016

    環境省  平成28年度再生可能エネルギーに関するゾーニング基礎情報の整備・公開等及び再生可能エネルギー設備導入に係る実績調査に関する委託業務(外部アドバイザー)

  • 2016

    日本環境協会  エコマーク「シュレッダー」基準策定委員会(座長)

  • 2015

    環境省  産業・地域共生のための動静脈ネットワーク会議(委員)

  • 2013

    環境省  エネルギー起源CO2 排出削減技術評価・検証検討会(委員)

  • 2013

    環境省  使用済小型電子機器等再資源化促進に向けた検討会(委員)

  • 2016

    新宿区  基本構想審議会(委員)

  • 2016

    北栄町  木質バイオマスエネルギー活用検討会(委員)

  • 2016

    宮城県  エコタウン推進委員会ワーキンググループ(スーパーバイザー)

  • 2016

    環境省  自動車リサイクル制度の安定的な運用及び環境配慮設計の推進に向けた研究会(座長)

  • 2016

    酒々井町  酒々井町カーボン・マネジメント有識者委員会(委員)

  • 2015

    環境省  市町村等による廃棄物処理施設整備の適正化推進事業検討委員会(委員)

  • 2015

    環境省  自動車リサイクルにおける3Rの推進・質の向上に向けた検討会(委員)

  • 2011

    環境省  組織のサプライチェーンGHG排出量等算定方法検討会(委員)

  • 2010

    環境省  使用済み製品等のリユース促進事業研究会(委員)

  • 2015

    神戸すまいづくり公社  神戸都心・三宮畜における次世代スマートエネルギーインフラ構想検討委員会(委員)

  • 2015

    ユアサ商事  瑞浪市学園台スマートコミュニティ事業に係る事業計画策定事業に係る検討委員会(委員)

  • 2015

    環境省  エコタウン関連事業審査委員会(委員)

  • 2015

    環境省  循環基本計画に係る検討会及び関連ワーキンググループ(委員)

  • 2015

    環境省  2Rシステムの構築に向けた調査・検討委員会(委員)

  • 2015

    経済産業省  資源有効利用促進法の在り方に関する検討会(委員)

  • 2014

    環境省  地域循環圏の高度化に向けた検討会(委員)

  • 2013

    環境省  総合的な2Rシステム構築に向けた調査・検討業務委員会(委員)

  • 2011

    環境省  我が国のびんリユースシステムの在り方に関する検討会

  • 2014

    環境省  エコタウン検討会及び関連ワーキンググループ(委員)

  • 2013

    環境省  循環基本計画フォローアップ及び重点課題検討会(委員)

  • 2012

    環境省  HEMS利用の価値向上のための調査事業検討会(委員)

  • 2012.04

    東京都  使用済小型電子機器リサイクル促進のための検討会(委員)

  • 2013

    経済産業省  グリーン自動車技術調査研究事業・自動車産業調査分科会(委員)

  • 2013

    経済産業省  環境配慮製品推進事業(委員)

  • 2012

    環境省  動脈・静脈施設集積地域の高効率活用モデル事業に関する検討会(委員)

  • 2012

    日本機械振興協会  機械振興協会経済研究所運営委員会(運営委員)

  • 2012

    堺市産業振興センター  さかい環境チャレンジ企業認定審査会(委員)

  • 2011

    埼玉県EV・PHV普及推進協議会  副会長

  • 2012

    経済産業省  アジア大での静脈資源市場と我が国静脈産業像研究会(委員)

  • 2012

    経済産業省  資源有効利用促進法の施行状況に係る評価検討会(委員)

  • 2011

    環境省  3R行動見える化検討委員会(委員)

  • 2011

    環境省  エコ・アクション・ポイントプログラム検証等業務検討会(委員)

  • 2011

    経済産業省  小型家電リサイクルの先進的取組事例に関する研究会(座長)

▼display all

Professional Memberships


    The Insitute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan


    Society of Environmental Science, Japan


    The Japan Institute of Energy


    Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management


    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering

Research Areas

  • Earth resource engineering, Energy sciences / Energy chemistry / Thermal engineering / Environmental load reduction and remediation / Environmental policy and social systems / Environmental impact assessment

Research Interests

  • Smart Communities / Smart Cities

  • Next-generation mobility systems

  • Unused biomass utilization technologies / systems

  • Waste Management Systems

  • Circular technologies and systems

  • Renewable energy heat utilisation technologies/systems

  • Energy Management Systems

  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

  • Design for Environment (DfE)

▼display all


  • Best Paper Award

    2022.09   International Conference on Engineering anda Information Technology for Sustainable Industry 2022   Readiness Status of Artificial Intelligence Applications on Electric Vehicles: A mini global review and analysis using the J-TRA method

    Winner: Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Meilinda Fitriani Nur Maghfiroh and Hiroshi Onoda

  • Best Presentation Award

    2022.04   2022 The 4th International Conference on Clean Energy and Electrical Systems   Reusing Solar Panels to Improve Access to Information and Communication in an Off-grid Village: A Financial Feasibility Assessment


    2021.12   The 4th International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (4th ICET4SD 2021)   Life Cycle Cost of Mobility Electirification with Renewable Energy in Off-grid Rural Area: The Kary Jadi Village case in Indonesia

  • JSME環境工学総合シンポジウム研究奨励表彰

    2018   日本機械学会環境工学部門   圧縮空気エンジン搭載小型モビリティの開発と性能評価

    Winner: 八木勝也, 松浦加奈, 小野田弘士

  • 日本機械学会環境工学部門功績賞

    2014.11   一般社団法人日本機械学会  

    Winner: 小野田弘士

Media Coverage

▼display all



  • Optimizing Waste Sorting for Sustainability: An AI-Powered Robotic Solution for Beverage Container Recycling

    Tianhao Cheng, Daiki Kojima, Hao Hu, Hiroshi Onoda, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo

    Sustainability    2024.11



  • A bottom-up approach for greenhouse gas emission estimation at the community level: A case study in Japan

    Ruixi Zhao, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Energy   307  2024.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission mitigation and climate change adaptation in urban communities are urgent. There is enormous potential to improve the GHG inventory at the community level. This research aims to develop a community-scale GHG emission inventory and improve its accuracy and consistency through a bottom-up approach. This study covers direct and indirect emissions categorized into three scopes and selects the Honjo Waseda community in Japan as a case study community. Energy consumption from different sectors (the residential and commercial, transport, and waste management sectors) is evaluated and calculated through Residential Energy Estimation based on the Daily Activities (REEDA) database, National Census, and first-hand field data. The outcome revealed that the residential and commercial sector emissions rank highest in the total GHG emissions of the community, with a value of 39 %. Translated into the scope concept, the emissions under scopes 2 and 3 account for 39 % and 61 %, respectively. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis of the implementation of green technologies to reduce GHG emissions is also conducted. Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) implementation could yield the largest emission reduction (18 %–22 %), followed by implementing electric vehicles, ultralightweight vehicles, photovoltaic systems, and ground heat utilization.



  • LCCO2 Assessment and Fertilizer Production from Absorbed-CO2 Solid Matter in a Small-Scale DACCU Plant

    Tianjiao Cheng, Takeji Hirota, Hiroshi Onoda, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo

    Energies   17 ( 19 ) 5011 - 5011  2024.10

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    This study investigates a novel method of utilizing Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology for fertilizer production. Unlike traditional Direct Air Carbon Capture and Utilization (DACCU) technologies, Direct Air Carbon Capture for Fertilizers (FDAC) has the potential to produce fertilizers directly. This study aims to assess the feasibility of FDAC-based fertilizer production by examining the current state of traditional DAC technologies, evaluating the CO2 fixation potential of FDAC, and analyzing the decarbonization effect of producing fertilizers using FDAC. Our evaluation results indicate that CO2 emissions from producing 1 ton of conventional chemical fertilizer, FDAC fertilizer (current status), FDAC fertilizer with ingredient adjustment (sodium hydroxide), and FDAC fertilizer with ingredient adjustment (magnesium hydroxide) are 1.69, 1.12, 1.04, and 1.06 tons of CO2, respectively. The FDAC fertilizer (current status) emits 0.57 tons of CO2 per ton less than commercial fertilizers. FDAC fertilizers also have the potential to reduce CO2 emissions further when the fertilizer composition is adjusted, offering a promising solution for lowering the environmental impact of fertilizer production. Significant CO2 reduction can be expected by replacing conventional low-intensity chemical fertilizers with FDAC-produced fertilizers.



  • Redesigning Municipal Waste Collection for Aging and Shrinking Communities

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Chaoxia Shan, Akihisa Ogawa, Ryota Tsubouchi, Hiroshi Onoda

    Smart Cities   7 ( 3 ) 1149 - 1168  2024.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    Due to aging and depopulation, cities in Japan struggle to maintain their municipal waste collection services. These challenges were exacerbated by the pandemic. To overcome these challenges, a prototype of collective and contactless waste collection technology has been developed. However, its acceptance by society is unknown. In this study, we surveyed Japanese people’s preferences regarding household waste disposal. The results showed that older adults (older than 60) are willing to walk longer (more than 2 min) to carry their waste to the disposal site than younger adults. They are also less concerned about the risk of disease infection from touching other people’s garbage than younger respondents (at a 0.24 count ratio). Other significant findings are that people who live alone prefer the temporary disposal site to be placed more than one minute away from their house (at a 0.19 count ratio). People living alone also produce less plastic and packaging waste than larger households. With more Japanese older adults living alone because of the scarcity of older-adult care facilities, we proposed two waste collection strategies that can allow for the implementation of more collective and automatized contactless waste pickup technology. Each design poses different challenges, such as the need for residents’ cooperation and a higher energy supply. However, they also open new opportunities, such as encouraging active aging and using renewable energy.



  • 人とロボットが共存し協調して働く社会のプラクティス:公道走行可能な自動配送ロボットの実証と実用化に向けた課題

    増田 景一, 小野田 弘士

    情報処理   65 ( 5 ) d11 - d22  2024.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Last author

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  • 人とロボットが共存し協調して働く社会のプラクティス:まちづくりと一体となったマルチベネフィット型モビリティの社会実装に向けた試み─南栗橋駅前街区「BRIDGE LIFE Platform」構想を例として─

    小野田 弘士

    情報処理   65 ( 5 ) d1 - d10  2024.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    「BRIDGE LIFE Platform構想(BLP構想)」は,南栗橋駅前街区(BLP街区)で進められているプロジェクトである.共通のシャシで複数用途で活用可能なマルチベネフィット型モビリティの開発成果とBLP構想に基づくPoCとして,ヒト追従,遠隔監視,自律走行の検討結果を示す.さらに,BLP街区におけるまちづくりと一体となったサービス開発の試みとして,商業施設からの配送サービスやモビリティシェアリング等に関する準備状況について報告する.


  • Japanese public perceptions on smart bin potential to support PAYT systems

    Chaoxia Shan, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Akihisa Ogawa, Ryota Tsubouchi, Hiroshi Onoda

    Waste Management   177   278 - 288  2024.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    Smart bins can increase transparency and accuracy in monitoring waste characteristics such as weight, volume, and disposal times. This information can aid in enforcing waste reduction policies, including the pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) system. However, the public's response to this technology remains uncertain. Despite Japan's reputation for high waste separation compliance and collection rates, it has one of the world's highest per capita rates of plastic and packaging waste generation. This study surveyed 1000 Japanese individuals regarding their perception of smart bin features and their potential to encourage waste reductions. Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was used to explore the relationships between respondents' social attributes and their responses. The findings indicate a slightly higher responses from younger respondents (above 85 % of those age 10–29 compared to around 75 % of those aged 60 and older) who were in favour of smart bin technology functions such as unscheduled waste pick up and automatized waste separation. On the other hand, there was a strong unwillingness (0.57 count ratio) to reduce plastic waste even if a smart bin assisted PAYT is introduced from those who did not engage in waste separation and cleaning in the first place. Finally, an open-ended question about strategies to reduce plastic waste resulted in a large portion of mindset change ideas (24.8 % of the female respondents) and technology innovations proposals (24 % of male respondents). Although development of a smart-bin prototype is taking place, behavioral change strategies to foster a willingness to reduce waste must take place along with technological interventions.

    DOI PubMed


  • ごみ焼却施設の自動運転レベルの提案

    小野田 弘士

    環境施設 = Journal of water & solid waste management / 「環境施設」編集委員会 編   ( 175 ) 46 - 52  2024.03  [Invited]

  • Financial assessment of groundwater and rainwater treatments for school clean water supply

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Novri Azmi, Darwinsyah, Hiroshi Onoda

    Sustainable Water Resources Management   10 ( 1 )  2024.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The global primary school population has experienced a significant increase, in line with the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal number 4 which strives to ensure inclusive, equitable, and high-quality education, fostering lifelong learning opportunities for all. However, not all schools, especially in developing countries, have access to a sufficient supply of clean water. For example, a 2021 World Bank study found that almost half (47%) of schools in Indonesia have no access to soap and flowing water, which is critical to disease prevention. In this study, we featured a case study of a school in Indonesia that mainly obtains its clean water supply from pumped underground water and treats it with reverse osmosis technology. This study analyzed the potential financial savings from adding combinations of a rainwater harvesting system, an adsorption–filtration system, an ultraviolet radiation disinfection system, and solar photovoltaics to the existing underground water pumping system in a case study school. We utilize local data encompassing factors such as rainfall intensity, facility investment, operation, and maintenance costs in the evaluation of financial performance for each scenario, employing methods such as net present value (NPV), benefit–cost ratio (BCR), and payback period. The findings indicate that the adoption of constructed scenario 1, incorporating an adsorption filtration system and UV disinfection, yields superior financial outcomes in this study. Scenario 1 results in 167,890 IDR NPV over its 12-year lifespan, 1.10 BCR, and a payback period as short as 2 months. The results from this study provide knowledge about the potential financial gains and technological alternatives for other schools in developing countries without access to a centralized clean water or energy supply.



  • 非接触型ごみ収集システムの要素技術の開発と社会実装に向けたシナリオ構築—特集 新型コロナウイルスとごみ収集事業

    小野田 弘士

    都市清掃 = Journal of Japan Waste Management Association   77 ( 377 ) 13 - 20  2024.01

  • Life Cycle Cost of Mobility Electrification with Renewable Energy in an Off-grid Rural Area: The Karya Jadi Village Case in Indonesia

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Alan Dwi Wibowo, Meilinda Fitriani Nur Maghfiroh, Hiroshi Onoda

    AIP Conference Proceedings   2828 ( 1 )  2023.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    Renewable energy (RE) has been used to support electrification in off-grid areas. However, not all RE systems can be sustained for the intended lifetime of the technology. A major technical cause of a premature RE project failure in an off-grid area is the short lifespan of the battery and the economic and access inability of the end-users to make a battery reinvestment. For example, in Karya Jadi Village, South Kalimantan, Indonesia, a government program providing household solar photovoltaics (PV) lasted only 3 years due to battery deterioration. While PVs are still functional, they are limited, as daytime lighting is unnecessary because sunshines occur during the daytime. On the other hand, the affordable electric motorbike industry in Indonesia is currently growing. This study explores the financial saving potential of electric motorbike usage in villages charged by existing PV systems by employing the life cycle cost (LCC) methodology. Transportation is an essential basic need for people living in remote off-grid villages such as Karya Jadi. Furthermore, gasoline sold in such villages is pricier than in the city because it must be transported for a considerable distance and challenging topography. This study calculates the savings from shifting from an internal combustion engine (ICE) motorbike to an electric motorbike in Karya Jadi village in Indonesia.



  • Development and Verification of a Regional Residential Electricity Consumption Estimation Method

    Yanghui Guo, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Koki Matsumoto, Hiroshi Onoda

    Energies   16 ( 23 )  2023.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    In pursuing Japan’s target of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, decarbonization strategies at the regional level have been taking place nationally. Some successes have been achieved in the residential sector in achieving decarbonization at the regional level due to improvements in the advancement of energy-saving technologies. An important prerequisite to achieving further decarbonization in the residential sector is understanding household electricity consumption of power demand objects. This study constructed a method for predicting residential electricity consumption in a case study region. First, we set up six models of household composition for scenario exercises. Then, we used the residential energy estimation based on daily activities (REEDA) method to calculate the hourly electricity consumption of each household composition in the four seasons based on the duration of daily life activity. Finally, we separately explore the impact of housing performance (insulation, airtightness), air-conditioning patterns (intermittent operation method in a habitable room/continuous operation method in a habitable room/continuous operation method in all rooms), and geographical location on residential air conditional electricity consumption. The output is a regional residential energy estimate method that can consider multiple key variables. We verified the developed model by (1) comparing the estimated output with the Japan Energy Database and (2) testing the method for various residential areas in Japan. The results showed an accuracy level greater than 75% and nationwide applicability.



  • Exploring Japan’s older adults mobility challenges and the potential role of autonomous vehicles

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Tifani Husna Siregar, Hiroshi Onoda

    Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice   176   103818 - 103818  2023.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • 資源循環業が目指すべきDXの課題と展望—特集 資源循環業のDX

    小野田 弘士

    Indust = いんだすと : 産廃処理と資源循環の総合専門誌 / 「いんだすと」編集部 編   38 ( 7 ) 2 - 8  2023.07

  • Environmental Impact of Plastic Recycling in Terms of Energy Consumption: A Comparison of Japan’s Mechanical and Chemical Recycling Technologies

    Chaoxia Shan, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Energies   16 ( 5 )  2023.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    In Japan, mechanical plastic recycling has been widely practiced. In recent years, the chemical recycling method has been gaining interest, especially due to its high-quality products similar to virgin materials. Understanding the environmental impact of both methods from the energy consumption standpoint is crucial so that attempts to preserve plastic resources can be based in the most energy-sustainable way. This research aims to determine the environmental impact of mechanical recycling and two types of chemical recycling technologies (coke oven and gasification) by analyzing their energy usage and environmental loads. The results relating to the electricity consumption and water usage show that mechanical recycling results in a 17% share of global warming potential (GWP), coke oven 51%, and gasification 32%. Although mechanical recycling results in a lower GWP, chemical recycling yields highly valuable products and byproducts that can be reused in its processes, such as steam and industrial water, reducing the overall environmental load. These recovered materials are also potentially useful for other industrial processes in an industrial symbiosis ecosystem.



  • Global distribution and readiness status of artificial intelligence application on mobility projects

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Meilinda Fitriani Nur Maghfiroh, Hiroshi Onoda

    Energy Reports   9   720 - 727  2023.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    The mobility sector is experiencing a global transition towards cleaner and more sustainable technologies. Many mobility projects are developing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to improve the operational efficiency of mobility, such as charging system optimization for electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous driving, and traffic controls. This study presents such projects’ global distribution by showing a geographic information system (GIS)-generated map and analyzes the readiness level of those technologies by employing the Japanese Technology Readiness Assessment (J-TRA) methodology. The results show that most projects are located in Europe. Among the analyzed AI uses, the smart parking system and lane tracing assistance technologies have the highest level of readiness. Further training of AI to be fully compatible with the real operating environments and updates of traffic policies are necessary to allow advancement of the technology readiness of the rest of AI mobility technologies types.



  • Demonstration of a contactless waste collection system: A Japanese case study

    Akihisa Ogawa, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Ryota Tsubouchi, Hiroshi Onoda

    IET Smart Cities   5 ( 4 ) 303 - 316  2023  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for social distancing and improved sanitation to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. In the waste management sector, protecting the safety and health of waste collection labourer has become a priority. In Japan, the labour shortage problem and ageing demography have intensified the need for contactless waste collection technology. This study responds to this need by reviewing the global practice of smart waste collection technologies and observing the situation of the Japanese waste collection system through participant observation. Based on the identified trends and status, the authors developed a contactless waste collection system and tested it on an actual working site. The demonstration showed that the system could safely lift a 700 L waste container containing 212 kg of waste to the collection truck without human contact. Labourers can be reduced from 2 to 1 person to operate the collection truck. This study also discovered the smart bin's potential to motivate the reduction of packaging waste consumption.



  • AI and IoT Applications for Carbon-neutral and Circular Economy

    ONODA Hiroshi

    Nihon Enerugii Gakkai Kikanshi Enermix   101 ( 6 ) 669 - 674  2022.11


  • Visual Identification-Based Spark Recognition System

    Tianhao Cheng, Hao Hu, Hitoshi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Onoda

    International Journal of Automation Technology   16 ( 6 ) 766 - 772  2022.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    With the development of artificial intelligence, image recognition has seen wider adoption. Here, a novel paradigm image recognition system is proposed for detection of fires owing to the compression of lithium-ion batteries at recycling facilities. The proposed system uses deep learning method. The SparkEye system is proposed, focusing on the early detection of fires as sparks, and is combined with a sprinkler system, to minimize fire-related losses at affected facilities. Approximately 30,000 images (resolution, 800 × 600 pixels) were used for training the system to >90% detection accuracy. To fulfil the demand for dust control at recycling facilities, air and frame camera protection methods were incorporated into the system. Based on the test data and realistic workplace feedback, the best placements of the SparkEye fire detectors were crushers, conveyors, and garbage pits.



  • Reusing solar panels to improve access to information and communication in an off-grid village: A financial feasibility assessment

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Alan Dwi Wibowo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Energy Reports   8   857 - 865  2022.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    Pursuing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 7, to “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all,” many off-grid villages received solar panels from external supports. However, these communities rarely have the capacity for reinvestment when the battery deteriorates. This study proposes reusing the abandoned solar panels as a power supply for cellphone charging stations and signal boosters. Taking an off-grid agricultural village in Indonesia as a case study, a cost–benefit analysis (CBA), net present value (NPV), and payback time estimation were conducted to determine the financial feasibility of the proposed strategy. The results identified that paired with an existing business, a four months payback time can be achieved under a standard scenario. Moreover, solar panels’ end-of-life poses an environmental burden. A sustainable use that can take full advantage of the technology's lifespan should be considered when donating technologies to the bottom billions.



  • Development of a Traceability System Considering the Interaction Between Waste Dischargers and Collectors—Transporters, With the Example of the Small Collection of Medical Waste—

    YOSHIDOME Daiki, YOKOYAMA Kentaro, CHENG Tianjiao, ISHI Miyaki, ONODA Hiroshi

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   35 ( 5 ) 258 - 266  2022.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    This study focused on infectious wastes discharged from small-scale medical institutions and aimed to establish an IoT system to promote the proper treatment of medical wastes and improve small-scale collection operations’ efficiency. The present study investigated the proper treatment of infectious wastes in medical institutions, the actual discharge situation, collection, and transportation. Furthermore, we conducted on-site interviews and questionnaire surveys with three collection and transportation companies and 260 small medical institutions in I city. As a result, we developed and proposed a traceability system based on the field needs obtained from these surveys. Specifically, we introduced a button-type pickup request system that replaces the telephone pickup request system, as well as a traceability system based on the activity record management system, and an information-sharing system based on the cooperation of multiple collection and transport companies.


  • An Experimental Study for the Construction of an AI-based Image Diagnosis System for Recycled Automobile Parts

    HAO Hu, YANG Wenbo, CHENG Tianhao, ONODA Hiroshi

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   35 ( 5 ) 276 - 281  2022.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    In the production process of end of life vehicles (ELVs), skilled workers inspect the ELVs visually. The dependency on skilled workers is high, causing problems related to ageing, knowledge transfer, and quality variation. In this study, we investigated the possibility of improving the production process of recycled automobile parts by automating a part of the parts inspection process. Specifically, we investigated the possibility of introducing an AI-based image diagnosis system and developed and evaluated a prototype of the system. We conducted a preliminary study at a production plant of recycled automobile parts and found that the time required for the production and inspection process of doors was relatively large among the exterior parts. In addition, we found that “scratches” accounted for a large proportion of the damage to exterior parts. Therefore, we conducted an experimental study to determine the presence or absence of scratches on doors using AI. The results showed that the loss function decreased, and the accuracy of the AI system was about 97% after 100 training sessions. As a result of considering the extension to the damage other than “scratches”, it was suggested that the method could be applied to other damage such as “dents”, “rust”, and “stepping stones” on the premise that the accurate teacher data of 500 to 1,000 pieces are secured. This means the system can cover about 65% of the total damage. On the other hand, one of the challenges for this system’s practical use is establishing a method of collecting accurate supervisory data, and it is expected that the system will be upgraded on the assumption that AI will perform the image diagnosis.


  • Readiness Status of Artificial Intelligence Applications on Electric Vehicles

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Meilinda Fitriani Nur Maghfiroh, Hiroshi Onoda

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry    2022.09



  • 次世代モビリティとまちづくりへのアプローチ

    小野田 弘士

    建設マネジメント技術 = Public works management journal / 建設マネジメント技術編集委員会 編 ; 日本建設情報総合センター 監修   ( 532 ) 79 - 86  2022.09

  • 非接触型ごみ収集システムの要素技術の開発とPoC (Proof of Concept)—特集 DXが切り拓く産廃処理

    小野田 弘士

    Indust = いんだすと : 産廃処理の総合専門誌 / 「いんだすと」編集部 編   37 ( 8 ) 30 - 36  2022.08

  • 進化する廃棄物処理技術 : 非接触化・脱炭素化へのアプローチ—特集 資源循環技術の最前線

    小野田 弘士

    Indust = いんだすと : 産廃処理の総合専門誌 / 「いんだすと」編集部 編   37 ( 5 ) 2 - 7  2022.05

  • Socio-techno-economic assessment to design an appropriate renewable energy system for remote agricultural communities in developing countries

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Alan Dwi Wibowo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Sustainable Production and Consumption   31   492 - 511  2022.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    Access to clean energy for communities living in remote areas where grid extension is considered unfeasible can be provided by off-grid electrification systems using renewable energy (RE). Especially in developing countries, ensuring the appropriateness of such systems is crucial because it will determine the system's sustainability despite its limited resources. This study demonstrates the design process of an appropriate system by assessing the potential of three RE sources: solar, wind, and biomass in an oil palm and rubber-tree plantation village in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. A social assessment is done to avoid sustainability issues of the previously introduced technology intervention by identifying correlations between residents' attributes and satisfaction levels on a selection of social values through multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and nonparametric methods. The techno-economic assessment and sensitivity analysis uses local data processed with the Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) software. Results identified the need for a more appropriate clean energy supply for cooking, the potential role of modern technology, and access to information and communication in income generation, among other needs and opportunities that can be linked with the energy system design. The technical assessment showed that a centralized solar power plant paired with a diesel engine could provide power to the village. However, the cost of electricity (COE) is much higher than the price cap introduced by the national electricity company. This study urges a clear mechanism and a guarantee for the delivery of feed-in-tariffs (FIT) and a price cap exemption for off-grid RE systems. Furthermore, a people-centered public–private partnership business model and a remote capacity-building intervention are also needed. An appropriate energy system design must be supported by an enabling environment and supporting policies to be feasible.



  • 問題解決学習プロセスに対する小中学校教員の意識に関する調査的研究 : 問題解決学習プロセスを重視した環境教育の実施に向けて

    髙瀬 和也, 小野田 弘士, 塩田 真吾

    静岡大学教育実践総合センター紀要   32   169 - 177  2022.03  [Refereed]


  • 脱炭素化に対応したこれからの廃棄物処理システム : 施設整備に求められる視点と対応—特集 脱炭素と焼却処理の活路


    Indust = いんだすと : 産廃処理の総合専門誌 / 「いんだすと」   37 ( 2 ) 2 - 7  2022.02

  • 廃棄物処理・資源循環分野の脱炭素化に向けて必要な視点 (特集 脱炭素化社会実現のための各分野における取り組み)

    小野田 弘士

    都市清掃 = Journal of Japan Waste Management Association   75 ( 365 ) 11 - 15  2022.01


  • Current readiness status of electric vehicles in indonesia: Multistakeholder perceptions

    Meilinda Fitriani Nur Maghfiroh, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   13 ( 23 )  2021.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    As a net oil importer since 2004, Indonesia’s success in developing fuel economy and infrastructure for electric vehicles would be vital to ensuring energy security and decarbonization from the transport sector. Following the Presidential Regulation on the Acceleration Program for battery-based EV for Road Transportation in 2019, the Indonesian government provides incentives for the domestic production of EVs. However, as EV technology is relatively new for the domestic automotive industry in Indonesia, it needs to go through stages of development to achieve full readiness in society. This study analyses the key stakeholders’ perceptions of EV industries using the Japanese technology readiness assessment (J-TRA) to better understand the current readiness level of EVs in Indonesia. Primary data are collected through interviews with an EV start-up company, experts in the EV field, government officials in charge of the national EV projects, and EV end-users. Extensive literature related to success stories of EV adoption in other countries was conducted as the basis for this study. The results showed that key stakeholders agree that EV technology has reached a high readiness level in technology development. Most of the stakeholders voted that the readiness bottleneck is commercialization, safety, and integration parameters. Furthermore, an elaborate policy recommendation gathered from both literature reviews and interviews with related stakeholders is presented.



  • The emerging electric vehicle and battery industry in Indonesia: Actions around the nickel ore export ban and a SWOT analysis

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Alan Dwi Wibowo, Meilinda Fitriani Nur Maghfiroh, Arlavinda Rezqita, Hiroshi Onoda

    Batteries   7 ( 4 )  2021.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    As the automotive industry shifts from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs), many countries are setting new strategies in their transportation sector. The Li-ion battery is currently the most common battery used in EVs due to its high energy density, durability, safety, and cost competitiveness. Nickel is predicted to be an essential component for the lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide (NMC) as a cathode material of choice for EV applications. Indonesia, one of the world’s largest nickel ore suppliers, put an export ban on nickel ore effective from 2020. The bold movement was intended to initiate the domestic EV industry and encourage investors abroad to drive their manufacturing activities into the country. On the other hand, the global Li-ion battery manufacturers who imported nickel from Indonesia had to restrategize their businesses. This review discussed the chronological events leading to the ban and after the ban from the media, government regulations, and literature reviews. The authors of this study also conducted interviews and attended seminars with the national experts and key players in the battery and EV industry to gain their most pertinent insights. The SWOT analysis of the reviewed materials indicated that while the Indonesian battery industry is still new, it needs to diversify its research and development activities and collaborate internationally to optimize the utilization of its resources and meet the purchasing power of the domestic EV market. Finally, this study summarized six key factors to support Indonesia’s ambition to be a new regional hub for EVs. These factors are: (1) pricing, (2) technology, (3) policy, (4) investment, (5) infrastructure, and (6) compliance with sustainability standards.



  • Actual measurement and evaluation of the balance between electricity supply and demand in waste-treatment facilities and development of adjustment methods

    Daiki Yoshidome, Ryo Kikuchi, Yuki Okanoya, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   11 ( 22 )  2021.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    In Japan, breakthroughs to improve the share of renewable energy in the energy mix have become an urgent issue. However, the problem could not be solved by simply adding more power plants for various technical reasons, such as the unsuitability of using renewable energy as baseloads due to its intermittency. Furthermore, establishing the required cooperative systems for regionally distributed power adjustment is also tricky. Based on these backgrounds, this paper constructs an operation plan that minimizes CO2 emissions by correcting the generation and load patterns of the renewable energy of solar power, utilizing power generation from waste as a substitute for baseload power, and estimating the power demand of each facility. The result shows that by adjusting the operation plans, the model can reduce CO2 emission by 20.95 and 8.30% in weeks with high and low solar power generation surpluses, respectively. Furthermore, these results show that it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions in regions that have power sources with low CO2 emission coefficients by forecasting the amount of power generation and power load in the region and appropriately planning the operation in advance.



  • Environmental and economic evaluation of mechanical biological treatment system for municipal waste considering the political framework in ichihara city

    Akihisa Ogawa, Shimpei Ono, Hiroshi Onoda

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)   11 ( 21 )  2021.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    Japan’s declining population has caused changes in the amount and characteristics of municipal waste. In order to optimize waste incineration plants as a countermeasure to this problem, we analyzed the performance of the integration of the plants with the Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) system. In the integrated system, food waste and sewage sludge from waste incineration plants, sewage treatment plants, and industrial facilities were mixed and fermented to produce methane gas. In this study, we evaluated the environmental and economic performance of the integrated system in four case scenarios. The integrated system is located in Ichihara City in Chiba Pre-fecture, where the Keiyo Coastal Industrial Zone is located and where petroleum and chemical industries are concentrated. The MBT system in which the heat generated from the incineration of waste was transferred to the Keiyo Coastal Industrial Zone was found to be the best. This method could reduce CO2 emissions by 1341 t-CO2/Y, and the annual cost was the lowest at 1.60 billion yen/Y. However, the results of the sensitivity analysis of the food waste ratio and the piping distance suggested that it may be impossible to obtain appropriate evaluation results without considering the regional characteristics.



  • Measuring the Readiness of Plastic Packaging and Containers Recycling Technologies in Japan with J-TRA Methodology

    Chaoxia Shan, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   32 ( IB-2 )  2021.10


  • Issues and Potentials of Local PPS in Realizing a Japanese Version of Stadtwerke

    Shuheng Zhao, Hiroshi Onoda

    Journal of Clean Energy Technologies   9 ( 1 ) 12 - 23  2021.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    This paper presented an overview of local power producers and suppliers (local PPS) that were established in Japan since the general liberalization of the retail electricity market, with particular focus on the current situation and issues of the local PPSs in terms of their operations and their renewable energy-related efforts. Further, this paper analyzed relevant cases in Ishikari city in Hokkaido, Karatsu city in Saga prefecture, and Sakura city in Chiba prefecture, to discuss and inform future efforts towards realizing a Japanese version of Stadtwerke.


  • 廃棄物処理システムの中長期的な展望 : 脱炭素社会とデジタル化への対応を中心として

    小野田 弘士

    都市清掃 = Journal of Japan Waste Management Association   ( 69 ) 12 - 17  2021


  • Feasibility and Effectiveness Analysis of ICT for Reverse Supply Chain Management

    Journal of Japan Waste Management Association   32 ( 2 ) 112 - 121  2021


  • Prospects for Contactless and Automatic Waste Collection

    Hiroshi ONODA

    Journal of Japan Waste Management Association   32 ( 2 ) 155 - 162  2021


  • Development of Information Visualization System for the Teshima Waste Treatment Project- Construction of the Regional Information Platform to Promote Consensus Building-

    NAKANO Kentaro, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi

    Journal of International Association of P2M   15 ( 2 ) 136 - 154  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    The Teshima Waste Disposal Project is a project to detoxify and recycle the wastes of the Teshima Incident, in which about 900,000 tons of industrial wastes including contaminated soil were illegally dumped in the western part of Teshima, Tonosho-cho, Kagawa Prefecture. Since the settlement of the pollution arbitration in 2000, the project was started with the idea of ”Co-creation” in which the local government and residents are involved as the main actors. In the progress of the project, we have built the local information platform to support the co-creation of residents and the local government by monitoring and sharing the progress of the project through visualization of quantitative data by 3D modeling. In this study, we introduce the specif-ic development specifications of the information visualization system as an example of the implementation of each function in the platform theory, with the aim of providing more practical support for the Teshima project.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation and Improvement Proposals for a Business Facility Solar and Ground-Heat Hybrid Heat Supply System

    Daiki Yoshidome, Ryo Kikuchi, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management     557 - 573  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    © 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. In this study, we proposed improvements based on actual measured data of a hybrid heat supply system that uses solar heat and ground heat as the heat sources of a restaurants complex in Honjo city, Saitama, Japan. Our evaluation from the actual monitoring measurements showed that the solar heat collection efficiency was 50–60%. The geothermal Heat Pump’s Coefficient of Performance decreased significantly in the summer. We propose to set the heat insulation and burial depth of the piping from the ground heat collection to the heat pump and recommends five units of 5 units of solar heat collectors as the most ideal scenario.



  • Efforts to reduce co<inf>2</inf> Emissions in the Japanese Automobile Recycling Industry

    Sosho Kitajima, Hiroshi Onoda

    Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management     163 - 174  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    © 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. A CO2 reduction program “Green Point Club”, researched and developed by Waseda University and Japan Automobile Parts Recyclers Association (JAPRA), was announced in 2007 as a groundbreaking effort that has been developed to add a new “Environmental Contribution Index” to recycling parts. With the momentum of CO2 reduction such as abnormal temperature increasing, we promoted the use of recycled parts of vehicles will help to reduce the CO2 reduction effect. In this study, we summarize the CO2 reduction figures from using recycled parts in the past 10 years in Japan and verified it. We would like to the spread the method such as cooperation with the administration, information exchange with foreign countries, point return etc. and aim at further usage expansion.



  • The Readiness Levels of Japan Supported Biomass Energy Conversion Technology Development Projects in Emerging Southeast Asia: Verification of the J-TRA Results

    Issui Ihara, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management     541 - 555  2021  [Refereed]

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    © 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. We compared the readiness levels of Japan supported biomass energy conversion technology development projects in emerging Southeast Asia measured with two different methodologies; (1) levels as stated by the project fund provider, and (2) Technology Readiness Assessment (J-TRA) method. Results show that while the first method could tell the general idea about a technology development progress, the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of J-TRA is better at indicating the project bottlenecks.



  • Study on an Energy Demand Estimation and Energy System Independence in Off-Grid Areas

    ZHAO Shuheng, PANDYASWARGO Andante Hadi, ONODA Hiroshi

    Papers on Environmental Information Science   ceis34   317 - 322  2020.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    In this paper, we attempt to calculate an estimate of the energy system demand in Thae Kone village, located in an off-grid area in Myanmar. Based on the results of the calculation, we introduce a renewable energy plan that is appropriately tailored to local needs. Furthermore, through a literature review on decentralized energy systems, the paper discusses their self-dependence from social acceptance and the perspective of clarifying their roles as operating entities. We conclude that a project model that is community-driven and closely partnered with private enterprises shows great potential as a vision for independent and decentralized energy systems in the future.

    DOI CiNii

  • Feasibility Study of Cooperation between Waste Incineration Plants and Sewage Treatment Plants: Questionnaire Survey for Local Governments and GIS Visualization

    OGAWA Akihisa, ONODA Hiroshi

    Papers on Environmental Information Science   ceis34   305 - 310  2020.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    Although cooperation between waste incineration and sewage treatment facilities is an effective approach to improve the efficiency of waste treatment, there are few examples of cooperation between the two facilities. We conducted a questionnaire survey of local governments to understand the issues for cooperation between the two facilities. We confirmed that information exchange between waste and wastewater departments is infrequent, and it is essential to create an environment where the information they can easily obtain from each other. We visualized information on the processing scale of the two facilities using GIS and extracted the conditions under which we judged the possibility of collaboration to be high.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of Energy Consumption in Highly Airtight and Insulated Homes and Heat Balance Simulation: Evaluation of the Effect of Construction Techniques and Insulation Construction Accuracy on the Thermal Performance of Detached Houses

    YOSHIDOME Daiki, ISHII Yasuhiko, ONODA Hiroshi

    Papers on Environmental Information Science   ceis34   252 - 257  2020.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    Energy conservation standards for detached houses in Japan are evaluated only based on skin performance and primary energy consumption at the time of design. So the effects of construction technology and the accuracy of adiabatic work have not yet been clarified. In this study, we quantitatively evaluate the effects of construction technology and accuracy of adiabatic construction by evaluating actual measurements of temperature and humidity and HEMS data from a model house and analyzing the heat balance simulation of a standard house model. The results show that the current standard and top-runner homes are heavily influenced by the construction technique and accuracy of adiabatic construction with more than 60% of the heat loss occurring during the defrost season.

    DOI CiNii

  • Estimating the energy demand and growth in off-grid villages: Case studies from Myanmar, Indonesia, and Laos

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Mengyi Ruan, Eiei Htwe, Motoshi Hiratsuka, Alan Dwi Wibowo, Yuji Nagai, Hiroshi Onoda

    Energies   13 ( 20 )  2020.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    © 2020 by the authors. Under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world has pledged to "leaving no one behind". Responding to goal No. 7 on the agenda, efforts to provide modern energy to all the world population must be pushed forward. This is important because electrification in the rural area can indirectly support opportunities for social and economic development resulting in an acceleration of the eradication of poverty. The research goal of this study is to contribute insights about the scale of energy demand in unelectrified villages in the Southeast Asian countries and to discuss some factors that might influence the energy demand growth. This is done by making projections based on surveys and interviews, including a time-use survey, in three off-grid villages located in Myanmar, Indonesia, and Laos. Our analysis presented the living condition, highlight the types of energy sources, how, and in what rhythms people use energy on a daily basis in those villages. The demands in each case study villages were then projected based on several constructed scenarios. It was found that the factors of household size, proximity to the city, climate, and topography may influence the present and future growth of energy demands in the villages. The estimated energy demand may be useful for project managers to design a pilot off-grid energy system project in a similar environment and pointed out important factors to consider when formulating off-grid energy policies in the region.



  • Comparison of torrefaction and hydrothermal treatment as pretreatment technologies for rice husks

    Tianjiao Cheng, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Energies   13 ( 19 )  2020.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    © 2020 by the authors Many agricultural waste residues are generated in Southeast Asia while some areas in the region still do not have electricity. This study explores the potential effective utilization of agricultural residues in Southeast Asia to generate power. Firstly, visualization of the potential for energy generation was completed using a geographic information system (GIS). Secondly, a comparison of effectiveness was completed between the torrefaction and hydrothermal treatment of low-grade agricultural residues as pretreatment techniques for the modification of agricultural residues. In this study, the feasibility of utilizing rice residues was analyzed (i.e., rice husks, which are produced in large quantities in Southeast Asia) to determine their suitability for pretreatment as feedstock for power plants. This was assessed experimentally by focusing on the pyrolytic characteristics of the husks and the rate of ash change both before and after treatment, while the subsequent implications on transportation costs were also noted. The results indicated that the percentage of ash in torrefied rice husks was 26.7%, whereas the percentages of ash in rice husks that were treated with water or an NaOH solution were 13.96% and 8.87%, respectively. The reduction in transportation costs after compression was 90.8% for hydrothermal treatment and 88.7% for torrefaction.



  • An analysis of the current status of woody biomass gasification power generation in japan

    Yasutsugu Baba, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda

    Energies   13 ( 18 )  2020.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Forests cover two-thirds of Japan’s land area, and woody biomass is attracting attention as one of the most promising renewable energy sources in the country. The Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Act came into effect in 2012, and since then, woody biomass power generation has spread rapidly. Gasification power generation, which can generate electricity on a relatively small scale, has attracted a lot of attention. However, the technical issues of this technology remain poorly defined. This paper aims to clarify the problems of woody biomass gasification power generation in Japan, specifically on the challenges of improving energy utilization rate, the problem of controlling the moisture content, and the different performance of power generation facilities that uses different tree species. We also describe the technological development of a 2 MW updraft reactor for gasification and bio-oil coproduction to improve the energy utilization rate. The lower heating value of bio-oil, which was obtained in the experiment, was found to be about 70% of A-fuel oil. Among the results, the importance of controlling the moisture content of wood chips is identified from the measurement evaluation of a 0.36 MW-scale downdraft gasifier’s actual operation. We discuss the effects of tree species variation and ash on gasification power generation based on the results of pyrolysis analysis, industry analysis for each tree species. These results indicate the necessity of building a system specifically suited to Japan’s climate and forestry industry to allow woody biomass gasification power generation to become widespread in Japan.



  • Smart approaches to waste management for post-COVID-19 smart cities in Japan

    Hiroshi Onoda

    IET Smart Cities   Volume 2 ( Issue 2 ) 89 - 94  2020.06  [Refereed]

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    The COVID-19 crisis has had a great impact on Japanese society. The author is rapidly going online and trying to make the transition to a new way of life. This study discusses the topics before and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Then, smart approaches to waste management for post-COVID-19 smart cities in Japan are described by illustrating the results of the author's research group. Specifically, the author states that virtual reality can be an effective solution for remote education. The work chain management system contributes to the promotion of cashless in addition to the traceability of waste. The multi-benefits mobility system that supports self-driving will contribute to the automatic garbage collection by linking it to smart garbage bins. Besides, remote control of waste incineration facilities and robotic arms in waste treatment and recycling facilities will take on more importance. The author believes that the COVID-19 crisis could be an opportunity to accelerate smart city initiatives in Japan.



  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Japan’s Climate Change Mitigation and Clean Technology Development Policies

    I Ihara, R Zhao, A H Pandyaswargo, H Onoda

    Indonesian Journal of Computing, Engineering and Design   Vol 2 ( No 1 ) 1 - 12  2020.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Implementation and Analysis of Multi-Generation Co-Creation Project Management in Fukushima Reconstruction.

    NAKANO Kentaro, LEE Kwangho, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, MATSUOKA Shunji

    Journal of International Association of P2M   15 ( 1 ) 101 - 117  2020  [Refereed]

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    Nine years have passed since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, but it is still difficult for residents to return to their homes in some municipalities. In addition, it takes 30 to 40 years to deal with the accident, which requires long-term efforts and decision-making across generations. In order to construct such a project for the reconstruction of Fukushima, co-creation project management by multigenerational and diverse actors is necessary. In this research, we analyze project continuity from the viewpoint of P2M, with the aim of realizing social innovation, which is a long-term strategy, through initiatives such as Future Sessions at the Fukushima Study Group.

    DOI CiNii

  • Environmental and economic evaluation of a mechanical biological treatment system for a small and medium-sized waste treatment facility considering the karatsu smart disaster-resilience base construction project

    Akihisa Ogawa, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Daiki Yoshidome, Hiroshi Onoda

    International Journal of Automation Technology   14 ( 6 ) 984 - 998  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    © 2020, Fuji Technology Press. All rights reserved. We evaluated the feasibility of waste-generated heat using a 100-kW digestion gas engine at the Karatsu City Water Purification Center by evaluating its disaster resilience through four indicators. We achieved the best outcome, i.e., a power generation rate of 1,122 kW and a power self-sufficiency rate of 22% when two or more digestion gas engines were installed to supply waste-generated heat to the absorption chiller/heater of a water-pool. Additionally, we evaluated the environmental and economic aspects of a Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) system installed in Karatsu City. The results suggested that by installing an MBT system, the annual cost could be reduced by ∼100 million Yen and the power generation capacity could be increased to 4,310 kW; this could also help reduce 19,000 tons of annual CO2 emissions with increased power generation. The environmental and economic feasibility assessment tool developed here is configurable; hence, applicable to other regions.



  • Japan-supported biomass energy projects technology readiness and distribution in the emerging Southeast Asian countries: Exercising the J-Tra methodology and GIS

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Da Pang, Issui Ihara, Hiroshi Onoda

    International Journal of Environmental Science and Development   11 ( 1 ) 1 - 8  2020  [Refereed]

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    Copyright © 2020 by the authors. Biomass is a promising energy resource for the Southeast Asian countries. There are currently many biomass related technology development projects taking place in the emerging countries of the region (Thailand, Indonesia, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos). In this paper, we investigate the critical characteristics of Japan-supported biomass energy technology development projects in those countries, specifically on; technology type, biomass feedstock type, the technology's readiness, and the geographical location. Information about the projects was collected from major Japanese organizations and Japanese private companies' websites. The results highlight the trends and direction of biomass energy conversion technology development in the region. Among them are the following: 1) Biorefinery is the most popular technology used in the development projects mainly in Thailand, 2) Boiler, Turbine, Generator (BTG) projects exist in all countries discussed in this study, 3) Agricultural residue from rice plantation and Oil Palm are the two most popular type of feedstocks used in the projects, 4) Most of the projects’ are still in “feasibility study” and “pilot demonstration” readiness levels.



  • 廃棄物・リサイクル分野の政策動向と事業者に求められる役割


    タクマ技報   27 ( 2 ) 73 - 80  2019.12  [Invited]

  • ごみ処理システムにおけるAI・IoTの導入可能性


    環境浄化技術 2019年11・12月号   Vol.18 ( No.6 ) 1 - 6  2019.11  [Invited]

  • Challenges and an implementation framework for sustainable municipal organic waste management using biogas technology in Emerging Asian Countries

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Premakumara Jagath Dickella Gamaralalage, Chen Liu, Michael Knaus, Hiroshi Onoda, Faezeh Mahichi, Yanghui Guo

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   11 ( 22 )  2019.11  [Refereed]

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    © 2019 by the authors. Due to its ability to recover both material and energy from organic waste, biogas technology is considered one of the best technology for treating organic waste. While in many emerging Asian countries more than 50% of municipal waste is organic waste, the amount of organic waste treated with biogas technology remains very limited. This study identified key challenges faced by practitioners in sustaining biogas plants from literature and interviewed a number of sustainably operating biogas plant managers and, based on the findings, developed an implementation framework to help decision makers and practitioners in planning a sustainable municipal organic waste biogas plant facility.



  • Environmental and Economic Evaluation of the Teshima Waste Disposal Project

    Kentaro NAKANO, Yuji NAGAI, Hiroshi ONODA, Katsuya NAGATA

    Papers on environmental information science   Vol.33   235 - 240  2019.11  [Refereed]


  • VRを活用した安全教育コンテンツ・リスクコミュニケーションへの活用


    研究開発リーダー   16 ( 7 ) 19 - 24  2019.10  [Invited]

  • インタビュー企画 環境・エネルギー分野の動向から次の一手を考える : 早稲田大学大学院環境・エネルギー研究科教授 小野田弘士氏に聞く


    環境施設 = Journal of water & solid waste management   157   2 - 8  2019.09  [Invited]

  • 廃棄物エネルギーの利活用に向けたアプローチ


    都市清掃   72 ( 350 ) 316 - 321  2019.07  [Invited]

  • Case Analysis of Relationship Construction Between Residents and Local Government by P2M Method.:-The Subject of Teshima Case-

    NAKANO Kentaro, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Journal of International Association of P2M   14 ( 1 ) 35 - 50  2019  [Refereed]

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    The Teshima case, one of the most important illegal industrial dumping incident in Japan, and the Teshima waste disposal project that restore environment by removing and detoxifying harmful substances, achieve establishing relationships between residents and local government with the keyword "co-creation". In this research, we set the holistic mission of the program to solve the Teshima case, verify the effectiveness of relationship management and platform management that were behind the Teshima case and the Teshima waste disposal project. In addition, we propose a method to support the co-creation platform required for the next project cycle by strengthening the value base of information system using ICT and virtual reality (VR).

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of a Municipal Waste Management System from Environmental and Economic Evaluation Perspectives: A Best Available System Methodology


    Technologies and Eco-innovation towards Sustainability II     81 - 97  2019  [Refereed]


  • Current Status and Issues of Efforts to Improve the Quality of Automobile Recycling System

    Hiroshi ONODA

    Nihon Enerugii Gakkai Kikanshi Enermix   98 ( 1 ) 78 - 82  2019.01  [Invited]


  • LCCO<inf>2</inf> of coal co-firing with imported torrefied woody biomass in Japan

    Kenta Omura, Pandyaswargo Andante Hadi, Onoda Hiroshi

    E3S Web of Conferences   74 ( 03001 ) 1 - 8  2018.12  [Refereed]

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    © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018. In response to Japan's increase on coal dependence, co-firing of woody biomass in a coal power plant has been considered as the most feasible sustainable alternative. We propose torrefaction as an effective method to improve the quality of biomass fuel. To measure how much CO2 can be avoided by utilizing torrefied fuel, Life Cycle CO2 (LCCO2) of woody biomass co-firing in the Japanese coal power plant was conducted in this study. As a comparative analysis in the LCCO2, scenarios constructed included the use of woody biomass in the form of chip, pellet, and torrefied fuel. Due to the unavailability of large quantity domestic feedstocks in Japan, Indonesia was chosen as the origin of the imported woody biomass in the simulated scenarios. The results showed that significant CO2 reduction could be achieved especially in the co-firing that includes torrefied fuel. In the case where 30cal% of torrefied fuel or 5cal% of pellets were used for co-firing in a 50 MW capacity coal power plant, 95,000 t of CO2 could be avoided annually compared to using 100% coal.



  • Information Technology Utilization for Platform Construction in the Waste Disposal Treatment and Recycle Field

    土井 麻記子, 中石 一弘, 小野田 弘士

    MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT RESEARCH   29 ( 3 ) 209 - 213  2018.05  [Invited]


  • 廃棄物・リサイクル分野におけるIoT活用の可能性~低炭素化に向けた取り組みを中心として~


    INDUST   33 ( 5 ) 13 - 19  2018.05  [Invited]

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  • Technology Development Approach in the Environmental and Energy Fields from the Viewpoint of Policy Trend towards Low-carbon and Sustainable Society

    Hiroshi ONODA

    Proceedings of The 31st National Congress for Environment Studies     65 - 68  2018.05  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    Various efforts are being promoted towards building low-carbon society and sustainable society. In the environment and energy fields, it is important to realize not only technology and system development but also construction of social systems based on institutional design etc.. However, it can not be said that a methodology for forming a new social system is established. In this report, problems are presented on the deficient viewpoint, using resource recycling system, municipal waste disposal system, distributed energy system etc. as concrete examples. Looking to 2030 and 2050, the importance of technological development considering social acceptance is shown.

  • The Possibility of Smart Community and Hydrogen Energy

    Hiroshi Onoda

    The Journal of Fuel Cell Technology   17 ( 4 ) 10 - 14  2018.04  [Invited]

  • 廃棄物・リサイクル分野におけるIoT活用の可能性~安全・安心への対応策を中心として~


    電気ガラス   ( 58 ) 9 - 12  2018.04  [Invited]

  • 官民連携・産業間連携による食品系廃棄物のバイオガス化実証事業

    Hiroshi ONODA

    JOURNAL OF SEWERAGE, MONTHLY   41 ( 5 ) 19 - 25  2018.03  [Invited]

  • モビリティシステムの社会受容性

    Hiroshi ONODA

    高速道路と自動車   61 ( 2 ) 13 - 13  2018.02  [Invited]

  • コミュニケーションロボットを活用した教育方法の体系的整理と学習効果の検討-Giver型とReceiver型の比較を通して-

    小林 渓太, 寺本 洋次郎, 塩田 真吾, 小野田 弘士

    コンピュータ&エデュケーション   44   79 - 84  2018  [Refereed]


  • コミュニケーションロボットを活用した児童の自尊感情向上の研究-弱いロボットの中長期的な相互作用による検証-

    小林 渓太, 寺本 洋次郎, 塩田 真吾, 和田 翔太, 小野田 弘士

    コンピュータ&エデュケーション   43   49 - 54  2017  [Refereed]


  • Development of safety system for accidents in waste management and recycling facilities

    Taichi Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Proceedings of EcoDesign 2015 International Symposium   26   89 - 89  2015.12

    Authorship:Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on the approach to the Smart Community -Through renewable energy projects in Saitama Prefecture-

    Hiroshi ONODA

    Ecodesign2015    2015.12  [Invited]

  • スマートコミュニティの形成へ求められる視点

    小野田 弘士

    環境管理 = Environmental management   51 ( 4 ) 51 - 56  2015.04  [Invited]


  • The evaluation of radiant conditioners

    Takafumi Yamamoto, Keisuke Nemoto, Kou Shimizu, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Refrigeration Science and Technology     4151 - 4157  2015  [Refereed]

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    In this study, the measured evaluation of radiant conditioners that are considered conducive to the improvement of comfort and energy savings in civilian facilities is done. More specifically, in the mediumsmall space such as a home or small office and large-scale space such as a gymnasium, the evaluation in terms of comfort on the basis of PMV is calculated. In addition, by using fuel consumption, power consumption and the initial cost of each facility, we have performed energy-saving and economic effect. The results indicate quantitatively the effectiveness of the radiant during cooling operation of the large space as well as small and medium-sized space.



  • Study on energy saving simulation for a football stadium

    Keita Awaji, Keisuke Nemoto, Sousuke Imada, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Refrigeration Science and Technology     5092 - 5097  2015  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study is to develop the general-purpose assessment method for energy system which covers from demand sides to supply sides in consumer and business facilities. In this report, the energy saving simulation is shown for football stadium that has a characteristic energy consumption change compared with other facilities. The energy consumption problem from simulation is shown by getting thermal load daily data and event schedule for a year. From this, the high-cost operation of heat source equipment has become cleared as one of the typical problems. Then the methods for energy saving and economic efficiency by equipment replacement and changing heat source are shown using simulation and the best-available heat source formation is proposed.



  • 飲料用自動販売機の最適配置・運用高度化支援手法の開発と実証


    冷凍2014年11月号   89   37 - 42  2014.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • インフラ設備を活用した未利用バイオマスの有効利用システムのLCA

    大村健太, 小野田弘士, 清水康

    再生と利用   38 ( 144 ) 6 - 9  2014.07  [Refereed]


  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクル施設における安全・安心


    ペトロテック   37 ( 6 ) 32 - 38  2014.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • A Study on the Provision of Information on toward Energy-Saving Lifestyle

    IHARA Katsumasa, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    RESOURCES PROCESSING   61 ( 1 ) 54 - 61  2014  [Refereed]

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    This study is aimed to find out the most effective way of the information provision which makes more people to take actions for energy saving. The author examined the result of "Home-eco diagnosis" by analyzing the data collected by a questionnaire, and discuss the method for providing effectively the appropriate energy-saving information.

    DOI CiNii

  • Environmental and social impacts of Jatropha-based biodiesel: A case study in Thailand

    Pornpimon Boonkum, Makoto Nohtomi, Jitti Mungkalasiri, Wanwisa Thanangkano, Katsuya Nagata, Hiroshi Onoda

    Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development, ICUE 2014    2014  [Refereed]

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    Thailand, with its abundant agricultural resources, is a well positioned to deploy biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. To enhance the self-dependence on the energy and economy in rural areas, the government has implemented the 'Alternative Energy Development Plan: AEDP 2012-2021', aiming to increase the amount of alternative and renewable energy utilization. To ensure the sustainability of the biodiesel production not only research on high efficient production technology improvement is need, but also studies on the impacts from promoting the non-food feedstock such as Jatropha. This study aims to evaluate environmental and social impacts of Jatropha-based biodiesel production by using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) concept. The scope of this study is defined as 'cradle-to-gate' which includesJatropha cultivation, harvesting, oil extraction and biodiesel production. Inventory data used in this study was developed byan on-site interview and consultation with Jatropha farmers and experts throughout the three provinces in the northern part of Thailand. The environmental impacts were analyzed by the modified LCA methodology called Environmental Load Point (ELP), formulated by the Nagata Laboratory of Waseda University. The weighting factor used in ELP developed by taking Thailand as a case study. The assessment of social impacts of Jatropha biodiesel systems referred to criteria indicated in the Global Bioenergy Partnership Sustainability Indicator for Bioenergy. The results show the environmental impacts of the Jatropha biodiesel production from a localized environmental viewpoint. The social impacts are focused on results of the change in income and job creation in the local community due to the establishment of biodiesel production system. These can be useful for the policy maker to promote the advantages of non-food biodiesel and enhance the cultivation areas and production plant to the rural in further. © 2014 Asian Institute of Technology.

  • Approach for Smart Community

    小野田 弘士

    土木技術   68 ( 5 ) 10 - 15  2013.05  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • 環境配慮設計とLCAの基礎理解


    World Eco Scope(WEB公開)    2013.05  [Invited]

  • Construction of Next-generation Mobility System by "Local Production for Local Utilization"

    ONODA Hiroshi

      67巻 ( 3号 ) 38 - 43  2013.03  [Invited]


  • Environmental Impact Assessment for Various Feed Processes of Shochu Distillery By-product

    Koh Shimizu, Kenta Omura, Yukio Kitamura, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Resources Processing   60 ( 2 ) 72 - 77  2013  [Refereed]

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    This paper aims at evaluating the efficacy of LFS (Liquid Feeding System) which feeds shochu distillery byproduct as liquid feed in a pig farm from a perspective of CO2 emission. Specifically, by obtaining the survey data in the business (brewing manufacturer, pig farm) which adopted LFS in Kagoshima Prefecture, the comparison with the other processes such as the formation of dried feed mainly used in the feed-producing technique, was performed. As a result, it was found that the CO2 emission per pig was reduced 3% as compared with the case where the usual formula feed was used, and the CO2 emission per pig was reduced 18% as compared with the case where the same amount of shochu distillery by-product was made into dried feed. Furthermore, while confirmed that it has an economic advantage over the other processes of feed formation, it was objectively shown that this is a mechanism which is beneficial to both brewing manufacturers and pig farms. © 2013, The Resources Processing Society of Japan. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii


  • Development of 3D modeling method of teshima project by GIS

    Souhei Izuka, Ryo Tsukiyama, Yuki Enai, Yuji Nagai, Takuya Kirikawa, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   79 ( 801 ) 781 - 785  2013  [Refereed]

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    This report shows the development of 3D modeling method of Teshima waste disposal project using GPS. Teshima waste disposal project has been conducted since 2003 as a solution of the illegal industrial waste dumping occurred in Teshima-island, Kagawa Prefecture. To prevent illegal dumping and to accumulate data of this project, we measured the disposal area 4 times a year and made the 3D model of the area. We call this system a "Co-creation system". By comparing the 3D model change in time course, we can show stakeholders how the project has advanced. And by measuring the area changed between the two 3D models, we can calculate the amount of disposed garbage. With this system we promoted information sharing between stakeholders. © 2013 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

    DOI CiNii


  • advancement of the environmental contribution point system aiming at the promotion of practical use of automobile recycling parts

    Utsugi Hayato, Hiramatsu Nobuhito, Kuroiwa Sho, Nakazima Takahumi, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23   221 - 221  2012

    DOI CiNii

  • Energy recovery potential and life cycle impact assessment of municipal solid waste management technologies in Asian countries using ELP model

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering   3 ( 1 ) 1 - 11  2012  [Refereed]

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    Natural resource scarcity and the effects of environmental destruction have pushed societies to use and reuse resources more efficiently. Waste should no longer be seen as a burden but rather as another source of material such as energy fuel. This study analyzes the potential of three waste management scenarios that include the combination of four waste management technologies - incineration with energy recovery, composting, anaerobic digestion, and sanitary landfill gas collection - as ways to recover energy and material from municipal solid waste. The study applies the environmental load point (ELP) method and utilizes municipal waste characteristics and composition from India, Indonesia, and China as case studies. The ELP methodology employs integrated weighting in the quantification process to get a one-unit result. This study particularly uses analytic hierarchical process questionnaires to get the weighting value of the nine impact categories: energy depletion, global warming, ozone depletion, resource consumption, ecosystem influence, water pollution, waste disposal, air pollution, and acid rain. The results show that the scenario which includes composting organic waste and sanitary landfill with gas collection for energy recovery has medium environmental impact and the highest practicability. The optimum material and energy potential is from the Chinese case study in which 254 tonnes of compost fertilizer and 60 MWh of electricity is the estimated output for every 1,000 tonnes of waste treated. © 2012 Pandyaswargo et al.; licensee Springer.



  • LCA of the advanced stoker-type incineration system and sewage gas generation system

    Koh Shimizu, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata, Kenta Omura, Yasuo Suzuki, Yasuhiko Kihara, Kazuyoshi Honobe

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   78 ( 789 ) 1017 - 1020  2012  [Refereed]

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    This report shows the results of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of the advanced stoker-type incineration system and sewage gas generation system. Both of them show the reduction of ELP (Environmental Load Point) and C0 2 emissions calculated by LCA. The case study is done to realize the effect of the establishment of the incineration plant attached to the sewage plant. By exchanging heat and fuel the attached system shows the good effect of CO 2 reduction compared with the non-attached case. Then the effectiveness of the cooperation of the some plants for constructing high-quality waste management system is shown. © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • Systematization of home appliances and ICT devices by environmental load assessment and policy for environmental load-reducing

    Takafumi Nakajima, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   78 ( 789 ) 1078 - 1082  2012  [Refereed]

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    The aim of our study is to propose manufacturers and users should be building a sustainable society through quantification of the design for environment, DfE For a background problem of global warming and depletion of natural resources, it is required to reduce the environmental loads of the products and services life cycle. In recent years, the way of using products and services have been changed according to the development of ICT. For example, we can buy products on the internet without going to the store. Since a smaller personal computer is carried around all the time, the environmental load assessment for not only "a product" but also "a product with others" and "a product system" are needed. On this study, the environmental loads of "paper meeting" and "paperless meeting" using ICT as an example of product system are compared. © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • 森林資源のエネルギー利用の可能性


    山林   1531  2011.12  [Invited]

  • Integrated LCA for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Country

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Proceedings of EcoDesign 2011 International Symposium    2011.11  [Invited]

  • A study on the development of the evaluation method of supplier’s contributions to the Green IT

    Takafumi NAKAJIMA, Hiroshi ONODA, Katsuya NAGATA

    Proceedings of EcoDesign 2011 International Symposium    2011.11  [Invited]

  • Development of provision of environmental information system on the method of E2-PA:Take an automotive recycle-parts as an example.

    Takafumi NAKAJIMA, Hiroshi ONODA, Katsuya NAGATA

    Proceedings of EcoDesign 2011 International Symposium    2011.11  [Invited]

  • スマートシティの実現可能性

    小野田 弘士

    公明   ( 70 ) 36 - 41  2011.10  [Invited]


  • マネジメント事例 コープおおいた (特集 店舗における省エネルギー)

    小野田 弘士

    IBEC   32 ( 3 ) 48 - 52  2011.09  [Invited]


  • 地方自治体の温室効果ガス削減施策の動向と企業の対応


    高圧ガス   48 ( 5 ) 296 - 299  2011.05  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • コープおおいた~点集合型エネルギーマネジメント~


    IBEC   186  2011.04  [Invited]

  • 研究・技術最前線 スマートソサエティの実現に向けた技術開発と都市開発プロジェクトへの展開可能性

    小野田 弘士

    都市環境エネルギー   ( 98 ) 14 - 17  2011  [Invited]


  • Life cycle assessment of MSW melting process based on real operation data

    Journal of Japan Waste Management Association   64 ( 299 ) 83 - 89  2011.01  [Refereed]


  • Waste Gas Emission Analysis of China in 2007

    Jing Liu, Katsuya Nagata, Hiroshi Onoda

    BIOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND CHEMISTRY     195 - 199  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The objective of this paper is to examine the waste gas emission of China in 2007. With input-output model, the total waste gas emission composed of the direct emission from the sector itself and indirect emission from the intermediate produced by other sectors was counted. A series of indicators, including direct and total waste gas emission intensity, waste gas emission multiplier and total waste gas discharge percentage of each sector were also studied. The results show Production and Distribution of Electric Power and Heat Power discharged most direct waste gas, while Household, Service and others discharging most indirect waste gas. As to the waste gas emission multiplier, Household, Service and others exert the largest influence to the whole system.

  • The Current Status and Promotion of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility

    Mei Sun, Katsuya Nagata, Hiroshi Onoda

    BIOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND CHEMISTRY     401 - 405  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper explains the necessity of implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility by the octopus theory in the viewpoint of philosophy. Up to now, there are many definitions of corporate social responsibility. This paper analyzes and clarifies these definitions. In addition, many standards and guidelines about the Corporate Social Responsibility exist in the world. According to their content, author sorts these standards and guidelines so that they are well-known and easily adopted by enterprises. The corporations need to pay many social responsibilities for running better. But some of social responsibilities are primary and some are secondary. Therefore, by analyzing the Hierarchy Theories of Corporate Social Responsibility of others, author draw finally a hierarchy structure of the corporate social responsibility according to the different stockholders.

  • Verification test of foreign-made solar heat panels and examination of dissemination measures including hybrid system

    Jun Kono, Norikazu Nishimiya, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   77 ( 776 ) 929 - 933  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    While global warming has become more deeply concerned, it is vital for Japan, which has world's top energy efficiency, to proactively adopt renewable energy in consumer category to shift from high dependency of fossil fuels. As for such approach, we have made comprehensive analysis and determination for usage of solar thermal energy. Although it is one of the most effective green technology to reduce GHG emission today, number of installation in Japan has been declining as well as its market shrinking causing withdrawal of manufacturer from the division. On the other hand, installation of such equipments in abroad has been growing which tightened competition resulting in improvements of cost performance and technology, and eventually price-reduction. Thus, we have completed verification test of foreign-made solar heat panels on behalf of Ministry of the Environment and examined its usage, economic impact and influence of installation in order to stimulate domestic market of solar heat panel. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

    DOI CiNii


  • Life cycle assessment on treatment and recycling of incineration ash

    Hiroshi ONODA

    Journal of Japan Waste Management Association   63 ( 297 ) 431 - 436  2010.09  [Invited]


  • 安全・安心の視点から見たストックマネジメント (特集 廃棄物処理施設におけるストックマネジメント)

    小野田 弘士

    生活と環境   55 ( 3 ) 11 - 17  2010.03  [Invited]


  • Development of a Traceability System for International Resource Recycling

    HU Hao, ONODA Hiroshi, NAKAJIMA Kenichi, NAGATA Katsuya

    RESOURCES PROCESSING   57 ( 2 ) 53 - 60  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In recent years, the exportation of resources such as iron, aluminum and copper scrap etc. including e-wastes, is increasing in Japan under the background of economic development in Asia, while exported resources sometimes are processed improperly in developing countries that breed environmental pollution. Therefore, an appropriate physical distribution management system with traceability for the resources is necessary. This paper attempts to build a model of International Resource Recycling System using Information Technology such as Global Position System (GPS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, etc. between Japan and China by means of an international accepted traceability system. We also did a demonstration test between Japan and China. As a result, it is confirmed that the traceability system (covered from emission, collection in Japan to processing and landfill facilities in China) is an effective mean to ensure appropriate process of transportation, processing and final disposal of the residue of each stage.

    DOI CiNii

  • 「省エネ法」と「温対法」の改正と求められる対応

    小野田 弘士

    JR ガゼット   67 ( 4 ) 62 - 66  2009.04  [Invited]


  • 課題と解決方法 具体的にどのように省エネルギーを達成するか? (特集 家庭も職場も経費削減 生活防衛と環境のための緊急対策)

    小野田 弘士

    環境会議   ( 31 ) 81 - 87  2009  [Invited]


  • 我が国の温暖化対策の現状と課題

    小野田 弘士

    しんくみ   55 ( 5 ) 12 - 19  2008.05  [Invited]


  • Development of evaluation system for environmental study program for children

    Shiota Shingo, Nagata Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi

    Computer & Education   25 ( 0 ) 106 - 111  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This research aims to develop the system that quantitatively evaluates the learning effect of the environmental study program by the aspect of transformation of the action. This evaluation system can identify quantity of reduction of the carbon dioxide by answering a question about the environmental consideration action. I performed environmental learning and evaluation for Kanamachi elementary school and Tomisatodaiichi elementary school with this evaluation system.

    DOI CiNii

  • 溶融飛灰の資源化


    いんだすと   22 ( 10 ) 22 - 26  2007.10  [Invited]


  • Design and Assessment of an Environmentally-friendly General-purpose Pump

    Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata, Makoto Nohtomi, Yuji Nagai, Tsutomu Takada, Yukimasa Nakatsukasa

    Journal of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   Vol. 16 (2005) ( No. 2 ) 119 - 129  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Consideration of 3 R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) is strongly required for industrial products' design. General-purpose pumps' design makes them difficult to disassemble and classify into single material. Their value-adding functions continue to improve through increased quality, reduced costs, unification of multiple functions, adoption of bond connection methods, built-in compression, and so on. Such features make disassembly difficult.<BR>We developed and manufactured an environmentally friendly general-purpose pump to improve the problems cited above. We specifically improved the disassembly property of the motor, which includes useful, resource-rich parts, and introduction of the concept of"Up-Grading"products, which can realize up-grading of its structure during the use stage. Our assessment method shows that this pump has a 36% lower environmental load than the former product.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Environmental Load Information Management System of Industrial Machines by Special IC Tag and a Product Design by its use : An Example of a General-purpose Pump

    ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, NAGAI Yuji

    Environmental information science. Extra, Papers on environmental information science   18 ( 18 ) 265 - 270  2004.11  [Refereed]


  • 車いすの解体解析と易解体設計の提案

    小野田弘士, 永田勝也, 納富信

    日本生活支援工学会誌   4 ( 1 ) 19 - 28  2004.10  [Refereed]


▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • プラントのDX化による生産性の向上、保全の高度化

    ( Part: Contributor, 第6章 11節 廃棄物処理・リサイクルシステムにおける自動化等技術の導入に関する現状と展望)

    2022.04 ISBN: 9784861048791

  • 車載用LiBのリユース/リサイクル技術と規制動向

    ( Part: Contributor, 第2章 第2節 電池リユースのシステム構築と先進事例)

    情報機構  2022.03 ISBN: 9784865022339

  • サーキュラーエコノミーを加速する「情報革命」

    廃棄物処理・リサイクルIoT導入促進協議会( Part: Contributor)

    環境新聞社  2022.03 ISBN: 9784860184117

  • 失敗から学ぶ「早稲田式」地域エネルギービジネス

    Hiroshi ONODA( Part: Sole author)

    エネルギーフォーラム  2017.06 ISBN: 9784885554803

  • ソーシャルビジネスの新潮流 : 日本におけるダイナミックな展開を目指して

    鈴木, 克也, 宮川, 東一郎, 熊沢, 拓, 小野田, 弘士, 米村, 洋一, 須藤, 順

    エコハ出版,三恵社 (発売)  2012.10 ISBN: 9784864870306



  • 脱炭素化・循環経済・Society5.0等を見据えた動向 ~地域での事例を中心に~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • 脱炭素化を巡る政策動向と廃棄物処理施設等の整備において必要な視点

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    経営相談会オンラインセミナー  産廃振興財団

    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • 都市(地域)のゼロカーボン化への進展と 関係する技術、注目すべき動き

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • スマートシティ・カーボンニュートラルに対応した地域連携型のプロジェクトの創出の可能性~モビリティ開発、AI・IoT、ロボット開発等を例として~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    相模原技術交流研究会オンライン講演会  相模原技術交流研究会

    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • CEに対応したビジネスモデルのあり方

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    理想の空気を持続するサーキュラーエコノミービジネスモデル連携研究ユニット(IFI-CEM連携研究ユニット) 設立記念シンポジウム  東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター・ダイキン工業株式会社

    Presentation date: 2021.12

  • 脱炭素化・循環経済・Society5.0等を 見据えた動向とAI・IoT活用事例

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    一般社団法人日本機械工業連合会循環型社会研究委員会  一般社団法人日本機械工業連合会循環型社会研究委員会

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • 廃棄物処理の脱炭素化に向けた廃棄物エネルギーの利活用

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    2021 年度 エコ・カレッジ(職域コース)  茨城県環境管理協会

    Presentation date: 2021.10

  • 脱炭素社会を見据えた地域における分散型エネルギーシステムの方向性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    OYOフェア2021  応用地質株式会社

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • 脱炭素社会・循環経済・Society5.0の実現に向けたアプローチ

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    2021年度第2回環境ビジネスオンラインセミナー  民間企業

    Presentation date: 2021.07

  • 地域ニーズに立脚したスマートシティを目指して

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.07

  • 脱炭素社会に向けた展望~“地域”での動きを中心として~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.06

  • 1F事故調査と1F廃炉の将来像を考える:技術的側面から


    早稲田大学ふくしま広野未来創造リサーチセンター・1F 廃炉の先研究会シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2021.06

  • 地域に受容されるシュタットベルケを目指して

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • 一般廃棄物処理の脱炭素・省CO2化に向けた廃棄物エネルギーの利活用に係る推進の意義等について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    令和2年度一般廃棄物処理の脱炭素化に向けた廃棄物エネルギー利活用等に関する説明会  環境省

    Presentation date: 2021.02

  • 分散型エネルギーシステムの動向と地域で取組む意義

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    エネルギー人材高度化セミナー(応用編)  四国経済産業局

    Presentation date: 2021.02

    Event date:
  • 廃棄物・リサイクル分野でのIoT導入の意義と今後の展望について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    一般社団法人日本経済団体連合会環境安全委員会廃棄物・リサイクル部会  一般社団法人日本経済団体連合会環境安全委員会廃棄物・リサイクル部会

    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • 地域エネルギーシステムの現状と展望~各地の先進事例と政策動向~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    令和2年度水素・再生可能エネルギー導入セミナー  (鹿児島県)  鹿児島県

    Presentation date: 2020.10

    Event date:
  • 環境・エネルギー分野の動向から次の一手を考える~脱炭素社会(水素・CCUS)・スマートシティ・廃棄物処理・資源循環を中心に~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 廃棄物エネルギーの利活用に係る推進の意義等について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    低炭素・省CO2型廃棄物処理システムに係る廃棄物エネルギーの利活用に関する説明会(東京)  (東京都)  環境省

    Presentation date: 2020.03

  • 地域エネルギービジネスの現状と方向性~各地域の取り組み事例を中心として~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    唐津市版脱炭素イノベーションによる地域循環共生圏を考える地域エネルギーセミナー  (佐賀県佐賀市)  唐津市

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • 廃棄物エネルギーの産業利用の可能性について~廃プラスチックの有効利用方策のアプローチとして~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    令和元年度廃棄物のリサイクル推進マッチングセミナー  (千葉県千葉市)  千葉県

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • 地域循環共⽣圏による地域産業の活性化に向けて

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    令和元年度たからの環ワークショップ〜地域循環共⽣圏の形成に向けて〜in 秋⽥  (秋田県秋田市)  環境省環境再⽣・資源循環局総務課リサイクル推進室

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • バイオマスの環境施策とビジネス事情について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    地球環境技術推進懇談会 2019年度第2回講演会  (大阪府)  (一財)大阪科学技術センター 地球環境技術推進懇談会

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • エネルギー問題に関する動向と地域に求められる対応

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    荒川区職員ビジネスカレッジ  (東京都荒川区)  荒川区

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 分散型エネルギーシステムへの取組み~現状と課題、そして事例~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    分散型エネルギーシステム普及啓発フォーラム  (愛媛県松山市)  四国経済産業局 愛媛県

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 循環型社会の高度化に向けて~地域循環共生圏の実現に向けてのアプローチ~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    ひょうごエコタウン推進会議 令和元年度定期総会・記念講演会  (兵庫県神戸市中央区)  ひょうごエコタウン推進会議

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • 地域エネルギービジネスの現状と方向性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    新たな地域活性化を実現する地域エネルギー構想セミナー  (唐津)  唐津市、早稲田大学

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクルのシステム構築が社会に及ぼす影響について


    The Workshop Program on Waste Management for Costa Rica  (東京(霞が関))  経済産業省

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • 地域循環共生圏による地域産業の活性化に向けて

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    シンポジウム「資源循環から考える地域でのSDGsの実現-エコタウンから地域循環共生圏へ-  (東京(TKP東京駅八重洲カンファレンスセンター))  環境省

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • 地域への新たな価値創出と施設整備へのアプローチ

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    廃棄物資源循環学会セミナー、地域に新たな価値を創出する廃棄物処理施設  (川崎市(川崎市産業振興会館))  廃棄物資源循環学会

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • 廃棄物エネルギーの利活用に係る推進の意義等について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成30年度廃棄物エネルギーの地域での利活用促進に関する説明会  (名古屋(フジコミュニティセンター))  環境省

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • AI・IoTの活用と資源循環

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    第17回産業廃棄物と環境を考える全国大会  (ホテル日航金沢)  (公社)全国産業資源循環連合会、(公財)日本産業廃棄物処理振興センター、(公財)産業廃棄物処理事業振興財団

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • エネルギー問題の動向と地域に求められる対応

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成30年度荒川区職員ビジネスカレッジ  (東京都荒川区)  荒川区

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • 地域循環共生圏による地域産業の活性化に向けて

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    たからの環ワークショップ~地域循環共生圏の形成に向けて~in三重  (三重県)  環境省

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 地域エネルギービジネスの現状と展望

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    再生可能エネルギー導入促進セミナー  (TKP博多駅前シティセンター)  九州経済産業局

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 公民連携による地域エネルギー事業の可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    第1回相模原PPP/PFI地域プラットフォーム設置記念フォーラム  (相模原市)  相模原市

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 自動車リサイクルの質の向上に向けた取り組みの現状と課題~ASR処理を中心として~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    日本エネルギー学会[リサイクル・バイオマス・ガス化]三部会(RGB)シンポジウム『持続可能性社会構築に向けた資源循環技術、バイオマス利用技術の最新動向』  日本エネルギー学会 リサイクル部会 バイオマス部会 ガス化部会

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクル分野におけるIoT・AIの活用可能性について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    2018NEW環境展記念セミナー「廃棄物分野へのAI・IoT導入と省人・省力・技術革新」  日報ビジネス

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • 低炭素社会・次世代自動車を巡る政策動向と自動車リサイクルへの影響~国内外の最近の話題から~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    世界的EVシフトと次世代自動車がリサイクル&レアメタル業界へ与えるインパクト~アジア圏と電池材料の先端動向にフォーカスした特別セミナー~  (AP新橋虎ノ門)  新社会システム総合研究所

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクル分野におけるIoT・AIの活用可能性について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    フォーラム環境塾・環境技術講座(第18期)  (東京)  フォーラム環境塾

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • ⽇本における⾃動⾞リサイクル制度の成果と経験、中国への⽰唆

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    中国の第13 次五カ年計画における⾃動⾞リサイクル政策の推進と⽇中協⼒  (東京)  ⼀般社団法⼈ 環境政策対話研究所

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 廃棄物エネルギーの利活用に係る推進の意義について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    廃棄物エネルギーの地域での利活用促進に関する説明会(関西)  (生駒市)  環境省

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • エネルギー問題の動向と地域に求められる対応

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成29年度荒川区職員ビジネスカレッジ  (東京)  荒川区

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクル分野におけるIoTの活用の可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    日本廃棄物コンサルタント協会技術セミナー  (東京)  日本廃棄物コンサルタント協会

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクル分野におけるIoTの活用の可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    電気硝子工業会第48回技術セミナー  (東京)  小野田弘士

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 再生可能エネルギー等を活用した地域エネルギーシステムについて

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    地域エネルギーと水素の利活用セミナー  (唐津市)  唐津市

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 循環型社会を目指して

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 地域新電力の可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成29年度分散型エネルギー関連政策立案研修  (東京)  経済産業省・資源エネルギー庁

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 廃棄物・リサイクル分野におけるIoTの活用の可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    IoT・AI(人工知能)に係る勉強会  (埼玉県寄居町)  埼玉県・資源循環工場事業者協議会事務局

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • スマートシティの実現に向けて~地域エネルギービジネスの可能性~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    「次世代水上交通システムによる低炭素社会の実現」『スマートシティの実現と舟運による活性化』  (東京)  一般財団法人 電池推進船普及研究財団

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 再生可能エネルギーを活用した地域エネルギーシステムに関する動向

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    鹿児島県水素・再生可能エネルギー導入セミナー  (鹿児島県鹿児島市)  鹿児島県

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 廃棄物・リサイクル分野におけるIoT活用の可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    民間団体  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 廃棄物エネルギー利活用推進の意義

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    廃棄物エネルギー利活用に関する説明会(東京会場)  環境省

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクル分野におけるIoTの活用の可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    廃棄物資源循環学会セミナー「情報技術(アプリ・IoT等)による資源循環・廃棄物処理事業の新展開  (日本大学理工学部駿河台校舎)  廃棄物資源循環学会

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • スマートコミュニティへのアプローチ~地域エネルギービジネスの可能性~

    相模原商工会議所・スマートコミュニティ調査研究特別委員会 講演会  相模原商工会議所

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • 地域からの再生可能エネルギー

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    兵庫県地域低炭素塾  兵庫県

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • Development and Performance Evaluation of the Compressed Air Engine Personal Mobility

    YAGI Katsuya, MATSUURA Kana, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2017

    Event date:

     View Summary

    <p>This paper describes about "Ultra Lightweight Vehicle (ULV) " which is able to drive with smallest body size and the least energy. From recent automobiles social conditions, there is a high demand for a small size and environmental-friendly mobility. Then we examined equipping the air engine as a part of the development of ULV. The result of performance test of the compressed air engine, the maximum output was 341 W, the high output area was around 800 rpm. According to the results above, we developed ULV-Air (ULV-A) with the compressed air engine. The results of the running test, the maximum speed was 23.9km/h, and the distance was about 4km. Through the evaluation of the comprehensive energy utilization by exergy, we investigated for the performance improvement of air engine and ULV-A. ULV-A is expected to be used at the theme park in Nagano prefecture as one of the demonstration test, with production of air by woody-biomass generation system.</p>

  • 地域循環圏における新規ビジネス、プロジェクト創出のポイント

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    地域循環圏形成推進のための研修  環境省

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • スマートコミュニティについて

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    地域低炭素塾(静岡県)  環境省

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 地域新電力の可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成28年度分散型エネルギー関連政策立案研修  資源エネルギー庁

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • コンソーシアム型産学官連携プロジェクトの事例紹介

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    宇部市バイオマス産業共創コンソーシアム設立総会及び記念講演会  (山口県宇部市)  宇部市

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • エネルギー問題の見方と地域活性化に向けて -スマートコミュニティの現実に向けて-

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    荒川区職員ビジネスカレッジ  荒川区

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • スマコミによる地域活性化について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    スマートコミュニティJapan2016ワークショップ「スマコミ実現による地域活性化に向けて」  関東経済産業局

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • Approach for Smart Community

    Hiroshi ONODA  [Invited]

    The 29th National Congress for Environment Studies 

    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • 電力小売全面自由化と道内電力市場参入可能性について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    ほっかいどう電力システム改革フォーラム  (札幌市)  北海道庁

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 「パリ協定を受けて地域として地球温暖化対策にどう取り組むか」~省エネ・創エネの具体的な方法と市民、事業者、行政の役割について~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    「ISO14001自己適合宣言」「環境モデル都市選定」記念講演会  飯田市

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 我が国のエネルギー問題の動向と地域に求められる取り組みについて

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成27年度埼玉県高圧ガス保安講習会  (埼玉県)  埼玉県

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 環境リサイクル最新事情「電力の自由化に向けた最新動向」

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    公益財団法人 新宿区勤労者仕事・支援センター

    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • スマートコミュニティ~地域エネルギービジネス~

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    第3回群馬県地域低炭素塾  群馬県

    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • エネルギーの地産地消から見るビジネスの可能性

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成27年度地域活性化応援会 エネルギー・ビジネス・地産地活セミナー  内閣府地方創生推進室、経済産業省、鳥取県、鳥取市

    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • 「地域新電力をはじめとした、地域におけるエネルー供給体制の考え方について」「スマコミ(エネルギーの地産地消・面的利用)FS調査に向けた環境整備について」

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    関東スマコミ連携体第2回 地域エネルギービジネス研究会  関東経済産業局、公益財団法人特別区協議会

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • 環境みらい都市について

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • スマートコミュニティの構築の課題と解決の糸口

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成27年度研修No.3地域と連携したスマートコミュニティの実現にむけて  一般財団法人電源地域振興センター

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • スマートコミュニティへのアプローチ

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    平成27年度エコタウン推進委員会~エコタウン形成に向けた自治体職員向け講演会~  宮城県(「ダメだっちゃ温暖化」宮城県民会議)

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 地産地消エネルギーを巡る政策や各地の動向、ビジネススキーム検討の留意点など

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 水素エネルギー社会の実現に向けての課題と展望

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    環境保全講習会  埼玉県環境カウンセラー協会

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 環境工学部門からの発信~オリンピック後の姿を見据えて~


    日本機械学会  日本機械学会

    Presentation date: 2015.04

  • 地域視点からのスマートコミュニティへのアプローチ

    小野田弘士  [Invited]

    エネルギーの効果的な利活用による地域活性化を考えるセミナー  茨城県

    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • Development of 3D modeling method of teshima project by GIS

    Souhei Izuka, Ryo Tsukiyama, Yuki Enai, Yuji Nagai, Takuya Kirikawa, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B 

    Presentation date: 2013

    Event date:

     View Summary

    This report shows the development of 3D modeling method of Teshima waste disposal project using GPS. Teshima waste disposal project has been conducted since 2003 as a solution of the illegal industrial waste dumping occurred in Teshima-island, Kagawa Prefecture. To prevent illegal dumping and to accumulate data of this project, we measured the disposal area 4 times a year and made the 3D model of the area. We call this system a "Co-creation system". By comparing the 3D model change in time course, we can show stakeholders how the project has advanced. And by measuring the area changed between the two 3D models, we can calculate the amount of disposed garbage. With this system we promoted information sharing between stakeholders. © 2013 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  • 既存インフラを活用した使用済み小型家電等からの資源回収システムの設計・評価に関する研究

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 一般廃棄物処理システムにおける環境負荷・経済性の実効性評価手法に関する研究

    小野田弘士  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2009

▼display all

Research Projects

  • マイクロコミュニティにおけるマルチベネフィット型モビリティの社会実装

    国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)  官民による若手研究者発掘支援事業/共同研究フェーズ

    Project Year :


  • ゼロカーボンシティ展開を見据えた自動配送による物流の研究


    Project Year :


  • スマートシティにおける自動配送ロボットの実装研究


    Project Year :


  • 「スコープ3」に関する算定と検証


    Project Year :


  • 本庄地域におけるAI・IoT技術の普及やモジュール式モビリティ等の研究を核とした産学官連携の調査・研究


    Project Year :


  • 次世代静脈インフラの構築に向けた包括的研究


    Project Year :


  • スマートシティとゼロカーボンシティを統合したバリューチェーンの構築と社会実装にむけたプロジェクト創出


    Project Year :


  • マイクロコミュニティにおけるマルチベネフィット型モビリティの社会実装~本庄早稲田モビリティ共創プロジェクト~


    Project Year :


  • スーパーシティ/スマートシティに関するソリューション開発に向けた調査研究


    Project Year :


  • マイクロコミュニティにおけるマルチベネフィット型モビリティの社会実装~静脈分野への応用~


    Project Year :


  • 唐津市スマートレジリエンス拠点構築事業の評価に関する検討


    Project Year :


  • 建築物における低炭素化およびAI・IoTの導入可能性に関する検討


    Project Year :


  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクルプロセスの脱炭素化・DX化に向けた社会実装モデルの構築


    Project Year :


  • 環境創造企業の事業戦略に関する包括的研究


    Project Year :


  • 動静脈連携による持続可能な廃棄物エネルギー利活用システムの構築に関する研究


    Project Year :


  • 秩父市生活交通・物流融合事業における自動搬送、小型電動モビリティの活用技術の研究


    Project Year :


  • 静脈系サプライチェーンマネジメントのための情報通信技術の導入可能性と効果分析(3-1905)

    環境再生保全機構(ERCA)  環境研究総合推進費

    Project Year :


  • 革新的カーボンリサイクル技術に関するビジネスバリューチェーンおよび社会システムの設計、先導的モデルの構築及び評価に関する研究


    Project Year :


  • 「環境エコラベル」に関する検証および「スコープ3」に関する算定と検証


    Project Year :


  • スーパーシティ/スマートシティに関するソリューション開発に向けた調査研究


    Project Year :


  • 本庄地域におけるAI・IoT技術の普及やモジュール式モビリティ研究を核とした産学連携の調査・研究


    Project Year :


  • 秩父市生活交通・物流融合事業における小型電動モビリティの活用技術の研究


    Project Year :


  • 建築物における低炭素化およびAI・IoTの導入可能性に関する検討


    Project Year :


  • 次世代静脈インフラの構築に向けた包括的研究


    Project Year :


  • 環境創造企業の事業戦略に関する包括的研究


    Project Year :


  • 動静脈連携による持続可能な廃棄物エネルギー利活用システムの構築に関する研究


    Project Year :


  • 温暖化防止に向けた廃棄物エネルギーの産業利用の可能性調査 -蒸気供給・熱利用による高効率エネルギー利用-

    一般財団法人環境対策推進財団  調査研究助成

    Project Year :


  • 中小廃棄物処理施設におけるエネルギー回収に関する調査


    Project Year :


  • 建築物における低炭素化およびAI・IoTの導入可能性に関する検討


    Project Year :


  • 戸建住宅におけるエネルギーシステムの高度化に関する研究


    Project Year :


  • Feasibility Study on Social Implementation of Bioenergy in East Asia


    Project Year :


  • 201804

    Project Year :


  • 次世代静脈インフラの構築に向けた環境性・経済性の評価


    Project Year :


  • 唐津市におけるスマートレジリエンス拠点構築事業


    Project Year :


  • 還元溶融による焼却残渣からの金属回収の評価


    Project Year :


  • 環境配慮型生産・運用システムに関する研究


    Project Year :


  • 秋田県男鹿市における導入設備等の男鹿市総合計画への位置づけ・他施設への水平展開の検討


    Project Year :


  • 国際エネルギー消費効率化等技術・システム実証事業実証要件適合性等調査


    Project Year :


  • 豊島処分地におけるGPSによる掘削量調査の研究


    Project Year :


  • 圧縮空気エンジン駆動型小型モビリティの性能評価


    Project Year :


  • Discussion on building a safety resource recycling system in Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    HU HAO, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

     View Summary

    This research was performed in the cooperation of Dalian National Demonstration District of Ecological Industry. An actual condition survey of a society and policy system in a partner country necessary to overseas development of Japanese venous industry was performed. We took the introduction of the RPF (Refused Paper & Plastic Fuel) and wastepaper press machine for instance. We developed these business model in order to discuss the modeling method of a new international resource recycling system. We developed a BAS (Best Available System) method to evaluate a new recycling system and did an evaluation test. In order to make a safety international resource recycling system, we proposed a risk management system based on the accidents’ DB and Safety Design Analysis Technique to Dalian National Demonstration District of Ecological Industry

  • 未利用木質バイオマスの高効率エネルギー利用システムの開発と実証

    環境省  地球温暖化対策技術開発等事業

    Project Year :


  • 多種未利用バイオマスに対応したニュートレファクション(半炭化)技術開発

    NEDO  新エネルギーベンチャー技術革新事業/新エネルギーベンチャー技術革新事業(バイオマス)

    Project Year :


  • 地域の医療・介護サービス等を高齢者らに届ける新たな都市内交通システムの構築

    NEDO  IT融合に寄る新社会システムの開発・実証プロジェクト

    Project Year :


  • 既存インフラを活用した使用済み小型家電等からの資源回収システムの設計・評価

    環境省  環境研究総合推進費補助金研究事業

    Project Year :


  • 一般廃棄物処理システムの環境負荷・経済性の実効性評価手法に関する研究

    環境省  度廃棄物処理等科学研究費補助金

    Project Year :


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  • 人とロボットが共存し協調して働く社会のプラクティス:<座談会>超スマート社会のサービス実現に向けたロボットの情報技術の課題/<インタビュー>ロボットフレンドリーな環境構築から見えたサービスロボットの課題と可能性

    小野田 弘士, 増田 景一, 深田 雅之, 後藤 悠, 久保 仁, 江谷 典子

    情報処理   65 ( 5 ) d93 - d104  2024.04

     View Summary

    本座談会とインタビューでは,Society 5.0 が拓く超スマート社会の中で,人とロボットが共存し協調して働く社会を構築するための実証実験から得られた課題,今後の展望などをお話しいただき,実現に向けた課題を探るために議論していただいた.


  • 「人とロボットが共存し協調して働く社会のプラクティス」編集にあたって

    小野田, 弘士, 江谷, 典子

    情報処理学会論文誌デジタルプラクティス(TDP)   5 ( 2 ) i - ii  2024.04

  • Application for Carbon Neutral Policies in Japan

    中野健太郎, 永井祐二, 大久保敏宏, 岡田久典, 小野田弘士

    国際P2M学会研究発表大会予稿集(Web)   2023.Autumn  2023


  • P-6-02 Consideration of introducing AI / robotics to improve the efficiency of construction mixed waste treatment: Design and evaluation test of automatic waste data collection system

    HAN Zixu, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   31   200 - 201  2022.07

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    With the progress of information processing technology such as AI and IoT, the arterial industry is expected to make a big change by automation and efficiency, and its application to the vein industry is not attracting attention. The situation surrounding the industry is changing day by day, and the demand for automation and labor saving is increasing.


  • P-8-01 Actual measurement evaluation and Improvement proposal of indoor air quality for a laboratory

    XU Peng, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   31   208 - 209  2022.07

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    Since the start of the COVID-19, people have become increasingly conscious of indoor air quality. Therefore, in order to investigate and improve the indoor thermal and air environment, we measured and evaluated air temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration in a laboratory in Tokyo from March to May 2022. It is also proposed that the indoor air environment can be better predicted by making visualization of the number and behavior of people in the room using AI thermal cameras.


  • Assessment and Proposal of Micro-Scale Renewable Energy and Mobility Solutions Based on Regional Characteristics of Myanmar

    Win Thu, Andante Hadi PANDYASWARGO, Hiroshi ONODA

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2022.32   2401 - 04  2022


  • Issues and Prospects on GHG Reduction Management concerning Carbon Neutral Policies in Japan

    NAKANO Kentaro, NAGAI Yuji, OKADA Hisanori, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proceedings of International Association of P2M   2022.Autumn   161 - 175  2022

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    Carbon neutral policies towards 2050 are a global challenge and a huge national project in our country. If we consider these policies as a breakdown for each local government, we can say that it is a national greenhouse gas reduction program that compiles greenhouse gas reduction projects of each local government. If the national government is the owner of the program, the current system design may lead to inconsistencies in the setting of targets by each local government in terms of energy conversion and resource supply. Based on the results of the implementation of a carbon neutral policy in Hirono Town, Fukushima Prefecture, we will clarify management issues and examine the prospects for resolving those issues from a P2M perspective.


  • P-7-02 An Attempt to Assess Resilience of RE100 Industrial Park in Ishikari City

    IGUCHI Akira, TAGOMORI Naoko, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   30   218 - 219  2021.07

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    At the industrial park aiming for RE100 in Ishikari City, plans are underway to supply renewable energy by self-employed lines. Drawing a self-employed line is effective for disaster countermeasures, and needs are increasing, but it is unclear how much social cost is tolerated. In this study, we attempted to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and resilience of self-owned lines, and found that the cost of installing self-owned lines in Ishikari City is about 17 billion yen, while the damage to the data center over the next 30 years is 4.3 billion yen.

    DOI CiNii

  • AI火花検知システムを用いた防火対策と見える化による効果の検証

    小林均, 胡浩, 米原直輝, 小野田弘士

    全国都市清掃研究・事例発表会講演論文集   43rd  2021


  • Development of Contactless Garbage Collection Systems

    Kato Hiromitsu, Ogawa Akihisa, Tsubouchi Ryota, Onoda Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   32   77  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on the development of the Compressed Air Engine Personal Mobility: ~Lightweitht design using CFRP frame and its evaluation~

    OKAMURA Yuki, HE Kangjia, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2021.31   218  2021

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    This paper describes about Ultra Light-weight Vehicle (ULV) which is a vehicle that can to operate with the smallest body size and the least energy consumption. From the recent development of automobiles society, there is a high demand for a small size and environmental-friendly mobility. In this paper, as a part of the ULV development strategy, we examined the model ULV-A that uses compressed air as an energy source. A rotary vane type air motor was used for the prime mover. The performance of the air motor was evaluated from the engine unit performance test and the running test on the chassis dynamo. Focusing on the air flow rate, the relationship between pressure and output was confirmed. In addition, in order to improve the short cruising range, which has been an issue in the past, the structure of the vehicle will be fundamentally reviewed and a new ULV will be built in pursuit of weight reduction.

    DOI CiNii

  • Introduction of AI imaging diagnostic technology in the reuse parts inspection process


    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   32   189  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • Development and application of “Modular compact mobility”: (2nd report: Application for contactless waste collection)

    KATO Hiromitsu, LIU Yuanyuan, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2021.31   219  2021

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    Garbage collection in Japan is not contactless,and in 2020,a case of COVID-19 infection occurred among garbage collection workers.Therefore,contactless garbage collection is an urgent issue.In Europe,the U.S.,and China, contactless garbage collection has become widespread with arms and loaders,and we surveyed case studies.We also found that the robotics industry is also tending to enter the garbage collection market.In order to implement contactless garbage collection using Modular Compact Mobility (MCM),we first developed a scenario and then applied it to a city to create a demonstration model.By using this model to propose contactless garbage collection to another city,we were able to extract communities with needs for contactless garbage collection in the form of proposals for demonstration fields.

    DOI CiNii

  • Improvement of a small-scale collection system of medical waste by utilizing IoT: 2nd report: Proposal of WCMS (Work Chain Management System)

    Yokoyama Kentaro, Ito Yutaro, Yoshidome Daiki, Ogawa Akihisa, Onoda Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2021.31   205  2021

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    In Japan, illegal dumping of waste is a social problem, and proper disposal is required. In addition, there is a possibility of efficiency improvement in waste generation, collection and transportation and sorting processes. We will construct three systems to promote proper treatment of medical waste and improve the efficiency of collection work. 1. Traceability system by WCM, 2. AI automatic vehicle dispatch system, 3. Pick-up instruction system by one-touch button and weight sensor. The purpose is to conduct a demonstration experiment with the cooperation of clinics and collection and transportation companies in the I city area and propose a business model for social implementation. In addition, we will examine the possibility of expanding WCM to waste and recycled resources other than medical waste. For example, WCM can be expected to expand to the proof of origin of pruned branches in the FIT system. When using woody biomass as a fuel material, it is necessary to issue a certificate of origin. Introducing WCM with proof of origin will lead to improved work efficiency. In addition, WCM can be expected to be used for thinned wood and waste plastic.

    DOI CiNii

  • Understanding the actual situation of energy supply and demand in large-scale waste treatment and recycling facilities and evaluating the effect of CO2 reduction


    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2021.31   207  2021

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    In this paper, we examined the integration of power supply and demand and evaluated the CO2 reduction effect for a large-scale recycling center (hereinafter referred to as RC). Actual power measurement of each processing facility for the purpose of reducing carbon dioxide After evaluation and operation shift, it was shown that the CO2 reduction amount was 2590kg-CO2 / W in the week when surplus electricity was generated. In addition, the CO2 emission amount of RC was calculated by the annual coefficient method and the emission coefficient by time. It was shown that the error rate in November was 0.5% and the error rate in May was 18%, which differed depending on the season. Also, the CO2 reduction effect by utilizing RPF and trans heat container utilizing RC resources was shown. Evaluation was performed.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on the Technology Readiness Assessment of AI and IoT technologies in municipal waste management systems

    SUGITA Koki, OGAWA Akihisa, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2021.31   210  2021

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    In this study, we investigate and propose the introduction of AI and IoT technologies for the upgrading of waste treatment systems through technology readiness assessment (TRA). First of all, in order to understand the examples of AI and IoT technologies currently used in waste treatment facilities, we organized information such as papers and constructed a database. Each technology was categorized by the process of waste incineration, and the contents of each were evaluated using TRL (Technology Readiness Level). As a result, it was found that most of the technologies used in MSW incineration plants had a high level of maturity, while many of the technologies used in the collection and transportation processes had only reached the level of demonstration tests and were not yet in widespread use. In addition, interviews with manufacturers revealed that even if manufacturers incorporate AI and IoT technologies, it is difficult for them to gain recognition for their efforts because local governments focus on results and efficiency.

    DOI CiNii

  • Improvement of a small-scale collection system of medical waste by utilizing IoT: (1st Report: Investigation of the actual status of waste management and the construction of a traceability system)

    SU RyoSei, YOSHIDOME Daiki, KIN ShouSetsu, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2020.30   211  2020

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    This report focuses on the infectious waste discharged from small medical institutions and aims to build a system that utilizes the IoT to promote the appropriate treatment of medical waste by streamlining the small-lot collection operations. Specifically, a traceability system based on an activity record management system will be introduced, and a vehicle dispatching system using AI will be designed for future implementation. As the preliminary stage of system construction for the appropriate treatment of hazardous waste at medical institutions, we grasp of the actual situation of infectious waste discharge, collection, and transportation. This was done by conducting local interviews and questionnaire surveys in three collection and transportation companies and 260 small medical institutions located in the “I” city. In addition, we conducted a function verification test of the activity record system as a preparatory work for building a system using IoT.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development and application of “Modular compact mobility”: (1st report: Development of prototype and deployment for venous field)

    YAMAGUCHI Ryutaro, TOMONARI Kazuki, YOSHIDOME Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2020.30   221  2020

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    With the autonomous driving technology advancements in the recent years, significant changes in the arterial industry has been expected. However, its application to the venous industry has not received much attention. On the other hand, the situation surrounding the venous industry is changing every day due to the labor shortage and aging problems. In response to this situation, we propose a "modular compact mobility" that has a module above its chassis. The module can be changed flexibly depending on the purpose and a prototype can be developed. In this report, based on the demonstration experiments at the Waseda Festival, we consider its use as a garbage collection solution for predicting future use at the next Osaka Expo. At the same time, we proposed and evaluated the utilization of mobility in various regions and considered its economic and environmental values.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of Technology Readiness and CO2 Reduction Effect of Biomass Utilization Systems in Southeast Asia

    Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hou Tatsu, Ito Yutaro, Onoda Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2020.30   212  2020

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    In Southeast Asia, where the population and economy are growing rapidly, active efforts to utilize the biomass energy are taking place. In particular, there are high untapped energy potentials from the agricultural biomass and its residues. In order to promote effective development and use of biomass energy conversion technologies, it is essential to evaluate their level of readiness status objectively. In this study, we created a database of energy conversion technologies for agricultural biomass in international projects of the Japanese companies and organizations and evaluated them by using the TRA (Technology Maturity Assessment), GIS mapping and LCCO2 methodologies. Specifically, we presented an evaluation case study focusing on Indonesia and proposed a dissemination strategy based on the evaluation.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of An Energy Demand Calculation Method for Southeast Asian Countries OffGrid Areas

    PANDYASWARGO Andante Hadi, RUAN Mengyi, ZHAO Shuheng, WEI Lin, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2020.30   215  2020

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    Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all is the goal number 7 within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While most of the countries in the Southeast Asian region aim for universal electrification within 2020 to 2030, it is predicted that a couple of millions of the population will not have access to electricity by then due to various reasons. Among them are challenging geographical terrain and the low population density in rural areas. In this study, we analyzed the current situation of the population living in the off-grid area through field surveys, estimated their energy demand, and projected the future growth of energy demand. As case studies, we selected three communities in Myanmar, Indonesia, and Laos. Also, we proposed a strategy to appropriately introduce renewable energy in the communities based on our analysis and observation.

    DOI CiNii

  • Feasibility study on MBT(Mechanical Biological Treatment) system by cooperation garbage incineration facilities and sewage treatment facilities: (Through questionnaire survey for local governments and visualization by GIS)

    OGAWA Akihisa, UEHARA Honoka, TAGOMORI Naoko, YOSHIDOME Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2020.30   213  2020

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    We conducted a survey about the feasibility of introducing MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment) systems for waste incineration facilities linked with sewage treatment facilities. We focused on this topic because the decline of Japan’s population has caused the need of expanding service area of waste treatment facilities and optimizing the efficiency of energy use. From the questionnaire surveys distributed, we received 64 responses from waste incineration facilities, mainly in cities designated by government ordinance, and 78 responses from sewage treatment facilities. Our analysis results showed that 4.7% (3 cases) of incinerators and 3.8% (3 cases) of sewage treatment facilities have the possibility of installing both incinerators and sewage treatment facilities, which is unprecedented in Japan. Municipalities with more frequent communication between departments tended to choose the same pattern we offered, suggesting the importance of inter-departmental cooperation.

    DOI DOI2 CiNii

  • Study on The construction of Unused Woody Biomass Utilization Systems: Understanding The Raw Material Supply After FIT Enforcement in Nara Prefecture

    BABA Yasutsugu, MIYAHARA Itsuki, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2020.30   210  2020

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    In this study, we attempted to understand the actual condition of feedstock supply after the construction of FIT in Nara prefecture in order to improve the system for utilizing unused woody biomass in cooperation with the local community. Specifically, we visualized the amount of biomass available and road information by GIS and studied the ideal system for biomass utilization after the implementation of FIT. We also visualized the amount of transport per hour with road information, estimated the amount of chip distribution, and examined the inflow and outflow of wood. As a result, it was shown that the proposal of different utilization systems in the northern and southern part of Nara Prefecture was effective.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study on applicability of pretreatment technology for low-grade biomass: ~focusing on Hydrothermal treatment and Torrefaction~

    CHENG Tianjiao, WU Shuai, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2020.30   208  2020

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    The purpose of this paper is to improve the energy density and quality of low-grade biomass by appropriate pretreatment, and to study the improvement of transportation efficiency and power generation efficiency. To solve the problem of clinker formation due to ash, we focus on the hydrothermal method as a technology for extracting ash from raw materials. In addition, through a Literature review, the pretreatment technologies that can be applied have been systematically organized, and proposals for effective utilization measures of low-grade biomass have been made. In order to understand the characteristics of agricultural biomass, the characteristics of rice husk and rice straw were analyzed by literature review and TG-DTA analysis. An experiment on hydrothermal treatment was conducted to reduce the ash content of agricultural biomass. In addition, the applicability of pretreatment technology for agricultural biomass in Southeast Asia and China has been evaluated.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of local information systems to promote residents' cooperation:- Example of agreement formation by information visualization in the Teshima waste treatment project-

    NAKANO Kentaro, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proceedings of International Association of P2M   2020 ( 0 ) 161 - 175  2020

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    The Teshima Waste Disposal Project is a project to detoxify and recycle the wastes of the Teshima Incident, in which about 900,000 tons of industrial wastes including contaminated soil were illegally dumped in the western part of Teshima, Tonosho-cho, Kagawa Prefecture. Since the settlement of the pollution arbitration in 2000, the project was started with the idea of "Co-creation" in which the administration and residents are involved as the main actors. In the progress of the project, the local information system has been constructed to support the residents' cooperation in the form of information as a material for monitoring and examining the progress of the project by visualizing the project by 3D modeling of quantitative data, etc. In this study, we analyze the positioning of local information systems in P2M, which enables joint creation of administration and residents by strengthening the value base of information systems.

    DOI CiNii

  • Implementation and Analysis of Multi-Generation Co-Creation Project Management in Fukushima Reconstruction.

    NAKANO Kentaro, LEE Kwangho, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, MATSUOKA Shunji

    Proceedings of International Association of P2M   2020 ( 0 ) 161 - 170  2020

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    Nine years have passed since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, but it is still difficult for residents to return to their homes in some municipalities. In addition, it takes 30 to 40 years to deal with the accident, which requires long-term efforts and decision-making across generations. In order to construct such a project for the reconstruction of Fukushima, co-creation project management by multigenerational and diverse actors is necessary. In this research, we analyze project continuity from the viewpoint of P2M, with the aim of realizing social innovation, which is a long-term strategy, through initiatives such as the Future Session at the Fukushima Study Group.

    DOI CiNii

  • 飲食店街区における太陽熱・地中熱ハイブリッド熱源システムの実測評価

    吉留大樹, 菊池亮, 本田亮太, 小野田弘士

    環境科学会2019年会     111 - 111  2019.09

  • ミャンマーの無電化地域におけるエネルギー需要の予測手法の構築

    阮梦依, Pandyaswargo, Andante Hadi, 小野田弘士, Htwe Ei ei, Mandalay Technological University

    環境科学会2019年会講演要旨集     108 - 108  2019.09

  • A Study on utilization of Nudge theory for labor safety in the incineration facility

    Iguchi Takuro, LIANGXING ZOU, Onoda Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   30   111  2019.09

    DOI CiNii

  • アジア圏における中古車・リサイクル部品の市場動向の現状分析

    清水 道悦, 楊 文博, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 30(0)     199  2019.09

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  • 次世代自動車用リチウムイオンバッテリーのリユース・リサイクルシステムの構築

    呉 渺, 清水 道悦, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 30(0)     201  2019.09

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    本稿では、リチウムイオンバッテリーの廃棄・リサイクルの現状と動向を明らかにした上で、 次世代自動車に対応したリサイクルシステムを検討した。この数年資源制約や環境問題への関心が高くなり、自動車による地球温暖化対策への貢献に期待が高くなっている。自動車は100年の大変革である「自動車新時代」に入った。将来は、内燃機関車が脱却し、パワートレイン多様化(EV化)を想定している。EV化は、ガソリンエンジンからリチウムイオン電池への変換となり、自動車産業の構造が大きく変化する。リチウムイオン電池は、不適切な処理をすると、発火等の事故を誘発するリスクがある。今後大量のバッテリーを回収し、リサイクルやリユースの有効な廃棄処理と回収プロセスが必要されている。

  • P-8-1 Analysis of the factor of air conditioning load increase of the detached house in summer

    YU Xingru, YOSHIDOME Daiki, CHENG Xinyao, ONODA Hiroshi, ISHII Yasuhiko

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   28   292 - 293  2019.08

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    We analyzed the temperature and humidity of the room and the measured data by HEMS for the high airtightness and high insulation ZEH model house located in Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture. A correlation was found between the maximum temperature and the air conditioning load, and it was found that the air conditioning load peaked when the hot summer day continued. Therefore, we conducted statistical analysis of air conditioning power consumption and meteorological conditions and considered the factors.

    DOI CiNii

  • Technology Readiness Assessmnet of Biomass Energy Projects using J-TRA method: Application on Southeast Asian Countries

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Engineering 2019     E212  2019.06

  • Experimental Study on Rice Husks Torrefaction: Technology Development Potential in Myanmar's Unelectrified Area

    G. Ogawa, S. Wu, A.H. Pandyaswargo, H.ONODA

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Engineering 2019     E209  2019.06

  • Measurement and evaluation of renewable energy heat utilization system in business facilities

    Daiki YOSHIDOME, Ryou KIKUCHI, Hiroshi ONODA

    Symposiumu on Environmental Engineering     J412  2019.06

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    Data were collected and analyzed for business facilities that introduced a domestic renewable energy heat utilization system. The welfare facilities in Shisui Town have introduced a solar-heat / ground-heat hybrid system, and the annual COP was 0.65. It has been found that the COP is improved by about 40% by applying the improvement proposal. In addition, analysis of data from large-scale heat supply districts across the country showed that the average system COP and CO2 emissions were most efficient in the power-based business, and there was a correlation between COP and CO2 emissions.

  • Actual measurement evaluation and Improvement proposal of Solar-thermal and Groundthermal Hybrid Energy Supply System for Restaurants


    2019 Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2019.29   J411  2019.06

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    In this paper, we measured a solar-thermal and ground-thermal hybrid energy system in Honjo city. In this system, hot water warmed by solar-thermal is used to back up the hot water supply. It is also used as a heat source for an adsorption refrigerator. From the ground-thermal heat pump, hot water and cool water are supplied to restaurants. Energy utilization factor in this energy supply system is as low as 0.5 in the summertime. In July 2018, there was a problem that air conditioning did not work under the influence of intense heat. We investigated the cause and found that the capacity of the heat pump has about 30 kW of power shortage. In order to improve the energy supply system, we investigated whether an adsorption type refrigerator is necessary and calculated the number of solar heat collectors required. Results showed that the adsorption refrigerator only lowered the ground temperature by about 1 to 2°C and the optimum number of collectors is seven.

    DOI CiNii

  • Environmental and economic evaluation of combined system of the garbage facility and sewage treatment facility

    Akihisa OGAWA, Daichi WATANABE, Kou K, Hiroshi ONODA, Yoichi WATANABE, Jyunji YAMAGUCHI

    2019 Symposiumu on Environmental Engineering     J205  2019.06

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    We investigated a combined system of the garbage disposal facility and sewage treatment facility in Japan. We evaluated the environmental and economic efficiency for the facilities with waste disposal scale of 300t / D and 50t / D in six constructed scenarios. To get information about the details of construction and maintenance costs, we conducted a questionnaire survey with five plant manufacturers. From our analysis results, we found that in the facility scenario with a waste disposal scale of 300t / D, the installation of a combined waste treatment facility and a sewage treatment facility costs 2.28 billion yen annually and emits 15991t-CO2 / year. At the 50t / D facility scenario, the environment and the economic factors were traded-off. From the results of our sensitivity analysis, it was found that the annual CO2 emissions can be reduced by 12448t-CO2 / Y and the annual cost can be reduced by 150 million yen when the ratio setting of garbage is set to 15% to 45%.

  • Application of J-TRA (Japanese version of Technology Readiness Assessment) to biomass utilization projects: with focus Biomass Energy Conversion Technologies in Southeast Asia

    Da Pang, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Hiroshi Onoda, Issui Ihara

        264 - 265  2019.03

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Living Comfort Evaluation of the Radiant Heating and Cooling Housing

    Xinyao Cheng, Daiki Yoshidome, Hiroshi Onoda, Yasuhiro Ishii

        670 - 673  2019.01

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    To improve the living comfort and energy conservation in next-generation housings, actual measurements of thetemperature and humidity in the summer, and a questionnaire survey of physical sensation were conducted. The survey was conducted in a high airtight and high insulation house which introduced radiant cooling and heating systems located in Honjo City, Saitama. Similar questionnaire surveys were also conducted in the neighboring commercial facilities for comparison. As a result of simple estimation of PMV (Predicted Mean Vote), we confirmed that the comfort of the evaluation target housing is excellent. In addition, we examined the relationship between the temperature and humidity and the power consumption by HEMS (Home Energy Management System) for the purpose of obtaining guidelines for energy conservation.

  • Visualization of Solar Power Generation in Saitama Prefecture and Proposal of the Solar Panel Recycling System

    Son Shunketsu, Hasegawa Takahiko, Onoda Hiroshi

        454 - 457  2019.01

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    In this Study, we have investigated the characteristics of solar power generation equipment, the location of disassembly facilities and final disposal site in Saitama Prefecture by using visualization. We investigated the development status of panel disassembly and recycling technology nationwide as well as the characteristics of each technology. Moreover, we clarified the actual condition of solar panel processing system and identified the existing problems. We simulated the existing technology disassembly, confirmed the possibility of cost and diffusion, and proposed the appropriate recycling system.

  • 還元溶融プロセスによる焼却灰からの金属回収システムの評価

    胡浩, 権田樹, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集     365 - 366  2018.09


  • Discussion on Building a Steel Dust Recycling System in China (Local Survey Report and Problems of Commercialization)

    Hao HU, Yasunori AONO, Yoshikazu SATO, Hiroshi ONODA

    2018 Symposium on Environmental Engineering    2018.07


  • Current Situation Analysis of Waste Management in China and Recommendation to Introduce Methane Fermentation Technology

    Ruixi ZHAO, Zeshi WANG, Hao HU, Hiroshi ONODA

    2018 Symposium on Environmental Engineering    2018.07

  • LCCO2 of Coal Co-firing process with Torrefied Woody biomass

    Takuya MIYAGI, Kazuo HAYASE, Hiroshi ONODA

    2018 Symposium on Environmental Engineering    2018.07

  • Actual measurement evaluation of small and medium scale woody biomass gasification power generation system

    Itsuki MIYAHARA, Kenta OMURA, Hiroshi ONODA

    2018 Symposium on Environmental Engineering    2018.07

  • Current situation analysis of reuse parts sales on automobile dismantlers

    Takafumi NAKAJIMA, Michiyoshi SHIMIZU, Hiroshi ONODA

    2018 Symposium on Environmental Engineering    2018.07

  • Current Situation Analysis of reuse product efficiency on automobile dismantling

    Michiyoshi SHIMIZU, Takafumi NAKAJIMA, Hiroshi ONODA

    2018 Symposium on Environmental Engineering    2018.07

  • Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment for Teshima waste treatment project

    Kentaro NAKANO, Takuro IGUCHI, Yuji NAGAI, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya NAGATA

    2018 Symposium on Environmental Engineering   28th  2018.07


  • Measurement and Evaluation of Renewable Energy Heat Utilization System in Small and Medium-sized Restaurant District (An Example of Solar Heat and Underground Heat Utilization Type Air Conditioning and Hot Water Supply System Including Adsorption Type Refrigerator)

    Masakuni WATAKI, Hiroshi ONODA

    2017 Symposium on Environmental Engineering     340 - 343  2017.07

  • Economic and Environmental Assessment of Waste Biomass Recycling System in AIZUWAKAMATSU

    Hao HU, Ryota TSUBOUCHI, Kenta OMURA, Motoyuki OKADA, Hiroshi ONODA

    2017 Symposium on Environmental Engineering     148 - 151  2017.07

  • Environment & Engineering for Advanced Sustainable Cities Preface

    Onoda Hiroshi



  • Economic and environmental assessment of waste biomass recycling system in Aizuwakamatsu city

    ZHAO Ruixi, HU Hao, WANG Zeshi, TSUBOUCHI Ryota, OMURA Kenta, OKADA Motoyuki, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   28   503  2017

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    Waste biomass recycling has been one of the urgent environmental issues. The recycling plants such as combustible waste incineration and excreta treatment facility are built in some cities, but biomass wastes such as food waste and raw sludge are still underutilized. In this research, we survey the collection of biomass waste material and set 5 model cases applying methane fermentation facility. Their feasibilities are analyzed through a method concludes both environmental load evaluation and economic evaluation perspectives. As a case study, we select Aizuwakamatsu city that located in Fukushima prefecture, Japan. And conduct investigations in terms of venous facilities disposing waste and centralized treatments. The results of Aizuwakamatsu city study are concluded as following: 1) it is hard to conduct models with excreta and remaining sludge raw materials because of aging equipment; 2)it is necessary to guarantee the raw material collections; 3) it is necessary to improve households' motivations for separated recycling.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development and Performance Evaluation of the Compressed Air Engine Personal Mobility

    YAGI Katsuya, MATSUURA Kana, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2017.27   412  2017

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    This paper describes about “Ultra Lightweight Vehicle (ULV) ” which is able to drive with smallest body size and the least energy. From recent automobiles social conditions, there is a high demand for a small size and environmental-friendly mobility. Then we examined equipping the air engine as a part of the development of ULV. The result of performance test of the compressed air engine, the maximum output was 341 W, the high output area was around 800 rpm. According to the results above, we developed ULV-Air (ULV-A) with the compressed air engine. The results of the running test, the maximum speed was 23.9km/h, and the distance was about 4km. Through the evaluation of the comprehensive energy utilization by exergy, we investigated for the performance improvement of air engine and ULV-A. ULV-A is expected to be used at the theme park in Nagano prefecture as one of the demonstration test, with production of air by woody-biomass generation system.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study of metal recovery technology by melting process using the ash melting furnace

    OSHIMA Shunji, SUGIYAMA Noboru, TAKAHASHI Hidekazu, KOJIMA Hisanori, SAKANAKURA Hirofumi, OSAKO Masahiro, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   27 ( 0 )  2016.09

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    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of bio-gasification demonstration project of food waste by between public-private partnerships and industrial cooperation

    大村 健太, 森 裕之, 劉 洋, 小野田 弘士, 横田 昌志

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   27 ( 0 )  2016.09

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    食品リサイクル法の施行により、ある一定のリサイクル率を達成した一方で、食品製造業のような単一素材の食品廃棄物の飼料化や堆肥化が促進されており、雑多な食品廃棄物を排出する小売業や外食産業においてリサイクルが進んでいるとは言い難い状況にある。そこで、本研究においては、これらの食品廃棄物でもリサイクル可能なメタン発酵によるバイオガス化システムの高度化を図ることを目的とした検討を行った。 メタン発酵システムが展開する際の課題として、イニシャルコストが高く、処理規模が大きくなってしまうことで、原料となる食品廃棄物の安定調達が困難になることが挙げられる。こうした課題を既存の公共下水処理施設を活用した官民連携および食品が付着した廃プラスチックを固形燃料化し、セメント工場の熱源として利用する産業間連携による事業モデルを提案し、その実現に向けた基礎データを取得することを目的とした実証試験を行った。本報では、その成果の一部を報告する。

    DOI CiNii

  • Assessment of Small and Medium-sized Woody Biomass CHP(Combined Heat and Power) System

    Takuya MIYAGI, Kazuki HAYASE, Sayaka HONMA, Taiti KOBAYASHI, Kenta OMURA, Hiroshi ONODA



  • Examination about the advancement of the disposal place management technique in the Teshima waste disposal treatment business

    Ryo UMEZAWA, Yuji NAGAI, Hiroshi ONODA, Katsuya NAGATA

      26th  2016.07

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • 観光移動における交通機関のエネルギー消費量の推定

    田部純一, 小野田弘士

    第32回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集    2016.02

  • 中国における生活ごみの固形燃料化に関する環境性・経済性評価

    陽文丹, 郭奕賢, 胡浩, 小野田弘士

    第32回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集    2016.02

  • 自動車リサイクル部品の活用実態の把握

    横田クリスチーナ, 中嶋崇史, 小野田弘士

    第32回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集    2016.02

  • 圧縮空気エンジンの性能評価と超軽量小型モビリティへの応用

    松浦加奈, 根本圭祐, 小野田弘士

    第32回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集    2016.02

  • 太陽熱・地中熱のハイブリッド熱源システムの設計と実測評価

    山本貴史, 小野田弘士

    第32回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集    2016.02

  • Development and Performance Evaluation of the Compressed Air Engine Personal Mobility

    MATSUURA Kana, Nemoto Keisuke, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2016 ( 0 ) 412 - 412  2016

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    <p>This paper describes about "Ultra Lightweight Vehicle (ULV) " which is able to drive with smallest size of body and the least energy. Small size and environmental-friendly mobility is demanded from recent automobiles social conditions. Then we examined equipping the air engine as a part of the development of ULV. The result of performance test of the compressed air engine, the maximum output was 339 W, the high output area was around 800 rpm. According the above results, we developed ULV-Air (ULV-A) with the compressed air engine. The results of the running test, the maximum speed was 23.9km/h, and the distance was about 4km. Through the evaluation of the comprehensive energy utilization by exergy, we investigated for the performance improvement of air engine and ULV-A. ULV-A is expected to use at the theme park in Nagano prefecture as one of the demonstration test, with production of air by woody-biomass generation system.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Development and Utilization of Next-Generation Mobility Equipment ~Development and Performance evaluation of Air Engine Vehicles ~

    Kana Matsuura, Kaoru Kubono, Hiroshi Onoda, Katusya Nagata

    Proceedings of EcoDesign 2015 International Symposium     932 - 937  2015.12

  • Evaluation of the recycling achievement of three items of automobile recycling

    Li Sha

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   26 ( 0 ) 177 - 177  2015.09

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    最終処分場の逼迫や鉄スクラップ価格の低迷による使用済自動車の処理における逆有償化に伴い,わが国では2005年に使用済自動車のリサイクル・適正処理を図ることを目的とした自動車リサイクル法が本格施行された。 このなかで,ASR,エアバック,フロンの3品目は指定回収品目に指定され,自動車ユーザーから徴収したリサイクル料金による処理がされているところであり,適正処理・リサイクル率の向上とともに,その費用低減が求められている。 しかし,自動車リサイクル法が施行されてから現在に至るまで,その改善効果を時系列的に評価した例は少ない。本研究では,社会コストミニマムかつ高度な自動車リサイクルシステムの構築に向け,ASRを中心とした指定3品目について,処理技術や経済性といった再資源化環境の変遷を辿り,自動車リサイクルにおける現状を明らかにすることを目的としている。

    DOI CiNii

  • Examination about construction intermediate treatment institution assessment system of unific

    yomogida atsushi, ono yusuke, kamikawaji hiroshi, onoda hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   26 ( 0 ) 191 - 191  2015.09

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    DOI CiNii

  • The evaluation of radiant conditioners

    Takafumi Yamamoto, Keisuke Nemoto, Kou Shimizu, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Refrigeration Science and Technology     4151 - 4157  2015

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    In this study, the measured evaluation of radiant conditioners that are considered conducive to the improvement of comfort and energy savings in civilian facilities is done. More specifically, in the mediumsmall space such as a home or small office and large-scale space such as a gymnasium, the evaluation in terms of comfort on the basis of PMV is calculated. In addition, by using fuel consumption, power consumption and the initial cost of each facility, we have performed energy-saving and economic effect. The results indicate quantitatively the effectiveness of the radiant during cooling operation of the large space as well as small and medium-sized space.


  • Study on energy saving simulation for a football stadium

    Keita Awaji, Keisuke Nemoto, Sousuke Imada, Hiroshi Onoda, Katsuya Nagata

    Refrigeration Science and Technology     5092 - 5097  2015

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    The purpose of this study is to develop the general-purpose assessment method for energy system which covers from demand sides to supply sides in consumer and business facilities. In this report, the energy saving simulation is shown for football stadium that has a characteristic energy consumption change compared with other facilities. The energy consumption problem from simulation is shown by getting thermal load daily data and event schedule for a year. From this, the high-cost operation of heat source equipment has become cleared as one of the typical problems. Then the methods for energy saving and economic efficiency by equipment replacement and changing heat source are shown using simulation and the best-available heat source formation is proposed.


  • 206 Development and utilization of accidents analysis system for waste management and recycling facilities

    Kobayashi Taichi, Takahashi Tomoyuki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2015 ( 0 ) 81 - 84  2015

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    This paper describes about development of safety system for accidents in facilities. Accidents occur at frequency in waste management and recycling facilities taking an important role in construction of the recycling society. It is cause of waste diversification with the development of the recent industry and various services. So the citizen cannot cooperate with the increase in processing the construction of facilities. For improving these problems, safety system for accidents is demanded. We constructed accidents and troubles, &quot;hiyari-hatto&quot; data base (ATHDB-all) for waste and recycling facilities. This can stock accidents information that occurred at waste and recycling facilities and apply system for accident using typology method we developed. Furthermore, the safety education contents using 3D animation and information collecting system were developed and were introduced to the recycling company.


  • 419 Development of Air Engine ULV (Ultra Light-weight Vehicle)

    MATSUURA Kana, KUBONO Kaoru, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2015 ( 0 ) 193 - 196  2015

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    This paper describes about &quot;Ultra Lightweight Vehicle&quot; (ULV) which is able to drive with smallest size of body and the least energy. Small size and environmental-friendly mobility is demanded from recent automobiles social conditions such as the drying up the fossil fuel, air pollution, and the traffic jam. Then we examined equipping the air engine as a part of the development of ULV. As a result of driving test of the go-cart which carried the air engine, the maximum speed was 24.1km/h, and the distance covered per one filling was 821m. We carried out the noise level was about 90dB. In addition, we designed the performance test device of the air engine, and produced it. As a result of the test, the max power was about 450 W, and adiabatic efficiency was about 44%. According to the above results, we designed and developed ULV-Air with the air engine.


  • Development of safety system for accidents in waste management and recycling facilities

    Kobayashi Taichi, Takahashi Tomoyuki, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   26 ( 0 ) 89 - 89  2015

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    DOI CiNii

  • 8-2-2 Systematic assessment of consciousness about the domestic energy consumption action and suggestion of the remedial measures

    SAEKI Ryota, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, IHARA Katsumasa

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   23 ( 0 ) 290 - 291  2014.07

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    Depending on an action and personal sex, generation distinction, easy practicing of the environmental improvement action and that environmental aware ness are different is understood for us. From questionably survey, we calculated &quot;practice easy degree for environmental improvement action&quot; and enhanced the personal energy saving conscious using main component analysis. As a result, it was proved that the recognition to an environmental problem improved, the energy saving conscious that had low yearly income was strong. To suggest the environmental improvement action that gave economic incentive that effect is high.

    DOI CiNii

  • Construction and Evaluation of the DfE-DB for Home Appliances

    森 裕之, 中嶋 崇史, 小野田 弘士

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   33   137 - 140  2014.06


  • 6-2-3 Study on independent energy system with hot - water supply system on Kamaishi apartment house

    IMADA Sousuke, NEMOTO Keisuke, ENAI Yuki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, NAKAZIMA Takafumi

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   23 ( 0 ) 242 - 243  2014

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. However, it is difficult to assess the performance of the energy system, and civilian facilities are not established clear criteria. Smart community attracts attention for CO_2 reduction as a measure for global warming issue and power failure in emergency cases. Although the actual proof examination is developed in various places, there are many examples which &quot;the apparatus and the system&quot; which must be a &quot;means&quot; serve as the &quot;purpose&quot;. In this report, we describe the design of the energy system of an apartment house type revival residence The heat source containing unused waste heat and renewable energy is held as a share infrastructure (such as heating, hot-water supply). This project is carried out in the revival apartment house (156 houses) advanced in the Kaminakajima area in Kamaishi city.

    DOI CiNii

  • Reseach on the Disposal of Disaster Wastes in Iwaki City

    宮澤 雄太, 大村 健太, 小野田 弘士, 永田 勝也, 福田 弘之, 村田 竜治

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   25 ( 0 )  2014

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  • Construction of use plan support system focused on food and stock raising waste

    HASHIMOTO Gaku, CHIN Seigen, OOMURA Kenta, SHIMIZU Kou, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   25 ( 0 )  2014

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  • A Study on Advancement of Waste incineration as Energy center and Disaster prevention center

    中越 達也, 竹原 裕人, 大村 健太, 清水 康, 小野田 弘士, 永田 勝也

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   25 ( 0 )  2014

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  • Study on Enhancement of optimal placement performance measurement tool that targets the beverage vending machine

    淡路 啓太, 今田 宗介, 小野田 弘士

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集 Proceedings of the JSRAE Annual Conference     B222 - 1-4  2014


  • The evaluation of radiant conditioners

    根本 圭祐, 清水 康, 小野田 弘士

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集 Proceedings of the JSRAE Annual Conference     B314 - 1-4  2014


  • 豊島処分地におけるGPS測量とLCA評価に関する研究

    島村恭平, 宮崎航, 飯塚壮平, 永井祐二, 小野田弘士, 永田勝也

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集(Web)   25th  2014


  • 3-7-1 Assessment combustion test of Bio-oil

    KASAHARA Kohei, NAKAMURA Takuya, KOIZUMI Takayuki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   22 ( 0 ) 104 - 105  2013.07

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    Bio-oil is produced by rapid pyrolysis with woody biomass. Bio-oil has some advantages, low reaction temperature to produce, high yield, and good transportability because of liquid. So, Bio-oil is expected as measures of global warming or securing stable supply of energy. Last year, operation test of Bio-oil was carried out at institution treating sludge in Saitama. In this result, comfirmed Bio-oil availability in place of fuel oil A without air pollutant. In this research object is to improve property of Bio-oil and to get data by operation test.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-3-2 Confirmation of the Effectiveness and Development of Simulation Software for Introduction of Renewable Energy in Commercial Facilities

    KOIZUMI Takayuki, NAKAMURA Takuya, OMURA Kenta, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   22 ( 0 ) 250 - 251  2013.07

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    In recent years, reduction of peak power is demanded from the viewpoint of power saving in business facilities. However, that the effect is not clear for the introduction of renewable energy that is thought to be effective as a countermeasure can be mentioned as an issue. Therefore, we used to calculate in a simple way the effect of introducing renewable energy targeting business facilities, the development of renewable energy simulation software.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-4-2 Suggestion of Action Depending on Household Attribute Utilizing Measured Data

    SAEKI Ryota, ONODA Hiroshi, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, IHARA Katsumasa, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   22 ( 0 ) 256 - 257  2013.07

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    Our life style have an impact on global environment is obvious. Therefore we should change our life style. Accordingly, we examine condition of energy consumption for each element of the household attribute from electrical power consumption. In addition, we proposed effective action quantity of reduction of the CO_2 and electric power in the run time of the energy saving action and buying a replace.

    DOI CiNii

  • Consideration to the Design and Development System of Ultra Lightweight Vehicle

    宮沢 雄太, 山本 隆将, 小野田 弘士

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   23   67 - 70  2013.06

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    This paper aims at producing "Ultra Lightweight Vehicle" (ULV) which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy, and consider a method of decreasing environmental load and improvement model of "manufacturing in local and exploiting in local", which model of ULV is able to assembled by local small and medium-sized enterprises, and used effectively in local area. Specifically, as the design and development system, we compared Coefficient of Air Resistance simulated on the software and tested on the road, and made it possible to choose the cowl which applies to ULV used in local area. And it is found that ULV is superior to other mobility in terms of weight and CO_2 emission.


  • Study on Energy Saving on Football Stadium

    絵内 祐樹, 今田 宗介, 小野田 弘士

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集     141 - 144  2013.06


  • Comparison of Renewable Energy Dissemination strategy between Home and Abroad as seen from the Abundance

    小泉 貴之, 中村 拓哉, 小野田 弘士

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集     183 - 186  2013.06


  • 6-3-1 Improvement of the power consumption reduction effect by replacement of vending machines

    KUWAHARA Takeki, IMADA Sousuke, NAKAZIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   22 ( 0 ) 248 - 249  2013

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    This news describes the approach towards energy saving in the operation phase of the vending machine for drinks. On the Waseda University campus, the actual proof examination on the optimal arrangement and employment which aimed at reducing the amount of used electricity resulting from the vending machine for drinks by 60% as part of the measure against warming is carried out. Evaluation of effectiveness obtained by replacement was performed based on actual measurement data. Furthermore, based on the measurement result of a heat pump vending machine, the advancement of the power consumption prediction type of the vending machine for drinks was attained conventionally.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-3-3 Study on independent energy system with hot-water supply system on Kamaishi apartment house

    ENAI Yuki, IMADA Sousuke, NAKAZIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   22 ( 0 ) 252 - 253  2013

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. However, it is difficult to assess the performance of the energy system, and civilian facilities are not established clear criteria. Smart community attracts attention for CO2 reduction as a measure for global warming issue and power failure in emergency cases. Although the actual proof examination is developed in various places, there are many examples which &quot;the apparatus and the system&quot; which must be a &quot;means&quot; serve as the &quot;perpose&quot;. In this report, we describe the design of the energy system of an apartment house type revival residence The heat source containing unused waste heat and renewable energy is held as a share infrastructure (such as heating, hot-water supply). This was carried out in the revival apartment house (144 houses) advanced in the Kamaishi Uenaka island area.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-4-3 Development and improvement of mobility machinery for futurity city traffic

    Shimamura Kyouhei, Miyazawa Yuta, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   22 ( 0 ) 258 - 259  2013

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    Depleting of fossil fuel, contamination of atmosphere, traffic congestion, and so on, car life scene of recent years demands of mobility which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy. Now then, this project will produce &quot;Ultra Light-weight Vehicle&quot; (ULV) which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy, and consider a method of decreasing environmental load and improvement model of &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot;, which model of ULV is able to assembled by local small and medium-sized enterprises, and used effectively in local area.

    DOI CiNii

  • 213 Investigation of the use actual condition of automobile recycling parts and verification of validity

    UTSUGI Hayato, Cho ORAI, KUROIWA Sho, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 145 - 148  2013

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    Automobiles that are properly disposed under the automobile recycle law are further desired with enhancement in recycling. Especially enhancing reuse which lay in the superordinate concept of recycle, or in other words, promoting the spread of recycled parts is necessary. In this paper, we researched about the present usage of recycle parts among auto-repair shops, and from the results, effect of using recycled parts were evaluated from the environmental and economic point of view. 12 parts were our subject of observation, and by comparing automobiles that use these parts as a recycled part and as a new part, we were able to show a reduction of 821kg of CO_2 and 59 kg of ASR per automobile. Also, from the economical point of view, 24 thousand yen were reduced from a 100 thousand yen repair. By applying these analyzed results, we proposed a method in which to enhance the usage of recycled parts in auto-repair shops.


  • 215 Development of 3D modeling method of Teshima Project by GIS

    IZUKA Souhei, MATSUYAMA Ryoko, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 152 - 155  2013

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    This report shows the development of 3D modeling method of Teshima waste disposal project using GPS. Teshima waste disposal project has been conducted since 2003 as a solution of the illegal industrial waste dumping occurred in Teshima-island, Kagawa Prefecture. To prevent illegal dumping and to accumulate data of this project, we measured the disposal area 4 times a year and made the 3D model of the area. We call this system a &quot;Co-creation system&quot;. By comparing the 3D model change in time course, we can show stakeholders how the project has advanced.. And by measuring the area changed between the two 3D models, we can calculate the amount of disposed garbage. With this system we promoted information sharing between stakeholders.


  • 216 Economy and environmental assessment based on recycling process using home-appliances DB and experimental results of recycling

    SHIMAMURA Kyohei, KUWAHARA Takeki, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 156 - 159  2013

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    From the point of view of securing resources of rare metals, construction of resource recovery system from small appliances is being considered. However, it cannot be said that careful consideration has been done for their design method. We the autho rs have manually disassembled 365 products of various small appliances so far, and have accumulated information such as material composition to build a database for domestic appliances. In this paper, small domestic appliances were put to the crushing and screening experiment, which was carried out at a treatment facility in Saitama prefecture, for collecting various resources to investigate their material compositions. Then, our domestic appliances database was exploited in leading the relevance between the input objects and output particles in treatment facilities. Thereby, it was made possible to estimate output particles from the material compositions of input objects. In addition, from the perspective of economic efficiency and environmental performance, a selection method of optimal product group as input object was constructed.


  • 217 Development of integrated indicator of environmental load and application in China

    ZHOU Yang, PEI Tao, HU Hao, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 160 - 163  2013

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    The resource demand is increasing every day as the developing countries are ascendant. All the countries of the world are aiming at building a recycling-oriented society in recent years. Because of the argument about building a reasonable international resources recycling system and technology transfer from Japan is high-profile these days, the research focus on the quantitative feasibility development indicators. Concretely, in order to put the past research of integrated indicator ELP into China, based on the result of questionnaire and text mining, estimating the index which reflected Chinese character and regionality and building the database of environmental load. Besides, the research is going to test the feasibility of comprehensive indicator ELP in China, and also will discuss how to use it. In the end, we will study the waste paper case.


  • 218 Construct Safety and Security system in Waste Disposal and Recycling facilities by using ICT and 3D-VR

    TAKAHASHI Tomoyuki, TAKANO Satoshi, SAITO Hiroki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 164 - 167  2013

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    Accident frequency rate of waste disposal and recycling facilities is high compared to the manufacturing and construction industry that is considered accident occurs experiencing a high in general. And it is required of sophisticated of safety measures at there. We build accident database and developed tools to assist in the business, such as safety patrol using by ICT such as iPhone. Further, by creating a reproduction video accidents and hazard map using the 3D-VR, aimed at advanced safety training approach. It can be seen that through the analysis of the database, accidents such as shovel loaders, forklifts and is most likely to happen loading-unloading work at the time and operated and running so we reproduced in the 3D-VR on the case.


  • 219 LCA food waste utilization system with consideration to regional treatment

    OMURA Kenta, HITOKUBO Akira, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, SHIMIZU Koh, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, SUZUKI Yasuo, KIHARA Yasuhiko, Ushiyama Takao

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 168 - 171  2013

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    Effective use of food waste is needed from a viewpoint of recycling and energy utilization system. But, it is in the situation which is hard to say that sufficient measure is progressing, because of not to have evaluated objectively superiority such as recycling and energy utilization system, to differ in the conditions of a systems configuration with the local characteristic and so on. Therefore, in order to examine the effective use of food waste generated in regional areas, the recycling and energy utilization system was evaluated by LCA. First, We carried out the case study based on the knowledge of reducing the environmental impacts of a processing system with selection of recovery area and cooperation with an existing infrastructure like a garbage processing plant. As a result, It turned out that it is most excellent that we perform a methane fermentation institution on the basis of less than 20 km in radius.


  • 412 Assessment of High-efficient Energy Utilization System of Woody Biomass

    Koizumi TAKAYUKI, OMURA Kenta, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, OKUYAMA Keichi, SUZUKI Yasuo, USHIYAMA Takao

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 304 - 307  2013

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    In recent years, use of renewable energy has been required more by accident of nuclear power plant in the Great East Japan Earthquake and the depletion of natural resources. In this study, we focus on heat utilization that is efficient than electronic power use of woody biomass, and consider the promotion of bio-oil as an alternative fuel use in facilities with many heavy oil consumption in the industrial sector. In addition, environmental performance and economic evaluation of both the demonstration and simulation of introducing bio-oil in the facility a lot of heavy oil consumption in Saitama Prefecture is shown. Then the effectiveness of the Bio-oil production and utilization system is proposed.


  • 428 Study on energy saving and upgrading of BEMS on Honjo campus Waseda University

    ENAI Yuki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, IMADA Sosuke

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 357 - 360  2013

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. However, it is difficult to assess the performance of the energy system, and civilian facilities are not established clear criteria. Waseda University is also required to reduce greenhouse gas. In this report, we investigated the possibility of energy-saving in the university campus based on a survey evaluation and a simulation. In this report. in addition to measurement of the energy system in the Honjo Waseda campus of Waseda University, Based on survey evaluation of the operation of lighting and air-conditioning, the staying-in-the-room number, etc, we proposed energy saving from supply-and-demand both sides. And we examined the reduction effect of an employment improvement and equipment replacement of heat pump.


  • 440 Consideration to the Design and Development System of Ultra Lightweight Vehicle

    MIYAZAWA Yuta, YAMAMOTO Takamasa, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2013 ( 0 ) 396 - 399  2013

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    This paper aims at producing &quot;Ultra Lightweight Vehicle&quot; (ULV) which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy, and consider a method of decreasing environmental load and improvement model of &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot;, which model of ULV is able to assembled by local small and medium-sized enterprises, and used effectively in local area. Specifically, as the design and development system, we compared Coefficient of Air Resistance simulated on the software and tested on the road, and made it possible to choose the cowl which applies to ULV used in local area. And it is found that ULV is superior to other mobility in terms of weight and CO_2 emission.


  • Proposal and evaluation about way of effective utilization for food wastes in Honjo, Saitama

    竹原 裕人, 大村 健太, 一久保 晶, 清水 康, 小野田 弘士, 永田 勝也

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   24 ( 0 )  2013

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    近年,循環型社会の構築に向けた取り組みの一環として食品リサイクルの促進が注目を浴びている.しかし各リサイクル技術に対する環境負荷や経済性の評価を統括的に行った研究や評価ソフトが現状では存在していない. 本研究では乾燥飼料化,堆肥化,メタン発酵,エタノール化の4技術を利用した事例を収集し,環境負荷と経済性評価の把握と比較を行える評価ソフトを開発した.これにより各リサイクル技術の定量評価を可能にし,周辺インフラや地域特性との連携の重要性を明らかにした. さらに,埼玉県本庄市をモデルとしたケーススタディを行った.具体的に,清掃工場や下水処理施設などの既存インフラの調査や,未利用の食品系廃棄物の排出量を推計し,こうした地域特性を考慮した最適な有効利用システムの提案と評価をした.その結果本庄市において,現実的にはメタン発酵施設と既存インフラを併設したケースが最も効果があることがわかった.


  • Quantity Assessment of vehicle DfE(Design for Environment) for advancement of end-of-life vehicles recycling law.

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 中嶋 崇史, 趙 王来, 宇津木 隼, 黒岩 翔

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   24 ( 0 )  2013

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    自動車リサイクル法見直しに関する会議(産業構造審議会 環境部会廃棄物・リサイクル小委員会自動車リサイクルWG中央環境審議会 廃棄物・リサイクル部会自動車リサイクル専門委員会合同会議)のなかでリサイクルの高度化について議論がなされ,解体性の向上やリサイクル性を考慮した素材の使用等,環境負荷の低減およびリサイクル率の質の向上にむけ環境配慮設計(DfE:Design for Environment)が注目されている.こうしたなか,DfEの導入促進に向けて,それを客観的に評価していくことが求められるが,その評価手法については十分な検討がなされていない現状がある.そこで,筆者らは,自動車の実解体試験を行いELP法(Environmental Load Point2))を通してDfEを時系列で比較することでDfEの定量化を試みた.


  • An example introduction of regional collaboration in the livestock industry and food industry

    Kitamura Yukio, Onoda Hiroshi, Shimizu Kou, Oomura Kenta, Hashimoto Gaku

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   24 ( 0 )  2013

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    A collaborative business between two companies is executed using residue from alcohol distillation process&amp;nbsp;directly to hog raising in Kagoshima Prefecture.&lt;br&gt;After 8 years of operation from the beginning, we found that there are certain reasons for this continuation, and that there are some technical problems not become aware by the personel concerned. At the same time, a solution is suggested for usage of water contained food processing residue.


  • Economical efficiency and environment evaluation of the recycling process of used small home-appliances

    Kuwahara Takeki, Wakabayashi Eisuke, Nakajima Takafumi, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   24 ( 0 )  2013

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    レアメタル等の資源確保が求められるなか,使用済み小型家電のリサイクル法が施行され,その回収から処理までを含めた資源回収システムの構築が検討されているが,その設計方法に関しては十分な検討がされているとはいえない. 本報では,埼玉県で実施した使用済み小型家電等の破砕選別実験を通じて,破砕処理施設への投入物と回収物の関係性を導き出し,筆者らがこれまでに各種小型家電を手解体することで構築してきた「DfE定量評価データベース」に蓄積された製品の素材構成から回収物の重量を推計する方法を検討した.さらに埼玉県内の自治体の使用済み小型家電のリサイクル状況・問題点を把握し,手解体工程や最新設備の導入効果を経済性・環境性の面から評価した.


  • Study on the discharge situation and estimation technique of industry and office food waste by GIS

    陳 正源, 大村 健太, 一久保 晶, 清水 康, 小野田 弘士, 永田 勝也

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   24 ( 0 )  2013

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    食品系廃棄物は再生利用やエネルギー利用の観点から着目されているが,事業継続を行うことが非常に難しいと言われている.なかでも,処理量の安定確保が事業継続において重要だとされているが,現状では食品系廃棄物の量を把握するための先行研究がほとんどされておらず,十分な取り組みが進んでいるとは言い難い状況にある. そこで,本研究では循環型社会の構築に寄与することを目的に,業種ごとにおける食品系廃棄物の賦存量,未利用資源量の排出原単位を各種報告書を活用することで構築した.さらに,排出原単位と地理情報システム(GIS)を連携することによって食品系廃棄物の排出実態の可視化を行った.そして,その整合性を確認するために,収集・運搬業者の実際の回収店舗の空間分布状況が推計賦存量の高いエリアにある程度の一致性が見受けられ,回収量の実績値と推計値に関しても誤差が約8%となっており,非常に精度が高いことが判明した.


  • The present state of effort of resource recovery of fly ash from ash-melting

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 胡 浩, 大村 健太, 竹原 裕人, 小野 裕介

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   24 ( 0 )  2013

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  • Study on energy conservation measures of air conditioning and lighting : It is for an example about a university campus

    絵内 祐樹, 永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集 Proceedings of the JSRAE Annual Conference     99 - 102  2013


  • 実測評価およびシミュレーションに基づく大学キャンパスにおける省エネルギー化の可能性に関する検討 : 本庄早稲田キャンパスを例に

    絵内 祐樹, 南 祐貴, 小野田 弘士

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   31   393 - 396  2012.06


  • Study about the Energy Conservation of the Civi l Building energy system in China

    劉 鳳春, 孫 楊, 小野田 弘士

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   31   401 - 404  2012.06


  • 217 LCA of recycling and energy utilization system of food waste

    OOMURA Kenta, USHIYAMA Takao, NAKAJIMA Takahumi, ONODA Hiroshi, SUDUKI Yasuo, YAMAMOTO Hiroshi, IZUKA Souhei, SHIMIZU Koh, NAGATA Katuya, KIHARA Yasuhiko

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 178 - 181  2012

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    Effective use of food waste is needed from a viewpoint of recycling and energy utilization system. But, it is in the situation which is hard to say that sufficient measure is progressing, because of not to have evaluated objectively superiority such as recycling and energy utilization system, to differ in the conditions of a systems configuration with the local characteristic and so on. Therefore, in order to examine the effective use of food waste generated in urban areas, the recycling and energy utilization system was evaluated by LCA. First, we hypothesized that it is an efficient system of cooperation with existing infrastructure. And, we have estimated the environmental impact of various cases. As a result, we found that the sewage treatment plant to work with is more effective than a single installation of methane fermentation facility


  • 3-5-2 Energy use technology by woody biomass and construction of utilization network

    KUWAHARA Takeki, NAKAMURA Takuya, OGINO Daisuke, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   21 ( 0 ) 98 - 99  2012

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    Recently, global warming has become a serious problem. For Japan in the world&#039;s highest level is already energy efficient, the shift from fossil fuels account for the majority of energy is required for promoting greater energy non-fossil. Therefore, we study on the use of woody bio-oil which doesn&#039;t generate carbon offsets. We suppose introducing high performance equipment in order to collect the wood as a raw material to build a system using of woody bio-oil. Also, we develop this study in Chichibu. Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture where is located in the suburbs of the capital is abundant in timber resources.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-1-1 Development and improvement of mobility machinery for futurity city traffic

    YAMAMOTO Takamasa, FURUKAWA Kengo, SUZUKI Katsutoshi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   21 ( 0 ) 270 - 271  2012

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    Depleting of fossil fuel, contamination of atmosphere, traffic congestion, and so on, car life scene of recent years demands of mobility which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy. Now then, this project will produce&quot;Ultra Light-weight Vehicle &quot;(ULV)which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy, and consider a method of decreasing environmental load and improvement model of&quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot;, which model of ULV is able to assembled by local small and medium-sized enterprises, and used effectively in local area.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-1-2 Estimation of CO2 reduction potential based on the typology of life patterns that utilize the HEMS data

    Ihara Katsumasa, Nagata Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Nakajima Takafumi, Sato Yu

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   21 ( 0 ) 272 - 273  2012

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    The purpose of this study is to estimate the CO2 reduction potential of each attribute that typify life patterns using the HEMS data and attribute data of about 1,000 households. This scene of each household life (morning / evening, and absence / home) go along with the potential to extract the largest element of reduction in various actions, and especially, to consider measures that are valid for the CO2 saving target scene aimed at.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-1-3 A Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index ELP

    HANAZONO Ryuzo, KOBAYASHI Yudai, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   21 ( 0 ) 274 - 275  2012

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and a change of a personal lifestyle is demanded. We suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods.

    DOI CiNii

  • 213 Assessment and Construction of efficient recycling systems for small home appliances through the participation of private facilitie

    NAKAJIMA Takafumi, SEKI Yuichirou, Hiroshi ONODA, Katsuya NAGATA

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 163 - 166  2012

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    From a securing of metal resources viewpoint, recycling system from small home appliances is required. Therefore,collection and deliveiy system of them and recovery technologies of rare metals are studied. On the existing collection and deliveiy system, small home appliances are usually collected as non-burnable garbage, and oversized trash. So, we have examined the onstruction of the recycling system for small home appliances which minimize the construction of new collection and delivery system and investments in facilities.In this paper, for developing that recycling system, we describe surveys on the actual conditions how local governments treat small home appliances and verification tests on the recycle system from them, using the private facilities one of the established infrastructures


  • 214 Development of 3D modeling method of Teshima Project by GIS

    IZUKA Souhei, TSUKIYAMA Ryo, ENAI Yuki, NAGAI Yuji, KIRIKAWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 167 - 169  2012

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    Teshima waste disposal project has been done as a solution of the illegal industrial waste dumping occurred in Teshima-island, Kagawa Prefecture since 2003. The role of the watch of the project is requested by the resident living in Teshima-island and Naoshima-island. 0n the other hand, disclosing useful information for the understanding this project is by whom is the entrepreneur needed in Kagawa Prefecture. Both of information matched to the progress of the project, Co-creation system is thought to be necessary by such correspondence. We have aimed to practice what we can do as an engineer, and we made the 3D model of the waste dumping place to show how the project has progressed. The goal Of our study is to prevent illegal dumping and to accumulate data about l&#039;eshima waste disposal project. In this report, we show development of 3D modeling method ofTeshima waste disposal project by GIS.


  • 215 Quantity assessment of Automobile DfE(Design for Environment)

    HIRAMATSU Nobuhito, UTSUGI Hayato, ONODA Hiroshi, KUROIWA Sho, NAKAJIMA Takahumi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 170 - 173  2012

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    In this paper, we introduced &quot;Quantity assessment of Automobile DfE&quot;, which was aimed at being able to reduce environmental impact and improve recycling rates. In order to attain it, we disassembled seven gasoline-powered cars including a minivehicle, a hybrid car, and an electric vehicle, and explored its tendency. As a result of analysis, the following clarified. (1)lf it is a new car, it progresses Aluminum-ization to decrease its weights Therefore, the CO_2 cost per kg at manufacturing stage is becoming high. (2) In the vehicles with same displacement volume, although the environmental impact at the time of manufacture and abandonment is high in new vehicles, when based on a use stage, an environmental side has a merit.(3) When it compares about a different vehicle type, a minivehicle has a merit in respect of environment from other vehicle types.(4) When based on a use stage also in HEV and EV, there is a merit in respect of environment


  • 216 Comparative evaluation for potential-price and the price of the resources after crashed and separated of used small home-appliance

    WAKABAYASHI Eisuke, ONODA Hiroshi, NAKAJIMA Takahumi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 174 - 177  2012

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    To construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration to 3R (Reduce , Reuse , Recycle) in the design phase increases in various industrial products. Concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property is important. Then we develop the quantity disassembly property assessment method Disassembly Property Index (DPI)・one of the DfE (Design for Environment) supporting tool. In this paper, we conduct the experiment to crush and sorting domestic appliances. It makes possible to evaluate crush and sorting process of each injection domestic appliances economically and environmentally. And we compare resource value of domestic appliances before and after experiment using data base which contains material information (Fe, Cu, Al…etc).ownership ratio and the life of domestic appliances


  • 402 Development of Solar Collector Performance Symulation Software and its use

    Nakamura Takuya, Kuwahara Takeki, Onoda Hiroshi, Hagino Daisuke, Nagata Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 247 - 250  2012

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    The solar thermal energy system is expected to have immediate and positive effect as for global warming measures. However, the market is shrinking recently, because the introductory effect is not clear to the user. In this research, we developed a simple software which can simulate the introductory effect according to domestic hot-water demand. The simulation can be performed by inputting the method of bathing and a family&#039;s number s a demand side and inputting living area, the angle of the roof, etc. from the supply side. The simulation of a business-use institution is also possible by directly inputting the hot-water demand. Moreover, we economically evaluated the introduction of the solar collectors by using the software and proposed the state of the bounty system required for spreading them.


  • 418 Study on energy saving on Hon jo Waseda campus

    Minami Yuki, Onoda Hiroshi, Enai Yuki, Nagata Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 299 - 302  2012

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. However, it is difficult to assess the performance of the energy system, and civilian facilities are not established clear criteria. Waseda University is also required to reduce greenhouse gas. In this report, we investigated the possibility of energy-saving in the university campus based on a survey evaluation and a simulation . In this report, in addition to measurement of the energy system in the Honjo Waseda campus of Waseda University, Based on survey evaluation of the operation of lighting and air-conditioning, the staying-in-the-room number, etc, we proposed energy saving from supply-and-demand both sides. And we examined the reduction effect of an employment improvement and quipment replacement of heat pump.


  • 424 Development of evaluation method for the commercial energy system in China

    Sun Yang, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 321 - 324  2012

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    China is exploring the road of sustainable economic development and economic environment to be compatible. In order to reduce the level Of energy consumption per unit of production, there is a need for high-efficiency energy-saving measures. The Chinese government in the next five-year plan twelfth has been presented as a goal that not only keep 16% of GDP energy consumption reduction, 17% reduction in CO_2 emissions per unit of GDP. In this paper, we intended to be for the energy system in the business facilities,make the development of evaluation methods that can be applied to China in order to respond to these developments. More specifically, on the application to verify the possibility of China with simulation software has been developed in Japan, to conduct a case study for the facility for business in China. As facilities for business in China, located in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, was the target of eco-friendly facilities were introduced heat collectors and solar photovoltaic power generation, geothermal heat pump or the like. More specifically, as well as to estimate the heat load in the same building, was carried out from both the supply and demand assessment and suggestions for improvement to the current system.


  • 442 Development of Ultra Lightweight Vehicle

    Suzuki Katsutoshi, Yamamoto Takamasa, Nagata Katsuya, Hurukawa Kengo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2012 ( 0 ) 377 - 380  2012

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    Depleting of fossil fuel, contamination of atmosphere, traffic congestion, and so on, car life scene of recent years demands of mobility which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy. Now then, this project will produce &quot;Ultra Light Vehicle&quot;(ULV), and consider the decreasing environmenta凵oad and the improvement model of &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot;, which model of ULV is able to assembled by local, and used effectively in local area. So, this project aims to realization of futurity mobility from community. This project aims at raising the entrainment environment of ULV without an air conditioner by manufacture of the equipment using a Peltier device and a degree of comfort by optimal regulation of air pressure damper because ULV shakes easily.


  • Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing of Teshima waste disposal project

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 永井 祐二, 切川 卓也, 絵内 祐樹, 飯塚 壮平, 松山 涼子, 築山 亮

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23 ( 0 ) 111 - 111  2012

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    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation for the resources value of used small home-appliances before and behind the crush sorting process in a real institution

    wakabayashi eisuke, nagata katsuya, onoda hiroshi, nakajima takahumi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23 ( 0 ) 115 - 115  2012

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    レアメタル等の資源確保の観点から,使用済み小型家電等の資源回収システムの構築が検討されているが,その設計方法に関しては十分な検討がされているとはいえない.筆者らは,これまでに各種小型家電製品を手解体し,素材構成情報を蓄積することで家電製品環境配慮設計評価データベース(以下,「家電製品データベース」と呼ぶ.)を構築してきた. 本報では,埼玉県で実施した使用済み小型家電等の破砕選別試験を通じて,処理施設での投入物と回収物の関係性を導き出し,資源価格変動における民間破砕処理施設の経済性評価を行った.また,各自治体が回収している製品群の素材構成を家電製品データベースから算出し,民間破砕処理施設Aの処理フローに投入したと仮定して推定される回収物のポテンシャルと処理工程後の資源的価値の比較評価を行い,回収される製品群の違いによる経済性・環境性について検討した.

    DOI CiNii

  • Quantity assessment of Automobile DfE (Design for Environment)

    Kuroiwa Sho, Nagata Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Nakazima Takahumi, Hiramatsu Nobuhito, Utsugi Hayato

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23 ( 0 ) 219 - 219  2012

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    自動車の環境配慮設計(DfE:Design for Environment)とは製品の設計段階から廃棄段階を考慮した設計をすることである.これにより環境問題を予防的に阻止する狙いがある.現行の自動車リサイクル法では自動車メーカーの責任をエアバッグ類,フロン類,シュレッダーダストの3品取りと再資源化に限定しており,拡大生産者責任(EPR:Extended Producer Responsibility)の視点からすると非常に限定的である.自動車リサイクル法見直しに関する会議の中でリユースパーツの利用促進やリサイクルの高度化について議論がされ,解体性の向上やリサイクル性を考慮した素材の使用等,環境負荷の低減およびリサイクル率の向上にむけ自動車の設計が注目されており,DfEについて時系列を追って定量化評価することは非常に重要となってくる.以上の問題点を受け特定車種を実解体試験し解体性評価手法(DPI: Disassembly Property Index)や環境効用ポテンシャル手法(E2-PA:Environmental Efficiency Potential Assesment)を通して時系列で比較することでDfEの定量化を目指した.&amp;nbsp;

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of integrated indicator of environmental load and application of E-waste environmental assessment between Japan and China


    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23 ( 0 ) 199 - 199  2012

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    適正な国際資源循環システムの構築や日本からの技術移転に関する議論が活発化している.これらの動きに対応するためには,先行研究で開発した統合化指標ELP(Environmental Load Point)の中国版を構築することを目的にアンケートにより中国の国民性や地域性を反映したカテゴリー重要度の推定と環境負荷項目のデータベースの構築を行った.そして,これらの結果により,E-wasteリサイクルを対象としたケーススタディを通じて,統合化指標ELPの中国への適用性について検証を行った.

    DOI CiNii

  • The present state of effort of resource recovery of fly ash from ash-melting

    Nagata Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Nakajima Takafumi, Ko Kou, Utsugi Hayato, Takehara Yuto

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23 ( 0 ) 449 - 449  2012

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    DOI CiNii

  • A consideration on effectiveness measurement of utilization of distillery residue as feed stuff

    Kitamura Yukio

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23 ( 0 ) 365 - 365  2012

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    The residue of distillery of Japanese spirit&amp;nbsp;named Shochu which used to be abandoned into sea is now used as&amp;nbsp;feed stuff&amp;nbsp;for livestock. However, it is not thought to be one of&amp;nbsp;the&amp;nbsp;preventing methods of global warming in case it is&amp;nbsp;treated using fossil fuel.&lt;br&gt;This treatise introduces a trial between hog raising and distillery in a large scale, using &quot;liquid feed&quot; method which feed stuff is dissolved in distillery residue.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Co-creation system and analysis of water pollution in the coast in Teshima-island

    Izuka Souhei, Enai Yuki, Tsukiyama Ryo, Nagai Yuji, Kirikawa Takuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23 ( 0 ) 543 - 543  2012

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    DOI CiNii

  • Study on energy conservation in the proposed food supermarket based on survey evaluation and a simulation

    絵内 祐樹, 南 裕貴, 小野田 弘士

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集 Proceedings of the JSRAE Annual Conference     E212 - 1-4  2012


  • Examination about construction of the operation system of the vending machine for drinks : The actual proof of the power consumption reduction effect by replacement of the vending machine in Waseda University

    桑原 健嘉, 中嶋 崇史, 小野田 弘士

    日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集 Proceedings of the JSRAE Annual Conference     E213 - 1-4  2012


  • 統合化指標ELPを応用したライフスタイルアセスメントに関する検討

    花園竜三, 小林雄大, 永井祐二, 小野田弘士, 永田勝也

    環境科学会年会プログラム   2012  2012


  • 6-1-1 Study on energy conservation in the proposed commercial facilities

    MINAMI Yuki, KONISHI Hiroki, ONODA Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   20 ( 0 ) 268 - 269  2011.08

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. However, it is difficult to assess the performance of the energy system, and civilian facilities are not established clear criteria. In this report focuses on supermarkets in Oita, energy monitoring and energy conservation were proposed in several stores.

    DOI CiNii

  • 7-5-2 A Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index ELP

    HANAZONO Ryuzo, YAMAUCHI Takahiro, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   20 ( 0 ) 330 - 331  2011.08

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and a change of a personal lifestyle is demanded. We suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods.

    DOI CiNii

  • 12・1 総論(12.環境工学,<特集>機械工学年鑑)

    小野田 弘士

    日本機械学会誌   114 ( 1113 ) 607 - 607  2011


  • 4-6-2 Building a network for utilization of timber resources

    OGINO Daisuke, YOSHIMURA Gen, TAKANO Satoshi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   20 ( 0 ) 242 - 243  2011

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    Recently, global warming has become a serious problem. For Japan in the world&#039;s highest level is already energy efficient, the shift from fossil fuels account for the majority of energy is required for promoting greater energy non-fossil. Therefore, we study on the use of woody bio-oil which doesn&#039;t generate carbon dioxide by the idea of carbon offsets. We suppose introducing high performance equipment in order to collect the wood as a raw material to build a system using of woody bio-oil. Also, we develop this study in Chichibu. Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture where is located in the suburbs of the capital is abundant in timber resources

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-1-2 Development and improvement of mobility machinery for futurity city traffic

    SUZUKI Katsutoshi, YAMAMOTO Takamasa, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   20 ( 0 ) 270 - 271  2011

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    Depleting of fossil fuel, contamination of atmosphere, traffic congestion, and so on, car life scene of recent years demands of mobility which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy. Now then, this project will produce &quot;Ultra Light Vehicle&quot; (ULV) which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy, and consider a method of decreasing environmental load and improvement model of &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot;, which model of ULV is able to assembled by local small and medium-sized enterprises, and used effectively in local area.

    DOI CiNii

  • 218 A Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index : Development of LSA software and environmental measures in single-person households

    HANAZONO Ryuzo, YAMAUCHI Takahiro, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 152 - 155  2011

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and a change of a personal lifestyle is demanded. We suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods. In this study, we have invented LSA software to calculate environmental load of the whole lifestyle easily and developed it to make fit for practical use. We also applied LSA methods to an environment symbiotic apartment, to grasp their lifestyles and to propose how to improve them.


  • 220 A Study on Life Cycle Assessment of Recycling System : Upgrade of BAS assessment software and expansion of disposal technology

    OMURA Kenta, HONOBE Kazuyoshi, HU Hao, MINAGAWA Masashi, Utsugi Hayato, JING Liu, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, SUZUKI Yasuo, KIHARA Yasuhiko

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 160 - 163  2011

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    In this research, we have proposed the best processing system the BAS (Best Available System) on both sides of the environment and the economy to us by using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and LCC (Life Cycle Costing) for waste management. To propose BAS, the municipal waste evaluation software has been developed in our laboratory. We objectively evaluated the technology as an example of the next generation stoker-type furnace and the digestive equipment of sewage sludge. And we evaluated various ranges of the evaluation, We considered the influence on the evaluation result and the meaning of the evaluation result.


  • 222 Life Cycle Assessment for Teshima waste treatment project


    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 164 - 166  2011

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    Teshima waste treatment project has been done as a solution of the industrial waste illegal disposal problem happening in Teshima-island, Kagawa Prefecture since 2003. The role of the watch of the project is requested by the resident living in Teshima-island and Naoshima-island. On the other hand, disclosing useful relevant information for the understanding this project is needed in Kagawa Prefecture who is the entrepreneur. Both of information matched to the progress of the project .co-creation system is thought to be necessary by such correspondence. We have aimed to practice what we can do as an engineer. The goal of our study is to prevention illegal dumping and to accumulate data about teshima waste treatment project. In this report, we show the result of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Teshima waste treatment project was evaluated.


  • 223 Systematization of Home Appliances and ICT devices by Environmental Load Assessment and Policy for Environmental Load-Reducing

    NAKAJIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 167 - 170  2011

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    The aim of our study is to propose manufacturers and users have to do for building a sustainable zero-waste economy/society through quantification of the design for environment, DfE. For a background problem of global warming and depletion of natural resources, it is required to reduce the environmental impacts of the products and services life cycle and to develop the method for quantifying the environmental impacts. Following such a demand, the Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment, E2-PA which could solve problems in existing LCA, is developed. The feature of E2-PA is to be able to assess the environmental impacts only by the data on the design phase of products and services. Therefore the designer can consider the life cycle including used on the design phase. In this paper, we pay attention to home appliances and ICT devices. Then, we analyze the way of reducing the environmental load about them through a comparison between the environmental load in use and in manufacturing.


  • 224 Construct Safety and Security system in Waste Disposal and Recycling facilities : Upgrading Safety management system on facilities

    TAKANO Satoshi, YAMAYA Ryo, SEKI Yuichiro, MURAOKA Motoshi, KIRIKAEWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 171 - 174  2011

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    A number of accidents are happening in waste disposal and recycling facilities. Diversity of waste and advancement of disposal and recyclingtechnologies are considered one of the reasons. Then, we construct and analyze database called ATHDB-all. It contains accidents, troubles and the Hiyarihattocases that happened in Japan. The goal of our study is to construct safety and soundsystem in waste disposal and recycling facilities. We upgradethe collecting information tool by ICT(information communication technology)and use these continually in two individual facilities. To developthe safety education systemby APT(Accident Prevention Training tool) with 3D-VR(Virtual Reality) technique, we make software that can analyze database which have individual facilities&#039; accident informationautomatically.


  • 405 Research on Upgrade of Operation in Vending Machine for Beverage

    KUBOTA Kazuki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 256 - 259  2011

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and various energy-saving functions and methods been introduced in vending machines. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. We aim to improve over concentration of vending machines by considering demands, conveniences, and environmental impact of vending machines. In this study, our team cooperates with Pacifico Yokohama and vending machine companies. We tried to make reduction of power consumption in Pacifico Yokohama by using our system of Conservation of energy setting at vending machine.


  • 408 Verification test and the simulation of foreign-made solar heat panels

    OGINO Daisuke, KUWABARA Takeki, YOSHIMURA Gen, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 264 - 267  2011

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    Recently, global warming has become a serious problem. For Japan in the world&#039;s highest level is already energy efficient, the shift from fossil fuels account for the majority of energy is required for promoting greater energy non-fossil. Then, this study is intended to examine possible measures to aggressively promote new energy. Although solar thermal energy is one of the most effective green technology to reduce GHG emission today, number of installation in Japan has been declining as well as its market shrinking causing withdrawal of manufacturer from the division. On the other hand, installation of such equipments in abroad has been growing which tightened competition resulting in improvements of cost performance and technology, and eventually price-reduction. Thus, we have completed verification test of foreign-made solar heat panels and examined its usage, economic impact and influence of installation in order to stimulate domestic market of solar heat panel.


  • 426 Development and improvement of mobility machinery for futurity city traffic

    Suzuki Katsutoshi, YAMAMOTO Takamasa, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 321 - 324  2011

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    Depleting of fossil fuel, contamination of atmosphere, traffic congestion, and so on, car life scene of recent years demands of mobility which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy. Now then, this project will produce &quot;Ultra Light Vehicle&quot; (ULV) which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy, and consider a method of decreasing environmental load and improvement model of &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot;, which model of ULV is able to assembled by local small and medium-sized enterprises, and used effectively in local area. So, this project aim to realization of futurity mobility from community. In addition, aiming to &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot; model of ULV, this project will realize &quot;Multi-PM&quot;ULV, which model is able to choose suitable prime mover for area. Finally , this project consider these things, and aim ULV to spread and use effectively.


  • 430 Economical and Environmental Analysis of SDA by applying the Disassembly Property Index on in the recycling process

    SEKI Yuichiro, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, WAKABAYASHI Eisuke, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2011 ( 0 ) 329 - 332  2011

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    To construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration to 3R (Reduce , Reuse , Recycle) in the design phase increases in various industrial products. Concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property is important. Then we develop the quantity disassembly property assessment method Disassembly Property Index (DPI), one of the DfE (Design for Environment) supporting tool. In this paper, we used E2-PA to assess environmental load of Domestic Appliances by paying attention to rare metals and explain recycling expense calculating tool which can assess recycling process economically and environmentally by using DPI.


  • DXNs analysis on illegal industrial waste dumped site in Teshima-island

    Nagata Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Kirikawa Takuya, Tsukiyama Ryo, Shimomura Kenta

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   22 ( 0 ) 230 - 230  2011

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    DOI CiNii

  • Environmental Analysis of SDA by attention to Rare metal

    Seki Yuichiro, Nakajima Takafumi, Wakabayashi Eisuke, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   22 ( 0 ) 72 - 72  2011

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    資源循環型社会の構築に向け,各種製品において,設計・生産段階における3Rへの配慮,すなわち環境配慮設計の必要性が増してきている.そこで,製品やサービス,社会全体の環境負荷を定量的に評価する手法が必要とされており,既存のLCAの問題点を解消し,標準性,利便性を兼ね備えた企画・設計者のための意思決定支援ツールである環境効用ポテンシャル評価手法Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment(以下,E2-PAという)を開発してきた.特に,マテリアルリサイクルにおいては,入手することが困難である,または将来的に困難となるレアメタルのような資源を重点的に循環させることがより望ましい.本稿では,小型家電から,資源回収を行うことの有効性を検討するため,製品内の希少資源に対する評価法の検討を行い,製品の希少資源の含有に対する傾向を調べるため,実際の製品の評価へと展開し,製品中の希少資源性に対する評価を行った.

    DOI CiNii

  • 直前対策 困った時のお助けQ&A (特集 利益が増える! 省エネ計画 改正省エネ法届出書の書き方)

    秋田 智一, 小野田 弘士, 加藤 幸男

    環境ビジネス   ( 97 ) 40 - 46  2010.07


  • Environmental Load Evaluation of Domestic Appliances (SDA)

    久保田 和樹, 中嶋 崇史, 小野田 弘士

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   29   247 - 250  2010.06


  • 4-4-2 Verification test and the evaluation of foreign-made solar heat panels

    YOSHIMURA Gen, KONO Jun, NISHIMIYA Norikazu, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   19 ( 0 ) 244 - 245  2010

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    Recently, global warming has become a serious problem. For Japan in the world&#039;s highest level is already energy efficient, the shift from fossil fuels account for the majority of energy is required for promoting greater energy non-fossil. Although solar thermal energy is one of the most effective green technology to reduce GHG emission today, number of installation in Japan has been declining as well as its market shrinking causing withdrawal of manufacturer from the division. On the other hand, installation of such equipments in abroad has been growing which tightened competition resulting in improvements of cost performance and technology, and eventually price-reduction. Thus, we have completed verification test of foreign-made solar heat panels and examined its usage, economic impact and influence of installation in order to stimulate domestic market of solar heat panel.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-1-1 Development of Electric Wheelchair as Universal Mobility Equipment

    FUJII Mahoro, SHIMA Nobuhiko, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   19 ( 0 ) 308 - 309  2010

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    Recently, use of mobility devices for the elderly increase. Based on this circumstance, in this study, from the building of the safety and health information management systems, we aim to reduce social unrest of elderly and the disabled, and create a livable community. This year, we constructed the system which can manage the heart rate and body temperature as the user&#039;s health information, performed the demonstration test. We confirmed that the system can manage accurately information while the mobility has come under the influence of various external factors in riding. We obtained nearly normal values for the heart rate but not body temperature, so we need review and improvement the measurement methods.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-1-2 Research on Upgrade of Operation in Vending Machine for Beverage

    KUBOTA Kazuki, NAKAJIMA Yoshinori, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   19 ( 0 ) 310 - 311  2010

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and various energy-saving functions and methods been introduced in vending machines. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. We aim to improve over concentration of vending machines by considering demands, conveniences, and environmental impact of vending machines.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-1-3 Study on energy saving on Waseda University campus

    KONISHI Hiroki, OGINO Daisuke, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   19 ( 0 ) 312 - 313  2010

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. However, it is difficult to assess the performance of the energy system, and civilian facilities are not established clear criteria. Waseda University is also required to reduce greenhouse gas. In this report, we investigated the energy efficiency of the campus of Waseda University.

    DOI CiNii

  • 7-2-2 Development and improvement of mobility machinery for futurity city traffic

    SUZUKI Katsutoshi, YUMURA Atsushi, SEKI Yuichirou, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   19 ( 0 ) 332 - 333  2010

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    Depleting of fossil fuel, contamination of atmosphere, traffic congestion, and so on, car life scene of recent years demands of mobility which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy. Now then, this project will produce &quot;Ultra Light Vehicle&quot; (ULV) which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy, and consider a method of decreasing environmental load and improvement model of &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot;, which model of ULV is able to assembled by local small and medium-sized enterprises, and used effectively in local area.

    DOI CiNii

  • 205 Development of Biomass Liquefaction Technology Using Entrained Flow Reactor

    OKUYAMA Keiichi, UCHIYAMA Takeshi, IWASAKI Toshihiko, MATSUI Satoshi, SUZUKI Yasuo, USHIYAMA Takao, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 104 - 105  2010

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    For the purpose of developing a low cost bio-oil production process, we have investigated rapid pyrolysis of woody biomass by using an entrained flow reactor as the key device. The entrained flow reactor was selected because of the fine controllability of reaction temperature and residence time, which were the main factors affecting liquid products yield. In the bench-scale testing facility with entrained flow reactor, wood particles were rapidly pyrolized and the products were collected to analyze. The yield of bio-oil was higher than 50wt% compared with the fed biomass in dry weight. The obtained bio-oil formed two layers, which were hydrophilic layer containing condensed water and hydrophobic layer settled on the bottom. The moisture of hydrophilic layer should be removed and the products are expected to use as an alternative to heavy fuel oil.


  • 206 Combustion Characteristics of Bio-oil

    MATSUI Satoshi, SUZUKI Yasuo, OKUYAMA Keiichi, UCHIYAMA Takeshi, IWASAKI Toshihiko, USHIYAMA Takao, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 106 - 107  2010

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    Combustion tests were conducted in an actual incineration plant in order to evaluate the bio-oil as alternative kerosene. Large differences in combustion characteristics, such as exhaust gas compositions and temperature conditions, were not observed in these tests, so that the bio-oil is considered to be used as a kerosene alternative.


  • 212 Quantity assessment of Automobile DfE (Design for Environment) and its application

    NEGISHI Takanori, TSUKIYAMA Ryo, HIRAMATSU Nobuhito, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 123 - 125  2010

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    In this paper, we introduced &quot;Quantity assessment of Automobile DfE&quot;, which was aimed at being able to reduce environmental impact and improve recycling rates. As its application, we introduced &quot;Environmental Contribution Points System&quot;, which was aimed at being able to grow Eco Users and reduce CO2 emissions. We made a CO2 database about the effect of reducing environmental load, taking advantage of Automobile Recycled Parts or proper maintenance. The load estimates CO2 quantification and it is used as &quot;Eco Points&quot; for users, who will purchase recycled parts or send their cars for maintenance. For example, in order to promote Environmental Contribution Points, we collaborated with Green Point Club, which had 12 organizations. It installed our database to show the amount of CO2 reduction and Eco Points each recycled auto parts.


  • 220 Construct Safety and Security system in Waste Disposal and Recycling facilities : Safety system on individual facilities

    SEKI Yuichiro, KUNIGAMI Kengo, IHARA Katsumasa, MURAOKA Motoshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 147 - 150  2010

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    A number of accidents are happening in waste disposal facilities. Diversity of waste and advancement of recycling system are considered one of the reasons. Then, we construct and analyze database called ATHDB-all. It contains the accident, the trouble and the Hiyarihatto cases that happened in Japan. To make automatic safety education system by APT (Accident Prevention Training tool) with 3D-VR (Virtual Reality) technology by using the database of individual facilities are our point. We improve the collecting information tool by ICT(information communiation technology) and use this in three individual facilities. In addition, we constructed database in three. Using database, we developed the tool which can make automatically effective safety education program in each facility and used this tool in individual facilities.


  • 221 A Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index : Proposal for reduction of environmental load in home

    MATSUO Keiichirou, SHIIBASHI Yusuke, YAMAUCHI Takahiro, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 151 - 154  2010

     View Summary

    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and a change of a personal lifestyle is demanded. We suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods. In this study, we evaluate the overall environmental load of lifestyle, and we suggest the environmental load of 50% reduction measures. We also evaluate what a good quantitative evaluation of the environmental actions or situations in life, we answer.


  • 222 A Study on Life Cycle Assessment of Recycling System : Improvement of BAS assessment software and application to wide area disposal

    MINAGAWA Masashi, NOBE Atsushi, LIU Jing, HU Hao, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, OSADA Morihiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 155 - 158  2010

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    In this research, we have developed the BAS software as an effective evaluation tool for the municipal waste processing that the municipality and entrepreneurs used easily. First to think about what transportation of recyclable resources should be, we calculated costs and environmental impact of changing the route for the transport of waste in the island. Then based on the results, we calculated the effect when the method of processing and transportation are changed.


  • 223 Systematization for domestic appliances on 2R disassembly index and proposal for the improvement of the index of laptops

    NAKAJIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 159 - 162  2010

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    To construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in the design phase increases in various industrial products. Concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property is important. Then we develop the quantity disassembly property assessment method Disassembly Property Index (DPI), one of the DfE (Design for Environment) supporting tool. In the Reuse and Recycle phase, Not only the improvement of the DPI but also the material compositions are important. Then, it is needed to be able to assess the 2R disassembly from the aspects of both the DPI and the material compositions. In this paper, we propose &quot;2R disassembly index&quot; based on the DPI and apply the index to Domestic appliances. Then, taking laptops for example, the improvement way of the index is proposed.


  • 224 Construction and Analysis of the Product Safety Database

    FURUICHI Naoto, SUZUKI Katsutoshi, IHARA Yuto, KIRIKAWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 163 - 166  2010

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    Recently, consumer product accidents are recurring, the safety technique is necessary. In this study, we construct the product safety data base (PSDB) that uses an original format. In addition, we aim at the construct safety system with PSDB that examine safe design and user support of the product. A safe society will be able to achieve by these. In this paper, the database STDB was showed and how to design that was also showed. We made the original format by drawing a comparison the public database in domestic and foreign nation. PSDB that have about 1,000 cases was constructed. Moreover we tried to develop automatic input tool by text-mining analyses. The delay of the correspondence of the manufacturer, a tendency to the time series in the cause of the accident. were found.


  • 404 Research on Upgrade of Operation in Vending Machine for Beverage

    KUBOTA Kazuki, Nakajima Yoshinori, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 226 - 229  2010

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and various energy-saving functions and methods been introduced in vending machines. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. We aim to improve over concentration of vending machines by considering demands, conveniences, and environmental impact of vending machines. In this study, our team cooperates with Waseda University and vending machine companies. We tried to make reduction of power consumption in Waseda University by using our system of Conservation of energy setting at vending machine.


  • 413 Verification test and the evaluation of foreign-made solar heat panels

    YOSHIMURA Gen, KONO Jun, NISHIMIYA Norikazu, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 257 - 260  2010

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    Recently, global warming has become a serious problem. For Japan in the world&#039;s highest level is already energy efficient, the shift from fossil fuels account for the majority of energy is required for promoting greater energy non-fossil. Then, this study is intended to examine possible measures to aggressively promote new energy. Although solar thermal energy is one of the most effective green technology to reduce GHG emission today, number of installation in Japan has been declining as well as its market shrinking causing withdrawal of manufacturer from the division. On the other hand, installation of such equipments in abroad has been growing which tightened competition resulting in improvements of cost performance and technology, and eventually price-reduction. Thus, we have completed verification test of foreign-made solar heat panels and examined its usage, economic impact and influence of installation in order to stimulate domestic market of solar heat panel.


  • 426 Development of Electric Wheelchair as Universal Mobility Equipment

    FUJII Mahoro, SHIMA Nobuhiko, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 302 - 305  2010

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    In recent years, use of mobility equipment for elderly person increase, systems that users can know their status on the go are required. In addition, universal design (U.D.) infiltrates that refers also elimination of social barriers of disabled and elderly person as well as a friendly environment for everyone, but U.D. has currently no clear standard. Based on these circumstances, this study has the purpose that by construction of health safety information management system and examination of U.D. for building we reduce social anxiety by elderly and disabled person and moreover create a society that easy to live. This year, we built the system that we can manage our heart rate and body temperature of health information, and examined positively it. We could get the normal value of their heart rate but not body temperature, so we need improve beside it. In the matter of U.D., we made the database of the measures what the prefectures have newly implemented.


  • 429 Development and improvement of mobility machinery for futurity city traffic

    Suzuki Katsutoshi, Yumura Atsushi, Seki Yuuichirou, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2010 ( 0 ) 312 - 315  2010

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    Depleting of fossil fuel, contamination of atmosphere, traffic congestion, and so on, car life scene of recent years demands of mobility which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy. Now then, this project will produce &quot;Ultra Light Vehicle&quot; (ULV) which is able to drive with smallest size of body and fewest energy, and consider a method of decreasing environmental load and improvement model of &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot;, which model of ULV is able to assembled by local small and medium-sized enterprises, and used effectively in local area. So, this project aim to realization of futurity mobility from community. In addition, aiming to &quot;manufacturing in local and exploiting in local&quot; model of ULV, this project will realize &quot;Multi-PM&quot;ULV, which model is able to choose suitable prime mover for area. Finally, this project consider these things, and aim ULV to spread and use effectively.


  • B101 Study on energy saving on Waseda University campus

    KONISHI Hiroki, OGINO Daisuke, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems   2010 ( 0 ) 39 - 42  2010

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    That is necessary efforts to reduce greenhouse gas pressing in the civilian sector, the unknown actual operation of energy systems of both supply and demand, not advanced energy efficiency that has not been established evaluation criteria clear that is present. In this study, we monitored both in supply and demand, by developing an evaluation method based on energy conservation monitoring systems have been proposed considering the matching of supply and demand of energy. In this paper, in small and medium size campus of Waseda University to investigate the actual situation of energy consumption, and consider the operation of the supply of equipment for heating, lighting and air conditioning made the proposal in the mixed energy even to the staff survey.


  • A202 Verification test of foreign-made solar heat panels and examination of dissemination measures including hybrid system

    Kono Jun, Nishimiya Norikazu, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems   2010 ( 0 ) 235 - 238  2010

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    While global warming has become more deeply concerned, it is vital for Japan, which has world&#039;s top energy efficiency, to proactively adopt renewable energy in consumer category to shift from high dependency of fossil fuels. As for such approach, we have made comprehensive analysis and determination for usage of solar thermal energy. Although it is one of the most effective green technology to reduce GHG emission today, number of installation in Japan has been declining as well as its market shrinking causing withdrawal of manufacturer from the division. On the other hand, installation of such equipments in abroad has been growing which tightened competition resulting in improvements of cost performance and technology, and eventually price-reduction. Thus, we have completed verification test of foreign-made solar heat panels on behalf of Ministry of the Environment and examined its usage, economic impact and influence of installation in order to stimulate domestic market of solar heat panel.


  • Study on technological development evaluation and spread plan of biotechnology oil


    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   21 ( 0 ) 210 - 210  2010

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    Recently, global warming has become a serious problem. For Japan in the world&#039;s highest level is already energy efficient, the shift from fossil fuels account for the majority of energy is required for promoting greater energy non-fossil. Then, it aims to actively promote measures to new energy for the public welfare sector, we evaluated the utilization of bio-oil Networks in rural areas.Actually, we investigated the use of woody biomass technology for bio-oil. Low quality, but for technology and business development for heat utilization of biomass liquid fuel production is easy and low cost, we calculated life cycle CO2 emissions of generation. The combustion tests were conducted in a mixture of lime baking furnace production, we calculated actually reduce CO2 emissions. In addition, Used for production of bio-oil spread, we propose a system model consortium.

    DOI CiNii

  • Upgrade of Safety design Analysis with Database and development of SAD application

    Seki Yuichiro, Ihara Katsumasa, Kirikawa Takuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   21 ( 0 ) 50 - 50  2010

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    The accident happens frequently in waste disposal facilities. The facilities design is being requested more safety while the recycling system advances. Then, safety design analysis technique SAD(Safety design analysis with database) for enabling the evaluation of safe, economical design is developed by effectively using the accident cases that quantitatively arranges specialists&#039; technology, and occurred in the past. In this report, we show the upgrade of SAD and SAD application. The SAD application can evaluate all processes from the evaluation of the technology that evaluates safety to the examination of the safety technique automatically referring to the Accident Trouble Hiyarihatto Data Base and the safety technique data base.

    DOI CiNii

  • Verification of Heat Island Effect reduced by planting

    YAMAUCHI Takahiro, MATSUO Keiichirou, SHIIBASHI Yuusuke, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   21 ( 0 ) 52 - 52  2010

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    Currently, low-carbon society action plan and the Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement Plan, against the backdrop of heightened public awareness of issues such as global warming in recent years for all activities that promote active warming are required. District Higashida Yawata Kitakyushu, CO2 is where has been working actively to reduce quantitative evaluation, since it has not been systematically, the validation efforts in the area Higashida past CO2 in terms of measures to assess quantitatively, we consider the future efforts of both hardware and software based on these results, &quot;Higashida Gurinbirejji plan&quot; to expand, contributing to global warming heat island measures in future development with the aim of &quot;comprehensive development area Higashida, Kitakyushu Yahata,&quot; was to do the research. In this study, the reduction is due to report on the evaluation of afforestation projects.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Utilization of Bio-oil in the Incineration Plant

    Matsui Satoshi, Suzuki Yasuo, Okuyama Keiichi, Uchiyama Takeshi, Iwasaki Toshihiko, Ushiyama Takao, Onoda Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   21 ( 0 ) 55 - 55  2010

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    DOI CiNii

  • Disassembly Analysis of laptops and peripheral equipments

    Nakajima Takafumi, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   21 ( 0 ) 87 - 87  2010

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    DOI CiNii

  • Attempt for the measurement of effectiveness of End-of-life Vehicles Recycling Law by iron scrap price and performance of Automobile Shredder Residue actual disposition

    Nagata Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Kirikawa Takuya, Negishi Takanori, Tsukiyama Ryo, Hiramatsu Nobuhito

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   21 ( 0 ) 89 - 89  2010

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    After End-of-life Vehicles (ELV) Recycling Law was done in January 2005, ELV disposal flow had become clearly visible. Therefore, we understood the problems of ELV disposal flow and attempted to measure the effectiveness of ELV Recycling Law.The current situation of ELV disposal flow could be seen from ELV Recycling Law. In 2009 about 46 percent of used vehicles in Japan has been ELV. First, ELV is selected and removed of parts by Dismantling Operators. Then ELV parts removed will be shredded by Shredding and Sorting Operators. Eventually, Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR) will be Landfill or recycled. However, the reduction of generation of ASR is urgently needed, because of landfill problems and environmental issues by ASR disposal. By these problems, we attempted to measure the effectiveness of End-of-life Vehicles Recycling Law by iron scrap price and performance of Automobile Shredder Residue actual disposition.

    DOI CiNii

  • 12・3 廃棄物処理・資源化技術の動向(12.環境工学,<特集>機械工学年鑑)

    小野田 弘士

    日本機械学会誌   112 ( 1089 ) 652 - 652  2009


  • 3-1-2 Rapid Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass in Entrained Flow Reactor

    OKUYAMA Keiichi, KINOSHITA Seiji, UCHIYAMA Takeshi, IWASAKI Toshihiko, SUZUKI Yasuo, MATSUI Satoshi, USHIYAMA Takao, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   18 ( 0 ) 90 - 91  2009

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    For the purpose of developing a low cost liquefaction process, rapid pyrolysis of woody biomass has been investigated using an entrained flow reactor. In the bench-scale entrained flow reactor, cedar particles were rapidly pyrolized and the products were analyzed. The yield of liquid products was up to 50wt% compared with the fed biomass in dry weight. The moisture of liquid products should be removed and the products are expected to use as alternative to heavy fuel oil.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-2-2 A Study on development of Life Style Assessment method and corporate activity evaluation

    MATSUO Keiichiro, MURATA Sumio, MIZOTA Shogo, MUSHA Hideyuki, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   18 ( 0 ) 340 - 341  2009

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and a change of a personal lifestyle is demanded. We suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods. In this study, we have invented OSA (Office Style Assessment) software to calculate environmental load of the whole lifestyle in offices easily and developed it to make fit for practical use. And we tried to evaluate the effect of environment-conscious activity which we can do at the office.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-2-3 Expansion of Vending Machine Best Available Allocation Supporting Tool to whole of JAPAN

    Kubota Kazuki, MATSUO Keiichiro, MINAGAWA Masashi, MURAOKA Motoshi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   18 ( 0 ) 342 - 343  2009

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and various energy-saving functions and methods been introduced in vending machines. We aim to improve over concentration of vending machines by considering demands, conveniences, and environmental impact of vending machines. In this study, we demonstrated the Vending Machine Best Available Allocation Supporting System around the place for Japan.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-4-1 Development of Electric Wheelchair as Universal Mobility Equipment

    NISHIMIYA Norikazu, KUBOTA Kazuki, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   18 ( 0 ) 354 - 355  2009

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    The growing attention to environmental problems, manufacturers to take into consideration the environment requires in their manufacturing activity. With the increase in the aged population, Japan has entered the aged society that calls for the necessity of mobility equipment designed for assisting the elderly. However, the existing electric wheelchairs do not meet the above demand due to lengthy recharging time and unsatisfactory running time. So, we developed power-saving and light-weight next generation electric wheelchair that can be driven by the fuel cell system.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-5-2 Development of evaluation method of energy system considering the matching of supply and demand

    KONISHI Hiroki, NAKAJIMA Akira, Aiiso Toru, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   18 ( 0 ) 366 - 367  2009

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. However, it is difficult to assess the performance of the energy system, and civilian facilities are not established clear criteria. Then, it proposed the energy saving by proposing the energy monitor about a certain local government building and university, and doing the measurement diagnosis.

    DOI CiNii

  • 7-3-1 Development of Mobility Machinery for Future Urban Traffic

    YOSHIMURA Gen, ANBO Kei, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   18 ( 0 ) 392 - 393  2009

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    Recently, low pollution and reducing the fuel cost are requested because of the negative environmental impact decrease in the transportation section. Especially, the severity increases to the restriction of the car in the city part every year. Then, it aims to turn super-light, small mobility machinery ULV(Ultra Lightweight Vehicle) to practical use as a small commuter car in the city part that authors have developed, to describe the improvement and the evaluation, to do the car sharing etc. , and to propose it as a mobility equipment corresponding to future urban traffic in research.

    DOI CiNii

  • 203 Rapid Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass in Entrained Flow Reactor

    OKUYAMA Keiichi, KINOSHITA Seiji, UCHIYAMA Takeshi, IWASAKI Toshihiko, SUZUKI Yasuo, USHIYAMA Takao, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 137 - 138  2009

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    For the purpose of developing a low cost liquefaction process, rapid pyrolysis of woody biomass has been investigated using an entrained flow reactor. In the bench-scale entrained flow reactor, cedar particles were rapidly pyrolized and the products were analyzed. The yield of liquid products was up to 50wt% compared with the fed biomass in dry weight. The moisture of liquid products should be removed and the products are expected to use as alternative to heavy fuel oil.


  • 220 Disassembly Analysis and Environmental Load Assessment of Domestic Appliances (SDA)

    NAKAJIMA Takafumi, TSUBOUCHI Ryota, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 186 - 189  2009

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    To construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration to 3R (Reduce , Reuse , Recycle) in the design phase increases in various industrial products. Concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property is important. Then we develop the quantity disassembly property assessment method Disassembly Property Index (DPI), one of the DfE (Design for Environment) supporting tool. Additionally, the quantitative environmental load assessment is also necessary to achieve the sustainable society. Though various LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method is developed for such a demand, it is pointed out that there are a lot of problems in existing LCA. To solve such problems, Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA) is developed. E2-PA is based on the concept of &quot;Eco-Efficiency&quot; and the &quot;Potential Assessment&quot;. In this paper, we pay attention to Domestic Appliances (SDA) including digital cameras. Recently, digital cameras are produced and wasted in large quantities, therefore, it is hoped to be recycled. Then, we examine the consideration of 3R and environmental load assessment about them.


  • 233 A Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index : Development of LSA software and the application

    MATSUO Keiichiro, MURATA Sumio, MIZOTA Shogo, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 233 - 236  2009

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and a change of a personal lifestyle is demanded. We suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods. In this study, we have invented LSA software to calculate environmental load of the whole lifestyle easily and developed it to make fit for practical use. We also applied LSA methods to an environment symbiotic apartment, to grasp their lifestyles and to propose how to improve them.


  • 234 Construct the accient, trouble and HIYARIHATTO database and propose counter measures for waste disposal facility

    KIRIKAWA Takuya, FURUICHI Naoto, IHARA Katsumasa, MURAOKA Motoshi, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 237 - 240  2009

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    As industrial techniques were upgraded and the quality of garbage began to change, disposal facilities had to become increasingly more complex systems. It became more difficult to maintain good design and operation. The number of accidents and other types of hazards were happening more frequently. The purpose of this study was to construct systems that will make disposal facilities safer by development method and system. We constructed ATHDB-all (Accident &amp; trouble, HIYARIHATTO database) that have 3,262 cases and development the information collection tool by ICT (information communication technology). The purpose of my study is to construct ATHDB in waste disposal facilities by using ATHDB-all and the information collection tool. We introduce this tool to facility that manages office automation equipments etc. and collect 634 cases. Moreover, we analyze accident and trouble, HIYARIHATTO cases. In this facility, some accidents such as lumbago in convincing heavy object, broken bone by come in contact with forklifts, injured in taking pieces. It addition, improvements were also suggested for these accidents.


  • 235 Development of the accident prevention training tool for Waste Disposal System

    FURUICHI Naoto, IHARA Katsumasa, MURAOKA Motoshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 241 - 244  2009

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    A number of accidents are happening in waste disposal facilities. Diversity of waste and advancement of recycling system are considered one of the reasons. The purpose of our study is to develop effective safety educational tools for operators. To demonstrate in waste disposal system are the purpose, too. We developed APT (Accident Prevention Training tooD by 3D-VR (Virtual Reality) technology that supports safety education for operators effectively and efficiently. This paper has shown the advance of APT-SL. To introduce APT to individual facility, we added function. For example, APT-SL has the function to experience the accident or trouble and recovery them, to operate machines. Moreover, we examined the effectiveness of APT by examination. We produce the bulky garbage disposal facility that have 40t/Day disintegrator, and make the safety education program. The program was selected by analyzing the accident examples. And to try unitization of apparatus and equipments aimed at the simplification of 3D contents creation. The APT that introduce was appreciated in the facility.


  • 236 The suggestion about Environmental Contribution Points System for Automobile

    NEGISHI Takanori, YAMAMOTO Yuji, KIRIKAWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 245 - 247  2009

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    In this paper, we introduced &quot;Environmental Contribution Points System&quot;, which was aimed at being able to grow Eco Users and reduce CO2 emissions. We made a CO2 database about the effect of reducing environmental load, taking advantage of Automobile Recycled Parts or proper maintenance. The load estimates CO2 quantification and it is used as &quot;Eco Points&quot; for users, who will purchase recycled parts or send their cars for maintenance. For example, in order to promote Environmental Contribution Points, we collaborated with Green Point Club, which had 12 organizations. It installed our database to show the amount of CO2 reduction and Eco Points each recycled auto parts.


  • 237 A Study on Life Cycle Assessment of Recycling System : Improvement of BAS assessment software and application to isolated islands

    MINAGAWA Masashi, OZAWA Toshiaki, HU Hao, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, OSADA Morihiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 248 - 251  2009

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    In this research, we have developed the BAS software as an effective evaluation tool for the municipal waste processing that the municipality and entrepreneurs used easily. First to think about what transportation of recyclable resources should be, we calculated costs and environmental impact of changing the route for the transport of waste in the island. Then based on the results, we calculated the effect when the method of processing and transportation are changed.


  • 238 The scheme improving security and security in waste disposal facilities : Improvement of the sound information sharing technique for waste disposal facilities

    IHARA Katsumasa, Furuichi Naoto, KIRIKAWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 252 - 254  2009

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    Waste disposal and recycling facilities are criticized by nearby residents and many in various stages. The comments were composed images such as environmental damage to local environment due to operate facilities. The purpose of our study was to upgrade HPMAX aimed at introducing to domestic waste disposal facilities. That is the WEB site consisted by clear disclosure of the contents of general waste disposal facilities and investigation to nearby residents. Furthermore, as the sophistication of HPMAX development, improve the ease of finding information and the ease of updating.


  • 442 Development of Electric Wheelchair as Universal Mobility Equipment.

    NISHIMIYA Norikazu, KUBOTA Kazuki, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 481 - 484  2009

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    The growing attention to environmental problems, manufacturers to take into consideration the environment requires in their manufacturing activity. With the increase in the aged population, Japan has entered the aged society that calls for the necessity of mobility equipment designed for assisting the elderly. However, the existing electric wheelchairs do not meet the above demand due to lengthy recharging time and unsatisfactory running time. So, we developed power-saving and light-weight next generation electric wheelchair that can be driven by the fuel cell system. Prototype electric wheelchair was made according to the test results, and after repeated modification and improvement an electric wheelchair as an universal mobility was completed. In the process, we surveyed users regarding the wheelchair design and the concept of &quot;progress,&quot; had them test drive the wheelchair, and reflected the results in our manufacturing.


  • 443 Development of Mobility Machinery for Future Urban Traffic

    YOSHIMURA Gen, ANBO Kei, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 485 - 488  2009

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    Recently, low pollution and reducing the fuel cost the car are requested because of the negative environmental impact decrease in the transportation section. Especially, the severity increases to the restriction of the car in the city part every year. Then, it aims to turn super-light, small car ULV (Ultra Lightweight Vehicle) to practical use as a small commuter car in the city part that authors have developed, to describe the improvement and the evaluation, to do the car sharing etc., and to propose it as a mobility equipment corresponding to future urban traffic in research. In this paper we focus on basic understanding of vehicle performance and considering Multi-PM ULV adapted to the local characteristics.


  • 444 Development of Vending Machine Best Available Allocation Supporting Tool

    MATSUO Keiichiro, KUBOTA Kazuki, MINAGAWA Masashi, MURAOKA Motoshi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2009 ( 0 ) 489 - 492  2009

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and various energy-saving functions and methods been introduced in vending machines. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. We aim to improve over concentration of vending machines by considering demands, conveniences, and environmental impact of vending machines. In this study, we demonstrated the system in operation around the place for Japan, monitoring the operating status of the vending machine. And, create a new formula to predict the power consumption of the vending machine considering the regional differences based on the data stored in various parts of Japan, and more accurate.


  • C211 Development of a monitoring system and energy saving assessment method for energy system of public facilty

    KONISHI Hiroki, NAKAJIMA Akira, AIISO Toru, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems   2009 ( 0 ) 341 - 344  2009

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. Especially, the amount of the exhaust of the heat-trapping gas of the public welfare section keeps increasing and the correspondence of importance is requested. However, the operation results of the energy system have the current state of a lot of uncertain case&#039;s there, and not obtaining information to contribute to action of the energy saving as the realities. It is thought that it is effective to monitor operation information efficiently, and to do the analysis and the evaluation of the energy system based on the measurement data continuously in both the energy supply side and the demand side for a current improvement. Then, it proposed the energy saving based on the measurement data by actually proposing the energy monitor about a certain public welfare facilities, and doing the measurement diagnosis.


  • Current and Future of Melting Furnace Fly Ash

    Konishi Hiroki, Ko Kou, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   20 ( 0 ) 173 - 173  2009

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    In recent years, increased by the deepening of domestic waste in Japan, as well as many local governments are considering ways of waste treatment and final disposal of the issue of dioxin in the measures and the subsequent processing stages. In particular, the melting process in the incineration process, and contributing to life extension and maintenance of landfill waste by making it an effective tool for promoting the circulation of resources utilization. The melting process is a process of waste disposal, recycling of slag generated is that there is more study about the handling of fly ash melting occurs at the same time, still in the process that most landfill there is. In this report, which was established in 2003, &quot;The fly ash melting Waseda research resources&quot; on the basis of research results, to report on current status and future prospects of the resources of molten fly ash.

    DOI CiNii

  • Environmental impact assessment in the final disposal ground

    Minagawa Masashi, Ishikawa Tomoyoshi, Konishi Hiroki, Ozawa Toshiaki, Hu Hao, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya, Hujiyoshi Hideaki, Osada Morihiro, Chichibu Shigenori

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   20 ( 0 ) 54 - 54  2009

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    重要な社会問題のひとつである廃棄物問題への国民的関心の高まりは、資源循環型社会へ向けた動きを加速させている。その中で環境負荷、経済性の両面から最適となる処理計画の策定を進めていく必要がある。そこでLCAの考え方を廃棄物処理・リサイクルシステムに応用したTLCA(Technology LCA)やLCCO2といった環境負荷指標とLCCを考慮した包括的な評価方法CLCA(Comprehensive LCA)を導入し、その中で最適なシステムBAS(Best Available System)を検討することが重要である。そこでこれまで開発してきたBAS評価の応用として、埋立ごみを掘り起こし溶融処理を行い埋立ごみの減容化および資源回収を行う埋立地再生事業の評価を行った。埋立による環境負荷、焼却~最終処分による環境負荷を考慮した結果、埋立地再生事業の有効性を確認した。

    DOI CiNii

  • Upgrade of Safety design Analysis with Database and development of SAD application

    Ihara Katsumasa, Furuichi Naoto, Kirikawa Takuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   20 ( 0 ) 60 - 60  2009

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    The accident happens frequently in waste disposal facilities. The facilities design that can be driven is being requested by the design makers while the change in properties of waste turned on and requests of recycling increase. Then, safety design analysis technique SAD(Safety design analysis with database) for enabling the evaluation of a safe, economical design is developed by effectively using the accident and the trouble case that quantitatively arranges specialist&#039;s technology, and occurred in the past. The upgrade of SAD is aimed at, it aims at the spread in this text, and the developed software is shown. The SAD application is to be able to do all processes from the evaluation of the technology that evaluates safety to the examination of the safety improvement plan automatically referring to The Accident Trouble Hiyarihatto Data Base, and the safety improvement plan data base separately constructed.

    DOI CiNii

  • Expansion of Environment Contribution Point System for automobile recycled parts

    negishi takanori, yamamoto yuuji, kirikawa takuya, onoda hiroshi, nagata katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   20 ( 0 ) 84 - 84  2009

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    In this paper,we introduced &quot;Environmental Contribution Points System&quot;,which was aimed at being able to grow Eco Users and reduce CO2 emissions. We made a CO2 database about the effect of reducing environmental load, taking advantage of Automobile Recycled Parts or proper maintenance. The load estimates CO2 quantification and it is used as &quot;Eco Points&quot; for users, who will purchase recycled parts or send their cars for maintenance. For example, in order to promote Environmental Contribution Points, we collaborated with Green Point Club, which had 12 organizations. It installed our database to show the amount of CO2 reduction and Eco Points each recycled auto parts.

    DOI CiNii

  • 気流層反応器による木質系バイオマスの急速熱分解特性

    奥山 契一, 木ノ下 誠二, 内山 武, 岩崎 敏彦, 鈴木 康夫, 松井 聡, 牛山 昴夫, 小野田 弘士

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 208 - 208  2009

    DOI CiNii

  • 豊島における情報共創システムの構築に関する検討

    藤井真秀呂, 下村健太, 永井祐二, 中野健太郎, 切川卓也, 小野田弘士, 永田勝也

    環境科学会年会一般講演・シンポジウム・プログラム   2009  2009


  • A Study on Life Cycle Assessment of Recycling System

    KOSHIMIZU Yu, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 159 - 161  2008.11

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    本研究では,環境性・経済性の両面で最適な廃棄物処理・リサイクルシステム(BAS:Best Available System)を提案することを目的とし,自治体や事業者が容易に利用できる一般廃棄物処理システムの実効性評価ツール(BASソフト)の開発を行ってきた.BASソフトは実測値を用いた現状評価やプラントメーカーの設計・計画値に基づいたデフォルト値を用いたケーススタディを行うことができる.そこで,ソフトによる実測値を用いたガス化溶融施設の現状ごみ処理システムの評価を行い,施設の評価方法の検討を行い,またその評価結果を住民への説明材料として利用する方法の検討を行った.また,デフォルト値を用いた検討として,溶融物の最終処理方法の組合せによるケーススタディを行い,当施設のBASとなり得る処理システムの提案を行った.


  • environment evaluation in teshima waste treatment project

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NAGAI Yuji, SAIGO Satoshi, NISHIMIYA Norikazu, SHIMOMURA Kenta

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 212 - 214  2008.11

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  • The scheme improving Security and Security in Waste Disposal and recycling System

    Nagata Katsuya, Onoda hiroshi, Kirikawa Takuya, Muraoka Motoshi, Ihara Katsumasa, Murata Sumio, Shimano Tomotaka

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 215 - 217  2008.11

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  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクル関連施設における目標値管理システムの構築

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 村岡 元司

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   19   218 - 220  2008.11


  • Development of Environment Contribution Point System for popularizing vehicle recycle parts

    nagata katsuya, onoda hiroshi, kirikawa takuya, negishi takanori, okawa keita, suzuki kazuki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 313 - 315  2008.11

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  • Contribution to project and region by effective use of disposal ground information in Teshima

    Nagata Katuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Kirikawa Takuya, Nagai yuuji, Nakano Kentarou, Nishimiya Norikazu, Saigou Satoshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 821 - 823  2008.11

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  • 215 A Model of International Resource Recycling Network with Traceability between Japan and China(International session)

    HU Hao, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, KOSHIMIZU Yu, ONODA Hiroshi, NAKAJIMA Kenichi, OWADA Shuji, NAGATA Katsuya

    Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 18 ) 217 - 218  2008.07

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    In recent years, export of resources such as plastic waste, iron, aluminum and copper scrap etc. are increasing in Japan under the background of economic development in Asia, while exported resources sometimes are processed improperly in developing countries that breed environmental pollution. Therefore, an appropriate physical distribution management system with traceability for the resources is necessary. This paper attempts to build a model of International Resource Recycling System using Information Technology such as Global Position System (GPS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, etc. between Japan and China by means of an international accepted traceability system. As a fundamental research, we surveyed the present condition of recycling and landfill facilities and the popularizations of information technology such as internet, RFID tags, etc. in China. We also did a demonstration test between Japan and China in order to confirm the effectiveness of the wide-area recycling system. As a result, the International Resource Recycling System with traceability is proposed.


  • 4-27 Development of ULFCV (Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle)

    ANBO Kei, NORITO Yuki, YAMAGATA Keita, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, HIRATA Norimitsu

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   17 ( 0 ) 246 - 247  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-1 Development and application of energy system evaluation software that can evaluate both supply and demand energy conservation measure

    NAKAJIMA Akira, NISHIHASHI Daisuke, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   17 ( 0 ) 276 - 277  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-7 Development of electric wheelchair equipped with fuel cell as next generation mobility system

    NISHIMIYA Norikazu, ANBO Kei, EGUCHI Hirotake, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   17 ( 0 ) 288 - 289  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-8 Development of Vending Machine Best Available Allocation Supporting Tool and the simple monitoring system

    MATSUO Keiichiro, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, YAMASHITA Shinji, HOSODA Toshio

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   17 ( 0 ) 290 - 291  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 8-14 The Proof Examination and Verification of Eco-Driving in Honjyo City

    NEGISHI Takanori, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, Okawa KEITA, Suzuki KAZUKI

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   17 ( 0 ) 338 - 339  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 221 Development of co-creation system in Teshima waste treatment project : Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing of Teshima waste treatment project

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NAGAI Yuji, SAIGO Satoshi, NISHIMIYA Norikazu, SHIMOMURA Kenta

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 231 - 234  2008

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    Teshima waste management project is going forward under the idea called the KYOSO. From this idea, it is important that information sharing of environmental efficiency and economic efficiency of business of the project between an enterprise, inhabitants, citizens. Therefore we compared it in the year of LCA / LCC of the project When it compared an evaluation result of 2004 and 2005 and 2006, the consumption of the heavy oil which was fuel increased for deterioration of the melting furnace, and it became clear that environmental load / costs increased together. In addition, as a result of LCA / LCC which assumed repair work of melting furnace, we were able to show the effect.


  • 222 Development of co-creation system in Teshima waste treatment project : 3D modeling of Teshima Project by GIS and Proposal of application

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NAGAI Yuji, SAIGO Satoshi, NISHIMIYA Norikazu, NAKANO Kentaro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 235 - 237  2008

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    Teshima waste treatment project is going forward under the idea called the KYOSO. From this idea, it is important that information sharing of progress of the project among an enterprise, inhabitants, citizens. Therefore we deliberated visualization the disposal place by 3D modeling that created periodical GPS surveying. By results data that surveyed by GPS of three years, we were able to confirm visually progress of the digging. In addition, we could compare actual condition of disposal place to future plans. Furthermore, we calculated a digging volume from a 3D modeling to assure strictness of the information and compared it with quantity of export. As a result, we were able to get fixed consistency.


  • 223 Designed co-creation system to revitalize regional development in Teshima: Create the Green Map System in Teshima

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NAGAI Yuji, SAIGO Satoshi, NISHIMIYA Norikazu, SHIMOMURA Kenta

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 238 - 241  2008

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    Recently, the problem of aging and depopulation has become aggravated in the solitary island To improve these problems, it is important to excavate the charm of the island and sending these. There are two systems that followed the idea of KYOSO that means co- create. One of the system that we developed is KYOSO green- map system. that does the charm and the culture of the island in the mapping. Another one is a landscape assessment system. This is a method that assesses the charm of the island quantitatively and proposes improvements. It examined for four students of WASEDA University and four foreign students, and showed the effectiveness ofthis system. We propose the improvement for TESHIMA island by landscape assessment system


  • 224 The scheme improving Security and Security in Waste Disposal and recycling System : Constructing the Database of operation information in individual facilities and proposition how to use these

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, MURAOKA Motoshi, IHARA Katsumasa, SHIMANO Tomotaka

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 242 - 245  2008

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    As the quality of garbage began to change and request of safety technology to waste disposal facility, disposal facilities had to become increasingly more complex systems. It became more difficult to maintain good designs and operations for disposal system. The number of accidents and other types of hazards were happening more frequently. The aim of this study was to construct systems that will make disposal facilities safe and more secure. We construct database called ATHDB-all collected about 3200 examples. Using this we constructed ATHDB of two facilities by information which each facility collected. The information collected by each facility have much information. The trouble has been described small blockage etc.... We propose how to use ATHDB. The use we proposed is the use with level such as managers and operator.


  • 225 The scheme improving Safety and Security in Waste Disposal and recycling System : Development the Operator Education supporting system by VR technique

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, MURAOKA Motoshi, IHARA Katsumasa, SHIMANO Tomotaka

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 246 - 247  2008

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    As the quality of garbage began to change and request of safety technology to waste disposal facility, disposal facilities had to become increasingly more complex systems. It became more difficult to maintain good designs and operations for disposal system. The number of accidents and other types of hazards were happening more frequently. The aim of this study was to construct systems that will make disposal facilities safe and more secure. We developed APT (Accident Prevention Training tool) that trains the skill to operators. This tool was made with Virtual Reality technology. The concept of this tool were to show the manual in animation and support the education on the site. In this report, we show the improvement of WEIVS and the development of new tool by Second Life and use APT in two facilities. As the result we showed effectiveness of APT by trying by operators.


  • 226 The scheme improving Security and Security in Waste Disposal and recycling System : Improvement of the management system of operation

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, MURAOKA Motoshi, IHARA Katsumasa, MURATA Sumio, SHIMANO Tomotaka

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 248 - 250  2008

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    As the quality of garbage began to change and request of safety technology to waste disposal facility, disposal facilities had to become increasingly more complex systems. It became more difficult to maintain good designs and operations for disposal system. The number of accidents and other types of hazards were happening more frequently. The aim of this study was to construct systems that will make disposal facilities safe and more secure. It is important to manage the trend of operation on the facility. We developed the management system of operation referring to precedent case &quot;TESHIMA WASETE TREATMENT PROJECT&quot;. The feature of our system was use of information efficiently acquired by ICT (Information Communication Technology). In this report, we show the target management system at TESHIMA PROJECT.


  • 227 Disassembly Analysis and Environmental Load Assessment of Small-size home appliances and Mobile Telephones

    TSUBOUCHI Ryota, KANEKO Hiroyuki, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 251 - 254  2008

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    To construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration to 3R (Reduce , Reuse, Recycle) in the design phase increases in various industrial products. Concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property is important. Then we develop the quantity disassembly property assessment method Disassembly Property Index (DPI), one of the DfE (Design for Environment) supporting tool. Additionally, the quantitative environmental load assessment is also necessary to achieve the sustainable society. Though various LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method is developed for such a demand, it is pointed out that there are a lot of problems in existing LCA. To solve such problems, Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA) is developed. E2-PA is based on the concept of &quot;Eco-Efficiency&quot; and the &quot;Potential Assessment&quot;. In this paper, we pay attention to small-size home appliances and mobile telephones. Recently, mobile telephones are produced and wasted in large quantities, therefore, it is hoped to be recycled. Then, we examine the consideration of 3R and environmental load assessment about them.


  • 228 A Bodily Sensation-type Supporting System for Operators education by VR

    YUMURA Jun, NAGATA Katsuya, TSUBOUCHI Ryota, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 255 - 258  2008

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    At the university, some students have caused several accidents. Most injured parts by accidents that we investigate by hearing to some university were hands and fingers. We also construct database of accidents that happened at university. And almost the reasons of accident were due to a human error like inexperienced work at experimentation etc. The safety education and training to students is important, and that is the most effective to support the sense of crisis to prevent these accidents. The concept of bodily sensation-type supporting system for operators education was safety and can use anywhere and anytime. We showed the effectiveness of the system by examination.


  • 229 A Study on Life Cycle Assessment of Recycling System : Improvement of BAS assessment software and proposal of advanced recycling system for municipal waste

    NAKAJIMA Takafumi, KOSHIMIZU Yu, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, OSADA Morihiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 259 - 262  2008

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    In this research, we have developed the BAS software which is based on LCA and LCC as an effective assessment tool for the planning and improvement of municipal waste management system. First, we inquired the municipality for effective uses of the BAS software. Then, not only ELP (Environmental Load Point), our the original environmental impact index, we incorporated some individual indexes, like CO_2 emission, landfill amount, material recycling rate, that corresponded to the guideline of Ministry of the Environment in BAS software. Secondly, we examined the effect of wide range waste management system as an example of BAS software. As a result, the melting treatment method could be introduced while holding expenses down.


  • 230 A Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index "ELP" : Development of LSA software and the application

    Murata Sumio, Nakamura Taro, Matsuo Keiichiro, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagai Yuji, Nagata Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 263 - 265  2008

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    Environmental problems worsens, and a change of a personal lifestyle is demanded. In this study, we suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods. In this report, we take it up about development of LSA software to calculate environmental load easily of the whole lifestyle. We are able to have come to grasp environmental load of the whole life for of fixed-quantity and sight by using this software. Furthermore, we examine the application of the software.


  • 408 Development of Vending Machine Best Available Allocation Supporting Tool Applying to various regions and operation-forms

    MATSUO Keiichiro, YAMASHITA Shinji, HOSODA Toshio, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 334 - 337  2008

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    Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and various energy-saving functions and methods been introduced in vending machines. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. We aim to improve over concentration of vending machines by considering demands, conveniences, and environmental impact of vending machines. In this study, we invent Best Available Allocation Supporting tool for vending machines, develop it, and apply it to Obuse city, Nagano prefecture. We had measured vending machines for a year and proved the effect of the tool.


  • 417 Development of ULFCV (Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle)

    ANBO Kei, NORITO Yuki, YAMAGATA Keita, HIRATA Norimitsu, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 368 - 370  2008

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    Recently, low pollution and reducing the fuel cost of the car are requested because of the negative environmental impact decrease in the transportation section. Especially, the severity increases to the restriction of the car in the city area every year. Then, it aims to turn super-light, small fuel-cell mobility ULFCV(Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle) to practical use as a small commuter car in the city area that authors have developed, to describe the improvement and the evaluation, to construct the car sharing system, and to propose it as a mobility equipment corresponding to future urban traffic. In this paper, we focus on the new model ULFCV production and some performance examinations results


  • 418 Utilization of ULFCV (Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle)

    ANBO Kei, NORITO Yuki, YAMAGATA Keita, HIRATA Norimitsu, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 371 - 374  2008

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    Recently, low pollution and reducing the fuel cost of the car are requested because of the negative environmental impact decrease in the transportation section. Especially, the severity increases to the restriction of the car in the city area every year. Then, it aims to turn super-light, small fuel-cell mobility ULFCV(Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle) to practical use as a small commuter car in the city area that authors have developed. to describe the improvement and the evaluation, to construct the car sharing system, and to propose it as a mobility equipment corresponding to future urban traffic. In this report. we show the results of practical examination at Honjoh Waseda area, the field of Green Hydrogen project. And also, simulation is done when the prime mover has changed to other system from Fuel Cell.


  • 419 Development of electric wheelchair equipped with fuel cell as next generation mobility system

    ANBO Kei, NISHIMIYA Norikazu, EGUCHI Hirotake, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 375 - 378  2008

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    The growing attention to environmental problems, manufacturers to take into consideration the environment requires in their manufacturing activity. With the increase in the aged population, Japan has entered the aged society that calls for the necessity of mobility equipment designed for assisting the elderly. However, the existing electric wheelchairs do not meet the above demand due to lengthy recharging time and unsatisfactory running time. So, we develop power-saving and light-weight next generation wheelchair equipped with a fuel cell system as the new energy source as well as commercialization of operation management system for such a wheelchair. Prototype wheelchair was made according to the test results, and after repeated modification and improvement FC wheelchair was completed. In the process, we surveyed users regarding the wheelchair design and the concept of &quot;progress,&quot; had them test drive the wheelchair, and reflected the results in our manufacturing.


  • 420 Up-grading Use System for Automobile

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NEGISHI Takanori, Okawa Keita, SUZUKI Kazuki

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 379 - 382  2008

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    In this paper, we introduced &quot;Eco Driving Supporting System&quot;, which was aimed at being able to review a driving way with movies and graphs owing to growing an eco-driver, and discussed the result of its proof examination in Honjyo city. First of all, the system was renewed to show understandably, displaying &quot;Limited Acceleration- and &quot;Best Acceleration Timing Range&quot; on the main screen. We carried out an experiment with this system on 10 staffs working in Honnjyo city. As a result of test, their mileage increased approximately 10.3% on average, and also most of examinees were able to improve their driving in the field of idling stop, acceleration and equal speed driving. We proposed eco driving popularization plan to autonomy in order to motivate the citizens to drive economically and eco-friendly.


  • 432 A monitoring system and an energy saving measure for energy system of public facility : Development and the application of BEMS for medium- and small-sized facility

    NAKAJIMA Akira, NISIHASI Daisuke, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2008 ( 0 ) 424 - 427  2008

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. Especially, the amount of the exhaust of the heat-trapping gas of the public welfare section keeps increasing, and the correspondence of importance is requested. However, the operation results of the energy system have the current state of a lot of uncertain cases&#039; there, and not obtaining information to contribute to the action of the energy saving as the realities. It is thought that it is effective to monitor operation information efficiently, and to do the analysis and the evaluation of the energy system based on the measurement data continuously in both the energy supply side and the demand side for a current improvement. Then, it proposed the energy saving based on the measurement data by actually proposing the energy monitor about a certain public welfare facilities, and doing the measurement diagnosis.


  • Investigation of treatment, disopsal and resource recovery situations of melting furnace fly ash

    Sakanakura Hirofumi, Jung Chang-whang, Osako Masahiro, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 220 - 220  2008

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    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of environmental load and cost concerning the disposal of waste materials in Large area

    OZAWA Toshiaki, Koshimizu Yu, NAKAJIMA Takafumi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 66 - 66  2008

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    本研究では,環境的・経済的に最適な処理システム(BAS:Best Available System)を提案することを目的とする.現在,埋立地の逼迫による焼却灰の溶融処理といった方策が普及しつつある.しかしながら,現状,これらの技術は処理コストが埋立と比較し大きく増加してしまう.処理コストを縮減させて導入するため,複数の市町村が大規模な処理施設を共有するといった広域連携システムが必要となる.そこで,県内全域で広域処理灰溶融処理が行われている三重県を例に取り,BASを評価・検討することで,その有効性の検証を行った.溶融スラグや溶融飛灰処理を変更した場合についてケーススタディを行い,環境負荷の評価を行った.さらに,広域灰溶融処理と個別処理等でケーススタディを行い環境・経済性の両面から比較することで,その有効性を示した

    DOI CiNii

  • The study of constructing the target value management system on the waste disposal and recycling system

    Nagata Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Kirikawa Takuya, Muraoka Motoshi, Ihara Katsumasa

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 69 - 69  2008

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  • A Study on Design for Environment of Industrial Products


    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   19 ( 0 ) 89 - 89  2008

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    循環型経済社会の構築に向けて、製品やサービス、社会全体の環境負荷を定量的に評価する手法が必要とされている。そこで、筆者らは既存のLCAの問題点を解消した、標準性、利便性を兼ね備えた、企画・設計者のための意思決定支援ツールである環境効用ポテンシャル評価手法1)(E2-PA:Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment)を開発してきた。E2-PAでは、製品の環境負荷だけではなく、その製品の本質的な要素である機能を消費者の視点からの「効用」として評価に含めている。それによって、製品のマイナス面である環境負荷と、そのプラス面である効用とを合わせて評価し、環境効率指標として統合評価が可能となっている。本報では、E2-PAを応用し、各種製品の環境負荷を算出し、その類型化を図ることで、設計者・販売業者・消費者がなすべき取り組みについて支援する方策を提案することを目的とする。


  • 環境学習プログラムの実践と学習効果評価手法の開発

    塩田真吾, 金子幸平, 永田勝也, 小野田弘士, 永井祐二, 井原雄人, 和田翔太, 杉田大亮

    環境科学会年会一般講演・シンポジウム・プログラム   2008  2008


  • 環境学習プログラムの評価方法の開発

    塩田真吾, 金子幸平, 永田勝也, 小野田弘士, 永井祐二, 井原雄人, 和田翔太

    日本環境教育学会大会研究発表要旨集   19th  2008


  • LCA評価を用いた豊島廃棄物等処理事業の可視化

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 永井 祐二

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   18 ( 0 ) 210 - 212  2007.11

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    DOI CiNii

  • 一般廃棄物処理システムにおけるBASの提案を目的としたソフトウェアの開発

    小清水 勇, 小沢 俊明, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   18 ( 0 ) 216 - 218  2007.11

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    本研究では環境的・経済的に最適なシステム(BAS:Best Available System)を提案することを目的とする.廃棄物処理・リサイクルのBAS提案の手段として、これまでに開発された一般廃棄物処理評価ソフトウェアの改良とその実用化に向けた検討を行った.ソフトウェアの改良については,プラントメーカーより焼却処理技術に関するデータの更新、見直しを行っていただくことで、一般廃棄物処理の基盤となる焼却処理技術におけるデフォルト値の更新を行い、さらに、焼却発電電力量のデフォルト値や排ガス処理方式についての検討を行った.また,広域化によるBASの評価事例として、循環型社会の基盤を目的に形成されたエコタウンにおける資源循環技術を評価することで,その有効性を示すとともに,ソフトウェアの評価範囲の拡大を目指した.

    DOI CiNii

  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクルにおける安全・安心対応に関する研究

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 切川 卓也

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   18 ( 0 ) 237 - 239  2007.11

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    DOI CiNii

  • VR技術を活用した体感型運転員教育支援システムの開発について

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 切川 卓也

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   18 ( 0 ) 268 - 270  2007.11

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    DOI CiNii

  • LCA for Wasted cooking oil collection system

    NAKAMURA Taro, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, FUJII Takashi

    研究発表会講演論文集 = / Japan Society of Energy and Resources   26   31 - 34  2007.06


  • A study on "Upgrading" system throughout the Automobile Life Cycle : LCA for Automobile

    ANBO Kei, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, KIRIKAWA Takuya, TERASHIMA Kazuaki

    研究発表会講演論文集 = / Japan Society of Energy and Resources   26   103 - 106  2007.06


  • Development of Mobility Machinery for Future Urban Traffic

    NORITO Yuki, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NASHITANI Takahiro

    研究発表会講演論文集 = / Japan Society of Energy and Resources   26   287 - 290  2007.06


  • The development of the vehicle for the power saving race

    NORITO Yuki, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NASHITANI Takahiro

    研究発表会講演論文集 = / Japan Society of Energy and Resources   26   291 - 292  2007.06


  • 6-5 Development of an electric wheelchair equipped with a fuel cell

    ANBO Kei, NORITO Yuki, KAJITANI Takuro, KIRIKAWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, HASHIDUME Tsutomu

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   16 ( 0 ) 292 - 293  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-6 Development for Ultra Light Weight Vehicle for Future Urban Traffic

    NORITO Yuki, NASHITANI Takahiro, HIRAOKA Soichiro, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   16 ( 0 ) 294 - 295  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-7 A Study on Energy-saving on Vending Machine Operation

    TSUBOUCHI Ryota, HASEGAWA Isao, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   16 ( 0 ) 296 - 297  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-9 Development of energy system evaluation software and development of energy conservation evaluation technique

    NAKAJIMA Akira, TAGUCHI Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   16 ( 0 ) 300 - 301  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • 215 A Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index "ELP" : Development of LSA software

    Nakamura Taro, Kaneko Tadashi, Fukuoka Yoshimi, Onoda Hiroshi, Nagata Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 174 - 177  2007

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    Environmental problems worsens, and a change of a personal lifestyle is demanded. In this study, we suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods. In this report, we take it up about development of LSA software to calculate environmental load easily of the whole lifestyle. We are able to have come to grasp environmental load of the whole life for of fixed-quantity and sight by using this software. Furthermore, I speak problems and a refinement on having made a try of the software.


  • 214 A Study on Life Cycle Assessment of Recycling Technology : Improvement and extension of Software to aim at proposal of a Best Available System for Waste Management

    KOSHIMIZU Yu, OZAWA Toshiaki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, OSADA Morihiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 171 - 173  2007

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    Recently, the construction of the waste management system corresponding to the recycling society is needed. The construction of Best Available System is hoped for in all respects of the municipal waste from the exhaust stage to recycle or final disposal stage with its evaluation. Then, the municipal waste processing evaluation software that the municipality used easily was developed as a tool for the BAS proposal in this study. This software was upgraded in updating of date base to use it actually.


  • 213 A Bodily Sensation-type Supporting System for Operators education by VR

    OKAWA Keita, YOSIOKA Eisuke, KIRIKAWA Takuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 167 - 170  2007

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    In this paper, we aim at the development of a bodily sensation-type supporting system for operators education by virtual reality (VR) technology as effective safety education method. In late years, accidents by human error of operators occur frequently in the work spot. Therefore safety education for operators is indispensability. First, we collected about 1000 accidents resulting in injury or death examples of operators in waste disposal and treatment facility. And we analyzed them from an ergonomic viewpoint. As a result, there are the most accidents that the hands of operators were sandwiched by some machines for non-confirmation of security. Therefore we developed the supporting system as a hand model. We aim at prevention of some accidents in the work spot by this system beforehand.


  • 212 Countermeasures against Security and Reassurance in Waste Disposal and recycling System : Development of Operation Management supporting system and Operator Education supporting system

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, MURAOKA Motoshi, MURATA Sumio, KANEKO Hiroyuki, NEGISHI Takanori

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 163 - 166  2007

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    In recent years, occurrence of the accidents in the general waste disposal facilities is reported from many fields. Then, we surveyed the bulky waste disposal facilities, and made the accidents and troubles data base to prevent the accidents. We investigated hearing for Domestic Wastes Treatment Facilities. In consideration of the result, we developed the Operation Management supporting system and the Operator Education supporting system. We verified the effect by executing Teshima waste management undertaking. We confirmed those effectiveness.


  • 211 Development of co-creation system in Teshima waste disposal undertaking : Having propery common information through HP

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NAGAI Yuji, SAIGO Satoshi, YOSHIZUMI Takeshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 161 - 162  2007

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    Teshima waste disposal undertaking has been done as a solution of the industrial waste illegal disposal problem happening in Teshima, Kagawa Prefecture since 2003. The role of the watch of the undertaking is requested by the resident living in Teshima and Naoshima. On the other hand, disclosing useful relevant information for the understanding of the undertaking is needed in Kagawa Prefecture who is the entrepreneur. Both of information matched to the progress of the undertakin. Co-creation system is thought to be necessary by such correspondence. We have aimed to practice it what we can do as an engineer. The GPS measurement was done every three months. Information was able to be shared by bringing GIS of the site together in shape to which the resident understood the progress report and future work easily.


  • 210 Countermeasures against Security and Reassurance in Waste Disposal and recycling System : Development of Security and Safety Design Analysis Method

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, MURAOKA Motoshi, MURATA Sumio, KANEKO Hiroyuki, NEGISHI Takanori

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 157 - 160  2007

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    In recent years, occurrence of the accidents in the general waste disposal facilities is reported from many fields. Then, we surveyed the bulky waste disposal facilities, and made the accidents and troubles data base to prevent the accidents. We developed the SAD (Safety design Analysis with Database) built in accidents and troubles data base to find the potential risk from the design phase of the facilities. Moreover, we upgraded it so that calculating the risk from the damage situation by deciding the default value concerning the amount of damage referring to insurance might become possible. We assessed the safety of the Domestic Wastes Treatment Facilities with SAD (Safety design Analysis with Database). As a result, the explosion in the ripper generated by the combustible gas such as the gas spray cans mixing is the most risky.


  • 425 A monitoring system and an energy saving measure for energy system of public facility

    NAKAJIMA Akira, TAGUCHI Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 346 - 349  2007

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    Recently, the energy saving is requested from correspondence to the global warming issue in all fields. Especially, the amount of the exhaust of the heat-trapping gas of the public welfare section keeps increasing, and the correspondence of importance is requested. However, the operation results of the energy system have the current state of a lot of uncertain cases&#039; there, and not obtaining information to contribute to the action of the energy saving as the realities. It is thought that it is effective to monitor operation information efficiently, and to do the analysis and the evaluation of the energy system based on the measurement data continuously in both the energy supply side and the demand side for a current improvement. Then, it proposed the energy saving based on the measurement data by actually proposing the energy monitor about a certain public welfare facilities, and doing the measurement diagnosis.


  • 414 A Study on Energy-saving in Vending Machine Operation : Investigate Environment for establishment and Development of Best Available Allocation Supporting Tool

    TSUBOUCHI Ryota, HASEGAWA Isao, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 304 - 307  2007

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    In recent years global environmental problems become aggravated, and various energy-saving function and method have been introduced in vending machine. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. We also developed a tool which is called Best Available Allocation Supporting tool. By using this tool, we plan to propose people who operate vending machines to save vending machines energy consumption without dropping off sales. We planned advancement of the tool, especially investigated the influence of the sunshine and exhaust heat from machines to energy consumption.


  • 410 "Up-grading" Use System for Automobile : A Development of Eco-Driving supporting system

    ANBO Kei, TERASHIMA Kazuaki, KIRIKAWA Takuya, IHARA Yuuto, EBIHARA Satoshi, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 289 - 291  2007

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    In this paper, we aim at the construction of the environmental-friendly use system of automobiles whose large environmental load is pointed out as significant problems. Our base concept is &quot;Up-grading&quot; product, which realizes long life and environmental-friendly using by the up-grading of main components and also improvement of users consciousness. First, we performed an Eco-drive examination to realize its effect. As a result, we can get some effects by Eco-drive without average speed changing. Therefore, we propose the supporting device to promote the practicing Eco-drive. It is the device which the users can learn about Eco-drive after their driving with animation and running data. We aim to bring up eco-users and to improve the consciousness of drivers.


  • 409 Development of Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle (ULFCV)

    NORITO Yuki, NASHITANI Takahiro, HIRAOKA Soichiro, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 285 - 288  2007

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    Recently, development and the spread of small, lightweight, environmentally-friendly and high-efficiency single-seat fuel cell electric vehicle are expected. Then, in order to realize this concept, we designed and manufactured for ULFCV (Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Electric Concept Vehicle) applying the development technology of competition vehicle. In this paper, to realize more practicability , we considered the power system and the body of the ULFCV. Then we selected best available fuel cell and capacitor and battery. On the other hand, we improved mass production type ULFCV to use in a car sharing system. We tried to reflect users&#039; opinions to the body design. Next, we simulated the ULFCV strength by FEM analysis for the purpose of confirming its safety.


  • 408 Development of an electric wheelchair equipped with a fuel cell

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NORITO Yuki, KAJITANI Takuro, HASHIDUME Tsutomu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2007 ( 0 ) 281 - 284  2007

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    Recently, the mobility which is more comfortable than a thing of an article for handicapped people to obtain social barrier-free as well as necessity of mobility machinery for elderly society is demanded. We are aimed for development of an electric wheelchair as next generation mobility machinery which is equipped with a fuel cell system as a new energy source and which realized power-saving and lightweight. We send a questionnaire to wheelchair users and strength analysis on software, and the body adopted lightweight material.


  • 環境配慮設計の定量評価手法の開発

    二又 裕文, 兼子 洋幸, 吉田 貴奈, 永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   18 ( 0 ) 31 - 31  2007

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  • 北九州市民環境パスポート事業の展開と都市環境指標の評価

    中村 太郎, 重岡 典彰, 平田 教光, 関 宣昭, 永田 勝也, 永井 祐二, 小野田 弘士, 寺島 信義, 吉田 徳久, 金子 正, 福岡 亮美, 松岡 俊和

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   18 ( 0 ) 5 - 5  2007

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    環境問題の深刻化に伴い,持続可能な社会の構築が急がれている.都市の持続可能性という観点では,環境分野のみならず,地域の社会・経済の発展という側面からのアプローチが求められる.これを両立し,実行するための方策のひとつとして,われわれは地域環境通貨を提唱してきた. 本稿では,北九州市で行われている北九州市民環境パスポート事業(以下,環境パスポート)での実証実験をもとに,ポイントの交換履歴を追跡するシステムと市民活動の情報収集および開示を推進する手段として,カンパスサイトの開発について取り上げる.また,市民の環境に対する取り組みの集合体として,都市全体の環境負荷を算出し,環境負荷の変動の要因や削減方法について考察した.

    DOI CiNii

  • 自動車におけるASR処理の実績評価

    安保慧 慧, 寺嶋 和彰, 切川 卓也, 永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   18 ( 0 ) 91 - 91  2007

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    DOI CiNii

  • 豊島廃棄物等処理事業のLCA評価

    永田勝也, 小野田弘士, 永井祐二, 切川卓也, 西郷諭, 吉住壮史

    環境科学会年会一般講演・シンポジウム・プログラム   2007  2007


  • 北九州市民環境パスポート事業のアンケート調査分析とカーシェアリングの有効性について

    永田 勝也, 永井 祐二, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 132 - 134  2006.11

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    DOI CiNii

  • Quantity Assessment Method of Disassembly

    Nagata Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Kirikawa Takuya, Futamata Hirofumi, Yamaguchi Takuya

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   17 ( 0 ) 161 - 163  2006.11

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  • 豊島廃棄物等処理事業における3D-GISデータの活用に関する研究

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 永井 祐二

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 232 - 234  2006.11

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    香川県豊島で起こった国内最大級の産業廃棄物不法投棄事件は現在,住民との間に調停が成立し,豊島廃棄物等処理事業が行われている.この豊島における廃棄物等不法投棄現場の処理事業は住民,行政,島外の支援者の「共創」の理念のもとで進められ,この理念からも事業の進捗状況を解りやすい情報として,関係者に示し共有することが重要である. 本研究では処分地の地形をGPS測量手法により調査し,それから求められる掘削体積量を知るとともに,各工程での処理相当量との整合性を検討し,事業の進捗状況を管理するツールとしての有用性を示す.あわせて,処分地の地形データの3Dモデルを活用し,処理対象物をすべて処理したあとの地形と現状との違いなどを簡便に表示するなどの情報公開手法について検討する.

    DOI CiNii

  • 豊島廃棄物等処理事業における含ダイオキシン類物質の検討

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 新井 智

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 235 - 237  2006.11

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    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Software for proposal of a Best Available System for Waste Management System

    NAGATA Kastuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KATANO Mitsuhiro, KAZAMA Syohgo, KOSHIMIZU YU, OSADA Morihiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   17 ( 0 ) 266 - 268  2006.11

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    近年、循環型社会に対応した廃棄物処理体系の構築が必要とされている。一般廃棄物処理は,ごみの排出段階から収集輸送・処理・リサイクルまでの段階に分かれており,筆者らはこれまで各段階において評価手法を開発してきた.さらに,各段階の検討事項は相互に関連しているため,システム全体を考慮した評価が求められ,環境・経済的に優れたシステムの構築が必要となる.そこで,TLCA(Technology Life Cycle Assessment)とLCC(Life Cycle Costing)を考慮した包括的な評価方法CLCA(Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment)の考え方を導入し,その中で最適なシステム(BAS:Best Available System)の提案手法について検討する.本研究では,そのBAS提案のためのツールとして,プラントメーカーや自治体から提供していただいたデータを基に,ユーザーの中心となる自治体が利用しやすい「一般廃棄物処理技術のBASソフトウェア」の開発を行った.


  • ASR処理の環境負荷評価

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 河合 浩利

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 275 - 277  2006.11

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    2005年1月1日より自動車リサイクル法が本格施行された。それに伴い、自動車メーカーなどは、シュレッダーダスト(ASR)、エアバッグ類、フロン類の引き取りを義務付けられており、引き取ったASR及びエアバッグ類については、再資源化すべき量に関する基準に従って再資源化する義務を負っている。そこで、ASR再資源化の実効状況を客観的に評価することを目的とし、各企業が公表するASR投入施設活用率を基に環境負荷評価手法であるELP(Environmental Load Point)を用いてLCA評価を行った。

    DOI CiNii

  • 飲料容器の効用の評価に関する試み

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 森部 昌一

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 299 - 301  2006.11

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    DOI CiNii

  • 廃棄物処理・リサイクルにおける安全・安心対応策に関する検討

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 永井 祐二

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 330 - 332  2006.11

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    DOI CiNii

  • 安全設計解析手法の開発

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 永井 祐二

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 333 - 335  2006.11

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    DOI CiNii

  • LCA(Life Cycle Assessment)による溶融飛灰資源化の環境負荷評価

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 片野 光祐

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 595 - 597  2006.11

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    近年、日本国内における廃棄物発生の増加とその質的変化によって、多くの自治体で処理方策の検討が進められている。とりわけ、焼却処理における溶融処理は、廃棄物の減量化による最終処分場の維持・管理および延命化に寄与するとともに、資源の循環的利用を促進するための有効な手段となる。溶融処理では、発生するスラグの再利用は多く検討がなされているが、同時に発生する溶融飛灰の取り扱いに関しては、そのほとんどが埋立処理されているのが現状である。溶融飛灰は高濃度に重金属を含有した廃棄物であると同時に有用資源でもあるため、適切な保管と輸送、再資源化が必要とされている。 そこで、本研究では既存の非鉄製錬の技術を応用した溶融飛灰の資源化処理および、溶融飛灰処理に伴う広域輸送の環境負荷評価を行うと伴に、経済性も含めた評価を行い既存の埋立処分と比較し実現可能性の検討を行う。

    DOI CiNii

  • 業務用ボイラ熱利用へのバイオエタノール添加事業 (特集:環境省の地球温暖化対策技術開発事業(2))

    小野田 弘士

    クリーンエネルギー   15 ( 11 ) 16 - 20,74  2006.11


  • A development and assessment for bio ethanol mixing fuel boiler

    TAGUCHI Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, NIIKURA Masashi, KURATA Chikatoshi, HIGUCHI Nobuo, YAMATAKA Masato, TAKAHASHI Syuichi, UNO Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Energy and Resources   25   25 - 28  2006.06


  • A Study on Mobility Machinery for Future Urban Traffic

    NASHITANI Takahiro, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, ISHIZAKI Naotake, MORI Yuichi

    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Energy and Resources   25   145 - 148  2006.06


  • A development and application for best operating support software of energy system matched demand to supply

    TAGUCHI Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki, OKAMOTO Naoya

    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Energy and Resources   25   227 - 230  2006.06


  • LCA for the regional environmental currency business and its effectiveness

    KANEKO Tadashi, NAGATA Katsuya, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, KATANO Mitsuhiro, KAWAI Hirotoshi, KAJIWARA Jun, MATSUOKA Toshikazu, SEKI Noriaki

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   22   37 - 40  2006.01


  • Development of a Wheelchair as Next Generation Mobility Machinery : Development of the Lightweight Wheelchair with Fuel Cell and which has form change ability

    NASHITANI Takahiro, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIMOYANA Yusuke, MAENO Ryosuke

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   22   149 - 152  2006.01


  • A monitoring and assessment for energy supply system of public facility with Co-Generation System

    TAGUCHI Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, OHASHI Yoshinori, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki, TAKAHASHI Syo

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   22   203 - 206  2006.01


  • A Study on Quantity Assessment Method of Disassembly Property : Disassembly Analysis of the Industrial products and Development of Disassembly Supporting Software

    FUTAMATA Hirofumi, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   22   239 - 242  2006.01


  • The Conservation of Energy in Vending Machine Operation

    HASEGAWA Isao, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, NIIMI Hiroshi, HONDA Mai

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   22   495 - 498  2006.01


  • A Study on Eco-drive supporting system

    TERASHIMA Kazuaki, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SATO Koji, TAKAHASHI Keiichi

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   22   531 - 532  2006.01


  • 実践的な学童向け環境学習プログラムの開発(お菓子の包装について考える)

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 前野 良輔, 青木 宏信

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 49 - 49  2006

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • 208 A Study on Life Cycle Assessment of Recycling Technology : Development of Software for proposal of a Best Available System for Waste Management System

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KATANO Mitsuhiro, KAZAMA Syohgo, KOSHIMIZU Yu, OSADA Morihiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 163 - 166  2006

     View Summary

    Recently, the construction of the waste management system corresponding to the recycling society is needed. The construction of Best Available System is hoped for in all respects of the municipal waste from the exhaust stage to recycle or final disposal stage with its quantitative assessment. Then, the municipal waste process assessment software that the municipality is able to use easily was developed as a tool for the BAS proposal in this study. In addition, the assessment example with the developed software was shown, and the effectiveness was realized.


  • 209 Countermeasures against Security and Reassurance in Waste Disposal and recycling System : Development of Security and Safety Design Analysis Method

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGAI Yuji, MURAOKA Motoshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, KANEKO Hiroyuki, HAO Hu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 167 - 170  2006

     View Summary

    In recent years, occurrence of the accidents in the general waste disposal facilities is reported from many fields. Then, we surveyed the bulky waste disposal facilities, and made the accidents and troubles data base to prevent the accidents. We developed the Security and Safety Design Analysis Method built in accidents and troubles data base to find the potential risk from the design phase of the facilities. Moreover, we upgraded it so that calculating the risk from the damage situation by deciding the default value concerning the amount of damage referring to insurance might become possible. We assessed the safety of the bulky waste disposal facilities with the Security and Safety Design Analysis Method. As a result, the explosion in the ripper generated by the combustible gas such as the gas spray cans mixing is the most risky.


  • 210 Development of co-creation system in Teshima waste disposal business : Having propery common information through HP, Applying GIS data and LCA

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, NAGAI Yuji, TERASHIMA Kazuaki, SAIGO Satoshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 171 - 172  2006

     View Summary

    Teshima waste disposal business has been done as a solution of the industrial waste illegal disposal problem happening in Teshima, Kagawa Prefecture since 2003. The role of the watch of the business is requested by the resident living in Teshima and Naoshima. On the other hand, disclosing a useful relevant information for the understanding of the business is needed in Kagawa Prefecture who is the entrepreneur. Both of information matched to the progress of the business. co-creation system is thought to be necessary by such correspondence. We have aimed to practice it what we can do as an engineer. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the entire Teshima waste disposal business was evaluated. The environment and the economy of the Teshima waste disposal business were measured.


  • 211 Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index "ELP" : Environmental load of eating habit and mobile telephone and development of LSA software

    NAGATA Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Moribe Masakazu, Nakamura Taro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 173 - 176  2006

     View Summary

    Environmental problems worsens, and a change of a personal lifestyle are demanded. In this study, we suggest LSA (Life Style Assessment) as technique to evaluate environmental load quantitatively of a lifestyle by applying LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method, and aimed at performing examination to contribute to advancement and the spread of the methods. In this report, we expanded the evaluation targets, paid attention to the eating habits and a mobile telephone. We compared environmental load of eating out with cooking at home in the eating habits and evaluated environment load from production stage to use stage with a mobile telephone. In addition, we developed LSA software to do ELP (Environmental Load Point), our own LCA valuation method, calculation of the whole lifestyle easily and enabled that we grasped environmental load of the whole life quantitative and visual.


  • 212 An estimation of category weight on integration index "ELP"

    NAGATA Katsuya, Onoda Hiroshi, Moribe Masakazu, Nakamura Taro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 177 - 180  2006

     View Summary

    The writers suggested ELP (Environmental Load Point) as LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) valuation method to evaluate environmental load quantitatively. ELP is classified into &quot;Panel Method&quot; and we carried out questionnaire for estimating category weight with some questions about LCA for the purpose of getting an indicator for practical use of future LCA technique and development. Then, we take a surge of interest to environmental problems of these days, we try to research the category weight by doing the questionnaire above. The targets are students, domestic public, environment experts. We conpared with a questionnaire result of the past in that and examined how the consciousness change for environmental problems with times.


  • 228 Quantity Assessment Method of Disassembly : Disassembly Analysis of Industrial products and Development of Disassembly Supporting Software

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, FUTAMATA Hirofumi, YAMAGUCHI Takuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 231 - 234  2006

     View Summary

    To construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in the design phase increases in various industrial products. Concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property is important. Then we develop the quantity disassembly property assessment method Disassembly Property Index (DPI), one of the DfE (Design for Environment) supporting tool. In this paper, we pay attention to bicycles. Recently, bicycles are produced and wasted in large quantities, therefore, it is hoped to be sustainable. Then, we examine the consideration of 3R. about bicycles. And also, we develop Disassembly Supporting Software which support the disassembly process of used products by showing disassembly flow and 3D animation


  • 229 Development of Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment : An analysis on "Utility" of the Notebook computers and application to product development

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, ONODA Tetsuya, MINAKATA Masamichi, FUTAMATA Hirofumi, AIZAWA Masahito

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 235 - 238  2006

     View Summary

    In recent years, global environmental problems become aggravated, and the shift to the sustainable society is required. The quantitative environmental load assessment is necessary to achieve the sustainable society. Though various LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method is developed for such a demand, it is pointed out that there are a lot of problems in existing LCA. To solve such problems, Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA) is developed. E2-PA is based on the concept of &quot;Eco-Efficiency&quot; and the &quot;Potential Assessment&quot;. In this research, we pay attention to &quot;Utility&quot;, the numerator element of the E2-PA, of the products. Utility is the quantitative index means the essential factors of products in terms of consumers. We propose a method to quantify the Utility, which is the great merit of E2-PA. The targets in this paper are notebook computers. The case study of Utility assessment and calculation of Total Index (TI), which is the integration index of E2-PA. is shown.


  • 403 A Study on Energy-saving in Vending Machine Operation : Monitoring data Analysis and Development of Best Available Allocation Supporting Tool

    ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, HASEGAWA Isao, YAMASHITA Shinji

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 307 - 310  2006

     View Summary

    In recent years global environmental problems become aggravated, and various energy-saving function and method have been introduced in vending machine. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. Then, it aimed to achieve efficient conservation of energy by managing operational information on the vending machine, we did the monitoring investigation to the vending machine in the university premises. When the conservation of energy setting matched to the use state was given, the amount of power consumption of about 17.8% was reduced to 8 vending machines selling cans and PET bottles, and about 17.3% was reduced to 3 machines selling cartons. We also developed a tool which is called Best Available Allocation Supporting tool. By using this tool, we plan to propose people who operate vending machines to save vending machines energy consumption without dropping off sales.


  • 405 A monitoring and assessment for energy system of public facility with Co-Generation System

    ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki, TAGUCHI Daiki, OKAMOTO Naoya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 313 - 316  2006

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    This paper presents the study of a monitoring and assessment for energy supply system of public facility with Co-Generation System (CGS). Recently, CGS is expected as one of the measures for global warming. However, there are many cases that the actual operation conditions of the energy supply system, like CGS are uncertain to practice to the energy saving at the facility. Then, we focus to public facility with CGS, and investigate the energy supply system. A monitoring and assessment are done in a certain hospital CGS. Concretely, total energy available efficiency of CGS is calculated by monitoring the heat balance in CGS. And we showed the comparison result with measurement value by applying various CGS assessment method and standard.


  • 420 Development of an electric wheelchair equipped with a fuel cell

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NASHITANI Takahiro, NORITO Yuki, HASHIDUME Tsutomu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 368 - 371  2006

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    Recently, the mobility which is more comfortable than a thing of an article for handicapped people to obtain social barrier-free as well as necessity of mobility machinery for elderly society is demanded. We are aimed for development of an electric wheelchair as next generation mobility machinery which is equipped with a fuel cell system as a new energy source and which realized power-saving and lightweight. We set the target value by questionary survey to wheelchair users and strength analysis on software, and the body adopted lightweight material.


  • 421 Development of Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle (ULFCV)

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, ISHIZAKI Naotake, NASHITANI Takahiro, MORI Yuichi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 372 - 375  2006

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    Recently, development and the spread of small, lightweight, environmentally-friendly and high-efficiency single-seat fuel cell electric vehicle are expected. Then, in order to realize this concept, we designed and manufactured for ULFCV (Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Electric Concept Vehicle) applying the development technology of competition vehicle. In this paper, to realize more practicability, we considered the power system and the body of the ULFCV. Then we selected best available fuel cell and capacitor and battery. On the other hand, we improved mass production type ULFCV to use in a car sharing system. We tried to reflect users&#039; opinions to the body design. Next, we simulated the ULFCV strength by FEM analysis for the purpose of confirming its safety.


  • 422 Upgrading Use System for Mobile : Development of supporting system

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KAWAI Hirotoshi, OKAWA Keita

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 376 - 379  2006

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    In this paper, we aim at the construction of the environmental-friendly use system of automobiles whose large environmental load is pointed out as significant problems. Our base concept is &quot;Up-grading&quot; product, which realizes long life and environmental-friendly using by the up-grading of main components and also improvement of users consciousness. First, we performed an Eco-drive examination to realize its effect. As a result, we can get some effects by Eco-drive without average speed changing. Therefore, we propose the supporting device to promote the practicing Eco-drive. It is the device which the users can learn about Eco-drive after their driving with animation and running data. We aim to bring up eco-users and to improve the consciousness of drivers.


  • 435 A development and assessment for bio ethanol mixing fuel boiler

    ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, TAGUCHI Daiki, NIIKURA Masashi, KURATA Chikatoshi, HIGUCHI Nobuo, YAMATAKA Masato, TAKAHASHI Syuichi, Uno Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2006 ( 0 ) 416 - 419  2006

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    This paper presents the study of a development and assessment for bio ethanol mixing fuel boiler. Recently, bio ethanol is expected as one of the measures for global warming. However, we try to use it only for an alternative gasoline source, and we do not nearly consider other ways of using it. Then, we focus to boiler whose fuel is heavy oil or kerosene, and develop bio ethanol mixing fuel and bio ethanol mixing boiler. The boiler has the same performance of combustibility, and reduces almost 19% CO_2 and 27% ELP (Environmental Load Point) in life cycle compared with the boiler whose fuel is heavy oil or kerosene.


  • 4-15. Development for Mobility Machinery for Future Urban Traffic

    NASHITANI Takahiro, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, ISHIZAKI Naotake, MORI Yuichi

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   15 ( 0 ) 299 - 300  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 5-5. A development and assessment for bio ethanol mixing fuel boiler

    NAKAMURA Taro, NAGATA Katsuya, Taguchi Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi, KURATA Chikatoshi, HIGUCHI Nobuo, YAMATAKA Masato, TAKAHASHI Syuichi, Uno Hiroshi

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   15 ( 0 ) 309 - 310  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-5. Upgrading Use System for Mobile : Development of Supporting System

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, KAWAI Hirotoshi, Okawa Keita

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   15 ( 0 ) 319 - 320  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-6. Development of an electric wheelchair equipped with a fuel cell

    NORITO Yuki, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, NASHITANI Takahiro, HASHIDUME Tsutomu

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   15 ( 0 ) 321 - 322  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-11. An assessment for energy system of public facility with Co-Generation System

    TAGUCHI Daiki, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki, OKAMOTO Naoya

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   15 ( 0 ) 331 - 332  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-18. Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index "ELP"

    KANEKO Tadashi, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, MORIBE Masakazu, NAKAMURA Taro

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   15 ( 0 ) 345 - 346  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-19. A Study on Energy-saving in Vending Machine Operation

    YAMASHITA Shinji, NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Isao

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   15 ( 0 ) 347 - 348  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 廃棄物処理施設における情報公開・共有システムの検討

    永田勝也, 小野田弘士, 切川卓也, 村岡元司, 永井祐二, 兼子洋幸, HAO Hu

    環境科学会年会一般講演・シンポジウム・プログラム   2006  2006


  • 都市環境指標の開発

    永田勝也, 永井祐二, 小野田弘士, 金子正, 鈴木由布子

    環境科学会年会一般講演・シンポジウム・プログラム   2006  2006


  • 繊維製品のLCA

    小野田 弘士, 永田 勝也

    洗濯の科学   50 ( 4 ) 11 - 19  2005.11


  • 環境効用ポテンシャル評価手法(E2-PA)による溶融飛灰の再資源化の環境負荷評価

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 小野田 哲也

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   16   80 - 82  2005.10


  • LCA的手法による廃棄物処理システムの評価

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 風間 祥吾

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   16   83 - 85  2005.10


  • 地域環境通貨事業のLCA評価とその有効性について

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 金子 正

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   16   164 - 166  2005.10


  • 易解体性及び3R性の定量評価手法に関する検討--ハイブリッド車用バッテリーの解体解析と解体支援ソフトの開発

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 二又 裕文

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   16   234 - 236  2005.10


  • 廃棄物処理における安全・安心対応策の検討

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 切川 卓也

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   16   353 - 355  2005.10


  • 40522 Life Style Assessment (LSA) Method applied the Integrated Index Environmental Load Point (ELP) (1^<st> Report)

    Onoda HIROSHI, Nagata KATSUYA

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water   2005   1065 - 1066  2005.07


  • The study of optimum operation of energy supply system including co-generation

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOUTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, OHASHI Yoshinori, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   21   545 - 548  2005.01


  • 202 A Study on Technology Life Cycle Assessment (TLCA) : Proposal of a Best Available System for Waste Management and development of software

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, KATANO Mitsuhiro, KAZAMA Syohgo, KANEKO Tadashi, OSADA Morihiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 117 - 120  2005

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    The construction of the waste management system corresponding to the recycling society is needed. The construction of Best Available System is hoped for in all respects of the municipal waste from the exhaust stage to recycle or final disposal stage with its evaluation. We understood the current state of the municipal waste processing, and developed the evaluation system that facilitated making the improvement idea for the processing plan to the municipality. Concretely, we did the questionnaire survey concerning the collection and the processing form to some cities for making the data base of the supporting tool and grasping the realities of their waste management system. Then, we arranged, analyzed, and proposed the Best Available System to the waste management system.


  • 203 Development of Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment A study on "Utility" of the industrial products

    NAGATA Katsuya, ONODA Hiroshi, ONODA Tetsuya, TAKAMATSU Yusuke, AIZAWA Masahito

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 121 - 124  2005

     View Summary

    In recent years, global environmental problems become aggravated, and the shift to the sustainable society is required. The quantitative environmental load assessment is necessary to achieve the sustainable society. Though various LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method is developed for such a demand, it is pointed out that there are a lot of problems in existing LCA. To solve such problems, Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA) is developed. E2-PA is based on the concept of &quot;Eco-Efficiency&quot; and the &quot;Potential Assessment&quot;. In this research, we pay attention to &quot;Utility&quot;, the numerator element of the E2-PA, of the products. Utility is the quantitative index means the essential factors of products in terms of consumers. We propose a method to quantify the Utility, which is the great merit of E2-PA. The targets in this paper are television, used car, and the notebook computer. Through the analysis of the television&#039;s Utility, it was shown to be able to evaluate the product with a different adjustment technology, like CRT, LC and Plasma. On used car, the change in Utility before and after the ELV (End-of-Life Vehicle) Recycling Law was shown. On notebook computer, we took in the consumer&#039;s intention by questionnaire in the assessment of the Utility. By this study the necessity of the product development according to the knowledge level of consumers was shown.


  • 204 Study on life style assessment applied the integrated index "ELP" : Environmental load of heating and clothes and development of LSA software

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, Onoda Hiroshi, Moribe Masakazu, Shikata Eisuke

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 125 - 128  2005

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    In recent years, global environmental problems have been aggravated. Especially the revolution of our lifestyle is requested. So, we have suggested the LSA (Life Style Assessment) as the environmental load assessment method in one&#039;s everyday life, and have evaluated the effect of environmental load reduction by improving the behavior of life style. In this report, we paid attention to the environmental load caused by heating apparatus and clothes in our life. In heating apparatus we compared the environmental load, the cost, and the utility. On clothes we evaluated the environmental load of 24 products. Moreover, to do such an assessment in individual&#039;s life style, we developed the LSA software. By using this software we enabled to understand the environmental load in the entire life quantitatively and showed the effectiveness of it.


  • 205 Safety and Reassurance in Waste Management System : Development of a New Safety Analysis Method

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGAI Yuji, MURAOKA Motoshi, TANAKA Kei, ISIZAKI Naotake, KIRIKAWA Takuya, HAIBARA Yoshinao

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 129 - 132  2005

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    In recent years, occurrence of the accidents in the general waste disposal facilities is reported from many fields. Then, we surveyed the bulky waste disposal facilities, and made the accidents and troubles data base to prevent the accidents. We developed the New Safety Analysis Method built in accidents and troubles data base to find the potential risk from the design phase of the facilities. We examined the accident scenarios that have max risk point on the bulky waste disposal facilities with New Safety Analysis Method as the case study. As a result we obtained that the operator caused the explosion by the combustible gas with usual drive on the ripper is the highest risk accident.


  • 212 A Study on Quantity Assessment Method of Disassembly Property : Disassembly Analysis of the Industrial products and Development of Disassembly Supporting Software

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, TAKAHASHI Kenta, FUTAMATA Hirofumi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 154 - 157  2005

     View Summary

    To construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in the design phase increases in various industrial products. Concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property is important. Then we develop the quantity disassembly property assessment method. In this paper, we pay attention to foreign products, especially refrigerators and home cleaners, which are more and more sold into our country. We compare their disassembly property and 3R consideration at the design with Japanese ones. And also, we develop Disassembly Supporting Software which support the disassembly process of used products by showing disassembly flow and 3D animation


  • 424 The Conservation of Energy in Operating Vending Machine : Monitoring Data Analysis and Life Cycle Environmental Load Assessment

    ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, NIIMI Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Isao, HONDA Mai

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 414 - 417  2005

     View Summary

    In recent years global environmental problems become aggravated, and various energy-saving function and method have been introduced in vending machine. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. Then, it aimed to achieve efficient conservation of energy by managing operation information on the vending machine, we did the monitor investigation to the vending machine in the university premises. When the conservation of energy setting matched to the use state was given, the amount of power consumption of about 12.2% was reduced to 25 vending machines in premises. As for this, the effect of 3.9t is forecast during year by the amount of the CO_2 reduction. Moreover, the environmental load of the operation phase of the vending machine was evaluated with the concept of eco-efficiency.


  • 437 A monitoring and assessment for energy supply system of public facility with Co-Generation System

    ONODA Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, OHASHI Yoshinori, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki, TAKAHASHI Syo, TAGUCHI Daiki

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 458 - 461  2005

     View Summary

    This paper presents the study of a monitoring and assessment for energy supply system of public facility with Co-Generation System (CGS). Recently, CGS is expected as one of the measures for global warming. However, there are many cases that the actual operation conditions of the energy supply system, like CGS are uncertain to practice to the energy saving at the facility. Then, we focus to public facility with CGS, and investigate the energy supply system. A monitoring and assessment are done in a certain hospital CGS. Concretely, total energy available efficiency of CGS are calculated by monitoring the heat balance in CGS. And we showed the comparison result with measurement value by applying various CGS assessment method and standard.


  • 444 Improvement of Vehicle for Energy-Saving Competition "World Econo Move"

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIMOYANA Yusuke, nashitani Takahiro, maeno Ryosuke

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 482 - 485  2005

     View Summary

    Recently, development and the spread of environmentally-friendly and high-efficiency single-seat fuel cell electric vehicle are expected. Then, in order to up-grade a fuel cell electric vehicle, we participated in the fuel cell section established in energy saving competition &quot;World Econo move (WEM)&quot;. We simulated for the best running condition by experiment, and carried out test run to prove its performance. As a result, power consumption was improved by regeneration, and thereby about 1.56km extension of the cruising range was achieved compared with the year before run.


  • 445 Development of Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle (ULFCV)

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIMOYANA Yusuke, MAENO Ryosuke, NASHITANI Takahiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2005 ( 0 ) 486 - 489  2005

     View Summary

    Recently, development and the spread of small, lightweight, environmentally-friendly and high-efficiency single-seat fuel cell electric vehicle are expected. Then, in order to realize this concept, we designed and manufactured for ULFCV (Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Electric Concept Vehicle) applying the development technology of competition vehicle. In this paper, to realize more practicability, we considered the power system of the ULFCV by designing new type high powered motor and selecting best available fuel cell and capacitor.. We confirmed the ascending performance by doing test run on the public road and at Honjo campus of Waseda University. As the result, we&#039;re able to achieve the driving of 14%. slope. In addition, 46% reduce of light energy was achieved by making lights by LED.

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-5. A study on Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle design

    MAENO Ryosuke, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIMOYANA Yusuke, NASHITANI Takahiro

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   14 ( 0 ) 288 - 289  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-6. A Study on Eco-dribe supporting system

    TERASHIMA Kazuaki, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SATO Koji, TAKAHASHI Keiichi

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   14 ( 0 ) 290 - 291  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-10. Examination of energy saving effect in vending machine operation

    HASEGAWA Isao, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, NIIMI Hiroshi, HONDA Mai

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   14 ( 0 ) 298 - 299  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-11. The study of optimum operation of energy supply system including co-generation

    TAGUCHI Daiki, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, OHASHI Yoshinori, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki, TAKAHASHI Syo

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   14 ( 0 ) 300 - 301  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • 廃棄物処理施設におけるリスクコミュニケーション手法に関する検討

    永田勝也, 納富信, 小野田弘士, 永井祐二, 村岡元司, 田中圭, 石崎尚武, 切川卓也, 生原嘉尚

    環境科学会年会一般講演・シンポジウム・プログラム   2005  2005


  • 早稲田大学大久保キャンパスにおける自動販売機の運用実態とその改善による省エネルギー


    2005年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集, 10    2005


  • ある病院におけるコージェネレーション運用遠隔計測とその評価


    2005年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会講演論文集, 10    2005


  • A Study on Technology Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) : Assessment of waste disposal system

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SEKIAI Haruaki, OHASHI Yoshinori, TSUKAMOTO Yohsuke, OSADA Morihiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 427 - 430  2004

     View Summary

    Recently, construction of the waste disposal system corresponding to sustainable society is needed. It is so important for the local government to plan the waste disposal management to understand the environmental load and the cost from the collection to processing and transportation quantitatively. Then, we did the hearing investigation about the collection and transportation, and proposed an easier modeling method about those distances and costs from the investigation results. Moreover, we evaluated various collection systems including processing by applying Environmental Load Point; ELP, our own Life Cycle Assessment method, and taking correlation with Life Cycle Cost; LCC. Then we confirmed the effectiveness of the appropriate discretion.


  • Development of Life-Style-Assessment Software

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, Onoda Hiroshi, HADA Yohei, Moribe Masakazu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 431 - 434  2004

     View Summary

    In recent years, environmental problems of global have been aggravated. Especially the increase of the energy consumed in the home becomes a big problem in the social section. So, we have suggested the LSA (Life Style Assessment) as the assessment method of the environmental load in one&#039;s everyday life, and have evaluated the effect of environmental load reduction by improving the behavior of life style. In this report, we classified the life style in the home into four such as the residence, cooking, amusements and clothes, then assessed the environmental load of the classification and the entire lifestyle. Moreover, to do such an assessment in individual&#039;s life style, we developed the LSA software. By using this software we enabled to understand the environmental load in the entire life quantitatively and showed the effectiveness of it.


  • A Study on Lifestyle Assessment that Applies Integration Index ELP

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, Onoda Hiroshi, HADA Yohei, Moribe Masakazu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 435 - 438  2004

     View Summary

    In recent years, environmental problems of global have been aggravated. Especially the increase of the energy consumed in the home becomes a big problem in the social section. So, we have suggested the LSA (Life Style Assessment) as the assessment method of the environmental load in one&#039;s everyday life, and have evaluated the effect of environmental load reduction by improving the behavior of life style. In this report, we paid attention to cooking and clothes in the behavior of our life style. In cooking, we evaluated the environmental load of the cooking utensil and we evaluated the method of processing the kitchen waste abandoned along with it, and showed the effectiveness of the spin dryer for the kitchen waste. In clothes, we showed the domination of the use of the recycling raw material by evaluating the recycling of clothes.


  • The Development of Disassembly Property Index

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, FUKATSU Yusuke, SATO Koji, KIRIKAWA Takuya, OGAWA Tomoo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 439 - 442  2004

     View Summary

    To construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration in the design phase to 3R (Reduce , Reuse , Recycle) increases in various industrial products. Especially, concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property of the products is an indispensable matter. Then, the quantity assessment method of facility disassembly property is examined in this research. The comparison by the disassembly time is effective as the means to evaluate the disassembly property. Then, we develop the Disassembly Property Index which is able to estimate the real disassembly time easily from the data which can be obtained at the design stage. In this paper, the method of deciding each element that composed the index is described, analyzing 32 products&#039; disassembling examination results, and we show effectiveness of the Disassembly Property Index as the assessment tool for estimating the real disassembly time was obtained.


  • The Development of Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment : The investigation into the utility of the industrial products and the development of software

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, HIBINO So, SHIN Takehiro, ONODA Tetsuya, AIZAWA Masahito

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 443 - 446  2004

     View Summary

    In recent years global environmental problems become aggravated, the shift to the sustainable society is required. The quantitative environmental load assessment is necessary to achieve the sustainable society. Though various LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method is developed for such a demand, it is pointed out that there are a lot of problems in existing LCA. To solve such problems, Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA) was developed. This research is investigation of &quot;Utility&quot; of the product. Utility is defined as the market price of the product. Setting the market price of the product for criterion variable, Elements of Utility for explanatory variable, multiple regression analysis is done. The accuracy of multiple regression analysis is given to official approval, the Utility is decided. By the result of E2-PA including Utility, the importance of improving the Utility of the product is shown. And aslso To aim at the spread of E2-PA, E2-PA software is developed.


  • The Development of Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment : A Study on Hazardous Intensity

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, HIBINO So, SHIN Takehiro, ONODA Tetsuya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 447 - 450  2004

     View Summary

    In recent years global environmental problems become aggravated, the shift to the sustainable society is required. The quantitative environmental load assessment is necessary to achieve the sustainable society. Though various LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method is developed for such a demand, it is pointed out that there are a lot of problems in existing LCA. To solve such problems, Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA) was developed. In this paper, we study on Hazardous Intensity (HI). HI is Materials and Energy for taking hazardous substances into harmless as Potential, but the process for taking hazardous substances into harmless is not decided. So in this research HI is alternated by two methods (Method 1: alternate by the intensity for virgin resources. Method 2: alternate by the ratio of hazardous factor to the standard substance). Then we show the products&#039; assessment result by using alternated HI, and compares it with other LCA. As a result, validity as the potential evaluation of E2-PA is shown.


  • A Study on Risk Analysis at Waste Disposal System and Security Designing

    NAGATA Katuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, TAKAOKA Kohji, TANAKA Kei, MIYAKE Youichirou, TAKIGAWA Hideyuki, ITAYA Matumi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 451 - 454  2004

     View Summary

    In recent year, the amount of waste have been increasing and the quality also become diverse. And in disposal process, the case which flammable substance get mixed have been increasing. Based on this background, the trouble of fire and burst continued to rise. In this report, we attempt the quantitative analysis of risk at incineration and trash disposal plant to use the risk analysis method. And to use this research, we intend to earn the guideline of reduction of risk.


  • Life Cycle System Aiming at a Long Life Product : Environmental Assessment of Reuse Parts

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, KOSUGE Shinsaku, SATO Koji, KAWAI Hitotoshi, KAZAMA Shogo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 455 - 458  2004

     View Summary

    Recently, in order to shift to Sustainable Society, it is required for products&#039; parts to be used long-term. Therefore, we aim to prove the effectiveness for the protection of the environment and the resource by promoting reuse parts. In this study, from this point of view, we promote reuse parts in the case of recycling of End-of-Life Vehicle (ELY). In this report, we assess quantitatively the environmental load of manufacture of reuse parts by Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA), our own assessment method. Concretely, we compared the environmental load of reuse parts, new parts and recycling parts. As a result, we show the case of reuse parts reduce environmental load in 90% or more compared to the case of new parts. We also proposed the guideline for the promotion of the using reuse parts and improvement of ELV&#039;s recycling.


  • Directions for Vehicle Using System Aiming at a Long Life : Performance Evaluation of Convert EV, and a Battery Degradation Diagnostic Examination Which pointed to "up-grading"

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, KOSUGE Shinsaku, SATO Kouji, KAZAMA Shogo, KAWAI Hirotoshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 459 - 462  2004

     View Summary

    In this study, we have suggested the concept of &quot;up-grading&quot; product that can improve the performance and aim at a long life for the construction of the sustainable society. At that point, we converted the gasoline car into the electric vehicle (EV). we showed the effectiveness of driving at high-speed and the drive pattern that there are much stop and departure on produced convert EV. And the environmental load can be reduced by driving the convert EV more than 7000km. From the point of management of the parts life, we experimented the deterioration of the butteries on EV, we showed that the voltage and the current change were different according to the deterioration situation.


  • A Study on Life Cycle System Aiming at a Long Life Product : Environmental Load Assessment of Gasoline Containing Bio-Ethanol

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, KAWAI Hirotoshi, KAZAMA Shogo, SATO Koji, KOSUGE Shinsaku

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 463 - 466  2004

     View Summary

    In this research, for the construction of the sustainable society, we propose the product that can improve the performance making the best use of original longevity and it applies to the car. Then we examined the use of the fuel containing Bio-ethanol aiming at measures for controlling global warming. We calculated the Consumption energy and the amount of the CO_2 exhaust at the production, transportation, refinement, and use stage of the fuel, and evaluated the environmental load by Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA) at each stage. As a result, the amount of energy consumption from the production stage to use stage increased by 0.1% in the ethanol mixture rate 3 %(E3), 0.3% in 10 %(E10), that of the CO_2 exhaust was reduced 1.1% in E3, 3.7% in E10 compared with gasoline. And the material impact was reduced 3.3% in the ethanol mixture rate 3 %(E3), 11.4% in 10 %( E10) compared with gasoline.


  • Design and development for fuel cell electric vehicle in consideration of future type city traffic : "ULFCV(Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle)"

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, IWAMI Takehiro, SHIMOYANA Yusuke, SUYAMA Tomokazu, FUJITA Takahiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 467 - 470  2004

     View Summary

    Recently, development and the spread are expected of small, lightweight, environmentally-friendly and high-efficiency single-seat fuel cell electric vehicle. Then, in order to realize this concept, we designed and manufactured for ULFCV (Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Electric Concept Vehicle) applying the development technology of competition vehicle. In this paper we researched about the performance of the ULFCV by doing test run. The result, we&#039;re able to achieve the cruising range 94.25km by hybrid system (with lead battery). In addition, running in the public road was achieved by acquiring the motorized bicycle number.


  • Improvement of purpose for fuel cell section participation of Vehicle for Energy-Saving Competition "World Econo Move"

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, IWAMI Takehiro, SHIMOYANA Yusuke, SUYAMA Tomokazu, FUJITA Takahiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 471 - 474  2004

     View Summary

    Recently, development and the spread are expected of environmentally-friendly and high-efficiency single-seat fuel cell electric vehicle. Then, in order to upgrade a fuel cell electric vehicle, we participated in the fuel cell section newly established in energy saving competition &quot;World Econo move (WEM)&quot;. And we researched about the performance and the running method by doing test run. The result, we could achieve the cruising range 44.1km. In addition, we simulated for the best running condition. Then, the cruising range can expect 48.17km when the condition of capacity 83.3F of the capacitor and 8.5Ain motor control current average.


  • Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : 4^<th> Report : Development of Special 1C Tag and Test on Field

    NAGATA Katsuya, HAYAKAWA Tsuneo, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGAI Yuji, NIIMI Hiroshi, ISHIZAKI Naotake, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki, TAKADA Tsutomu, NAKAJIMA Kaoru

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 475 - 478  2004

     View Summary

    In these years, as the correspondence of the global environmental problems like global warming, exhaustion of energy and so on, the construction of the environmental-friendly society is strongly required. For constructing such society, as concerns the industrial products not only the consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at the design stage, but also the management, by the maker itself, of the energy saving at the using stage and proper treatment for the used products at the recycle and waste stage is demanded under the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). However, such a system that manages all the life cycle of the industrial products is not investigated enough. In this study, we attempted to construct such a synthetic environmental-friendly technology for production and operation of industrial machines, especially pump system, by using special 1C tag. We call this system, Environmental Information System. At the same time we developed the special 1C tag, which exchanged information between each life cycle stage, we investigate some other technologies for decreasing the environmental impact in each process. Then, in this report, we show the findings of the investigation about a field test and the operation information collecting with the special 1C tag that actually develops. As a result, it is clarified that operation information with Special 1C tag can be collected correctly, and the driving point of the targeted machine can be guessed from obtained information


  • Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : 5^<th> Report, Disassembly Analysis of Industrial Machines and Development of Environmental-friendly Pump

    NAGATA Katsuya, ISIZAKI Naotake, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki, TAKADA Tsutomu, NAKATSUKASA Yukimasa, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, NAGAI Yuji, HUKATSU Yusuke, SATO Koji, NIIMI Hiroshi, KIRIKAWA Takuya, OGAWA Tomoo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 479 - 482  2004

     View Summary

    In recent years, to construct the Sustainable Society, the importance of consideration in the design and the manufacturing phase to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) increases in various Industrial products. Especially, concerning Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of the disassembly property of the products is an indispensable matter. Industrial machines are essential products for the manufacturing site such as factories. However, Industrial machines are late products on 3R consideration at the total Life Cycle Stage. In this research, we target the pump, the fan, and the compressor in Industrial machines. We disassembled them, and evaluated by using Disassembly Property Index, our own assessment method. As a result, it turned out industrial machines that the assignment of connection disassembly process was high. Based on the assessment, we proposed the design for disassembly on the General-purpose pump, and the Environment-friendly pump was developed.


  • Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : 6^<th> Report, Development of the Environmental Information System

    NAGATA Katsuya, KANAI Sadao, NOHTOMI Makoto, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NIIMI Hiroshi, ISHIZAKI Naotake, YAMAZAKI Hiroyuki, TAKADA Tsutomu, HAYAKAWA Tsuneo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 483 - 486  2004

     View Summary

    The concept design of environmental-friendly production and operation / recycling system is proposed. To realize this system, it is necessary to broadcast the information effectively over internets such as the life cycle of industrial machines to consumers and the way of recovery / reproduction to producers. Especially, by storing a history in use of an 1C tag, the information, which is useful to the improvement in operation efficiency is extracted, and design data is offered. On the other hand, broadcasting the 3D-CAD data related to the flowchart of distraction is not only supportive to reproduction or maintenance, but also to analysis of the recycling effects. This system could be applied to processing of waste, and an accumulation result can be fed back to the design of the product.


  • Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : 7^<th>Report: Examination of application to vending machine

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, NIIMI Hiroshi, ISHIZAKI Naotake, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2004 ( 0 ) 487 - 490  2004

     View Summary

    In these recent years, environment-conscious type society is being requested. But on the other hand the industrial products are not necessarily operated wisely. It can be said that effective maintenance and the operation of the energy consumption type product, such as business equipment, are extremely effective, for instance as CO_2 measures. So, as a familiar example, we have researched about the effectiveness of the operating information management system intended for the vending machine, since its diffusion of the whole country is very high. Concretely, we have examined the operational condition of the cup type and the can vending machine set up in the Waseda University Ohkubo campus, and its energy-saving measures too. Driving matched from acquired data to the number of buyers of every time zone that the vending machine was able to be used, therefore power consumption during a day confirmed 17% or less had been reduced in the cup type vending machine, by 3% or less in the can vending machine.


  • 6-4. Design and development for fuel cell electric vehicle in consideration of future type city traffic "ULFCV (Ultra Lightweight Fuel Cell Vehicle)"

    SHIMOYANA Yusuke, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, IWAMI Takehiro, SUYAMA Tomokazu, FUJITA Takahiro

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   13 ( 0 ) 270 - 271  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-9. Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : Development of Special IC Tag and Test on Field

    HIROYUKI Yamasaki, HAYAKAWA Tsuneo, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, NIIMI Hiroshi, ISHIZAKI Naotake, TAKADA Tsutomu, NAKAJIMA Kaoru

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   13 ( 0 ) 280 - 281  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • 6-11. Examination of effect of saving energy in operation of vending machine

    NIIMI Hiroshi, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, ISHIZAKI Naotake, YAMASAKI Hiroyuki

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   13 ( 0 ) 284 - 285  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • 8-8. Development of Life-Style-Assessment Software

    MORIBE Masakazu, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, HADA Yohei

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   13 ( 0 ) 326 - 327  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Environmental

    永田勝也, 納富信, 小野田弘士, 永井祐二, 新見大, 石崎尚武, 高田勉, 中島薫, 早川恒夫

    日本機械学会環境工学総合シンポジウム講演論文集   14th  2004


  • 環境負荷評価による汎用産業機器の環境配慮型生産・運用技術の有効性の検討 (第14回廃棄物学会研究発表会)

    永田 勝也, 納富 信, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   14   131 - 133  2003.10


  • 環境配慮型汎用ポンプの開発 (第14回廃棄物学会研究発表会)

    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 新見 大

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   14   137 - 139  2003.10


  • Research on the Provision System of the Environmental Information for the Recycling of Industrial Machines

    Nagai Yuji, Nagata Katsuya, Nohtomi Makoto, Onoda Hiroshi, Terashima Nobuyoshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSSD   50 ( 50 ) 148 - 149  2003.05

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    The concept design of environmental-friendly production and operation / recycling system is proposed, which broadcasts effectively the information over the life cycle of industrial machines to consumers and recovery / reproduction producers. Especially, by storing a history in use in IC tag, the information, which is useful to the improvement in operation efficiency, is extracted, and design data is offered. This system could be applied processing of waste, and an accumulation result can be fed back to a design.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : 1^<ST> Report : Development of Special IC Tag and a Study on the Effectiveness of its Recorded Information

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIN Takehiro, IWAO Yohei, NAGAI Yuji, TAKADA Tsutomu, NAKAJIMA Kaoru, HAYAKAWA Tsuneo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2003 ( 0 ) 390 - 393  2003

     View Summary

    In these years, as the correspondence of the global environmental problems like global warming, exhaustion of energy and so on, the construction of the environmental-friendly society is strongly required. For constructing such society, as concerns the industrial products not only the consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at the design stage, but also the management, by the maker itself, of the energy saving at the using stage and proper treatment for the used products at the recycle and waste stage is demanded under the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). However, such a system that manages all the life cycle of the industrial products is not investigated enough. In this study, we attempted to construct such a synthetic environmental-friendly technology for production and operation of industrial machines, especially pump system, by using special IC tag. We call this system, Environmental Information System. At the same time we developed the special IC tag, which exchanged information between each life cycle stage, we investigate some other technologies for decreasing the environmental impact in each process. Then, in this report, we show the findings of the investigation about accumulation date in the special IC tag system. We investigated how to use the accumulation date of the pump to grasp the condition at the using stage. Besides, we made the operation management process of the pump. Consequently, the system enable diagnosis of energy conservation and operation advices, which intends to increase efficiency at various industrial machines, which done by hand at present.


  • Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : 2^<nd> Report : A Study on the Environmental-friendly Design of Pump and Development of the 3R Information Management System

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIN Takehiro, IWAO Yohei, NAGAI Yuji, TAKADA Tsutomu, NAKATSUKASA Yukimasa, KANAI Sadao

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2003 ( 0 ) 394 - 397  2003

     View Summary

    In these years, as the correspondence of the global environmental problems like global warming, exhaustion of energy and so on, the construction of the environmental-friendly society is strongly required. For constructing such society, as concerns the industrial products not only the consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at the design stage, but also the management, by the maker itself, of the energy saving at the using stage and proper treatment for the used products at the recycle and waste stage is demanded under the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). However, such a system that manages all the life cycle of the industrial products is not investigated enough. In this study, we attempted to construct such a synthetic environmental-friendly technology for production and operation of industrial machines, especially pump system, by using special IC tag. We call this system, Environmental Information System. In parallel with the development of the special IC tag, which exchanges information between each life cycle stage, we investigate some other technologies for decreasing the environmental impact in each process. Then, in this report, we show the findings of the investigation about environmental-friendly design of pump. We paid attention to the improvement of the disassembling property of the motor, which is one of the most valuable parts of pump, to achieve its reuse and up grading at the using stage. Besides, we got the guide about 3R information management system, which intends to increase efficiency at the disassembling and distinguishing process, which done by hand at present.


  • Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : 3^<rd> Report : A Study on the Effectiveness of Environmental Information System by Environmental Load Assessment

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIN Takehiro, IWAO Yohei, NAGAI Yuji, TAKADA Tsutomu, NAKATSUKASA Yukimasa

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2003 ( 0 ) 398 - 401  2003

     View Summary

    In these years, as the correspondence of the global environmental problems like global warming, exhaustion of energy and so on, the construction of the environmental-friendly society is strongly required. For constructing such society, as concerns the industrial products not only the consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at the design stage, but also the management, by the maker itself, of the energy saving at the using stage and proper treatment for the used products at the recycle and waste stage is demanded under the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). However, such a system that manages all the life cycle of the industrial products is not investigated enough. In this study, we attempted to construct such a synthetic environmental-friendly technology for production and operation of industrial machines, especially pump system, by using special IC tag. We call this system, Environmental Information System. In parallel with the development of the special IC tag, which exchanges information between each life cycle stage, we investigate some other technologies for decreasing the environmental impact in each process. Then, in this report, we show the effectiveness of this system in terms of environmental impact by applying Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA), which is the environmental load assessment technique we develop.


  • 9-21. Development of Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation System of Industrial Machines : Development of Environmental Information System applied Special IC Tag and A Study on its Effectiveness

    ONODA Hiroshi, HAYAKAWA Tsuneo, KANAI Sadao, NAGATA Katsuya, NOHTOMI Makoto, NAGAI Yuji, IWAO Youhei, SHIN Takehiro, TAKADA Tsutomu, NAKAJIMA Kaoru, NAKATSUKASA Yukimasa

    Proc. Annual Conf. J.I.E.   12 ( 0 ) 452 - 453  2003


  • 特殊ICタグを活用した汎用ポンプの環境配慮型生産・運用技術の開発

    永田勝也, 納富信, 小野田弘士, 秦健宏, 岩尾洋平, 永井祐二, 高田勉, 中島薫, 早川恒夫

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   14th ( Pt.1 )  2003


  • 易解体性を考慮した設計手法の検討--車いすの解体解析 (第13回廃棄物学会研究発表会) -- (容器包装・自動車等のリサイクル)

    永田 勝也, 納富 信, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   13   140 - 142  2002.11


  • A Study on the Disassembly-Oriented Design : Disassembly Analysis of Welfare Tools and Proposal for the Disassembly-Oriented Design

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOUTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIKAHAMA Takafumi, MATSUNAGA Noriyuki

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2002 ( 0 ) 179 - 182  2002

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    In these years, increase of wastes and exhaust of resource become major issues according to the progress of mass productive, mass consumptive and mass waste economic system. As the correspondence, the construction of the sustainable society is strongly required. For constructing such society, the consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at the design stage of industrial products become very important. Especially, as concerns Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of disassembling property of the products is one of the most important things to be considered. In this study, we attempted to investigate Disassembly-Oriented Design (DOD) for welfare tools, of which demand is estimated to increase due to the arrival of the aging society, by disassembling them. The products that we disassembled were nursing care bed and wheelchair. By disassembling them we understood the problems of the structure and compared the disassembling property of these products by applying the method of estimating products&#039; disassembling property. Then we got the guide about DOD for these products.


  • A Study on the Disassembly-Oriented Design : Disassembly Analysis of Wheelchair and Proposal for the Disassembly-Oriented Design

    NAGATA Katsuya, NOUTOMI Makoto, ONODA Hiroshi, SHIKAHAMA Takafumi, MATSUNAGA Noriyuki

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2002 ( 0 ) 183 - 186  2002

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    In these years, increase of wastes and exhaust of resource become major issues according to the progress of mass productive, mass consumptive and mass waste economic system. As the correspondence, the construction of the sustainable society is strongly required. For constructing such society, the consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at the design stage of industrial products become very important. Especially, as concerns Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of disassembling property of the products is one of the most important things to be considered. In this study, we attempted to investigate Disassembly-Oriented Design (DOD) for wheelchair, of which demand is estimated to increase due to the arrival of the aging society, by disassembling them. By disassembling them we understood the problems of the structure and compared the disassembling property of these products by applying the method of estimating products&#039; disassembling property. Then we got the guide about DOD for wheelchair. In addition, by achieving DOD, the alternation of design in accordance with Time Place and Occasion (TPO), like ceremonial occasions, is considered to become easily at the using stage. In this paper, we also proposed the new concept of wheelchair which took both environment and welfare into consideration.


  • 易解体性を考慮した設計手法の検討--各種工業製品の解体解析 (第12回廃棄物学会研究発表会) -- (容器包装・家電などのリサイクル)

    永田 勝也, 納富 信, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   12   183 - 185  2001.10


  • 易解体性を考慮した設計手法の検討--家庭用ミシンの解体解析 (第12回廃棄物学会研究発表会) -- (容器包装・家電などのリサイクル)

    永田 勝也, 松原 仁志, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   12   186 - 188  2001.10


  • 易解体性を考慮した設計手法の検討 - 各種工業製品の解体解析 -

    永田 勝也, 納富 信, 松原 仁志, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   12 ( 1 ) 183 - 185  2001.10


  • 易解体性を考慮した設計手法の検討 - 家庭用ミシンの解体解析 -

    永田 勝也, 納富 信, 松原 仁志, 小野田 弘士

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   12 ( 1 ) 186 - 188  2001.10


  • A Study on the Disassembly -Oriented Design : Disasssembly Analysis of Industrial Products and Proposal for the Disassembly -Oriented Design

    NAGATA Katsuya, MATSUBARA Hitoshi, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2001 ( 0 ) 273 - 276  2001

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    In these years, increase of wastes and exhaust of resource become major issues according to the progress of mass productive, mass consumptive and mass waste economic system. As the correspondence, the construction of the resource-recycling society is strongly required. For constructing such society, the consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at the design stage of industrial products become very important. Especially, as concerns Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of disassembling property of the products is one of the most important things to be considered. In this study, we attempted to investigate Disassembly-Oriented Design (DOD) for several industrial products by disassembling them. The products that we disassembled were desk-top PC, PC monitor, ink-jet and laser printer and sewing machine. By disassembling them, we understood the problems of the structure and compared the disassembling property of these products by applying the method of estimating products&#039; disassembling property. Then we got the guide about DOD for these products.


  • A Study on the Disassembly -Oriented Design : Disasssembly Analysis of Sewing Machine and Proposal for the Disassembly -Oriented Design

    NAGATA Katsuya, MATSUBARA Hitoshi, ONODA Hiroshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   2001 ( 0 ) 277 - 280  2001

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    In these years, increase of wastes and exhaust of resource become major issues according to the progress of mass productive, mass consumptive and mass waste economic system. As the correspondence, the construction of the resource-recycling society is strongly required. For constructing such society, the consideration to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at the design stage of industrial products become very important. Especially, as concerns Reuse and Recycle, the improvement of disassembling property of the products is one of the most important things to be considered. In this study, we attempted to investigate Disassembly-Oriented Design (DOD) for sewing machine by disassembling them. Then, we understood the problems of the structure and compared the disassembling property of these products by applying the method of estimating products disassembling property and we got the guide about DOD for sewing machine.


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Industrial Property Rights

  • 推計システム、家庭内エネルギー消費管理システム、地域エネルギー管理システム、エネルギー消費実態の評価システム、エネルギー消費実態の可視化システム、エネルギー消費行動の改善提案システム、その方法、並びにそのシステムを搭載した電子機器及びサーバー。


    伊原 克将, 永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士



  • 環境配慮行動提案システム、環境負荷低減支援システム及びプログラム


    小野田 弘士, 永田 勝也



  • 自動販売機の最適配置診断装置及び最適配置診断装置用プログラム


    永田 勝也, 小野田 弘士, 新見 大, 長谷川 功, 本田 麻衣





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Academic Activities


  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 空気エンジン駆動型マイクロモビリティの開発と性能評価


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    本研究では、空気エンジンで駆動する超軽量小型モビリティULV (Ultra Light-weight Vehicle)の設計・開発を行った。回転バランス型シリンダの原理を応用した空気エンジンの搭載を前提とし、その性能試験装置を構築した。その結果、ULVへの搭載モデルの最高出力は450Wであり、このときの断熱効率は約44%であった。省エネルギー性を追究しているULVの必要出力は423Wであることから、ULVの駆動源として活用可能であることを確認した。以上に基づき、従来開発してきたULVの車両をベースに空気エンジン駆動型ULV(ULV-Air)の設計・製作を行った。その結果、空気エンジンの性能値から航続可能距離を試算したところ、約7kmとなった。