Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Ph.D. ( University of Tokyo )

Research Experience

  • 2008.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences

  • 2004.04

    Waseda University   School of Education

  • 2002.04

    Osaka Gakuin University   Faculty of Corporate Intelligence

  • 1999.04

    Osaka Gakuin University   Faculty of Corporate Intelligence

  • 1994.04


  • 1987.07


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Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of General Culture   Department of General Systems Studies  

Committee Memberships

  • 2022.06

    (公社)日本地理学会  理事長

  • 2016.08

    International Geographical Union  Vice Chair, Commission on on the Geography of Information, Innovation and Technology

  • 2018.05

    経済地理学会  関東支部長

  • 2016.06

    (公社)日本地理学会  常務理事

  • 2012.06

    (公社)日本地理学会  常務理事

  • 2010.06

    (社)日本地理学会  理事

  • 2008.05

    経済地理学会  代表幹事

  • 2006.05

    経済地理学会  編集委員長

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Professional Memberships


    IGU Commission on the Geography of Information, Innovation and Technology


    The Japanese Society for Geographical Sciences


    The Human Geographical Society of Japan


    The Japan Association of Economic Geographers


    The Association of Japanese Geographers

Research Areas

  • Human geography

Research Interests

  • Distribution Geography, Economic Geography, Urban Geography


  • 第2回人文地理学会学会賞




  • Local Government Evaluation and Recognition of the Location Normalization Plan: Questionnaire Survey Results from 332 Municipalities

    HASHIMOTO Kenji, MUSHA Tadahiko, KIKUCHI Yoshiyuki, KUKIMOTO Mikoto, KOMAKI Nobuhiko, SATO Masashi

    E-journal GEO   16 ( 1 ) 33 - 47  2021.03  [Refereed]


  • One aspect of the role of ICTs in a mountain community : a case study of Kamiyama, Japan

    Kenji Hashimoto

    Netcom   ( 33-3/4 )  2019.12  [Refereed]


  • The unutilized real estate issues and the town management in the city center of local cities:A summary and outlook

    MUSHA Tadahiko, HASHIMOTO Kenji, KIKUCHI Yoshiyuki, KUKIMOTO Mikoto, KOMAKI Nobuhiko, SATO Masashi

    Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers   2018 ( 0 ) 278 - 278  2018

    DOI CiNii

  • 地方都市における中心市街地空洞化と低利用不動産問題


    経済地理学年報   62 ( 2 ) 121 - 129  2016.06  [Refereed]

  • Geographical Change of Population and Economic Situation in the City Center District under the Act on Vitalization in City Center by downsizing

    Komaki Nobuhiko, Hashimoto Kenji, Musha Tadahiko, Kikuchi Yoshiyuki, Kukimoto Mikoto, Sato Masashi

    Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers   2016 ( 0 ) 100163 - 100163  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Geographical analysis of the unutilized real estates in the city center of local cities

    Hashimoto Kenji, Musha Tadahiko, Kikuchi Yoshiyuki, Kukimoto Mikoto, Komaki Nobuhiko, Sato Masashi

    Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers   2015   100070 - 100070  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • Establishment of a Networked Business School Using ICT and the Development of the School's Environment : Example of Housuu-juku in Saga


    GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES   68 ( 3 ) 190 - 201  2013.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    One of the major effects that information and communication technology (ICT) is expected to bring is, needless to say, the elimination of various disparities between central and peripheral areas. In general, when small, peripheral prefectures with limited budgets and human resources adopt this type of strategy, they face two challenges: (1) how to raise funds to develop information infrastructures and (2) how to maintain educational programs comparable to those offered by local governments in central areas like Tokyo. Housuu-juku utilizes ICT in two major ways: holding distant classes, which connect Saga and Tokyo, and connecting the school and its students through an interactive information exchange system (home study system). Housuu-juku enjoys practically no need to pay for expenses for utilizing ICT for these two systems. Since the business school originated from a donation-based course at Saga University, the budget for distance classes is included in the framework of experiments between Keio University and Saga University in which Housuu-juku is considered a provider of the "content of those who take the course" for these experiments. Initially, the home study system was also developed by a venture firm in Saga Prefecture using the prefectural government's budget to support venture firms in its jurisdiction and was provided to Housuu-juku free of charge. Many of Housuu-juku's strong points are premised on the existence of an ICT environment as typified by distant classes offered in cooperation with Keio University and the home study system. In this sense, Housuu-juku can be viewed as one of the end users that benefit from the series of broadband communication environments created by MIC and the Council for the Promotion of NetCom Saga. However, Housuu-juku somewhat justified large public investments in the early stage of ICT infrastructure development, which is usually marked by low profitability, and in the end, it helped the prefectural government to promote the creation of a broadband communication environment.

    DOI CiNii

  • 日本の小売業における近年の変化とその要因

    箸本 健二

    統計   63 ( 8 ) 10 - 15  2012.08


  • 物流・ロジスティックスの変化

    箸本 健二

    地理   57 ( 1 ) 54 - 59  2012.01


  • 学界展望--流通・交通・サービス

    箸本 健二

    人文地理   63 ( 3 ) 262 - 264  2011.07

  • 変わる消費・多様化する流通

    箸本 健二

    地理   56 ( 2 ) 22 - 29  2011.02


  • 相模原市の『大型店問題』と出店調整

    箸本 健二

    相模原市史ノート   ( 7 ) 10 - 33  2010.03

  • インターネットを用いた山村活性化の試みとその評価--和歌山県北山村の事例

    箸本 健二

    早稲田大学教育学部学術研究, 地理学・歴史学・社会科学編   ( 58 ) 43 - 59  2009.03


  • 広域中心都市の人口構造に関する地理学的研究--福岡市を事例として

    箸本 健二, 長沼 佐枝

    早稲田教育評論   23 ( 1 ) 137 - 146  2009.03


  • コンビニエンスストアの店舗類型とその平日・週末間での差異--首都圏287店舗のPOSデータ分析を通して

    箸本 健二, 駒木 信比古

    都市地理学   ( 4 ) 1 - 19  2009.03

  • Correspondence of the local government to advance of Mega Stores

    Academic studies Geography・history・social science   57 ( 57 ) 49 - 67  2009.02


  • 商店街ホームページにおける「顧客接点」-大阪府下5商店街のインターネット戦略を通じて

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 467 )  2008.05

  • Guest Editorial(<Special Issue>Restructuring of Retail Space)

    HASHIMOTO Kenji, ARAI Yoshio

    Annals of the Association of Economic Geographers   51 ( 1 ) 1 - 2  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • Spatial restructuring of distribution systems incidental to informatization in Japan


    Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers   49 ( 2 ) 28 - 44  2003.06  [Refereed]

  • Restructuring of distribution system with innovation of IT : a case study of wholesale industries in Japan


    NETCOM : Networks and Communication Studies   17 ( 3-4 ) 203 - 214  2003  [Refereed]

  • Information Network and the Distribution Space in Japan &#8211; A Case Study of Consumer Goods Manufacturers in Japan


    NETCOM : Networks and Communication Studies   16 ( 1-2 ) 17 - 28  2002  [Refereed]

  • Penetration of the Internet into the Japanese society

    ARAI Yoshio, HASHIMOTO Kenji, YAMADA Harumichi

    NETCOM : Networks and Communication Studies   16 ( 3-4 ) 135 - 154  2002  [Refereed]

  • 量販店の情報システム化とマネジメント戦略

    箸本 健二

    大阪学院大学企業情報学研究   2 ( 1 ) 85 - 105  2002.01

  • CVSのビジネスモデルと情報システム

    箸本 健二

    大阪学院大学企業情報学研究   1 ( 3 ) 77 - 93  2001.11

  • 情報化にともなう営業組織の変容-大手消費財メーカーにおける事例研究を通じて-

    箸本 健二

    大阪学院大学企業情報学研究   1 ( 1 ) 161 - 174  2001.03


  • 営業活動の情報化と拠点機能の変容-消費財メーカーを事例として-

    箸本 健二, 荒井 良雄

    地理科学   56 ( 1 ) 1 - 20  2001.01  [Refereed]


  • 情報通信技術の革新と産業空間の再構築

    箸本 健二

    経済地理学年報   46 ( 4 ) 15 - 29  2000.12  [Refereed]


  • Geographical study on changes in the spatial structure of the distribution system by informatization


    Geographia Polonica   73 ( 1 ) 47 - 62  2000.03  [Refereed]

  • GISを利用したエリアマーケティングの展開

    箸本 健二

    大阪学院大学通信   31 ( 3 ) 217 - 232  2000.03

  • 企業活動における情報技術利用の研究動向

    荒井良雄, 箸本健二, 中村広幸, 佐藤英人

    人文地理   50 ( 6 ) 22 - 43  1998.12  [Refereed]


  • 流通業における規制緩和と地域経済への影響

    箸本 健二

    経済地理学年報   44 ( 4 ) 16 - 29  1998.12  [Refereed]


  • 量販チェーンにおける情報化と物流システムの変容-信州ジャスコを事例として-

    箸本 健二

    経済地理学年報   44 ( 3 ) 23 - 43  1998.09  [Refereed]


  • 首都圏におけるコンビニエンスストアの店舗類型化とその空間的展開-POSデータによる売上分析を通じて-

    箸本 健二

    地理学評論   71 ( 4 ) 239 - 253  1998.04  [Refereed]

  • A Geographer's Perspective on Information Technology and Industrial Activity

    Yoshio Arai, Kenji Hashimoto, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Hideto Satoh

    The Human Geography   50 ( 6 ) 550 - 571  1998  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

     View Summary

    It has been a long time since information technology (IT) came to be a key driver in industrial progress. IT is also driving a huge social transformation. Concern over the impact of this transformation has extended into various academic fields.Although the rapid diffusion of IT has been covered extensively in Western Europe and North America, these works show poor relations between object and method, making them difficult to comprehend. We aim to illustrate the trends highlighted by these studies, which focus on the usage of IT in industrial activity and its impact.This article consists of six sections. In section 2, we will look at how IT has been considered in the academic discipline of geography. We will consider the influence of IT to the spatial activities of business organizations in section 3 and 4, focusing on the characteristic of individual industries in section 3, then on business function and office location in section 4. In section 5, we will discuss urban impacts of developing information infrastructures. Finally in section 6, we look at the literature and indicate existing issues.In current geographical studies, the impact of IT on the location of business activity is evaluated in four ways. In the first type of study, IT is seen replacing face-to-face communication. In the second type of study, time saving from IT is examined, and its resulting impact on the location of business activity. In the third type of study, savings in communication costs are discussed, especially the reduction in long distance charges from using digital and satellite technologies. Fourth comes the impact of information infrastructure on regional development.In spite of geographers' empirical observations on the spatial influences that IT brings to business, further issues remain. Because information is invisible, it is difficult to investigate its flow or stock in an enterprise, so we can find few empirical studies, just a lot of works discussing the spatial effect of IT in general. Next, while there are many discussions about business location in relation to IT, there are few studies discussing how IT affects business functions. Yet we know IT does change many functional aspects of an organization. Japanese geographers have paid little attention in their research to non-electrical information activities such as face-to-face contact nor the impact on communication costs.Capitalist societies are being greatly transformed by IT. Though no grand theory on the future direction of society has yet been offered, there is no doubt that IT plays an important role. Enterprises have received positive impacts from IT. A careful, deep understanding of IT impacts on business and a careful debate on how this can be extended to the entire society have great significance in geography. But because of a lack of empirical studies, specific research in this particular sector will also have significance.The following four areas are identified for further study:1) The application of IT in individual industries;2) The general impact of IT on information behavior in business;3) Social aspects of IT relating to globalization and flexibility; and4) Technological innovation and the labor market

    DOI CiNii


  • 清酒製造業の共同化と消費地立地に対する制約的要因の検討

    箸本 健二

    松商短大論叢   ( 44 ) 47 - 69  1996.03

  • 流通情報化に伴う空間的影響と地理学の研究課題

    箸本 健二

    法政地理   24 ( 24 ) 51 - 66  1996.03


  • 量販店のカテゴリー購入特性を規定する空間的要因の検討

    箸本 健二

    消費者行動研究   3 ( 2 ) 65 - 78  1996.03


  • 情報ネットワーク化とビール工業における生産・物流体制の変化-キリンビールを事例として-

    箸本 健二

    経済地理学年報   42 ( 1 ) 1 - 19  1996.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study aims to clarify how marketing factors and information network system change the locations and function facilities for a Japanese brewery. There are two principal marketing factors that effect Japanese brewerys : the rising number of brand extension and the rising frequency of small-lot deliveries. Efforts to achieve both brands extension and just-in-time delivery are incompatible in terms of inventories. To reduce these enormous costs, the consumer goods distribution sifts toward differentiation according to order volume and delivery frequency. Such differentiation effects profoundly upon the locations of factories and delivery centers, and also gives change on the functions of individual delivery bases scattered widely. This paper discusses such changes by referring to the case of Kirin Brewery. The results are as follows. (1) The physical distribution of consumer goods is differentiated according to product sales volume and order frequency. (2) Products whose sales volume is large and turnover rapid are directly delivered in large lots from the plant to wholesalers and retailers. Conversely, products whose sales volume is small and turnover slow are delivered through small-lot picking facilities. (3) To reduce personnel expenses, inventory-management costs, and land rent, such facilities are integrated into delivery centers over the long term. (4) An information system will play an important role for the delivery centers to extend lead time in using the facilities. The upper limit on brand extension is defined by the plant's proquirements capacity. More practically, the upper limit must meet business requirements, including lead time and delivery lots. The manufacturer must be able to deliver goods within strictly budgeted distribution costs.

    DOI CiNii

  • GISを用いたエリアマーケティングの可能性と空間的研究の課題-最寄品消費財メーカーのケースを中心に-

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 320 )  1996.01

  • カテゴリーマネジメントとメーカーマーケティングの対応

    箸本 健二

    松商短大論叢   43 ( 43 ) 17 - 57  1995.03


  • わが国の物流課題と解決の方向性の検討

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 292 ) 8 - 19  1993.09

  • 流通業務市街地における物流課題

    箸本 健二

    流通とシステム   ( 75 ) 40 - 46  1993.03

  • 流通業務市街地の推移とその政策的課題

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 283 ) 4 - 13  1992.12

  • 統合情報システムとしてのリテールサポート

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 274 ) 9 - 15  1992.03

  • カテゴリーマネジメントとメーカーマーケティングの課題

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 262 ) 4 - 16  1991.03

  • 消費者データベースの構築とプロモーションへの活用

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 255 ) 10 - 19  1990.08

  • マーケティング情報システムの構築と活用

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 252 ) 17 - 26  1990.05

  • 地理学における流通研究の動向

    箸本 健二

    流通情報   ( 236 ) 20 - 29  1989.01

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Books and Other Publications

  • 空き不動産問題から考える地方都市再生

    箸本健二, 武者忠彦

    ナカニシヤ出版  2021.03 ISBN: 9784779515606

  • インターネットと地域

    荒井良雄, 箸本健二, 和田崇

    ナカニシヤ出版  2015.03

  • 流通空間の再構築

    荒井 良雄, 箸本 健二

    古今書院  2007.03

  • 流通システムにおけるパワーシフトと消費財製造業への影響

    箸本 健二

    竹内淳彦編著 『経済のグローバル化と産業地域』 原書房  2005.03

  • 日本の流通と都市空間

    荒井 良雄, 箸本 健二

    古今書院  2004.08

  • 日本の商業・流通-情報化・規制緩和と産業空間-

    箸本 健二

    杉浦芳夫編 『空間の経済地理』 朝倉書店  2004.06

  • 商業・流通業

    箸本 健二

    竹内淳彦編著 『日本経済地理読本 [第7版]』 東洋経済新報社  2004.04

  • 流通ビジネスモデル-経営革新と情報システム-

    宮下 淳, 箸本 健二

    中央経済社  2002.06

  • 日本の流通システムと情報化-流通空間の構造変容-

    箸本 健二

    古今書院  2001.02

  • 価格政策と法規制

    箸本 健二

    上田隆穂編 『価格決定のマーケティング』 有斐閣  1995.07

  • 経営・流通革新とネットワーク

    箸本 健二

    山川充夫・柳井雅也編著 『企業空間とネットワーク』 大明堂  1993.04

  • 日用品工業の生産流通体制

    箸本 健二

    山川充夫・柳井雅也編著 『企業空間とネットワーク』 大明堂  1993.04

  • 消費財メーカーにおける情報システムの課題と方向性

    箸本 健二

    田島義博・流通経済研究所編 『変革期の流通』 日本経済新聞社  1991.11

  • クーポンの現状

    箸本 健二

    ラッセル・D・ボーマン著・田島義博監訳 『クーポン・プロモーション戦略』 ビジネス社  1989.12

  • 情報化時代の効果的なISP手法

    箸本 健二

    田島義博編著 『インストア・マーチャンダイジング』 ビジネス社  1989.01

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Research Projects

  • Geographical study on the retail infrastructures of the island

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A geographical study on the recognition to the Location Normalization Plan from local municipalities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A geographical study on the reuse of unutilized vacant business use stocks in local cities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Reusing of vacant stocks in local cities in Japan is classified roughly into two groups, one is the public work projects, and another is the private projects by a private capital. In the former case, the rate of the project using a framework of public-private cooperation type, for example, PPP or the third sector is high, and there are few examples only using public works. In the latter case, the majority cases are occupied by the renovation of an empty buildings or stores, and there are few local cities which can introduce the real estate securitization. Therefore, the ‘Contextualization’ as a city strategy become important in order to stabilize a small-scale business and to maintain the city economy. Additionally, local municipalities have a regard for the effect on concentrate the core facilities such as city office, central hospital, library or educational institution. On the other hand, they pose a lot of doubt for the effect on concentrate the residents

  • Geographical study on the situation of unutilized real estates in the city center of Japanese local cities.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This research aims at analyzing the present condition of underutilized real estates in the Japanese local cities, and examines the agendas on using of the real estates, and the effective correspondence by local governments. In this research, the questionnaire was performed in 553 cities, towns and villages all over the country, and the hearing was performed in some typical local governments which succeeded in using of the underutilized real estates.As a result, the following four points became clear. 1) The underutilized real estates are increasing on over half municipalities. 2) For almost all municipalities, it’s difficult to reduce the geographical scope of the built-up areas and the vitalization of commercial activities in city centers. 3) There will be effective to renovate the old buildings in city center to welfare and commercial facilities, and to promote an asset securitization. 4) The intermediate organizations will play an important role on the city reactivation

  • Regional impacts of broadband deployments in remote islands

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ARAI Yoshio, HERAOKA Akitoshi, HASHIMOTO Kenji, SUKESHIGE Takehisa, NAGNUMA Sae, UEMURA Madoka, MIKI Tsuyoshi, KANMURA Hiroaki, SATAKE Yasukazu

     View Summary

    This study focuses broadband deployments and their effects on the way of life and businesses in remote islands. The results are following. 1) Equipping of oversea telecommunication lines is the heaviest challenge for the broadband deployments in remote islands. 2) Internet mail order purchasing is widely diffused into the island residents and the living conditions are largely improved. Broadband improves also the conditions of medical care in the island. 3) ICT is utilized to enhance the distribution systems of the special product businesses in islands. On the other hand, ICT use has some negative impacts on the small wholesale businesses in islands. 4) The Internet is useful to transmit the tourism information of islands. It is effective for small accommodations in particular

  • Geographical study on generation, distribution and use of information in the digital age

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WADA Takashi, ARAI Yoshio, HASHIMOTO Kenji, YAMADA Harumichi, HARA Shinji, YAMAMOTO Kenta, NAKAMURA Tsutomu

     View Summary

    We have studied generation, distribution and use of information in the digital age through some case studies in Japan. First, we have analyzed development process of communication infrastructure with focus on administrative restructuring and digital divide. Second, we have analyzed medical care, childcare and human resource development using ICT with focus on social network of stakeholders and relationship between cyberspace and real space. Third, we have pointed out the problems on the content industry and regional revitalization using contents in local areas of Japan in the digital age

  • Geographical research on the closing of the big stores and agendas on using of the closing in lacal cities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This research aims at analyzing the present condition of big stores closing in the local cities in Japan, and examines the agendas on using of the closing, and the effective correspondence by local governments. In this research, the questionnaire was performed in 849 cities, towns and villages all over the country, and the hearing was performed in six local governments which succeeded in using of the closing. As a result, the following four points became clear. 1) 50.4% of the local governments which had a large store in the central city area have experienced the closing of a big store. 2) It is very difficult to introduce commercial establishment with an ability to pull in more customers after the closing. 3) The compound development which unified downsized type redevelopment is effective. 4) It is important to adjust the right by a governmental agency at an early stage

  • Local government broadband policies for areas with limited Internet access and regional promotion in less-favored areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This study focuses local government broadband policies for broadband deployments and regional promotion using broadband networks in less-favored areas. The results are following. 1) Although broadband deployments have progressed even in less-favored areas of Japan, not a few areas with no-broadband access remain. 2) Digital cable TV networks, which were constructed in order to deal with digitizing terrestrial television broadcasting, can be used effectively for broadband deployments in mountainous regions. 3) Utilizing of the existing facilities and usable software are key factors in regional promotion using information systems

  • Geographical research on the change of the city centers of the local cities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



  • An empirical study on the location based services using mobile phones

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



  • A geographical study about the diversification of a retail type and the location in Tokyo metropolitan area

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Analysis in Chapter. 1 and 2 are based on the POS (point-of-sales) data supplied by 5 large convenience store chains. The data from 287 stores around the Tokyo metropolitan area are available for this study, while the chain operates several hundred stores in the same area. Classification of store types is proposed through the analysis of diversity in the pattern of sales by commodity groups. Along the line of the proposed store types, systematic interpretation is given for the correlation between diversity in the pattern of sales and that in the store locations.The result of factor analysis by the commodity groups suggests five factors to explain the sales patterns of convenience stores, and according to the result of cluster analysis on each factor loading, stores are classified into the seven types.Convenience stores, with its advantage in one-stop shopping, are said to acquire a part of potential sales of supermarkets and other competitors. This assertion has been proved through the analysis of POS data. Such aspect in the functions of convenience stores basically reflects the retailers' competition in the local market. It is noteworthy, however, the younger customers show different pattern of store choice behavior from older ones. It is also notable that some convenience stores show a clear-cut change in sales patterns by day and night, with office workers' or college students' needs in the daytime and local residents' 'replacement' needs at night.With Chapter 3, I examined a business condition characteristic, a location strategy, and growth possibility about "shop99". As a result, In Tokyo metropolitan area, the place where "SHOP99" could open a store was still had a lot, and potential number 850 rose near. However, population density is low in the local city zone, and there are few small households which SHOP99 assumes a target. On this account there is remarkably little room where SHOP99 can open a store

  • Geographical Research on the Local Information Provision using the Internet and Mobile Phone

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ARAI Yoshio, HASHIMOTO Kenji

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    This study aims to carry out an empirical analysis on the provision of local information using Internet and mobile phone.The results of the study are summarized as below.1) The percentage of local information websites is higher for PC Internet than for mobile phone. This fact suggests the difference of the diffusion stage between the means of local information provision.2) The geographical distribution of local information websites of mobile phone corresponds to the hierarchy of general urban system of Japan.3) Geographical positioning techniques of mobile phone are applied to the local information provision through the i-Area services by NTT-docomo and GPS based search service by KDDI.4) Shopping streets in various regions run a number of websites. Almost all websites contain the outline of the shopping street, links to individual shops, event information. The portion of shopping streets running their own websites is larger in the larger cities.5) The opening period of official website by local government has no clear correlation to the size of municipalities.6) Small local governments tend to emphasize the information provision to the outside of the region. The size of local municipality is also affect to dealing with natural disasters using the website and the information services for foreign residents.7) In spite of the Japanese Government's policy to promote e-local government, online public services have not yet diffused into small and medium-sized municipalities.8) E-commerce of various local products in small peripheral areas has some potentialities to invigorate the local economy

  • Geographical study on the change of the local wholesale business and the local cities accompanying informatization of distribution channels

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Kenji, ARAI Yoshio

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    An important geographical change that has produced sophisticated information networks within wholesalers is the spatial separation of transaction locations and logistics depots. The need for face to face contact means that transactions will be directed to big cities that are convenient for representatives from manufacturing companies or chain stores. Meanwhile, logistics depots, which have become automated and integrated into a smaller number of large depots with the expansion of delivery areas, will be directed to suburbs with good traffic conditions (locations with proximity to a by-pass or interchange).Such trends will bring about three changes in Japan's regional economy. The first is the widening of the gap between cities due to the concentration of transaction functions in large cities. Concentration of wholesalers in regional-capitals like Sendai will continue and the gap in wholesale sales among regions will increase. The second is the drastic relocation of logistics depots. A typical example is the concept of supply chain management in which multiple manufacturers share one logistics depot in order to increase the delivery efficiency for each delivery area. The third is the collapse of the procurement function of small-scale retailers in line with the rapid decline of small and medium wholesalers. Wholesalers that are not good at responding to informatization will be alienated from transactions and many will be forced out of business or to reduce their function to vendors

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   School of Political Science and Economics

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 貨客混載による小規模産直事業の経済効果と情報システムの役割に関する地理学的研究


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     本研究では、2017年9月に施行された旅客自動車運送事業法の規制緩和によって実現した、高速バスを用いた貨客混載型農産物輸送の実態と地域への効果について分析を行った。具体的には、茨城交通(2017年)、伊予鉄バス(2019年)、WILLER EXPRESS(2019年)などの先行事例について、実施状況を整理するとともに、茨城交通の事例を詳細に検討した。 この事例は、道の駅ひたちおおたが茨城交通と連携し、道の駅を集荷拠点とする朝取り野菜を、専用の保冷ボックスを用いて高速バスの午前便で東京へ輸送し、バスの東京側での回送拠点に近い食品スーパー「丸正」で販売するシステムである。このシステムは週2回実施され、道の駅ひたちおおた周辺の農家に現金収入をもたらすとともに、「丸正」や近隣商店街の集客効果を高める相乗効果をもたらした。 

  • 地方都市再生に向けた事業用ストックの利活用プラットフォームに関する地理学的研究


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     本研究では、研究目的を、事業用低未利用不動産の再生に関する典型的な事例の精査に絞り、①倒産したまちづくり会社が所有していた商住混在ビルの商業床部分の再生(佐賀市)、②大型店跡地のダウンサイジング型再開発(長崎県諫早市)の2例における詳細な事例検討を行った。 このうち佐賀市の事例は、上層階に分譲住宅が乗る、いわゆる「下駄履きビル」であるため取り壊しが困難であり、まちづくり会社および地権者の権利床を佐賀市が買い取る、「市営ビル」化による再生を図った。市営ビル化による家賃の引き下げるとともに、3フロアの商業床のうち2フロアに公的セクタが入居することでテナントの定着が図られた。一方、諫早市の事例では、1972年に建設された「旧サティ諫早店」(売場面積4,448㎡)が2005年2月に撤退した後、底地の一部を地元商店街連合会が購入するとともに、売場面積を1,949㎡(56%減)に縮小した減築型の再開発を商店街主導で実施した。テナントは食品スーパーと商店街に不足する業種で充当し、商店街との相互補完を強く意識している。諫早市の事例もテナントの定着率が高く、まちなか居住を誘発する効果も高い。 以上の2つの事例研究を通じて、①商業立地の郊外化が進む地方都市において、中心市街地の大型商業施設を維持するためには売場面積の縮小を前提とするダウンサイジング型開発が不可避であるること、②ダウンサイジング型開発は、建築ストックを維持した上で公共セクタの面積比率を高める「併存型」、建物を小さく再建する「減築型」という2つの方法があることを示した。

  • 地方都市中心市街地における空きビル・空き店舗の利活用に関する地理学的研究


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     本研究では、科研費基盤B「地方都市における未利用不動産の実態分析と行政の政策的対応に関する地理学的研究」を得て2014年に実施した全国調査「中心市街地における空きビル・低・未利用不動産とまちづくり政策に関する調査」(回収数553自治体)を再集計し、主に中心市街地の事業用ビル利活用の阻害要因に焦点を絞って検討を行った。 検討の結果、①空きビルでは参入事業者の不足や複雑な権利関係、空き店舗では店舗の住居化や高い家賃設定、そして空き公共施設では自治体の財源不足が、それぞれ阻害理由の上位を占めること、②とりわけ地方都市の場合は、耐震補強を含む建物の老朽化を指摘する割合が3タイプの空き不動産すべてで三大都市圏都市よりも高いこと、③こうした問題に対して、地方自治体の6割以上が対策を講じられていないこと、などを明らかにした。 その上で、中心市街地の空き不動産を再生し、そこに新たな都市機能を誘導できれば、地方都市の社会的・経済的な循環を蘇生し、都市の持続性の回復に結びつく。こうした観点から、地方都市は中心市街地の空き不動産を潜在的な資源と位置づけ、その利活用を念頭に置いた新たな都市政策を創造する必要があることを指摘した。

  • 地方都市中心市街地における空きビルの増加とそのリノベーション手法に関する地理学的研究


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  • ICTを活用したまちづくり組織の情報発信に関する地理学的研究


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    &nbsp; 本研究では,ブロードバンドを活用し,新旧住民間の紐帯の構築を手がけている地方自治体,地域づくり組織に注目し,実態分析を行った。調査対象とした3事例は,いずれも地域が内包する課題の解決に対して,地域内部と外部との有効なコミュニケーション手段としてブロードバンド環境(インターネット)を活用した事例と評価できる。とりわけ,1)外部の人間が必要とする地域情報を的確に発信する,2)旧来からの住民層と新しい住民層が,ともに利用可能なプラットフォームをつくる,3)行政(信頼性,非営利性)と(NPOを含む)民間事業者(即応性,生の情報発信)による情報発信の分担,などの点は,今後の地域情報発信を考える上で重要である。

  • 地方都市の大型店跡地問題に関する地理学的研究


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     本研究課題では、まずパイロットスタディを行う対象地域として、2000年以降に大型店の撤退行動が顕著な九州(沖縄県を除く7県)を選定し、以下の3つの手順で分析を行った。第1は、大型店の業界名簿を時系列で整備し、中心市街地からの撤退事例についてデータベースを作成したこと、第2は、主要チェーンストアの経営実績をIR情報および報道資料等から整理し、店舗撤退行動の背景を検討したこと、第3は、典型的な地域を2カ所選定し、関係各所のヒアリング調査を実施したことである。 第1については、日本スーパーマーケット名鑑の2000年度版、同2005年度版、2010年度版をもとに、対象地域の主要都市(人口3万人以上)における大型店の出店・撤退行動のデータベースを作成した。ここから、主要都市における大型店の撤退行動を、1)当該都市圏からの撤退、2)郊外移転にともなう都心店の撤退(スクラップ・アンド・ビルド)、3)企業そのものの倒産・買収にともなう店舗消滅という3つのパターンに分類・整理した。第2については、主要チェーンストアのIR情報ならびに報道資料をもとに、対象期間における各チェーンの経営情報を把握し、撤退の理由が、1)当該店の業績不振、2)新店舗への置き換え、3)競合店との競争など、当該店舗そのものに原因がある撤退行動だけでなく、4)チェーン全体の業績不振(倒産・買収を含む)5)物流コストの縮減を目的とする広域での撤退、6)減損会計に対応した店舗整理など、企業全体の広域戦略の中での撤退行動が相当数あることを明らかにした。第3については、郊外型ショッピングセンターとの競合が激化する中で、市の第3セクターが設立した大型店の倒産を経験した佐賀県佐賀市と、郊外移転にともなう中心市街地店舗の撤退跡地に、商店街があらたに食品スーパーを誘致した大分県臼杵市のケースについて、行政、商工会議所、TMO、商店街振興組合など関係各所へのヒアリング調査を実施した。

  • 都市の消費特性と商圏の細分化―コンビニエンスストアのPOSデータ分析を通じて―


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     本研究の目的は,首都圏に分布する287店舗のコンビニエンスストア(以下,コンビニと略記)を,POSデータに基づく販売特性をもとにタイプ分類するとともに,曜日が販売特性に与える影響を把握し,その背景にある地理的要因を検討することである. 本研究の分析結果は次の3点に要約できる.第1に,一都七県の287店舗のコンビニは,販売特性から7つの店舗類型に区分された.また店舗類型を規定する要素は,主として外出先因子(昼間人口),家庭内因子(夜間人口),他業態代替因子(競合状況)の3因子であり,この3因子の累積寄与率は64.5%に達した. 第2に,7つの店舗類型の地理的分布に注目すると,国道16号線を挟んで,その内側に卓越する5類型と,外延部に卓越する2類型に区分(国道16号線の外側)とに大別できる.さらに内側の5類型は,都心部に多い「オフィス街型」「高競合型」と,相対的に郊外部に分布する「近隣多目的型」「ロードサイド型」「学校・駅前型」に細分化された.また外延部に卓越する2類型は,人口密度の高低で「他業態補完型」「郊外近隣多目的型」に分類された.  そして第3に,平日・週末別に得られた2つの店舗類型を比較すると,含まれる店舗こそ異なるものの,店舗類型そのものは曜日の違いを超えてほぼ共通しており,上述の7つの店舗類型と同様の解釈が可能であった.そこで,平日・週末間での店舗の類型間移動を検討した結果,①各類型の平均残存率は60.6%と高いこと,②国道16号線の内側に顕著な5類型と,国道16号線の外側に顕著な2類型は,曜日別分析でも同様の立地傾向を示すこと,③平日・週末間で来街者の数や性格が大幅に変化する「オフィス街型」「学校・駅前型」で週末の残存率が低いこと,の各点を確認した.

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