Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Sport Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Ph. D. (Sociology) ( Osaka University )

Research Experience

  • 2024.03

    Waseda University   Faculty of Sport Sciences   Professor Emeritus

  • 2003.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Sport Sciences   Professor

  • 1992.04

    Osaka Gakuin University   Department of International Studies   Associate Professor

  • 1989.04

    Osaka Gakuin University   Department of International Studies   Lecturer

  • 1987.05

    Osaka University   Department of Human Sciences   Assistant lecturer

Education Background


    Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Human Sciences   Sociology  


    Lewis and Clark College   Communication  

Committee Memberships

  • 2019.04

    Japan Society of Sport Sociology  Advisor

  • 2017

    Communication and Sport  Editorial Board

  • 2012

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport  Editorial Board

  • 2017.04

    Japan Society of Sport Sociology  President

  • 2012

    Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science  Editorial board

  • 2008

    Leisure Studies  Regional Editor, East Asia

  • 2015

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science  Section Editor

  • 2011.06

    Japan Society of Sport Sociology  Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • 2003

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science  Associate Editor

  • 2005.04

    Japan Journal of Sport Sociology,  Editor in chief

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Professional Memberships


    Japan Society of Sport History


    The Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication


    Japan Sociological Society


    International Sociology of Sport Association


    Japan Society of Sport Sociology

Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • Culture, communication, sport, media



  • The Most Successful Media Event in History: American Television Coverage of the 2016 Rio Olympics

    Lee Thompson

    Japan Journal of Sport Sociology   25 ( 1 ) 21 - 33  2017.03  [Refereed]  [Invited]

     View Summary

    This paper examines the television coverage of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The paper first summarizes the income generated from the sale of broadcast rights. The fees paid by NBCUniversal, the holder of the rights to Rio 2016 in the USA, have consistently provided 1/4 of the International Olympic Committee’s total revenue. Rio was the 15th Games broadcast by NBC, the most of any broadcaster in America. NBCUniversal broadcast 2,084 hours of linear programming across 11 networks, and live streamed 4,500 hours via NBCOlympics.com and the NBC Sports
    This paper presents several issues that previous research has raised concerning NBC’s coverage of the Olympics. It also introduces some criticisms that appeared in theUS media during the Rio Games. Although there is only a small time difference between Rio and the US, little live coverage was provided by the flagship network NBC. The prerecorded coverage was heavily edited and packaged, and it focused mainly on American athletes.
    The producers of NBC’s Olympic coverage claim that most viewers are not sports fans and prefer a packaged story. It can be assumed that NBC’s policy is to maximize revenue from the games by attracting non-fans to its free-to-air channels with packaged stories (thereby increasing income from ad fees through higher ratings) and forcing fans who want more of the competition to fee-charging channels and sites.
    The paper concludes by pointing out the role of the Internet and social media in opening up discourse surrounding the Olympics.


  • The mutual transformation of sports and media

    Lee Thompson

    Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation   66 ( 5 ) 335 - 339  2016  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Assessing the sociology of sport: On Western hegemony and alternative discourses

    Lee Thompson

    INTERNATIONAL REVIEW FOR THE SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT   50 ( 4-5 ) 617 - 622  2015.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    On the 50th anniversary of the ISSA and IRSS, Lee Thompson, a key foundational scholar in the development of the sociology of sport in Japan, whose work has helped bridge understandings from the West, considers the distinctive character of socio-cultural inquiry about sport in Japan. In assessing the trajectory of the field in Japan, Thompson notes that Japan has not been one of the social science powers' and that its theoretical and methodological lenses were often reliant on strategies developed in the West. In addition, the influence of Japanese scholarship in the field has been stifled because of limited dissemination in outlets publishing in the English language. A key challenge is for the theoretical and geographic range of research published in Japanese scholarly outlets to be mirrored in the breadth of work published by Japanese scholars in English language outlets: with the increased demands of globalization and neo-liberal reforms, there are increased pressures to publish in international (English language) journals. In looking to the future, the dangers of Western hegemony' in publication standards and the tensions in giving standing to particularized Asia-centered alternative discourses are discussed.



  • The London 2012 olympics and paralympics: Editorial differences and similarities of approach in five Japanese newspapers

    Lee Thompson

    International Journal of the History of Sport   30 ( 15 ) 1769 - 1783  2013.09

     View Summary

    This study analyses the coverage of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on the front pages of the morning editions of five Japanese newspapers of diverse circulations and political and ideological orientations. It finds similarities among the newspapers in the amount and focus of coverage, and differences in their editorial positions on the Games and their use of Olympic materials in other political and ideological discourses. © 2013 Taylor and Francis.



  • Re-evaluating the beijing olympic fuwa mascots in the circuit of culture

    Yiyin Ding, Lee Thompson

    Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science   2 ( 2 ) 87 - 103  2013

     View Summary

    This paper applies a modified circuit of culture perspective as a methodological and theoretical framework to re-evaluate the Beijing Olympic Fuwa mascots. It provides an account of the intended messages, interpretations and identifications associated with the production, representation and consumption of the Fuwa mascots. Through in-depth analyses of Fuwa at each stage, it reveals a broad contextual understanding of the legacy, tradition, complexities and uniqueness in a secluded circuit of culture within Chinese society. By reconstructing Fuwa in the circuit of culture, this paper further attempts to address the question of whether hosting the modern Olympics was able to bring change to China. © 2013 Taylor &amp
    Francis Group, LLC.



  • 書評:西村秀樹著『角界モラル孝--戦前の大相撲は「おおらか」だった--』不昧堂出版、2012年


    スポーツ社会学研究   21 ( 1 ) 142 - 146  2012.03


  • Book review. Seeing Stars: Sports Celebrity, Identity, and Body Culture in Modern Japan

    Lee Thompson

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SPORT   29 ( 11 ) 1632 - 1633  2012  [Refereed]


  • Judo and the process of nation-building in japan: Kanō jigorō and the formation of kōdōkan judo

    Tetsuya Nakajima, Lee Thompson

    Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science   1 ( 2-3 ) 97 - 110  2012  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    Although the founding of judo by Kanō Jigorō has been well studied, perhaps less is known about the sociohistorical background behind its formation. This paper considers how the system of judo was constructed in the context of the formation of the nation state in Japan. Each aspect of Kanō's judo was developed in response to specific conditions–in particular, the Ministry of Education's aversion to the martial arts. Kanō developed what he referred to as the ‘values’ of judo in the context of the ministry's adoption of gymnastic exercises for the physical education curriculum. Moreover, Kanō believed that continuity with older schools of jujutsu was important, although in order to legitimize judo's patriotic credentials, he rejected the prevailing theory of jujutsu's Chinese origins. At the same time, he also excluded ‘frivolous’ techniques and attempted to restore jujutsu to its ‘original’ noble essence as a practical form of combat. The diverse and flexible history of jujutsu came to be forgotten. © 2012 Taylor &amp
    Francis Group, LLC.



  • イギリスから世界へ


    井上俊・菊幸一編著『よくわかるスポーツ文化論』     144 - 145  2012.01

  • The Professional Wrestler Rikidōzan as a site of memory

    Lee Thompson

    Sport in Society   14 ( 4 ) 528 - 536  2011.05  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Rikidōzan was a former sumo wrestler who introduced American professional wrestling to the Japanese public in the 1950s. He has been called the "ethnic hero" of Japan. In his most famous performances Rikidōzan evoked the vivid memory of the recent war and Japan's defeat and ensuing occupation. He gave the enactment a new twist, however, by defeating his foreign opponents. But memory is neither uncontested nor static. Even during Rikidōzan's lifetime, the Asahi Newspaper discontinued coverage of his matches, and other groups opposed their broadcast because of their violent content. After his Korean origins were "revealed" in the 1980s, the memory of Rikidōzan has shifted. He has gone from being the ethnic hero of Japan, to an ethnically Korean hero, to an international figure who transcends nationality and ethnicity, and finally to an international figure whose ethnicity is once more unproblematic. © 2011 Taylor &amp



  • Reframing the history of sumo

    Lee Thompson

    Contemporary philosophy   38 ( 13 ) 216 - 229  2010.11  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Book review: Supotsu Kansengaku (Studies in Sport Spectating)edited by Jun’ichi Hashimoto. Kyoto: Sekai Shisosha, 2010

    Lee Thompson

    Social Science Japan Journal    2010.10

  • 儀式から記録へ A.グットマン『スポーツと現代アメリカ』1978


    井上俊・伊藤公雄編『身体・セクシュアリティ・スポーツ』社会学ベーシックス8、世界思想社     209 - 218  2010

  • 伝統の発明 E.ホブズボーム/T.レンジャー編『創られた伝統』(1983)


    井上俊・伊藤公雄編『文化の社会学』社会学ベージックス3、世界思想社     135 - 144  2009

  • Book review: Sandra Collins, The 1940 Tokyo Games: The Missing Olympics. (Routledge, 2007)


    スポーツ社会学研究   17 ( 2 ) 116 - 120  2009


  • 日本のスポーツメディアにみられる人種言説


    スポーツ社会学研究   16   21 - 36  2008


  • こうあって欲しい日本の国技・大相撲


    体育科教育   56 ( 1 ) 36 - 39  2008.01

  • 「メディア・スポーツ」「オーディアンス」「解説」「カルチュラル・スタディーズ」「間テクスト分析」「スポーツ映像」「スポーツ報道」「スポーツ・メディア」「テクスト」「内容分析」「物語化」


    日本体育学会監修、『最新・スポーツ科学事典』、平凡社    2007

  • The Body Politic in the International Arena: Professional Wrestling in Japan

    Lee Thompson

    William W. KELLY and SUGIMOTO Atsuo, ed., This Sporting Life: Sports and Body Culture in Modern Japan, (New Haven: CEAS, Yale University, 2007)     107 - 123  2007

  • 翻訳:「国際オリンピック委員会の道徳的権威--将来への提言--」

    ピーター・ドネリー, ブルース・キッド

    スポーツ社会学研究   14   15 - 24  2006.03


  • 書評:井上俊著『武道の誕生』


    ソシオロジ   50 ( 2 ) 171 - 175  2005.10

    DOI CiNii

  • 書評:牛木素吉郎・黒田勇編著『ワールドカップのメディア学』


    スポーツ社会学研究   13   99 - 104  2005.03


  • 書評:Mary Lou LeCompte, Cowgirls of the Rodeo: Pioneer Professional Athletes. Jean Burbick, Rodeo Queens and the American Dream.


    女性歴史文化研究所紀要   ( 13 ) 127 - 131  2005.03

  • 「日本」という概念の形成と普及にスポーツが果たした役割


    体育史研究   ( 22 ) 46 - 49  2005.03


  • 書評:John Horne and Wolfram Manzenreiter, ed. Japan, Korea and the 2002 World Cup. (London: Routledge, 2002).


    スポーツ社会学研究   12   91 - 94  2004.03


  • Who's Got the Power? Japanese Press Coverage of Foreign and Japanese Athletes


    ISPHES-Studies   11   106 - 110  2004

  • 国技相撲は外国人力士に席巻されてしまうのか?


    『新鐘』   69号   20 - 21  2003.12

  • 力道山と『日本人』の呈示


    岡村正史編『力道山と日本人』青弓社、2002年     69 - 98  2002

  • 相撲の歴史を捉え返す


    環/藤原書店   6   233 - 243  2001.07


  • Educators, Imitators, Modernizers: The Arrival and Spread of Modern Sport in Japan

    Allen Guttmann, Lee Thompson

    The European Sports History Review   3   23 - 48  2001.05

  • Sumo Wrestling

    Lee Thompson

    International Encyclopedia of Women and Sports/Macmillan Reference   3   1118 - 1121  2001.03

  • ポストモダンのスポーツ


    井上俊・亀山佳明編『スポーツ文化を学ぶ人のために』世界思想社、1999年     246 - 263  1999

  • スポーツとマスメディア


    池田勝、守能信次編『講座・スポーツの社会科学1 スポーツの社会学』杏林書院、1998年     138 - 159  1998

  • The Invention of the Yokozuna and the Championship System, Or, Futahaguro's Revenge

    Lee Thompson

    Stephen Vlastos, ed., Mirror of Modernity: Invented Traditions of Modern Japan, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998)     174 - 187  1998

  • 「スポーツ観戦者にみるモラルの日米比較」の可能性


    体育科教育   46/1   35 - 37  1998.01

  • 日常生活における『日本人』の呈示とスティグマとしての外国人


    栗原彬編『講座 差別の社会学 1 差別の社会理論』1996年     259 - 275  1996

  • コミュニケーション・コードとしてのスポーツルール


    体育の科学   44/2   96 - 100  1994

  • 第13講 スポーツ社会学 私はなぜプロレスに注目したか


    わかりたいあなたのための社会学・入門/別冊宝島   176   201 - 203  1993.05

  • 「スポーツ」「スポーツ社会学」「体育」「体育社会学」


    新社会学辞典/有斐閣    1993.02

  • 「相撲」「プロレス」


    戦後史大事典/三省堂    1991.03

  • スポーツ近代化論から見た相撲


    亀山佳明編『スポーツの社会学』世界思想社、1990年     71 - 91  1990



    ソシオロジ   34/3 ( 3 ) 117 - 121  1990.01


  • 相撲


    世界から見た日本小事典/エッソ石油株式会社広報部    1988.12

  • 外人


    コミュニケーション事典/平凡社    1988.08

  • スポーツ社会学


    社会学事典/弘文堂    1988.02

  • 大相撲の近代化


    体育科教育   35/13   64 - 65  1987.12

  • スポーツの近代化と相撲


    現代社会学   24 ( 24 ) 77 - 82  1987.12


  • Puroresu: Japan vs. the World

    Lee Thompson

    Kyoto Journal   2   28 - 30  1987

  • Translation: Tsutomu Shiobara and Sinji Katagiri, "The Sociology of Social Movement in Japan"

    Lee Thompson

    The InternationaI JournaI of Mass Emergencies and Disasters   4/2   39 - 59  1986.08

  • プロレスのフレーム分析


    杉山光信他編『叢書・社会と社会学 第3巻 身体の政治技術』新評論     185 - 211  1986.05

  • 「畳」「日本人と間」

    京都芸術短期大学『楽』編集室編『楽叢書・現代芸術のキー・ワード』     124  1986.05

  • Professional Wrestling in Japan: Media and Message

    Lee Thompson

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport   21/1   65 - 82  1986.03

    DOI CiNii

  • 近代スポーツの社会学的考察一近代日本スポーツを中心に一


    大阪大学人間科学部『年報人間科学』   6   51 - 64  1985.12

  • 書評:David M. Hayano, Poker Faces: The Life and Work of Professional Card Players


    『現代風俗'85』   9   266 - 275  1985.10

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Books and Other Publications

  • Indigenous, Traditional, and Folk Sports: Contesting Identities

    Mariann Vaczi, Alan Bairner( Part: Contributor, A tale of two sumos: A traditional sport of Japan)

    Routledge  2024 ISBN: 9781032329963


  • The Tokugawa world

    Leupp, Gary P, Tao, De-min( Part: Contributor, Sumo Wrestling in the Tokugawa Period)

    Routledge  2021.09 ISBN: 9781138936850

  • Communication and Sport

    Michael L. Butterworth, ed( Part: Contributor, Ch. 26, Communication and sport in Japan, pp. 477-493.)

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston  2021.09  [Refereed]

  • The Routledge handbook of sport in Asia

    Fan, Hong, Lu, Zhouxiang, ed( Part: Contributor, Yasuhiro Sakaue and Lee Thompson, Ch. 14: “The rise of modern sport and the Olympic Movement in Japan,” pp. 135 – 148.)

    Routledge  2021.05 ISBN: 9780367183776

  • Sport across Asia : politics, cultures, and identities

    Bromber, Katrin, Krawietz, Birgit, Maguire, Joseph A, ed.( Part: Contributor, Ch. 3, Sport in Japan in the Early 21st Century: An Interpretation, pp. 59-76)

    Routledge  2015.05 ISBN: 1138920789


  • Sport Sociology for the 21st Century

    Japan Society of Sport Sociology, ed( Part: Contributor, The long-lasting relationship between sport and the media: the role of newspapers in the development of the championship system in sumo. pp. 195-217)

    Sobun Kikaku  2013.05 ISBN: 9784864130370

  • The Introduction to Media Sport

    Kuroda Isamu, ed( Part: Contributor, Ch. 9, Traditional sports and the media: The case of sumo, pp. 151-168)

    Minerva Shobo  2012.10 ISBN: 9784623059416

  • The Introduction to Media Sport

    Kuroda Isamu, ed( Part: Sole translator, Ch. 6, Die besondere Bedeutung des westeuropäischen Mediensports in seinen Kernmärkten, pp. 103-113)

    Minerva Shobo  2012.10 ISBN: 9784623059416

  • Japanese Sports: A History

    Allen Guttmann, Lee Thompson( Part: Joint author)

    University of Hawaii Press  2001  [Refereed]

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  • Origins: Japanese Kemari

    Lee Thompson  [Invited]

    FIFA Museum live talk webinar  (Zurich)  FIFA Museum

    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • The Role of the Media in the Development of Japanese Sumo

    Lee Thompson  [Invited]

    4th International Conference on Sport Communication  (Chengdu)  Chengdu Sport Institute

    Presentation date: 2017.07

     View Summary

    By now it is common knowledge that the mass media have played a central role in the development, organization, and popularization of modern sports. This is true in Japan as well, where newspaper companies and television stations have owned baseball and soccer teams, started leagues, and also initiated and sponsored some of the nation’s most beloved sporting events, including the national high school baseball championship tournaments in the spring and summer, and the long-distance relay race (ekiden) between Tokyo and Hakone on the 2nd and 3rd of January. Although it may be less intuitive, upon reflection it is perhaps inevitable that seemingly more traditional sports such as sumo have enjoyed the same relationship with the media. In this presentation I would like to briefly outline the role of the media in the development of the modern form of the traditional sport of sumo. First of all, before the modern period, in the 18th and 19th centuries, woodblock prints of wrestlers popularized the image of the sumo wrestler, and also transmit that image across the years to us today. From the latter half of the 19th century the newly-created newspapers began to cover sumo, and as a part of their efforts to increase sales by drumming up interest in the tournaments, newspapers were central in establishing a championship system which rewarded the single wrestler with the best record over he course of a tournament. Sumo was one of the first sports to be broadcast on the radio, beginning in 1928. Initially there was concern that the day’s matches would not end before the end of the scheduled broadcast, so a time limit was set on the match preliminaries (shikiri), which considerably changed the performance and experience of watching sumo. In the television age, paradoxically sumo was perhaps the first sport to allow judges to consult video replay to rule on challenges to the referee’s decision. Television broadcasts of sumo overseas contributed to the influx of overseas talent, and now 1/3 of the wrestlers in the top division are from abroad, including three of the four top-ranked wrestlers (yokozuna). The Japan Sumo Association now maintains an impressive website, where a plethora of information is available. An app is available for watching sumo matches from desktop and portable devices, and for a fee one can view every match, even the ones not broadcast on television. So sumo, which at first glance appears quite traditional, has actually had a very close and profitable relationship with the media.

  • Discourses of ‘legacy” in Japanese press coverage of the Olympic Games

    Lee Thompson

    2017 World Congress of Sociology of Sport  (Taoyuan City)  National Taiwan Sport University

    Presentation date: 2017.05

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    As Tomlinson (2014) and MacAloon (2008, 2016) have both demonstrated, the use of the term “legacy” in relation to the Olympic Games is a fairly recent development. This paper explores the relatively short history of discourses of Olympic “legacies” in the Japanese press. The word “legacy” has worked itself into the Japanese language as a loanword from English. Data for this research was obtained from a search of the data bases of four Japanese newspapers. The term first appeared in the mid-1990s, but until the mid-2000s references averaged less than one per year. In 2008 the number of references slightly increased, as the term appeared in news articles of Tokyo’s (unsuccessful) bid to host the 2016 Games. These references did not tout anticipated legacies of the 2016 Games, however, but instead looked back to the legacy of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics as an advantage for Tokyo in its bid for the 2016 Games. From 2014, references to “legacy” increased dramatically in press coverage of the eventually successful bid for the 2020 Games, and the discourse has become both more diverse, and more contentious: claims are made for tangible legacies as well as intangible legacies, and the term is used both by proponents of the Games and opponents, who speak of “negative” legacies. This paper analyzes the development of the relatively new and ongoing discourse of Olympic legacy in the Japanese press.

  • Discourses of Legacy in Japanese Newspapers: Tokyo 2020

    Lee Thompson  [Invited]

    TOP SPORT, OLYMPIC GAMES AND LEGACIES: FROM ANTWERP 1920 TO TOKYO 2020  (Meiji Shrine, Bunkakan)  Roundtable Discussion During the State Visit to Japan of Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Belgium

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • The Transformation of Japanese Sumo into a Modern, but Traditional, Sport

    Lee Thompson


    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • The Influence of the Media on Sport: The Case of Japanese Sumo

    Lee Thompson  [Invited]

    International Forum on Sports for All, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China  (中国湖北省武漢市) 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Modernization and the Invention of Tradition in Sumo

    Lee Thompson  [Invited]

    International Conference on Sport, Confucianism, and Culture 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • A Critical Sociology of Sport, Leisure, and Mega-events

    Lee Thompson  [Invited]

    The 8th International Service Innovation Conference  (Suwon, Korea) 

    Presentation date: 2014.04

  • East Asian Contributions to the Sociology of Sport

    Lee Thompson  [Invited]

    2013 KAHPERD International Sport Science Congress in memory of the Seoul Oympic Games  (Suwon, Korea) 

    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • Competition and Collusion in Japanese Sumo,

    ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport: Sport and the winds of change 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • 相撲は伝統ある競技?--国際的視野からの日本相撲史--

    日米協会After 6:00 Club 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • The role of newspapers in the development of the championship system in sumo during the Meiji era

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • The Role of Newspapers in the Development of the Championship System in Japanese Sumo

    17th ISA World Congress of Sociology 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • プロレスの「父」力道山に対して変化する認識

    ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport: Passion, Practice & Profit 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • Modernization and the invention of tradition in Sumo

    East Asian Institute, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany 

    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • Rikidôzan as Lieu de Mémoire

    Remembering the Glory Days of the Nation: Sport as lieu de mémoire in Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • The question of the modernization of sumo as a traditional Japanese sport

    Japan-Korea joint symposium, "Traditional sports and social change in Asia" 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • "Japan vs. the world" in sports coverage

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Panel discussion, “Book and multimedia review of Niels Bukh, A Visual Documentation of Gymnastics and Politics 1912-52 by Hans Bonde,”

    Joint World Congress of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport and the International Sociology of Sport Association 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • Recruitment of Nonnative Wrestlers into Professional Sumo in Japan

    Joint World Congress of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport and the International Sociology of Sport Association 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • How is sport different from a spider web?

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • Japanese Identity and the “Internationalization” of Sumo,

    XIth International CESH (European Committee for Sport History) Congress, 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • Coordinator, theme research: "Watching the documentary 'Triumphal march and 30 days of their own' (dir. Iwai Shunji))

    Presentation date: 2005.03

  • The role played by sports in the formation and diffusion of the concept of "Japan": A call for clarification

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Is "race" a biological concept? Race as a social category

    Presentation date: 2004.03

  • Coordinator, theme research: "Watching the documentary 'Rocks With Wings' (America, PBS))

    Presentation date: 2004.03

  • Sport as a model for multiculturalism: Rethinking the assumptions of multiculturalism

    Presentation date: 2003.09

  • Who's Got the Power? Japanese Press Coverage of Foreign and Japanese Athletes

    Presentation date: 2002.07

  • Professional Wrestling in Japan

    Sports and Body Culture in Modern Japan,” An International Conference at Yale University 

    Presentation date: 2000.04

  • The frame analysis of professional wrestling and its relevance to advertising

    Presentation date: 1998.09

  • 国際理解について


    Presentation date: 1997.11

  • Modernization and the invention of tradition in sumo

    Presentation date: 1995.09

  • Special lecture, "Modernization and the invention of tradition in Japanese sumo"

    Presentation date: 1995.09

  • Modernization and the Invention of Tradition in Sumo Wrestling: The Yokozuna and the Championship System

    Nissan Institute Seminar 

    Presentation date: 1995.02

  • The Invention of the Yokozuna and the Sumo Championship System

    The Invention of Tradition in Modern Japan 

    Presentation date: 1994.10

  • Symposium moderator, "Can sports overcome national identity? International comparisons of sport"

    Presentation date: 1993.11

  • Why foreign culture now?

    Presentation date: 1993.10

  • A sociological consideration of Japanese sumo

    Presentation date: 1993.05

  • The Invention of Tradition in Sumo: The Yokozuna

    Invention of Traditional Japan 

    Presentation date: 1992.12

  • School Education in international society

    Presentation date: 1992.10

  • Tradition and modernity in sumo

    Presentation date: 1992.03

  • Education to further international understanding

    Presentation date: 1991.11

  • Panel discussion, "Human performance in 21st century society: Creating a new cosmos"

    Presentation date: 1991.11

  • School education and internationalization

    Presentation date: 1991.06

  • The achievements of sport sociology in Japan, and challenges for the future

    Presentation date: 1991.03

  • What I've seen of Japan and the Japanese

    Presentation date: 1990.12

  • Education to further international understanding

    Presentation date: 1990.11

  • Education to further international understanding

    Presentation date: 1990.07

  • Education to further international understanding

    Presentation date: 1989.12

  • A comparison of the countryside in Japan and America

    Presentation date: 1989.07

  • Has sumo been modernized?

    Presentation date: 1988.02

  • The modernization of sumo

    Presentation date: 1987.11

  • Audio-visual education from an international perspective

    Presentation date: 1987.08

  • A frame analysis of the professional wrestling of Rikidôzan

    Presentation date: 1984.05

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Research Projects

  • The position and future of the Japanese sociology in the World-the case of the World congress of Sociology

    Project Year :


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    We conducted two questionnaire surveys to participants of the 14th World Congress of Sociology and member of the Japan Sociological Society on internationalization of sociology. These are the first surveys of this kind. We got very important basic data. By analyzing the data, we found the following conclusions.(1) Percentage of cross-border transaction (study in abroad, doing research in abroad, teaching in abroad) is not so different in European sociology and East Asian Sociology.(2) The difference in the forms of cross-border exchange activities between European and East Asian scholars is hop-on-hop-off interaction with foreign countries among Europeans and committed time-consuming self-investment interaction in foreign countries among Asians. (3) Taiwanese and Korean scholars tend to invest more than Chinese and Japanese counterparts in their transnational scholarly transactions

  • 「スポーツ社会学」の授業のための多国間相互支援ネットワークの構築

    科学研究費助成事業(滋賀大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • 「スポーツ社会学」の授業のための多国間相互支援ネットワークの構築

    科学研究費助成事業(滋賀大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Kemari in Japan

    Lee Thompson

    Digital Exhibition "Origins: Prehistories of Football"    2022.07



Overseas Activities

  • 海外のスポーツメディアとスポーツメディア教育の調査


    ドイツ   ドイツスポーツ大学ケルン

Internal Special Research Projects

  • ヨーロッパにおけるアマチュア相撲の普及


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    In recent years, the number of Europeans in the upper ranks of professional sumo (大相撲) has increased. This is in part due to the efforts of the Japan Sumo Federation (日本相撲連盟), the body administering amateur sumo in Japan, to propagate the sport overseas, with the ultimate aim of establishing sumo as an Olympic sport. The purpose of this research project was to investigate the current status of amateur sumo in Europe. The First Women's Sumo Junior World Championships, the 9th Men's Junior World Sumo Championships, the 7th Women's World Sumo Championships, and the 16th Men's World Sumo Championships were held in Rakvere, Estonia, October 9 - 12, 2008. There were almost 300 participants from 30 countries. I attended the championships, took video and photos of the competition, attended related receptions and meetings, and talked with some of the organizers, participants, and leaders of the national sumo organizations. On the Canary Islands, off the West African coast but administered by Spain, there is an indigenous form of wrestling that is very similar to sumo, called Lucha Canaria, or Canarian wrestling. The Spanish exhibit at the 2005 Aichi Expo in Japan featured Lucha Canaria. It is different from Japanese sumo in that there is no tachiai―the wrestlers start their match in a tied-up stance―and the ring is much larger than the dohyô, and it is rare for competitors to go out of bounds. The sport is even closer to Korean sillum, and amateur Korean sillum wrestlers have visited the Canary Islands for cultural exchanges. In November of 2008 I visited the island of Gran Canaria to observe Lucha Canaria. The sport is highly organized with regular matches year-round. Most municipalities field a team. I attended a match in the municipality of Playa Arinaga, at a modern facility built specifically for the sport, the Terrero Municipal de Lucha Canaria. Playa Arinaga hosted a team from the nearby municipality of Telde. There were two team competitions, one for juniors and one for seniors. I took videos and photos of the competitions, and interviewed the former president of the Playa Arinaga club, as well as some of the athletes and their families. A few days earlier there was also an exhibition of Lucha Canaria in the lounge of one of the tourist hotels, with five junior competitors from the Playa Arinaga team. I took video and photos of this exhibition as well, where the young athletes also interacted with the spectators.