Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of International Research and Education, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Job title
M.A. ( Stanford University (USA) )
Ph.D. ( Cornell University (USA) )

Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University

1.     Academic Area: Comparative and International Education

2.     Research Themes

Education and International Development, International Cooperation in Education, Global Governance of Education, International Higher Education, Inclusive Education

3.     Educational and Professional History

Waseda University (B.A. 1989), Stanford University (M.A. 1993), Cornell University (Ph.D. 1996). Overseas Development Council (Washington, D.C.) (1996-97), World Bank (1996-97), Hiroshima University (1997-2003), GSAPS, Waseda University (2003-)

4.     Academic Experiences

Vice President (2024-2025), President-elect (2025-2026), President (2026-2027), Comparative and International Education Society. Visiting Research Fellow, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (2008-present). Visiting Professor, the University of Tokyo (2010-2012). Executive Director, Japan Comparative Education Society (JCES) (2017-present). Chair, Research Standing Committee, World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) (2019-present). Director, Japan Society for International Development (JASID) (2008-present), International Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Educational Development (2004-present), Advisory Editorial Board Member, Global Comparative Education (2017-present), Editorial Board Member, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (2016), Editorial Advisory Board Member, Peabody Journal of Education (2003-2015), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Development Studies (JASID) (2014-2017), Editor-in-Chief, Africa Education Research (2014-2016)

5.     Professional Experiences

Trustee, Waseda University (2022-present), Dean, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University (2020-2022), Dean, International Affairs Division, Waseda University (2014-2018) Dean, Center for International Education, Waseda University (2010-2012), Member, Committee on MEXT Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sciences and Technology  (MEXT) (2019-present), Member, Committee on International Student Policy (MEXT) (2022-2023), Member, Council on Promotion of International Cooperation in Education, MEXT (2014-2016), Chair, Grant Appeals Board on UNESCO Activities, MEXT (2014-2019), Deputy Chair, Committee on Social Sciences and Humanities. Japanese National Commission for UNESCO (2012-2016), Councilor, Asian Cultural Center for UNESCO, (2009-present), Member, Liaison Council on International Cooperation in Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2008-present)

6.     Recent Authored, Edited and Co-edited Volumes

Migration and Mobility in Asia Pacific Higher Education (2012) by Palgrave Macmillan, Asian Regional Governance of Higher Education (2013) by Keisoshobo, Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education (2014) by Springer, UENSCO International Education Policy Series Vol. 1-12 (2014-2016) by Toshindo, Japan’s International Cooperation in Education: History and Prospects by the University of Tokyo Press (2019) and by Springer (2022), Sustainable Development Disciplines for Humanity by Springer (2023), History of Japan's International Cooperation in Education - Principles, Policies and Practices Crossing Borders by the University of Tokyo Press (2023).

7.      Awards: U21 Award (UNIVERSITAS21, 2019), Special Award (Japan Society for International Development, 2020)

Research Experience

  • 2022.07

    Waseda University   Trustee

  • 2018.06

    Asia Students Cultural Association   Director

  • 2009.12

    Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO   Councilor

  • 2009.02

    Japan International Cooperation Agency   JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development   Visiting Research Fellow

  • 2006.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies   Professor

  • 2020.09

    Waseda University   Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies   Director

  • 2020.09

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies   Dean

  • 2018.12

    Waseda University   Center for Higher Education Studies (CHES)   Deputy Director

  • 2018.11

    Waseda University   Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies   Deputy Director

  • 2014.11

    Waseda University   International Affairs Division   Dean

  • 2003

    Japan External Trade Organization, Institute of Developing Economies   Advanced School   Visiting Professor

  • 2010.12

    Japanese National Commission for UNESCO   Member

  • 2011.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Education   Visiting Professor

  • 2010.09

    Waseda University   Center for International Education   Dean

  • 2009.04

    Waseda University   International Affairs Division   Advisor

  • 2007.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies   Program Director

  • 2005.01

    Waseda University   Center for International Education   Associate Dean

  • 2003.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies   Associate Professor

  • 2000.10

    Hiroshima University   Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education   Associate Professor

  • 1997.05

    Hiroshima University   Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education   Assistant Professor

  • 1996.11

    World Bank   Consultant

  • 1996.08

    Overseas Development Council   Researcher in Residence

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Education Background

  • 1993.08

    Cornell University   Ph.D. Program, Graduate School   Education and Development Sociology  

  • 1992.09

    Stanford University   MA Program, School of Education   International Development Education  

  • 1991.09

    Institute of Developing Economies Advanced School  

  • 1985.04

    Waseda University   School of Political Science and Economics   Department of Economics  

Committee Memberships

  • 2023.04

    大学改革支援・学位授与機構  国際質保証制度設計に関する有識者会議 委員

  • 2021.09

    日本学術会議  環境学委員会 環境思想・環境教育分科会環境教育の思想的アプローチ検討小委員会 委員

  • 2020.01

    World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES)  Chair, Research Standing Committee

  • 2020

    国際交流基金  外部評価委員 (「日本研究基盤整備」プログラム及び「アジアネットワーク形成支援助成」)

  • 2020

    日本学術振興会  スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業プログラム委員会委員

  • 2019.12

    文部科学省  WWL(ワールドワイドラーニング)コンソーシアム構築支援事業 企画評価会議 委員

  • 2019

    日本学術振興会  大学の世界展開力強化事業プログラム委員会委員

  • 2018

    日本学生支援機構  国費外国人留学生選考委員会専門部会委員

  • 2018

    文部科学省  国費外国人留学生選考委員会委員

  • 2017.06

    日本比較教育学会  常任理事

  • 2017.02

    World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES)  Advisory Board Member, "Global Comparative Education" and "World Nexus"

  • 2016.12

    国際協力機構  JICA緒方貞子平和開発研究所「日本の開発協力の歴史」編集委員会 委員

  • 2015.11

    日本学生支援機構  海外留学支援制度(協定派遣・協定受入)実施委員会委員/選考委員会委員

  • 2010

    アフリカ教育学会(アフリカ教育研究フォーラム)  『アフリカ教育研究』編集委員

  • 2009.03

    World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES)  Member of Research Standing Committee

  • 2008.11

    国際開発学会  理事

  • 2008.10

    早稲田大学  国際教育協力研究所所長

  • 2008.07

    外務省  国際教育協力連絡協議会構成員

  • 2008

    Africa Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development  Coordinator of Waseda University

  • 2004.04

    筑波大学  教育開発国際協力研究センター 学外共同研究員

  • 2004.01

    International Journal of Educational Development  Member of International Editorial Board

  • 2001.07

    Pan-African Studies and Research Center in International Relations and Education for Development, Abidjan  Member of the Board of Directors

  • 2022.09

    文部科学省  戦略的な留学生交流の推進に関する検討会 委員

  • 2022.05

    文部科学省  国際バカロレアの普及促進に向けた検討に係る有識者会議 委員

  • 2021.09

    外務省  ODA評価「教育協力政策の評価」アドバイザー

  • 2022

    日本学術振興会  大学の世界展開力強化事業中間評価部会委員(部会長)

  • 2019.07

    公益財団法人 大学基準協会  大学評価研究所「達成度評価のあり方に関する調査研究部会」調査研究員

  • 2018.12

    UNESCO International Institute of Educational Planning  Member of Technical Advisory Group on Inclusive Education

  • 2021

    日本学術振興会  大学の世界展開力強化事業審査部会 委員(部会長)

  • 2019.06

    公益財団法人 大学基準協会  基準委員会 委員

  • 2020

    日本学術振興会  スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業中間評価部会委員(副部会長・部会長代理)

  • 2020

    日本学術振興会  大学の世界展開力強化事業プログラム委員会専門委員(審査委員会委員 副部会長)

  • 2017.05

    国際協力機構  JICA研究所「日本の国際教育協力:歴史と現状」検討委員会委員

  • 2017

    国際交流基金  外部評価委員(「日本研究基盤整備」プログラムインドネシア大学、マラヤ大学、ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校・ホーチミン校日本研究拠点)

  • 2010

    アフリカ教育研究フォーラム  理事

  • 2017.10

    ASEAN+3 University Network  Member of Steering Committee

  • 2018

    日本学術振興会  大学の世界展開力強化事業プログラム委員会専門委員(中間評価委員会委員)

  • 2017

    日本学術振興会  スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業中間評価部会 委員

  • 2017

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費委員会専門委員(高等教育)

  • 2016

    文部科学省  日本ユネスコ国内委員会SDGs特別委員会 委員

  • 2014.11

    国際開発学会  常任理事・『国際開発研究』編集委員長

  • 2014.06

    日本比較教育学会  『比較教育学研究』編集委員

  • 2017

    日本学術振興会  卓越研究員候補者選考委員会 書面審査員

  • 2016

    日本学術振興会  国際事業委員会 書面審査委員・書面評価員

  • 2016

    日本学術振興会  特別研究員等審査会 専門委員

  • 2014

    文部科学省  ユネスコ活動費補助金(グローバル人材の育成に向けたESDの推進事業)審査委員会 委員長

  • 2013

    日本学術振興会  人材育成企画委員会 委員

  • 2010.12

    文部科学省  日本ユネスコ国内委員会委員(人文・社会科学小委員会委員長代理、教育小委員会、選考小委員会各委員)

  • 2014.07

    文部科学省  国際協力推進懇談会委員

  • 2016

    UNESCO  Advisory Board Member, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report

  • 2016

    文部科学省  科学技術・学術政策審議会国際戦略委員会 委員

  • 2014.05

    Comparative and International Education Society  Advisory Committee Member, 2015 Annual Conference

  • 2014

    アフリカ教育研究フォーラム  『アフリカ教育研究』編集委員長

  • 2011.07

    日本学術振興会  大学の世界展開力強化事業審査部会委員

  • 2014

    日本学術振興会  スーパーグローバル大学創成支援プログラム委員会審査部会委員

  • 2013

    Network of East Asian Thinktanks  Member - Working Group on Enhancing People to People Connectivity -Education, Tourism and Cultural Exchange (日本国際フォーラム・外務省委託事業)

  • 2011.09

    文部科学省  国費留学生制度改革委員会 委員

  • 2010.09

    日本学生支援機構  私費留学生奨学金受給者選定委員会(後に私費外国人留学生学習奨励費実施委員会)委員

  • 2006.04

    日本学生支援機構  留学生交流事業実施委員会委員

  • 2013

    名古屋大学  大学院国際開発研究科国内研究員

  • 2009

    独立行政法人 国立女性教育会館  運営委員

  • 2003.02

    Peabody Journal of Education  Member of Editorial Advisory Board

  • 2010.09

    Venice International University  Academic Council Member

  • 2009.06

    日本比較教育学会  事典編集協力委員

  • 2011.07

    文部科学省  ジョイントディグリーの在り方に関する検討会委員

  • 2008.06

    日本比較教育学会  『比較教育学研究』編集委員

  • 2011

    日本比較教育学会  全国大会実行委員会副委員長

  • 2011

    国際協力機構  人間開発部・プロジェクト研究「東南アジアにおける国境を越える高等教育研究」アドバイザー

  • 2009.06

    社団法人日本ユネスコ協会連盟  ユネスコ世界寺子屋運動20周年委員会委員

  • 2009.05

    財団法人ユネスコ・アジア文化センター  ACCU教育協力事業委員会委員

  • 2010

    国際開発学会  第21回全国大会実行委員会事務局長

  • 2010

    国際協力機構  人間開発部・プロジェクト研究「基礎教育協力の評価指標の標準化」アドバイザー

  • 2009

    文部科学省  国際交流推進会議選定委員会委員

  • 2008

    国際交流基金  プログラム別外部評価・専門評価者(タマサート大学日本研究拠点)

  • 2008.07

    国際協力銀行  「インフラと教育・保健MDGsの基礎調査」アドバイザー

  • 2007.06

    外務省  「成長のための基礎教育イニシアティブに関する評価」アドバイザー

  • 2005.10

    早稲田大学  アフリカ研究所所長

  • 2005.04

    国際連合大学  大学院共同講座委員会委員

  • 2003.04

    広島大学  教育開発国際協力研究センター 客員研究員

  • 2007

    国際連合大学  グローバルセミナー湘南セッション・プログラム委員

  • 1998

    広島大学  教育開発国際協力研究センター『国際教育協力論集』編集委員

  • 2001.12

    国際開発学会  『国際開発研究』編集委員

  • 2005.04

    国際協力機構  「教育セクター評価調査」アドバイザー

  • 2004.06

    青年招へい事業活動協力協議会  理事

  • 2004.06

    財務省  国際金融情報センター「MDBs研究会」委員

  • 2004.10

    名古屋大学  大学院国際開発研究科客員研究員

  • 2004.06

    外務省  「教育関連MDGsにむけた我が国取り組みの評価」アドバイザー

  • 2004.04

    国際協力機構  外部有識者評価検討会/二次評価作業部会 委員

  • 1999.10

    国際協力機構  タンザニア国地方教育行政強化開発調査作業監理委員会 委員長

  • 2004.08

    国際協力機構  ミャンマー民主化(教育行政)プロジェクト形成調査・ミャンマー教育省教育政策アドバイザー

  • 2003.06

    国際協力機構  教育分野総合評価(理数科教育)検討会 委員

  • 2003.06

    国際協力機構  教育開発プロジェクト実施・評価体制改善検討会 委員

  • 2003.06

    外務省  ODA中期政策評価検討会 委員

  • 2003.02

    国際協力機構  途上国の人材開発支援と大学の役割検討会 アドバイザー

  • 2002.10

    国際協力機構  教育・保健分野における日本の政策及びアプローチ検討会委員

  • 2002.06

    国際協力銀行  「インドネシア共和国高等教育セクター調査」監理委員会委員

  • 2001.04

    広島大学  高等教育研究開発センター 研究員

  • 2000

    日本学術振興会  特定国派遣研究者(タイ・短期)-スリナカリンウィロート大学及びユネスコ/アジア太平洋教育事務局

  • 2002.08

    文部科学省  在外研究員(短期・創造開発研究)-ユネスコ国際教育計画研究所

  • 2002.06

    文部科学省  国際教育協力懇談会協力者及びタスクフォース

  • 2002.05

    外務省  基礎教育援助戦略(カナナスキス・サミット発表「成長のための基礎教育イニシアティブ」)外部有識者検討会構成員

  • 2002.03

    外務省  経済協力局・有識者評価「フィリピン・教育セクターへの協力」評価者

  • 2002.01

    文部科学省  お茶の水女子大学・アフガニスタン女子教育支援研修プログラム策定委員会委員

  • 2001.04

    国際協力事業団  青年招へいの今後のあり方検討会 委員

  • 2001

    UNESCO  Visiting Research Fellow, International Institute for Educational Planning

  • 2001

    財団法人 伊藤忠記念財団  日本留学/海外留学助成金審査委員

  • 2000.11

    総務庁  平成12年度東南アジア青年の船指導官

  • 1998.10

    国際協力事業団  教育分野研修コース見直し検討会委員

  • 1998.07

    バンドン工科大学  高等教育計画策定専門家

  • 1998.10

    文部省  在外研究員(短期・国際研究集会派遣)-NORRAG総会及びユネスコ高等教育世界会議

  • 1997.08

    国際協力事業団  教育分野における開発調査実施手法の研究に 係る検討会 委員

  • 1997.08

    国際協力事業団  ラオス国別援助検討会 委員

  • 1998.02

    国際協力事業団  ASEAN青年招聘事業評価調査団 団長

  • 1991.04

    総務庁  青少年対策本部・事後活動活性化委員会構成員(日本青年国際交流機構・運営理事/国際部長 )

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Professional Memberships


    Comparative and International Education Society







Research Areas

  • International relations / Sociology of education

Research Interests

  • International Higher Education

  • International Cooperation in Education

  • Education and International Development

  • Comparative and International Education


  • Special Award

    2020.11   Japan Society for International Development  


    2019.05   UNIVERSITAS 21  



  • Implications for Teacher Training and Support for Inclusive Education: Empirical Evidence from Cambodia

    Diana Kartika, Kazuo Kuroda

    The SAGE Handbook of Inclusion and Diversity in Education, 446-467    2019  [Refereed]

  • Internationalization of Higher Education and Student Mobility in Japan and Asia

    Kazuo Kuroda, Miki Sugimura, Yuto Kitamura, Asada Sarah

    Background paper prepared for the 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report: Migration, displacement and education: Building bridges, not walls, UNESCO and JICA Research Institute 2018    2018

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Teacher and Parental Perspectives of Barriers for Inclusive and Quality Education in Mongolia

    Yuriko Kameyama, Kazuo Kuroda, Yuji Utsumi, Yuka Hosoi

    JICA-RI Working Paper   159   1 - 68  2018  [Refereed]

  • Implications for Teacher Training and Support for Inclusive Education in Cambodia: An Empirical Case Study in a Developing Country

    Kazuo Kuroda, Diana Kartika, Yuto Kitamura

    JICA-RI Working Paper   148   1 - 49  2017.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Regionalization of higher education in Asia

    Kazuo Kuroda

    The Palgrave Handbook of Asia Pacific Higher Education     141 - 156  2016.10  [Refereed]



  • Introduction to the Special Issue: "Global Governance of Education and Development"

    KURODA Kazuo

    Journal of International Development Studies   25 ( 1 ) 1 - 4  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Lessons Learnt from Asian Donors’ Engagement in Education MDGS and EFA: Japan’s educational cooperation policies and its implications for a post-2015 world

    Kazuo Kuroda, Makiko Hayashi

    International Education Aid in Developing Asia: Policies and Practices     37 - 56  2015.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2015. Japan’s policies on educational cooperation have gone through various developments and transitions after the 1990s. Such policy movements and trends in the education sector of Japan’s international cooperation are observed in Japan’s International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Ministry of Education (MEXT) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). Prior to 1990, its priorities were placed on higher and vocational education for several reasons, such as the shared belief among Japanese professionals in the education area that because basic education is such an essential foundation for a nation’s development, it is not appropriate for foreign assistance to engage in. Furthermore, Japan’s history before and during World War II of forcing Japanese language education in its occupied territories associated these mistakes with foreign assistance in primary and secondary education. However, the Jomtien Conference held in 1990 became a timely conference for the country’s overall shift to join the world’s trends for assistance in basic education. This chapter analytically reviews policy documents of JICA, MEXT and MoFA to further emphasize the importance of utilizing the “integrated approach”, which includes independent approaches but also indispensable in one another. This particular approach includes elements of human rights, sustainable development and world peace in educational cooperation which also serves as important pillars of the concept of “human security”, highly advocated by Japan. The element of “peace” is very clearly incorporated in the most recently published policy papers of the government of Japan in comparison to previous policy proposals to promote stronger collaboration with international organizations and post-conflict nation-building. Moreover, there is reinforced commitment by the government of Japan to address world peace in linkage with international discourses and literature, using its comparative advantage as peace-loving and non-Western nation, experiencing a unique path of development. Lastly, this chapter also looks in depth, capturing concrete implications for a post-2015 world from the context of Japan’s education cooperation policies by highlighting issues on peace, self-help efforts and quality and equity of education.



  • Exploring Asian Regional Cooperation in Higher Education from a Comparative Education Perspective

    KURODA Kazuo

    Comparative Education   2014 ( 48 ) 71 - 82  2014  [Invited]

    DOI CiNii

  • The emergence of international dimensions in East Asian higher education: Pursuing regional and global development

    Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Yuto Kitamura, Arthur Meerman, Kazuo Kuroda

    Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education     1 - 13  2014.01  [Refereed]

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    © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. All rights reserved. This chapter provides an overview of the theoretical dynamics and actual approaches toward the emergence of international dimensions in East Asian higher education (In this book, East Asia implies mainly ASEAN+3 (Japan, China, and South Korea). However, this term has also been defined as an open region without clear borders. Therefore, this book does not exclude influences and exchange with Asia-Pacific, Oceanic, South Asian, and/or other countries.). In discussing higher educational reforms in a dynamically changing East Asian region, the authors describe how the steadily rising international profile of Asian universities is accompanied by a rapid expansion toward mass and universal attendance. However, intense competition among countries and regions is now under way in various aspects of politics, business, society, and culture. Under these circumstances, higher education is undergoing diverse reforms in Asian countries.



  • Conclusion

    A. Yonezawa, Y. Kitamura, A. Meerman, K. Kuroda

    Springer 4   9789401788229   253 - 256  2014  [Refereed]



  • The institutional prospects of cross-border higher education for East Asian regional integration: An analysis of the JICA survey of leading universities in East Asia

    Kazuo Kuroda, Takako Yuki, Kyuwon Kang

    Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education     55 - 79  2014.01  [Refereed]

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    © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. All rights reserved. This chapter deals with the institutional prospects of cross-border higher education for East Asian regional integration, using an analysis of the JICA survey of leading universities in East Asia as the basis for their observations. The authors note that governments, higher educational institutions, international organizations, and international university associations are all discussing the construction of a new East Asian collaborative higher education framework as well as fostering the cross-border activities within East Asia. They examine universities' responses to the activeness of their cross-border activities, the significance of their expected outcomes, and the preferences of their region of partners and then attempt to project the directions of a future East Asian regional higher education framework.



  • “Cross-Border Collaborative Degree Programs in East Asia: Expectations and Challenges”

    Takako Yuki, Yeeyoung Hong, Kyuwon Kang, Kazuo Kuroda

    JICA-RI Working Paper No. 39    2012.03  [Refereed]

  • 「東アジアにおける高等教育の地域的枠組みの形成と日本」


    『メディア教育研究』第8巻第1号 放送大学   8-1   22 - 32  2011.11

  • 「比較教育学とはどのような学問か-教育開発研究からの視点」


    『比較教育学研究』第42号 日本比較教育学会   42 ( 42 ) 97 - 110  2011


  • Cross-Border Higher Education for Regional Integration: Analysis of the JICA-RI Survey on Leading Universities in East Asia

    Kuroda Kazuo, Yuki Takako, Kyuwon Kang

    JICA-RI Working Paper   No. 26  2010.12  [Refereed]

  • Preparatory considerations on the application of inclusive education in sub-Saharan Africa


    『アフリカ教育研究 第1号』   1 ( 1 ) 52 - 59  2010.12


  • “Japanese Viewpoint on Higher Education Cooperation in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific

    Kazuo Kuroda

    Raising Awareness:Exploring the Ideas of Creating Higher Education Common Space in Southeast Asia     154 - 164  2009

  • “Modelling Transnational Education Directions in Asia”

    Kazuo Kuroda, David Passarelli

    The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education,International Strategic Information Service     3 - 50  2009

  • Reforming International Cooperation in Education:—Integrated Approaches for Peace, Human Right and Development

    KURODA Kazuo

    Journal of International Development Studies   18 ( 2 ) 33 - 46  2009

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    <p>Education is regarded as an important factor for achieving basic human right in developing countries as well as for their socio-economic development. Education is also expected to contribute to building a multi-cultural and peaceful world. This paper, at first, describes historical development of these three expectations on education by international aid community and critically analyzes the current trend of international cooperation in education. Then, this paper discusses current status of educational development research from the three conflicting perspectives of (1) external effect of education vs. internal efficiency of education, (2) development oriented approach vs. education centered approach, and (3) dependency theory vs. modernization theory, and tries to prospect future direction of this academic field of educational development and international cooperation in education.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 「日本の教育開発経験-発展途上国へのインプリケーション」


    『アジア太平洋討究』   ( 11 ) 119 - 214  2008.10

  • “International and Japanese trends of Educational Cooperation since 1990 &#8211; Their Development and Prospects

    Kazuo Kuroda

    Development of Asia through Educational Cooperation, Korean Educational Development Institute     244 - 266  2008

  • アジアの高等教育--市場化と国際化の中の自立的発展

    黒田 一雄

    『ワセダアジアレビュ-』 早稲田大学アジア研究機構   No. 4 ( 4 ) 5 - 10  2008


  • 「大学間交流を促進する-アジア地域統合をビジョンとして」


    『留学交流』日本学生支援機構   19 ( 12 ) 2 - 5  2007.12


  • EFA and disabled children: problems and possibilities of inclusive education

    Journal of international cooperation in education   10 ( 2 ) 29 - 39  2007.10

    DOI CiNii

  • First round responses

    Peter Smith, Mary Joy Pigozzi, Katarina Tomasevski, Harbans S. Bhola, Kazuo Kuroda, Karen Mundy

    Comparative Education Review   51 ( 2 ) 230 - 238  2007.05

  • Second round responses

    Peter Smith, Mary Joy Pigozzi, Harbans S. Bhola, Kazuo Kuroda, Karen Mundy

    Comparative Education Review   51 ( 2 ) 239 - 245  2007.05

  • UNESCO's role in global educational development

    Margaret Sutton

    COMPARATIVE EDUCATION REVIEW   51 ( 2 ) 229 - 245  2007.05  [Refereed]

  • Roles and Prospects of International Student Mobility for the Formation of an "East Asian Community"


    Journal of Asia-Pacific studies   9 ( 9 ) 21 - 30  2007.03


  • ”Strategies for Promoting Virtual Higher Education-General Considerations on Africa and Asia” (with Hossain Shanawez) 『Cyberspace, Distance Learning, and Higher Education Developing Countries &#8211; Old and Emergent Issues of Access, Pedagogy, and Knowledge Production』

    Kazuo KURODA, Hossain Shanawez

    Brill、Leiden     235 - 245  2004

  • “Chapter 6 Girls’Education”、『The History of Japan's Educational Development-What implications can be drawn for developing countries today』

    Kazuo KURODA

    Japan International Cooperation Agency     106 - 114  2004

  • Exploring a Model of Policy Research for Monitoring Educational Quality in Developing Countries(IV Research Papers)

    SAITO Mioko, KURODA Kazuo

    Annual Bulletin of Japan Academic Society for Educational Policy   10 ( 0 ) 156 - 165  2003  [Refereed]

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    There has been a worldwide growth of interest in the application of large-scale scientific survey research techniques to the study of issues related to improving the quality of education. Many developed countries are now applying these techniques in the form of systematic studies of the conditions of schooling and of student achievement levels. In developing countries, there have been increased efforts to identify ways in which educational planners in Ministries of Education can learn to conduct these kinds of policy research studies. In order to respond to the needs in this area, the International Institute for Educational Planning of UNESCO has been working closely with a number of Ministries in the Southern Africa sub-region to implement long-term strategies for building up the capacity of educational planning units to monitor the quality of their education systems, and to use this information to make informed policy decisions. This paper illustrates the innovative and effective approaches that have been adopted by these initiatives, and suggests that the approaches used could be transferred to educational development and capacity-building projects in other regions of the world.

    DOI CiNii

  • Strategies for promoting virtual higher education: General considerations on Africa and Asia

    Kazuo Kuroda, Hossain Md Shanawez

    African and Asian Studies   2 ( 4 ) 565 - 576  2003  [Refereed]

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    Education in general, and specifically higher education, plays an important role in the development process of all nations. Institutions of higher education have an important responsibility to support knowledge-driven economic growth strategies. This paper investigates the strategies of how by applying technologies on a large scale - with close attention to quality - virtual education can help higher education to find a way through the crisis of access, prohibitive cost, and lack of flexibility that we find all over the developing world. By addressing various issues related to planning, implementation, and quality with proper strategies, virtual education can provide immense opportunity to reduce the North-South knowledge gap and also to promote the development of the developing world. This paper reviews various issues related to promotion and quality control in virtual higher education and addresses possible strategies with general considerations of Africa and Asia. © 2003 Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden.



  • A Study on the Incentives of American Universities for Participating in International Cooperation Projects

    Journal of international cooperation in education   4 ( 2 ) 147 - 153  2001.12

    DOI CiNii

  • Women's Education and Development in Developing Countries : Critical Review from Economics of Education Perspective

    Journal of international cooperation in education   3 ( 2 ) 133 - 141  2000.12

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    The importance of women's education for the social and economic development of the Third World countries has been emphasized, especially in recent years, by international and national organizations, and researchers in the fields of education and development. However, women's educational levels are lower than men's in most societies all over the world. Most educational decision makers share the belief on ethical grounds that this educational gender gap should be eliminated. The strength of this equity argument aside, some empirical studies have pointed out the importance of women's education for socioeconomic development and even that women's education is always more effective for development, compared with men's (e.g., King and Hill 1993). This idea has been well accepted in the fields of education and development. There is a clear recent trend to treat women's education with greater significance in the international development community because of its greater impact on socioeconomic development than that of men's education. However, this review indicates a more complex picture of women's present situation in society. Women's education can contribute to social development through reducing fertility and improving family condition while women's education cannot efficiently contribute to economic development because of social discrimination for women's participation in formal economy. Also, the patterns of contribution of women's education for economic development differ across levels of development.Given the findings of this review, it is important to consider how women can participate more in economic development. Simply investing in women's education is not sufficient without making efforts to eliminate the factors that prevent them from participating in economic activities. In practice, educational policy makers should also attend to the social circumstances of women in each society to make the investment in women's education work in the development process.

    DOI CiNii

  • Gender Defferences in Grade 6 Reading Literacy in Seven African Countries : Results from the Initial Project of Southern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ)

    Journal of international cooperation in education   3 ( 1 ) 25 - 39  2000.05

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    The Southern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) is a network of 15 Ministries of Education (and Culture) in Sub-saharan Africa that undertakes educational policy research focused on providing information that will lead to improved decision-making with respect to planning the quality of education. The initial SACMEQ project involved a major data covering some 20,000 pupils, 3,000 teachers, and 1,000 school heads in 1,000 primary schools from seven countries in Southern Africa sub-region. This data collection provided detailed information about the condition of schooling and literacy levels of pupils in primary schools.Detailed analysis of the SACMEQ data have been carried out in order to examine gender differences in pupil literacy levels across five SACMEQ countries (Mauritius, Namibia, Zambia, Zanzibar, and Zimbebwe). The results of these analyses have been reported in an article by Saito(1998). This article supplements the Saito report by adding results from Kenya and Malawi.The article concludes that: (a) gender differences in reading literacy at the upper level of primary school are not significant in most countries in the sub-region; and (b) other differences in reading literacy for pupils from different socio-economic backgrounds and different school locations are significant in all seven countries.The paper further argues that, given the similarity in boys and girls literacy levels at the end of primary school, the participation by girls in secondary school suggests that a vast pool of talent is being wasted. Some suggestions have also been advanced to explain the lower participation by girls in secondary school. These suggestion cover issues that deserve further research attention.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Impact of the Educational Gender Gap on Economic Dvelopment in Cross Section of Countries

    Kuroda Kazuo

    Journal of international cooperation in education   2 ( 1 ) 89 - 100  1999.03

    DOI CiNii

  • Educational Productivity Research in the Contexts of Developed and Developing Countries

    Kuroda Kazuo

    Journal of international cooperation in education   1 ( 1 ) 79 - 86  1998.06

    DOI CiNii

  • Meeting Manpower Needs:Roles of Nonformal Education in Thailand

    Journal of international development studies   7 ( 1 ) 63 - 74  1998


▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • Japan's international cooperation in education : history and prospects

    Nobuko Kayashima, Kazuo Kuroda, Yuto Kitamura( Part: Joint editor)

    Springer  2022 ISBN: 9789811668142

  • 日本の国際教育協力 : 歴史と展望

    萱島, 信子, 黒田, 一雄( Part: Joint editor)

    東京大学出版会  2019.09 ISBN: 9784130513500

  • 「日本の国際教育協力の過去・現在・未来」 萱島信子・黒田一雄編著 2019. 『日本の国際教育協力:歴史と展望』389-422頁

    萱島信子, 黒田一雄( Part: Joint author)

    東京大学出版会  2019

  • 「国際教育協力に対する理念的視角と世界・日本の教育協力の展開」萱島信子・黒田一雄編著 2019. 『日本の国際教育協力:歴史と展望』1-31頁

    黒田一雄, 萱島信子( Part: Joint author)

    東京大学出版会  2019

  • 「国際的市民意識形成に対する留学のインパクト」 196-209頁 横田雅弘・太田浩・新見有紀子編『海外留学がキャリアと人生に与えるインパクト-大規模調査による留学の効果測定』

    黒田一雄( Part: Contributor)

    学文堂  2018.03

  • 「教育の国際潮流・国際目標達成における『体験の言語化』の可能性」早稲田大学平山郁夫記念ボランティアセンター編『体験の言語化』265p-271p


    成文堂  2016.11

  • 「グローバル・ガバナンスと教育開発」小松太郎編『途上国世界の教育と開発-公正な世界を求めて』55p-68p


    上智大学出版  2016.04

  • 「国際開発金融機関の役割と動向(一)-世界銀行」内海成治編『新版 国際協力論を学ぶ人のために』131p-143p


    世界思想社  2016.03

  • "Regionalization of Higher Education in East Asia" pp. 52-72, Fernando Palacio and Masami Isoda (eds.) Regional Integration through Educational Innovation, Exchange and Cooperation - Institutionalization beyond the ASEAN Community

    Kazuo Kuroda

    The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat  2015

  • “Educational Cooperation and its Implications for a Post-2015 World.” Cheng, I-Hsuan, Chan, Sheng-Ju (Eds.) International Educational Aid in Developing Asia-Policies and Practices-. pp.39-56.

    Kuroda, K, Hayashi, M

    Springer  2015

  • “A Perspective on the Post-2015 Education Agenda and International Education Development and Cooperation,” in Post 2015 Global Education Agenda Trend Analysis, Vol.1 No.35, pp.357-362.

    Kuroda, K, Hayashi, M

    Korean Educational Development Institute  2014.12

  • "The Institutional Prospects of Cross-Border Higher Education for East Asian Regional Integration: An Analysis of the JICA Survey of Leading Universities in East Asia" pp. 55-80, Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Yuto Kitamura, Arther Meerman and Kazuo Kuroda (eds.) Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education

    Kazuo Kuroda, Takako Yuki, Kyuwon Kang( Part: Joint author)

    Springer  2014

  • "The Emergence of International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education: Pursuing Regional and Global Development" pp. 1-14, Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Yuto Kitamura, Arther Meerman and Kazuo Kuroda (eds.) Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education

    Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Yuto Kitamura, Arther Meerman and Kazuo Kuroda

    Springer  2014

  • Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education

    Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Yuto Kitamura, Arther Meerman, Kazuo Kuroda( Part: Joint editor)

    Springer  2014

  • ユネスコ国際教育政策叢書 全12巻

    黒田, 一雄, 北村, 友人( Part: Compilator)

    東信堂  2014

  • "Regional Integration and Cooperation in Higher Education in Asia" pp. 217-238, Satoshi Amako, Shunji Matsuoka and Kenji Horiuchi (eds.) Regional Integration in East Asia- Theoretical and Historical Perspectives

    Kazuo Kuroda

    United Nations University Press  2013.03

  • 「課題型教育研究と比較教育学-開発研究」295-313頁 山田肖子・森下稔編著『比較教育学の地平を拓く-多様な学問観と知の共働』

    黒田一雄, 北村友人

    東信堂  2013.02

  • 「世界の中の日本教育学-学問論と研究実態」20-46頁 山田肖子・森下稔編著『比較教育学の地平を拓く-多様な学問観と知の共働』

    森下稔, 黒田一雄, 北村友人

    東信堂  2013.02

  • アジアの高等教育ガバナンス

    黒田, 一雄

    勁草書房  2013.02 ISBN: 9784326546312

  • 「グローバル時代に日本の大学がアジアの中で目指すこと」265-282頁 北村友人・杉村美紀編著『激動するアジアの大学改革』

    黒田一雄, 杉村美紀, 北村友人

    上智大学出版  2012.09

  • 「アジアにおける地域的高等教育フレームワークの構築」232-256頁 浦田秀次郎・金ゼンマ編著『グローバリゼーションとアジア地域統合』


    勁草書房  2012.03

  • Mobility and migration in Asian Pacific higher education

    Neubauer, Deane E., 黒田, 一雄( Part: Joint editor)

    Palgrave Macmillan  2012 ISBN: 9780230118188

  • “Educational Development Experience” Toshihisa Toyoda, Jun Nishikawa and Hiroshi Kan Sato eds. Economic and Policy Lessons from Japan to Developing Countries

    Kazuo Kuroda

    Palgrave Macmillan  2011

  • 「アジア高等教育論」 村井吉敬編『アジア学のすすめ 第2巻 アジア社会・文化論』


    弘文堂  2010.06

  • 教育分野における国際協力の世界的潮流 内田孟男編『平和と開発のための教育−アジアの視点から』63−77p


    国際書院  2010

  • “Japanese Viewpoint on Higher Education Cooperation in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific” 『Raising Awareness: Exploring the Ideas of Creating Higher Education Common Space in Southeast Asia』 154-164p

    Kazuo Kuroda

    Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization /Regional Institute for Higher Education and Development  2009.02

  • Possibilities and challenges in constructing a new regional collaborative educational framework in Asia

    Kazuo Kuroda

    Waseda University Global COE Program, Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration (GIARI)  2009

  • “Formulating an International Higher Education Framework for Regional Cooperation and Integration in Asia”

    Kazuo Kuroda, Masato Kamikubo, David Passarelli

    Waseda Graduate Institute for Asian Regional Integration  2009

  • “International and Japanese trends of Educational Cooperation since 1990 – Their Development and Prospects” 『Development of Asia through Educational Cooperation』 244-266p

    Kazuo Kuroda

    Korean Educational Development Institute  2008.08

  • アジアにおける教育のダイナミズム

    黒田, 一雄

    日経BP企画,日経BP出版センター (発売)  2008.08 ISBN: 9784861303531

  • 「障害児とEFA-インクルーシブ教育の課題と可能性」 小川啓一・西村幹子・北村友人編『国際教育開発の再検討-途上国の基礎教育普及に向けて』214-230p


    東信堂  2008.04

  • 女子就学振興政策の社会経済開発効果-分析手法と政策の関係性に関する批判的考察 澤村信英編『教育開発国際協力の展開−EFA(万人のための教育)達成に向けた実践と課題』110-121p


    明石書店  2008

  • International student mobility for the formation of an East Asian community

    Kazuo Kuroda

    COE-CAS, Waseda University  2007

  • 東アジア共同体;形成と国際教育交流 西川潤;平野健一郎編『国際移動と社会変容』 227−250p


    岩波書店  2007

  • 『International Student Mobility for the Formation of an East Asian Community』 Creation of New Contemporary Asian Studies Working Paper

    Kazuo Kuroda


  • 面向東亜高等教育研究的理論視点和政策視点;為共同体的形成所併行的研究課題探索 宋志勇編『東亜的教育改革与交流』40−51p


    天津人民出版社  2006

  • 「女子教育」国際協力機構編『日本の教育開発経験を考える』


    東信堂  2005.04

  • 国際教育開発論 : 理論と実践

    黒田, 一雄, 横関, 祐見子

    有斐閣  2005.04 ISBN: 4641076979

  • 「国際機関の役割と動向(一)-世界銀行」内海成治編『国際協力論を学ぶ人のために』101p-114p


    世界思想社  2005.02

  • Educational Development "New Approaches to Development and Changing Sector Issues" 74p-117p

    Yasuyuki Sawada, Kazuo Kuroda, Takako Yuki

    FASID, Tokyo  2005

  • "Girls’ Education” JICA ed. "The History of Japan's Educational Development - What implications can be drawn for developing countries today" 106p-114p

    Kazuo Kuroda

    Japan International Cooperation Agency  2004.03

  • 「教育開発-現状と展望」秋山孝允・近藤正規編著『開発アプローチと変容するセクター課題』89p-140p

    澤田康幸, 黒田一雄, 結城貴子

    国際開発高等教育機構  2004.03

  • 「発展途上国の自立に向けた教育政策調査研究と政策立案-南部アフリカにおける実践事例から-」第Ⅱ部第1章 澤村信英編『アフリカの開発と教育-人間の安全保障を目指す国際教育協力』85p-100p

    黒田一雄, 齋藤みを子

    明石書店  2003.12 ISBN: 4750318183

  • 「教育開発戦略の行方-世界銀行とユニセフの政策白書の比較から-」江原裕美編『開発と教育』287p-300p


    新評論  2001.07

  • 「教育投資における優先順位の決定と世界銀行-収益率分析とクロスナショナル分析の成果と限界-」江原裕美編『開発と教育』257p-270p


    新評論  2001.07 ISBN: 4794805292

  • 世界銀行の教育開発戦略

    黒田, 一雄, 秋庭, 裕子( Part: Joint translator)

    広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター  2001

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  • Asian Regional Cooperation of Higher Education – How can the Chinese and Japanese universities collaboratively contribute to the development of a community with a shared future for mankind?

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    Xiamen University Humanities and Social Sciences International Forum 

    Presentation date: 2021.04

  • Regional Report: Japan

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Conference 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • Regional Governance and Cooperation of Higher Education in Northeast and Southeast Asia

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    2020 Online Forum on Education Cooperation in South & Southeast Asia organized by Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, China 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • インクルージョンと教育

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター(CICE)・国際協力機構(JICA) 教育協力NGOネットワーク(JNNE)共催Global Education Monitoring Report 2020ローンチ ウェビナー(オンライン) 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • International Higher Education in the Post- Corona World

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    RECSIE Special Webinar Series: What can we do? International education during the Covid-19 pandemic(Online)Series V : Covid-19 and Paradigm Shift of International Education 

    Presentation date: 2020.05

  • Japanese Education from the International Perspectives


    Japan Foundation Winter Institute 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • Internationalization and Formulation of Technological Hubs for Regional Economic Development

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    The 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Great Bay Area International Higher Education Forum and the 2019 conference on Higher Education, Regional Innovation and Economic Growth organized by San Yat-sen University, Guangdong, China. 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Inclusive Education as a Quality Strategy for Achieving SDGs Goal 4


    The 17th Korea Japan Millennium Forum 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Mechanisms of Inter-regional Symbiotic Relationships An Educational Perspective


    The 5th Waseda ORIS International Symposium “Towards Inter-regional Symbiotic Relationships” 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Pathways for SDG Goal 4: How Korea and Japan can Cooperate to Prospect the Future?


    The 4th International Symposium on Development Cooperation and Evaluation, Seoul National University, South Korea 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • International Students Mobility and Japan’s Policy and Initiatives


    UK/Japan Old and New Diversities Network, University of Birmingham European Hub, Brussels, Belgium 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • Globalization and the Development of Global Governance of Education: Historical Development and Prospects for the Future

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    International Conference on Re-imagining International Educational and Cultural Relations for Sustainable Development” organized by National Chinan University, Taiwan 

    Presentation date: 2019.04

  • Global and Regional Governance of Education: A Case of International Diffusion of “Inclusion” Concept

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    EU Japan Forum 2019 organized by Institut d'etudes Europeennes, Universite Libre de Bruxelles and the Organization for Regional and Inter-regional Studies, Waseda University at Institut d'etudes Europeennes, Universite Libre de Bruxelles 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Regional Governance and Cooperation of Higher Education in Asia

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    Inauguration Ceremony of the University Consortium of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and University President's Forum at Xiamen University 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Global Education Governance for the SDG 4- Prospecting EU-Japan Partnership

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    EU Japan Forum 2018 Organized by the Institute for European Studies of the Université libre de Bruxelles in collaboration with East Asian Studies (EAST) Law Faculty & Leuven Center for Global Governance Studies of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Waseda University, in Brussels 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Global Education Governance for the SDG 4 - Prospecting US-Japan Partnership

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    USJI Seminar on “Achieving the Health and Education Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Exploring Japan-U.S. Partnerships for Human Development" jointly organized with UNESCO Chair of George Washington University, United States Japan Research Institute Week (Washington DC) 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • Disability and Inclusive Education in Asian Developing Countries - Empirical Evidences from the JICA RI Study

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    The 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Education - Cooperation in Education Across Regions and the World hosted by Hokkaido University of Education, Japan @ Sapporo 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Disability and Education in Developing Coutiries

    Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    National ESD Forum for Special Needs Schools 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Impacts of Cross Border Students Migration on SDGs Goal 4–Empirical Evidences from Japan


    JICA Research Institute Consultation Workshop for the 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report on Migration and Education at the University of Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Global Governance of Inclusive Education


    USJI Seminar on “Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education for All in the Contexts of SDGs: Including Children with Disability in Developing Countries" jointly organized with JICA Research Institute, United States Japan Research Institute Week (Washington DC) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Disability and Inclusive Education in Developing Countries: Empirical Studies by the JICA Research Institute


    World Bank Human Development Department BBL Seminar 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 開発途上国における障害児の教育の現状



    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • Policy Process and Indicator Setting of SDGs Goal 4 and Education for All: Perspectives from Japan


    International Symposium on Development Cooperation and Evaluation organized by Waseda University, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Global Development Program and Seoul National University, Graduate School of Public Administration (GSPA), Center for International Development & Evaluation (CIDE) 

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 早稲田大学におけるダイバーシティの課題



    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • Introduction of JICA-RI Research Project on Disability and Education


    World Development Report (WDR) 2018 Consultation Meeting organized by JICA and the World Bank at JICA Research Institute in Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • Inclusive Education as Quality Strategy in the Context of SDGs


    UNESCO APEID Annual Conference organized by UNESCO Asia Pacific Bureau of Education in Bangkok 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Improving Quality of University Faculty


    The 1st Cambodia Japan University Presidents Conference at Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Global Governance of Inclusive Education and Cambodia-Implications from the JICA RI Survey-


    JICA Research Institute “Disability and Education” Policy Seminar organized by the Ministry of Education of Cambodia and JICA Research Institute at Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Disability and Inclusive Education - Empirical Studies from JICA/RI Research


    " (基調講演) Sep. 30- Oct. 2, 2016, The 7th International Symposium on Special Education "Assistive Technology Services: Bridging the Gap for a Better Quality of Life" organized by Suan Dusit University in Bangkok 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 私が思う大学のグローバル化とは?-これからの私立大学の進むべき道、職員の役割とは-


    大学行政管理学会2016年度研究集会 20周年記念プレシンポジウム(慶應義塾大学) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Education System Reform in Egypt - Implications from Japan


    Ministers' Conference on Education System Reform in Egypt organized by the World Bank (Cairo, Egypt) 

    Presentation date: 2016.04

  • China-Japan Partnership of Higher Education in the context of “Asian Era” and Globalization


    China Japan Higher Education Forum (Waseda University, Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • Global Governance of Inclusive Education and Mongolia-Implications from the JICA RI Survey-


    JICA Research Institute “Disability and Education” Policy Seminar organized by the Ministry of Education of Mongolia and JICA Research Institute at Tuushin Hotel, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • Asian Regionalization of Higher Education and Internationalization at Waseda


    Vietnam-Japan University Presidents’ Conference (Hanoi, Vietnam) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Developing the Post 2015 Education Framework- Current Status and Prospects -


    United Nations University Global Seminar Japan 31st Shonan Session Special Session on Post-2015 Agenda 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Internationalization of Japanese Higher Education Cooperating with US Partners - a Case of Waseda University


    NAFSA Japan Global Symposium Housei University 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • Innovations: Partnerships Designed for the 21st Century Student


    TeamUp to Create a 21st Century Workforce Seminar organized by the U.S.-Japan Bridging Foundation and US Embassy in Japan, American Center in Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • Prospecting and Modeling Regionalization of Higher Education in East Asia


    Prospecting and ModeSophia-AIMS International Symposium - Higher Education Harmonization and Networking in East and Southeast Asia: How AIMS Program Can Contribute to an Emerging ASEAN Community, Sophia University, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • Identifying Possible Policy Process Indicators on Quality, Equity, ESD and GCE for the Post 2015 Agenda Setting


    Expert Workshop on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education, Organizer : Seoul National University- Institute for Global Social Responsibility (SNU-IGSR) 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Equity, Quality and Inclusive Education: How to Monitor the Policy Process in the Post 2015 Framework?


    The 17th UNESCO-APEID International Conference (Bangkok) 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Global Governance of Inclusive Education and the Post 2015 Education Agenda


    The 5th International Symposium on Special Education: “Toward Full Inclusion Among ASEAN Countries” organized by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University in Bangkok, Thailand 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Enhancing People to People Connectivity through Higher Education in East Asia


    Network of East Asian Think Tanks Working Group on Enhancing People to People Connectivity -Education, Tourism and Cultural Exchange 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Migration and Mobility in Asia and the Pacific Issues on Regionalization of Higher Education


    Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Partnership (APHERP) Leadership Institute (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan) 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Asia Pacific Regionalisation of Higher Education: Findings from JICA-RI Surveys for East Asian Leading Universities


    APEC University Associations : Cross-Border Education Cooperation Workshop : Promoting Regional Education Services Integration organized by the Australian Government at Prince Hotel & Residence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • Prospecting the Post 2015 Global Governance Framework of Educational Cooperation –How can we contribute?


    International Conference of International Cooperation and Education Aid (「國際合作與教育援助」國際研討會議 ) organized by National Chi Nan University, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan 

    Presentation date: 2014.04

  • Development and Prospects of International Community's Perspectives on Education - Diverse Ideas Crossing National Borders -


    Symposium on International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools: International Exchange and Curriculum Innovation organized by National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan 

    Presentation date: 2014.04

  • Asian Comparative Education Research Crossing Borders - Searching for Global and Regional Governance Framework


    Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference 2014 -Policy and Educational Development in a Global Context 全球背景下的政策與教育發展 at University of Hong Kong 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Regionalization of Higher Education in East Asia


    International Seminar organized by University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Regionalization of Higher Education in East Asia


    International Symposium on New Direction in Higher Education for the Development of Global Human Resources -Launching AIMS Programme in Japan By University of Tsukuba and SEAMEO RIHED at Tsukuba University 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • Globalization and Educational Issues of Developing Countries - Japan’s Educational Cooperation


    文部科学省・外務省・広島大学他共催 第11回国際教育協力日本フォーラム「International Cooperation toward Self-Reliant Educational Development」文部科学省国際会議場 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • アジアの大学の国際化と日本の役割



    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • The Experience of Japan’s Educational Development


    International Symposium on “Cambodia’s Development and Asian Experiences” organized by Cambodian Development Institute of Royal University of Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • Asian Regionalization of Higher Education


    Cambodia Education Research Forum organized by the Ministry of Education of Cambodia at National Institute of Education, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • Enhancing Global Competitiveness in East Asia through Cross-border Collaborative Degree Programs


    Annual International Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association - Managing Global Cities: Enhancing Hub Status and Implications for Education and Development 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • アジアにおける留学生交流・大学国際連携と人材育成


    早稲田大学日米研究機構国際シンポジウム 『日米パートナーシップとアジア地域協力の行方Ⅱ』早稲田大学小野記念講堂 

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • Migration and Mobility in Asia and the Pacific Issues on Regionalization of Higher Education


    Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Partnership (APHERP) Leadership Institute (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan) 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Identifying Possible Policy Process Indicators on Quality, Equity and Inclusion in Education for the Post 2015 Agenda Setting


    High-Level Expert Meeting "Beyond 2015: Transforming Teaching and Learning in the Asia-Pacific Region" organized by UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau of Education (Bangkok) 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • International Policy Research using the Pilot SABER Rubric on Educational Equity and Inclusion

    Kazuo Kuroda, Makiko Hayashi  [Invited]

    Expert Meeting: Educational Policy Research on Equity and Inclusion in Asia-Pacific organized by UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau of Education and Waseda University (Bangkok) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Re-analyzing the Multilayered Global and Regional Governance Frameworks Implications for the post 2015 agenda setting (Messages for Seoul 2015)


    UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau of Education-Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) Regional Policy Seminar 2013 (Bangkok) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • アジアにおける国際高等教育連携の現状と課題



    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • New Agenda of Post-2015 for Educational Development in Africa and Asia

    Africa-Asia Educational Collaborative Research Symposium organized by Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development at Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • 東アジアの地域統合と高等教育の国際化



    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Student Mobility in Asia and Its Regional Impacts


    High-level Experts Meeting on Post EFA (Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok) organized by UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (Bangkok) 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • グローバルなポストEFA・MDGs議論への示唆


    JICA研究所公開セミナー 「ジェンダーと国際教育開発:課題と挑戦」 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • US-Japan Higher Education in Globalizing Asia

    早稲田大学・日米教育文化会議・文部科学省主催US Japan Higher Education Panel (リーガロイヤルホテル東京) 

    Presentation date: 2012.04

  • International Collaborative Degree Programs in East Asia


    International Asia Europe Conference on Enhancing Balanced Mobility organized by Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Secretariat and the Ministry of Education of Thailand (Bangkok) 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Regionalization of Higher Education in Asia

    Thammasat-Waseda Workshop on Campus Asia-East Asia University Institute (Tammasat University, Bangkok) 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Asian Regionalization of Higher Education and Waseda University


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Cross-border higher education in ASEAN plus three: Results of surveys on leading universities and cross-border collaborative degree programs


    JICA-EPU Joint Seminar (Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia, Putrajaya) 

    Presentation date: 2012.02

  • キャンパスの国際化



    Presentation date: 2012.01

  • 学生の海外派遣



    Presentation date: 2012.01

  • Regionalization and Internationalization of Higher Education in Asia

    Waseda University Day at the University of Bonn (University of Bonn, Germany) 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • Migration and Mobility in Asia and the Pacific Issues on Regionalization of Higher Education


    International Forum for Education 2020 Leadership Institute (East China Normal University, China) 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • New Directions of US-Japan Higher Education Cooperation in the Globalizing World: In the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake

    United States Japan Research Institute Week (Washington DC) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Quality Assurance of International Programs and Asian Regional Framework

    Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Provosts Forum (National University of Singapore) 

    Presentation date: 2011.04

  • Empirical Analysis of Regional and Interregional Cooperation of Universities in East Asia


    International Symposium on Regional and Interregional Cooperation of Universities (東京大学、文部科学省、日本高等教育学会、日本教育社会学会) 

    Presentation date: 2011.02

  • Reforming International Cooperation in Education -Integrated Approaches for Peace, Human Right and Development


    Asia-Pacific Forum on Educational Cooperation: Synergies and Linkages of EFA, ESD and ASPnet for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ユネスコアジア文化センター、文部科学省) 

    Presentation date: 2011.02

  • Leading university survey: the results and policy implications (300 leading university survey results)

    The Workshop on Analysis of Cross-Border Higher Education for Regional Integration and Labor Market in East Asia organized by JICA Research Institute and SEAMEO-RIHED (Bangkok) 

    Presentation date: 2011.02

  • インクルーシブ教育の理念的相克 ‐マラウイにおける障害児教育を事例にして‐


    国際協力機構インクルーシブ教育セミナー (国際協力機構本部) 

    Presentation date: 2011.02

  • Evaluating and Creating Japanese Educational Cooperation Policy - An Integrated Approach for Human Security

    United States and Japan Research Institute Seminar (日本学術振興会ワシントン事務所) 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Regional Collaboration in Higher Education across Asia


    Symposium on Regional Cooperation and Cross Border Collaboration in Higher Education organized by Asian Development Bank, Manila 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • Asianization of Asia in Higher Education - A Japanese Perspective


    International Forum on Education Tokyo Senior Seminar organized by East West Center 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • Japanese Development Cooperation for HRD in Developing Countries


    IDEAS 20th Anniversary Workshop on the New Trend in Development and Human Resource Development – Nurturing Development Experts for the Next Decade- Organized by Institute of Developing Economies Advanced School 

    Presentation date: 2010.02

  • Possibilities and Challenges in Constructing a New Regional Collaborative Educational Framework in Asia


    Beijing Forum 2009 organized by Peking University 

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • Japanese Policy Developments on Higher Education Cooperation in Asia and Curriculum Development


    International Forum “Curriculum Leadership and Development in Higher Education: Best practices from Japan, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam” organized by Southeast Asian Ministers’ of Education Organization (SEAMEO) RETRAC in Vietnam 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • Regionalization and Higher Education

    International Higher Education Forum 早稲田大学・名古屋大学・東北大学共催国際高等教育フォーラム「急変する世界環境における高等教育の公的役割」 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • Aseanization and Asianization of Higher Education

    Supachai Yavaprabhas, Kazuo Kuroda  [Invited]

    Global Higher Education Forum 2009 “Global Higher Education: Current Trends , Future Perspectives” organized by the Government of Malaysia 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • Branding Asian University for Global Higher Education


    SEAMEO RETRAC 12th Governing Board Meeting and International Conference organized by Southeast Asian Ministers’ of Education Organization (SEAMEO) RETRAC in Vietnam 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • Searching for a new regional governance framework of international higher education in Asia


    International Conference on Higher Education Research and Development organized by Dhrakij Pundit University, Commission on Higher Education (Thailand), Office of Education Council (Thailand), Southeast Asian Ministers’ of Education Organization (SEAMEO) RIHED and Thai POD Network 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • Analysis of Cross-border Higher Education for Regional Integration and Labor Market in East Asia

    International Workshop organized by JICA Research Institute, SEAMEO-RIHED and AsiaSEED 

    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • The Relationship between the University and Government in Global Human Resource Development


    Universitas 21 Symposium organized by Korea University 

    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • Japanese Viewpoint on Higher Education Cooperation in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific


    Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization /Regional Institute for Higher Education and Development, The International Conference Series on Raising Awareness: Exploring the Ideas of Creating Higher Education Common Space in Southeast Asia 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • Regional Integration and Cooperation of Higher Education in East and Southeast Asia: Issues and Prospects


    International Conference on Education Research (Seoul National University) 

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • International and Japanese trends of Educational Cooperation since 1990 – Their Development and Prospects


    Korean Educational Development Institute - 35th Anniversary and International Conference for Educational Cooperation in Asia 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • EFA and Inclusive Education


    スリランカ教育省・ペラデニア大学共催The 1st Sri Lanka-Japan Conference on Teacher Training for Inclusive Education 

    Presentation date: 2006.08

  • History of Japan’s Educational Development: What Implications can be drawn for developing countries?


    Japan Foundation Fellow Seminar in Thailand/国際交流基金バンコク日本文化センター・タイ王国教育省 

    Presentation date: 2006.02

  • 日本の教育開発経験/世界の教育開発の潮流とマイクロプランニング



    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • ODA改革の中の青年招へい事業



    Presentation date: 2004.02

  • 日本明治期の就学促進策-女子教育を中心に



    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • 教育協力の総合化への提案



    Presentation date: 2003.01

  • 米国大学の国際協力-その活動と戦略



    Presentation date: 2002.07

  • 「教育分野の国際協力と平和」 2001年8月広島青年会議所主催ピースフォーラム2001基調講演



    Presentation date: 2001.08

  • アセアン青年招聘事業の評価と将来構想



    Presentation date: 2000.04

  • 比較教育学研究における国際教育協力の位置の検討-世界銀行の教育協力と北米比較国際教育学会を中心として-



    Presentation date: 1999.06

  • ユニセフ世界子供白書と世界銀行教育セクター戦略



    Presentation date: 1998.11

▼display all

Research Projects

  • An International Comparative Study on Children's Health for ensuring school attendancesia and Africa

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Comparative Study of SDGs and Education Finance/Administration

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Determinants of International Students' Educational Mobility: a Comparative Study of Japan and Germany

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    FARRER GRACIA, 杉村 美紀, 黒田 一雄, 加藤 丈太郎, Asada Sarah

     View Summary

    In FY 2021, the main research goals were literature review, researching policy regarding international education, and collecting published statistical and interview data among international students in Japan and Germany.
    Through the collaboration with Professor Karen Shire, our German counterpart at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the team, with the assistance of 5 research assistants, managed to collect over 120 in-depth interviews with international students in Japan and in Germany. At the same time, we collected policy documents and statistics of international students in Germany. The team set up the qualitative data base for interviews using MaxQDA.
    Because of the travel restriction due to COVID, we were not able to do field research overseas. Instead, the field work, combined with an international conference, took place in July, 2022.
    The PI analyzed the data from the interviews with Chinese students, and presented the results at the International Conference on International Student Mobility in Fulda, Germany, titled: "The difficulties of an easier path: Chinese students’ educational experiences and school-to-work transition in Germany and Japan."
    The presentation discusses Chinese students’ motivations and experiences of studying abroad in Germany and Japan and points out that the process of international education involves different stakeholders whose logics for student mobility might be conflicting. This presentation presents the concept of “socially constructed necessity” to describe the motivations observed among individual students.

  • アジア・アフリカ地域における教育の包摂性の実相に関する国際比較研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    川口 純, 利根川 佳子, 林 真樹子, 大塲 麻代, 櫻井 里穂, 森下 稔, 古田 弘子, 杉村 美紀, 黒田 一雄, 日下部 達哉, 白銀 研五

  • Comprehensive approaches of area studies on connectivity and innovation of higher education in Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


  • アジア・アフリカ地域における教育の包摂性の実相に関する国際比較研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    川口 純, 利根川 佳子, 大塲 麻代, 櫻井 里穂, 森下 稔, 古田 弘子, 杉村 美紀, 黒田 一雄, 日下部 達哉, 白銀 研五, 林 真樹子

     View Summary


  • アジア・アフリカの開発学ー日本の開発協力経験に基づくフィールドからの体系化

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    佐藤 仁, 峯 陽一, 高橋 基樹, 黒田 一雄

     View Summary

    日本の政府開発援助(以下, ODA)は, 半世紀を超える歴史をもつ。本研究ではODAの歴史的変転をアジア・アフリカでのフィールドワークを通じて知財化することを目指す。特に従来の日本のODAの主な受け手であったアジア諸国における「人づくり」の経験と, 新たな援助対象であるアフリカ地域を調査対象に, 政府間だけでなく, 政府と民間企業, 地域住民の相互関係に注目した「ODAの質」の解明に挑む。また, 研究成果を政策に活用するために国際協力機構(JICA)と密に協力し, 開発協力経験に内在する日本的な「実践知」を浮き彫りにしながら, 欧米とは一線を画した「アジア・アフリカの開発学」を展望する

  • Theorizing the Global Governance of Education for the Achievement of SDG 4

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • The Role of University Networks in Student Mobility in Asia and the Pacific &#8211; Aiming to Broaden the Impact of UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific) &#8211;

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Global Studies on University Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yonezawa Akiyoshi

     View Summary

    This research examined the qualitative transformation of global university education that was taking place in the late 2010s, particularly in the reform of undergraduate programs. Focusing on country cases that are considered to be ahead of the changes and how they relate to university education in Japan. The study examined how to link a country's education system to the global context. The analysis included Japan as a starting point, South Korea, Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, as well as the United States, China, the United Kingdom, and a wide range of continental European states that are referred to as ideological systems. With the original framework, the validity of global studies approach was demonstrated. However, we also found that Japan is losing the direction for undergraduate education in terms of international context.

  • Internationalization of Higher Education and the Promotion of "Knowledge Diplomacy" in Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    Kitamura Yuto

     View Summary

    In this study, which analyzed the internationalization of higher education in Asia using the concept of "knowledge diplomacy," the following research was conducted. (1)Together with the Directorate General for Education in Asia and the Pacific of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), we developed indicators for monitoring and evaluating the progress of the internationalization of higher education. The results were published as a UNESCO Policy Brief. (2)More than 30 experts gathered to share information and exchange views on the situation of internationalization of higher education at the national and regional levels in Asia. Every year from 2016 to 2019, more than 30 experts gathered to share information and exchange views on this topic. (3)Country-specific case studies were conducted and reports on five countries (India, Korea, China, Thailand, and Malaysia) were prepared.

  • Non-cognitive skills gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Takako, ARBOLEDA Clarita, ARBOLEDA Jairo, COLBERT Vicky, KURODA Kazuo, LITTLE Angela, MOTOKANE Masahiro, SAITO Yasuo, VERNAZA Juliana, VICKERS Edward, YOSHIMOTO Keiichi

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    Escuela Nueva of Colombia is one of the well-known excellent programmes for rural schools. It promotes high quality education for high academic scores as well as non-cognitive skills. These skills are especially highlighted and required for the next generations to survive in the highly globalized society and sustainable development. This five-year international research tried to proof if this successful achievement is maintained years after graduation by longitudinal studies of its graduates. We distributed questionnaires to measure autonomous learning, self esteem and civil behavior in 2014 with 1,037 Grade 6 students who have just graduated from primary schools. Then We distributed the same questionnaires in 2017 to the same students who were now at Grade 9 and compared the results from 2014.We found positive correlations with autonomous learning in 2014 but not in 2017. This revealed that the impact of primary education was despaired during the three years of secondary education.

  • Comparative Field Study on Education of Vulnerable Children in Developing Areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    Sawamura Nobuhide, KURODA Kazuo, NISHIMURA Mikiko, OGAWA Keiichi, KUSAKABE Hikaru, YAMAMOTO Kaoru, OGAWA Miku, ASAKUMA Mei, SAKAUE Katsuki, SHIMIZU Ayaka, MORI Goro, SANO Asae, TONEGAWA Yoshiko, SONOYAMA Daisuke

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    This study examined multiple aspects of the education of vulnerable children in the developing countries of Africa, Middle East, and Asia, by looking at the cases of individual schools and teachers who are eager to support them. We attempted to understand the realities of such education particularly from the perspectives of students, teachers, and parents. The investigation revealed that there are so many people who are taking action on their own initiative without solely resorting to external supports. The study results were presented in four categories: (1) Education of refugee children, (2) Education of children with disabilities, (3) Education of children at risk, and (4) Education of children from poor families.

  • Comparative Policy Studies of Private Higher Education in Developing Countries: Quality Assurance and Management's View Points

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    Ogawa Keiichi, KURODA Kazuo, KITAMURA Yuto, KAWAGUCHI Jun

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    This study, which focuses on Asia and Africa, provides an analysis of higher education policies in the private sector from the point of view of quality assurance, finance, and administration. The study was carried out in Laos, Myanmar, Malawi, and Uganda. Original data was collected by conducting questionnaires and interviews to not only private university administrators, but also to the ministry of education officers and education specialists in international organizations.
    Specifically, the study carried out policy and situation analyses on the credit transfer system, student evaluation system, fiscal management, administration, and finance. The study also conducted a comparative analysis on the finance, administration, and management systems of private higher education institutions in selected countries.

  • Survey of Global Personnel Development and Long-term Impact of Study Abroad

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    YOKOTA Masahiro, ASHIZAWA Shingo, NITTA Isao, KITAMURA Yuto, YONEZAWA Akiyoshi, KURODA Kazuo, OTA Hiroshi, WATABE Yuki, AKIBA Hiroko, SHIMMI Yukiko, KOBAYASHI Akira

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    Based on the North American Study Abroad for Global Engagement (SAGE) retrospective tracer study, 4,489 people with study abroad experience and 1,298 people without study abroad experience were surveyed in Japan’s first comprehensive and systematic comparative analysis of the impact of study abroad on Japanese people. The results clearly indicate study abroad has an enormous impact in all areas including skill-level, class participation, career path, values, engagement and overall life satisfaction.

  • International Collaborative Research on the Formation of Multi-layered Global Governence in Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



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    In the education sector, in which policy decision was mainly made by nation states, the importance of constructing multi-layered (global and regional) governance framework is growingly important due to the political, economic and societal globalization and advancing de fact cross-border integration. This study was conducted to analyze and theorize international policy making mechanism of education comparing and relations its national process. In particular, this study focused higher education sector, inclusive education sector and the Post 2015 education agenda setting to analyze their international policy processes and tried to theorize them.

  • Comparative Study on the Variou Roles of School Education in the Transfomring Cmmunities of Southern and Eastern African Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    SAWAMURA Nobuhide, UTSUMI Seiji, TAKAHASHI Mao, YOSHIDA Kazuhiro, SAKURAI Riho, BABA Takuya, ONO Yumiko, OZAWA Hiroaki, KURODA Kazuo, YAMADA Shoko, OGAWA Keiichi, NAKAMURA Yasuhide

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    This study explores various roles and issues of school education in the transforming communities of southern and eastern African countries. We examined the realities of schools and schooling by looking at individual cases with their local contexts particularly from children's perspectives. It was found that there are principally eight aspects to be observed and reconsidered: (1) school as protective space for children, (2) enthusiasm for schooling among children and their parents, (3) critical views of parents on education quality, (4) issues of teachers and their particular roles, (5) problems to corporal punishment and school bullying, (6) dropping-out of school and barrier to further schooling, (7) gap between the languages of livelihood and instruction, and (8) negative legacy of conflicts.

  • Actual Status of Children in Developing Countries Seen through Longitudinal Research on School Enrollment and Surrounding Environment for Primary and Later Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    SEKIYA Takeshi, KITAMURA Yuto, KURODA Kazuo, YAMADA Shoko, OGAWA Keiichi, ISHIZAKA Hiroki, SAITO Kazuhiko, KONISHI Tadao, SAWAMURA Nobuhide, KAWAGUCHI Jun, ASHIDA Akemi

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    This study aimed to reveal individual children's enrollment situation in developing countries, and implemented the true cohort analysis with longitudinal data. Findings in Honduras and Indonesia, there are influences on children's enrollment patterns such as socio-economic situation and educational policies depending on years. Also, children's patterns of enrolment fall into two categories: graduation without repetition and dropout after a short period of attendance. However, as the present age is getting closer, children could enter a school with official age and graduate without repetition and temporary dropout. In Bolivia, a repetition in the first grade in the first year often happens and leads to dropout. In Malawi, it is appeared that various peculiar enrollment patterns which are not observed from cross sectional data.

  • Reconstruction of Educational Reseearch in Developing countries: Integrated approach of area studies and development studies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :



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    This research project had mainly two components: one is to review and map out diverse research paradigms and practices which co-exist in the field of comparative education. The second is to conduct fieldwork by grouping researchers with different research paradigms together. For the first component, a questionnaire survey and classification of published articles were conducted. As the second component, annual fieldwork in the Maldives and Ghana were conducted with participation of 8 scholars altogether.
    An edited volume by Shoko Yamada and Minoru Morishita was published in 2003, with the title "Extending the Horizon of Comparative Education: Diverse Perspectives and Intellectual Collaboration"(Tokyo: Toshindo).
    The outcomes of the fieldwork in Maldives and Ghana were published by respective scholars as academic papers and a workshop was co-hosted with the Ministry of Education, Republic of Maldives, in 2013, to discuss about the findings from the research.

  • Comprehensive Research on Internationalization of Higher Education under Rapid Structural Change at the Global Level

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    YONEZAWA Akiyoshi, TSUKAHARA Shuichi, OHMORI Fujio, OHTA Hiroshi, KITAMURA Yuto, HUANG Futao, YONEZAWA Yukako, GRACIA Farrer, HOTTA Taiji, SUGIMURA Miki, KAMIBEPPU Takao, HATA Takashi, KAMOGAWA Akiko, KURODA Kazuo, MORI Rie, AKIBA Hiroko, SUEMATSU Kazuko, TAKENAKA Ayumi

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    Changes in the way of internationalization of higher education to the rapid structural changes in the world, was examined in a comprehensive manner from the theory, international trends and field surveys. First, the internationalization of higher education in each country is different due to differences in the domestic and international context. Second, countries are faced with a necessity of stronger response to global changes. Third, the multilateral initiatives of higher education are in progress. These factors have had a major impact on the international positioning of higher education in Japan.

  • Acceptance of public education and social change in post conflict countries and aria-Study of refugee effect-

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    UTSUMI Seiji, ABE Kenichi, TAKAHASHI Mao, YAMADA Shoko, SAWAMURA Nobuhide, KURODA Kazuo, KUWANA Megumi

     View Summary

    In the post-conflict countries, nation building starts with international support. During the post-conflict situation, the educational reconstruction is one of the most important issues. However educational reconstruction would be started with big shortage of school building teachers, textbooks and others, the huge number of the children came to the school (it is the refugee effect named by UTSUMI). The education reconstruction is the most impotent not only for the nation, but also for the families. As almost all families had been lived in the refugee situation, they understand the impotence of the education for the future of their children and family. They could not come back their original village and make the community without a school, a health-post and other basic infrastructure. Therefore, the community participation for the development is not appropriate the post-conflict situation. It is needed the development include education by the nation or international society.

  • Research on "Regional" of education in developing countries-A challenge for theorization of international policy framework-

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :



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    The main finding of this research is the growing importance of regional level governance of education, in which policy decision was traditionally made only in the national level, reflecting rapid political, economic, and social globalization. This research provided some implications for the actual practice and policy processes of international exchange, cooperation and linkage of education in Japan and Asian regional community through various settings of international conferences and publications.

  • Studies of East Asian Community with Reference to the Legacy of Empires

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    UMEMORI Naoyuki, MOURI Kazuko, WAKATABE Masazumi, MOTONO Eiichi, NAGAYO Susumu, OKAMOTO Koichi, KUDO Motoo, RI Sonshi, AMAKO Satoshi, TSUBOI Yoshiharu, FUKAGAWA Yukiko, RYU Ketsu, SHINODA Toru, OBIBATA Sumio, ANZAI Kunio, GOTO Kenichi, KURODA Kazuo, SONODA Shigeto, HIRANO Keniciro

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    Our project has contributed to scholarly investigations on East Asian Community in terms of the collection of historical materials on "Asianism" in postwar Japan, the promotion of mutual historical understandings between Japan and Korea, and the development of new methodologies for Asian Studies. The Construction of the database of Japan Socialist Party documents, the publication of three volume bulletins on "Historical Recognition in Japan and Korea," and three volume book series "Ajiagaku no susume (Introduction to Asian Studies)" are the examples of our accomplishments.

  • Political and Economic Inquiry of International Aid, Exchange and Linkage of Education-Constructing "International Policy Studies of Education"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    KURODA Kazuo, KATSUMA Yasushi, OKADA Aya, KITAMURA Yuto, SAWADA Yasuyuki, YAMADA Shiko, YONEZAWA Akiyoshi, HAMANO Takashi, OGAWA Keiichi, SAWAMURA Nobuhide, SUGIMURA Miki, YOSHIDA Kazuhiro, SUZUKI Takako

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    The main finding of this research is the growing importance of global and regional level governance of education, in which policy decision was traditionally made only in the national level, reflecting rapid political, economic, and social globalization. This research provided some implications for the actual practice and policy processes of international exchange, cooperation and linkage of education in Japan and the international society through various settings of international conferences and publications.

  • Develop Elementary and Secondary Teacher Training Towards Inclusive Education in Sri Lanka

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    FURUTA Hiroko, KUWAHATA Misako, KURODA Kazuo, SAITO Fukumi, MATSUMOTO Narumi, WATANBE Minoru, SUGIYAMA Teruko, NAKAZONO Yuko, DR Prasad Sethunga, W.V Singhanata, SHANTY Dawson, ANOMA Alwis, D.K.D Rathnawathi, NANDANIE De Silva

  • アフリカ地域の社会と教育に関する比較研究-フィールドワークによる新たな展開-

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


    澤村 信英, 馬場 卓也, 黒田 則博, 山田 肖子, 内海 成治, 小松 太郎, 小川 啓一, 黒田 一雄, 北村 友人

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  • ミレニアム開発目標とインドシナ諸国における基礎教育開発の現状分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    小川 啓一, 廣里 恭史, 黒田 一雄

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  • The Political Economy of Education Reforms and Capacity Development in Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    KITAMURA Yuto, OKADA Aya, NAKAI Toshiki, OGAWA Keiichi, KURODA Kazuo, SUZUKI Takako

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    Provided that an ultimate vision of educational development and cooperation in the 21st century would be to develop indigenous capacity in engineering education reforms, this research analyzes the overall education reform context and capacity, including the status of sector program support using sector-wide approach (SWAp) /program-based approach (PBA) in developing countries. The research also addresses how different stakeholders have been interacting in order to promote equitable access to quality education, particularly from the perspectives of capacity development under the system of decentralization. Based on analysis of the global trends of educational development and cooperation, the research proposes an Integrated Framework of international cooperation to education in developing countries. It is expected that by applying this model to assess current conditions of international cooperation to basic education in developing countries, donor countries and international agencies could clarify their roles in the process of promoting education reforms and enhance their aid effectiveness.
    Furthermore, the research includes preliminary case analyses of those less developed countries in Southeast Asia, especially Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam, which are preparing or receiving sector program support using country-specific forms of SWAp/PBA. Country cases briefly examine how the stakeholders in political arenas of each country have been interacting in the process of promoting education reforms focusing on basic education.
    Both the conceptual and analytical framework and the country case analyses are intended to help developing countries simultaneously meet twin challenges of ensuring equitable access to quality basic education and of developing competitive workforces by renovating technical and vocational education and training, and higher education, in an era of globalization

  • Studies on Passihle SelfReliant Development of Education in Africa

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    KURODA Norihiro, NAGAO Masafumi, SAWAMURA Nobuhide, HAMANO Takashi, KURODA Kazuo, YOSHIDA Kazuhiro

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    The studies conducted under this research project were intended to explore possibilities of self-reliant and spontaneous educational development in Africa, and thus the project was designed and implemented with close collaboration with African researchers on educational development in view of taking full care of their research interests and ideas about real educational issues in Africa. In order to explore another possibility of utilizing Asian self-help approaches for educational development in Africa, Asian researchers also took part in this research undertaking. Further this project tried to show a model that universities could make contribution to educational development in Africa and desert the model in detail The following me the results of the project.
    # Practically oriented developmental studies on issues of education development in Africa: improving quality of education through school/class room level endeavor (5 studies), ii) analysis of factors influencing quality of education (3 studies), iii) teacher training and quality of teachers (3 studies), iv) meeting the needs of vulnerable children (1 study), and v) other issues (2 studies)
    # Examples of education reforms at school level (5 examples): 2 from Africa, 3 from Asia (including 1 from Japan) and 1 from Latin America
    # Experiences of educational development in Asia (5 examples): India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Vietnam
    # Roles of university in educational development (3 studies) This research project could further be developed and made more academically as well as practically attractive by introducing comparative studies on common educational issues in Africa and Asia.

  • 発展途上国に対する国際教育協力政策・戦略の分析フレームワークに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(A)

    Project Year :


    黒田 一雄

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    (3)中国における2nd Worldwide Forum for Comparative Education(北京師範大学)での国際教育協力に関する研究発表と中国の国際教育協力動向に関する調査。

  • Comparative Study concerning methods of International Cooperation for Basic Education in South-east Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    SATO Mariko, MURATA Yokuo, UTSUMI Seiji, NISHINO Setuo, KURODA Kazuo, NAKATA Hideo

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    This study focuses on international cooperation for basic education in South Asia. Among South Asia countries, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka are the subject of field study. The six countries are categorized into three; the first the countries where the universalization of primary education is not attained : Laos and Cambodia, the second the countries where the universalization of lower secondary education is on the process : Thailand and Indonesia, and finally the countries whose main policy theme is the quality of basic education : Philippines and Sri Lanka.
    The field study is conducted on the focus with status quo of basic education and innovative programs which are utilized for international cooperation programs. As the result, in Cambodia and Laos, the quantitative aspect of basic education is still problem. The lack and low quality of school facilities are pointed out. As the solution of this problems, these countries adopt the cluster school system which consists of one core school and five or six satellite schools. In Indonesia and Thailand, the policies and programs are provided in order to improvement of not only quantitative aspect but also quality aspects of lower secondary education. The main strategies are involvement of community, parents, and so forth. In the Philippines and Sri Lanka, in order to improve quality of basic education, the main policies and programs are pre-and in-service training of teachers.
    As result of overview of field studies, international cooperation for basic education should be provided in accordance with the degree of promotion of basic education among countries.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    SAWAMURA Nobuhide, NAGAO Masafumi, KURODA Norihiro, UTSUMI Seiji, OTSU Kazuko, MUTA Hiromitsu

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    The purpose of this study is to explore unique approaches and perspectives of Japan's international education cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa by comparing the roles of international development cooperation with the procedures of educational development including educational reforms. There have been tensions between the reality of international assistance and the idea of self-help in development. There are two main areas of research : (1)the studies on supporting self-help efforts in development assistance, which is one of Japan's philosophies of international cooperation, and (2)the studies on exploring fresh perspectives of educational issues based on case studies carried out at the school and household levels. There are also two approaches in terms of research methods : One is extensive field work at schools and their surrounding areas, and the other is a literature review in combination with intensive interviews along with practical experience. There are some major findings, which have been obtained from the critical analysis on the concept of self-help efforts and the idea of sustainable development and also from the exploration of the real value of primary schooling in the traditional societal settings.

  • 東南アジア諸国における高等教育改革の国際的相互作用に関する比較研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    黒田 一雄, 澤村 信英, 米澤 彰純

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  • Basic Education in Developing Countries from Gender Perspectives

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    OTSU Kazuko, EHARA Hiromi, UTSUMI Seiji, SATO Hisako, KURODA Kazuo, OKADA Aya

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    This research is based on the results of "A Comprehensive research on Girls' Education and Social and Economic Development in Developing Countries" (grant-in-aid 1999-2000). In that research we proposed a theoretical framework for girls' education and development in developing countries, then discussed international cooperation in education.
    Based on that research, this research focused upon basic education in developing countries from gender perspectives. We analyzed the educational policies by the government, international organizations or NGOs to promote girls' education : and how the policies have been implemented.
    This research cover Cambodia, China, Viet Nam, Indonesia and Bangladesh in Asia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Uganda in Africa, and Brazil, Ecuador and Guatemala in Latin America. An analysis of fiscal commitment by governments in developing countries in the world and a proposal to apply some experience in Japan to developing countries are also included. We have found various success and difficulties in promoting girls' education in developing countries.
    Gender issues are still remained not only in developing countries but in many developed countries. In order to promote gender equity in the world, we could learn a lot from gender sensitive policies in developing countries.
    Nowadays, the Japanese government has stressed the significance of educational cooperation and tried to implement new strategies in some developing countries We hope this research could contribute to international cooperation in education.

  • アフリカ諸国における教育の発展と国際協力の役割に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    澤村 信英, 黒田 一雄

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  • Comparative Study on Educational Assistance Policies and Practices in Selected European Countries and US to Developing Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    KURODA Kazuo, SAWAMURA Nobuhide, NAGAO Masafumi, NINOMIYA Akira, HOTTA Taiji

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    This research project has first tried to capture philosophies and policies of educational assistance to developing countries in seven European countries and US as well as two international organizations (WB and EU), and also highlight their implementation mechanisms and practices (fifteen reports and two references (translations)). An attempt has also been made to follow the trends of thoughts on international development assistance (one report) as well as grasp characteristics of Japanese international cooperation in education (three reports).
    Regarding international aid policies, it is now clear that understanding and consensus of people in a donor country are becoming increasingly important on rationales of international aid, while a variety of justifications have been advocated ranging from a universal value of "international solidarity" (Nordic countries) to a more national interest oriented justification such as international influence (France) and part of an international policy strategy (US). It is tr***at since the "Education for All" conference in 1990, most of the donor countries have put more emphasis on education, particularly basic education in official statements, but generally no significant increase has been observed in financial allocations to this area. Concerning aid practices, it is interesting to note that while such donor countries as UK and Nordic countries have stressed the importance of donor coordination by introducing the so called sector wide approach, big donor countries including US, France and Germany do not seem to be interested in this exercise. There has been a clear tendency in aid modality that more and more local expertise has been utilized rather than sending experts from donor countries.

  • Qualitative issues in the spread of basic education in developing countries and the requirements for international assistance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    NAGAO Masafumi, SAWAMURA Nobuhide, KURODA Norihiro, NINOMIYA Akira, SUMIDA Manabu, KURODA Kazuo

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    This research project was carried out over three years as part of the initial program research of the Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education (CICE), Hiroshima University. In the first year, it focused on construction of a framework for analyzing the process of basic education diffusion mainly through literature survey. In the second year, case studies were carried out in South Asian and African countries in cooperation with the research institutes in these countries and an investigative study was conducted through discussion with NGOs on the role of these organizations in the diffusion of basic education. In the third and final year, the study focused on the consideration of policy aspects, and the results of the research were compiled into a report and reported at international meetings.
    The initial survey of basic education diffusion process in Asia focused on selected Southeast Asian countries, such as Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand. The case studies conducted analyzed the factors that influenced the two principal policy concerns underlying this process - namely, access and quality.
    One characteristic feature of the basic education diffusion process in Japan and other East Asian countries has been the emphasis placed on mathematics and science education. The research conducted combined surveys of issues in mathematics and science education in Africa and Asia with country case studies geared to the analysis of selected issues. The results of this research were compiled into a set of 12 papers, including the analysis of experiences in Japan, Philippines, India, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and Chile. They formed the basis for discussions at international seminars and meetings. The compilation is being developed further for possible publication for wider circulation. Part of the results of this research was also used in the training assistance the Japan International Cooperation Agency is carrying out in African countries, such as South Africa.
    The research also introduced a separate focus on the role of NGOs in Japan and other developed countries in the international cooperation for the diffusion of basic education in developing countries. CICE formed a research-oriented network with around 30 Japanese NGOs engaged in educational cooperation and studied the practical problems involved in making this cooperation more effective. The results of this research were shared with NGOs in roundtable discussions and international meetings.

  • Comparative Study of Effective Utilization of Resources of Universities for International Cooperation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    NINOMIYA Akira, SAWANO Yukiko, MUTA Hiromitsu, KURODA Norihiro, KURODA Kazuo, EHARA Hiromi

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    Privatization of universities has been main topic in the reform of higher education system in various countries. This research project is conducted to investigate the way to utilize knowledge and resources of processors in its society, especially in international cooperation.
    On the final year, the research was focused on pointing out the state of affairs and problems of international cooperation (educational cooperation) in USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Scandinavian countries and at the World Bank. Then, clarify the fact such as utilization of the resources in the universities, its participation for international cooperation (educational cooperation) and its system of consultancy, and finally examine the way to utilize the resources of universities.
    The final report on this project is published.

  • Comparative Study on Aid and Education in African Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    SAWAMURA Nobuhide, HOTTA Taiji, KURODA Kazuo, NAGAO Masafumi, OTSU Kazuo, UTSUMI Seiji

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the current situation of education in Sub-Saharan African countries and their education policy, and to explore the characteristics of Japan's educational cooperation in comparison with the activities of other donor countries and agencies. This study also intends to contribute to international development cooperation from academic viewpoints by strengthening and promoting practical research and development. These pieces of research have provided systematic analysis of realities in African education and presented the implications for Japan's international cooperation models in education and development. This extensive research has certainly contributed to policy and project formulation in development aid agencies as well as to the qualitative and quantitative expansion of academic research in this field. Moreover, international exchange and cooperation in Japan would be further promoted by sharing the outcomes and procedures of the study with those concerned in both African and donor countries.
    The final report of the study comprises more than fifty articles and research notes, some of which have been published in the Journal of International Cooperation in Education issued by the Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education, Hiroshima University. They can be divided into four categories as follows :
    1. Review of education and development in Africa,
    2. Aid policy and practice of other donor countries in education and development towards Africa,
    3. Implications of Japan's international cooperation in education to Africa, and
    4. Country-specific studies in education, development and international cooperation.

  • Studies on Girls' Education in Developing Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A).

    Project Year :


    SATO Hisako, OKADA Aya, EHARA Hiromi, UTUMI Seiji, OBAYASHI Masaaki, KURODA Kazuo

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    The importance of women's education for the social and economic development of the Third World countries has been emphasized, especially in recent years, by international and national organizations, and researchers in the fields of education and development. Recent research suggests that the economic and social returns to education for women are substantial and on the whole probably greater than those for men. However, women's educational levels are lower than men's in most societies all over the world. Most educational decision makers share the belief on ethical grounds that this educational gender gap should be eliminated. The strength of this equity argument aside, many studies of this research project have pointed out the importance of women's education for socioeconomic development.
    Another main finding of this research project is that status of girls' education reflects gender situation of the society because the development of girls' education depends on cultural situation of each ethnic group and each region. And that even in a country, where the gender gap in educational enrolment is small, there exist serious qualitative problems surrounding education for girls and women compared to boys' and men's.

  • 発展途上国における女子教育の社会経済的影響とその振興に関する統計的実証研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    黒田 一雄

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  • Presentations at Academic Conferences

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    Presentations at Academic Conferences

    Kazuo Kuroda, “Disabilities and Inclusive Education in the Context of SDGs” May 22nd, 2019 XVII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies “The Future of Education” Cancun, 2019

    Kazuo Kuroda, “Inclusive Education as a Quality Strategy for Achieving SDGs Goal 4” August 7th, 2019, World Education Research Association Focal Meeting10th Anniversary, Gakushuin University, Tokyo

    Kazuo Kuroda “Globalization and the Development of Global Governance of Education - A Typology of Approaches” April 18th, 2019, The 63rd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), San Francisco, USA

    Kazuo Kuroda “Cross-border Collaborative Degree Programs in Asia- Implications from JICA RI conducted survey for 1000 programs”
    Mar. 28th 2019 Session organized by UMAP (University Mobility in Asia Pacific), APAIE (Asia Pacific Association for International Education) Annual Conference and Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur

    "Global Governance of Inclusive Education: Background of JICA RI Study"
    Mar. 8, 2018 JICA Panel on Disability and Inclusive Education in Asian Developing Countries at the 62nd Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference (Mexico City)

    "Global Governance of Inclusive Education: A Case of Cambodia"
    Dec. 11-12, 2017 JICA Panel on Disability and Inclusive Education in Developing Countries at World Congress on Special Needs Education (University of Cambridge, UK)

    "Global Governance of Inclusive Education as Quality Strategy"
    Mar. 8, 2017 JICA Panel on Disability and Inclusive Education in Developing Countries at the 61st Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference (Atlanta)

    "Disability and Inclusive Education in Mongolia"
    Mar. 7, 2016 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Vancouver)

    "Exploring Long-term Impact of Study Abroad and Fostering a Global Minded Workforce"
    2016年3月2日 Asia Pacific Association for International Education Annual Conference (Melbourne)

    "Japan’s Educational Cooperation Policies and its Implications for a Post-2015 World" (With Dr. Hayashi Makiko)
    2016年1月25日 Comparative Education Society of Asia (De Lasalle University, Manila)



    "Disability and Inclusive Education for the Post-2015 Agenda Setting"
    2015年3月12日 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Washington DC)

    "Equity, Quality and Policy Process: How to Monitor the Post 2015 Education Framework? "
    2015年3月10 日 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Washington DC)

    黒田一雄 「困難な状況にある子どもの教育-インクルーシブ教育の課題と可能性」

    "The Institutional Prospects of Cross-Border Higher Education for East Asian Regional Integration: An Analysis of the JICA Survey of Leading Universities in East Asia"

    "Perception Gap in Inclusive Education and Special Education -Focusing on pupils with disability in Malawi- " (with Jun Kawaguchi)
    2012年7月 Africa-Asia Educational Collaborative Research Symposium (早稲田大学) organized by Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development

    “Cross-border higher education for regional integration: Analysis of the JICA-RI survey for leading universities in East Asia. “ (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang)
    2011年5月 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Montreal)

    “Modeling Cross-border Higher Education in East Asia” (with Yuki Takako)
    2010年12月International Higher Education Forum 2010 (上智大学)

    “Cross-border Higher Education for Regional Integration: Analysis of the JICA Survey for Leading Universities in East Asia” (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang)
    2010年12月国際開発学会第21回全国大会 (早稲田大学)

    “Political and Economic Implications of Cross-Border Higher Education in the Context of Asian Regional Integration” (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang)

    “Development Studies and Comparative Education: Contrasting characteristics among articles on education in developing countries appeared in various academic journals “ (with Jun Kawaguchi)
    2010 年6月 World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (Istanbul)

    “Political and Economic Implications of Cross-Border Higher Education in the Context of Asian Regional Integration” (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang)
    2010 年6月 World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (Istanbul)

    “Cross-border Higher Education in East Asia; Empirical Analysis of Asian Leading Universities and International Collaborative Degree Programs” (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang)
    2010年3月 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Chicago)

    “Transnational Education in the Context of Asian Regional Integration” (with David Passarelli)
    2009年9月 10th UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development


    “Searching for new Asian regional frameworks in higher education – issues and prospects”
    2009年3月Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Charleston)

    “Integrating Asia through International Higher Education - Concepts and Prospects”
    2008年10月 3rd Worldwide Forum for Comparative Education (Beijing Normal University)

    2008年7月 早稲田大学グローバルCOE「アジア地域統合のための世界的人材育成拠点」共同研究大会

    2008年6月 日本比較教育学会第44回全国大会(東北大学)

    “International Cooperation and Waseda University: Recent Development and Future Prospects”
    Paper presented at UNIVERSITAS 21 Workshop on MDGs (University College Dublin) 2008.5

    2008年4月 第一回アフリカ教育研究フォーラム(広島大学)

    “Evaluating Japanese Educational Cooperation: Implications for international policy discussions in 2008“
    2008年3月Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (New York)

    “Trends of International Higher Education in Asia - What can we achieve through transnational education within Asia?”
    2008年3月Asia Pacific Association for International Education Annual Conference

    2008年1月早稲田大学グローバルCOEプログラム「アジア地域統合のための世界的人材育成拠点」早稲田大学国際部共催 アジア国際高等教育シンポジウム


    “International Student Mobility for the Formation of an East Asian Community“
    2007年3月Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Baltimore)

    “International Student Mobility and an East Asian Community“
    2007年1月 Comparative Education Society of Asia Biennial Conference (University of Hong Kong)




    “Strategies for Promoting Virtual Higher Education: General Considerations on Africa and Asia”
    2005年8月 2nd Worldwide Comparative Education Forum (北京師範大学)

    2005年6月 日本比較教育学会第41回大会(日本大学)ラウンドテーブルにて発表

    “The Politics of BEGIN: Developments and New Directions of Japanese Educational Aid Policy”
    2003年9月 Oxford International Conference on Education and Development

    “Formulating Japan’s Policies for International Cooperation for Education”
    2003年3月 Comparative and International Education Society (New Orleans)

    2002年7月 日本比較教育学会(九州大学)

    2001年12月 第5回国際教育協力フォーラム

    “Educational Productivity Research in the Contexts of Developed and Developing Countries”
    2001年9月Comparative Education Society of Asia Conference(Taipei Normal University)

    2001年7月 日本比較教育学会第37回大会(京都大学)ラウンドテーブル「アフリカの教育と国際協力」

    2001年7月 日本比較教育学会第37回大会(京都大学)

    2000年6月 日本比較教育学会第36回大会(早稲田大学)

    2000年6月 日本比較教育学会第36回大会(早稲田大学)ラウンドテーブル組織・発表

    “Potentials of Japanese Educational Aid to Developing Countries”
    2000年3月Comparative and International Education Society (Washington, DC) シンポジア組織・発表

    “Meeting Manpower Needs: Roles of Nonformal Education in Thailand”
    1998年3月Comparative and International Education Society (Buffalo)

    “Priorities of Educational Policy for Economic Development”
    1997年3月Comparative and International Education Society Mexico City大会にて発表

    “The Impact of the Educational Gender Gap on Economic Development in Cross Section of Countries”
    1996年9月日本国際政治学会/International Studies Association 幕張合同大会にて発表

    "Statistical Analysis of Objectives of Official Development Assistance"
    1996年4月Association for Asian Studies Honolulu 大会にて発表

    "Education for Economic Development in Cross Section of Countries"
    1996年3月22nd Annual Third World Conference Chicago大会にて発表

    "Women's Education for Economic Development in Cross Section of Countries"
    1996年3月 Comparative and International Education Society Williamsburg大会にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397481

    "Financing Education for Economic Development in Cross Section of Countries"
    1995年11月Global Conference on Poverty Alleviation and Social Development (Association for the Advancement of Policy, Research and Development in the Third World主催) Las Vegas大会にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397480

    "Effective Schools Research from Japanese Perspective"
    1995年10月Comparative and International Education Society North-East/Mid-West Regional Conference (Buffalo) にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397482

    "Allocating Resources to Academic or Vocational Secondary Education for Economic Development?"
    1995年10月Comparative and International Education Society North-East/Mid-West Regional Conference (Buffalo) にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397484

    "Foreign Study for Development or Dependency of Developing Countries?"
    1995年3月American Educational Research Association San Francisco 大会にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397485

    "A Comparative Analysis of Aid Policies for Human Resource Development: United States and Japan" (with Sarah Pickert)
    1995年2月International Studies Association Chicago 大会にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397483



Teaching Experience

  • Human Development and SDGs

    Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam Japan University  


  • Introduction to Global Leadership

    Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam Japan University  


  • 人間の安全保障演習IV



  • Education in Japan

    Peking University  


  • Policy Analysis of Comparative and International Education

    Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University  


  • Educational Development in Developing Countries and International Cooperation

    Graduate School o Asia Pacific Studies  


  • International Education Policy

    The University of Tokyo  


  • 教育開発論



  • 国際教育開発論



  • 国際教育論



  • Education and International Development

    Waseda University, School of International Liberal Studies  


  • Comparative Education

    Tsuda University  


  • 国際教育開発論



  • 国際教育開発論



  • 国際教育協力論演習



  • 国際開発協力論



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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education   Director of Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • ベトナムにおける留学と知識外交に関する研究


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  • ポスト2030の教育グローバルガバナンスに関する国際共同研究


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    従来、教育は国民国家の枠組みで、そのあり方が議論され、政策が形成され、実践がなされてきた。しかし、社会経済のグローバリゼーションは、教育のあり方や教育政策の展開にグローバルな変容を迫っている。国際社会においては、2015年に策定されたSDGs第4目標「質の高い教育」7ターゲットとその政策指標のように、教育分野におけるグローバルガバナンスの枠組みを形成し「グローバル教育政策」を策定しようとする動きがある。しかし、従来の教育政策研究はナショナルレベルの分析が中心であり、国際開放体系下の政策枠組みを意識した研究の蓄積は乏しく、教育のグローバルガバナンス形成に向けての構造的な課題となっている。本研究は「国際的教育諸課題を国際社会がいかに解決し方向づけていくのか」に答える学知を国際共同研究によって生み出すことによって、2025年から2030年にかけて活発化することが予想されるポスト2030・ポストSDGsへの国際的教育政策議論に準備・貢献することを目的に実施された。本年度においては、ユネスコアジア地域局(バンコク)、ユネスコパリ本部、Global Partnership for Educationパリ本部での聞き取り調査を行った。

  • 東南アジアにおける高等教育国際化の開発インパクトに関する研究


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  • ベトナムにおける海外留学の外交・開発へのインパクト


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  • アジアの教育モデルに関する包括的研究


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         本研究は、このように国際的な「協力」と「競争」の中にあるアジアの教育に関して、その特徴と課題を、初等中等教育における読解力や数学能力などの認知的学力形成に加えて、21世紀に益々重要性を増しつつあるコミュニケーション能力・問題解決能力といった非認知的学力や、高等教育にまで対象を広げて、明らかにすることにより、欧米を中心に発展してきた教育学の学問体系に挑戦するとともに、アジアから世界の教育・学習の高度化に貢献することを目的とする。(1)&nbsp;&nbsp;2020年8月5日に日本比較教育学会・ユネスコアジア太平洋教育事務局と協力し、JCES Online Seminar on Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Region&nbsp;を開催した。(2)&nbsp;&nbsp;2020年12月2日にユネスコアジア太平洋教育事務局・東京大学などと協力し、Webinar Series 2020 Transforming Education in the Era of New Normal Experiences and Prospects in Asia-Pacificを開催した。(3) JICA研究所との共同により東京大学出版会から出版した『日本の国際教育協力―歴史と展望』が国際開発学会特別賞を受賞した。

  • 現代アジア教育学の創生と挑戦


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    2020年8月5日に日本比較教育学会・ユネスコアジア太平洋教育事務局と協力し、JCES Online Seminar on Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Region を開催した。2020年12月2日にユネスコアジア太平洋教育事務局・東京大学などと協力し、Webinar Series 2020Transforming Education in the Era of New Normal Experiences and Prospects inAsia-Pacificを開催した。(3) JICA研究所との共同により東京大学出版会から出版した『日本の国際教育協力―歴史と展望』が国際開発学会特別賞を受賞した。

  • 発展途上国における留学の開発・外交へのインパクト研究


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  • 教育のグローバルガバナンスの歴史的展開


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  • ラオスにおけるインクルーシブ教育政策の展開とその応用


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    本研究では、途上国における障がい児教育に焦点を当て、より質の高い教育の在り方を再検討するものである。研究結果を基に、実証研究の蓄積が遅れている本分野における学術界への貢献と合わせて、ポスト2015に向けた日本の新教育協力戦略に対する有益な示唆を導出することを目的とする。  プロジェクトの実施に当たっては、当初はラオスを想定していたが、現地での協力の得にくさなどから、カンボジアにフィールドを変えて、教育省やJICA研究所の協力を得ながら、聞き取り調査を行った。 本研究の成果は、ユネスコ、世界銀行、北米比較国際教育学会、カンボジア教育省と政策セミナーなどで発表された。また、論文としては、JICA研究所から発行された。

  • 「グローバルイシューとしての教育」の誕生と形成


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  • 発展途上最貧国の障害児教育におけるインクルーシブ教育理念を組み入れた教員養成


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  • 発展途上最貧国の障害児教育における「インクルージョン」の受容と実践への挑戦


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  • 発展途上最貧国の障害児教育におけるインクルーシブ教育理念を組み入れた教員養成


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  • 途上国におけるインクルージョンを目指す障害児教育の教員養成


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     本研究では、インクルーシブ教育をめぐるグローバルガバナンスの形成過程を歴史的に見ながら、その理念的相克を指摘し、あわせてグローバルガバナンスの課題を検討した。この論考を経て、最後にインクルーシブ教育というグローバルガバナンスのあるべき方向性を考察した。まず、インクルーシブ教育が金科玉条のようなイデオロギーとしてではなく、ローカルにおける社会的文化的伝統や教育観、障害種別の事情、個々の親の意志等に対して、十分な柔軟性をもつ政策理念として、各国政策に受け入れられることが重要である。従来、政治的・人権アプローチを主体とする国際的な宣言や条約採択による規範の提示をもって形成されたグローバルガバナンスに対し、教育・機能的アプローチのグローバルガバナンスを進展させる必要がある。それは、例えば、インクルーシブ教育の学習成果への教育的効果や費用対効果の高さを実証し、政策決定者に提示することや、成果をあげるための政策過程を仔細に検討し、ケースバイケースのグッドプラクティスを積み上げることであろう。規範を提示するだけではなく、ローカルに適合したインクルーシブ教育の導入をする努力を進めることで、現場への定着はより確実なものになっていくであろう。 インクルーシブ教育と特殊教育との関係性の作り方にも同じことが言える。この2通りの教育の在り方を二律背反的な対立するものとして捉えるのではなく、特殊教育で培われた人材や知見を、インクルージョンを達成するために活用するようなアプローチをとることが、インクルーシブ教育の政策的実現性を高めることにつながる。さらに、インクルーシブ教育を単独の目的としたグローバルガバナンスとして展開するのではなく、他のグローバルなフレームワークの形成と融合させ、その考え方を反映させることができるかが問われている。その意味では、2015年以降の開発フレームワークやSDGsの政策目標の設定に、インクルーシブ教育の理念をいかに導入することができるか、そのために単純でありながら要点を得た指標を専門家が国際社会に提示できるか、各国においてインクルーシブ教育に関する正確な情報把握のための教育運営情報システム(EMIS)が整備されているかが重要になる。また、ポスト2015年のフレームワークだけではなく、先進国の教育政策に強い影響力を持ちつつある、PISA等の国際的学力調査や21世紀型スキルに関する国際的議論に、グローバル化する社会における多様性に向き合い、多様性を前向きに捉える教育の在り方として、インクルーシブ教育の可能性をうったえていく必要がある。教育の目的を問い直し、教育の質の向上に資する教育理念としてのインクルーシブ教育のグローバルガバナンスをいかに形成していくかが、問われている。

  • ASEAN域内の留学生政策の動向と課題―シンガポール、タイ、マレーシアを中心に―


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    留学生交流に関する最も代表的な政策理念は、国際理解・異文化間理解を通じた平和の達成を目指す考え方であろう(江淵 1997)。国際的な教育活動を国際理解や平和と結ぶ考え方は、第一次世界大戦後に広がり、第二次世界大戦後、一般化した。ユネスコは、1945年に採択されたその憲章前文にあるように、「戦争は人の心の中で生まれるものであるから、人の心の中に平和の砦を築かなければならない」という考え方を基として成立した国際機関であるが、この考え方は、ユネスコの推進する国際的な教育活動、国際的な教育枠組みの策定の過程でも最も基本的な指針とされてきた。ヨーロッパの地域的な国際高等教育連携の形成過程においても、その目的としてヨーロッパ市民意識の喚起と加盟国間の相互理解・信頼醸成が、重要な目標として位置づけられている。ヨーロッパにおける国際高等教育連携は、中世ヨーロッパの知的共同体への単なる回帰ではなく、近代において様々な戦争を経験したこの地域の人々が「ヨーロッパ市民という意識(concept of a People's Europe)」を築いていくためのプロセスとして認識されている(European Commission 1989)。理論的にも、新機能主義の立場から、域内の機能的な協力が進展すれば政治的にもあふれ出て(Spill over)平和の実現が達成されるという考え方(Haas 1958)や、機能的な協力の深化は、人の価値観を収斂させることを通じて地域統合と平和の達成に貢献するという多元的安全保障共同体論の立場(Deutsch 1957)が、ヨーロッパにおける地域的国際高等教育連携の理論的支柱となってきた。しかし、この考え方をASEANの留学生交流にそのまま当てはめて考えることはできない。現在のASEANを見てみると、必ずしも人々の価値観や政治システムの統合は見られないが、主権尊重や対外不可侵・紛争の平和的解決などがその国際交渉の場で繰り返し主張され合意される中で、価値観自体ではなく、枠組み内の関係性に関する規範的な部分のみでの合意と統合が実現し(これを「ASEAN Way」と呼ぶ)、域内の平和を保っているという新たな見方が、学界から提示され、新たな多元的安全保障共同体論として、広く学界に受け入れられた(Acharya 2001)。ASEANには様々な歴史的・政治的・文化的な紛争の火種が存在する。ASEANの留学生交流にも、このような平和の達成への志向性が求められる。その際、人々の価値を収斂させるという可能性のみならず、異なったシステムがモザイクの接合点を探るように、争いの平和的解決、対話の習慣、同化ではない他者理解といった基本的な原則を推進するような国際高等教育連携のあり方が望まれる。ASEANの留学生交流は、このような理念をもってこそ、この地域の平和の達成に貢献できるだろう。

  • 途上国におけるインクルージョンを目指す障害時教育の教員養成-マラウィを事例として


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    本課題研究においては、養護学校や特殊学級という従来型の障害児教育があまり発展していないマラウィを事例として、関連調査を実施しました。マラウィは東南部アフリカに位置し、途上国の中でも最貧国に属しています。現地調査においては、以下の2点を主な研究目的に据え、15日間に渡る調査を実施しました。1点目は「教員養成の現状把握(初等・中等及び障害児教育)」です。そして2点目は「インクルーシブ教育を組みこんだ初等教員養成モデル案の検討」です。まず、1点目の教員養成機関における実態調査においては、教育省、教育研究所、モントフォートカレッジ(マラウィで唯一の障害児教育専門の教員養成大学)、リロングウェ初等教員養成大学、ドマシ中等教員養成大学の5機関を訪問し、調査を実施しました。関連資料の収集により、教員養成カリキュラムや入学要件、現職教員研修の目標と方法を確認しました。また、教育省でのインタビュー調査により、現在、マラウィではインクルーシブ教育を志向し、当該政策の導入に向けた教員養成政策を立案している事が判明しました。しかしながら、マラウィにおいては初等教員養成機関が5校、中等教員養成機関が1校のみと養成機関が限定されているため、教員養成大学でのPre-service trainingと同時並行で、現職教員研修を実施し、インクルーシブ教育を広めていく計画との事でした。尚、マラウィでは初等教育が無償化され、一般教員不足も深刻化している状況(教員数対児童数:87対1)が判明しました。2点目の初等教員養成モデルの検討においては、上記の通りインクルーシブ教育を志向し、Pre-service trainingとIn-service trainingを同時並行で実施していく教員養成政策が計画されている事が判明しました。本計画では3年程で全ての教員に「インクルーシブ教育の理念と教育方法を修得させる」という理想的ものでした。しかしながら一方で、一般学校での調査(授業観察、インタビュー)結果を分析した所、マラウィで上記の教員養成政策を実施し、インクルーシブ教育を導入するには、時期尚早であるという結論が析出されました。時期尚早であると判断した理由は、以下の3点が挙げられます。1点目は「慢性的な財政不足」です。現在の教員給与でさえ十分に支払えない程、マラウィ政府は極度な財政不足にあります。そのため、教育省で計画しているインクルーシブ教育を推進するための教員養成政策や教具の購入に必要な新規の財政をどこから捻出するのか、という問題があります。また、マラウィ政府が理想としているインクルーシブ教育を導入するためには、十分な教員数と潤沢な補助機材、教具が必要とされています。そのため、当該教育を導入し、継続的に実施していくには、財政的に大きな困難が伴うであろう事が伺えました。つまり、現状では、実際の学校での状況と教育省の理想の間に大きな乖離がある事が判明しました。2点目は「教員を取り巻く環境の劣悪さ」です。特に初等教員の労働環境は劣悪で、初等教員の離職率は近年上昇し続けている事が判明しました。その上、さらにインクルーシブ教育を何の財政支援も見込めない状態で導入したとしても、教室の中ではインクルーシブ教育ではなく、統合教育(Integrated Education)になると予測されます。そして、3点目には上述の通り、教員養成大学のリソース不足が挙げられます。以上、本調査を実施した結果、全ての教員を訓練して実施するインクルーシブ教育ではなく、障害児教育の訓練を受けた僅少な専門教員をモバイル教員(巡回教員)として活用した特殊学級の普及、充実がマラウィにおける現実的な政策ではないかと判断しました。尚、今般の調査を通じて関係者とのネットワークが構築出来ました。今後とも引き続き本ネットワークを充実させ、今後は細かな予算把握にも務めていきたいと考えています。また、本調査実施中にJICA(国際協力機構)より、モントフォートカレッジの関係者の照会を依頼され、実施しました。後日、担当者より、近い将来ボランティア(青年海外協力隊)を派遣する事になるとの報告を受けました。

  • 「アジア共同体」形成のための国際教育交流に関する政策研究


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    本研究は、政治経済的な側面のみ強調される「東アジア共同体」の統合の方向性に対して、東アジア地域内での留学生交流や国際教育プログラムといった教育交流・連携のあり方と地域統合における役割を探ることを目的としてきた。主な活動としては、国際協力機構研究所との共同研究事業として行っている東アジアの主要300大学に対する、国際化に関するアンケート調査の結果分析を進めた。この分析のために、トロント大学Jane Knight教授を2010年11月-2011年4月まで交換研究員として早稲田大学に迎え(国際交流基金助成)、東アジアの高等教育の地域化に関する共同研究を進めた。また、ジョージワシントン大学James Williams准教授を早稲田に招き、教育分野の国際協力に関する公開セミナーを開催した。結果、この研究の結果は国際的に知られるところとなり、アジア開発銀行、東京大学、シンガポール国立などから招聘され、このテーマに関する研究発表を行った。

  • 東南アジア諸国における高等教育分野の国際協力戦略に関する研究


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    1.研究過程本研究は東南アジア諸国の高等教育の国際戦略を題材として、①ますますグローバル化しつつある教育政策形成過程に理論的な分析枠組みを提示し、ひいては教育の国際関係に関する理論研究の基盤を形成し、②実践的にも「東アジア共同体」形成などのアジアにおける地域統合における高等教育のあり方の模索にも貢献しようとするものである。以下のような作業を行った。-アジアにおける高等教育分野の国際協力に関する先行研究のレビュー-アジアにおける留学生交流の統計的分析-国際関係論・国際教育論の文献レビューと高等教育の国際化を説明する理論的枠組みの探求-インターネットを活用したアジア主要大学国際戦略・活動の資料収集と翻訳-タイ・ベトナム・香港における大学関係者・高等教育行政官に対する聞き取り調査とユネスコアジア太平洋教育事務局における資料収集と聞き取り調査 このうち(2)留学生交流の統計的分析によって、アジアの地域統合議論の背景となっている、経済分野における東アジアの世界的プレゼンスの拡大と一体化が、留学生交流においても実証的に確認され、また(3)の文献レビューにおいても地域統合における高等教育の役割と政策理念に関する考察の枠組みを提示することができた。2.研究成果 上記のような研究過程を経て、2008年1月には、早稲田大学グローバルCOEプログラム「アジア地域統合のための世界的人材育成拠点」と早稲田大学国際部共催で、アジア国際高等教育シンポジウム「アジアの地域協力・地域統合のための国際高等教育フレームワークの構築を目指して」を本研究の代表者が企画し、その中で本研究の成果の発表を行なった。現在、本シンポジウムの成果報告書を作成中である。

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