Updated on 2024/10/24

Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
博士(文学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • 2022.09

    Waseda University   Research Institute for Letters, Arts and Scineces   Director

  • 2022.09

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Deputy Dean for International Affairs

  • 2020.09

    Waseda University   Institue for Advanced Study   Associate Director

  • 2018.04

    Kyoritsu Women's University   Faculty of Arts and Letters   Dean

  • 2013.04

    Kyoritsu Women's University   Faculty of Arts and Letters

  • 2010.04

    Kyoritsu Women's University   Faculty of Arts and Letters

  • 2008.04

    Kinjo Gakuin University   College of Humanities

  • 2006.04

    Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture   Department of International Culture

  • 2003.04

    Waseda University   School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I

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Committee Memberships

  • 2023.03

    The Buddhist Art Society  Commitee Member

  • 2022.09

    鎌倉市美術工芸品等収集選定委員会  委員

  • 2022.04

    人間文化研究機構 国文学研究資料館  運営委員

  • 2021.04

    NPO法人studioFLAT  理事

  • 2019.06

    美術史学会  常任委員

  • 2019.03

    仏教芸術学会  査読委員

  • 2018.04

    学校法人 共立女子学園  評議員

  • 2007.04

    大分市都市計画部街路建設課 戸次本町まちづくり推進協議会  協議委員

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Professional Memberships


    The Association of Buddhism Literature


    The narrative literary society











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Research Areas

  • History of arts / Japanese literature   仏教文学 / Japanese literature   中世文学 / Aesthetics and art studies / Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy and Buddhist philosophy   中世仏教史

Research Interests

  • Japanese Art History

  • Nine Stages of Decaying Corpse

  • the Illustrated Scroll of Illnesses

  • Japanese Medieval Paintings

  • The Six Realms Paintings

  • Ten Kings

  • Yamato-e

  • Illustrated Scrolls

  • Narrative Paintings

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  • 角川財団学芸賞

    2016.12   角川文化振興財団  

    Winner: 山本 聡美

  • 平成27年度(第36回)上野五月記念日本文化研究奨励賞

    2016.03   公益信託上野五月記念日本文化研究奨励基金  

    Winner: 山本 聡美

  • 芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞

    2016.03   文部科学省  

    Winner: 山本 聡美



  • 好古と美術史学―聖衆来迎寺蔵「六道絵」研究の近代


    アジア遊学   ( 285 ) 40 - 50  2023.07  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 愛執と闘諍の図像―中世文学と仏教説話画―


    中世文学   ( 68 ) 14 - 28  2023.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Kibi no Makibi’s Talents and the Sympathetic Response of Buddhas and Kami: The Structure of the Kibi daijin nittô emaki

    Yamamoto, Satomi

    Bulletin of the Graduate School of Literature of Waseda University   ( 68 ) 774 - 756  2023.03  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The Six Realms Paintings (Rokudō-e) of Shōjuraigōji and the Ritual Space for Nyohokyo Offerings: A Medieval Transformation from Enma-dō Structures to the Hanging Scroll of King Enma’s Court

    Yamamoto, Satomi

    Bijutsu Kenkyū; The Journal of Art Studies   ( 438 ) 81 - 100  2023.02  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 愛執と発心 : 朽ちてゆく死体へのまなざし (特集 身体)

    山本 聡美

    学燈   118 ( 4 ) 10 - 13  2021.12


  • Disease as a Good Friend: Buddhist art and Epidemics in Ancient Japan

    YAMAMOTO Satomi

    Journal of religious studies   95 ( 2 ) 121 - 144  2021.09

     View Summary

    Modern perspectives on disease are considered antithetical to a healthy body and there is a tendency to place value on bringing the body closer to a healthy state through medical treatment. On the other hand, in ancient and medieval Japan, a different perspective on disease existed.

    In this essay, I consider the phrase “disease is a good friend (zenchishiki 善知識, Skt: kalyāṇa-mitra)” by Eikan (1033-1111), a Jōdo (Pure Land) monk during the late Heian period. Zenchishiki refers to a method guiding religious awakening or spiritual enlightenment in Buddhism. Usually, it refers to a noble priest who is highly trained, but it is also a word that broadly refers to a person or thing that leads to enlightenment. With this as the key, this paper analyzes the motifs of disease depicted in the Miraculous Origin of Kokawadera, a legend illustrated on a twelfth-century scroll that clarifies the actual conditions that give birth to the “positive value” of zenchishiki leading to a person's awakening. I then clarify the historical background of “positive value” ascribed to disease by exploring the tradition of making Buddha statues in ancient Japan.

    DOI CiNii

  • 発心の図像 : 中世仏教説話画に描かれた病と障害

    山本 聡美

    障害史研究   2   1 - 13  2021.03  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Religion and Society in Southern Song Ningbo, as Seen in the Illustrated Manuscript of the Lotus Sutra (Miaofa lianhua jing)

    Satomi Yamamoto

    The Journal of Art Studies   430 ( 430 ) 49 - 58  2020.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The subject of the first scene of The Miraculous Interventions of Jizo Bosatsu of the Freer Gallery of Art: Jealousy and Quarreling as sins of women

    Satomi Yamamoto

    Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Waseda University   65 ( 65 ) 347 - 359  2020.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Illness as Depicted in the Illustrated Legends of Kokawa Temple

    Satomi Yamamoto

    Studies in Japanese Literature and Culture   2 ( 2 ) 29 - 44  2019.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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  • 宝蔵絵の再生―伏見宮貞成親王による「放屁合戦絵巻」転写と画中詞染筆

    山本 聡美

    説話文学研究   53 ( 53 ) 115 - 122  2018.08  [Refereed]


  • Futanari, Between and Beyond : From Male Shamans to Hermaphrodites in The Illustrated Scroll of Illnesses

    Satomi Yamamoto

    Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University   3   77 - 85  2018.03

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    In ancient and medieval Japan, female shamans had the task of divining messages from the gods. Yet there were also male shamans (otoko miko) who donned female clothing. The "Futanari" section of Yamai no sōshi (The Illustrated Scroll of Illnesses) depicts one such figure: an intersex (futanari) soothsayer. The scroll is thought to have been completed in the late twelfth century, around the zenith of Emperor Goshirakawa's cultural influence. It was Goshirakawa who compiled the collection of imayō (popular songs) entitled Ryōjin hishō (Songs to Make the Dust Dance on the Beams), which includes songs that ridicule male shamans for belonging to the marginal cultures of the eastern hinterlands and the emerging warrior class. This same mocking gaze is cast upon the intersex soothsayer by the figures in the scene and potentially by the contemporaneous reader/viewer for "Futanari." By focusing on representations of male shamans, as well as Buddhist teachings that informed the treatment of intersex figures, this essay explores the basis of the multiple meanings of "Futanari" and futanari.


  • 近世合戦図の図像学 : 大阪歴史博物館蔵「関ケ原合戦図屏風」を中心に (大会シンポジウム報告 戦国合戦図の問題系 : 関ケ原の戦いを中心に)

    山本 聡美

    軍記と語り物 : 軍記・語り物研究会機関誌   ( 54 ) 24 - 38  2018.03


  • 共立女子大学図書館所蔵絵巻の基礎的研究 : 「竹取物語絵巻」「利仁草紙」「異疾之巻物(病草紙模本)」「鳥羽絵巻物(鳥獣戯画模本)」

    山本 聡美, Satomi Yamamoto

    共立女子大学・共立女子短期大学総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science and Culture, Kyoritsu Women's University & Junior College   24   140 - 186  2018.02


  • 「粉河寺縁起絵巻」と経説

    山本 聡美

    安田政彦編『生活と文化の歴史学8 自然災害と疾病』竹林舎   8   453 - 488  2017

  • An Epoch for Pleasure : Paintings of "Fetes galantes" and of "Amusements in the Outdoors (yurakuzu)"

    Erika Peschard-Erlih, Satomi Yamamoto

    共立国際研究 : 共立女子大学国際学部紀要   31 ( 31 ) 115 - 132  2014

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    This article seeks to examine two paintings from roughly the same 18th century period and with the similar subjects of amusements or pleasures in the open air in order to compare the cultural milieu of the two great cities- Rococo Paris and earlymodern Edo- that produced them. From June through July 2012 at the Kyoritsu Women's University Hitotsubashi Campus Gallery we held an exhibit featuring the folding screen, "Pleasures under the Cherry Blossoms" (fig. I. 18th century, six-fold screen, pigments and gold on paper, Kyoritsu Women's University Collection). Included in the show were Edo period accoutrements for enjoying banquets and pastimes outside in the changing seasons. These included lacquer pieces such as a stacked food box (jubako) with gold maki-e decoration and serving vessels and cups for sake. There is a long tradition of visual representations in Japan that depict all kinds of people- especially as here nobility, samurai or wealthy urbanites- enjoying amusements, eating, and festivals out of doors. Bright, clear pigment colors, crisp outlines, realistic details to clothing and stereotyped naturalistic settings, and the generous use of gold characterize these popular screen paintings. The visual vocabulary of the seasons (such as cherry blossoms) has long been echoed in the exquisite decoration of furniture and utensils. A full size photographic reproduction of Antoine Watteau's famous "Embarkation for Cythera" (fig. 2, 1717, oil on canvas, Louvre Museum) was also displayed to give the exhibit viewers a suggestion of how in Rococo Europe a very similar theme was represented. France in the first half of the 18th century was characterized by an absolute monarchy (Louis XIV died in 1715), centralized power and wealth, and Paris where Watteau painted had become the pinnacle of Europe. The second half of the century was marked by new movements spurred by Enlightenment ideas that would result in changes in society towards modernization and even revolution that would depose the old nobility. Edo, the capital of Japan had more than a million inhabitants by the early 18th century. General peace and widespread prosperity produced a flowering of the arts especially in Edo and in part thanks to the reforms (under continuing tight and centralized control) of the Eighth Shogun, Yoshimune (r. 1716 to 1745). This article then touches on why two elites, cosmopolitan and largely urban, came to so enjoy the painting theme of amusements in the open air. In this article, it was indicated that the pictorial motif of the "Pleasures under the Cherry Blossoms" screen from the Kyoritsu Women's University collection is the pleasure district adjacent to the Sumida river. Satomi Yamamoto has been able to show that it is a combination of Yoshiwara and a cherry blossom viewing party. During the 18th century, this theme became extremely popular and a large number of screens with representations of parties under the cherry blossoms were painted. For example, there are many examples of such screens that combine images of cherry blossom viewing parties at Ueno and the river Sumida. The screen of the Kyoritsu Women's University collection is certainly one of this type and there is a high possibility that it was also painted at Edo. Then, Erika Peschard-Erlih discusses how Watteau (1684-1721) developed the "fete galante" paintings, which show beautiful aristocratic men and women of his time engaged in elegant amusements and love banter set in an outdoor scene suffused with soft glowing colors and light. These paintings became very popular and can be said to epitomize Rococo taste of the 18th century. -We would like to express our gratitude to Mrs. Peggy Kanada for her excellent English translation of this summary.


  • 経から絵巻へ : 経説絵巻の詞と絵 (十二月例会シンポジウム 〈解釈〉される経典・経文 : その動態と創造性)

    山本 聡美

    説話文学研究   48 ( 48 ) 13 - 23  2013.07


  • 経から絵巻へ-経説絵巻の詞と絵

    山本 聡美

    説話文学研究   48   10 - 21  2013

  • Food for Good or Evil : Buddhist Precepts and Food as Depicted in Medieval Japanese Paintings

    Satomi Yamamoto

    共立女子大学文芸学部紀要 = The Kyoritsu journal of arts and letters   59   1 - 14  2013.01

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  • King Enma's Court in the Six Realms Paintings of the Shojuraigoji Version : Influences from the Mandala of Yamaraja (Enma-ten Mandala)

    Satomi Yamamoto

    共立女子大学文芸学部紀要   58   1 - 18  2012.01

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  • Hierarchical hells: the composition of the six realms paintings in Shojuraigoji Temple, focusing on the four hell scrolls and King Enma's Court

    Satomi Yamamoto

    共立女子大学文芸学部紀要   57   109 - 124  2011.01

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  • Death and Disease in Medieval Japanese Painting

    Yamamoto Satomi

    Treatises and studies by the Faculty of Kinjo Gakuin College   6 ( 2 ) 81 - 96  2010


  • From the Shobo Nenjokyo sutra to Yamai no Soshi (Diseases and deformities handscroll): changes in sutra interpretation and the formation of hanging scrolls

    山本 聡美

    國華   115 ( 6 ) 3 - 15  2010.01


  • Depictions of Shobonenjokyo-sutra: Jigokuzoshi, Gakizoshi, Yamainososhi

    山本 聡美

    Kinjo studies in Japanese language, literature and culture   ( 85 ) 1 - 20  2009.03


  • A Study of the Nirvana Painting in the Kongohokai-ji Temple

    Yamamoto Satomi

    Bulletin of Oita prefectural College of Arts and Culture   45   A27 - A43  2007

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  • 南都から高野山への十一面観音来迎図像伝播について--上天野伝来『六道絵』における事例 (奈良美術研究会 発表要旨 2003〜2004年度)

    山本 聡美

    奈良美術研究   ( 2 ) 155 - 162  2005.03


  • 高野山麓天野大念仏講旧蔵「六道絵」の制作背景--南都所縁の十一面観音菩薩図像を中心として

    山本 聡美

    和歌山県立博物館研究紀要   ( 11 ) 31 - 44  2005.03


  • 聖衆来迎寺所蔵「六道絵」の修復と移動

    井上 聡美

    美術史   53 ( 2 ) 295 - 314  2004.03  [Refereed]


  • 山西省平順県大雲院弥陀殿壁画に関する考察 (特集 中国の都市と建築)

    大原 嘉豊, 川野 憲一, 井上 聡美

    佛教藝術   ( 272 ) 102 - 127,3〜8  2004.01  [Refereed]


  • A Study on Tokiwa Mitsunaga

    INOUE Satomi

      42   67 - 88  2004.01


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Books and Other Publications

  • 廃墟とイメージ―憧憬、復興、文化の生成の場としての廃墟―

    山本聡美( Part: Joint author, 「魑魅魍魎、廃墟にあらわる!」)

    神奈川県立金沢文庫  2023.09

  • 増補カラー版 九相図をよむ : 朽ちてゆく死体の美術史

    山本, 聡美( Part: Sole author)

    KADOKAWA  2023.07 ISBN: 9784044007485

  • Suwa Atsushi: Fire in the Medial Orbito-Frontal Cortex

    Atsushi Suwa( Part: Contributor, HARBIN 1945 WINTER: The Art and Literature of War)

    BIJUTSU SHUPPAN-SHA  2023.01 ISBN: 4568105536


  • 万物流転 語られるイメージと時間

    ( Part: Contributor)


  • 宗教遺産テクスト学の創成

    木俣元一, 近本謙介編( Part: Joint author, 339-353頁、「宗教遺産としての仏教説話画―聖衆来迎寺蔵「六道絵」阿修羅道幅をめぐるイメージとテクスト」)

    勉誠出版  2022.03 ISBN: 9784585310082

  • 鳥獣戯画と絵巻物 : 日本の文化を発信!

    山本, 聡美( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    あかね書房  2021.01 ISBN: 9784251045072

  • A Genealogy of Imagery in Medieval Buddhist Paintings: From Six Realms of Rebirth to Nine Stages of Decay

    YAMAMOTO Satomi( Part: Sole author)

    Yoshikawa Kobunkan  2020.02 ISBN: 9784642016636


  • 教養の日本美術史

    古田, 亮( Part: Joint author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2019.11 ISBN: 9784623085156

  • 闇の日本美術

    山本 聡美

    筑摩書房  2018 ISBN: 9784480071682

  • 自然災害と疾病

    安田, 政彦, 上杉, 和彦( Part: Joint author, 「「粉河寺縁起絵巻」と経説―描かれた罪業・病・救済―」)

    竹林舎  2017.03 ISBN: 9784902084283

  • 絵画・イメージの回廊

    出口 久徳, 小峯 和明, Hirasawa Caroline, 塩川 和広, 吉橋 さやか, 西山 美香, 山本 聡美, 阿部 龍一, 吉原 浩人, 高岸 輝, Béranger Véronique, 山口 眞琴, 金 英珠, 鈴木 彰, Kimbrough R. Keller, 伊藤 信博, 宇野 瑞木, 軍司 直子, 安原 真琴, 琴 榮辰, Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, 楊 暁捷, 川鶴 進一( Part: Joint author, 「「病草紙」における説話の領分―男巫としての二形―」)

    笠間書院  2017 ISBN: 9784305708823

  • 病草紙

    加須屋, 誠, 山本, 聡美, 高岸, 輝, 増記, 隆介, 永井, 久美子, Watanabe, Takeshi

    中央公論美術出版  2017 ISBN: 9784805507704

  • こわい絵本 : おとなと子どものファンタジー

    市河, 紀子, 柴田, こずえ( Part: Joint author, 「仏教のこわい絵本―地獄絵と九相図」)

    平凡社  2015.07 ISBN: 9784582922301

  • 『酒飯論絵巻』影印と研究 : 文化庁本・フランス国立図書館本とその周辺

    伊藤, 信博, Brisset, Claire-Akiko, 増尾, 伸一郎( Part: Joint author, 「破戒の図像 酒と飯のイコノロジー」)

    臨川書店  2015.02 ISBN: 9784653041153

  • 九相図をよむ : 朽ちてゆく死体の美術史

    山本 聡美

    KADOKAWA  2015 ISBN: 9784047035560

  • 中世絵画のマトリックス 2

    佐野 みどり, 加須屋誠, 藤原重雄 編( Part: Joint author, 361-382頁、「「伴大納言絵巻」における経説の利用―伴善男邸に描かれた破戒のモチーフ」)

    青簡舎  2014.05 ISBN: 4903996727


  • 機能論 : つくる・つかう・つたえる

    長岡龍作 編( Part: Joint author, 224-244頁、「中世絵画の生命誌―聖衆来迎寺蔵「六道絵」の制作と伝来―)

    竹林舎  2014.04 ISBN: 9784902084603

  • 地獄絵を旅する

    加須屋, 誠( Part: Joint author, 「生と死へのまなざし 餓鬼、病、死体の世界」)

    平凡社  2013.07 ISBN: 9784582945560

  • 図像解釈学 : 権力と他者

    加須屋誠( Part: Joint author, 99-113頁、「鳥羽炎魔天堂の場と造形」)

    竹林舎  2013.04 ISBN: 9784902084597

  • やまと絵 : 日本絵画の原点

    村重, 寧( Part: Joint author, 「六道の情景―「地獄草紙」「地獄草紙」「病草紙」」)

    平凡社  2012.10 ISBN: 9784582922011

  • 松井冬子画集 : 世界中の子と友達になれる

    松井, 冬子, 久木, まりも, 八柳, サエ, 坂本, 恭子( Part: Joint author)

    エディシオン・トレヴィル,河出書房新社 (発売)  2012.06 ISBN: 9784309909431

  • イメージとパトロン : 美術史を学ぶための23章

    稲本, 万里子, 池上, 英洋, 浅井, 和春( Part: Joint author, 「聖衆来迎寺蔵「六道絵」の修復とパトロネージ」)

    ブリュッケ,星雲社 (発売)  2009.06 ISBN: 9784434132964

  • 浄土の美術 : 極楽往生への願いが生んだ救いの美

    内田, 啓一( Part: Joint author, 「地蔵菩薩の救済」「浄土諸宗の成立と祖師像」)

    東京美術  2009.01 ISBN: 9784808708245

  • 九相図資料集成 : 死体の美術と文学

    山本 聡美, 西山 美香

    岩田書院  2009 ISBN: 9784872945461

  • 日本美術史の杜 : 村重寧先生星山晋也先生古稀記念論文集

    村重寧先生星山晋也先生古稀記念論文集編集委員会( Part: Joint author, 「「病草紙」の典拠─『正法念処経』身念処品と現存二十一場面との対応関係─」)

    竹林舎  2008.09 ISBN: 9784902084535

  • 宗教と現代がわかる本

    渡邊, 直樹, 小島, 伸之, 塚田, 穂高, 高橋, 典史, 相澤, 秀生, 光成, 歩, 虫賀, 幹華

    平凡社  2007.03 ISBN: 9784582702682

  • 六道絵 : 国宝

    泉 武夫, 加須屋 誠, 山本 聡美, 金井 杜道

    中央公論美術出版  2007 ISBN: 9784805505564

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  • Ruins as the Place of Awakening

    YAMAMOTO, Satomi  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • Ruins as The Place of Awakening

    Satomi Yamamoto

    JSAA-ICNTJ 2023  (University of Sydney)  JSAA

    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • 監察するほとけ―中世閻魔信仰の嚆矢としての鳥羽炎魔天堂

    山本聡美  [Invited]

    日本仏教綜合研究学会二〇二三年度例会「鳥羽院政期宗教文化の再検討」  (立正大学)  日本仏教綜合研究学会

    Presentation date: 2023.07

  • 造形語彙集としての『釈氏源流』―日本中世絵巻との接点を探る―


    説話文学会大会(六十周年記念大会)  (早稲田大学)  説話文学会

    Presentation date: 2023.07

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    シンポジウム 説話の文学・美術・宗教―『釈氏源流』を軸に

  • 中世戒律復興と東征伝絵巻

    山本聡美  [Invited]

    開山忌舎利会記念講演会  (唐招提寺)  唐招提寺、一般財団法人律宗戒学院

    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • 図像の生命誌―意味と形のあわい―



    Presentation date: 2023.03

  • 軍記と女性―建礼門院六道語りと中世合戦図

    山本聡美  [Invited]

    総合女性史学会2022年度大会 危機・ジェンダー・表象の歴史学―描く女/描かれる女― 

    Presentation date: 2023.03

  • 善知識としての災厄―仏教美術と疫病

    Yamamoto, Satomi  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • Buddhism and Court Art: The Sacred and Secular in Japanese Medieval Arts

    Yamamoto, Satomi


    Presentation date: 2022.06

  • 愛執と闘諍の図像―中世文学と仏教説話画

    Yamamoto, Satomi  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • 修羅と鎮魂の六道語り

    山本聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • 横川霊山院の六道絵―『往生要集』からの飛躍



    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • 中世六道絵における阿修羅図像の成立



    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • 愛執の図像学―中世説話画に描かれた愛と発心

    山本聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.12

  • A journey to religious awakening: illnesses and pilgrimages depicted in medieval Buddhist paintings

    Satomi Yamamoto

    Columbia University-Waseda University Symposium/Workshop in Japanese Literary and Visual Studies 

    Presentation date: 2020.02

    Event date:
  • From the realm of Demon to the realm of Asura

    Yamamoto Satomi  [Invited]

    PMJS(Premodern Japanese Studies Network) Conference,McGill University 

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • 鬼神道から阿修羅道へ―辟邪絵再考

    山本 聡美


    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • Reconsidering the Hekija e: What Becomes of the Way of the Demonic Gods

    Yamamoto Satomi  [Invited]

    Borders, Performance, and Deities (境界, 芸能、神仏) International Symposium at Columbia University 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • The Resurgence of a Picture Scroll from the Rengeō-in Treasury: Prince Sadafusa’s Copy of and Insertion of Poems within The Illustrated Scroll of the Battle of Breaking Wind

    Yamamoto Satomi  [Invited]

    Movement and Materiality in Japanese Art, The Mary Griggs Burke Center for Japanese Art, Columbia University 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 宝蔵絵の再生―伏見宮貞成親王による「放屁合戦絵巻」転写と画中詞染筆

    山本 聡美


    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 近世合戦図の図像学―大阪歴史博物館蔵「関ケ原合戦図屏風」を中心に

    山本 聡美


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 「竹取物語」の詞と絵

    山本 聡美

    日本の絵ものがたりの世界シンポジウムChester Beatty Library 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Discussant, On the Illustrated Scroll Inga gōkyō zu

    Yamamoto Satomi  [Invited]

    The Time-Capsule Prince: The Sedgwick “Shōtoku Taishi At Age Two and the Horizons of Medieval Japanese Religious Art, Harvard University 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • The End of the “Sisters’ Power”: From Male Shamans to Hermaphrodites in The Illustrated Scroll of Illnesses

    Yamamoto Satomi

    2017 Annual Conference of AAS (The Association for Asian Studies) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 日本美術史の闇と光―九相図をよむ

    山本 聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • 病草紙―内なる異界としての身体

    山本 聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 病草紙における絵画様式の再検討

    山本 聡美


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 「往生要集の美術」―九相図から読みとく源信の思想―

    山本 聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 日本美術にみる死の表現―西尾市岩瀬文庫所蔵「九相詩絵巻物」を中心に

    山本 聡美

    岩瀬文庫連続講座・第158回 史料から歴史の謎を読み解く(共催:科学研究費補助金基盤研究S、日本目録学の基盤確立と古典学研究支援ツールの拡充―天皇家・公家文庫を中心に―2015年度第1回公開講座) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Japonisme inside Japan: Transformations from Holy Relics to Visual Media: Early Modern Receptions of Medieval Buddhist Paintings

    Yamamoto Satomi  [Invited]

    A Symposium on occasion of the Exhibition “Buddhist Japonism in Europe” in The Musée d’ethnographie de Genève 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 中世絵巻に描かれた病と死

    山本 聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 醜い身体―日本中世仏教絵画における病と死

    山本 聡美

    第9回藝術学関連学会連合(公開シンポジウム 藝術の腐葉土としてのダークサイド) 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • 閻魔図像を読み解く―聖衆来迎寺蔵「六道絵」閻魔王庁幅における滅罪の思想―

    山本 聡美


    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • 《中世》とは何だろうか?~西洋と日本の中世:「貴婦人と一角獣展」をきっかけに~

    山本 聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • The Shuhanron emaki in the Collection of the Bibliothèque nationale de France: Buddhist Precepts and Food as Depicted in Medieval Japanese Paintings

    Yamamoto Satomi

    Moving Art between East Asia and the West, Institute of Art History, University of Zurich 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • The Ban Dainagon emaki as a Buddhist Parable

    Yamamoto Satomi

    2013 Annual Conference of AAS (The Association for Asian Studies) 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Food for Good or Evil? Buddhist Precepts and Food as Depicted in Medieval Japanese Handscroll Paintings

    Yamamoto Satomi  [Invited]

    The Lecture Series in The Seattle Asian Art Museum “Food and Faith in Japan” 

    Presentation date: 2012.02

  • 不浄の肉体をもつ聖女たち―小野小町から松井冬子へ

    山本 聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2012.01

  • 経から絵巻へ―経説絵巻の詞と絵

    山本 聡美


    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 経説絵巻の成立と展開

    山本 聡美  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 聖衆来迎寺蔵「六道絵」―成立/受容の場

    山本 聡美


    Presentation date: 2010.11

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Research Projects

  • Comprehensive and emergentive Genji paintings research by sharing and utilizing the Genji Culture Portal

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 法華経美術の中世的拡張―顕・密・浄土融合の造形と空間

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    山本 聡美

  • 『釈迦堂縁起』の総合的注釈研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    本井 牧子, 安藤 秀幸, 内田 澪子, 金光 桂子, 柴田 芳成, 関本 真乃, 土谷 真紀, 中川 真弓, 仁木 夏実, 山本 聡美

  • 16世紀の日本と東アジアの〈環境・景観文学〉をめぐる総合的比較研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小峯 和明, 河野 貴美子, 染谷 智幸, 山本 聡美

  • Revealing Networks of People and Knowledge: The Manuscript and Art Collections of Japan's Major Medieval Temples

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


  • Historical research of war chronicle and war painting

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


  • 経典・説話の融合と寺社縁起絵巻の生成―経説絵引の形成を通じた検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    山本 聡美

     View Summary

    ①東京・増上寺蔵『釈氏源流』、②早稲田大学図書館蔵『釈氏源流』、③滋賀県聖衆来迎寺の聖教・障壁画、④智積院蔵「一の谷合戦図屏風」、⑤仁和寺蔵「保元・平治合戦図屏風」、⑥日本大学総合学術情報センター蔵「魔仏一如絵」、⑦海の見える杜美術館「平家物語絵展」(展示調査)。以上の機会に撮影した高精細画像の整理や文字資料の翻刻を行った。これらの作品調査を通じて、高精細画像を蓄積することができた。特に平家物語絵に関連しての調査・研究成果を 2022年5月に中世文学会大会にて口頭発表(予定)、また、はつかいち文化ホールにて一般向けの講演として公開した(2022年5月4日)。
    ①2022年2月5日早稲田大学高等研究所主催「人新世と人文学」第2回セミナーをオーガナイズした。講演者:鴈野佳世子(獨協大学国際教養学部・特任准教授)、論題:「古典絵画の基盤―技法材料、流通、使用」。大学院生や一般の聴衆にも議論を開くことで、中世絵画から得られる古典知を議論し共有する場を構築することができた。②2022年3月19日仏教文学会2020年度12月例会(2022年3月に開催)シンポジウム「六道語りの中世」、発表者:山本聡美・阿部美香(昭和女子大学・講師)・阿部泰郎(龍谷大学・教授)。文学研究者と協力し、聖衆来迎寺蔵「六道絵」(13 世紀後半)の制作と使用環境を検討した。中世初頭に成立した仏教説話画に表徴された時代相を、図像分析に加え、関連する唱導資料や文学作品、作品を取り巻く人的ネットワークから検討し、特に天台座主慈円における浄土往生思想・実践と、本作との結びつきを明らかにすることができた。③早稲田大学内で『釈氏源流』輪読研究会を継続中。

  • An Interdisciplinary and Comparative Approach to the Study of the Historicity of Disability: Reflections on Japan from a Comparative Historical Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


  • Cultural history of the ruins in ancient and medieval Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • 16世紀の社寺縁起絵巻の総合的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    本井 牧子, 金光 桂子, 柴田 芳成, 中川 真弓, 山本 聡美, 土谷 真紀

     View Summary


  • Old and new conflicts and continuity in Meiji literary arts-from the connection with early modern literature and Japanese art history

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yasushi Inoue

     View Summary

    By considering the old and new conflicts and intersections of literary arts and art in the Meiji era across genres, the old and new conflicts started as a strategic provocation from the Shinpa side, but eventually the boundary between the two became ambiguous, and the boundary between the two became ambiguous. In the 1980s, I was able to see the flow of the concept of Japanese literature and Japanese painting becoming localized in step with nationalism.
    Specifically, the old and new conflicts of Japanese painting overlap with the old and new conflicts of song and haiku in terms of time and content, the strategic nature of the "new school" of haiku, tanka, and theater and the relationship with the old school, Nissin and Japan. It was possible to confirm that the rise and establishment of nationalism due to the two wars of Russia contributed to overcoming the conflict between old and new, mainly in theater.

  • Fundamental Research on the Genesis and Realization of "Sacrality"(reisei) in the Buddhist Arts of Medieval Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Yamamoto Satomi

     View Summary

    This project used a cross-disciplinary approach to investigate how "the iconography of Buddhist sutras" is conveyed in images like paintings, statues, and zushi(small shrines), particularly with regard to the genesis and realization of their "sacrality"(reisei). The major achievements are as follows:
    (1)We found the same iconographic patterns in the Illustrated scroll of Illnesses (Heian period) and the Seikado-Bunko's Illustrated Manuscript of the Lotus Sutra (Southern Song dynasty). (2)We confirmed that the iconography in the Tokyo National Museum's Zushi of the Aizen Myo-o(Ragaraja, Kamakura period) was based on the theory in medieval Esoteric Buddhism that conflates the qualities of Yama with those of Ragaraja. (3)We concluded that the first scene of the Freer Gallery of Art's Miraculous Interventions of Jizo Bosatsu was organized around the theme of women's sin and salvation; we also concluded that the iconography of this scene is present in other paintings of the Kamakura period.

  • 中世仏教絵画の図像誌―経説絵巻・六道絵・九相図―

    日本学術振興会  科学研究科学研究費補助金研究成果公開促進費(学術図書)

    Project Year :


    山本 聡美

  • Reexamination of the grounds for reproduction in the reproduction study of the Japanese painting

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :



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    This study focused on the choice of among the reproduction processes particularly the reproduction grounds of the painting. We planned indication and the solution to problems through an investigation and a workshop.A young researcher and continuous participation of students were seen in a workshop, and a personnel exchange was deepened.The connection with the reproduction production site and the research institute also spread through an investigation, coverage and a chance in a workshop, and an art history researcher, the actual technique system researcher and preservation scientists held the seminar of a restoration study case which wrestled jointly. The researchers were able to discuss the reproduction of paintings across disciplines and establish a cooperation system to improve the academic standards of reproduction research.

  • A Study of civil war era(SENGOKU-JIDAI) by Old Document, War chronicle,Battle-piece

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    HORI Shin, SONE yuji, HORI tomohiro, MITSUNARI junji, YONEDA yuika, YONETANI hitoshi

     View Summary

    War chronicles(SENGOKU GUNKI) and Figure of battle screens(SENGOKU KASSENZU BYOBU) are not reliable in History study. We are speciaiized in Japanese history, Japanese literature and Japanese art, and we weigh these material against historical documents. We studied around the battle on Sekigahara(1600),and the battle on Osaka castle(1614-1615).
    War chronicles and figure og battle screens made in middle of 17 century are composed of documents(GUNKO OBOEGAKI) and pedigree(KAFU). These War chronicles and figure of battle screens are reliable historical documents. But war chronicles and figure og battle screens made in after 18 century are not reliable historical documents.

  • Shodo (Predication Literature) and Engi (Foundation Stories) as seen through the Prism of Ritual - Rebuilding the Religious Spaces of the Middle Ages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Abe Mika, YAMAMOTO Satomi, OTAKA Yasumasa

     View Summary

    This research project strives to recreate the religious space of the Japanese middle ages. It is built on an interdisciplinary workflow, made possible by our extensive collaboration with specialists in various disciplines of the humanities. First, we actively gather data through comprehensive field work. The rituals, painted engi scroll telling stories and predication texts collected this way are then analyzed and explained, in order to re-integrate them within the ritual context in which they acquired their initial significance. This allows us, in turn, to shed new light on the mechanisms at work in the medieval religious space. As a whole, this project strives to establish a new method to analyze such spaces in the context of literary studies.

  • 日本中世絵画と文学における、イメージとテクストの双方向性に関する基礎的研究

    三菱財団  人文科学研究助成

    Project Year :


    山本 聡美

  • Images in Temple Legends and Buddhist Narratives: Their Interaction and Transmission in Medieval Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Yamamoto Satomi

     View Summary

    This research project clarified how images common to both temple legends and Buddhist didactic narratives were transmitted through medieval times. For example, I traced how Kuso-zu (Illustrations of the Nine Stages, derived from the Mo-ho chih-kuan 摩訶止観), were tied to not only religious texts, but also works of literature such as poems and narratives, in which they were interpreted in various ways. I also examined images of illnesses and other disorders found in the Lotus Sutra 法華経 and the Shobonenjokyo; 正法念処経 (Sutra of Meditation on the True Law). As a result of my research, I proposed a new reading of scrolls such as the Illustrated Scroll of Illnesses and the Illustrated Scroll of the Legends of Kokawa dera that emphasized their representations of bad karma through such images of disease. Portions of this research have been made public in publications such as ”Kusozu wo yomu” KADOKAWA, 2015, and “Yamai no soshi” Chuokoron bijutsu shuppan, 2017.

  • establishing the foundation of japanese library catalogue studies and expanding the research tools for classical studies -with a focus on royal and noble library holdings

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

    Project Year :


    TAJIMA Isao, BANSE Akemi, FUJIWARA Shigeo, INADA Natsuko, KUROSU Yurie, HAYASHI Akihiro, TSUKIMOTO Masayuki, MISUMI Yoichi, KAWAJIRI Akio, OGURA Shigeji, WATANABE Akihiro, MOMOSAKI Yuichiro, KITA Keita, YOSHIOKA Masayuki, YAMAGUCHI Hideo, KANEKO Hiraku, ENDO Tamaki, HARA Hidesaburo, KAMIO Aiko, NAWA Osamu, NAWA Tomohiko, UTSUMI Haruyo, IIDA Takehiko

     View Summary

    We digitally photographed one million documents held by royal and noble archives manuscript collections such as the Higashiyama Obunko, Yomei Bunko, and the Imperial Household Agency Library’s Kujou House and Fushimi no Miya House lineages and made them available for viewing at the University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute Library. By elucidating the transmission processes of the Royal Collection derived from the Takamatsu no Miya House lineageand the Imperial Household Agency Gosho Collection, we carried out reconstructive research on the divided Yanagihara House lineage manuscript collection.We introduced and provided transcriptions of roughly 30 hitherto unknown documents and fair copies held by royal and noble archives by way of Research on Royal and Noble Archives, vol. 5-6 and JSPS Research Bulletins.We published “On Archives”, a survey of the field of Japanese Library Catalog Studies and also “Court Culture via the Konoe House Treasures,”a record of public lectures.

  • Comprehensive Research of Large-Scale Narrative Painting

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    SANO Midori, KASUYA Makoto, ABE Mika, TAKAGISHI Akira, HARAGUCHI Shizuko, FUJIWARA Shigeo, YONEKURA Michio, ABE Yasuro, SHINKAWA Tetsuo, KATO Etsuko, IZUMI Mari, WATANABE Satoshi, YAMAMOTO Satomi, OOHARA Yoshitoyo, TANIGUCHI Kousei

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    Special viewing sessions of art objects and scholarly workshops held in Japan and abroad formed the basis of our activities.At these workshops,seminars,and symposiums held overseas,international scholarly exchange took place in the form of traversing the disciplinary boundaries of art history,intellectual history,history and literature.These exchanges served as invaluable tools that aided in the development of young scholars and graduate students as well.These activities have also allowed each member to advance his or her own research culminating in the publication of many of their papers,and in this past year,the edited volume "The Matrix of Medieval Painting2"(Seikansha)was published.Additionally,the results of our research were made available to the public with the cooperation of the Shimonoseki City Museum and through the mounting of the exhibition,"Treasures from the Akama Shrine."

  • 経説絵巻の基礎的研究

    文部科学省  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    山本 聡美

  • Images of the Ten Kings of Hell (Juo) : Their Introduction and Influence in Medieval Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    YAMAMOTO Satomi

     View Summary

    This research project concerns images of the Ten Kings of Hell (Juo), analyzing the process by which this foreign belief became nativized in medieval Japan. To illuminate this issue, I conducted a survey of various paintings as well as related historical documents. During this research period, I examined a total of nine works and collected materials such as photographs for other examples.
    During the course of investigation, the prevalence of honjibutsu in Japanese paintings of the Ten Kings came to my attention, and I began analyzing the results of my survey from this particular angle.I discovered that the earlier the work, the more variation there was in the honjibutsu combination. There also was the tendency for Dainichi Nyorai to appear as the honjibutsu in many early cases.
    Moreover, for the period between the middle of the 13th and the 14th centuries, when the nativization of the surviving examples accelerated dramatically, I examined temple documents, diaries, and other records to analyze the usage of the Ten Kings images through concrete ritual occasions in which they were employed.
    As a result of my investigation, it became clear that the combinations of the honjibutsu within Japanese paintings of the Ten Kings came to be established through Buddhist memorial services sponsored by the imperial court and the bakufu.
    Portions of this research have been made public in publications such as "The Paintings of the Six Realms at Shojuraigoji Temple" (Chuo Koron bijutsu shuppan, 2007).

  • 九相図資料集成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金研究成果公開促進費(学術図書)

    Project Year :


    山本 聡美

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Academic Activities

  • Humanities in the Anthropocene

    Academic society, research group, etc.

  • 研究プロジェクト「8K文化財コンテンツ配信授業」





  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 中世日本における廃墟の美術と文学に関する基礎的研究


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  • 中近世転換期における仏教絵画の伝来と移動に関する基礎的研究


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     本研究では、現在出光美術館で所蔵されている「六道絵」について、ここに描かれた十一面観音図像が、中世南都で特徴的に信仰された、十一面観音来迎図を踏襲するものである点を明らかにし、中近世転換期の仏教絵画における図像伝播の一例として、その背景を考察した。 本作は六幅対の掛幅装で、十四世紀以降多く見られる形式の六道を十王とともに表す作例である。各幅縦一四九・〇糎内外、横八八・〇糎内外の比較的大きな画面に多彩なモチーフが破綻なく構成され、描表装も含め多色を用いて濃彩に仕上げる作画技法には、高い画技を備えた絵師の関与が想定される。また寄進銘や修理銘を記す裏書を備え、中世末期の仏教絵画を考える上で重要な意義を持つ作品である。先行研究において、高野山北西麓に位置する上天野村(現在の和歌山県伊都郡かつらぎ町)大念仏講旧蔵品で、近代以降は上天野地区の民家にて持ち回りで行われる大念仏講本尊として用いられていた点が明らかにされている。 本作第四幅には、地獄からの救済者として十一面観音菩薩が描かれているが、六道絵において十一面観音が救済者として描かれる例は少なく、本研究ではこの点に着目した。像容は、南都諸寺を中心に伝来する「十一面観音来迎図」のうち室町期の諸作例に近似する。特に東大寺所蔵「二月堂曼荼羅」において、画面情報から飛来する十一面観音と面貌・服制・彩色において非常に親しく、出光本においても二月堂小観音イメージが投影されていたものではないかと推測した。 さらに、本作第二幅に描かれた火焔に包まれる大釜から亡者を救い出す地蔵菩薩が、十四世紀の制作とされる矢田寺所蔵「矢田地蔵縁起絵」下巻第二段などに描かれる、矢田地蔵イメージを踏襲するものである点は先行研究でも既に指摘されているが、第四幅に描かれる十一面観音菩薩が、私見のごとく東大寺二月堂小観音のイメージを踏まえたものであるとすれば、本作には、特定の場所における信仰と結びついた図像が少なくとも上記二場面で採用されていることになる。その他、第五幅には山脈越しに瑞雲を伴って影向する阿弥陀如来が描かれており、これは元徳元年(一三二九)の賛文を伴う檀王法林寺所蔵「熊野権現影向図」などに描かれた、熊野本宮本地仏としての阿弥陀如来を想起させる図像でもある。 以上のように眺めると、本作には、鎌倉末期から室町期にかけて畿内各地で特定の聖地と結びついて成立した諸尊の、図像尽くしの意趣が込められているように思われる。矢田地蔵信仰の聖地である金剛山寺、そして二月堂小観音信仰の聖地である東大寺はいずれも、室町期に当山派修験と関わりがあった寺院であることが知られており、本作が伝来した天野においても、高野山金剛峯寺を通じて修験道当山派との接点があったことは既に指摘されている。本研究では、室町期に興福寺とその末寺を中心に形成された寺院ネットワークが、各地の信仰や仏画間における図像の伝播を促進した側面について指摘し、画面構成の検討から、出光本においてはそれらの信仰が六道絵という枠組みの中に破綻無く構成されている点を明らかにした。

  • 院政期の六道絵絵巻に関する研究


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     十二世紀後半の絵巻「餓鬼草紙」「地獄草紙」「病草紙」は、後白河院(1127~92)が、蓮華王院の宝蔵に蒐集した絵巻コレクションの一角であった可能性が既に指摘されている。またその制作に、後白河院周辺での活躍が記録に残る絵師、常磐源二光長の関与も想定されている。しかしながら、これらの現存作品と後白河院や絵師光長との関係を直接に証明する同時代史料は存在しない。本研究では、絵師光長筆の問題に焦点を絞り関連文献を収集し、中・近世の絵巻鑑賞の歴史を通じて、院政期の六道絵絵巻と絵師に関する言説が形成された経緯を確認した。 まず、常磐源二光長という絵師の名前について、福井利吉郎「伴大納言絵と常盤光長」(『絵巻物概説』下、岩波書店)は、『吉記』承安 3年(1173)7月12日条、『玉葉』同年 9月 9日条に、後白河周辺の宮廷絵師として記録されることを指摘する。一方、蓮華王院宝蔵に六道絵絵巻が秘蔵され、鎌倉時代以後西園寺家に伝来したことが、小松茂美「餓鬼・地獄・病草紙と六道絵」(『日本絵巻大成』7、中央公論社、1977年)によって検証されている。しかしながら、鎌倉以前の史料中には絵師光長と六道絵絵巻との直接の関係は見出せない。 室町時代には、公家・武家間での絵巻の閲覧や貸借に関する記録が散見されるが、その中で『看聞日記』嘉吉 1年(1441)4月26日条では、後花園天皇が「伴大納言絵」他、院政期に制作された絵巻を閲覧し、絵師については、平安時代初期に活躍した巨勢金岡との記録を残す。さらに同日記同年5月 9日条では、後崇光院が西園寺家伝来の「六道絵」を閲覧している。また『言継卿記』天文18年(1549)9月11日条では、蓮華王院旧蔵の「年中行事絵」奥書が筆写され、絵師について光長筆と記録されている。このように室町期には鑑賞という経緯を経て、院政期に制作された絵巻の伝来や絵師に関する言説が次第に形成されていったものと思われる。しかしながらこの時点でもなお、六道絵絵巻と絵師光長を直接に結ぶ史料は存在しない。 ところが江戸期に入ると、『土佐系図』『倭錦』『古画備考』『安斎随筆』『本朝画事』『国朝絵巻考』など18世紀後半以降に成立した画史類に、「年中行事絵巻」「伴大納言絵巻」はじめ、「餓鬼草紙」「地獄草紙」「病草紙」などの院政期を代表する絵巻に関して、しばしば光長筆と記録される。その際光長には、土佐、春日、藤原といった土佐系画派の姓が与えられ、やまと絵の一派である土佐派の先祖として、また同時に院政期絵巻の筆者として位置づけられている。 以上、本研究においては平安末から江戸期の文献中に現れる、院政期の六道絵絵巻や絵師光長に関する記録を再検証した。その結果、室町期の絵巻鑑賞を通じて絵師に関する伝承が形成され、これを踏まえて江戸期には、やまと絵の継承者である土佐派の系譜意識を媒介に、これらの六道絵絵巻と筆写光長の名前が結び付けられていく過程が明らかとなった。