Updated on 2025/02/07


SANO, Tomonori
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Dr. Eng. ( Waseda University )
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Professional Memberships


    International Association for Fire Safety Science










    The International Assocation of Fire Safety Science



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Research Areas

  • Architectural planning and city planning   Life safety, Crowd control, Human behavior in Fire

Research Interests

  • Universal Design, Safety, Risk,Simulation



  • Assessing housing accessibility issues for older adults in Japan: an expert panel approach to cross-cultural adaptation and content validity of the Japanese housing enabler

    Rumiko Tsuchiya-Ito, Björn Slaug, Tomonori Sano, Miki Tajima, Sakiko Itoh, Kazuaki Uda, Takashi Yamanaka, Susanne Iwarsson

    Journal of Housing and the Built Environment    2024.07



  • 合流のない一群集における歩行者前方距離が滞留伝播性状に与える影響

    Takumi SHIBATA, Tomonori SANO, Kosuke FUJII, Masayuki MIZUNO, Hiroyuki KADOKURA, Ai SEKIZAWA

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)   89 ( 816 ) 24 - 35  2024.02



  • Evaluation Structure Model Leading to Want to Touch Feelings for Solid of Revolution by Rotating a Curve

    Yuki KUBOTA, Tomonori SANO, Takaya KOJIMA

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   21 ( 3 ) 357 - 367  2022  [Refereed]


  • Merging behavior and its effects on evacuation time during a total evacuation in a staircase

    Shinji Ootsuka, Manabu Tange, Yoshikazu Minegishi, Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Tomonori Sano, Yuka Ikehata, Junichi Yamaguchi

    Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology (AOSFST 2021)    2021.12


  • Analysis of staircase evacuation flow rate focusing on the stretching behaviour of the crowds

    Yoshikazu Minegishi, Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Tomonori Sano, Manabu Tange, Yuka Ikehata, Jun-ichi Yamaguchi

    Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology (AOSFST 2021)    2021.12


  • Analysis and Modeling of Pedestrian Flow in a Confined Corridor Focusing on the Headway Distance and Velocity of Pedestrians

    Yoshikazu Minegishi, Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Tomonori Sano, Manabu Tange

    Fire Technology   58 ( 2 ) 709 - 735  2021.09

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    In fire evacuation situations, at corridors, many evacuees are plagued by high density, low velocity, and long waiting time. Therefore, engineers have to consider the countermeasure preventing crowd accidents. For this purpose, the development of pedestrian simulators that are constructed with concrete physical parameters, such as the headway distance between pedestrians, velocity, and specific flow, is required. To acquire the evacuation behavior in corridors, we conducted well-controlled pedestrian walking experiments in a confined corridor with realistic architectural geometry and modeled the pedestrian behaviors. An experimental loop corridor was constructed to acquire stable pedestrian flows without distractions from bottlenecks or merging flows. We conducted five experiments with different density patterns with an average density ranging from 1.28 to 3.42 people/m2 and a maximum of 96 test participants. We found that when the headway distance is 0.55–1.15 m, the velocity increases linearly with increasing headway distance, similar to single-file experiments. When the density is higher than 2.35 people/m2, the pedestrians cannot walk at a constant speed, and they exhibit stop-and-go behavior. In this situation, the percentage of pedestrians who walk at a headway distance of approximately 0.4–0.5 m, which is the minimum headway distance, increases. In addition, the fundamental diagram between density and velocity is acquired at a density higher than 1.4 people/m2 as an inversely proportional function. The density dependence on the specific flow is a linear function. The maximum specific flow is acquired at the marginal minimum density where a linear relationship is maintained.



  • Assessing the compliance with the direction indicated by emergency evacuation signage

    Jun Kubota, Tomonori Sano, Enrico Ronchi

    Safety Science   138   105210 - 105210  2021.06

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    The type and relative position of evacuation signage to evacuees' location can affect their likelihood to understand and comply with the information provided. To address this issue, a Virtual reality (VR) experiment with 60 participants was carried out to investigate the effect of signage vs viewer placement on the compliance with the indicated direction in case of evacuation. The VR experiments were conducted with a head mounted display. Different independent variables linked to the signage placement/type were investigated in a VR underground square scenario, namely (1) the installation position (i.e., distance, angle of interaction), and (2) the arrow type in use on the signage. Participants selected evacuation routes in VR and a questionnaire investigating their degree of confidence regarding their choice was performed. Results show that the angle of interaction affects the evacuees' chosen direction. Participants showed a higher degree of confidence when the arrow pointed towards the centre of the route. In addition, after a distance of 2.0 m from the centre, the correct answer rate of the evacuation signage for the cases of arrows pointing left, right and up become comparable. The use of an up arrow performed as well as the use of left and right arrows, while an arrow pointing down was not as clearly understood. The concept of visible area ratio is suggested to evaluate the compliance with the direction indicated by evacuation signage. The result is supported by the relationship between the lateral position of the signage and the calculated angle of interaction.




    IMANISHI Mineko, JO Akihide, FUNAKI Nanako, SANO Tomonori

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   ( 781 ) 803 - 813  2021.03

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    <p> 1. Introduction</p><p> In facilities hosting large crowds, such as railway stations, stadiums, and convention centers, visitors in transit have different destinations. Pedestrian flows are therefore complex, unlike single-direction building evacuations. When multiple flows cross, they can easily become stacked because of the sudden increase in density and the difficulty in avoiding other people coming from different directions. Moreover, walking in a disordered crowd is mentally stressful, and even poses the risk of colliding with others. Solving such congestion is essential for flow efficiency, safety, and user comfort.</p><p> This paper proposes a new flow-control system called a Pedestrian-Roundabout, and reports on its effects through the results of two sequential full-scale experiments.</p><p> </p><p> 2. Pedestrian-Roundabout Proposal</p><p> The Pedestrian-Roundabout is an architectural device developed by the authors to optimize the complex pedestrian flows at intersections. In a Pedestrian-Roundabout, a large obstacle several meters in diameter is placed at the center of a pedestrian intersection and, similar to how an automobile roundabout works, pedestrians are required to walk in one direction around it.</p><p> </p><p> 3. Methodology</p><p> To determine the effects of placing such an obstacle on the crowd flow characteristics and detailed walking behavior at the crossing point, we performed two full-scale laboratory experiments: one in 2018 with 48 participants, and another in 2019 with 96 participants. The shape of the obstacle, pedestrian density, and walking direction constraint were all varied in the experimental conditions to determine the effective factors for traffic flow optimization. A short questionnaire evaluating the psychological quality of the walk was also conducted after each trial.</p><p> A very accurate pedestrian trajectory data associated with each pedestrian's ID was obtained using two-dimensional barcode markers and the authors' original image processing programs. Based on these IDs, each trajectory was connected to the other participants' information, including their psychological walk evaluation.</p><p> </p><p> 4. Results</p><p> Diagrams in Fig. 8 indicate the walking trajectories in some representative cases with an emphasis on walking speed reduction. When four flows crossed in a normal right intersection (Fig. 8 4X-FR-VO), the center part became highly congested with pedestrians walking in different directions (Fig. 9). In such a complex crossing situation, pedestrians needed to perform avoidance behavior, namely, speed reduction and detouring, quite often. According to the questionnaire results, the participants perceived the walk as more difficult when they necessitated stronger avoidance.</p><p> By just placing a cylinder shape obstacle with a 4 m diameter in the center of this intersection (Fig. 8 4X-FR-CI), it was observed that the speed reduction was restrained. Furthermore, constraining the walking direction to one-direction (Fig. 8 4X-RA-CI) reinforces this effect, and the trajectories became smoother due to the less detouring around others. The results indicated also that the 4 m diameter obstacle worked more efficiently than a smaller size 2 m obstacle. When the obstacle had edges in the plane, the flow stacked nearby the corners (Fig. 8 4X-FR-SQ0, 4X-FR-DI0, 4X-FR-DI30).</p><p> </p><p> 5. Conclusions</p><p> According to the results of our experiments, placing a large obstacle at the center of a complex intersection and letting pedestrians detour around it have positive effects on streamlining the flows. Thus, by introducing the Pedestrian-Roundabout, a reduction in the congestion and a walking difficulty improvement can be expected.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Encounters and conversations: an office cafe space as a "magnet space"

    Tai Satoh, Tomonori Sano

    JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW   3 ( 4 ) 579 - 589  2020.10

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    A study was conducted on the activities of office workers at a cafe space with a lounge in a free-address office to investigate communication at a "magnet space." The major results were as follows: (i) The encounter probability between two office workers at the magnet space could be estimated by a formula based on Little's law, which considers the frequency of use as well as the mean and standard deviation of the stay time. Analyzing more data for the estimated formula of the encounter rate, which is suggested in this study, can confirm more thoroughly the actual situation of an encounter and conversation in the magnet space of the office. (ii) Installing a lounge-like workspace adjacent to the cafe space increased the encounter probability between workers at the cafe space.



  • Compression of Pedestrian Crowd in Corner Turning Subject experiment-based analysis of walking trajectories

    Mineko Imanishi, Tomonori Sano

    Collective Dynamics   5  2020.03

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    In this study, pedestrian crowd dynamics at corner turns were investigated by analyzing pedestrian trajectories in a subject experiment for building more reliable, general-purpose, pedestrian simulation models. An experiment under laboratory conditions was conducted wherein a pedestrian crowd walked straight for a short distance before turning into a right-angled corner built with partition walls; the opposite sides were unwalled. Trials were performed with different widths and densities of initial participant positions. Finally, the trajectories of the pedestrians were extracted from a video through computer image analysis. The results demonstrated that pedestrian behavior at corner turns depends on lane position, lane distance (from the wall), and crowd density.


  • Improvement of Phased Evacuation Scenario based on Analyses of Pedestrian Flow in Stairwell during Drills in High-rise Office Building:- Possibility of real-time technique for facilitation of high-rise building evacuation -

    Park SeongKyung, Mizuno Masayuki, Fujii Kosuke, Kadokura Hiroyuki, Sano Tomonori, Tanaka Toshinari, Sekizawa Ai

    Journal of Life Support Engineering   32 ( 4 ) 118 - 125  2020

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    <p>In Japan, a standard on the minimum capacity of escape staircases according to occupant load is not regulated except for some building uses. Therefore, staircases can't contain all occupants in an emergency case. Even though they attempt to evacuate building, most of them must wait in staircases and/or corridors for a long time, which must cause heavy congestion. Thereby, the phased-evacuation method has been recommended for preventing it, but there is no specific method or standard related to the strategic plan. In order to improve a sequential evacuation plan, evacuation drills were conducted at a high-rise office building in Tokyo, and year by year the scenarios of evacuation guidance were advanced a lot better. However, having several unexpected reasons or behaviors; not following broadcasting order, walking slow for chatting and having disability, some drills hadn't been carried out as predicted. The purpose of this study is to consider the real-time control method of changing the scenario for providing guidance flexibly in a sequential evacuation using security device such as attendance management system and security cameras in the future.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Human Behavior During an Evacuation of a Large Office Building Adjacent a Fire Site

    Mineko Imanishi, Yoshikazu Deguchi, Tsutomu Nagaoka, Tomonori Sano

    The Proceedings of 11th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology     211 - 224  2020



  • Effects of pedestrian motivation and opening shape on pedestrian flow rate at an opening

    Mineko Imanishi, Akihide Jo, Tomonori Sano

    Fire Safety Journal   120  2020  [Refereed]

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    © 2020 In a general evacuation time calculation, a single value is used for the specific flow for any bottlenecks. However, the specific flow can actually depend on the situation or the spatial constraints of the bottleneck. In this study, an experiment with 189 participants under laboratory conditions was carried out to analyze the behavior of pedestrians at openings with/without sidewalls after the opening. Participants walked through an opening of 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, or 3.0 m in width, with sidewalls of 0, 1.0, or 2.0 m. Moreover, two different situations of pedestrian motivation for walking were set and compared. From the experiment, detailed walking trajectories were obtained. The results revealed that the specific flow at a bottleneck differed according to pedestrian motivation and spatial conditions. First, the presence of sidewalls reduced the specific flow by approximately 10%–15%. Concerning opening width, participants used a wider opening more efficiently. Participant motivation had the largest impact on the flow. People walked more quickly and queued more densely in front of the opening in the hurried situation. Then, when entering the opening, especially without sidewalls, they entered narrow gaps between other people and the wall more by twisting their shoulders when hurried.



  • Influence of lit emergency signs and illuminated settings on walking speeds in smoky corridors

    Kosuke Fujii, Tomonori Sano, Yoshifumi Ohmiya

    Fire Safety Journal   120  2020  [Refereed]

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    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd Evacuees within fire-affected buildings may have to escape through smoke-filled corridors without the aid of lighting, with a high probability of failing to escape. It is thus of vital importance to enhance evacuation safety procedures. It is equally necessary to study changes in walking speeds in situations of fire escapes in order to accurately estimate time required to escape. This paper focuses on measuring changes in walking speeds of evacuees, as influenced by emergency signs, smoke, and illumination. Participants, 20 non-disabled individuals with normal vision, were made to individually traverse a corridor in which conditions were controlled, including the presence/absence of an emergency exit sign, smoke density, and ceiling lights. Changes in walking speeds under the three aforementioned conditions, including smoky or blackout conditions, were accurately measured and their influences on walking speeds were identified. The results will be useful to estimate evacuation time in situations of fires.



  • Study on Occurrence Factors and Propagation Conditions of Congestion in Staircases during Phased Evacuation Drill in a High-rise Office Building

    Hiroyuki Kadokura, Ai Sekizawa, Tomonori Sano, Masayuki Mizuno, Kosuke Fujii

    Bulletin of Association for Fire Science and Engineering   69 ( 3 ) 7 - 16  2019.12  [Refereed]

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    When a large-scale fire or a serious emergency occurs in a high-rise building, it is highly likely that all occupants start to evacuate at once, which might generate risks of congestion and overcrowded status in staircase. However, due to insufficient investigation data acquired from actual total evacuations from high-rise buildings, the entire picture of the mechanism that causes and finally ends up with congestion in a staircase has not yet been studied. In this study, we analyzed the results of recording the behavior of approximate 800 evacuees on stair landings using video cameras during a phased evacuation drill conducted in a 25-story high-rise office building. We discussed causes, propagations and eliminations of congestion after merging in the staircase. As a result, the three occurrence factors of congestion and the threshold densities at landings and stairs causing congestion propagation has been clarified.



  • Influence of Congestion in Upper Floor on Pedestrian Flow in Staircase Based on Observational Survey of Evacuation Drill in a High-Rise Building

    Kosuke Fujii, Masayuki Mizuno, Hiroyuki Kadokura, Tomonori Sano, Ai Sekizawa

    The Proceedings of 11th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology     269 - 282  2019.09  [Refereed]




    Tomonori Sano, Enrico Ronchi, Yalong Wu, Ai Sekizawa, Masayuki Mizuno, SeongKyung Park, Kosuke Fujii, Hiroyuki Kadokura

    Conference Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Interflam Conference   1   751 - 762  2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Route Choice and Flow Rate in Theatre Evacuation Drills: Analysis of Walking Trajectory Data-Set

    Mineko Imanishi, Tomonori Sano

    FIRE TECHNOLOGY   55 ( 2 ) 569 - 593  2019.03  [Refereed]

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    This study analysed evacuees' movements in three sequentially announced evacuation drills in a theatre to clarify evacuees' route choice mechanism in an auditorium and to obtain a data-set for the validation of evacuation simulations and egress time calculations. The drills were conducted in a multi-purpose theatre in Japan over consecutive years, involving approximately 400 -540 occupants aged 6-90. The coordinates of every occupant in the auditorium during the drills were accurately obtained every 0.5s using the authors' original software programmes, so that evacuees' trajectories and walking speeds at each point could be obtained. Thereby, we obtained more than 100,000 data points in total to analyse. The drills were also compared from the point of view of the flow control of the facility's staff during the evacuation. The results revealed that, while the evacuees in the centre blocks chose the closest aisle from their seats, most of the evacuees in the side blocks chose the wall side aisles. The occupants did not create queues in aisles between seat blocks. They tended to walk along seatways, the narrow spaces between seat rows to get closer to their target exit, rather than stacking in the aisles. In addition, the specific flow at exit doors from the auditorium in a congested situation was ca. 0.96pers./m/s.



  • Representing crowds using a multi-agent model - Development of the SimTread pedestrian simulation system

    Takeshi Kimura, Tomonori Sano, Kazuto Hayashida, Naohiro Takeichi, Yoshikazu Minegishi, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Hitoshi Watanabe

    JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW   2 ( 1 ) 101 - 110  2019.01  [Refereed]

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    SimTread was developed as a pedestrian simulation system following a straightforward, highly user-definable pedestrian and spatial model. Unlike network and mesh models, this pedestrian model is a multi-agent system in which an individual pedestrian is modeled as an agent. The spatial model is based on actual coordinates, which enables the direct representation of plans using the SimTread model. The crowd characteristics represented by this system were evaluated through test cases by measuring the flow rate, which is a primary indicator of crowd evaluation. The major results are as follows: (a) SimTread demonstrated a reasonable crowd-behavior simulation in a simple plan that was equivalent to network models. Along with the added benefits of operability, such performance is highly desirable. (b) In cases where a bottleneck accumulated a number of pedestrians sufficient to block nearby exits, SimTread accurately portrayed the resulting crowd propagation. This allowed qualitative crowd analysis.


  • Analysis on Evacuation Flow on Stairs in the Case of Phased Evacuation Drill in High-rise Office Building

    Masayuki Mizuno, Ryutaro Abe, Kosuke Fujii, Hiroyuki Kadokura, Tomonori Sano, Ai Sekizawa

    11th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology    2018.10  [Refereed]

  • Modelling pedestrian merging in stair evacuation in multi-purpose buildings

    Tomonori Sano, Enrico Ronchi, Yoshikazu Minegishi, Daniel Nilsson

    SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY   85   80 - 94  2018.06  [Refereed]

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    Despite the total evacuation time of occupants in a multi-storey building not being affected by pedestrian merging on stairs, the calculation of evacuation times in each individual floor depends on the pedestrian merging ratio. In fact, different merging ratios may cause an evacuation to take place from the top to the bottom or vice versa. A simplified simulation model for the calculation of evacuation time at each floor is presented here. This model allows the investigation of the impact of two main variables affecting the evacuation time at each floor, namely 1) different initial numbers of pedestrians at each floor (i.e. occupant load), and 2) different mer ging ratios at each floor. This means that the model allows the calculation of the evacuation time at each floor considering a building with different occupancy types at different floors (e.g. office, residential, commercial, etc.) and different mer ging ratios which may be caused by a different configuration of the landing door at each floor. The model is presented in this paper using a case study of a hypothetical building. A detailed discussion on the model assumptions, advantages and limitations is also provided. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • EFFECTS OF CROSSING-SHAPES ON PEDESTRIAN’S ROUTE RECOGNITION ‐Comparison of route learning in grid and non-grid street patterns Part 1‐

    今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   83 ( 754 ) 2291‐2299(J‐STAGE) - 2299  2018  [Refereed]



    安江仁孝, 辻村壮平, 池田佳樹, 今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   83 ( 751 ) 1669‐1677(J‐STAGE) - 1677  2018  [Refereed]


  • Human behavior in a staircase during a total evacuation drill in a high-rise building

    Tomonori Sano, Masanori Yajima, Hiroyuki Kadokura, Ai Sekizawa

    FIRE AND MATERIALS   41 ( 4 ) 375 - 386  2017.06  [Refereed]

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    Many studies have been conducted on the evacuation behavior on the staircases of buildings, but very little data are available for a situation with many occupants in a crowded high-rise building. Therefore, this study investigated the evacuation behavior of a large number of evacuees on the staircase of a 25-story high-rise building. A total evacuation drill was conducted with 2088 evacuees, and the behavior of 1136 evacuees on the landings of the south staircase was recorded by a video recorder on the ceiling. The relationship between the density and speed of the evacuees on the landings was analyzed from the evacuation data for two situations: without and with merging in the stair flow. The evacuation stair flow in this drill had merging occupants entering from the floors, but no one entered from the lower floors during the latter period of the drill. Therefore, the flow during the latter period was treated as non-merging flow, for which it was observed that, when the staircase was fully crowded, the density on the landings in the moving situation was different from that in the stopped situation. Moreover, the density on the landings was different from that on the treads. Furthermore, in the merging flow, a merging ratio of approximately 50:50 occurred during the congested evacuation. Copyright (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



  • A pedestrian merging flow model for stair evacuation

    Tomonori Sano, Enrico Ronchi, Yoshikazu Minegishi, Daniel Nilsson

    FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL   89   77 - 89  2017.04  [Refereed]

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    Pedestrian merging flows on stairs are defined as the confluence of a flow of pedestrians from a stair and pedestrians from each floor of a multi-storey building. This paper introduces a novel simplified mathematical model for the calculation of evacuation times on stairs which takes into account the impact of merging flows. The model allows calculating the impact of merging ratio (people accessing the stair landing from the floor and from the stair) on pedestrian flows and evacuation times at each floor in congested situations. The assumptions and implementation of the model are presented. A hypothetical model case study of a 10-floor building evacuation is investigated, where the results of the new model are compared with the results of an evacuation simulation model using SimTread. Advantages and limitations of the new model in relation to the existing methods adopted for the simulation of merging flows on stairs are discussed.



  • EXPERIMENT STUDY ON EFFECT OF SPACE CONDITION ON CROWD FLOW : Change in specific flow based on crowd flow

    JO Akihide, FUJI Kosuke, OHMIYA Yoshifumi, SANO Tomonori, TANGE Manabu, YAMAGUCHI Jun-ichi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 732 ) 291 - 299  2017.02  [Refereed]

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    &nbsp;Introduction<br>&nbsp;Many previous studies have revealed characteristic of crowd flow due to a difference in spatial configuration by measuring the walking speed and density in public place. However, it is difficult to determine whether the cause of the change in the pedestrian behavior is bottleneck or local congestion. This is because the measured spatial conditions, walking situation is the fact that not described in detail. This paper focused on the specific flow where the path with bottleneck and merging or without of them using full scale experiment.<br>&nbsp;Purpose<br>&nbsp;The purpose of this study measures walking speed and the density from an experiment and clarifies the characteristic of crowd flow a change of the spatial conditions. In addition, it's considered about the influence on specific flow from the observed crowd flow.<br>&nbsp;Methods<br>&nbsp;By establishing the temporary compartment which is shaped like corridor within the facility, changing the shape, the width of the corridor, the width of neck and the density, the crowd walking experiment by 96 participants was performed. The experimental situation is photographed by the video camera installed on the ceiling part. In Case A, the walls were constructed on both sides and the corridor was straight. There were 3 kinds of the width of corridor. In Case B, in the center within the area of Case A1, there was a bottleneck, where there were 3 kinds of the width of corridor and 2 kinds of the width of bottlenecks. In case C, the merging occurs in the area of Case A. In Case D, the width of corridor was 6.0m, in the center of which there was a bottleneck. Under all the conditions, we attempted the experiment three times per each condition. In Case A4, the width of corridor was 6.0m, in the center of which there was a bottleneck. Under all the conditions, we attempted the experiment three times per each condition.<br>&nbsp;Results<br>&nbsp;The part of results of this study are as follows;<br>&nbsp;- When focusing on the trajectory before neck through, the wedge-shaped trajectory of the participants was drawn from 2,400mm in front of the neck toward the bottleneck. In the Case B-5 which has the corridor with narrow width, the wedge shape of the trajectory became moderate and the participants moved substantially straight toward the neck<br>&nbsp;- A pedestrian in the merging front of path walks while decelerating walking speed by occurrence of congestion by merging.<br>&nbsp;- After passing through an opening, when it's wide space, a pedestrian maintains each own personal space and approaches free speed.<br>&nbsp;Conclusion<br>&nbsp;When the one direction crowd flow in path bottleneck and merging occurs, the specific flow in the path reduced response to width of the path and width of the bottleneck. When passing through the opening, the specific flow is changed in accordance with the crowd density of the previous bottleneck and forward spatial configuration.


  • Verification of the influencing factors concerning the accuracy of distance perception in immersive virtual environment

    Daiu Mabuchi, Yohsuke Yoshioka, Kosuke Fujii, Atsushi Enta, Tomonori Sano

    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design   23 ( 53 ) 223 - 228  2017.02  [Refereed]

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    "Immersive Virtual Environment (IVE)" could be useful for the field of architecture. This paper focused on the factors for a grasp of an accurate distance in the IVE. A total of 10 normal sight subjects were individually asked to match up their image distances to the standard distances, which were between the sphere and the subject in the IVE. We conclude that the image distances are close to the standard distances, when "3m" is the standard distance or the subject attention to the distance that is between the sphere and a floor.

    DOI CiNii


  • Investigation of Evacuation Time from Railway Vehicle Inside a Tunnel - The Effects of Emergency Ladders with Multi-Agent Pedestrian Simulation -

    Masamichi MORISHITA, Shintaro SASAHARA, Tomonori SANO, Kosuke FUJII, Masakazu YAMAMOTO, Mitsutaka ISHIZUKI

    8th Japan/ Korea/ Taiwan International Seminar Tunnel Fire Safety and Management 2017     79 - 88  2017  [Refereed]



    12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science Book of Abstracts Posters    2017  [Refereed]


    SATOH Tai, SANO Tomonori, KOJIMA Takaya

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 738 ) 715 - 725  2017  [Refereed]

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    &nbsp;Introduction<br>&nbsp;In recent years the demand has risen for diverse work environment to support various activities of workers, and increasing consideration is being made for office space planning where workers can choose their preferred environment by themselves depending on the diversified work contents. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify not only the relationship of activity to workspace, but also the needs for different environment settings emerged by the various individual characteristics of office workers.<br>&nbsp;Purpose<br>&nbsp;The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of individual workers' attributes on their preference of environment settings for each activity in the office, by grasping the environment seemed by the worker who is the actual office user by each individual attribute, in order to consider the supporting environment for the diversifying activities in the office.<br>&nbsp;Methods<br>&nbsp;Office activities were classified into the following nine types according to the results of the preliminary survey, and eight items indicated were selected as attributes of the office worker. A questionnaire was then undertaken with a total of 222 office workers working in four different offices of a certain manufacturing company, and the data were analyzed using multivariate analysis techniques. Eleven items were prepared as environmental elements to explain the office space, concerning "environmental openness ", "remoteness to other workers" and "desk surface height".<br>&nbsp;Type of activity: routine task, information gathering, convergent thinking, divergent thinking, scheduled meeting, unscheduled meeting, cooperative work, chatting, refreshing<br>&nbsp;Attributes of office workers: age, gender, smoker, personality (extroversion), workstyle, in-house time per day, existence dedicated desk, branch<br>&nbsp;* Extroversion: In this study, an extrovert is defined as "a person who is interested in external objects, such as events and others." An introvert is defined as "a person who is interested in the psychological processes of the subject or the subject itself."<br>&nbsp;Results<br>&nbsp;From the results of this study, the following were indicated as conclusions:<br>&nbsp;1. The needs for the work environment for each activity were affected by the differences in personal characteristics, such as age, gender, workstyle, smoking preference, and extroversion.<br>&nbsp;2. The workspace for each activity was classified according to the combination of two points of view, "whether the environment is open or closed" and "whether the remoteness to other workers is near or far."<br>&nbsp;Conclusion<br>&nbsp;It was revealed that the preference of the work environment for each activity was affected by the differences in personal characteristics. On the other hand, the workspace for each activity could be classified according to the combination of two points of view, including "whether the environment is open or closed" and "whether the remoteness to other workers is near or far." This suggests the possibility that the environment setting of a few variations could satisfy the detailed preference of environment settings of the worker comprehensively.

    DOI CiNii


  • EFFECT OF OPENING WIDTH ON PEDESTRIAN FLOW DURING PASSING THROUGH AN OPENING IN WIDE SPACE:Pedestrian characteristics of crowd evacuation in space of various shapes

    FUJII Kosuke, YAMAGUCHI Junichi, OHMIYA Yoshifumi, TANGE Manabu, JO Akihide, SANO Tomonori

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 733 ) 601 - 611  2017  [Refereed]

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    &nbsp;Introduction<br>&nbsp;Many previous studies have researched the characteristics of pedestrian flow and measured the values such as the flow rate, speed and density, on the basis of the investigations of pedestrian movements in urban streets, stations, theater and others, in normal situations. There is a case that their results were used for the estimation of evacuation time. However, Most of these studies did not research the pedestrian flow passing through an opening in a wide space such as a room or hall in architecture and a public passage. This paper focuses on the characteristics of pedestrian flow during passing through an opening in wide space in detail, using the experiment.<br>&nbsp;Purpose<br>&nbsp;This study aimed to identify the characteristics of pedestrian flow during passing through an opening in wide space under a range of the opening width. The effect of an opening width on the pedestrian flow during passing through the opening in a wide space was elucidated, on the basis of the each transition of the specific flow [person/m/s] and walking speed [m/s], density [person/m2], and the walking trajectories.<br>&nbsp;Methods<br>&nbsp;The experiment was conducted on subjects walking and passing through the opening in the 6000-mm wide space. The experimental conditions were varied according to the opening widths and the distances between the opening and the start position of the subject crowd. The opening widths were set to one of the six levels under a range from 800 mm to 2400 mm The distances between the opening and the start position of the subject crowd were 1200 mm and 6000 mm. The number of trials in the distances of 1200 mm and 6000 mm were 3 and 1, respectively, in each level of opening width. The experiment consisted of 24 trials on the basis of combinations of two experimental conditions. The 96 non-handicapped subjects, all walked and passed through the opening in each trial.<br>&nbsp;Results<br>&nbsp;The parts of results of this study are as follows:<br>&nbsp;1. When the opening width was multiples of 600 mm, the specific flow in the case that the distance between the opening and the crowd are 1200 mm and 6000 mm, were the same.<br>&nbsp;2. When the opening width is multiples of 600 mm but that is 2400 mm, it is assumed that the walking speed and the density during passing through the opening in the case of 6000-mm walking distance to the opening are higher and less than those in the case of 1200-mm, respectively.<br>&nbsp;3. The specific flow in each case that the distance between the opening and the crowd are 1200 mm and 6000 mm, were not much difference between the opening widths from 800 mm to 2400 mm. The averages in the case of 1200mm and 6000mm were 2.59 person/m/s and 2.49 person/m/s, respectively.<br>&nbsp;4. When the width of the opening is from 800 mm to 2400 mm, it is assumed that the specific flow in steady state is about about 2.40 person/m/s at minimum.<br>&nbsp;Conclusions<br>&nbsp;This study set out to derive the characteristics of the transition and the steady state of the pedestrian flow during passing through the opening in the wide space. The results obtained will be useful for calculating the time for people to evacuate in the event of fire, using mathematical expressions or computer simulation.

    DOI CiNii


    Kosuke Fujii, Tomonori Sano, Yoshifumi Ohmiya

    INTERFLAM 2016 Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference   1   583 - 588  2016.07  [Refereed]

  • Development of flow model in staircase by considering mechanism of flow stop by congestion with people

    Masayuki Mizuno, Hidetaka Sendo, Noriyuki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Kadokura, Kosuke Fujii, Tomonori Sano, Ai Sekizawa

    INTERFLAM 2016 Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference   2   1641 - 1643  2016.07  [Refereed]


    SATOH Tai, SANO Tomonori

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   81 ( 720 ) 281 - 291  2016.02  [Refereed]

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    A study was conducted on the activities of office workers at a café corner with a lounge in a free-address office to investigate communication at a &quot;magnet space&quot;. The major results were as follows; 1. The encounter probability between two office workers at the &quot;magnet space&quot; could be estimated by a formula based on Little&#039;s law, which considers the frequency of use as well as the mean and standard deviation of the sojourn time. By analyzing more data for the estimated formula of the encounter rate which is suggested on this study, it can confirm more minutely the actual situation of an encounter and the conversation in &quot;magnet space&quot; of their offices. 2. Installing the lounge-like workspace adjacent to the café space increased the encounter probability between workers at the café corner.


  • ANALYSIS OF AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR FROM PEDESTRIAN PERSPECTIVE:Pedestrian flow investigation using Short-Time Pedestrian Path Analysis part 2

    IMANISHI Mineko, SANO Tomonori

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   81 ( 719 ) 57 - 63  2016.01  [Refereed]

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    This study investigates pedestrian avoidance behaviors in a crowd. In order to appreciate avoidance behaviors in detail, the new graphic illustration method, called &quot;Pedestrian-Perspective Movement Tracking Diagram&quot; was developed in this paper. This illustration method packs a sequence of pedestrian movement from the pedestrian&#039;s perspective visually in one picture.&lt;br&gt; The results of our experiment show for example detouring avoidance behavior can be observed after pedestrians reduce their speed. A case study in a real railway station was also carried out applying our new method to observe avoidance behaviors in a more complex pedestrian flow.


  • Evacuation safety strategy for nursery school children based on the survey of the evacuation behavior drill fire safety planning for nursery school Part.l

    Yoko Furukawa, Tomonori Sano, Shin'ichi Tsuchiya, Kosuke Fujii, Tai Satoh, Yugo Hatakeyama, Yuji Hasemi

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   81 ( 728 ) 845 - 853  2016  [Refereed]

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    Recently, enrollments in nursery schools have become higher and higher. This is largely due to the social progress of women, with the increasing number of working mothers. Additionally, the number of three-generation households is decreasing. Nursery schools are traditionally low-rise structures, with a playground, but deregulation of the law now allows for the placement of nursery schools in middle floors of high-rise buildings. In Japan, the ages of nursery school students are generally from infancy to five-years old, which means that they can't evacuate the premises by themselves during a fire, so we must research ways to evacuate them safely. And the scheme of planning safe evacuations from buildings has not been sufficiently researched, so we have investigated the practice of fire drills and have interviewed teachers and students of nursery schools. The following is what we have learned: Characteristics of evacuation ;drills of nursery schools: Students evacuate in class groups, lead by their teachers, who provide the indications. Time is needed for evacuation preparation (setting up strollers, gathering infants and preparing to carry them out, and giving instructions regarding exiting, etc.,) and before starting evacuation, and time for confirming the numbers of students, and waiting time is needed when they are evacuating, so these times must be considered in the calculation of evacuation time. The characteristics of evacuation abilities of nursery school students : Infants (up to one-year old), and students who can't easily walk by themselves must be carried by a nurse or other adults, which makes evacuation movements and management after evacuation more manageable. Two-year-old students are able to walk alright on their own but cannot sufficiently grasp the situation. It's difficult to follow the teachers' instructions, so a lot of assistances are need. Children aged three and over can, of course, walk even better, and can grasp the severity of a fire. But they tend to walk more slowly as they feel frightened in cases when they are at earlier age, or they have to take an escape route that they are not familiar with. In order to shorten evacuation time, older students should evacuate first, as they can walk faster than younger students, thus their escape time won't be hindered by slower evacuees. 3Notes of buildings that include a nursery school: Regarding the situation of using stairways for evacuation, there are many points of concern regarding the safety of children. Because there are many dangerous points related to stairways, such as the fact that stairways often arouse fear in younger students during emergency evacuation, and as a result they walk more slowly. Consequently, older students try to pass the younger, slower students. Especially in cases when a nursery school is on a middle floor of a multi-use building, there is a possibility that confusion is caused among the evacuating children who walk slowly, along with their teachers, as evacuating people from other facilities mix with people evacuating from the nursery school. Thus, having a dedicated set of stairs for children is better. In addition, nursery schools that are in existing buildings that were not designed to accommodate nursery schools, have higher handles and the height of steps rise. 4Decreasing evacuation route length: Due to the fact that nursery school students' bodies and minds are not fully developed, their circumstances during a fire are more severe than those for adults. Thus, nursery schools should be on lower floors of buildings or should have their own buildings. Also the distance from the rooms to the temporary evacuation place should be as short as possible.

    DOI CiNii


  • Effect of Emergency Sign and Illumination on Walking Speed in Smoke-Filled Corridor

    Kosuke Fujii, Tomonori Sano, Yoshifumi Ohmiya

    Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire 2015     561 - 571  2015.09  [Refereed]


    YAJIMA Masanori, SANO Tomonori, KADOKURA Hiroyuki, SEKIZAWA Ai

    J. Environ. Eng.   80 ( 710 ) 315 - 315  2015.04  [Refereed]

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    This study aims to elucidate the characteristics of evacuees' movements on the staircase of a high-rise building, such as the flow rate, walking speed, evacuee density, and merging ratio at the staircase landing, for evacuation planning, evacuation calculation, and computer simulation on the basis of observational data of a total evacuation drill.<br> The characteristics of the walking and merging behaviors of occupants of a high-rise building descending to the staircase were investigated on the basis of observational data of a real total evacuation drill conducted in a high-rise building in Tokyo. The results are expected to be useful for developing and validating simulations by a computer model as well as evacuation calculations.



  • STUDY on FLOW and CONGESTION in STAIRCASES during PHASED EVACUATION in A HIGH-RISE BUILDING: Analysis based on the observational data of a real total evacuation drill

    Hiroyuki Kadokura, Ai Sekizawa, Tomonori Sano, Kosuke Fujii

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   80 ( 716 ) 849 - 856  2015  [Refereed]

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    If a fire or other serious emergency occurs in a high-rise building, all occupants would be forced to evacuate the building under such an extreme event. Also, it is quite probable that many occupants in the building start to evacuate at the same time on this occasion. Further, the staircase would become very congested, if all occupants try to evacuate via a limited number of staircases concurrently. In such a case, it may cause considerable delay of the evacuation time or influence on walking speed of evacuees. To cope with this kind of simultaneous total evacuation, there is a method known as "phased evacuation", where occupants on a fire origin floor and the floor above will evacuate first and followed by other occupants in different floors to avoid congestion in the staircase. However, it is unclear how the phased evacuation is more efficient than simultaneous total evacuation, because there have been limited studies and data concerning this method of evacuation. To explore the potential availability of phased evacuation, this study analyzes the data obtained by video recording and measuring movement of evacuees during a total evacuation drill conducted in a high-rise office building in Tokyo.




    IMANISHI Mineko, SANO Tomonori, HAGIWARA Ichiro, NUNOTA Ken

    J. Archit. Plann.   80 ( 714 ) 1799 - 1806  2015  [Refereed]

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    This study investigates the factors that effect of human body shape on the pedestrian's specific flow rate at openings.<br> The results of our experiment show that the mean pedestrian specific flow rates were appendix more than 2.0 person/m/s. Furthermore, the flow late increases with the opening width not linearly but in form of a step function. The participants often twisted their shoulder when they entered to the opening in particular if they passed near the opening edge through. This action makes their projected body width against the opening smaller so that they could enter into spatial gaps that were smaller than their actual body width.


  • INFLUENCE ON USER'S BEHAVIOR AND LOCATION CONDITIONS<br>Analysis of the cafe user as "the third place" by observation research (Part1)

    HATAKEYAMA Yugo, NIWA Yukari, SANO Tomonori, KIKUCHI Yusuke, SATOH Tai

    J. Archit. Plann.   80 ( 711 ) 1067 - 1073  2015

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    The purpose of this research was to explore the influence on user's behavior by conditions of location. The analysis of the cafe user as "The Third Place" can be understood by observation research. The Third Place proposed by Ray Oldenburg means originally the social surroundings separate from the two usual social environments of home and the workplace, but the cafe in Japan advertise as third place meaning private working spots. By grasping the influence on user's behavior in the cafe through not only the Third Place was mainly conversation proposed by Oldenburg but private working in the cafe, it was cleared that the conditions of location and the ratio of property have effect on actions of use as the Third Place.

    DOI CiNii

  • CROWD FLOW OF EVACUEES PASSING THROUGH TICKET GATES OF RAILWAY STATIONS:- Behavioral characteristics of evacuees passing through narrow passages Part 1 -

    FUJII Kosuke, SANO Tomonori

    J. Archit. Plann.   80 ( 708 ) 289 - 297  2015

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    Human subject experiments were conducted on the crowd flow of evacuees passing through a ticket gate at a railway station. The ticket gates at railway stations are typically narrow and therefore hinder the navigation of passengers through them during evacuation in the case of fire. In the experiment, 48 subjects passed through a ticket gate with 3 passages. The subjects approached the ticket gate from various start positions and went toward various goals. On the basis of the experimental results, the characteristics of evacuees selection of one of the multiple passages of the ticket gate were elucidated and a calculation model was developed.


  • Wayfinding evacuation behavior in a large-scale station based on analyses of path choice area - Study on the evacuation in railway stations in case of fire part

    Kosuke Fujii, Tomonori Sano

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   79 ( 704 ) 829 - 839  2014.10

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    This paper focuses on the wayfinding behavior of an evacuee in large-scale railway stations in case of a fire. Railway companies have recently diversified their use and services; therefore, different people use stations of Japan for different purposes, especially, large-scale stations of Japan. The behavior of user during an emergency differs from that during a normal situation, and fire safety plans for railway station users are essential. In addition, inducing evacuees.can be difficult for station staff, and there is the possibility that each evacuee will head toward different exits. The purpose of this research is to obtain the evacuation plan for railway stations in case of s fire, elucidate the environmental factors affecting path choice, and examine the wayfinding behavior model for indivisuals in the evacuation in large terminal railway stations. These are based on the results of experiments and questionnaires. The wayfinding experiments on evacuations in case of a fire were carried out in two large terminal railway stations in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Twenty-two or twenty-three subjects aged between 21 and 55 years old were participated in these experiments, and all subjects were strangers to these stations. The experiments had five or six starting points, which were changed for each trial, in each station. Each subject evacuated from all starting points. They were able to walk freely to the exit and watch the station's direction and emergency signs. They were asked to say the reason of path choice in the wayfinding experiments. Their behavior was recorded using video cameras, and their voices were recorded using wireless mikes provided to them. In addition, questionnaires regarding fire evacuation behavior and knowledge of emergency information for railway stations were conducted for one hundred and forty-seven college students as well as the subjects of the wayfinding experiments. The results of this study are as follows; 1. An individual evacuee tends to follow normal direction signs instead of emergency exit signs in the station. 2. An individual evacuee decides his own way in a crossroad. 3. An individual evacuee selects his route tentatively or by a sense of distance if he is not able to find a clear direction sign. 4. An individual evacuee does not select his route in accordance with the actual distance to an exit. This paper outlines wayfinding evacuation behavior in case of fire in large railway stations. A future paper will provide a more detailed analysis resulting from think-aloud protocols and specific routes chosen by the subjects.

    DOI CiNii


  • 壁面移動ロボットがもたらす視覚的妨害刺激がタスクパフォーマンンスに及ぼす影響

    吉岡 陽介, 高橋 正樹, 渡辺 秀俊, 遠田 敦, 佐野 友紀, 林田 和人

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第700号 ( 700 ) 1301 - 1301  2014.06


  • 群集流横断における歩行者間の回避強度水準の検討 ?短時間歩行パス分析をもちいた群集解析 その

    今西 美音子, 佐野 友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第698号   917 - 9222  2014.04

  • 廊下の滞留が居室単一開口部の流動量に与える影響 -開口部の群集流動量に関する実大実験およびシミュレーション分析 その1

    城 明秀, 池畠 由華, 佐野 友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第696号 ( 696 ) 293 - 300  2014.02

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    This paper presents the characteristics of the pedestrian movement around the door connected to a corridor. We focused on the flow rate where a door connects to a corridor to verify evacuation safety, based on performance-based design. Full-scale evacuation experiments were conducted to confirm that a decrease in flow rate would occur when passing through an opening. A flow rate of 1.5 persons/m/s is assumed as the convention for Japanese Building-Standard Law. However, when the corridor connected to the door is crowded, flow rate at the door decreases. Therefore, the effective flow rate, which changes in relation to the effective area of corridor available, was used in Japanese performance-based codes to accurately evaluate the evacuation time of buildings in a fire. Furthermore, the differences between this experiment and &quot;SimTread&quot; (a multi-agent pedestrian simulator) were investigated to examine the validity of the simulation.


  • Analysis of crowd flow capacity through a door connected to a crowded corridor

    Akihide Jo, Tomonori Sano, Yuka Ikehata, Yoshifumi Ohmiya

    CONFERENCE ON PEDESTRIAN AND EVACUATION DYNAMICS 2014 (PED 2014)   2   10 - 18  2014  [Refereed]

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    This paper presents the characteristics of pedestrian movement around doors connected to corridors. We focused on the flow rates through a door connected to a corridor to verify the evacuation safety for a performance-based design. In full scale evacuation experiment, when the corridor connected to a door was crowded, the flow rate at the door decreased. Furthermore, the differences between the experimental results and those from multi-agent pedestrian simulator were investigated to examine the validity of the simulation. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Level of avoidance in crossing pedestrian flow

    Mineko Imanishi, Tomonori Sano

    CONFERENCE ON PEDESTRIAN AND EVACUATION DYNAMICS 2014 (PED 2014)   2   367 - 375  2014  [Refereed]

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    This study investigated pedestrians' avoidance behaviors in crossing flow in order to obtain quantitative criteria for evaluating the difficulty of walking in a crowd. A new graphic illustration method, called the Short-Time Pedestrian Path Diagram, was developed and visually represents the state of a crowd. Under laboratory conditions, the results of our experiment suggest that pedestrians adjust their walking speed, walking route, and/or shoulder angle to avoid striking other people. Each of the pedestrian's avoidance behaviors can be classified into three levels, whose thresholds are defined based on speed, angular velocity, or shoulder angle. It was also observed that the strength of avoidance behaviors is affected by the density of the crowd and the angle that the crossing pedestrian walked into the pedestrian flow. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Experimental study on crowd flow passing through ticket gates in railway stations

    Kosuke Fujii, Tomonori Sano

    CONFERENCE ON PEDESTRIAN AND EVACUATION DYNAMICS 2014 (PED 2014)   2   630 - 635  2014  [Refereed]

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    Ticket gates in railway stations or stadiums and security gates in office buildings pose difficulties for evacuation in in case of fire. This paper focuses on the characteristics of a crowd passing through the ticket gates of Japanese railway stations. The characteristics of a crowd flow passing through ticket gates were identified, and numerical values were derived to estimate the evacuation time. A total of 48 subjects were asked to pass through a ticket gate with three passages and three different wide passages, where each width was the same as the sum of the three passage widths of the ticket gate. The crowd flow through the ticket gate was simulated with the pedestrian simulation model SimTread. The results of this study elucidated the flow rate through the ticket gates and the numerical values to calculate the time for evacuation planning. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Level of avoidance in crossing pedestrian flow

    Mineko Imanishi, Tomonori Sano


     View Summary

    This study investigated pedestrians' avoidance behaviors in crossing flow in order to obtain quantitative criteria for evaluating the difficulty of walking in a crowd. A new graphic illustration method, called the Short-Time Pedestrian Path Diagram, was developed and visually represents the state of a crowd. Under laboratory conditions, the results of our experiment suggest that pedestrians adjust their walking speed, walking route, and/or shoulder angle to avoid striking other people. Each of the pedestrian's avoidance behaviors can be classified into three levels, whose thresholds are defined based on speed, angular velocity, or shoulder angle. It was also observed that the strength of avoidance behaviors is affected by the density of the crowd and the angle that the crossing pedestrian walked into the pedestrian flow. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Analysis of crowd flow capacity through a door connected to a crowded corridor.

    Akihide Jo, Tomonori Sano, Yuka Ikehata, Yoshifumi Ohmiya

    Transportation Research Procedia   2   10 - 18  2014

     View Summary

    © 2014 The Authors. This paper presents the characteristics of pedestrian movement around doors connected to corridors. We focused on the flow rates through a door connected to a corridor to verify the evacuation safety for a performance-based design. In full scale evacuation experiment, when the corridor connected to a door was crowded, the flow rate at the door decreased. Furthermore, the differences between the experimental results and those from multi-agent pedestrian simulator were investigated to examine the validity of the simulation.



  • AVOIDANCE LEVEL IN CROSSING PEDESTRIAN FLOW:Pedestrian flow investigation using short-time pedestrian path analysis Part 1

    IMANISHI Mineko, SANO Tomonori

    J. Archit. Plann.   79 ( 698 ) 917 - 922  2014  [Refereed]

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    This study analyzes the pedestrian's avoidance behavior in crossing flow in order to obtain quantitative criteria for evaluating the difficulty of walking in a crowd. The new graphic illustration methods, called Short-Time Pedestrian Path Diagram and Direction Rose Diagram, are developed and proposed in this paper to represent the state of a crowd visually. The result of our experiment suggests that pedestrians descend their walking speed or/and detour to avoid striking other people and each avoidance behavior can be classified into three levels, whose threshold are defined from the speed or the angular velocity of each pedestrian.



    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi, ENTA Atsushi, SANO Tomonori, HAYASHIDA Kazuto

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   79 ( 700 ) 1301 - 1307  2014

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    We examined the effects of visual noises caused by wall-moving robots on task-performance. Subjects attended to Calculating-task and Inputting-task on a desktop display while the projected black circles as visual noises were moving on the front wall. Results indicated 1) Answering-time for Calculating-task was increased while black circles were moving in the area within 35-degrees from Gazing-point for the task. 2) Just after black circles appeared on the horizontal area spread on Gazing-point, Answering-time for the first quest of Calculating-task was increased. 3) While black circles were moving on the same horizontal area on Gazing-point, Eye-blinking rate was increased.

    DOI CiNii

  • THE EFFECT ON ACUTE YAW ANGLES WITH VIEW DIRECTION THROUGH FIRE SMOKE:- Visibility of the emergency sign and the direction sign -

    FUJII Kosuke, SANO Tomonori, OHMIYA Yoshifumi

    J. Environ. Eng.   79 ( 702 ) 639 - 648  2014

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    Two experiments on the visibility of a direction sign and three emergency signs through fire smoke were carried out with subjects. In Japanese railway stations, direction signs, which are prescribed by rules of each railway company, and Emergency signs, which are prescribed by Fire Services Act, are installed. The emergency signs used in the experiments are an evacuation exit sign and two evacuation route signs. Smoke density, type of signs and yaw angles of the sign were changed in the experiments. Twenty subjects aged twenties were participated in the experiments. All subjects have normal sight. The experiments are planned with "Design of Experiment". As a result of statistical analysis with regression analysis, relational expressions of each sign about the visible distance, smoke density and yaw angles were derived.



    ENTA Atsushi, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, SANO Tomonori, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   79 ( 696 ) 329 - 337  2014

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    We examined the effects of spatial variables on the evaluation rate for interactive robots presented with Augmented Reality technology (AR-Robots). Results indicated the followings. AR-Robots in front of subjects get higher evaluation rate while they were presented on the eye-height of the subjects than on the desktop or the floor. The suitable distance for the subjects while they were approaching and speaking to AR-Robots was approximately 1300 mm. And the distance was strongly influenced by the conversation content especially for some subject had an introvert personality, while the distance was influenced by the appearance of AR-Robots for the extrovert subjects.

    DOI CiNii


    NIWA Yukari, SANO Tomonori

    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design   18 ( 39 ) 667 - 672  2012

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    This case study examines the seat selection at the time of arrival in a small-scale non-territorial office. The questionnaire to the workers reveals that 23% of workers consider that their seat selections affect their business and 67% of workers prefer to change their seats to avoid other worker's voice. The observation of the seat selection at the office shows that many workers tend to fix their own seats. Even when they miss the seats, they select another seat in the same area (table). Some particular areas are hardly used while the other areas are frequently selected. And the seats at the corner of each area are occupied first. Some workers select the area where the particular worker sit.


  • Study On Congestion In Stairs During Phased Evacuation In A High-Rise Building

    Hiroyuki Kadokura, Ai Sekizawa, Tomonori Sano, Masanori Yajima, Satomi Masuda

    International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire, Robinson College, Cambridge, UK    2012

  • Experimental study on accident perception by smoke at an initial fire

    Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Tomonori Sano

    International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire, Robinson College, Cambridge, UK    2012

  • Experimental Study on Crowd Flow Through an Opening Connected to a Crowded Corridor

    Tomonori Sano, A Jo, Y Ikehata

    International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire, Robinson College, Cambridge, UK    2012

  • Evacuation design focused on quality of flow- utilizing multi-agent pedestrian simulator, SIMTREAD

    Minegishi, Y, Yoshida, Y, Takeichi, N, Jo, A, Sano, T, Kimura, T

    Advanced Research Workshop "EVACUATION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS",Santander (Spain)    2011.10

  • Research on accident preception by visual influence of smoke at an initial fire

    Yuki Shindo, Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Ichiro Hagiwara, Tomonori Sano, Atsushi Enta

    Journal of Environmental Engineering   76 ( 659 ) 1 - 7  2011

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    With the introduction of specific safety guidelines in the Building Standards Act, it introduced the Method of Verification forEvacuation Safety. In the Method of Verification for Evacuation Safety, along with the time for the starting time of evacuation, the walking time, the time of exit transit time, it calculates the time from the fire break out to th e evacuation complete. However, due to weak evidence for the calculating method of the evacuation starting time, the necessity for the construction of the method based on engineering evidences is pointed out. The timing of the accident perception is important factor that decides the time until evacuation beginning of the person in the fire room. In this study, it paid attention to a visual influence of smoke in the factor of the accident perception, and we execute some subjective experiment. As a result of the research, we clarified some useful findings, such as the value of extinction coefficient of smoke layer and cause regarding the accident perception.



  • Experimental Study of Crowd Flow Passing through Simple-shaped Room and Validation for an Evacuation Simulator, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics

    Tomonori Sano, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Naohiro Takeichi, Takeshi Kimura, Yoshikazu Minegishi

    Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics   2011   587 - 599  2011

    DOI CiNii

  • 階段室内における手動介助型避難用車いすの性能に関する基礎的検討

    石突光隆, 遠田敦, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第658号 ( 658 ) 2763 - 2769  2010.12

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    In this research, we conducted a fundamental research concerning the capability of the manual-assistive evacuation chair. The results of this paper are as follows. As the operation training is enforced repeatedly, participants had shortened descending time in the staircase. The participant who had an operation experience of the manual-assistive evacuation chair marked faster and more stable descending time than inexperienced participant. When the participant goes down several floors continuously, descending time between the floors is gradually shortened. We found out that the narrowness of the stair affected the operation performance of the evacuation chair on the landing was larger than on the step of staircase. Furthermore, the weight of the passenger sitting on influenced differently by the type of evacuation chair.


  • 階段室内における手動介助型避難用車いすの性能に関する基礎的検討

    石突光隆, 遠田敦, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第658号   2763 - 2769  2010.12

  • Comfortable distance between the man and the autonomy robot

    HAYASHIDA Kazuto, ENTA Atsushi, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Journal of architecture and planning   75 ( 651 ) 1133 - 1139  2010.05

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    To clarify the operating station and the speed of the robot where man doesn't feel the obstruct feeling to the robot, the work was done from the following two approaches.1. When the robot moved around the man, the obstruct feeling that man felt was measured. And, the relation between the obstruct feeling, to the passing speed, the position of the robot, and the moving direction of the robot was clarified.2. Man was arranged at a position near the wall and a position far from the wall, and the obstruct feeling to the robot that moved was measured. The relation between the obstruct feeling that man felt and the space was clarified.As a result, it has been understood the obstruct feeling compared with the robot is in proportion with the distance between the man and the robot. Moreover, it was clarified that the obstruct feeling rose when was arranged at a position far from the wall.


  • Comfortable distance between the man and the autonomy robot

    林田和人, 遠田 敦, 吉岡陽介, 高橋正樹, 佐野友紀, 渡辺秀俊

    Journal of architecture and planning   75 ( 651 ) 1133 - 1139  2010.05



    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi, ENTA Atsushi, SANO Tomonori, HAYASHIDA Kazuto

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   75 ( 652 ) 1399 - 1405  2010

     View Summary

    In the near future, there will be several types of the leading robots that lead us a way to a destination in our daily life spaces. Some experiments were conducted in order to clarify the characters behaviors of human in follow-walking after leading robots in a real corridor. Following results were obtained. 1) The distance to the robots were kept in from 900 to 1100(mm). And 2) Subjects tended to gaze at the short size robot (300mm height) more frequently than the middle size one (600mm height). 3) When the leading speed is lower (0.34m/s), subjects tended to gaze at the short size robot (300mm height) more frequently than the tall size one (900mm height). 4) The characteristic fixation pattern was found that was gazing at the midair area above the head of the robots.

    DOI CiNii


    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi, ENTA Atsushi, SANO Tomonori, HAYASHIDA Kazuto

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   75 ( 652 ) 1399 - 1405  2010

     View Summary

    In the near future, there will be several types of the leading robots that lead us a way to a destination in our daily life spaces. Some experiments were conducted in order to clarify the characters behaviors of human in follow-walking after leading robots in a real corridor. Following results were obtained. 1) The distance to the robots were kept in from 900 to 1100(mm). And 2) Subjects tended to gaze at the short size robot (300mm height) more frequently than the middle size one (600mm height). 3) When the leading speed is lower (0.34m/s), subjects tended to gaze at the short size robot (300mm height) more frequently than the tall size one (900mm height). 4) The characteristic fixation pattern was found that was gazing at the midair area above the head of the robots.

    DOI CiNii

  • On-site experiment on the group evacuation behavior in large-scale underground shopping mall - Preference of pathway in passage crossing and cognition of exits

    Shuji Moriyama, Yuji Hasemi, Junko Ogawa, Tomonori Sano, Tadahisa Jin, Takahiro Hebiishi

    Journal of Environmental Engineering   74 ( 637 ) 233 - 240  2009.03

     View Summary

    In view of the rapid large scale development of underground in the central big cities, especially around terminal stations, evacuation experiments have been conducted with 79 subjects using an underground shopping mall near Tokyo Station actually in service after business hours. Four groups of 20 subjects started from different locations and time to "escape" from any of emergency exits was measured for each subject. 12 out of the 79 subjects wore elderly simulator to compare evacuation behavior of elderly and that of younger people. The evacuation behavior was also monitored by video cameras and escape route of each subject was reproduced afterwards. Five experiments were conducted using the lighting conditions and layout of emergency exits as parameters. The starting point was changed from experiment to experiment, not making any subject repeat similar selection of escape route. The shopping mall is composed of grid of passages, and is installed with escape route sign lights on every passage according to Fire Service Law. In every experiment, it was observed that considerable portion of subjects did not select right passage toward nearest exit at intersection nor passed over right exits. These are not compliant with widely accepted assumption for deterministic modeling of evacuation in mall-like facility. Factors dictating the probability to select right passage at intersections and that to recognize emergency exit are analyzed from the experimental data.



  • 経路図に付加された避難順路が避難行動に及ぼす影響に関する心理学的考察 ーマルチメディア技術を利用した避難誘導システムの開発 その3ー

    掛井秀一, 佐藤博臣, 佐野友紀, 佐古順彦

    日本建築学会 計画系論文集   第613号   73 - 79  2007.03

  • Analysis on the Difference of the Evacuation Characteristics Based on the Questionnaire Survey Results

    Yosuke Nakano, Manabu Ebihara, Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Tomonori Sano, Shuji Kakegawa

    International Journal for Fire Science and Technology   Vol.26 ( No.4 ) 361 - 365  2007

  • Study on Human Behaviour from High-Rise Building Part.5 Influence torrOperation Performance of the Evacuation-Chair by Width Change of therrStairs

    Shuntaro Abe, Mitsutaka Ishizuki, Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Tomonori Sano, Ichiro Hagiwara

    International Journal for Fire Science and Technology   Vol.26 ( No.4 ) 385 - 390  2007

  • 避難安全とユニバーサルデザイン

    Mitsutaka Ishizuki, Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Tomonori Sano, Ichiro Hagiwara, Shuntaro Abe

    International Journal for Fire Science and Technology   Vol.26 ( No.4 ) 391 - 396  2007

  • ロボットに対する人間の回避距離

    遠田 敦, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀, 高橋正樹, 林田和人

    日本建築学会 計画系論文集   第601号   81 - 85  2006.03

  • Experimental Studies on Wheelchair Passage through Fire Doors

    Tomonori SANO, Ken NUNOTA

    International Journal for Fire Science and Technology   Vol.24 ( No.3 ) 121 - 132  2005.12

  • 高層建築物避難を想定した階段室における在館者群集の合流特性

    佐野友紀, 竹市尚広, 木村謙, 大宮喜文, 吉田克之, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会 計画系論文集   第598号   51 - 56  2005.12

  • 避難誘導における経路図情報の提示に関する心理学的考察 ーマルチメディア技術を利用した避難誘導システムの開発 その2-

    掛井修一, 佐藤博臣, 佐野友紀, 佐古順彦

    日本建築学会 計画系論文集   第596号   27 - 34  2005.10

  • Characteristics of merging occupants in a staircase

    Naohiro Takeichi, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Tomonori Sano, Takeshi Kimura, Hitoshi Watanabe, Yoshifumi Ohmiya

    Fire Safety Science     591 - 598  2005

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of merges on crowds in a staircase and the ease of merging with variations in crowd density, directions of merge, and whether the door joining a hallway to a staircase was opened or closed. The results led to the following conclusions: 1) merging is easier at lower population density; 2) merging is easier if the direction of the merging crowd is same as the direction of the crowd in the staircase; and 3) merging is easier if the door is initially opened, and the evacuation speed is decreased by 30% when the door is initially closed. Copyright © 2005 International Association for Fire Safety Science.



  • Characteristics of merging occupants in a staircase

    Naohiro Takeichi, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Tomonori Sano, Takeshi Kimura, Hitoshi Watanabe, Yoshifumi Ohmiya

    Fire Safety Science     591 - 598  2005

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of merges on crowds in a staircase and the ease of merging with variations in crowd density, directions of merge, and whether the door joining a hallway to a staircase was opened or closed. The results led to the following conclusions: 1) merging is easier at lower population density
    2) merging is easier if the direction of the merging crowd is same as the direction of the crowd in the staircase
    and 3) merging is easier if the door is initially opened, and the evacuation speed is decreased by 30% when the door is initially closed. Copyright © 2005 International Association for Fire Safety Science.



  • Evacuation from High-rise Buildings by Using an Evacuation Chair

    Tomonori Sano, Yoshihumi Ohmiya, Ichiro Hagiwara

    6th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science &amp; Technology, KOREA     631 - 638  2004.03

  • 防火設備開口部における通過動作特性

    建部謙治, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎, 本間正彦, 三村由夫, 内山聖士

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第576号   53 - 58  2004.02

  • Evacuation Design Strategy for High-Rise Buildings

    Tomonori Sano, Ichiro Hagiwara, Atsuko Tanaka

    CIB-CTBUH International Conference on Tall Buildings,Malaysia     567 - 572  2003.10

  • 災害弱者による防火設備開口部の通過特性

    佐野友紀, 建部謙治, 萩原一郎, 三村由夫, 本間正彦

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第559号   1 - 7  2002.09

  • 空間-時間系モデルを用いた歩行者空間の混雑評価

    佐野友紀, 高柳英明, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第555号   191 - 197  2002.05

  • フィールド調査にもとづく通過しにくさの解析 群集流動横断時の歩行特性に関する研究 その2

    建部謙治, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第554号   175 - 180  2002.04

  • 群集交差流動における歩行領域確保に関する研究-歩行領域モデルを用いた解析-

    高柳英明, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第549号   185 - 191  2001.11

  • 物理指標から見た交錯についての実験的研究 群集流動横断時の歩行特性に関する研究 その1

    佐野友紀, 志田弘二, 建部謙治

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第546号   127 - 132  2001.08

  • 交差立体可視化モデルを用いた群衆の交錯状態の表現に関する研究

    佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第494号   147 - 151  1997.04

  • 空間-時間系モデルを用いた群衆歩行軌跡の可視化

    佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第479号   125 - 130  1996.01


    TAKASE Daiju, ENMAN Ryuhei, SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hitoshi

    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design   2 ( 3 ) 263 - 267  1996  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The paper explores the effectiveness of a new practical human behavior model and an user-oriented simulation system, developed newly for designer. In this model, a space (plan) for human activity is represented by an 3-meter hexagonal mesh. In this system, the architectural mesh library is made with general CAD software of Macintosh. And Clanguage is used the simulation program. The object facility of this study was a station with concourse deck. By using this system, a designer can simply simulate human behavior at planning in early stage.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • Barrier-free Design Guide for Escape Safety in Childcare Facilities

    ( Part: Joint author)


  • 医療施設における避難安全のバリアフリーデザインの手引き

    日本建築学会( Part: Joint editor)

    日本建築学会,丸善 (発売)  2018.11 ISBN: 9784818927162

  • 空間要素 世界の建築都市デザイン

    佐野友紀他, 日本建築学会編

    井上書院  2003.07

  • 建築設計資料集成 拡張編「人間」

    佐野友紀他, 日本建築学会編

    丸善  2003.01

  • 建築と都市のための空間計画学

    佐野友紀他, 日本建築学会編

    井上書院  2002.05

  • 事例で解く改正建築基準法 性能規定化時代の防災・安全計画

    佐野友紀他, 日本建築学会編

    彰国社  2001.04

  • 空間演出 世界の建築・都市デザイン

    佐野友紀他, 日本建築学会編

    井上書院  2000.11

  • 芸術工学への誘いIII

    佐野友紀他, 柳澤 忠編

    岐阜新聞社  1999.08

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Research Projects

  • Planning Methods for Spatially Flexible Evacuation Guidance Considering Effective Use of Digital Technology in Large Scale Building

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Housing environment maximizing functional ability and subjective well-being of older people using long-term care

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • エリア防災における外国人の避難行動分析からみた都市のマルチリンガル化

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Consideration of balance among "Phased, priority and assisted evacuation" on high-rise welfare facilities in population reduction and "double care" society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Consideration of the guideline for effective assisted evacuation for nursery home in a high-rise building.

    Project Year :


  • Study on Evacuation Method of Self-help / Community-help for Vulnerable People in Disaster using Wearable Watch Devices

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Enta Atsushi, NOTAKE hiroaki, HIROTA masayuki

     View Summary

    The results of this research are the following three. (1) We clarified the human response to vibration notification using a smart watch through quantitative analysis. We conducted experiments, especially for healthy people, elderly people and people with hearing impairments. (2) We developed a delivery system for evacuation guidance information using a smart watch and implemented its performance improvement. (3) We released this system to the public

  • Evacuation risk evaluation of nursery home in high-rise building for the zero-waiting list policy.

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This reseach aimed to evaluate the actual evacuation risk of nursary home in high-rise building for the zero-waiting list policy. Field survery and evacuation drill research were conducted in several nursary homes of different size and in verious location.These results showed that assisted and guided evacuation for nursary home children should be done. And we clalified that the number of registered nursary home staff was lower than that for assited evacuation by the organization of related law for nursary home. Besides, the nursary home on much upper floors in high-rise bulidning had higher risk than that under 4th floor because the regulation of nursary home on 4th floor and over was more strict however it was not changed accoding to the number of floor

  • Development of a Package of Dementia Support Programs based on Multi-generational Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kase Hiroko, Kumno Hiroaki, Kojima Takaya, Oogihara Astushi, Asada Tadashi, Ono Mitsukazu, Sano Tomonori

     View Summary

    [Purpose]This research aimed to develop a package of multi-generational programs to support people with dementia(PWD).[Method]Questionnaires were mailed to citizens age 40 and older. A package of six action research studies was conducted: implementing a series of lectures and workshops ; delivering a study program in elementary schools; organizing a volunteer group;collaborating regular meetings of community care professionals; delivering mindfulness therapy for caregivers; and intervening to in old apartments. The Social Capital Scale administrated at baseline and at 24 months. [Results] The respondents in the follow-up survey confirmed the decline of the ratio of participants in community activities; however the increased ratio of people who hoped to help neighbors was statistically significant.[Conclusion] Multi-generational education programs,including volunteer placement and support, must encourage residents to join activities to help PWD and their families

  • Development of disaster prevention evaluation method for the landscape in the underground space including commercial facilities.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SANO Tomonori

     View Summary

    Recently, many underground facilities connecting to the large railway stations and the large buildings have been developed. The architectural planning for convenient use in usual situation and the guidance information for emergency evacuation should be considered for these facilities. As there are many similar sights in the underground facilities, they are not much attractive and people tend to be lost in them.In this study, the scene in the underground space whose view are limited visually, defined as "Underground Landscape." The photos and 3 dimensions video at the 400 scenes in the underground facilities were recorded and the evaluation experiments of "Underground Landscape" scene were conducted. As the result, participants got anxiety and tight feeling from the scene of "Underground Landscape." Additionally, the skylight window and the open ceiling space with them reduce these undesirable feelings

  • Development of evaluation method forhuman safety in residential fire by taking into consideration of residential characteristics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGAHARA Shinichi, YAMAUCHI Yukio, MIZUNO Masayuki, SANO Tomonori

     View Summary

    The CO yield models in smoldering of cotton futon and ventilated burning of wood in compartment were experimentally-derived. Inputting these models to two-layer zone model of smoke movement, it was verified to be able to predict approximate CO concentration in the model compartment used in experiments. And,the characteristics of deadly fires were extracted from statistical data of fire report and its measures for safety were organized against each fire danger. The effects of interlocking residential fire alarm were evaluated through the casestudies for human life safety in typical residential model

  • Study of vertical position of robot in architectural space

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Hidetoshi, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tmonori, TAKAHASHI Masaki, YOSHIOKA Yousuke, ENTA Atsushi

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to clarify the human perception of the robot is placed vertically in the space. The goal of this study is to know how to plan architectural space in order to coexist with the robot. Experimental results using a real model and AR model, sense of distance is different from each other, and there is an optimal position to interact with the robot. In addition, the illustration as a "living with the robot"based on the results of the study, were evaluated by experts

  • A Study on the effective total evacuation strategy in the high-rise building with disabled people getting self-help, co-assistance, and public assistance.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SANO Tomonori

     View Summary

    Aged people and disabled people tend to be trapped in the high-rise building in fire, because they are less physically able than healthy people. The purpose of this study is to investigate the appropriate evacuation strategy for disabled people in the high-rise building. This study shows the effective total evacuation strategy in the high-rise building with disabled people getting self-help, co-assistance, and public assistance. The evacuation strategy contains a phased evacuation, horizontal evacuation, elevator evacuation, and a usage of emergency evacuation chair

  • Study of architectural space for man to coexist with robot

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Hidetoshi, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tmonori, TAKAHASHI Masaki, YOSHIOKA Yousuke, ENTA Atsushi, TAKAYANAGI Hideaki, TANAKA Shinji

  • A Study of Visualization of Sound and Application to Architectual Planning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Hitoshi, SANO Tomonori, KIMURA Takeshi, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, NAGASAWA Natsuko, YAMAKUSE Takeshi

     View Summary

    Purpose of this research is to propose the technique which appraises the state of the actual construction space by visualizing the sound field of the space from character of various sounds. With this, when the construction space is designed, adjusting to the function, it becomes possible to simulate the state of the sound which is thought as necessity beforehand.With the "particle object model", the visual handicapped person sound paid attention to the point which is signed for walking with the station, plural sign sounds verified from the point of direction and continuity et cetera the case which is consecutively heard attendant upon walking, making use of particle object. With the "volume rendering model", like the library, in order the occurrence place of sound in the fixed sound source, the listener who is in the place of specification *g in prerequisite, to look at the state of sound of the space with 3 D, with thing, intuitively know understanding became possible. As for the "sequence description model", the listener who is moved alongside according to walking route, is the technique which appraises the space as a gathering of the sound which is heard continually

  • 高齢者と健常者の混在状態における避難計画に関する研究

     View Summary

    本研究では、火災時の避難を対象として、高齢者などの弱者と健常者とが混在する状態を取り上げて研究を行った。実空間ではなくVirtual Reality技術を用いた仮想空間で再現し、避難実験を行うことで、高齢者の避難時の行動特性を明らかにするとともに、混在によって新たに発生する問題点を見いだした。具体的には、第一に文献資料・実験から、避難時に必要となる身体能力・機能の整理および高齢者の身体能力の実体の整理を行った。これにより、実験を通して防火戸は開放重量が大きいため、高齢者・車椅子利用者にとっては、開放が困難であることを見いだした。また、身体動作データは、VR避難シミュレータの動作パラメータを規定する基礎資料とした。第二にVRを用いた避難シミュレータの開発を行った。シミュレータでは、Head Mounted Displayを用いて3次元仮想空間内を360゜見回し、自由に移動しながら避難体験が可能である。仮想空間内には居室、廊下、階段、防火シャッター、防火戸、炎、煙避難誘導灯、他の避難者、非常警報を再現した。また、避難者の行動設定として、歩行速度、見回し速度、操作に対する反応速度、視界の明快さ(視力)の変更を可能とし、高齢者の立場での避難を可能にした。第三にシミュレータを用いて、大規模商業施設を想定した仮想避難実験を行った。その結果、高齢者は身体能力の低下により、避難誘導灯を見落とし、避難経路を誤認する割合が高まること、多数の人が向かう避難口に避難者が向かいやすいことを確認した。また全被験者に共通して、防火シャッターの降下により、日常利用している状態と風景が一変することで、避難経路の誤認率が高まることを見いだした。加えて、高齢者と健常者が混在して避難する状態を再現することで、高齢者が避難に後れをとる事を確認し、その際、全体の避難速度は遅い避難者の速度に近づくことを示すとともに、速度の遅い高齢者は心理的により不安な状態になることを確かめた

  • 「設計と連動する歩行者行動シミュレーションシステムに関する研究」のための企画調査

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  • 既存建築物の災害弱者火災避難のための改修技術の検討

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  • 高層事務所ビルの避難訓練調査とコントロールボリュームモデルによる予測の比較分析

    朴 聖經, 水野 雅之, 呉 貫遠, 藤井 皓介, 佐野 友紀, 関澤 愛, 門倉 博之

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   ( 91 ) 417 - 420  2021.03


  • 全館避難訓練における階段での避難者の合流性状に関する分析

    PARK SeongKyung, 水野雅之, 藤井皓介, 門倉博之, 佐野友紀, 関澤愛

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019 ( 2019 ) 361 - 362  2019.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 群集階段避難性状の実験的研究 その5 階段幅員が流動量に及ぼす影響

    池畠由華, 山口純一, 丹下学, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.3168  2019.07


  • 居室避難実験における退出口位置と歩行速度の関係

    青柳翔, 丹下学, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 城明秀, 池畠由華, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.3174  2019.07


  • 大規模自由記述アンケートによる多目的ラウンジスペース環境に求められる印象および環境要素の把握

    佐藤泰, 佐野友紀, 吉野攝津子

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.5030  2019.07


  • 群集歩行実験に関する研究 通路における複数の開口の影響

    扇谷実沙, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 城明秀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.3173  2019.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 低速度者が混在する群集流における避難完了時間に関する考察

    高橋由里, 大宮喜文, 山口純一, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.3160  2019.07


  • 群集流の交差角度制御による整流効果 歩行者ラウンドアバウトによる群集整流のための実験的研究 その2

    小井美粋, 今西美音子, 城明秀, 安江仁孝, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.5245  2019.07


  • 微視的な行動観察調査を通したオフィス内什器がコミュニケーションに与える影響の検討

    阿部廣二, 佐藤泰, 佐野友紀, 浅田晴之, 上西基弘

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.5029  2019.07


  • 歩行者ラウンドアバウトの提案と実験概要 歩行者ラウンドアバウトによる群集整流のための実験的研究 その1

    城明秀, 今西美音子, 小井美粋, 安江仁孝, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.5244  2019.07


  • 覚知率および経路逸脱に影響を与える要因 大規模駅地下歩行空間における誘導灯覚知にもとづく設置様態の評価 その2

    中村佳穂, 安江仁孝, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.3159  2019.07


  • 歩行性状と心理評価の関係 歩行者ラウンドアバウトによる群集整流のための実験的研究 その3

    今西美音子, 小井美粋, 城明秀, 安江仁孝, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.5246  2019.07


  • 誘導灯覚知実験方法と設置様態ごとの覚知率 大規模駅地下歩行空間における誘導灯覚知にもとづく設置様態の評価 その1

    安江仁孝, 中村佳穂, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2019   ROMBUNNO.3158  2019.07


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その20 階段踊り場での避難流動に関する画像解析

    鈴木駿太, PARK SeongKyung, 水野雅之, 関澤愛, 藤井皓介, 門倉博之, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2019   354‐355  2019.05


  • 低速度者が混在する群集歩行性状の実験的研究

    峯岸良和, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2019   190‐193  2019.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練での避難誘導調査 その2 順次避難シナリオによる階段内避難流動

    PARK SeongKyung, 水野雅之, 土方佑一郎, 関澤愛, 藤井皓介, 佐野友紀, 奥山将行

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2019   42‐43  2019.05


  • 開放空間での2群の歩行者流交差

    今西美音子, 小井美粋, 城明秀, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2019   202‐205  2019.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その19 階段室内に警備員を配置した避難誘導と順次避難シナリオの改善

    PARK SeongKyung, 水野雅之, 土方佑一郎, 鈴木駿太, 関澤愛, 藤井皓介, 門倉博之, 佐野友紀, 奥山将行

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2019   348‐349  2019.05


  • 高層事務所ビルにおける全館避難訓練の実測調査 その3 避難訓練参加者へのアンケート調査結果

    水野雅之, PARK SeongKyung, 土方佑一郎, 鈴木駿太, 関澤愛, 藤井皓介, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2019   346‐347  2019.05


  • 広幅員階段における群集歩行性状の実験的研究 その2 歩行距離と踊り場幅が流動量に及ぼす影響

    池畠由華, 城明秀, 山口純一, 丹下学, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2019   198‐201  2019.05


  • 広幅員階段歩行性状の実験的研究 その1 実験概要および多層階合流時の歩行性状の結果

    城明秀, 池畠由華, 丹下学, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2019   194‐197  2019.05


  • 3005 群集歩行性状に関する研究 通路幅と扉幅の割合が与える流動係数の影響

    城 明秀, 扇谷 実沙, 大宮 喜文, 佐野 友紀, 丹下 学

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   ( 89 ) 601 - 604  2019.03


  • A STUDY ON USER EVALUATION ABOUT ADDITIONAL SIGN AT RAILWAY STATIONS FOCUSED ON INSTALLATION LOCATION Consideration of positive and negative elements of sign at railway stations Vol. 2

    安江仁孝, 辻村壮平, 今西美音子, 池田佳樹, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   84 ( 764 ) 2099‐2108(J‐STAGE) - 2108  2019


  • 高層事務所ビルにおける全館避難訓練時の階段室内の滞留発生と伝播に関する分析

    門倉博之, 藤井皓介, 水野雅之, 佐野友紀, 関澤愛

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 161 - 162  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 群集が壁沿いに直角に曲る実験で得た歩行軌跡

    今西美音子, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文, 丹下学

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 535 - 536  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 階段内の群集歩行性状の実験的研究 その1 研究の目的と実験の概要

    田村祐介, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 峯岸良和, 池畠由華, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 149 - 150  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 階段内の群集歩行性状の実験的研究 その3 合流が発生する場合

    野路諒彦, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 峯岸良和, 池畠由華, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 153 - 154  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究前方歩行距離と歩行速度の関係

    城明秀, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 135 - 136  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 群集歩行実験に関する研究居室避難

    扇谷実沙, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 133 - 134  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究階段避難を想定したU型通路の合流

    山田昇吾, 大宮喜文, 岸上昌史, 佐野友紀, 城明秀, 丹下学, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 131 - 132  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 階段内の群集歩行性状の実験的研究 その4 画像解析による被験者位置の計測

    丹下学, 嶺智大, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 峯岸良和, 池畠由華, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 155 - 156  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 垂直移動を含む地下避難経路選択行動実験に基づく誘導灯設置方法の検討

    久保田準, 安江仁孝, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.5376  2018.07


  • グラデーションサインが人の方向誘導に与える影響

    二本松亮, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.5379  2018.07


  • 身体密着式腕時計型端末を用いた振動通知に対する覚知特性―避難行動時および日常生活時における覚知実験 その2―

    遠田敦, 野竹宏彰, 広田正之, 佐野友紀, 倉田成人

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.5409  2018.07


  • 鉄道駅における公式サインへの追設サイン付加が利用者評価に与える影響

    安江仁孝, 辻村壮平, 今西美音子, 池田佳樹, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.40091  2018.07


  • 業務目的でのパブリック空間利用から考える新しい「はたらく場」(その1)利用傾向に基づく高頻度利用ワーカーの類型化

    長谷川詢, 佐藤泰, 佐野友紀, 上西基弘

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.5097  2018.07


  • 聴覚障がい者に対する災害情報伝達に関する研究

    松崎泰久, 若月大輔, 倉田成人, 佐野友紀, 遠田敦, 野竹宏彰, 広田正之

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.11082  2018.07


  • 階段内の群集歩行性状の実験的研究(その2)階段歩行の距離が群集の流動性状に及ぼす影響

    池畠由華, 山口純一, 峯岸良和, 丹下学, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 151 - 152  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 既存の乗り物と比較した立ち乗り型モビリティの印象評価

    笹原慎太郎, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.5354  2018.07


  • VRを活用した寸法感学習ツール「スケトレ」の開発と効果の検証

    馬淵大宇, 吉岡陽介, 遠田敦, 藤井皓介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 1009 - 1010  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 身体密着式腕時計型端末を用いた振動通知に対する覚知特性―避難行動時および日常生活時における覚知実験 その1―

    野竹宏彰, 遠田敦, 広田正之, 佐野友紀, 倉田成人

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.5408  2018.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究低速度歩行者を混在させた群集流における避難完了時間に関する考察

    高橋由里, 山口純一, 佐野友紀, 藤本夏樹, 城明秀, 丹下学, 大宮喜文

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018 ( 2018 ) 129 - 130  2018.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 業務目的でのパブリック空間利用から考える新しい「はたらく場」(その2)積極的な高頻度利用ワーカーの利用実態・ニーズ把握

    佐藤泰, 長谷川詢, 佐野友紀, 上西基弘

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2018   ROMBUNNO.5098  2018.07


  • 群集階段避難性状の実験的研究(その3)合流発生時の歩行性状

    野路諒彦, 大宮喜文, 折原卓, 川島恵一, 山口純一, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 峯岸良和, 池畠由華

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2018   144‐145  2018.05


  • 群集階段避難性状の実験的研究(その2)階段歩行距離が群集の流動量・速度・密度に及ぼす影響

    峯岸良和, 松田大輔, 澤野嵩, 池畠由華, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2018   142‐143  2018.05


  • 群集階段避難性状の実験的研究(その1)研究の目的と実験の概要

    田村祐介, 山口純一, 池畠由華, 峯岸良和, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2018   140‐141  2018.05


  • 高層事務所ビルにおける全館避難訓練の実測調査

    PARK SeongKyung, 水野雅之, 土方佑一郎, 藤井皓介, 佐野友紀, 奥山将行

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2018   166‐167  2018.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 低速度歩行者を混在させた群集流における流動量と流動係数に関する考察

    高橋由里, 藤本夏樹, 城明秀, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2018   148‐149  2018.05


  • 群集階段避難性状の実験的研究(その4)階段出入口幅と流動量の関係

    池畠由華, 山口純一, 峯岸良和, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 野路諒彦, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2018   146‐147  2018.05


  • 実空間を対象とした避難行動研究の最近の事例 百貨店における一時避難エリアへ誘導する標識の有効性の検証

    吉野攝津子, 佐野友紀, 池畠由華

    火災   68 ( 1 ) 24‐29  2018.02


  • NetLogoを用いた駅コンコースにおける歩行者の行動シミュレーション―周辺状況による意思決定モデルを用いた検討―

    森下正道, 大内一昇, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5320  2017.07


  • 行動・心理面からみたオフィス内におけるワーカーの集中・交流・休憩行動の詳細把握

    佐藤泰, 吉野攝津子, 井口雄太, 佐野友紀, 岸上昌史

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5194  2017.07


  • 駅構内におけるサイン計画に関する調査研究

    安江仁孝, 佐藤泰, 小島隆矢, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.40069  2017.07


  • 劇場避難における客席内通路及び出口選択特性

    今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5319  2017.07


  • 移動と滞留に着目した店舗内探索行動―行動観察からみたインテリアショップにおける商品選択傾向―

    畠山雄豪, 今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5291  2017.07


  • オフィスにおけるマグネットスペースの配置検討のためのワーカー行動シミュレーションモデルの構築

    笹原慎太郎, 佐藤泰, 岸上昌史, 佐野友紀, 吉野攝津子, 井口雄太

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5195  2017.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その14 前方距離と歩行速度の関係

    坂井慶哉, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017 ( 2017 ) 391 - 392  2017.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高層オフィスビルでの順次避難による全館避難訓練時の階段内の避難流動の分析

    水野雅之, 藤井皓介, 門倉博之, 佐野友紀, 関澤愛

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017 ( 2017 ) 125 - 126  2017.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 評価グリッド法を用いた鉄道駅の案内サインに関するインタビュー調査―その2 追設サインのデザインアプローチに関する考察―

    池田佳樹, 辻村壮平, 安江仁孝, 今西美音子, 佐野友紀, 平手小太郎

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.40072  2017.07


  • 知的活動時における机上面高昇降に伴う作業姿勢変化が作業環境評価にもたらす影響

    池内至誠, 佐藤泰, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5205  2017.07


  • 評価グリッド法を用いた鉄道駅の案内サインに関するインタビュー調査―その1 追設サインにおける駅利用者の評価構造の抽出―

    辻村壮平, 池田佳樹, 安江仁孝, 今西美音子, 佐野友紀, 平手小太郎

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.40071  2017.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その13 建築条件と流動係数に関する考察

    藤本夏樹, 住田沙貴, 大宮喜文, 丹下学, 扇谷実沙, 坂井慶哉, 佐野友紀, 山口純一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017 ( 2017 ) 389 - 390  2017.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 駅コンコースにおける柱設置デジタルサイネージ等の設えに着目した滞留行動分析

    大内一昇, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5345  2017.07


  • カフェ設備を併設した多目的ラウンジスペースの発展的利用に向けたワーカーの評価構造の抽出

    安田莉央, 佐藤泰, 岸上昌史, 佐野友紀, 吉野攝津子, 井口雄太

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5196  2017.07


  • 大規模質問紙データを用いた「はたらく場」としてのオフィス外パブリック空間一般利用実態及びニーズの把握

    助川恵, 佐藤泰, 佐野友紀, 上西基弘

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.5202  2017.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その12 建築条件と密度に関する考察

    藤本夏樹, 扇谷実沙, 坂井慶哉, 住田沙貴, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2017   146‐147  2017.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その18―階段での混雑回避を目指した順次避難計画下の避難流動の分析―

    名角貫志, 水野雅之, 田中教之, WANG Fuqiu, 藤井皓介, 門倉博之, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2017   158‐159  2017.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その17―順次避難計画の作成と合流及び滞留の発生に対する計画の効果―

    藤井皓介, 水野雅之, 名角貫志, 田中教之, 門倉博之, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2017   156‐157  2017.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その11 直線通路における密度と歩行速度に関する考察

    扇谷実沙, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2017   144‐145  2017.05


  • EXPERIMENT STUDY ON EFFECT OF SPACE CONDITION ON CROWD FLOW : Change in specific flow based on crowd flow

    城明秀, 藤井皓介, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   82 ( 732 ) 291 - 299  2017.02


  • RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACTIVITY AND SPATIAL FACTORS BASED ON SEAT OCCUPATION: Analysis of the cafe user as “The Third Place” by Observation Research: (Part 2)

    丹羽由佳理, 畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   82 ( 731 ) 41‐48 - 48  2017.01

     View Summary

    &nbsp;This study examines the relationship between activities of users in cafes and spatial factors of the cafes from the viewpoint of user's seat occupation. &rsquo;The Third Place&rsquo; originally proposed by Ray Oldenburg means the social surroundings apart from two usual social environments, home and workplace. The some of cafes in Japan, however, promotes the use of the cafe for private working spots as the third place. Observational investigation was conducted in cafes of a same group company, six shops and ten floors.<br>&nbsp;Seat occupation and activities of each cafe user were recorded once per hour from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on August 2011. A Total of 5401 (person-hour) data was collected in ten days on weekdays.<br><br>&nbsp;This study reveals activities of cafe users from the aspects of the shop location in Part 1 and from the aspect of the spatial factors in Part 2. Therefore, it is possible to provide the space to fit the user's needs by considering the location aspects and the spatial aspects. In this paper (part. 2), activities in the cafe were classified into three types: A) Output-based working, B) Input-based working, and C) Rest/Conversation. Observation reveals that seat occupation of each type users depends on spatial factors. The relationship between the activity in the cafe and the spatial factor were quantitatively clarified by a multiple logistic regression analysis.<br><br>&nbsp;As a result of the analysis, it was found that spatial factors such as &ldquo;Distance from entrance/stairway to the seat&rdquo;, &rdquo;Seat against a wall or not&rdquo; and &rdquo;Types of Tables&rdquo; are related to the activities in the cafe. While Output-based working type prefers to select multiple floor without the cash register, Rest/communication type prefers to select multiple Floor with the cash register. While Input-based working users prefer to select seats against a wall, Rest/ communication users tend to avoid the seat against a wall. Output-based and Input-based working users tend to select shared tables rather than the large table. The low tables were selected more by Input-based working users than by Output-based working users. Rest/ communication users tend to select large tables, not counters and shared tables.


  • A STUDY ON THE EVALUATION CONSTRUCT OF SIGN AT THE STATION A study on information provision method to station users focused on additional sign

    池田佳樹, 辻村壮平, 佐野友紀, 安江仁孝, 今西美音子, 平手小太郎

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   82 ( 741 ) 2799‐2806(J‐STAGE) - 2806  2017


  • EFFECT OF OPENING WIDTH ON PEDESTRIAN FLOW DURING PASSING THROUGH AN OPENING IN WIDE SPACE:Pedestrian characteristics of crowd evacuation in space of various shapes

    FUJII Kosuke, YAMAGUCHI Junichi, OHMIYA Yoshifumi, TANGE Manabu, JO Akihide, SANO Tomonori

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 733 ) 601 - 611  2017

     View Summary

    &nbsp;Introduction<br>&nbsp;Many previous studies have researched the characteristics of pedestrian flow and measured the values such as the flow rate, speed and density, on the basis of the investigations of pedestrian movements in urban streets, stations, theater and others, in normal situations. There is a case that their results were used for the estimation of evacuation time. However, Most of these studies did not research the pedestrian flow passing through an opening in a wide space such as a room or hall in architecture and a public passage. This paper focuses on the characteristics of pedestrian flow during passing through an opening in wide space in detail, using the experiment.<br>&nbsp;Purpose<br>&nbsp;This study aimed to identify the characteristics of pedestrian flow during passing through an opening in wide space under a range of the opening width. The effect of an opening width on the pedestrian flow during passing through the opening in a wide space was elucidated, on the basis of the each transition of the specific flow [person/m/s] and walking speed [m/s], density [person/m2], and the walking trajectories.<br>&nbsp;Methods<br>&nbsp;The experiment was conducted on subjects walking and passing through the opening in the 6000-mm wide space. The experimental conditions were varied according to the opening widths and the distances between the opening and the start position of the subject crowd. The opening widths were set to one of the six levels under a range from 800 mm to 2400 mm The distances between the opening and the start position of the subject crowd were 1200 mm and 6000 mm. The number of trials in the distances of 1200 mm and 6000 mm were 3 and 1, respectively, in each level of opening width. The experiment consisted of 24 trials on the basis of combinations of two experimental conditions. The 96 non-handicapped subjects, all walked and passed through the opening in each trial.<br>&nbsp;Results<br>&nbsp;The parts of results of this study are as follows:<br>&nbsp;1. When the opening width was multiples of 600 mm, the specific flow in the case that the distance between the opening and the crowd are 1200 mm and 6000 mm, were the same.<br>&nbsp;2. When the opening width is multiples of 600 mm but that is 2400 mm, it is assumed that the walking speed and the density during passing through the opening in the case of 6000-mm walking distance to the opening are higher and less than those in the case of 1200-mm, respectively.<br>&nbsp;3. The specific flow in each case that the distance between the opening and the crowd are 1200 mm and 6000 mm, were not much difference between the opening widths from 800 mm to 2400 mm. The averages in the case of 1200mm and 6000mm were 2.59 person/m/s and 2.49 person/m/s, respectively.<br>&nbsp;4. When the width of the opening is from 800 mm to 2400 mm, it is assumed that the specific flow in steady state is about about 2.40 person/m/s at minimum.<br>&nbsp;Conclusions<br>&nbsp;This study set out to derive the characteristics of the transition and the steady state of the pedestrian flow during passing through the opening in the wide space. The results obtained will be useful for calculating the time for people to evacuate in the event of fire, using mathematical expressions or computer simulation.


  • 順次避難訓練の実測調査に基づく一方向群集の階段降下時における流動係数および流動状況―高層建築物避難時における流動状況の把握―

    藤井皓介, 仙道英剛, 門倉博之, 関澤愛, 水野雅之, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016 ( 2016 ) 507 - 508  2016.08

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 駅コンコースの柱に設置されたデジタルサイネージが人間の滞留に与える影響

    大内一昇, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.5251  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その10 ネック通過後の歩行性状の簡易予測計算法

    仲野晃平, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 城明秀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3116  2016.07


  • 鉄道駅案内サインの掲出位置が識別しやすさに与える影響

    今西美音子, 安江仁孝, 辻村壮平, 池田佳樹, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.40044  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その1 実験概要

    田村祐介, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 野竹宏彰, 扇谷実沙, 住田沙貴, 坂井慶哉

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3107  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その3 直線通路

    桑名秀明, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 嶋田拓, 佐野友紀, 扇谷実沙, 丹下学

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3109  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その4 L型通路

    吉野攝津子, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 池畠由華, 住田沙貴

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3110  2016.07


  • 混雑空間の人の配置が混雑感,不快感,時間感覚に与える影響―ヘッドマウントディスプレイによる没入型仮想環境提示を用いた検討―

    森下正道, 佐野友紀, 畠山雄豪

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.5272  2016.07


  • AAL(Ambient Assisted Living)における環境行動モニタリング手法 身体加速度を用いた人間‐環境‐ロボット系の実験研究

    高橋正樹, 吉岡陽介, 遠田敦, 渡辺秀俊, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.40047  2016.07


  • 鉄道駅の案内サインのデザイン要素が利用者の情報理解に与える影響

    辻村壮平, 安江仁孝, 今西美音子, 佐野友紀, 池田佳樹

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.40043  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その7 合流時の歩行性状

    城明秀, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 鈴木圭一, 佐野友紀, 福原義人, 丹下学

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3113  2016.07


  • 地下歩行空間における環境要素が印象評価に与える影響

    畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.5290  2016.07


  • 没入型仮想環境を用いた距離感育成ツールの開発と評価

    馬淵大宇, 吉岡陽介, 遠田敦, 藤井皓介, CHEN Shokatsu, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.13023  2016.07


  • 置き菓子システム設置と共有スペースの設え変更がワーカーのインフォーマルコミュニケーションに与える影響

    佐藤泰, 吉野攝津子, 井口雄太, 佐野友紀, 岸上昌史

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.5171  2016.07


  • 鉄道駅案内サインの情報量が利用者評価に与える影響

    安江仁孝, 辻村壮平, 今西美音子, 佐野友紀, 池田佳樹

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.40042  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その2 画像解析による分析

    坂井慶哉, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 今西美音子, 仲野晃平, 福原義人

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3108  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その8 直線通路における密度,歩行速度および流動係数に関する考察

    扇谷実沙, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 城明秀, 佐野友紀, 峯岸良和, 丹下学

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3114  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その5 単純開口

    菊地真史, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 藤井皓介, 坂井慶哉

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3111  2016.07


  • 没入型仮想環境を用いた体積感育成ツールの開発と評価

    和泉智也, 藤井皓介, 高橋勇人, 佐野友紀, 遠田敦, CHEN Shokatsu, 馬淵大宇, 吉岡陽介

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.13022  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その6 ネックのある通路

    住田沙貴, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 清家萌, 佐野友紀, 仲野晃平, 丹下学

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3112  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する研究 その9 開口部における密度,歩行速度および流動係数に関する考察

    福原義人, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 城明秀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.3115  2016.07


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その9 ループ通路を用いた定常的歩行群集流における密度・速度・流動係数の関係

    峯岸良和, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 住田沙貴

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   60‐63  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その2 画像解析による分析

    坂井慶哉, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 今西美音子, 福原義人, 仲野晃平, CUONG Dang Manh

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   46‐47  2016.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その15―順次避難における階段室内の避難流動や滞留に関する分析―

    水野雅之, 田中教之, 関澤愛, 仙道英剛, 佐野友紀, 門倉博之, 藤井皓介

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   38‐39  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その5 単純開口

    藤井皓介, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 清家萌, 仲野晃平, 扇谷実沙

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   52‐53  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その4 L型通路

    池畠由華, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 菊地真史, 住田沙貴, 福原義人

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   50‐51  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その8 開口部における群集密度と歩行速度,流動係数に関する考察

    福原義人, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 扇谷実沙, 坂井慶哉, 住田沙貴

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   58‐59  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その3 直線通路

    桑名秀明, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 鈴木圭一, 福原義人, 坂井慶哉

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   48‐49  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その7 直線通路における密度,歩行速度および流動係数に関する考察

    扇谷実沙, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 城明秀, 坂井慶哉, 住田沙貴

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   56‐57  2016.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その16―避難訓練の参加者に対する階段の混雑状況等に関するアンケート調査―

    田中教之, 水野雅之, 関澤愛, 仙道英剛, 佐野友紀, 門倉博之, 藤井皓介

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   320‐321  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その6 ネックのある通路

    住田沙貴, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 吉野攝津子, 仲野晃平, 扇谷実沙

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   54‐55  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その1 実験概要

    野竹宏彰, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 嶋田拓, 田村祐介, 坂井慶哉, 下田伸穂

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   44‐45  2016.05


  • 群集歩行性状に関する実験的研究 その10 合流のある通路

    城明秀, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 丹下学, 山口純一, 扇谷実沙

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2016   64‐67  2016.05


  • Dwelling with a Service Robot

    Sano Tomonori

    Journal of architecture and building science   131 ( 1679 ) 38 - 39  2016.01


  • 群集歩行マルチエージェントモデルの比較検証

    城明秀, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 竹市尚広, 峯岸良和

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM)   30th   ROMBUNNO.3D4‐OS‐30b‐1 - 3D4OS30b1  2016



    TANGE Manabu, IMANISHI Mineko, SANO Tomonori, OHMIYA Yoshifumi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   81 ( 730 ) 2645 - 2652  2016

     View Summary

    &nbsp;Reasonable guidelines based on actual evacuee's behavior lead to fine estimations of evacuation time and advanced designs of evacuation passages. Actual evacuee's behavior, however, depends on various factors such as passage width and crowd density and it is difficult to predict the crowd characteristics in real situations. Recent studies have described each pedestrian's reaction to his circumstance as a mathematical model and simulated the crowd evacuations using these models to reproduce the real evacuation in an actual space with complicated configurations. The validation and refinement of these models require detailed information of real evacuee's behavior. Image processing technique of video image of evacuation experiments is an effective way to extract pedestrian movement. Some of the early works, however, include the error of position measurement due to body height differences between pedestrians and require frequent manual operations to recover the loss of pedestrians.<br>&nbsp;This study conducted a large-scale crowd evacuation experiment with 96 pedestrians walking in several fundamental passages or configurations: a straight path, an O-shaped path, an L-shaped corridor, a straight path with a bottleneck, an opening in a wide space, and merging to a path. The each layout emulates a part of real evacuation situation to examine the evacuee behavior. This paper proposes a novel image processing method to extract pedestrian movements in a crowd from video images of the experiment seen from above.<br>&nbsp;Each pedestrian wore a cap with two different color labels (color markers) indicating the pedestrian's body height. These multiple markers also have redundancy to find the pedestrian position. This method detects color markers and makes trajectories of pedestrians by clustering of neighboring markers and tracking them through the sequential video frames. The color combinations of clustered markers indicate the information of the body height of each pedestrian to obtain more accurate coordinate transform.<br>&nbsp;This method successfully tracked the pedestrians to make their trajectories. The positioning error was estimated as under 40 mm and the preliminary experiment supported that. This paper shows one of the results of the merging experiment. Over 99 percent of pedestrian's position data was automatically calculated without manual operation thanks to the redundancy of multiple markers and the marker clustering. Ordinary statistical quantities such as flow rate can be calculated from the data. In the merging experiment, the flow rate through an opening decreased due to turning after the opening and merging with pedestrians in the path. Detailed pedestrian behavior revealed that the walking direction and the walking speed were strongly linked to the interaction between other pedestrians such as distance and the relative velocity between pedestrians. The analysis of each experiment will be reported in future articles.<br>&nbsp;This method has an advantage in robustness against the pedestrian position loss. This method may have applicability to actual situations such as experiments of evacuation from theaters and stadiums.


  • 5274 Relationship between Distance Perception and Angle of View in Immersive Virtual Environment : Part 2. Comparison of distance accuracy due to the difference in the state grasping of the surrounding environment

    MABUCHI Daiu, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, ENTA Atsushi, FUJII Kosuke, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2015 ( 2015 ) 547 - 548  2015.09


  • 5273 Relationship between Distance Perception and Angle of View in Immersive Virtual Environment : Part 1. Development of Experimental Method and Effect of Angle of View on Accuracy of Distance Evaluation

    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, MABUCHI Daiu, FUJII Kosuke, ENTA Atsushi, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2015 ( 2015 ) 545 - 546  2015.09


  • 3146 The survey of assisting evacuation behavior of nursery school teachers for 0 and 1 years old children : A study on evacuation behavior for nursery school in high-rise buildings Part2

    OSAKI Moeko, SANO Tomonori, HASEMI Yuji, FURUKAWA Yoko, TSUCHIYA Shin'ichi, SATO Masayuki, SATO Tai, FUJII Kosuke, HATAKEYAMA Yugo

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2015 ( 0 ) 325 - 326  2015.09


  • 5344 Development of total walking speed calculation system with Bluetooth Beacon and Smart-phone application

    MORISHITA Masamichi, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2015 ( 0 ) 687 - 688  2015.09


  • 22116 Study on KOA earthquake resistance diagnostics for general user

    OUCHI Kazunori, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2015 ( 0 ) 231 - 232  2015.09


  • 5297 Consideration of signage planning depend on the distribution of an additional signages for transfer at the railway station

    YASUE Masataka, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2015 ( 0 ) 593 - 594  2015.09


  • 5236 Investigation about free address office plan that considered in an environment desire of a worker every section

    SATOH Tai, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2015 ( 0 ) 471 - 472  2015.09


  • 没入型仮想環境における体積感と表示視野角との関係 その1 表示視野角と調整誤差との関係

    遠田敦, 藤井皓介, 馬淵大宇, 吉岡陽介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.5308  2015.07


  • 一般ユーザー向けのKOA耐震診断法の検討

    大内一昇, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.22116  2015.07


  • 鉄道駅における乗換用添加サインの分布からみたサイン計画の検討

    安江仁孝, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.5297  2015.07


  • Bluetoothによるビーコンとスマートフォンアプリケーションを用いた包括的歩行速度計測システムの開発

    森下正道, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.5344  2015.07


  • 0,1歳児に対する保育士の避難介助行動の実態調査 高層建築物内保育所における避難行動に関する研究 その2

    大崎萌子, 佐野友紀, 長谷見雄二, 古川容子, 佐藤泰, 土屋伸一, 藤井皓介, 佐藤将之, 畠山雄豪

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.3146  2015.07


  • 没入型仮想環境における体積感と表示視野角との関係 その2 表示視野角と調整時間および調整回数との関係

    藤井皓介, 遠田敦, 馬淵大宇, 吉岡陽介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.5309  2015.07


  • 没入型仮想環境における距離感と表示視野角との関係 その1 実験手法の開発および表示視野角が距離評価の精度に与える影響

    吉岡陽介, 馬淵大宇, 藤井皓介, 遠田敦, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.5273  2015.07


  • 没入型仮想環境における距離感と表示視野角との関係 その2―周辺環境の状態把握の違いによる距離精度の比較―

    馬淵大宇, 吉岡陽介, 遠田敦, 藤井皓介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.5274  2015.07


  • 部門毎のワーカーの環境欲求に配慮したフリーアドレスオフィス計画に関する検討

    佐藤泰, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.5236  2015.07


  • 園児の年齢に応じた保育士の避難介助行動の実態調査 高層建築物内保育所における避難行動に関する研究 その1

    佐野友紀, 大崎萌子, 長谷見雄二, 古川容子, 佐藤泰, 土屋伸一, 藤井皓介, 佐藤将之, 畠山雄豪

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.3145  2015.07


  • INFLUENCE ON USER’S BEHAVIOR AND LOCATION CONDITIONS: Analysis of the cafe user as “the third place” by observation research (Part 1)

    畠山雄豪, 丹羽由佳理, 佐野友紀, 菊池雄介, 佐藤泰

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   80 ( 711 ) 1067 - 1073  2015.05

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    The purpose of this research was to explore the influence on user's behavior by conditions of location. The analysis of the cafe user as "The Third Place" can be understood by observation research. The Third Place proposed by Ray Oldenburg means originally the social surroundings separate from the two usual social environments of home and the workplace, but the cafe in Japan advertise as third place meaning private working spots. By grasping the influence on user's behavior in the cafe through not only the Third Place was mainly conversation proposed by Oldenburg but private working in the cafe, it was cleared that the conditions of location and the ratio of property have effect on actions of use as the Third Place.


  • 誘導灯及び照明の有無が煙中の歩行速度に与える影響

    藤井皓介, 遠田敦, 畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2015   184 - 185  2015.05


  • 廊下における滞留を考慮した避難行動予測モデルの構築(その1)モデルの概要

    田村祐介, 城明秀, 山口純一, 山村知早, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2015   62 - 63  2015.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その14―順次避難における階段室内の滞留発生に関する分析―

    門倉博之, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 水野雅之, 藤井皓介, 和田哲也

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2015   188 - 189  2015.05


  • 高層住宅におけるエレベータ避難に関する意識調査

    吉野摂津子, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2015   186 - 187  2015.05


  • 廊下における滞留を考慮した避難行動予測モデルの構築(その2)―実験とマルチエージェントモデルとの比較―

    城明秀, 田村祐介, 山口純一, 山村知早, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2015   64 - 65  2015.05


  • 3018 個別配信型避難安全システムに関する研究 : 携帯型情報端末を用いた災害覚知支援手法に対する覚知特性の検証(防火)

    福原 義人, 遠田 敦, 佐野 友紀, 野竹 宏彰, 広田 正之, 大宮 喜文

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   85 ( 0 ) 733 - 736  2015.03


  • CROWD FLOW OF EVACUEES PASSING THROUGH TICKET GATES OF RAILWAY STATIONS―Behavioral characteristics of evacuees passing through narrow passages: Part 1―

    藤井皓介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   ( 708 ) 289 - 297  2015.02


  • 5321 Walking State Classification based on Spectral Analysis of Body Acceleration Part 2 : Factors for Identifying Characteristic Frequency Distribution of Body Acceleration in Target-finding Walking

    TAKAHASHI Masaki, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, ENTA Atsushi, WATANABE Hidetoshi, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 2014 ) 673 - 674  2014.09


  • 5323 Effects of walking surfaces based on Spectral Analysis of Body Acceleration

    WATANABE Hidetoshi, ENTA Atsushi, TAKAHASHI Masaki, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 2014 ) 677 - 678  2014.09


  • 5322 Walking State Classification based on Spectral Analysis of Body Acceleration Part.3 : Detection of Walking State Shift from Normal Walking Mode to Target Finding Mode occurred after Losing Target Position

    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi, ENTA Atsushi, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 2014 ) 675 - 676  2014.09


  • 5320 Walking State Classification based on Spectral Analysis of Body Acceleration Part 1 : Effect on Discriminant Accuracy due to Differences of Accelerometer Position

    ENTA Atsushi, WATANABE Hidetoshi, TAKAHASHI Masaki, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 2014 ) 671 - 672  2014.09


  • 11072 Relation between the acceleration at the time of the walk measured by a smart phone, and a walk state

    HAYASHIDA Kazuto, ENTA Atsushi, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 2014 ) 153 - 154  2014.09


  • 3044 A Study for Evacuation Behavior Characteristic of Nursery School Children and Evacuation Planning (Part4) : Investigation of the Fire Safety Measures for Nursery School Children by using stairs

    FURUKAWA Yoko, TAKIZAWA Kenta, HASEMI Yuji, SANO Tomonori, TSUCHIYA Shin'ichi, HATAKEYAMA Yugo, FUJII Kosuke, SATO Masayuki, SATOH Tai

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 95 - 96  2014.09


  • 5334 Influence of the Crossing Angle and the Croud's Density to the Body Twist on Avoidance : Analysis of Avoidance Behavior in Crossing Pedestrian flow -Part 3

    SANO Tomonori, IMANISHI Mineko

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 699 - 700  2014.09


  • 5333 A Survey about Basic Characteristics of Flow of Crowd Going down an Emergency Ladder for Passenger Cars

    YAMAMOTO Masakazu, TSUJIMURA Sohei, SANO Tomonori, FUJII Kosuke

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 697 - 698  2014.09


  • 3043 A Study for Evacuation Behavior Characteristic of Nursery School Children and Evacuation Planning (Part3) : Investigation of the Fire Safety Measures for Nursery School Children

    TAKIZAWA Kenta, FURUKAWA Yoko, HASEMI Yuji, SANO Tomonori, TSUCHIYA Shin'ichi, HATAKEYAMA Yugo, FUJII Kosuke, SATO Masayuki, SATOH Tai

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 93 - 94  2014.09


  • 5332 The feature of selecting passages in the ticket gates under evacuation : Grasp of Crowd Flow in the Railway Station. Part. 2

    FUJII Kosuke, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 695 - 696  2014.09


  • 5237 Influence of the office desk layout in the Free-Address office on office worker's communication scene

    SATOH Tai, HATAKEYAMA Yugo, SANO Tomonori, ENDO Hajime, NAKAJIMA Yasuo

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 505 - 506  2014.09


  • 3057 Comparative of the evacuation time to pass through the door with full scale experiments and Method of Verification for Evacuation Safety

    Jo Akihide, Sano Tomonori, Ikehata Yuka, Ohmiya Yoshifumi

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 121 - 122  2014.09


  • Tsunami safe town planning with evacuation simulation

    Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Takeshi Kimura, Yoshikazu Minegishi, Tomonori Sano

    Journal of Disaster Research   9   719 - 729  2014.09

     View Summary

    © 2014, Journal of Disaster Research. All rights reserved. Tsunami evacuation plans have been deliberately developed by local governments in coastal areas in Japan under guidance from the national government since before the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011. These plans, however, do not mention the time required for all local residents to evacuate to evacuation areas. This paper reports a procedure to design an effective tsunami safe town planning using multi-agent simulator (MAS) which identify a degree of evacuation risk in objective area. A case study is applied to one of the worst hit town of tsunami, in which additional facilities such as evacuation areas, safe buildings, and evacuation routes are proposed as well.


  • The effect on acute yaw angles with view direction through fire smoke: - Visibility of the emergency sign and the direction sign-

    Kosuke Fujii, Tomonori Sano, Yoshifumi Ohmiya

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   79 ( 702 ) 639 - 648  2014.08

     View Summary

    Two experiments on the visibility of a direction sign and three emergency signs through fire smoke were carried out with subjects. In Japanese railway stations, direction signs, which are prescribed by rules of each railway company, and Emergency signs, whicti are prescribed by Fire Services Act, are installed. The emergency signs used in the experiments are an evacuation exit sign and two evacuation route signs. Smoke density, type of signs and yaw angles of the sign were changed in the experiments. Twenty subjects aged twenties were participated in the experiments. All subjects have normal sight. The experiments are planned with " Design of Experiment' As a result of statistical analysis with regression analysis, relational expressions of each sign about the visible distance, smoke density and yaw angles were derived.


  • 鉄道車両用非常梯子を降りる群集を対象とした基礎的な流動特性の把握

    山本昌和, 辻村壮平, 佐野友紀, 藤井皓介

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5333  2014.07


  • 扉通過時間に関する実大群集実験と避難検証法との比較

    城明秀, 佐野友紀, 池畠由華, 大宮喜文

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.3057  2014.07


  • 身体加速度のスペクトル解析に基づいた歩行状態の識別 その3 目標位置逸失にともなう通常歩行から探索歩行への歩行状態遷移の検出

    吉岡陽介, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊, 遠田敦, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5322  2014.07


  • 身体加速度のスペクトル解析からみた歩行支持面の働き

    渡辺秀俊, 遠田敦, 高橋正樹, 吉岡陽介, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5323  2014.07


  • 進入角度・群集密度が回避時の身体のひねりに与える影響 群集流横断における歩行者間の回避行動分析 その3

    佐野友紀, 今西美音子

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5334  2014.07


  • 身体加速度のスペクトル解析に基づいた歩行状態の識別 その2 探索歩行時の特徴的な身体加速度周波数分布を特定するための影響要因

    高橋正樹, 吉岡陽介, 遠田敦, 渡辺秀俊, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5321  2014.07


  • スマートフォンにより計測される歩行時の加速度と歩行状態との関係

    林田和人, 遠田敦, 吉岡陽介, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.11072  2014.07


  • 改札口通過時における避難群集の通行部選択傾向―鉄道駅における群集の流動性状の把握 その2―

    藤井皓介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5332  2014.07


  • 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その3)―自力歩行可能児の全館避難安全に関する検討―

    滝沢健太, 古川容子, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀, 土屋伸一, 畠山雄豪, 藤井皓介, 佐藤将之, 佐藤泰

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.3043  2014.07


  • フリーアドレスオフィスの机レイアウトが業務中の交流活動場面に与える影響

    佐藤泰, 佐野友紀, 中島靖夫, 畠山雄豪, 遠藤一

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5237  2014.07


  • 身体加速度のスペクトル解析に基づいた歩行状態の識別 その1 センサー装着部位の違いが歩行状態の識別率に及ぼす影響

    遠田敦, 高橋正樹, 林田和人, 渡辺秀俊, 吉岡陽介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5320  2014.07


  • 歩行者主体移動軌跡図をもちいた回避行動における速度・方向変化の可視化 群集流横断における歩行者間の回避行動分析 その4

    今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.5335  2014.07


  • 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その4)―保育園避難の特徴と全館避難時における保育園児の心身状況―

    古川容子, 滝沢健太, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀, 土屋伸一, 畠山雄豪, 藤井皓介, 佐藤将之, 佐藤泰

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.3044  2014.07


  • 火災時の情報伝達を目的とした個別配信型避難安全システムに関する研究 その1―建築物避難における一時待機時の不安感軽減を目的とした情報配信実験―

    佐野友紀, 細川直史, 広田正之, 遠田敦, 野竹宏彰, 大宮喜文

    安全工学シンポジウム講演予稿集   2014   218 - 221  2014.07


  • 火災時の情報伝達を目的とした個別配信型避難安全システムに関する研究 その2―災害時要援護者を想定対象としたスマートフォンによる災害覚知支援実験―

    遠田敦, 細川直史, 広田正之, 佐野友紀, 野竹宏彰, 大宮喜文

    安全工学シンポジウム講演予稿集   2014   222 - 225  2014.07


  • Walking State Classification based on Spectral Analysis of Body Acceleration : Effect on Discriminant Accuracy of Walking States and Floor Characteristics due to Differences of Accelerometer Position

    ENTA Atsushi, WATANABE Hidetoshi, TAKAHASHI Masaki, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, SANO Tomonori, HAYASHIDA Kazuto

    IEICE technical report. ASN, Ambient intelligence and sensor networks   114 ( 65 ) 33 - 34  2014.05

     View Summary

    Human behavior is affected by spatial design, spatial structure, clothing, footwear and also human psychological or biological state, so differ greatly in individuals. In this study, we measure body acceleration in some walking states and floor surface characteristics. Then we calculate frequency spectrum by Fast-Fourier-Transform and construct data constellation of spectrum transition in time series. Afterward, we evaluated discriminant accuracy of walking states and floor characteristics by using Support Vector Machine, and we examined the appropriateness of this method.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 第1部 アーキインフォマティクス : 建築学の情報化の現在(<特集>建築情報学 アーキインフォマティクス(Archi-informatics))

    湯本 長伯, 花里 俊廣, 円満 隆平, 衣袋 洋一, 渡辺 俊, 野城 智也, 三辻 和弥, 中井 正一, 中川 貴文, 倉田 成人, 吉田 聡, 金子 智弥, 平田 京子, 栗原 伸治, 諸岡 繁洋, 中島 裕輔, 飯塚 悟, 鈴木 広隆, 湯浅 昇, 佐野 友紀, 中川 理, 加藤 孝明, 楠 浩一, 藤田 謙一, 武藤 厚, 長島 一郎, 増田 幸宏, 中野 淳太, 永田 明寛, 藤本 郷史, 武藤 正樹, 山田 哲弥, 齋藤 隆司, 瀧澤 重志, 浅野 聡, 志村 秀明, 大影 佳史, 外岡 豊, 川上 善嗣, 多田 元英, 今塚 善勝, 腰原 幹雄, 岡部 喜裕, 梅宮 典子, 赤司 泰義, 松下 眞治, 宇田 淳, 廣井 悠, 高口 洋人, 谷 明勲, 佐藤 栄治, 加藤 研一, 望月 悦子, 大久保 孝昭, 杉山 央, 本江 正茂, 齊藤 広子, 野澤 康, 長沼 一洋, 西名 大作, 甲谷 寿史, 小見 康夫, 浦江 真人, 小林 剛士, 平野 吉信, 有田 智一, 金澤 健司, 小檜山 雅之, 吹田 啓一郎, 坂本 慎一, 石橋 敏久, 長井 達夫, 蔡 成浩, 伊藤 史子, 池田 憲一, 中島 智章, 位寄 和久, 小瀬 博之, 戸倉 健太郎, 工藤 和美, 鈴木 英之, 野口 貴文, 長谷川 拓哉, 森田 武, 軽部 正彦, 冨安 亮輔, 岸本 一藏, 松田 雄二, 西澤 泰彦

    建築雑誌   129 ( 1658 ) 3 - 32  2014.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その11―順次避難における階段室内の滞留発生に関する分析―

    門倉博之, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 水野雅之, 藤井皓介, 安藤翔, 和田哲也

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2014   178 - 181  2014.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その12―避難訓練の参加者に対するアンケート調査結果の分析―

    和田哲也, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 水野雅之, 門倉博之, 藤井皓介, 安藤翔

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2014   182 - 185  2014.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その13―一斉避難及び順次避難における在館者数が避難時間に与える影響―

    藤井皓介, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 水野雅之, 門倉博之, 安藤翔, 和田哲也

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2014   186 - 189  2014.05


  • 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その4)―自力歩行可能園児の全館避難安全に関する検討―

    古川容子, 滝沢健太, 畠山雄豪, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀, 佐藤将之, 土屋伸一, 藤井皓介, 佐藤泰

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2014   44 - 45  2014.05


  • 住宅火災における避難行動・煙流動予測による避難安全評価のケーススタディ 東京理科大グローバルCOE先導的住宅防火研究会の活動報告(その3)

    水野雅之, 佐野友紀, 中濱慎司

    火災   64 ( 2 ) 32 - 37  2014.04

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 建物火災時の要援護者に配慮した避難計画のあり方 避難訓練から見えた保育施設の避難安全確保のポイント

    古川容子, 佐野友紀

    火災   64 ( 2 ) 14 - 19  2014.04

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • INFLUENCE ON FLOW RATE THROUGH A SINGLE OPENING OF A ROOM BY CROWDEDNESS A CORRIDOR―Analysis of crowd flow through an opening connected to a crowded corridor with full scale experiments and a computer simulation: Part 1―

    城明秀, 池畠由華, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   ( 696 ) 293 - 300  2014.02


  • 5018 接近するロボットとの対面時における人間の拒絶距離(建築計画)

    林田 和人, 渡辺 秀俊, 遠田 敦, 佐野 友紀, 高橋 正樹, 吉岡 陽介

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   84 ( 84 ) 233 - 236  2014.02


  • 3003 個別配信型避難誘導システムに関する研究 : その2 災害時の不安感軽減を目的としたスマートフォンによる情報配信実験(防火)

    稲葉 一樹, 遠田 敦, 佐野 友紀, 野竹 宏彰, 広田 正之, 大宮 喜文

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   84 ( 0 ) 645 - 648  2014.02


  • 3002 個別配信型避難誘導システムに関する研究 : その1 スマートフォンを用いた災害時要援護者向けの災害覚知支援実験(防火)

    稲葉 一樹, 遠田 敦, 佐野 友紀, 野竹 宏彰, 広田 正之, 大宮 喜文

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   84 ( 0 ) 641 - 644  2014.02



    ENTA Atsushi, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, SANO Tomonori, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   79 ( 696 ) 329 - 337  2014

     View Summary

    We examined the effects of spatial variables on the evaluation rate for interactive robots presented with Augmented Reality technology (AR-Robots). Results indicated the followings. AR-Robots in front of subjects get higher evaluation rate while they were presented on the eye-height of the subjects than on the desktop or the floor. The suitable distance for the subjects while they were approaching and speaking to AR-Robots was approximately 1300 mm. And the distance was strongly influenced by the conversation content especially for some subject had an introvert personality, while the distance was influenced by the appearance of AR-Robots for the extrovert subjects.



    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi, ENTA Atsushi, SANO Tomonori, HAYASHIDA Kazuto

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   79 ( 700 ) 1301 - 1307  2014

     View Summary

    We examined the effects of visual noises caused by wall-moving robots on task-performance. Subjects attended to Calculating-task and Inputting-task on a desktop display while the projected black circles as visual noises were moving on the front wall. Results indicated 1) Answering-time for Calculating-task was increased while black circles were moving in the area within 35-degrees from Gazing-point for the task. 2) Just after black circles appeared on the horizontal area spread on Gazing-point, Answering-time for the first quest of Calculating-task was increased. 3) While black circles were moving on the same horizontal area on Gazing-point, Eye-blinking rate was increased.


  • Experimental study on crowd flow passing through ticket gates in railway stations

    Kosuke Fujii, Tomonori Sano

    Transportation Research Procedia   2   630 - 635  2014

     View Summary

    Ticket gates in railway stations or stadiums and security gates in office buildings pose difficulties for evacuation in in case of fire. This paper focuses on the characteristics of a crowd passing through the ticket gates of Japanese railway stations. The characteristics of a crowd flow passing through ticket gates were identified, and numerical values were derived to estimate the evacuation time. A total of 48 subjects were asked to pass through a ticket gate with three passages and three different wide passages, where each width was the same as the sum of the three passage widths of the ticket gate. The crowd flow through the ticket gate was simulated with the pedestrian simulation model SimTread. The results of this study elucidated the flow rate through the ticket gates and the numerical values to calculate the time for evacuation planning.


  • 生活環境の地域化に関する心理・行動研究


    早稲田大学人間科学学術院人間科学研究   26 ( 2 ) 239 - 240  2013.09

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 設計資料の可視化 設計に役立つ図表の見方 Part2 8 計画 No.26 施設数・利用者数・あふれ率の関係図


    建築技術   ( 764 ) 130 - 131  2013.09


  • 40043 Study on Psychological States and Environmental Characteristics in Walking by Analyzing Body Acceleration

    TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi, SANO Tomonori, ENTA Atsushi, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 2013 ) 93 - 94  2013.08


  • 3159 A Study for Evacuation Behavior Characteristic of Nursery School Children and Evacuation Planning (Part2) : Investigation of the Fire Safety Measures for Nursery School Children

    FURUKAWA Yoko, TAKIZAWA Kenta, HASEMI Yuji, SANO Tomonori, TSUCHIYA Shin'ichi, HATAKEYAMA Yugo, FUJII Kosuke, SATO Masayuki, SATOH Tai

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 351 - 354  2013.08


  • 3172 Study for mitigating deaths from residential fires : Part 4 Comparative analysis of human behavior by evacuation simulator and smoke flow by FDS in a residential fire

    NAKAHAMA Shinji, SANO Tomonori, SUGAHARA Shin'ichi, HARA Tetsuo, SEKIZAWA Ai, MIZUNO Masayuki, YAMAUCHI Yukio

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 381 - 382  2013.08


  • 3170 Total Evacuation Planning for High Rise Building using Sky Bridge in case of fire

    FUJINO Hiroki

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 377 - 378  2013.08


  • 3163 Experiments on confluence of two evacuation flows at staircase of high-rise building

    IKEHATA Yuka, MURAKAMI Masahiro, SANO Tomonori, SEKIZAWA Ai

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 363 - 364  2013.08


  • 3158 A Study for Evacuation Behavior Characteristic of Nursery School Children and Evacuation Planning (Part1) : The Survey of Evacuation Speed

    TAKIZAWA Kenta, FURUKAWA Yoko, HASEMI Yuji, SANO Tomonori, TSUCHIYA Shinichi, HATAKEYAMA Yugo, FUJII Kosuke, SATO Masayuki, SATOH Tai

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 347 - 350  2013.08


  • 3148 Experimental Study on Crowd Flow Through an Opening Connected to a Crowded Corridor

    JO Akihide, SANO Tomonori, IKEHATA Yuka

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 307 - 310  2013.08


  • 5396 Influence of the room and furniture arrangement in nursing home on the dementia older people's activities

    Ito Rikako

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 815 - 816  2013.08


  • 5290 Influence of the Crossing Angle and the Cloud's Density on Avoidance Strength : Analysis of Avoidance Behavior in Crossing Pedestrian flow -Part 2

    IMANISHI Mineko, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 603 - 604  2013.08


  • 5013 Influence of the "magnet space" in the Free-Address office on office worker's communication activities

    SATOH Tai, HATAKEYAMA Yugo, KIKUCHI Yusuke, SANO Tomonori, KUJIRAI Yasushi, UENISHI Motohiro

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 49 - 50  2013.08


  • 高層建築物の階段避難を想定した2群集の合流実験

    池畠由華, 村上正浩, 佐野友紀, 関澤愛

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.3163  2013.07


  • 地下歩行空間における空間の構成要素とつながりが安心感に与える影響―3D映像印象評価手法を用いた検討―

    畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.5384  2013.07


  • 住宅火災における死者発生防止に関する研究 その4 FDSによる避難限界時間の算定と避難シミュレーションによる比較分析

    中濱慎司, 佐野友紀, 菅原進一, 原哲夫, 関澤愛, 水野雅之, 山内幸雄

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.3172  2013.07


  • 高齢者居住施設の空間構造およびしつらえが認知症高齢者の日常生活活動に与える影響

    伊藤梨花子, 菊池雄介, 畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.5396  2013.07


  • フリーアドレスオフィスにおけるマグネットスペースがワーカーの交流活動に与える影響

    佐藤泰, 菊池雄介, 鯨井康志, 畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀, 上西基弘

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.5013  2013.07


  • 火災避難時における空中連絡通路を用いた高層建築物の全館避難安全性の検討

    藤野大樹, 藤井皓介, 畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.3170  2013.07


  • 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その1)―避難速度の実態調査―

    滝沢健太, 古川容子, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀, 土屋伸一, 畠山雄豪, 藤井皓介, 佐藤将之, 佐藤泰

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.3158  2013.07


  • 開口部周辺の群集滞留状態の実験的研究

    城明秀, 佐野友紀, 池畠由華

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.3148  2013.07


  • 実験概要および移動方向バラ図・短時間歩行パス図を用いた群集の評価方法 群集流横断における歩行者間の回避行動分析 その1

    佐野友紀, 今西美音子

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.5289  2013.07


  • 通りに接する物販店舗ファサードの建築的要素と店舗の周辺状況が回遊行動者の「入りやすさ」「入りたさ」に与える影響

    斉藤健悟, 佐野友紀, 畠山雄豪, 菊池雄介

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.40018  2013.07


  • 進入角度・群集密度が回避の強度に与える影響 群集流横断における歩行者間の回避行動分析 その2

    今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.5290  2013.07


  • 加速度センサによる歩行時の心理状態及び物理環境特性の把握

    高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀, 遠田敦, 吉岡陽介

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.40043  2013.07


  • 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その2)―保育園児の避難時の問題点と安全確保の方法―

    古川容子, 滝沢健太, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀, 土屋伸一, 畠山雄豪, 藤井皓介, 佐藤将之, 佐藤泰

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.3159  2013.07


  • 階順次避難における避難開始時間の差異が混雑状況及び階避難完了時間に与える影響―大規模鉄道駅の火災避難時における利用者の避難経路選択方略に関する研究 その2―

    藤井皓介, 橋爪隆一, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.3169  2013.07


  • 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その1)―避難訓練調査概要と避難準備時間―

    滝沢健太, 畠山雄豪, 古川容子, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀, 佐藤将之, 土屋伸一, 藤井皓介, 佐藤泰

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   32 - 33  2013.06


  • 一時避難エリアへ避難誘導する標識の有効性の検証 その2 避難行動実験結果

    水野雅之, 峯岸良和, 佐野友紀, 吉野摂津子, 野竹宏彰, 水落秀木, 玄海嗣生

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   200 - 201  2013.06


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その7―順次避難訓練の概要と観測結果―

    増田誠良, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 門倉博之, 藤井皓介, 関澤健太, 安藤翔

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   40 - 41  2013.06


  • 住宅火災の死者発生防止に関する研究(その5)FDSによる住宅火災での避難限界時間の算定

    中濱慎司, 佐野友紀, 菅原進一, 原哲夫, 関澤愛, 水野雅之, 山内幸雄

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   186 - 187  2013.06


  • 煙中における案内標識及び誘導灯の視認性 その2 視方向に対する標識水平角の鋭角時における視認距離に対する影響

    藤井皓介, 畠山雄豪, 遠田敦, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   354 - 355  2013.06


  • 一時避難エリアへ避難誘導する標識の有効性の検証 その1 一時避難場所の位置づけと実験概要

    佐野友紀, 関澤愛, 萩原一郎, 池畠由華, 桑名秀明, 野竹宏彰, 玄海嗣生

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   198 - 199  2013.06


  • 一時避難エリアへ避難誘導する標識の有効性の検証 その3 アンケート調査結果

    池畠由華, 玄海嗣生, 吉野摂津子, 野竹宏彰, 萩原一郎, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   202 - 203  2013.06


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その8―順次避難訓練における階段内の滞留発生に関する分析―

    門倉博之, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 藤井皓介, 関澤健太, 増田誠良, 安藤翔

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   42 - 43  2013.06


  • 一時避難エリアへ避難誘導する標識の有効性の検証 その4 誘導灯の識別と経路探索行動の関連

    吉野摂津子, 野竹宏彰, 佐野友紀, 池畠由華, 水野雅之, 峯岸良和, 玄海嗣生

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   204 - 205  2013.06


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その9―避難訓練後アンケートから見た順次避難への評価―

    関澤健太, 佐野友紀, 関澤愛, 増田良誠, 門倉博之, 藤井皓介, 安藤翔

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   44 - 45  2013.06


  • 新しい避難安全検証手法の開発 その7 災害時要援護者の防災計画に係る基礎データの整理

    桑名秀明, 山口純一, 池畠由華, 佐野友紀, 城明秀, 土屋伸一, 吉野攝津子, 野竹宏彰, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   194 - 195  2013.06


  • 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その3)―保育園児の避難時の問題点と安全確保の方法―

    古川容子, 滝沢健太, 畠山雄豪, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀, 佐藤将之, 土屋伸一, 藤井皓介, 佐藤泰

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   36 - 37  2013.06


  • 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その2)―水平歩行速度と階段歩行速度―

    畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀, 古川容子, 滝沢健太, 長谷見雄二, 土屋伸一, 佐藤将之, 藤井皓介, 佐藤泰

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   34 - 35  2013.06


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その10―順次避難の避難フェーズ間隔が避難者の混雑と全館避難完了時間に与える影響―

    藤井皓介, 佐野友紀, 関澤愛, 増田良誠, 門倉博之, 関澤健太, 安藤翔

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2013   46 - 47  2013.06


  • 3017 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その2) : 避難援助者からみた避難時の問題点と安全確保の方法(防火)

    古川 容子, 滝沢 健太, 瀧口 奈美, 長谷見 雄二, 佐野 友紀, 土屋 伸一, 畠山 雄豪, 藤井 皓介

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   83 ( 0 ) 665 - 668  2013.03


  • 3016 保育所園児の避難行動特性と避難安全計画に関する研究(その1) : 避難速度の実態調査(防火)

    滝沢 健太, 瀧口 奈美, 古川 容子, 長谷見 雄二, 佐野 友紀, 土屋 伸一, 畠山 雄豪, 藤井 皓介

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   83 ( 0 ) 661 - 664  2013.03


  • 柱列の密度が人間の速度感覚に与える影響

    吉岡陽介, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀, 遠田敦

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告   18 ( VRpsy01 ) 45 - 46  2013


  • Status report on the great east Japan earthquake, 2012.


    早稲田大学人間科学学術院人間科学研究   25 ( 2 ) 251 - 254  2012.09

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 5419 The Analysis of cafe user as "The Third Place" by behavior observation Part 2 : Effects of indoor environment

    KITTA Rieko, SANO Tomonori, HATAKEYAMA Yugo, KIKUCHI Yusuke, NIWA Yukari, SATO Tai

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 879 - 880  2012.09


  • 3038 Study for mitigating deaths from residential fires : Part 3 Comparative analysis of human behavior by evacuation simulator and flow by CFD in a residential fire

    NAKAHAMA Shinji, SANO Tomonori, SUGAHARA Shin'ichi, HARA Tetsuo, SEKIZAWA Ai, MIZUNO Masayuki, YAMAUCHI Yukio

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 103 - 104  2012.09


  • 3034 The effects of spatial features in a large scale station with the grid way on fire evacuation behavior : Study on the Wayfinding Plan in the Large Railway Station in Case of Fire. Part. 1

    FUJII Kosuke, Nishinomiya Tatsuya, YAMAMOTO Masakazu, ISHIZUKI Mitsutaka, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 95 - 96  2012.09


  • 3033 Evacuation Procedures for People in Wheelchair Descending the Stairs with Assistance in Case of Emergency

    KOMOOKA Chihiro

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 93 - 94  2012.09


  • 3032 Investigation of Fire Safety Planning for Disabled

    Furukawa YOKO, Sano TOMONORI, Hagiwara ICHIRO, Hasemi YUJI

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 89 - 92  2012.09


  • 3031 A Study for Evacuation Planning at Non-authorized Nursery Facilities in High-rised Buildings : To Ensure The Evacuation Safety of Infants by Area of Rescue Assistance

    TAKIZAWA Kenta, HASEMI Yuji, TSUCHIYA Shin'ichi, SANO Tomonori, SATO Masayuki, KAWAHARA Daiki, TAKAGI Tetsuya

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 85 - 88  2012.09


  • 5418 The Analysis of cafe user as "The Third Place" by behavior observation Part 1 : Effects of city environment

    HATAKEYAMA Yugo, SANO Tomonori, KIKUCHI Yusuke, KITTA Rieko, NIWA Yukari, SAT Tai

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 877 - 878  2012.09


  • 5290 Effects of pen design on handwriting gaze and body posture

    KIKUCHI Yusuke, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 621 - 622  2012.09


  • 5142 Investigation of Free-Address office planning in terms of "concentration", "communication" and those coexistence

    SATOH Tai, HATAKEYAMA Yugo, KIKUCHI Yusuke, SANO Tomonori, KUJIRAI Yasushi, UENISHI Motohiro

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 325 - 326  2012.09


  • 書字動作における適正な視線と姿勢制御:筆記具のデザインによるアプローチ

    菊池雄介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.5290  2012.07


  • 高層建築物内の認可外保育所の避難安全計画に関する研究―一時待機場所の設置による乳幼児の避難安全性の確保―

    滝沢健太, 長谷見雄二, 土屋伸一, 佐野友紀, 佐藤将之, 川原大喜, 高木徹也

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.3031  2012.07


  • 住宅火災における死者発生防止に関する研究 その3 避難シミュレーションとCFD煙流動解析による比較分析

    中濱慎司, 佐野友紀, 菅原進一, 原哲夫, 関澤愛, 水野雅之, 山内幸雄

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.3038  2012.07


  • 身体障がい者の避難安全確保に関する研究

    古川容子, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎, 長谷見雄二

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.3032 - 173  2012.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 「集中」と「交流」とその共存からみたフリーアドレスオフィス計画の検討

    佐藤泰, 菊池雄介, 鯨井康志, 畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀, 上西基弘

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.5142  2012.07


  • 格子状通路を有する大規模鉄道駅の空間的特徴が避難行動に与える影響―大規模鉄道駅の火災避難時における利用者の避難経路選択方略に関する研究 その1―

    藤井皓介, 西宮竜也, 山本昌和, 石突光隆, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.3034  2012.07


  • 立地環境が与える影響 行動観察調査からみたカフェのサードプレイス利用分析 その1

    畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀, 菊池雄介, 橘田理恵子, 丹羽由佳里, 佐藤泰

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.5418  2012.07


  • 室内環境が利用に与える影響 行動観察調査からみたカフェのサードプレイス利用分析 その2

    橘田理恵子, 佐野友紀, 畠山雄豪, 菊池雄介, 丹羽ゆかり, 佐藤泰

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.5419  2012.07


  • 災害時における車いす階段降下介助避難方法の検討

    菰岡千尋, 菊池雄介, 藤井晧介, 矢嶋雅倫, 畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.3033  2012.07


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その6―階段室内での避難者の密度と歩行速度の関係および合流比―

    矢嶋雅倫, 佐野友紀, 関澤愛, 増田良誠, 門倉博之

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2012   138 - 139  2012.05


  • 身体障がい者の避難安全確保に関する研究

    古川容子, 長谷見雄二, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀, 玄海嗣生, 後藤大受, 河邊貴之

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2012   172 - 173  2012.05


  • 火災覚知と避難開始の要因となる煙視認性の検討

    江藤ひとみ, 藤井晧介, 畠山雄豪, 佐野友紀, 遠田敦, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2012   154 - 155  2012.05


  • 住宅火災の死者発生防止に関する研究(その4)避難シミュレーションとCFD煙流動解析による比較分析

    中濱慎司, 佐野友紀, 菅原進一, 原哲夫, 関澤愛, 水野雅之, 山内幸雄, 戸張彩香

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2012   176 - 177  2012.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その5―順次避難訓練における被験者移動プロファイルと流動性状の分析―

    門倉博之, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 矢嶋雅倫, 増田誠良

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2012   136 - 137  2012.05


  • 高層建築物における中間避難階の設置による避難安全性の確保及び避難性状

    関澤健太, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2012   142 - 143  2012.05


  • 煙中における案内標識及び誘導灯の視認性

    藤井皓介, 畠山雄豪, 遠田敦, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2012   152 - 153  2012.05

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 火災時における車いす利用者の階段降下介助避難の実験的研究

    畠山雄豪, 菰岡千尋, 佐野友紀, 矢嶋雅倫, 菊池雄介, 藤井晧介

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2012   134 - 135  2012.05


  • オフィスをデザインする 働きやすいオフィス空間のデザイン 仕事に合わせて場所を選ぶ働き方―フリーアドレスとサードプレイス


    労働の科学   67 ( 3 ) 136 - 139  2012.03


  • 3004 住宅火災の死者発生防止に関する研究 : 住宅火災を対象としたLESによる煙流動解析

    中濱 慎司, 菅原 進一, 原 哲夫, 山内 幸雄, 水野 雅之, 関澤 愛, 佐野 友紀, 戸張 彩香

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   82 ( 0 ) 657 - 660  2012


  • 3001 高層建築物内の認可外保育所の避難安全計画に関する研究

    滝沢 健太, 長谷見 雄二, 土屋 伸一, 佐野 友紀, 佐藤 将之, 川原 大喜, 高木 徹也

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集   82 ( 0 ) 645 - 648  2012


  • A case study on seat selection at the time of arrival in a smallscale non-territorial office

    Yukari Niwa, Tomonori Sano

    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design   18 ( 39 ) 667 - 672  2012

     View Summary

    This case study examines the seat selection at the time of arrival in a small-scale non-territorial office. The questionnaire to the workers reveals that 23% of workers consider that their seat selections affect their business and 67% of workers prefer to change their seats to avoid other worker's voice. The observation of the seat selection at the office shows that many workers tend to fix their own seats. Even when they miss the seats, they select another seat in the same area (table). Some particular areas are hardly used while the other areas are frequently selected. And the seats at the corner of each area are occupied first. Some workers select the area where the particular worker sit.


  • Seminar communication : Tomonori Sano

    佐野 友紀

    人間科学研究   25 ( 1 ) 37 - 39  2012


  • Status report on the great east Japan earthquake, 2012

    佐野 友紀

    人間科学研究   25 ( 2 ) 251 - 254  2012


  • 高層建築物での大規模地震・火災時の災害時要援護者を含む避難計画


    日本生活支援工学会誌   11 ( 2 ) 10 - 13  2011.11


  • Evacuation Planning in High-rise Building with Disabled People in Great Earthquake and Fire

    佐野 友紀

    日本生活支援工学会誌   11 ( 2 ) 10 - 13  2011.11


  • フリーアドレス小規模オフィスにおける利用実態と利用者評価に関する事例的考察

    石垣文, 佐野友紀, 早田あゆみ

    日本オフィス学会誌   3 ( 2 ) 77 - 82  2011.10

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 14024 Proposal on Crowd Behavior and Timber Structure in the Railway Station

    KATO Kotofumi, SATO Jun, HASEMI Yuji, SANO Tomonori

      2011   48 - 49  2011.07


  • 避難歩行流の質の定量的評価方法に関する試案―マルチエージェント歩行者シミュレーター,SimTreadの適用を通じて―

    吉田克之, 峯岸良和, 城明秀, 竹市尚広, 木村謙, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2011   207 - 208  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • マルチエージェントモデルと群集実験との比較

    城明秀, 峯岸良和, 竹市尚広, 吉田克之, 木村謙, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2011   205 - 206  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 住宅火災の死者発生危険に関する火災統計データの分析 住宅火災における死者発生防止に関する研究 その1

    水野雅之, 関澤愛, 菅原進一, 山内幸雄, 佐野友紀, 原哲夫, 中濱慎司, 戸張彩香

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2011   355 - 356  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 大規模鉄道駅における火災時の避難経路選択方略に関する実験的研究

    佐野友紀, 藤井皓介, 西宮竜也, 山本昌和, 石突光隆

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2011   369 - 370  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 小規模フリーアドレスオフィス空間の設えおよび行動が「集中」,「交流」場所の選択に与える影響

    佐藤泰, 山本勝也, 石垣文, 丹羽由佳理, 井上夏実, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2011   405 - 406  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 歩行者シミュレーターSimTreadにおける火災避難時の改札口幅員設定方法の検討―鉄道駅における群集の流動性状の把握 その1―

    藤井皓介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2011   209 - 210  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高層建築物における避難用車いすの混在が他の避難者の歩行速度に与える影響

    矢嶋雅倫, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2011   643 - 644  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 平常・非常照明下での音声誘導・点滅機能のある誘導灯の誘導効果

    山本勝也, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2011   223 - 224  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 勉強や仕事を目的としたサードプレイスとしてのカフェ利用に関する実態調査

    丹羽由佳理, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2011   831 - 832  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 新しい避難安全検証手法の開発 その6 災害時要援護者避難安全検証法の検討

    桑名秀明, 吉野攝津子, 佐野友紀, 城明秀, 土屋伸一, 丹羽由佳理, 池畠由華, 矢嶋雅倫, 野竹宏彰, 萩原一郎, 山口純一

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2011   353 - 354  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 住宅火災における煙流動解析と火災警報器の効果 住宅火災における死者発生防止に関する研究 その2

    中濱慎司, 菅原進一, 原哲夫, 水野雅之, 山内幸雄, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 戸張彩香

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2011   357 - 358  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 駅の流動空間と木質化に関する提案

    加藤詞史, 佐藤淳, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会大会建築デザイン発表梗概集   2011   48 - 49  2011.07


  • フリーアドレス小規模オフィスにおける出社時の座席選択傾向

    井上夏実, 丹羽由佳理, 佐野友紀, 佐藤泰

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2011   403 - 404  2011.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 3167 Experimental Study on the Wayfinding Plan in the Large Railway Station in Care of Fire.

    Sano Tomonori, Fujii Kousuke, Nishinomiya Tatsuya, Yamamoto Masakazu, Ishizuki Mitsutaka

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2011   369 - 370  2011.07


  • 3097 Comparative study of the Crowd Behaviour Experimental and Multi-Agent Model.

    JO Akihide, MINEGISHI Yoshikazu, TAKEICHI Naohiro, YOSHIDA Yoshiyuki, KIMURA Takeshi, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2011   205 - 206  2011.07


  • 3098 A Study to Evaluation in Quality of Escape Flow : Utilizing Multi-Agent Pedestrian Simulator, SimTread

    YOSHIDA Yoshiyuki

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2011   207 - 208  2011.07


  • 3099 Consideration on the setting for width of the ticket gates in case of fire in pedestrian simulator SimTread. : Grasp of Crowd Flow in the Railway Station. Part. 1

    FUJII Kosuke, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2011   209 - 210  2011.07


  • 3106 Effect of Emergency Exit Sign with the Escape Guidance Sound and Flashlight under Ordinary and Emergency Lighting

    YAMAMOTO Katsuya, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2011   223 - 224  2011.07


  • 3159 Development of Verification Methods for Evacuation Safety in Building Fire. : Part6 Evaluation method that consider the people who need some support at a disaster.

    KUWANA Hideaki, YOSHINO Setsuko, SANO Tomonori, JO Akihide, TSUCHIYA Shin-ichi, NIWA Yukari, IKEHATA Yuka, YAJIMA Masanori, NOTAKE Hiroaki, HAGIWARA Ichirou, YAMAGUCHI Jun-ichi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2011   353 - 354  2011.07


  • 3160 Analysis of fatal residential fires with fire incident database : Study for mitigating deaths from residential fires : Part 1

    MIZUNO Masayuki, SEKIZAWA Ai, SUGAHARA Shin'ichi, YAMAUCHI Yukio, SANO Tomonori, HARA Tetsuo, NAKAHAMA Shinji, TOBARI Ayaka

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2011   355 - 356  2011.07


  • 5185 A case study on seat selection at the time of arrival in a small-scale non-territorial office

    INOUE Natsumi, NIWA Yukari, SANO Tomonori, SATO Tai

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and   2011   403 - 404  2011.07


  • 3161 Study for smoke flow analysis and effect of smoke detector in a Residential Fire : Study for mitigating deaths from residential fires : Part 2

    NAKAHAMA Shinji, SUGAHARA Shin'ichi, HARA Tetsuo, MIZUNO Masayuki, YAMAUCHI Yukio, SEKIZAWA Ai, SANO Tomonori, TOBARI Ayaka

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2011   357 - 358  2011.07


  • 5399 An actual condition survey on the use of cafes as the third-place for work and study

    NIWA Yukari, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and   2011   831 - 832  2011.07


  • 5186 fluence of the arrangement and behavior in a small scale Free-Address office on the choice between the places of "concentration" and "communication"

    SATOH Tai, YAMAMOTO Katsuya, ISHIGAKI Aya, NIWA Yukari, INOUE Natsumi, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and   2011   405 - 406  2011.07


  • 5305 The influence the descending speed of other refugees by the occurrence of an evacuation chair in the high-rise building

    YAJIMA Masanori, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and   2011   643 - 644  2011.07


  • 住宅火災の死者発生防止に関する研究(その3)煙流動シミュレーションに基づく住宅火災での煙式警報器の効果

    中濱慎司, 菅原進一, 原哲夫, 関澤愛, 水野雅之, 山内幸雄, 佐野友紀, 戸張彩香

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   408 - 409  2011.05


  • 避難安全検証における滞留解消時間に関する検討 その1 滞留解消実験の概要

    佐野友紀, 池畠由華, 山口純一, 吉野摂津子, 桑名秀明, 長岡勉, 城明秀, 広田正之, 高橋渉, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   140 - 141  2011.05


  • 住宅火災の死者発生防止に関する研究(その2)~避難シミュレーションに基づく住宅火災での避難行動の検討~

    佐野友紀, 菅原進一, 関澤愛, 水野雅之, 山内幸雄, 原哲夫, 中濱慎司, 戸張彩香

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   406 - 407  2011.05


  • 階段避難時の安全性の指標値化(その1)マルチエージェントモデルによる階段避難性状の再現

    城明秀, 峯岸良和, 竹市尚広, 佐野友紀, 吉田克之

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   264 - 265  2011.05


  • 住宅火災の死者発生防止に関する研究(その1)~住宅火災での死者発生危険に関する火災統計データの分析~

    水野雅之, 関澤愛, 菅原進一, 山内幸雄, 佐野友紀, 原哲夫, 中濱慎司, 戸張彩香

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   404 - 405  2011.05


  • 階段避難時の安全性の指標値化(その2)階段増設と中間避難階の安全性改善効果の比較

    峯岸良和, 城明秀, 竹市尚広, 佐野友紀, 吉田克之

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   266 - 267  2011.05


  • 避難安全検証における滞留解消時間に関する検討 その4 マルチエージェントモデル(SimTread)による比較

    城明秀, 竹市尚広, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   146 - 147  2011.05


  • 避難安全検証における滞留解消時間に関する検討 その3 現行告示式との比較

    吉野摂津子, 池畠由華, 城明秀, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎, 山口純一

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   144 - 145  2011.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その4―避難用車いすが混在した階段室内での歩行者流動の分析―

    矢嶋雅倫, 佐野友紀, 関澤愛, 大岩大祐, 門倉博之, 石川裕樹

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   244 - 245  2011.05


  • 音声誘導・点滅機能のある誘導灯の誘導効果に関する実験的研究

    山本勝也, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   252 - 253  2011.05


  • 避難安全検証における滞留解消時間に関する検討 その5 滞留解消時間予測式の提案

    山口純一, 池畠由華, 竹市尚広, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   148 - 149  2011.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その3―順次避難訓練における各階被験者の移動プロファイル分析―

    門倉博之, 関澤愛, 佐野友紀, 大岩大祐, 矢嶋雅倫

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   242 - 243  2011.05


  • 避難安全検証における滞留解消時間に関する検討 その2 滞留解消実験の結果

    池畠由華, 佐野友紀, 山口純一, 吉野摂津子, 城明秀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   142 - 143  2011.05


  • 鉄道駅の火災避難時を想定した群集の流動状態の把握:その1 改札口と通路における流動量の実験的研究

    藤井皓介, 山本昌和, 石突光隆, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2011   254 - 255  2011.05


  • 初期火災時の煙の視覚的影響による異変感知に関する研究

    進藤友紀, 大宮喜文, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀, 遠田敦

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   第659号 ( 659 ) 1 - 7  2011.01

     View Summary

    With the introduction of specific safety guidelines in the Building Standards Act, it introduced the Method of Verification for Evacuation Safety. In the Method of Verification for Evacuation Safety, along with the time for the starting time of evacuation, the walking time, the time of exit transit time, it calculates the time from the fire break out to the evacuation complete. However, due to weak evidence for the calculating method of the evacuation starting time, the necessity for the construction of the method based on engineering evidences is pointed out. The timing of the accident perception is important factor that decides the time until evacuation beginning of the person in the fire room. In this study, it paid attention to a visual influence of smoke in the factor of the accident perception, and we execute some subjective experiment. As a result of the research, we clarified some useful findings, such as the value of extinction coefficient of smoke layer and cause regarding the accident perception.



    石突光隆, 遠田敦, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   ( 658 ) 2763 - 2769  2010.12


  • 5462 Sense of Distance on the Space displayed by Augmented Reality Technology : Fundamental Research on Human Behaviors about 3-Dimentional Robots displayed by Augmented Reality Technology No.1

    HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tomonori, ENTA Atsushi, TAKAHASHI Masaki, YOSHIOKA Yousuke, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   2010 ( 2010 ) 969 - 970  2010.07


  • 5463 Avoidable Distance Against 3-Dimentional Model displayed by Augmented Reality Technology : Fundamental Research on Human Behaviors about 3-Dimentional Robots displayed by Augmented Reality Technology No.3

    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, SANO Tomonori, ENTA Atsushi, TAKAHAHSI Masaki, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   2010 ( 2010 ) 971 - 972  2010.07


  • 5464 Fundamental Research on Human Behaviors about 3-Dimentional Robot displayed by Augmented Reality Technology

    ENTA Atsushi, YOSHIOKA Yousuke, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, TAKAHASHI Masaki, SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   2010 ( 2010 ) 973 - 974  2010.07


  • 鉄道改札口の通過可能方向による群集流の制御手法の考察

    藤井皓介, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2010   771 - 772  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 警報パターン別の避難開始行動に関する実験的研究 その6 確認行動,避難開始行動と警報の関係

    山本勝也, 山口純一, 佐野友紀, 吉野摂津子, 桑名秀明, 池畠由華, 大宮喜文, 萩原一郎, 岡田隆男

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2010   245 - 246  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 新しい避難安全検証手法の開発 その1 避難開始時間の設定方法

    山口純一, 長岡勉, 野竹宏彰, 桑名秀明, 池畠由華, 高橋済, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2010   287 - 290  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 初期火災時の異変感知に関する研究~その2:被験者実験の結果及び解析~

    進藤友紀, 佐野友紀, 今本伸和, 大宮喜文, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2010   241 - 242  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 5463 Avoidable Distance Against 3-Dimentional Model displayed by Augmented Reality Technology : Fundamental Research on Human Behaviors about 3-Dimentional Robots displayed by Augmented Reality Technology No.3

    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, SANO Tomonori, ENTA Atsushi, TAKAHAHSI Masaki, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   2010 ( 2010 ) 971 - 972  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 5462 Sense of Distance on the Space displayed by Augmented Reality Technology : Fundamental Research on Human Behaviors about 3-Dimentional Robots displayed by Augmented Reality Technology No.1

    HAYASHIDA Kazuto, SANO Tomonori, ENTA Atsushi, TAKAHASHI Masaki, YOSHIOKA Yousuke, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   2010 ( 2010 ) 969 - 970  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 複数グループ歩行者を考慮したシミュレーションモデルの構築と考察

    矢嶋雅倫, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2010   739 - 740  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 5464 Fundamental Research on Human Behaviors about 3-Dimentional Robot displayed by Augmented Reality Technology

    ENTA Atsushi, YOSHIOKA Yousuke, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, TAKAHASHI Masaki, SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   2010 ( 2010 ) 973 - 974  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 短時間歩行パス分析による群集流動状態の可視化・定量化評価手法の検討 鉄道駅の群集流動評価に関する研究 その5

    中村彩子, 佐野友紀, 今西美音子

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2010   769 - 770  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 初期火災時の異変感知に関する研究―その1:煙層と煙濃度の相関性―

    今本伸和, 進藤友紀, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2010   239 - 240  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 通路上における群集流の密度と流動係数の関係の考察―マルチエージェント歩行者シミュレーターSimTreadを用いて―

    峯岸良和, 吉田克之, 竹市尚広, 佐野友紀, 木村謙

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2010   311 - 314  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • マルチエージェント歩行者シミュレーターSimTreadの妥当性の検証―流動係数の実測値との比較およびモデルプランへの適用を通じて―

    吉田克之, 峯岸良和, 竹市尚広, 木村謙, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2010   315 - 318  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • パブリックスペースにおける環境デザイン評価に関する研究

    吉村祐美, 橋本都子, 宗方淳, 佐野友紀, 及川雅紀, 高橋鷹志

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2010   705 - 706  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 新しい避難安全検証手法の開発 その3 災害時要援護者を考慮した評価法の検討

    桑名秀明, 佐野友紀, 土屋伸一, 池畠由華, 野竹宏彰, 吉野攝津子, 新谷祐介, 遠田敦, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2010   295 - 298  2010.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 5330 A Study on Environmental Design Evaluation of Urban Public Space


    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and   2010   705 - 706  2010.07


  • 5347 Construction and consideration of simulation model that considers two or more group pedestrian.

    YAJIMA Masanori, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and   2010   739 - 740  2010.07


  • 5362 Visualization Analysis of passenger Flow with a Method of the Short-time Pedestrian Path : Evaluation of Crowd Behavior in a Railway Station. Part 5

    NAKAMURA Ayako, SANO Tomonori, IMANISHI Mineko

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and   2010   769 - 770  2010.07


  • 3117 Research on Accident Perception by Smoke at an Initial Fire : Part1; Smoke layer and correlation of the smoke density

    IMAMOTO Nobukazu, SHINDO Yuki, HAGIWAR Ichiro, SANO Tomonori, OHMIYA Yoshifumi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2010   239 - 240  2010.07


  • 3120 Experimental Study on the Differences in Starting Evacuation Behavior by Fire Alarm Pattern : Part6 The Relationship between Finding Fire-related Cues, Premovement time and Fire Alarm

    YAMAMOTO Katsuya, SANO Tomonori, KUWANA Hideaki, OHMIYA Yoshifumi, OKADA Takao, YAMAGUCHI Junichi, YOSHINO Setsuko, IKEHATA Yuka, HAGIWARA Ichiro

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2010   245 - 246  2010.07


  • 3141 Development of Verification Methods for Evacuation Safety in Building fire : Part 1 Estimation method of the pre-movement time of evacuation

    YAMAGUCHI Jun-ichi, NAGAOKA Tsutomu, NOTAKE Hiroaki, KUWANA Hideaki, IKEHATA Yuka, TAKAHASHI Wataru, SANO Tomonori, HAGIWARA Ichiro

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2010   287 - 290  2010.07


  • 3143 Development of Verification Methods for Evacuation Safety in Building Fire : Part 3 Evaluation method that consider the people who need some support at a disaster

    KUWANA Hideaki, SANO Tomonori, TSUCHIYA Shin-ichi, IKEHATA Yuka, NOTAKE Hiroaki, YOSHINO Setsuko, SHINTANI Yusuke, ENTA Atsushi, HAGIWARA Ichirou

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2010   295 - 298  2010.07


  • 3118 Study on Accident Perception by Smoke at an Initial Fire : Part2: Result of subjective experiment and analysis

    SHINDO Yuki, SANO Tomonori, IMAMOTO Nobukazu, OHMIYA Yoshifumi, HAGIWARA Ichiro

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2010   241 - 242  2010.07


  • 3147 Study on Relation of Density to Flow Rate of Pedestrian on Walkway : Simulated by Multi-agent Pedestrian Simulator Sim Tread

    MINEGISHI Yoshikazu

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2010   311 - 314  2010.07


  • 3148 Verification of Multi-Agent Pedestrian Simulator, Sim Tread : by Comparing Flow Rate with Surveyed Value and Applying to Model Plans

    YOSHIDA Yoshiyuki

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2010   315 - 318  2010.07


  • 5363 Consideration on the crowd control method by directions to pass through ticket gates in the railway station.

    FUJII Kosuke, SANO Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and   2010   771 - 772  2010.07


  • 初期火災時の視覚的影響による異変感知に関する研究―その1:煙層と煙濃度の相関性―

    今本伸和, 進藤友紀, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2010   28 - 29  2010.05


  • 高層建築物の順次避難計画における非常放送が避難行動に与える影響

    佐野友紀, 早坂美佳, 関澤愛, 大岩大祐, 門倉博之

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2010   26 - 27  2010.05


  • 初期火災時の視覚的影響による異変感知に関する研究―その2:異変感知に関する被験者実験―

    進藤友紀, 今本伸和, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2010   30 - 31  2010.05


  • 火災時の情報伝達と避難行動におけるユニバーサルデザインの考え方


    火災   60 ( 1 ) 30 - 35  2010.02


  • 心臓血管外科における循環管理と看護師のやりがい

    佐野友紀, 工藤彩子, 高野恵愛

    日本集中治療医学会雑誌   17 ( Supplement ) 424  2010.01



    HAYASHIDA Kazuto, ENTA Atsushi, YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hidetoshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   75 ( 651 ) 1133 - 1139  2010

     View Summary

    To clarify the operating station and the speed of the robot where man doesn't feel the obstruct feeling to the robot, the work was done from the following two approaches.<br>1. When the robot moved around the man, the obstruct feeling that man felt was measured. And, the relation between the obstruct feeling, to the passing speed, the position of the robot, and the moving direction of the robot was clarified.<br>2. Man was arranged at a position near the wall and a position far from the wall, and the obstruct feeling to the robot that moved was measured. The relation between the obstruct feeling that man felt and the space was clarified.<br>As a result, it has been understood the obstruct feeling compared with the robot is in proportion with the distance between the man and the robot. Moreover, it was clarified that the obstruct feeling rose when was arranged at a position far from the wall.



    YOSHIOKA Yohsuke, TAKAHASHI Masaki, WATANABE Hidetoshi, ENTA Atsushi, SANO Tomonori, HAYASHIDA Kazuto

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   75 ( 652 ) 1399 - 1405  2010

     View Summary

    In the near future, there will be several types of the leading robots that lead us a way to a destination in our daily life spaces. Some experiments were conducted in order to clarify the characters behaviors of human in follow-walking after leading robots in a real corridor. Following results were obtained. 1) The distance to the robots were kept in from 900 to 1100(mm). And 2) Subjects tended to gaze at the short size robot (300mm height) more frequently than the middle size one (600mm height). 3) When the leading speed is lower (0.34m/s), subjects tended to gaze at the short size robot (300mm height) more frequently than the tall size one (900mm height). 4) The characteristic fixation pattern was found that was gazing at the midair area above the head of the robots.


  • 「建築物における日常災害」バルコニー・柵における日常災害と対策技術


    建築防災   ( 382 ) 26 - 28  2009.11


  • 三次元表記地図におけるルート歩行の言語的記述に関する基礎的研究(第16回大会発表論文)

    石垣 文, 佐野 友紀, 小島 隆矢, 佐藤 将之

    MERA Journal=人間・環境学会誌   12 ( 2 ) 42 - 42  2009.09


  • 3015 A Study of Downward Walking in Stairs at a Total Evacuation in a High-rise Building

    SEKIZAWA Ai, SANO Tomonori, KADOKURA Hiroyuki

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A-2, Fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology   2009 ( 2009 ) 29 - 30  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 歩行者回遊時の経路記憶および探索行動に街路形状が与える影響―格子型街路と非格子型街路の比較

    今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2009   693 - 694  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 警報パターン別の避難開始行動に関する実験的研究 その4 対応行動に至るまでのプロセスに着目したヒアリング分析

    池畠由華, 山本勝也, 大宮喜文, 吉野摂子, 岡田隆男, 山口純一, 桑名秀明, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2009   7 - 8  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 警報作動時の避難開始行動に関する実験的研究 その2 単独避難時の対応行動に着目した観察分析

    桑名秀明, 山口純一, 佐野友紀, 吉野摂津子, 山本勝也, 池畠由華, 大宮喜文, 萩原一郎, 岡田隆男

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2009   3 - 4  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 警報パターン別の避難開始行動に関する実験的研究 その5 避難時の行動決定プロセスに着目した分析

    吉野摂津子, 佐野友紀, 山本勝也, 萩原一郎, 山口純一, 池畠由華, 桑名秀明, 大宮喜文, 岡田隆男

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2009   9 - 10  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 警報パターン別の避難開始行動に関する実験的研究 その1 研究背景と実験概要

    岡田隆男, 山本勝也, 大宮喜文, 池畠由華, 山口純一, 吉野摂津子, 桑名秀明, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2009   1 - 2  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 群集行動実験によるデータ収集と避難行動シミュレーション妥当性検討の問題点

    佐野友紀, 今西美音子, 布田健, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2009   1 - 4  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 鉄道駅の利用者行動からみたラッチ内店舗施設計画に関する考察 鉄道駅の群集流動評価に関する研究 その4

    諏訪正浩, 中村彩子, 佐野友紀, 青木俊幸, 山本昌和, 石突光隆

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2009   797 - 798  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 警報パターン別の避難開始行動に関する実験的研究 その3 複数避難時の対応行動に着目した観察分析

    山本勝也, 池畠由華, 佐野友紀, 山口純一, 大宮喜文, 吉野摂津子, 岡田隆男, 萩原一郎, 桑名秀明

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2009   5 - 6  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 初期火災時の異変感知に関する研究~無視激性の煙による視覚的影響~

    進藤友紀, 佐野友紀, 岡田隆男, 水野雅之, 萩原一郎, 大宮喜文

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2009   13 - 14  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 短時間歩行パス分析による一方向流と交錯流の流動特性比較 鉄道駅の群集流動評価に関する研究 その3

    中村彩子, 諏訪正浩, 佐野友紀, 青木俊幸, 山本昌和, 石突光隆

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2009   795 - 796  2009.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 2群集の交差流動の実験的分析

    佐野友紀, 布田健

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2009   188 - 189  2009.05


  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析 その2

    門倉博之, 関沢愛, 佐野友紀, 岡部弘志

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2009   184 - 185  2009.05


  • 初期火災時の視覚的影響による異変感知に関する研究

    進藤友紀, 岡田隆男, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀, 水野雅之, 大宮喜文

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2009   160 - 163  2009.05


  • 3004 初期火災時の煙の視覚的影響による異変感知に関する研究(防火)

    進藤 友紀, 岡田 隆男, 佐野 友紀, 萩原 一郎, 水野 雅之, 大宮 喜文

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 79 ) 513 - 516  2009.03


  • 現代の生活環境における行動研究概要報告

    佐野, 友紀

    人間科学研究   22 ( 補遺号 ) 135 - 135  2009.03


  • REPRESENTATION OF CROWD IN MULTI‐AGENT MODEL―Development of pedestrian simulation system SimTread―

    木村謙, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 竹市尚広, 峯岸良和, 吉田克之, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   ( 636 ) 371 - 377  2009.02

     View Summary

    SimTread has been developed as a pedestrian simulation system with straightforward pedestrian and space model, which is highly operable by the users. The pedestrian model is a multi agent system in which the individual pedestrian is modeled as agents, and the space model is based on real coordinates, on the contrary of network and mesh models, that enable to represent plans directly into models. The characteristics of crowd represented in this system had been evaluated through test cases by measuring the flow rate that is a major index for evaluating crowd. Major results are as follows 1. In a simple plan that are comparable to network models, SimTread showed reasonable behaviours of crowds, which in terms of operability, can be concluded as highly desirable performance. 2. In a case where a bottleneck accumulates enough pedestrians so that consecutive exits will be virtually closed, SimTread showed accurately the propagation of crowd, which led to qualitative analysis of the crowd.


  • Sano Laboratory, Faculty of Human Sciences in Waseda University

    SANO Tomonori

    火災   59 ( 1 ) 54 - 57  2009.02


  • 高層建築物の災害時要援護者避難における自助、共助、公助の考察

    佐野 友紀

    総合論文誌 = / Architectural Institute of Japan   ( 7 ) 65 - 68  2009.01


  • 歩行者シミュレーションモデルにおける個人領域寸法の妥当性検討

    木原康之, 木村謙, 林田和人, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   31st   135 - 138  2008.12


  • A Study of the Follow‐Walking to the Inducement Robots

    遠田敦, 吉岡陽介, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀, 林田和人

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   26th   ROMBUNNO.3K3-09  2008.09


  • A Study of the Fixation to the Leading Robots

    吉岡陽介, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊, 遠田敦, 佐野友紀, 林田和人

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   26th   ROMBUNNO.3I3-02  2008.09


  • 火災時を想定した百貨店における利用者の避難行動実験分析

    大木孝修, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2008   825 - 826  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • ラッチ内商業施設設置空間における旅客流動の現状 鉄道駅の群集流動評価に関する研究 その2

    諏訪正浩, 中村彩子, 佐野友紀, 青木俊幸, 石突光隆

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2008   583 - 584  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 短時間歩行パス分析による旅客流動の分析 鉄道駅の群集流動評価に関する研究 その1

    中村彩子, 諏訪正浩, 佐野友紀, 青木俊幸, 石突光隆

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2008   581 - 582  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 経路探索に用いられる情報が,歩行者の「迷い感」に与える影響

    鴛海祐太, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2008   853 - 854  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 開口部に付属する小空間の形状が群集流動に与える影響

    佐野友紀, 今西美音子, 布田健, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2008   587 - 588  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 大規模地下街における避難行動特性に関する実験研究―その3 実験結果及び分析―

    蛇石貴宏, 森山修治, 佐野友紀, 長谷見雄二

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2008   49 - 50  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 歩行者の経路把握における交差点形状の影響―格子状街路と非格子状街路の比較

    今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2008   855 - 856  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • マルチエージェントモデルにおける歩行者密度と歩行速度および流動係数の関係の考察―歩行者シミュレーションシステムSimTreadの基本性能 その5―

    峯岸良和, 竹市尚広, 吉田克之, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 木村謙, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2008   597 - 598  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 保育施設における生活具に関する環境行動の分析

    小林あゆ泉, 佐野友紀, 佐藤将之

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2008   211 - 212  2008.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高層事務所ビルの全館避難訓練時における階段歩行に関する実測調査とその分析

    関沢愛, 佐野友紀, 岡部弘志, 門倉博之, 諸星芳行

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2008   70 - 71  2008.05


  • マルチエージェントモデルによる全館一斉避難性状の予測―歩行者シミュレーションシステムSim Treadの基本性能 その3―

    竹市尚広, 峯岸良和, 吉田克之, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 木村謙, 渡辺仁史

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2008   78 - 79  2008.05


  • 階段室付室の通過を想定した群集実験分析

    佐野友紀, 布田健, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2008   72 - 73  2008.05


  • ネットワークモデルとマルチエージェントモデルの全館一斉避難性状の比較―歩行者シミュレーションシステムSim Treadの基本性能 その4―

    峯岸良和, 竹市尚広, 吉田克之, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2008   80 - 81  2008.05

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • マルチエージェントモデルによる階段内歩行のモデル化 歩行者シミュレーションシステム SimTread の基本性能 その2

    峯岸良和, 吉田 克之, 竹市 尚広, 木村 謙, 佐野 友紀, 林田 和人, 渡辺 仁史

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集     81 - 84  2008


  • 安全・安心な生活環境の設計手法 4 危険を回避する設計手法 開口部・バルコニー・柵


    建築技術   ( 694 ) 154 - 155  2007.11


  • 歩行者シミュレーションシステムSimTreadの基本性能―開口の流出先における歩行性状を歩行性状を考慮した流動係数の考察―

    峯岸良和, 吉田克之, 竹市尚広, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 木村謙, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2007   961 - 962  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • アダプティブな避難誘導システムに於ける情報提供方式

    掛井秀一, 佐古順彦, 佐野友紀, 佐藤博臣

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2007   313 - 314  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 5432 Sense of Incongruity to Living with Robot : Image Evaliation of Robot in Daily Life, Part 4

    WATANABE Hidetoshi, SANO Tomonori, HAYASHIDA Kazuto, TAKAHASHI Masaki, TAKAYANAGI Hideaki, ENTA Atsushi, YOSHIOKA Yousuke

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   2007 ( 2007 ) 863 - 864  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 鉄道駅のエスカレータ,階段に見られる群集行動の分析

    中村彩子, 佐野友紀, 青木俊幸, 石突光隆

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2007   953 - 954  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 大規模地下街における避難行動特性に関する実験研究―その2 実験結果及び分析―

    小川純子, 森山修治, 佐野友紀, 長谷見雄二

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2007   305 - 306  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 大規模地下街における避難行動特性に関する実験研究―その1 実験概要―

    森山修治, 小川純子, 佐野友紀, 長谷見雄二

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2007   303 - 304  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 経路探索時の情報受容と誘導方法との相互関係について

    齋藤雅斗, 佐野友紀, 佐藤将之, 高橋鷹志, 佐古順彦

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集D-1 環境工学1   2007   9 - 10  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 群集実験からみた開口部通過流動に関する考察

    佐野友紀, 今西美音子, 布田健, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2007   957 - 958  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 地域性を重視した鉄道駅空間における環境行動研究

    諏訪正浩, 佐野友紀, 高橋鷹志, 佐藤将之

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2007   391 - 392  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 繁華街街路の道路幅員と空間配置が歩行者心理に与える影響

    今西美音子, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2007   1003 - 1004  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 階段踏面,蹴上の寸法を対象とした動作分析実験―階段の定量的安全評価手法確立のための基礎的研究 その3―

    布田健, 田中眞二, 加藤正男, 佐野友紀, 古瀬敏

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2007   871 - 872  2007.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 災害弱者の避難安全における課題と対策


    安全工学シンポジウム講演予稿集   2007   293 - 296  2007.07


  • 携帯型端末による誘導方法の違いが経路探索時の情報取得に及ぼす影響

    齋藤雅斗, 田内滋人, 佐藤将之, 佐野友紀, 佐古順彦, 高橋鷹志

    人間・環境学会誌   10 ( 2 ) 37 - 37  2007.05


  • 階段における車いすの介助避難実験

    佐野友紀, 大宮喜文, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2007   10 - 11  2007.05

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 大規模地下街における避難行動特性に関する実験研究

    森山修治, 小川純子, 長谷見雄二, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2007   18 - 19  2007.05


  • 3005 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 : その7 避難用車いすの操作力の研究(防火)

    市川 佳樹, 大宮 喜文, 佐野 友紀, 萩原 一郎

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 77 ) 293 - 296  2007.02


  • A PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF SUGGESTED ROUTES MAP ON EVACUATION BEHAVIOR : A development of evacuation guidance-system based on multimedia technology Part III

    KAKEI Hidekazu, SATOH Hiroomi, SANO Tomonori, SAKO Toshihiko

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   72 ( 613 ) 73 - 79  2007

     View Summary

    Since our societies have diverse people and built environments, studies must be needed to develop systems assuring people's safety in potential emergent situations. We have developed a multimedia guidance system available in evacuation. In this paper, we compared the guiding effectiveness of three spatial information presentations: (1)the arrow indicating the direction of movement, (2)the floor-plan map with the present place and the exists, and (3)the map with the suggested route from the present place to the nearest available exit. The results showed that the third was the best in giving successful guide and spatial knowledge to the subjects.


  • Evacuation Planning for Welfare Facilities Dedicated to the Elderly

    SANO Tomonori

    火災   56 ( 6 ) 33 - 36  2006.12

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 老人福祉施設における避難計画


    日本火災学会 火災誌   Vol. 56, No.6 ( 285 ) 33 - 37  2006.12

  • 階段踏面、蹴込、蹴込板、履物を対象とした動作分析実験 階段の定量的安全評価手法確立のための基礎的研究 その2

    布田健, 田中眞二, 加藤正男, 佐野友紀, 古瀬敏

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     777 - 778  2006.09

  • 建築空間におけるロボットと人間との共存に関する研究 その4 通路空間における人間のロボットに対する回避距離

    遠田敦, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀, 高橋正樹, 林田和人

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     765 - 766  2006.09

  • 生活姿勢と人間のロボットに対する距離感との関係 建築空間におけるロボットと人間との共存に関する研究 その3

    渡辺秀俊, 遠田敦, 佐野友紀, 高橋正樹, 林田和人

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     763 - 764  2006.09

  • 室の広さとロボットの大きさの関係 生活場面におけるロボットの印象評価に関する研究 その3

    佐野友紀, 林田和人, 遠田敦, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     761 - 762  2006.09

  • 室の広さとロボットの大きさの関係 生活場面におけるロボットの印象評価に関する研究 その3

    佐野友紀, 林田和人, 遠田敦, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2006   761 - 762  2006.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 通路空間における人間のロボットに対する回避距離 建築空間におけるロボットと人間との共存に関する研究 その4

    遠田敦, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀, 高橋正樹, 林田和人

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2006   765 - 766  2006.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 生活姿勢と人間のロボットに対する距離感との関係 建築空間におけるロボットと人間との共存に関する研究 その3

    渡辺秀俊, 高橋正樹, 遠田敦, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2006   763 - 764  2006.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 段階踏面,蹴込,蹴込板,履物を対象とした動作分析実験―階段の定量的安全評価手法確立のための基礎的研究 その2―

    布田健, 田中眞二, 加藤正男, 佐野友紀, 古瀬敏

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2006   777 - 778  2006.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • アンケートに基づく避難行動特性の違いについて 火災時の建物用途別避難行動特性の解明(その3)

    海老原学, 中野陽介, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文, 掛川秀一

    平成18年度 日本火災学会 研究発表会梗概集     532 - 535  2006.05

  • 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その7 階段室内の通行位置が避難時間に及ぼす影響

    石突光雄, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文, 萩原一郎

    平成18年度 日本火災学会 研究発表会梗概集     528 - 531  2006.05

  • 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その6 複数の避難用車いすについての考察

    佐野友紀, 石突光雄, 大宮喜文, 萩原一郎

    平成18年度 日本火災学会 研究発表会梗概集     524 - 527  2006.05

  • 5016 ロボットに対する人間の回避距離 : ロボットを抽象的外見を持つ移動物体とした場合の回避距離(建築計画)

    遠田 敦, 渡辺 秀俊, 佐野 友紀, 高橋 正樹, 林田 和人

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 II   ( 76 ) 61 - 64  2006.02



    ENTA Atsushi, WATANABE Hidetoshi, SANO Tomonori, TAKAHASHI Masaki, HAYASHIDA Kazuto

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   71 ( 601 ) 81 - 85  2006

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to clarify the avoiding space between the human and the robot. In the experiment, the avoiding distance between the human and the robot was measured, while a man tried to avoid interplaying with the independently-moving robot. The characteristics of human movements were verified from results. According to the results, a sight distance does not differ between male and female when avoiding the specific robot we used in this study. It has also proved that there is no difference in a sight distance by interlacing angle. The study showed that the sight distance expands spherically with aradius of 1450(mm) from the height of the robot's eye. The avoiding distance from side ways was calculated to be 610(mm), which is smaller than that of human to human. This value suggests that it requires about 1100(mm) passing by one another, and it is narrow in current housing plans.


  • アンケート調査結果に基づく避難行動特性の違いについて

    中野陽介, 海老原学, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 掛川秀史

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 A-1     235 - 236  2005.09

  • 高層建築物における避難行動特性 その6 避難用車いすの乗り手重量変化に関する被験者実験

    石突光隆, 阿部修太郎, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 A-1     209 - 210  2005.09

  • 高層建築物における避難行動特性 その5 幅員変化による避難用車いすの操作性への影響

    阿部修太郎, 石突光隆, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 A-1     207 - 208  2005.09

  • 階段室における群集合流の実験および歩行者シミュレーションシステムSimWalkの検証

    金山健一, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 竹市尚広, 吉田克之, 大宮喜文, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     907 - 908  2005.09


  • 動的避難誘導システム開発に関する小論

    掛井秀一, 佐古順彦, 佐野友紀, 佐藤博臣

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     913 - 914  2005.09

  • ロボットの作業と位置の関係 生活場面におけるロボットの印象評価に関する研究 その2

    佐野友紀, 遠田敦, 高橋正樹, 林田和人, 渡辺秀俊

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     999 - 1000  2005.09

  • ロボットとの交流によるイメージ変化 生活場面におけるロボットの印象評価に関する研究 その1

    林田和人, 佐野友紀, 遠田敦, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     997 - 998  2005.09

  • ロボットに対する人間の対人距離 建築空間におけるロボットと人間との共存に関する研究 その2

    渡辺秀俊, 遠田敦, 佐野友紀, 高橋正樹, 林田和人

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1   5485   1003 - 1004  2005.09


  • ロボットに対する人間の回避距離 建築空間におけるロボットと人間との共存に関する研究 その1

    遠田敦, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀, 高橋正樹, 林田和人

    日本建築学会 大会講演梗概集 E-1     1001 - 1002  2005.09

  • 階段室における群集合流の実験および歩行者シミュレーションシステムSimWalkの検証

    金山健一, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 竹市尚広, 吉田克之, 大宮喜文, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2005   907 - 908  2005.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • ロボットに対する人間の対人距離 建築空間におけるロボットと人間との共存に関する研究 その2

    渡辺秀俊, 高橋正樹, 遠田敦, 林田和人, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2005   1003 - 1004  2005.07


  • ロボットに対する人間の回避距離 建築空間におけるロボットと人間との共存に関する研究 その1

    遠田敦, 渡辺秀俊, 佐野友紀, 高橋正樹, 林田和人

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2005   1001 - 1002  2005.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高層建築物における避難行動特性 その6 避難用車いすの乗り手重量変化に関する被験者実験

    石突光隆, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎, 阿部修太郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2005   209 - 210  2005.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • ロボットの作業と位置の関係 生活場面におけるロボットの印象評価に関する研究 その2

    佐野友紀, 林田和人, 遠田敦, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2005   999 - 1000  2005.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • アンケート調査結果に基づく避難行動特性の違いについて

    中野陽介, 海老原学, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 掛川秀史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2005   235 - 236  2005.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 動的避難誘導システム開発に関する小論

    掛井秀一, 佐古順彦, 佐野友紀, 佐藤博臣

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2005   913 - 914  2005.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高層建築物における避難行動特性 その5 幅員変化による避難用車いすの操作性への影響

    阿部修太郎, 石突光隆, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2005   207 - 208  2005.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • ロボットとの交流によるイメージ変化 生活場面におけるロボットの印象評価に関する研究 その1

    林田和人, 佐野友紀, 遠田敦, 高橋正樹, 渡辺秀俊

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2005   997 - 998  2005.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 3004 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その6 : 重量変化による避難用車いすの操作性への影響(防火)

    石突 光隆, 大宮 喜文, 佐野 友紀, 萩原 一郎, 阿部 修太郎

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 75 ) 273 - 276  2005.02


  • 3001 全館避難を想定した階段室における群集合流の実験(防火)

    角方 謙一, 竹市 尚広, 木村 謙, 吉田 克之, 佐野 友紀, 大宮 喜文, 渡辺 仁史

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 75 ) 261 - 264  2005.02


  • 3002 建築物の避難安全性評価に求められる避難者タイプの設定に関する研究(防火)

    中野 陽介, 大宮 喜文, 海老原 学, 佐野 友紀, 掛川 秀史

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 75 ) 265 - 268  2005.02


  • 3003 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その5 : 幅員変化による避難用車いすの操作性への影響(防火)

    阿部 修太郎, 石突 光隆, 大宮 喜文, 佐野 友紀, 萩原 一郎

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 75 ) 269 - 272  2005.02


  • 5012 エージェント指向シミュレータSimwalkによる待ち合わせ行動と施設配置の評価(建築計画)

    田中 壮作, 木村 謙, 佐野 友紀, 竹市 尚広, 吉田 克之, 渡辺 仁史

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 II   ( 75 ) 45 - 48  2005.02


  • 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その4 幅員変化による避難用車いすの操作性への影響

    阿部修太郎, 石突光隆, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2005   588 - 591  2005


  • アンケート調査結果に基づく避難行動特性の違いについて 火災時の建物用途別避難行動特性の解明(その1)

    中野陽介, 海老原学, 中村征二, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文, 掛川秀史

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2005   190 - 193  2005


  • アンケート調査結果に基づく避難タイプ分類 火災時の建物用途別避難行動特性の解明(その2)

    海老原学, 中野陽介, 中村征二, 佐野友紀, 大宮喜文, 掛川秀史

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2005   194 - 197  2005


  • 階段室での群集の合流特性に関する研究

    佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史, 大宮喜文, 竹市尚広, 吉田克之

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2005   600 - 603  2005


  • 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その5 重量変化による避難用車いすの操作性への影響

    石突光隆, 阿部修太郎, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2005   592 - 595  2005


  • A PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY ON THE WAY OF DISPLAYING ROUTE MAP IN EVACUATION GUIDANCE : A development of evacuation guidance-system based on multimedia technology Part II

    KAKEI Hidekazu, SATOH Hiroomi, SANO Tomonori, SAKO Toshihiko

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   70 ( 596 ) 27 - 34  2005

     View Summary

    Since our societies have diverse people and built environments, studies must be needed to develop systems assuring people's safety in potential emergent situations. We have developed a multimedia guidance system available in evacuation. In the present paper, we examined the effect of map presentation types on evacuation behavior. The results showed that sequential evacuation paths indicated on the map almost cancelled the negative effects of map rotation and alignment on the course of evacuation behavior, and that these map conditions made it difficult for evacuees to construct a spatial image like a survey map.



    SANO Tomonori, TAKEICHI Naohiro, KIMURA Takeshi, OHMIYA Yoshifumi, YOSHIDA Yoshiyuki, WATANABE Hitoshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   70 ( 598 ) 51 - 56  2005

     View Summary

    In a case of fire at high-rise building or complex usage building, many evacuees uses staircase at once. At the staircase, confluence is happened between the evacuees from upper floors and ones entering to the staircase. The condition of merging may have impact on escape time, not only on the fire floor but also the time in the whole building. However there is less research about the condition of merging about staircase. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of merges in stair case and easiness of merging in various cases. The tests were conducted to compare different cases in: 1) crowd density, 2) directions of merges, 3) door open or close. The results lead to the following conclusions: 1) it is easier to merge at lower density; 2) it is easier to merge if the direction of the merging crowd is same as the direction of the crowd in staircase; 3) it is easier to merge if the door is open, and it lowers the evacuation flow rate by 70% at the door when the door is closed at start.


  • 高層建築物における避難行動特性 その2 階段内の歩行速度に関する被験者実験

    石突光隆, 阿部修太郎, 中野陽介, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2004   237 - 238  2004.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高層建築物における避難行動特性 その3 避難用車いすの階段内の軌跡とアンケート調査

    中野陽介, 阿部修太郎, 石突光隆, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2004   239 - 240  2004.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • マルチエージェントモデルによる滞留状況と流動係数の検討~歩行シミュレーションシステムSimWalk その2~

    斉藤裕介, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 竹市尚広, 吉田克之, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2004   847 - 848  2004.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高層建築物における避難行動特性 その3 避難用車いすを用いた階段降下速度に関する被験者実験

    阿部修太郎, 石突光隆, 中野陽介, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2004   241 - 242  2004.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高層建築物における垂直避難行動研究の整理 高層建築物における避難行動特性 その1

    佐野友紀, 大宮喜文, 阿部修太郎, 石突光隆, 中野陽介, 萩原一郎

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2004   235 - 236  2004.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 「ニューヨークWTCテロ災害(その2)」災害弱者の避難とその対策


    建築防災   ( 317 ) 10 - 14  2004.06


  • 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その2 避難用車いすの降下速度の研究

    阿部修太郎, 石突光隆, 中野陽介, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2004   578 - 581  2004.05


  • 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その3 避難用車いすの訓練とアンケート調査を踏まえた利用可能性

    中野陽介, 阿部修太郎, 石突光隆, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2004   582 - 585  2004.05


  • 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その1 階段歩行速度の検討

    石突光隆, 阿部修太郎, 中野陽介, 大宮喜文, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2004   574 - 577  2004.05


  • 避難安全評価を目的とした歩行者シミュレーションシステムSim Walk

    竹市尚広, 斉藤裕介, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 吉田克之, 渡辺仁史

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2004   566 - 569  2004.05


  • A case of mumps with corneal endotheliitis

    佐野友紀, 阿部達也, 笹川智幸, 松田英伸, 阿部春樹

    臨床眼科   58 ( 4 ) 441 - 444  2004.04


  • オブジェクト指向ビジュアル群集シミュレータの研究

    渡辺仁史, 佐野友紀ほか

    (株)竹中工務店 早稲田大学理工学総合研究センター     1 - 250  2004.03

  • 3018 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その3 : 避難用車いすの降下速度の研究(防火)

    阿部 修太郎, 石突 光隆, 中野 陽介, 大宮 喜文, 佐野 友紀, 萩原 一郎

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 74 ) 323 - 326  2004.02


  • 3017 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その2 : 階段歩行速度の検討(防火)

    石突 光隆, 大宮 喜文, 阿部 修太郎, 中野 陽介, 佐野 友紀, 萩原 一郎

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 74 ) 319 - 322  2004.02


  • 3016 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その1 : 高層建築物における垂直避難行動研究の必要性(防火)

    佐野 友紀, 大宮 喜文, 阿部 修太郎, 石突 光隆, 中野 陽介, 萩原 一郎

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 74 ) 315 - 318  2004.02


  • 3019 高層建築物における在館者の避難行動特性 その4 : 避難用車いすの訓練とアンケート調査を踏まえた利用可能性(防火)

    中野 陽介, 大宮 喜文, 阿部 修太郎, 石突 光隆, 佐野 友紀, 萩原 一郎

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 I   ( 74 ) 327 - 330  2004.02


  • 5002 人間行動シミュレーションのための行動データの体系化(建築計画)

    佐野 友紀, 高柳 英明, 木村 謙, 渡辺 俊, 林田 和人, 川口 和英, 池田 浩敬, 位寄 和久, 渡辺 仁史

    日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 II   ( 74 ) 5 - 8  2004.02



    建部謙治, 佐野友紀, 萩原一郎, 本間正彦, 三村由夫, 内山聖士

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   ( 576 ) 53 - 58  2004.02


  • 避難用車いすによる階段連続降下実験業務報告書


    国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所 早稲田大学人間総合研究センター     1 - 130  2004.02


    TATEBE Kenji, SANO Tomonori, HAGIWARA Ichiro, HONMA Masahiko, MIMURA Yoshio, UCHIYAMA Seiji

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   69 ( 576 ) 53 - 58  2004

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    This paper is discussed the escape safety of two fire protection openings. Three kinds of experiments, which a walker or the crowed flow passed through the fire protection opening, a fire door or a sheet shutter, were performed. We analyzed the relation between motion and flow rate using the view points of human engineering. The results are summarized as follows. 1) The evaluations of two fire protection openings were different among single walk and crowed flow, or the characteristics of walker. 2) The evaluation of the human flow was influenced by the touch with the others and the fire protection opening. 3) The evaluation of fire door decreases with crowed density. 4) The motion which pass through the sheet shutter were enforced by that characteristics. 5) The flow rate was influenced by the characteristics. The flow rate of the sheet shutter was smaller than the fire door's one, but was satisfied the necessary flow rare.

    DOI CiNii

  • 人間行動シミュレーション研究の体系化に関する研究

    渡辺俊, 高柳英明, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 川口和英, 池田浩敬, 位寄和久, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   26th   145 - 148  2003.12


  • Evacuation of Disabled People

    SANO Tomonori

    火災   53 ( 4 ) 34 - 39  2003.08


  • 防火扉の幅および開閉力が通過に及ぼす影響 避難弱者を含めた避難安全に関する研究 その3

    佐野友紀, 布田健, 松村誠

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2003   933 - 934  2003.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 歩行者シミュレーションシステムSimWalk

    木村謙, 関根宏, 佐野友紀, 竹市尚広, 吉田克之, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2003   915 - 916  2003.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 防災計画における避難用車いすの利用に関する実験的研究

    萩原一郎, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2003   113 - 114  2003.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 〈米国WTC崩壊時の避難行動〉WTCにおける災害弱者の避難について


    火災   53 ( 4 ) 34 - 39  2003.07


  • 避難用車いすの操作性に関する研究

    佐野友紀, 萩原一郎

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2003   36 - 39  2003.05

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 運転特性の違いから見た危険認知行動の実験的研究(第9回大会発表論文)

    吉岡 竜巳, 佐野 友紀, 建部 謙治

    MERA Journal=人間・環境学会誌   8 ( 1 ) 46 - 46  2002.10


  • Virtual Fire Extinguisher Training System(Collaborative Research).

    横田年徳, 益村明人, 出口嘉一, 内山聖士, 佐野友紀, 志田弘二, 田中敏光, 大西昇, 辻本誠

    消防研究室年報   ( 31 ) 13 - 20  2002.07


  • Motion Analysis of Toilet Paper Holder Use : Optimal Placement of Various Wall-mounted Operating Apparatuses in Toilets Part 2


    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   2002   647 - 648  2002.06


  • 防火扉通過に必要な発揮力の検討 避難弱者を含めた避難安全に関する研究 その2

    佐野友紀, 松村誠, 布田健

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2002   753 - 754  2002.06

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 運転特性の違いから見た危険認知・行動の実験的研究 バーチャルリアリティを用いた交通事故シミュレーション

    吉岡竜巳, 建部謙治, 佐野友紀

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2002   675 - 676  2002.06

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 防火扉の開閉力の違いが通過に及ぼす影響 避難弱者を含めた避難安全に関する研究 その1

    松村誠, 佐野友紀, 上野義雪, 布田健

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2002   751 - 752  2002.06

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • バーチャルリアリティを用いた消火器訓練システム

    横田年徳, 益村明人, 佐野友紀, 志田弘二, 田中俊光, 大西昇, 辻本誠

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2002   520 - 523  2002.05


  • Experimental research of the difference in danger recognition arising from differences in drivers characters. Traffic accident simulation using a virtual reality system.

    吉岡竜巳, 建部謙治, 佐野友紀

    愛知工業大学研究報告 B 専門関係論文集   ( 37 ) 167 - 172  2002.03


  • <Paper>Experimental research of the difference in danger recognition arising from differences in drivers characters : Traffic accident simulation using a virtual reality system

    YOSHIOKA Tatsumi, TATEBE Kenji, SANO Tomonori

    Bulletin of Aichi Institute of Technology. Part B   37 ( 37 ) 167 - 172  2002.03

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    The purpose of this research is the development of a traffic accident simulator, and using this simulator to investigate danger recognition and the characteristic of the actions of drivers driving a car and a scooter. The main conclusions are as follows. 1) There is a tendency for the subjects to feel danger more when riding a scooter compared with the case when they drive a car. That is, if they drive a car, the consciousness of danger will be lower. 2) When the vehicles type which they usually use and the vehicles which they drove in the experiment were the same, cautiousness becomes lower and the subjects had the tendency to use the brake less. 3) The subject who was always driving the car had a tendency to evaluate whether their situation was a dangerous one from the end result, where as the subject who was always driving the scooter had the tendency to evaluate whether their situation was a dangerous one from the situation itself.


  • Passing behavior through the opening of fire equipment

    UCHIYAMA Seiji, TATEBE Kenji, SANO Tomonori

      ( 40 ) 709 - 712  2002.02


  • モーションキャプチャを用いた身体動作計測による建築の安全性評価


    日本建築学会 建築人間工学シンポジウム   第40回  2002.02

  • ANALYSIS OF CROSSlNG DIFFICULTY BASED ON FIELD EXPERIMENTS : Study on characteristics of pedestrian crossing flow Part 2

    TATEBE Kenji, SANO Tomonori

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   67 ( 554 ) 175 - 180  2002

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    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the level of walking difficulty through crowd flow. Four subjects crossed a crowd flow in a terminal station at four separate penetration angles each; 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees. The crossing pedestrian's difficulty was analyzed from both the human movement and psychological aspects. The result of the analysis is as follows : 1) Mental evaluation of crossing difficulty has a close relation to the crowd density. The perception of crossing difficulty showed the greatest change between 0.25 person/m^2 and 1.0 person/m^2. 2) Mental evaluation of a 45 degree crossing angle was more favorable than one of 135 degrees. 3) The results of physical analysis were the same as mental evaluation. 4) The crossing subject tended to cross behind crowd pedestrians. In the case of high density, the avoidance behavior becomes complex, using changes of speed and locus.



    SANO Tomonori, TAKAYANAGI Hideaki, WATANABE Hitoshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   67 ( 555 ) 191 - 197  2002

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the pedestrian space with time series interfering area model. The model illustrates the interference of pedestrian's area in the several directions. And the coordinates of pedestrians are sensed and used for evaluation of the space. Pedestrian movement was recorded by the VCR camera and coded individual frames at sampling intervals of 0.5 seconds. The records were projected and corrected for foreshortened perspective. Then the coordinates of pedestrians in each frame were calculated. The pedestrian area is defined as the circle 0.9 meters in diameter in which pedestrian can avoid and pass others. When someone approaches another in pedestrian area, the conflict between two pedestrians occurs. The term "interfering load" can be defined as a load which pedestrians take in such a situation. There are two types of interfering load. One is a load between pedestrians in the same direction and the other is a load between pedestrians in the opposite direction. We only concerned with the Interfering load between bidirectional pedestrians, because monodirectional pedestrians reduce their walking load by forming groups in the same direction. The "time series interfering area model" describes the load between pedestrians in the several directions. This model's advantage is as follows; (1) The characteristics of pedestrian loads in a time series are grasped and comprehended with it. (2) As the congestion in the observation area in a time series is observed, and the area is evaluated particularly. (3) The situations of intersecting pedestrians in the several directions are grasped.



    SANO Tomonori, TATEBE Kenji, HAGIWARA Ichiro, MIMURA Yoshio, HONMA Masahiko

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   67 ( 559 ) 1 - 7  2002

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to examine the walking characteristics of disabled people passing through fire equipment. The objective equipment of this experiment are a fire door and a "sheet shutter". The "sheet shutter" is a curtain-type silica-based screen that prevents fire from spreading. It has been recently developed as fire-protection construction in building. The objects' movements are recorded by VCR and motion capture system which can measure the 3-D coordinates of body parts. The walking speed and the movement of subjects are analyzed. Responses to a questionnaire which deals with degrees of difficulty for people vulnerable to disasters to properly manipulate the door are also examined. The results are as follows; 1. Physical ability and body size are related to the speed of the action of passing through the door. Small subjects, such as children and women, can easily get through the opening of a sheet shutter. 2. The force needed to open the sheet shutter door is less than for the fire door. 3. The movement of the upper-part of the sheet shutter door is different from the lower-part because the door has no rigidity. 4. It is more effective to widen the sheet shutter door than to raise it for wheelchair users'.


  • VRを用いた加害・被害者の視界の違いから見た交通危機意識の研究

    佐野 友紀, 建部 建治

    交通安全対策振興助成研究報告書(一般研究)   17   78 - 86  2002


  • The Older Adults and Universal Design

    SANO Tomonori

    火災   51 ( 6 ) 29 - 33  2001.12

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 高齢者とユニバーサルデザイン


    日本火災学会 火災学会誌   256号  2001.12

  • 群集流動横断時における通過しにくさの解析(第8回大会発表論文)

    建部 謙治, 佐野 友紀

    MERA Journal=人間・環境学会誌   7 ( 1 ) 59 - 59  2001.11


  • 避難安全とユニバーサルデザイン


    日本建築学会 第15回安全計画シンポジウム    2001.11

  • An experimental study on pedestrian crossing conflicts by physical index. Study on characteristics of pedestrian crossing flow. Part 1.

    佐野友紀, 志田弘二, 建部謙治

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   ( 546 ) 127 - 132  2001.08


  • 実験計画と開口部の流動性 ウォークスルー型シートシャッターの避難安全性の実験的検討 その1

    建部謙治, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀, 本間正彦, 三村由夫, 内山聖士

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2001   853 - 854  2001.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 災害弱者の常時閉鎖式防火戸の通り抜け動作についての分析

    佐野友紀, 三村由夫, 建部謙治, 本間正彦, 萩原一郎, 内山聖士

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2001   851 - 852  2001.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 開口部における通り抜け動作特性と心理評価 ウォークスルー型シートシャッターの避難安全性の実験的検討 その3

    内山聖士, 三村由夫, 建部謙治, 萩原一郎, 佐野友紀, 本間正彦

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2001   855 - 856  2001.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 避難誘導灯の誘目性に関する実験的研究 バーチャルリアリティ技術を活用した実験結果の報告

    佐野郁, 志田弘二, 佐野友紀

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集   2001   440 - 443  2001.05


  • バーチャル・リアル空間と演出方法


    日本建築学会 第48回空間研究シンポジウム    2001.04

  • Experimental Study on the Refuge Safety of the walk‐through type Sheet Shutter. An aim at quantity of human flow, visual recognition and operation.

    建部謙治, 佐野友紀, 内山聖士

    愛知工業大学研究報告 B 専門関係論文集   ( 36 ) 177 - 184  2001.03


  • 3016 避難シミュレータをもちいた行動実験の有効性 : 高齢者と健常者の混在状態における避難計画に関する研究(防火)

    佐野 友紀, 志田 弘二

    研究報告集 I, 材料・施工・構造・防火・環境工学   ( 71 ) 361 - 364  2001.03


  • ウォークスルー型シートシャッターの避難安全性の検証実験

    佐野友紀ほか, シートシャッター避難安全性検証委員会編

    (社)建築研究振興協会     1 - 168  2001.03

  • Experimental Study on the Refuge Safety of the walk-through type Sheet Shutter : An aim at quantity of human flow, visual recognition and operation

    Tatebe Kenji, Sano Tomonori, Uchiyama Seiji

    Bulletin of Aichi Institute of Technology. Part B   36 ( 36 ) 177 - 184  2001.03

     View Summary

    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the refuge safety of the sheet shutter. Three kinds of experiments were performed and analyzed by five viewpoints; visual recognition, operation, quantity of human flow, safety, durability. The quantity of human flow, visual recognition, and operation are described in this paper. The results are summarized as follows. 1) The sheet shutter satisfies the necessary flow coefficient of 1.5 persons/m・s which was estimated in case of a fire. 2) Mental evaluation of a sheet shutter is lower than a fire door. 3) It is difficult for wheel chairs to pass through as the passage is narrow. 4) The optimum point at which to push the sheet shutter is not in a suitable position for tall people.


  • A STUDY ON THE PEDESTRIAN OCCUPIED TERRITORY IN THE CROSSING FLOW : The analysis with pedestrian territory model

    TAKAYANAGI Hideaki, SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hitoshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   66 ( 549 ) 185 - 191  2001

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the patterns of complicated pedestrian flow with visible pedestrian territory model. The objects of observation are crossing flow in a concourse of JR station in morning rush hour and on a pedestrian crossing in town. The flow was vertically recorded by VCR camera from the ceiling and the movies are converted to each frame and transformed by computer. After that, the coordinates of all pedestrians at each frame is calculated. The pedestrian territory is defined as the 90cm circle from the coordinates of each pedestrian. The condition of unidirectional pedestrians which forms groups is similar to the distribution of electric field with Bezier Clipping method is user! to visualize the pedestrian territory.


  • AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON PEDESTRIAN CROSSING CONFLICTS BY PHYSICAL INDEX : Study on characteristics of pedestrian crossing flow Part 1

    SANO Tomonori, SHIDA Koji, TATEBE Kenji

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   66 ( 546 ) 127 - 132  2001

     View Summary

    This study is intended to analyze the conflict of pedestrian crossing flow. The coordinates of head and rotation of body of crossing pedestrians are measured with motion capture system by experiments. Analysis of the result indicates that crossing pedestrian can avoid the conflict with adjustments in pace and direction, and they change the way of avoiding according to the density of pedestrians and crossed axes angle. It is also revealed that the rotation of body becomes maximum when they turn sideways to pass through the crossing pedestrian. Relative Position Pedestrian Diagram indicates the dynamic movement of crossing pedestrian as static model.

    DOI CiNii

  • 時系列領域干渉モデルを用いた歩行者空間の混雑評価に関する研究

    高柳英明, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会第23回情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   23rd   163 - 168  2000.12


  • The Analysis of Groups in the Crossing Flow with Pedestrian Area Model.

    佐野友紀, 高柳英明, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   23rd   157 - 162  2000.12


  • The research on the congestion evaluation in pedestrian space with time series interfering area model.

    高柳英明, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   23rd   163 - 168  2000.12


  • The Visualization of Groups Area in Pedestrian Flow.

    佐野友紀, 高柳英明, 渡辺仁史

    可視化情報学会誌   20 ( Suppl.2 ) 65 - 68  2000.10

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the patterns of complicated pedestrian flow with visible pedestrian area model. The coordinates of all pedestrians at each frame is calculated.The pedestrian area is defined as the 90cm circle from the coordinates of each pedestrian. The condition of monodirectional pedestrians which forms groups is similar to the distribution of electric field, so Blobs, Meta-ball, with Bezier Clipping method is used to visualize the pedestrian area. (1) The conflict among pedestrians is reduced by the forming group of monodirectional pedestrians; (2) The pedestrian move along the edge of other group's area because he/she can't cross inside the group; (3) The overlap of group's area illustrates the conflict between groups;The condition of pedestrian flow is analyzed with visible pedestrian area model.


  • The Visualization of Pedestrian Flow Efficiency with Interfering Area Model.

    高柳英明, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    可視化情報学会誌   20 ( Suppl.2 ) 57 - 60  2000.10


  • 体験のストック


    日本建築学会大会 建築計画部門 研究協議会    2000.09

  • 行動特性に適したナビゲーション


    日本建築学会大会 建築計画部門 研究懇談会    2000.09

  • 群集流動横断時の歩行特性に関する研究

    佐野友紀, 高柳英明, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   2000   1075 - 1076  2000.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 群集交差流動における歩行小集団の可視化に関する研究

    高柳英明, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   2000   389 - 390  2000.07


  • 群集交差流動における歩行小集団の可視化に関する研究

    佐野友紀, 高柳英明

    日経サイエンス Computer Visualization symposium 2000   2000   29 - 32  2000.06


  • Computer Visualization Contest Award“New Frontier Award”

    佐野友紀, 高柳英明

    日経サイエンス     29 - 32  2000.06

  • The Difficulty of Crossing Pedestrian Flow Field Experiment and Avoidance Behavior Model.

    佐野友紀, 建部謙治

    愛知工業大学研究報告 B 専門関係論文集   ( 35 ) 167 - 172  2000.03


  • 人にやさしい建築とは


    日本建築学会 第14回安全計画シンポジウム    2000.03


  • The Difficulty of Crossing Pedestrian Flow Field Experiment and Avoidance Behavior Model

    Sano Tomonori, Tatebe Kenji

    Bulletin of Aichi Institute of Technology. Part B   35 ( 35 ) 167 - 172  2000.03

     View Summary

    This study is intended to evaluate the difficulty of crossing pedestrian flow. In this paper, we analyzed the examinee who crossed pedestrian flow in large terminal station and established the new model of crossing flow. The result of analysis shows as follows; The estimation of crossing has a close relation to the density of pedestrian and it has two critical point. Furthermore a crossing pedestrian aims at the back of people in pedestrian flow.


  • 鉄道駅における群集流動横断時の歩行特性に関する研究


    日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会研究報告集   70th ( 70 ) 309 - 312  2000.02

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 歩行領域モデルを用いた群集交差流動における集団化現象の解析


    日本建築学会情報システム利用技術シンポジウム, 2000     163 - 168  2000


  • モーションキャプチャを用いた歩行者の群集横断歩行特性の解析

    佐野友紀, 志田弘二, 建部謙治

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   22nd   253 - 256  1999.12

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Development of a simple and practical human circulation simulation system.

    高瀬大樹, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   22nd   133 - 138  1999.12


  • Retrospective study of orbital wall fracture at Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital.

    佐野友紀, 関正明, 笛田孝明, 渡辺るび, 武田啓冶

    長岡赤十字病院医学雑誌   12 ( 1 ) 119 - 123  1999.11


  • 歩行者流動の指標化に関する研究(建築計画)(学位論文要旨)

    佐野 友紀

    建築雑誌. 建築年報   1999   102 - 102  1999.10


  • 避難シミュレータを用いた多人数収容施設における出口選択傾向の検討


    日本建築学会 空間研究会   第44回  1999.10

  • Characteristics of Wayfinding in Rooms with Two or More Exits. Analysis of Human Behavior During Evacuation Experiment with 3D Simulator. Part 3.

    佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁失

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1999   825 - 826  1999.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 芸術工学における可視化の役割 (<第1部>デザインと視覚表現)

    佐野 友紀

    芸術工学への誘い   3   9 - 29  1999.06


  • 複数の出口を有する居室における避難出口の選択傾向について

    佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集 計画系   ( 39 ) 261 - 264  1999.06


  • 人工知能技術応用による病院建築計画の総合的最適化法に関する基礎的研究

    柳澤忠, 佐野友紀ほか

    平成9年度科学研究費補助金     1 - 69  1999.03

  • 建築の安全性を考える-人の集合と混在;避難弱者の視点から見た安全計画


    日本建築学会 第13回安全計画シンポジウム 資料    1999.01


  • A Study on Quantitative Distinction of Pedestrian Flow. The Visualization of Pedestrian Flow with Spacetime Diagram Model. Part 3.

    佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1998   851 - 852  1998.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A suggestion of the “Pedestrian Difficulty Index”. A study on the reciprocal actions of crowds. (Part 1).

    玉井勝士, 鄭姫敬, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 中村良三, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1998   853 - 854  1998.07


  • Characteristics of human behavior at Junction. Analysis of Human Behavior During Evacuation Experiment with 3D Simulater. Part 2.

    梅沢力, 星山征洋, 遠藤寛子, 小西繭, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1998   859  1998.07


  • Method of Evacuation Experiment. Analysis of Human Behavior During Evacuation Experiment with 3D Simulater. Part 1.

    星山征洋, 梅沢力, 平岡健太郎, 山口有次, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1998   857 - 858  1998.07


  • A study on the effective use of a mirror as architectural material.

    遠藤寛子, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1998   797 - 798  1998.07


  • 多人数収容施設における避難計算法の検討

    渡辺仁史, 佐野友紀ほか

    (財)日本建築センター研究・調査事業報告書     1 - 90  1998.05

  • モーションキャプチャを用いた複数歩行行動における人体距離の分析


    日本建築学会第21回情報システム利用技術シンポジウム, 1998. 12     91 - 96  1998


  • 火災リスクの決定要素


    日本建築学会 第12回安全計画シンポジウム 資料    1997.12

  • A study on simplified pedestrian flow 3‐D simulation system with particle object.

    高柳英明, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   20th   115 - 120  1997.12

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • The study of the description of the urban space by using of CG. The rerative description of the urban speed.

    山田航司, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   20th   175 - 180  1997.12


  • A Study on Retriever of Case by diagrammatic Reasoning.

    佐野友紀, 木村謙, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史, CAO B, KO M

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   20th   109 - 114  1997.12


  • A Analysis of Human Flow takin a Vector of Pedestrian : A Study of Pedestorian Flow and Queue(part1)

    Nakamaru Ryuji

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   1997   735 - 736  1997.07


  • A study of evaluation of pedestrian flow.

    梅沢力, 佐野友紀, 鄭姫敬, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1997   737 - 738  1997.07


  • The Visualization of Pedestrian Flow with Spacetime Diagram Model. Part 1. The Analysis of Qualitative Distinction on Pedestrian Flow.

    佐野友紀, 山口有次, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1997   739 - 740  1997.07


  • Shortest route walking in Exhibition.

    林田和人, 山口有次, 佐野友紀, 中村良三, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1997   749 - 750  1997.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A Study on Evolution of Leisure Institution. vol. 8. A Study on Leisure and Communication in the Computer Network Society.

    山口有次, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 中村良三, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1997   475 - 476  1997.07


  • A Study of Pedestorian Flow and Queue. (part 1). An Analysis of Human Flow takin a Vector of Pedestrian.

    中丸隆二, 佐野友紀, 鄭姫敬, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1997   735 - 736  1997.07


  • The Characteristics of Experiment in Virtual Space.

    遠藤寛子, 長沢夏子, 曹波, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1997   743 - 744  1997.07


  • Continuous Management of Landscape Information for Architectural Design.

    長沢夏子, 山久瀬健, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1997   539 - 540  1997.07


  • Development of a Supporting System for the Design Thinking.

    CAO B, 高明秀, 木村謙, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   1997   385 - 386  1997.07



    SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hitoshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   62 ( 494 ) 147 - 151  1997

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to visualize the pedestrian crossing with Intersecting Solid Model. In this model, a circle around the location of pedestrian which represents personal area, is connected to other circles along time. The solid which is intersected between the model indicates pedestrian crossing, so we define it "Intersecting Solid". The pedestrian crossing, which is hard to express with 2-dimentional model can be easily expressed with this model. On the computer, we can construct a virtual 3D space and see the model rotating freely and interactively. We can understand the construction of pedestrian crossing.


  • Development of a practical human circulation model and a simulation system.

    高瀬大樹, 円満隆平, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    建築雑誌   111 ( 1399 ) 263 - 268  1996.12


  • The Visualization of Pedestrian Crossing with Space‐time Intersecting Solid Model.

    佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   19th   85 - 90  1996.12


  • A Study of human Behavior in Visual Space : Moving Image and Architecture -part2-

    NAGASAWA Natsuko

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   1996   631 - 632  1996.07


  • Extraciting a Wave form of Pedestrian Density on platform form a Pulse beat by the arrivals and departures of trains : Time-based analysis of the changing density in railroad staitons Part2

    HIGUCHI Tomoyuki

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   1996   853 - 854  1996.07


  • The Visualization of Pedestrian Flow with Spacetime Diagram Model. Part 1. The Expression of Pedestrian Flow.

    佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1996   837 - 838  1996.07


  • Moving Image and Architecture. part 2. A Study of Human Behavior in Visual Space.

    長沢夏子, 平野えりか, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1996   631 - 632  1996.07


  • A Mesh-type Simulation in Large-scale Space. The Human Behavior Model for Circulation Planning. Part 4.

    高瀬大樹, 円満隆平, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A-2 防火 海洋建築 情報システム技術   1996   391 - 392  1996.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • The Visualization of Pedestrian Flow with Spacetime Diagram Model.

    佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    可視化情報学会誌   16 ( Suppl 1 ) 157 - 160  1996.07


  • Time-based analysis of the changing pedestrian density in railroad stations. Part 2. Extracting a Wave form of Pedestrian Density on platform from a Pulse beat by the arrivals and departures of trains.

    樋口智幸, 佐野友紀, 鄭姫敬, 青木俊幸, 中村良三, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1996   853 - 854  1996.07


  • A Study on the Impression of Pedestrian Flow in Urban Space.

    伊藤育子, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1996   841 - 842  1996.07


  • Moving Image and Architecture. part 1. A Study of the Visual Space.

    平野えりか, 長沢夏子, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1996   629 - 630  1996.07


  • Behavior Quantity of one day in Exhibition.

    林田和人, 山久瀬健, 佐野友紀, 中村良三, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1996   839 - 840  1996.07


  • The Visualization of Pedestrian Flow with Spacetime Diagram Model

    SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hitoshi

    Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   16   157 - 160  1996.07



    SANO Tomonori, WATANABE Hitoshi

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   61 ( 479 ) 125 - 130  1996

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    The purpose of this study is to visualize the pedestrian flow with spacetime diagram model. In this model, the location of pedcstrian is shown on x-y plane and time is shown on Z-axis. The pedestrian behavior, which is hard to express with 2-dimentional model can be easily expressed with this model. In the computer, we construct a virtual 3D space and see the model rotating freely and interactively. We can understand the construction of pedestrian flow. We applied the model to a practical case and proved its properity.


  • A Survey on Sound Recognition in the Home.

    関沢麻里, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1995   821 - 822  1995.07


  • Time-based analysis of the changing pedestrian density in railroad stations.

    樋口智幸, 林淳蔵, 佐野友紀, 鄭姫敬, 青木俊幸, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1995   757 - 758  1995.07


  • Visitor’s Circulation Pattern and Traveled Distance at Exposition. Human Behaviors at The Taejon International Exposition, Korea, 1993.

    福富康人, 林田和人, 木村謙, 鄭姫敬, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1995   759 - 760  1995.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Time Based Description of Landscape.

    長沢夏子, 後藤聡, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集F-1 都市計画 建築社会システム   1995   119 - 120  1995.07


  • A Study on estimate of the number of the themepark visitors.

    岡本匡司, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 鄭姫敬, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1995   761 - 762  1995.07


  • Estimate of passengers by the wicket partition model of the area affected by the station.

    林淳蔵, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 浜本敏裕, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1995   789 - 790  1995.07


  • A study on the relation between composition elements, location and the frequency of use of meeting point.

    白井宏昌, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1995   729 - 730  1995.07


  • An Analysis of Landscapes from the Viewpoint of Change.

    後藤聡, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集F-1 都市計画 建築社会システム   1995   121 - 122  1995.07


  • A Study on the Behavior of Pedestrians in Shinjyuku Station and the Surrounding Area.

    浜田隆弘, 林淳蔵, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 鄭姫敬, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1995   753 - 754  1995.07


  • Walking Characteristics of Pedestrian on Pedestrian Deck. The Human Behavior Model for Circulation Planning. Part 3.

    佐野友紀, 林田和人, 福富康人, 円満降平, 木村謙, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E-1 建築計画1   1995   755 - 756  1995.07


  • A Study on Consisting Eiement and Human Behavior in the Street.

    白井宏昌, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1994   1037 - 1038  1994.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • The Human Behavior Model for Circulation Planning. Part 2. A Block-type Simulation in Large-scale Space.

    佐野友紀, 林淳蔵, 林田和人, 円満隆平, 高瀬大樹, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A 材料施工 防火 海洋 情報システム技術   1994   1785 - 1786  1994.07


  • Selection in destination of passengers and users around Hamamatsu-cho.

    林田和人, 林淳蔵, 佐野友紀, JUNG H G, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1994   1031 - 1032  1994.07


  • A Study on the Elements of a Townscape and Attachment to the Town.

    後藤聡, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1994   1091 - 1092  1994.07


  • The Human Behavior Model for Circulation Planning. Part 1. A Network-flow-type Simulation in the Station and its Surroundings.

    林淳蔵, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, 円満隆平, 高瀬大樹, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A 材料施工 防火 海洋 情報システム技術   1994   1783 - 1784  1994.07


  • Human Behaviral Simulation with Simple Blocks of Space Elements.

    佐野友紀, 林田和人, 林淳蔵, 岸野綱人, 渡辺仁史

    情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集   16th   139 - 144  1993.12


  • A Study on Way‐Finding and Characteristic of Memory of Plan.

    岸野綱人, 佐野友紀, 林田和人, JUNG H G, 渡辺俊, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1993   977 - 978  1993.07


  • Character of Aged People’s Behavior in Sugamo Station Yard.

    林淳蔵, 佐野友紀, JUNG H G, 渡辺俊, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1993   953 - 954  1993.07


  • A Study on the Attribute of Visitors in Ueno Shopping Center.

    佐藤宏, 渡辺俊, 佐野友紀, 渡辺仁史, JUNG H G

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1993   951 - 952  1993.07


  • A Study on Expression of Human Behavior in Space.

    佐野友紀, JUNG H G, 高明秀, 渡辺俊, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1993   949 - 950  1993.07


  • A Sudy on a Support System for Architecural Planning.

    KO M, 鄭姫敬, 佐野友紀, 渡辺俊, 林田和人, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集A 材料施工 防火 海洋 情報システム技術   1993   1521 - 1522  1993.07


  • A Characteristics of day‐to‐day variability of the Exposition Visitors. A Study on the human behavior in the Exposition.

    林田和人, 佐野友紀, 高明秀, 鄭姫敬, 渡辺俊, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1993   675 - 676  1993.07

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A Study on Perdestrian Movement around the Ticket Barrier. Automatic Ticket Barrier and Manual Ticket Barrier.

    佐野友紀, HEGYUNG J, 渡辺俊, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1992   979 - 980  1992.08

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A study on the flow of human in the station and around it. Part 1.

    佐野友紀, 渡辺俊, 渡辺仁史, JUNG H G

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1991   833 - 834  1991.09


  • A study on the flow of human in the station and around it. Part 2.

    佐野友紀, JUNG H G, 渡辺俊, 渡辺仁史

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集E 建築計画 農村計画   1991   835 - 836  1991.09


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Overseas Activities

  • 少子高齢化に適合した建築物等における先導的避難計画・評価手法の検討


    Sweden   Lund University

    Spain   Zaragoza University


  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Center for Higher Education Studies   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 行動モデル分析によるデジタルツイン時代のアナログ・デジタル博物館展示計画のあり方

    2023   新谷里々花

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    本研究は、アートセンターを中心とした地域活動調査と、博物館等展示施設における現地での行動観察を通して、観覧者の観覧行動モデルを構築し、筆者らが開発した利用者シミュレーション(SimTread)等を通して調査・分析し、利用者行動・動線分析の視点から新たな計画を検討した。具体的には、以下の2つの実践的な研究を実施した。1)アートセンターを中心とした地域活動調査:地方のアートセンターがコミュニティの中心となっている先進事例として青森県八戸市の八戸美術館、八戸ポータルミュージアムはっち、まちぐみなどを調査し学芸員等にインタビュー調査を行い状況を把握した。八戸美術館は公共のアートセンターとして中心にジャイアントホールというユニバーサル空間をもち、アートのみではなくスポーツイベントを含んだ多彩な地域活動が行われていること、まちぐみは八戸ポータルミュージアムはっちと連携し、また、地域や地域外の関係人口を増やすために、組員というシステムを取り、活動主体を増やしていることが明らかになった。加えて、愛知県豊田市美術館において、作品ガイドボランティアに対するインタビューを行い、従来の活動として対話型鑑賞(Visual Thinking Strategies)ワークショップを実践している点などを把握した。2)展示施設における行動観察調査およびシミュレーション分析:早稲田大学に設置された3つの博物館および岐阜県の公立博物館において、ビデオ撮影による詳細な行動分析調査を行なった。この分析により、展示物に対する平均的な観覧時間の指標値を明らかにした。また、観覧行動が全部鑑賞、一部重点鑑賞、一瞥鑑賞、無鑑賞の4つに分類できることを明らかにした。その上で、利用者シミュレーション(SimTread)を用いて、4つの観覧パターンのエージェントにより、3つの観覧施設での観覧行動を再現することで、滞留が生じやすい空間形態、行動形式として、入隅部および折り返し行動のある通路の展示方法の問題点と改善案を計画した。その内容の一部は、日本展示学会において口頭発表を行った。また、日本建築学会の査読論文等に投稿予定である。

  • アフターコロナにおける人員配置・ソーシャルディスタンスを考慮した建築避難安全計画


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  • 高層・地下建築物での垂直移動に配慮した災害時要援護者のための介助・優先避難計画


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    本研究の目的は、近年複雑化する高層・地下建築物での垂直移動に配慮した災害時要援護者のための介助・優先避難計画の検討を行うために、一時避難待機場所を考慮した誘導灯の視認性に配慮した設置方法の検討をおこなった。具体的には、既往研究を整理するとともに、HMDをもちいたVirtual Reality(仮想現実)空間において実施された被験者実験データの再分析を通して、大規模地下空間における、誘導灯が指し示す方向の理解に関する現況の問題点を調査・分析した。本研究の結果から、一時避難待機場所への誘導に関する基礎的な知見が得られたため、今後さらに災害時要援護者毎の特性に合わせた実験検討を行う必要がある。

  • 災害タイムラインを活用したCOVID-19に対応した火災時避難計画の検討


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  • VR・ARを用いた災害時用援護者を含む避難誘導計画・介助避難計画の検討


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  • 高層階における弱者の火災避難安全に関する研究


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    高層階における弱者の火災避難安全の確保を目的として、以下の調査、実験を行った。■研究概要①弱者の身体寸法・動作寸法・身体能力等のデータの収集 弱者の安全な避難方法を計画するためには、その人の避難時に発揮できる能力を人間工学的な観点から把握する必要がある。そこで、既存の書籍・資料・webサイト上のデータベースを中心に、高層階からの避難に関連する身体能力等のデータの収集・整理を行った。②高層階からの階段降下避難実験②-1 階段降下時の健常者の歩行速度の算定実験 本研究では、災害弱者との比較のために、健常者の単独での階段降下について実験を行った。実際の事務所ビルの特別避難階段を実験場所とし、被験者20名について、20階層降下する場合の歩行速度を各階ごとに算定した。②-2 避難用車いすを利用した階段降下実験 2001.9.11のWTCテロ事件において、高層階に勤務していた車いす利用者が、避難用車いす(Evacuation Chair)という階段を降下できる車いすにのりかえ、介助されて避難し、助かった事例が報告されている。筆者らは、国内での導入例・研究例のほとんどない避難用車いすの操作性についての実験を行い、論文に発表した。ここでは継続研究として、避難用車いすの実用可能性について検討を行った。具体的には、被験者20名について、20階層降下する場合の歩行速度を各階ごとに算定した。また、実験の様子をビデオカメラによって撮影した。加えて、避難階段の踊り場部分での通過軌跡を、モーションキャプチャシステムを用いて算定し、事前訓練の必要性を明らかにした。■ 研究成果上記の研究を通して、国内では導入例が少ない「避難用車いす(Emergency Evacuation Chair)」の操作特性について人間工学的観点から基礎的なデータを得た。当該機器は、米国、英国等で導入されているが、人間工学的観点からデータを収集、分析された研究は、世界的に見ても少ないことから、本助成によって、有効な研究成果が得られたと考えている。上記の調査結果及び実験結果は、国際会議2件および国内学会1件において、発表を行った。国際会議:CIB-CTBUH Proceedings of the International Conference on Tall Buildings, Malaysia(1編)国際会議:6th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science & Technology, Korea(1編)国内会議:日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会(4編)

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