Dr. Naoko IWASAKI Professor, Institute of e-Government Waseda University Research Area *Core Competence of CIO (Chief Information Officer) *The role of ICT Application for Ageing and Handicapped people *Woman and ICT *Risk and Crisis Management including BCP *Digital Government, Evaluation model *Smart Silver Innovation Academia PhD of Global ICT from Waseda University, and Master of International Relationship from Waseda University, Japan Business Career Presently, *President, International Academy of CIO Japan *Deputy Director, APEC e-Government Research Center *Member, Policy Review Council, MIC In the past *Member, Committee of MIC "Government Innovation" and "Smart Digital (AI) Government", *Project Director on Silver business supported by Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry *Instructional Designer, JICA project on HRD for e-Government in ASEAN in 2004-2007 *Member, APEC Project on ICT Applications for Aging people with special needs in 2012 *Project Director on the usability of ICT applications for e-Municipality (Fuji Mountain Project in Yamanashi Prefecture) toward “Super Aging Society” in Japan in 2013 (supported by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication) *Director General of research committee of MIC (Ministry of Internal affairs of Communication) *“Research on Comparative Study of ICT applications for Super Ageing Society in Japan” in 2010 *Member of Strategic Committee on ICT applications for Super Aging Society of MIC from 2011 to 2013 Publication Author of numerous books, magazines & newspapers in Japan The popular books among them are "A Decade of World e-Government Rankings" (IOS Press, Co-editor, 2015) ,"Aging Society and ICT" (IOS Press, Co-editor, 2013) etc.
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