Updated on 2024/07/03


Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus
工学博士 ( 東京工業大学 )
医学博士 ( 東北大学 )
薬学博士 ( 東京理科大学 )
教育博士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Professional Memberships




    IEEE, Senior Member






    America Institute of Ultrasonic in Medicine, AIUM, Fellow Member



  • 日中フリーター・ニート現象とその対策の研究

    カワン・スタント, 周楊華

    日中学術研究誌 (ISSN 1880-8298)   ( 1 )  2007.12

  • 次代の開拓者へ -KAILからの提言(27)

    カワン スタント

    財界九州   ( 4 ) 140 - 142  2007.04

  • 教師が変われば学生が変わる 教育再構築への道

    カワン スタント

    公明   ( 1 ) 2 - 5  2007.01

  • Propose education reform in Japan by developing methods that stimulate the intellect and students's full potential

    Ken K Soetanto

    Japan Plus   ( 4 ) 36 - 39  2006.10

  • 当今感動教育勢在必行(2)

    中文導報    2006.07

  • 教育応 激発学生的無限潜力

    中文導報    2006.07

  • 感動教育(1)

    中文導報    2006.06

  • 人間の無限力を引き出す教育

    カワン スタント

    早稲田大学広報誌月刊「Campus Now」 Close Up. Asahi.Com    2006.05

  • 親の役目は「できる」と励まし、「できる」と実感させる。

    カワン スタント

    日経進学ガイド (保護者版)     8 - 9  2006.04

  • 譲失敗者也能成功

    中文導報    2006.02

  • University education and career design program on freeters and NEETs

    Ken K. Soetanto, Y.H. Zou

    Proceeding of Physical Society of Indonesia     17 - 20  2006

  • Globalization and education: Freeters and spoiled society

    Ken K. Soetanto

    Proceeding of Physical Society of Indonesia     1 - 4  2006

  • 大学の教育力とキャリア支援


    日本私立大学協会     13 - 20  2005.12

  • 感動教育 -スタント・メソッド(効果)で学生の「やる気」をよみがえらせる

    早稲田大学Webマガジン    2005.10

  • Professor Ken Soetanto, Arek Suroboyo Peraih empat Doctor di Jepang (1)

    Indo Pos    2005.09

  • 準自己の目標

    夏門日報    2005.09

  • Professor Ken Soetanto, Arek Suroboyo empat Doktor di Jepang (2)

    Indo Pos    2005.06

  • 日本4百万青年人頼散

    国際日報    2005.06

  • Soetanto教授用感動法教育下一代

    国際日報    2005.06

  • 今こそ感動教育を -NEET・フリーター問題からの考察

    カワン スタント

    オピニオン Waseda.com Asahi.com    2005.05

  • Globalization, Jobs and Education

    Ken K. Soetanto

    President University     1 - 10  2005

  • Counter Point: Education System Blamed for Increased of Freeters

    Nikkei Net    2004.10

  • フリーター対策では遅い。 感動jなき高等教育の責任。

    日経新聞 (領空侵犯)    2004.09

  • 日本の教育現場を革新“Soetanto効果”


    TKC全国会誌   ( 4 ) 12 - 19  2004.04

  • ユニバーサル化時代における大学教育に関する研究一Interactive Operational Control, IOC授業法の提案及びその実践?博士(教育)学位論文

    Kawan Soetanto


  • 如何激発人的潜能、不断学習、挑戦機遇

    千島日報    2003.06

  • 孔子教育思想的成功実践者 Soetanto教授(3)

    国際日報    2003.06

  • 孔子教育思想的成功実践者 Soetanto教授(2)

    国際日報    2003.06

  • 孔子教育思想的成功実践者 Soetanto教授(1)

    国際日報    2003.06

  • 我国応重視儒教与人材教育

    国際日報    2003.03

  • Proposing the IOC pedagogy for Japanese higher education in the universal era

    K. Soetanto

    IEEE-EMBS    2003  [Refereed]

  • Ferromagnetic ultrasound microbubbles contrast agent.

    K.Soetanto, H.Watarai

    IEEE-EMBS    2003  [Refereed]

  • 老師改変了我的一生

    カワン スタント

    千島日報    2002.09

  • Study and challenge to the Japanese higer education in the critical movement

    K. Soetanto, S.Ueha

    ICOLA     201 - 208  2002.07

  • Ultrasound contrast agents for diagnostic medical imaging

    K. Soetanto, S. Ueha

    Proceeding ICOLA02     101 - 105  2002

  • Study on the surfactant-typed ultrasound microbubbles contrast agent and its application to DDS for diagnostic purposes. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science Dissertation, Science University of Tokyo, Jan 2001.

    Kawan Soetanto


  • 自我潜能性是人生的財富 教学論点

    群島雑誌     15 - 16  2001.07

  • 変革時代における大学授業法の実践に関する研究(8) —記名式と無記名式による授業評価の相違と意味


    桐蔭論叢   8   122 - 131  2001.06

  • 変革時代における大学授業法の実践に関する研究(7)—双向性授業によるスパイラル効果及び感性教育


    桐蔭論叢   8   114 - 121  2001.06

  • Study and Challenge to the Japanese Higher Education in the Critical Movement. Indonesian Physical Society

    K. Soetanto

    J. Physic Indonesia     29 - 31  2001

  • 偏差値低い学生でも研究に夢中にさせる秘訣には、時には彼にために厳しく叱ること。

    人材教育   12 ( 11 ) 6 - 9  2000.11

  • Study on the lifetime and attenuation properties of microbubbles coated with carboxylic acid salts

    K Soetanto, M Chan

    ULTRASONICS   38 ( 10 ) 969 - 977  2000.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Four kinds of surfactants, sodium laurate, sodium myristate, sodium palmitate and sodium oleate were used to study the effects of surfactant coatings on the lifetime and attenuation of microbubbles. The changes in the size distribution of microbubbles prepared with these surfactants in saline were measured with a Coulter Multisizer (Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, UK). Frequency characteristics of ultrasonic attenuation of the microbubble suspensions were measured between 400 kHz and 6 MHz. From the changes in attenuation in the microbubble suspensions over time, it was found that the lifetime of microbubbles in a suspension also depends on the frequency of the irradiating ultrasound. The effect of surfactants on the frequency characteristics of attenuation was also studied, and characteristics of the surfactant coating, including shell elasticity and shell friction parameters were calculated from the measurement results. Microbubbles produced with sodium palmitate had the longest lifetime and the smallest average size. The shell had very little effect on the ultrasonic properties of microbubbles produced with sodium palmitate, suggesting that the sodium palmitate microbubbles behaved ultrasonically as free microbubbles. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. AU rights reserved.

  • Soetanto教授的挑戦。発掘学者的最高潜能性。

    千島日報    2000.11

  • Study on effect of ultrasound exposure on the intensity of microbubbles using blood vessel model

    K. Soetanto, T. Saito

    Ultrasound International   6 ( 3 ) 96 - 106  2000.10

  • Di-Do rezim orba, Soetanto malah temukan USG mutakhir di dunia

    Surya News    2000.08

  • 黙契是成功教学的霊魂。試分析Soetanto教授教学経験的依

    千島日報    2000.08

  • 21世紀産業・人材・教育 -日本と世界ー

    カワン スタント

    21世紀経済産業政策のビジョン     83 - 86  2000.07

  • 変革時代における大学授業法の実践に関する研究(6)—双方向コミュニケーションによるスパイラル効果のプロセス


    桐蔭論叢   7   132 - 143  2000.06

  • 変革時代における大学授業法の実践に関する研究(5)—技術英語を自分の言葉で発表するセミナ形式の導入及び立ち直った学生の実例


    桐蔭論叢   7   123 - 131  2000.06

  • 超音波診断に高性能造影剤。気泡を生かす逆転発想 (先端人)

    日本経済新聞    2000.06

  • Development of magnetic microbubbles for Drug Delivery System (DD

    K. Soetanto, H. Watarai

    Jpn J. Applied Physics   39   3230 - 3232  2000.06

  • 超音波の安全性を追求。

    カワン スタント

    旺文社   ( 1 ) 14 - 15  2000.05

  • 細かい血管も鮮明に。超音波診断に新造影剤。

    日本産業新聞    2000.05

  • 21 世紀の産業・人材・教育 -日本と世界ー

    カワン スタント

    競争力ある多参画社会     83 - 86  2000

  • Fundamental studies on contrast images from different sized microbubbles -Analytical and experimental studies

    K. Soetanto, M. Chan

    Ultrason. Med. & Biol.   26 ( 1 ) 81 - 89  2000.01  [Refereed]

  • 赤血球に対する超音波造影剤用界面活性剤溶液の影響

    大内章子, 佐藤敏夫, カワンスタント

    国際医療福祉大学紀要   4   5 - 16  1999.12

  • 変革時代における大学授業法の実践に関する研究(4)—アンケート調査に基づく受講生の意識変化の分析


    桐蔭論叢   6   81 - 92  1999.06

  • 変革時代における大学授業法の実践に関する研究(3)—専門教科における英語の導入の効果及び学生の意識調査


    桐蔭論叢   6   72 - 80  1999.06

  • 超音波診断装置や造影剤の開発に世界が注目

    カワン スタント

    私大 雪     16 - 17  1999.06

  • Analysis of annihilation mechanism and ultrasound contrast properties of surfactance-coated microbubbes as an ultrasound contrast agents

    Chan man, K. Soetanto

    Toin Research Bulletin   6   145 - 150  1999.06

  • Relationship between ultrasound exposure condition and nonlinearity of microbubles coated with surfactant

    S. Takeuchi, K. Soetanto

    Jpn Appl. Phys.   ( 5 )  1999.06

  • Professor Kawan Soetanto's challenge

    Pacific Friend   26 ( 12 ) 28 - 32  1999.04

  • 界面活性剤系マイクロバブルの個数及び溶出酸素量に及ぼす超音波照射の影響

    斉藤智宏, K.Soetanto

    材料技術研究協会   17   181 - 188  1999

  • Relationship between ultrasound exposure condition and nonlinearity of microbubbles coated with surfactant

    S.Takeuchi, K.Soetanto

    Jpn. Appl. Phys.   ( 5 )  1999

  • Annihilation mechanism of surfactant microbubbles in a blood vessel model by ultrasound exposure.

    K. Soetanto, T. Saito

    Jpn. Appl. Phys.   ( 5 ) 212 - 213  1999

  • Numerical investigation on nonlinear response of free microbubble illuminated with ultrasound pulse.

    K. Soetanto, S. Takeuchi, M. Okujima

    J. Acoust. Soc Japan (E)   19 ( 3 ) 169 - 180  1998.07

  • 変革時代における大学授業法の実践的研究(2)—学生に対する動機付けのプロセス


    桐蔭論叢   5   35 - 44  1998.06

  • 変革時代における大学授業法の実践的研究(1)—双方性のあるコミュニケーションによる授業法の提案と実践


    桐蔭論叢   5   27 - 34  1998.06

  • Annihilation mechanisms of surfactant microbubbles as contrast agents

    M. Chan, K.Soetanto

    Material Technology   637 ( 5 )  1998.06

  • Study on contrast effect on microbubbles as ultrasound contrast agen

    Man Chan, K. Soetanto

    Jpn. J Applied Physic   37 ( 5 )  1998.05  [Refereed]

  • Relationship between harmonic components and illuminating frequency to microbubbles, - Experimental and numerical consideration

    S. Takeuchi, K. Soetanto, M. Okujima

    Jpn. J Applied Physic   37 ( 5 )  1998.05  [Refereed]

  • Fundamental examination of cattle red blood cells damaged with Ultrasound Exposure Microscopy System (UEMS)

    K. Soetanto, M. Kobayashi, M. Okujima

    Jpn. J Applied Physic   37 ( 5 )  1998.05  [Refereed]

  • 新世代の超音波検査を目指す。超音波造影剤の応用、血流量、臓器の観流計測に有用

    カワン スタント

    The Medical and Test Journal   ( 594 ) 24 - 25  1997.09

  • 医用超音波血管造影システム、血管造影剤の開発成功。

    カワン スタント

    The Medical and Test Journal   ( 594 ) 24 - 25  1997.09

  • An innovation in educational technology toward 21st century (2


    ICM & M 97     233 - 237  1997.07

  • An innovation in educational technology toward 21st century (1): A system that maximized ones strength with their self-esteem


    ICM & M 97     227 - 231  1997.07

  • Effect of ultrasound acoustic characteristics in cattle liver under ultrasound exposure

    K. Soetanto, Y. Saisu, M. Okujima

    pn. J Applied Physics   36 ( 5 ) 3228 - 3232  1997.05  [Refereed]

  • Effect of pressure in blood vessel model on ultrasound scattered power from microbubbles

    K. Soetanto, T. Saito, M. Okujima

    pn. J Applied Physics   36 ( 5 ) 3246 - 3249  1997.05  [Refereed]

  • Change in size and number of sodium laurate microbubbles with time in saline at different air concentrations

    K. Soetanto, M.Chan, M. Okujima

    Jpn J Appl. Physics   36 ( 5 ) 3238 - 3241  1997.05  [Refereed]

  • A simulation study of contrast effect from free microbubbles in relation to their size, concentration and properties

    M.Chan, K. Soetanto, M. Okujima

    Jpn. J Applied Physics   36 ( 5 ) 3242 - 3245  1997.05  [Refereed]

  • アルギン酸ナトリウム水溶液中におけるマイクロバブルの超音波減衰定数の経時変化

    K.Soetanto, M.Chan, M. Okujima

    音響学会誌   53 ( 3 ) 215 - 222  1997.03

  • Evaluation of annihilation mechanism of surfactant microbubbles in saline water by measurement of time characteristics of number and size of microbubbles

    K.Soetanto, M.Chan, M. Okujima

    J. Med Ultrasonics   24 ( 1 ) 39 - 46  1997.01


  • 意欲と能力を育て、未知へ挑戦をする。世界が注目。癌を早期発見でき超音波診断技術

    カワン スタント

    Paulownia   ( 2 ) 46 - 49  1996.12

  • コミュニケーションを大切に学制一人ひとりの意欲と能力を引き出していきたい

    カワン スタント

    Paulownia   First ( 47 ) 47  1996.07

  • Effect of calcium chloride on sodium alginate microbubbles as ultrasound contrast agent

    K. Soetanto, M.Chan, M. Okujima

    Jpn J. Applied Physics   35 ( 5 ) 3153 - 3156  1996  [Refereed]

  • Acoustic properties of surfactant microbubbles in related to their lifetime in vitro by diffusion

    M.Chan, K. Soetanto, M. Okujima

    Jpn J. Applied Physics   35 ( 5 ) 3148 - 3152  1996  [Refereed]

  • Acoustic measurement in tissue mimicking phantoms by miniprobe transducer

    Soetanto,K, Wang S-H, Reid, J.M, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima

    Acoustical Imaging   21   527 - 534  1993.09  [Refereed]

  • Non-uniform phase distribution in ultrasound speckle analysis: I. Background and experimental demonstration

    Weng, Li, Reid, J.M, Shankar, P.M, Soetanto, K, X.M LU

    IEEE Trans. UFFC   39 ( 3 ) 352 - 359  1992.05  [Refereed]

  • Non-uniform phase distribution in ultrasound speckle analysis : II. Parametric expression and a frequency sweeping technique to measure mean scatterer spacing

    Weng, Li, Reid, J.M, Shankar, P.M, Soetanto, K, X.M.LU

    IEEE Trans. UFFC   39 ( 3 ) 360 - 365  1992.05  [Refereed]



    JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA   89 ( 6 ) 2992 - 2995  1991.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The departure of speckle magnitude from Rayleigh statistics was applied to examine insonated phantoms with both low and high concentrations of scatters. A mathematical model, the K distribution of Jakeman, was used to characterize non-Rayleigh statistics. This model contains a parameter, alpha, which characterizes the clustering of the scattering sites in a medium. It is shown from phantom experiments that alpha is linearly proportional to the log-scaled scatterer concentration in a range from about 1 to 30 scatterers per sample volume.

  • Region in B-mode image of a cylinder where the location of a point reflector is changed by sound speed variation

    Soetanto, K, Reid, J

    Ultra in Med & Biol , UMB   17 ( 4 ) 355 - 366  1991  [Refereed]

  • Miniprobe transducer for tissue characterizatio

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S

    Proc. IEEE-Ultrasonic Symp     1417 - 1420  1990.12  [Refereed]



    IEEE 1990 ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM : PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-3     1593 - 1596  1990  [Refereed]



    IEEE 1990 ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM : PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-3     1571 - 1574  1990  [Refereed]

  • Studies on tissues characterization by ultrasound - Experimental studies of structure dependency of ultrasonic attenuation in biological tissue -.Doctor of Medicine Dissertation, Tohoku University, March 1988. Sci. Rep. Inst. Tohoku Univ C.

    Kawan Soetanto


  • Measurement of frequency characteristics of ultrasound attenuation of phantom by T-R technique

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima, M, Tanaka, M

    J. Appl. Phys.   27 ( 1 ) 134 - 136  1988  [Refereed]

  • Transmission-reflection technique for measurement of frequency characteristics of ultrasound attenuation constant

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima, M, Tanaka, M

    Jpn J. Appl Phys.   26 ( 1 ) 55 - 57  1987  [Refereed]

  • Ultrasonic beam width effecting on evaluation of attenuation by sampling of medical B-mode image data.

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima, M

      34   1 - 4  1986

  • Evaluation of ultrasonic attenuation of scattering medium by medical B-mode image

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima, M, Tanaka, M

    Jpn Journal Appl. Phys   25 ( 1 ) 69 - 71  1986

  • Study on the In vivo estimation techniques of the acoustical characteristics of human tissue.



  • Study on the in vivo estimation techniques of the acoustical characteristics of human tissue. Doctor of Engineering Dissertation, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jan l985. (in Japanese)

    Kawan Soetanto


  • A backscattering technique for measurement of ultrasonic attenuation constant of scattering medium

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S, a, Okujima, M

    Journal Acoustical Japan   41 ( 11 ) 770 - 776  1985

  • An in vivo method for estimation of size and relative sound velocity of breast tumor using distorted image caused by refraction in ultrasonic tomogram

    Soetanto,K, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima, M

    Jpn J. Appl. Phys   24 ( 1 ) 84 - 86  1985  [Refereed]

  • In vivo estimation of sound velocity in massive tissue such as tumor from distorted image of ultrasound tomogram

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima

    Japan J. Med. Ultrasound   11 ( 5 ) 1 - 9  1984

  • In viso estimation of sound velocity in massive tissue such as tumor from distorted image of ultrasound tomogram

    K. soetanto, S. Ohtsuki, M. Okujima

    Japan J. Ultrasound   11 ( 5 ) 1 - 9  1984

  • Study on estimation of sound velocity in massive tissue from image distortion of ultrasonic echogram

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima, M

    Precision Machinery & Electronics , Tokyo Institute of Technology   54   22 - 33  1984

  • Distorted image in ultrasonic tomogram caused by the refraction of a cylinder

    Soetanto, K, Ohtsuki, S, Okujima, M

    Jpn J. Appl. Phys   23 ( 1 ) 179 - 181  1984  [Refereed]

  • Study on the distortion in medical equipment. Master of Engineering Thesis, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 1982. (in Japanese)

    Kawan Soetanto


  • Noise margin test by pocket noise simulator

    K. Ito, N. Schibuya, K. Soetanto

    Denshi Gijutsu   24 ( 2 ) 116 - 120  1982

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 面白いように「やる気」が目覚める9つの方法 「できない大学生」たちが、なぜ、就職で引っ張りだこになったか

    カワン スタント

    三笠書房  2006.01 ISBN: 4837921752

  • 21世紀の産業・人材・教育 -日本と世界

    Kawan Soetanto

    通商産業省大臣官房企画室編  2000.07

  • 21世紀経済産業政策のビジョン・競争力ある多参画社会

    通商産業省大臣官房企画室編  2000.07

  • コントラスエコー法「超音波便覧」共編, 丸善

    Kawan Soetanto

    丸善  1999.08

  • 超音波造影剤,「超音波診断update スクリーニングから精査の時代へ」 共編, 宮本, 多田,

    Kawan Soetanto

    金原出版  1998.10

  • 超音波及び教育に関するシンポジウム

    Kawan Soetanto

    桐蔭出版  1998.04

  • 造影剤を用いた新しい超音波医用画像工学の動向と進歩。特集「超音波造影法の進歩」

    Kawan Soetanto

    日本臨床  1998.04

  • 桐蔭医用工学研究会論文集(スタント編集)

    Kawan Soetanto

    桐蔭横浜大学出版  1998

  • 私の挑戦—どんな学生も夢中にさせてみますー「嫌われる理工系の楽しさ」鵜川昇監修,

    Kawan Soetanto

    プレシデント社  1996.06

  • 音で体の中を見る「嫌われる理工系の楽しさ」鵜川昇監修

    Kawan Soetanto

    プレシデント社  1996.06

  • チャレンジとすれば道は開ける「変革時代の提言」鵜川昇監修

    Kawan Soetanto

    IN通信社  1994

  • Measurement of ultrasonic attenuation constant in a scattering medium. In Ultrasonic Technology '87. Toda, K., Ed.

    Kawan Soetanto

    Myu Research  1987

  • Measurement of acoustical attenuation. In Recent Pulse Echo Technique

    Kawan Soetanto


  • In Recent Pulse Echo Technique. Measurement of acoustical attenuation.

    K. Ito Edited

    Medicina  1985

  • Ultrasonic tomograms of a liquid cylinder in scattering medium. In Ultrasonic Examination of the Breast.

    Kawan Soetanto

    John Willy & Son  1983

▼display all


  • study of Freeters and spoiled Society caused by globalization and education

    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • ユニバーサル化時代における大学教育の研究 IOC授業法


    Presentation date: 2006.12

  • 日中フリーター現象と高等教育政策の関係及びその策略的な解決法の研究


    Presentation date: 2006.12

  • University education and career design program on Freeters and NEETs

    Physical Society of Indonesia 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • Globalization and education: Freeters and spoiled society

    Physical Society of Indonesia 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

Research Projects

  • A Research on Intercultural adjustment Chinese students in Japan and Japanese students in China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    It has been about thirty years since China started the open-door policy, when the number of students coming to study in Japan started to increase. Along with the Japanese Government's policy of accepting 100,000 foreign students, students from China have become the largest group of the foreign students' body. On the other hand, Japanese students have become the second largest group among foreign students in China, as Japan and China have developed closer cooperative ties. This study aimed at painting a precise picture of intercultural adjustment of both Chinese students in Japan and Japanese students in China in the time when environment around them have changed drastically.
    There were three major characteristics in this study.
    First, it employed an interactive research method. Students' experiences in both Japan and China were examined from a comparative perspective, thus more objective evaluation became possible. Second, longitudinal research of three years made us possible to grasp the day-by-day variation of the process of intercultural adjustment. Third, participatory approach enhanced the effectiveness of this research. All members of the research team were involved in education and counseling for foreign students. Furthermore, students who became the target of the research also actively participated in the research by recommending improvements for policies on foreign students and intercultural programs. The credibility of the survey result was strengthened, while trustful relations had been built between those who researched and those who were researched.
    There are three points in the major accomplishment of the research. First, it could accumulate huge quantities of questionnaire result, students' diaries, interview notes, and minutes of workshops. Second, it made a comparison of the first generation and the second generation of students from China and Japan, thereby revealed problems and adjustment strategies of respective generations. Third, the effectiveness of a new approach for studying abroad, double-degree program, was tested. The accomplishment of this research is expected to be widely utilized in research on foreign students in the future.

  • Study on ultrasonic cqntrast agent for Drug Delivery System (DDS)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATO Toshio, TAKEUCHI Shinichi, KAWASHIMA Norimichi

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    Two method of (a) and (b) were basically investigated to design site-targeted ultrasonic contrast agent. In method (a), a microbubble tagged with biotin is used to localize and characterize an avidin-coated surface of tumor. In method (b), a magnetite incorporated microbubble can be localized to tumor with the aid of an extracorporeal magnet. We confirmed that site-targeted microbubble in all of both methods had the potential to localize the particular target under the condition where the flow is stopping. We also confirmed that these site-targeted microbubbles had the potential to localize the target under slow flowrate by using the blood vessel model that was made to imitate the flow of actual blood. But, it became clear that the targeting ability decreased remarkably with increasing the flowrate in the blood vessel model. Therefore, while we were continuing to study to overcome the problems mentioned above, the study of the new method applying the acoustic cavitation was started. Inside the space of acoustic cavitation where high temperature and high pressure are generated, a water molecule splits into radicals H2O → H^+ + OH^- producing hydroxyl radical OH^-. Microbubbles produced by the acoustic cavitation had also excellent characteristic of scattering, because acoustic impedance of microbubbles were quite difference from Surrounding organization. As the result, improvement of quality of ultrasonic image is expected. Namely, if the acoustic cavitation is generated near tumor selectively, We will be able to observe the process of the ruin of cancer cell by active oxygen with ultrasonic diagnostic equipment. Prior to our substantial evaluation, we used an ESR (electron spin resonance device) to make a qualitative evaluation of OH radicals produced by the acoustic cavitation generator. Next, suppression of proliferation of cancer cells with ultrasound exposure was studied in our laboratory. An ultrasound exposure experiment was performed on a culture of cancer cells of mouse T lymphoma (EL-4) in a flask. We confirmed that the number of cancer cells did not change remarkably immediately after exposure and increase the number of cells was suppressed remakably with the lapse of time during 24 hours after exposure

  • 微小気泡超音波造影剤を利用した超音波血管造影システムの研究

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  • ユニバーサル化時代における大学授業法の研究 ーInteractive Operational Control, IOC教育法-


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