Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Sport Sciences, School of Sport and Sciences
Job title
Doctor of Engineering ( The University of Tokyo )
Master of Public Administration ( Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government )
1960年大阪生。横浜国立大学経営学部卒業、ハーバード大学J.F.ケネディスクール行政学修士、東京大学工学博士。1982年、通商産業省(現経済産業省)入省。 在ブラジル日本大使館一等書記官、通商政策局資金協力室等を歴任。 1989年よりプロリーグ化検討委員会に参加し、Jリーグ発足に尽力。日本サッカー協会国際委員として、ワールドカップ日本招致にも携わる。資源エネルギー庁石油天然ガス課長を最後に退官し、2002年日本サッカー協会専務理事に就任。なでしこジャパン誕生や女子サッカー、フットサルの普及に尽力。2006年からは早稲田大学大学院スポーツ科学研究科教授に就任。 日本スポーツ産業学会会長、日本陸上競技連盟理事、日本体育協会理事、東京マラソン財団理事(2010年から2013年まで)を務める。2013年より内閣官房参与、内閣官房東京オリンピック競技大会・東京パラリンピック競技大会推進本部事務局長も務める。

Professional Memberships




    公益財団法人 日本陸上競技連盟 理事


    公益財団法人 日本体育協会 理事


    日本スポーツ産業学会 会長

Research Areas

  • Sports sciences

Research Interests

  • スポーツビジネス、スポーツマネジメント



  • International Comparison between the J-League Division 1 and European/South American Top League Players Regarding Participation Opportunities, According to the Generation

    NOCHI Daisuke, KODAMA Yuko, HIRATA Takeo

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   27 ( 3 ) 3_257 - 3_264  2017

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The aim of our investigation was to clarify the achievement situation and features regarding the experiences and results of players who take active parts in the highest ranked football leagues in Japan, Europe, and South American countries.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The average age of players in J-League changed, showing an upward trend, and recorded a peak in the 2014 season (26.85 years), and was higher by 3.80 years than that of Dutch league, which had the lowest value. And in the generation category, the age composition ratio of J-League players showed the lowest values: U 17 (0.57%), U 20 (9.28%) and U 23 (15.34%). And regarding the appearance fraction ratio by age, J-League players also showed the lowest values: U 17 (0.02%), U 20 (3.43%) and U 23 (14.01%). Their U 30 value (78.94%) was near the lowest value-that of Italian league, and their O 31 value (21.06%) was next to the peak-that of Italian league.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In other words, J-League showed lower levels of achievement by young players and a higher average age, in comparison to the leagues in other countries.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the factor became clear was that the player production fostered by the "Japan Original System," in which players become professionals after playing at university, is an increasing tendency. Furthermore, other countries such as Germany value the appearance chances of the young generation players and strengthen the upbringing of young players in their own leagues. Thus Japanese players&rsquo; experience is behind the age schedule in comparison to other countries and this is having an influence on the clubs and the league, and on competitions with other Asian area teams, and on international matches.


  • 大学サッカーにおける新人選手の入学ルートと出身育成機関の調査研究

    能智大介, 児玉有子, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   26 ( 2 ) 315 - 321  2016.09  [Refereed]

  • A Study on Entrance Route and Upbringing of Rookie Players in a University Soccer Team

    NOCHI Daisuke, KODAMA Yuko, HIRATA Takeo

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   26 ( 2 ) 2_315 - 2_321  2016

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We investigated the achievement situation after the entrance into the club of rookie players who belong to the Waseda University Association Football Club and those players who achieved excellent results in the Japanese university football league.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We collected information about the situation of the hometown team in which a member grew up, the university entrance route, and the game appearances. The period covered in the investigation included a first term (1991-2000) and a latter period (2005-2014). 18 players with dominance of total hours of appearance in each year (until 1995, 16 players) were defined as the main force, and the production frequency of main force players was analyzed for every hometown team. In one season of registration, the number of cases where main force players were produced typically totaled one person and, at most, reached four.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The results of the study showed that, among the 1,418 cases studied in the 20 years, among the 348 cases of admission based on recommendations, the number of those who became main force players was 230.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Club got many rookies from admissions based on recommendations and from admissions from affiliated strong schools and J-Youth high school football clubs. But although cases of entrance from affiliated schools were numerous, a problem was found that in the Waseda Football Club there was a low rate of these players becoming main force players.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In the first term, members who entered on the basis of recommendations didn&rsquo; t play in the main force, and members who entered on the basis of affiliated school entrance and the general entrance admission played the active parts. On the other hand, in the latter period there were increased cases of entrance from private high schools and J-Youth Club, following the increase of the limit of students admitted to the university, and increased numbers of these players in the main force.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The results showed that the number of the university-graduate J-Leaguers who join a J-Club is increasing in Japan, and that the cases in which universities with strong soccer teams get rookies from J-Youth Clubs and from high schools through the admission recommendation system is increasing, showing a change in the player acquisition method.


  • 日本の大学ラグビーにおける新人選手獲得に関する調査 ~早稲田大学ラグビー蹴球部を事例に~

    山下大悟, 畔蒜洋平, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   25 ( 1 ) 107 - 110  2015.03

  • アジアサッカーにおける代表成績とクラブ成績との関係に関する研究

    杉原海太, 平田竹男, 政本晶生, 久保谷友哉

    スポーツ産業学研究   25 ( 1 ) 155 - 161  2015.03

  • Survey on Rookie Won in Japanese University Rugby: The Example of the Waseda University Rugby Football Club

    YAMASHITA Daigo, ABIRU Yohei, HIRATA Takeo

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   25 ( 1 ) 1_107 - 1_110  2015

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    This research conducted a profile investigation of the members who belong to the Waseda University Rugby Football Club, for the purpose of clarifying the tendencies of rookie players recruited into university rugby clubs. There were 7 high schools from which over 10 players were recruited in 10 seasons by the club. Among the more than 10 players in 10 seasons there were 5 high schools from which the players became prime members of the club. Furthermore, it turned out that students of the attached high school of Waseda University and its strong team of high school rugby football were highly recruited by the club. However, the rate of the prime members from Higashi Fukuoka high school and Keiko Gakuen high school were high. It is assumed that these high schools are good partners of the Waseda University Rugby Football club. On the other hand, although there were many players from attached high schools, there were few prime players. Therefore, research into training and strengthening of these high schools is required for future study.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study on the Relationship between Performance of the National Team and That of Clubs in Asian Football


    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   25 ( 1 ) 1_155 - 1_161  2015

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss, in regard to Asian football teams, the question of whether improvement of club top team performance is a useful way to influence that of the senior national team' s performance, by analyzing the linkage between the performance of the national team and that of club teams.<BR>    This paper examines the linkage between team performances for the 32 member associations of the AFC, which participated in the AFC Champions League, AFC Cup, and the AFC President' s Cup between 2010 and 2013, by using correlation analysis and single regression analysis.<BR>     Results show that a correlation between performance of the national team and that of club teams is proved among the member associations participating in the AFC Cup and the AFC President' s Cup, while it is not proved among the member associations participating the AFC Champions League. It indicates that strengthening club football is a useful way to strengthen the national team; specifically among the member associations participating in the AFC Cup and AFC President' s Cup.

    DOI CiNii

  • アジアサッカーにおける代表成績と年代別代表成績との関係に関する研究

    杉原海太, 平田竹男, 久保谷友哉

    スポーツ産業学研究   24 ( 2 ) 211 - 218  2014.09

  • イングリッシュ・プレミアリーグにおけるスポンサー業種の非制限がもたらした効果

    久保谷友哉, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   24 ( 2 ) 241 - 248  2014.09

  • 被災地におけるトップアスリートによる継続的スポーツ教室の効果

    Tomohiro NAGATSUKA, Yuko KODAMA, Shu HAYAKAWA, Akinobu HARA, Tomoko MATSUMURA, Takeo HIRATA, Masahiro KAMI

    スポーツ産業学研究   24 ( 1 ) 39 - 47  2014.04

  • Impact of the Rule concerning Main Sponsorship without Industry Restrictions in the English Premier League

    KUBOTANI Tomoya, HIRATA Takeo

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   24 ( 2 ) 2_241 - 2_248  2014

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the primary factor of growth in the clubs of English Premier League is in the advertising rates.<BR>    The analysis in this study was based on the data from the 1996/1997 season to 2012/2013 season. The subject of investigation was the clubs which belong to the Premier League in the aforementioned years, and we did research on the categories of business of the sponsors and the location of its head office.<BR>    As a result, the number of main sponsors whose head office is located in Asia, especially ones from ASEAN counties, is increasing recently. Also, the number of sponsors whose business is gambling has been increasing, especially in lower ranked clubs in the league.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study on the Relationship between the Performance of the National Team and the National Youth Team on Football in Asia


    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   24 ( 2 ) 2_211 - 2_218  2014

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    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the linkage between performance of the national team and that of the national youth team on football in Asia and make suggestions which should be useful from the operational viewpoint of the member associations of the Asian football confederation (AFC) .<BR>    This paper examines the linkage between them for the 39 member associations of the AFC which participated the AFC under 19 championships between 1994 and 2008. Statistical analysis was made by means of correlation analysis and single regression analysis. <BR>    With regard to correlation analysis, Spearman' s rank correlation coefficient was found to be 0.763 and Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient was found to be 0.559. Both results show that there is correlation. <BR>    With regard to single regression analysis, R-square was found to be 0.58. This shows that the performance of the national youth team was linked with the performance of the national team with regard to football in Asia to some extent. <BR>    In the meantime, member associations of AFC were divided into four groups, based on performance of the national youth team and performance of the national team, and regression formula and practical suggestions were made for each group.

    DOI CiNii

  • Toward the Further Development of Our Society

    HIRATA Takeo

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   24 ( 2 ) 2_111 - 2_112  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • 日本男子ゴルフツアーにおける新たなゴルフツアートーナメントに関する研究

    金子 柱憲, 鈴木 直樹, 原 章展, 平田 竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   23 ( 2 ) 191 - 204  2013.09

  • 各都道府県における軟式野球の現状とその発展策に関する研究—組織的な視点から—

    長久保 由治, 畔蒜 洋平, 原 章展, 平田 竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 2 ) 295 - 304  2012.09


  • Jリーグクラブにおけるユース出身選手に関する調査

    兼清 文彦, 平田 竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 91 - 96  2012.03

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    The purpose of this research was to find out the performance of the players from youth teams in Japanese Professional Football League (J-League) clubs. Firstly, to measure the performance of the players from youth teams, we researched the J-League' s official website referring to the players' participation records. Secondly, we used the Youth Development Index (YDI) and classified the players from youth teams into three groups (starters, substitutes, others) . In this research, we used YDI as the number of the players from youth teams who are starters or substitutes in each club. As a result, it was found that YDI of the entire J-League clubs rose between the 2002 season and the 2010 season. The average YDI of J-League clubs increased from 1.22 (2002 season) to 2.52 (2010 season) . It can be said that youth development achievement has gone up in the entire J-League. On the other hand, it was found that "the others" (the players who were not in YDI) who scarcely participate in the games in top teams increased more than YDI. It was shown that the number of "the others" increased from 1.33 (2002 season) to 4.11 (2010 season) . Thus it can be said that this is a problem to be solved in the entire J-League.

    DOI CiNii

  • Jリーグにおけるアウェイクラブが観客動員数に与える影響に関する研究

    畔蒜 洋平, 能智 大介, 平田 竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 97 - 100  2012.03

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    This study aimed at clarifying the differences between the biggest and smallest attendances in the J. League, as influenced by away club. The background is that case management using the popularity of the away club was reported, and precedence research was done to analyze the attendance according to away club.<BR>    We analyzed the J. League from 1993 to 2010 to clarify the influence of the away teams on away game match attendance. We searched for the differences between match attendance in away games and the season average match attendance of home clubs over 18 seasons.<BR>    The following results were obtained. In 18 seasons, 4 clubs had maximum differences and 8 clubs had minimum differences. The difference between maximum and minimum attendances was 10,000 to 15,000. Regarding the trend since 2001, we found that the differences tended to be larger.<BR>    From the obtained results, it was considered that club management in the J. League should consider the influence of the popularity of away clubs on attendance.

    DOI CiNii

  • 日本の若手トップアスリートにおける両親の教育方針に関する一考察

    杉山 芙沙子, 間仁田 康祐, 原 章展, 平田 竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 55 - 62  2012.03

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the education received by young top athletes in their youth, by holding interviews with the parents who brought them up.<BR>    The semi-structured interviews had thirteen points in common, for example; the aim of special sports was a pleasure in a happy home and parents were absorbed in supporting their children. These results suggested it is important for the parents to give their children environments to form abilities of communication and idea circulation through sports.

    DOI CiNii

  • 国内市民マラソンの類型別発展策に関する研究

    岩谷 雄介, 鈴木 直樹, 原 章展, 平田 竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 63 - 70  2012.03

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the features of domestic marathons, and to present the problems and remedial measures of each feature. 51 domestic marathons were classified into four groups, based on the time limit, the hosting institution, the size of the turnout, and the rate of female participants. The features from the results were considered, and the rallies that made the best use of the characteristics of the game and of the region were presented.

    DOI CiNii

  • スポーツの研究領域の変遷に関する研究

    平田 竹男, 間仁田 康祐, 柴田 尚樹

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 71 - 89  2012.03

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    The aim of this study was to trace the historical evolution and trends of the research areas of sports. Recently not only has the sports industry been growing, but also many universities have started to engage in research and education on sports. However, it is very difficult to comprehend all the perspectives of the research areas of sports which include such a wide variation. <BR>    We analyzed the citation networks of the research areas of sports and sports management, which has been growing rapidly, in 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008.<BR>    As the outcome of this study, we realized that the numbers of papers has been increasing in both the areas of sports and sports management. In particular, study of sports ethology, including "motivation management" or "participation motivation in sports" has been studied continually. In the 2000s, in addition to the rapid growth of studies of sports business such as those regarding management of professional sport teams or economic impact of sports, studies of sports sponsorship and brand equity have also greatly developed. Also, the study of sports medicine has been segmented according to affected areas and the evolution of sports. Moreover, study of people' s health and the rehabilitation has increased from the late 1990s. However, it can be considered that the study of social sciences, including women' s participation in sports, or drug-use, has diminished.<BR>    This study' s results will help identify the research trends and historical evolution of sports. We hope that analyzing the front-line of the research areas of sports periodically using our method will contribute to the development of the study of sports in Japan.

    DOI CiNii

  • スポーツ係数でみる1993年以降のスポーツ産業の変遷に関する研究—品目別&#8226;年代別&#8226;世帯主収入五分位階級別スポーツ支出の推移—

    平田 竹男, 能智 大介, 佐藤 佑樹

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 2 ) 133 - 139  2011.09

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze changes in the Japanese sports industry by using the sports quotient, in the context of economic conditions after 1993.<BR>    The sport quotient decreased with the sluggishness in the Japanese economy, and has shown a tendency to recover in recent years. The center of sports consumption replaced "Goods" with "Service" . The older and higher-income people also spent money for sports.<BR>    The factor of the recovery of the sport quotient is that professional sports teams in the region increased and that the health trend of older and higher-income people rose.<BR>    The agenda of the Japanese sports industry reveals that the sports consumption of younger and lower-income people has decreased. The necessity of suggesting measures and policies that can increase the sports participation of younger people was suggested so that the sports industry of Japan of the future might develop.

    DOI CiNii

  • 東日本大震災がスポーツイベントに与えた損害に関する調査

    原 章展, 平田 竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 2 ) 195 - 205  2011.09

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the sport events-for example games, representative trials, and official events for recording official times-that were discontinued and postponed due to Great East Japan earthquake. To achieve this purpose, we gathered information from articles and homepages of sports associations regarding damaged stadiums and training grounds. As a result, we found that there were big influences on women′s professional golf, soccer, baseball, figure skating, volleyball, marathon, basketball, horse racing, cycle races, and motorboat races. These results suggested that there were a lot of negative influences on sports promotions caused by cancellation of TV broadcasts, and on fund raising caused by decrease of income from sponsors, ticket sales, and broadcasting rights.<BR>    We hope that this study' s results will help in the recovery from the large-scale earthquake disaster.

    DOI CiNii

  • オープンリーグにおける競争均衡度合に関する研究(原著論文)

    川名光太郎, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   20 ( 1 ) 43 - 51  2010.03

  • アマチュア野球の抱える課題に関する研究(研究ノート)

    桑田真澄, 川名光太郎, 間仁田康祐, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   20 ( 1 ) 91 - 95  2010.03

  • A Study on the Problems of Amateur Baseball, Based on a Survey of Active Professional Baseball Players

    KUWATA Masumi, KAWANA Kotaro, MANITA Yasuhiro, HIRATA Takeo

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   20 ( 1 ) 91 - 95  2010

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    The purpose of this study was to reveal how professional baseball players were trained while they were amateur baseball players, and to examine ways to improve the problems faced by amateur baseball players. A survey of 300 professional baseball players was conducted.<BR>    There were a lot of problems revealed in amateur baseball: "overwork and injury because of irrational, inefficient, and too long training" , "manner of the instructors" , "balance among baseball, studying, and playing" , and "violence to the players" . These results suggested that most professional baseball players wanted it to be done in a different way from their own experience, and that they had a strong awareness of the problems of traditional training.

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on Competitive Balance in the Open League: Measuring the Trends in the Competitive Balance of the J. League Division 1

    KAWANA Kotaro, HIRATA Takeo

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   20 ( 1 ) 43 - 51  2010

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    In this research, we focused on the competitive balance in the open league. We aimed to find out the effect of the league system' s change, with or without new entries, and find out the relationship between wages and competitive balance. This research analyzed the J. League (Japan Professional Football League) , which changed from a closed league to an open league, and the English Premier League, which changed the revenue structure and increased its turnover in recent years. To measure competitive balance, we used the Herfindahl Index of Competitive Balance (HICB) , the Five Club Concentration Index of Competitive Balance (C5 index) . As a result, it was found that in the Premier League, competitive balance has declined in recent years. But in the J. League, on the other hand, after 1999, the year that the Second tier (J2) was made and the League adopted the promotion and relegation system, competitive balance slowly increased. Imbalance of Wages in the Premier League was substantially larger than in the J. League. From these results, we made a suggestion that adoption of a promotion and relegation system is one of the factors which improve competitive balance.

    DOI CiNii

  • 日韓W杯がJリーグの観客数に与えた影響に関する研究

    平田竹男, ステファン・シマンスキー

    スポーツ産業学研究   19 ( 1 ) 41 - 54  2009.03

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    This paper examines the impact of the 2002 World Cup held in Japan and Korea on the domestic soccer league of Japan, the J. League. We first consider the impact of World Cups on league attendance in some European countries and then compare this with the Japanese case. We find that demand increased substantially in the years just before and after the World Cup. These effects seem to be associated with new stadiums built for the event.

    DOI CiNii

  • 関東大学女子サッカーリーグに関する研究

    石山隆之, 川名光太郎, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   19 ( 1 ) 75 - 81  2009.02

  • Jリーグの観客数に影響を与える要因に関する研究(原著論文)

    河合慎祐, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   18 ( 2 ) 11 - 20  2008.09

  • 日本の大学におけるスポーツ産業学の取り扱いの変遷と今後ー体育・武道・スポーツを名称に含む大学・学部・学科・コースの変遷ー(研究資料)

    及川征美, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   18 ( 1 ) 87 - 94  2008.03

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the needs of those want to learn gymnastics and/or sports, and to clarify the transition of those who provide them with opportunities to do so. Thus, I studied the transition of faculties, departments, and courses of Japanese universities whose titles include either "gymnastics, " "martial arts, " or "sports". Then I analyzed the numbers of such faculties, departments, and courses of Japanese universities, and also investigated the limited enrollments and applicants of such departments and courses. The number of such departments, the number of limited enrollments, and the number of applicants for these departments have reached 2.75 times, 1.99 times, and 1.72 times those of 1987, respectively, in 20 years. This data indicates increase both the needs of people who want to learn gymnastics and!or sports and the opportunities for them to do so. Furthermore, it became clear that the main reason for such an increase was the increase of sports-related departments. It also became clear that, in the five years from 2003 until 2007, although the number of applicants for "gymnastics-related departments, " "martial arts-related departments "fractionally decreased, and that of applicants for "sports-related departments"was unchanged, that of "sports management-related departments" increased steadily. The increase in the number of "sports business management-related departments" was also evident. The increase in such faculties, departments, and courses proves that groups of people who learn sports-related studies at universities have appeared and that their number has increased. This study has also helped clarified part of the history of the cultivation of human resources and its connection to physical and sports education as well as the sports industries in Japan.

    DOI CiNii

  • 浦和レッドダイヤモンズの自律的経営と成長要因(原著論文)

    平田竹男, 佐藤峻一, 浦嶋亮介, 柴田尚樹, 梶川裕矢

    スポーツ産業学研究   18 ( 1 ) 59 - 77  2008.03

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    The Urawa Red Diamonds is a representative "big club" in J1-league. It not only won the championship of the J-league 2006 season for the first time in the club's history, but also had an average of 45, 573 attendance per game in that year, which was the league record in the J-league history. Its annual income was 5.8 billion yen. But it was not an easy task for the club to realize this position. The management of the club had been strongly affected by the parent company. Because of the failure of the parent company, the team was demoted to the J2-league in the year 2000 season. The team's success came after the club gained autonomy in management and implemented active reforms. This paper reports on how the Urawa Red Diamonds increased the team performance, the attendance, and the revenue, leading to success.

    DOI CiNii

  • プロスポーツクラブにおける成績と選手賃金(推定年俸)の関係ーJリーグクラブにおける分析ー(研究資料)

    内田亮, 平田竹男

    スポーツ産業学研究   18 ( 1 ) 79 - 86  2008.03

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    In this paper, we discuss the relationship between players'wages and club performance in Japanese professional sports clubs. In foreign countries, as one of the important themes of sports industrial study, many researchers have examined the relationship between players' wages and club performance. Nevertheless, in Japan the study of players'wages and club performance has not been done. This paper examines by single regression analysis the relationship between wages and performance in the J.LEAGUE club, making use of the data from 1997 to 2006. As a result, R-square was found to be 0.558 in the long term. It became clear that player wages were the primary factor to explain club performance in the J.LEAGUE. In addition, even in the short term, R-square was 0.304. It became clear that player wages explained 30% of club performance. Clarifying whether player wages are related to record should be of significance to the success of professional sports business in Japan.

    DOI CiNii

  • トリプルミッションと国際政治からみた日本サッカー界の発展分析


    スポーツ産業学研究   17 ( 1 ) 10 - 19  2007.03

    DOI CiNii

  • トリプルミッションと国際政治からみた日本サッカー界の発展分析(特別寄稿)


    スポーツ産業学研究   17 ( 1 ) 10 - 19  2007.03

  • アルビレックス新潟成功の秘密ーなぜ無料招待券配布は成功したのか(原著論文)

    平田竹男, 佐藤峻一, 梶川裕矢

    ビジネスモデル学会学会論文誌   4  2007

  • サッカークラブビジネスの成長モデルに関する研究(浦和レッズのケーススタディ)(学会発表)


    ビジネスモデル学会秋季大会    2006.10

  • 地域Jリーグクラブのビジネスモデル分析(学会発表)


    ビジネスモデル学会春季大会    2006.03

  • サッカービジネスの地域構造分析学会発表(学会発表)


    ビジネスモデル学会秋季大会    2005.10

  • わが国におけるサッカービジネスの成長要因に関する研究(学会発表)


    ビジネスモデル学会春季大会    2005.03

  • スポーツ係数でみるゴルフ産業の推移と課題(原著論文)


    ゴルフの科学   11 ( 2 ) 43 - 54  1998.12

  • スポーツ係数でみる世帯主収入五分位階層別スポーツ支出の推移ーオリンピック年(68年72年76年80年84年88年92年)を中心にー(原著論文)


    スポーツ産業学研究   8 ( 1 ) 29 - 37  1998.03

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    Looking into present studies analyzing the sports industry, most of them have had the tendency to treat it only from the side of supply, not from that of demand. The purpose of this study is, however, to define and suggest the use of the Sport Quotient, which means the proportion of sport expenditure to household expenditure, to see sports through a new viewpoint; through the eyes of personal demand. In this paper, we checked by levels of income of household heads to analyze the Sport Quotient in chronological order of Olympic years, 1968, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88 and 92, and it showed the increasing importance of the sports industry. Engel's Quotient is rather out of date because today it is almost meaningless to say that one family is under the ordinary living standard because their Engel's Quotient is much higher. The Sport Quotient proves there is no cause and effect relation between the sports industry and level of income, and that the Sport Quotient will offer a more proper element for analyzing people's living standard.

    DOI CiNii

  • スポーツ係数の提唱についてースポーツ係数でみるスポーツ産業の変遷ー(総説)


    スポーツ産業学研究   7 ( 1 ) 1 - 18  1997.03

  • 日本におけるスポーツ産業の現状と展望(学術講演会報告)


    中京大学体育研究所紀要   ( 5 ) 63 - 80  1991.03

  • スポーツ産業の規模の推移について(原著論文)


    スポーツ産業学研究   1 ( 1 ) 17 - 22  1991.03

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the historical change of japanese sports market from 1975 to 1989. The interest in sports activities at which the public spends its leisure time is increasing. This increase is reflected by the change in the public's attitude toward relaxation and enrichment of one's personal life. And in consequence of this trend, the size of the sports industry is growing especially in sports service area over the pace of GNP.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • 『新・野球を学問する』桑田真澄共著


    新潮文庫  2013.03 ISBN: 9784101368917

  • 『スポーツビジネス 最強の教科書』


    東洋経済新報社  2012.10 ISBN: 9784492522011

  • 『サッカーという名の戦争 ー日本代表。外交交渉の裏舞台ー』


    新潮文庫  2011.09 ISBN: 9784101357911

  • 『なでしこジャパンはなぜ世界一になれたのか?』


    ポプラ社  2011.08 ISBN: 9784591126271

  • 『野球を学問する』桑田真澄共著


    新潮社  2010.03 ISBN: 9784103239611

  • 『トップスポーツビジネスの最前線2009—ドリームジョブへの道』中村好男編著


    講談社  2009.11 ISBN: 9784062159715

  • 『サッカーという名の戦争ー日本代表、外交交渉の裏舞台ー』


    新潮社  2009.03 ISBN: 9784103138310

  • 『トップスポーツビジネスの最前線2008ー夢を実現させる仕事』中村好男編著


    講談社  2008.09 ISBN: 9784062821001

  • 『トップスポーツビジネスの最前線2007ーモーニング娘。のフットサル普及ミッションから中田英寿引退プロジェクトまで』中村好男編著


    講談社  2007.09 ISBN: 9784062820677


    edited by, R.C.R.Siekmann, R.Parrish, R.Branco Martins, J.W.Soek

    T・M・C・ASSER PRESS  2007

  • 『トップスポーツビジネスの最前線ー「勝利」「マーケット」「普及」のトリプルミッション』中村好男編著


    講談社  2006.07 ISBN: 4062820234

  • 『トップスポーツビジネスの最前線ー勝利と収益を生む戦略』中村好男編著


    講談社  2006.07 ISBN: 4062820242

  • 『トップスポーツビジネスの最前線ースポーツライティングから放映権ビジネスまで』中村好男編著


    講談社  2006.07 ISBN: 4062820250

  • 『日本の論点2006』 pp776-779(分担執筆)


    文藝春秋  2005.11 ISBN: 4165030503

  • 『日本の論点2003』 pp760-763(分担執筆)


    文藝春秋  2002.11 ISBN: 4165030201

  • 『スポーツビジョン21ースポーツ産業研究会報告書及び米国スポーツ産業調査団報告書』通商産業書産業政策局編


    通商産業調査会  1990.10 ISBN: 4806523607

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  • 【スポーツ産業学会の過去20年を語り、次の10年を展望する】(特別講演)

    日本スポーツ産業学会 第20回大会 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • A Business Case Study Through Sport Stadium Modernization

    The 4th ASIA Seoul International Sport Industry Forum 2009 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 「スポーツ産業のグローバル化」(基調講演)

    日本スポーツ産業学会 第18回大会 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

Research Projects

  • Constructing the management model of self-reliant community sports club in order to reconstruct the community.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIRATA Takeo

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    One fact is that when thinking about the revenue in club management, it is important to ensure that the revenues in entrance fee and advertisement are equally matched, which creates stable income. In this management model, it is required to construct a business model that develops the club by ensuring the revenue which is invested in strengthening the athletes



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Social Activities

  • フジテレビ



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  • フジテレビ



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  • NHK総合テレビ



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    ニュースウォッチ9r「2022W杯 開催国決定に際して」

  • NHK総合テレビ



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    おはよう日本r「2022W杯 開催国決定直前」

  • 朝日新聞



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    連載「Jリーグを学問する」第5回r「円高効果 単純じゃない」

  • 朝日新聞



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  • 朝日新聞



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  • 朝日新聞



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  • 朝日新聞



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    連載「Jリーグを学問する」第2回r「ファン拡大へ テレビ地上波の力」

  • 時評 2010年7月号 (時評社)

    時評 2010年7月号 (時評社) 


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  • 朝日新聞



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    W杯を語ろう (W杯決勝観戦記)r「新しい南ア世代期待」

  • ラジオ JーWAVE

    ラジオ JーWAVE 


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    JAM THE WORLDr「カメルーン戦 日本に勝ち目は?」

  • 朝日新聞



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    オピニオン W杯 観戦八策r「南アの歓喜 需要喚起」

  • ラジオ JーWAVE

    ラジオ JーWAVE 


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    WILL FOR TOMORROWr未来を見通し、明日のヒントを語る

  • TBSラジオ



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    久米宏 ラジオなんですけどr「人生とスポーツビジネス」

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  • Faculty of Sport Sciences   Graduate School of Sport Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Research Institute for Strategy of Natural Resources   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 地域プロサッカークラブの持続成長ビジネスモデル構築


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    本研究では、地域サッカークラブの持続経営のビジネスモデルを提示することを目的とし、Jリーグにおける成功クラブとその成功要因の抽出を行なった。そして、わが国のプロサッカーリーグにおける成功クラブとしては、「収益」「普及」「成長」という3つを満たすことが必要であり、アルビレックス新潟と浦和レッズという2つのクラブがJリーグにおける成功クラブとして選出された。手法として、特に「収益」の部分において重要な収入源である入場料収入をいかに増やすかということに着目した。Jリーグをその対象としてその観戦需要を探ると、観客数を決定する要因として、経済的要因、試合の対戦の内容に関する試合要因、観戦の質に関する観戦要因、各チームに関するJリーグ要因などの要因に基づいて重回帰分析を行った。その結果、これらの変数が観客数を約51%説明していることが分かった。 また、この観客数を決定する要因として、2002年に開催された日韓W杯がJリーグの観客数に与えた影響について分析した。その結果、W杯はJリーグの観客数に対して正の影響を与えたということが明らかになった。その際、特にW杯開催地に本拠地のあるクラブへの影響は大きく、これはW杯開催のために新スタジアム建設などによる効果が顕著に見られた。考察では、日本の地域プロサッカークラブの成功要因の共通点として、「主体的に経営を担う人物」「特定企業に依存しない資金調達」「広告料収入に匹敵する入場料収入」「人件費比率のバランスを適切に保つこと」「地域のバックグラウンドに即した観客数増加戦略」がその必要な条件であるという示唆を得た。 今年度の研究では、収益に着目して観戦需要やW杯がJリーグに与える効果について明らかにしたが、引き続き日本におけるJリーグチームにおいて地域プロサッカークラブの事例検証が引き続き期待される。

  • 地域振興のための自立型スポーツクラブの経営モデルの構築


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  • 地域振興のためのプロスポーツ球団の経営モデルに関する研究


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