Updated on 2025/02/05

Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus

Research Experience

  • 2012.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies   Professor

  • 1997.10

    Rikkyo University   College of Law and Politics   Professor

  • 1996.04

    Rikkyo University   College of Law and Politics   Associate Professor

  • 1991.10

    Tohoku University   Faculty of Law   Associate Professor

  • 1988.04

    The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Law   Research Associate

Education Background

  • 1996.11

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate Schools for Law and Politics  


  • 1985.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate Schools for Law and Politics  

  • 1982.09

    International Christian University   College of Liberal Arts   Social Science  

  • 1972.03

    Seoul National University   College of Engineering   Department of Metallurgical Engineering  

Research Areas

  • International relations


  • Foreign Book Prize

    1999.06   Organization of American Historians   The Cold War in East Asia and ROK-US-Japan Relations

  • Ohira Masayoshi Memorial Award

    1997.06   Ohira Masayoshi Memorial Foundation   The Cold War in East Asia and ROK-US-Japan Relations

  • Shimizu Hiroshi Award

    1996.06   The Japanese Association for American Studies   The Cold War in East Asia and ROK-US-Japan Relations



  • The Prehistory and Origins of the Nuclear Crisis in the Korean Peninsula: Transformation from the Cold War to the Post-Cold War Dynamics


    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 44 ) 51 - 76  2022.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Biden Administration's North Korea Policy and the Prospects of the US-DPRK Nuclear Deal

    Lee Jong Won

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 41 ) 143 - 173  2021.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Moon Jae-In's Regionalist Diplomacy and the New Southern Policy: An Attempt for Middle Power Diplomacy between FOIP and BIR

    Lee Jong Won

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 39 ) 61 - 91  2020.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Kim Dae Jung's Initiative for the East Asian Community and Korea-Japan-China Trilateral Cooperation

    Lee Jong Won

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 36 ) 19 - 42  2019.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Region-building as Thought and Strategy for Peace: Agenda for the East Asian Community

    Lee Jong Won

      ( 11 ) 37 - 55  2021.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Multi-layered Structure of ROK-Japan Conflict and Tasks for Academia

    Lee Jong Won

      25 ( 9 ) 30 - 34  2020.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Mutual Miscalculations by Trump and Kim Jong-Un: Structure and Prospects of US-DPRK Summit Meetings

    Lee Jong Won

    Diplomacy   ( 54 ) 93 - 99  2019.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The Origins of the US-Korea-Japan Triangle: Intersection of Diplomatic History and IR Theories

    Lee Jong Won

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 33 )  2018.03

    Authorship:Lead author

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Books and Other Publications

  • 北東アジア・市民社会・キリスト教から観た『平和』

    富阪キリスト教センター, 李, 鍾元( Part: Joint author, 第1章(11~47頁))

    燦葉出版社  2022.04 ISBN: 4879251453


  • アジアの平和とガバナンス

    広島市立大学広島平和研究所( Part: Joint author, 第18章(205~214頁))

    有信堂高文社  2022.03 ISBN: 9784842055831

  • 沖縄から問う東アジア共同体―「軍事のかなめ」から「平和のかなめ」へ

    木村 朗( Part: Joint author, 第2章(29~42頁))

    花伝社  2019.04 ISBN: 4763408836


Research Projects

  • Multi-Archival Analysis of Critical Junctures in Post-war Northeast Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • China's Regionalist Diplomacy in East Asia and Its Impact on the Korean Peninsula

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Globalizing East Asian Historical Perception Problems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Oshiba Ryo

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    1.Historical perception on East Asian Hisotry held by ethnic groups in the United States were examined through the empirical studies of Comfort Women Issues and East Sea Expression in Geographical Map.
    2. UNESCO World Heiritage Committee were also examined through the concept of "politicization". Our discussion suggested that Advisory Committee should be regarded as an "epistemic community" and the proposal process of "Meiji Industrial Revolution Heritage" to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee by the Japanese government was also examined as a case study.

  • 日米韓の安全保障関係の形成と展開に関する歴史的および政策的研究

    Project Year :


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  • Historical and Policy-oriented Study on the Regionalist Diplomacy of the Republic of Korea

    Project Year :


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    This study analyzes how the successive administrations of South Korea in the post-WWII period have attempted to take diplomatic initiatives in establishing regional frameworks with the concept of 'regionalist diplomacy'. Some of the findings of the study are; 1) South Korea shares the characteristics of the middle power diplomacy by showing strategic interest in regionalist tendencies, 2) there has been a historical transition in South Korea's regional focus from the Asia-Pacific to East Asia and Northeast Asia, 3) middle powers such as South Korea and ASEAN played critical roles in the progress of East Asian regionalism, 4) although there are strong similarities among the successive South Korean regimes in terms of regionalist diplomacy, regardless of their political positions, change of governments under presidential system impedes the continuity of its implementation

  • The Rise of China and India and its Impacts on Neighboring Asia: Dialectical Dynamics of Domestic Politics and International Relations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKENAKA Chiharu, SATO Koichi, KOKUBUN Ryosei, HORIMOTO Takenori, NAGANO Kazushige

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    The rise of China and India is the crucial issue in the Asia-Pacific region. Is peaceful rise of China and India possible? How would other Asian states cope with this new situation? This study has challenged to analyze this by bridging the fields of International Politics, Comparative Politics and Asian Studies.Two international symposiums were held: “Emerging New Asian Order? China’s Rise and Power Shift in the Asia-Pacific Region”(June 2015, ICAS9, Australia) and “Globalization and Civil Society in East Asia” (March 2017, Rikkyo U). Based on the latter, a new book will be edited and published in 2018

  • 戦後韓国の地域主義外交に関する歴史・政策研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


  • Building Civil Society in Asia and its Challenge for International Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKENAKA Chiharu, KOJIMA Kazuko, KAMEYAMA Yasuko, KURASHINA Takeshi, OSA Yukie, LEE Jong Wong, MORIMOTO Izumi, OZAKI Toshiya, ISOZAKI Noriyo, NISHI Yoshimi, OYANE Satoshi, NAMIOKA Shintaro, MATSUDA Koichiro, INADA Jyuichi, SHIMIZU Hiromu, OGAWA Ariyoshi, TOJYO Yoshizumi, MIYAMA Kenichiro, TAKAHARA Akio, YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki, FUJIWARA Kiichi, TAMURA Keiko, NAKAMIZO Kazuya, KOKUBUN Ryosei, SHIRAISHI Saya, KANEKO Yoshiki, HUH Sookyeon, SATO Koichi, KURAMOTO Yukiko, NAKAMURA Yoichi, MAKITA Rie, MAKITA Toichi, GONOI Ikuo

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    We have challenged to seek a possibility of the Global Asian Studies by analyzing the following issues: the volatility of nation-states, the linkage of domestic and international politics, the civil-society building and international society and the critique of theories of civil society from Asian perspectives.Two international symposiums were held in collaboration with Japan Association for Asian Studies: "The Role of China" (July 8, 2012) and "Asian Studies beyond Borders: Where do we come from? Where are we going?"(June 15, 2013). Between Civil Society and State: the Agenda for Global Asia will be published as a special issue of Area Studies from Kyoto University in October 2014

  • Comparative Studies on European and Asian Regional Integration considering International Politics--Norms, Security, Borders and Immigration

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HABA Kumiko, YAMAMOTO Yoshinobu, HAKAMADA Shigeki, OSHIMURA Takashi, AMAKO Satoshi, MORII Yuichi, LEE Jong Won, TAKAGI Seiichirou, TEZUKA Kazuaki, MIYAJIMA Takashi, SHIBA Nobuhiro, YAMAKAGE Susumu

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    This research investigated the European Union, enlarged towards Eastern Europe, and Asian Regionalism, which swiftly developed and is surpassing the developed countries in the first decade of the 21st century, comparing following four points. 1) Institutions and norms, 2) Security, 3) Borders, 4) Immigrants under the Globalization. Investigating the problems and tasks on the EU and Asian Regionalism, researchers analyze the difficulties and make policies for the development on Asian characteristics more concretely.Collaborating with SCJ(Science Council of Japan), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EU-US and Asian researchers, we analyzed the regional integrations, considered the institutionalization, and the results were published as two Japanese books, (Asian Regionalism under the Global Age, etc), three research brochures, six English proceeding books and 30-40 articles. They were distributed 300 Universities Libraries in the US, Europe, Asia and Japan

  • Building Civil Society in Asia and its Challenge for International Society

    Project Year :


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    We have challenged to seek a possibility of the Global Asian Studies by analyzing the following issues: the volatility of nation-states, the linkage of domestic and international politics, the civil-society building and international society and the critique of theories of civil society from Asian perspectives.
    Two international symposiums were held in collaboration with Japan Association for Asian Studies: "The Role of China" (July 8, 2012) and "Asian Studies beyond Borders: Where do we come from? Where are we going?"(June 15, 2013). Between Civil Society and State: the Agenda for Global Asia will be published as a special issue of Area Studies from Kyoto University in October 2014.

  • Transformation of the post-war East Asian Regional Order centering upon Korean peninsula

    Project Year :


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    This project's main issue is to argue the framework for the East Asian regional history around 1970's, by which we can recognize this region as a region. Official Documents have been researched, while big symposiums were held almost every year, which have been formalized as a shuttle academic conference of East Asia by the contemporary Korean Studies center in Tokyo University, Asiatic Research center in Korea university and the Department of International Relations in Tsinghua University, China.
    A set of seven plus 5 volumes of reprinting official documents on Korea- Japan relations in 1960's was published, which was followed by another set of 5 volumes repringting. Through these events 1970's history with governments and civil asociations intertwined came to be argued internationally in East Asian framework with transnational academic networks constructed and appealed to general.

  • Joint Research with multi-archival documents for the Treaty of Normalization between Japan and ROK (Republic of Korea) : Decolonization and Cold War in Asia.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASANO Toyomi, IKEDA Shintaro, KIM Kyungmook, LEE Jongwno, KIMIYA Tadashi, ISOZAKI Noriyo, YAMANOUCHI Yasuhide, OTA Osamu, HAYASHI Natsuo, YOSHIZAWA Fumitoshi, NISHINO Junya, KOBAYASHI Reiko, FUJII Kenji, NAGASAWA Yuko

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    I have published a series of documents related with the normalization between Japan and Korea from the publishing company of GendaiShiryo Shuppan. This series will be continued even after the project ended, following the schedule of the publishing company. Also two of the project members and I edited two volumes of the monograph, entitled 'The normalization between Japan and Korea as a history,' to be soon published by Hosei University Press with assistance of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Then, in January 2010, I organized a public symposium entitled "Modern Historical Meanings of the Normalization between Japan and Korea," with generous assistance of the Asahi and Toa Ilbo newspaper companies. Its aim was to propagate the accomplishments of our project in the context of contemporary public concerns, including the process of normalization between North Korea and Japan in 2010. Finally, I organized two panels at the annual conventions of academic associations : Japan International Studies' Association in Tsukuba in 2008 and Association for Asian Studies in Chicago in 2009 (together with Korean project members), with an aim to receive feedback from other scholars in the related academic fields

  • Comparative and Theoretical Studies on Politics of Contemporary Nationalism and Ethnicity Problems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUDA Koichiro, TAKAHARA Akio, LEE Jon won, YOSHIOKA Tomoya, TAMURA Airi, SASAKI Takuya

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    Finally members of the project gathered up the report which covers topics such as nationalism theory in France, contemporary disputes related to nationalism in Korea, China and Japan, minority problem in Islamic society, Nationalist discourses in Modern Japanese thought. These topic were discussed regularly among the members of the project and not only the factual in formations but also the different features of nationalism in terms of region and history inspired each participant's theoretical framework in different areas of study.For carrying out this research following events were organized. : A Seminar which was held for the discussion on Nationalism problems in Taiwan, Indonesia, Russia and Japan on June 2, 2002 and July 2 at Rikkyo University. Matsuda carried out a research at Cambridge University in August and a consequence of this research a paper titled "Bunmmei and Shizen in Meiji Political Thought" was given at the annual conference of the Japanese Political Science Association on October 5. Kim from the Republic of Korea visited Japan for document investigation and study information exchange in October and had a study meeting with other participants of the project. Doak visited Japan in March for research and information exchange. Lee went to the Republic of Korea in March for document research and interviews.The final report will be completed as a booklet and as a HTML file format

  • International Comparative Studies of Americanization and Nationalism in a Global Age

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FURUYA Jun, TOYONAGA Ikuko, KUBO Fumiaki, OTSURU Chieko, ENDO Yasuo, KANO Hiroyoshi

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    The main and general purpose of this project was twofold : first, to analyze the distinction between "Americanization" and "globalization" as a universal socio-economic and cultural phenomenon ; second, to analyze the tension between nationalism and American influence in certain regions and countries. Each participant in this project has conducted research into this general topic and collected pertinent material in hish/her own field.We divided the entire project into four sub-categories : the origins of Americanization ; the characteristics of American hegemony in global political economy : the relations between the formation of global civil society and Americanism ; and the new tasks and possibility of area studies under the global influence of Americanization.After two and half years of individual research on these subjects, we held an international symposium at Sapporo in August 2002 for the purpose of integrating our perspectives and achieving a broader view of the general topic of this project. In making allowances for te sheer scale of the topic, we can hardly say we have exhausted it of reached a definitive answer. Yet we did reach several tentative agreements for further investigation into the phenomena of Americanization and globalization.First, the internationalization of the project of Americanization already started in the 1920s. Therefore the roots of American hegemony in international political economy go back further in world history and American history than is usually thought. Second, although Americanism as a kind of "universal culture" does not always coincide with the global market economy based on liberal capitalism, both trends collaborae closely in fighting against parochial nationalisms and in standardizing the global society. Finally, the sea change occurring in international society requires area studies as an academic field to transform themselves in order to grasp not only national and local affairs but also the meaning of universal influences on them

  • U.S.-Japan Relationship-50 years in the post WWII period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IGARASHI Takeshi, YUASA Shigehiro, LEE Jong Won, SAKAMOTO Kazuya, KITAOKA Shinichi

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    We carried this project as Japanese counterpart on U.S.-Japanese joint-research project on U.S.-Japan relationship in the post WWII period sponsored by the National Security Archive.Because of shortage of official documents available to researches in the Japanese side, we tried to do interviews as many as possible with former Japanese statesmen and government high-ranking officials. We provided both our members and other interested scholars with opportunities to utilize these interviews.As shown references, our members and other collaborated scholars published a considerable number of fine works by using the interviews and newly declassified documents.Our project was a sort of researches to investigate contemporary U.S.-Japan relations through historical analyzes

  • A Study on the U.S.Policy toward East Asian Regionalism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    LEE Jong Won

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    This two-year project aims at the historiographical analysis of the U.S.policy toward Asian regionalism in the postwar period. In other words, it attempts to combine the update policy studies on the emerging regionalism in the Asia-Pacific region, such as APEC,with the diplomatic history studies on the Cold War period. Therfore, priority was given to collecting primary source materials, including unpublished U.S.diplomatic papers, U.S.Congress commitee and hearings prints and reports, policy analysis and research reports by thinktanks in the U.S., publicatiions by the regional organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, and diplomatic papers held in the Korean and Japanese National Archives. Recent studies on the Cold War history were also collected systematically. Based on these materials and sources, several hypothetical interpretations of the U.S.policy toward regionalism in the Asia-Pacfic region were attempted. The materials collected show that the U.S.Asian policy has been undergoing a tendential shift toward unilateralism in its approach toward Asia since the early 1970s. Or more accurately, we can find two paradigms of unilateralism and multilateralism competing with each other over Asian policy. Until the 1960s the U.S.pursued vigorously to establish a regional order in East Asia, which shows a clear contrast to the consistent apathy and reluctance since the 1970

  • The Making of the Post-war Japanese Diplomacy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITAOKA Shin'ichi, AKANEYA Tatsuo, MORIYAMA Shigenori, ISHII Osamu, LEE Jong Won

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    The purpose of this project has been to collect in foreign countries basic materials on Japanese diplomacy since the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1951 through the revision of the US-Japanese security treaty in 1960. Studies of Japan's diplomacy in this period have heavily relied upon the US diplomatic documents at the National Archives in Washington,D.C. These documents are huge in volume and rich in content. Taking into consideration the overwhelming importance of the US to Japan, it was natural that scholars first focused on these documents. However, Japanese diplomacy has to be studied from wider perspective. That is why we formed a team to do reserch in the countries which were close to the US but nonethleless had different viewpoints and interests from US's and in Presidential Libraries rather than National Archives in the US.Our group of 5 made a careful coordination in Japan as to their division of labor and worked separately as follows.Kitaoka did his research at the Public Record Office in London to study British documents with regard to their policy toward Japan, Asia, and US. Ishii mainly stayed in Ottawa to study Canadian diplomatic papers at the Canadian National Archives. Moriyama had been in Seoul to search for Korean material at the Seoul National University and Korean National Library but the result was not particularly fruitful. Li's effort at the Kennedy Library in Boston and the Johnson Library in Austin was most rewarding among 5. Akaneya was in Cambera, to work on Australian documents on foreign relations at the Australian National Archives and the Australian National University.The aim of our project is too big to complete in a short period. Still, we are quite satisfied with the results of this project. We believe we have made a very good start toward a new study with this project

  • 国際環境と戦後日本

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    五十嵐班の1994年度の活動においては、1994年度研究実施計画に従い、アジア・太平洋地域の戦後の国際秩序の形成・定着過程が実証的に分析され、これまでの研究成果と合わせて総合的な考察がなされた。その第一は、国際政治経済体制の主流の側面であるブレトン・ウッズ体制の形成および定着、冷戦の起源およびアジアへの波及に関する理論枠組みの完成である。これに加え第二に、東・東南アジアの独立と独立後の発展および極東委員会に関する実証的検証が行われた。最終的に、これらの研究結果が総合的に把握され、日本が戦後適応していった国際環境が、いかに形成され定着していったかが明らかにされた。研究会は次の通り実施された。9月23日 「戦後初期における『日本要因』-ソ連・中国からみた日本」石井明(東京大学)10月3日 "U.S.-Japan relations in the 1950s and 1960s with emphasis on the 1960s and the impact of Vietnam War" Michael Schaller(アリゾナ大学)1月20日 「戦後外交と戦後構想-重光葵を中心に」波多野澄雄(筑波大学) 「国連と戦後外交-国連加盟への道」井上寿一(学習院大学)2月15日 「スティムソンの国際主義理念の再検討」中野博文(広島大学) 「日本社会党と対外経済関係」中北浩爾(東京大学大学院)3月22-23日 「占領下日本の国際的地位」五十嵐武士(東京大学) 合評『岸信介』(原彬久著

  • 情報化の進展による国際法秩序の変容

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  • 情報化の進展による国際法秩序の変容

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  • アジア太平洋地域の政治変動における米国の位置と役割

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  • 日本の対外政策と東アジア―信頼醸成へ向けた国際共同研究の可能性

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    21世紀の日本外交、20世紀の成果と課題に対する冷静な分析のうえに立って、新たに再構成される必要がある。この観点から20世紀の日本外交を振り返ると、われわれは日本外交において、近隣の東アジア諸国との関係構築が不十分であったことに気づく。そこで、わが国最大の国際関係関連の学会である財団法人日本国際政治学会においても、中堅メンバーを中心にひとつの国際共同研究プロジェクトを構想するため、今回の申請を行った。そこで、2001年7月末に香港で開催された北米を中心とした全世界的な国際関係学会であるISA(International Studies Association)大会において、各メンバーがパネルに参加することで、世界の各研究者からの批判と建設的意見を仰ぐとともに、将来へ向けての更に大きな国際共同研究の可能性を探った。この香港会議にメンバー全員が参加するとともに、その場で各国の研究者も加えて何度も会合を重ね、こうしたプロジェクトの重要性を確認しあった。それが、予定より外国旅費に費用を費やした理由である。とりわけここでは、日本の経済力低下にともなう外交力の相対的低下にどう対応するか、そのさいそれを補うひとつの方法として東アジア諸国との連携と協力をどう進めるかなどにつき、議論を深め、問題の重要性を確認しあった

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Overseas Activities

  • 韓国の地域外交および中国の朝鮮半島政策に関する研究


    中国   北京大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 中国主導のアジア地域安全保障協力枠組みと韓国の地域主義外交


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  • 中国主導のアジア地域協枠組みに対する韓国歴政権の政策動向に関する研究


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  • 中国の「一帯一路」構想と朝鮮半島政策への影響に関する調査


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     本研究は、中国の「一帯一路」構想が朝鮮半島に及ぼす影響について、政策論的な観点から調査、分析することを目的としている。具体的には、韓国や中国での資料調査や関係者面談を行い、基礎資料や研究文献などを収集し、分析を進めた。とりわけ、中朝国境地帯に位置し、中朝経済関係の現場でも延辺朝鮮族自治州では、延辺大学が主催した豆満江フォーラムに招待参加し、現地調査を行った。 調査結果の内容は、「一帯一路」構想と朝鮮半島の関連について、中韓関係と中朝関係の二つの部分からなっている。「一帯一路」構想は朝鮮半島を直接の対象とするものではないが、韓国朴槿恵政権が掲げた「ユーラシア・イニシアティブ」と重なる部分が多く、中韓関係のあり方に影響を与える要素をもっている。中朝関係では、同構想が中朝間の経済協力に拡大適用される可能性を考察する。