Updated on 2025/03/13

Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
博士(文学) ( 早稲田大学 )
文学修士 ( 東京大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2008

    Waseda University, Professor

  • 2007

    The University of Tokyo, Professor

  • 1996

    The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor

  • 1990

    The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor

  • 1983

    Kyoto University, Research Assistant

Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Humanities   Western history  


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Literature   Western history  

Professional Memberships


    "Ecclesia et societas" Workshop

















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Research Areas

  • History of Europe and America

Research Interests

  • Medieval Europe, Church, Society,Culture



  • 12世紀の教会知識人による東西教会の対話


    エクフラシス-ヨーロッパ文化研究-(早稲田大学ヨーロッパ中世・ルネサンス研究所)   1   82 - 95  2011.03

  • Intellectual Networks of Humanists at the Councils of Constance and Basel in the 15th Century

    Takashi Jinno

    Journal of Western Medieval History(The Korean Society for Western Medieval History)   20   215 - 240  2007.09

  • 王権と象徴、思想と芸術


    佐藤彰一・高山博・池上俊一編『西洋中世史研究入門-増補改訂版』(名古屋大学出版会)    2005

  • 教会文書


    高山博・池上俊一編『西洋中世学入門』(東京大学出版会)    2005

  • 「甦るローマ」-中世後期の教皇権と即位儀礼


    歴史学研究   794   155 - 162  2004.10

  • 西欧中世の教権と王権


    歴史学研究会編『現代歴史学の成果と課題 II 1980-2000年』    2003

  • 回顧と展望:西欧中世


    史学雑誌   109 ( 5 ) 313 - 321  2000.05

  • ランスのヒンクマールと「一日」参集会


    木村尚三郎編『学問への旅』山川出版社    2000

  • ソールズベリのヨハネスと『教皇史』


    『超域文化科学紀要』(東京大学駒場)   5   8 - 29  2000

  • ソールズベリのヨハネスと異教的俗信への批判


    中世思想研究   41   35 - 51  1999

  • ブレーメンのアダムと北方世界の「発見」


    『岩波講座・世界歴史12巻・遭遇と発見-異文化への視野』(岩波書店)    1999

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Books and Other Publications

  • Christianity and Violence in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. Perspectives from Europe and Japan

    Fernanda Alfieri, Takashi Jinno( Part: Joint editor)

    De Gruyter, Oldenbourg  2021.03

  • 15のテーマで学ぶ中世ヨーロッパ史

    堀越宏一, 甚野尚志

    ミネルヴァ書房  2013.01

  • 12世紀の歴史記述-ハーフェルベルクのアンセルムスと終末論的歴史-


    甚野尚志・益田朋幸編『ヨーロッパ中世の時間意識』(知泉書館)  2012.05 ISBN: 9784862851338

  • コンスタンツ公会議における教皇権と公会議-「ハエク・サンクタ」の解釈をめぐって-


    渡辺節夫編『ヨーロッパ中世社会における統合と調整』(創文社)  2011.02 ISBN: 9784423460665

  • 中近世ヨーロッパのキリスト教会と民衆宗教


    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(B)・研究成果報告書  2010.03

  • 十二世紀ルネサンスの精神-ソールズベリのジョンの思想構造-


    知泉書館  2009.03 ISBN: 9784862850539

  • 中世ヨーロッパの社会観


    講談社学術文庫  2007.06 ISBN: 9784061598218

  • ローマ教皇の即位儀礼-中世盛期の定式化-


    歴史学研究会編『幻影のローマ-<伝統>の継承とイメージの形成-』(青木書店)  2006

  • 東大駒場連続講義 歴史をどう書くか


    講談社  2006

  • 中世ヨーロッパを生きる

    甚野尚志, 堀越宏一編

    東京大学出版会  2004

  • この世のあるべき秩序-「教皇君主政」への道-


    堀越孝一編『新書ヨーロッパ史 中世篇』(講談社現代新書)  2003

  • ライヒェナウ修道院の祈念書


    渡辺節夫編『ヨーロッパ中世の権力編成とその展開』(東京大学出版会)  2003

  • 教会からみた中世ヨーロッパの政治社会


    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(B)・研究成果報告書  2003

  • 宮廷批判の系譜


    高山博・池上俊一編『宮廷と広場』(刀水書房)  2002

  • 社会の危機と祈祷-「紀元千年」をめぐって-


    歴史学研究会編『再生する終末思想』(青木書店)  2000

  • 中世の異端者たち


    山川出版社  1996.07

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  • ボーデン湖・コンスタンツ周辺地域(南西ドイツ)の教会と修道院の調査




  • 「頭」のローマ、「四肢」のコンスタンティノープル−教皇の首位権の考察−


    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 12世紀西欧の知識人とビザンツ世界


    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • 十二世紀の知識人の終末観と東西教会合同の理念


    Presentation date: 2010.01

  • 十二世紀中葉における「教皇首位権」と教会合同の理念−ハーフェルベルクのアンセルムスの『対話』をめぐって−


    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • 十二世紀ルネサンスの精神−「十二世紀ルネサンス」を真に再考するために−


    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • コンスタンツ公会議における公会議主義と教皇の至高権


    Presentation date: 2009.04

  • Intellectual Networks of Humanists at the Councils of Constance and Basel in the 15th Century

    The Sixth Japanese-Korean Symposium on Medieval History of Europe(Keio University) 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • 「甦るローマ」−中世後期の教皇権と即位儀礼−


    Presentation date: 2004.05

  • 12世紀の政治理念と「ローマの再生」


    Presentation date: 2002.05

  • Kingship and poor relief:How can we explicate the historical context of the sources describing king’s poor relief in the middle ages?

    The Fourth Japanese-Korean Symposium on Medieval History of Europe(Tokyo Metropolitan University) 

    Presentation date: 1997.05

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Research Projects

  • Concealment, Ambiguity and Reservation of the Sence of "Justice" in the Medieval and Early Modern Christian Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A multifaceted empirical study on the formation of the principle of majority rule in medieval Europe

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • "Inclusive Violence" in the Medieval and Early Modern Christian World

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 中近世ヨーロッパ社会における合意形成の起源と展開―合議制・代議制の理念と現実ー

    Project Year :


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  • Fundamental change of Catholic theological idea of reason on the research of early modern Western "Mirror of Prince"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Religion and Violence in the Medieval and Early Modern World

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Jinno Takashi

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    We explored various problems relating to the relations between religion and
    violence in the Medieval and Early Modern Christian World.

  • The Vicissitudes of Concepts of "Right Congition" in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Minagawa Taku

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    This study compares the concept of 'correctness' in the middle and early modern period with that in northwestern Eurasia and Christian regions. As the result, following points were clarified. (1) Interpretation of the spirit, violence and majority rule is the key point, (2) the background of differences in "correct recognition" among countries is differences in acceptance of the Bible and humanities knowledge, (3) critical reexamination of the theory of "de-magicization" is necessary, and (4) when "correctness" is used to justify a modern state and becomes a resiliency, one closes oneself and stops being "correct recognition," but when "correctness" = orthodoxy, which requires a theological existence, it is always overwritten by the relationship with others and develops into an abstract "correct recognition."

  • The Comparative Study of Political Ideology and Social System in Medieval Europe

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kawahara Atsushi, Watanabe Setsuo

     View Summary

    This research project was intended to make clear the medieval European world through the viewpoints of analyzing the political ideology(royal power, papal authority) and social system (kingdom, empire, cities, etc.). Thirteen researchers analyzed each area (kingdam and cities), and showed the differecne and uniquness of each area through the comparative hisotrical approach. As a result we could show some specific character of each kingdam(empire) and cities by the ideological and institutional analysis. This result will surely contribute to understand the reality of the medieval European World

  • The development and transformation of medieval Europe in aspect of relations between institution and political society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Setsuo, KAWAHARA Atsusi, KATO Makoto, MISAGAWA Akihiro, HORIKOSI Kouichi, TONAMI Hirosi, SUZUKI Michiya, YABUMOTO Masanori, SATSUMA Hideto, OHTSUKI Yasuhiro, KITANO Kahoru, JINNO Takasi, MINAGAWA Taku, OZAWA Minoru

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    As admitted “additionally” in the autumn of 2013, we lost half an year time to spend for this project. However, we could have 13 meetings with reports made by scholars in and out of this project, respectively: ① 5 meetings for review reports of the recent studies of Japanese scholars; ② 4 meetings for reports of recent tendencies of historical studies in the West; ③ 4 meetings for principal points of studies of the individual members of this project, especial- ly in the context of recent Western tendencies. We also could have 2 more open lectures by excellent academics from without, with fruitful results through very active discussions. Thus, we believe that we made sure progress in many points for the theme, and achieve mutual understandings of individual studies of members. These should work as the basement for our new book expected to be published in 2017

  • 中近世キリスト教世界の多元性とグローバル・ヒストリーへの視角

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • 中近世キリスト教世界の多元性とグローバル・ヒストリーへの視角

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Dynamism of politics and religions in the European history and formations of states

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    JINNO Takashi, MIURA Kiyoharu, INDE Tadao, MEJIME Kennichi, HASEGAWA Mayuho, SEKI Tetsuyuki, MATSUZONO Shin, OTSUKI Yasuhiro, WADA Mitsuji, MINAGAWA Taku

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    This project analysed the development od the structures of political power in the medieval and early modern times of Europe in relation to the plurality and process of confessional divisions of Christian sects(Catholic, Greek orthodox, Protestants).In the world of medieval and early modern Europe,Christian churches formed own religious organization plurally and at the same time churches and political powers were gradually conbined.Christian sects formed own blocks.We analysed the reality of each area, the forms of conflicts between sects,the systems of arbitrations, the formation of idea of tolerance.

  • ヨーロッパ史における政治と宗教のダイナミズムと国家的秩序の形成

    Project Year :


  • Comparative studies on the social order and the situation of nobles in Medieval Europe Comparative studies on the social order and the situation of nobles in Medieval Europe of nobles in Medieval Europe

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Setsuo, KITANO Kahoru, KAWHARA Atsusi, JINNO Takashi, TONAMI Hiroshi, HORIKOSHI Kouichi, SATSUMA Hideto, OTSUKI Yasuhiro

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    We could make clear the regional differences and the common character of Europeanmedieval society in the aspect of the possession of public powers by the noble classes. The results of our mutual studies were made public in the wider aspects, in the two symposiaentitled(1)"Local government and national ideologyin premodern Europe",(2)"Consensus building for shaping policy in medieval and early modern Occident". And they were published in our book "Integration and Adjustment in Medieval European Society", divided in the three parts : Jurisdiction and the system of dispute resolution ; Agreement and legislation in Diets ; Regnal systems for local government and integration of society

  • 中世ヨーロッパにおける社会秩序と貴族の位相に関する比較史的研究

    Project Year :


  • ヨーロッパ中近世のキリスト教会と民衆宗教

    Project Year :


  • Power-structure and identities in Medieval Europe

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Setsuo, KITANO Kaoru, NISHIKAWA Youichi, KAWAHARA Atsushi, JINNO Takashi, TONAMI Hiroshi, HORIKOSHI Koichi, SATSUMA Hideto, OTSUKI Yasuhiro

  • 中世ヨーロッパの権力構造とアイデンティティ複合

    Project Year :


  • 地中海世界における社会変動と識字率

    Project Year :


  • The political society in the european middle ages considered from the church

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    JINNO Takashi, HORIKOSHI Koichi, TONAMI Hiroshi, WATANABE Setsuo, OTSUKI Yasuhiro, KAWAHARA Atsushi

     View Summary

    In this year, we have investigated the relation between church and lay power with the aid of the result which we have done last year. As a result of our investigation we have made clear the various aspects of the church and medieval society. For example, the great influence of church on lay powers such as kingship or towns is understood between the members. Anyway, we could make progress about the reseach in the history of the relation between church and political society in European middle ages

  • 教会からみた中世ヨーロッパの政治社会

    Project Year :


  • Communications in European Societies from Ancient to Modern

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKURAI Mariko, JINNO Takashi, TAKAYAMA Hiroshi, FUKASAWA Katsumi, YASUNARI Hideki, HIWAKI Hirotoshi

     View Summary

    The purpose of our studies was to investigate how societies developed their own distinctive features through various ways of communications available to them in the European history.The present world has reached a new stage of inter-state and inter-cultural relations due to the development and rapid spread of inter-net communications or computer-based telecommunications on the global basis. On this stage it is impossible that the shape of human relations stays unchanged. From this stand-point each participant started this comparative study, pursuing each one's subject in his/her field, hoping to offer some effective suggestions for a new image of the future society.The following are the subjects of the participants.Mariko Sakurai The public sphere and communications in ancient Greece.Katsumi Fukasawa The transferring movement of men and development of trade in early modern Mediterranean world.Hiroshi Takayama The interchanges of people in Medieval Kingdom of Sicily.Takashi Jinno Means and ways for communication in Medieval Europe.Hirotoshi Hiwaki Social associations in Ancient Rome.Hideki Yasunari Sociabilite in the Absolute Monarchy of France.As a result of the three years' studies we could elucidate the close relationship between various ways of communication and formation of societies in Europe

  • 西欧の歴史世界とコミュニケーション

    Project Year :


  • 中世ヨーロッパにおける権力構造の比較史的研究

    Project Year :


  • Commercial Trade and Transformation of Manners and Customs : Considered from a Perspective of Comparative Social History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATSUMATA Shizuo, JINNO Takashi, MITANI Hiroshi, NAMIKI Yorihisa, MOTOMUIRA Ryoji, YOSHIE Akio

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    At first we picked up some kind of terms of commercial trade from our sources in various areas and periods. Then we put them in the computer. For that work we made reference to a lot of lexicons, concordances, and indexes and we collected "trade", "merchant", "stranger", and so on with a great number of cases.Secondly we picked up many cases that suggest the appearance of transformation in manners and customs caused by teh coming and going of merchants and goods. Above all, we gave our focus on the information that, brought with merchants and goods, might have influence on chage of traditional life style or old manners and customs.After these individual basic works, we had finally the work to make comparative studies on each area and period. We understood that we need consider trade activities into some kinds of categories in accordance with patterns of cases and survival conditions of sources in each area and period. For example, we had to make sure that various kinds of merchants were closely connected with those who produced goods in Ancient Mediterranean World, and that the act of merchants were bound up with that of pirats in Medieval Society of Japan. Further taking notice of the consciousness and thought of people, we could have new perspective to understand actual condition of folk belief and discrimination in each are

  • 商業交易と生活習俗の変容−比較社会史的考察−

    Project Year :


  • Space Conceived by the Eighteenth Century Europeans

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIGUCHI Kinichi, JINNO Takashi, ASADA Akira, TOMINAGA Shigeki, SAKAGAMI Takashi, YAMADA Keiji

     View Summary

    While the Renaissance is the age of intricate harmony and 19th century is the age of infinite growth, the 17th and 18th centuries are the age of static systems spread out in open space. Through the investigations of 18th century Europeans' conception of space in various aspects ( natural, social and symbolic ), this interdisciplinary research project has brought into relief the episteme of that age.1-(1) In the 17th century, space is conceived as unitary and homogeneous, but in the 18th century, it becomes manifold and heterogeneous. The former is represented by Newton's space, the latter by Dideot's. (2) In the 17th century, system is conceived as a rigid structure which externally combines its elements, but in the 18th century, it is replaced by a network of internal relations found between various elements. The former if represented by Descartes' system, the latter by Montesquieu's. (3) Those transformations are decisive for the formation of the modern world view, because for the first time they make it possible to take into account the concrete variety of the world. We can no longer regard the 17th century as the decisive moment for the modernization and the 18th century only as its idle follower.2-(1) The space in the 18th century, however, is in a highly unstable equilibrium. Since the end of the century, it is involved into the spiral movement along time. (2) At that turning point, we find the "explosion of space" exemplified by Napoleon's empire or by the megalomaniac architecture of the "visionaries". It is after the extreme expansion that the space goes into the temporal movement

  • "North and South"in European History

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    Recent trends towards further integration of the European Community drives us forcefully to remould our frame of reference based on the idea of a Europe as a system of nation states. Europe as such a system is being recast into one of an ever extending regionalism. How are we going to grapple with this new situation in the field of historical studies? We must first of all shed the old-fashioned framework of national history and ask questions not about nation states but about individuals and families on the one hand and about regions on the other. The present research project in particular attempts to re-examine history of Europe as a cluster of regions. The contrast between the North and the South was chosen as the symbolic common term of approach. Sample results of research by members of this project may be picked up. Kido described the contrast and regional difference in social terms between the South and the North in Great Britain and in England. Kawahara compared various methods of poor relief in urban districts of Italy on the one hand and the Low Countries on the other. Yasumura pointed out the intellectual influence of Erasmus of Rotterdam to sixteenth-century Spain and the watershed of the 1530s when the northern influence was brushed aside and the intellectual world of modern Spain came to be delimited by the conservative orthodoxy of the Catholic Church

  • Christianity and popular religion in medieval and early modern Europe

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    This project : Christianity and popular religion in medieval and early modern Europe has its 0riginality in comparing various areas and periods. We studied not only medieval period but also early modern period ,and not only west Europe but also east Europe, Russia, Byzanz, other areas where Christianity reached(for example,Central and South America, Japan). By this, our project could investigate the problem of popular religion as a common problem in the areas where Christianity influence

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  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2019

    Institute for European Medieval and Renaissance Studies   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 「長い宗教改革」とヨーロッパ的多様性の拡大-中世から近代へ-


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    本特定課題研究は、「宗教改革」をプロテスタントの独占物として捉えるのでなく、中世の教会改革や対抗宗教改革も含めて、中世から近代へと至るヨーロッパのキリスト教と社会の自己改革運動ととらえ、改革が異質な宗教集団 (マイノリティ)をいかに排除し、あるいはまた、いかに包摂しつつ宗教的な権威を確立したかを考察した。その上で、この問題をヨーロッパ内部の正統と異端、異教との関係として捉えるだけでなく、ヨーロッパ外部へのキリスト教の拡大と受容の問題にまで広げて考える見通しをえた。

  • ギリシア語翻訳者の活動と12世紀の知的復興


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  • 西欧中世におけるテキストの伝承と思想の影響 -『ポリクラティクス』の場合-


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