Updated on 2025/03/06


ONO, Michikazu
Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
東京医科大学大学院医学研究科博士課程 ( 東京医科大学大学院医学研究科博士課程 )

Research Experience

  • 2005.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 1997.04

    戸田中央総合病院   緩和治療科   部長

  • 1994.04

    戸田中央総合病院   緩和治療科   医員

  • 1988.06

    戸田中央総合病院   外科   医員

  • 1985.04

    Tokyo Medical University

  • 1984.04

    静岡県立こども病院   新生児・未熟児外科   医員

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Education Background

  • 1973.04

    Tokyo Medical College  

Professional Memberships





  • 在宅神経筋疾患患者が感じる入院中のADL制限とストレスについて

    寄本 恵輔, 小野 充一

    理学療法学Supplement   2015 ( 0 ) 1059 - 1059  2016

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    【はじめに,目的】本研究は,在宅で過ごす神経筋疾患患者が入院中にどのような日常生活活動の制限を受け,ストレスを感じているかを調査することであり,在宅生活と入院中のADLの格差がストレスになっているかを明らかにすることにある。【方法】対象者は,日本難病・疾病団体協議会に加盟している難病患者9団体及び神経筋疾患の患者団体を運営している8団体に所属し,在宅療養している神経筋疾患患者である。方法は,患者団体の代表者から研究協力の承認を得た上で,オンラインアンケートを実施(実施期間2015年8月1日~9月30日),対象者は回答を持って研究の同意を得た。入院経験について調査するためにアンケートを実施,基本情報(疾患,罹病期間,人工呼吸器の使用等),在宅と入院時のBarthel Index(BI),Hospital Stress Rating Scale(HSRS)等について調査する。統計学的検討項目として,在宅時BIと入院時BIについて比較し,HSRSにおける因子分析を行う。また,基本情報及びBIからHSRSについて調査する。【結果】本研究へのアクセスは178人あり,有効回答数が113人,欠損値を排除すると83人のデータとなった。基本情報として,疾患はALS,MS,MD等が多く,平均罹病期間は10年,人工呼吸器装着は59.5%であった。在宅BI52.1±34.5点,入院時BI47.5±34.1点と有意差があり(p<0.01),独立して,移動,歩行,排泄,入浴,整容においても入院BIは在宅BIと比較し,有意に低値であった(p<0.01)。HSRSにおいて,因子抽出法として最尤法を用い,回転法Kaiserの正規化を伴うバリマックス法8回の反復で回転が収束した。回転後の因子行列よりグループ名をつけた結果,プライバシー,環境,疾患と治療,医療者との関係,家族との関係,部屋の快適さの6つに分類することができた。HSRSは,在宅と入院時BIの格差,入院回数,年齢,性別,罹病期間に有意な差を認めなかった。【結論】本研究の対象は患者会でweb利用できる方であり,過去を想起し回答しアンケート調査を行っていることなど多くの問題や限界はあるため神経筋疾患全体を反映しているものにはならない。しかしながら,在宅療養患者が持つ入院時に感じる入院時の制限やストレスについて明らかにしていくことは療養支援において極めて重要なことである。入院が在宅と比較し,自律しにくい環境であるからこそ,理学療法士の存在する意義があるものと考える。

    DOI CiNii

  • Inverse roles of emotional labour on health and job satisfaction among long-term care workers in Japan

    Erika Tsukamotoa, Takeru Abe, Michikazu Ono

    PSYCHOLOGY HEALTH & MEDICINE   20 ( 7 ) 814 - 823  2015.10  [Refereed]

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    Emotional labour increases among long-term care workers because providing care and services to impaired elders causes conflicting interpersonal emotions. Thus, we investigated the associations between emotional labour, general health and job satisfaction among long-term care workers. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 132 established, private day care centres in Tokyo using a mail survey. The outcome variables included two health-related variables and four job satisfaction variables: physical and psychological health, satisfaction with wages, interpersonal relationships, work environment and job satisfaction. We performed multiple regression analyses to identify significant factors. Directors from 36 facilities agreed to participate. A total of 123 responses from long-term care workers were analysed. Greater emotional dissonance was associated with better physical and psychological health and worse work environment satisfaction (partial regression coefficient: -2.93, p=.0389; -3.32, p=.0299; -1.92, p=.0314, respectively). Fewer negative emotions were associated with more job satisfaction (partial regression coefficient: -1.87, p=.0163). We found that emotional labour was significantly inversely associated with health and job satisfaction. Our findings indicated that the emotional labour of long-term care workers has a negative and positive influence on health and workplace satisfaction, and suggests that care quality and stable employment among long-term care workers might affect their emotional labour. Therefore, we think a programme to support emotional labour among long-term care workers in an organized manner and a self-care programme to educate workers regarding emotional labour would be beneficial.



  • Inverse roles of emotional labour on health and job satisfaction among long-term care workers in Japan.

    Tsukamoto Erika, Abe Takeru, Ono Michikazu

    Psychology, health & medicine   20 ( 7 )  2015

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    :Emotional labour increases among long-term care workers because providing care and services to impaired elders causes conflicting interpersonal emotions. Thus, we investigated the associations between emotional labour, general health and job satisfaction among long-term care workers. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 132 established, private day care centres in Tokyo using a mail survey. The outcome variables included two health-related variables and four job satisfaction variables: physical and psychological health, satisfaction with wages, interpersonal relationships, work environment and job satisfaction. We performed multiple regression analyses to identify significant factors. Directors from 36 facilities agreed to participate. A total of 123 responses from long-term care workers were analysed. Greater emotional dissonance was associated with better physical and psychological health and worse work environment satisfaction (partial regression coefficient: -2.93, p = .0389; -3.32, p = .0299; -1.92, p = .0314, respectively). Fewer negative emotions were associated with more job satisfaction (partial regression coefficient: -1.87, p = .0163). We found that emotional labour was significantly inversely associated with health and job satisfaction. Our findings indicated that the emotional labour of long-term care workers has a negative and positive influence on health and workplace satisfaction, and suggests that care quality and stable employment among long-term care workers might affect their emotional labour. Therefore, we think a programme to support emotional labour among long-term care workers in an organized manner and a self-care programme to educate workers regarding emotional labour would be beneficial.

    DOI PubMed


  • A Case Study of Efforts and Effects in Tacking with Recurrence Prevention of a Tragedy in a Small (Midsize) Company where an Employee had Committed Suicide

    Nakahara Toyoko, Suzuki Katsumi, Tsujiuchi Takuya, Ono Michikazu

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   54 ( 7 ) 692 - 702  2014.07

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    Background : In Japan, over 30,000 people per year have commited suicide in the course of 14 years since 1998. It is clear that many workers suffer from workplace stress. Mental health wellness is addressed by the industrial world yet mental health insurance coverage for individual workers is extremely difficult. The purpose of this case study is to improve the conditions of, and make changes for, the workers of a small to mid-sized company (company XYZ) whose employee had committed suicide from a psychosomatic point of view. Methods : We investigated the mental state and the workplace relationships of the eleven coworkers who were left behind by the one who committed suicide. Through interviews and participant-observer approach, the coworkers' conversational data were collected, and then analyzed by the KJ method, to reveal their relationships to each other and their socio cultural background. Two years after measures to prevent the recurrence of suicide were implemented, the coworkers were interviewed again and pre- and post-preventative measure implementation differences were analyzed. Results : Immediately after the suicide, in a social context, interviewees expressed their suffering as physical, mental, social, and existential pain. In addition to being an employee, the one who committed suicide had social roles as a father and husband. After his death, his personal financial hardship and his lack of interpersonal relationships at the workplace were revealed. Many of his coworkers were dissatisfied with company xyz's feudal culture. Their suffering, which stemmed from the work environment and business procedures, was improved by the implementation of mental health education and measures to prevent the recurrence of suicide ; this resulted in vast improvements to employer-employee relationships and their understanding of each other. They have started to care for each other and their behaviors have started to change. Discussion : It is best when industrial medical professionals take care of workers from a psychosomatic perspective. If that cannot happen, outside resources like consultants and non medical professionals, as well as the employees themselves, have the potential to improve health by carrying out a medical anthropological approach to prevent the recurrence of suffering.

    DOI CiNii

  • 緩和医療におけ化学療法の適応と限界


    現代医療   36 ( 6 ) 1231 - 1237  2004.06

  • がん医療と緩和医療の将来像 -臨床現場におけるRelation Oriented Medicineの立場から-


    緩和医療研究会誌   12 ( 1 ) 5 - 43  2004.05

  • 地域一般病院における緩和ケアチーム活動の要点


    三輪書店 ターミナルケア   13 ( 4 ) 299 - 301  2003.04

  • がん緩和医療と腹痛


    新興医学出版社 モダンフィジシャン   21 ( 12 ) 1696 - 1699  2001.12

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Books and Other Publications

  • Q&A 知っておきたいモルヒネと緩和ケア質問箱101

    小野充一他, 監修, 濱野恭一

    メディカルレビュー社  2004.07

  • 新QOL調査と評価の手引き

    小野充一, 監修, 漆崎一郎

    メディカルレビュー社  2001.01

Research Projects

  • Development of a Package of Dementia Support Programs based on Multi-generational Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kase Hiroko, Kumno Hiroaki, Kojima Takaya, Oogihara Astushi, Asada Tadashi, Ono Mitsukazu, Sano Tomonori

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    [Purpose]This research aimed to develop a package of multi-generational programs to support people with dementia(PWD).[Method]Questionnaires were mailed to citizens age 40 and older. A package of six action research studies was conducted: implementing a series of lectures and workshops ; delivering a study program in elementary schools; organizing a volunteer group;collaborating regular meetings of community care professionals; delivering mindfulness therapy for caregivers; and intervening to in old apartments. The Social Capital Scale administrated at baseline and at 24 months. [Results] The respondents in the follow-up survey confirmed the decline of the ratio of participants in community activities; however the increased ratio of people who hoped to help neighbors was statistically significant.[Conclusion] Multi-generational education programs,including volunteer placement and support, must encourage residents to join activities to help PWD and their families

  • Evaluation of Quality Palliative Care: Internal/External Evaluation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MAEDA Yukihiro, UMESATO Yoshimasa, ONO Michikazu, OOSONO Yasuhumi

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    To make clear how to encourage continuous quality improvement, we reviewed the program of " Self-assessment of palliative care unit" by Hospice Palliative Care Japan, and reviewed the method of "Evaluation of additional function (palliative care function)" by Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JCQHC).As a trigger "Survey" from outside the organization, after self-assessment of the problems of the current state of palliative care, a method that discuss how to improve problems in the palliative care ward staff, it is intended to link the internal evaluation and external evaluation (third-party evaluation). Then, it is considered to be effective as to encourage their continuous quality improvement

  • The key to management system of healthcare for continuous quality improvement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MAEDA Yukihiro, UMESATO Yoshimasa, TUJI Noriaki, ONO Michikazu

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    We made the point at issue clear about four themes. (1) The continuous quality evaluation by the healthcare data analysis. (2) The evaluation of the Quality Health Care of the hospital by JCQHC. (3) Applying to the hospital of ISO 9001 Quality Management System. (4) Quality evaluation of palliative care. To connect an evaluation with a quality improvement activity,it is necessary that the audit grasp the situation a regular basis. And development of human resources with the skills of business improvement and supportdata analysis is required


Internal Special Research Projects

  • 治癒困難な傷病を抱える患者と家族の語りと死生観の醸成過程


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    本研究は、英国Oxford大学で質的研究の調査分析手法を用いて作成されたデータベースDatabase of Individual Patient Experiences(DIPEx)、及びDIPEx-Japanで取り組まれている「患者の語り」データベースの構築で得られた知見と方法論1)を基盤として、臨床現場が死生文化を醸成する機能について検証することであり、「本研究の具体的な目的」は、以下の2点とした。1)治癒困難な病いを抱える患者と家族がもつ希望や苦悩などが、多くの日本人が持つ死生観に醸成されるまでの継時的・階層的な多次元的構造について明らかにする。2)病いを治し・癒す場としての日々の臨床現場から生み出される個別の死生観について、専門的支援を受ける立場と専門的支援を行う立場の双方が活用出来る「患者の語り」データベースを構築・公開し、死生文化の醸成という視点から果たす役割と社会的影響について検証する。研究計画は以下の3部で構成した。1)【死生観の定量的測定研究】は、「死生体験が定着するための態度尺度」を開発し、日本人が一般に共有している死生体験と死生観について統計的社会調査を行って明らかにする。2)【治癒困難な傷病を抱える患者と家族がもつ死生観の定性的研究】とデータベース構築は、「死」や「死」に勝るつらさを体験する臨床現場において「患者と家族の死生体験と死生観」に関する記述的調査(半構造化面接)を行い、「患者と家族の語りのデータベース」を構築・公開する。3)【死生体験が死生観として定着するプロセスに関する定性的研究】は、医療専門職および一般健康成人に対して「治癒困難な傷病を抱える患者と家族の語り」を提示して、前後に「死生体験が定着するための態度尺度」などを用いた質問紙調査を行いその変化を測定するとともに、半構造化面接を行って「患者と家族の死生体験と死生観の語り」が個人の死生観に与える影響を明らかにする。今年度は、2)【治癒困難な傷病を抱える患者と家族がもつ死生観の定性的研究】について、は治癒困難な病いを抱える患者と家族の語りを聴取してデータベース化するためのリサーチャー養成を行った。さらに、3)【死生体験が死生観として定着するプロセスに関する定性的研究】として、死生領域で研究事績を積んでいる有識者と医療福祉現場で働いており、このテーマに関心の高い医療従事者を招集して、予備的なアドバイザリー委員会を開催して、JHOPE3研究の一環としての「心に残る体験」に関するパイロット調査の概要と臨床死生学の視点に関する多角的な検討を行った。

  • 医療現場における死生体験が死生観に与える影響についての研究


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