Updated on 2025/03/12


MOTOYAMA, Tetsuhito
Faculty of Law, School of Law
Job title
博士(学術) ( 国際基督教大学 )
PhD ( International Christian Univeristy )

Research Experience

  • 2003.09

    Chuou University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Part-time Lecturer

  • 2003.04

    Meiji University, Faculty of Commerce, Part-time Lecturer

  • 2002.04

    Keio University, Faculty of Law, Part-time Lecturer

  • 2001.04

    Waseda University, Faculty of Law, Part-time Lecturer

  • 2002.04

    Keisen Women's University, Faculty of Humanities, English and American Literature Division, Part-time Lecturer

  • 1998.04

    Kyorin University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, English Division, Part-time Lecturer

  • 2000.04

    Ryuutsuu Keizai University, Part-time Lecturer

  • 1997.04

    国際基督教大学高等学校外国語科 非常勤講師

  • 1993.04

    国際基督教大学高等学校外国語科 非常勤講師

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Education Background


    International Christian University   Graduate School, Division of Comparative Culture   English Literature  


    Univeristy of Birmingham   The Shakespeare Institute   MA in shakespeare Studies  


    International Christian Univeristy   Graduate School, Division of Comparative Culture   English LIterature  


    International Christian University   Faculty of Liberal Arts   Humanities Division  

Professional Memberships


    The English Literary Society of Japan


    The Shakespeare Society of Japan

Research Areas

  • English literature and literature in the English language

Research Interests

  • Elizabethan Drama



  • 「シェイクスピア没後400年記念エッセイ」


    『演劇博物館報empaku book』   113   46 - 47  2017

  • Performance Review: "Meja Meja [Measure for Measure], dir. by Kaoru Edo"

    Tetsuhito MOTOYAMA

    Shakespeare Studies   55   43 - 46  2017  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • “Teaching Shakespeare to Law Students”

    Tetsuhito MOTOYAMA

    Teaching Shakespeare   ( 6 ) 10 - 11  2014  [Refereed]

  • Strange Oeillades No More: The Three Daughters of Lear from the Tokyo Shakespeare Company's "shakespeare through the Looking-glass"

    Tetsuhito Motoyama, Kaoru Edo

    Shakespeare   9 ( 4 ) 462 - 480  2013.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Discussions about Shakespeare productions in Japan have focused predominantly on adaptations, appropriations, translations, and experiments in creating an indigenous or intercultural Shakespeare. Such studies tend to underscore the "Japanese" qualities of the productions. What they have neglected, for the most part, has been an equally important group of productions: appropriations and adaptations whose main aim is not to create a "Japanese" Shakespeare. These productions do not obsess over the cultural divide but invite the audience to explore their identities by engaging more directly with the plays. The Tokyo Shakespeare Company (established in 1990), a theater troupe which has hitherto escaped academic attention, has produced five such appropriations in a series called "Shakespeare through the Looking-glass". The Three Daughters of Lear (1995), the first in this series, depicts the post-mortem struggles of Lear's daughters to understand what has happened to them. It deals with such issues as the absent mother and the daughter's duty. Plays such as this suggest the potential of Japanese productions of Shakespeare evolving into the intercultural Shakespeare that critics such as Rustom Bharucha propose
    they are testimony to how Shakespeare, having become very much a part of Japanese culture, can mirror the audience's reality by way of the issues explored in the play, without references to the indigenous culture. © 2013 © 2013 Tetsuhito Motoyama and Kaoru Edo.



  • "Docents without Didacticism: The Education Division of the Folger Shakespeare Library"


    『演劇映像2010』   vol. 5 ( 5 ) 119 - 133  2011.03


  • "Living Art" Lost: The Arden3 Love's Labour's Lost and Shakespeare in Higher Education


    人文論集   ( 48 ) 132 - 164  2010.02

  • Tetsuo Kishi and Graham Bradshaw, Shakespeare in Japan (London and New York: Continuum, 2005)


    English Studies    2007

  • “Beyond the Binary: A Re-examination of the Christian Framework of Doctor Faustus.”


    『慶應義塾大学日吉紀要 英語英米文学』   ( 42 )  2003.03

  • ”The Structure of Sebastian Brant’s Das Narrenschiff I.” ”The Structure of Sebastian Brant’s Das Narrenschiff II.”


    『杏林大学研究報告』   ( 19-20 )  2002.01

  • ”A Pious and Popular Paradox: The Reception of Mystery Plays in Fifteenth Century England”


    『ICU比較文化』   ( 33 )  2001.03

  • "The Revolution Revisited: Macbeth on Stage in 1606 and 1976"


    『ICU比較文化』   ( 30 )  1998.03

  • Peele's Subversive Dramaturgy: The Case of David and Bethsabe


    第36回シェイクスピア学会(日本シェイクスピア協会)    1997.10

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Books and Other Publications

  • "The Shakespeare Company Japan and Regional Self-Fashioning."

    Motoyama, Tetsuhito, Konno, Fumiaki( Part: Contributor)

    Bezio, Kristin, and Anthony Presti Russell, eds. William Shakespeare and 21st-Century Culture, Politics, and Leadership: Bard Bites. New Horizons in Leadership Series. Edward Elgar Publishing.  2021.04

  • Re-imagining Shakespeare in Contemporary Japan: A Selection of Japanese Theatrical Adaptations of Shakespeare

    Motoyama, Tetsuhito, Fielding, Rosalind, Konno, Fumiaki( Part: Joint editor)

    Arden Shakespeare  2021.02 ISBN: 9781350116245

  • アンドリュー・サリヴァン著『同性愛と同性婚の政治学―ノーマルの虚像』

    本山哲人, 脇田玲子, 板津木綿子, 加藤健太

    明石書店  2015.06

  • "Nunn So Good As Television Shakespeare: Tapping into the Popular Imagination"


    冬木ひろみ・本山哲人編 『シェイクスピアの広がる世界:時代・媒体を超えて「見る」テクスト』 (彩流社、pp.3-22)  2011.03 ISBN: 9784779116056

  • 「観客」


    丸本隆編 『演劇学のキーワーズ』 (ぺりかん社)  2007.03

  • 「The Old Wife's Tale の構造とことば:創造力の限界と解放される想像力


    金子雄司・大西直樹編 『言葉と想像力』 (開文社)  2001.09

  • 『松山関連宣教師文書 第一部コーネリア・ジャジソン書簡』 『松山関連宣教師文書 第二部松山ステーション報告書』

    竹田照子, 本山哲人, 共編訳

    岩波ブックセンター  1999.06

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  • 「東京シェイクスピアカンパニー『リヤの三人娘』を英訳するにあたって」

    本山哲人, 今野史昭, ロザリンド・フィールディング, 冬木ひろみ  [Invited]

    シンポジウム「シェイクスピアを翻訳するー日・英翻訳の実際」  私立大学戦略的研究基盤形成事業「近代日本の人文学と東アジア文化圏-東アジアの人文学の危機と再生」

    Presentation date: 2018.01

Research Projects

  • A Brave New World for Japanese Shakespeare Adaptations: Rethinking Shakespeare Studies through Adaptations

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    本山 哲人, 冬木 ひろみ, 児玉 竜一, 小泉 勇人, 井上 優, 芦津 かおり, 森田 典正, 本多 まりえ, 石渕 理恵子, 今野 史昭, Gallimore Daniel, 飛田 勘文

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    The main research achievement for 2022-2023 was the organization of an international conference on Shakespeare and translation, “Found in Translation: Understanding Shakespeare through Intercultural Dialogue,” from 17 to 19 September 2022 at Waseda University: https://w3.waseda.jp/assoc-shakesfit/top-page/
    This conference of 42 delegates and close to 100 participants brought together members of the JSPS project with overseas scholars to consider the potential translation studies has in opening new windows for Shakespeare studies. The discussions about new perspectives to Shakespeare studies ranged from how translations can add new dimensions to textual criticism, performance studies, bibliographical studies, media studies, and adaptation studies.

  • A Brave New World for Japanese Shakespeare Adaptations: Rethinking Shakespeare Studies through Adaptations

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    本山 哲人, 冬木 ひろみ, 児玉 竜一, 小泉 勇人, 井上 優, 芦津 かおり, 森田 典正, 本多 まりえ, 飛田 勘文, 今野 史昭, Gallimore Daniel

  • Digital Archives and Early Modern English Theatre: The Network of Playhouses, Players, and Printing-houses

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATO Yukio, TANAKA Kazutaka, YAMASHITA Takako, HANABUSA Chiaki, SANO Takaya, TSUJI Teruhiko, KATSUYAMA Takayuki, ISHIBASHI Keitaro, SUGIURA Yuko, MANABE Tamaki, NISHIHARA Mikiko, MATSUDA Yoshiko, MOTOYAMA Tetsuhito, OKAMOTO Yasumasa

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    This project employed the methodologies of historical positivism in order to reexamine comprehensively the many facets of Early Modern English (i.e. Elizabethan and Jacobean) drama, ranging from the plays to the actors, acting troupes, and the theaters. What particularly distinguishes this project is its use of digital archives. By making use of such archives, it was able to reassess established notions and theories through a process of verification; each of the notions and theories were reexamined through close investigation of extant public records and major historical records.By applying this methodology to research into stage theory, playwrights, acting troupes, individual plays, and the publication of these works, this project attempted to create an interconnected network of the many aspects of the theater world of the period, which includes playwrights, major actors, theater owners, printers, and publishers

  • デジタルアーカイヴズと英国初期近代演劇研究―劇場、役者、印刷所を繋ぐネットワーク

    科学研究費助成事業(筑波大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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    本研究の主たる目的は、英国初期近代の演劇作品および当時の役者・劇団・劇場の総合研究を「歴史実証主義的立場」から新たに検証し直すことである。最大の特徴は、デジタル・アーカイヴズ (= digital archives: 電子データ資料 [database]を集積・保管する書庫)を多用し、定説と考えられてきた既存の概念・理論を、現存する公文書や有力な歴史的基礎資料を根幹とした「検証可能な方法」で再検討し直す点にある。それにより当時の劇作家、幹部俳優、劇場所有者、印刷出版業者等をはじめとした「演劇世界全般の相関的ネットワーク構築」の特徴的なありようを、エリザベス朝研究会の総力を結集して追究する。
    平成25年度は、(1) シェイクスピアと同時代のマイナーな劇作家の一人ロバート・ヤリントンの作品『痛ましき二つの悲劇』について、古版本調査や作品成立の背景、不明な作者像の研究を行なった。(2)少年劇団の研究の一環として、ベン・ジョンソン『へぼ詩人』論を論文にまとめ、新たにジョン・リリーの劇作品と少年劇団の関わりについて宗教的観点から考察した。(3)ジョン・リリーのキャリア形成の観点から彼の処女戯曲を分析し、初演環境に作用した政治的磁場の存在と機序を明らかにした。(4)エリザベス朝に、オックスフォード大学やケンブリッジ大学の学生によって執筆/上演された作品が出版された事情について、印刷所と大学関係者を取り巻く状況から探った。(5)英国初期近代演劇のプロット構造についておもに観客の視点から考察し、ロバート・グリーンの『ベイコンとバンゲイ』の複合的なプロット構造について、新しい見地から分析を行った。(6)研究実績の概要:イギリス初期近代劇作品の作者同定研究の歴史を概観し、その現在と今後の可能性について考察した。

  • Digital Archives and Early Modern English Theatre: The Network of Playhouses, Players and Printing-houses

    Project Year :


  • History and Possibility of Literature Education in Liberal Arts Education : An International Comparison

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ONISHI Naoki, IWAKIRI Shoichiro, IKOMA Natsumi, SANO Yoshinori, KRISTEVA Tzvetana, KODAMA Chrsistine, SIMONS Christopher, MATSUDA Takami, ARAI Naoshi, MOTOYAMA Tetsuhito

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    In order to review and reconsider the significance and meanings of Literary studies and education in liberal arts education system, in particular, we have conducted researches based upon personal interviews with various scholars and educators currently teaching literature courses in major universities in England, America and France. The information and advice thus collected were internationally compared and considered with view to reform teaching practice in Japan from now on

  • History and Possibility of Literature Education in Liberal Arts Education : An International Comparison

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ONISHI Naoki, IWAKIRI Shoichiro, IKOMA Natsumi, SANO Yoshinori, KRISTEVA Tzvetana, KODAMA Chrsistine, SIMONS Christopher, MATSUDA Takami, ARAI Naoshi, MOTOYAMA Tetsuhito

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    In order to review and reconsider the significance and meanings of Literary studies and education in liberal arts education system, in particular, we have conducted researches based upon personal interviews with various scholars and educators currently teaching literature courses in major universities in England, America and France. The information and advice thus collected were internationally compared and considered with view to reform teaching practice in Japan from now on

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of International Research and Education   School of International Liberal Studies

  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects