Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
博士(理学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Applied mathematics and statistics / Basic mathematics

Research Interests

  • 応用数学、数値数学



  • Constraint propagation of C-2-adjusted formulation. II. Another recipe for robust Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura evolution system

    Takuya Tsuchiya, Gen Yoneda, Hisa-aki Shinkai

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   85 ( 4 )  2012.02  [Refereed]

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    In order to obtain an evolution system which is robust against the violation of constraints, we present a new set of evolution systems based on the so-called Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura equations. The idea is to add functional derivatives of the norm of constraints, C-2, to the evolution equations, which was proposed by Fiske (2004) and was applied to the ADM formulation in our previous study. We derive the constraint propagation equations, discuss the behavior of constraint damping, and present the results of numerical tests using the gauge-wave and polarized Gowdy wave spacetimes. The construction of the C-2-adjusted system is straightforward. However, in BSSN, there are two kinetic constraints and three algebraic constraints; thus, the definition of C-2 is a matter of concern. By analyzing constraint propagation equations, we conclude that C-2 should include all the constraints, which is also confirmed numerically. By tuning the parameters, the lifetime of the simulations can be increased 2-10 times longer than those of the standard Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura evolutions.



  • Constraint propagation of C-2-adjusted formulation: Another recipe for robust ADM evolution system

    Takuya Tsuchiya, Gen Yoneda, Hisa-aki Shinkai

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   83 ( 6 )  2011.03  [Refereed]

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    With a purpose of constructing a robust evolution system against numerical instability for integrating the Einstein equations, we propose a new formulation by adjusting the ADM evolution equations with constraints. We apply an adjusting method proposed by Fiske (2004) which uses the norm of the constraints, C-2. One of the advantages of this method is that the effective signature of adjusted terms (Lagrange multipliers) for constraint-damping evolution is predetermined. We demonstrate this fact by showing the eigenvalues of constraint propagation equations. We also perform numerical tests of this adjusted evolution system using polarized Gowdy-wave propagation, which show robust evolutions against the violation of the constraints than that of the standard ADM formulation.



  • Formulation problem in numerical relativity

    Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics   15 ( 1 ) 1 - 15  2005.03

  • Constraint propagation in (N+1)-dimensional space-time

    H Shinkai, G Yoneda

    GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION   36 ( 8 ) 1931 - 1937  2004.08  [Refereed]

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    Higher dimensional space-time models provide us an alternative interpretation of nature, and give us different dynamical aspects than the traditional four-dimensional space-time models. Motivated by such recent interests, especially for future numerical research of higher-dimensional space-time, we study the dimensional dependence of constraint propagation behavior. The N + 1 Arnowitt-Deser-Misner evolution equation has matter terms which depend on N, but the constraints and constraint propagation equations remain the same. This indicates that there would be problems with accuracy and stability when we directly apply the N + 1 ADM formulation to numerical simulations as we have experienced in four-dimensional cases. However, we also conclude that previous efforts in re-formulating the Einstein equations can be applied if they are based on constraint propagation analysis.

  • Diagonalizability of Constraint Propagation Matrices

    Class. Quantum Grav.   20, L31-L36  2003.02  [Refereed]

  • Adjusted ADM systems and their expected stability properties: constraint propagation analysis in Schwarzschild spacetime

    Classical and Quantum Gravity   19, pp.1027-1049  2002  [Refereed]

  • Advantages of modified ADM formulation: constraint propagation analysis of Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura system

    Physical Review D   66, 124003  2002  [Refereed]

  • Hyperbolic formulations and numerical relativity II: Asymptotically constrained system of the Einstein equation

    Classical and Quantum Gravity   18, pp.441-462  2001  [Refereed]

  • Constraint propagation in the family of ADM systems

    Physical Review D   63, 124019  2001  [Refereed]

  • Hyperbolic formulations and numerical relativity : Experiments using Ashtekar's connection variables

    Classical and Quantum Gravity   17, pp.4799-4822  2000  [Refereed]

  • Analyzing time evolution of constraint equations of Einstein's equation

    Ryosuke Urakawa, Takuya Tsuchiya, Gen Yoneda

    JSIAM Letters Vol.11, pp.21-24 (2019)  

  • Constructing of constraint preserving scheme for Einstein equations

    Takuya Tsuchiya, Gen Yoneda

    JSIAM Letters Vol.9, pp.57-60 (2017)  

  • Constraint Propagation of $C^2$-adjusted Formulation II -- Another Recipe for Robust BSSN Evolution System

    Takuya Tsuchiya, Gen Yoneda, Hisa-aki Shinkai

    Phys. Rev. D 85, 044018 (2012)    [Refereed]

  • Constraint Propagation of C^2-adjusted formulation

    Takuya Tsuchiya, Gen Yoneda, Hisa-aki Shinkai


  • Some Asymptotic Conditions of Worldlines in Minkowski Space. II

    Yoneda Gen

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   63 ( 9 )


  • Some Asymptotic Conditions of Worldlines in Minkowski Space

    Yoneda Gen, Ishigami Yoshiyasu, Arima Satoshi

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   62 ( 5 )


  • Formulation Problem of the Einstein Equation for Numerical Simulations

    Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applicationsis  

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Research Projects

  • Einstein方程式の構造保存型数値解法の構築

    Project Year :


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  • Numerical Investigations of Singularities in Higher-Dimensional Space-time

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHINKAI Hisa-aki, TORII Takashi, YONEDA Gen

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    We investigated formation process of singularities and/or black holes in higher-dimensional space-time using numerical simulations. From the analysis of gravitational collapses, we find (1) the collapse proceeds faster and the collapsing matter's configuration approaches more spherical, since gravity propagates with more freedom in higher-dimensional space-time; (2) if matter is in highly spindle shape, then the time evolution results in the formation of naked singularities, but the critical configuration is loosend compared with 4-dimensional cases; (3) the process of black-ring formation together with the topology change of the apparent horizon, for gravitational collapse of ring-shaped matter. From the perturbation analysis, we also find Ellis-type wormhole solutions are unstable in any dimensional space-time.The research also includes the proposals of formulation of the Einstein equations which is robust against constraint violations during time integrations

  • Numerical Investigations of Singularities in Higher-Dimensional Space-time

    Project Year :


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    We investigated formation process of singularities and/or black holes in higher-dimensional space-time using numerical simulations. From the analysis of gravitational collapses, we find (1) the collapse proceeds faster and the collapsing matter's configuration approaches more spherical, since gravity propagates with more freedom in higher-dimensional space-time; (2) if matter is in highly spindle shape, then the time evolution results in the formation of naked singularities, but the critical configuration is loosend compared with 4-dimensional cases; (3) the process of black-ring formation together with the topology change of the apparent horizon, for gravitational collapse of ring-shaped matter. From the perturbation analysis, we also find Ellis-type wormhole solutions are unstable in any dimensional space-time.
    The research also includes the proposals of formulation of the Einstein equations which is robust against constraint violations during time integrations.

  • Formulation of Einstein equation for stable numerical simulation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YONEDA Gen, SHINKAI Hisa-aki

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    Numerical simulation of Einstein equation is essential for observation of gravitational wave and cosmology. But in real numerical simulation, especially in strong gravitational region or in very long time simulation, the violation of constraint often diverges in the time evolution. For accurate and stable simulation, reformulations of the Einstein equations are necessary. This is the formulation problem of numerical relativity. The purpose of this research is to propose theoretical framework of this criterion of this problem and to demonstrate it by a numerical experiment. As the preparations situation before the grant of this subsidy, we suggests the Constraint Amplification Factor(CAF) approach with eigenvalue analysis of constraint propagation. It may be said that this approach is succeeded to some extent, because much numerical computation result according to the theory was given. However, there remain many problems, too. A lot of situation that the numerical data diverge crawled during long time even if CAF was good. In addition, there remains the doubt whether it gives right solution if constraint preserve. In this study period, we could present many adjusted formulations wit

  • Formulation of Einstein equation for stable numerical simulation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YONEDA Gen, SHINKAI Hisa-aki

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    Numerical simulation of Einstein equation is essential for observation of gravitational wave and cosmology. But in real numerical simulation, especially in strong gravitational region or in very long time simulation, the violation of constraint often diverges in the time evolution. For accurate and stable simulation, reformulations of the Einstein equations are necessary. This is the formulation problem of numerical relativity. The purpose of this research is to propose theoretical framework of this criterion of this problem and to demonstrate it by a numerical experiment. As the preparations situation before the grant of this subsidy, we suggests the Constraint Amplification Factor(CAF) approach with eigenvalue analysis of constraint propagation. It may be said that this approach is succeeded to some extent, because much numerical computation result according to the theory was given. However, there remain many problems, too. A lot of situation that the numerical data diverge crawled during long time even if CAF was good. In addition, there remains the doubt whether it gives right solution if constraint preserve. In this study period, we could present many adjusted formulations with evaluation by CAF and the numerical proof for it. It quoted by many researchers of numerical relativity and produces result In addition, we succeeded in postponing calculation life more because the propagation type of the constraint avoided becoming the second. However, the calculation life was prolonged, and it diverges after long time. So further improvement will be demanded. In addition, in some case that a exact solution was known, we see that a close solution is gotten by numerical simulation. Of course it cannot be said to right evidence for calculating because this is only one example

  • Algebro-analytical study on special functions appeared in number theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UENO Kimio, OKUDA Jun-ichi

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    First I tried to make correspondence, via Mellin transforms and inverse Mellin transforms, between linear relations held among multiple zeta values and connection relations held among multiple polylogarithms of one variable. I was succeeded in clarifying the correspondence between Ohno relations for multiple zeta values and the connection formula for multiple polylogarithms with respect to z→z-1. This result was published as the paper "Relations for Multiple Zeta Values and Mellin Transforms of Multiple Polylogarithms, Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 40 (2004), 537-564".
    Motivated by this research, I tried to study symmetry of the formal Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov(KZ) equation of one variable, in which the coefficients of the equation are regarded as noncommutative variables. Here the symmetry of the equation means transformation theory of fundamental solutions normalized at the singular points. The most universal generating function of multiple polylogarithms is a fundamental solution normalized at z=0. The connection matrices of these fundamental solutions are given by the so called Drinfeld associator, and the connection relations yield the duality relation and the hexagon relation for the Drinfeld associator. This result was published as the paper "The Sum Formula of Multiple Zeta Values and Connection Problem of the Formal Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equation, Development in Mathematics 14, Zeta Functions, Topology and Quantum Physics ed. Be T. Aoki et al., Springer (2005),145-170.
    Furthermore, I have been trying to generalize the symmetry theory in the formal KZ equation of many variables. I expect that, from this theory, the connection formulas for multiple polylogarithms of many variables. So far, I established the decomposition theorem, and the analycity theorem for normalized fundamental solutions of the KZ equation, from which one can deduce the pentagon relation for the Drinfeld associator. I proposed a conjecture that the harmonic product relations(or the series shuffle relations) of multiple polylogarithms are equivalent to the decomposition theorem. This result is announced in an invited project lecture in the autumn conference of MSJ at Osaka City University, 2006 September.

  • Study on special functions in q-analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UENO Kimio, FUKUSHIMA Nobuhisa, YONEDA Gen

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    Through the years from 2000 to 2003, I have been studying "Multiple Zeta Values" (MZVs, for short). I have written two articles on this theme: "New Approach to Ohno Relation for Multiple Zeta Values" (by Jun-ichi Okuda and Kimio Ueno, arXive:math.NT/0106148), "Relations for Multiple Zeta Values and Mellin Transforms of Multiple Polylogarithms" (by Jun-ichi Okuda and Kimio Ueno, arXive:math.NT/0301277). The latter article is an enlarged version of the former, and I submitted the latter to Publications of RIMS, Kyoto University.In recent progress of study, I revealed that relations satisfied by MZVs can be regarded, via inverse Mellin transform - Mellin transform, as the monodromy problem of the multiple polylogarithms (MPLs, for short). In the article submitted, I showed that the Ohno relations for MZVs are, in a sense, equivalent to the Landen connection formulas for MPLs.To the international conference "Zeta Functions, Topology and Quantum Physics" held at Kinki University, from March 3rd to March 6th (2003), Jun-ichi Okuda, who is a graduate student at Department of Mathematics, Waseda University, and the collaborators of this study, was invited and gave on hour lecture on this theme

  • Boundary conditions for gavge coupled Dirac operators and their invariants.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KORI Toshiaki, YONIDA Gen, SUZUKI Takeru, KOSAMA Tokitake, TANAKA Kazunaga, KAJI Hajime

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    (1) T.Kori investigated the theory of the index of a gauge coupled Dirac operator with Grassmannian boundary condition, especially he gave a direct method of calculations not using the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer theory for those problems on the four dimensional hemisphere.
    (2) T.Kori.proved a formula about the chiral anomaly of gauge coupled Dirac operators. Here he proved that the index of a gauge coupled Diracoperator on S^4 is equal to the index of the geometric Dirac operator on the hemisphere with a Grassmannian boundary condition comming from the vector potential, that is, the effect by the gauge is absorbed in the boundary condition. This result will be published in the Proceeding of the conference on Geometric Aspects of Partial Differential Equations as one volume of AMS Contemporary Mathematics series.
    (3) The problem of extension of spinors from the boundary to the interior or the exterior as zero mode spinors is solved. By this an analogy of the Laurent expansion theorem for zero mode spinors is obtained. Thus the concepts of meromorphic spinors and their residues are introduced. He proved the residue theorem on a domain in S^4. Many theorems that are counterparts of what are known in complex function theory are expected to hold in our framework of spinor analysis. This will be our next project.

  • 複素多様体上の一般相対論と特異点構造

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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 構造保存型数値解法を用いたEinstein方程式の実現象の数値計算について


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  • Einstein方程式の構造保存型数値解法の構築


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  • アインシュタイン方程式の数値解析に適した差分方程式の開発


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    Einstein方程式を数値計算によって解くとき,拘束条件の破れを小さく抑えることに注意しなければならない。差分化する際にそれを評価する1つの指標であるConstraint's order of accuracy (COA)を用いて有効な方法を提案し,数値計算の際のConstraintの破れを小さい抑えることが出来ることを確かめた。また,発展方程式に拘束量を加える(補正)ことも有効と考え,covariant BSSN形式をベースに,拘束条件の発展式を導出し,拘束条件拡大ファクター(CAF)を調べた。またいくつかの背景時空で,いくつかの補正を提案し,CAFを調べることによって,その有効性を主張した。

  • Einstein方程式の数値解析に適した差分方程式


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    拘束条件つき時間発展方程式であるEinstein方程式を数値計算によって解くとき,拘束条件の破れを小さく抑えることに注意しなければならない。パラメータ付きの差分化を用いて,Constraint's order of accuracyが向上するようにパラメータを決めれば,数値計算の際の拘束条件の破れを小さく抑えることが出来ることを確かめた。しかしこの方法によって差分方程式を得ようとすると,パラメータに対して非線形の方程式を解く必要があり,解けたとしてもその解が複雑となる。その解が静的になる場合と,動的になる場合を分けて議論して,有効な手法を提案した。

  • Einstein方程式の構造保存型数値解法の構築


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    Einstein方程式を数値解析するとき,束縛条件つき時間発展問題となり,束縛条件の破れをより小さく抑える差分方程式が必要である。その作成のためには,まず差分方程式から解析的に束縛条件の破れを評価する必要がある。その方法として Constraint's order of accuracy (COA)という指標を提案した。この指標の示す値と,実際の数値計算のConstraintの破れが強く相関し,連動していることをいろいろな発展方程式とその差分化について確認した。さらにパラメータ付きの差分化を用いて,このCOAが向上するようにパラメータを決め,良いパラメータを選べば,数値計算の際のConstraintの破れを小さい抑えることが出来ることを確かめた。

  • Hamilton構造をもった数値安定なEinstein方程式の構築

    2019   土屋 拓也

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    当研究の目的はEinstein方程式を数値的に解くときに適した離散化の方法を見つけることにある。数値的に解こうとするとき、Einstein方程式の大きな特徴は2つあり、1つは非線形性が強いこと、1つは1st classの束縛条件があることである。前者は数値的な安定性に関係し、後者は束縛条件の破れに関係する。特に後者について、離散化の良し悪しを評価する方法としてConstraint Accuracy Order(CAO)という方法を提案した。学会発表する予定であったが、学会が中止となってしまったので、2020年度以降に成果発表したい。このCAOを用いて、既存の様々な離散化手法に適用・評価し、数値実験でその実用性を確かめることに成功した。

  • Einstein方程式に特化した離散化手法の研究

    2018   土屋拓也

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    Einstein方程式の数値シミュレーションの精度向上を目指して研究した.今年度は,主に次の2つの方法について調査研究を行った.(1) Einstein方程式を差分方程式にする際に適した差分化の方法を探す.(2) 発展方程式に拘束条件の破れを加えることでより安定的な数値計算を可能にする.(1)について成果は,Einstein方程式の2次摂動まで考慮した数値計算を行う際の,差分化の工夫を行い,精度向上することを確かめた.(2)については,拘束伝搬方程式の係数行列に非平坦な時空を代入してから,数値計算により固有値を求め,その値が数値計算の安定性と密接に関連していることを確かめた.

  • Einstein方程式に特化した離散化手法の研究


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    Einstein方程式の数値シミュレーションの精度向上を目指して研究した.今年度は,主に次の2つの方法について調査研究を行った.(1) Einstein方程式を差分方程式にする際に適した差分化の方法を探す.(2) 発展方程式に拘束条件の破れを加えることでより安定的な数値計算を可能にする.(1)について成果は,Einstein方程式の2次摂動まで考慮した数値計算を行う際の,差分化の工夫を行い,精度向上することを確かめた.(2)については,拘束伝搬方程式の係数行列に非平坦な時空を代入してから,数値計算により固有値を求め,その値が数値計算の安定性と密接に関連していることを確かめた.

  • Hamilton構造をもった数値安定なEinstein方程式の構築


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  • Hamilton構造をもった数値安定なEinstein方程式の構築


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  • Hamilton構造をもった数値安定なEinstein方程式の構築


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  • Hamilton構造をもった数値安定なEinstein方程式の構築


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  • Hamilton構造をもった数値安定なEinstein方程式の構築

    2015   Takuya Tsuchiya

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  • Hamilton構造をもった数値安定なEinstein方程式の構築

    2015   土屋拓也

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  • 離散変分法を用いた数値安定な離散Einstein方程式の構築


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  • (N+1)次元Einstein方程式の解とその埋め込まれたN次元超曲面の解析


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    (N+1)次元のEinstein方程式をN次元超平面の時間発展として解析していくためには,数値解析による手法が不可欠である.数値解析をするためには,連続の方程式であるEinstein方程式を差分方程式に直す必要がある.これには従来ではCrank-Nicolson法やRunge-Kutta法がよく用いられている.しかしこれらは,他の方程式に対して安定的に数値解析可能なように開発された方法であり,Einstein方程式のために開発されたものではない.ある近似の範囲でEinstein方程式が有する性質を仮定して有効性が認められるのみである.具体的にはconstraintが保存するという意味で構造保存の性質を有していない.Einstein方程式の数値解析が必要とされる一般相対論的が支配的な状況では,強い重力場や長時間の時間発展などを扱う.その場合に上記の近似が無意味になり,数値解析をする時の最大の問題となるのはconstraintの破れである.よって,構造保存の差分方程式を開発することは重要である.そこでDiscrete variational Derivative Method(DVDM)という方法を使って,アインシュタイン方程式の差分化を行った.最初にHamiltonian形式である必要があるので,Original Arnowitt-Deser-Misner形式をベースにした.DVDMを用いる例としては,2階微分を含む非線形の方程式では例がないので,それらの扱いを可能にする工夫を要した.その結果,構造保存の性質を持った差分化に成功した.数値解析によりその有効性を実験的に確かめた.また,同様なことをマクスウェルの方程式についても行い,従来の差分方程式と今回作成した差分方程式の違いを明瞭にした.これらの結果を応用数理学会(JSIAM),日本数学会(JMS),一般素体論と重力研究会(JGRG)において発表した.(発表は連携研究者の土屋拓也氏.)また結果をまとめたものを論文投稿中である.

  • 数値相対論における動的なラグランジェ乗数係数を用いた安定な形式の構築

    2012   土屋 拓也

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  • 有限要素法によるEinstein方程式の数値シミュレーション


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  • 有限要素法によるEinstein方程式の数値シミュレーション


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  • 安定な数値シミュレーションを行うためのEinstein方程式の定式化


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    安定な数値シミュレーションを行うためのEinstein方程式の定式化について,束縛条件発展方程式の固有値解析が有効であることを理論,数値計算両面から確かめた.メキシコで行われた数値相対論の国際会議において成果を講演した.また,高次元数値相対論についての真貝寿昭との共著を執筆し掲載決定した.その概要は以下の通りである.従来の4次元時空モデルより高い次元の時空モデルは,様々な解釈を提供し,かつ異なるダイナミックな面を持っている.そのような最近の興味による高次元時空の数値相対論の研究のために,束縛条件の時間発展における振る舞いの次元の依存を調べる.N+1 Arnowitt-Deser-Misner進化方程式にはNに依存する物質項があります、しかし、束縛条件と束縛条件発展方程式は空間次元に不変の形式を持つ.これは我々が,4次元の場合のそうだったように,N+1次元数値相対論において,安定性,正確さについての問題があることを示唆するものである.しかし同時に,従来の束縛条件発展方程式の解析が,高次元においても有用であることも分かる.

  • 複素多様体上の一般相対論と特異点構造


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