Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
Doctor of Information and Computer Science ( Waseda University )
Hironori Washizaki is head and professor at Global Software Engineering Laboratory, Waseda University, Japan. He also works at National Institute of Informatics as visiting professor, at SYSTEM INFORMATION CO.,LTD. as outside director, and at eXmotion Co., Ltd. as outside director. He obtained his Doctor’s degree in Information and Computer Science from Waseda University in 2003. His research interests include software modeling, product line, and quality assurance. He has published more than 50 research papers in refereed international journals and conferences. He received JSSST Encouraging Award 2004, IPSJ/SES2006 Best Paper Award, IPSJ Research Award 2008, Funai Information Science Encouraging Award 2008, Zengo Award 2009, FIT2009 Best Paper Award, IWESEP 2014 Best Poster Award, and 2016 APSCIT Computer Research Contribution Award. He has served as a workshop co-chair of ASE’06, publicity chair of APSEC’07, ASE’12, CSEE&T’15 and BICT 2015, Asia liaison of SEKE’10-15, program chair of SPAQu’07-09 and AsisanPLoP’10, general chair of AsianPLoP’11, 14-15, organizer of MAPLE/SCALE’13, local chair of SPLC’13. He has also served as members of program committee for many international conferences including ICSE, ASE, ICST, SEKE, ICMT, XP, SAC PSC, SPLC, PROMISE, PROFES, APSEC, JCKBSE, PLoP, AsianPLoP, ICSOFT, DEPEND, ASEA, SecTech, ISA, WorldCIST, Mensura, MODELSWARD, BIST AISE and ICIST ISSEA. He served as members of editorial board for several journals including IJSEKE, IEICE, JIP, JSSST Computer Software, IJSEIA, and TOSEJ. He served as the director of ACM-ICPC 2014 Asia Regional Tokyo Contest and secretary of IEEE CS Japan Chapter. He is now chair of IEEE CS Japan Chapter, chair of SEMAT Japan Chapter, director of SamurAI Coding 2014-15 and 2015-16, and Convenor of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20. He is appointed as program co-chair of ICST 2017 in Tokyo and program co-chair of CSEE&T 2017.

Research Experience

  • 2016.04

    National Institute of Informatics   Visiting Professor

  • 2016.04

    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering   Professor

  • 2008.04

    National Institute of Informatics   Visiting Associate Professor

  • 2008.04

    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering   Associate Professor

  • 2015.12

    SYSTEM INFORMATION CO.,LTD.   Outside Director

  • 2015.10

    Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal   visiting

  • 2010.10

    Waseda University, Global Software Engineering Laboratory   Director

  • 2004.04

    National Institute of Informatics   Assistant Professor

  • 2002.04

    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering   Research Associate

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Education Background

  • 2001.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Department of Information and Computer Science, Doctoral Course  

  • 1999.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Department of Information and Computer Science, Master Course  

  • 1995.04

    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering   Department of Information and Computer Science  

Committee Memberships

  • 2010.01

    International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE)  Asia Liaison

  • 2010.01

    International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE)  Asia Liaison

  • 2016.10

    30th IEEE Interionational Conference on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND TRAINING  PC Co-Chair

  • 2016.10

    30th IEEE Interionational Conference on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND TRAINING  PC Co-Chair

  • 2015.01

    International Workshop on Patterns Promotion and Anti-patterns Prevention (PPAP)  Organizer

  • 2015.01

    International Workshop on Patterns Promotion and Anti-patterns Prevention (PPAP)  Organizer

  • 2015.12

    10th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2017)  PC Co-Chair

  • 2015.12

    10th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2017)  PC Co-Chair

  • 2015.04

    AsianPLoP 2016: 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs  General Co-Chair

  • 2015.04

    AsianPLoP 2016: 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs  General Co-Chair

  • 2015.06

    Ministry of Justice, Family registration system WG  Member

  • 2015.06

    法務省民事局戸籍システム検討ワーキンググループ  委員

  • 2015.06

    ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20  Convenor

  • 2015.06

    ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20  Convenor

  • 2015.01

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Editorial Board  Associate Editor

  • 2015.01

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Editorial Board  Associate Editor

  • 2015.01

    IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter  Chair

  • 2015.01

    IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter  Chair

  • 2014.07

    International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Editorial Board  Associate Editor

  • 2014.07

    International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Editorial Board  Associate Editor

  • 2014.04

    IPSJ International AI Programming Contest: SamurAI Coding  Director

  • 2014.04

    情報処理学会プログラミングコンテスト委員会 SamurAI Coding  委員長

  • 2013.06

    JSSST Journal Editorial Board  Associate Editor

  • 2013.06

    日本ソフトウェア科学会論文誌編集委員会  編集委員

  • 2013.04

    IPSJ General Information Education Committee  Member

  • 2013.04

    情報処理学会一般情報教育委員会  Member

  • 2013.04

    SEMAT Japan Chapter  Chair

  • 2013.04

    SEMAT Japan Chapter  Chair

  • 2013.04

    Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers, Software Quality Profession (SQiP) Study Group Committee  Vice Chair

  • 2013.04

    日本科学技術連盟ソフトウェア品質管理研究会  副委員長

  • 2011.11

    Japanese Society for Quality Control, Journal Editorial Board  Member

  • 2011.11

    日本品質管理学会論文誌編集委員会  Member

  • 2011.06

    Japan Society for Software Science and Technology  Director

  • 2011.06

    日本ソフトウェア科学会  理事

  • 2010.04

    Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan (IPSJ/ITSCJ), SC7/WG20 Committee  Chair

  • 2010.04

    情報処理学会情報規格調査会SC7/WG20小委員会  主査

  • 2010.04

    JASA ET Software Design Robot Contest  Judge Advisor

  • 2010.04

    組込みシステム技術協会ETソフトウェアデザインロボットコンテスト本部実行委員会  審査アドバイザ

  • 2003.04

    IPSJ SIGSE Patterns WG  Secretary

  • 2003.04

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会パターンWG  幹事


    JUSE SQiP Study Group, Study Course  Chair


    日本科学技術連盟ソフトウェア品質管理研究会演習コース  主査

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Professional Memberships




    SEMAT Japan Chapter


    IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter




    IEEE Computer Society




    Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST)


    Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)


    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)

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Research Areas

  • Intelligent informatics / Information security / Computer system / Software

Research Interests

  • Software Engineering for Business and Society

  • Information, Computer Science and Programming Education

  • Systems Engineering

  • Software Engineering

  • Computer Science


  • KDDI Foundation Award本賞

    2022.03   公益財団法人KDDI財団   スマートソフトウェアシステムの部品化再利用と品質保証および人材育成

    Winner: 鷲崎 弘宜

  • 2022 Spirit of the Computer Society Award

    2022   IEEE Computer Society  

    Winner: Hironori Wahizaki

  • 査読功労賞

    2022   電子情報通信学会 情報・システムソサイエティ  

    Winner: 鷲崎 弘宜

  • 教育優秀賞

    2022   電子情報通信学会  

    Winner: 鷲崎 弘宜

  • Distinguished Contributor

    2022   IEEE Computer Society  

    Winner: Hironori Washizaki

  • 感謝状

    2022.01   情報処理学会   プログラミングコンテストSamurAI Coding運営への貢献

    Winner: 鷲崎 弘宜

  • Golen Core Member

    2022   IEEE Computer Society  

  • Fellow

    2022   International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA)  

  • 国際規格開発賞

    2021.10   情報処理学会情報規格調査会   ISO/IEC 24773-3:2021 Software and systems engineering — Certification of software and systems engineering professionals — Part 3: Systems engineering

    Winner: 鷲崎 弘宜

  • 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(理解増進部門)

    2021.04   文部科学省   先端スマートシステム技術の普及啓発

    Winner: 鷲崎 弘宜, 本位田 真一, 鄭 顕志, 内平 直志, 深澤 良彰

  • 功績賞

    2020   情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会   ソフトウェアパターンに関する研究コミュニティへの貢献

    Winner: 鷲崎 弘宜

  • Best Paper Award

    2019.12   The 10th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2019)   Categorizing and visualizing issue tickets to better understand the features implemented in existing software systems

    Winner: Ryo Ishizuka, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinobu Saito, Saori Ouji

  • IMS Japan 賞 特別賞

    2019.11   一般社団法人 日本IMS協会   enPiT-Pro スマートエスイー オンライン教材

    Winner: スマートエスイー, 稲

  • 日本 e-Learning 大賞 2019 IT人財育成部門賞

    2019.11   一般社団法人e-Learning Initiative Japan   enPiT-Pro スマートエスイー オンライン教材

    Winner: スマートエスイー, 稲

  • 卓越研究賞

    2019.07   情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会   ProMeTA: a taxonomy for program metamodels in program reverse engineering

    Winner: Hironori Washizaki, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, Foutse Khomh

  • 卓越研究賞

    2019.07   情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会   WSQF: Comprehensive Software Quality Evaluation Framework and Benchmark based on the SQuaRE

    Winner: 津田直彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 本田澄, 中井秀矩, 深澤良彰, 東基衛, 込山俊博, 中野 正, 鈴木啓紹, 森田純恵, 小島嘉津江, 楾晃歓

  • Best Paper Award Nominee

    2019.07   21st IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2019)   Generating Linear Temporal Logics based on Property Specification Templates

    Winner: Weibin Luo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

  • 中間評価結果 S評価

    2019.03   文部科学省 成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成(enPiT)   enPiT-Pro スマートエスイー

    Winner: スマートエスイー, 稲

  • 早稲田大学ティーチングアワード総長賞

    2018.02   早稲田大学  

    Winner: 大久保雅司, 鷲崎弘宜

  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム SES2017 インタラクティブ特別賞

    2017.09   情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会   B-to-Bクラウドアプリケーションにおける反復的なデータ駆動型ペルソナ構築の事例研究

    Winner: 渡邊泰宏, 鷲崎弘宜, 本田澄, 深澤良彰, 多賀正博, 松崎明, 鈴木隆喜

  • Engineering Education Award (工学教育賞)

    2017.08   Japanese Society for Engineering Education  

  • 日本国際賞 後席にて天皇皇后両陛下に研究紹介


    Winner: 鷲崎弘宜

  • Computer Research Contribution Award

    2016.12   Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology (APSCIT)  

    Winner: Hironori Washizaki

  • Best Paper Award Nominee of 32nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2016) (for “A Taxonomy for Program Metamodels in Program Reverse Engineering”) 2016.


  • 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia Tuesday 27th – Friday 30th January 2015, Best Student Paper (for “Comparative Study on Programmable Robots as Programming Educational Tools”)


  • ACE Best Student Paper

    2015.01   The Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia   Comparative Study on Programmable Robots as Programming Educational Tools

    Winner: Shohei Yamazaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

  • IWESEP Best Poster Award

    2014.11   6th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2014)   Toward Monitoring Bugs-fixing Process after the Releases in Open Source Software

    Winner: Keisuke Fujino, Akinori Ihara, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Kenichi Matsumoto

  • 17th Workshop on Requirements Engineering (WER 2014) Best Paper Award Nominee (for “Abstract security patterns for requirements and analysis of secure systems”)


  • FIT2009 Best Paper Award

    2009.09   Funai Foundation   A Framework for Measuring Test Coverage Supporting Multiple Programming Languages

    Winner: Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

  • Zengo Award

    2009.01   Association of Software Test Engineering   Acceptance-Test based on the Inter-Use Case Relations

    Winner: Susumu Kariyuki, Atsuto Kubo, Mikio Suzuki, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

  • Nikkei Quality Management Bibliography Award

    2008.11   Guide to the Software Quality Body Of Knowledge: SQuBOK

    Winner: SQuBOK Editorial Board, Hironori Washizaki

  • Funai Information Science Encouraging Award

    2008.04   Funai Foundation   A Study on Software Reuse and Quality Evaluation

    Winner: Hironori Washizaki

  • Yamashita Research Award

    2008.03   Information Processing Society of Japan   A Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Program Source Code Quality

    Winner: Hironori Washizaki

  • Software Engineering Symposium Best Paper Award

    2006.10   IPSJ SIGSE   A Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Program Source Code Quality

    Winner: Hironori Washizaki, Rieko Namiki, Tomoyuki Fukuoka, Yoko Harada, Hiroyuki Watanabe

  • Takahashi Encouraging Award

    2004.06   Japan Society for Software Science and Technology   WWWからのオブジェクト指向プログラムの収集と検索

    Winner: Hironori Washizaki

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  • Identifying and Improving Problems and Risks of Management Strategies Based on GQM+Strategies Metamodel and Design Principles

    Chimaki Shimura, Hironori Washizaki, Yohei Aoki, Takanobu Kobori, Kiyoshi Honda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Katsutoshi Shintani, Takuto Nonomura

    Journal of Information & Knowledge Management   23 ( 04 )  2024.04

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    Due to the criticality of software and IT in today’s business environment, organisations often align business goals and IT strategies. One alignment method is GQM+Strategies® (GQM+Strategies® is a registered trademark (No. 302008021763 at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and international registration number IR992843). Although GQM+Strategies employs a vertical refinement tree grid based on rationales to align business goals and IT strategies in each department and throughout the organisation, it allows multiple perspectives. This can lead to strategic problems and risks because the GQM+Strategies grid may be unclear. To address this deficiency, this study defines modelling rules with a metamodel specified using a Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagram and employs design principles described by Object Constraint Language (OCL) to automatically configure GQM+Strategies grids. These design principles are used in an experiment as the evaluation criteria to assess potential strategic problems and risks. The results confirm that our method has the potential to support the construction of GQM+Strategies grids with a consistent perspective, aiding in the alignment of business goals and IT strategies throughout an organisation.


  • Development of Data-driven Persona Including User Behavior and Pain Point through Clustering with User Log of B2B Software

    Rie Sera, Hironori Washizaki, Junyan Chen, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Masahiro Taga, Kazuyuki Nakagawa, Yusuke Sakai, Kiyoshi Honda

    Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/ACM 17th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering    2024.04



  • Improved Program Repair Methods using Refactoring with GPT Models

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1    2024.03



  • A Community-Based Intervention to Enhance Subjective Well-Being in Older Adults: Study Design and Baseline Participant Profiles (Protocol)

    Tsubasa Nakada, Takako Kozawa, Satoshi Seino, Shinichi Murota, Miki Eto, Junko Shimasawa, Yumiko Shimizu, Shinobu Tsurugano, Fuminori Katsukawa, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yo Ishigaki, Maki Sakamoto, Keiki Takadama, Keiji Yanai, Osamu Matsuo, Chiyoko Kameue, Hitomi Suzuki, Kayo Kurotani, Kazunori Ohkawara

    Healthcare   12 ( 3 ) 322 - 322  2024.01  [Refereed]

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    Promoting subjective well-being is a crucial challenge in aging societies. In 2022, we launched a community-based intervention trial (the Chofu-Digital-Choju Movement). This initiative centered on fostering in-person and online social connections to enhance the subjective well-being of older adults. This paper describes the study design and baseline survey. This quasi-experimental study involved community-dwelling older adults aged 65–84 years in Chofu City, Tokyo, Japan. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 3742 residents (1681 men and 2061 women), and a baseline survey was conducted in January 2022. We assessed subjective well-being (primary outcome); psychosocial, physical, and dietary factors; and the use of information and communication technology variables (secondary outcomes) among the participants. After the intervention involving online classes, community hubs, and community events, a 2-year follow-up survey will be conducted to evaluate the effects of the intervention, comparing the intervention group (participants) with the control group (non-participants). We received 2503 questionnaires (66.9% response rate); of these, the analysis included 2343 questionnaires (62.6% valid response rate; mean age, 74.4 (standard deviation, 5.4) years; 43.7% male). The mean subjective well-being score was 7.2 (standard deviation, 1.9). This study will contribute to the development of a prototype subjective well-being strategy for older adults.



  • Systematic Literature Review of Prompt Engineering Patterns in Software Engineering.

    Yuya Sasaki 0006, Hironori Washizaki, Jialong Li, Dominik Sander, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    COMPSAC     670 - 675  2024



  • A Machine Learning Based Approach to Detect Machine Learning Design Patterns

    Weitao Pan, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Foutse Khomh, Yann–Gaël Guéhéneuc

    2023 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC)    2023.12


  • Log Drift Impact on Online Anomaly Detection Workflows

    Scott Lupton, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Product-Focused Software Process Improvement     267 - 283  2023.12



  • Enterprise Architecture-based Metamodel for a Holistic Business—IT Alignment View on Machine Learning Projects

    Hironori Takeuchi, Jati H. Husen, Hnin Thandar Tun, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    2023 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE)    2023.11


  • A Bayesian Network-Based Analysis of Changing Impact of Organizational Goals on Software Development

    Kiyoshi Honda, Naohiro Hashimoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Masahiro Taga, Akira Matsuzaki, Kazuyuki Nakagawa, Yusuke Sakai

    2023 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW)     154 - 159  2023.10


  • Automatic Detection of Abstract–Concrete Relationships between Attack Patterns of ATT&CK and CAPEC with Fine-tuned BERT

    Takuma Tsuchida, Rikuho Miyata, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    2023 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA)    2023.08


  • Towards Integrated Model-Based Machine Learning Experimentation Framework

    Jomphon Runpakprakun, Jati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    2023 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA)    2023.08


  • Extensible Modeling Framework for Reliable Machine Learning System Analysis

    Jati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Hnin Thandar Tun, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hironori Takeuchi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kazuki Munakata

    2023 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Conference on AI Engineering – Software Engineering for AI (CAIN)    2023.05


  • Investigating the Effect of Binary Gender Preferences on Computational Thinking Skills

    Rose Niousha, Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Education Sciences   13 ( 5 ) 433 - 433  2023.04

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    The Computer Science industry suffers from a vivid gender gap. To understand this gap, Computational Thinking skills in Computer Science education are analyzed by binary gender roles using block-based programming languages such as Scratch since they are intuitive for beginners. Platforms such as Dr. Scratch, aid learners in improving their coding skills by earning a Computational Thinking score while supporting effective assessments of students' projects and fostering basic computer programming. Although previous studies have examined gender differences using Scratch programs, few have analyzed the Scratch project type's impact on the evaluation process when comparing genders. Herein, the influence of project type is analyzed using instances of 124 (62 male, 62 female) projects on the Scratch website. Initially, projects were categorized based on the user's gender and project type. Hypothetical testing of each case shows that the scoring system has a bias based on the project type. As gender differences appear by project type, the project type may significantly affect the gender gap in Computational Thinking scores. This study demonstrates the importance of incorporating the project type's effect into the Scratch projects' evaluation process when assessing gender differences.



  • Assessment of Real-World Incident Detection Through a Component-Based Online Log Anomaly Detection Pipeline Framework

    Scott Lupton, Lena Yu, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - 2023 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2023     477 - 478  2023

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    This study introduces an open-source, component-based pipeline framework for online log anomaly detection. It implements popular parsing, encoding, and anomaly detection methods as replaceable components, and compares their performance to industry-standard, rule-based methods using real-world incident log data. The goal of this study is to assess the suitability of using modern log anomaly detection methods for industry system monitoring.



  • Identifying missing relationships of CAPEC attack patterns by transformer models and graph structure.

    Rikuho Miyata, Hironori Washizaki, Kensuke Sumoto, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takao Okubo

    SVM     14 - 17  2023



  • Gender Characteristics and Computational Thinking in Scratch.

    Rose Niousha, Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    SIGCSE (2)     1344 - 1344  2023



  • Programming Education for Young People using the Falling-Puzzle Game, "Puyo Puyo".

    Daisuke Saito, Ruochen Tian, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    EDUCON     1 - 5  2023



  • Metamodel-Based Multi-View Modeling Framework for Machine Learning Systems

    Jati Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hnin Tun, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hironori Takeuchi

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering    2023


  • Abstract security patterns and the design of secure systems

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Joseph Yoder

    Cybersecurity   5 ( 1 )  2022.12

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    During the initial stages of software development, the primary goal is to define precise and detailed requirements without concern for software realizations. Security constraints should be introduced then and must be based on the semantic aspects of applications, not on their software architectures, as it is the case in most secure development methodologies. In these stages, we need to identify threats as attacker goals and indicate what conceptual security defenses are needed to thwart these goals, without consideration of implementation details. We can consider the effects of threats on the application assets and try to find ways to stop them. These threats should be controlled with abstract security mechanisms that can be realized by abstract security patterns (ASPs), that include only the core functions of these mechanisms, which must be present in every implementation of them. An abstract security pattern describes a conceptual security mechanism that includes functions able to stop or mitigate a threat or comply with a regulation or institutional policy. We describe here the properties of ASPs and present a detailed example. We relate ASPs to each other and to Security Solution Frames, which describe families of related patterns. We show how to include ASPs to secure an application, as well as how to derive concrete patterns from them. Finally, we discuss their practical value, including their use in “security by design” and IoT systems design.



  • Modeling tool for managing canvas-based models traceability in ML system development

    Jati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Hnin Thandar Tun, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings    2022.10



  • WOJR: A Recommendation System for Providing Similar Problems to Programming Assignments

    Ryoya Yoshimura, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Applied System Innovation   5 ( 53 ) 1 - 18  2022.05  [Refereed]



  • Traceable business-to-safety analysis framework for safety-critical machine learning systems

    Jati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Hnin Thandar Tun, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hironori Takeuchi

    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI Engineering: Software Engineering for AI    2022.05



  • Comparative Evaluation of NLP-Based Approaches for Linking CAPEC Attack Patterns from CVE Vulnerability Information

    Kenta Kanakogi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Takehisa Kato, Hideyuki Kanuka, Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Applied Sciences   12 ( 7 ) 3400 - 3400  2022.03

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    Vulnerability and attack information must be collected to assess the severity of vulnerabilities and prioritize countermeasures against cyberattacks quickly and accurately. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures is a dictionary that lists vulnerabilities and incidents, while Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification is a dictionary of attack patterns. Direct identification of common attack pattern enumeration and classification from common vulnerabilities and exposures is difficult, as they are not always directly linked. Here, an approach to directly find common links between these dictionaries is proposed. Then, several patterns, which are combinations of similarity measures and popular algorithms such as term frequency–inverse document frequency, universal sentence encoder, and sentence BERT, are evaluated experimentally using the proposed approach. Specifically, two metrics, recall and mean reciprocal rank, are used to assess the traceability of the common attack pattern enumeration and classification identifiers associated with 61 identifiers for common vulnerabilities and exposures. The experiment confirms that the term frequency–inverse document frequency algorithm provides the best overall performance.



  • Improving Fuzzing Coverage with Execution Path Length Selection.

    Wenxi Zhang, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops     132 - 133  2022



  • Scratch Project Analysis: Relationship Between Gender and Computational Thinking Skill.

    Rose Niousha, Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    TALE     567 - 571  2022



  • Recommendation System Providing Similar Problems Instead ofw Model Answers to Programming Assignments

    Ryoya Yoshimura, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2022, ECEI 2022     229 - 232  2022

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    Online judges are often used in programming education for beginners. Although they help improve coding skills, students may not obtain sufficient educational effects with much assignment difficulty. Instead of presenting a model answer to an assignment, we propose an approach to provide students contents of problems and answer source code similar to the assignment. We implemented the approach as a system and conducted an intervention experiment in a university lecture course to evaluate its effectiveness. There was a statistically significant improvement in the number of correct answers compared to the same course in another year without the proposed system. Therefore, it is suggested that the proposed approach can aid in the understanding of an assignment and improve the educational effect.



  • Development of a Game to Foster Programming Thinking for Learning through Reading Program

    Daisuke Saito, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shuichi Uchiyama, Ramzi Ramzi

    2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology & Education (TALE)    2021.12


  • Literature Review on Log Anomaly Detection Approaches Utilizing Online Parsing Methodology

    Scott Lupton, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    2021 28th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC)    2021.12


  • Validation of Rubric Evaluation for Programming Education

    Daisuke Saito, Risei Yajima, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    EDUCATION SCIENCES   11 ( 10 )  2021.10

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    In evaluating the learning achievement of programming-thinking skills, the method of using a rubric that describes evaluation items and evaluation stages is widely employed. However, few studies have evaluated the reliability, validity, and consistency of the rubrics themselves. In this study, we introduced a statistical method for evaluating the characteristics of rubrics using the goal question metric (GQM) method. Furthermore, we proposed a method for measuring four evaluation results and characteristics obtained from rubrics developed using this statistical method. Moreover, we showed and confirmed the consistency and validity of the statistical method using the GQM method of the resulting developed rubrics. We show how to verify the consistency and validity of the rubric using the GQM method.</p>



  • The design of secure IoT applications using patterns: State of the art and directions for research

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takao Okubo

    Internet of Things   15   1 - 25  2021.09  [Refereed]



  • Tracing CVE Vulnerability Information to CAPEC Attack Patterns Using Natural Language Processing Techniques

    Kenta Kanakogi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Takehisa Kato, Hideyuki Kanuka, Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Information   12 ( 8 ) 298 - 298  2021.07

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    For effective vulnerability management, vulnerability and attack information must be collected quickly and efficiently. A security knowledge repository can collect such information. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) provides known vulnerabilities of products, while the Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC) stores attack patterns, which are descriptions of common attributes and approaches employed by adversaries to exploit known weaknesses. Due to the fact that the information in these two repositories are not linked, identifying related CAPEC attack information from CVE vulnerability information is challenging. Currently, the related CAPEC-ID can be traced from the CVE-ID using Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) in some but not all cases. Here, we propose a method to automatically trace the related CAPEC-IDs from CVE-ID using three similarity measures: TF–IDF, Universal Sentence Encoder (USE), and Sentence-BERT (SBERT). We prepared and used 58 CVE-IDs as test input data. Then, we tested whether we could trace CAPEC-IDs related to each of the 58 CVE-IDs. Additionally, we experimentally confirm that TF–IDF is the best similarity measure, as it traced 48 of the 58 CVE-IDs to the related CAPEC-ID.



  • Preliminary literature review of machine learning system development practices

    Yasuhiro Watanabe, Hironori Washizaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Daisuke Saito, Kiyoshi Honda, Naohiko Tsuda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2021     1407 - 1408  2021.07

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    To guide practitioners and researchers to design and research Machine Learning (ML) system development processes, we conduct a preliminary literature review on ML system development practices. We identified seven papers and two other papers determined in an ad-hoc review. Our findings include emphasized phases in ML system developments, frequently described ML-specific practices, and tailored traditional practices.



  • CSPM

    Tian Xia, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Haruhiko Kaiya, Shinpei Ogata, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Takehisa Kato, Hideyuki Kanuka, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Atsuo Hazeyama

    International Journal of Systems and Software Security and Protection   12 ( 2 ) 1 - 18  2021.07

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    Security and privacy in cloud systems are critical. To address security and privacy concerns, many security patterns, privacy patterns, and non-pattern-based knowledge have been reported. However, knowing which pattern or combination of patterns to use in a specific scenario is challenging due to the sheer volume of options and the layered cloud stack. To deal with security and privacy in cloud services, this study proposes the cloud security and privacy metamodel (CSPM). CSPM uses a consistent approach to classify and handle existing security and privacy patterns. In addition, CSPM is used to develop a security and privacy awareness process to develop cloud systems. The effectiveness and practicality of CSPM is demonstrated via several case studies.


  • Extracting features related to bug fixing time of bug reports by deep learning and gradient-based visualization

    Yuki Noyori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Ooshima, Hideyuki Kanuka, Shuhei Nojiri, Ryosuke Tsuchiya

    2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications, ICAICA 2021     402 - 407  2021.06

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    A bug report is a document indicating when a bug occurs. Developers discuss and resolve the bug through comments in the report. The time required to fix a bug can depend on the bug report. Although many studies have researched bug reports, few have examined bug report comments. Herein we adopt a convolutional neural network (CNN), which is a class of deep neural networks, to classify bug reports into those with short and long fixing times based on the data collected from a bug tracking system. Then we extract the features related to the bug fixing time by visualizing the decision basis that the CNN model uses in the prediction process. We employ a gradient-based visualization technique called Grad-cam to visualize the word sequence that the CNN model uses in the prediction. We use the top ten word sequences as the decision basis to extract the features of the bug report. An experiment confirmed that our method classified more than 36, 000 actual bug reports taken from Bugzilla by short and long fixing times with 75-80% accuracy. Further visualization using Grad-cam shows the difference in the stack trace and the degree of abstraction of the words used. Bug reports with a short bug fixing time are specific and informative with regard to stack trace descriptions. In contrast, those with a long bug fixing time are abstract.



  • Analysis of IoT Pattern Descriptions

    Hironori Washizaki, Atsuo Hazeyama, Takao Okubo, Hideyuki Kanuka, Shinpei Ogata, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    2021 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Practices for the IoT (SERP4IoT)    2021.06


  • Systematical Alignment of Business Requirements and System Functions by Linking GQM+Strategies and SysML

    Natsuki Mimura, Shuji Okuda, Hironori Washizaki, Katsutoshi Shintani, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management   5 ( 1 ) 15 - 35  2021.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Many businesses strive to align their business goals, strategies, and systems. Because the relationships between goals, strategies, and systems are often vague, the level of success derived from their interrelationships may be ambiguous. In addition, adjusting the system to accommodate changing goals and strategies is becoming more difficult due to increasing agile developments. By linking GQM+Strategies and SysML, we propose a framework to systematically align business requirements and system functions.

  • Systematic Literature Review of Security Pattern Research

    Hironori Washizaki, Tian Xia, Natsumi Kamata, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hideyuki Kanuka, Takehisa Kato, Masayuki Yoshino, Takao Okubo, Shinpei Ogata, Haruhiko Kaiya, Atsuo Hazeyama, Takafumi Tanaka, Nobukazu Yoshioka, G. Priyalakshmi

    Information   12 ( 1 ) 1 - 27  2021.01  [Refereed]

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    Security patterns encompass security-related issues in secure software system development and operations that often appear in certain contexts. Since the late 1990s, about 500 security patterns have been proposed. Although the technical components are well investigated, the direction, overall picture, and barriers to implementation are not. Here, a systematic literature review of 240 papers is used to devise a taxonomy for security pattern research. Our taxonomy and the survey results should improve communications among practitioners and researchers, standardize the terminology, and increase the effectiveness of security patterns.



  • Summary of WESPr-18: The international workshop on evidence-based security and privacy in the wild

    Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Tomoko Kaneko, Shuichiro Yamamoto

    CEUR Workshop Proceedings   2809   1 - 2  2021

     View Summary

    This paper summarizes the objectives and results of the WESPr-18: The International Workshop on Evidence-based Security and Privacy in the Wild held on December 4th in Nara, Japan. The workshop was collocated with APSEC 2018.

  • Online Log Parsing: Preliminary Literature Review

    Scott Lupton, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSREW 2021     304 - 305  2021

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    Dynamic approaches to log monitoring require adaptive/incremental parsing methodology to extract meaningful features from complex, evolving data. In this preliminary study, a systematic literature review of online/incremental log parsing research is performed. An inventory of methods is taken, gaps in current research are explored, and suggestions are made for future studies.



  • Enterprise Architecture based Representation of Architecture and Design Patterns for Machine Learning Systems

    Hironori Takeuchi, Takuo Doi, Hironori Washizaki, Satoshi Okuda, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOCW     245 - 250  2021

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    In this study, we consider projects for the development of machine learning (ML) service systems that apply ML techniques to enterprise functions, and propose a method of representing the architecture and design patterns for ML service systems. Based on the proposed method, we represent the items described in the pattern documents as elements in the enterprise architecture modeling and derived a generic model for ML architecture and designed patterns. By applying the proposed method and the generic pattern model, we analyze an existing ML design pattern and represent it as a model. Through modeling practice, we confirm that an effective use scenario occurs when using the represented model during the project activities, and we can revise or enhance the pattern documents consistently by applying the model.



  • Bug Fixing versus Code Reading: Which Is Better for Algorithm Learning?

    Yuki Kuramochi, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering(TALE)     1 - 8  2021



  • Evaluating Partial Correctness of Programs in Automated Program Repair.

    Yusaku Ito, Hironori Washizaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    10th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE)     742 - 743  2021



  • Comparing Participants’ Brainwaves During Solo, Pair, and Mob Programming

    Makoto Shiraishi, Hironori Washizaki, Daisuke Saito, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing   419 LNBIP   200 - 209  2021

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    Participants’ feelings and impressions utilizing electroencephalography (EEG) and the effectiveness of code are compared for different types of programming sessions. EEG information is obtained as an alternate viewpoint during three programming sessions (solo, pair, and mob programming). MindWave Mobile 2 (brainwave detector) is equipped to collect the attention levels, meditation levels, and EEG brainwaves. These data are utilized to distinguish efficiencies, weaknesses, and points of interest by programming session. The results provide preliminary information to distinguish between the three sessions, but further studies are necessary to make firm conclusions. Additionally, alternative methods or systems are required to analyze the collected data.



  • Work-in-Progress: Analysis of the use of Mentoring with Online Mob Programming

    Shota Kaieda, Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Extreme programming (XP) approaches such as pair and mob programming (PP and MP, respectively) have been introduced to the educational sector. However, higher education curricula have started implementing online courses as a method for teaching programming, which poses challenges when conducting XP. Because social factors are vital to learning, we examine a project-based learning method using online MP that introduces a high level of communication. It also maintains the advantages of PP through the "driver" and "navigator" approach. However, there are multiple complications, including discomfort, slow code generation, and interpersonal issues, when using conventional MP. Accordingly, we introduce a mentoring approach to the MP setup and examine the differences compared to conventional MP sessions. We create and analyze co-occurrence networks of codes found via open coding. In this paper, we explain our method and show its advantages based on the results of our analysis.



  • Automated Educational Program Mapping on Learning Standards in Computer Science

    Koki Miura, Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    There are many lectures for students or working adults. Educational institutions have created a table that associates educational courses with learning standards in order to understand the content of these courses. Learning standards such as SFIA (Skills Framework for an Information Age) indicate the skills that learners should learn. The mapped table can make contents clear for students or other educational institutions.



  • Data-Driven Persona Retrospective Based on Persona Significance Index in B-to-B Software Development

    Yasuhiro Watanabe, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kiyoshi Honda, Masahiro Taga, Akira Matsuzaki, Takayoshi Suzuki

    International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering   31 ( 01 ) 117 - 146  2021.01  [Refereed]

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    Business-to-Business (B-to-B) software development companies develop services to satisfy their customers’ requirements. Developers should prioritize customer satisfaction because customers greatly influence agile software development. However, satisfying current customer’s requirements may not fulfill actual users or future customers’ requirements because customers’ requirements are not always derived from actual users. To reconcile these differences, developers should identify conflicts in their strategic plan. This plan should consider current commitments to end users and their intentions as well as employ a data-driven approach to adapt to rapid market changes. A persona models an end user representation in human-centered design. Although previous works have applied personas to software development and proposed data-driven software engineering frameworks with gap analysis between the effectiveness of commitments and expectations, the significance of developers’ commitment and quantitative decision-making are not considered. Developers often do not achieve their business goal due to conflicts. Hence, the target of commitments should be validated. To address these issues, we propose Data-Driven Persona Retrospective (DDR) to help developers plan future releases. DDR, which includes the Persona Significance Index (PerSI) to reflect developers’ commitments to end users’ personas, helps developers identify a gap between developers’ commitments to personas and expectations. In addition, DDR identifies release situations with conflicts based on PerSI. Specifically, we define four release cases, which include different situations and issues, and provide a method to determine the release case based on PerSI. Then we validate the release cases and their determinations through a case study involving a Japanese cloud application and discuss the effectiveness of DDR.


  • What are the features of good discussions for shortening bug fixing time?

    Yuki Noyori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hideyuki Kanuka, Keishi Ooshima, Shuhei Nojiri, Ryosuke Tsuchiya

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E104-D, No. 1, pp.1-12, 2021.    2021  [Refereed]

  • CSPM: Metamodel for Handling Security and Privacy Knowledge in Cloud Service Development

    Tian Xia, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Haruhiko Kaiya, Shinpei Ogata, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Takehisa Kato, Hideyuki Kanuka, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Atsuo Hazeyama

    International Journal of Systems and Software Security and Protection (IJSSSP), IGI-Global, pp.1-21, 2021.    2021  [Refereed]

  • Tracing CAPEC Attack Patterns from CVE Vulnerability Information using Natural Language Processing Technique

    Kenta Kanakogi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Takehisa Kato, Hideyuki Kanuka, Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Proc. of 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)    2021.01  [Refereed]

  • Machine-Learning Software-Engineering Design Patterns: Literature Review and Practitioners’ Insights

    Hironori Washizaki, Hironori Takeuchi, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Foutse Khomh, Naotake Natori, Naohisa Shioura, Takuo Doi

    Proc. of 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning Systems Engineering (iMLSE 2020)    2020.12  [Refereed]

  • Assessing Elementary School Students’ Programming Thinking Skills using Rubrics

    Daisuke Saito, Shota Kaieda, Risei Yajima, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hidetoshi Omiya, Misaki Onodera, Idumi Sato

    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2020)     181 - 188  2020.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this study, we evaluated the abilities elementary school students can cultivate through education using programming. We focused on using programming in subject education, e.g., arithmetic and science. The effect of programming education in computer science has been reported extensively; however, it is unclear what abilities utilization of programming in may cultivate in other subjects. Therefore, in this study, we created a rubric to evaluate programming thinking skills. The rubric was applied to actual elementary school math and science classes for evaluation. As a result, in mathematics, the ability to analyze events improved, and, in science, the ability to branch improved. In this paper, we present the rubric and corresponding evaluation results.



  • Software Engineering Patterns for Machine Learning Applications (SEP4MLA) – Part 2

    Hironori Washizaki, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Hironori Takeuchi, Satoshi Okuda, Naotake Natori, Naohisa Shioura

    Proc. of the 27th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs in 2020 (PLoP’20)    2020.10  [Refereed]

  • Automated Tool for Revising Masking MC/DC Test Suite

    Zhenxiang Chen, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of The IEEE 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2020)    2020.10  [Refereed]

  • Practitioners’ insights on machine-learning software engineering design patterns: a preliminary study

    Hironori Washizaki, Hironori Takeuchi, Foutse Khomh, Naotake Natori, Takuo Doi, Satoshi Okuda

    Proc. of 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2020)     797 - 799  2020.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Machine-learning (ML) software engineering design patterns encapsulate reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems within the given contexts of ML systems and software design. These ML patterns should help develop and maintain ML systems and software from the design perspective. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no study on the practitioners' insights on the use of ML patterns for design of their ML systems and software. Herein we report the preliminary results of a literature review and a questionnaire-based survey on ML system developers' state-of-practices with concrete ML patterns.



  • Continuous modeling supports from business analysis to systems engineering in IoT development

    Toshinori Takai, Katsutoshi Shintani, Hideki Andoh, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of 5th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS 2020)    2020.09  [Refereed]

  • Framework and Value-Driven Process of Software Engineering for Business and Society (SE4BS)

    Hironori Washizaki, Junzo Hagimoto, Kazuo Hamai, Mitsunori Seki, Takeshi Inoue, Shinya Taniguchi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kenji Hiranabe, Eiichi Hanyuda

    Proc. of 5th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS 2020)    2020.09  [Refereed]

  • A Tool to Manage Traceability on Several Models and Its Use Case

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Shogo Tatsui, Atsuo Hazeyama, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of 24th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2020)   176   1449 - 1458  2020.09  [Refereed]



  • Experimental Evaluation of Traceability Checking Tool for Goal Dependency Modeling

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Wataru Fujita, Ryotaro Yamada, Atsuo Hazeyama, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering (JCKBSE2020)     70 - 83  2020.08  [Refereed]



  • Value Driven Process Towards Software Engineering for Business and Society (SE4BS)

    Hironori Washizaki, Junzo Hagimoto, Kazuo Hamai, Mitsunori Seki, Takeshi Inoue, Shinya Taniguchi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kenji Hiranabe, Eiichi Hanyuda

    Proc. of The 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020)    2020.07  [Refereed]

  • Towards Software Value Co-Creation with AI

    Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of The 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020)    2020.07  [Refereed]

  • Binary Similarity Analysis for Vulnerability Detection

    Zeming Tai, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Yurie Fujimatsu, Jun Kanai

    Proc. of The 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020)    2020.07  [Refereed]

  • Smart SE: Smart Systems and Services Innovative Professional Education Program

    Hironori Washizaki, Kenji Tei, Kazunori Ueda, Hayato Yamana, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinichi Honiden, Shoichi Okazaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Naoshi Uchihira

    Proc. of The 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020)    2020.07  [Refereed]


  • Usability of Software-Intensive Systems from Developers’ Point of View – Current Status and Future Perspectives of International Standardization of Usability Evaluation

    Toshihiro Komiyama, Shin’ichi Fukuzumi, Motoei Azuma, Hironori Washizaki, Naohiko Tsuda

    Proc. of 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2020)    2020.07  [Refereed]

  • Commit–Defect and Architectural Metrics–based Quality Assessment of C language

    Devansh Tiwari, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Tomoyuki Fukuoka, Junji Tamaki, Nobuhiro Hosotani, Munetaka Kohama, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc

    Proc. of 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020)    2020.05  [Refereed]

  • PVC.js: visualizing C programs on web browsers for novices

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Heliyon   6 ( 4 ) 1 - 15  2020.04  [Refereed]



  • Software Engineering Patterns for Machine Learning Applications (SEP4MLA)

    Hironori Washizaki, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc

    Proc. of 9th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2020)   55 ( 3 ) 30 - 39  2020.03  [Refereed]



  • Secure Distributed Publish/Subscribe (P/S) pattern for IoT

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of 9th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2020)    2020.03  [Refereed]

  • Improving Syntactical Clone Detection Methods through the Use of an Intermediate Representation

    Pedro Caldeira, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takahisa Shimada

    Proc. of 14th International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC 2020) in conjunction with SANER 2020    2020.02  [Refereed]


  • Rubric for Measuring and Visualizing the Effects of Learning Computer Programming for Elementary School Students

    Daisuke Saito, Shota Kaieda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice (JITE:IIP), Vol. 19, pp.203-227, 2020. (ESCI/Scopus indexed)    2020  [Refereed]

  • Open BOK on Software Engineering Educational Context: A Systematic Literature Review

    Pablo Alejandro Quezada Sarmiento, Jon A. Elorriaga Arandia, Ana Arruarte, Hironori Washizaki

    Sustainability, Vol. 12, No. 17 (12, 6858), pp.1-19, 2020. (SCIE indexed, IF= 2.576)    2020  [Refereed]

  • Landscape of Architecture and Design Patterns for IoT Systems

    Hironori Washizaki, Shinpei Ogata, Atsuo Hazeyama, Takao Okubo, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp.10091 – 10101, 2020 (SCIE indexed, IF=9.936)   7 ( 10 ) 10091 - 10101  2020  [Refereed]


  • AIと開発者によるソフトウェア価値共創

    Hironori Washizaki

    しごと能力研究, しごと能力とAI 特集号, pp.4-17, 2020.    2020  [Refereed]

  • Industrial Case Study on Time Series Analysis of Metrics Changes Based on GQM Models

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Masahiro Taga, Akira Matsuzaki

    Proc. of The 10th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2019)    2019.12  [Refereed]

  • Categorizing and visualizing issue tickets to better understand the features implemented in existing software systems

    Ryo Ishizuka, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinobu Saito, Saori Ouji

    Proc. of The 10th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2019)    2019.12  [Refereed]

  • Studying Software Engineering Patterns for Designing Machine Learning Systems

    Hironori Washizaki, Hiromu Uchida, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc

    Proc. of The 10th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2019)    2019.12  [Refereed]

  • Learning Effects in Programming Learning Using Python and Raspberry Pi: Case Study with Elementary School Students

    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Tetsuya Yoshida, Isamu Kaneko, Hirotaka Kamo

    Proc. of IEEE International Conferene on Engineering, Teaching and Education (TALE 2019)    2019.12  [Refereed]

  • Deep Cross-Project Software Reliability Growth Model

    Kyawt San Kyawt, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kiyoshi Honda, Masahiro Taga, Akira Matsuzaki

       2019.10  [Refereed]

  • The Proposal of Model Transformation Support Method Based on Model Editing Operation History

    Naoto Wada, Yuki Noyori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hideyuki Kanuka, Hiroki Ohbayashi

       2019.10  [Refereed]

  • Towards A Knowledge Base for Software Developers to Choose Suitable Traceability Techniques

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Atsuo Hazeyama, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    Procedia Computer Science   159   1075 - 1084  2019.09  [Refereed]



  • A System for Seamlessly Supporting from Security Requirements Analysis to Security Design using a Software Security Knowledge Base

    Atsuo Hazeyama, Hikaru Miyahara, Takafumi Tanaka, Hironori Washizaki, Haruhiko Kaiya, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    The 6th International Workshop on The Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering (ESPRE 2019)     134 - 140  2019.09  [Refereed]



  • What are good discussions within bug report comments for shortening bug fixing time?

    Yuki Noyori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Ooshima, Hideyuki Kanuka, Shuhei Nojiri, Ryosuke Tsuchiya

    Proc. of The 19th IEEE International Conference on. Software Quality, Reliability & Security (QRS 2019)    2019.07  [Refereed]

  • A case study of applying GQM+Strategies with SysML for IoT application system development

    Toshinori Takai, Katsutoshi Shintani, Hideki Andoh, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of 4th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS 2019) as a part of 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2019)    2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Linking business strategies and system demands using GQM+Strategies and Systems Modeling Language

    Shuji Okuda, Hironori Washizaki, Katsutoshi Shintani, Natsuki Mimura

    Proc. of 4th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS 2019) as a part of 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2019)    2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Implementation and evaluation of GQM+Strategies for Management By Objectives (MBO)

    Norifumi Nomura, Katsutoshi Shintani, Hironori Washizaki, Katsutoshi Shintani, Natsuki Mimura

    Proc. of 4th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS 2019) as a part of 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2019)    2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Metrics driven architectural analysis using dependency graphs for C language projects

    Devansh Tiwari, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Tomoyuki Fukuoka, Junji Tamaki, Nobuhiro Hosotani, Munetaka Kohama

    43rd IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications    2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Mob Programming: A System Literature Review

    Makoto Shiraishi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Joseph Yoder

    13th IEEE International Workshop on Quality Oriented Reuse of Software    2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Applying Gamification to Motivate Students to Write High-Quality Code in Programming Assignments

    Remin Kasahara, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    24th ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education    2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Generating Linear Temporal Logics based on Property Specification Templates

    Weibin Luo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing    2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Recovering Transitive Traceability Links among Various Software Artifacts for Developers

    Ryosuke Tsuchiya, Kazuki Nishikawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Yuya Shinohara, Keishi Oshima, Ryota Mibe

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems     1 - 10  2019.07  [Refereed]


  • WSQF: Comprehensive Software Quality Evaluation Framework and Benchmark based on the SQuaRE

    Naohiko Tsuda, Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Hidenori Nakai, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Motoei Azuma, Toshihiro Komiyama, Tadashi Nakano, Hirotsugu Suzuki, Sumie Morita, Katsue Kojima, Akiyoshi Hando

    International Conference for Sustainable Entrepreneurship     312 - 321  2019.05  [Refereed]



  • Body of Knowledge Model and Linked Data applied in development of Higher Education Curriculum

    Pablo Alejandro Quezada- Sarmiento, Liliana Enciso, Lorena Conde, Monica Patricia, Mayorga -Diaz, Martha Elizabeth, Guaigua -Vizcaino, Wilmar Hernandez, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of Computer Vision Conference (CVC 2019), SAI Conference    2019.04  [Refereed]

  • Potential GQM+Strategies Improvement using Balanced Scorecard’s Perspectives

    Jati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing   8  2019.04  [Refereed]

  • Reduce Test Cost by Reusing Test Oracles through Combinatorial Join

    Hiroshi Ukai, Xiao Qu, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    12th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops    2019.04  [Refereed]



  • Deployment Patterns for Confidence

    Joseph W. Yoder, Ademar Aguiar, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of Writer’s Workshop, 8th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2019)    2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Abstract and IoT security patterns for Network Segmentation

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of Writer’s Workshop, 8th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2019)    2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Rubric to Evaluate Programming Learning of Elementary School Students

    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    The 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education    2019.02  [Refereed]

  • Introduction to the special issue on foundations of software engineering

    Akito Monden, Kei Ito, Toshihiro Kamiya, Hirohisa Aman, Noriko Hanakawa, Atsushi Sawada, Yasuhiro Sugiyama, Hironori Washizaki

    Computer Software   36 ( 4 ) 2  2019



  • Understanding the inconsistencies between text descriptions and the use of privacy-sensitive resources of mobile apps

    Takuya Watanabe, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Tetsuya Sakai, Hironori Washizaki, Tatsuya Mori

    SOUPS 2015 - Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security     241 - 255  2019

     View Summary

    Permission warnings and privacy policy enforcement are widely used to inform mobile app users of privacy threats. These mechanisms disclose information about use of privacy-sensitive resources such as user location or contact list. However, it has been reported that very few users pay attention to these mechanisms during installation. Instead, a user may focus on a more user-friendly source of information: text description, which is written by a developer who has an incentive to attract user attention. When a user searches for an app in a marketplace, his/her query keywords are generally searched on text descriptions of mobile apps. Then, users review the search results, often by reading the text descriptions
    i.e., text descriptions are associated with user expectation. Given these observations, this paper aims to address the following research question: What are the primary reasons that text descriptions of mobile apps fail to refer to the use of privacy-sensitive resources? To answer the research question, we performed empirical large-scale study using a huge volume of apps with our ACODE (Analyzing COde and DEscription) framework, which combines static code analysis and text analysis. We developed light-weight techniques so that we can handle hundred of thousands of distinct text descriptions. We note that our text analysis technique does not require manually labeled descriptions
    hence, it enables us to conduct a large-scale measurement study without requiring expensive labeling tasks. Our analysis of 200,000 apps and multilingual text descriptions collected from official and third-party Android marketplaces revealed four primary factors that are associated with the inconsistencies between text descriptions and the use of privacy-sensitive resources: (1) existence of app building services/frameworks that tend to add API permissions/code unnecessarily, (2) existence of prolific developers who publish many applications that unnecessarily install permissions and code, (3) existence of secondary functions that tend to be unmentioned, and (4) existence of third-party libraries that access to the privacy-sensitive resources. We believe that these findings will be useful for improving users' awareness of privacy on mobile software distribution platforms.

  • Introduction to icse 2018

    Nobukazu Yoshioka, Ubayashi, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Kenji Tei, Hironori Washizaki

    Computer Software   36 ( 1 ) 66 - 73  2019



  • Landscape of IoT Patterns.

    Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Atsuo Hazeyama, Takehisa Kato, Haruhiko Kaiya, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Eduardo B. Fernández

    CoRR   abs/1902.09718  2019

  • Comparison of Methods to Derive Threshold-based Evaluation Criteria of The Understandability of Program Source Code

    Naohiko Tsuda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Yuichiro Yasuda, Shunsuke Sugimura

    情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 804-820, 2019.    2019  [Refereed]

  • Is Fragmentation a Threat to the Success of the Internet of Things?

    Mohab Aly, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, Hironori Washizaki, Soumaya Yacout

    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 472 – 487, 2019.    2019  [Refereed]

  • Inappropriate Usage Examples in Web API Documentations.

    Masaki Hosono, Susumu Tokumoto, Supasit Monpratarnchai, Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Hiromasa Nagumo, Hisanobu Sonoda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kazuki Munakata, Takao Nakagawa, Yusuke Nemoto

    2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSME 2019, Cleveland, OH, USA, September 29 - October 4, 2019     343 - 347  2019  [Refereed]



  • Horizontal Relation Identification Method to Handle Misalignment of Goals and Strategies Across Organizational Units

    Yohei Aoki, Chimaki Shimura, Hironori Washizaki, Takanobu Kobori, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Katsutoshi Shintani, Takuto Nonomura

        1 - 11  2019  [Refereed]

  • Metrics to Predict Future Modifications and Defects Based on Software Requirements Specifications (SRSs)

    Taketo Tsunoda, Hironori Washizaki, Yosiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Yoshiiku Hanai, Masanobu Kanazawa

    IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing   8 ( 3 ) 210 - 218  2019  [Refereed]



  • Effects of Software Modifications and Development after an Organizational Change on Software Metrics Value

    Ryo Ishizuka, Naohiko Tsuda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shunsuke Sugimura, Yuichiro Yauda

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems     1 - 3  2019  [Refereed]

  • Designing Secure Software by Testing Application of Security Patterns

    Takanori Kobashi, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Haruhiko Kaiya, Takao Okubo, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Exploring Security in Software Architecture and Design   - 34  2019  [Refereed]



  • Landscape of IoT patterns.

    Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Atsuo Hazeyama, Takehisa Kato, Haruhiko Kaiya, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Eduardo B. Fernández

    Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Research & Practices for the Internet of Things, SERP4IoT@ICSE 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 27, 2019.     57 - 60  2019  [Refereed]

  • Systematic Review of Utilized ICTs in Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education and a Case Study of Developing Country

    Ali Sajjad Haris, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning, Special Issue on Information systems enabling digitalized advances in society, Issue 18, pp. 1-15, 2019 (DBLP indexed)    2019  [Refereed]

  • A Pattern Language for Knowledge Handover When People Transition

    Kei Ito, Joseph, W. Yoder, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    LNCS Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming, Vol. 4, pp 183-209, 2019. (DBLP, Scopus indexed)    2019  [Refereed]

  • 高度IT資格制度を対象とする国際規格ISO/IEC 24773

    掛下哲郎, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会 デジタルプラクティスVol.10 No.1, pp.1-21, 2019.    2019  [Refereed]

  • Prioritization in Automotive Software Testing: Systematic Literature Review

    Ankush Dadwal, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takahiro Iida, Masashi Mizoguchi, Kentaro Yoshimura

    6th International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Software Quality    2018.12  [Refereed]

  • Restructuring Attack Trees to Identify Incorrect or Missing Relationships between Nodes

    Hua Cai, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takao Okubo, Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Restructuring Attack Trees to Identify Incorrect or Missing Relationships between Nodes     1 - 8  2018.12  [Refereed]

  • An Empirical Study on the Reliability of the Web API Document

    Masaki Hosono, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kiyoshi Honda

    25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Poster, 4-7 December 2018, Nara, Japan    2018.12  [Refereed]

  • Deliver Value with Confidence: Quality Delivery Pipeline

    Joseph W. Yoder, Hironori Washizaki, Ademar Aguiar

    Proc. of 12th Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (SugarLoafPLoP 2018)    2018.11  [Refereed]

  • Delivering Value with Confidence “Swarming Patterns”

    Joseph W. Yoder, Danijel Arsenovski, Ademar Aguiar, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. of 12th Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (SugarLoafPLoP 2018)    2018.11  [Refereed]

  • Taxonomy and Literature Survey of Security Pattern Research

    Hironori Washizaki, Tian Xia, Natsumi Kamata, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hideyuki Kanuka, Dan Yamamoto, Masayuki Yoshino, Takao Okubo, Shinpei Ogata, Haruhiko Kaiya, Takehisa Kato, Takafumi Tanaka, Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka, G Priyalakshmi

    AINS 2018     87 - 92  2018.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Security patterns encapsulate security-related problems and solutions that recur in certain contexts for secure software system development and operations. Almost 500 security patterns have been proposed since the late 1990s. Technical investigations on their applications have advanced implementation, but the direction, overall picture, and significant technical challenges remain unclear. In this study, we propose a taxonomy for security pattern research by conducting a systematic literature review. Over 200 papers are categorized based on the taxonomy. The taxonomy is expected to guide practitioners to choose existing security pattern methods and tools. In addition, the taxonomy and the survey results should support communications among practitioners and researchers, and improve the quality of security pattern research and the effectiveness of security patterns.

  • Taxonomy and Literature Survey of Security Pattern Research

    Hironori Washizaki, Tian Xia, Natsumi Kamata, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hideyuki Kanuka, Dan Yamaoto, Masayuki Yoshino, Takao Okubo, Shinpei Ogata, Haruhiko Kaiya, Takehisa Kato, Atsuo Hazeyama, Takafumi Tanaka, Nobukazu Yoshioka, G Priyalakshmi

    IEEE Conference on Applications, Information and Network Security (AINS)     1 - 6  2018.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Security patterns encapsulate security-related problems and solutions that recur in certain contexts for secure software system development and operations. Almost 500 security patterns have been proposed since the late 1990s. Technical investigations on their applications have advanced implementation, but the direction, overall picture, and significant technical challenges remain unclear. In this study, we propose a taxonomy for security pattern research by conducting a systematic literature review. Over 200 papers are categorized based on the taxonomy. The taxonomy is expected to guide practitioners to choose existing security pattern methods and tools. In addition, the taxonomy and the survey results should support communications among practitioners and researchers, and improve the quality of security pattern research and the effectiveness of security patterns.

  • Using Security Patterns to Develop Secure Systems - Ten Years Later

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    International Journal of Systems and Software Security and Protection (IJSSSP)   9 ( 4 ) 1 - 12  2018.10  [Refereed]

  • Empirical Study on Specification Metrics to Predict Volatility and Software Defects

    Taketo Tsunoda, Hironori Washizaki, Yosiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Yoshiiku Hanai, Masanobu Kanazawa

    IEEE TENCON 2018, Jeju, Korea, Oct 28-31, 2018 (CORE Rank C)(to appear)    2018.10  [Refereed]

  • Improving GQM+Strategies with Balanced Scorecard’s Perspectives: A Feasibility Study

    Jati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEEE TENCON 2018, Jeju, Korea, Oct 28-31, 2018 (CORE Rank C)(to appear)    2018.10  [Refereed]

  • Empirical Study on Tendencies for Unstable Situations in Application Results of Software Reliability Growth Model

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Masahiro Taga, Akira Matsuzaki, Takayoshi Suzuki

    The 29th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2018), Industry Track, Memphis, USA, October 15-18, 2018 (CORE Rank A)(to appear)    2018.10  [Refereed]

  • Body of Knowledge on IoT Education

    Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Hironori Washizaki, Liliana Enciso, Wilmar Herhandez

    4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), Special Session on Internet of Things and Smart Communities (ITSCO 2018), 18 – 20 September, 2018 – Seville, Spain (CORE Rank C)    2018.09  [Refereed]

  • Improved Searchability of Bug Reports Using Content-based Labeling with Machine Learning of Sentences

    Yuki Noyori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hideyuki Kanuka, Keishi Ooshima, Ryosuke Tsuchiya

    12th Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE’18), pp. 75-85, August 27-30 2018, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece    2018.08

  • Tool to Automatically Generate a Screen Transition Model Based on a Conceptual Model

    Yukiya Yazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Kozo Okano, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Washizaki

    12th Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE’18), pp. 158-167, August 27-30 2018, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece     158 - 167  2018.08  [Refereed]



  • Evaluating the degree of security of a system built using security patterns

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    The 13th International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (FARES 2018), in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2018), August 27 – August 30, 2018, Hamburg, Germany    2018.08  [Refereed]

  • Characteristics of source code degrading quality in software development by multiple organizations

    Ryo Ishizuka, Naohiko Tsuda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shunsuke Sugimura, Yuichiro Yasuda

    3rd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (BCD 2018), July 10 – 12, 2018, Yonago, Japan    2018.07  [Refereed]

  • Security Requirement Modeling Support System using Software Security Knowledge Base

    Atsuo Hazeyama, Shun’ichi Tanaka, Takafumi Tanaka, Hiroaki Hashiura, Seiji Munetoh, Takao Okubo, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    6th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Architecture, Design, Deployment and Management of Networks and Applications (ADMNET 2018), Tokyo, July 23-27, 2018.    2018.07  [Refereed]

  • Machine Learning to Evaluate Evolvability Defects: Code Metrics Thresholds for a Given Context

    Naohiko Tsuda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Yuichiro Yasuda, Shunsuke Sugimura

    The 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability & Security (QRS 2018), July 16 – 20, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal (CORE Rank B)(acceptance rate 33/171 =19%)    2018.07  [Refereed]

  • Program committee for icse 2018 posters track

    Afsoon Afzal, Mauro Caporuscio, Heather Conboy, Antinisca Di Marco, Ds Laurence Duchien, Diego Pérez, Cristina Seceleanu, Arman Shahbazian, Romina Spalazzese, Massimo Tivoli, Bogdan Vasilescu, Hironori Washizaki, Danny Weyns, Liliana Pasquale, Adrian Nistor, Kivanç Muşlu, Yasutaka Kamei, Quinn Hanam, Annie T.T. Ying

    Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering   Part F137351   xxxvii  2018.05

  • Retrospective based on Data-Driven Persona Significance in B-to-B Software Development

    Yasuhiro Watanabe, Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Masahiro Taga, Akira Matsuzaki, Takayoshi Suzuki, Takayoshi Suzuki

    40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018)(CORE Rank A*), New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) Track, May 27 – 3 June 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden    2018.05  [Refereed]

  • Test case reduction based on the join condition in pairiwise coverage-based database testing

    Yuper Lay Myint, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukuzawa, Hideyuki Kanuka, Hiroki Ohbayashi

    5th International Workshop on Software Test Architecture (InSTA 2018), April 13, 2018, Västerås, Sweden, conjunction with ICST 2018    2018.04  [Refereed]

  • Proposal on patterns for human heads modeling

    Takayuki Yokokoji, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    AsianPLoP 2018    2018.03  [Refereed]

  • Deliver Fast with Confidence: The Slack Time Pattern,”

    Joseph W. Yoder, Hironori Washizaki, Ademar Aguiar

    7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018),    2018.03  [Refereed]

  • An abstract security pattern for Authentication and a derived concrete pattern, the Credential-based Authentication


    7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018)    2018.03  [Refereed]

  • PVC: Visualizing C programs on web browsers for novices

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Hironori Washizaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    SIGCSE 2018 - Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education   2018-   245 - 250  2018.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Many researchers have proposed program visualization tools for memory management because this is a challenging concept for novice programmers. For example, SeeC and PythonTutor (PT) are state-of-the-art tools for C languages. However, three problems hinder the use of these and other tools: capability (P1), installability (P2), and usability (P3). (P1) Tools do not fully support dynamic memory allocation or File Input / Output (I/O) and Standard Input. (P2) Novice programmers often have difficulty installing SeeC due to its dependence on Clang and setting up an offline environment that uses PT. (P3) Revisualization of the modified source code in SeeC requires several steps. To alleviate these issues, we propose a new visualization tool called PlayVisualizerC (PVC). PVC, which is designed for novice C language programmers to provide solutions (S1-3) for P1-3. S1 offers complete support for dynamic memory allocation, standard I/O, and file I/O. S2 involves installation in a user web browser and its server program is initiated by executing a jar file. S3 reduces the steps required for revisualization. To evaluate PVC, we conducted an experiment and questionnaire involving 30 students. Students using PVC solved a set of four programming tasks on average 1.7 times faster and with 19% more correct answers than those using a current state-of-the-art visualization tool.



  • PVC: Visualizing Memory Space on Web Browsers for C Novices

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2018), full paper, February 21st – 24th, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (CORE Rank A)    2018.02  [Refereed]

  • Innovation Management Education in the IoT Era

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, UCHIHIRA Naoshi

    The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management   33 ( 4 ) 345 - 351  2018  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    <p>Recent organizations are expected to grow up by innovation management of IoT (Internet of Things) in a broad sense covering from planning to implementation. However, in Japan, there is a shortage of advanced information technology professionals who master IoT and related technologies, and can lead innovation using them. This paper analyzes and classifies requirements of IoT technology and innovation management education for working professionals, then explain some representative educational programs.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Experimental evaluation of HoRIM to improve business strategy models

    Yohei Aoki, Hironori Washizaki, Chimaki Shimura, Yuichiro Senzaki, Yoshiaoki Fukazawa

    Studies in Computational Intelligence   719   43 - 56  2018

     View Summary

    Aligning organizational goals and strategies is important in Business Process Management (BPM). The Horizontal Relation Identification Method (HoRIM), which is our extension of the GQM+Strategies framework, improves the strategic alignment between organizations. GQM+Strategies aligns the strategies across organizational units at different levels by a strategy model, which is a tree structure of strategies called a GQM+Strategies grid. HoRIM identifies and handles horizontal relations (e.g., conflicting and similar strategies) between strategies in different branches, but we have yet to adequately inspect the impact of HoRIM on identifying correct horizontal relations and improving grids. This lack of clarity hampers the application of HoRIM to industrial business strategy models. Herein, we evaluate the impact of HoRIM on the review process and the improvement process of GQM+Strategies grids using two experiments. The review experiment confirms that HoRIM identifies about 1.5 more horizontal relations than an ad hoc review. The modification experiment where four researchers evaluated the validity of improved grids by the ranking method suggests that HoRIM effectively modifies GQM+Strategies grids.



  • Experimental evaluation of HoRIM to improve business strategy models

    Yohei Aoki, Hironori Washizaki, Chimaki Shimura, Yuichiro Senzaki, Yoshiaoki Fukazawa

    Studies in Computational Intelligence   719   43 - 56  2018  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Aligning organizational goals and strategies is important in Business Process Management (BPM). The Horizontal Relation Identification Method (HoRIM), which is our extension of the GQM+Strategies framework, improves the strategic alignment between organizations. GQM+Strategies aligns the strategies across organizational units at different levels by a strategy model, which is a tree structure of strategies called a GQM+Strategies grid. HoRIM identifies and handles horizontal relations (e.g., conflicting and similar strategies) between strategies in different branches, but we have yet to adequately inspect the impact of HoRIM on identifying correct horizontal relations and improving grids. This lack of clarity hampers the application of HoRIM to industrial business strategy models. Herein, we evaluate the impact of HoRIM on the review process and the improvement process of GQM+Strategies grids using two experiments. The review experiment confirms that HoRIM identifies about 1.5 more horizontal relations than an ad hoc review. The modification experiment where four researchers evaluated the validity of improved grids by the ranking method suggests that HoRIM effectively modifies GQM+Strategies grids.



  • Experimental evaluation of HoRIM to improve business strategy models

    Yohei Aoki, Hironori Washizaki, Chimaki Shimura, Yuichiro Senzaki, Yoshiaoki Fukazawa

    Studies in Computational Intelligence   719   43 - 56  2018  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Aligning organizational goals and strategies is important in Business Process Management (BPM). The Horizontal Relation Identification Method (HoRIM), which is our extension of the GQM+Strategies framework, improves the strategic alignment between organizations. GQM+Strategies aligns the strategies across organizational units at different levels by a strategy model, which is a tree structure of strategies called a GQM+Strategies grid. HoRIM identifies and handles horizontal relations (e.g., conflicting and similar strategies) between strategies in different branches, but we have yet to adequately inspect the impact of HoRIM on identifying correct horizontal relations and improving grids. This lack of clarity hampers the application of HoRIM to industrial business strategy models. Herein, we evaluate the impact of HoRIM on the review process and the improvement process of GQM+Strategies grids using two experiments. The review experiment confirms that HoRIM identifies about 1.5 more horizontal relations than an ad hoc review. The modification experiment where four researchers evaluated the validity of improved grids by the ranking method suggests that HoRIM effectively modifies GQM+Strategies grids.



  • Eliciting requirements for improving users’ behavior using transparency

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Takao Okubo, Atsuo Hazeyama, Shinpei Ogata, Takafumi Tanaka

    Communications in Computer and Information Science   809   41 - 56  2018  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A software system is developed for satisfying requirements of stakeholders. Each requirement will be never satisfied without the collaboration of several components such as the system, devices and people interacting with them, i.e. users. However, a user does not or cannot always behave toward the other components according to their expectations. For example, a user sometimes makes mistake or even misuse of the system. The system thus has to encourage users to behave according to such expectations as well as possible. In this paper, we propose a method for eliciting software requirements that will improve users’ behavior with respect to the expectations. We rely on transparency, i.e. the open flow of information amongst stakeholders because no one can directly manipulate users but transparency has an influence on users’ behavior. We expect users will voluntarily behave better than ever when the system provides suitable information flows. We represent our method by using KAOS goal modeling notation, and show examples how it works.



  • 機械学習工学研究会キックオフシンポジウム参加報告

    鵜林尚靖, 鷲崎弘宜, 鄭顕志

    コンピュータソフトウェア, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 3_96-3_101, 2018.    2018

  • D-DATa & スマートエスイー: 早稲田大学における大学院生や社会人対象の高度データ人材育成の取り組み


    大学教育と情報, 2018年度, No. 1, 私立大学情報教育協会, 2018.    2018

  • SIGCSE 2018参加報告とコンピュータサイエンス教育におけるトップカンファレンスのススメ – 世界基準で目標を掲げ、影響を与えるために -

    礎 良輔, 鷲崎 弘宜

    情報処理, Vol.59, No.7, pp.642-644, 2018    2018

  • Personality and Learning Effectiveness of Teams in Information Systems Education Courses

    Masashi Shuto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Bastian Tenbergen

    EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning, Special Issue on Information systems enabling digitalized advances in society, No. 17, pp. 1-9, 2018 (DBLP indexed)    2018  [Refereed]

  • ID3P: Iterative Data-Driven Development of Personas to Improve Business Goals, Strategies, and Measurements

    Yasuhiro Watanabe, Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Yuki Noyori, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Aoi Morizuki, Hiroyuki Shibata, Kentaro Ogawa, Mikako Ishigaki, Sachiyo Shiizaki, Teppei Yamaguchi, Tomoaki Yagi

    Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Study on Software Engineering and Data Science, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 1141-1173, 2018. (SCIE, Scopus, DBLP indexded)    2018  [Refereed]

  • Understanding the Inconsistency between Behaviors and Descriptions of Mobile Apps

    Takuya Watanabe, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Tetsuya Sakai, Hironori Washizaki, Tatsuya Mori

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Special Section on Information and Communication System Security, 2018. (SCIE, DBLP, Scopus indexed)    2018  [Refereed]

  • Developer Experience Considering Work Difficulty in Software Development*

    Taketo Tsunoda, Hironori Washizaki, Yosiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Yoshiiku Hanai, Masanobu Kanazawa

    International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing, Vol. 6, No.2, pp.53-62, 2018.(ESCI, Scopus indexed)    2018  [Refereed]

  • Software Quality Evaluation Framework based on International Standards and Benchmark obtained by applying the Framework

    Hironori Washizaki, Naohiko Tsuda, Kiyoshi Honda, Hidenori Nakai, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Motoei Azuma, Toshihiro Komiyama, Tadashi Nakano, Hirotsugu Suzuki

    SEC journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 26-41, 2018.    2018  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation of Impact of Software Quality Assurance Technique on Quality Characteristics

    Katsue Kojima, Sumie Morita, Takeo Hirose, Masaaki Wakamoto, Shinji Kikuchi, Akiyoshi Hando, Hironori Washizaki

    SEC journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 50-57, 2018.   14 ( 1 )  2018  [Refereed]


  • Student placement and skill ranking predictors for programming classes using class attitude, psychological scales, and code metrics

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 13, No. 7, Springer, pp.1-20, 2018. (invited by ICCE 2017 committee)    2018  [Refereed]

  • Propose of Rubric for Programming Education for Elementary School Student

    齋藤大輔, 佐々木綾菜, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 武藤優介ほか

    日本STEM学会論文誌 STEM教育研究, Vol. 1, pp. 41-51, 2018.    2018  [Refereed]

  • Eliciting requirements for improving users’ behavior using transparency

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Takao Okubo, Atsuo Hazeyama, Shinpei Ogata, Takafumi Tanaka

    Communications in Computer and Information Science   809   41 - 56  2018

     View Summary

    A software system is developed for satisfying requirements of stakeholders. Each requirement will be never satisfied without the collaboration of several components such as the system, devices and people interacting with them, i.e. users. However, a user does not or cannot always behave toward the other components according to their expectations. For example, a user sometimes makes mistake or even misuse of the system. The system thus has to encourage users to behave according to such expectations as well as possible. In this paper, we propose a method for eliciting software requirements that will improve users’ behavior with respect to the expectations. We rely on transparency, i.e. the open flow of information amongst stakeholders because no one can directly manipulate users but transparency has an influence on users’ behavior. We expect users will voluntarily behave better than ever when the system provides suitable information flows. We represent our method by using KAOS goal modeling notation, and show examples how it works.



  • Experimental evaluation of HoRIM to improve business strategy models

    Yohei Aoki, Hironori Washizaki, Chimaki Shimura, Yuichiro Senzaki, Yoshiaoki Fukazawa

    Studies in Computational Intelligence   719   43 - 56  2018

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    Aligning organizational goals and strategies is important in Business Process Management (BPM). The Horizontal Relation Identification Method (HoRIM), which is our extension of the GQM+Strategies framework, improves the strategic alignment between organizations. GQM+Strategies aligns the strategies across organizational units at different levels by a strategy model, which is a tree structure of strategies called a GQM+Strategies grid. HoRIM identifies and handles horizontal relations (e.g., conflicting and similar strategies) between strategies in different branches, but we have yet to adequately inspect the impact of HoRIM on identifying correct horizontal relations and improving grids. This lack of clarity hampers the application of HoRIM to industrial business strategy models. Herein, we evaluate the impact of HoRIM on the review process and the improvement process of GQM+Strategies grids using two experiments. The review experiment confirms that HoRIM identifies about 1.5 more horizontal relations than an ad hoc review. The modification experiment where four researchers evaluated the validity of improved grids by the ranking method suggests that HoRIM effectively modifies GQM+Strategies grids.



  • ProMeTA: a taxonomy for program metamodels in program reverse engineering

    Hironori Washizaki, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, Foutse Khomh

    Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 2323-2358, 2018. (SCIE, Scopus, DBLP indexed)(invited by ICSME 2016 committee)    2018  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Goal Modelling for Security Problem Matching and Pattern Enforcement

    Yijun Yu, Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Zhenjiang Hu, Hironori Washizaki, Yingfei Xiong, Amin Hosseinian-Far

    International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE), 2018. (DBLP Indexed)    2018.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Metrics Visualization Techniques Based on Historical Origins and Functional Layers for Developments by Multiple Organizations

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Yoshiiku Hanai, Masanobu Kanazawa, Katsushi Namba

    International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering   28 ( 1 ) 123 - 147  2018.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Software developments involving multiple organizations such as Open Source Software (OSS)-based projects tend to have numerous defects when one organization develops and another organization edits the program source code files. Developments with complex file creation, modification history (origin), and software architecture (functional layer) are increasing in OSS-based development. As an example, we focus on an Android smart phone and a VirtualBox development project, and propose new visualization techniques for product metrics based on file origin and functional layers. One is the Metrics Area Figure, which can express duplication of edits by multiple organizations intuitively using overlapping figures. The other is Origin City, which was inspired by Code City. It can represent the scale and other measurements, while simultaneously stacking functional layers as 3D buildings. The contributions of our paper are to propose new techniques, implement them as web applications, and share the results of our questionnaire. Our proposed techniques are useful not only to visualize the measured metrics, but also to improve the product quality.



  • Cloud Security and Privacy Metamodel: Metamodel for Security and Privacy Knowledge in Cloud Services

    Tian Xia, Hironori Washizaki, Takehisa Kato, Haruhiko Kaiya, Shinpei Ogata, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hideyuki Kanuka, Masayuki Yoshino, Dan Yamamoto, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Atsuo Hazeyama

    6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2018), short paper, FUNCHAL, MADEIRA – Portugal 22 – 24 January, 2018.    2018.01  [Refereed]



  • A Web Application to Manage and Improve Software Development Projects by SEMAT Essence

    Yuichiro Senzaki, Siyuan Liu, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Masaharu Adachi

    5th International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Software Quality (QuASoQ 2017), in conjunction with the 24th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2017), Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 4th December 2017    2017.12  [Refereed]

  • Utilization of ICTs in Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education: Systematic Literature Review

    Ali Sajjad HARIS, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    6th IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE2017), Short Paper, 12-14 December 2017, The Education University of Hong Kong, Tai Po, Hong Kong    2017.12  [Refereed]

  • Quantitative Learning Effect Evaluation of Programming Learning Tools

    Daisuke Saito, Ayana Sasaki, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Yusuke Muto

    6th IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE2017), 12-14 December 2017, The Education University of Hong Kong, Tai Po, Hong Kong    2017.12  [Refereed]

  • A Student Placement Predictor for Programming Class Using Class Attitude, Psychological Scale, and Code Metrics

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017), Rydges Latimer hotel, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 4-8 2017.    2017.12  [Refereed]

  • Program Learning for Beginners: Survey and Taxonomy of Programming Learning Tools

    Daisuke Saito, Ayana Sasaki, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Yusuke Muto

    IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED 2017), Kanazawa, Japan, 9th-10th November 2017.    2017.11  [Refereed]

  • 情報システム開発のチームによるプロジェクトベース学習における個人特性の組み合わせと学習効果

    鷲崎弘宜, 須永祐輔, 筧捷彦, 深澤良彰, 山戸昭三, 大久保雅司

    工学教育, Vol.65, No.6, 2017.   65 ( 6 )  2017.11  [Invited]

  • Traceability Link Mining-Focusing on Usability

    Yukiya Yazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Kozo Okano, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Washizaki

    Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference   2   286 - 287  2017.09

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    The recovery of traceability links to requirements from a functional model created through analysis/design is crucial to understand existing systems for reuse, improvement or maintenance. Functional and non-functional requirements generally are implicitly interpreted and non-systematically woven into a functional model by analysts/designers. Traditional traceability link recovery methods focusing on terminology or syntactic structure, however, have a recovery limit because such interpretation and weave are not paid enough attention. This paper presents a novel idea to decompose such a functional model into model components in order to accurately trace a components to requirements especially non-functional requirements. We call such the decomposition traceability link mining. A screen transition model is adopted as the functional model because of the focus on usability.



  • Combinations of Personal Characteristic Types and Learning Effectiveness of Teams

    Hironori Washizaki, Yusuke Sunaga, Masashi Shuto, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Bastian Tenbergen

    Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference   1   456 - 457  2017.09

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    In software and IT systems engineering, personal characteristics are expected to impact performance and attitude. To clarify the optimal composition in a team of students in academic education, we researched the relationship between student personality characteristics and learning effectiveness of teams using the Five Factor and Stress theory (FFS). The results taken from a Project-based Learning (PBL) course at Waseda University showed that educational effectiveness is highest when a team consists of management and anchor types without leadership types. In addition to FFS, we are currently adopting the Five Factor Model (FFM), which is a well-accepted personal characteristic model, to dig deeper the relationship in different courses on IT systems and software development conducted at various universities. Preliminary results show that although individual characteristics are not strongly correlated to learning effectiveness, there are a few strong team correlations. As our future work, we plan to acquire more data and investigate relationship between FFS measurements and FFM ones in terms of learning effectiveness.



  • Evaluating the work of experienced and inexperienced developers considering work difficulty in sotware development

    Taketo Tsunoda, Hironori Washizaki, Yosiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Yoshiiku Hanai, Masanobu Kanazawa

    Proceedings - 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2017     161 - 166  2017.08

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    Previous studies have researched how developer experience affects code quality, but they ignore work difficulty, although experienced developers are more likely to work on the more complex parts of a project. To examine work difficulty, we focus on revised files. Using product metrics, we evaluate file complexity in each type of file origin. Specifically, we analyze three large commercial projects (each project has about 250,000 LOC) executed by the same organization to analyze the relationship between previous project experience and developer's work. Although experienced developers do not always work on more complicated files, they introduce fewer defects, especially if the difference in work difficulty is not significant.



  • Relationship between the five factor model personality and learning effectiveness of teams in three information systems education courses

    Masashi Shuto, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Bastian Tenbergen

    Proceedings - 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2017     167 - 174  2017.08

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    Although working in teams is an effective method for students to learn skills necessary for information systems, the optimal combination of team members to maximize the learning effectiveness has yet to be clarified. This study investigates the relationship between the combination of students' personality characteristics and learning effectiveness in three information system lecture courses. Two Five Factor Model (FFM) questionnaires were used to determine each student's personality characteristic. For each course, which has different styles, several different relationships are found. This study should assist educators in maximizing students' learning effectiveness in information systems courses involving teamwork.



  • Generalized Software Reliability Model Considering Uncertainty and Dynamics: Model and Applications

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


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    Today's development environment has changed drastically; the development periods are shorter than ever and the number of team members has increased. Consequently, controlling the activities and predicting when a development will end are difficult tasks. To adapt to changes, we propose a generalized software reliability model (GSRM) based on a stochastic process to simulate developments, which include uncertainties and dynamics such as unpredictable changes in the requirements and the number of team members. We assess two actual datasets using our formulated equations, which are related to three types of development uncertainties by employing simple approximations in GSRM. The results show that developments can be evaluated quantitatively. Additionally, a comparison of GSRM with existing software reliability models confirms that the approximation by GSRM is more precise than those by existing models.



  • B-to-Bクラウドアプリケーションにおける反復的なデータ駆動型ペルソナ構築の事例研究

    渡邊泰宏, 鷲崎弘宜, 本田澄, 深澤良彰, 多賀正博, 松崎明, 鈴木隆喜

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム SES2017, ポスター論文, 東京, 2017年8月30日-9月1日    2017.08  [Refereed]

  • 小学校におけるプログラミング教育において活用可能なルーブリックの提案

    佐々木綾菜, 鷲崎弘宜, 齋藤大輔, 深澤良彰, 武藤優介, 西澤利治

    日本デジタル教科書学会第6回年次大会, 東京, 2017年8/19(土),20(日).   6   33 - 34  2017.08  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Knowledge description model for bodies of knowledge in software engineering context

    Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Juan Garbajosa, Hironori Washizaki, Liliana Enciso

    Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI    2017.07

     View Summary

    Bodies of Knowledge (BOK) contains the relevant knowledge for a discipline. BOK must embody the consensus reached by the community for which this BOK will be of application. This consensus is a prerequisite for the adoption of the BOK by the community. In this paper, we utilize a combinations of Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), models representation, and design science methodology in order to describe the software engineering knowledge context (SEC). SWEBOK serves as backbone taxonomy, while models representation provides a context of representation. In the process of develop of this paper science design methodology was used to provide fundamental knowledge in software engineering (SE).



  • 9.未来に向かって:アジリティを追求したソフトウェア開発


    情報処理, Vol.58, No.8, 2017.    2017.07  [Invited]

  • Combinations of Personal Characteristic Types and Learning Effectiveness of Teams

    Hironori Washizaki, Yusuke Sunaga, Masashi Shuto, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Bastian Tenbergen

    41st IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2017), J1/C2 – Journal First, Conference Second Scheme, Torino, Turin, Italy, July 4-8, 2017.    2017.07  [Refereed]

  • Traceability Link Mining – Focusing on Usability -

    Shinpei Ogata, Yukiya Yazawa, Kozo Okano, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Washizaki

    41st IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2017), Fast Abstract, Torino, Turin, Italy, July 4-8, 2017.    2017.07  [Refereed]

  • 特集「ソフトウェア工学の基礎」の編集にあたって

    杉山安洋, 沢田篤史, 鷲崎弘宜, 阿萬裕久, 門田暁人, 小林隆志

    コンピュータソフトウェア, Vol.34, No.2, p.2_2, 2017.   34 ( 2 )  2017.06  [Invited]


  • Knowledge Description Model for Bodies of Knowledge in Software Engineering Context

    Pablo Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Hironori Washizaki, Juan Garbajosa, Liliana Enciso

    12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2017), 21 to 24 of June 2017, Lisboa, Portugal.    2017.06  [Refereed]

  • Relationship Between the Five Factor Model Personality and Learning Effectiveness of Teams in Three Information Systems Education Courses

    Masashi Shuto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Bastian Tenbergen

    18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, June 26-28, 2017, Kanazawa, Japan. (CORE Rank C)    2017.06  [Refereed]

  • Evaluating the Work of Experienced and Inexperienced Developers Considering Work Difficulty in Software Development

    Taketo Tsunoda, Hironori Washizaki, Fukazawa Yosiaki, Inoue Sakae, Yosiiku Hanai, Kanazawa Masanobu

    18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, June 26-28, 2017, Kanazawa, Japan. (CORE Rank C)    2017.06  [Refereed]

  • An Empirical Study on Relationship Between Requirement Traceability Links and Bugs

    Rizki Amelia, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Oshima, Ryota Mibe, Ryosuke Tsuchiya

    Journal of Software   12 ( 5 ) 315 - 325  2017.05  [Refereed]


  • Message from the Program Chairs

    Schieferdecker, Ina, Washizaki, Hironori

    Proceedings - 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2017     xiii - xiv  2017.05



  • GQM+Strategiesによる組織目標と戦略の整合化および目標定量管理の実践と拡張 – SEC WGおよび早稲田大学ゴール指向経営研究会の活動より

    鷲崎弘宜, 新谷勝利, 青木耀平, 志村千万輝

    IPA SEC journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 56-61, 2017年3月   12 ( 4 ) 56 - 61  2017.03


  • セキュリティ知識ベースと事例ベースを活用したセキュリティ要求分析・設計支援システムの提案

    田中昂文, 櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜, 吉岡信和

    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会    2017.03

  • Impact of Bout Pattern on the Quality of Distributed Systems

    G Priyalakshmi, R Nadarajan, Hironori Washizaki, Smriti Sharma

    International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research (ICAICR-2017), Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering, Jalandhar, Punjab, India on March 17-18, 2017.    2017.03  [Refereed]

  • More Handover Solution Patterns

    Kei Ito, Hironori Washizaki, Joseph Yoder, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    6th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2017), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, March 12-13, 2017.    2017.03  [Refereed]

  • 中大規模OSS開発時のInformation seeking のためのトレーサビリティ可視化ツールの試作

    沓澤脩, 橋浦弘明, 櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, 2017年3月9-10日   116 ( 512 ) 55 - 60  2017.03


  • 開発委託先変更に対するソフトウェアの複雑さ・不具合修正回数の関係

    阿部晃佑, 津田直彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 杉村俊輔, 保田裕一朗, 二上将直

    情報処理学会第195回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 2017年3月12-13日    2017.03

  • ソフトウェア品質技術が品質特性に与える効果の見える化

    小島嘉津江, 森田純恵, 若本雅晶, 宗像一樹, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会第195回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 2017年3月12-13日   2017 ( SE-195 )  2017.03


  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識ベースを活用したセキュリティ要求分析からセキュリティ設計を支援するシステムの提案

    櫨山淳雄, 宮原光, 田中昂文, 橋浦弘明, 鷲崎弘宜, 吉岡信和, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    情報処理学会第79回全国大会, 2017年3月.    2017.03

  • 初学者向けプログラミング学習ツールにおけるゲームソフトウェアの調査と分類

    齋藤大輔, 佐々木綾菜, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 武藤優介

    日本デジタルゲーム学会 2016年度年次大会、2017年3月11日(土)・12日(日)、星城大学(愛知県東海市)    2017.03

  • Empirical Study of OSS Regarding the Relationships between Bug Fixing Time and Metrics

    Masaki Hosono, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kiyoshi Honda, Kazuki Munakata, Sumie Morita, Yusuke Nemoto

    8th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2017), Fast Abstract, March 13, 2017, Tokyo.    2017.03  [Refereed]

  • Customization Patterns for GQM Metrics-Layer: Optimization by Checklist Based Maintainability Review and Machine Learning

    Naohiko Tsuda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shunsuke Sugimura, Yuichiro Yasuda, Masanao Futakami

    8th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2017), Fast Abstract, March 13, 2017, Tokyo.    2017.03  [Refereed]

  • Improved metrics with iterative text mining for questionnaire analysis

    Yuki Noyori, Hironori Washizaki, Yasuhiro Watanabe, Kiyoshi Honda, Kentarou Ogawa, Hiroyuki Shibata

    8th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2017), Fast Abstract, March 13, 2017, Tokyo.    2017.03  [Refereed]

  • An Interactive Web Application Visualizing Memory Space For Novice C Programmers

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2017), poster, March 8 – 11, 2017, Seattle, Washington, USA    2017.03  [Refereed]

  • A SQuaRE-based software quality evaluation framework and its case study

    Hidenori Nakai, Naohiko Tsuda, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON     3704 - 3707  2017.02

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    Software stakeholders, including developers, managers, and end users, require high quality software products. Several works have aimed to identify software quality, but the quality of software products is often not comprehensively, specifically, or effectively defined because previous approaches have focused on certain quality aspects. Moreover, the evaluation results of quality metrics often depend on software stakeholders so that it is often hard to compare quality evaluation results across software products. ISO/IEC has tried to define evaluation methods for the quality of software products and provide common standards, called the SQuaRE (Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation) series including ISO/IEC 25022:2016 and ISO/IEC 25023:2016. However, the SQuaRE series include ambiguous metrics so that it is not always easy to apply the series to products and compare results. In this paper, we propose a SQuaRE-based software quality evaluation framework, which successfully concretized many product metrics and quality in use metrics originally defined in the SQuaRE series1. Through a case study targeting a commercial software product, we confirmed that our framework is concretely applicable to the software package/service product.



  • Quality assessment of a job portal system designed using bout design pattern

    G. Priyalakshmi, R. Nadarajan, Hironori Washizaki, Smriti Sharma

    Communications in Computer and Information Science   712   195 - 205  2017  [Refereed]

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    Design Patterns provide solutions to problems that are notably prevailing in software engineering. The paper targets the importance of design patterns, but also aims on how design patterns uncover and fortify good object oriented principles. A design pattern called Bout was discovered to maintain sessions for a specific period of time. The design is a generic solution to implementing web portals by storing session data of clients on the server. The Bout pattern comprises the design principle of Singleton and Prototype patterns, thus guaranteeing a more reusable design. The Bout pattern is documented in the Gang of Four pattern description template. The Bout pattern was tested with a Job Portal system with additional patterns, Factory Method, Decorator and Observer, with significant improvement in object oriented design metrics. Metrics which showed a significant enhancement were Depth of Inheritance Tree and McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity. The reusability of black box components was analyzed for the Job Portal system which shows a momentous rise in the metrics. The source code was analyzed for modularity traits such as size, complexity, cohesion and coupling, which in turn determines the class quality, package quality and hence the modularity index. These quality metrics showed a symbolic upswing with Bout pattern and supporting patterns. Thus software designers can enhance the quality of distributed systems with the exercising of Bout pattern.



  • Relation Between Combinations of Personal Characteristic Types Educational Effectiveness for a Controlled Project-Based Learning Course

    Yusuke Sunaga, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TOPICS IN COMPUTING   5 ( 1 ) 69 - 76  2017.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To improve practical IT education, many Japanese universities are implementing project-based learning (PBL). Although a previous study examined the relationship between educational effectiveness and the scatter of personal characteristics, the relationship between educational effectiveness and the combination of personal characteristics in a team, which is important to optimize the team composition for PBL, has yet to be examined. Herein, we use the five factor and stress theory to measure personal characteristics and classify students enrolled in a PBL class at Waseda University into four types-leadership, management, tugboat, and anchor. Then, knowledge and skills questionnaires are used to measure educational effectiveness. The results show that educational effectiveness is highest when a team consists of management and anchor types without leadership types. The results are preliminary, because the practical usefulness of our results is limited as the experiment of the paper targeted only one PBL course of one university. For that reason, we need to collect data from other PBL course at the same or other university.



  • 特集「ソフトウェア工学の基礎」の編集にあたって

    杉山安洋, 沢田篤史, 鷲崎弘宜, 阿萬裕久, 門田暁人, 小林隆志

    コンピュータソフトウェア, Vol.34, No.2, p.2_2, 2017.   34 ( 2 ) 28 - 38  2017


  • ゲーム×プロコン×人工知能=SamurAI Coding -第5回2016-17開催結果を中心に-


    情報処理, Vol.58, No.11, pp.1026-1029, 2017.    2017

  • 情報システム開発のチームによるプロジェクトベース学習における個人特性の組み合わせと学習効果

    鷲崎弘宜, 須永祐輔, 筧捷彦, 深澤良彰, 山戸昭三, 大久保雅司

    工学教育, Vol.65, No.6, 2017.   65 ( 6 )  2017  [Invited]

  • 未来に向かって:アジリティを追求したソフトウェア開発


    情報処理, Vol.58, No.8, 2017.    2017  [Invited]

  • Pitfalls and Countermeasures in Software Quality Measurements and Evaluations

    Hironori Washizaki

    Advances in Computers, Vol. 107, pp.1-22, Elsevier, 2017. (SCIE, DBLP indexded)    2017  [Refereed]

  • Rubric for Programming Education in Elementary School

    Sasaki Ayana, Washizaki Hironori, Saito Daisuke, Fukazawa Yoshiaki, Muto Yusuke, Nishizawa Toshiharu

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Digital Textbook   6 ( 0 ) 33 - 34  2017

    DOI CiNii

  • Relation Between Combinations of Personal Characteristic Types Educational Effectiveness for a Controlled Project-Based Learning Course

    Yusuke Sunaga, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TOPICS IN COMPUTING   5 ( 1 ) 69 - 76  2017.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To improve practical IT education, many Japanese universities are implementing project-based learning (PBL). Although a previous study examined the relationship between educational effectiveness and the scatter of personal characteristics, the relationship between educational effectiveness and the combination of personal characteristics in a team, which is important to optimize the team composition for PBL, has yet to be examined. Herein, we use the five factor and stress theory to measure personal characteristics and classify students enrolled in a PBL class at Waseda University into four types-leadership, management, tugboat, and anchor. Then, knowledge and skills questionnaires are used to measure educational effectiveness. The results show that educational effectiveness is highest when a team consists of management and anchor types without leadership types. The results are preliminary, because the practical usefulness of our results is limited as the experiment of the paper targeted only one PBL course of one university. For that reason, we need to collect data from other PBL course at the same or other university.



  • Promotion of Educational Effectiveness by Translation-based Programming Language Learning Using Java and Swift

    Juhua Li, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    50th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50), Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 4-7, 2017.    2017.01  [Refereed]

  • Identifying Potential Problems and Risks in GQM+Strategies Models Using Metamodel and Design Principles

    Chimaki Shimura, Hironori Washizaki, Takanobu Kobori, Yohei Aoki, Kiyoshi Honda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Katsutoshi Shintani, Takuto Nonomura

    50th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50), Waikoloa, Hawaii, Jan 4-7, 2017.    2017.01  [Refereed]

  • Defect Analysis and Prediction by Applying the Multistage Software Reliability Growth Model

    Jieming Chi, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kazuki Munakata, Sumie Morita, Tadahiro Uehara, Rieko Yamamoto


     View Summary

    In software development, defects are inevitable. To improve reliability, software reliability growth models are useful to analyze projects. Selecting an expedient model can also help with defect predictions, but the model must be well fitted to all the original data. A particular software reliability growth model may not fit all the data well. To overcome this issue, herein we use multistage modeling to fit defect data. In the multistage model, an evaluation is used to divide the data into several parts. Each part is fitted with its own growth model, and the separate models are recombined. As a case study, projects provided by a Japanese enterprise are analyzed by both traditional software reliability growth models and the multistage model. The multistage model has a better performance for data with a poor fit using a traditional software reliability growth model.



  • Closing the Gap between Unit Test Code and Documentation

    Karsten Stoecker, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Test Driven Development as well as the documentation of tests and their architecture are today an important pillar of software quality assurance. The change of requirements during the implementation phase entails a need to change tests as well as the test documentation of the software. Since unit tests are specified in the implementation language, an interdisciplinary readable documentation must be maintained, which is structurally easier to comprehend and also make the test transparent for persons who are not involved into code writing. This leads to additional effort, costs and possibly inconsistencies between the test and its documentation. This gap in the workflow could be closed by Tanni - a domain specific language, which allows the specification of test cases in the form of interdisciplinary readable tables without requiring programming skills. Based on them executable test code for the respective unit test framework is generated. This merges specification and documentation of unit test cases to one step of work. By this the mentioned additional effort, costs and imminent inconsistencies can be reduced. The Language Workbench Meta Programming System from JetBrains serves as a technological base and is enabler for further positive effects which possibly could be gained by using the described language.



  • Impact of Using a Static-type System in Computer Programming

    Ismail Rizky Harlin, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Static-type systems are a major topic in programming language research and the software industry because they should reduce the development time and increase the code quality. Additionally, they are predicted to decrease the number of defects in a code due to early error detection. However, only a few empirical experiments exist on the potential benefits of static-type systems in programming activities. This paper describes an experiment that tests whether static-type systems help developers create solutions for certain programming tasks. The results indicate that although the existence of a static-type system has no positive impact when subjects code a program from scratch, it does allow more errors in program debugging to be fixed.



  • Closing the Gap between Unit Test Code and Documentation

    Karsten Stoecker, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Test Driven Development as well as the documentation of tests and their architecture are today an important pillar of software quality assurance. The change of requirements during the implementation phase entails a need to change tests as well as the test documentation of the software. Since unit tests are specified in the implementation language, an interdisciplinary readable documentation must be maintained, which is structurally easier to comprehend and also make the test transparent for persons who are not involved into code writing. This leads to additional effort, costs and possibly inconsistencies between the test and its documentation. This gap in the workflow could be closed by Tanni - a domain specific language, which allows the specification of test cases in the form of interdisciplinary readable tables without requiring programming skills. Based on them executable test code for the respective unit test framework is generated. This merges specification and documentation of unit test cases to one step of work. By this the mentioned additional effort, costs and imminent inconsistencies can be reduced. The Language Workbench Meta Programming System from JetBrains serves as a technological base and is enabler for further positive effects which possibly could be gained by using the described language.



  • Defect Analysis and Prediction by Applying the Multistage Software Reliability Growth Model

    Jieming Chi, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kazuki Munakata, Sumie Morita, Tadahiro Uehara, Rieko Yamamoto


     View Summary

    In software development, defects are inevitable. To improve reliability, software reliability growth models are useful to analyze projects. Selecting an expedient model can also help with defect predictions, but the model must be well fitted to all the original data. A particular software reliability growth model may not fit all the data well. To overcome this issue, herein we use multistage modeling to fit defect data. In the multistage model, an evaluation is used to divide the data into several parts. Each part is fitted with its own growth model, and the separate models are recombined. As a case study, projects provided by a Japanese enterprise are analyzed by both traditional software reliability growth models and the multistage model. The multistage model has a better performance for data with a poor fit using a traditional software reliability growth model.



  • Impact of Using a Static-type System in Computer Programming

    Ismail Rizky Harlin, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Static-type systems are a major topic in programming language research and the software industry because they should reduce the development time and increase the code quality. Additionally, they are predicted to decrease the number of defects in a code due to early error detection. However, only a few empirical experiments exist on the potential benefits of static-type systems in programming activities. This paper describes an experiment that tests whether static-type systems help developers create solutions for certain programming tasks. The results indicate that although the existence of a static-type system has no positive impact when subjects code a program from scratch, it does allow more errors in program debugging to be fixed.



  • ID3P: Iterative Data-Driven Development of Persona based on Quantitative Evaluation and Revision

    Yasuhiro Watanabe, Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Yuki Noyori, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Aoi Morizuki, Hiroyuki Shibata, Kentaro Ogawa, Mikako Ishigaki, Satiyo Shiizaki, Teppei Yamaguchi, Tomoaki Yagi


     View Summary

    Personas are fictional characters used to understand users' requirements. Many researchers have proposed persona development methods from quantitative data (data-driven personas development). However, it is not assumed that personas in these works are used continuously and these personas cannot reflect on unpredictable changes in users. It is difficult to plan reliable strategies in a web service because users' preference dynamically changes. To develop more suitable personas for decision-making in a web service, this paper proposes Iterative Data-Driven Development of Personas (ID3P). In particular, to detect an unpredictable change in users' characteristics, our proposal includes an iterative process where the personas are quantitatively evaluated and revised in each iteration. Moreover, it provides a quantitative evaluation of business strategies based on GQM+Strategies and personas. To verify our proposal, we applied it to Yahoo!JAPAN's web service called Netallica.



  • ID3P: Iterative Data-Driven Development of Persona based on Quantitative Evaluation and Revision

    Yasuhiro Watanabe, Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Yuki Noyori, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Aoi Morizuki, Hiroyuki Shibata, Kentaro Ogawa, Mikako Ishigaki, Satiyo Shiizaki, Teppei Yamaguchi, Tomoaki Yagi


     View Summary

    Personas are fictional characters used to understand users' requirements. Many researchers have proposed persona development methods from quantitative data (data-driven personas development). However, it is not assumed that personas in these works are used continuously and these personas cannot reflect on unpredictable changes in users. It is difficult to plan reliable strategies in a web service because users' preference dynamically changes. To develop more suitable personas for decision-making in a web service, this paper proposes Iterative Data-Driven Development of Personas (ID3P). In particular, to detect an unpredictable change in users' characteristics, our proposal includes an iterative process where the personas are quantitatively evaluated and revised in each iteration. Moreover, it provides a quantitative evaluation of business strategies based on GQM+Strategies and personas. To verify our proposal, we applied it to Yahoo!JAPAN's web service called Netallica.




    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Journal of Information Technology Education: Research (JITE: Research), Vol.16, pp.209-226, 2017. (ESCI, Scopus, DBLP Indexed)    2017  [Refereed]

  • Pitfalls and Countermeasures in Software Quality Measurements and Evaluations

    Hironori Washizaki

    ADVANCES IN COMPUTERS, VOL 107   107   1 - 22  2017  [Refereed]  [Invited]

     View Summary

    This chapter discusses common pitfalls and their countermeasures in software quality measurements and evaluations based on research and practical achievements. The pitfalls include negative Hawthorne effects, organization misalignment, uncertain future, and self-certified quality. Corresponding countermeasures include goal-oriented multidimensional measurements, alignment visualization and exhaustive identification of rationales, prediction incorporating uncertainty and machine learning-based measurement improvement, and standard/pattern-based evaluation.



  • Preliminary Systematic Literature Review of Software and Systems Traceability

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Ryohei Sato, Atsuo Hazeyama, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Takafumi Tanaka, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    Procedia Computer Science   112   1141 - 1150  2017  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Traceability is important knowledge for improving the artifacts of software and systems and processes related to them. Even in a single system, various kinds of artifacts exist. Various kinds of processes also exist, and each of them relates to different kinds of artifacts. Traceability over them has thus large diversity. In addition, developers in each process have different types of purposes to improve their artifacts and process. Research results in traceability have to be categorized and analyzed so that such a developer can choose one of them to achieve his/her purposes. In this paper, we report on the results of Systematic Literature Review (SLR) related to software and systems traceability. Our SLR is preliminary one because we only analyzed articles in ACM digital library and IEEE computer society digital library. We found several interesting trends in traceability research. For example, researches related to creating or maintaining traceability are larger than those related to using it or thinking its strategy. Various kinds of traceability purposes are addressed or assumed in many researches, but some researches do not specify purposes. Purposes related to changes and updates are dominant.



  • Empirical Study on Recognition of Project Situations by Monitoring Application Results of Software Reliability Growth Model

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Masahiro Taga, Akira Matsuzaki, Takayoshi Suzuki


     View Summary

    Monitoring the results of software reliability growth models (SRGMs) helps evaluate project's situations. SRGMs are used to measure the reliability of software by analyzing the relations between the number of detected bugs and the detected time to predict the number of remaining bugs within the software. For example, development managers apply a SRGM to the number of detected bugs and the detected time to predict the number of remaining bugs. Sometimes the SRGM results cause managers to make incorrect decisions because the results are temporary snapshots that change as a development progresses. We propose a method to help evaluate a project's qualities by monitoring the results of SRGM applications. We collected the number of detected bugs and the detected time in the test phases for cloud services provided by e-Seikatsu Co., Ltd. to real estate businesses. The datasets contain about 34 cloud service features. The evaluation found that our method provides correct answers for 29 features and incorrect answers for 5 features.



  • Empirical Study on Recognition of Project Situations by Monitoring Application Results of Software Reliability Growth Model

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Masahiro Taga, Akira Matsuzaki, Takayoshi Suzuki


     View Summary

    Monitoring the results of software reliability growth models (SRGMs) helps evaluate project's situations. SRGMs are used to measure the reliability of software by analyzing the relations between the number of detected bugs and the detected time to predict the number of remaining bugs within the software. For example, development managers apply a SRGM to the number of detected bugs and the detected time to predict the number of remaining bugs. Sometimes the SRGM results cause managers to make incorrect decisions because the results are temporary snapshots that change as a development progresses. We propose a method to help evaluate a project's qualities by monitoring the results of SRGM applications. We collected the number of detected bugs and the detected time in the test phases for cloud services provided by e-Seikatsu Co., Ltd. to real estate businesses. The datasets contain about 34 cloud service features. The evaluation found that our method provides correct answers for 29 features and incorrect answers for 5 features.



  • Generalized Software Reliability Model Considering Uncertainty and Dynamics: Model and Applications

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), 2016. (to appear)(SCIE/DBLP Indexed)    2016.12  [Refereed]

  • Evaluating Software Product Quality based on SQuaRE Series

    Hidenori Nakai, Naohiko Tsuda, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEEE TENCON 2016, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 22-25 November 2016.    2016.11  [Refereed]

  • Patterns for Program Reverse Engineering from the Viewpoint of Metamodel

    Hironori Washizaki, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, Foutse Khomh

       2016.10  [Refereed]

  • A Pattern Language for Handovers


    23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Monticello, Illinois, USA, OCTOBER 24-26, 2016.    2016.10  [Refereed]

  • QA to AQ – Part Six – Being Agile at Quality

    Joseph W. Yoder, Rebecca WirfsBrock, Hironori Washizaki

    23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Monticello, Illinois, USA, OCTOBER 24-26, 2016.    2016.10  [Refereed]

  • Exhaustive and Efficient Identification of Rationales Using GQM plus Strategies with Stakeholder Relationship Analysis

    Takanobu Kobori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Daisuke Hirabayashi, Katsutoshi Shintani, Yasuko Okazaki, Yasuhiro Kikushima

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E99D ( 9 ) 2219 - 2228  2016.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To achieve overall business goals, GQM+Strategies is one approach that aligns business goals at each level of an organization to strategies and assesses the achievement of goals. Strategies are based on rationales ( contexts and assumptions). Because extracting all rationales is an important process in the GQM+Strategies approach, we propose the Context-Assumption-Matrix ( CAM), which refines the GQM+Strategies model by extracting rationales based on analyzing the relationships between stakeholders, and the process of using GQM+Strategies with CAM effectively. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAM and the defined process, we conducted three experiments involving students majoring in information sciences at two different Japanese universities. Moreover, we applied the GQM+Strategies approach with CAM to the Recruit Sumai Company in Japan. The results reveal that compared to GQM+Strategies alone, GQM+Strategies with CAM can extract rationales of the same quality more efficiently and exhaustively.

    DOI CiNii


  • Exhaustive and Efficient Identification of Rationales Using GQM plus Strategies with Stakeholder Relationship Analysis

    Takanobu Kobori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Daisuke Hirabayashi, Katsutoshi Shintani, Yasuko Okazaki, Yasuhiro Kikushima

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E99D ( 9 ) 2219 - 2228  2016.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To achieve overall business goals, GQM+Strategies is one approach that aligns business goals at each level of an organization to strategies and assesses the achievement of goals. Strategies are based on rationales ( contexts and assumptions). Because extracting all rationales is an important process in the GQM+Strategies approach, we propose the Context-Assumption-Matrix ( CAM), which refines the GQM+Strategies model by extracting rationales based on analyzing the relationships between stakeholders, and the process of using GQM+Strategies with CAM effectively. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAM and the defined process, we conducted three experiments involving students majoring in information sciences at two different Japanese universities. Moreover, we applied the GQM+Strategies approach with CAM to the Recruit Sumai Company in Japan. The results reveal that compared to GQM+Strategies alone, GQM+Strategies with CAM can extract rationales of the same quality more efficiently and exhaustively.



  • Exhaustive and Efficient Identification of Rationales Using GQM plus Strategies with Stakeholder Relationship Analysis

    Takanobu Kobori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Daisuke Hirabayashi, Katsutoshi Shintani, Yasuko Okazaki, Yasuhiro Kikushima

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E99D ( 9 ) 2219 - 2228  2016.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To achieve overall business goals, GQM+Strategies is one approach that aligns business goals at each level of an organization to strategies and assesses the achievement of goals. Strategies are based on rationales ( contexts and assumptions). Because extracting all rationales is an important process in the GQM+Strategies approach, we propose the Context-Assumption-Matrix ( CAM), which refines the GQM+Strategies model by extracting rationales based on analyzing the relationships between stakeholders, and the process of using GQM+Strategies with CAM effectively. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAM and the defined process, we conducted three experiments involving students majoring in information sciences at two different Japanese universities. Moreover, we applied the GQM+Strategies approach with CAM to the Recruit Sumai Company in Japan. The results reveal that compared to GQM+Strategies alone, GQM+Strategies with CAM can extract rationales of the same quality more efficiently and exhaustively.



  • Exhaustive and efficient identification of rationales using GQM+Strategies with stakeholder relationship analysis

    Takanobu Kobori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Daisuke Hirabayashi, Katsutoshi Shintani, Yasuko Okazaki, Yasuhiro Kikushima

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems   E99D ( 9 ) 2219 - 2228  2016.09

     View Summary

    To achieve overall business goals, GQM+Strategies is one approach that aligns business goals at each level of an organization to strategies and assesses the achievement of goals. Strategies are based on rationales (contexts and assumptions). Because extracting all rationales is an important process in the GQM+Strategies approach, we propose the Context-Assumption-Matrix (CAM), which refines the GQM+Strategies model by extracting rationales based on analyzing the relationships between stakeholders, and the process of using GQM+Strategies with CAM effectively. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAM and the defined process, we conducted three experiments involving students majoring in information sciences at two different Japanese universities. Moreover, we applied the GQM+Strategies approach with CAM to the Recruit Sumai Company in Japan. The results reveal that compared to GQM+Strategies alone, GQM+Strategies with CAM can extract rationales of the same quality more efficiently and exhaustively.



  • ソフトウェアメトリクス測定値を用いた開発時のサブシステムにおける品質改善効率低迷状態検出

    細野 将揮, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 本田 澄, 宗像 一樹, 森田 純恵, 上原 忠弘, 山本 里枝子

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第33回大会, 東北大学, 仙台, 2016年9月6–9日    2016.09

  • OSSベース開発のための由来と機能レイヤーに基づいたメトリクス可視化手法

    礎 良輔, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 井上 栄, 華井 克育, 金澤 昌信, 難波 克司

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第33回大会, 東北大学, 仙台, 2016年9月6–9日    2016.09

  • 君の実力を試してみよう! -「ラーニング・スルー・コンテスト」のすすめ -

    Hironori Washizaki

    情報処理   57 ( 10 ) 1 - 4  2016.09  [Invited]

  • チーム演習に熱心に取り組む学生やチームの評価方法-相互評価法の提案と試行-

    山戸昭三, 鷲崎弘宜

    平成28年度工学教育研究講演会, 工学教育協会, 大阪大学 吹田キャンパス, 2016年9月5-7日   2016   50 - 51  2016.09

    DOI CiNii

  • Influence of the programming environment on programming education

    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE   11-13-   354  2016.07

     View Summary

    Although both visual and text environments have been used to teach programming, the most appropriate method for beginners is unknown. Herein we research the most suitable programming environment to introduce programming to beginners using Minecraft to provide different programming learning environments (Visual or Text) via ComputerCraftEdu as an extended function. The learning effects between these two environments are compared using a lecture course. The results show that a visual environment is more suitable to introduce programming to beginners.



  • 実践的ソフトウェア品質測定評価のための4つの「落とし穴」と 8つの「コツ」: ゴール指向、不確実性、機械学習、実態調査ほか


    品質   46 ( 3 ) 1 - 4  2016.07  [Invited]

  • Influence of the Programming Environment on Programming Education

    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    21th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2016)    2016.07  [Refereed]

  • 中大規模OSS開発時のInformation seekingのためのトレーサビリティ可視化ツールの開発

    沓澤脩, 櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会    2016.07

  • Implementation support of security design patterns using test templates

    Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takao Okubo, Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Information (Switzerland)   7 ( 2 ) 1 - 19  2016.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Security patterns are intended to support software developers as the patterns encapsulate security expert knowledge. However, these patterns may be inappropriately applied because most developers are not security experts, leading to threats and vulnerabilities. Here we propose a support method for security design patterns in the implementation phase of software development. Our method creates a test template from a security design pattern, consisting of an "aspect test template" to observe the internal processing and a "test case template". Providing design information creates a test from the test template with a tool. Because our test template is reusable, it can easily perform a test to validate a security design pattern. In an experiment involving four students majoring in information sciences, we confirm that our method can realize an effective test, verify pattern applications, and support pattern implementation.



  • Implementation support of security design patterns using test templates

    Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takao Okubo, Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Information (Switzerland)   7 ( 2 )  2016.06

     View Summary

    Security patterns are intended to support software developers as the patterns encapsulate security expert knowledge. However, these patterns may be inappropriately applied because most developers are not security experts, leading to threats and vulnerabilities. Here we propose a support method for security design patterns in the implementation phase of software development. Our method creates a test template from a security design pattern, consisting of an "aspect test template" to observe the internal processing and a "test case template". Providing design information creates a test from the test template with a tool. Because our test template is reusable, it can easily perform a test to validate a security design pattern. In an experiment involving four students majoring in information sciences, we confirm that our method can realize an effective test, verify pattern applications, and support pattern implementation.



  • GO-MUC (Goal-Oriented Measurement for Usability and Conflict): ゴール指向によるユーザ・ビジネス要求を満たす戦略立案支援

    内田 ちひろ, 本田 澄, 渡邊 泰宏, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤良彰, 小川 健太郎, 八木 智章, 石垣 光香子, 中川 雅史

    HCD-Netフォーラム2017    2016.06

  • Modeling and security in cloud ecosystems

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Madiha H. Syed

    Future Internet   8 ( 2 ) 1 - 15  2016.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Clouds do not work in isolation but interact with other clouds and with a variety of systems either developed by the same provider or by external entities with the purpose to interact with them
    forming then an ecosystem. A software ecosystem is a collection of software systems that have been developed to coexist and evolve together. The stakeholders of such a system need a variety of models to give them a perspective of the possibilities of the system, to evaluate specific quality attributes, and to extend the system. A powerful representation when building or using software ecosystems is the use of architectural models, which describe the structural aspects of such a system. These models have value for security and compliance, are useful to build new systems, can be used to define service contracts, find where quality factors can be monitored, and to plan further expansion. We have described a cloud ecosystem in the form of a pattern diagram where its components are patterns and reference architectures. A pattern is an encapsulated solution to a recurrent problem. We have recently expanded these models to cover fog systems and containers. Fog Computing is a highly-virtualized platform that provides compute, storage, and networking services between end devices and Cloud Computing Data Centers
    a Software Container provides an execution environment for applications sharing a host operating system, binaries, and libraries with other containers. We intend to use this architecture to answer a variety of questions about the security of this system as well as a reference to design interacting combinations of heterogeneous components. We defined a metamodel to relate security concepts which is being expanded.



  • Identifying misalignment of goal and strategies across organizational units by interpretive structural modeling

    Yohei Aoki, Takanobu Kobori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences   2016-   4576 - 4585  2016.03  [Refereed]

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    To achieve the business objectives of an organization, the business goals and strategies must align. GQM+Strategies® is a method that aligns goals and strategies. By repeatedly defining lower-level goals and strategies, GQM+Strategies creates grids, which are specified from the initial set of goals and strategies, to link goals and strategies across different level units. Although the above approach can maintain consistency within a vertical refinement tree, horizontal relations at different branches may be missed. Herein we propose the Horizontal Relation Identification Method (HoRIM) to identify horizontal relations. HoRIM is an approach that detects the difference between the initial GQM+Strategies grid and a model obtained by applying Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) to the grid. ISM provides a hierarchical structure from the relation matrix that presents the relations between elements. An experiment confirms that HoRIM identifies about 1.5 times more horizontal relations than an ad hoc review. Additionally, an industrial application demonstrates the practical value of HoRIM.



  • Identifying misalignment of goal and strategies across organizational units by interpretive structural modeling

    Yohei Aoki, Takanobu Kobori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences   2016-   4576 - 4585  2016.03

     View Summary

    To achieve the business objectives of an organization, the business goals and strategies must align. GQM+Strategies® is a method that aligns goals and strategies. By repeatedly defining lower-level goals and strategies, GQM+Strategies creates grids, which are specified from the initial set of goals and strategies, to link goals and strategies across different level units. Although the above approach can maintain consistency within a vertical refinement tree, horizontal relations at different branches may be missed. Herein we propose the Horizontal Relation Identification Method (HoRIM) to identify horizontal relations. HoRIM is an approach that detects the difference between the initial GQM+Strategies grid and a model obtained by applying Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) to the grid. ISM provides a hierarchical structure from the relation matrix that presents the relations between elements. An experiment confirms that HoRIM identifies about 1.5 times more horizontal relations than an ad hoc review. Additionally, an industrial application demonstrates the practical value of HoRIM.



  • IT相互評価法の提案と試行~チーム演習における学生の参加意欲を納得性の高い方法で把握する~

    山戸昭三, 鷲崎弘宜

    プロジェクトマネジメント学会2016年度春季研究発表大会プログラム第1日 (3月10日) 於:東洋大学白山キャンパス    2016.03

  • Case Study: Software Reliability Growth Model Based on Person Hours

    Kiyoshi Honda, Nobuhiro Nakamura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    7th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP)    2016.03  [Refereed]

  • Toward selecting a reliable version of OSS library based on bug-fixing curve

    Keisuke Fujino, Akinori Ihara, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Kenichi Matsumoto

    23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2016)    2016.03  [Refereed]

  • Software Reliability Growth Model Considering Uncertainty and Dynamics in Development

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2016)    2016.03  [Refereed]

  • プライバシーを考慮したソフトウェア開発技術の文献に基づく動向調査

    櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜, 吉岡信和, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    人工知能学会 知識流通ネットワーク研究会(二種研究会)、第十八回研究会    2016.03

  • Patterns for Program Reverse-Engineering from the Viewpoint of Metamodel

    Hironori Washizaki, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc

    3rd International Workshop on Patterns Promotion and Anti-patterns Prevention (PPAP)    2016.03

  • QA to AQ Part Five

    Joseph W. Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Hironori Washizaki

    5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2016)    2016.02  [Refereed]

  • Patterns for Secure Cloud IaaS

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2016)    2016.02  [Refereed]

  • Handover Anti-patterns

    Kei Ito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2016)    2016.02  [Refereed]

  • Work in progress: A comparison of programming way: Illustration-based programming and text-based programming

    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering, TALE 2015     220 - 223  2016.01

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    Learning to programming language is difficult. One solution is to use a digital game, which increases motivation of first-time learners. In this paper, we were executing programming learning with MincraftEdu of sandbox game and ComputerCraftEdu of expansion function. In addition, learning method to programming has illustration-based programming and text-based programming in ComputerCraftEdu. We compare the programming way of illustration programming and text programming. In this result, there was a significant difference towards the illustration-based programming throughout the comparison. In this paper, we present the results.



  • Investigating the relationship between project constraints and appropriate iteration length in agile development through simulations

    Ryushi Shiohama, Hironori Washizaki, Shin Kuboaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology   54 ( 4 ) 311 - 322  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Agile development is aimed at minimising overall risk and encouraging rapid and flexible response to specification changes by using an iterative process. Despite its iterative feature, studies on the effects of iteration length have been lacking. Currently, there is no established method to quantitatively determine the appropriate iteration length, and abortion of projects with an inappropriate iteration length has been reported. We therefore create a model of agile development that focuses on iteration length, and propose a method of simulating a particular project to estimate the appropriate iteration length. Furthermore, we simulate diverse situations using various parameters to understand the relationship between the iteration length and project constraints. Our results show that the appropriate iteration length depends on the condition of the project constraints
    the larger the amount of uncertainty, the shorter the appropriate iteration length, while the higher the complexity of the project, the longer the iteration length should be.



  • Security in Cloud Computing and Big Data

    Eduardo Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Madiha Syed

    Journal of Future Internet   8 ( 2 ) 1 - 13  2016  [Refereed]

  • Iterative Process to Improve GQM Models with Metrics Thresholds to Detect High-risk Files

    Naohiko Tsuda, Masaki Takada, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shunsuke Sugimura, Yuichiro Yasuda, Masanao Futakami

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE (TENCON)     3813 - 3816  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Manual code inspections are intense and time-consuming activities to improve the maintainability and reusability of source code. Although automatic detection of high-risk source code file by metrics thresholds can help inspectors, determining the optimal thresholds is difficult Thus, we propose an iterative process to defin and improve GQM models with metrics thresholds to detect high-risk files Our process clarifie experts' viewpoints in the inspection and the measurement metrics using the GQM method, define how to interpret the metrics values, searches concrete thresholds for a specifi project by supervised learning using some of the file in the project as training data, and analyzes how to improve models and thresholds. We implemented our tool in R language and evaluated our process using a industrial project. Small-sized embedded C++ systems require only a few training data.

  • 君の実力を試してみよう! -「ラーニング・スルー・コンテスト」のすすめ -


    情報処理, Vol.57, No.10, pp.7-10, 2016.    2016

  • Investigating the relationship between project constraints and appropriate iteration length in agile development through simulations

    Ryushi Shiohama, Hironori Washizaki, Shin Kuboaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology   54 ( 4 ) 311 - 322  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Agile development is aimed at minimising overall risk and encouraging rapid and flexible response to specification changes by using an iterative process. Despite its iterative feature, studies on the effects of iteration length have been lacking. Currently, there is no established method to quantitatively determine the appropriate iteration length, and abortion of projects with an inappropriate iteration length has been reported. We therefore create a model of agile development that focuses on iteration length, and propose a method of simulating a particular project to estimate the appropriate iteration length. Furthermore, we simulate diverse situations using various parameters to understand the relationship between the iteration length and project constraints. Our results show that the appropriate iteration length depends on the condition of the project constraints
    the larger the amount of uncertainty, the shorter the appropriate iteration length, while the higher the complexity of the project, the longer the iteration length should be.



  • 欠陥とソースコードの変更回数の関係分析

    本田 澄, 坂口 英司, 伊原 彰紀, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会/ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2016・イン・逗子    2016  [Refereed]

  • A Metamodel for Security and Privacy Knowledge in Cloud Services

    Hironori Washizaki, Sota Fukumoto, Misato Yamamoto, Takehisa Kato, Shinpei Ogata, Haruhiko Kaiya, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hideyuki Kanuka, Yuki Kondo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takao Okubo, Atsuo Hazeyama, Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings 2016 IEEE World Congress on Services - SERVICES 2016     142 - 143  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We propose a metamodel for handling security and privacy in cloud service development and operation. The metamodel is expected to be utilized for building a knowledge base to accumulate, classify and reuse existing cloud security and privacy patterns and practices in a consistent and uniform way. Moreover the metamodel and knowledge base are expected to be utilized for designing and maintaining architectures for cloud service systems incorporating security and privacy.



  • Which Combinations of Personal Characteristic Types Are More Effective in Different Project-Based Learning Courses?

    Yusuke Sunaga, Masashi Shuto, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo


     View Summary

    To improve practical IT education, many universities are implementing project-based learning (PBL). Although researchers have examined the relationship between projects and personality, they have not investigated the type of projects and team construction based on personality. We consider not to construct optimal team for the view of educational effectiveness if we do not understand the difference of each course characteristic. Herein the Five Factor & Stress theory is used to measure personal characteristics and classify students enrolled in two different PBL courses at a university into four types - leadership, management, tugboat, and anchor. Then knowledge and skills questionnaires are used to measure educational effectiveness. The results show that educational effectiveness is highest when a team consists of management and anchor types but not leadership types in the PBL course which teaches system development, and a team without management types is consisted in the PBL course which teaches IT management strategy.



  • Learning Effectiveness of Team Discussions in Various Software Engineering Education Courses

    Masashi Shuto, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo


     View Summary

    Students working in teams to complete software tasks is an effective method to learn necessary skills. Previously we examined the educational effectiveness as a function of personal characteristics, but the findings were inconclusive. Because we hypothesize that team discussions impact learning and are related to educational effectiveness, this study investigates the influence of team discussions on learning effectiveness in various types of software engineering education courses. Students' responses to questionnaires about how much students contribute to discussions indicate that learning effectiveness and the number of remarks during a discussion are related. Additionally, upon comparing two learning courses (a system development course and a IT management course), two antithetical results are elucidated. We expect that this research will help improve the effectiveness of educators leading student team discussions.



  • Pairwise Coverage-based Testing with Selected Elements in a Query for Database Applications

    Koji Tsumura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Oshima, Ryota Mibe


     View Summary

    Because program behaviors of database applications depend on the data used, code coverages do not effectively test database applications. Additionally, test coverages for database applications that focus on predicates in Structured Query Language (SQL) queries are not useful if the necessary predicates are omitted. In this paper, we present two new database applications using Plain Pairwise Coverage (PPC) and Selected Pairwise Coverage (SPC) for SQL queries called Plain Pairwise Coverage Testing (PPCT) and Selected Pairwise Coverage Testing (SPCT), respectively. These coverages are based on pairwise testing coverage, which employs selected elements in the SQL SELECT query as parameters. We also implement a coverage calculation tool and conduct case studies on two open source software systems. PPCT and SPCT can detect many faults, which are not detected by existing test methods based on predicates in the query. Furthermore, the case study suggests that SPCT can detect faults more efficiently than PPCT and the costs of SPCT can be further reduced by ignoring records filtered out by the conditions of the query.



  • Which Combinations of Personal Characteristic Types Are More Effective in Different Project-Based Learning Courses?

    Yusuke Sunaga, Masashi Shuto, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo


     View Summary

    To improve practical IT education, many universities are implementing project-based learning (PBL). Although researchers have examined the relationship between projects and personality, they have not investigated the type of projects and team construction based on personality. We consider not to construct optimal team for the view of educational effectiveness if we do not understand the difference of each course characteristic. Herein the Five Factor & Stress theory is used to measure personal characteristics and classify students enrolled in two different PBL courses at a university into four types - leadership, management, tugboat, and anchor. Then knowledge and skills questionnaires are used to measure educational effectiveness. The results show that educational effectiveness is highest when a team consists of management and anchor types but not leadership types in the PBL course which teaches system development, and a team without management types is consisted in the PBL course which teaches IT management strategy.



  • GO-MUC: A Strategy Design Method Considering Requirements of User and Business by Goal-Oriented Measurement

    Chihiro Uchida, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kentaro Ogawa, Tomoaki Yagi, Mikako Ishigaki, Masashi Nakagawa


     View Summary

    When developers operate a service, both the business objectives and users' requirements must be satisfied. However, the interest between a business strategy and an action for the users is often unclear. Moreover, users' requirements that are inferred from user data analysis may not correspond with users' real requirements. In this paper, we propose the GO-MUC method (Goal-oriented Measurement for Usability and Conflict) and apply it to Yahoo! Crowdsourcing. The GO-MUC method can develop a strategy considering requirements of both the user and the business. Our results validate this method; this method can find an interest between the business side and users side and plan more effective and user-friendly strategies to resolve a conflicting interest.



  • Learning Effectiveness of Team Discussions in Various Software Engineering Education Courses

    Masashi Shuto, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo


     View Summary

    Students working in teams to complete software tasks is an effective method to learn necessary skills. Previously we examined the educational effectiveness as a function of personal characteristics, but the findings were inconclusive. Because we hypothesize that team discussions impact learning and are related to educational effectiveness, this study investigates the influence of team discussions on learning effectiveness in various types of software engineering education courses. Students' responses to questionnaires about how much students contribute to discussions indicate that learning effectiveness and the number of remarks during a discussion are related. Additionally, upon comparing two learning courses (a system development course and a IT management course), two antithetical results are elucidated. We expect that this research will help improve the effectiveness of educators leading student team discussions.



  • GO-MUC: A Strategy Design Method Considering Requirements of User and Business by Goal-Oriented Measurement

    Chihiro Uchida, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kentaro Ogawa, Tomoaki Yagi, Mikako Ishigaki, Masashi Nakagawa


     View Summary

    When developers operate a service, both the business objectives and users' requirements must be satisfied. However, the interest between a business strategy and an action for the users is often unclear. Moreover, users' requirements that are inferred from user data analysis may not correspond with users' real requirements. In this paper, we propose the GO-MUC method (Goal-oriented Measurement for Usability and Conflict) and apply it to Yahoo! Crowdsourcing. The GO-MUC method can develop a strategy considering requirements of both the user and the business. Our results validate this method; this method can find an interest between the business side and users side and plan more effective and user-friendly strategies to resolve a conflicting interest.



  • A Metamodel for Security and Privacy Knowledge in Cloud Services

    Hironori Washizaki, Sota Fukumoto, Misato Yamamoto, Takehisa Kato, Shinpei Ogata, Haruhiko Kaiya, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hideyuki Kanuka, Yuki Kondo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takao Okubo, Atsuo Hazeyama, Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings 2016 IEEE World Congress on Services - SERVICES 2016     142 - 143  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We propose a metamodel for handling security and privacy in cloud service development and operation. The metamodel is expected to be utilized for building a knowledge base to accumulate, classify and reuse existing cloud security and privacy patterns and practices in a consistent and uniform way. Moreover the metamodel and knowledge base are expected to be utilized for designing and maintaining architectures for cloud service systems incorporating security and privacy.



  • Curricular Design Based in Bodies of Knowledge: Engineering Education for the Innovation and the Industry

    Pablo-Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Liliana-Elvira Enciso-Quispe, Juan Garbajosa, Hironori Washizaki

    Proceedings of the 2016 SAI Computing Conference (SAI)     843 - 849  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Bodies of Knowledge (BOK), contain the relevant knowledge for a disciplines as example Software Engineering (SE), System Information (SI), Information Technology (IT), Computer Science (CS), Medicine, Economics, and others areas of knowledge. BOK describes relevant knowledge for a discipline, and will need show the consensus in the Knowledge Areas (KA), and related disciplines. The development of this consensus is a prerequisite to the adoption of coherent skills development in the education context, and continuing professional programs both in public and private organizations.
    In this context a systematic mapping study (SMS), it was performed to evaluate quantity and types of primary studies in an area of interest. SMS will be used as the research method within this research. The research method proposed will allow to sort and classify the information referent to the topics of this research.
    This paper is an attempt to analyze existing proposals on BOK contents, structure, and make a proposal what the kind of contents it should have, and how it should be structured so that this consensus among all parties can be described and best achieved. In the same way the relevance, and useful of the BOK in the curricular design for the innovation, and the industry context is present.

  • Pairwise Coverage-based Testing with Selected Elements in a Query for Database Applications

    Koji Tsumura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Oshima, Ryota Mibe


     View Summary

    Because program behaviors of database applications depend on the data used, code coverages do not effectively test database applications. Additionally, test coverages for database applications that focus on predicates in Structured Query Language (SQL) queries are not useful if the necessary predicates are omitted. In this paper, we present two new database applications using Plain Pairwise Coverage (PPC) and Selected Pairwise Coverage (SPC) for SQL queries called Plain Pairwise Coverage Testing (PPCT) and Selected Pairwise Coverage Testing (SPCT), respectively. These coverages are based on pairwise testing coverage, which employs selected elements in the SQL SELECT query as parameters. We also implement a coverage calculation tool and conduct case studies on two open source software systems. PPCT and SPCT can detect many faults, which are not detected by existing test methods based on predicates in the query. Furthermore, the case study suggests that SPCT can detect faults more efficiently than PPCT and the costs of SPCT can be further reduced by ignoring records filtered out by the conditions of the query.



  • Curricular Design Based in Bodies of Knowledge: Engineering Education for the Innovation and the Industry

    Pablo-Alejandro Quezada-Sarmiento, Liliana-Elvira Enciso-Quispe, Juan Garbajosa, Hironori Washizaki

    Proceedings of the 2016 SAI Computing Conference (SAI)     843 - 849  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Bodies of Knowledge (BOK), contain the relevant knowledge for a disciplines as example Software Engineering (SE), System Information (SI), Information Technology (IT), Computer Science (CS), Medicine, Economics, and others areas of knowledge. BOK describes relevant knowledge for a discipline, and will need show the consensus in the Knowledge Areas (KA), and related disciplines. The development of this consensus is a prerequisite to the adoption of coherent skills development in the education context, and continuing professional programs both in public and private organizations.
    In this context a systematic mapping study (SMS), it was performed to evaluate quantity and types of primary studies in an area of interest. SMS will be used as the research method within this research. The research method proposed will allow to sort and classify the information referent to the topics of this research.
    This paper is an attempt to analyze existing proposals on BOK contents, structure, and make a proposal what the kind of contents it should have, and how it should be structured so that this consensus among all parties can be described and best achieved. In the same way the relevance, and useful of the BOK in the curricular design for the innovation, and the industry context is present.



  • A Metamodel for Security and Privacy Knowledge in Cloud Services

    Hironori Washizaki, Sota Fukumoto, Misato Yamamoto, Takehisa Kato, Shinpei Ogata, Haruhiko Kaiya, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hideyuki Kanuka, Yuki Kondo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takao Okubo, Atsuo Hazeyama, Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings 2016 IEEE World Congress on Services - SERVICES 2016     142 - 143  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We propose a metamodel for handling security and privacy in cloud service development and operation. The metamodel is expected to be utilized for building a knowledge base to accumulate, classify and reuse existing cloud security and privacy patterns and practices in a consistent and uniform way. Moreover the metamodel and knowledge base are expected to be utilized for designing and maintaining architectures for cloud service systems incorporating security and privacy.



  • Case Study: Project Management Using Cross Project Software Reliability Growth Model

    Kiyoshi Honda, Nobuhiro Nakamura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    We propose a method to compare software products developed by the same company in the same domain. Our method, which measures the time series of the number of detected faults, employs software reliability growth models (SRGMs). SRGMs describe the relations between faults and the time necessary to detect them. Although several researchers have studied cross project defect predictions to determine defect locations using the features of previous software product's code such as lines of codes and complexities, past works on SRGMs did not compare products or develop comparison methods. Herein we propose a method to compare SRGMs across products. To provide managers and developers insight on advances of its products, our method is applied to the datasets for nine projects developed by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. SRGMs based on person hours are between 13% and 97% more precise than those based on calendar time.



  • Initial Framework for Software Quality Evaluation based on ISO/IEC 25022 and ISO/IEC 25023

    Nakai, Hidenori, Tsuda, Naohiko, Honda, Kiyoshi, Washizaki, Hironori, Fukazawa, Yoshiaki, IEEE

    2016 Ieee International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (Qrs-C 2016)    2016  [Refereed]



  • Initial Framework for Software Quality Evaluation based on ISO/IEC 25022 and ISO/IEC 25023

    Hidenori Nakai, Naohiko Tsuda, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Quality measured and evaluated based on organization-specific quality models cannot be compared to the quality of other software products. To alleviate this problem, ISO/IEC defined international standards called the SQuaRE (Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation) series for comprehensive quality measurement and evaluation; however, these standards include ambiguous measurements, making them difficult to apply. Herein an initial comprehensive quality measurement framework, which includes a clear measurement plan based on ISO/IEC 25022 and 25023, is proposed. A case study confirms the usefulness of the framework. As future work, we will introduce the framework to various domains. And then, we revise and refine measurements and evaluation plans to improve feasibility and usefulness.



  • An Industrial Case Study of Project Management Using Cross Project Software Reliability Growth Model

    Kiyoshi Honda, Nobuhiro Nakamura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    We propose a method to compare software products developed by the same company in the same domain. Our method, which measures the time series of the number of detected faults, employs software reliability growth models (SRGMs). SRGMs describe the relations between faults and the time necessary to detect them. Herein we propose a method to compare SRGMs across products. To provide managers and developers insight on advances of its products, our method is applied to the datasets for nine projects developed by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.



  • Case Study: Project Management Using Cross Project Software Reliability Growth Model

    Kiyoshi Honda, Nobuhiro Nakamura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    We propose a method to compare software products developed by the same company in the same domain. Our method, which measures the time series of the number of detected faults, employs software reliability growth models (SRGMs). SRGMs describe the relations between faults and the time necessary to detect them. Although several researchers have studied cross project defect predictions to determine defect locations using the features of previous software product's code such as lines of codes and complexities, past works on SRGMs did not compare products or develop comparison methods. Herein we propose a method to compare SRGMs across products. To provide managers and developers insight on advances of its products, our method is applied to the datasets for nine projects developed by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. SRGMs based on person hours are between 13% and 97% more precise than those based on calendar time.



  • Literature Survey on Technologies for Developing Privacy-Aware Software

    Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takao Okubo, Hironori Washizaki, Haruhiko Kaiya


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    Software development requires the protection of privacy. However, a body of knowledge does not exist for the development of privacy-aware software. Based on a literature survey, this paper introduces various studies that address knowledge regarding the development of privacy-aware software, and describes the current status and future direction toward building a knowledge base for privacy-aware software development.



  • Requirements Analysis for Privacy Protection and Third Party Awareness Using Logging Models

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takao Okubo, Hironori Washizaki, Atsuo Hazeyama


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    An information system can store personal information of its primary users such as shopping histories, and some third party wants or happens to know such information. Because the system usually provides its privacy policy and its users have to give their consent to it, they sometimes have to partially give up the protection of their privacy. On the other hand, a chance of a third party to know such information is too limited if the policy is too defensive. We proposed a method to explore trade-offs between protection of such information and access permissions for a third party, and exemplified it. In this method, operation logs of a system are focused. The structure of each log is then modelled for analysing what kinds of information can be accessed by a third party. Access limitations of each third party are explored so as to balance the protection of privacy information against access right of third parties.



  • Case Study: Project Management Using Cross Project Software Reliability Growth Model Considering System Scale

    Kiyoshi Honda, Nobuhiro Nakamura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    We propose a method to compare software products developed by the same company in the same domain. Our method, which measures the time series of the number of detected faults, employs software reliability growth models (SRGMs). SRGMs describe the relations between faults and the time necessary to detect them. Herein our method is extended to classify past projects for comparison to current projects to help managers and developers decide when to end the test phases or release a project. Past projects are classified by three parameters: lines of code, number of test cases, and test density. Then SRGM is applied. Our extended method is applied to the datasets for nine projects developed by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Classification by test density produces the best results.



  • Metrics visualization technique based on the origins and function layers for OSS-based development

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Yoshiiku Hanai, Masanobu Kanazawa, Katsushi Namba


     View Summary

    Software developments involving multiple organizations such as OSS (Open Source Software)-based projects tend to have numerous defects when one organization develops and another organization edits the program source code files. Developments with complex file creation, modification history (origin), and software architecture (functional layer) are increasing in OSS-based development. As an example, here we focus on an Android smart phone development project and propose new visualization techniques for product metrics based on the file origin and functional layers. One is the Metrics Area Figure, which can express duplication of edits by multiple organizations intuitively using overlapping figures. The other is Origin City, which was inspired by Code City. It can represent the scale and other measurements, while simultaneously stacking functional layers as 3D buildings.



  • A Taxonomy for Program Metamodels in Program Reverse Engineering

    Hironori Washizaki, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, Foutse Khomh


     View Summary

    To support program comprehension, maintenance, and evolution, metamodels are frequently used during program reverse engineering activities to describe and analyze constituents of a program and their relations. Reverse engineering tools often define their own metamodels according to the intended purposes and features. Although each metamodel has its own advantages, its limitations may be addressed by other metamodels. Existing works have evaluated and compared metamodels and tools, but none have considered all the possible characteristics and limitations to provide a comprehensive guideline for classifying, comparing, reusing, and extending program metamodels. To aid practitioners and researchers in classifying, comparing, reusing, and extending program metamodels and their corresponding reverse engineering tools according to the intended goals, we establish a conceptual framework with definitions of program metamodels and related concepts. Then this framework is used to provide a comprehensive taxonomy, named Program Metamodel TAxonomy (ProMeTA), which incorporates newly identified characteristics into those stated in previous works, which were identified via a systematic literature survey on program metamodels, while keeping the orthogonality of the entire taxonomy. Additionally, we validate the taxonomy in terms of its orthogonality and usefulness through the classification of popular metamodels.



  • Iterative Process to Improve GQM Models with Metrics Thresholds to Detect High-risk Files

    Naohiko Tsuda, Masaki Takada, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shunsuke Sugimura, Yuichiro Yasuda, Masanao Futakami

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE (TENCON)     3813 - 3816  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Manual code inspections are intense and time-consuming activities to improve the maintainability and reusability of source code. Although automatic detection of high-risk source code file by metrics thresholds can help inspectors, determining the optimal thresholds is difficult Thus, we propose an iterative process to defin and improve GQM models with metrics thresholds to detect high-risk files Our process clarifie experts' viewpoints in the inspection and the measurement metrics using the GQM method, define how to interpret the metrics values, searches concrete thresholds for a specifi project by supervised learning using some of the file in the project as training data, and analyzes how to improve models and thresholds. We implemented our tool in R language and evaluated our process using a industrial project. Small-sized embedded C++ systems require only a few training data.

  • Metrics visualization technique based on the origins and function layers for OSS-based development

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Yoshiiku Hanai, Masanobu Kanazawa, Katsushi Namba


     View Summary

    Software developments involving multiple organizations such as OSS (Open Source Software)-based projects tend to have numerous defects when one organization develops and another organization edits the program source code files. Developments with complex file creation, modification history (origin), and software architecture (functional layer) are increasing in OSS-based development. As an example, here we focus on an Android smart phone development project and propose new visualization techniques for product metrics based on the file origin and functional layers. One is the Metrics Area Figure, which can express duplication of edits by multiple organizations intuitively using overlapping figures. The other is Origin City, which was inspired by Code City. It can represent the scale and other measurements, while simultaneously stacking functional layers as 3D buildings.



  • Case Study: Project Management Using Cross Project Software Reliability Growth Model Considering System Scale

    Kiyoshi Honda, Nobuhiro Nakamura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    We propose a method to compare software products developed by the same company in the same domain. Our method, which measures the time series of the number of detected faults, employs software reliability growth models (SRGMs). SRGMs describe the relations between faults and the time necessary to detect them. Herein our method is extended to classify past projects for comparison to current projects to help managers and developers decide when to end the test phases or release a project. Past projects are classified by three parameters: lines of code, number of test cases, and test density. Then SRGM is applied. Our extended method is applied to the datasets for nine projects developed by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Classification by test density produces the best results.



  • Analysis of the Learning Effects between Text-based and Visual-based Beginner Programming Environments

    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Although different programming environments have been developed to teach programming to beginners, the programming environment most suitable for introductory education is unknown in terms of the programming method such as text or visual. This study applies programming learning using a digital game, Minecraft, to compare the learning effect of text-based and visual-based programming in the LUA programming environment provided by a Minecraft extension. Both methods have certain learning effects, but visual-based programming has more significance than text-based programming on the attitude toward programming, indicating that visual-based programming is superior to text-based programming in introductory education.

  • Literature Survey on Technologies for Developing Privacy-Aware Software

    Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takao Okubo, Hironori Washizaki, Haruhiko Kaiya


     View Summary

    Software development requires the protection of privacy. However, a body of knowledge does not exist for the development of privacy-aware software. Based on a literature survey, this paper introduces various studies that address knowledge regarding the development of privacy-aware software, and describes the current status and future direction toward building a knowledge base for privacy-aware software development.



  • A Taxonomy for Program Metamodels in Program Reverse Engineering

    Hironori Washizaki, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, Foutse Khomh


     View Summary

    To support program comprehension, maintenance, and evolution, metamodels are frequently used during program reverse engineering activities to describe and analyze constituents of a program and their relations. Reverse engineering tools often define their own metamodels according to the intended purposes and features. Although each metamodel has its own advantages, its limitations may be addressed by other metamodels. Existing works have evaluated and compared metamodels and tools, but none have considered all the possible characteristics and limitations to provide a comprehensive guideline for classifying, comparing, reusing, and extending program metamodels. To aid practitioners and researchers in classifying, comparing, reusing, and extending program metamodels and their corresponding reverse engineering tools according to the intended goals, we establish a conceptual framework with definitions of program metamodels and related concepts. Then this framework is used to provide a comprehensive taxonomy, named Program Metamodel TAxonomy (ProMeTA), which incorporates newly identified characteristics into those stated in previous works, which were identified via a systematic literature survey on program metamodels, while keeping the orthogonality of the entire taxonomy. Additionally, we validate the taxonomy in terms of its orthogonality and usefulness through the classification of popular metamodels.



  • Analysis of the Learning Effects between Text-based and Visual-based Beginner Programming Environments

    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Although different programming environments have been developed to teach programming to beginners, the programming environment most suitable for introductory education is unknown in terms of the programming method such as text or visual. This study applies programming learning using a digital game, Minecraft, to compare the learning effect of text-based and visual-based programming in the LUA programming environment provided by a Minecraft extension. Both methods have certain learning effects, but visual-based programming has more significance than text-based programming on the attitude toward programming, indicating that visual-based programming is superior to text-based programming in introductory education.



  • Iterative Process to Improve GQM Models with Metrics Thresholds to Detect High-risk Files

    Naohiko Tsuda, Masaki Takada, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shunsuke Sugimura, Yuichiro Yasuda, Masanao Futakami

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE (TENCON)     3813 - 3816  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Manual code inspections are intense and time-consuming activities to improve the maintainability and reusability of source code. Although automatic detection of high-risk source code file by metrics thresholds can help inspectors, determining the optimal thresholds is difficult Thus, we propose an iterative process to defin and improve GQM models with metrics thresholds to detect high-risk files Our process clarifie experts' viewpoints in the inspection and the measurement metrics using the GQM method, define how to interpret the metrics values, searches concrete thresholds for a specifi project by supervised learning using some of the file in the project as training data, and analyzes how to improve models and thresholds. We implemented our tool in R language and evaluated our process using a industrial project. Small-sized embedded C++ systems require only a few training data.



  • Repositoryprobe: Dataset creation support tool for repository mining

    Takasawa, Ryohei, Sakamoto, Kazunori, Washizaki, Hironori, Fukazawa, Yoshiaki

    Computer Software   32 ( 4 ) 103 - 114  2015.12

     View Summary

    The studies of Repository Mining have been actively conducted. However, it is difficult to search projects with specified languages, development scale, purposes and so on. In this paper, we propose RepositoryProbe, a dataset creation support tool fot the study of repository mining. It makes easier to search and collect the projects in project hosting service on the web, and supports the creation of datasets. In addition, it can collect the social metrics, the amount of development activities.

    DOI CiNii

  • GO-MUC手法によるユーザビリティの定量化と戦略立案支援

    内田 ちひろ, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤良彰, 小川 健太郎, 八木 智章, 石垣 光香子, 中川 雅史

    2015年度冬季HCD研究発表会    2015.12

  • Finding and Emulating Keyboard, Mouse, and Touch Interactions and Gestures while Crawling RIAs

    Frederik H. Nakstad, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Existing techniques for crawling Javascript-heavy Rich Internet Applications tend to ignore user interactions beyond mouse clicking, and therefore often fail to consider potential mouse, keyboard and touch interactions. We propose a new technique for automatically finding and exercising such interactions by analyzing and exercising event handlers registered in the DOM. A basic form of gesture emulation is employed to find states accessible via swiping and tapping. Testing the tool against 6 well-known gesture libraries and 5 actual RIAs, we find that the technique discovers many states and transitions resulting from such interactions, and could be useful for cases such as automatic test generation and error discovery, especially for mobile web applications.



  • Finding and Emulating Keyboard, Mouse, and Touch Interactions and Gestures while Crawling RIAs

    Frederik H. Nakstad, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Existing techniques for crawling Javascript-heavy Rich Internet Applications tend to ignore user interactions beyond mouse clicking, and therefore often fail to consider potential mouse, keyboard and touch interactions. We propose a new technique for automatically finding and exercising such interactions by analyzing and exercising event handlers registered in the DOM. A basic form of gesture emulation is employed to find states accessible via swiping and tapping. Testing the tool against 6 well-known gesture libraries and 5 actual RIAs, we find that the technique discovers many states and transitions resulting from such interactions, and could be useful for cases such as automatic test generation and error discovery, especially for mobile web applications.



  • オープンソースソフトウェアに関するソースコードの変更回数とバグ修正の関係分析に向けて

    本田 澄, 伊原 彰紀, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第22回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE 2015)    2015.11  [Refereed]

  • クラウドサービスの開発と運用においてセキュリティとプライバシを扱うためのメタモデル

    鷲崎 弘宜, 福本 創太, 山本 美聡, 芳澤 正敏, 大久保 隆夫, 小形 真平, 海谷 治彦, 加藤 岳久, 櫨山 淳雄, 吉岡 信和

    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2015 (CSS2015)    2015.10

  • 形式検証を用いた攻撃分析フレームワークの提案

    大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 吉岡信和

    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2015 (CSS2015)    2015.10

  • Improving Writer’s Workshop by Introducing Checklists and Perspectives

    Tian Xia, Joseph Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Hironori Washizaki

    22nd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs Conference 2015 (PLoP 2015)    2015.10  [Refereed]

  • QA to AQ Part Four – Shifting from Quality Assurance to Agile Quality – Prioritizing Qualities and Making them Visible

    Joseph W. Yoder, Rebecca WirfsBrock, Hironori Washizaki

    Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs Conference 2015 (PLoP 2015)    2015.10  [Refereed]

  • Two-level Checklists and Perspectives: Software Reading Techniques for Pattern Writer’s Workshop


    Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs Conference 2015 (PLoP 2015)    2015.10  [Refereed]

  • Systematic Mapping of Security Patterns Research

    Yurina Ito, Hironori Washizaki, Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takao Okubo, Haruhiko Kaiya, Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Eduardo B. Fernandez

    Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs Conference 2015 (PLoP 2015)    2015.10  [Refereed]

  • Finding Potential Threats in Several Security Targets for Eliciting Security Requirements

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Shinpei Ogata, Shinpei Hayashi, Motoshi Saeki, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Atsuo Hazeyama

    10th International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI 2015)    2015.10  [Refereed]

  • 特集「ソフトウェア工学の基礎」の編集にあたって

    杉山安洋, 沢田篤史, 鷲崎弘宜, 阿萬裕久, 門田暁人, 小林隆志, 花川典子, 尾花将輝

    コンピュータソフトウェア, Vol.32, No.3, p.3_3, 2015.   32 ( 3 ) 3  2015.09  [Invited]


  • ソースコードの変更回数と不具合修正の関係分析に向けて

    本田 澄, 伊原 彰紀, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第32回日本ソフトウェア科学会大会    2015.09

  • Research of Mutual Evaluation Method of Team Exercises to Enhance the Convincing

    Shoso Yamato, Hironori Washizaki

    4th Japanese International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (JSASHP 2015)    2015.09

  • PBL活動を行う学生チームへの実装と支援の留意点

    山戸昭三, 鷲崎弘宜

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第32回大会    2015.09

  • 類似プロダクトでのテスト実行履歴を用いたブラックボックステストにおけるテスト優先度付け

    野口 直寛, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 佐藤 孝俊, 太田 健一郎

    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム2015(SQiPシンポジウム2016)    2015.09  [Refereed]

  • Improving writer's workshop by introducing checklist and perspectives

    Tian Xia, Joseph Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Hironori Washizaki

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series   08-12-  2015.07

     View Summary

    A Pattern Writer's Workshop (WW) is a peer-review method to improve pattern or pattern language papers. However, several problems may arise, leading to "ad hoc" review meetings where patterns are not systematically reviewed and authors do not receive useful feedback. Previously, we considered Checklist-based Reading (CBR) and Perspective-based Reading (PBR), which are techniques to improve ad hoc reviews, but some deficiencies were noted. In our focus group, we organized a mini WW using these technique and results are summarized in this paper.



  • セキュリティ、プライバシー向け共通問題EMSsecの提案

    大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 小形真平, 柿崎淑郎, 櫨山淳雄, 吉岡信和

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会    2015.07

  • Understanding Inconsistencies between Text Descriptions and the Use of Privacy-sensitive Resources of Mobile Apps

    Takuya Watanabe, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Tetsuya Sakai, Hironori Washizaki, Tatsuya Mori

    Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2015    2015.07  [Refereed]

  • テストとメトリクス測定によるユーザビリティ問題予測

    柳下徹, 内田ちひろ, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    HCD-Netフォーラム2015    2015.05

  • An Evaluation and Result in Workshop Using Minecraft for ICT Education

    Daisuke SAITO, Akira TAKEBAYASHI, Tsuneo YAMAURA, Hironori WASHIZAKI, Yoshiaki FUKAZAWA

    3rd International Japan Game Studies Conference (Replaying Japan 2015)    2015.05  [Refereed]

  • Recovering Traceability Links between Requirements and Source Code Using the Configuration Management Log

    Ryosuke Tsuchiya, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Tadahisa Kato, Masumi Kawakami, Kentaro Yoshimura

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E98D ( 4 ) 852 - 862  2015.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Traceability links between requirements and source code are helpful in software reuse and maintenance tasks. However, manually recovering links in a large group of products requires significant costs and some links may be overlooked. Here, we propose a semi-automatic method to recover traceability links between requirements and source code in the same series of large software products. In order to support differences in representation between requirements and source code, we recover links by using the configuration management log as an intermediary. We refine the links by classifying requirements and code elements in terms of whether they are common to multiple products or specific to one. As a result of applying our method to real products that have 60KLOC, we have recovered valid traceability links within a reasonable amount of time. Automatic parts have taken 13 minutes 36 seconds, and non-automatic parts have taken about 3 hours, with a recall of 76.2% and a precision of 94.1%. Moreover, we recovered some links that were unknown to engineers. By recovering traceability links, software reusability and maintainability will be improved.



  • Recovering traceability links between requirements and source code using the configuration management log

    Ryosuke Tsuchiya, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Tadahisa Kato, Masumi Kawakami, Kentaro Yoshimura

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems   E98D ( 4 ) 852 - 862  2015.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Traceability links between requirements and source code are helpful in software reuse and maintenance tasks. However, manually recovering links in a large group of products requires significant costs and some links may be overlooked. Here, we propose a semi-automatic method to recover traceability links between requirements and source code in the same series of large software products. In order to support differences in representation between requirements and source code, we recover links by using the configuration management log as an intermediary. We refine the links by classifying requirements and code elements in terms of whether they are common to multiple products or specific to one. As a result of applying our method to real products that have 60KLOC, we have recovered valid traceability links within a reasonable amount of time. Automatic parts have taken 13 minutes 36 seconds, and non-automatic parts have taken about 3 hours, with a recall of 76.2% and a precision of 94.1%. Moreover, we recovered some links that were unknown to engineers. By recovering traceability links, software reusability and maintainability will be improved.



  • システム企画における意思決定支援プロセスの提案

    雨谷幸郎, 横田真人, 井出昌浩, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会第187回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会    2015.03

  • プロジェクト特性を基にしたアジャイル開発適合性評価手法

    石井裕志, 丸屋宏ニ, 羽原寿和, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会第187回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会    2015.03

  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識を活用したセキュアなソフトウェア開発のための事例ベース管理システムの開発

    齊藤大仁, 櫨山淳雄, 吉岡信和, 熊谷梓, 小橋孝紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 (KBSE) , 2015年4月研究会    2015.03

  • プログラミングと性格に関する一考察

    高澤亮平, 坂本一憲(NII, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会 第77回全国大会    2015.03

  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識ベースを活用したセキュアなソフトウェア開発事例ベースの提案

    櫨山淳雄, 齊藤大仁, 吉岡信和, 熊谷梓, 小橋孝紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    情報処理学会 第77回全国大会    2015.03

  • Introducing Software Reading Techniques into Pattern Writer’s Workshop: Checklists and Perspectives

    Hironori Washizaki, Tian Xia, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2015)    2015.03  [Refereed]

  • Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB): A pattern for accessing secure cloud services

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    Proceedings of the 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2015)    2015.03  [Refereed]

  • Comparative study on programmable robots as programming educational tools

    Shohei Yamazaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series   160   155 - 164  2015.01

     View Summary

    Computational Thinking skills are basic and important to manipulate computers. Currently, several systems exist to provide an effective way to learn programming that use computers, smartphones, tablets, or programmable robots. Although studies have reported improved programming skills and motivation to learn programming using an on-screen application or a programmable robot, the benefits of these tools have not been directly compared. To resolve this issue, especially with regard to motivation to learn programming and impression of programming, we conducted a large scale comparative experiment involving 236 middle and high school students to evaluate the effects of a game based educational application and programmable robots on learning programming. We then compared the effects of a game based educational application with and without programmable robots on learning programming. We found that employing programmable robots on learning programming did not always give an improvement to all students.

  • Verifying Implementation of Security Design Patterns Using a Test Template

    Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Takanori Kobashi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takao Okubo, Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka


     View Summary

    Although security patterns contain security expert knowledge to support software developers, these patterns may be inappropriately applied because most developers are not security specialists, leading to threats and vulnerabilities. Here we propose a validation method for security design patterns in the implementation phase of software development. Our method creates a test template from a security design pattern, which consists of the "aspect test template" to observe the internal processing and the "test case template". Providing design information creates a test from the test template. Because a test template is recyclable, it can create easily a test, which can validate the security design patterns. As a case study, we applied our method to a web system. The result shows that our method can test repetition in the early stage of implementation, verify pattern applications, and assess whether vulnerabilities are resolved.



  • RepositoryProbe: Dataset Creation Support Tool for Repository Mining

    TAKASAWA Ryohei, SAKAMOTO Kazunori, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    Computer Software   32 ( 4 ) 4_103 - 4_114  2015

     View Summary

    The studies of Repository Mining have been actively conducted. However, it is difficult to search projects with specified languages, development scale, purposes and so on. In this paper, we propose RepositoryProbe, a dataset creation support tool fot the study of repository mining. It makes easier to search and collect the projects in project hosting service on the web, and supports the creation of datasets. In addition, it can collect the social metrics, the amount of development activities.

    DOI CiNii

  • ManekkoDance: A Game-based Educational Tool for Computer Thinking

    SAKAMOTO Kazunori, HONDA Kiyoshi, OTOMORI Kazuki, YAMAZAKI Shohei, HATTORI Machiko, MATSUURA Yuma, TAKANO Koichi, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    Computer Software   32 ( 4 ) 4_74 - 4_92  2015

     View Summary

    We assume that there are three obstacles to learn programming: 1) elements of programming languages, 2) devices of educational tools for programming and 3) user interfaces of educational tools for programming. To the best of our knowledge, there is no educational tool for programming which removes the three obstacles.<BR>We propose a new educational tool for programming, named ManekkoDance. ManekkoDance has three features: 1) it manipulates cute a teddy bear robot and a cardboard robot, 2) it works on Android smartphones and tablets and 3) it provides a new programming language based on emoticons and Japanese. We evaluated ManekkoDance using questionary investigation in the open house of National Institute of Informatics. We collected 29 answers from high school students, 13 answers from other participants and 295 answers from mostly junior high school and high school students, then we found MannekoDance motivated them to learn programming, improved impressions of programming and helped to understand procedures, loops and conditions.


  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Foundation of Software Engineering

    SUGIYAMA Yasuhiro, SAWADA Atsushi, WASHIZAKI Hironori, AMAN Hirohisa, MONDEN Akito, KOBAYASHI Takashi, HANAKAWA Noriko, OBANA Masaki

    Computer Software   32 ( 3 ) 3_3 - 3_3  2015


  • Recovering Traceability Links between Requirements and Source Code Using the Configuration Management Log

    TSUCHIYA Ryosuke, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki, KATO Tadahisa, KAWAKAMI Masumi, YOSHIMURA Kentaro

    IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst.   98 ( 4 ) 852 - 862  2015

     View Summary

    Traceability links between requirements and source code are helpful in software reuse and maintenance tasks. However, manually recovering links in a large group of products requires significant costs and some links may be overlooked. Here, we propose a semi-automatic method to recover traceability links between requirements and source code in the same series of large software products. In order to support differences in representation between requirements and source code, we recover links by using the configuration management log as an intermediary. We refine the links by classifying requirements and code elements in terms of whether they are common to multiple products or specific to one. As a result of applying our method to real products that have 60KLOC, we have recovered valid traceability links within a reasonable amount of time. Automatic parts have taken 13 minutes 36 seconds, and non-automatic parts have taken about 3 hours, with a recall of 76.2% and a precision of 94.1%. Moreover, we recovered some links that were unknown to engineers. By recovering traceability links, software reusability and maintainability will be improved.


  • まねっこダンス:真似て覚えるプログラミング学習ツール

    坂本 一憲, 本田 澄, 音森 一輝, 山崎 頌平, 服部 真智子, 松浦 由真, 高野 孝一, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア、日本ソフトウェア科学会   32 ( 4 ) 103 - 114  2015  [Refereed]

  • RepositoryProbe: リポジトリマイニングのためのデータセット作成支援ツール

    高澤 亮平, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   32 ( 4 ) 103 - 114  2015  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェア品質プロフェッショナルに求められる専門性と倫理性: 知識、スキル、コンピテンシ、倫理綱領


    IPA/SEC Journal   39  2015  [Invited]

  • DePoT Webアプリケーションテストにおけるテストコード自動生成テスティングフレームワーク

    青井翔平, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   56 ( 3 ) 835 - 846  2015  [Refereed]

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    The sizes of web applications are increasing, thus, development costs to write test code for web applications are also increasing. Moreover, specification changes of web applications are frequently occured and there are no method to modularize assertions of test code. Such situation poses high maintenance costs by decreasing understandability and changeability. We propose a novel testing framework for web applications, named DePoT, which provides an internal DSL on the basis of the Page Object design pattern. DePoT reduces the development costs of test code by generating a skeleton test code using the internal DSL and reduces the maintenance costs of test code by using the Page Object design pattern and the internal DSL. We evaluate DePoT by comparing traditional testing methods.


  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識ベースを活用したセキュアなWebアプリケーション開発事例ベースの試作

    櫨山淳雄, 齊藤大仁, 吉岡信和, 熊谷梓, 小橋孝紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 (KBSE)    2015.01

  • プログラミング教育:ロボットの導入による効果についての比較研究

    山崎頌平, 坂本一憲, 本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    教育システム情報学会 2015年2月研究会    2015.01

  • キャラクタの性質によるプログラミング教育効果の差異の検証

    音森一輝, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    教育システム情報学会 2015年1月研究会    2015.01

  • Can the software design activity be quantied

    Jonatan Hernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2015・イン・宜野湾   2015   57 - 58  2015.01  [Refereed]


  • 開発者行動を考慮したソフトウェア信頼性モデル

    本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2015・イン・宜野湾    2015.01  [Refereed]

  • ピアレビュー技法とライターズワークショップ

    鷲崎弘宜, 夏天, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2015・イン・宜野湾    2015.01  [Refereed]

  • メトリクスと閾値による保守性・再利用性評価式の作成・更新プロセス

    津田直彦, 高田正樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 杉村俊輔, 保田裕一朗, 二上将直

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2015・イン・宜野湾   2015   25 - 26  2015.01  [Refereed]


  • Comparative Study on Programmable Robots as Programming Educational Tools

    Shohei Yamazaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015)   29 ( 5 ) 105 - 110  2015.01  [Refereed]


  • History-Based Test Case Prioritization for Black Box Testing using Ant Colony Optimization

    Tadahiro Noguchi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Atsutoshi Sato, Kenichiro Ota

    2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)    2015  [Refereed]

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    Test case prioritization is a technique to improve software testing. Although a lot of work has investigated test case prioritization, they focus on white box testing or regression testing. However, software testing is often outsourced to a software testing company, in which testers are rarely able to access to source code due to a contract. Herein a framework is proposed to prioritize test cases for black box testing on a new product using the test execution history collected from a similar prior product and the Ant Colony Optimization. A simulation using two actual products shows the effectiveness and practicality of our proposed framework.


  • TESEM: A Tool for Verifying Security Design Pattern Applications by Model Testing

    Takanori Kobashi, Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takano Okubo, Haruhiko Kaiya

    2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)    2015  [Refereed]

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    Because software developers are not necessarily security experts, identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities in the early stage of the development process (e.g., the requirement-or design-phase) is insufficient. Even if these issues are addressed at an early stage, it does not guarantee that the final software product actually satisfies security requirements. To realize secure designs, we propose extended security patterns, which include requirement-and design-level patterns as well as a new model testing process. Our approach is implemented in a tool called TESEM (Test Driven Secure Modeling Tool), which supports pattern applications by creating a script to execute model testing automatically. During an early development stage, the developer specifies threats and vulnerabilities in the target system, and then TESEM verifies whether the security patterns are properly applied and assesses whether these vulnerabilities are resolved.


  • Interactive Recovery of Requirements Traceability Links Using User Feedback and Configuration Management Logs

    Ryosuke Tsuchiya, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Oshima, Ryota Mibe

    ADVANCED INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, CAISE 2015   9097   247 - 262  2015  [Refereed]

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    Traceability links between requirements and source code can assist in software maintenance tasks. There are some automatic traceability recovery methods. Most of them are similarity-based methods recovering links by comparing representation similarity between requirements and code. They cannot work well if there are some links independent of the representation similarity. Herein to cover weakness of them and improve the accuracy of recovery, we propose a method that extends the similarity-based method using two techniques: a log-based traceability recovery method using the configuration management log and a link recommendation from user feedback. These techniques are independent of the representation similarity between requirements and code. As a result of applying our method to a large enterprise system, we successfully improved both recall and precision by more than a 20 percent point in comparison with singly applying the similarity-based method (recall: 60.2% to 80.4%, precision: 41.1% to 64.8%).



  • Case Base for Secure Software Development Using Software Security Knowledge Base

    Atsuo Hazeyama, Masahito Saito, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Azusa Kumagai, Takanori Kobashi, Hironori Washizaki, Haruhiko Kaiya, Takao Okubo


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    The importance of software security technologies has been gaining attention due to the increase in services on the Internet. Various technologies regarding software security have been developed. However, we believe knowledge regarding software security is not integrated; therefore, we have been developing a knowledge base for secure software development. We previously proposed a learning model that associates artifacts created in secure software development with knowledge in the knowledge base as design rationale. However, only a few case studies that addressed a full life cycle for secure software development have been reported. To mitigate this lack in reported case studies, Okubo et al. created a common task regarding software security. In this study, we developed a case base of secure software development whose artifacts are associated with the knowledge base using this common task as a case.



  • How does defect removal activity of developer vary with development experience?

    Reou Ando, Seiji Sato, Chihiro Uchida, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Hiroyuki Ono, Yoshiiku Hanai, Masanobu Kanazawa, Kazutaka Sone, Katsushi Namba, Mikihiko Yamamoto

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE   2015-   540 - 545  2015  [Refereed]

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    Because developers significantly impact software development projects, many researchers have studied developers as a means to improve the quality of software. However, most works have examined developers in a single project, and research involving multiple projects has yet to be published. Herein we propose an analysis method which investigates whether an evaluation of developers based on individual experience is feasible when targeting more than one project by the same organization transversely. Our method deals with the logs of the version control system and the bug tracking system. To support this method, we also propose two models to evaluate developer, the defect removal overhead rate (DROR) and developer's experience point (EXP). The results reveal the following. 1) DROR cannot be used to compare different projects in the same organization. 2) There is certainly a difference in DROR's between experienced and inexperienced developers. 3) EXP should be a useful model to evaluate developers as the number of projects increases. The data obtained from our method should propose the personnel distribution measures within the development framework for future developments, which might lead to improve the quality of software.



  • Finding and emulating keyboard, mouse, and touch interactions and gestures while crawling RIA's

    Frederik H. Nakstad, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE   2015-   631 - 638  2015  [Refereed]

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    Crawling JavaScript heavy Rich Internet Applications has been a hot topic in recent years, giving us automated tools for indexing content, test generation, and security- and accessibility evaluation to mention a few examples. However, existing crawling techniques tend to ignore user interactions beyond mouse clicking, and therefore often fail to consider potential mouse, keyboard and touch interactions. We propose a new technique for finding and exercising mouse, keyboard, and touch interactions when crawling highly interactive JavaScript-based websites by analyzing and exercising event handlers registered in the DOM. A basic form of gesture emulation is employed to find states accessible via swiping and tapping. Testing the tool against 6 well-known gesture libraries and 5 actual RIA's, we find that the technique discovers many states and transitions resulting from such interactions. Our findings indicate the technique could be useful for automatic test generation, error discovery, and accessibility evaluation, especially for mobile web applications with advanced interaction options.



  • Patterns for Security and Privacy in Cloud Ecosystems

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki


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    An ecosystem is the expansion of a software product line architecture to include systems outside the product which interact with the product. We model here the architecture of a cloud-based ecosystem, showing security patterns for its main components. We discuss the value of this type of models.


  • Predicting Release Time for Open Source Software based on the Generalized Software Reliability Model

    Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    2015 AGILE CONFERENCE     76 - 81  2015  [Refereed]

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    There is a significant challenge that how to predict the possible release date of the target software having enough reliability in agile development where incremental development and small software releases are key characteristics. Existing approaches targeting agile development usually use release backlogs for predicting and setting delivery windows; however these do not consider the reliability of software for release date prediction so that there is a possibility that software at the predicted release date have poor reliability. Previously we proposed a generalized software reliability model (GSRM) based on a stochastic process and compared it with other models to evaluate recent software developments. However, we, did not directly evaluate the accuracy of the predicted release time by model. In this paper, towards prediction of release dates in agile development, we focus on the release dates of open source software (OSS) developments and the number of detected issues (faults) since OSS developments comply well with the definition of the agile development in terms of incremental process and frequent releases We define the accuracy of the predicted release time using the given development terms and the number of issues. Additionally, we propose a method to evaluate the accuracy of the predicted release time. In the best case, GSRM shows only 0.572% Error Rate, which corresponds to a predicted release date of two days prior to the actual release date. We believe that our method should be applicable to agile developments too.



  • Case Base for Secure Software Development Using Software Security Knowledge Base

    Atsuo Hazeyama, Masahito Saito, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Azusa Kumagai, Takanori Kobashi, Hironori Washizaki, Haruhiko Kaiya, Takao Okubo


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    The importance of software security technologies has been gaining attention due to the increase in services on the Internet. Various technologies regarding software security have been developed. However, we believe knowledge regarding software security is not integrated; therefore, we have been developing a knowledge base for secure software development. We previously proposed a learning model that associates artifacts created in secure software development with knowledge in the knowledge base as design rationale. However, only a few case studies that addressed a full life cycle for secure software development have been reported. To mitigate this lack in reported case studies, Okubo et al. created a common task regarding software security. In this study, we developed a case base of secure software development whose artifacts are associated with the knowledge base using this common task as a case.



  • Recovering Transitive Traceability Links among Software Artifacts

    Kazuki Nishikawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Oshima, Ryota Mibe


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    Although many methods have been suggested to automatically recover traceability links in software development, they do not cover all link combinations (e.g., links between the source code and test cases) because specific documents or artifact features (e.g., log documents and structures of source code) are used. In this paper, we propose a method called the Connecting Links Method (CLM) to recover transitive traceability links between two artifacts using a third artifact. Because CLM uses a different artifact as a document, it can be applied to kinds of various data. Basically, CLM recovers traceability links using the Vector Space Model (VSM) in Information Retrieval (IR) methods. For example, by connecting links between A and B and between B and C, CLM retrieves the link between A and C transitively. In this way, CLM can recover transitive traceability links when a suggested method cannot. Here we demonstrate that CLM can effectively recover links that VSM is hard using Open Source Software.


  • A Case-based Management System for Secure Software Development Using Software Security Knowledge

    Masahito Saito, Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takanori Kobashi, Hironori Washizaki, Haruhiko Kaiya, Takao Ohkubo


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    In recent years, importance on software security technologies has been recognized and various types of technologies have been developed. On the other hand, in spite of recognition of necessity of providing cases that deal with full life cycle for secure software development, only few are reported. This paper describes a case-based management system (CBMS) that consists of an artifact management system and a knowledge-based management system (KBMS) to manage cases for secure software development. The former manages the artifacts created in secure software life cycle. The latter manages software security knowledge. The case-based management system also manages association between artifacts and software security knowledge and supports both visualization among software security knowledge and between artifacts and software security knowledge. We conducted an experiment to evaluate the system. We describe the effectiveness and future work of the system. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V



  • Patterns for Security and Privacy in Cloud Ecosystems

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki


     View Summary

    An ecosystem is the expansion of a software product line architecture to include systems outside the product which interact with the product. We model here the architecture of a cloud-based ecosystem, showing security patterns for its main components. We discuss the value of this type of models.



  • Recovering Transitive Traceability Links among Software Artifacts

    Kazuki Nishikawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Oshima, Ryota Mibe


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    Although many methods have been suggested to automatically recover traceability links in software development, they do not cover all link combinations (e.g., links between the source code and test cases) because specific documents or artifact features (e.g., log documents and structures of source code) are used. In this paper, we propose a method called the Connecting Links Method (CLM) to recover transitive traceability links between two artifacts using a third artifact. Because CLM uses a different artifact as a document, it can be applied to kinds of various data. Basically, CLM recovers traceability links using the Vector Space Model (VSM) in Information Retrieval (IR) methods. For example, by connecting links between A and B and between B and C, CLM retrieves the link between A and C transitively. In this way, CLM can recover transitive traceability links when a suggested method cannot. Here we demonstrate that CLM can effectively recover links that VSM is hard using Open Source Software.


  • Detection of Unexpected Situations by Applying Software Reliability Growth Models to Test Phases

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kazuki Munakata, Sumie Morita, Tadahiro Uehara, Rieko Yamamoto

    2015 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW)     2 - 5  2015  [Refereed]

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    In software development, software reliability growth models (SRGMs) often provide values that do not meet expectations; sometimes the results of the SRGM and the actual data disagree and other times the SRGM overestimates the expected values. The former often occurs in model curves and the predicted number of faults. For example, the software reliability growth curve cannot describe the situation where developers stop testing multiple times because the equations in SRGMs cannot treat such information. The latter can arise when the total number of expected faults is 100, but the SRGM indicates 1000. If developers encounter such situations, they often doubt the SRGM results and hesitate using SRGMs for predictions. In this study, we apply two different cases of SRGM. Two projects of Fujitsu Labs Ltd. are analyzed using SRGM either for the entire dataset or each test phase. Based on the results and interviews with the developers, we found that the model using separate test phases provides a better fit because faults counted in each test phase have different viewpoints and the deviation between SRGM and expectations indicates a problem with development.


  • Work in Progress: A Comparison of Programming Way: Illustration-based Programming and Text-based Programming

    Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


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    Learning to programming language is difficult. One solution is to use a digital game, which increases motivation of first-time learners. In this paper, we were executing programming learning with MincraftEdu of sandbox game and ComputerCraftEdu of expansion function. In addition, learning method to programming has illustration-based programming and text-based programming in ComputerCraftEdu. We compare the programming way of illustration programming and text programming. In this result, there was a significant difference towards the illustration-based programming throughout the comparison. In this paper, we present the results.


  • A Third-party Extension Support Framework Using Patterns

    Yiyang Hao, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    2015 22ND ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APSEC 2015)     198 - 205  2015  [Refereed]

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    Software extension is a fundamental challenge in software engineering which involves extending the functionalities of a software module without modifying it. Many modern software developers choose to adapt third-party extension platform to further improve customizability. As the project evolves, the requirements may change to include third-party extension support. However to design and to implement such platform is no trivial task, and should happen at the beginning of the project. In this paper, we have shown the four types of extensions that are often made to object-oriented software, namely Member Access Extension, Subclass Extension, Event-based Extension and Data Extension. And proposed a language-independent platform design that can be applied to an existing software project to support such third-party extensions. The platform exercises design patterns to implement its features. We also developed an Eclipse plugin that helps developers introduce the platform to existing Java software via semi-automatic code manipulation. We further conducted a comparative experiment to test our tool with volunteers from Waseda University and noticed a significant decrease of required effort.



  • Detection of Unexpected Situations by Applying Software Reliability Growth Models to Test Phases

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kazuki Munakata, Sumie Morita, Tadahiro Uehara, Rieko Yamamoto

    2015 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW)     2 - 5  2015  [Refereed]

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    In software development, software reliability growth models (SRGMs) often provide values that do not meet expectations; sometimes the results of the SRGM and the actual data disagree and other times the SRGM overestimates the expected values. The former often occurs in model curves and the predicted number of faults. For example, the software reliability growth curve cannot describe the situation where developers stop testing multiple times because the equations in SRGMs cannot treat such information. The latter can arise when the total number of expected faults is 100, but the SRGM indicates 1000. If developers encounter such situations, they often doubt the SRGM results and hesitate using SRGMs for predictions. In this study, we apply two different cases of SRGM. Two projects of Fujitsu Labs Ltd. are analyzed using SRGM either for the entire dataset or each test phase. Based on the results and interviews with the developers, we found that the model using separate test phases provides a better fit because faults counted in each test phase have different viewpoints and the deviation between SRGM and expectations indicates a problem with development.



  • A Third-party Extension Support Framework Using Patterns

    Yiyang Hao, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    2015 22ND ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APSEC 2015)   2016-May   198 - 205  2015  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Software extension is a fundamental challenge in software engineering which involves extending the functionalities of a software module without modifying it. Many modern software developers choose to adapt third-party extension platform to further improve customizability. As the project evolves, the requirements may change to include third-party extension support. However to design and to implement such platform is no trivial task, and should happen at the beginning of the project. In this paper, we have shown the four types of extensions that are often made to object-oriented software, namely Member Access Extension, Subclass Extension, Event-based Extension and Data Extension. And proposed a language-independent platform design that can be applied to an existing software project to support such third-party extensions. The platform exercises design patterns to implement its features. We also developed an Eclipse plugin that helps developers introduce the platform to existing Java software via semi-automatic code manipulation. We further conducted a comparative experiment to test our tool with volunteers from Waseda University and noticed a significant decrease of required effort.



  • Identifying Rationales of Strategies by Stakeholder Relationship Analysis to Refine and Maintain GQM+Strategies Models

    Takanobu Kobori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Daisuke Hirabayashi, Katsutoshi Shintani, Yasuko Okazaki, Yasuhiro Kikushima

    15th International Conference of Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement   8892   78 - 92  2014.12  [Refereed]



  • 特集「ソフトウェア工学」の編集にあたって

    沢田篤史, 権藤克彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 阿萬裕久, 門田暁人, 杉山安洋, 岡野浩三, 関澤俊弦

    コンピュータソフトウェア, Vol.31, No.3, p.3_4, 2014.    2014.12  [Invited]


  • 開発者数の変動を含むソフトウェア信頼性モデルを用いた欠陥数予測

    本田 澄, 中井 秀矩, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第21回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2014 in 霧島    2014.12  [Refereed]

  • 保守性・再利用性の低いファイル予測:プロジェクトに合わせた最適化の枠組み

    津田 直彦, 高田 正樹, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 杉村 俊輔, 保田 裕一朗, 二上 将直

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第21回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2014 in 霧島    2014.12  [Refereed]

  • OSSの不具合修正曲線に基づく残存未修正不具合数の予測の試み

    藤野啓輔, 伊原彰紀, 本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 松本健一

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第21回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2014 in 霧島    2014.12  [Refereed]

  • システム企画における最適な意思決定のための重要意思決定キャンバスの提案

    横田真人, 雨谷幸郎, 井出昌浩, 鷲崎弘宜

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第21回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2014 in 霧島    2014.12  [Refereed]

  • 保守性・再利用性が低いファイルの予測:産業データを用いた研究

    津田 直彦, 高田 正樹, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 杉村 俊輔, 保田 裕一朗, 二上 将直

    情報処理学会第186回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会   2014 ( 10 ) 1 - 8  2014.11


  • Detect low maintainability and reusability files: framework for optimal prediction in consideration of a project

    Naohiko Tsuda, Masaki Takada, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shunsuke Sugimura, Yuichiro Yasuda, Masanao Futakami

    6th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2014)    2014.11  [Refereed]

  • Toward Monitoring Bugs-fixing Process after the Releases in Open Source Software

    Keisuke Fujino, Akinori Ihara, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Kenichi Matsumoto

    6th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2014)    2014.11  [Refereed]

  • QA to AQ Part Three – Shifting from Quality Assurance to Agile Quality – Tearing Down the Walls

    Joseph W. Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Hironori Washizaki

    Proceedings of the 10th Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs – SugarLoafPLoP 2014    2014.11  [Refereed]

  • Androidアプリの説明文とプライバシー情報アクセスの相関分析

    渡邉 卓弥, 秋山 満昭, 酒井 哲也, 鷲崎 弘宜, 森 達哉

    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2014 (CSS2014)   2014 ( 2 ) 590 - 597  2014.10


  • リポジトリシステムとソフトウェア信頼性モデルを用いた欠陥数予測

    本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会10月研究会    2014.10

  • CIツールとリポジトリシステムを用いた欠陥数予測

    本田澄, 中井秀矩, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 森牧, 小川健太郎, 高橋一貴

    SQiPシンポジウム2014    2014.09  [Refereed]

  • テストテンプレートを用いたセキュリティ設計パターンの実装の適用検証

    芳澤正敏, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014 セキュリティ共通問題ワークショップ    2014.09

  • セキュリティパターンの研究に関するシステマティックマッピング

    伊藤百合菜, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014 セキュリティ共通問題ワークショップ    2014.09

  • モデルテストによるセキュリティ設計パターンの適用検証

    小橋孝紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 吉岡信和

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014 セキュリティ共通問題ワークショップ    2014.09

  • OSS におけるセキュリティパターンの特定

    山本美聡, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 吉岡信和

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014 セキュリティ共通問題ワークショップ    2014.09

  • RepositoryProbe: リポジトリマイニングのためのデータセット作成支援ツール

    高澤亮平, 坂本一憲, 立情報学研究所, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第31回大会    2014.09

  • まねっこダンス:真似て覚えるプログラミング学習ツール

    坂本一憲, 国立情報学研究所, 高野孝一, 式会社オービック, 本田澄, 音森一輝, 山崎頌平, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第31回大会    2014.09

  • Analyzing Software Patterns Network obtained from Portland Pattern Repository

    Hironori Washizaki, Suthinan Thanintranon, Masashi Kadoya, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takeshi Kawamura, Joseph W. Yoder

    21st Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2014)     14 - 17  2014.09  [Refereed]

  • A Tool for Suggesting Program Elements to Be Changed in Next Edit

    Yang Yujiang, Sakamoto Kazunori, Washizaki Hironori, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    IEICE SIGSS    2014.07

  • RefactoringScript: A Script and Its Processor for Composite Refactoring

    Linchao Yang, Tomoyuki Kamiya, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2014)    2014.07  [Refereed]

  • Abstract security patterns for requirements and analysis of secure systems

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Joseph Yoder

    Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Requirements Engineering (WER 2014)    2014.04  [Refereed]

  • ぬいぐるみを利用したプログラミング学習環境の構築

    音森一輝, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会 第76回全国大会    2014.03

  • The construction technique of a unic abstract syntax tree for two or more programming languages

    Junichi Kobayashi, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    The 76th National Convention of IPSJ    2014.03

  • Improving Fault Localization Based on Dynamic Slicing using Additional Assertions

    Genki Sugimoto, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    The 76th National Convention of IPSJ    2014.03

  • 得点による競争原理を用いた静的解析ツールによる欠陥除去の促進

    新井慧, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会    2014.03

  • UI 設計のためのHTML デザイン パターン

    日野 克哉, 鷲崎 弘宜

    Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Pattern Language of Programs (AsianPLoP 2014)    2014.03  [Refereed]

  • A pattern language for the ET robot contest: On embedded software engineering

    Masashi Kadoya, Toshiyuki Nakano, Takamori Ozawa, Masahiko Wada, Hiroki Itoh, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2014)    2014.03  [Refereed]

  • Patterns for cloud firewalls

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Pattern Language of Programs (AsianPLoP 2014)    2014.03  [Refereed]

  • 国際会議ARES2013参加報告-セキュリティ共通問題の観点から-

    大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会研究報告. CSEC, [コンピュータセキュリティ]   2014 ( 44 ) 1 - 7  2014.02

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    本稿では,2013 年 9 月にドイツ・レーゲンスブルクにおいて開催されたセキュリティの国際会議 ARES への参加について報告する.筆者らが本会議に参加した目的は,ソフトウェアのセキュリティパターンに関する研究発表を行なうとともに,ソフトウェアのセキュリティに関する共通問題の調査を行なうことである.ARES ではセキュリティモデルやソフトウェアセキュリティのセッションにおいて,対象となるソフトウェアのデータセットが扱われていたが,共通問題として扱われているものはなかった.この他本会議ではセキュリティ全般が幅広く扱われており,新しい分野への対応も早い.今回はモバイルや制御系,航空交通管理 (ATM) のセキュリティなどのテーマのセッションが見られた.


  • Detecting Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Program Source Code by using Metrics and Machine Learning

    Satoru Uchiyama, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Special Issue on Design Patterns, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications   7 ( 12 )  2014  [Refereed]


  • Do Open Source Software Projects Conduct Tests Enough?

    Ryohei Takasawa, Kazunori Sakamoto, Akinori Ihara, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    PRODUCT-FOCUSED SOFTWARE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT, PROFES 2014   8892   322 - 325  2014  [Refereed]

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    Do open source software projects provide and maintain tests? What metrics are correlated with the test success? This paper answers these questions by executing tests of 452 open source software projects in GitHub and measuring 13 metrics from 77 projects. Only 117 projects passed all test cases. Additionally, the results are correlated with the comment density, public documented API density, and test coverage.

  • Validating Security Design Pattern Applications by Testing Design Models

    Takanori Kobashi, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Washizaki, Takao Okubo, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    International Journal of Secure Software Engineering   5 ( 4 ) 1 - 30  2014  [Refereed]


  • GQM を用いた改善プロセスサポートツールの開発

    中井 秀矩, 本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集    2014  [Refereed]

  • SEMATメソッドアーキテクチャによるソフトウェアパターンの共通表現

    鷲崎 弘宜

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集    2014  [Refereed]

  • Portland Pattern Repository上のソフトウェアパターン群に対するネットワーク分析

    角谷 将司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 川村 健, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集   2014   53 - 54  2014  [Refereed]


  • クラスの責務の大きさに着目したUML設計クラス図の構造評価

    津田 直彦, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集   2014   25 - 26  2014  [Refereed]


  • テストコードに着目したOSSにおける実証的研究

    高澤 亮平, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集    2014  [Refereed]

  • 不確実性を含む信頼性成長モデル

    本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集    2014  [Refereed]

  • 静的・動的ハイブリッドな解析によるコード・データのトレーサビリティリンクの抽出

    津村 耕司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 土屋 良介, 大島 敬志, 三部 良太

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集   2014   5 - 6  2014  [Refereed]


  • High Performance and Low Energy Consumption by Aspect-Oriented Programming

    Washizaki Hironori, Ohkawara Kota, Hara Akihiro, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   113 ( 422 ) 29 - 34  2014.01

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    In this paper, we report two case studies of applying aspect-oriented programming for achieving high performance and low energy consumption while keeping or improving maintainability: multi-threading existing unit test framework (JUnit) to reduce testing time on multi-core processing environments, and, adding and changing hardware control strategies and algorithms to reduce energy consumption while controlling robotics.


  • アスペクト指向プログラミングによる高性能・低消費電力化

    鷲崎 弘宜, 大河原 洸太, 原 章浩, 深澤 良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会2014年2月    2014.01

  • ソフトウェア品質の知識体系

    鷲崎 弘宜

    情報処理   55 ( 1 ) 65 - 71  2014.01  [Invited]

  • Evaluating structural validity of class diagrams by measuring the number of highly responsible classes

    Naohiko Tsuda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, SE 2014     46 - 53  2014  [Refereed]

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    Design models are often developed using UML class diagrams. Based on past questionnaire surveys reported by Lange and Nugroho, we assumed that the existence of highly responsible classes indicate that a class diagram was created through the proper consideration of the structure of the system. Thus, we analyzed the structure of UML design class diagrams. Specifically, we measured our novel metrics (the amount of highly responsible classes in class diagrams), and investigate the correlations between our metrics and the structural validity of design. In this study, we propose two viewpoints to distinguish large values which indicate high responsibility. Additionally, we conducted the evaluation experiment using 65 design class diagrams, which were originally submitted to a Robot Contest on the domain of embedded systems and evaluated by software development experts based on structural validity. Then the correlations between our novel metrics and the experts' qualitative assessment were analyzed.



  • Semi-automatic Incompatibility Localization for Re-engineered Industrial Software

    Susumu Tokumoto, Kazunori Sakamoto, Kiyofumi Shimojo, Tadahiro Uehara, Hironori Washizaki


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    After a legacy system is re-engineered, it is important to perform compatibility testing so as to identify the differences and reduce the introduced bugs. We can first apply symbolic execution to obtain an exhaustive set of test cases, then use them to check the compatibility of the old system and the new one. However there may be a lot of failed test cases which are a mix of erroneous and allowable incompatibilities. To locate the causes of failures detected during the testing, we apply multiple statistical bug localization techniques. We are able to localize 90% of the incompatibilities in 10% of the code for an industrial application with around 20k lines by Tarantula. And we identify the characteristics of failure causes which are difficult to be detected by statistical bug localization.




    Shota Inaga, Hironori Washizaki, Yusuke Yamada, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Teruhiko Kume, Manabu Tamaki


     View Summary

    In order to improve the training of IT professionals, practical courses in the form of project-based learning (PBL), which teach practical skills for systems acquisition and provisioning and for project management, are being implemented in various universities. For example, a course has been offered at Waseda University since 2011 in cooperation with the Japanese governmental bodies and IT companies. This course consists of three lectures per day for five days (each lecture has 90 minutes) and the number of students attending this course is 26 in 2011, 17 in 2012 and 39 in 2013. In this course, students mainly learn the management of software intensive systems development projects from the viewpoint of the provider such as requirements analysis and architectural design.
    There is a study investigating the relationships between the variation in the personality profile of paired students and their academic performance in Pair Programming [1]. However, in practical courses on software intensive business systems, we do not yet have an established method for determining what kind of personal characteristics and team compositions are most beneficial to obtaining the maximal educational effectiveness.
    In this study, we use the Five Factors and Stress (FFS) theory [2] to quantify the personal characteristics and we ask students to answer same questionnaire before and after the course to measure how improved their knowledge and skills. This questionnaire consists of about 40 questions and each student answers them in six degrees. As example of the questions, there is "Can you analyze requirements?". In many cases, the business of acquiring and providing software intensive systems is carried out as a team-based activity. Therefore, to teach actual business concepts, we randomly compose teams regardless of personal characteristics. The number of teams formed was 6, 4 and 8 for 2011, 2012 and 2013, respectively. This is an additional study of our paper [3] and as significant differences, we add the data of the course of 2013 in Waseda University and we analyze the data through 3 years (2011 - 2013).
    We investigate the relationships between personal characteristics and educational effectiveness to reveal the common tendency. Through t-test and boxplot, we clearly see that variations in the team members' personal characteristics have an effect on educational effectiveness. Large variation team acquires approximately 1.5 times higher educational effectiveness than small one. From this result, it is better for a team to have members with different characteristics in FFS theory for acquiring more knowledge and skills through course. We expect that in similar practical courses, we can also obtain the desirable educational effectiveness if we can compose a team with the suitable characteristics as based on our findings.

  • Efficient Identification of Rationales by Stakeholder Relationship Analysis to Refine and Maintain GQM+Strategies Models

    Takanobu Kobori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Daisuke Hirabayashi, Katsutoshi Shintani, Yasuko Okazaki, Yasuhiro Kikushima

    Communications in Computer and Information Science   432   77 - 82  2014  [Refereed]

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    GQM+Strategies is an approach that aligns business goals at each level of an organization to strategies to realize overall business goals and assesses the achievement of such goals. Strategies are extracted from business goals based on rationales (contexts and assumptions). Using the proposed approach, which refines the GQM+Strategies model by extracting rationales based on the analysis of the relationships between stakeholders, it is possible to extract rationales exhaustively and to reconsider the GQM+Strategies model even if the business environment changes. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014.



  • The Impacts of Personal Characteristic on Educational Effectiveness in Controlled-Project Based Learning on Software Intensive Systems Development

    Yusuke Yamada, Shota Inaga, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Teruhiko Kume, Manabu Tamaki


     View Summary

    In practical courses on software-intensive business systems, students work in teams to acquire practical skills in systems acquisition and provisioning. However, we do not yet have an established method to determine the optimal team composition to achieve maximum educational effectiveness. In this study, we quantitatively and qualitatively investigate how personal characteristics and the learning process of team members affect educational effectiveness by examining a university course in which students work in teams on a realistic project in a classroom setting. We use the Five Factors and Stress (FFS) theory and the modified grounded theory approach (M-GTA) to measure the personal characteristics and to identify the learning process of each team member. Additionally, we compare the learning process of a team with a high educational effectiveness to one with a low educational effectiveness based on number of topics about the learning process and the kind of topics. As a result, we find that it is better for a team to have members with different personal characteristic as defined by FFS theory in order for the students to acquire more knowledge and skills through the course. Additionally, teams that focus on fewer learning process topics acquire more knowledge and skills. We expect that our findings will help increase the educational effectiveness in similar practical courses.


  • Security Requirements Analysis Using Knowledge in CAPEC

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Sho Kono, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Kenji Kaijiri


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    Because all the requirements analysts are not the experts of security, providing security knowledge automatically is one of the effective means for supporting security requirements elicitation. We propose a method for eliciting security requirements on the basis of Common Attack Patterns Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC). A requirements analyst can automatically acquire the candidates of attacks against a functional requirement with the help of our method. Because technical terms are mainly used in the descriptions in CAPEC and usual phrases are used in the requirements descriptions, there are gaps between them. To bridge the gaps, our method contains a mapping between technical terms and noun phrases called term maps.


  • Predicting Release Time Based on Generalized Software Reliability Model (GSRM)

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Development environments have changed drastically, development periods are shorter than ever and the number of team members has increased. Especially in open source software (OSS), a large number of developers contribute to OSS. OSS has difficulties in predicting or deciding when it will be released. In order to assess recent software developments, we proposed a generalized software reliability model (GSRM) based on a stochastic process, and compared GSRM with other models. In this paper, we focus on the release dates of OSS and the growth of faults (issues).



  • Network Analysis for Software Patterns including Organizational Patterns in Portland Pattern Repository

    Hironori Washizaki, Masashi Kadoya, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Takeshi Kawamura

    2014 AGILE CONFERENCE (AGILE)     66 - 67  2014  [Refereed]

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    Organizational patterns are known as the basis for Agile software development movement. Patterns usually form a network having relationships among them to support users understand and utilize patterns efficiently and effectively. However little is known about the nature of pattern networks, such as how are organizational patterns different from other patterns from the viewpoint of centrality. To clarify such characteristics, we mine a network consisting 285 patterns including 15 organizational patterns from an existing online pattern repository called Portland Pattern Repository. By applying network analysis techniques to the mined network, we revealed several interesting characteristics of the pattern network and organizational patterns such as that the degree centrality seems to somewhat reflect the commonness and generality of the corresponding pattern.



  • Validating Ajax applications using a delay-based mutation technique

    Yuta Maezawa, Kazuki Nishiura, Shinichi Honiden, Hironori Washizaki

    ASE 2014 - Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering     491 - 501  2014  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The challenge of validating Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) applications lies in actual errors exposed in a user environment. Several studies have proposed effective and efficient testing techniques to identify executable faults. However, the applications might have faults that are not executed during testing, but might cause actual errors in a user environment. Although we have investigated static methods for finding "potential faults" that seem to cause actual errors if executed, developers need to confirm whether or not the potential faults are actually executable. Herein, we propose a mutation-based testing method implemented in a tool called JSPreventer. Even if the potential faults are not easily executable in a given environment, our method mutates the applications until they are executable using two delay-based mutation operators to manipulate the timing of the applications handling interactions. Thus, JSPreventer provides executable evidences of the not-easily-executable faults for developers, if it reveals actual errors by testing the mutated applications. We applied our method to real-world applications and found actual errors that developers could debug to improve their reliability. Therefore, JSPreventer can help developers validate reliable real-world Ajax applications.



  • Using an Automatic Collection Method to Identify Patterns during Design Activity

    Jonatan Hernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, JCKBSE 2014   466   491 - 504  2014  [Refereed]

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    Although design is an extremely important activity in software development, it is subjective because it depends on the designers' knowledge and skills. Every designer has her or his own strategies to solve design problems. Herein we model the design process as an ordered sequence of logical actions of "Create", "Delete", and "Modify" applied to the elements of a UML class diagram, and propose an automatic approach to collect information about the design process to elucidate design strategies. The strategies considered are top-down, bottom-up, breadthfirst, depth-first, and opportunistic. By mining the ordered sequences of actions for frequent patterns and analyzing the position and distribution of the actions in the sequence, we obtained two types of relationships in the design process: micro-patterns and macro-patterns. Then we evaluated our approach with two case studies. The first one, which occurred over a short time frame with seven subjects, identified the strategies used, while the second, which involved three subjects over a long period, revealed that there is not a universal strategy, but a combination of strategies.



  • Continuous product-focused project monitoring with trend patterns and GQM

    Hidenori Nakai, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Ken Asoh, Kaz Takahashi, Kentarou Ogawa, Maki Mori, Takashi Hino, Yosuke Hayakawa, Yasuyuki Tanaka, Shinichi Yamada, Daisuke Miyazaki

    Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC   2   69 - 74  2014  [Refereed]

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    It is important for project stakeholders to identify the states of projects and quality of products. Although metrics are useful for identifying them, it is difficult for project stakeholders to select appropriate metrics and determine the purpose of measuring metrics. We propose an approach that defines the measured metrics by GQM method, and supports identifying tendency in projects and products based on Trend Pattern. Additionally, we implement a tool as a Jenkins Plugin which to visualizes an evaluation results based on GQM method. We perform an experiment with OSS and industrial case study with two software development projects. In our experiment, we can identify the problem and project tendency. In our industrial case study, we can also identify the problem that project contains. As our future work, we will adopt our approach and GQM Plugin to software development project continuously to assess their effectiveness in the long term.1.



  • Security and Privacy Behavior Definition for Behavior Driven Development

    Takao Okubo, Yoshio Kakizaki, Takanori Kobashi, Hironori Washizaki, Shinpei Ogata, Haruhiko Kaiya, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    PRODUCT-FOCUSED SOFTWARE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT, PROFES 2014   8892   306 - 309  2014  [Refereed]

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    There is an issue when security measures are implemented and tested while using agile software development techniques such as Behavior Driven Development (BDD). We need to define the necessary levels of security and the privacy behaviors and acceptance criteria for the BDD. A method for defining the acceptance criteria (BehaveSafe) by creating a threat and countermeasure graph called the T&C graph is proposed in this paper. We have estimated the efficiency of our method with a web based system.



  • Initial industrial experience of gqm-based product-focused project monitoring with trend patterns

    Hidenori Nakai, Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Ken Asoh, Kaz Takahashi, Kentarou Ogawa, Maki Mori, Takashi Hino, Yosuke Hayakawa, Yasuyuki Tanaka, Shinichi Yamada, Daisuke Miyazaki

    Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC   2   43 - 46  2014  [Refereed]

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    It is important for project stakeholders to identify the states of projects and quality of products. Although metrics are useful for identifying them, it is difficult for project stakeholders to select appropriate metrics and determine the purpose of measuring metrics. We propose an approach that defines the measured metrics by GQM method to identify tendency in projects and products based on Trend Pattern. Additionally, we implement a tool as a Jenkins Plugin to visualize an evaluation results based on GQM method. We perform an industrial case study, which objects are two software development projects. In our industrial case study, we can identify the problem that product contains. As our future work, we will adopt our approach and GQM Plugin to software development project continuously to assess their effectiveness in the long term.



  • A Gamified Tool for Motivating Developers to Remove Warnings of Bug Pattern Tools

    Satoshi Arai, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


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    Static analysis tools such as bug pattern tools are useful to detect bugs early in software development. However, existing tools sometimes yield so many warnings that developers tend to ignore such warnings.
    To deal with this problem, we propose a gamified tool for motivating developers to remove such warnings. Our tool employs the gamification technique that calculates points by counting removed warnings with respect to each developer and each team. The points give developers feedback and urge them to compete with each other. We confirmed that developers removed about 150% warnings with our tool in comparison with the case where they did not use our tool through an experiment.



  • A tool to suggest similar program element modifications

    Yujiang Yang, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC   1   311 - 318  2014  [Refereed]

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    Many program tasks require continuous modification of similar program elements, which is burdensome on programmers because continuous modifications are time consuming and some modifications are easily overlooked. To resolve this issue, we developed a tool, named SimilarHighlight, which extracted all possible matching elements via similarity patterns from recently modified elements using a sub syntax tree comparison. SimilarHighlight suggests similar program elements that may be modified during the next modification. Potential elements are highlighted and their text can be immediately selected by shortcut keys. Evaluations indicate that SimilarHighlight can improve programming productivity. Currently, SimilarHighlight supports C, C#, JAVA, JavaScript, and PHP, but in the future we will expand it to other languages.



  • Predicting time range of development based on generalized software reliability model

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hidenori Nakai, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Ken Asoh, Kazuyoshi Takahashi, Kentarou Ogawa, Maki Mori, Takashi Hino, Yosuke Hayakawa, Yasuyuki Tanaka, Shinichi Yamada, Daisuke Miyazaki

    Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC   1   351 - 358  2014  [Refereed]

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    Development environments have changed drastically, development periods are shorter than ever and the number of team members has increased. These changes have led to difficulties in controlling the development activities and predicting when the development will end. Especially, quality managers try to control software reliability and project managers try to estimate the end of development for planing developing term and distribute the manpower to other developments. In order to assess recent software developments, we propose a generalized software reliability model (GSRM) based on a stochastic process, and simulate developments that include uncertainties and dynamics. We also compare our simulation results to those of other software reliability models. Using the values of uncertainties and dynamics obtained from GSRM, we can evaluate the developments in a quantitative manner. Additionally, we use equations to define the uncertainty regarding the time required to complete a development, and predict whether or not a development will be completed on time. We compare GSRM with an existing model using two old actual datasets and one new actual dataset which we collected, and show that the approximation curve generated by GSRM is about 12% more precise than that generated by the existing model. Furthermore, GSRM can narrow down the predicted time range in which a development will end to less than 40% of that obtained by the existing model.



  • システム企画局面における戦略的意思決定の考察

    横田真人, 雨谷幸郎, 井出昌浩, 原田龍一, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会 第127回情報システムと社会環境研究発表会    2013.12

  • An Empirical Study of Open Source Projects based on Measurement Metrics

    Ryohei Takasawa, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

        197 - 202  2013.11  [Refereed]

  • ホワイトボックス単体テストにおけるペアテスティング

    坂本 一憲, 本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀    2013.11  [Refereed]

  • ホワイトボックス単体テストにおけるペアテスティング

    坂本 一憲, 本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀    2013.11  [Refereed]

  • システム企画局面における戦略的意思決定

    横田真人, 雨谷幸郎, 井出昌浩, 原田龍一, 鷲崎弘宜

    第10回情報システム学会全国大会・研究発表大会    2013.11

  • ゲーミフィケーションを用いたバグパターンによる欠陥除去の促進

    新井 慧, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀    2013.11  [Refereed]

  • ホワイトボックス単体テストにおけるペアテスティング

    坂本 一憲, 本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀    2013.11  [Refereed]

  • Portland Pattern Repository上のソフトウェアパターン群に対するネットワーク分析

    角谷 将司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 川村 健, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀、石川県加賀市山代温泉    2013.11  [Refereed]

  • 責務の割り当てに着目した設計クラス図の機能性・保守性評価

    津田 直彦, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀    2013.11  [Refereed]

  • メトリクス測定に基づくオープンソースプロジェクトにおける実証的研究

    高澤 亮平, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀    2013.11  [Refereed]

  • Learning System for Computational Thinking using Appealing User Interface with Icon-Based Programming Language on Smartphones

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Koichi Takano, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013)     562 - 568  2013.11  [Refereed]

  • A pattern language for the ET robot contest: On embedded software engineering

    Masashi Kadoya, Toshiyuki Nakano, Takamori Ozawa, Masahiko Wada, Hiroki Itoh, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2013)    2013.10  [Refereed]

  • リスク算出式を変更可能なバグローカリゼーションフレームワーク

    坂本 一憲, 下條 清史, 徳本 晋, 上原 忠弘, 杉本 元気, 本田 清, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウムSES2013 併設ワークショップ「プログラム・デバッグ自動化の現状と今後」    2013.09

  • システム再構築プロジェクトにおけるバグローカリゼーションの適用

    徳本 晋, 坂本 一憲, 下條清史, 上原 忠弘, 鷲崎弘宜

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウムSES2013 併設ワークショップ「プログラム・デバッグ自動化の現状と今後」    2013.09

  • プログラミング初学者向けコンテストシステム

    坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第30回大会    2013.09

  • プロジェクト型演習に基づく実践的IT講座における共通性の分析と教育効果の評価

    鷲崎 弘宜, 伊永 祥太, 山田 佑輔, 筧 捷彦, 深澤 良彰, 山戸 昭三, 大久保 雅司

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第30回大会   30   334 - 338  2013.09


  • Traceability measurement and improvement via recovering traceability links

    Hiroki Itoh, Yoshiaki Pukazawa, Hiroyuki Tanabe, Rieko Namiki, Hironori Washizaki

    Computer Software   30 ( 3 ) 123 - 129  2013.08

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    As traceability is a factor in software maintainability, various methods have been reported to preserve it. However, perception of traceability tends to be subjective because there is no indicator which represents the degree of it. We propose an approach to measure traceability between a design model described in UML and source code written in object-oriented language. In detail, our approach maps a design to its implementation with the semi-automatic original algorithm and measures traceability with the Goal-Question-Metric approach. We apply the approach to pairs of a design model and source code and find that the degree of traceability can be presumed with a little work even by a third person.

  • Systematic Mapping of Workshops for Learning Agile Software Development Principles

    Hironori Washizaki, Shota Suzuki, Ryushi Shiohama, Masashi Kadoya, Kazunori Sakamoto, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Edcuation and Educational Research (EER 2013)     102 - 107  2013.08  [Refereed]

  • Network analysis for Software Patterns in Portland Pattern Repository

    Washizaki Hironori, Kawamura Takeshi, Kadoya Masashi, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    Technical report of IEICE. KBSE   113 ( 160 ) 31 - 36  2013.07

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    We applied the technique of network analysis to collection site Portland Pattern Repository (henceforth, PPR) of the software pattern, and centrality was calculated. And the feature of the relation between software patterns was clarified. Moreover, metrics analysis was conducted about the history information of each software pattern. As a result, The degree centrality of the frequently-used software pattern was high value. This is useful to select a software pattern and the extraction of a new software pattern.


  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Software Engineering

    SAWADA Atsushi, GONDOW Katsuhiko, MARUYAMA Katsuhisa, WASHIZAKI Hironori

      30 ( 3 )  2013.07


  • Portland Pattern Repositoryにおけるソフトウェアパターンに対するネットワーク分析

    鷲崎 弘宜, 川村 健, 角谷 将司, 深澤, 良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会8月    2013.07

  • Extended Design Patterns in New Object-Oriented Programming Languages

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2013     600 - 605  2013.06  [Refereed]

  • Comparative Evaluation of Programming Paradigm: Separation of Concerns with Object-, Aspect-, and Context-Oriented Programming

    Fumiya Kato, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2013     594 - 599  2013.06  [Refereed]

  • Mutation Analysis for JavaScript Web Applications Testing

    Kazuki Nishiura, Yuta Maezawa, Hironori Washizaki, Shinichi Honiden

    Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2013)     159 - 165  2013.06  [Refereed]

  • A Generalized Software Reliability Model Including Uncertainty and Dynamics in Development

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

      2013 ( 8 ) 1 - 8  2013.05

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    Development environments have changed drastically in recent years. The development periods are shorter than ever and the number of team has increased. These changes have led to difficulties in controlling the development activities and predicting the end of developments. In order to assess recent software developments, we propose a generalized software reliability model based on a stochastic process, and simulate developments that include uncertainties and dynamics, such as unpredictable requirements changes, shortening of the development period, and decrease in the number of members. We also compare our simulation results to those of other software reliability models. Using the values of uncertainties and dynamics obtained from our model, we can evaluate the developments in a quantitative manner.


  • 開発における不確定性と時間変化を考慮した一般化信頼性モデル

    本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会6月    2013.05

  • Influence of Organizational Change on Product Metrics and Defects

    Seiji Sato, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Hiroyuki Ono, Yoshiiku Hanai, Mikihiko Yamamoto

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会6月   113 ( 24 ) 61 - 66  2013.05

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    In software development, the development organization sometimes changes, but its influence on software quality has not yet been elucidated. In this paper, we introduce origins - the creation and modification history of files - to study the effects of organizational change on software quality. Using origins, we analyze two open source projects developed by a total of three organizations. We conduct statistical analysis to investigate the relationship between origins, product metrics, and defects. As a result, we find that files modified by multiple organizations or by later organizations tend to be complex and faulty, and that complex files tend to be faulty regardless of origin. Additionally, we construct a fault prediction model that uses both origins and product metrics as the predictors, and improve the model that uses only product metrics.


  • 複数言語対応かつ算出式変更可能なバグローカリゼーションフレームワークの提案

    下條 清史, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会4月 (IEICE-SIGSS)    2013.03

  • A pattern language for ET robot contests

    Masashi Kadoya, Toshiyuki Nakano, Takanori Ozawa, Masahiko Wada, Hiroki Itoh, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of 1st Indian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (GuruPLoP 2013)     1 - 9  2013.03  [Refereed]

  • Multiple Programming Languages Support Customizable Bug Localization Framework

    SHIMOJO Kiyofumi, SAKAMOTO Kazunori, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   112 ( 458 ) 45 - 50  2013.02

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    Bug localization technique is effectual approach for locating software bugs using the number of failing and passing test cases that execute the statement. However, existing bug localization tools only support one type of programming languages and one type of suspiciousness metrics. In this paper, We presents customizable bug localization framework supporting multiple programming languages and multiple suspiciousness metrics. By apply each suspiciousness metrics to multiple programming languages and comparing, we show the availability of our proposed.


  • Traceability Measurement between a Design Model and its Source Code

    Hiroki Itoh, Hiroyuki Tanabe, Rieko Namiki, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    12th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2013)    2013.02  [Refereed]

  • UNICOEN: 複数プログラミング言語対応のソースコード処理フレームワーク

    坂本 一憲, 大橋 昭, 太田 大地, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   54 ( 2 ) 945 - 960  2013.02  [Refereed]

  • インタラクションに着目したRich Internet Applications の欠陥発見の支援

    前澤 悠太, 鷲崎 弘宜, 本位田 真一

    情報処理学会論文誌   54 ( 2 ) 820 - 834  2013.02  [Refereed]


  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Software Engineering

    SAWADA Atsushi, GONDOW Katsuhiko, MARUYAMA Katsuhisa, WASHIZAKI Hironori

    Computer Software   30 ( 3 ) 3_2 - 3_2  2013


  • Relationships between Team Organization and Education Effects in Practical Lecture on Information Systems Development

    INAGA Shota, WASHIZAKI Hironori, YOSHIDA Yusuke, KAKEHI Katsuhiko, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki, YAMATO Shoso, OKUBO Masashi, TAMAKI Manabu

    Journal of Jsee   61 ( 5 ) 5_88 - 5_93  2013

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    In practical lectures on software intensive business systems, we do not yet have an established method for determining what kind of personal characteristics and team compositions are most beneficial to obtaining the maximal educational effectiveness. Here, we propose a framework for analyzing the effects of personal characteristics of team members on educational effectiveness. We also apply the framework to an actual practical lecture. As a result, we find that it is better for a team to have members with a similar degree of tendency of conservative for acquiring more knowledge and skills and the team members have similar characteristics of progressive or conservative. It is expected that in similar practical lectures, we can also obtain the desired educational effectiveness if we can compose a team with the suitable characteristics as based on our findings.


  • 組込みソフトウェアの派生開発におけるソースコードメトリクスによる再利用性測定

    高田正樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 遠藤匠, 大藤大, 深澤由彰, 佐藤雅宏, 杉村俊輔, 関洋平

    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム 2013    2013  [Refereed]

  • フィーチャ分析と充足可能性判定を用いたシステムテストに向けたシステム構成導出

    新原敦介, 小川秀人, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会論文誌   55 ( 2 ) 922 - 938  2013  [Refereed]


  • Refactoring Script:再利用可能なリファクタリングスクリプトと処理系

    神谷知行, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO)   6 ( 3 ) 33 - 45  2013  [Refereed]

  • 情報システム開発の実践的講座におけるチーム構成と教育効果の関係

    伊永祥太, 鷲崎弘宜, 吉田裕介, 筧捷彦, 深澤良彰, 山戸昭三, 大久保雅司, 玉木学

    工学教育   61 ( 5 ) 88 - 93  2013  [Refereed]


  • トレーサビリティリンク回復を通じたトレーサビリティ測定と改善支援

    伊藤弘毅, 志水理哉, 田邉浩之, 波木理恵子, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   30 ( 3 ) 3_123 - 3_129  2013  [Refereed]

  • パターンの構造化を利用したパターンランゲージの拡充

    中野聡之, 角谷将司, 鈴木翔太, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 羽生田栄一, 本橋正成, 三上 徹也

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J96-D ( 11 ) 2706 - 2709  2013  [Refereed]


  • Refactoring Script:再利用可能なリファクタリングスクリプトと処理系

    神谷知行, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第94回プログラミング研究発表会    2013

  • テスト貢献度に基づくゲーミフィケーションを用いた教育用テストツールの提案

    髙澤 亮平, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会    2013

  • オブジェクトおよびアスペクト指向プログラミング言語との比較実験を通した新しいコンテキスト指向プログラミング言語の提案

    加藤 史也, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会   2013 ( 1 ) 355 - 357  2013


  • Vim エディタ上でのキー入力解析による入力短縮化方法の学習を支援するツールの構築

    杉本 元気, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会    2013

  • 上流工程のUML クラス図を入力としたソフトウェアの保守性測定メトリクススイート

    津田 直彦, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会    2013

  • 女子学生向けプログラミング学習環境の構築

    高野 孝一, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会    2013

  • ゲーミフィケーションを用いたバグパターンによる欠陥除去を促進する手法の提案

    新井 慧, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会    2013

  • 派生プロダクト群における要求・実装間のトレーサビリティリンク抽出

    土屋 良介, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・那須    2013  [Refereed]

  • アジャイルモデルの習得におけるワークショップの有効性の分析

    鈴木 翔大, 塩浜 龍志, 角谷 将司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・那須,    2013  [Refereed]

  • Systematic Mappingを用いたアジャイルワークショップの分析

    鷲崎 弘宜, 鈴木 翔大, 塩浜 龍志, 角谷 将司, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須    2013  [Refereed]

  • パターンの構造化に基づくパターン・ランゲージの拡充

    中野 聡之, 角谷 将司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須    2013  [Refereed]

  • OCCF: A framework for developing test coverage measurement tools supporting multiple programming languages

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Kiyofumi Shimojo, Ryohei Takasawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - IEEE 6th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2013     422 - 430  2013  [Refereed]

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    Although many programming languages and test coverage criteria currently exist, most coverage measurement tools only support select programming languages and coverage criteria. Consequently, multiple measurement tools must be combined to measure coverage for software which uses multiple programming languages such as web applications. However, such combination leads to inconsistent and inaccurate measurement results.In this paper, we describe a consistent and flexible framework for measuring coverage supporting multiple programming languages, called Open Code Coverage Framework (OCCF). OCCF allows users to add new extensions for supporting programming languages and coverage criteria with low development costs. To evaluate the effectiveness of OCCF, sample implementation to support statement coverage and decision coverage for eight programming languages (C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby and Lua) are demonstrated. Additionally, applications of OCCF for localizing faults and minimizing tests are shown. © 2013 IEEE.



  • Simulinkモデルの保守性向上に向けたクラスタリングおよびUMLモデルとの双方向変換

    小澤 貴之, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会2月 (IEICE-SIGSS)    2013.01

  • POGen: A Test Code Generator Based on Template Variable Coverage in Gray-Box Integration Testing for Web Applications

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Kaizu Tomohiro, Daigo Hamura, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    FUNDAMENTAL APPROACHES TO SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, FASE 2013   7793   343 - 358  2013  [Refereed]

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    Web applications are complex; they consist of many subsystems and run on various browsers and platforms. This makes it difficult to conduct adequate integration testing to detect faults in the connections between subsystems or in the specific environments. Therefore, establishing an efficient integration testing method with the proper test adequacy criteria and tools is an important issue.
    In this paper, we propose a new test coverage called template variable coverage. We also propose a novel technique for generating skeleton test code that includes accessor methods and improves the template variable coverage criterion, using a tool that we developed called POGen. Our experiments show that template variable coverage correlates highly with the capability to detect faults, and that POGen can reduce testing costs.



  • Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis and an Extended Design Pattern using Scala for Artificial Intelligence Programming Contests

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Hiroaki Hosono, Seiji Sato, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


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    An artificial intelligence programming contest with game software is one of the most effective way of learning programming. Contestants can spontaneously learn programming to win in such contests. Although our previous work helps to hold artificial intelligence programming contests, its effectiveness is limited owing to an insufficient requirement analysis and uses of an unrefined design pattern.
    In this paper, we report on ACM JavaChallenge 2012, that is an artificial intelligence programming contest. we elicit requirements on a contest with a goal-oriented requirements analysis and extend the state design pattern using Scala to hold JavaChallenge 2012. We evaluate JavaChallenge 2012 very highly by questionnaire investigation.


  • Team Characteristics for Maximizing the Educational Effectiveness of Practical Lectures on Software Intensive Systems Development

    Shota Inaga, Hironori Washizaki, Yusuke Yoshida, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Teruhiko Kume, Manabu Tamaki, Toshikazu Kanou


     View Summary

    In practical lectures on software intensive business systems, we do not yet have an established method for determining what kind of personal characteristics and team compositions are most beneficial to obtaining the maximal educational effectiveness. Here, we propose a framework for analyzing the effects of personal characteristics of team members on educational effectiveness. We also apply the framework to an actual practical lecture. As a result, we find that it is better for a team to have members with a similar degree of tendency of conservative for acquiring more knowledge and skills and the team members have similar characteristics of progressive or conservative. It is expected that in similar practical lectures, we can also obtain the desired educational effectiveness if we can compose a team with the suitable characteristics as based on our findings.


  • A Generalized Software Reliability Model Considering Uncertainty and Dynamics in Development

    Kiyoshi Honda, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    PRODUCT-FOCUSED SOFTWARE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT   7983   342 - 346  2013  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Development environments have changed drastically in recent years. The development periods are shorter than ever and the number of team has increased. These changes have led to difficulties in controlling the development activities and predicting the end of developments. In order to assess recent software developments, we propose a generalized software reliability model based on a stochastic process, and simulate developments that include uncertainties and dynamics, such as unpredictable requirements changes, shortening of the development period, and decrease in the number of members. We also compare our simulation results to those of other software reliability models. Using the values of uncertainties and dynamics obtained from our model, we can evaluate the developments in a quantitative manner.



  • Joint workshop of the 5th International Workshop on Model-Driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering and the 4th Workshop on Scalable Modeling Techniques for Software Product Lines (MAPLE/SCALE 2013)

    Goetz Botterweck, Deepak Dhungana, Natsuko Noda, Rick Rabiser, Hironori Washizaki

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series     268  2013

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    One of the greatest barriers on the way to the efficient creation, handling, and evolution of product lines is the complexity and scale of the underlying artifacts. In this context, the MAPLE/SCALE workshop focuses on the investigation of scalability issues and the application of model-driven concepts and techniques in software product line engineering (SPLE). The workshop explores how to handle product lines of realistic complexity and how to facilitate systematic and efficient product derivation. © 2013 Authors.



  • Recovering traceability links between requirements and source code in the same series of software products

    Ryosuke Tsuchiya, Tadahisa Kato, Hironori Washizaki, Masumi Kawakami, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kentaro Yoshimura

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series     121 - 130  2013  [Refereed]

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    If traceability links between requirements and source code are not clarified when conducting maintenance and enhancements for the same series of software products, engineers cannot immediately find the correction location in the source code for requirement changes. However, manually recovering links in a large group of products requires significant costs and some links may be overlooked. Here, we propose a semi-automatic method to recover traceability links between requirements and source code in the same series of large software products. In order to support differences in representation between requirements and source code, we recover links by using the configuration management log as an intermediary. We refine the links by classifying requirements and code elements in terms of whether they are common or specific to the products. As a result of applying our method to real products that have 60KLOC, we have recovered valid traceability links within a reasonable amount of time. Automatic parts have taken 13 minutes 36 seconds, and non-automatic parts have taken about 3 hours, with a recall of 76.2% and a precision of 94.1%. Moreover, we recovered some links that were unknown to engineers. By recovering traceability links, software reusability will be improved, and software product line introduction will be facilitated. © 2013 ACM.



  • Analyzing effectiveness of workshops for learning agile development principles

    Shota Suzuki, Ryushi Shiohama, Masashi Kadoya, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    2013 AGILE CONFERENCE (AGILE)     50 - 59  2013  [Refereed]

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    Workshops are sometimes known as effective ways to learn the human and social factors of software engineering. However, their effectiveness in learning agile development principles in particular has not yet been determined, despite the fact that numerous agile development workshops have been held over the years. In this paper, we analyze the effectiveness of agile development workshops through an experiment, and show that one of representative workshops is indeed effective at learning agile principles. Self-study is another commonly used method to learn something new. Therefore, we compare the effectiveness of workshops with that of self-study to better illustrate the effectiveness of agile development workshops. In our experiment, we examine 7 workshop subjects and 8 self-study subjects, and compare their scores on the agile mind check, which is a method used to measure their degree of mastery of agile principles. As a result, we demonstrate the effectiveness of agile development workshops, especially those that simulate actual experiences. We also show that one of workshops is more effective than self-study regarding the agile mind check score.



  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Software Engineering

    Atsushi Sawada, Katsuhiko Gondow, Katsuhisa Maruyama, Hironori Washizaki

    Computer Software   30 ( 3 ) 2  2013  [Invited]



  • Validating security design patterns application using model testing

    Takanori Kobashi, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takao Okubo, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2013     62 - 71  2013  [Refereed]

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    Software developers are not necessarily security specialists, security patterns provide developers with the knowledge of security specialists. Although security patterns are reusable and include security knowledge, it is possible to inappropriately apply a security pattern or that a properly applied pattern does not mitigate threats and vulnerabilities. Herein we propose a method to validate security pattern applications. Our method provides extended security patterns, which include requirement- and design-level patterns as well as a new model testing process using these patterns. Developers specify the threats and vulnerabilities in the target system during an early stage of development, and then our method validates whether the security patterns are properly applied and assesses whether these vulnerabilities are resolved. © 2013 IEEE.



  • Automated Verification of Pattern-Based Interaction Invariants in Ajax Applications

    Yuta Maezawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshinori Tanabe, Shinichi Honiden


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    When developing asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) applications, developers implement Ajax design patterns for increasing the usability of the applications. However, unpredictable contexts of running applications might conceal faults that will break the design patterns, which decreases usability. We propose a support tool called JSVerifier that automatically verifies interaction invariants; the applications handle their interactions in invariant occurrence and order. We also present a selective set of interaction invariants derived from Ajax design patterns, as input. If the application behavior breaks the design patterns, JSVerifier automatically outputs faulty execution paths for debugging. The results of our case studies show that JSVerifier can verify the interaction invariants in a feasible amount of time, and we conclude that it can help developers increase the usability of Ajax applications.


  • Effects of organizational changes on product metrics and defects

    Seiji Sato, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Hiroyuki Ono, Yoshiiku Hanai, Mikihiko Yamamoto

    Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC   1   132 - 139  2013  [Refereed]

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    The development organization often changes during software development. Derivative developments, forks, and change of developers due to acquisition or open-sourcing are some conceivable situations. However, the impact of this change on software quality has yet to be elucidated. Herein we introduce the concept of origins to study the effects of organizational changes on software quality. A file's origin is defined as its creation and modification history. Using the concept of origins, we analyze two open source projects, OpenOffice and VirtualBox, which were each developed by a total of three organizations. We conduct statistical analysis to investigate the relationship between the origins, product metrics, the number of modifications, and defects. Results show that files that are created or modified by multiple organizations or by later organizations tend to be faultier due to the increase in complexity and modification frequency.



  • 派生プロダクト群における要求・実装間のトレーサビリティリンク抽出

    土屋 良介, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 加藤 正恭, 川上 真澄, 吉村 健太郎

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会12月 (IEICE-SIGSS)    2012.11

  • Extraction traceability links between requirements and implementation in the same series of software products

    Tsuchiya Ryosuke, Washizaki Hironori, Fukazawa Yoshiaki, Kato Tadahisa, Kawakami Masumi, Yoshimura Kentaro

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   112 ( 275 ) 123 - 128  2012.10

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    When performing maintenance and expansion for the group of products derived, it is important to clarify traceability between requirements and implementation. However, for the large group of products, these tasks manually are difficult. First, we analyze commonality and variability in requirements and source codes. Next, using the configuration management log, we analyze the correspondence of those results. Finally, using the results of this study, we propose a method to extract traceability links between requirements and implements automatically. Result of applying the proposed method to derived products group of a certain size. we were able to extract the appropriate traceability links in a practical time.


  • Analyzing Effect of Team Composition on Education in Practical Lecture of Information Systems Development

    Shota Inaga, Hironori Washizaki, Yusuke Yoshida, Kazuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Teruhiko Kume, Manabu Tamaki, Toshikazu Kanou

    6th International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC 2012)    2012.10  [Refereed]

  • Towards a Unified Source Code Measurement Framework Supporting Multiple Programming Languages

    Reisha Humaira, Kazunori Sakamoto, Akira Ohashi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012)     480 - 485  2012.06  [Refereed]

  • Web-based software component trial system and its evaluation

    Hironori Washizaki, Mai Motomura, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, SEA 2002     305 - 310  2012

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    The reuse of software components is a key to realize Component-Based Development (CBD). When application programmers want to reuse software components, static documents attached to components are insufficient as information about the dynamic behavior of components. In this paper, we propose a new component trial system that enables the trial usage of components over the Internet from a remote site. Our system instantiates components on the server, and provides the web browser with readable property values and Graphical User Interface (GUI) images of components whenever methods of components are invoked by input argument values. As a result of comparative evaluation, it is found that the usefulness of our system is greater than those of conventional techniques.

  • Software engineering approaches for design patterns

    Hironori Washizaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Naoki Ohsugi, Katsuhiko Gondow, Satoshi Hattori, Kubo Atsuto, Takashi Kobayashi, Mika Ohtsuki, Katsuhisa Maruyama, Akira Sakakibara

    Computer Software   29 ( 1 ) 130 - 146  2012

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    Due to high flexibility in software design, it is important to extract and reuse repeated problems and solutions as design patterns in order to improve design efficiency and consistency. In this paper, we report the result of the survey on engineering researches on design patterns in object-oriented software development. Targeted researches include the design pattern application, detection and verification.

  • Extracting interaction-based stateful behavior in Rich Internet Applications

    Yuta Maezawa, Hironori Washizaki, Shinichi Honiden

    Proceedings of the European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR     423 - 428  2012  [Refereed]

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    Although asynchronous technologies such as Ajax make Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) responsive, they can result in unexpected behavior due to nondeterministic client-side processing and asynchronous communication. One difficulty in understanding such erroneous behavior lies in the unpredictable contexts of the running system. Dynamic behavior analysis techniques do not help to verify the correctness of certain "blind spots" in the execution path. In this work, we present a static approach for extracting all possible state transitions described in source code from the RIAs. Our approach is based on the assumption that user, server and self interactions with the RIAs can change the states of the application. Our method consists of four steps: 1) using given specifications of Ajax relevant to interactions as rules, 2) creating a call graph, annotating interactions on it and extracting interaction controls, 3) abstracting the call graph to extract relationships among the interactions, and 4) refining the relationships with the interaction controls. By extracting the state machines of test scenarios of the correct and wrong behavior, it can help developers to pinpoint the statements in the source code that lead to the erroneous behavior. Our approach has been evaluated against a few experimental cases and we conclude that it can extract comprehensible state machines in a reasonable time. © 2012 IEEE.



  • 複数のプログラミング言語に対応する拡張可能なリファクタリングエンジン

    神谷知行, 坂本一憲, 大橋昭, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ 2012・イン・琵琶湖     23 - 24  2012.01  [Refereed]

  • Introduction to Software Requirements and Design Science

    WASHIZAKI Hironori

    Computer Software   29 ( 2 ) 2_41 - 2_42  2012


  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Software Engineering

    GONDOW Katsuhiko, SAWADA Atsushi, MARUYAMA Katsuhisa, WASHIZAKI Hironori

    Computer Software   29 ( 3 ) 3_2 - 3_2  2012


  • 情報システム企画・開発の実践的な疑似プロジェクトベース教育

    鷲崎弘宜, 吉田裕介, 筧捷彦, 深澤良彰, 山戸昭三, 大久保雅司

    日本工学教育協会 平成24年度工学教育研究講演会    2012

  • モデルテストによるセキュリティ分析・設計パターンの適用支援

    小橋 孝紀, 大久保 隆夫, 海谷 治彦, 吉岡 信和, 伊永 祥太, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2013   2012 ( 3 ) 655 - 662  2012


  • ETロボットコンテストのためのパターン・ランゲージ

    角谷 将司, 中野 聡之, 小澤 貴之, 和田 雅彦, 伊藤 弘毅, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2013 ワークショップ,    2012

  • ワークショップを通じたアジャイル開発の習得に向けて

    鈴木 翔大, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2013 ワークショップ    2012

  • Simulinkモデルにおけるグラフに基づく非完全一致モデルクローン検出

    鷲崎弘宜, 村上真一, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会8月    2012

  • ETロボットコンテストを題材としたプロセスが不明瞭な開発におけるパターンマイニングの提案

    角谷将司, 中野聡之, 小澤貴之, 和田雅彦, 伊藤弘毅, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第178回ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SE)   2012 ( 4 ) 1 - 8  2012


  • Webアプリケーションの動的部分に着目したグレーボックス統合テストの提案

    坂本一憲, 海津智宏, 波村大悟, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第176回SE・第26回EMB合同研究発表会    2012

  • 組込みソフトウェアの派生開発におけるソースコードメトリクスによる再利用性測定

    鷲崎弘宜, 森田翔, 長井恭兵, 布谷貞夫, 佐藤雅宏, 杉村俊輔, 関洋平

    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム2013(SQiPシンポジウム)    2012  [Refereed]

  • Simulinkモデルにおける非完全一致のクローンの検出

    鷲崎弘宜, 村上真一, 深澤良彰

    組込みシステムシンポジウム2012 ESS2013    2012  [Refereed]

  • DePoT: Webアプリケーションテストにおけるテストコード自動生成テスティングフレームワーク

    青井翔平, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第19回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2012 in 湯布院    2012  [Refereed]

  • Webアプリの動的部分に着目したグレーボックス統合テストとテンプレート変数カバレッジの提案

    坂本一憲, 海津智宏, 波村大悟, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第19回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2012 in 湯布院    2012  [Refereed]

  • UNICOEN: 複数プログラミング言語対応のソースコード処理フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 大橋昭, 太田大地, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2012(SES2013)   2012   1 - 8  2012  [Refereed]


  • チュートリアルシリーズ「ソフトウェアの要求と設計の科学」について


    コンピュータソフトウェア   29 ( 2 ) 2_41 - 2_42  2012  [Refereed]

  • UNICOEN: 複数プログラミング言語対応のソースコード処理フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 大橋昭, 太田大地, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会 第88回プログラミング研究発表会   2012   1 - 8  2012


  • プログラムの構造に着目したFault-Localizationとデバッグ支援

    下條清史, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会    2012

  • 情報システム開発の実践的講座におけるチーム構成と教育効果の関係

    鷲崎弘宜, 吉田裕介, 筧捷彦, 深澤良彰, 山戸昭三, 大久保雅司, 粂照彦, 玉木学, 加納寿一

    プロジェクトマネジメント学会 春季研究発表大会   2012   387 - 392  2012

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    We propose a framework for analyzing impact of team organization on education effects in practical lecture course on information systems development. Moreover we show the result of applying the framework to two lecture courses and several lessons learned.

    DOI CiNii

  • Simulinkモデルにおける非完全一致のモデルクローン検出

    村上真一, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第74回全国大会    2012

  • 設計原則と実現手段に着目したソフトウェアアーキテクチャ設計支援

    中野由貴, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第74回全国大会    2012

  • A Unified Source Code Measurement Tool Supporting Multiple Programming Languages

    Reisha Humaira, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ウィンターワークショップ2012・イン・琵琶湖    2012  [Refereed]

  • UniAspect: A language-independent aspect-oriented programming framework

    Akira Ohashi, Kazunori Sakamoto, Tomoyuki Kamiya, Reisha Humaira, Satoshi Arai, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    MISS'12 - Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Modularity in Systems Software     39 - 43  2012  [Refereed]

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    Existing AOP tools, typified by AspectJ, are proposed as extensions of a single language. Therefore, most existing AOP tools cannot deal with cross-cutting concerns, which are scattered on many modules implemented in two or more languages. We propose a novel language-independent AOP framework named UniAspect. UniAspect translates programs written in various languages into a Unified Code Object, which is our common representation of source code. And it achieves the modularization of scattered cross-cutting concerns in multiple languages by weaving aspects through the Unified Code Object. In this paper, we introduce a case study of the implementation of logs in a web application that is implemented in Java and JavaScript. Its result shows that UniAspect achieves the modularization of these concerns by a single aspect. © 2012 ACM.



  • Extracting Interaction-Based Stateful Behavior in Rich Internet Applications

    Yuta Maezawa, Hironori Washizaki, Shinichi Honiden


     View Summary

    Although asynchronous technologies such as Ajax make Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) responsive, they can result in unexpected behavior due to nondeterministic client-side processing and asynchronous communication. One difficulty in understanding such erroneous behavior lies in the unpredictable contexts of the running system. Dynamic behavior analysis techniques do not help to verify the correctness of certain "blind spots" in the execution path. In this work, we present a static approach for extracting all possible state transitions described in source code from the RIAs. Our approach is based on the assumption that user, server and self interactions with the RIAs can change the states of the application. Our method consists of four steps: 1) using given specifications of Ajax relevant to interactions as rules, 2) creating a call graph, annotating interactions on it and extracting interaction controls, 3) abstracting the call graph to extract relationships among the interactions, and 4) refining the relationships with the interaction controls. By extracting the state machines of test scenarios of the correct and wrong behavior, it can help developers to pinpoint the statements in the source code that lead to the erroneous behavior. Our approach has been evaluated against a few experimental cases and we conclude that it can extract comprehensible state machines in a reasonable time.



  • コンピュータプレイヤーのプログラム作成を通して競い合うゲームプラットフォームの開発を支援するフレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 大橋昭, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J95-D ( 3 ) 412 - 424  2012  [Refereed]

  • デザインパターンへのソフトウェア工学的取り組み

    鷲崎弘宜, 坂本一憲, 大杉直樹, 権藤克彦, 服部哲, 久保淳人, 小林隆志, 大月美佳, 丸山勝久, 榊原彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   29 ( 1 ) 1_130 - 1_146  2012  [Refereed]

  • Reusability metrics for program source code written in C language and their evaluation

    Hironori Washizaki, Toshikazu Koike, Rieko Namiki, Hiroyuki Tanabe

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   7343   89 - 103  2012  [Refereed]

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    There are various approaches to quantitatively and statically measuring the reusability of program source code
    however, empirical demonstrations of the effectiveness of such approaches by considering actual reuse in actual development projects or of the magnitude of their effect on actual reusability have not been reported in depth. In this paper, we identified a set of metrics that are thought to be effective for measuring the reusability of C language program source code. Subsequently, for ten projects involved in development with existing software modification and adoption, during which conventional source code in an old project are extensively reused and adopted to a new project, we compared values of the static metrics identified and the reuse results before and after the development. Statistical analysis demonstrated that some of our metrics are effective for actual software development, and we accurately determined the magnitude of their effect on actual reusability. More concretely, it was found that when the percentage of files used outside the belonging directory is small and the number of function calls is small, the complexity of source code as the material of reuse and factors that are affected by the source code are limited, indicating high reusability. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.



  • Simulinkモデルにおけるグラフに基づく非完全一致モデルクローン検出

    鷲崎弘宜, 村上真一, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会8月   112 ( 165 ) 7 - 12  2012

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    Simulink models represent program as block diagrams for usually control system design. In large scale models or a large number of models, duplicated parts called "clones" could reduces the maintainability of models. To overcome such issue, there are existing researches on detecting perfect-matching clones; however these researches are not adequate for detecting imperfect-matching clones made by some partial modifications after copied and pasted. We propose a technique for detecting imperfect-matching clones in Simulink models efficiently by combining the existing perfect-matching clone detection technique and a fast apriori-based graph mining algorithm. We implemented the proposed technique as a detection tool and confirmed that the tool can detect imperfect-matching tools by applying it to several control system models. It is expected that models could be easily maintained by detecting such clones by the technique, and recording and managing them.


  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Software Engineering LTU

    Katsuhiko Gondow, Atsushi Sawada, Katsuhisa Maruyama, Hironori Washizaki

    Computer Software   29 ( 3 ) 2  2012  [Invited]



  • Macro and Micro Patterns in the Software Design Activity

    Jonatan Hernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING   240   298 - 302  2012  [Refereed]

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    The activities of software analysis and design are important because they are the first steps in the software development. The objective of this paper is to identify the patterns that emerge during these activities. Identifying these patterns is important because we can imitate the patterns that increase our productivity and avoid the patterns that decrease our productivity. The patterns are made from sequences the logical actions "Create", "Delete" and "Rename" applied on the elements of the design diagrams. These actions are collected when creating UML class diagrams with the open source modeling tool ArgoUML. The patterns found are of two types: micro-pattens and macro-patterns. These patterns were related to different design strategies such as top down, breadth first.



  • Estimate of the appropriate iteration length in agile development by conducting simulation

    Ryushi Shiohama, Hironori Washizaki, Shin Kuboaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - 2012 Agile Conference, Agile 2012     41 - 50  2012  [Refereed]

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    Agile development refers to the group of software development methodologies based on an iterative and incremental process model. It divides the development period into short time frames called iterations and uses a body of knowledge obtained from past experience called practice to ensure agile software development Although the iteration length is an important factor in agile development however it has so far been decided by the qualitatively and it has been reported that projects with an inappropriate iteration length tends to be failed. We thus propose a new methodology for estimating an appropriate iteration length through the conduct on of a simulation based on project constraints. In this paper we first, propose a method of calculating an appropriate iteration length for a particular project to promote the easy use of agile development. Second, the relationship between the iteration length and project constraints was investigated by varying the parameters to create diverse situations. © 2012 IEEE.



  • Supporting commonality and variability analysis of requirements and structural models

    Kentaro Kumaki, Ryosuke Tsuchiya, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series   2   115 - 118  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The commonality and variability analysis of legacy software assets requires high costs in terms of personnel and time in extractive core asset development. We propose a technique for supporting the commonality and variability analysis, targeting the requirements and structural models of legacy software assets for the development of a feature diagram and a product line architecture (PLA). We analyze the commonality and variability of the sentences as requirements and classes as structural models by calculating similarities based on a vector space model. By using our technique, the costs in terms of personnel and time required for the analysis of legacy software assets can be reduced. Copyright 2012 ACM.



  • Open Code Coverage Framework: A Framework for Consistent, Flexible and Complete Measurement of Test Coverage Supporting Multiple Programming Languages

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E94D ( 12 ) 2418 - 2430  2011.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Test coverage is an important indicator of whether software has been sufficiently tested. However, there are several problems with the existing measurement tools for test coverage, such as their cost of development and maintenance, inconsistency, and inflexibility in measurement. We propose a consistent and flexible measurement framework for test coverage that we call the Open Code Coverage Framework (OCCF). It supports multiple programming languages by extracting the commonalities from multiple programming languages using an abstract syntax tree to help in the development of the measurement tools for the test coverage of new programming languages. OCCF allows users to add programming language support independently of the test-coverage-criteria and also to add test-coverage-criteria support independently of programming languages in order to take consistent measurements in each programming language. Moreover, OCCF provides two methods for changin the measurement range and elements using XPath and adding user code in order to make more flexible measurements. We implemented a sample tool for C, Java, and Python using OCCF. OCCF can measure four test-coverage-criteria. We also confirmed that OCCF can support C#, Ruby, Java Script, and Lua. Moreover, we reduced the lines of code (LOCs) required to implement measurement tools for test coverage by approximately 90% and the time to implement a new test-coverage-criterion by over 80% in an experiment that compared OCCF with the conventional non-framework-based tools.



  • Mining analysis patterns by structure and word similarity

    Yutaro Nomoto, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series   2011-   III-106 - III-115  2011.10  [Refereed]

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    Analysis patterns encapsulating recurrent analysis processes and results are reused for software analysis. Due to high cost of extracting analysis patterns from existing assets, analysis patterns are sometimes unavailable even though there are a lot of requirements and models as assets. Thus we propose a technique for extracting analysis patterns from existing requirements and corresponding analysis models described in the form of UML class diagrams. Our technique analyzes a set of requirements and corresponding analysis models in terms of structure and word similarity, and specifies commonality. By using our technique, it is possible to extract analysis patterns without high cost.



  • Selection of metrics for predicting the appropriate application of design patterns

    Jonatan Hernandez, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series   2011-   I-41 - I-47  2011.10  [Refereed]

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    Design patterns are known for their usefulness to solve recurrent problems. Design patterns are a way of transmitting knowledge and experience by using proven, high quality solutions. A problem that emerges when using design patterns is that it is not clear how to measure the impact that has its application on the source code. The relationships between metrics and design patterns is not clear. We propose an experiment for measuring the usefulness of metrics and their success in predicting correct usage of design patterns. With this experiment we will explore which metrics capture best the relationship of design patterns quality of the source code. By using those metrics we will make predictions about the correct usage of the design patterns. In this experiment the selected metrics were not a good predictor, however it is a starting point to explore more metrics and their relationships with design patterns.



  • UNICOEN: A Unified Framework for Code Engineering Supporting Multiple Programming Languages

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki

    2nd NII-PKU International Joint Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering    2011.10

  • コンピュータプレイヤー同士の対戦を通したプログラミングコンテストのパターンランゲージ

    坂本一憲, 大橋昭, 志水理哉, 高橋周平, 村上真一, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    The 2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs     1 - 18  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • Webアプリケーション開発における画面仕様書およびテスト仕様書の自動生成手法と開発プロセス改善の提案

    坂本一憲, 東海政治, 村上裕子, 宮原里枝, 奥村有紀子, 秋山浩一, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム2011     1 - 8  2011.09  [Refereed]

  • A Tool For Detecting Duplicated Test Code Based On Test Coverage to Assist TDD

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Takuto Wada, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会    2011.08

  • Webサービスの変更履歴に基づく差分検出と修正支援手法

    福留康之, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第28回大会    2011

  • 要求・設計資産からのプロダクトラインアーキテクチャ抽出

    熊木健太郎, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第28回大会    2011

  • 言語非依存なアスペクト指向プログラミングフレームワーク

    大橋昭, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第28回大会    2011

  • アジャイル開発におけるシミュレーションを用いた適切なイテレーション期間推定

    塩浜龍志, 坂本一憲, 久保秋真, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2011 ワークショップ    2011

  • アジャイルソフトウェア開発と科学


    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2011 ワークショップ    2011

  • 保守性向上へ向けた設計モデルとソースコード間のトレーサビリティ解析

    伊藤弘毅, 志水理哉, 田邉浩之, 波木理恵子, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第18回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2011 in 浅虫温泉    2011  [Refereed]

  • 設計段階における抽象度を考慮したソフトウェアの保守性評価枠組み

    志水理哉, 伊藤弘毅, 田邉浩之, 波木理恵子, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第18回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2011 in 浅虫温泉    2011  [Refereed]

  • アーキテクチャパターンの構造化に基づくパターン候補マイニング

    中野 聡之, 中野 由貴, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2011 (SES2011)    2011  [Refereed]

  • アジャイル開発における適切なイテレーション期間のシミュレーションによる推定

    塩浜 龍志, 坂本 一憲, 久保秋 真, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2011 (SES2011)    2011  [Refereed]

  • A pattern language for programming contests with game AI competition

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Akira Ohashi, Masaya Shimizu, Syuhei Takahashi, Shinichi Murakami, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2011)     III-116 - III-133  2011  [Refereed]


  • Two patterns for distributed systems: Enterprise service bus (ESB) and distributed publish/subscribe

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series    2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We present two common patterns for distributed systems: Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Distributed Publish/Subscribe (P/S). ESB defines a common bus structure that provides basic brokerage functions as well as a set of other appropriate services. The ESB has been used mostly for web services but it can be used for any distributed system. The P/S realizes a system structure where subscribers register to receive events produced by a publisher. The P/S has been described usually in a centralized environment and we emphasize here its distributed nature. These patterns are mainly intended for web services application and distributed systems architects and designers. In those applications, the ESB and the Distributed P/S are architectural units that need to be combined with other architectural units. © Copyright 2011 Carnegie Mellon University.



  • Evaluation of understandability of UML class diagrams by using word similarity

    Yuto Nakamura, Kazunori Sakamoto, Kiyohisa Inoue, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software Measurement, IWSM 2011 and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, MENSURA 2011     178 - 187  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    UML class diagrams representing the static structure of the relations between different concepts existing in a problem are widely used in model-based software development. However, no effective measures of a class diagram's understandability yet exist. We have devised quantitative measures of a class diagram's understandability and evaluated their validity. We obtained strong correlations between the domain experts' subjective evaluations of the understandability of a class diagram and the measurements of our methods. These results indicate that our measures can effectively quantify the understandability of class diagrams. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Acceptance-Test based on the Inter-Use Case Relations

    Susumu Kariyuki, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    The 5th World Congress for Software Quality (5WCSQ)    2011  [Refereed]

  • An approach to model-based development of secure and reliable systems

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Michael VanHilst

    Proceedings of the 2011 6th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2011     260 - 265  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A good way to obtain secure systems is to build applications in a systematic way where security is an integral part of the lifecycle. The same applies to reliability. If we want a system which is secure and reliable, both security and reliability must be built together. If we build not only applications but also middleware and operating systems in the same way, we can build systems that not only are inherently secure but also can withstand attacks from malicious applications and resist errors. In addition, all security and reliability constraints should be defined in the application level, where their semantics is understood and propagated to the lower levels. The lower levels provide the assurance that the constraints are being followed. In this approach all security constraints are defined at the conceptual or application level. The lower levels just enforce that there are no ways to bypass these constraints. By mapping to a highly secure platform, e.g., one using capabilities, we can produce a very secure system. Our approach is based on security patterns that are mapped through the architectural levels of the system. We make a case for this approach and we present here three aspects to further develop it. These aspects include a metamodel for security requirements, a mapping of models across architectural levels, and considerations about the degree of security of the system. © 2011 IEEE.



  • ソフトウェアパターン概観


    情報処理   52 ( 9 ) 1119 - 1126  2011  [Invited]

  • ソフトウェアパターン - 時を超えるソフトウェアの道 - 1.編集にあたって


    情報処理   52 ( 9 ) 1117 - 1118  2011  [Invited]


  • AOJS:JavaScriptのためのアスペクト指向プログラミング・フレームワーク

    大橋昭, 久保淳人, 水町友彦, 江口和樹, 村上真一, 高橋竜一, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   28 ( 3 ) 114 - 131  2011  [Refereed]

  • Design Pattern Detection using Software Metrics and Machine Learning

    Satoru Uchiyama, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Fifth International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability (SQM2011)    2011  [Refereed]

  • 設計原則への分解を用いたアーキテクチャパターン選択支援

    中野由貴, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2011・イン・修善寺    2011.01  [Refereed]

  • 設計段階におけるソフトウェア品質特性の評価枠組み

    志水理哉, 伊藤弘毅, 田邉浩之, 波木理恵子, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2011・イン・修善寺    2011.01  [Refereed]

  • Design Pattern Evaluation by Machine Learning

    Jonatan Hernandez, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    IWESEP 2010: International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice    2010.12  [Refereed]

  • AIプログラミングを通して参加する教育向けゲームシステムに適したソフトウェアパターン

    坂本一憲, 大橋昭, 志水理哉, 高橋周平, 村上真一, 内山諭, 城間祐輝, 野本悠太郎, 庄山昭彦, 中村悠人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアのパターンとアーキテクチャ・アジャイル開発ワークショップ(ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2010併設)     1 - 1  2010.08

  • Report on Winter Workshop 2010 in Kurashiki

    CHUBACHI Yoshihide, KAWAGUCHI Shinji, HIGO Yoshiki, NAKAMURA Masahide, HANYUDA Eiiti, WASHIZAKI Hironori, TSUCHIYA Tatsuhiro, ISHIGURO Masaki, UMEMURA Akihiro, MORISAKI Shuji, KISHI Tomoji

      2010 ( 18 ) 1 - 8  2010.05


  • A Report on Trends in Aspect-Oriented Software Development Technology for Ensuring Dependability


      2010 ( 17 ) 1 - 8  2010.05


  • ディペンダビリティ確保にむけたアスペクト指向技術動向

    鷲崎弘宜, 高橋竜一, 村上真一, 大橋昭, 吉岡信和, 石川冬樹, 久保淳人, 山本里枝子, 小高敏裕, 錠尚史, 鹿糠秀行, 杉本信秀

    情報処理学会第169回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会    2010.05

  • A Practical Aspect-Oriented JavaScript Programming Framework Based on a Proxy Mechanism

    Akira Ohashi, Shinichi Murakami, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Tomohiko Mizumachi

    9th Annual Aspect-Oriented Software Development Conference (AOSD.10) Demonstration Track    2010.03  [Refereed]

  • REST形式Webサービスのテスト実行に基づく高精度な検索

    重井康宏, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第167回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会    2010.03

  • AIプログラミングを通して参加する教育向けゲームシステムに適したソフトウェアアーキテクチャ

    坂本一憲, 内山諭, 城間祐輝, 野本悠太郎, 庄山昭彦, 中村悠人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ゲーム学会「ゲームと教育」研究部会第3回研究会    2010.03

  • Model-Driven Security Patterns Application and Validation

    Yuki Shiroma, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Atsuto Kubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Eduardo B. Fernandez

    17th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2010)    2010  [Refereed]


  • テスティングフレームワークにおける問題と考察

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第17回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE 2011)    2010  [Refereed]

  • 動的なコードの評価機構を備えた言語に対するテストカバレッジ測定ツール

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第28回大会    2010

  • Webサービスのリファクタリング検出と自動修正

    福留康之, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第17回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE 2011)    2010  [Refereed]

  • テストカバレッジに基づく重複テストコードの検出ツール

    坂本 一憲, 和田 卓人, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2010 (SES2010)    2010  [Refereed]

  • 要求・設計資産からのプロダクトラインアーキテクチャ抽出

    熊木 健太郎, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2010 (SES2010)    2010  [Refereed]

  • TCD: A Text-Based UML Class Diagram Notation and Its Model Converters

    Hironori Washizaki, Masayoshi Akimoto, Atsushi Hasebe, Atsuto Kubo, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ADVANCES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING   117   296 - 302  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Among several diagrams defined in UML, the class diagram is particularly useful through entire software development process, from early domain analysis stages to later maintenance stages. However conventional UML environments are often inappropriate for collaborative modeling in physically remote locations, such as exchanging models on a public mailing list via email. To overcome this issue, we propose a new diagram notation, called "TCD" (Text-based uml Class Diagram), for describing UML class diagrams using ASCII text. Since text files can be easily created, modified and exchanged in anywhere by any computing platforms, TCD facilitates the collaborative modeling with a number of unspecified people. Moreover, we implemented model converters for converting in both directions between UML class diagrams described in the XMI form and those in the TCD form. By using the converters, the reusability of models can be significantly improved because many of UML modeling tools support the XMI for importing and exporting modeling data.



  • Model-Driven Security Patterns Application Based on Dependences among Patterns

    Yuki Shiroma, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Atsuto Kubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka


     View Summary

    The spread of open-software services through the Internet increases the importance of security. A security pattern is one of the techniques in which developers utilize security experts' knowledge. Security patterns contain typical solutions about security problems. However there is a possibility that developers may apply security patterns in inappropriate ways due to a lack of consideration on dependencies among patterns. Application techniques of security patterns that consider such dependencies have not been proposed yet. In this paper, we propose an automated application technique of security patterns in model driven software development by defining applications procedures of security patterns to models as model transformation rules with consideration for pattern dependencies. Our technique prevents inappropriate applications such as the application of security patterns to wrong model elements and that in wrong orders. Therefore our technique supports developers apply security patterns to their own models automatically in appropriate ways.



  • Open code coverage framework: A consistent and flexible framework for measuring test coverage supporting multiple programming languages

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - International Conference on Quality Software     262 - 269  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Test coverage is an important indicator of whether software has been tested sufficiently. However, existing measurement tools for test coverage are associated with several problems such as their cost of development and maintenance, inconsistency and inflexibility in measurement. We propose a framework for consistent and flexible measurement of test coverage, called the Open Code Coverage Framework (OCCF), that supports multiple programming languages. OCCF extracts commonalities from multiple programming languages focusing on only small syntax differences in programming languages using an abstract syntax tree. OCCF provides guidelines to support several test coverage criteria. Moreover, OCCF let users expand features to add user-defined test coverage and new programming language. As a result, we reduced the lines of code required to implement measurement tools for test coverage by about 90%and the time to implement a special coverage criterion by80% or more in an experiment that compared OCCF with conventional tools developed individually without using the framework. © 2010 IEEE.



  • Security patterns: Comparing modeling approaches

    Armstrong Nhlabatsi, Arosha Bandara, Shinpei Hayashi, Charles B. Haley, Jan Jurjens, Haruhiko Kaiya, Atsuto Kubo, Robin Laney, Haralambos Mouratidis, Bashar Nuseibeh, Thein T. Tun, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yijun Yu

    Software Engineering for Secure Systems: Industrial and Research Perspectives     75 - 111  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Addressing the challenges of developing secure software systems remains an active research area in software engineering. Current research efforts have resulted in the documentation of recurring security problems as security patterns. Security patterns provide encapsulated solutions to specific security problems and can be used to build secure systems by designers with little knowledge of security. Despite this benefit, there is lack of work that focus on evaluating the capabilities of security analysis approaches for their support in incorporating security analysis patterns. This chapter presents evaluation results of a study we conducted to examine the extent to which constructs provided by security requirements engineering approaches can support the use of security patterns as part of the analysis of security problems. To achieve this general objective, the authors used a specific security pattern and examined the challenges of representing this pattern in some security modeling approaches. The authors classify the security modeling approaches into two categories: Problem and solution and illustrate their capabilities with a well-known security patterns and some practical security examples. Based on the specific security pattern they have used our evaluation results suggest that current approaches to security engineering are, to a large extent, capable of incorporating security analysis patterns. © 2011, IGI Global.



  • パターン適用前のソースコードを用いたデザインパターン検出

    鷲崎弘宜, 深谷和宏, 久保淳人, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   27 ( 2 ) 136 - 141  2010  [Refereed]

  • Using security patterns to develop secure systems

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Jan Jurjens, Michael VanHilst, Guenther Pernul

    Software Engineering for Secure Systems: Industrial and Research Perspectives     16 - 31  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This chapter describes ongoing work on the use of patterns in the development of secure systems. The work reflects a collaboration among five research centers on three continents. Patterns are applied to all aspects of development, from domain analysis and attack modeling to basic design, and to all aspects of the systems under development, from the database and infrastructure to policies, monitoring, and forensics. The chapter, provides an overview of the method of development involving the full range of patterns, and describes many recent contributions from the many research threads being pursued within the collaboration. Finally, future directions of research in the use of patterns are described. © 2011, IGI Global.



  • Evaluation of the Application of Design Patterns by Using Classification with a Support Vector Machine

    Jonatan HERNANDEZ, Kubo ATSUTO, Hironori WASHIZAKI, Yoshiaki FUKAZAWA

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2010・イン・倉敷    2010.01  [Refereed]

  • 協調作業型のパターンマイニング・ワークショップ


    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2010・イン・倉敷    2010.01  [Refereed]

  • ソースコード解析による品質評価の仕組み

    鷲崎弘宜, 田邉浩之, 小池利和

    日経エレクトロニクス    2010.01

  • Measuring the level of security introduced by security patterns

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Michael VanHilst


     View Summary

    It is possible to reasonably measure the security quality of individual security patterns. However, more interesting is to ask: Can we show that a system built using security patterns is secure in some sense? We discuss here some issues about evaluating the security of a system built using security patterns. We consider the use of threats and misuse patterns to perform this evaluation.



  • Model-Driven Security Patterns Application Based on Dependences among Patterns

    Yuki Shiroma, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Atsuto Kubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka


     View Summary

    The spread of open-software services through the Internet increases the importance of security. A security pattern is one of the techniques in which developers utilize security experts' knowledge. Security patterns contain typical solutions about security problems. However there is a possibility that developers may apply security patterns in inappropriate ways due to a lack of consideration on dependencies among patterns. Application techniques of security patterns that consider such dependencies have not been proposed yet. In this paper, we propose an automated application technique of security patterns in model driven software development by defining applications procedures of security patterns to models as model transformation rules with consideration for pattern dependencies. Our technique prevents inappropriate applications such as the application of security patterns to wrong model elements and that in wrong orders. Therefore our technique supports developers apply security patterns to their own models automatically in appropriate ways.



  • A pattern for reconstructing test code based on test coverage

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Takuto Wada, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series    2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The duplicated test code exists widely in source code. However duplicated test code decreases maintainability. We therefore extract and propose a pattern for reconstructing test code to remove the duplication. The pattern finds duplicated test code based on test coverage and helps to remove redundant test code. We contribute to advancement and the spread of the test technology by describing the patter.



  • A worm misuse pattern

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series    2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We have proposed a new type of pattern, the misuse pattern. This pattern describes, from the point of view of the attacker, how a type of attack or misuse is performed (what system units it uses and how)
    it also provides ways of stopping the attack by enumerating possible security patterns that can be applied for this purpose, and helps analyzing the attack once it has happened by indicating where can we find forensics data as well as what type of data. A catalog of misuse patterns is needed to let designers evaluate their designs with respect to possible threats. We present here a misuse pattern for a generic worm, which describes the essential and typical characteristics of this type of malware. We consider how to stop this malware and we also discuss some examples and variations.



  • テストカバレッジ測定フレームワーク Open Code Coverage Framework

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE 2009), 日本ソフトウェア科学会    2009.11  [Refereed]

  • A Framework for Measuring Test Coverage Supporting Multiple Programming Languages

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    First Software Engineering Postgraduates Workshop (SEPoW 2009) (In conjunction with APSEC 2009)     40 - 44  2009.11  [Refereed]

  • 柔軟かつ複数プログラミング言語対応のテストカバレッジ測定フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第8回情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT2009)     103 - 112  2009.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    FIT船井ベストペーパー賞, FITヤングリサーチャー賞

  • 設計原則に基づくアーキテクチャリファクタリング

    鷲崎弘宜, 田村智英, 深澤良彰

    SES2009 パターンとアーキテクチャ ワークショップ    2009.09

  • 共通の言語モデルを用いた複数プログラミング言語対応のテストカバレッジ測定フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第7回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ (DSW’09summer), 日本ソフトウェア科学会     167 - 170  2009.07

  • Report on Winter Workshop 2009 in Miyazaki

    Naoki Fukuyasu, Takashi Kobayashi, Shinpei Hayashi, Yoshihide Chubachi, Masahide Nakamura, Hideyuki Kanuka, Eiiti Hanyuda, Hironori Washizaki, Hirohisa Aman

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2009 ( 20 ) 1 - 7  2009.05

     View Summary

    This paper reports on &quot;Winter Workshop 2009 in Miyazaki (WW2009)&quot;; held in Miyazaki City from 23rd to 24th January 2009.


  • AOJS: Aspect-Oriented Programming Framework for JavaScript

    Hironori Washizaki, Atsuto Kubo, Tomohiko Mizumachi, Kazuki Eguchi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD’09) Demonstration Track    2009.03  [Refereed]

  • Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality(SPAQu'09)

    Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Eduardo B.Fernandez, Jan Jurjens(Editors

    Technical Report GRACE-TR-2009-07,GRACE Center,National Institute of Informatics    2009  [Refereed]

  • Overview of the 3rd international workshop on software patterns and quality (SPAQu'09)

    Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Eduard B. Fernandez, Jan Jurjens

    Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA     713 - 714  2009

     View Summary

    We will discuss here the theoretical, social, technological and practical issues related to quality aspects of software patterns including security and safety aspects. The workshop will provide the opportunity for bringing together researchers and practitioners, and for discussing the future prospects of this area. As for the workshop format, first, we will have short talks on what software patterns are, and how they are related to quality. Second, we will have accepted position paper presentations to expose the latest researches and practices on software patterns and quality. Finally, we will discuss several topics related to these presentations in small groups. Newcomers, interested researchers and practitioners are free to attend the workshop to facilitate their understandings, researches and practices on software patterns and quality.



  • アスペクト指向ソフトウェア工学


    SES2009    2009  [Invited]

  • アスペクト指向によるAjaxデザインパターンの適用

    江口和樹, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2009    2009  [Refereed]

  • 構造および語の類似性に基づくアナリシスパターンの自動抽出

    野本悠太郎, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2009    2009  [Refereed]

  • メトリクスと機械学習によるデザインパターン検出

    内山諭, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2009    2009  [Refereed]

  • 単語の類似度を用いたUMLクラス図の理解性の測定と評価

    中村悠人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2009論文集    2009  [Refereed]

  • パターン間の関係を考慮したセキュリティパターン適用支援

    城間祐輝, 久保淳人, 吉岡信和, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2009論文集    2009  [Refereed]

  • 柔軟かつ複数プログラミング言語対応のテストカバレッジ測定フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第8回情報科学技術フォーラムFIT2009     1 - 12  2009

  • Security patterns and quality

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality (SPAQu’09)     46 - 47  2009

  • Reporting the Implementation of a Framework for Measuring Test Coverage based on Design Patterns

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality (SPAQu’09)     26 - 30  2009  [Refereed]


  • Improving the Classification of Security Patterns

    Hironori Washizaki, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Katsuhisa Maruyama, Atsuto Kubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka


     View Summary

    There are a large number of security patterns encapsulating reusable solutions to recurrent security problems. However, catalogs of security patterns are not enough because the designer does not know when and where to apply them, especially in a large complex system. There is a need to conduct more precise classifications of security patterns. We analyze here ways to represent security patterns using specialized models for their precise classification. We define two new types of models, one that describes how a security pattern relates to several classification dimensions (Dimension Graph), and another that describes how security patterns relate to each other (Pattern Graphs). We show these ideas with examples from security patterns.



  • AOJS: Aspect-Oriented Java Script Programming Framework for Web Development

    Hironori Washizaki, Atsuto Kubo, Tomohiko Mizumachi, Kazuki Eguchi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hideyuki Kanuka, Toshihiro Kodaka, Nobuhide Sugimoto, Yoichi Nagai, Rieko Yamamoto


     View Summary

    Java Script is a popular scripting language that is particularly useful for client-side programming together with HTML/XML on the Web. As Java Script programs become more complex and large, separation of concerns at the implementation level is a significant challenge. Aspect orientation has been a well known concept to realize improved separation; however, existing mechanisms require modifications in the target modules for aspect weaving in Java Script (i.e., not "complete" separation). In this paper, we propose an Aspect-Oriented Java Script framework, named "AOJS", which realizes the complete separation of aspects and other core modules in Java Script. AOJS can specify function executions, variable assignments and file initializations in Java Script programs as the joinpoints of aspects. Moreover, AOJS guarantees the complete separation of aspects and core program modules by adopting a proxy-based architecture for aspect weaving. By utilizing these features, we confirmed that AOJS offers improved modifiability and extendability for Java Script programming.



  • Detecting Design Patterns Using Source Code of Before Applying Design Patterns

    Hironori Washizaki, Kazuhiro Fukaya, Atsuto Kubo, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Detecting design patterns from object-oriented program source-code can help maintainers understand the design of the program. However the detection precision of conventional approaches based on the structural aspects of patterns is low due to the fact that there are several patterns with the same structure. To solve this problem, we propose an approach of design pattern detection using source-code of before the application of the design pattern. Our approach is able to distinguish different design patterns with similar structures, and help maintainers understand the design of the program more accurately. Moreover our technique reveals when and where the target pattern has been applied in an ordered series of revisions of the target program. Our technique is useful to assess what kinds of patterns increase what kinds of quality characteristics such as the maintainability.



  • ユースケース間の関係を考慮した網羅的な受け入れテストの支援

    雁行進夢, 久保淳人, 鈴木三紀夫, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   50 ( 12 ) 3052 - 3073  2009  [Refereed]


  • アーキテクチャとパターン

    鹿糠秀行, 羽生田栄一, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2009・イン・宮崎    2009  [Refereed]

  • クラスタリング技法を用いたソフトウェアパターン分類

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2009・イン・宮崎    2009  [Refereed]

  • セキュリティパターンのモデル化と応用に向けて


    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2009・イン・宮崎    2009  [Refereed]

  • C言語プログラムソースコードの再利用性測定法とその評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 小池利和, 波木理恵子, 田邉浩之

    ソフトウェアテストシンポジウム JaSST’09 Tokyo    2009  [Refereed]

  • Modeling Misuse Patterns

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki


     View Summary

    Security patterns are now starting to be accepted by industry. Security patterns are useful to guide the security design of systems by providing generic solutions that can stop a variety of attacks but it is not clear to an inexperienced designer what pattern should be applied to stop a specific attack. They are not useful either for forensics because they do not emphasize the modus operandi of the attack. To complement security patterns, we have proposed a new type of pattern, the misuse pattern. This pattern describes, from the point of view of the attacker how a type of attack is performed (what units it uses and how), defines precisely the context of the attack, analyzes the ways of stopping the attack by enumerating possible security patterns that can be applied for this purpose, and describes how to trace the attack once it has happened by appropriate collection and observation of forensics data. We present here a model that characterizes the precise structure of this type of pattern.


  • AOJS: Aspect-Oriented Java Script Programming Framework for Web Development

    Hironori Washizaki, Atsuto Kubo, Tomohiko Mizumachi, Kazuki Eguchi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hideyuki Kanuka, Toshihiro Kodaka, Nobuhide Sugimoto, Yoichi Nagai, Rieko Yamamoto


     View Summary

    Java Script is a popular scripting language that is particularly useful for client-side programming together with HTML/XML on the Web. As Java Script programs become more complex and large, separation of concerns at the implementation level is a significant challenge. Aspect orientation has been a well known concept to realize improved separation; however, existing mechanisms require modifications in the target modules for aspect weaving in Java Script (i.e., not "complete" separation). In this paper, we propose an Aspect-Oriented Java Script framework, named "AOJS", which realizes the complete separation of aspects and other core modules in Java Script. AOJS can specify function executions, variable assignments and file initializations in Java Script programs as the joinpoints of aspects. Moreover, AOJS guarantees the complete separation of aspects and core program modules by adopting a proxy-based architecture for aspect weaving. By utilizing these features, we confirmed that AOJS offers improved modifiability and extendability for Java Script programming.



  • AOJS: アスペクトを完全分離記述可能なJavaScriptアスペクト指向プログラミング・フレームワーク

    久保淳人, 水町友彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 鹿糠秀行, 小高敏裕, 杉本信秀, 永井洋一, 山本里枝子, 吉岡信和

    第15回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ in 淡路島 (FOSE2008)    2008.11  [Refereed]

  • PatternRank: A Software-Pattern Search System Based on Mutual Reference Importance

    Atsuto Kubo, Hiroyuki Nakayama, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    15th Pattern Languages of Programming (PLoP2008)    2008.10  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェアのパターンとアーキテクチャ

    鷲崎弘宜, 羽生田栄一, 久保淳人

    ソフトウェア開発のパターンとアーキテクチャ (ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008併設ワークショップ)    2008.09  [Refereed]

  • 品質要求とパターンに基づくアーキテクチャ設計


    ソフトウェア開発のパターンとアーキテクチャ (ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008併設ワークショップ)    2008.09

  • ソフトウェアパターン選択支援の現状と展望

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェア開発のパターンとアーキテクチャ (ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008併設ワークショップ)    2008.09

  • ユースケース間の関係を考慮した網羅的な受け入れテストの支援

    雁行進夢, 久保淳人, 鈴木三紀夫, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008     71 - 78  2008.09  [Refereed]

  • Report on the 14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2007)

    Katsuhisa Maruyama, Shinji Kawaguchi, Masataka Nagura, Shinpei Hayashi, Hironori Washizaki, Eiichi Hanyuda

    IPSJ SIG Technical Reports   2008-SE-159 ( 29 ) 227 - 234  2008.03

     View Summary

    This paper gives our views on the 14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2007) held at Nagoya on December 3-7, 2007.


  • A survey on security patterns

    Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhisa Maruyama

    Progress in Informatics   5   35 - 47  2008.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Security has become an important topic for many software systems. Security patterns are reusable solutions to security problems. Although many security patterns and techniques for using them have been proposed, it is still difficult to adapt security patterns to each phase of software development. This paper provides a survey of approaches to security patterns. As a result of classifying these approaches, a direction for the integration and future research topics is illustrated.

    DOI CiNii

  • Report on the 2nd Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality: (SPAQu'08)

    Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Jan Ju'rjens

    PLoP08 - 15th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, Proceedings    2008

     View Summary

    We held the 2nd Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality (SPAQu'08) as a focus group of the 15th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP '08), to discuss the theoretical, social, technological and practical issues related to quality aspects of software patterns, including security aspects. In this report we summarize the objectives and results of the workshop. © 2008 is held by the author(s).



  • 品質要求駆動型のアーキテクチャ分析設計手法によるWEBシステム開発

    繁在家 学, 鷲崎 弘宜

    情報処理学会研究報告ソフトウェア工学研究会報告 SE160     33 - 40  2008

  • Abstract security patterns

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    PLoP08 - 15th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, Proceedings    2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We introduce the concept of "abstract" security patterns that deal with abstract security mechanisms, rather than concrete implementations. We also show an organization of abstract security patterns and concrete ones into hierarchies. © 2008 is held by the author(s).



  • トップエスイー:ソフトウェア開発におけるトップレベル技術者の育成

    鷲崎弘宜, 田口研治, 吉岡信和, 粂野文洋, 田原康之, 本位田真一

    Quality One   4  2008  [Invited]

  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリング領域(J07-SE)(<特集>情報専門学科カリキュラム標準J08)

    阿草清滋, 西康晴, 沢田篤史, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理   49 ( 7 ) 743 - 749  2008  [Invited]

  • Enforcing a security pattern in stakeholder goal models

    Yijun Yu, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Washizaki, Yingfei Xiong, Zhenjiang Hu, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security     9 - 13  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Patterns are useful knowledge about recurring problems and solutions. Detecting a security problem using patterns in requirements models may lead to its early solution. In order to facilitate early detection and resolution of security problems, in this paper, we formally describe a role-based access control (RBAC) as a pattern that may occur in stakeholder requirements models. We also implemented in our goal-oriented modeling tool the formally described pattern using model-driven queries and transformations. Applied to a number of requirements models published in literature, the tool automates the detection and resolution of the security pattern in several goal-oriented stakeholder requirements. Copyright 2008 ACM.



  • A metrics suite for measuring quality characteristics of JavaBeans components

    Hironori Washizaki, Hiroki Hiraguchi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    In component-based software development, it is necessary to measure the quality of components before they are built into the system in order to ensure the high quality of the entire system. However, in application development with component reuse, it is difficult to use conventional metrics because the source codes of components cannot be obtained, and these metrics require analysis of source codes. Moreover, conventional techniques do not cover the whole of quality characteristics. In this paper, we propose a suite of metrics for measuring quality of JavaBeans components based on limited information that can be obtained from the outside of components without any source codes. Our suite consists of 21 metrics, which are associated with quality characteristics based on the ISO9126 quality model. Our suite utilizes the qualitative evaluation data available on WWW to empirically identify effective metrics, and to derive a reference value (threshold) for each metric. As a result of evaluation experiments, it is found our suite can be used to effectively identify black-box components with high quality. Moreover we confirmed that our suite can form a systematic framework for component quality metrics that includes conventional metrics and newly defined metrics.



  • 重要度算出に基づくソフトウェアパターン検索システム

    中山弘之, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   25 ( 2 ) 114 - 134  2008  [Refereed]

  • Classifying security patterns

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Atsuto Kubo, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Patterns combine experience and good practices to develop basic models that can be used for new designs. Security patterns join the extensive knowledge accumulated about security with the structure provided by patterns to provide guidelines for secure system design and evaluation. In addition to their value for new system design, security patterns are useful to evaluate existing systems. They are also useful to compare security standards and to verify that products comply with some standard. A variety of security patterns has been developed for the construction of secure systems and catalogs of them are appearing. However, catalogs of patterns are not enough because the designer does not know when and where to apply them, especially in a large complex system. We discuss here several ways to classify patterns. We show a way to use these classifications through pattern diagrams where a designer can navigate to perform her pattern selection.



  • Incorporating database systems into a secure software development methodology

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Jan Jurjens, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki


     View Summary

    We have proposed in the past three separate methodologies for secure software development. We have found that they have many common and complementary aspects and we proposed a combination of them that appears as a good approach to secure software development. The combined methodology applies security at all stages, considers the architectural levels of the system, applies security policies through the use of patterns, and formalizes some portions of the design. We have studied in some detail how to elicit and describe security requirements, how to reflect these requirements in the conceptual model, how to estimate some performance aspects, how to formalize some aspects such as communication protocols, and how to map the conceptual requirements into design artifacts. A design aspect which we have not studied is the incorporation of databases as part of the secure architecture. The database system is a fundamental aspect for security because it stores the persistent information, which constitutes most of the information assets of the institution. We present here some ideas on how to make sure that the database system has the same level of security than the rest of the secure application.



  • エクストリームプログラミングがもたらすアジャイルなソフトウェア開発


    電子情報通信学会誌   90 ( 12 ) 1082 - 1085  2007.12  [Invited]


  • 情報学探求: 大規模ソフトウェアの効率的開発技術を追求 ~再利用と品質保証が鍵~


    情報通信ジャーナル, 財団法人電気通信振興会   5  2007.05  [Invited]

  • SOOM: Scalable object-oriented middleware for cooperative and pervasive computings

    Thepparit Banditwattanawong, Soichiro Hidaka, Hironori Washizaki, Katsumi Maruyama

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E90B ( 4 ) 728 - 741  2007.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In the age of pervasive computing, ubiquitous collaboration has become an every-day life paradigm. Without an ideal computing infrastructure, issues with ubiquitous collaboration, such as network unreliability, platform heterogeneity, and client's resource constraints, are inevitable. The traditional replication scheme copes with network unreliability by replicating all the objects of a shared application together at once. This is, however, suitable for neither cooperative applications nor mobile computing devices. These problems can be naturally addressed by using a fine-grained replication scheme that enables a portion of the application objects to be replicated. This paper presents an object-oriented middleware that is capable of dynamically and transparently replicating remotely shared Java applications in a partially and on-demand incremental manner. It is also able to maintain various consistency semantics and enables the coexistence of fine-grained replications and conventional remote method invocations. Empirical results indicate several practical benefits of the middleware.



  • Quality evaluation of embedded software in robot software design contest

    Hironori Washizaki, Yasuhide Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Eiji Nakajima, Yuji Hagiwara, Kenji Hiranabe, Kazuya Fukuda

    Progress in Informatics   4 ( 4 ) 63 - 78  2007.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A robot design contest, called the "Embedded Technology (ET) Software Design Robot Contest," which involves designing software to automatically control a line-trace robot, was held in Tokyo, in 2005. The contest was intended to provide a practical opportunity to educate young Japanese developers in the field of embedded software development. In this paper, we give the results of the contest from the viewpoint of software quality evaluation. We created a framework for evaluating software quality, which integrated the design model quality and the final system performance, and we conducted an analysis using this framework. As a result of the analysis, the quantitative measurement of the structural complexity of the design model was found to have a strong relationship to the qualitative evaluation of the design by the contest judges. On the other hand, no strong correlation between the design model quality evaluated by the judges and the final system performance was found. For embedded software development, it is particularly important to estimate and verify reliability and performance in the early stages, according to the design and analysis models. Based on the results, we consider possible remedies with respect to the models submitted, the evaluation methods used, and the contest specifications. To adequately measure several quality characteristics, including performance, in terms of a model, it is necessary to improve the approach to developing robot software (for example, by applying model-driven development) and to reexamine the evaluation methods. © 2007 National Instiute of Informatics.



  • Generating wizards for initializing software components

    Hironori Washizaki, Takao Adachi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    A software component often requires programmers to set appropriate initial values in many of its attributes. The work involved in the initialization can be alleviated by attaching a wizard interface to the target component itself and setting the initial values visually from the wizard; however there are large development costs associated with devising suitable initial value candidates and producing a new wizard to use these initial values for each individual component. In this paper we propose a system whereby application programs that use a target component are subjected to dynamic analysis to discover which attributes and initial values are set most often during the running of the component. The proposed system generates and attaches a wizard, which supports application programmers to initialize the component visually by using these initial values, to the component. Experiments have shown that the attributes and their initial values chosen for initialization by generated wizards closely resemble the expectations of the component's original developers.


  • Deriving project-specific processes from process line architecture with commonality and variability

    Hironori Washizaki

    2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN'06     1301 - 1306  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Definition and utilization of project-specific processes is important for effectively conducting industrial information system development. Process tailoring is an approach of achieving processes optimized for the characteristics of a project. However, conventional tailoring techniques such as component-based ones and generator ones lack a way to address the overall consistency or reuse process fragments. In this paper, we propose a technique for establishing process lines, which are sets of common processes in particular problem domains, and process line architectures that incorporate commonality and variability. Process line architectures are used as a basis for deriving process lines from the perspective of overall optimization. The proposed technique includes some extensions to the Software Process Engineering Metamodel for clearly expressing the commonality and variability in the process workflows when modeling the workflows as UML activity diagrams. As a result of applying the proposed technique to hardware/software co-design processes in an embedded system development domain, it is found that the proposed technique is useful for defining consistent and project-specific processes efficiently. © 2006 IEEE.



  • Extracting Relations among Security Patterns

    Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality (SPAQu'07)     31 - 36  2007  [Refereed]


  • Using security patterns to build secure systems

    Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Jan Jurjens

    Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality (SPAQu'07)     47 - 48  2007  [Refereed]

  • Measuring Abstraction Levels of Security Patterns

    Hironori Washizaki, Atsuto Kubo, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality (SPAQu'07)     59 - 60  2007  [Refereed]

  • Automatic extraction and verification of page transitions in a Web application

    Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


     View Summary

    Demand for reliability in Web applications has increased greatly in recent years as they have begun to be used more for enterprise applications. Model checking is an effective way to increase software reliability, but because most Web applications have short delivery times, preparation and application costs make it difficult to introduce model-checking techniques into the development process. In this paper, we propose a technique for automatically extracting page transitions from a Web application that has been developed using a Web application framework, such as Struts configuration files and Java Server Page templates, and transforming it into a format that can be used by existing model-checking tools. Using the proposed technique, Web application developers will be able to reduce the preparation and application costs of introducing model-checking techniques.


  • A metric for measuring the abstraction level of design patterns

    Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series    2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The abstraction level of the problem treated by a design pattern has wide variety, from architecture to near implementation. There is no objective metric indicating the abstraction level of the problems addressed by patterns. Thus, it is difficult to understand the abstraction level of each pattern and to position a new pattern. In this paper, a metric is proposed. It indicates the relative abstraction level of a pattern's problem. We propose a metric obtained from inter-pattern relationships. We also propose a visualization method for the metric. Using such metrics, we aim to help developers easily understand the abstraction level of each pattern and, therefore, to better decide about its usefulness for the problem at hand. © 2007 Copyright is held by the authors.



  • トップエスイー「サイエンスによる知的ものづくり教育」

    本位田真一, 田口研治, 吉岡信和, 田原康之, 鷲崎弘宜

    映像情報メディア学会誌   61 ( 9 ) 85 - 90  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • トップエスイー: サイエンスによる知的ものづくり教育

    本位田真一, 粂野文洋, 田原康之, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理   48 ( 11 ) 1264 - 1272  2007

  • UMLクラス図のためのテキストベース言語および変換処理系

    長谷部篤史, 鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第69回全国大会論文集    2007

  • アーキテクチャとパターン

    羽生田栄一, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2007・イン・那覇論文集    2007  [Refereed]

  • オブジェクト指向ソフトウェア設計における原則とパターン

    鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 深澤良彰, 山本里枝子, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2007・イン・那覇論文集    2007  [Refereed]

  • 文書間類似度によるパターン間関連分析手法の拡張

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 高須淳宏, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2007・イン・那覇論文集    2007  [Refereed]

  • パターンランク法によるパターン間関係と重要度の比較

    中山弘之, 鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2007・イン・那覇論文集    2007  [Refereed]

  • Web アプリケーションのページ遷移の自動抽出と検証

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2007論文集    2007  [Refereed]


  • Top SE: Educating superarchitects who can apply software engineering tools to practical development in Japana

    Shinichi Honiden, Yasuyuki Tahara, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Kenji Taguchi, Hironori Washizaki


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    This paper discusses the Top SE program established to bridge the industry-academia gap. The program features extensive use of software engineering tools, not only to introduce students to the tools, but also as a conduit for learning the techniques and guidelines needed to apply the tools to practical software development situations. The curriculum is organized around practical problems mainly from the area of digital home appliances and focuses on upper stream software development processes.
    The Top SE program is developed and operated by a close collaboration between industry and academia. We illustrate our discussion with examples from one of the courses, Verification of Design Models, which takes up model checking technologies, including three specific tools: SPIN, SMV, and LTSA.


  • A framework for measuring and evaluating program source code quality

    Hironori Washizaki, Rieko Namiki, Tomoyuki Fukuoka, Yoko Harada, Hiroyuki Watanabe


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    The effect of the quality of program source code on the cost of development and maintenance as well as on final system performance has resulted in a demand for technology that can measure and evaluate the quality with high precision. Many metrics have been proposed for measuring quality, but none have been able to provide a comprehensive evaluation, nor have they been used widely. We propose a practical framework which achieves effective measurement and evaluation of source code quality, solves many of the problems of earlier frameworks, and applies to programs in the C programming language. The framework consists of a comprehensive quality metrics suite, a technique for normalization of measured values, an aggregation tool which allows evaluation in arbitrary module units from the component level up to whole systems, a visualization tool for the evaluation of results, a tool for deriving rating levels, and a set of derived standard rating levels. By applying this framework to a collection of embedded programs experimentally, we verified that the framework can be used effectively to give quantitative evaluations of reliability, maintainability, reusability and portability of source code.



  • Generating wizards for initializing software components

    Hironori Washizaki, Takao Adachi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


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    A software component often requires programmers to set appropriate initial values in many of its attributes. The work involved in the initialization can be alleviated by attaching a wizard interface to the target component itself and setting the initial values visually from the wizard; however there are large development costs associated with devising suitable initial value candidates and producing a new wizard to use these initial values for each individual component. In this paper we propose a system whereby application programs that use a target component are subjected to dynamic analysis to discover which attributes and initial values are set most often during the running of the component. The proposed system generates and attaches a wizard, which supports application programmers to initialize the component visually by using these initial values, to the component. Experiments have shown that the attributes and their initial values chosen for initialization by generated wizards closely resemble the expectations of the component's original developers.


  • プログラムソースコードのための実用的な品質評価枠組み

    鷲崎弘宜, 波木理恵子, 福岡呂之, 原田洋子, 渡辺博之

    情報処理学会論文誌   48 ( 8 ) 2637 - 2650  2007  [Refereed]

  • 1st international workshop on software patterns and quality (SPAQu'07)

    Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka


     View Summary

    Although numbers of software pattern catalogues and languages have been published, little is known about quality of patterns, quality by patterns and quality aspects of pattern activities. This workshop seeks to gain an improved understanding on the theoretical, social, technological and practical issues related to quality aspects of patterns including security and safety.


  • 1st international workshop on software patterns and quality (SPAQu'07)

    Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka


     View Summary

    Although numbers of software pattern catalogues and languages have been published, little is known about quality of patterns, quality by patterns and quality aspects of pattern activities. This workshop seeks to gain an improved understanding on the theoretical, social, technological and practical issues related to quality aspects of patterns including security and safety.


  • Cluster replication for distributed-java-object caching

    Thepparit Banditwattanawong, Soichiro Hidaka, Hironori Washizaki, Katsumi Maruyama

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E89D ( 11 ) 2712 - 2723  2006.11  [Refereed]

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    Object caching is a common feature in the scalable distributed object systems. Fine-grained replication optimizes the performance and resource utilization in object caching by enabling a remote object-oriented application to be partially and incrementally on-demand replicated in units of cluster. Despite these benefits, the lack of common and simple implementation framework makes the fine-grained replication scheme not extensively used. This paper proposes the novel frameworks for dynamic, transparent, partial and automatically incremental replication of distributed Java objects based on three techniques that are lazy-object creation, proxy and hook. One framework enables the fine-grained replication of server-side stateful in-memory application, and the other framework enables the fine-grained replication of server-side stateless in-memory application, client-side program, or standalone application. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the efficiency in terms of response time of both frameworks are relatively practical to the extent of a local method invocation.



  • Optimization of program loading by object class clustering

    Thepparit Banditwattanawong, Soichiro Hidaka, Hironori Washizaki, Katsumi Maruyama


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    It is typical that only a part of the whole program code is necessary for their successful execution. Partial program code loading optimizes the start-up delay and system resource consumption of the object-oriented programs by decomposing the program into a set of object class clusters as the units of incremental on-demand loading. Unfortunately, the lack of a systematic yet simple class clustering technique prohibits such an optimization approach. This paper presents a Java class clustering technique that is able to improve both the spatial locality and temporal affinity of an optimized prograrn. The technique provides two clustering algorithms, resource-centric and performance-centric, to achieve different requirements in optimizations. Experimental results indicate that Our algorithms are practically useful to both interactive and noninteractive programs. Among the tested Java programs, use of the performance-centric and resource-centric algorithms could significantly improve program loading, on average, by 2.9 and 2.2 times, respectively, faster than whole prograrn loading Both algorithms resulted in chances to economize system resources. (C) 2006 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


  • Fine-grained Replication for Private-workspace and Memory-constrained Computings

    Thepparit Banditwattanawong, Soichiro Hidaka, Hironori Washizaki, Katsumi Maruyama

    Proc. of IFIP Int. Conf. on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2006)     84 - 92  2006.10  [Refereed]


  • Measuring Complexity of Remote Component-Based Software System Toward Maintainability Estimation

    Hironori Washizaki, Tomoki Nakagawa, Yuhki Saito, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    International e-Conference on Computer Science 2006 (IeCCS 2006)    2006.07  [Refereed]

  • A flexible connection model for software components

    H Washizaki, D Hoshi, Y Fukazawa

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E89D ( 4 ) 1421 - 1431  2006.04  [Refereed]

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    A component connection enables a component to use the functionality of other components directly, without generating adapters or other mechanisms at run-time. In conventional component connection models, the connection between components, particularly third-party components, is very costly for code reuse because the component source code must be modified if the types of requester-side and provider-side are different. This paper proposes a new component model, built upon an existing component architecture, which abandons a component service type and connects components based on a method type collection of the provider and requester components. Our model enables flexible connections owing to relaxed component matching, in which the system that implements our model automatically converts values of parameters, return values, and exceptions between required methods and provided ones within a well-defined range. As a result of experimental evaluations, it is found that our model is superior to conventional models in terms of the component-use cost and the capability of changing connections.



  • A coupling-based complexity metric for remote component-based software systems toward maintainability estimation

    Hironori Washizaki, Tomoki Nakagawa, Yuhki Saito, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC     79 - 86  2006  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Remote-component-based software systems (CBS) must provide high maintainability to support operation over long periods of time and correspond to changes in enterprise requirements/environments. Measurements of the degree of complexity of a system are one technique for evaluating maintainability. However, conventional complexity metrics are unable to reflect the overall complexity of the system, because they do not incorporate a procedure to account for characteristics of CBS. To help maintenance work proceed smoothly, we propose a new metric that measures the coupling-based complexity of CBS by abstracting the target system's structure through a step-wise process and taking into consideration the characteristics of remote components. Our metric can be applied to CBS based on the Enterprise JavaBeans component architecture. As a result of experimental evaluations, it is found that our metric better reflects the maintainability than conventional metrics. It is also found that our metric is nonredundant with existing metrics such as Coupling Factor. © 2006 IEEE.



  • Automatic generation of software component wizards based on the wizard pattern

    Hironori Washizaki, Shinichi Honiden, Rieko Yamamoto, Takao Adachi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


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    When a software component is used, it is often necessary to set initial values in many of its attributes. To set these initial values appropriately, the user of the component must ascertain which attributes are needed to be initialized, and set them programmatically to suitable initial values. The work involved in this sort of initialization can be alleviated by attaching a wizard interface to the target component itself and setting the initial values visually from the wizard. However, there are large development costs associated with devising suitable initial value candidates and producing a new wizard to use these initial values for each individual component. In this paper, we propose a system whereby application programs that use a target component are subjected to dynamic analysis to discover which attributes and initial values are set most often during the running of the component. The proposed system generates and attaches a wizard, which supports application programmers to initialize the component visually by using these initial values, to the component. The proposed system can be recognized as a system for applying the Wizard pattern to each component automatically. Experiments have shown that the attributes and their initial values chosen for initialization by generated wizards closely resemble the expectations of the component's original developers. We have thus confirmed that the proposed system can bring about a substantial reduction in wizard development costs.



  • 文書間類似度によるソフトウェアパターン間関連分析と複合関連の導出

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 高須淳宏, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第154回ソフトウェア工学研究会, 研究会報告 SE-154, 11月   2006 ( 125 ) 65 - 72  2006

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    By using software patterns, developers can reuse knowledge obtained from experts' empirical rule. Analysis of Inter-pattern relationships is important, but analysis by human costs a lot. In this paper, we propose an automated inter-pattern relationship analysis method. Our method includes a pattern model and two inter-pattern relationship models, and uses several natural language processing techniques such as TF-IDF weighting.


  • 「ソフトウェアパターン」セッションテーマ紹介


    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2006・イン・鴨川論文集    2006  [Refereed]

  • 非対称関連によるソフトウェアパターンの粒度測定法

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2006・イン・鴨川論文集    2006  [Refereed]

  • 検索のためのソフトウェアパターン重要度とその正規化

    中山弘之, 鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2006・イン・鴨川論文集    2006  [Refereed]

  • 業務システム開発における要求獲得パターンランゲージ

    鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2006・イン・鴨川論文集    2006  [Refereed]

  • プログラムソースコードのための品質測定と評価の枠組み

    鷲崎弘宜, 波木理恵子, 福岡呂之, 渡辺博之

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2006論文集    2006  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェア設計パターンの抽象度測定法

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 高須淳宏, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE2006)    2006  [Refereed]

  • MDDロボットチャレンジモデル講評

    鷲崎弘宜, 井山幸次, 久保秋真, 小林靖英, 立堀道昭, 二上貴夫, 飯田周作

    組込みソフトウェアシンポジウム2006    2006  [Refereed]

  • 要求パターン抽出支援ツールの提案

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ASE2006 Japanese Workshop on Requirements Engineering Tools    2006  [Refereed]

  • Web上におけるソフトウェアパターン検索システム

    中山弘之, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ASE2006 Japanese Workshop on Leveraging Web2.0 Technologies in Software Development Environments (WebSDE)    2006  [Refereed]

  • Experiments on Quality Evaluation of Embedded Software in Japan Robot Software Design Contest

    Hironori Washizaki, Yasuhide Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Eiji Nakajima, Yuji Hagiwara, Kenji Hiranabe, Kazuya Fukuda

    Proceedings of the 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2006)     551 - 560  2006  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Partial and on-demand incremental deployment of Java application program over the internet

    Thepparit Banditwattanawong, Hironori Washizaki, Soichiro Hidaka


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    Java applications have been distributed more and more over the Internet. Deploying a Java application by retrieving the entire program often encounters extended delay due to network congestion or large program size. Many times system resources are also wasted because users do not utilize every component of the downloaded application. These problems can be addressed by decomposing a program into smaller pieces for individual downloading on demand. This paper proposes a middleware by which a Java application can be partially and on-demand incrementally deployed via HTTP. The middleware also supports application caching and automatically transparent updating. The launching delay for an application in an experiment was found to be reduced by 83% from that of traditional whole-at-once application deployment. Total program deployment and execution overhead was 22% less than that of Java Web Start. The middleware provides functional benefits over related technologies: these benefits include finer-grained program deployability, on-demand incremental updatability, and alternatively simple developing environment.


  • A coupling-based complexity metric for remote component-based software systems toward maintainability estimation

    Hironori Washizaki, Tomoki Nakagawa, Yuhki Saito, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ASPEC 2006: 13th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Proceedings     79 - 86  2006  [Refereed]

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    Remote-component-based software systems (CBS) must provide high maintainability to support operation over long periods of time and correspond to changes in enterprise requirements/environments. Measurements of the degree of complexity of a system are one technique for evaluating maintainability. However, conventional complexity metrics are unable to reflect the overall complexity of the system, because they do not incorporate a procedure to account for characteristics of CBS. To help maintenance work proceed smoothly, we propose a new metric that measures the coupling-based complexity of CBS by abstracting the target system's structure through a step-wise process and taking into consideration the characteristics of remote components. Our metric can be applied to CBS based on the Enterprise JavaBeans component architecture. As a result of experimental evaluations, it is found that our metric better reflects the maintainability than conventional metrics. It is also found that our metric is nonredundant with existing metrics such as Coupling Factor.


  • A precise estimation technique for test coverage of components in object-oriented frameworks

    Yuji Sakata, Kazutoshi Yokoyama, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


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    In general, a component-based system uses only a part of the functions of its software components. Therefore, precise structural testing for components requires to specify what functions of the components are used in the system. In addition, in the case with an object-oriented component, some existing studies point out that testing of all possible bindings between a call site and the methods that the site may invoke is extremely ineffective. In this paper, we propose a method for precisely estimating test coverage of components on an object-oriented frame work by using its deployment descriptor and evaluate its effectiveness.


  • Extracting Relations among Embedded Software Design Patterns

    Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Atsuhiro Takasu, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science   9 ( 3 ) 39 - 52  2006  [Refereed]

  • Building software process line architectures from bottom up

    Hironori Washizaki


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    In this paper, we propose a technique for establishing process lines, which are sets of common processes in particular problem domains, and process line architectures that incorporate commonality and variability. Process line architectures are used as a basis for deriving process lines from the perspective of overall optimization. The proposed technique includes some extensions to the Software Process Engineering Metamodel for clearly expressing the commonality and variability in the process workflows described as UML activity diagrams. As a result of applying the proposed technique to hardware/software co-design processes in an embedded system domain, it is found that the proposed technique is useful for defining consistent and project-specific processes efficiently.



  • A coupling-based complexity metric for remote component-based software systems toward maintainability estimation

    Hironori Washizaki, Tomoki Nakagawa, Yuhki Saito, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ASPEC 2006: 13th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Proceedings     79 - 86  2006  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Remote-component-based software systems (CBS) must provide high maintainability to support operation over long periods of time and correspond to changes in enterprise requirements/environments. Measurements of the degree of complexity of a system are one technique for evaluating maintainability. However, conventional complexity metrics are unable to reflect the overall complexity of the system, because they do not incorporate a procedure to account for characteristics of CBS. To help maintenance work proceed smoothly, we propose a new metric that measures the coupling-based complexity of CBS by abstracting the target system's structure through a step-wise process and taking into consideration the characteristics of remote components. Our metric can be applied to CBS based on the Enterprise JavaBeans component architecture. As a result of experimental evaluations, it is found that our metric better reflects the maintainability than conventional metrics. It is also found that our metric is nonredundant with existing metrics such as Coupling Factor.

  • Extracting Relations among Embedded Software Design Patterns

    Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Atsuhiro Takasu, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology (IDPT2005)     73 - 80  2005.06  [Refereed]

  • A technique for automatic component extraction from object-oriented programs by refactoring

    H Washizaki, Y Fukazawa

    SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING   56 ( 1-2 ) 99 - 116  2005.04  [Refereed]

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    Component-based software development (CBD) is based on building software systems from previously-existing software components. In CBD, reuse of common parts in component form can reduce the development cost of new systems, and reduce the maintenance cost associated with the support of these systems. However, existing programs have usually been built using another paradigm, such as the object-oriented (00) paradigm. 00 programs cannot be reused rapidly or effectively in the CBD paradigm even if they contain reusable functions. In this paper, we propose a technique for extracting components from existing 00 programs by our new refactoring "Extract Component". Our technique of refactoring can identify and extract reusable components composed of classes from 00 programs, and modify the surrounding parts of extracted components in original programs. We have developed a system that performs our refactoring automatically and extracts Java-Beans components from Java programs. As a result of evaluation experiments, it is found that our system is useful for extracting reusable components along with usage examples from Java programs. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Safe Component Extension for Adding Domain-Independent Services

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of the IADIS Software Engineering and Applications 2005 Conference (SEA2005)     399 - 405  2005.04  [Refereed]

  • バイナリコンポーネントベースソフトウェアの構造の機能規模を伴う視覚化

    鷲崎弘宜, 高野悟, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第22回大会    2005

  • スライシングによるバイナリで提供されたコンポーネントのテスト網羅率測定

    岡本隆史, 鷲崎弘宜, 横山和俊, 松田栄之, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・伊豆論文集    2005  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェアパターン研究の発展経緯と最近の動向

    鷲崎弘宜, 大杉直樹, 権藤克彦, 服部哲, 久保淳人, 下滝亜里, 小林隆志, 藤枝和宏, 大月美佳, 丸山勝久, 榊原彰

    情報処理学会第147回ソフトウェア工学研究会, 研究会報告 SE-147    2005

  • オブジェクト指向フレームワーク上のコンポーネントに対する精度の高いテスト網羅率計測方式の提案

    坂田祐司, 岡本隆史, 横山和俊, 松田栄之, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, 2005年4月研究会, 信学技報 SS2005   105 ( 24 ) 7 - 12  2005

     View Summary

    In general, a component-based system partially uses functions of software components. Therefore, precious structural testing for components requires to specify what functions of the components are used in the system. Besides, in the case with an object-oriented component, some existing studies point out that testing of all possible bindings between a call site and the methods that may be invoked by that site is extremely ineffective. In this paper, we propose a precious method for estimating test coverage metrics of components on an object-oriented framework by using its deployment descriptor.


  • 抽象化に基づくリモートコンポーネントベースシステムの複雑度測定

    中川知基, 鷲崎弘宜, 斉藤勇樹, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアテストシンポジウム2005(JaSST'05)    2005

  • 「ソフトウェアパターン」セッションテーマ紹介


    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・伊豆論文集    2005  [Refereed]

  • 文書類似度に基づくパターン間関連解析手法

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 高須淳人, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・伊豆論文集    2005  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェアパターン検索システムの構築

    中山弘之, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・伊豆論文集    2005  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェアパターン・マイニングに関する一考察

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・伊豆論文集    2005  [Refereed]

  • 重要度算出に基づくソフトウェアパターン検索システム

    中山弘之, 鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE2005)    2005  [Refereed]

  • パターンマイニングによるソフトウェア要求の獲得知識の記述

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE2005)    2005  [Refereed]

  • MDDロボットチャレンジモデル講評

    満田成紀, 飯田周作, 久保秋真, 小林靖英, 沢田篤史, 鷲崎弘宜, 渡辺博之

    組込みソフトウェアシンポジウム2005    2005

  • 組込みシステム開発におけるソフトウェアパターンの重要度

    中山弘之, 鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 深澤良彰

    組込みソフトウェアシンポジウム2005    2005  [Refereed]

  • 組込みシステム開発におけるプロセスライン


    組込みソフトウェアシンポジウム2005    2005  [Refereed]

  • ETロボットコンテストにおける組込みソフトウェア品質評価経験

    鷲崎弘宜, 小林靖英, 渡辺博之, 中嶋栄次, 萩原裕志, 平鍋健児, 福田和也

    組込みソフトウェアシンポジウム2005    2005  [Refereed]

  • MDDロボットチャレンジ2004: モデル講評

    鷲崎弘宜, 満田成紀, 小林靖英, 渡辺博之, 沢田篤史, 二上貴夫

    MDDロボットチャレンジ2004: 産学連携による組込みソフトウェア開発の実践, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ    2005

  • A model-view separation architecture for GUI application components

    H Washizaki, Y Fukazawa


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    Graphical User Interface (GUI) application component is a compound component, which consists of fine-grained components (such as GUI widgets) and specific logic. GUI application components fabricated by conventional techniques expose low extensibility because of the incomplete separation between the application logic part and GUI part inside the components. In this paper we propose a new component architecture, "BeaM", which realizes complete separation between both parts inside the GUI application components. We have implemented a development environment corresponding to the proposed architecture in Java language. As a result of experimental evaluations, it is found that BeaM is useful to develop GUI application components as JavaBeans components with high extensibility.

  • Analyzing relations among software patterns based on document similarity

    A Kubo, H Washizaki, A Takasu, Y Fukazawa

    ITCC 2005: International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, Vol 2     298 - 303  2005  [Refereed]

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    In software development, many kinds of knowledge are shared and reused as software patterns. However the relation analysis among software patterns by hand is difficult on the large scale. In this paper we propose a technique for the automatic relation analysis among the patterns. Our technique is based on a new pattern model to treat various patterns, and utilizes exiting text processing techniques to extract patterns from documents and to calculate the strength of pattern relations. As a result of experiments, the system that implements our technique has extracted appropriate relations among patterns without information on relations described in original pattern documents. Moreover our system has the ability to suggest relations among patterns that the author has not noticed.



  • Relation analysis among patterns on software development process

    H Washizaki, A Kubo, A Takasu, Y Fukazawa


     View Summary

    The activity of the software process improvement can be supported by reusing various kinds of knowledge on existing successful software processes in the form of process patterns. There are several catalogs of process patterns available on WWW; however, all of relations among patterns are closed in each pattern catalog. To acquire the cross-cutting relations over the different process pattern catalogs, we have applied the technique for the automatic relation analysis among the patterns. Our technique utilizes existing text processing techniques to extract patterns from documents and to calculate the strength of pattern relations. As a result of experimental evaluations, it is found that the system implementing our technique has extracted appropriate cross-cutting relations over the different process pattern catalogs without information on relations described in original pattern documents. These cross-cutting relations will be useful for dealing with larger problems than those dealt with by individual process patterns.



  • Contemporaneity-conscious clustering algorithm for distributed object caching

    T Banditwattanawong, K Maruyama, S Hidaka, H Washizaki

    PDPTA '05: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Vols 1-3     277 - 283  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Class clustering is important to distributed object caching. We argue that clustering class to support distributed objects caching must consider the contemporaneity property among the classes to gain optimal performance and to satisfy system scalability at the same time. In this paper, we propose a novel class clustering algorithm that is simple while minimizing system resource wastage. The algorithm produces a set of cachable clusters by partitioning object-oriented program s class graph in such a way that each cluster contains only classes that are really needed in the same time period of execution. Through a graph theoretic model, the algorithm statically performs clustering analysis on input programs. A case study is given to illustrate the proposed algorithm. An experimental evaluation proves that our algorithm is practically useful.

  • Proxy-and-hook: A Java-based distributed object caching framework

    T Banditwattanawong, K Maruyama, S Hidaka, H Washizaki

    2005 3rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)     819 - 824  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Scalability is a stringent requirement to every evolving information system. One of the key solutions to the scalability is caching. Most distributed object caching systems to date offer only coarse-grained mechanism in which an entire servant object graph is cached at once. Doing this minimizes cache miss frequency but imposes the long latency of cache miss resolution especially when the servant object graph is large or when the network load is high. Hence, it is preferable to compromise between this pair of performance metrics. Using fine-grained caching approach in which only necessary parts of the servant object graph are cached can satisfy both metrics at the same time. In this paper, we propose a framework that supports the incremental and automatic fine-grained caching of Java objects at run time in transparent manner to client. This goal is efficiently achieved by means of proxy and hook mechanisms. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework incurs the latency of cache miss resolution by only one third of a remote invocation latency of Java RML Furthermore, the proposed framework can deliver cache hit performance closely to that of Java local invocation's while outperforming Java RMI 1400 times.


  • A Search System for Object-Oriented Programs by using Extracted Components

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of Workshop on New Approaches to Software Construction (WNASC 2004)     141 - 152  2004.09  [Refereed]

  • A Conditonal Test Suite for Fine-Grained Software Components

    Hironori Washizaki, Yuhki Sakai, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of the 2nd ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA2004)    2004.05  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェアパターン文書の自動解析と体系化

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第3回情報科学技術フォーラム論文集(FIT2004)    2004

  • リモートコンポーネントベースシステムの保守のための複雑度測定

    中川知基, 鷲崎弘宜, 斉藤勇樹, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第21回大会    2004

  • リモートコンポーネントベースシステムの抽象化に基づく複雑度測定

    鷲崎弘宜, 中川知基, 斉藤勇樹, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第21回大会論文集, pp1-5(CD-ROM)   21   7 - 7  2004

     View Summary

    In this paper, we propose a metric for measuring the complexity of remote component-based systems by using abstraction technique. As a result of evaluation experiments with a number of EJB applications, it is found that our metric can effectively measure the complexity that reflects the system's maintainability.

    DOI CiNii

  • ソフトウェアパターンの自動的な体系化の試み

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・石垣島論文集, pp73-74    2004  [Refereed]

  • 「ソフトウェアパターン」セッションテーマ紹介

    鷲崎弘宜, 細谷竜一

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・石垣島論文集, pp63-64    2004  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェアパターンランゲージ工学に向けて

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・石垣島論文集, pp75-76    2004  [Refereed]

  • パネル: デザインパターン再考


    情報処理学会ソフトウェアジャパン2004    2004

  • 再利用性の高いコンポーネント間接続方式の提案

    星大樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェアジャパン2004論文集    2004  [Refereed]

  • JavaBeansコンポーネントの品質メトリクスの提案

    鷲崎弘宜, 平口裕紀, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェアジャパン2004論文集    2004  [Refereed]

  • 文書解析に基づくソフトウェアパターンの体系化

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第11回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ論文集(FOSE2004)    2004  [Refereed]

  • MDDロボコンワークショップ

    二上貴夫, 小林靖英, 満田成紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 渡辺博之

    情報処理学会組込みソフトウェアシンポジウム2004 (ESS2004)    2004

  • 組み込みシステムパターンに対するパターン間関連分析手法の適用

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 高須淳人, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会 組込みソフトウェアシンポジウム2004論文集 (ESS2004)    2004  [Refereed]

  • A Technique of Transforming parts of Object-Orineted Class Library into Structurally Reusable Components, and Its Application

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of the Software Transformation Systems Workshop     39 - 40  2004  [Refereed]

  • オブジェクト指向クラス間依存解析に基づくコンポーネント抽出

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   21 ( 2 ) 37 - 43  2004  [Refereed]

  • 文書中のパターン間の文書類似度による関連分析

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 高須淳宏, 深澤良彰

    日本データベース学会論文誌 DBSJ Letters   3 ( 3 ) 13 - 16  2004  [Refereed]


  • Conditional test for JavaBeans components

    H Washizaki, Y Sakai, Y Fukazawa


     View Summary

    We propose a new conditional test suite that supports preconditions, postconditions, and class-invariants for any JavaBeans component, without the possibility of heisenbugs.



  • Component-extraction-based search system for object-oriented programs

    H Washizaki, Y Fukazawa

    SOFTWARE REUSE: METHODS, TECHNIQUES, AND TOOLS: PROCEEDINGS   3107   254 - 263  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To realize appropriate software reuse, it is necessary to seek software that satisfies a given requirement. However, conventional search techniques cannot enable prompt reuse of software because such conventional techniques target the program source code as the retrieval unit. In this paper, we propose a new component-extraction-based program search system. Our system analyses a collection of object-oriented (00) programs, acquires relationships among 00 classes, and extracts reusable software components composed of some classes. Moreover, our system generates indexes composed of divided type names and comments for newly extracted components. Using our system, the extracted components can be searched by keywords, and the result set can be viewed by a web browser such that the user can decide whether the query result component matches his/her requirements.



  • Search and trial execution system for OO programs by component extraction

    H Washizaki, Y Fukazawa

    KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING   108   301 - 310  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A program search system is indispensable for software reuse. However, conventional search techniques are inappropriate for prompt reuse because of two reasons: (1) the retrieval unit is an individual program source code, and (2) behavioral features of the query result program cannot be confirmed immediately. In this paper, we propose a new program search and trial execution system based on a component extraction technique for existing Object-Oriented (OO) programs. Our system analyzes class relationships in OO program source codes, detects reusable parts composed of classes, and transforms the detected classes into components. The extracted components can be searched by keywords, and the result set can be viewed by a web browser. Moreover, our system allows users to perform the trial execution of components remotely via the web browser by performing the method execution and the mouse click operation. As a result of evaluation experiments, it is found that our system can extract many reusable components from existing programs, and support the user to search the extracted components effectively.

  • A search system for java programs by using extracted JavaBeans components

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA     200 - 201  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We propose a new component-extraction-based program search system. Our system analyses existing Java programs, acquires relationships among classes, and extracts JavaBeans components composed of classes. Moreover, our system generates indexes composed of divided type names and comments for newly extracted components. Using our system, the extracted components can be searched by keywords, and the result set can be viewed by a web browser such that the user can decide whether the query result component matches his/her requirements.



  • Extracting Components from Object-Oriented Programs for Reuse in Memory-Constrained Environments

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of First Workshop on Reuse in Constrained Environments (RICE'03) at the 18th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2003)     1 - 3  2003.10  [Refereed]

  • Automated Extract Component Refactoring

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of the 4th International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering (XP2003), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science     328 - 330  2003.05  [Refereed]



  • A Study on Realization of Component-based Software Development Technology

    Hironori Washizaki

    2003, Doctor of Information and Computer Science, Waseda University    2003.03

  • WWWからのオブジェクト指向プログラムの収集と検索

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第20回大会論文集, pp1-5(CD-ROM)    2003

  • 柔軟な接続を実現するコンポーネントモデルの提案

    星大樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第65回全国大会論文集, pp1-285-1-286    2003

  • ソフトウェアパターン研究の現在と未来

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第141回ソフトウェア工学研究会, 研究会報告 SE-141, pp31-38    2003

  • コンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発技術の実現に関する研究


    早稲田大学大学院理工学研究彙報, Vol.49    2003

  • 柔軟なコンポーネント間接続方式の提案と実装

    星大樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, 信学技報 SS2003-22, pp37-42    2003

  • 軽量ソフトウェア開発手法のためのコンポーネント抽出リファクタリング

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・神戸論文集, pp75-76    2003  [Refereed]

  • ライトニングトークス: パターンとソフトウェアに関するライトニングトークス

    沖田直幸, 金澤典子, 小井土亨, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会オブジェクト指向シンポジウム2003論文集, p243    2003

  • オブジェクト指向プログラムのためのコンポーネント抽出型検索システム

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会オブジェクト指向シンポジウム2003論文集, pp77-84    2003  [Refereed]


  • ソフトウェアパターン関連ツールデモ

    羽生田栄一, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会オブジェクト指向シンポジウム2003論文集, pp245-246    2003  [Refereed]

  • 細粒度コンポーネント環境における動的かつ階層的Undo機構の実現

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   44 ( 1 ) 143 - 155  2003  [Refereed]

  • A metrics suite for measuring reusability of software components

    H Washizaki, H Yamamoto, Y Fukazawa


     View Summary

    In component-based software development, it is necessary to measure the reusability of components in order to realize the reuse of components effectively. There are some product metrics for measuring the reusability of Object-Oriented software. However in application development with reuse, it is difficult to use conventional metrics because the source codes of components cannot be obtained, and these metrics require analysis of source codes. In this paper we propose a metrics suite for measuring the reusability of such black-box components based on limited information that can be obtained from the outside of components without any source codes. We define five metrics for measuring a component's understandability, adaptability, and portability, with confidence intervals that were set by statistical analysis of a number of JavaBeans components. Moreover we provide a reusability metric by combining these metrics based on a reusability model. As a result of evaluation experiments, it is found that our metrics can effectively identify black-box components with high reusability.


  • Web-based Software Component Trial System and its Evaluation

    Hironori Washizaki, Mai Motomura, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of the 6th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA'02)     305 - 310  2002.11  [Refereed]

  • Software Component Metrics and It's Experimental Evaluation

    Hironori Washizaki, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE 2002)   II   19 - 20  2002.10  [Refereed]

  • Dynamic Hierarchical Undo Facility in a Fine-Grained Component Environment

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    40th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002)     191 - 199  2002.02  [Refereed]


  • Conditional Testing Technique Based on Separated Condition Descriptions for Software Components.

    Yuhki Sakai, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Computer Software   19 ( 5 ) 358 - 371  2002  [Refereed]



  • Component Metrics based on the Component Reusability and its Evaluation.

    Hirokazu Yamamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Computer Software   19 ( 5 ) 345 - 357  2002  [Refereed]



  • オブジェクト指向クラス間依存解析に基づくコンポーネント抽出

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第19回大会論文集, pp1-5(CD-ROM)    2002

  • 利用情報解析に基づくコンポーネントウィザードの自動付加

    安達孝夫, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, 信学技報, SS2002-8, pp7-12    2002

  • Web 上におけるコンポーネント流通の試み

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・伊豆論文集, pp77-78    2002  [Refereed]

  • 拡張シグネチャ適合に基づく柔軟なコンポーネント間接続

    鷲崎弘宜, 佐藤幸三, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会オブジェクト指向2002シンポジウム論文集, pp125-128    2002  [Refereed]

  • コンポーネント試行システムの開発と評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 元村五月, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   19 ( 1 ) 44 - 48  2002  [Refereed]

  • 有向置換性類似度に基づくコンポーネント検索方式の実現と評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   43 ( 6 ) 1638 - 1653  2002  [Refereed]

  • 再利用特性に基づくコンポーネントメトリクスの提案と検証

    山本浩数, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   19 ( 5 ) 13 - 25  2002  [Refereed]

  • コンポーネント環境における独立条件記述に基づく条件テスト手法

    坂井悠樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   19 ( 5 ) 26 - 39  2002  [Refereed]

  • A retrieval technique for software components using directed replaceability similarity

    H Washizaki, Y Fukazawa

    OBJECT-ORIENTED INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS   2425   298 - 310  2002  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A mechanism of retrieving software components is indispensable for component-based software development. However, conventional retrieval techniques require an additional description, and cannot evaluate the total characteristics of a component. In this paper, we propose a new similarity metric, "directed replaceability similarity" (DRS), which represents how two components differ in terms of structure, behavior, and granularity. We developed a retrieval system that automatically measures DRS between a user's prototype component and components stored in a repository, without any source codes or additional information. As a result of evaluation experiments, it is found that the retrieval performance of our system is higher than those of conventional techniques.



  • ソフトウェアコンポーネントの再利用性向上に関する研究

    鷲崎 弘宜

    2001年3月, 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科    2001.03

  • 静的側面から見たソフトウェアコンポーネントの品質

    山本浩数, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会5月ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, 信学技報, SS2001-10, pp33-40   101 ( 98 ) 33 - 40  2001

     View Summary

    Many product metrics for the static aspect of software products have been proposed to improve the quality of the product. Those traditional techniques measure the quality by analyzing its source codes. However, at component-based software development, it is difficult to apply those techniques to software components because the source code cannot be referred directly for the software component. In this paper, we propose new product metrics based on the characteristics of the software component, and the quality measurement technique which treats software components as Black-Box products.


  • 有向置換性距離に基づくコンポーネント検索方式の実現と評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会オブジェクト指向2001シンポジウム論文集, pp77-84    2001  [Refereed]

  • 細粒度コンポーネントへの着目とUndo機能追加実装

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・金沢論文集, pp75-76    2001  [Refereed]

  • コンポーネント環境における独立条件記述に基づいた条件テスト手法

    坂井祐樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ論文集, pp117-128    2001  [Refereed]

  • 片方向引用情報に基づく論文の品質評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会2001年総合大会論文集, ppD-54    2001

  • モデル/ビュー分離アーキテクチャBeaMの機構とその評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   42 ( 10 ) 2452 - 2465  2001  [Refereed]

  • コンポーネントにおける静的側面の自動品質測定

    山本浩数, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会2001年総合大会論文集, ppD-31    2001

  • 独立条件記述に基づくコンポーネント条件テスト手法

    坂井祐樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第63回全国大会論文集, pp1-121-1-122    2001

  • 利用情報の解析によるコンポーネントウィザードの自動生成

    安達孝夫, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第63回全国大会論文集, pp1-127-1-128    2001

  • コンポーネント試行システムの開発とその評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 元村五月, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第18回大会論文集, pp1-5(CD-ROM)    2001

  • Retrieving software components using directed replaceability distance

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   2186   153 - 162  2001  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In component-based software development, the mechanism by which the software components which best satisfy a user’s query are retrieved is indispensable. However, conventional retrieval methods cannot evaluate the total characteristics of a component, because they consider a single aspect of the component or require an additional description. In this paper, we propose a new distance metric, “directed replaceability distance” (DRD), which represents how different two components are in detail from the viewpoint of structure, behavior, and granularity. We have developed a retrieval system which uses DRD as a measure of the difference between a user’s query prototype component and the components stored in a repository. In this paper, we outline the concept of DRD and the usefulness of our retrieval system.



  • 安全なコンポーネント拡張に基づく共通機能付加技法

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会オブジェクト指向2000シンポジウム論文集, pp109-116    2000  [Refereed]

  • メタ情報を用いたコンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発支援

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会オブジェクト指向2000シンポジウム論文集, pp171-178    2000  [Refereed]

  • 細粒度コンポーネント環境における履歴クラスタリング

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ論文集, pp149-156    2000  [Refereed]

  • Model-view separation architecture BeaM and its evaluation

    H Washizaki, J Shirogane, Y Fukazawa

    KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING   62   115 - 122  2000  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    GUI application components, which are developed by combining the most basic generic GUI components and appending the required application logic, have been widely utilized. Their target is domain-specific and instance-level software reuse. In traditional methods, the separation between the application logic part and GUI part is incomplete. As a result, sufficient reusability and extensibility of the GUI application components cannot be realized. In this paper, the Model-View separation architecture BeaM (Bean for Model-view separation), which realizes complete independence between the application logic part and GUI part, is proposed. Also the evaluation results are analyzed based on the implementation in Java language.

  • A Light-Weight Broker for GUI Applications

    Hironori Washizaki, Junko Shirogane, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proc. of the International Workshop on Domain Oriented Systems Development (DOSD1999) in Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'99)    1999.12  [Refereed]

  • 真のプラガブルアーキテクチャをめざして

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ・イン・高知論文集, pp17-18    1999  [Refereed]

  • MVC指向アーキテクチャBeaMの機構とその評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ論文集, pp68-75    1999  [Refereed]

  • ソフトウェアアーキテクチャにおける再利用性と実行効率

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会サマーワークショップ・イン・小樽論文集, pp55-56    1999  [Refereed]

  • アプリケーション部品についてのMVCパターンの適用

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第58回全国大会論文集, pp1-237-1-238    1999

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • アジャイル品質パターン「QA to AQ」 伝統的な品質保証からアジャイル品質への変革

    Joseph Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Ademar Aguiar, 鷲崎 弘宜, 長谷川 裕一, 濱井 和夫, 小林 浩, 長田 武徳, 陳 凌峰

    翔泳社  2022.09

  • りそなーれ 2022年9月号

    鷲崎 弘宜(時の言霊(取材: りそなーれ))

    りそな総合研究所  2022.09

  • 機械学習工学 (機械学習プロフェッショナルシリーズ)

    石川 冬樹, 丸山 宏, 柿沼 太一, 竹内 広宜, 土橋 昌, 中川 裕志, 原 聡, 堀内 新吾, 鷲崎 弘宜

    講談社  2022.07 ISBN: 4065285860


  • あそんで! まなべる! チャギントンプログラミング

    ジャムハウス編集部, 鷲崎 弘宜, 株式会社フジテレビジョン, 株式会社九州コーユー, そ( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    ジャムハウス  2022.07 ISBN: 491068008X


  • システム/制御/情報, Vol. 66, No. 5, pp. 1-7, 2022.

    鷲崎 弘宜(機械学習を中心とした AI 活用によるソフトウェアの品質保証)

    システム制御情報学会  2022.05

  • 初級ソフトウェア品質技術者資格試験(JCSQE)問題と解説【第3版】

    渡辺 喜道, 鷲崎 弘宜, 笹部 進, 辰巳 敬三

    日科技連出版社  2022.04 ISBN: 4817197528


  • 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 1-4, 2022.

    鷲崎 弘宜(ET ロボコンにおけるモデルを取り入れたロボット制御の教育とソフトウェア品質)

    日本ロボット学会  2022.03

  • ソフトウェア協会【Column】ソフトウェア品質はなぜ重要なのか?<連載>

    鷲崎 弘宜(第2弾:DX時代に求められるソフトウェアの価値と品質および国際標準)

    ソフトウェア協会  2021.12

  • 『DX白書2021 日米比較調査にみるDXの戦略、人材、技術』

    鷲崎 弘宜(コラム: 海外比較を通じたDXに関する日本の人材育成とリカレント教育)

    IPA  2021.10

  • 人事実務 №1219(2021年4月号)

    鷲崎 弘宜

    産労総合研究所  2021.04

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    スマートエスイー DX 時代のAI・IoT およびビジネス応用のイノベーティブ人材リカレント教育

  • QA to AQ 第8回

    鷲崎 弘宜, 長谷川 裕一, 濱井 和夫, 小林 浩, 長田 武徳, 田村 英雅, 陳 凌峰

    CodeZine  2021.03

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  • Veriserve Navigation vol.22(2021年3月号)

    鷲崎 弘宜

    株式会社ベリサーブ  2021.03

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    パターンQA to AQによるAgile Quality(アジャイル品質)への変革と事例

  • 早稲田電気工学会EWE会報 62号

    鷲崎 弘宜(62号)

    早稲田電気工学会  2021.03

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  • QA to AQ 第7回

    鷲崎 弘宜, 長谷川 裕一, 濱井 和夫, 小林 浩, 長田 武徳, 田村 英雅, 陳 凌峰

    CodeZine  2021.02

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  • QA to AQ 第6回

    鷲崎 弘宜, 長谷川 裕一, 濱井 和夫, 小林 浩, 長田 武徳, 田村 英雅, 陳 凌峰

    CodeZine  2021.01

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  • QA to AQ 第5回

    鷲崎弘宜, 長谷川裕一, 濱井和夫, 小林 浩, 長田武徳, 田村英雄, 陳 凌峰

    CodeZine  2021.01

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  • Machine Learning Design Patterns

    ( Part: Joint translator)



    鷲崎 弘宜

    一般財団法人テレコム先端技術研究支援センター  2021

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  • Ultimate Agile Stories 10th Anniversary

    鷲崎 弘宜


     View Summary

    アジャイル品質はどのように取り組まれているのか? – パターン QA to AQ の実践状況より

  • CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-2809

    Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Tomoko Kaneko, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Foutse Khomh, Giuliano Antoniol


  • Editorial for the special issue of STVR on the 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST 2018), Software: Practice and Experience (SPE)

    Ina Schieferdecker, Atif Memon, Hironori Washizaki

    Wiley  2021

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    Editorial for the special issue of STVR on the 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST 2017)

  • Towards Software Co-Engineering by AI and Developers, in Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Technologies, Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems

    Hironori Washizaki

    Springer  2021

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    Towards Software Co-Engineering by AI and Developers

  • 文部科学 教育通信 No.497


    ジアース教育新社  2020.12

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  • デジタルトランスフォーメーションの加速に向けた研究会中間報告

    委員, 鷲崎弘宜, ワーキンググループ, 座長, 鷲崎弘宜

    経済産業省  2020.12

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  • ソフトウェア品質知識体系ガイド (第3版) -SQuBOK Guide V3-

    飯泉紀子, 鷲崎弘宜, 誉田直美, 監修, SQuBOK策定部会

    オーム社  2020.11

  • QA to AQ 第4回

    鷲崎 弘宜, 長谷川 裕一, 濱井 和夫, 小林 浩, 長田 武徳, 田村 英雅, 陳 凌峰

    CodeZine  2020.09

  • QA to AQ 第3回

    鷲崎 弘宜, 長谷川 裕一, 濱井 和夫, 小林 浩, 長田 武徳, 田村 英雅, 陳 凌峰

    CodeZine  2020.06

  • Empirical Studies to Open Source Artifacts

    Naohiko Tsuda, Ankush Dadwal, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Masashi Mizoguchi, Kentaro Yoshimura

    CRC Press (Scopus indexed)  2020.05

  • QA to AQ 第2回

    鷲崎 弘宜, 長谷川 裕一, 濱井 和夫, 小林 浩, 長田 武徳, 田村 英雅, 陳 凌峰

    CodeZine  2020.05

  • The Essentials of Modern Software Engineering

    Ivar Jacobson, Harold “Bud” Lawson, Pan-Wei Ng, Paul E. McMahon, Michael Goedicke 著, 角征典 訳, 鷲崎弘宜

    翔泳社  2020.05

  • QA to AQ 第1回

    鷲崎 弘宜, 長谷川 裕一, 濱井 和夫, 小林 浩, 長田 武徳, 田村 英雅, 陳 凌峰

    CodeZine  2020.04

  • ACM International Conference Proceedings Series

    Sridhar Chimalakonda, Hironori Washizaki( Part: Joint author, A Report onWorkshops co-located with ISEC 2020)

    Association for Computing Machinery  2020.02

  • コンピュータ ソフトウェア 37巻4号, 2020年

    門田 暁人, 森崎 修司, 大平 雅雄, 阿萬 裕久, 沢田 篤史, 杉山 安洋, 高田 眞吾, 花川 典子, 鷲崎 弘宜

    日本ソフトウェア科学会  2020

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  • Ultimate Agile Stories Iteration 6


    Ultimate Agile Stories  2020

  • コンピュータソフトウェア 36 (4), 4_2-4_2, 2019.

    門田暁人, 伊藤恵, 神谷年洋, 阿萬裕久, 花川典子, 沢田篤史, 杉山安洋, 鷲崎弘宜

    岩波書店  2019.10

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  • Scratchでたのしく学ぶプログラミング的思考

    鷲崎 弘宜, 齋藤 大輔, 坂本 一憲

    マイナビ出版  2019.09

  • 情報処理, 60(6),560-561 (2019-05-15)

    丸山 勝久, 鵜林 尚靖, 鷲崎 弘宜, 堀田 圭佑

    情報処理学会  2019.05

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    APSEC 2018 開催および参加報告

  • Proceedings of the 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2018)

    Katsuhisa Maruyama, Naoyasu Ubayashi, Hironori Washizaki, Hongyu Zhang

    IEEE Computer Society  2019.05

  • Exploring Security in Software Architecture and Design

    Takanori Kobashi, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Haruhiko Kaiya, Takao Okubo, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IGI Global  2019.01

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    Designing Secure Software by Testing Application of Security Patterns

  • Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Volume 147, January 2019, Pages 104-105

    Hossein Saiedian, Hironori Washizaki

    Elsevier  2019.01

  • コンピュータソフトウェア, 2018 年 35 巻 4 号 p. 2

    門田 暁人, 吉田 敦, 福安 直樹, 阿萬 裕久, 花川 典子, 沢田 篤史, 杉山 安洋, 鷲崎 弘宜

    岩波書店  2018.10

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  • SQuBOK Review 2018, Vol. 3, pp. 1-12

    大場 みち子, 森田 純恵, 飯泉 紀子, 誉田 直美, 沖汐 大志, 小島 嘉津江, 服部 克己, 藤原 良一, 鷲崎 弘宜

    日本科学技術連盟  2018.09

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    Research on Software Quality Assurance for Artificial Intelligence System

  • 情報処理, Vol.59, No.7, pp.642-644, 2018

    礎 良輔, 鷲崎 弘宜

    情報処理学会  2018.07

  • 大学教育と情報, 2018年度, No. 1, pp.10-11


    私立大学情報教育協会  2018.07

  • コンピュータソフトウェア, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 3_96-3_101, 2018

    鵜林尚靖, 鷲崎弘宜, 鄭顕志

    岩波書店  2018.07

  • 2017年度専門委員会関係活動報告(SC7員会部分について寄稿)NEWSLETTER

    情報規格調査会, 鷲崎弘宜( Part: Sole author)


  • カレッジマネジメント Vol.210 May-Jun.2018


    リクルート  2018.05

  • AsianPLoP 2014 Conference Proceedings, Hillside

    Hironori Washizaki( Part: Edit)


  • AsianPLoP 2015 Conference Proceedings, Hillside

    Hironori Washizaki( Part: Edit)


  • 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2017

    Atif Memon, Yasuharu Nishi, Ina Schieferdecker, Hironori Washizaki( Part: Joint author)


  • 30th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, CSEE&T 2017

    Hironori Washizaki, Nancy Mead( Part: Joint author)


  • 早稲田大学電気工学会(EWE)会報

    鷲崎 弘宜( Part: Sole author)

    早稲田大学電気工学会(EWE)  2016.03

  • 初級ソフトウェア品質技術者資格試験(JCSQE)問題と解説 第3版

    渡辺 喜道, 鷲崎 弘宜, 笹部 進, 辰巳 敬三, SQiPソフトウェア品質委員会( Part: Joint author)

    日科技連出版社  2015.12 ISBN: 481719555X

  • OHM Bulletin, vol.6

    鷲崎弘宜( Part: Sole author)

    オーム社  2015.10

  • ETロボコン2016 東京地区大会パンフレット

    鷲崎弘宜( Part: Sole author)

    ETロボコン2016 東京地区大会  2015.09

  • ゴール&ストラテジ入門: 残念なシステムの無くし方 (GQM+Strategies)

    鷲崎弘宜, 小堀貴信, 新谷勝利, 松岡秀樹( Part: Joint author)

    オーム社  2015.09

  • 初級ソフトウェア品質技術者資格試験(JCSQE)問題と解説 第3版

    渡辺喜道, 鷲崎弘宜, 笹部進, 辰巳敬三, SQiPソフトウェア品質委員会( Part: Joint author)

    日科技連出版社  2015 ISBN: 4817194391

  • Ultimate Agile Stories Iteration 5

    Ultimate Agile, Stories Iteratio, 編集部, 分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜( Part: Contributor)

    Ultimate Agile Stories Iteration 編集部  2015

  • 日経情報ストラテジー、日経ITPro

    日経情報ストラテジー, 日経ITPro, 分担執筆, 鷲崎 弘宜, 平林 大典, 野村典文, 学ゴ, ル指向経営研( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2014.06

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    「残念なシステム」のなくしかた、第3回 僕たちの仕事は役に立っているのか?

  • 日経情報ストラテジー、日経ITPro

    日経情報ストラテジー, 日経ITPro, 分担執筆, 鷲崎 弘宜, 平林 大典, 野村典文, 学ゴ, ル指向経営研( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2014.06

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    「残念なシステム」のなくしかた、第4回 測れるって素晴らしい!!

  • 日経情報ストラテジー、日経ITPro

    日経情報ストラテジー, 日経ITPro, 分担執筆, 鷲崎 弘宜, 平林 大典, 野村典文, 学ゴ, ル指向経営研( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2014.06

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    「残念なシステム」のなくしかた、第5回 プロジェクトに優先順位を付けよう

  • 日経情報ストラテジー、日経ITPro

    日経情報ストラテジー, 日経ITPro, 分担執筆, 鷲崎 弘宜, 平林 大典, 指向経( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2014.05

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    「残念なシステム」のなくしかた、第1回 「正しく」できても「正しいことをやる」のができない理由

  • Ultimate Agile Stories Iteration 4

    Ultimate Agile, Stories Iteratio, 編集部, 分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜( Part: Contributor)

    Ultimate Agile Stories Iteration 編集部  2014

  • メトリクス公団

    TEF東海メトリクス勉強会, 分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜, 本田澄, 深澤良彰( Part: Contributor)

    TEF東海メトリクス勉強会  2013

  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングのエッセンス: SEMAT カーネル

    Ivar Jacobson, Pan-Wei Ng, Paul E. McMahon, Ian Spence, Svante Lidman( Part: Joint author)

    日経ITPro  2013

  • Ultimate Agile Stories Iteration 4

    Ultimate Agile, Stories Iteration, 編集部, 分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜, 鈴木翔太( Part: Contributor)

    Ultimate Agile Stories Iteration 編集部  2013

  • 日経エレクトロニクス

    日経エレクトロニクス, 分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜, 阿左美勝, 田邉浩之( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2011.11

  • 日経エレクトロニクス

    日経エレクトロニクス, 分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜, 阿左美勝, 田邉浩之( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2011.10

  • 日経エレクトロニクス

    日経エレクトロニクス, 分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜, 阿左美勝, 田邉浩之( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2011.09

  • 日経エレクトロニクス

    日経エレクトロニクス, 分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜, 阿左美勝, 田邉浩之( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2011.08

  • Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2010)

    Eiichi Hanyuda, Hironori Wasizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka( Part: Joint author)

    ACM Digital Library  2010.03

  • ソフトウェア工学の基礎〈16〉日本ソフトウェア科学会FOSE 2009 (レクチャーノート・ソフトウェア学)

    中島 震, 鷲崎 弘宜( Part: Joint author)

    近代科学社  2009.11 ISBN: 4764903768

  • 演習で学ぶソフトウエアメトリクスの基礎 – ソフトウェアの測定と見積もりの正しい作法

    Linda M Laird, M Carol Brennan著, 野中誠, 鷲崎弘宜( Part: Joint translator)

    日経BP,  2009 ISBN: 4822284085

  • ロボットレースによる 組込み技術者養成講座

    ETロボコン実行委員会( Part: Contributor)

    毎日コミュニケーションズ  2008

  • オブジェクト指向入門ブック

    日経ソフトウェア(分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜, 太田健一郎( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2007.06

  • ソフトウェアパターン

    本位田真一, 修, 鷲崎弘宜, 丸山勝久, 山本里枝子( Part: Joint author)

    近代科学社  2007.03 ISBN: 4764903482

  • ユースケースによるアスペクト指向ソフトウェア開発

    Ivar Jacobson, Pan-Wei Ng著, 鷲崎弘宜, 太田健一郎, 鹿糠秀行, 立堀道昭( Part: Joint translator)

    翔泳社  2006.03 ISBN: 4798108960

  • コンポーネントベース開発テキスト

    本位田真一, 修, 鷲崎弘宜, 丸山勝久, 山本里枝子( Part: Joint author)

    近代科学社  2006.03

  • 正しく学ぶソフトウェア設計: オブジェクト指向分析/設計を根本から理解する

    日経ソフトウエア編, 天野勝, 平澤章, 平鍋健児, 矢沢久雄, 山本啓二, 鷲崎弘宜, 太田健一郎( Part: Joint author)

    日経BP社  2005.10 ISBN: 4822228320

  • ソフトウェアパターン入門~基礎から応用へ~

    羽生田栄一, 金澤典子, 井上健, 森下民平, 鷲崎弘宜, 佃軍治, 細谷竜一, 瀬戸川教彦, 山野裕司, 沖田直幸, パターンワーキンググループ)著( Part: Joint author)

    ソフトリサーチセンター  2005.08 ISBN: 4883732150

  • 日経ソフトウェア

    日経ソフトウェア(分担執筆, 鷲崎弘宜, 太田健一郎( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2005.05

  • Eclipseパーフェクトマニュアル

    技術評論社, 鷲崎弘宜( Part: Contributor)

    技術評論社  2004.08

  • AspectJによるアスペクト指向プログラミング入門

    長瀬嘉秀, 天野まさひろ, 鷲崎弘宜, 立堀道昭( Part: Joint author)

    ソフトバンクパブリッシング  2004.04 ISBN: 4797326387

  • Domain Oriented Software Development: Practices and Perspectives

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa( Part: Joint author)

    Taylor and Francis  2002.10

  • 日経ソフトウェア9月号

    日経ソフトウェア, 分, 鷲崎弘宜( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP社  2002.09

▼display all


▼display all


  • Online Log Parsing: Preliminary Literature Review

    Scott Lupton, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • When is Continuous Integration Useful? Empirical Study on Team Size and Reporters in Development

    Naoko Imai, Hironori Washizaki, Naohiko Tsuda, Yoshiaki Fukuzawa

    The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Enterprise Architecture based Representation of Architecture and Design Patterns for Machine Learning Systems

    Hironori Takeuchi, Takuo Doi, Hironori Washizaki, Satoshi Okuda, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    The 13th Workshop on Service oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SOEA4EE) in conjunction with the EDOC 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Feature Extraction Method for Cross-Architecture Binary Vulnerability Detection

    Ziyang Li, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Evaluating Partial Correctness of Programs in Automated Program Repair

    Yusaku Ito, Hironori Washizaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Adversarial Multi-Task Learning-Based Bug Fixing Time and Severity Prediction

    Qicong Liu, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Goal-Oriented Machine Learning-Based Component Development Proces

    Jati H. Husen, Hnin Thandar Tun, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Software Engineering Patterns for Machine Learning Applications (SEP4MLA) – Part 3 – Data Processing Architectures

    Jomphon Runpakprakun, Sien Reeve Ordonez Peralta, Hironori Washizaki, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Duplicate Bug Report Detection by Using Sentence Embedding and Fine-tuning

    Haruna Isotani, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Tsutomu Nomoto, Saori Ouji, Shinobu Saito

    37th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.09

    Event date:
  • Preliminary Literature Review of Machine Learning System Development Practices

    Yasuhiro Watanabe, Hironori Washizaki, Kazunori Sakamoto, Daisuke Saito, Kiyoshi Honda, Naohiko Tsuda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    45th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

    Event date:
  • Automated educational program mapping on learning standards in computer science

    Koki Miura, Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    45th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

    Event date:
  • Extracting features related to bug fixing time of bug reports by deep learning and gradient-based visualization

    Yuki Noyori, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Ooshima, Hideyuki Kanuka, Shuhei Nojiri, Ryosuke Tsuchiya

    2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA 2021)  (Dalian) 

    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • Comparing participants’ brainwaves during Solo, Pair, and Mob Programming,

    Makoto Shiraishi, Hironori Washizaki, Daisuke Saito, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    22nd International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • Analysis of IoT Pattern Descriptions

    Hironori Washizaki, Atsuo Hazeyama, Takao Okubo, Hideyuki Kanuka, Shinpei Ogata, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    2021 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Practices for the IoT (SERP4IoT 2021) , co-located with the 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • Analysis of the use of Mentoring with Online Mob Programming

    Shota Kaieda, Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IEEE EDUCON2021 Global Engineering Education Conference, Work-in-Progress Track 

    Presentation date: 2021.04

    Event date:
  • Tracing CAPEC Attack Patterns from CVE Vulnerability Information using Natural Language Processing Technique

    Kenta Kanakogi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Takehisa Kato, Hideyuki Kanuka, Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka

    54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 

    Presentation date: 2021.01

    Event date:
  • Assessing Elementary School Students’ Programming Thinking Skills using Rubrics

    Daisuke Saito, Shota Kaieda, Risei Yajima, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hidetoshi Omiya, Misaki Onodera, Idumi Sato

    IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • Machine-Learning Software-Engineering Design Patterns: Literature Review and Practitioners’ Insights

    Hironori Washizaki, Hironori Takeuchi, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Foutse Khomh, Naotake Natori, Naohisa Shioura, Takuo Doi

    2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning Systems Engineering (iMLSE 2020) in Conjunction with APSEC 2020  (Singapore) 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • Smart SE: コロナ時代のAI・IoTの社会人オン・オフライン教育



    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • ソフトウェアの品質とメトリクス – GQM, 品質実態, オープンソース



    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • 強化学習


    スマートエスイー IoT/AI石川スクール 技術者向けAI研修 

    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • 教師あり学習


    スマートエスイー IoT/AI石川スクール 技術者向けAI研修 

    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • 品質作業の分散



    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 組込みソフトウェア品質測定評価の実際と勘所 ~クローン検出適用事例も交えて


    ガイオ・テクノロジー サイバーチャンネル 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • アジャイル開発・UXデザイン入門


    スマートエスイー IoT/AI石川スクール 技術者向けIoT研修 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • Software Engineering Patterns for Machine Learning Applications (SEP4MLA) – Part 2

    Hironori Washizaki, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Hironori Takeuchi, Satoshi Okuda, Naotake Natori, Naohisa Shioura

    the 27th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs in 2020 (PLoP’20) 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

    Event date:
  • 研究のデザイン入門


    日本科学技術連盟 ソフトウェア品質管理研究会(SQiP研究会) 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • Automated Tool for Revising Masking MC/DC Test Suite

    Zhenxiang Chen, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    The IEEE 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

    Event date:
  • DXはなぜ進まないのか? 経営とITの観点からの課題と提言


    NTTデータ テクノロジーカンファレンス 2020 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • スマートIoTシステム・ビジネス入門


    スマートエスイー IoT/AI石川スクール 技術者向けIoT研修 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • Practitioners’ insights on machine-learning software engineering design patterns: a preliminary study

    Hironori Washizaki, Hironori Takeuchi, Foutse Khomh, Naotake Natori, Takuo Doi, Satoshi Okuda

    36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • AI&IoT時代の社会人教育: enPiT-Proスマートエスイーの成果報告および今後の展望


    2020年度スマートエスイー 修了記念シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • IoT・AIとプログラミング・Pythonプログラミング入門・データ解析プログラミング

    鷲崎弘宜, 坂本一憲

    スマートエスイー IoT/AI石川スクール 技術者向けデータ解析プログラミング研修 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • 魅力的なモノ・コト創りのためのSE4BSのアジャイル体験

    鷲崎弘宜, 萩本順三, 谷口真也, 関満徳, 濱井和夫ほか


    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • A Tool to Manage Traceability on Several Models and Its Use Case

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Shogo Tatsui, Atsuo Hazeyama, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Hironori Washizaki

    24th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • Framework and Value-Driven Process of Software Engineering for Business and Society (SE4BS)

    Hironori Washizaki, Junzo Hagimoto, Kazuo Hamai, Mitsunori Seki, Takeshi Inoue, Shinya Taniguchi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kenji Hiranabe, Eiichi Hanyuda

    5th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • Continuous modeling supports from business analysis to systems engineering in IoT development

    Toshinori Takai, Katsutoshi Shintani, Hideki Andoh, Hironori Washizaki

    5th International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems (EAIS 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • モノづくり企業とDXおよびAI・IoT有効活用


    スマートエスイー IoT/AI石川スクール 石川県 経営者のためのAI・IoT総合力向上セミナー 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • ソフトウェア品質知識体系ガイド SQuBOK Guide V3 早出し最新情報 新規知識領域「ソフトウェア品質の応用領域」の先出し



    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • WS4 DX時代のビジネス・社会価値創造に向けたソフトウェア工学を探る


    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウムSES2020 WS4 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • Patterns for New Software Engineering: Machine Learning and IoT Engineering Patterns

    Hironori Washizaki

    AsianPLoP 2020: 9th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • IoT/AI 高度技術人材育成について,


    スマートエスイー IoT/AI石川スクール 運営コンソーシアム設立会議 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • スマートエスイー: 超スマート社会&DX時代のAI・IoT×ビジネスの人材育成と調査研究


    IIBA日本支部主催 ビジネスアナリシス サミット2020 オンライン 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • Experimental Evaluation of Traceability Checking Tool for Goal Dependency Modeling

    Haruhiko Kaiya, Wataru Fujita, Ryotaro Yamada, Atsuo Hazeyama, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki

    13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering (JCKBSE2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.08

    Event date:
  • アジャイル品質パターンによる伝統的な品質保証(Quality Assurance)からアジャイル品質(Agile Quality)への変革


    スマートエスイーセミナー: アジャイル開発と品質 

    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • 対面授業・JMOOC・edXを併用した社会人AI・IoT教育とオンラインファーストに向けた展望


    第12回オンライン授業に関するJMOOC ワークショップ 『ポストコロナ時代に問われる授業用コンテンツの共有とeラーニングの進化』 

    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • スマートエスイーコンソーシアム:DX 時代のビジネス戦略・要求調査研究 WG 〜 まとめおよび発表アジェンダ 〜


    スマートエスイーセミナー: DX時代のビジネス戦略・要求 

    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリング知識体系SWEBOK最新動向


    スマートエスイーセミナー: 国際標準: 知識体系SWEBOK、品質規格SQuaRE、ビジネス分析知識体系BABOK 

    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • Usability of Software-Intensive Systems from Developers’ Point of View – Current Status and Future Perspectives of International Standardization of Usability Evaluation

    Toshihiro Komiyama, Shin’ichi Fukuzumi, Motoei Azuma, Hironori Washizaki, Naohiko Tsuda

    22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

    Event date:
  • パネル討論: Essenceとソフトウェアエンジニアリング展望

    パネラ, 平鍋健児, 和システムマネジメント, 小林浩(システム情報, 宮田一雄, 島田さつき, 富士通クォリティラボ, 角征典, 司会, 鷲崎弘宜

    スマートエスイーセミナー: モダン・ソフトウェアエンジニアリングのエッセンス 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングとEssenceの広がり


    スマートエスイーセミナー: モダン・ソフトウェアエンジニアリングのエッセンス 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • Smart SE: Smart Systems and Services Innovative Professional Education Program

    Hironori Washizaki, Kenji Tei, Kazunori Ueda, Hayato Yamana, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinichi Honiden, Shoichi Okazaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Naoshi Uchihira

    The 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

    Event date:
  • Binary Similarity Analysis for Vulnerability Detection

    Zeming Tai, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Yurie Fujimatsu, Jun Kanai

    The 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

    Event date:
  • Towards Software Value Co-Creation with AI

    Hironori Washizaki

    The 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

    Event date:
  • Value Driven Process Towards Software Engineering for Business and Society (SE4BS)

    Hironori Washizaki, Junzo Hagimoto, Kazuo Hamai, Mitsunori Seki, Takeshi Inoue, Shinya Taniguchi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kenji Hiranabe, Eiichi Hanyuda

    The 44th IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

    Event date:
  • ソフトウェアパターン概論およびパターンを活用したアーキテクチャ設計


    セミナー: IoT・機械学習応用ソフトウェアの設計とパターン 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • 機械学習応用アーキテクチャ・デザインパターン概観


    セミナー: IoT・機械学習応用ソフトウェアの設計とパターン 

    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • 社会やビジネスに新たな価値を生み出すソフトウェア工学



    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • パターン(ランゲージ)によるKnow Why/What/How の言語化・文書化と発展



    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • アジャイル品質パターンによる伝統的な品質保証(Quality Assurance)からアジャイル品質(Agile Quality)への変革



    Presentation date: 2020.06

  • BPStudy#154〜社会やビジネスに新たな価値を生み出すソフトウェア工学

    鷲崎弘宜, 平鍋健児, 羽生田栄一, 萩本順三, 小林浩, 谷口真也, 濱井和夫, 関満徳, 井上健

    BPStudy, スマートエスイー セミナー 

    Presentation date: 2020.06

  • Commit–Defect and Architectural Metrics–based Quality Assessment of C language

    Devansh Tiwari, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Tomoyuki Fukuoka, Junji Tamaki, Nobuhiro Hosotani, Munetaka Kohama, Yann-Gael Gueheneuc

    15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.05

    Event date:
  • IoTおよび機械学習を中心とした超スマート社会基盤における広義の信頼性技術の標準・動向調査


    TTC イノベーション推進委員会 

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • 若年層におけるプログラミング的思考の学びの場づくりと動機づけ


    Developers Summit 2020(デブサミ) 

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • 超スマート社会時代の技術とenPiT-Proスマートエスイーにおける人材育成~AI・IoT・ソフトウェア品質を中心に~



    Presentation date: 2020.01

  • Society 5.0に向けたIoT・AIデジタル人材育成 – enPiT-Proスマートエスイーの成果と展望を中心に -



    Presentation date: 2020.01

  • ソフトウェア工学の視点から見たセキュリティ



    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • Society 5.0に向けたIoT・AI デジタル人材育成:スマートエスイーの成果と展望 – 2019年度までの成果報告および2020年度カリキュラム紹介ほか


    Young Author Award 受賞記念講演会・スマートエスイー 受講者募集説明会・スマートエスイーコンソーシアム 2019年度 技術研究交流フォーラム 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • ソフトウェアシステムにおけるAIと開発者の共創に向けて


    しごと能力学会 基調報告 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • メトリクスによるソフトウェア品質評価・改善の落とし穴とコツ- 規模・複雑さ・欠陥, GQM, GQM+Strategies, 品質実態 -


    ET/IoT 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • アジャイル品質パターン



    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • スマートエスイー :IoT・AI×ビジネス社会人教育とオンライン講座



    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • アジャイル品質パターンの紹介とワークショップ


    Agile Tour Osaka 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • 機械学習システムの34のアーキテクチャパターンおよびデザインパターン


    スマートエスイーセミナー: 機械学習デザインパターンとアジャイル品質パターン 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • AI&IoT時代の社会人教育: enPiT-Proスマートエスイーの成果報告および今後の展望


    2019年度スマートエスイー正規履修 修了式・シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • ビジネスと社会のためのソフトウェアエンジニアリング



    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 調書作成のコツ


    早稲田大学 科研費 応募説明会(理系中心) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • SQuBOK v3にみる不確実なDX時代の確実な品質技術に向けて – AI&機械学習、アジャイル&DevOps&オープンソース開発を中心に



    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • ビジュアルプログラミングで自分だけのロボットを動かそう! – ScratchとRaspberry Piで学ぶプログラミング体験 -

    鷲崎弘宜, 齋藤大輔


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Scratchで学ぶプログラミング的思考


    GPリーグ 東京東地区大会 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 不確実な時代のビジネスと社会のためのソフトウェア工学に向けて



    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • 若年層におけるプログラミング学習の事例と学びの見える化 – 地域ICTクラブ事業およびルーブリック・評価規準開発成果より



    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • IoT時代のアーキテクチャ設計・評価



    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • IoT/AIを含む超スマート社会時代を含む超スマート社会時代の技術と人材育成ほか


    名古屋大学COI / OTSL 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • モノづくり企業におけるAI・IoTの有効活用, 自社のデジタル成熟度(セルフチェック)



    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • 産学合同によるセキュリティパターン研究: 場づくりと今後に向けたチャレンジ


    SIGSE 産学連携フォーラム 

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • SQuaREに基づくソフトウェア品質評価枠組みと品質実態調査


    SIGSE 産学連携フォーラム 

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • 若年層におけるプログラミング学習の事例と学びの見える化 - 地域ICTクラブ事業およびルーブリック・評価規準開発成果より -


    東京都教育委員会 プログラミング教育推進校研究実践報告会 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • スマートエスイー & コンソーシアム: スマートシステム&サービス技術の産学連携イノベーティブ人材育成最先端ICT×ビジネスの産学共創 - 研究、交流、人材育成 -


    スマートエスイーコンソーシアム キックオフ・早稲田大学最先端ICT基盤研究所 合同シンポジウム「産学共創による超スマート社会時代のIoT・AI技術の社会実装と人材育成」 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • 機械学習時代のソフトウェアエンジニアリング – 品質保証およびプロセス・方法論を中心に -



    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • IoT/AIを含む超スマート社会時代の技術と人材育成



    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • 研究のデザイン入門


    日科技連 SQiP研究会 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • メトリクスによるソフトウェア品質評価・改善および製品品質実態


    ETWest / IoT Technology West 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • アジャイル品質パターン (Agile Quality, QA2AQ)


    アジャイル時代の組織ケーパビリティ向上: CMMI V2.0 / APH(アジャイルパフォーマンスモデル) / アジャイル品質パターンセミナー 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • SC7/WG20 Convenor’s Report

    Hironori Washizaki

    ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7 Espoo Plenary 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • IoTとビジネス(スマートものづくり)


    さいたま市産業創造財団 グローバル人材育成研修 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • SQuaRE に基づくソフトウェア品質評価枠組みと品質実態調査



    Presentation date: 2019.04

  • AsianPLoP 2019 Opening

    Hironori Washizaki

    AsianPLoP 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • クラウド・IoT基盤における信頼性及び関連の標準化動向

    鷲崎弘宜, 鄭顕志, 本田澄, 津田直彦

    一般社団法人情報通信技術委員会(TTC) イノベーション推進委員会 第4回会合 デジュール及びフォーラム標準化機関・団体の標準化動向調査報告 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • こどものミライ協議会成果発表

    こどものミライ協議会, 田村麻里子, 齋藤大輔, 鷲崎弘宜, 有川竜太

    総務省「地域におけるIoTの学び推進事業」実証事業 成果発表会「プログラミング教育・地域ICTクラブ推進フォーラム」 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 超スマート社会時代のイノベーティブ人材育成: enPiT-ProスマートエスイーにおけるAI・IoT×ビジネス教育



    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • TraceANY: Software Maintenance and Evolution Support by Extracting Links and Models

    Hironori Washizaki

    2019 International Conference for Leading and Young Computer Scientists (IC-LYCS 2019) 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • これからの情報技術者に必要なスキルはAI&IoTか? ビジネスデザインか?- enPiT-Pro スマートエスイーの成果と展望より -“


    enPiT-Pro 5拠点合同シンポジウム『AI&IoT時代の社会人育成』 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • ゴール指向の測定と評価によるDX時代のIT戦略とマネジメント~ GQM+Strategiesの実践による残念なシステムの無くし方 ~

    鷲崎弘宜, 平林大典, D情報システム, 新谷勝利, 奥田柊史, ル指向経営研究, 野々村琢人


    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • クラウド・IoT基盤における信頼性及び関連の標準化動向


    一般社団法人情報通信技術委員会(TTC) ICTビジネス戦略セミナー 第2回 デジュール及びフォーラムの最新標準化動向と今後の取組 

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • 超スマート社会時代のイノベーティブ人材育成: enPiT-ProスマートエスイーにおけるAI・IoT×ビジネス教育

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 KBSE 1月研究会 

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • パターンとは? パターンマイニング解説


    MLSE機械学習工学研究会パターン勉強会( 国立情報学研究所) 

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • enPiT-Proスマートエスイー 科目説明会



    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • enPiT-Proスマートエスイー 紹介


    QA5AI 会合(国立情報学研究所) 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • AI&IoT時代の社会人教育: enPiT-Proスマートエスイーの成果報告およびコンソーシアム構想


    enPiT-Pro スマートエスイ― 2018年度 修了式・シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • enPiT-Proスマートエスイー 紹介



    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • ソフトウェア信頼度成長モデルの適用結果モニタリングによる開発状況の理解

    本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 多賀正博, 松崎明, 鈴木隆喜

    第25回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎 ワークショップ FOSE2018  (北海道函館市湯川町) 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • メトリクスによるソフトウェア品質評価・改善および製品品質実態


    ET & IoT Technology 2018 (ET/IoT総合技術展) 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • 機械学習とソフトウェアエンジニアリング


    しごと能力研究学会 第11回全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • ソフトウェアと品質保証


    早稲田大学 高等学院 理工学特論 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • enPiT-Proスマートエスイー: AI・IoT・ビッグデータ×ビジネスによるイノベーティブ人材育成プログラム



    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • メトリクスによるソフトウェア品質測定評価とアジャイル&オープンソース品質


    経済調査会 セミナー 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 機械学習とシステムズ・ソフトウェアエンジニアリング


    茨城県立水戸第一高等学校 模擬講義, 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • デザイン思考および周辺- ユーザビリティ、UX、アジャイル開発を含めて-


    MCPC SMC認定研修講演 機械振興会館 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • enPiT-Proスマートエスイー: AI・IoT・ビッグデータ×ビジネスによるイノベーティブ人材育成プログラムのご紹介


    電子情報技術産業協会 (JEITA) ITエレクトロニクス人材育成検討会, 東京・大手町 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 超スマート社会時代のシステム&ソフトウェア品質知識体系 – SQuBOK 2020 における AI、IoT、クラウド、オープンソース、アジャイル、DevOps と品質 –


    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム SQiP2018, 東京 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • QA to AQ – Being Agile at Quality: Values, Practices, and Patterns

    Joseph Yoder, 鷲崎弘宜

    XP祭り2018, 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • アジャイル品質保証の知識体系 – SQuBOK 2020 予定より –


    第2回enPiT-Proスマートエスイーセミナー: アジャイル品質保証と組織変革, 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 機械学習とデータ駆動システム&ソフトウェアエンジニアリング


    組込みシステムシンポジウム ESS2018 招待講演, 岐阜 下呂温泉 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Visualizing Memory Space on Web Browsers for C Novices (Presented at SIGCSE 2018)

    Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第35回大会 トップカンファレンス特別講演, 2018/8/28-31, 大阪大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • enPiT-Proスマートエスイー: AI・IoT・ビッグデータ×ビジネスによるイノベーティブ人材育成プログラムのご紹介


    電子情報技術産業協会 (JEITA) ソフトウェアエンジニアリング専門委員会, 東京・大手町 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • プログラミング学習環境の調査と学びのルーブリック



    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • IoT時代のアーキテクチャ設計評価


    IoTイノベーションチャレンジ セミナー, 東京・茅場町 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 複雑なネットワークソフトウェア開発運用のためのトラストを考慮したセキュリティ&プライバシ・エコシステム,


    電気通信普及財団, 情報通信に関する技術分野における研究調査,  電気通信普及財団

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • プログラミング学習環境の調査と学びのルーブリック


    GPリーグ ヤマハ発動機プログラミングコロシアム 東京東大会, 2018年8月11日, 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 人工知能は正しいのか? 検証できるのか?


    早稲田大学オープンキャンパス模擬講義, 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • オープニング(スマートエスイー紹介ほか)


    第1回スマートエスイーセミナー, 東京, 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 研究のデザイン入門


    日科技連SQiP研究会, 第1回例会, 東京, 2018 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 組織の目標を各プロジェクトの目標、品質グループの目標、そして各個人の目標とどう整合をはかるか -「GQM+Strategies(R)」を有効活用してみませんか

    鷲崎弘宜, 新谷勝利

    高品質ソフトウェア技術交流会 QuaSTom, 定例会, 東京 青山 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • SC7/WG20 Convenor’s Report

    Hironori Washizaki

    ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7 New Delhi Plenary 2018, New Delhi, India, 11.05.2018 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • メトリクスによるソフトウェア品質測定評価とアジャイル&オープンソース品質


    JFPUG 2018年度 第1回会合、東京 

    Presentation date: 2018.04

  • メトリクスによるプロダクトの品質把握・改善および組織目標の定量管理


    企業研究会 ソフトウェア開発マネジメン交流会議 2018年4月6日、東京 学士会館 

    Presentation date: 2018.04

  • モデル編集操作履歴に基づくモデル変換手法の提案

    和田直人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 鹿糠秀行, 大林浩気

    2018年電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2018年3月20日(火)~23日(金), 東京電機大学 東京千住キャンパス(東京) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • DevOps教育のために構築された開発運用環境の比較

    櫨山 淳雄, 橋浦弘明, 鷲崎弘宜

    2018年電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2018年3月20日(火)~23日(金), 東京電機大学 東京千住キャンパス(東京) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 文部科学省社会人教育プログラムenPiT-Proスマートエスイー: 全国産学連携ネットワークに基づくAI・IoT・ビッグデータ×ビジネスによるイノベーティブ人材育成プログラム


    次世代センサ協議会 定例会 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Travis Torrentを分析することで得られた「継続的インテグレー ション(CI)ツール」の利用状況

    南雲宙真, 本田 澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第80回全国大会プログラム, 早稲田大学, 2018年3月13-15日 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • テンプレートに基づく線形時相論理式の生成手法

    駱 煒賓, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第80回全国大会プログラム, 早稲田大学, 2018年3月13-15日 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • バグレポートの検索性向上のための機械学習による文章単位の自動ラベリング

    野寄祐樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 鹿糠秀行, 大島敬志, 土屋良介

    情報処理学会第80回全国大会プログラム, 早稲田大学, 2018年3月13-15日 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • コードの発展性欠陥の自動評価:コンテキストを考慮したメトリクス閾値の機械学習

    津田直彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 保田裕一朗, 杉村俊輔

    情報処理学会第80回全国大会プログラム, 早稲田大学, 2018年3月13-15日 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 子ども達に,いま必要なマナビ:プログラミング的思考や読解力の必要性と教育のあり方は? 〜データなどの確かな根拠に裏付けされた実態と展望〜


    情報処理学会第80回全国大会, 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Improving GQM+Strategies with Balanced Scorecard’s Perspectives: A Feasibility Study

    Jati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    情報処理学会第198回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 2018年3月9日(金)~ 10日(土), 芝浦工業大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • セキュリティパターン研究の分類体系と文献調査

    鷲崎弘宜, 夏天, 鎌田夏実, 大久保隆夫, 小形真平, 海谷治彦, 加藤岳久, 鹿糠秀行, 田中昂文, 櫨山淳雄, 山本暖, 吉岡信和, 吉野雅之

    情報処理学会第198回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 2018年3月9日(金)~ 10日(土), 芝浦工業大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識ベースを活用したセキュリティ要求分析からセキュリティ設計を支援するシステムの開発

    宮原 光, 櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫, 情報セキュリティ大, 吉岡信和(NII

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会(KBSE), 石垣市民会館, 2018年 3月 1日(木), 2018年 3月 2日(金) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Proposal on patterns for human heads modeling,

    横小路 高行, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    7th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2018), Writing Group, March 1-2, 2018, Tokyo, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • enPiT-Pro全体紹介およびスマートエスイー紹介


    第6回enPiTシンポジウム, 岡山, 

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • Pitfalls and Countermeasures in Software Quality Measurements and Evaluations,

    Hironori Washizaki

    Keynote, 5th International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Software Quality (QuASoQ2017), in conjunction with the 24th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2017), Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 4th December 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 『Society 5.0 を先導する人材を育成するために』


    スマートエスイープログラムの紹介(文部科学省enPiT-Pro採択事業), 「高度データ関連人材育成プログラム」 キックオフシンポジウム, 早稲田大学, 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • IoT/クラウド/ビッグデータ/AI に関する文科省 社会人教育プログラム


    しごと能力研究学会 第10回全国大会, 基調報告  (岡山市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • コードメトリクスと閾値による保守性評価:品質要求に基づいたカスタマイズ

    津田直彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第24回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE2017, 2017年11月23日(木)~ 25日(土), あわら温泉 清風荘 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 第8部:メトリクスの研究・実践・規格動向と日本のソフトウェア製品品質実態 〜IPA/RISE委託研究成果Waseda Software Quality Benckmark(WSQB)を含めて〜

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    ET2017/IoT2017, 横浜, 11月17日(金) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • メトリクスによるソフトウェア品質評価と改善 – 品質測定評価の落とし穴とコツ

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    ET2017/IoT2017, 横浜, 11月17日(金) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • CSEE&T 2017 SWEBOK Evolution Panel – View from ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20 and SEMAT

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    30th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), Savannah, Georgia, November 7-9, 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • CSEE&T 2017 Opening, Hall of Fame and Best Paper Award

    Hironori Washizaki, Nancy Mead

    30th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), Savannah, Georgia, November 7-9, 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 早稲田大学 最先端ICT基盤研究所 セキュリティプラットフォーム 紹介


    最先端ICT基盤研究所 発足式, 早稲田大学, 2017年10月24日 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • IPA RISE委託研究 2015-16年度 測定評価と分析によるソフトウェア製品品質の実態定量化および総合的品質評価枠組みの確立(報告セミナー用)

    鷲崎弘宜, 津田直彦, 本田澄  [Invited]

    JISA Digital Masters Forum 2017, 東京, 2017年10月24日 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 文部科学省 社会人教育プログラム enPiT-Pro「スマートエスイー」

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    先端IT活用推進コンソーシアム(AITC)2017年10月18日(水) 『第八回総会』, 東京 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 論文の書き方入門 2017

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    SQiP研究会 ミニ講座, 2017年10月13日, 東京. 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • Security Patterns: Research Direction, Metamodel, Application and Verification

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    The 2017 International Workshop on Big Data & Information Security (IWBIS), Jakarta, Indonesia , Sep 23-24, 2017. 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 文科省、短期高度プロ5件採択 社会人の学び直し強化(enPiT-Pro スマートエスイー の取り上げ)


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 保守性に対する熟練者判断を用いたソースコード自動評価の最適化

    津田直彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第34回大会, ポスター, 慶應義塾大学, 日吉, 2017年9月20日 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 保守性に対する熟練者判断を用いたソースコード自動評価の最適化

    津田直彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第34回大会, ポスター, 慶應義塾大学, 日吉, 2017年9月20日 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • SEMATエッセンスでアジャイル開発プロセスの本質と価値を探ろう – 開発の本質を捉える観点とチェックリストを与える7つのSEMATアルファとScrumの関連付けワークショップ

    鷲崎弘宜, 小林浩, 先崎祐一郎


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • ソフトウェア品質技術が品質特性に与える効果の見える化と活用の一考察

    小島嘉津江, 森田純恵, 廣瀬竹男, 若本雅晶, 菊池慎司, 鷲崎弘宜

    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム2017, 東京, 2017年9月13日-15日 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • メトリクスによるソフトウェア品質把握と改善- 演習を交えた品質測定評価の落とし穴とコツの習得 -

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    SQiPシンポジウム2017 併設チュートリアル 2017年9月13日 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Pythonを含む複数のプログラミング言語の初学者向け学習環境の特性・特徴の分析

    齋藤大輔, 鷲崎弘宜

    PyCon JP 2017, 早稲田大学, 2017年9月8日 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • B-to-Bクラウドアプリケーションにおける反復的なデータ駆動型ペルソナ構築の事例研究

    渡邊泰宏, 鷲崎弘宜, 本田澄, 深澤良彰, 多賀正博, 松崎明, 鈴木隆喜

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム SES2017, ポスター論文, 東京, 2017年8月30日-9月1日 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 画面遷移モデルに着目したユーザビリティパターン抽出手法の提案

    矢澤幸也, 小形真平, 岡野浩三, 海谷治彦, 鷲崎弘宜

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム SES2017, 東京, 2017年8月30日-9月1日 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • ICST 2017 基調講演 紹介


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • G7プログラミングラーニングサミットとプログラミング学習ルーブリック


    プログラミング教育明日会議, 2017年8月22日, 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 小学校におけるプログラミング教育において活用可能なルーブリックの提案

    佐々木綾菜, 鷲崎弘宜, 齋藤大輔, 深澤良彰, 武藤優介, 西澤利治

    日本デジタル教科書学会第6回年次大会, 東京, 2017年8/19(土),20(日). 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 小学生向けのプログラミング学習ツール体験会

    INTERNET Watch 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Goal-oriented modeling and traceability recovery for IoT Ecosystems

    Hironori Washizaki

    NII Shonan Meeting SENCPS, Aug 23, 2017, Shonan Village 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 複雑なIoTソフトウェアを効率よく開発運用保守するために必要なトレーサビリの確保に向けて

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    NEDO TSC Foresight フォーラム, 東京, 招待講演, 2017年7月14日 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • クラウドを含む複雑なネットワークシステムのためのパターンを中心としたセキュリティ&プライバシ知識の扱い


    SSR平成28年度成果報告会 , 東京・国立情報学研究所, 2017年6月27日 

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Status and Possible Contributions: Asia Region

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    IEEE Computer Society Professional Educational Activities Board Meeting, 2017 June 14, Phoenix, USA. 

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • IPA RISE委託研究2015-16年度 測定評価と分析によるソフトウェア製品品質の実態定量化および総合的品質評価 枠組みの確立

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • IPA RISE委託研究2015-16年度 測定評価と分析を通じたソフトウェア製品品質の実態定量化および総合的品質評価枠組みの確立


    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • WG20 Convenor Report

    Hironori Washizaki

    ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7 Kuantan Plenary, May 19, 2017, Kuantan, Malaysia. 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • Waseda Software Quality Benchmark

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7/WG6 Plenary Meeting Kuantan, May 18, 2017. 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • Analyzing and refining project failure cases from wider viewpoints by using SEMAT Essence

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    Essence Conference in Seoul, 16 May 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 研究のデザイン入門

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    SQiP研究会, 第1回例会, 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 2015年度のソフトウェア工学分野の先導的研究支援事業の成果を公開

    独立行政法人情報処理推進機構 技術本部 ソフトウェア高信頼化センター 

    Presentation date: 2017.04

  • 子供達が楽しんで取り組める「プログラミング教育」とは?【G7プログラミングラーニングサミット2017東北~】



    Presentation date: 2017.04

  • ICT CONNECT21企画セミナー: プログラミング6ツールを比較・教育効果を検証



    Presentation date: 2017.04

  • ヒロ博士とキャンプ脱出計画(ソフトウェアはバグだらけ: 間違い前提時代のテスト)

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    中高生のためのIT・プログラミングスプリングキャンプ, 早稲田大学, 2017年3月28日 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Opening Remarks by Director

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    SamurAI Coding 2016-17: 5th IPSJ International AI Programming Contest 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Opening Remarks by ICST 2017 PC Chairs

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    IEEE ICST 2017: 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 複数組織によるソフトウェア開発において品質を低下させるソースコードの特徴の調査

    石塚 凌, 津田直彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 保田裕一朗, 杉村俊輔

    情報処理学会第80回全国大会プログラム, 早稲田大学, 2018年3月13-15日 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • ソフトウェア品質技術が品質特性に与える効果の見える化

    小島嘉津江, 森田純恵, 若本雅晶, 宗像一樹, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会第195回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 2017年3月12-13日 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 開発委託先変更に対するソフトウェアの複雑さ・不具合修正回数の関係

    阿部晃佑, 津田直彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 杉村俊輔, 保田裕一朗, 二上将直

    情報処理学会第195回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 2017年3月12-13日 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 初学者向けプログラミング学習ツールにおけるゲームソフトウェアの調査と分類

    齋藤大輔, 佐々木綾菜, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 武藤優介

    日本デジタルゲーム学会 2016年度年次大会、2017年3月11日(土)・12日(日)、星城大学(愛知県東海市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 中大規模OSS開発時のInformation seeking のためのトレーサビリティ可視化ツールの試作

    沓澤脩, 橋浦弘明, 櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, 2017年3月9-10日 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識ベースを活用したセキュリティ要求分析からセキュリティ 設計を支援するシステムの提案

    櫨山淳雄, 宮原光, 田中昂文, 橋浦弘明, 鷲崎弘宜, 吉岡信和, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    情報処理学会第79回全国大会, 2017年3月. 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • まんがでわかる 親子で始めるプログラミング教育 子供の論理的思考力と問題解決力を高める育て方


    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • セキュリティ知識ベースと事例ベースを活用したセキュリティ要求分析・設計支援システムの提案

    田中昂文, 櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜, 吉岡信和

    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会 、名古屋市 

    Presentation date: 2017

  • Recovery of Traceability Links and Behavior Models for Software Maintenance

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    2016 International Conference for Top and Emerging Computer Scientists (IC-TECS 2016)  (Taipei) 

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • GO-MUC手法によるユーザビリティの定量化と戦略立案支援

    内田 ちひろ, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤良彰, 小川 健太郎, 八木 智章, 石垣 光香子, 中川 雅史


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 世界のプログラミング教育ツールを検証、G7 Programming Learning Summit 2016



    Presentation date: 2016.11




    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングの全体とIoT時代のモデリングおよび関連する品質

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 正統なソフトウェア品質エンジニアであるためにSQiP研究会に入るべき7つの理由


    SQiP Open Day 2016 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 早大グローバルソフトウェアエンジニアリング研 未来の開発者育成探る 《ビジョン》鷲崎弘宜所長 データ+経験則 社会を変えたい



    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 文系の親でもゼロからわかるプログラミング



    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • “A Pattern Language for Handovers,” Focus-group/workshop

    Kei Ito, Hironori Washizaki, Joe Yoder

    23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Monticello, Illinois, USA, OCTOBER 24-26, 2016. 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • A Pattern Language for Handovers,

    Kei Ito, Hironori Washizaki, Joe Yoder

    Focus-group/workshop proposal, 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Monticello, Illinois, USA, OCTOBER 24-26, 2016. (to appear)(CORE Rank B) 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 日本のソフトウェア品質や生産性は 高いのか?低いのか?

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • マルチディメンショナル・レトロスペクティブ – SEMATの7つの視点で気づきの多い多面的な振り返り -

    鷲崎弘宜, 小林浩


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Pythonを含む多くのプログラミング言語を扱う処理フレームワークとパターン

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    PyCon JP 2016、招待講演、2016年9月21日、早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Interactive Recovery of Requirements Traceability Links Using User Feedback and Configuration Management Logs

    Ryosuke Tsuchiya, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Keishi Oshima, Ryota Mibe  [Invited]

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第33回大会, 東北大学, 仙台, 2016年9月6–9日 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • OSSベース開発のための由来と機能レイヤーに基づいたメトリクス可視化手法

    礎 良輔, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 井上 栄, 華井 克育, 金澤 昌信, 難波 克司

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第33回大会, 東北大学, 仙台, 2016年9月6–9日 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • ソフトウェアメトリクス測定値を用いた開発時のサブシステムにおける品質改善効率低迷状態検出

    細野 将揮, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 本田 澄, 宗像 一樹, 森田 純恵, 上原 忠弘, 山本 里枝子

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第33回大会, 東北大学, 仙台, 2016年9月6–9日 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • チーム演習に熱心に取り組む学生やチームの評価方法-相互評価法の提案と試行-

    山戸昭三, 鷲崎弘宜

    平成28年度工学教育研究講演会, 工学教育協会, 大阪大学 吹田キャンパス, 2016年9月5-7日 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Proposals for the SWEBOK evolution process from the viewpoint of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7 standardization activities

    Hironori Washizaki, Juan Garbajosa  [Invited]

    IEEE CS SWEBoK Evolution Virtual Town Hall Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • ゲームとプログラミング学習のカタチ – 初学者向け環境とラーニング・スルー・コンテスト -

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    McEdu 2016 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 中大規模OSS開発時のInformation seekingのためのトレーサビリティ可視化ツールの開発

    沓澤脩, 櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • ソフトウェア製品品質実態調査の解説


    ISO/IEC 25022/25023リリース記念セミナー 

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • GO-MUC (Goal-Oriented Measurement for Usability and Conflict): ゴール指向によるユーザ・ビジネス要求を満たす戦略立案支援

    内田 ちひろ, 本田 澄, 渡邊 泰宏, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤良彰, 小川 健太郎, 八木 智章, 石垣 光香子, 中川 雅史

    HCD-Netフォーラム2016, ポスター, 東海大学高輪キャンパス, 2016年6月11日 

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 研究のデザイン 入門



    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • クラウドサービスの開発運用においてセキュリティとプライバシを扱うためのメタモデルと応用



    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • クラウドサービスの開発運用においてセキュリティとプライバシを扱うためのメタモデルと応用



    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • TESEM: A Tool for Verifying Security Design Pattern Applications

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    3rd International Workshop on Software Test Architecture (InSTA 2016, ICST 2016 Workshop) 

    Presentation date: 2016.04

  • Software Reliability Growth Model with Uncertainties and Dynamics in Development,

    Kiyoshi Honda

    5th Asian Workshop of Advanced Software Engineering (AWASE2016), Nara, Japan, 19-20 March, 2016. 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Towards Trace-Any: Interactive and Transitive Recovery of Traceability Links,

    Hironori Washizaki

    5th Asian Workshop of Advanced Software Engineering (AWASE2016), Nara, Japan, 19-20 March, 2016. 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Patterns for Program Reverse-Engineering from the Viewpoint of Metamodel,

    Hironori Washizaki, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc

    3rd International Workshop on Patterns Promotion and Anti-patterns Prevention (PPAP), Osaka, March 14, 2016. 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • A Metamodel for Security and Privacy Knowledge in Cloud Services,

    Hironori Washizaki, Sota Fukumoto, Misato Yamamoto, Masatoshi Yoshizawa, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Takehisa Kato, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hideyuki Kanuka, Yuki Kondo, Takao Okubo, Atsuo Hazeyama

    3rd International Workshop on Patterns Promotion and Anti-patterns Prevention (PPAP), Osaka, March 14, 2016. 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • SamurAI Coding 2015-16 World Final Round Opening and Award Ceremony

    Hironori Washizaki

    SamurAI Coding 2015-16 World Final 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • IT相互評価法の提案と試行~チーム演習における学生の参加意欲を納得性の高い方法で把握する~

    山戸昭三, 鷲崎弘宜

    プロジェクトマネジメント学会2016年度春季研究発表大会プログラム第1日 (3月10日) 於:東洋大学白山キャンパス 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • スマート社会を拓くグリーン・コンピューティング ー産学連携による社会実装にむけてー



    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Towards Trace-Any: Interactive and Transitive Recovery of Traceability Links

    Hironori Washizaki

    5th Asian Workshop of Advanced Software Engineering (AWASE2016) 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • プライバシーを考慮したソフトウェア開発技術の文献に基づく動向調査

    櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜, 吉岡信和, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    人工知能学会 知識流通ネットワーク研究会(二種研究会)、第十八回研究会、2016年3月1日(火)、筑波大学東京キャンパス 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • ゲームオン, McEdu 2015 マインクラフト・教育 特集


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Waseda Super Global University Program and Collaboration in Software Patterns

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    Invited talk at AsianPLoP 2016: 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 

    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • アジャイル開発へのソフトウェア工学的アプローチ: イテレーション期間と学習ワークショップ”,

    鷲崎 弘宜


    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • 欠陥とソースコードの変更回数の関係分析

    本田 澄, 坂口 英司, 伊原 彰紀, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会/ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2016・イン・逗子, 2016. 

    Presentation date: 2016

  • PCS-J 2nd Technical Meeting and General Assembly 2015,

    Daisuke Saito

    IEEE Professional Communication Society – Japan Chapter, December 19, 2015, Shinshu University 

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • オープンソースソフトウェアに関するソースコードの変更回数とバグ修正の関係分析に向けて

    本田 澄, 伊原 彰紀, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第22回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE 2015), ポスター, 2015年11月26日(木)〜 28日(土)山形県 天童市 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Software Maintenance Support by Extracting Links and Models (revised)

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    ETS seminar 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Software Maintenance Support by Extracting Links and Models (revised)

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    UQAM Latece seminar 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Software Maintenance Support by Extracting Links and Models

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]

    Polytechnique Montreal Laboratory seminar 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Improving Writer’s Workshop by Introducing Checklists and Perspectives,

    Tian Xia, Joseph Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Hironori Washizaki

    Focused Group on 25 Oct, 22nd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs Conference 2015 (PLoP 2015), October 24-26, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 形式検証を用いた攻撃分析フレームワークの提案

    大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 鷲崎弘宣, 吉岡信和

    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2015 (CSS2015)、長崎ブリックホール、2015年10月21日(水) ~ 10月23日(金) 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • クラウドサービスの開発と運用においてセキュリティとプライバシを扱うためのメタモデル

    鷲崎 弘宜, 福本 創太, 山本 美聡, 芳澤 正敏, 大久保 隆夫, 小形 真平, 海谷 治彦, 加藤 岳久, 櫨山 淳雄, 吉岡 信和

    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2015 (CSS2015)、長崎ブリックホール、2015年10月21日(水) ~ 10月23日(金) 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • Toward an Analysis Relations between Code Changes and Bug Fixes in Open Source Software

    Kiyoshi Honda

    Poster, MSR Asia Summit 2015 The Japan Summer School in Mining Software Repositories, October 17, 2015, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 類似プロダクトでのテスト実行履歴を用いたブラックボックステストにおけるテスト優先度付け

    野口 直寛, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 佐藤 孝俊, 太田 健一郎

    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム2015(SQiPシンポジウム2015), 東洋大学 白山キャンパス, 2015年9月16-18日.(to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • ソースコードの変更回数と不具合修正の関係分析に向けて

    本田 澄, 伊原 彰紀, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第32回日本ソフトウェア科学会大会, ポスター, 2015年9月10日. 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • PBL活動を行う学生チームへの実装と支援の留意点

    山戸昭三, 鷲崎弘宜

    日本ソフトウェア科学会第32回大会, 早稲田大学, 2015年9月8-11日. 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Research of Mutual Evaluation Method of Team Exercises to Enhance the Convincing,

    Shoso Yamato, Hironori Washizaki

    4th Japanese International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (JSASHP 2015), Nihon University, Tokyo, September 6, 2015. (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 小学生に拡がる“マイクラ”ブーム、その教育的効果とは



    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • IPA RISE委託研究 ソフトウェアのベンチマークとなる品質実態調査における品質評価枠組み

    鷲崎 弘宜

    第2回 早稲田大学・Fraunhofer IESE共催セミナー 「データに裏付けられたIT経営とソフトウェア品質」 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 国際会議Agile2015参加報告

    鷲崎 弘宜


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 皆で、モデルで、論じましょう!


    ETロボコン2015 東京地区大会パンフレット、2015年9月 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • ノンストップ, McEdu 2015 マインクラフト特集


    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • 『マインクラフト』の教育効果に専門家も驚嘆! 「Minecraft × Education 2015 〜こどもとおとなのためのMinecraft〜」レポート!


    PS Blog 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • ラーニング・バイ・コンテスト(Learning by Contest)~ プログラミング学習のシフト ~

    鷲崎 弘宜  [Invited]

    Minecraft x Education 2015 ライトニングトーク 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • Predicting Release Time for Open Source Software based on the Generalized Software Reliability Model,

    Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • セキュリティ、プライバシー向け共通問題EMSsecの提案

    大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 鷲崎弘宣, 小形真平, 柿崎淑郎, 櫨山淳雄, 吉岡信和

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会、札幌市教育文化会館、2015年7月22-24日 (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • Improving Writer’s Workshop by Introducing Checklists and Perspectives,

    Tian Xia, Joseph Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Hironori Washizaki

    Focused Group at 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2015), Kloster Irsee in Bavaria, Germany, July 11, 2015. (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • ICST2017に向けて”

    鷲崎 弘宜


    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • Static Analysisトラック論文紹介

    鷲崎 弘宜


    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 測定と予測を通じたソフトウェア品質評価と改善の実践的取り組み

    鷲崎 弘宜  [Invited]

    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 信頼性研究会 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • ゴール指向の測定によるデータに裏付けられたソフトウェア品質評価と改善

    鷲崎 弘宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 研究のデザイン 入門

    鷲崎 弘宜


    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • “パターンワーキンググループ活動紹介および第4回 プログラムのパターンランゲージ・アジア 会議(AsianPLoP 2015)開催報告”


    情報処理学会第188回ソフトウェア工学・第37回組込みシステム合同研究発表会、東芝スマートコミュニティセンター、2015年6月4-5日 (発表スライド) 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • テストとメトリクス測定によるユーザビリティ問題予測

    柳下徹, 内田ちひろ, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    , HCD-Netフォーラム2015, ポスター, 東海大学高輪キャンパス, 2015年5月31日 

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • ゴール指向の測定と品質保証活動 -メトリクス解説およびGQM法のワークショップ-

    鷲崎 弘宜  [Invited]

    株式会社SHIFT ヒンシツ大学Evening Talk #07 

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • メトリクスによるソフトウェアの品質把握と改善-GQM法とメトリクス動向-”,

    鷲崎 弘宜  [Invited]

    QuaSTom高品質ソフトウェア技術交流会 第1回例会 

    Presentation date: 2015.04

  • SamurAI Coding 2014-15 Opening, Award, Closing, and Banquet

    鷲崎 弘宜

    SamurAI Coding 2014-15 World Final 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識ベースを活用したセキュアなソフトウェア開発事例ベースの提案

    櫨山淳雄, 齊藤大仁, 吉岡信和, 熊谷梓, 小橋孝紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    情報処理学会 第77回全国大会, 京都大学, 2015年3月17-19日. 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • プログラミングと性格に関する一考察

    高澤亮平, 坂本一憲(NII, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第77回全国大会, 京都大学, 2015年3月17-19日. 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • プロジェクト特性を基にしたアジャイル開発適合性評価手法

    石井裕志, 丸屋宏ニ, 羽原寿和, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会第187回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 平成27年3月12日(木)~13日(金), 化学会館, 2015. (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • システム企画における意思決定支援プロセスの提案

    雨谷幸郎, 横田真人, 井出昌浩, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会第187回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 平成27年3月12日(木)~13日(金), 化学会館, 2015. (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識を活用したセキュアなソフトウェア開発のための事例ベース管理システムの開発

    齊藤大仁, 櫨山淳雄, 吉岡信和, 熊谷梓, 小橋孝紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 (KBSE) , 2015年3月研究会, 東京, 2015年3月5-6日. 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 早稲田大学グローバルソフトウェアエンジニアリング研究所 事例報告 ゴール指向の測定によるソフトウェア品質評価と改善の実践的取組み (Yahoo! JAPAN、富士通、コマツ等とのそれぞれ個別の産学連携成果)

    鷲崎 弘宜

    早稲田大学&IESE&IPA/SEC共催セミナー データに裏付けられたIT経営とソフトウェア品質 

    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • ゴール指向に基づくソフトウェア品質評価とIT経営

    鷲崎 弘宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • SQuBOK V2設計開発領域について

    鷲崎 弘宜  [Invited]

    ソフトウェア品質知識体系ガイド (第2版) SQuBOK Guide V2発行記念講演会 

    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • ソフトウェアセキュリティ知識ベースを活用したセキュアなWebアプリケーション開発事例ベースの試作

    櫨山淳雄, 齊藤大仁, 吉岡信和, 熊谷梓, 小橋孝紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 海谷治彦, 大久保隆夫

    電子情報通信学会 知能ソフトウェア工学研究会 (KBSE) , 2015年1月研究会, 東京, 2015年1月27日. 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • メトリクスと閾値による保守性・再利用性評価式の作成・更新プロセス

    津田直彦, 高田正樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 杉村俊輔, 保田裕一朗, 二上将直

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2015・イン・宜野湾, 2015年1月22日(木)~23日(金), カルチャーリゾート フェストーネ (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • ピアレビュー技法とライターズワークショップ

    鷲崎弘宜, 夏天, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2015・イン・宜野湾, 2015年1月22日(木)~23日(金), カルチャーリゾート フェストーネ (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • 開発者行動を考慮したソフトウェア信頼性モデル

    本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2015・イン・宜野湾, 2015年1月22日(木)~23日(金), カルチャーリゾート フェストーネ (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • Can the software design activity be quanti ed?,

    Jonatan Hernandez, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会ウィンターワークショップ2015・イン・宜野湾, 2015年1月22日(木)~23日(金), カルチャーリゾート フェストーネ (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • キャラクタの性質によるプログラミング教育効果の差異の検証

    音森一輝, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    教育システム情報学会 2015年1月研究会, 大阪産業大学, 2015年1月10日(土) 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • プログラミング教育:ロボットの導入による効果についての比較研究

    山崎頌平, 坂本一憲, 本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    教育システム情報学会 2015年1月研究会, 大阪産業大学, 2015年1月10日(土) 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • パターンワーキンググループ活動紹介および第4回 プログラムのパターンランゲージ・アジア 会議(AsianPLoP 2015)開催報告



    Presentation date: 2015

  • 早稲田大学基幹理工学部准教授 鷲崎弘宜さんインタビュー



    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • メトリクスの基礎とGQM法によるゴール指向の測定

    鷲崎 弘宜

    日本科学技術連名SQiP研究会 演習コースI ソフトウェア工学の基礎 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • プロジェクト型演習における成績評価と個人特性に基づくチーム構成(に向けて)

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • 開発者数の変動を含むソフトウェア信頼性モデルを用いた欠陥数予測

    本田 澄, 中井 秀矩, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第21回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2014 in 霧島、ポスター、霧島国際ホテル、2014年12月11日(木) – 13日(土) 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • システム企画における最適な意思決定のための重要意思決定キャンバスの提案

    横田真人, 雨谷幸郎, 井出昌浩, 鷲崎弘宜

    ショートペーパ、日本ソフトウェア科学会 第21回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2014 in 霧島、霧島国際ホテル、2014年12月11日(木) – 13日(土) 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • OSSの不具合修正曲線に基づく残存未修正不具合数の予測の試み

    藤野啓輔, 伊原彰紀, 本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 松本健一

    ショートペーパ、日本ソフトウェア科学会 第21回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2014 in 霧島、霧島国際ホテル、2014年12月11日(木) – 13日(土) 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • 保守性・再利用性の低いファイル予測:プロジェクトに合わせた最適化の枠組み

    津田 直彦, 高田 正樹, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 杉村 俊輔, 保田 裕一朗, 二上 将直

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第21回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2014 in 霧島、ポスター、霧島国際ホテル、2014年12月11日(木) – 13日(土) 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • Portland Pattern Repository上のソフトウェアパターン群に対するネットワーク分析

    角谷 将司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 川村 健, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀、石川県加賀市山代温泉、2013年11月28-30日 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • メトリクスを用いたソフトウェア品質定量評価・改善

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    ET2014 テクニカルセッション 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 保守性・再利用性が低いファイルの予測:産業データを用いた研究

    津田 直彦, 高田 正樹, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 杉村 俊輔, 保田 裕一朗, 二上 将直

    保守性・再利用性が低いファイルの予測:産業データを用いた研究”, 情報処理学会第186回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会, 大阪大学, 2014年11月13日(木)~14日(金) 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 論文の書き方 入門

    鷲崎 弘宜


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • リポジトリシステムとソフトウェア信頼性モデルを用いた欠陥数予測

    本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会10月研究会、IEICE SIGSS、2014年10月23-24日、高知市文化プラザかるぽーと 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Androidアプリの説明文とプライバシー情報アクセスの相関分析

    渡邉 卓弥, 秋山 満昭, 酒井 哲也, 鷲崎 弘宜, 森 達哉

    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2014 (CSS2014)、2014年10月22日(水) ~ 10月24日(金)、札幌コンベンションセンター 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Predicting Release Time Based on Generalized Software Reliability Model

    Hironori Washizaki

    NII Shonan Meeting on Computational Intelligence for Software Engineering, 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • CIツールとリポジトリシステムを用いた欠陥数予測

    本田澄, 中井秀矩, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 森牧, 小川健太郎, 高橋一貴

    SQiPシンポジウム2014, 9月12日, 東洋大学 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • A Tool for Suggesting Program Elements to Be Changed in Next Edit

    Yang Yujiang, Sakamoto Kazunori, Washizaki Hironori, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    IEICE SIGSS July 9-11, 2014. 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • まねっこダンス:真似て覚えるプログラミング学習ツール

    坂本一憲, 国立情報学研究所, 高野孝一, 式会社オービック, 本田澄, 音森一輝, 山崎頌平, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • RepositoryProbe: リポジトリマイニングのためのデータセット作成支援ツール

    高澤亮平, 坂本一憲, 立情報学研究所, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • XP祭り2014:A-7 国際会議 Agile2014の風 ~とある参加報告~

    鷲崎弘宜, 伊藤宏幸, 山本洸希


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • OSS におけるセキュリティパターンの特定

    山本美聡, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 吉岡信和

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014 セキュリティ共通問題ワークショップ, 芝浦工業大学 芝浦キャンパス, 2014年9月1日(月)~3日(水) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • モデルテストによるセキュリティ設計パターンの適用検証

    小橋孝紀, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 吉岡信和

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014 セキュリティ共通問題ワークショップ, 芝浦工業大学 芝浦キャンパス, 2014年9月1日(月)~3日(水) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • テストテンプレートを用いたセキュリティ設計パターンの実装の適用検証

    芳澤正敏, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014 セキュリティ共通問題ワークショップ, 芝浦工業大学 芝浦キャンパス, 2014年9月1日(月)~3日(水) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • セキュリティパターンの研究に関するシステマティックマッピング

    伊藤百合菜, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014 セキュリティ共通問題ワークショップ, 芝浦工業大学 芝浦キャンパス, 2014年9月1日(月)~3日(水) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 『ゴール指向経営』で的を射たIT投資、利益を生む組織に~「GQM+Strategies」の活用で組織内の整合性確保と定量的管理を実現~

    鷲崎弘宜, 井出昌浩


    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • プロジェクト型演習における最適なチーム構成とは?学びの過程はどのようなものか?~早稲田大学情報理工学科の実践~

    鷲崎 弘宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • PLoP, AsianPLoP, and Patterns Community in Japan

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • Introduction to Patterns

    Hironori Washizaki  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • ぬいぐるみを利用したプログラミング学習環境の構築

    音森一輝, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会 第76回全国大会, 東京電機大学, 3月11-13日 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • The construction technique of a uni c abstract syntax tree for two or more programming languages,

    Junichi Kobayashi, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    The 76th National Convention of IPSJ, March 11-13, Tokyo, 2014. 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Improving Fault Localization Based on Dynamic Slicing using Additional Assertions,

    Genki Sugimoto, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    The 76th National Convention of IPSJ, March 11-13, Tokyo, 2014. 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • 得点による競争原理を用いた静的解析ツールによる欠陥除去の促進

    新井慧, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, 2014年3月研究集会, 2014. 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • GQM を用いた改善プロセスサポートツールの開発

    中井 秀矩, 本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集,2014,105-106 (2014-01-16) 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • SEMATメソッドアーキテクチャによるソフトウェアパターンの共通表現,

    鷲崎 弘宜

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集,2014,59-60 (2014-01-16) 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • Portland Pattern Repository上のソフトウェアパターン群に対するネットワーク分析,

    角谷 将司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 川村 健, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集,2014,53-54 (2014-01-16) 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • クラスの責務の大きさに着目したUML設計クラス図の構造評価

    津田 直彦, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集,2014,25-26 (2014-01-16) 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • テストコードに着目したOSSにおける実証的研究

    高澤 亮平, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集,2014,21-22 (2014-01-16) 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • 不確実性を含む信頼性成長モデル

    本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集,2014,15-16 (2014-01-16) 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • 静的・動的ハイブリッドな解析によるコード・データのトレーサビリティリンクの抽出

    津村 耕司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 土屋 良介, 大島 敬志, 三部 良太

    ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集,2014,5-6 (2014-01-16) 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • アスペクト指向プログラミングによる高性能・低消費電力化

    鷲崎 弘宜, 大河原 洸太, 原 章浩, 深澤 良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会2014年1月, IEICE SIGSS, 2014. (to appear) (SIGSS-アスペクト指向性能向上-20140109.pdf) 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • 国際会議ARES2013参加報告―セキュリティ共通問題の観点から―

    大久保隆夫, 海谷治彦, 鷲崎弘宜


    Presentation date: 2014

  • ICSE 2014 論文紹介

    繁在家学, IBM BAM, Business Application Modernization, 鷲崎弘宜

    ICSE 2014 勉強会 

    Presentation date: 2014

  • 「残念なシステム」から「利益を生むシステム 」に転換するためには! ~GQM+Strategies®の活用~

    鷲崎弘宜, 小堀貴信, 平林大典, 岸田智子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2014

  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリングと私たちの研究のこれまでとこれから ~SEMAT (Software Engineering Method and Theory) の概要とカードゲームによる研究活動の分析~

    栗田 太郎, フェリカネットワークス, 鷲崎 弘宜, 石川 冬樹

    第30年度 (2014年度)ソフトウェア品質管理研究会 第4回例会(合宿)特別講義 

    Presentation date: 2014

  • システム企画局面における戦略的意思決定の考察

    横田真人, 雨谷幸郎, 井出昌浩, 原田龍一, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会 第126回情報システムと社会環境研究発表会、室蘭工業大学 東京オフィス・青山、12月2日(to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • システム企画局面における戦略的意思決定

    横田真人, 雨谷幸郎, 井出昌浩, 原田龍一, 鷲崎弘宜

    第9回情報システム学会全国大会・研究発表大会、新潟国際情報大学 新潟中央キャンパス、11月30日 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • ホワイトボックス単体テストにおけるペアテスティング

    坂本 一憲, 本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀、石川県加賀市山代温泉、2013年11月28-30日 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • ゲーミフィケーションを用いたバグパターンによる欠陥除去の促進

    新井 慧, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀、石川県加賀市山代温泉、2013年11月28-30日 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 責務の割り当てに着目した設計クラス図の機能性・保守性評価

    津田 直彦, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀、石川県加賀市山代温泉、2013年11月28-30日 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • メトリクス測定に基づくオープンソースプロジェクトにおける実証的研究

    高澤 亮平, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    第20回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2013 in 加賀、石川県加賀市山代温泉、2013年11月28-30日 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • ソフトウェアプロダクトライン国際会議(SPLC2013)参加報告

    岸知二, 石田裕三, 坂田祐司, 中西恒夫, 野田夏子, 野中誠, 林好一, 久住憲嗣, 山内和幸, 吉村健太郎, 鷲崎弘宜


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • リスク算出式を変更可能なバグローカリゼーションフレームワーク

    坂本 一憲, 下條 清史, 徳本 晋, 上原 忠弘, 杉本 元気, 本田 清, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウムSES2013 併設ワークショップ「プログラム・デバッグ自動化の現状と今後」、2013年9月11日 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • システム再構築プロジェクトにおけるバグローカリゼーションの適用

    徳本 晋, 坂本 一憲, 下條清史, 上原 忠弘, 鷲崎弘宜

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウムSES2013 併設ワークショップ「プログラム・デバッグ自動化の現状と今後」、2013年9月11日 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • プログラミング初学者向けコンテストシステム

    坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第30回大会、東京大学本郷キャンパス、2013年9月10-13日 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • プロジェクト型演習に基づく実践的IT講座における共通性の分析と教育効果の評価

    鷲崎 弘宜, 伊永 祥太, 山田 佑輔, 筧 捷彦, 深澤 良彰, 山戸 昭三, 大久保 雅司

    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第30回大会、東京大学本郷キャンパス、2013年9月10-13日 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Portland Pattern Repositoryにおけるソフトウェアパターンに対するネットワーク分析

    鷲崎 弘宜, 川村 健, 角谷 将司, 深澤, 良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会7月, 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • 開発における不確定性と時間変化を考慮した一般化信頼性モデル

    本田 澄, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会5月(第180回SE・第29回EMB合同研究発表会), 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • nfluence of Organizational Change on Product Metrics and Defects,

    Seiji Sato, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Sakae Inoue, Hiroyuki Ono, Yoshiiku Hanai, Mikihiko Yamamoto

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会5月, 2013. 

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • UI 設計のためのHTML デザイン パターン

    日野 克哉, 鷲崎 弘宜

    Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Pattern Language of Programs (AsianPLoP 2014), pp.XX-YY, Tokyo, March 5-8, 2014. (to appear) 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Modularization of Extended Requirement by Use of Aspect in Rich Internet Application that Uses Database

    Shinichi Murakami

    9th Annual Aspect-Oriented Software Development Conference (AOSD.10), Students Poster, 2010.3. 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • 複数言語対応かつ算出式変更可能なバグローカリゼーションフレームワークの提案

    下條 清史, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会3月 (IEICE-SIGSS), 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Refactoring Script:再利用可能なリファクタリングスクリプトと処理系

    神谷知行, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第93回プログラミング研究発表会, 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • テスト貢献度に基づくゲーミフィケーションを用いた教育用テストツールの提案

    髙澤 亮平, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • オブジェクトおよびアスペクト指向プログラミング言語との比較実験を通した新しいコンテキスト指向プログラミング言語の提案

    加藤 史也, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • Vim エディタ上でのキー入力解析による入力短縮化方法の学習を支援するツールの構築

    杉本 元気, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    報処理学会 第75回全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • 上流工程のUML クラス図を入力としたソフトウェアの保守性測定メトリクススイート

    津田 直彦, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会, 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • 女子学生向けプログラミング学習環境の構築

    高野 孝一, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • ゲーミフィケーションを用いたバグパターンによる欠陥除去を促進する手法の提案

    新井 慧, 坂本 一憲, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会 第75回全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • 派生プロダクト群における要求・実装間のトレーサビリティリンク抽出

    土屋 良介, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • アジャイルモデルの習得におけるワークショップの有効性の分析

    鈴木 翔大, 塩浜 龍志, 角谷 将司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • Systematic Mappingを用いたアジャイルワークショップの分析

    鷲崎 弘宜, 鈴木 翔大, 塩浜 龍志, 角谷 将司, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • パターンの構造化に基づくパターン・ランゲージの拡充

    中野 聡之, 角谷 将司, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会 ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • 組込みソフトウェアの派生開発におけるソースコードメトリクスによる再利用性測定

    高田正樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 遠藤匠, 大藤大, 深澤由彰, 佐藤雅宏, 杉村俊輔, 関洋平

    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム 2013、 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • ウィンターワークショップ2013・イン・那須報告

    野田 夏子, 岡野 浩三, 早水 公二, 戸田 航史, 上野 秀剛, 石尾 隆, 林 晋平, 妻木 俊彦, 中村 匡秀, 岸 知二, 本橋 正成, 鷲崎 弘宜

    情報処理学会 第181回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会、2013 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • Simulinkモデルの保守性向上に向けたクラスタリングおよびUMLモデルとの双方向変換

    小澤 貴之, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会1月 (IEICE-SIGSS) 

    Presentation date: 2013.01

  • 派生プロダクト群における要求・実装間のトレーサビリティリンク抽出

    土屋 良介, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰, 加藤 正恭, 川上 真澄, 吉村 健太郎

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会11月 (IEICE-SIGSS), 

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Simulinkモデルにおけるグラフに基づく非完全一致モデルクローン検出

    鷲崎弘宜, 村上真一, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • UNICOEN: 複数プログラミング言語対応のソースコード処理フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 大橋昭, 太田大地, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2012(SES2012), 2012. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • プログラムの構造に着目したFault-Localizationとデバッグ支援

    下條清史, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, SS2011-73, 2012. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • 情報システム開発の実践的講座におけるチーム構成と教育効果の関係

    鷲崎弘宜, 吉田裕介, 筧捷彦, 深澤良彰, 山戸昭三, 大久保雅司, 粂照彦, 玉木学, 加納寿一

    プロジェクトマネジメント学会 春季研究発表大会 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Simulinkモデルにおける非完全一致のモデルクローン検出

    村上真一, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 設計原則と実現手段に着目したソフトウェアアーキテクチャ設計支援

    中野由貴, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 複数のプログラミング言語に対応する拡張可能なリファクタリングエンジンの開発

    神谷知行, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2012

  • A Unified Source Code Measurement Tool Supporting Multiple Programming Languages

    Reisha Humaira, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa


    Presentation date: 2012

  • モデルテストによるセキュリティ分析・設計パターンの適用支援

    小橋 孝紀, 大久保 隆夫, 海谷 治彦, 吉岡 信和, 伊永 祥太, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • ETロボットコンテストのためのパターン・ランゲージ”

    角谷 将司, 中野 聡之, 小澤 貴之, 和田 雅彦, 伊藤 弘毅, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2012 ワークショップ 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • ワークショップを通じたアジャイル開発の習得に向けて

    鈴木 翔大, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2012 ワークショップ 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • ETロボットコンテストを題材としたプロセスが不明瞭な開発におけるパターンマイニングの提案

    角谷将司, 中野聡之, 小澤貴之, 和田雅彦, 伊藤弘毅, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会第177回ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SE) 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Webアプリケーションの動的部分に着目したグレーボックス統合テストの提案

    坂本一憲, 海津智宏, 波村大悟, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    , 情報処理学会第176回SE・第25回EMB合同研究発表会, 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • 情報システム企画・開発の実践的な疑似プロジェクトベース教育

    鷲崎弘宜, 吉田裕介, 筧捷彦, 深澤良彰, 山戸昭三, 大久保雅司

    日本工学教育協会 平成24年度工学教育研究講演会, 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • 組込みソフトウェアの派生開発におけるソースコードメトリクスによる再利用性測定

    鷲崎弘宜, 森田翔, 長井恭兵, 布谷貞夫, 佐藤雅宏, 杉村俊輔, 関洋平

    組込みソフトウェアの派生開発におけるソースコードメトリクスによる再利用性測定”, ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム2012(SQiPシンポジウム) 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Simulinkモデルにおける非完全一致のクローンの検出

    鷲崎弘宜, 村上真一, 深澤良彰

    組込みシステムシンポジウム2012 ESS2012, 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • DePoT: Webアプリケーションテストにおけるテストコード自動生成テスティングフレームワーク

    青井翔平, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第19回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2012 in 湯布院, 2012. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Webアプリの動的部分に着目したグレーボックス統合テストとテンプレート変数カバレッジの提案

    坂本一憲, 海津智宏, 波村大悟, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第19回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2012 in 湯布院, 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • UNICOEN: 複数プログラミング言語対応のソースコード処理フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 大橋昭, 太田大地, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会 第88回プログラミング研究発表会, 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • 第2回プログラムのパターンランゲージ・アジア会議(AsianPLoP 2012)開催報告と展望

    鷲崎弘宜, 本橋正成


    Presentation date: 2012

  • Samurai CodingなどにみるゲームAIプログラミングコンテストのための原則とパターン

    鷲崎弘宜, 坂本一憲, 和田雅彦

    コンピューターエンターテイメントデベロッパーズカンファレンス CEDEC 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • A Tool For Detecting Duplicated Test Code Based On Test Coverage to Assist TDD

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Takuto Wada, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, SS2011-8, 2011. 

    Presentation date: 2011.08

  • Webサービスの変更履歴に基づく差分検出と修正支援手法

    福留康之, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2011

  • “要求・設計資産からのプロダクトラインアーキテクチャ抽出

    熊木健太郎, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 言語非依存なアスペクト指向プログラミングフレームワーク

    大橋昭, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2011

  • アジャイル開発におけるシミュレーションを用いた適切なイテレーション期間推定

    塩浜龍志, 坂本一憲, 久保秋真, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2011 ワークショップ 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • アジャイルソフトウェア開発と科学


    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2011 ワークショップ 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 保守性向上へ向けた設計モデルとソースコード間のトレーサビリティ解析

    伊藤弘毅, 志水理哉, 田邉浩之, 波木理恵子, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第18回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2011 in 浅虫温泉 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 設計段階における抽象度を考慮したソフトウェアの保守性評価枠組み

    志水理哉, 伊藤弘毅, 田邉浩之, 波木理恵子, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第18回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2011 in 浅虫温泉, 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • アーキテクチャパターンの構造化に基づくパターン候補マイニング

    中野 聡之, 中野 由貴, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2011 (SES2011) 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • アジャイル開発における適切なイテレーション期間のシミュレーションによる推定

    塩浜 龍志, 坂本 一憲, 久保秋 真, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2011 (SES2011), 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • コンピュータプレイヤー同士の対戦を通したプログラミングコンテストのパターンランゲージ

    Kazunori Sakamoto, Akira Ohashi, Masaya Shimizu, Syuhei Takahashi, Shinichi Murakami, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2011), pp.III-116-III-133, 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 構造および語の類似性に基づくアナリシスパターンの自動抽出

    Yutaro Nomoto, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2011), pp.III-106-III-115, 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 2010年度(第26年度)ソフトウェア品質管理研究会の報告

    鷲崎弘宜, 阪本太志  [Invited]

    Quality One 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 設計原則への分解を用いたアーキテクチャパターン選択支援

    中野由貴, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2011.01

  • 設計段階におけるソフトウェア品質特性の評価枠組み

    志水理哉, 伊藤弘毅, 田邉浩之, 波木理恵子, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2011.01

  • Design Pattern Evaluation by Machine Learning

    Jonatan Hernandez, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    IWESEP 2010: International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice, Poster, 2010.12 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • ディペンダビリティ確保にむけたアスペクト指向技術動向

    鷲崎弘宜, 高橋竜一, 村上真一, 大橋昭, 吉岡信和, 石川冬樹, 久保淳人, 山本里枝子, 小高敏裕, 錠尚史, 鹿糠秀行, 杉本信秀

    ディペンダビリティ確保にむけたアスペクト指向技術動向”, 情報処理学会第168回ソフトウェア工学研究発表会 

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • A Practical Aspect-Oriented JavaScript? Programming Framework Based on a Proxy Mechanism,

    Akira Ohashi, Shinichi Murakami, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Tomohiko Mizumachi

    9th Annual Aspect-Oriented Software Development Conference (AOSD.10), Demonstration Track, 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • REST形式Webサービスのテスト実行に基づく高精度な検索

    重井康宏, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • AIプログラミングを通して参加する教育向けゲームシステムに適したソフトウェアアーキテクチャ

    坂本一憲, 内山諭, 城間祐輝, 野本悠太郎, 庄山昭彦, 中村悠人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • テストカバレッジに基づくテストコードの再構成パターン

    坂本一憲, 和田卓人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    , 1st Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2010), 2010.3 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • 第16回アジア太平洋ソフトウェア工学国際会議(APSEC 2010)参加報告

    川口真司, 柿元健, 大森隆行, 王秋時, 南川恭洋, 坂本一憲, 野田訓広, 福島義彦


    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • AIプログラミングを通して参加する教育向けゲームシステムに適したソフトウェアアーキテクチャ


    CEDEC 2010(CESAデベロッパーズカンファレンス2010) 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • AIプログラミングを通して参加する教育向けゲームシステムに適したソフトウェアパターン



    Presentation date: 2010

  • モデル駆動における高信頼のデザインパターン適用支援に関する研究



    Presentation date: 2010

  • テスティングフレームワークにおける問題と考察

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第17回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE 2010) 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 動的なコードの評価機構を備えた言語に対するテストカバレッジ測定ツール

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2010

  • Webサービスのリファクタリング検出と自動修正

    福留康之, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第17回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ(FOSE 2010) 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • テストカバレッジに基づく重複テストコードの検出ツール

    坂本 一憲, 和田 卓人, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2010 (SES2010) 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 要求・設計資産からのプロダクトラインアーキテクチャ抽出

    熊木 健太郎, 鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2010 (SES2010) 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 第1回プログラムのパターンランゲージ・アジア 会議(AsianPLoP 2011)開催報告と展望



    Presentation date: 2010

  • Evaluation of the Application of Design Patterns by Using Classification with a Support Vector Machine,

    Jonatan HERNANDEZ, Kubo ATSUTO, Hironori WASHIZAKI, Yoshiaki FUKAZAWA


    Presentation date: 2010.01

  • 協調作業型のパターンマイニング・ワークショップ



    Presentation date: 2010.01

  • テストカバレッジ測定フレームワーク Open Code Coverage Framework

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE 2009), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 

    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • 設計原則に基づくアーキテクチャリファクタリング

    鷲崎弘宜, 田村智英, 深澤良彰

    SES2009 パターンとアーキテクチャ ワークショップ 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 共通の言語モデルを用いた複数プログラミング言語対応のテストカバレッジ測定フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第7回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ (DSW’09summer), 日本ソフトウェア科学会, pp.167-170, 2009. 7. 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • 第15回プログラムのパターンランゲージ会議(PLoP2009)参加報告

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 井庭 崇, 吉岡信和, 大久保隆夫

    情報処理学会 第163回ソフトウェア工学研究会 

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • アーキテクチャとパターン

    鹿糠秀行, 羽生田栄一, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会ウィンターワークショップ2009・イン・宮崎, 2009. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • クラスタリング技法を用いたソフトウェアパターン分類

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2009

  • セキュリティパターンのモデル化と応用に向けて



    Presentation date: 2009

  • C言語プログラムソースコードの再利用性測定法とその評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 小池利和, 波木理恵子, 田邉浩之

    ソフトウェアテストシンポジウム JaSST’09 Tokyo, 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • アスペクト指向ソフトウェア工学


    SES2009 チュートリアル資料, 2009. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • アスペクト指向によるAjaxデザインパターンの適用

    江口和樹, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2009 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • 構造および語の類似性に基づくアナリシスパターンの自動抽出

    野本悠太郎, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2009 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • メトリクスと機械学習によるデザインパターン検出

    内山諭, 久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第16回 ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ FOSE 2009, (学生奨励賞) 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • 単語の類似度を用いたUMLクラス図の理解性の測定と評価

    中村悠人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2009

  • パターン間の関係を考慮したセキュリティパターン適用支援

    城間祐輝, 久保淳人, 吉岡信和, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 柔軟かつ複数プログラミング言語対応のテストカバレッジ測定フレームワーク

    坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    第8回情報科学技術フォーラムFIT2009, pp.1-12, 2009. (FIT船井ベストペーパー賞) 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • ソフトウェア品質管理研究会の報告

    鷲崎弘宜, 金山豊浩  [Invited]

    Quality One 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • プログラムソースコードの高精度な品質評価

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    ソフトウェアプロセス改善カンファレンス 2009 (SPI Japan 2009) 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Web2.0におけるリッチクライアント開発のためのアスペクト指向技術の調査研究


    産学戦略的研究フォーラム(SSR)平成20年度成果報告会  産学戦略的研究フォーラム(SSR)

    Presentation date: 2009

  • AOJS: アスペクトを完全分離記述可能なJavaScriptアスペクト指向プログラミング・フレームワーク

    久保淳人, 水町友彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 鹿糠秀行, 小高敏裕, 杉本信秀, 永井洋一, 山本里枝子, 吉岡信和

    第15回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ in 淡路島 (FOSE2008), November 13-15 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • ソフトウェアのパターンとアーキテクチャ

    鷲崎弘宜, 羽生田栄一, 久保淳人

    ソフトウェア開発のパターンとアーキテクチャ (ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008併設ワークショップ), September 1-3, 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 品質要求とパターンに基づくアーキテクチャ設計


    ソフトウェア開発のパターンとアーキテクチャ (ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008併設ワークショップ), September 1-3, 2008. 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • ソフトウェアパターン選択支援の現状と展望

    久保淳人, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェア開発のパターンとアーキテクチャ (ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008併設ワークショップ), September 1-3, 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • ユースケース間の関係を考慮した網羅的な受け入れテストの支援

    雁行進夢, 久保淳人, 鈴木三紀夫, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2008, pp.71-78 ,September 1-3 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 品質要求駆動型のアーキテクチャ分析設計手法によるWEBシステム開発

    繁在家 学, 鷲崎 弘宜

    情報処理学会研究報告ソフトウェア工学研究会報告 SE160, pp.33-40 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • ウィンターワークショップ2007・イン・那覇開催報告

    松塚貴英, 沢田篤史, 青木利晃, 福安直樹, 妻木俊彦, 中村友昭, 浦本直彦, 羽生田栄一, 鷲崎弘宜

    情報処理学会第156回ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIGSE 5月), 研究会報告 SE-156, 2007. 5. 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • ソフトウェア工学と品質研究

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2007

  • ウィンターワークショップ2006・イン・鴨川参加報告

    満田成紀, 沢田篤史, 鷲崎弘宜, 山本里枝子, 吉田敦, 門田暁人

    情報処理学会第152回ソフトウェア工学研究会, 研究会報告 SE-152, 5月 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • 第28回ソフトウェア工学国際会議(ICSE2006)参加報告

    鷲崎弘宜, 青山幹雄, 中川博之, 角田雅照, 吉村健太郎

    情報処理学会第153回ソフトウェア工学研究会, 研究会報告 SE-153, 7月 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • 第21回ソフトウェア工学の自動化国際会議(ASE2006)開催および参加報告

    鷲崎弘宜, 久保淳人, 下滝亜里, 中川博之, 林晋平, 丸山勝久, 本位田真一

    情報処理学会第154回ソフトウェア工学研究会, 研究会報告 SE-154, 11月 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • 統合化されたコンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発環境の実現に関する研究

    深澤良彰, 鷲崎弘宜

    文部科学省科学研究費補助金特定領域研究, ITの深化の基盤を拓く情報学研究 研究成果最終報告書, A01 新しいソフトウェアの実現 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • ユースケースによるアスペクト指向ソフトウェア開発

    鷲崎弘宜, 太田健一郎, 鹿糠秀行, 立堀道昭  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2006

  • ユースケースによるアスペクト指向モデリング

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    Modeling Forum 2006 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • ETロボコンのモデルから見える(見えない)組込みソフトウェア品質と教育



    Presentation date: 2006

  • ウィンターワークショップ2005・イン・伊豆参加報告

    紫合治, 海谷治彦, 沢田篤史, 鷲崎弘宜, 丸山勝久, 坂田祐司

    情報処理学会第148回ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIGSE 5月), 研究会報告 SE-148 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • 統合化されたコンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発環境の実現に関する研究

    深澤良彰, 鷲崎弘宜

    文部科学省科学研究費補助金特定領域研究, ITの深化の基盤を拓く情報学研究研究成果報告書, A01 新しいソフトウェアの実現 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • ソフトウェアパターン: デザインパターンを中心として



    Presentation date: 2005

  • アジャイル ソフトウェアプロセスライン


    日本XPユーザグループ主催 XP祭り2005 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • パターン・マイニングワークショップ

    鷲崎弘宜, 太田健一郎

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会パターンワーキンググループ, 第12回ワーキンググループ勉強会 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • ウィンターワークショップ2005・イン・伊豆 参加報告

    鷲崎弘宜, 佃軍治

    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会パターンワーキンググループ, 第12回ワーキンググループ勉強会 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Relation Analysis of Software Patterns

    Hironori Washizaki

    British-Japanese Workshop on the State of the Art and Practice in Software Engineering 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • 受け入れテストフレームワークFITによる高生産性開発

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2005

  • ウィンターワークショップ・イン・石垣島参加報告

    松下誠, 平山雅之, 青木利晃, 廣田豊彦, 原裕貴, 権藤克彦, 鷲崎弘宜, 細谷竜一

    情報処理学会第145回ソフトウェア工学研究会 (SIGSE 8月), 研究会報告 SE-145 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • 統合化されたコンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発環境の実現に関する研究

    深澤良彰, 鷲崎弘宜

    文部科学省科学研究費補助金特定領域研究, ITの深化の基盤を拓く情報学研究研究成果報告書, A01 新しいソフトウェアの実現, pp77-82 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • UMLを用いたゲーム開発

    鷲崎弘宜  [Invited]

    CEDEC 2004: CESA Developers Conference 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • 実践アスペクトプログラミング



    Presentation date: 2004

  • FITによる受け入れテスト


    日本XPユーザグループ主催 XP祭り2004 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • ソフトウェアパターン研究文献調査


    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会パターンワーキンググループ, パターンワーキンググループ設立一周年記念セミナー 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • ウィンターワークショップ・イン・石垣島の報告


    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会パターンワーキンググループ, 第3回ワーキンググループ勉強会 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • ツールを使ったパターンとの付き合い方


    情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会パターンワーキンググループ, 第2回ワーキンググループ勉強会 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • コンポーネントウェア技術の確立に関する調査研究

    鈴木正人, 青木利晃, 丸山勝久, 鷲崎弘宜, 青山幹雄

    財団法人産業技術研究所調査研究報告書 14-II-2-001, 委託先 財団法人ソフトウェア工学研究財団 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • 統合化されたコンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発環境の実現に関する研究

    深澤良彰, 鷲崎弘宜

    文部科学省科学研究費補助金特定領域研究, ITの深化の基盤を拓く情報学研究研究成果報告書, A01 新しいソフトウェアの実現, pp106-111 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Automated Extract Component Refactoring


    日本XPユーザグループ主催 XP祭り2003 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • XP2003参加報告


    日本XPユーザグループ主催 XP祭り2003 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • 学会におけるアジャイル方法論最新事情



    Presentation date: 2003

  • コンポーネント・ハウス

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    Zaiya.com主催 第1回Zaiya.comベンチャー・バザール 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • パターン: 引用からの品質

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    JapanPLoP 第7回パターン研究会 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Landscape of Architecture and Design Patterns in IoT systems and ML systems


    スマートエスイーセミナー: 機械学習とIoTのためのソフトウェア工学(テスト、パターンほか) 

  • Scratchでまなぶプログラミング的思考



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Research Projects

  • Foundation for data-driven software maintenance and evolution augmented by machine learning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • (Smart SE: Smart Systems and Services innovative professional Education program

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: MEXT  enPiT-Pro

    Project Year :


  • Trace ANY: tracing any software in any direction to support software system maintenance and evolution

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Washizaki Hironori

     View Summary

    To realize robust software traceability link recovery techniques for various environments and artifacts, including languages, and to establish change/reuse support techniques to promote maintenance and evolution based on traceability recovery results, we studied (1) traceability recovery techniques between representative models, including requirement models, and (2) traceability techniques between software development knowledge and patterns described at a certain level of abstraction, independent of environment and artifact details. Furthermore, we studied (3) transitive traceability recovery methods for robust traceability recovery of various environments and artifacts and (4) environments that concretely support software maintenance and evolution activities through traceability links.

  • Trace-Any: Tracing Any Software Artifacts at Any Abstraction Level in the era of heterogeneous development

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • A learning environment based on a rationale model associating of artifacts with knowledge on security and privacy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAZEYAMA Atsuo

     View Summary

    This study aims to create a knowledge base for supporting secure and privacy friendly software development. The knowledge base has a feature that knowledge on threat type, knowledge on solution type to the threat type and concrete knowledge to the solution type are associated. In the security requirements analysis phase, threat types and their solution types are analyzed, and their relationships are embedded into an artifact. By following the relationships, in the design phase, appropriate knowledge is recommended. This study has developed a prototype tool that implements the concept.

  • ネットワークソフトウェア対象のセキュリティ・プライバシ・トラストのエコシステム

    テレコム先端技術研究支援センター  SCAT研究助成

    Project Year :


  • Integrated Framework of Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIOKA NOBUKAZU, Fernandez Eduardo, Yu Yijun, Nuseibeh Bashar

     View Summary

    Existing privacy methods which is extension of security method do not mention user needs including individual private feeling. Therefore it is hard to specify appropriate requirements because we cannot make the validation and the reason clear with such methods. We have proposed a method which comes up with privacy requirements with privacy preference from the viewpoint of users' needs. In addition, existing research does not handle the conflicts between privacy and security requirements well. We take the conflicts into account, so that we can develop secure and privacy-friendly service efficiently

  • 複雑なネットワークソフトウェア開発運用のためのトラストを考慮したセキュリティ&プライバシ・エコシステム

    電気通信普及財団  研究助成

    Project Year :


  • A Security Modeling Learning Environment Integrating a Modeling Tool with Software Security Knowledge Base

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Hazeyama Atsuo, MIYADERA Youzou, SAITO Masahito, TANAKA Shun'ichi, TANAKA Takafumi, KAIYA Haruhiko, OKUBO Takao, YOSHIOKA Nobukazu, WASHIZAKI Hironori

     View Summary

    This study has developed a learning environment that creates an artifact (misuse case diagram in a security requirement analysis) while referring to a software security knowledge base. The environment enables to associate knowledge with the elements of an artifact in order to record design rationale.
    From the result of an evaluation experiment, we found effectiveness that both reference of knowledge base and artifact creation are conducted in the same environment. We also found effectiveness of association of the knowledge with the elements that compose of a diagram.

  • 栢森情報科学振興財団 開催助成, IPSJ SamurAI Coding 2016-17

    栢森情報科学振興財団  栢森情報科学振興財団 開催助成

    Project Year :


  • 複雑なネットワークソフトウェアシステムにおけるセキュリティ&プライバシ・エコシステムの調査研究

    International Information Science Foundation  SSR Forum

    Project Year :


  • Yahoo!JAPANのサービス開発におけるCQMモデルの構築と機能性・保守性評価

    Yahoo Japan 

    Project Year :


  • ソフトウェア品質確保手法に関する研究


    Project Year :


  • ソフトウェア製品群のトレーサビリティリンク抽出を通じた高速・高信頼なソフトウェア保守の実現と実証


    Project Year :


  • 組込みソフトウェアの定量的品質評価の研究


    Project Year :


  • グローバルソフトウェア開発における組織能力向上の研究


    Project Year :


  • ソフトウェア品質保証技術の研究

    Fujitsu Laboratories 

    Project Year :


  • ソフトウェア製品群の測定評価と分析による製品品質の実態定量化および総合的品質評価枠組みの確立

    Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan  Research Initiative on Advanced Software Engineering in 2015

    Project Year :


  • Sensor Software Engineering

    Grant-in-aids for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-aids for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • An Aspect-Oriented Programming Framework addressing Many Programming Languages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Washizaki Hironori, SAKAMOTO KAZUNORI

     View Summary

    Most existing Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) environments cannot deal with cross-cutting concerns, which are scattered on many modules implemented in two or more languages. The modularization of such cross-cutting concerns is necessary to achieve efficient and reliable software development involving multiple programming languages. This research realized a novel language-independent AOP framework named UniAspect; which translates programs written in various languages into common representations of source code. It achieves the modularization of scattered cross-cutting concerns in multiple languages by weaving aspects

  • クラウドサービスの開発運用におけるセキュリティとプライバシの確保のためのメタモデルに基づく知識ベースと参照アーキテクチャの調査研究

    International Information Science Foundation  SSR Forum

    Project Year :


  • A Framework for Aspect-Oriented Programming targeting Multiple Programming Languages

    Grant-in-aids for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-aids for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • A Pattern Oriented Software Development Method for Agile Adaptation to Security Changes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIOKA Nobukazu, WASHIZAKI Hironori, KAIYA Haruhiko

     View Summary

    We need a security development method to quickly adapt to changes ofsecurity requirements. In other words, we firstly estimate the impact on a software system to change it for implementation of security countermeasures before the implementation to know the security costs with the method. Additionally, the method should allow us to apply security countermeasures semi-automatically to reduce the implementation costs. In this research, we have proposed three kinds of security patterns: threat patterns, attack patterns and countermeasure patterns with the relationships among them. In addition, we illustrate relations between these patterns and a design of applications with security stereo-types of UML

  • ソフトウェア開発ライフサイクルの最適化手法の研究


    Project Year :


  • ゲーミフィケーションを用いたソフトウェアテストに取り組む意欲を高める枠組みの構築

    HAYAO NAKAYAMA Foundation for Science & Technology and Culture  Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • An Extensible and Reusable Framework for Mesuring Test Coverage Supporting Multiple Programming Languages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WASHIZAKI Hironori, SAKAMOTO Kazunori

     View Summary

    Test coverage is an important indicator of whether software has been sufficiently tested. However, there are several problems with the existing measurement tools for test coverage, such as their cost of development and maintenance, inconsistency, and inflexibility in measurement. This research proposes a consistent and flexible measurement framework for test coverage. It supports multiple programming languages by extracting the commonalities from multiple programming languages using an abstract syntax tree to help in the development of the measurement tools for the test coverage of new programming languages

  • ゲームAIプログラムコンテストのための高品質フレームワークの実現

    The Kurata Memorial Hitachi Science and Technology Foundation  Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • 多プログラミング言語時代の統一的なアスペクト指向プログラミング

    Kayamori Foundation of Informational Science  Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • アスペクト指向とモデル駆動に基づく高効率なディペンダブルWeb開発

    The Japan Prize Foundation  Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • 組込みソフトウェアのアスペクト指向およびモデル駆動開発による効率的な省電力化に関する研究

    ROHM  Waseda University School of Science and Engineering, Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • モデル駆動型開発による高セキュリティソフトウェアの実現

    JGC-S Scholarship Foundation  Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • Research on development and maintenance of software product lines

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki, SHIROGANE Junko, WASHIZAKI Hironori

     View Summary

    In order to improve productivity of software development, to improve stability of quality and to shorten the lead time of software development, product line development of software is attention whose target is a product family in the same domain. The software product line development is a method of large-scale reusing software components systematically. The purpose of this research was to develop a qualified software product lines by the given methodology, and to utilize it. In particular, our research target is optimal representation method of core assets, establishment of a clear scoping technique, and selection method of core asset. For these purposes, we pointed out some problems, presented countermeasures, and verify its effectiveness. In addition, we suggested a new maintenance method of core asset was proposed. It will be possible that the application of the product line in this research makes the application developments easy for high reliability with high productivity.

  • ソフトウェア品質管理基盤としての統一テストカバレッジ測定環境の実現

    The Japanese Society for Quality Control  Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • 設計に基づく組込みソフトウェアの高精度な品質評価

    Mizuho Foundation for the Promotion of Sciences  Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • 効率的なディペンダブルWeb開発に向けたアスペクト指向ソフトウェア技術の調査研究

    International Information Science Foundation  SSR Forum

    Project Year :


  • Secure System Design based on Multi-view

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIOKA Nobukazu, WASHIZAKI Hironori

     View Summary

    In this research, we have proposed a three view modeling method with an attack model, a threat model and security model to design secure system in addition to usual design model. The multi-view modeling allows us to separate security concerns into an integrated design method and to design secure systems step-by-step

  • Web2.0におけるリッチクライアント開発のためのアスペクト指向技術の調査研究

    International Information Science Foundation  SSR Forum

    Project Year :


  • Realization of A Reusable and High-Precision Framework for Evaluating Program Source Code Quality

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WASHIZAKI Hironori

     View Summary

    Many metrics have been proposed for measuring software quality, but none have been able to provide a comprehensive evaluation, nor have they been used widely. This research realized a practical and reusable framework which achieves effective measurement and evaluation of program source code quality, solves many of the problems of earlier frameworks, and applies to programs in the C programming language. Moreover software patterns capturing know-how in developing and maintaining the framework have been captured and utilized with a newly developed reuse support system

  • ソフトウェアモデルに基づく組込みソフトウェアシステムの品質評価に関する研究

    The Japanese Society for Quality Control  Research Grant

    Project Year :


  • ソフトウェアの品質評価方法の確立


    Project Year :


  • オブジェクト指向言語に対する試験データ生成技術に関する研究

    NTT Data 

    Project Year :


  • ブラックボックステスト領域における探索的手法の研究


  • コンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発統合化環境の実現に関する研究

     View Summary


  • 統合化されたコンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発環境の実現に関する研究

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  • 既存ソフトウェアからのネットワーク対応コンポーネントの自動抽出に関する研究

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  • 統合化されたコンポーネント指向ソフトウェア開発環境の実現に関るす研究

     View Summary


  • 高品質ソフトウエアコンポーネントの自動抽出と検索に関する研究

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▼display all


  • Proposal of Rubric for Information Security Education Materials

    Saito Daisuke, Masuda Shumon, Washizaki Hironori, Fukazawa Yoshiaki, Nishizawa Toshiharu

    Journal of Digital Life (Web)   2  2022


  • Towards a system of Machine Learning systems architecture and design patterns

    鷲崎弘宜, 鷲崎弘宜, 鷲崎弘宜, 鷲崎弘宜, 名取直毅, 竹内広宜, 奥田聡, 本田澄, 土肥拓生, 内平直志

    日本ソフトウェア科学会研究会資料シリーズ(Web)   ( 90 )  2020


  • ソフトウェア開発PBLにおけるチャットと成果物の関連付けによるコミュニケーション支援環境の開発とその初期評価

    工藤くりこ, 櫨山淳雄, 鷲崎弘宜

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告知能ソフトウェア工学   118 ( 463 ) 57 - 62  2019.03

  • ICSE 2018 参加報告

    吉岡 信和, 鵜林 尚靖, 石川 冬樹, 鄭 顕志, 鷲崎 弘宜

    コンピュータソフトウェア    2019.02  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • System&Softwareに対する品質確保におけるシステム検証技術の提案

    原田知拡, 森田純恵, 高内龍治, 鷲崎弘宜, 津田直彦

    ソフトウェア品質シンポジウム(Web)   2019  2019


  • セキュリティパターン研究の分類体系と文献調査

    鷲崎弘宜, XIA Tian, 鎌田夏実, 大久保隆夫, 小形真平, 海谷治彦, 加藤岳久, 鹿糠秀行, 田中昂文, 櫨山淳雄, 山本暖, 吉岡信和, 吉野雅之

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2018 ( SE-198 ) Vol.2018‐SE‐198,No.25,1‐7 (WEB ONLY)  2018.03


  • ソフトウェアメトリクス測定値を用いた品質改善効率低迷状態検出

    細野将揮, 本田澄, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰, 宗像一樹, 森田純恵, 菊池慎司, 上原忠弘, 山本里枝子

    日本ソフトウェア科学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   33rd  2016


  • A Tool for Suggesting Similar Program Element Modifications


    Technical report of IEICE. SS   114 ( 127 ) 123 - 128  2014.07

     View Summary

    Many programming tasks require programmers to modify similar program elements continuously. It will take some time to find out the next element to be modified without missing the necessary modifications, and it is too much hassle to select the text to change each similar element. To improve these problems, we extracted all possible matched elements by using the similarity patterns from recently modified elements. The sub syntax tree comparison is employed to extract similarity patterns. As a tool, SimilarHighlight can give programmers some suggests that program elements are similar to the last selected elements and might be modified at the next modifications. The elements will be highlighted and the text of the next element can be selected immediately for modify by shortcut keys. In addition, the tool supports C#, Java, C, JavaScript and other languages in future.


  • A Tool for Suggesting Similar Program Element Modifications

    Yujiang Yang, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2014 ( 20 ) 1 - 6  2014.07

     View Summary

    Many programming tasks require programmers to modify similar program elements continuously. It will take some time to find out the next element to be modified without missing the necessary modifications, and it is too much hassle to select the text to change each similar element. To improve these problems, we extracted all possible matched elements by using the similarity patterns from recently modified elements. The sub syntax tree comparison is employed to extract similarity patterns. As a tool, SimilarHighlight can give programmers some suggests that program elements are similar to the last selected elements and might be modified at the next modifications. The elements will be highlighted and the text of the next element can be selected immediately for modify by shortcut keys. In addition, the tool supports C#, Java, C, JavaScript and other languages in future.


  • A Report on the 17th Software Product Line Conference (SPLC2013)


    Technical report of IEICE. SS   113 ( 269 ) 209 - 211  2013.10

     View Summary

    We report on the 17th Software Product Line Conference was held in Tokyo, Japan.


  • A Report on the 17th Software Product Line Conference (SPLC2013)

    Tomoji Kishi, Yuzo Ishida, Yuji Sakata, Tsuneo Nakanishi, Natsuko Noda, Makoto Nonaka, Yoshikazu Hayashi, Kenji Hisazumi, Kazuyuki Yamauchi, Kentarou Yoshimura, Hironori Washizaki

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2013 ( 32 ) 1 - 3  2013.10

     View Summary

    We report on the 17th Software Product Line Conference was held in Tokyo, Japan.


  • Report of Winter Workshop 2013 in Nasu (WWS2013)

    Natsuko Noda, Kozo Okano, Kouji Hayamizu, Koji Toda, Hidetake Uwano, Takashi Ishio, Shinpei Hayashi, Toshihiko Tsumaki, Masahide Nakamura, Tomoji Kishi, Masanari Motohashi, Hironori Washizaki

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2013 ( 11 ) 1 - 8  2013.07

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    IPSJ Special Interest Group of Software Engineering (SIGSE) holds a workshop focusing on deep discussion among participants once a year. In the fiscal year of 2012, we had a workshop in Nasu, Tochigi prefecture, January 2013. We had a deep discussion about recent issues and future direction of software engineering. In this paper, we report each discussion held in each special theme session and the whole workshop.


  • テスト貢献度に基づくゲーミフィケーションを用いた教育用ソフトウェアテストツールの提案

    ?澤亮平, 坂本一憲, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    全国大会講演論文集   2013 ( 1 ) 427 - 429  2013.03

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    ソフトウェアテストは,ソフトウェアの品質を保証する上で重要な工程である.しかし,実際の開発では,テスターによる貢献が成果物から見えにくいため,モチベーションの低下,ひいてはテスト工程への倦厭を引き起こす傾向がある.本研究では,テストカバレッジなどのメトリクスから貢献度を数値化して,テスト記述者の貢献度として可視化する手法を提案する.さらに,貢献度を用いたゲー ミフィケーションの要素を導入した教育用テストツールを提案することで,テストに対する教育効果およびモチベーション向上を図る.テストに不慣れな学生に 対する被験者実験を通して,提案ツールの教育効果およびモチベーション向上の効果を測定する.


  • Research on the clustering towards the improvement in conservativeness of a Simulink model, and bidirectional conversion with an UML model

    OZAWA Takayuki, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   112 ( 373 ) 49 - 53  2013.01

     View Summary

    Simulink model is suitable for embedded software development. On the other hand, it is difficult to fix, often tend to be large and complicated model. Understandability of the model is low abstraction is dependent on developers by subsystem, the model. Therefore, we conducted an appropriate abstraction aims to improve the maintainability of the Simulink model to apply the clustering method does not depend on the developer. In addition, we propose a two-way conversion of Simulink models and UML models. By converting to static and dynamic model of the UML model, to improve the understanding and clarifying the responsibilities. And to maintain the correspondence between the model in two-way conversion.


  • Report on Winter Workshop 2011 in Shuzenji

      2011 ( 11 ) 1 - 9  2011.07


  • モデル駆動型開発による高セキュリティソフトウェアの実現

    鷲﨑 弘宜

    研究助成金受給者研究報告集   29   78 - 81  2010


  • Report on the 15th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP2008)

    KUBO Atsuto, WASHIZAKI Hironori, YOSHIOKA Nobukazu, IBA Takashi, OKUBO Takao

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2009 ( 31 ) 311 - 316  2009.03

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    This paper reports the 15th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP2008), held in October 2008 in Nashville, USA. There were 27 pattern papers and one research paper in PLoP2008.


  • ソフトウェアエンジニアリング領域(J07-SE)

    阿草 清滋, 西 康晴, 沢田 篤史, 鷲崎 弘宜

    情報処理   49 ( 7 ) 743 - 749  2008.07


  • Computing Curriculum Standard J07 : Software Engineering Discipline (J07-SE)

    AGUSA Kiyoshi, NISHI Yasuharu, SAWADA Atsushi, WASHIZAKI Hironori

    IPSJ Magazine   49 ( 7 ) 743 - 749  2008.07


  • 品質要求駆動型のアーキテクチャ分析設計手法によるWEBシステム開発

    繁在家 学, 鷲崎 弘宜

    情報処理学会研究報告. SE,ソフトウェア工学研究会報告   160   33 - 40  2008.06


  • Report on Winter Workshop 2008 in Dogo

    阿萬裕久, 青木利晃, 沢田篤史, 山本晋一郎, 渥美紀寿, 白銀純子, 浦本直彦, 松塚貴英, 羽生田栄一, 鷲崎弘宜, 野中誠, 吉岡信和, 吉岡信和, 田原康之

    情報処理学会研究報告   160 ( 55(SE-160 EMB-9) ) 65 - 72  2008.06

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • The development of the web system by the quality requirement driven method for the architecture analysis and design

    HANZAIKE Manabu, WASHIZAKI Hironori

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2008 ( 55 ) 33 - 40  2008.06

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    Quality requirements for a development of a software centered system should be recognized in a process of requirements analysis and also those requirements are realized by dealt with explicitly in a software architecture analysis and design process. A method of software engineering should be used in the software architecture analysis and design process to clear individual techniques and realize traceability. However, if several methods are used in each process, consistency between methods should be considered. This is a disincentive to adapt methods into the development. With the background above, in this paper, we propose a quality requirement driven method of the architecture analysis and design process with several methods using a example of a simple web system development. Specifically, we propose it with unique expansion and considering consistency between KAOS, which is a method of requirements analysis, and ADD, which is a method of attribute-driven design. Furthermore, this method we propose includes a technique of picking up aspect oriented architecture during the architecture analysis and design process with satisfaction of quality requirements.


  • Report on Winter Workshop 2008 in Dogo

    阿萬裕久, 青木利晃, 沢田篤史, 山本晋一郎, 渥美紀寿, 白銀純子, 浦本直彦, 松塚貴英, 羽生田栄一, 鷲崎弘宜, 野中誠, 吉岡信和, 吉岡信和, 田原康之

    情報処理学会研究報告   2008 ( 55 ) 65 - 72  2008.06

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • The development of the web system by the quality requirement driven method for the architecture analysis and design

    HANZAIKE Manabu, WASHIZAKI Hironori

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2008 ( 55 ) 33 - 40  2008.06

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    Quality requirements for a development of a software centered system should be recognized in a process of requirements analysis and also those requirements are realized by dealt with explicitly in a software architecture analysis and design process. A method of software engineering should be used in the software architecture analysis and design process to clear individual techniques and realize traceability. However, if several methods are used in each process, consistency between methods should be considered. This is a disincentive to adapt methods into the development. With the background above, in this paper, we propose a quality requirement driven method of the architecture analysis and design process with several methods using a example of a simple web system development. Specifically, we propose it with unique expansion and considering consistency between KAOS, which is a method of requirements analysis, and ADD, which is a method of attribute-driven design. Furthermore, this method we propose includes a technique of picking up aspect oriented architecture during the architecture analysis and design process with satisfaction of quality requirements.


  • Report on Winter Workshop 2008 in Dogo

    阿萬裕久, 青木利晃, 沢田篤史, 山本晋一郎, 渥美紀寿, 白銀純子, 浦本直彦, 松塚貴英, 羽生田栄一, 鷲崎弘宜, 野中誠, 吉岡信和, 吉岡信和, 田原康之

    情報処理学会研究報告   2008 ( 55 ) 65 - 72  2008.06

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Building Software Product Line based on Commonality and Variability Analysis of Models and Requirement Specifications

    MATSUMOTO Takuro, KUBO Atsuto, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

      70 ( 1 ) "1 - 387"-"1-388"  2008.03


  • Technologies of Security Patterns

    YOSHIOKA Nobukazu, WASHIZAKI Hironori, MARUYAMA Katsuhisa

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2007 ( 107 ) 39 - 46  2007.11

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    As the growth of the Internet connected open systems and clients, security has become an important role for many software systems. Security patterns are reusable solutions to security problems. Although many security patterns and techniques for them have been proposed, the use of combination is difficult because of a luck of research on integration of patterns into systems. This paper provides a survey of approaches to security patterns. As the result of classifying of the approaches, we illustrate a direction for the integration and future research topics.


  • Report on the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2007)

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, SHIRAI Akira, MATSUDUKA Takahide, YOSHIDA Hisashi

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2007 ( 97 ) 23 - 30  2007.09

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    This paper reports major topics of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering at May 2007. There are many presentations on design, program analysis and testing. Moreover, we saw the wide spread of software engineering applied to various problem domains such as embedded systems and enterprise systems.


  • Engineering and Education of Model-Driven Embedded Software Development in MDD Robot Challenge

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, KUBOAKI Shin, KOBAYASHI Yasuhide, WATANABE Harumi, OGURA Nobuhiko, IIDA Shusaku

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2007 ( 52 ) 95 - 102  2007.05

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    A robot software design contest, called the "Model-Driven Development (MDD) Robot Challenge", has been held once a year from 2004 to 2006. the challenge was intended to encourage research and education of model-driven development and related technologies in the field of embedded system development. Moreover, it is planed to hold the same challenge in the following years. In this paper, we consider the nature and education way of the model-driven development, and related technologies in the field of embedded system development by analyzing the results of the challenge in 2006.


  • A report of "Winter Workshop 2007 in Naha"

    MATSUTSUKA Takahide, SAWADA Atsushi, AOKI Toshikatsu, FUKUYASU Naoki, TSUMAKI Toshihiko, NAKAMURA Tomoaki, URAMOTO Naohiko, HANYUDA Eiichi, WASHIZAKI Hironori

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2007 ( 52 ) 19 - 25  2007.05

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    This paper reports &quot;Winter Workshop 2007 in Naha&quot;, held at Jan. 25-26 in Naha city.


  • Automatic Analysis of Advanced Inter-pattern Relationships


    IPSJ SIG Notes   2006 ( 125 ) 65 - 72  2006.11

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    By using software patterns, developers can reuse knowledge obtained from experts' empirical rule. Analysis of Inter-pattern relationships is important, but analysis by human costs a lot. In this paper, we propose an automated inter-pattern relationship analysis method. Our method includes a pattern model and two inter-pattern relationship models, and uses several natural language processing techniques such as TF-IDF weighting.


  • Report on the 21st IEEE / ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2006)

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, KUBO Atsuto, SHIMOTAKI Asato, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, HAYASHI Shinpei, MARUYAMA Katsuhisa, HONIDEN Shinichi

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2006 ( 125 ) 81 - 88  2006.11

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    This paper reports major topics of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering held at September 2006 in Tokyo. There were many presentations on program analysis/verification and pattern/aspect mining.


  • Report on the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2006)

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, AOYAMA Mikio, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, TSUNODA Masateru, YOSHIMURA Kentaro

    Information Processing Society of Japan   2006 ( 75 ) 55 - 62  2006.07

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    This paper reports major topics of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering at May 2006. There are many presentations on testing, architecture and design. Moreover, we saw the wide spread of software engineering applied to various domains such as pervasive/embedded systems and distributed/web/DB systems.


  • Report on Winter Workshop 2006 in Kamogawa


    IPSJ SIG Notes   2006 ( 48 ) 57 - 63  2006.05

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    This paper describes an overview of Winter Workshop 2006 in Kamogawa, January 2006, and reports on five discussion themes: Embedded software, Software pattern, Service oriented architecture, Source program transformation and its base technology, and Emperical approach.


  • A Flexible Connection Model for Software Components

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, HOSHI Daiki, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    IEICE transactions on information and systems   89 ( 4 ) 1421 - 1431  2006.04

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    A component connection enables a component to use the functionality of other components directly, without generating adapters or other mechanisms at run-time. In conventional component connection models, the connection between components, particularly third-party components, is very costly for code reuse because the component source code must be modified if the types of requester-side and provider-side are different. This paper proposes a new component model, built upon an existing component architecture, which abandons a component service type and connects components based on a method type collection of the provider and requester components. Our model enables flexible connections owing to relaxed component matching, in which the system that implements our model automatically converts values of parameters, return values, and exceptions between required methods and provided ones within a well-defined range. As a result of experimental evaluations, it is found that our model is superior to conventional models in terms of the component-use cost and the capability of changing connections.


  • A proposal of a precise estimation technique for test coverage of components in object-oriented frameworks

    SAKATA Yuji, OKAMOTO Takashi, YOKOYAMA Kazutoshi, MATSUDA Shigeyuki, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   105 ( 24 ) 7 - 12  2005.04

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    In general, a component-based system partially uses functions of software components. Therefore, precious structural testing for components requires to specify what functions of the components are used in the system. Besides, in the case with an object-oriented component, some existing studies point out that testing of all possible bindings between a call site and the methods that may be invoked by that site is extremely ineffective. In this paper, we propose a precious method for estimating test coverage metrics of components on an object-oriented framework by using its deployment descriptor.


  • ソフトウェアパターン研究の発展経緯と最近の動向

    鷲崎 弘宜, 大杉 直樹, 権藤 克彦, 服部 哲, 久保 淳人, 下滝 亜里, 小林 隆志, 藤枝 和宏, 大月 美佳, 丸山 勝久, 榊原 彰

    情報処理学会研究報告. SE,ソフトウェア工学研究会報告   147   127 - 134  2005.03


  • Progress and Current Trends of Researches on Software Patterns

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, OHSUGI Naoki, GONDOW Katsuhiko, HATTORI Satoshi, KUBO Atsuto, SHIMOTAKI Asato, KOBAYASHI Takashi, FUJIEDA Kazuhiro, OHTSUKI Mika, MARUYAMA Katsuhisa, SAKAKIBARA Akira

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2005 ( 29 ) 127 - 134  2005.03

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    This paper surveys the progress and current trends of the research topics regarding software patterns, which have been presented in major relevant conferences and journals.


  • デザインパターン適用支援ツール


    ソフトウェアパターン入門    2005


  • ウィンターワークショップ2005・イン・伊豆参加報告

    紫合治, 海谷治彦, 沢田篤史, 鷲崎弘宜, 丸山勝久, 坂田祐司

    情報処理学会研究報告   2005-SE-148   53 - 60  2005

  • B-052 Analysis and Systematization of Software Pattern Documents

    Kubo Atsuto, Washizaki Hironori, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

      3 ( 1 ) 213 - 216  2004.08


  • Report on Winter Workshop in Ishigakijima


    IPSJ SIG Notes   2004 ( 87 ) 23 - 29  2004.08

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    This paper describes about overview and discussion themes on the winter workshop in Ishigakijima, January 2004.


  • Component Extraction based on Object-Oriented Class Relation Analysis.

    Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa

    Computer Software   21 ( 2 ) 119 - 125  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • A Flexible Component Connection Model and Its Implementation

    HOSHI Daiki, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   103 ( 481 ) 37 - 42  2003.11

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    The component connection enables to use components' functions directly by other components without additional preparations, such as generating adapters. In conventional component connection model, connection between components needs high cost for reusing component provided by third parties, because the source code of the components must be modified, in the case that the types of request side and provide side are different. This paper proposes a component model which abandons the types of component itself and connects components based on the signature set provided and required by components on the existing component architecture. Our model enables flexible reuse owing to relaxed adaptation judgment, on which the component model converts among methods the value of argument, return value, and exception value of methods within certain automatically convertible range.


  • 柔軟なコンポーネント間接続方式の提案と実装

    星大樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. KBSE, 知能ソフトウェア工学   103 ( 483 ) 37 - 42  2003.11

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    コンポーネント間接続とは, コンポーネントが他の独立したコンポーネントの機能を, 実行時にアダプタ生成などせずに利用することである. 従来のコンポーネント間接続では, 第三者によって開発されたコンポーネントを再利用する際, コンポーネントの要求側と提供側の型が一致しない場合は, ソースコードの変更が必要となり再利用のコストが高い. 本論文では, 既存のコンポーネントアーキテクチャ上において, コンポーネント自身の型付けを放棄しコンポーネントが提供・要求するメソッドのシグニチャの集合に基づいて接続を行うコンポーネントモデルを提案しその実装を示す. メソッドの引数・戻り値・例外の値が自動的に変換可能な範囲で, メソッド間の緩い適合判定を行うことにより, 柔軟で容易な再利用を可能とする.


  • Present and Future Prospects of Research on Software Patterns


    IPSJ SIG Notes   2003 ( 55 ) 31 - 38  2003.05

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    In this paper, we outline the research trend in terms of software patterns, and associate the research results with the pattern-oriented software development process. Moreover, we present the future prospects of the research on software patterns.


  • 細粒度コンポーネント環境における動的かつ階層的Undo機構の実現

    鷲崎 弘宜, 深澤 良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌 = Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan   44 ( 1 ) 143 - 155  2003.01


  • 細粒度コンポーネント環境における動的かつ階層的Undo機構の実現(ヒューマンインターフェイス)

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   44 ( 1 ) 143 - 155  2003.01

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  • Component Metrics based on the Component Reusability and its Evaluation

    YAMAMOTO Hirokazu, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd., School of Science and Engineering Waseda University, School of Science and Engineering Waseda University

      19 ( 5 ) 13 - 25  2002.09


  • コンポーネント環境における独立条件記述に基づく条件テスト手法(<特集>ソフトウェア開発を支援する基盤技術)

    坂井悠樹, 鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    コンピュータソフトウェア   19 ( 5 ) 26 - 39  2002.09

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  • Automatic Addition of Software Component Wizards by Usage Analysis

    ADACHI Takao, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   102 ( 245 ) 7 - 12  2002.07

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    There are some researches which the wizard is added to the component in order to make the complex setting easy. However, the components with the wizards are actually a few, because it is difficult to develop wizard's code, and to derive preferable setting of property. In this paper, we propose a technique to add the wizard for component automatically by usage information on the property of the component. Our system analyzes information of the properties in the applications (Usage Information Analysis), and derives the combinations of property which set to the component based on the value of the property in sample applications immediately after the component generation. The wizard which is automatically generated presents application developers the combinations of property and the value of property.


  • 有向置換性類似度に基づくコンポーネント検索方式の実現と評価(<特集>オブジェクト指向技術)

    鷲崎弘宜, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   43 ( 6 ) 1638 - 1652  2002.06

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  • Software Component Trial System and Its Evaluation.

    WASHIZAKI Hironori, MOTOMURA Mai, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki, Hironori Washizaki, Mai Motomura, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, School of Science and Engineering Waseda University, School of Science and Engineering Waseda University, School of Science and Engineering Waseda University

    Computer Software   19 ( 1 ) 44 - 48  2002.01

    DOI CiNii

  • モデル/ビュー分離アーキテクチャBeaMの機構とその評価

    鷲崎弘宜, 白銀純子, 深澤良彰

    情報処理学会論文誌   42 ( 10 ) 2454 - 2465  2001.10

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    GUIアプリケーションの開発時に, 最も基本的な汎用コンポーネントを組み合せ, さらにアプリケーションロジックを付加することで, 特定のアプリケーションドメインに特化された, クラスレベルでの再利用を目的とするGUIアプリケーション部品を開発, 利用することがある.従来の手法では, GUIアプリケーション部品内部でのアプリケーションロジックとGUI部分との依存性の排除は不完全なものであり, 結果として部品全体の再利用性および拡張性の欠如をもたらす.本稿ではGUIアプリケーション部品の開発において, アプリケーションロジック部とGUI部が相互に依存しないアーキテクチャBeaMを提案し, Java言語による実装を行った結果についての評価を行う.


  • Quality of software component from static aspect

    YAMAMOTO Hirokazu, WASHIZAKI Hironori, FUKAZAWA Yoshiaki

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   101 ( 98 ) 33 - 40  2001.05

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    Many product metrics for the static aspect of software products have been proposed to improve the quality of the product. Those traditional techniques measure the quality by analyzing its source codes. However, at component-based software development, it is difficult to apply those techniques to software components because the source code cannot be referred directly for the software component. In this paper, we propose new product metrics based on the characteristics of the software component, and the quality measurement technique which treats software components as Black-Box products.


  • Quality Evaluation for Software Components

    Yamamoto Hirokazu, Washizaki Hironori, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2001 ( 1 ) 31 - 31  2001.03


  • Quality Evaluation of Paper based on One-Way Citations

    Washizaki Hironori, Fukazawa Yoshiaki

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2001 ( 1 ) 54 - 54  2001.03


  • Application of MVC pattern for GUI parts

      58 ( 1 ) "1 - 237"-"1-238"  1999.03


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Industrial Property Rights


  • 早稲田大学基幹理工学...


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    早稲田大学基幹理工学部准教授 鷲崎弘宜さんインタビュー

  • Interview ...


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    Interview on Dept. Computer Science and Engineering

  • Software r...


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    Software reuse and quality assurance for reliable software engineering

  • ソフトウェア設計の本...


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    ソフトウェア設計の本質を学ぶ 〜アーキテクチャコース〜 アーキテクチャコースリーダー:鷲崎 弘宜 先生

  • OO エンジニアの輪...


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    OO エンジニアの輪 ~ a第 26 回 鷲崎 弘宜さんの巻 ~



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Overseas Activities

  • 多様なソフトウェアの解析および追跡と品質向上への応用


    カナダ   École Polytechnique de Montréal


  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Center for Data Science   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Global Information and Telecommunication Institute   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Research Organization for Open Innovation Strategy   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2020

    Global Software Engineering Laboratory   Director of Research Institute

▼display all

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 機械学習システムの保守進化とパターンの枠組み


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  • 機械学習システムとソフトウェア保守進化の双方向の枠組み


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  • ヘテロな開発運用時代の保守進化を支える全方向ソフトウェア追跡


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  • 世代を超えた高度プログラミング教育枠組み

    2021   齋藤大輔

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  • 若年層に対するAI・IoTを活用した高度プログラミング教育環境


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  • IoTシステムにおける追跡を通じた見える安全・安心の実現


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    IoTシステムの部分および全体としてモノ、情報、環境、人などの要素が適応的に協調することで安全を見える化し、全体として活動を止めず、さらに障害発生時において安全側へと誘導するSafety 2.0の実現が求められる。ここで「安全」とは狭義の利用者のセーフティに加えて、IoTシステムの利害関係者において不可欠なセキュリティやプライバシ、さらにはそれらを支えるトランスペアレンシ(透過性)や信頼性を含む広義の安全性を意味する。セキュリティやプライバシを含む広義の安全性確保と、その条件や制限の明示が必要である。しかしIoTシステムの利害関係者の境界はしばしば不明瞭となり、デバイスやサービスから安全性要求や目標まで辿ることは困難である。安全性の実現過程で関係する情報の流れも通常不可視であり、安全の持続的保証を困難とし安心を損なう。そこで本研究課題においては、応募者がクローズドなシステム向けに開発済みのトレーサビリティ(追跡関係)ツールを、メタモデルに対応するように拡張発展させ、ヘテロかつオープンなSystem of SystemsとしてのIoTシステムの開発運用において目標や要求、機能、安全性のあらゆる関心事を追跡およびその追跡関係(トレーサビリティ)を維持管理する仕組みの実現に向けた基礎調査を実施し、要件や特性を明らかとした。具体的には、応募者が世界で初めて実現した異なる成果物間のリンクを用いる推移的追跡、および設計や実装における呼び出し関係の解析の組み合わせにより、安全性を含む様々な関心事をオープンなIoTシステムの開発運用において追跡可能とする。

  • IoTシステム開発運用における共存・協調する安全の実現


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    &nbsp;IoTシステムの構成要素や環境、人が適応的に協調して安全を見える化し、全体として活動を止めないSafety2.0の実現が求められる。しかし従来の研究は企画段階もしくは実装・運用段階に分かれ、整合性のある形で結び付けて追跡する仕組みを欠く。具体的には、多様なデバイスやクラウドが事業領域や利害関係者を超えて繋がり複雑なIoTシステムにおいて 共存・協調する安全の難しさがありSafety2.0の開発運用の基盤が得られていない。そこで本研究では基盤を得ることに向けて必要な要素技術として、メタモデルやモデリング、デバイスを含む様々なシステム要素に対する要求や関心からのトレーサビリティに関する基礎調査を実施し、要件や特性を明らかとした。

  • クラウド環境におけるスマート・ソフトウェア・エコシステム

    2017   小形 真平

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     ソフトウェアのシステム構成や環境、機能、要求が極めて多様かつダイナミックに変化するクラウドおよび分散処理(フォグ)コンピューティングの時代では、従来型の計画的な準備されたソフトウェア再利用、品質管理ではその開発運用の効率化・高信頼化を実現できない。 そこで本研究では、クラウド・フォグコンピューティング時代において、ソフトウェアシステムの企画から開発、運用に到るライフサイクル中のあらゆる情報・成果物を解析および必要な構成の自動推薦をえて、100%に近いレベルで再利用して新たなソフトウェアシステムを生み出し、またその結果を他のソフトウェアシステムの企画・開発・運用へと役立てる循環・進化・共存型の「スマート・ソフトウェア・エコシステム(生態系)」の技術的基盤の確立に向けた全体像の設計、ならびに、要素技術を調査研究することを目標とした。 具体的には、実現するスマート・ソフトウェア・エコシステムの全体を、次の具体的な特定領域に焦点を当てた2つのエコシステム群、ならびに、それらの高信頼化や組織化を支援する2つの支援技術基盤より構成するように設計した: A. 価値を含むプロダクトの分解・再利用を扱うプロダクトエコシステム、B. プロセスの分解・再利用を扱うプロセスエコシステム、C. プロダクト・プロセスの種別を超えて組織化を支援するエコシステム追跡・組織化、D. 各エコシステムおよび全体の品質を評価および改善するエコシステム高信頼化。 そのうえで、プロダクトエコシステムについて、クラウドサービスソフトウェアの要求からプログラム、テストに到るまで、ライフサイクルのあらゆる時点におけるあらゆる抽象度の成果物の循環的な分解・再利用・再構成を達成するために、共通メタモデルを実現した。同メタモデルに基づいて再利用可能なコンポーネント、典型的パターン、ソフトウェアのあちこちに散らばる事柄をモジュール化するアスペクトへと分解し、抽象化により抽象度の高い部品もあわせて用意して、再利用を意図せずに開発された多様な資産をエコシステムへ組み入れるプロセスの基本構成を合わせて実現した。

  • クラウドサービスのためのメタモデルに基づくセキュリティおよびプライバシ保証ケース


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  • ソフトウェア設計の多面的品質評価と改善モデリングパターン特定


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  • 大規模資産を活用した組込みソフトウェアモデルの品質評価枠組みの確立


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    国際規格であるISO/IEC 25010:2011で規定される品質モデルに基づいて品質特性と品質測定法を対応付けて、統一モデル記述言語UMLで記述されたオブジェクト指向に基づく組込みソフトウェアモデルに適用可能な測定方法を識別し、モデル群の測定を通じて評価基準を算出した。加えて、ソフトウェアモデルにおける既知のパターンの検出を通じた品質測定・評価の補強、ならびに、ソフトウェアモデル導出におけるモデリング作業の特徴の定量化に成功した。

  • 品質確保のためのプログラムソースコードにおける高精度なデザインパターン自動検出


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  • UniAspect: 言語非依存な統一アスペクト指向プログラミングフレームワーク

    2012   坂本 一憲

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  • 業務に関する大規模知識再利用のためのパターン活用枠組みの実現

    2009   深澤 良彰

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  • 広域ネットワーク上におけるソフトウェアコンポーネント検索機構の実現に関する研究


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