Hironori Washizaki is head and professor at Global Software Engineering Laboratory, Waseda University, Japan. He also works at National Institute of Informatics as visiting professor, at SYSTEM INFORMATION CO.,LTD. as outside director, and at eXmotion Co., Ltd. as outside director. He obtained his Doctor’s degree in Information and Computer Science from Waseda University in 2003. His research interests include software modeling, product line, and quality assurance. He has published more than 50 research papers in refereed international journals and conferences. He received JSSST Encouraging Award 2004, IPSJ/SES2006 Best Paper Award, IPSJ Research Award 2008, Funai Information Science Encouraging Award 2008, Zengo Award 2009, FIT2009 Best Paper Award, IWESEP 2014 Best Poster Award, and 2016 APSCIT Computer Research Contribution Award. He has served as a workshop co-chair of ASE’06, publicity chair of APSEC’07, ASE’12, CSEE&T’15 and BICT 2015, Asia liaison of SEKE’10-15, program chair of SPAQu’07-09 and AsisanPLoP’10, general chair of AsianPLoP’11, 14-15, organizer of MAPLE/SCALE’13, local chair of SPLC’13. He has also served as members of program committee for many international conferences including ICSE, ASE, ICST, SEKE, ICMT, XP, SAC PSC, SPLC, PROMISE, PROFES, APSEC, JCKBSE, PLoP, AsianPLoP, ICSOFT, DEPEND, ASEA, SecTech, ISA, WorldCIST, Mensura, MODELSWARD, BIST AISE and ICIST ISSEA. He served as members of editorial board for several journals including IJSEKE, IEICE, JIP, JSSST Computer Software, IJSEIA, and TOSEJ. He served as the director of ACM-ICPC 2014 Asia Regional Tokyo Contest and secretary of IEEE CS Japan Chapter. He is now chair of IEEE CS Japan Chapter, chair of SEMAT Japan Chapter, director of SamurAI Coding 2014-15 and 2015-16, and Convenor of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20. He is appointed as program co-chair of ICST 2017 in Tokyo and program co-chair of CSEE&T 2017.
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