Updated on 2025/02/08


Affiliated organization, Center for Data Science
Job title
Dr. Eng. ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Center for Data Science   Professor

  • 2018.04

    Senshu University   School of Network and Information   Professor

  • 2012.04

    Senshu University   School of Network and Information   Associate Professor

  • 2010.04

    Senshu University   School of Network and Information   Lecturer

  • 2008.04

    Assistant Professor

  • 2004.10

    Research Assistant, Aoyama Gakuin University

  • 2000.04

    Research Assistant, Waseda University

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Education Background


    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering  


    Waseda University  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.01

    IEEE Information Theory Society Japan Chapter  Chair

  • 2022.06

    IEICE Engineering Sciences Society  Vice President, Service Activities

  • 2022.01

    IEEE Information Theory Society Japan Chapter  Vice Chair

  • 2018.06

    IEICE  Associate Editor, IEICE JA

  • 2018.06

    IEICE  Associate Editor (EA)

  • 2015.05

    電子情報通信学会 情報理論研究専門委員会委員

  • 2018.01

    IEEE Information Theory Society Japan Chapter  Secretary

  • 2015.06

    電子情報通信学会 コミュニケーション委員会 委員

  • 2015.05

    電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ特別委員

  • 2014.05

    電子情報通信学会 情報理論研究専門委員会幹事補佐

  • 2013.05

    電子情報通信学会 情報理論とその応用サブソサイエティ委員

  • 2012.05

    電子情報通信学会 情報理論研究専門委員会幹事

  • 2011.05

    電子情報通信学会 代議員(互選)

  • 2009.05

    電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ 庶務幹事

  • 2009.05

    電子情報通信学会 著作権管理委員会委員

  • 2006.04

    情報理論とその応用学会 国際担当幹事

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Professional Memberships

  • 2023







    The Japan Statistical Society

Research Areas

  • Theory of informatics   Theory of informatics / Communication and network engineering   Communication/Network engineering

Research Interests

  • >Information Theory

  • Source Coding, Shannon Theory



  • Optimum Achievable Rates in Two Random Number Generation Problems with f-Divergences Using Smooth Rényi Entropy.

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi

    Entropy   26 ( 9 ) 766 - 766  2024.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Optimum Self-Random Number Generation Rate and Its Application to RDP Function.

    Ryo Nomura

    2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2023)     460 - 465  2023  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Relationship Between Intrinsic Randomness with f-Divergence and Fixed-Length Source Coding

    Ryo Nomura

    2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)     228 - 233  2022.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Creation and multi-purpose use of full-on-demand content for data science education

    HORII Shunsuke, NOMURA Ryo, SUKO Tota

    Proceedings of the Conference of Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology   2022   A-1-2  2022

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    The Center for Data Science at Waseda University offers many full-on-demand courses related to data science, including statistics and machine learning. Since more than 10,000 students take these courses throughout the year, several faculty members work together to create the course content for a long time. The created contents are used in classes and in various ways, such as for students' self-study. This presentation will introduce the content creation method and its usage.


  • Optimum Intrinsic Randomness Rate with Respect to f -Divergences Using the Smooth Min Entropy.

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi

    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory(ISIT)     1784 - 1789  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Source Resolvability and Intrinsic Randomness: Two Random Number Generation Problems With Respect to a Subclass of f-Divergences

    Ryo Nomura

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY   66 ( 12 ) 7588 - 7601  2020.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author

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    This paper deals with two typical random number generation problems in information theory. One is the source resolvability problem (resolvability problem for short) and the other is the intrinsic randomness problem. In the literature, optimum achievable rates in these two problems with respect to the variational distance as well as the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence have already been analyzed. On the other hand, in this study we consider these two problems with respect to f-divergences. The f-divergence is a general non-negative measure between two probabilistic distributions on the basis of a convex function f. The class of f-divergences includes several important measures such as the variational distance, the KL divergence, the Hellinger distance and so on. Hence, it is meaningful to consider the random number generation problems with respect to f-divergences. In this paper, we impose some conditions on the function f so as to simplify the analysis, that is, we consider a subclass of f-divergences. Then, we first derive general formulas of the first-order optimum achievable rates with respect to f-divergences. Next, we particularize our general formulas to several specified functions f. As a result, we reveal that it is easy to derive optimum achievable rates for several important measures from our general formulas. The second-order optimum achievable rates and optimistic optimum achievable rates have also been investigated.



  • Stochastic Discrete First-Order Algorithm for Feature Subset Selection

    Kota Kudo, Yuichi Takano, Ryo Nomura

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E103D ( 7 ) 1693 - 1702  2020.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    This paper addresses the problem of selecting a significant subset of candidate features to use for multiple linear regression. Bertsimas et al. [5] recently proposed the discrete first-order (DFO) algorithm to efficiently find near-optimal solutions to this problem. However, this algorithm is unable to escape from locally optimal solutions. To resolve this, we propose a stochastic discrete first-order (SDFO) algorithm for feature subset selection. In this algorithm, random perturbations are added to a sequence of candidate solutions as a means to escape from locally optimal solutions, which broadens the range of discoverable solutions. Moreover, we derive the optimal step size in the gradient-descent direction to accelerate convergence of the algorithm. We also make effective use of the L-2-regularization term to improve the predictive performance of a resultant subset regression model. The simulation results demonstrate that our algorithm substantially outperforms the original DFO algorithm. Our algorithm was superior in predictive performance to lasso and forward stepwise selection as well.



  • 1
  • Optimum Source Resolvability Rate with Respect to f-Divergences Using the Smooth Rényi Entropy.

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi

    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory(ISIT)     2286 - 2291  2020



  • Overflow Probability of Variable-Length Codes With Codeword Cost

    Ryo Nomura

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY   65 ( 12 ) 8194 - 8206  2019.12

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    Lossless variable-length source coding with codeword cost is considered for general sources. The problem setting, where we impose on unequal costs on code symbols, is called the variable-length coding with codeword cost. In this problem, the infimum of average codeword cost have already been determined for general sources. On the other hand, the overflow probability, which is defined as the probability of codeword cost being above a threshold, have not been considered yet. In this paper, we first determine the infimum of achievable threshold in the first-order sense and the second-order sense for general sources with additive memoryless codeword cost. Then, we compute it for some special sources such as i.i.d. sources and mixed sources. A generalization of the codeword cost is also discussed.



  • Optimum Overflow Thresholds in Variable-Length Source Coding Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY   65 ( 12 ) 8213 - 8221  2019.12

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    The variable-length source coding problem allowing the error probability up to some constant is considered for general sources. In this problem, the optimum mean codeword length of variable-length codes has already been determined. On the other hand, in this paper, we focus on the overflow (or excess codeword length) probability instead of the mean codeword length. The infimum of overflow thresholds under the constraint that both of the error probability and the overflow probability are smaller than or equal to some constant is called the optimum overflow threshold. In this paper, we first derive finite-length upper and lower bounds on these probabilities so as to analyze the optimum overflow thresholds. Then, by using these bounds, we determine the general formula of the optimum overflow thresholds in both of the first-order and second-order forms. Next, we consider another expression of the derived general formula so as to reveal the relationship with the optimum coding rate in the fixed-length source coding problem. Finally, we apply the general formula derived in this paper to the case of stationary memoryless sources.



  • Source resolvability problem with respect to a certain subclass of f-divergence

    Ryo Nomura


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    This paper deals with the source resolvability problem which is one of typical random number generation problems. In the literatures, the achievable rate in the source resolvability problem with respect to the variational distance as well as the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence have been analyzed. On the other hand, in this study we consider the problem with respect to a subclass of f-divergence. The f-divergence is a general non-negative measure between two probabilistic distributions and includes several important measures such as the variational distance, the KL divergence, the Hellinger distance and so on. Hence, it is meaningful to consider the source resolvability problem with respect to the f-divergence. We derive the general formula of the optimum achievable rate for a certain subclass of the f-divergence. Then, we reveal that it is easy to derive previous results from our general formula.

  • Intrinsic Randomness Problem with Respect to a Subclass of f-divergence

    Ryo Nomura

    2019 IEEE INFORMATION THEORY WORKSHOP (ITW)     80 - 84  2019

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    This paper deals with the intrinsic randomness (IR) problem, which is one of typical random number generation problems. In the literature, the optimum achievable rates in the IR problem with respect to the variational distance as well as the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence have already been analyzed. On the other hand, in this study we consider the IR problem with respect to a subclass of f-divergences. The f-divergence is a general non-negative measure between two probabilistic distributions and includes several important measures such as the total variational distance, the chi(2)-divergence, the KL divergence, and so on. Hence, it is meaningful to consider the IR problem with respect to the f-divergence. In this paper, we assume some conditions on the f-divergence for simplifying the analysis. That is, we focus on a subclass of f-divergences. In this problem setting, we first derive the general formula of the optimum achievable rate. Next, we show that it is easy to derive the optimum achievable rate with respect to the variational distance, the KL divergence, and the Hellinger distance from our general formula.

  • Plane graphs without homeomorphically irreducible spanning trees

    Ryo Nomura, Shoichi Tsuchiya

    ARS COMBINATORIA   141   157 - 165  2018.10

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    A homeomorphically irreducible spanning tree (HIST) of a graph G is a spanning tree without vertices of degree 2 in G. Malkevitch conjectured that every 4-connected plane graph has a HIST. In order to solve Malkevitch-conjecture, it is natural to show the existence of a HIST in 3-connected, internally 4-connected (or essentially 4 connected) plane graphs. In this paper, we construct 3-connected, internally 4-connected plane graphs without HISTs. Consequently, such a strategy does not work when we solve Malkevitch-conjecture.

  • First- and Second-Order Hypothesis Testing for Mixed Memoryless Sources

    Te Sun Han, Ryo Nomura

    ENTROPY   20 ( 3 )  2018.03

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    The first- and second-order optimum achievable exponents in the simple hypothesis testing problem are investigated. The optimum achievable exponent for type II error probability, under the constraint that the type I error probability is allowed asymptotically up to e, is called the s-optimum exponent. In this paper, we first give the second-order s-optimum exponent in the case where the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are a mixed memoryless source and a stationary memoryless source, respectively. We next generalize this setting to the case where the alternative hypothesis is also a mixed memoryless source. Secondly, we address the first-order s-optimum exponent in this setting. In addition, an extension of our results to the more general setting such as hypothesis testing with mixed general source and a relationship with the general compound hypothesis testing problem are also discussed.



  • Overflow probability of variable-length codes allowing non-vanishing error probability

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi

    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings   2018-   589 - 593  2018.01  [Refereed]

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    The variable-length coding problem allowing the error probability up to some constant is considered for general sources. In this problem, we focus on the overflow (or excess codeword length) probability We also consider another expression of our general formula so as to reveal the relationship with the optimum coding rate in the fixed-length source coding problem.



  • Source Resolvability with Kullback-Leibler Divergence

    Ryo Nomura


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    The first- and second-order optimum achievable rates in the source resolvability problem are considered for general sources. In the literature, the achievable rates in the resolvability problem with respect to the variational distance as well as the normalized Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence have already been analyzed. On the other hand, in this study we consider the source resolvability problem with respect to (unnormalized) KL divergence and derive general formulas of the first- and second-order optimum achievable rates. Relationships with other problems in information theory have also been discussed.

  • Overflow Probability of Codeword Cost in Variable-Length Coding Problem Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi


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    The variable-length source coding with unequal cost allowing error probability is considered for general sources. In this setting, the first-and second-order optimum mean codeword cost have already been determined. On the other hand, we focus on the overflow probability of codeword cost and determine the general formulas of the first-and second-order optimum achievable overflow threshold. We also apply our general formulas to the stationary memoryless source.

  • Variable-Length Coding with Cost Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    Hideki Yagi, Ryo Nomura


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    We consider fixed-to-variable length coding with a regular cost function by allowing the error probability up to any constant epsilon. We first derive finite-length upper and lower bounds on the average codeword cost, which are used to derive general formulas of two kinds of minimum achievable rates. For a fixed-to-variable length code, we call the set of source sequences that can be decoded without error the dominant set of source sequences. For any two regular cost functions, it is revealed that the dominant set of source sequences for a code attaining the minimum achievable rate under a cost function is also the dominant set for a code attaining the minimum achievable rate under the other cost function. We also give general formulas of the second-order minimum achievable rates.



  • First- and Second-Order Hypothesis Testing for Mixed Memoryless Sources with General Mixture

    To Sun Han, Ryo Nomura


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    The first- and second-order optimum achievable exponents in the simple hypothesis testing problem are investigated. The optimum achievable exponent for type II error probability, under the constraint that the type I error probability is allowed asymptotically up to epsilon, is called the epsilon-optimum exponent. In this paper, we first give the second-order epsilon-exponent in the case where the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are a mixed memoryless source and a stationary memoryless source, respectively. We next generalize this setting to the case where the alternative hypothesis is also a mixed memoryless source. We address the first- order epsilon-optimum exponent in this setting.



  • Overflow Probability of Variable-Length Codes Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi

    2017 IEEE INFORMATION THEORY WORKSHOP (ITW)     589 - 593  2017

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    The variable-length coding problem allowing the error probability up to some constant is considered for general sources. In this problem, we focus on the overflow (or excess codeword length) probability We also consider another expression of our general formula so as to reveal the relationship with the optimum coding rate in the fixed-length source coding problem.

  • First- and Second-Order Coding Theorems for Mixed Memoryless Channels With General Mixture

    Hideki Yagi, Te Sun Han, Ryo Nomura

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY   62 ( 8 ) 4395 - 4412  2016.08

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    This paper investigates the first-and second-order maximum achievable rates of codes with/without cost constraints for mixed channels whose channel law is characterized by a general mixture of (at most) uncountably many stationary and memoryless discrete channels. These channels are referred to as mixed memoryless channels with general mixture and include the class of mixed memoryless channels of finitely or countably memoryless channels as a special case. For the mixed memoryless channels with general mixture, the first-order coding theorem which gives a formula for the e-capacity is established, and then a direct part of the second-order coding theorem is provided. A subclass of mixed memoryless channels whose component channels can be ordered according to their capacity is introduced, and the first-and second-order coding theorems are established. It is shown that the established formulas reduce to several known formulas for restricted scenarios.



  • Variable-Length Lossy Source Coding Allowing Some Probability of Union of Overflow and Excess Distortion

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi


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    We consider a new concept of achievability in the variable-length lossy source coding on the basis of the probability of the union of the overflow of codeword length and the excess distortion. In this setting, our main concern is to determine the achievable rate-distortion region for a given source and distortion measure. To this end, we first derive non-asymptotic upper and lower bounds, and then we derive general formulas of this achievable rate-distortion region in the first- and second-order sense. Finally, we apply our general formulas to stationary memoryless sources with an additive distortion measure.



  • Variable-Length Coding with Cost Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    Hideki Yagi, Ryo Nomura


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    We derive a general formula of the minimum achievable rate for fixed-to-variable length coding with a regular cost function by allowing the error probability up to a constant. E. For a fixed-to-variable length code, we call the set of source sequences that can be decoded without error the dominant set of source sequences. For any two regular cost functions, it is revealed that the dominant set of source sequences for a code attaining the minimum achievable rate with a cost function is also the dominant set for a code attaining the minimum achievable rate with the other cost function. We also give a general formula of the second-order minimum achievable rate.

  • Variable-Length Coding with Epsilon-Fidelity Criteria for General Sources

    Hideki Yagi, Ryo Nomura


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    This paper addresses two problems of variable length coding with a fidelity criterion for general sources, in which either the probability of codeword length overflow or that of excess distortion for a given threshold is allowed up to epsilon. In each problem, a general formula for the achievable region of coding rates and distortion levels is established via information spectrum methods. It is shown that there is a tight connection between the two problems, and the achievable regions are the same under a mild condition on the distortion measure. As a consequence, it turns out that superficially different general formulas for the two coding problems coincide with each other.



  • Information Spectrum Approach to Fixed-Length Lossy Source Coding Problem with Some Excess Distortion Probability

    Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi


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    This paper deals with a fixed-length lossy source coding problem with some excess distortion probability called the source coding problem with epsilon-fidelity criterion. In this problem, the rate-distortion function and the distortion-rate function have already been characterized for i.i.d. sources with an additive distortion measure in the sense of first-order and second-order coding rates. However, general formulas for these functions have not been revealed up to present. Hence, in this paper we derive general formulas for the rate-distortion function and the distortion-rate function with the epsilon-fidelity criterion in both of the first-order and second-order cases. A relationship between our general formulas and previous results are also discussed.



  • First- and Second-Order Coding Theorems for Mixed Memoryless Channels with General Mixture

    Hideki Yagi, Te Sun Han, Ryo Nomura


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    This paper studies the first- and second-order maximum achievable rates of codes with/without cost constraints for general mixed channels whose channel law is characterized by a mixture of uncountably many stationary and memoryless discrete channels. These channels are referred to as general mixed memoryless channels and include mixed memoryless channels of finitely or countably many memoryless channels as a special case. For general mixed memoryless channels, the first-order coding theorem which gives a formula for the epsilon-capacity is established, and then a direct part of the second-order coding theorem is provided. A subclass of general mixed memoryless channels whose component channels can be ordered according to their capacity is introduced, and the first- and second-order coding theorems are established. It is shown that the established formulas reduce to several known formulas for restricted scenarios.

  • Second-Order Slepian-Wolf Coding Theorems for Non-Mixed and Mixed Sources

    Ryo Nomura, Te Sun Han

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY   60 ( 9 ) 5553 - 5572  2014.09

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    The second-order achievable rate region in Slepian-Wolf source coding systems is investigated. The concept of second-order achievable rates, which enables us to make a finer evaluation of achievable rates, has already been introduced and analyzed for general sources in the single-user source coding problem. Analogously, in this paper, we first define the second-order achievable rate region for the Slepian-Wolf coding system to establish the source coding theorem in the second-order sense. The Slepian-Wolf coding problem for correlated sources is one of typical problems in the multiterminal information theory. In particular, Miyake and Kanaya, and Han have established the first-order source coding theorems for general correlated sources. On the other hand, in general, the second-order achievable rate problem for the Slepian-Wolf coding system with general sources remains still open up to present. In this paper, we present the analysis concerning the second-order achievable rates for general sources, which are based on the information spectrum methods developed by Han and Verdu. Moreover, we establish the explicit second-order achievable rate region for independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) correlated sources with countably infinite alphabets and mixtures of i.i.d. correlated sources, respectively, using the relevant asymptotic normality.



  • Single-Letter Characterization of Epsilon-Capacity for Mixed Memoryless Channels

    Hideki Yagi, Ryo Nomura


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    For the class of mixed channels decomposed into stationary memoryless channels, single-letter characterizations of the epsilon-capacity have not been known except for restricted classes of channels such as the regular decomposable channel introduced by Winkelbauer. This paper gives single-letter characterizations of epsilon-capacity for mixed channels decomposed into at most countably many memoryless channels with a finite input alphabet with/without cost constraints. It is shown that the given characterization reduces to the one for the channel capacity given by Ahlswede when epsilon is zero. Some properties of the function of the epsilon-capacity are analyzed.



  • Foreword: Special section on information theory and its applications

    Matsushima, T., Kobayashi, M., Ikeda, S., Usami, S., Kasai, K., Kuzuoka, S., Koga, H., Kojima, T., Goto, M., Konishi, T., Saito, H., Sakai, R., Nishiara, M., Nomura, R., Hamada, M., Fujisawa, M., Matsuta, T., Matsumoto, R., Minematsu, K., Mimura, K., Yagi, H.

    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences   E97A ( 12 ) 2287 - 2287  2014

  • Channel Dispersion for Well-Ordered Mixed Channels Decomposed into Memoryless Channels

    Hideki Yagi, Ryo Nomura


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    For a class of mixed channels that are decomposed into finitely many stationary memoryless channels, the optimum second-order coding rate, or equivalently, channel dispersion, is derived. The addressed channel, which is an instance of non-ergodic channels, is a sub-class of regular decomposable channels introduced by Winkelbauer. The second-order coding theorem can be viewed as an extension of the coding theorem established by Polyanskiy, Poor, and Verdu for the mixed channel of finitely many binary symmetric channels.

  • Recent Development on Slepian-Wolf Coding Problem

    ノムラ リョウ

      21 ( 21 ) >77-85 - 85  2013.03


  • Second-Order Resolvability, Intrinsic Randomness, and Fixed-Length Source Coding for Mixed Sources: Information Spectrum Approach

    Ryo Nomura, Te Sun Han

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY   59 ( 1 ) 1 - 16  2013.01

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    The second-order achievable asymptotics in typical random number generation problems such as resolvability, intrinsic randomness, and fixed-length source coding are considered. In these problems, several researchers have derived the first-order and the second-order achievability rates for general sources using the information spectrum methods. Although these formulas are general, their computations are quite hard. Hence, an attempt to address explicit computation problems of achievable rates is meaningful. In particular, for i.i.d. sources, the second-order achievable rates have earlier been determined simply by using the asymptotic normality. In this paper, we consider mixed sources of two i.i.d. sources. The mixed source is a typical case of non-ergodic sources and whose self-information does not have the asymptotic normality. Nonetheless, we can explicitly compute the second-order achievable rates for these sources on the basis of two-peak asymptotic normality. In addition, extensions of our results to more general mixed sources, such as a mixture of countably infinite i.i.d. sources or Markov sources, and a continuous mixture of i.i.d. sources, are considered.



  • Second-Order Slepian-Wolf Coding Theorems for Non-Mixed and Mixed Sources

    Ryo Nomura, Te Sun Han


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    The second-order achievable rate region in Slepian-Wolf source coding systems is investigated. The concept of second-order achievable rates, which enables us to make a finer evaluation of achievable rates, has already been introduced and analyzed for general sources in the single-user source coding problem. Accordingly, in this paper, we first define the second-order achievable rate region for the Slepian-Wolf coding system and establish the source coding theorem for general sources in the second-order sense. Moreover, we compute the explicit second-order achievable rate region for i.i.d. correlated sources with countably infinite alphabets and mixed correlated sources, respectively, using the relevant asymptotic normality.

  • Information Spectrum Approach to Overflow Probability of Variable-Length Codes with Conditional Cost Function

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima


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    Lossless variable-length source coding with unequal cost function is considered for general sources. In this problem, the codeword cost instead of codeword length is important. The infimum of average codeword cost has already been determined for general sources. We consider the overflow probability of codeword cost and determine the infimum of achievable overflow threshold. Our analysis is on the basis of information-spectrum methods and hence valid through the general source.

  • Second-Order Achievable Rates in Random Number Generation for Mixed Sources

    Ryo Nomura, Te Sun Han


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    The second-order achievable rates in typical random number generation problems are considered. In these problems, several researchers have derived the first-order and the second-order achievability rates for general sources using the information spectrum methods. Although these formulas are general, their computation are quite hard. Hence, an attempt to address explicit computation problems of achievable rates is meaningful. In this paper, we consider mixed sources of two i.i.d. sources and compute the second-order achievable rates explicitly.

  • An Analysis of Slepian-Wolf Coding Problem Based on the Asymptotic Normality

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima


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    Source coding theorem reveals the minimum achievable code length under the condition that the error probability is smaller than or equal to some small constant. In the single user communication system, the source coding theorem was proved for general sources. The class of general source is quite large and it is important result since the result can be applied for a wide class of sources. On the other hand there are several studies to evaluate the achievable code length more precisely for the restricted class of sources by using the restriction. In the multi-user communication system, although the source coding theorem was proved for general correlated sources, there is no study to evaluate the achievable code length more precisely. In this study, we consider the stationary memoryless correlated sources and show the coding theorem for Slepian-Wolf type problem more precisely than the previous result.



  • On the Overflow Probability of Fixed-to-Variable Length Codes with Side Information

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima


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    The overflow probability is one of criteria that evaluate the performance of fixed-to-variable length (FV) codes. In the single source coding problem, there were many researches on the overflow probability. Recently, the source coding problem for correlated sources, such as Slepian-Wolf coding problem or source coding problem with side information, is one of main topics in information theory. In this paper, we consider the source coding problem with side information. In particular, we consider the FV code in the case that the encoder and the decoder can see side information. In this case, several codes were proposed and their mean code lengths were analyzed. However, there was no research about the overflow probability. We shall show two lemmas about the overflow probability. Then we obtain the condition that there exists a FV code under the condition that the overflow probability is smaller than or equal to some constant.



  • On the Achievable Conditions in Resolvability Problem under Criteria Based on the KL-Divergence

    NOMURA Ryo, YOSHIDA Takahiro, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu

    The IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (Japanese edition) A   J93-A ( 3 ) >216-221 - 221  2010.03


  • 多端子情報理論にもとづくセンサネットワークのモデル化と信頼度評価

    野村 亮

    情報処理学会論文誌:数理モデル化と応用   3 ( 1 ) >13-24  2010.01

  • On the Overflow Probability of Fixed-to-Variable Length Codes with Side Information

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima

    2010 DATA COMPRESSION CONFERENCE (DCC 2010)     548 - 548  2010

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    We consider the source coding problem with side information. Especially, we consider the FV code in the case that the encoder and the decoder can see side information. We obtain the condition that there exists a FV code under the condition that the overflow probability is smaller than or equal to some constant.



  • On the Overflow Probability of Lossless Codes with Side Information

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima


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    Lossless fixed-to-variable(FV) length codes are considered. The overflow probability is one of criteria that evaluate the performance of FV code. In the single source coding problem, there were many researches on the overflow probability. Recently, the source coding problem for correlated sources, such as Slepian-Wolf coding problem or source coding problem with side information, is one of main topics in information theory. In this paper, we consider the source coding problem with side information. Especially, we consider the FV code in the case that the encoder and the decoder can see side information. In this case, several codes were proposed and their mean code lengths were analyzed. However, there was no research about the overflow probability. We shall show two lemmas about the overflow probability. Then we obtain the condition that there exists a FV code under the condition that the overflow probability is smaller than or equal to some constant.



  • On the Condition of epsilon-Transmissible Joint Source-Channel Coding for General Sources and General Channels

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


     View Summary

    The joint source-channel coding problem is considered. The joint source-channel coding theorem reveals the existence of a code for the pair of the source and the channel under the condition that the error probability is smaller than or equal to epsilon asymptotically. The separation theorem guarantees that we can achieve the optimal coding performance by using the two-stage coding. In the case that epsilon = 0, Han showed the joint source-channel coding theorem and the separation theorem for general sources and channels. Furthermore the epsilon-coding theorem (0 <= epsilon < 1) in the similar setting was studied. However, the separation theorem was not revealed since it is difficult in general. So we consider the separation theorem in this setting.



  • The Minimum Error Decoding Function and the Channel Capacity in Universal Channel Coding

    野村 亮

    International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications   3 ( 3 ) >21-33  2009.09

  • On Precise Achievable Conditions in Resolvability Problem Based on the Asymptotic Normality

    野村 亮

    Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications   3 ( 2 ) >85-99  2009.08

  • On the Condition of epsilon-Transmissibility in Joint Source-Channel Coding for Mixed Sources and Mixed Channels

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


     View Summary

    In this study, we consider a joint source-channel coding problem. The joint source-channel coding theorem reveals the existence of a code for the pair of the source V and the channel W under the condition that the probability of error is smaller than or equal to E asymptotically. We show the separation theorem for general sources and general channels.

  • A note on the epsilon-overflow probability of lossless codes

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


     View Summary

    In this letter, we generalize the achievability of variable-length coding from two viewpoints. One is the definition of an overflow probability, and the other is the definition of an achievability. We define the overflow probability as the probability of codeword length, not per symbol, is larger than eta(n) and we introduce the epsilon-achievability of variable-length codes that implies an existence of a code for the source under the condition that the overflow probability is smaller than or equal to epsilon. Then we show that the epsilon-achievability of variable-length codes is essentially equivalent to the epsilon-achievability of fixed-length codes for general sources. Moreover by using above results, we show the condition of epsilon-achievability for some restricted sources given epsilon.



  • On the Probability of Length Overflow of Lossless Codes

    NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    The IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (Japanese edition) A   J90-A ( 4 ) >292-304 - 304  2007.04


  • On the epsilon-overflow probability of lossless codes

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


     View Summary

    In this paper, we generalize the achievability of variable-length coding from two viewpoints. One is the definition of an overflow probability, and the other is the definition of an achievability. We define the overflow probability as the probability of codeword length, not per symbol, is larger than eta(n) and we introduce the epsilon-achievability of variable-length codes that implies an existence of a code for the source under the condition that the overflow probability is smaller than or equal to epsilon.Then we show that the epsilon-achievabitity of variable-length codes is essentially equivalent to the epsilon-achievability of fixed-length codes for general sources. Moreover we show the condition of epsilon-achievability for some restricted sources given epsilon.



  • An Approximation Algorithm of Bayes Coding to Reduce Memory Capacity

    NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers. A   J86-A ( 1 ) >46-59 - 59  2003.01


  • A Note on Signal Estimation by Wavelet Packets and Bayes Decision Theory


    The IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (Japanese edition) A   J85-A ( 5 ) >584-596 - 596  2002.05


  • On the variance and the probability of length overflow of lossless codes

    R Nomura, T Matsushima, S Hirasawa


     View Summary

    In this paper, we show the probability of length overflow of several codes by using the variance and the asymptotic normality of the codelength.

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 漸近正規性を用いた可変長無歪み情報源符号化の性能評価に関する研究

    野村 亮( Part: Sole author)

    早稲田大学  2007.12

     View Summary



  • f-ダイバージェンスの部分クラスと情報源Resolvability

    情報理論研究会  (やまと会議室(奈良県))  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Source resolvability with Kullback-Leibler divergence

    2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory  (Vail, Colorado, USA)  IEEE Information Theory Society

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Overflow Probability of Variable-Length Codes Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2017  (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)  IEEE

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • First- and Second-Order Optimistic Coding Theorems on Variable-Length Codes Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    IEICE Technical Committee Conference on Information Theory  IEICE

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • First- and second-order hypothesis testing for mixed memoryless sources with general mixture

    2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory  IEEE

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Overflow Probability of Variable-Length Codes Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    IEICE Technical meeting of Information Theory  IEICE

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Variable-Length Coding with Cost Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    2016 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications  (Monterey, California)  IEICE

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Variable-Length Coding with Cost Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • First- and Second-Order Coding Theorems for Mixed Memoryless Channels with General Mixture

    2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory  (Hong Kong)  IEEE

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • Optimistic Coding with an Epsilon-Fidelity Criterion and Strong Converse Theorem

    SITA2014  IEICE

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • Source Coding Theorem with a Fidelity Criterion Allowing Some Probability of Union of Overflow and Excess Distortion

    SITA2014  IEICE

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • Channel Dispersion for Well-Ordered Mixed Channels Decomposed Into Memoryless Channels

    International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications  IEICE

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Coding with a Fidelity Criterion Allowing Some Overflow Probability

    Technical Meeting of Information Theory  IEICE

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Fixed-Length Lossy Source Coding Theorems with Small Excess Distortion Probability


    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Single-Letter Characterization of Epsilon-Capacity for Mixed Memoryless Channels

    Technical Meeting on Information Theory  IEICE

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Channel Dispersion for a Class of Mixed Channels Decomposed into Stationary Memoryless Channels

    36th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Evaluation of the Minimum Overflow Threshold for Bayes Codes

    36th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications  SITA

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Relationship between the Overflow Probability of Variable-length Coding and the Error Probability of Fixed-length Coding

    36th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications  Sub-Society of Information Theory and its Applications

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Second-order achievable rates in resolvability problem with respect to KL-Divergence

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Second-Order Slepian-Wolf Coding Theorems for Non-Mixed and Mixed Sources

    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory  IEEE

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • Overflow Probability of Variable Length Codes with Cost Function for Mixed Sources

    Presentation date: 2013.01

  • Second-Order Slepian-Wolf Source Coding Theorems

    The 35th Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications 

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • Second-Order Achievable Rates in Random Number Generation for Mixed Sources

    2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory  IEEE

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Overflow Probability of Variable-length Codes with Unequal Costs on Code symbols

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • Second-Order Source Coding Theorem for Slepian-Wolf Coding Problem

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Achievable Condition in Resolvability Problem for Mixed Sources

    33rd ymposium on Information Theory and its Applications 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • On the Overflow Probability of Lossless Codes with Side Information

    2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory  (Austin, Texas)  IEEE

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • On the Overflow Probability of Fixed-to-Variable Length Codes with Side Information

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • A Note on the Second Order Separate Source Coding Theorem for Sources with Side Information

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • WDMパッシブローカル網の光パス接続制御方式の研究

    電子情報通信学会フォトニックネットワーク研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • 相関のある情報源における符号化定理に関する一考察

    第7回シャノン理論ワークショップ  情報理論とその応用学会

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • A Note on Fixed-Length Coding Theorem for Sources with Side Information

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 光ハブを用いた光ローカルネットワークの構成

    電子情報通信学会第5回ネットワークソフトウェア研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • On the Joint Source-Channel Coding for Mixed Sources and Mixed Channels

    2008 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications 

    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • An Information Spectrum Consideration on the Universal Joint Source-Channel Coding

    Pre-ICM International Convention on Mathematical Sciences  Pre-ICM International Convention on Mathematical Sciences

    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • On the Overflow Probability of Lossless Codes for Mixed Sources

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • A Note on the Weak Universal Joint Source-Channel Coding

    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • 混合情報源におけるε達成可能なオーバーフローしきい値に関する考察

    第30回情報理論とその応用学会  情報理論とその応用学会

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • On the epsilon-overflow probability of Lossless codes

    2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 

    Presentation date: 2007.06

  • On the Condition of Epsilon-Achievable Overflow Thresholds for Parametric Compound Source

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2007.05

  • A note on the epsilon-overflow probability of lossless codes

    第29回情報理論とその応用学会  情報理論とその応用学会

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • 光導波路を用いたAE検出システムの検討

    第16回マイクロエレクトロニクスシンポジウム  エレクトロニクス実装学会

    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • ユニバーサル通信路符号化における通信路容量について

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2004.03

  • 拡張された階層モデルにおける予測アルゴリズムについて

    第25回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム  情報理論とその応用学会

    Presentation date: 2002.12

  • On the Channel Capacity of Universal Channel Coding

    Presentation date: 2002.12

  • On the evaluation of the achievable code length of Fixed-length coes

    2002 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications 

    Presentation date: 2002.10

  • パラメータが時間変化する情報源とその符号化に関する一考察

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2001.07

  • ユニバーサル符号における固定長符号の誤り率と可変長符号におけるオーバーフロー確率について

    第23回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム  情報理論とその応用学会

    Presentation date: 2000.11

  • Ziv-Lempel符号の冗長度に関する一考察

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2000.07

  • On the variance and the probability of length overflow of lossless codes


    Presentation date: 2000.06

  • 符号長の分散とオーバーフロー確率について

    第22回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム  情報理論とその応用学会

    Presentation date: 1999.12

  • CELP音声符号化方式のランダム駆動信号に関する一考察

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 1999.07

  • An Approximation Algorithm of Bayes Coding for FSMX Sources

    1998 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications  情報理論とその応用学会

    Presentation date: 1998.10

  • ベイズ符号化法におけるメモリの問題点に関する一考察

    第20回情報理論とその応用学会  情報理論とその応用学会

    Presentation date: 1997.12

  • メモリに制限がある場合のベイズ符号化法について

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会  電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 1996.07

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Information Spectrum Approach to Information Conversion Problems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Information Spectrum Approach to Source Coding Problems with Unknown Parameters

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Explicit Analysis of Multi-Terminal Information Theory with Unknown Parameters

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Nomura Ryo

     View Summary

    We have analyzed fundamental properties of information theory. In particular, we have considered mixed sources and mixed channels, and derived the fundamental limits on the reliable communication. The situation where we know the class of probabilistic model but we do not know its parameter, can be formulated by the mixed probabilistic models. Hence, our approach is meaningful from the view point of the practical situation.
    We have determined the optimal first- and second-order achievable rates or rate regions in several problems.

  • A Unified Analysis and Optimization of Information Security System with Probabilistic Components from Viewpoints of Convenience and Safety

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, UKITA Yoshifumi, YOSHIDA Takahiro, NOMURA Ryo, SUKO Tota, HORII Shunsuke

     View Summary

    Information security problem with probabilistic components has been formulated by probabilistic models. Theoretical criteria for evaluation such as convenience and safety have been defined clearly and optimal attack or an authentication method has been derived theoretically. Theoretical safety bounds have been evaluated with respect to mathematical models with unified framework for each cipher or security system. A theoretical safety bound or optimality has been clarified with respect to a tradeoff between convenience and safety. New theoretical criteria have been derived for information security systems. Approximation algorithms with high performance for optimal attack or an authentication method have been constructed applying results of studies on problems in related fields such as learning or optimization theory that is formulated by probabilistic models equivalent to our study. Convenience or safety of information security systems has been simulated by applying these algorithms.

  • Reliable communication on the sensor network with unknown probabilistic structure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    NOMURA Ryo

     View Summary

    We have analyzed fundamental properties of sensor network on the basis of the multi-terminal information theory. In particular, we have considered the mixed sources and mixed channels, and derived the fundamental limits on the reliable communication. This is because some situations in which we know the class of probabilistic model but we do not know its parameter, can be formulated by the mixed models. We have determined the optimal second-order achievable rates in the single source coding problem and the optimal achievable rate region in the multi-terminal source coding problem. Moreover, we have observed that the optimal achievable rates in some problems on channel coding can be determined by using the similar approach.

  • A Study on Unified Attack against Stream Ciphers based on Probabilistic Inference Algorithms

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, UKITA Yoshihumi, NOMURA Ryo

     View Summary

    Attack against Stream Cipher reduces to attack against a pseudo random generator. In this study, attack against a pseudo-random number generator was classified based on the choice of target variables and its order and the choice of the local relationships used for attack. We proposed efficient and accurate attack algorithms based on probabilistic inference by studying the problem in unified framework. We revealed the class of pseudo-random number generators that we can attack against based on the acquired knowledge of probabilistic inference so far.

  • An Evaluation of the Reliability in Sensor Network with Partially Unknown Structure on the basis of the Multi-terminal Information Theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    NOMURA Ryo

     View Summary

    In this research, we have analyzed fundamental properties of sensor network on the basis of multi-terminal information theory. In almost all previous researches in multi-terminal information theory, the probabilities of sensing objects and/or noise in communication were assumed to be known. However, in practical setting, these probabilities maybe unknown and hence we have considered the situation that these probabilities are unknown. In this situation, we have clarified the condition that there exists a code, whose error probability is required to be smaller than or equal to some constant.

  • 情報伝送における信頼度の限界と高信頼度達成アルゴリズムに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    野村 亮

  • Performance Evaluation of Source Code Based on Asymptotic Normality

  • Universal Source Coding

▼display all


  • Fixed-Length Lossy Source Coding Theorems with Small Excess Distortion Probability

    NOMURA Ryo, YAGI Hideki

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   114 ( 138 ) 71 - 76  2014.07

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a fixed-length lossy source coding problem with a fixed excess distortion probability called the source coding problem with ε-fidelity criterion. Several researchers have determined the rate-distortion function and the distortion-rate function with the ε-fidelity criterion for discrete memoryless sources in the first-order and the second-order sense. However, there have been no studies about general formulas for this problem. In this paper, we derive the rate-distortion function and the distortion-rate function with the ε-fidelity criterion for general sources in the first-order sense and the second-order sense. Then, we consider the relationship between our general formulas and previous results.


  • Coding with a Fidelity Criterion Allowing Some Overflow Probability

    YAGI Hideki, NOMURA Ryo

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   114 ( 138 ) 77 - 82  2014.07

     View Summary

    This paper addresses a problem of variable length coding for which the probability of codeword length overflow is admitted up to e with a fidelity criterion for general sources. A general formula for the achievable region of coding rates and distortion levels is established for general sources via information spectrum methods. It is shown that there is a tight connection between variable-length coding admitting the overflow probability up to e and fixed-length coding admitting the excess distortion probability up to s with a fidelity criterion. As a consequence, it turns out that superficially different general formulas for the two coding problems coincide with each other.


  • Overflow Probability of Variable Length Codes with Cost Function for Mixed Sources

    NOMURA Ryo

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   112 ( 382 ) 59 - 64  2013.01

     View Summary

    ossless variable-length source coding with cost function is considered for mixed i.i.d. sources. The problem setting, where we impose on unequal costs on code symbols, is called the variable-length coding with codeword cost or the variable-length coding with cost function. In this problem, the infimum of average codeword cost have been determined for general sources. The overflow probability, which is defined as the probability of codeword cost being above a threshold, has also been considered for general sources. In particular, the general formula for the infimum of achievable threshold has been determined. However, the computation of its general formula is quite hard in general. So in this paper, we try to specify this quantity for mixed i.i.d. sources.


  • Second-Order Source Coding Theorem for Slepian-Wolf Coding Problem

    NOMURA Ryo

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 220 ) 43 - 48  2011.09

     View Summary

    The second-order achievable rate region in Slepian-Wolf source coding problem is determined. The second-order achievable rate, which enables us a finer evaluation of the achievable rate, has been introduced and analyzed for general sources in the single source coding problem. Analogously, in this paper, we first define the second-order achievable rate region for the Slepian-Wolf coding problem and establish the source coding theorem in the second-order sense. The Slepian-Wolf coding problem for the correlated source is one of the typical problems in the multi-terminal information theory. Miyake and Kanaya, and Han have established the first-order source coding theorems for general correlated sources. On the other hand, there are few researches on the second-order achievable rates for the Slepian-Wolf coding problem. Our analysis concerning the second-order achievable rates for general sources is on the basis of the information-spectrum methods. Moreover, we compute the explicit second-order achievable rate region for i.i.d. correlated sources using the relevant asymptotic normality.


  • Optical Path Connection Control on WDM Passive Local Network (APN)

    KOBAYASHI Hidekazu, MIZUSAWA Jun-ichi, NOMURA Ryo

    IEICE technical report   109 ( 311 ) 7 - 12  2009.11

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    CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology applied to a local optical network. Plural wavelengths are carrying one HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) signal to provide real time transmission without compression. It also has Ethernet links on one wavelength. One of them is dedicated to a connection control signal transmission. The network design has an optical broadcast topology centered with so called an optical hub. The test bed has plural ONICs (Optical Network Interface Card) connected to the optical hub. The test bed operation showed that it can provide MP2MP (Multi Point to Multi Point) HDV (High-Definition Video) broadcast, 3D HDMI transmission and a HDMI full duplex real time communication. The paper discusses the issues to be solved on plural optical link connection control on the optical broadcast network.


  • A Note on the Fixed-Length Source Coding Theorems for Sources with Side Information

    NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu

    IEICE technical report   109 ( 212 ) 31 - 36  2009.09

     View Summary

    The source coding theorem reveals the minimum achievable code length under the condition that the error probability is smaller than or equal to some small constant. In the single user communication system, the source coding theorem was proved for general sources. The class of general source is quite large and it is important result since the result can be applied for a wide class of sources. On the other hand there is a study to evaluate the achievable code length more precisely for the restricted class of sources by using the restriction. In the multi-user communication system, although the source coding theorem was proved for general correlated sources, there is no study to evaluate the achievable code length more precisly. In this study, we consider the problem that there exists a side information. This setting is one kind of correlated sources and show the coding theorem more precisely than the previous result.


  • A Modeling and Evaluation of Sensor Network based on Multiterminal Information Theory


      2009 ( 9 ) 1 - 8  2009.09


  • B-7-164 共通メディア方式のアクセス系光通信ネットワークの研究(B-7. 情報ネットワーク,一般セッション)

    笠井 千早, 野村 亮, 水澤 純一

    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集   2008 ( 2 ) 241 - 241  2008.03


  • B-12-17 City wide optical network design based on an optical hub technology

    Tachibana Masayoshi, Nomura Ryo, Mizusawa Junichi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2008 ( 2 ) 431 - 431  2008.03


  • D-7-10 The feeling evaluation by POMS by using Stress measuring mouse

    Ozeki Hiroaki, Nomura Ryo, Mizusawa Junichi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2008 ( 1 ) 107 - 107  2008.03


  • C-3-76 MZ型光導波路による振動検知システムの提案(光記録・計測,C-3. 光エレクトロニクス,一般セッション)

    吉川 隼人, 水澤 純一, 野村 亮

    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集   2008 ( 1 ) 257 - 257  2008.03


  • C-3-75 Groping for vibration detection that uses optical fiber

    Sato Yusuke, Mizusawa Jyunichi, Nomura Ryo

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2008 ( 1 ) 256 - 256  2008.03


  • C-3-40 光導波路への周期構造作製による光フィルタ作製実験(パッシブデバイス,C-3. 光エレクトロニクス,一般セッション)

    濱中 悠三, 吉川 隼人, 水澤 純一, 野村 亮

    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集   2008 ( 1 ) 221 - 221  2008.03


  • C-3-13 回折格子を用いた光導波路接続の提案(石英系導波路デバイス,C-3. 光エレクトロニクス,一般セッション)

    石井 聡美, 水澤 純一, 野村 亮, 吉川 隼人

    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集   2008 ( 1 ) 194 - 194  2008.03


  • A Note on the Weak Universal Joint Source-Channel Coding

    NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 422 ) 1 - 6  2008.01

     View Summary

    In this paper, a weak universal joint source-channel coding is considered. Weak universal means that a source probabilistic structure and a channel probabilistic structure are parametric and the set of parameter and its prior probability are known, but the parameter is unknown. Then we show a condition for the class of sources and channels that the error probability averaged by prior probability converges to 0.


  • On the Condition of ε-Achievable Overflow Thresholds for the Parametric Compound Source

    NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 42 ) 37 - 41  2007.05

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    In the previous result, we generalized the achievability of variable-length coding from two viewpoints. One is the definition of an overflow probability, and the other is the definition of an achievability. We defined the overflow probability as the probability of codeword length, not per symbol, is larger than η_n and we introduce the ε-achievability of variable-length codes that implies an existence of a code for the source under the condition that the overflow probability is smaller than or equal to ε. Then, we showed the condition of ε-achievability for some restricted sources given ε. In this paper, at first we define the ε-achievability for the parametric compound source. Then we show the sufficient condition for the ε-achievability.


  • D-6-10 Routing control of optical local network

    Nakamura Sachiya, Nomura Ryo, Mizusawa Junichi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2007 ( 1 ) 67 - 67  2007.03


  • An improvement and open source of technical term's leaning system

    MIYAMA Yoichi, MIZUSAWA Jun-ichi, NOMURA Ryo

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 507 ) 11 - 16  2007.01

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    My laboratory has been operating AGU-TechTerm system 3 years for the lecture "Introduction for Computer Technologies". The lecture has more than 150 undergraduate students in a large class room where LAN is available during the lecture. A professor asks students to access the system with their notebook PCs while hi is lecturing. AGU-TechTerm is a newly developed lecturing assist tool that let students to make questions relates to the meaning of computer terminologies. Students are expected to be familiar with computer terminologies through making questions and also operating notebook PCs in a classroom. This paper discusses the issues and measures based on our last three years AGU-TechTerm operation and make open source.


  • 「無歪み情報源符号化におけるオーバーフロー確率について」

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(電子情報通信学会)   J90-A ( 4 ) 292 - 304  2007

  • On the epsilon-overflow probability of lossless codes

    Ryo Nomura, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    In this paper, we generalize the achievability of variable-length coding from two viewpoints. One is the definition of an overflow probability, and the other is the definition of an achievability. We define the overflow probability as the probability of codeword length, not per symbol, is larger than eta(n) and we introduce the epsilon-achievability of variable-length codes that implies an existence of a code for the source under the condition that the overflow probability is smaller than or equal to epsilon.
    Then we show that the epsilon-achievabitity of variable-length codes is essentially equivalent to the epsilon-achievability of fixed-length codes for general sources. Moreover we show the condition of epsilon-achievability for some restricted sources given epsilon.


  • Issues and Measures of Computer Terminology Learning Tool:AGU-TechTerm

    MIYAMA Yoichi, MIZUSAWA Jun-ichi, NOMURA Ryo

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2006 ( 130 ) 33 - 39  2006.12

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    My laboratory has been operating AGU-TechTerm system 3 years for the lecture "Introduction for Computer Technologies". The lecture has more than 150 undergraduate students in a large class room where LAN is available during the lecture. A professor asks students to access the system with their notebook PCs while hi is lecturing. AGU-TechTerm is a newly developed lecturing assist tool that let students to make questions relates to the meaning of computer terminologies. Students are expected to be familiar with computer terminologies through making questions and also operating notebook PCs in a classroom. This paper discusses the issues and measures based on our last three years AGU-TechTerm operation.


  • A Note on the overflow probability of lossless codes

    NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

      29 ( 2 ) 799 - 802  2006.11


  • Development and Evaluation of stress measuring mouse

    HAMANAKA Yu-ichi, NOMURA Ryou, NAKAZONO Yoshimi, MIZUSAWA Jun-ichi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 253 ) 69 - 72  2006.09

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    In this research, we propose and develop a stress monitoring system of workers by using a mouse device. The system consists of PC software and the mouse. The mouse device has three kinds of sensors, that is, the pulse, temperature and humidity. The mouse device is connected to PC on USB, these information is transmitted to PC immediately and the software on PC analyzes these data and shows graphically.


  • C-3-60 Developments on optoelectronic devices for AE monitoring systems

    NOMURA Ryo, MIZUSAWA Jun-ichi

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2006 ( 1 ) 182 - 182  2006.09


  • B-13-8 Development of Acoustic Emission monitoring using Mach-Zehnder Optical Fiber Interferometer

    Aya Noriaki, Mizusawa Junichi, Nomura Ryo, Kasai Chihaya

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2006 ( 2 ) 315 - 315  2006.09


  • Some results on an application of using RFID

    ISHII Kouki, MIZUSAWA Jun-ichi, NOMURA Ryo

    ITE technical report   29 ( 63 ) 17 - 20  2005.11


  • Some results on an application of using MID

    ISHII Kouki, MIZUSAWA Jun-ichi, NOMURA Ryo

      2005 ( 107 ) 17 - 20  2005.11

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    This paper discusses RFID (radio frequency identification : a contactless automatic identification technology utilizing radio frequency), which is fundamental in building a ubiquitous computing environment. I examined a bread making plant to identify conditions for RFID tags at production sites. RFID tags is supposed to provide such benefits as reduction in time needed to count bread and improved accuracy on assortment, bread SCM (Supply Chain Management) by recognizing each piece of bread, tracability (history management) and so on. I also examine the fields where RFID technology is expected to be introduced in the future and propose possible services.


  • Lecture Support System for Technical Term Learning

    OYA Atsumasa, MIZUSAWA Junichi, NOMURA Ryo

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   105 ( 298 ) 41 - 46  2005.09

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    In the higher education including the university, students major specialized field and learn many technical terms. A drill is effective to learn it. And, it is reported that in some fields, learning by problem-posing is effective. So we tried introducing learning by problem-posing into the technical term learning and recycling problems collected by students to offer them as drill. Then we developed lecture support system, and practiced it in college class. In this paper, these practice content and learning effects are reported.


  • B-13-28 Logical approach of Fiber-Optic vibration sensor

    Maeda Yusuke, Mizusawa Junichi, Nomura Ryo, Aya Noriaki

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2005 ( 2 ) 387 - 387  2005.09


  • On the Channel Capacity of Universal Channel Coding

    NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    Technical report of IEICE. ISEC   103 ( 713 ) 7 - 11  2004.03

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    In this paper, we investigate the channel capacity in the case that we do not know the probabilistic model of the channel. First we show the channel capcity in the universal case. To show our main theorem we introduce the decoding scheme that minimizes the probability of error with respect to Bayes criteria.


  • Prediction Algorithm for Decision Tree Model

    SUKO Tota, NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report. Theoretical foundations of Computing   103 ( 246 ) 93 - 98  2003.07

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    Conventionally, decision tree generation algorithm has been used when performing prediction using the decision tree model. It can be considered that these are the model selection algorithm in the basis to which data was given. And, It predicts using the model chosen by the basis to which data was given. Therefore, it was very difficult to perform theoretical evaluation to the rate of a prediction error. In this work, we shows the prediction algorithm which makes the rate of an average prediction error the minimum. First, we re-formulize a decision tree model as a parametric stochastic model. The optimal prediction algorithm based on Bayes decision theory is shown using the model. Furthermore, the algorithm which calculates a prediction distribution efficiently by restraining a model class is described.


  • A Study of Analysis of Alternate Decoding Algorithm of Convolutional Codes

    OSAWA Masayuki, NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   103 ( 215 ) 57 - 62  2003.07

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    The maximum a posterior probability decoding of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Codes and Turbo Codes is one of the most active subjects in research of error correcting codes. Recently, various methods of analyzing decoding algorithm of these codes using Monte Carlo method partially, not entirely, are proposed. The representative methods of this type are EXIT-CHART for BCJR algorithm on Turbo Codes and for sum product algorithm on LDPC Codes and Gaussian Approximation for BCJR algorithm on Turbo Codes. On the other hand, alternate algorithm for generalized posterior probability on LDPC Codes, Convolutional Codes and Turbo Codes turned out to be superior to sum product algorithm or BCJR algorithm on those codes in many points by simulations. In this paper we consider a method of analyzing alternate algorithm for generalized posterior probability on Convolutional Codes using Monte Carlo Filter method partially.


  • A study of calculating channel capacity for (2,2;2)-Multiple Access Channel

    EGUCHI Kimimori, NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   102 ( 198 ) 25 - 30  2002.07

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    Shannon defined the channel capacity which can send the maximum information without faults. Channel capacity has been studied by Arimoto, Blahut R.E.and so on as the problem of calculating the maximum mutual information. Ahlswede defined the channel capacity for the multiple channel. Recently Watanabe proposed the algorithm of calculating the total capacity of (2,2;2)-MAC by Newton method. MAC stands for Multiple Access Channel. (2,2;2) means that 2 user send message to 1 receiver with 2 alphabets. In this paper we consider the total capacity of (2,2;2)-MAC. This total capacity is also the maximum mutual information. We propose the method without iterative calculating.


  • A Study of Decoding Algorithm of Low Density Parity Check Code


    Technical report of IEICE. SST   101 ( 730 ) 39 - 44  2002.03

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    The maximum a posteriori probability decoding of Turbo code and Low Density Parity check code is one of the most active subjects in research of error correcting code. Sum-Product(SP) algorithm is used for those, but the performance of SP becomes bad when a small loop of length 4 is in the Bayesian Network .An algorithm proposed by Matsushima on the probabilistic model equal to Junction Graph does not have such a fault. In this paper we propose a method of construction of (Normalized) Junction Graph using the algorithm for decoding of LDPC code, and compare the performance of it and SP.


  • A study of coding for sources with nonstationary parameter

    YASUDA Gouki, NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   101 ( 177 ) 25 - 30  2001.07

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    Bayes code is one of the welknown universal codes. Bayes code has asymptotic optimality and Bayes optimality in point of minimization of mean redundancy. Bayes coding algorithms for stationary sources are proposed by Willems et al., Matsushima et al. Recently, Bayes code for nonstationary sources has been studied. However, any studies have problems in point of the nonstationary settings. In this paper, we propose a nonstationary source model and Bayes coding algorithm for the source. Moreover we consider properties of the proposed code from some simulations.


  • A Note on Wavelet Packet Noise Reduction Using Bayes Theory


    Technical report of IEICE. DSP   100 ( 515 ) 9 - 16  2000.12

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    A method that applies Bayes theory on using wavelet packets to the problem of estimating an unknown signal currupted by noise has been proposed in the previous research. Despite its Bayesian aproach, it is not completely Bayes optimal when the loss fuction is something useful in estimating the signal like the wquared error loss. In this paper, we deal with the Bayesian optimized estimator of the squared error loss. When applying Bayesian optimization, it involves wavelet packet basis weighting which requires high computational complexity. We propose an algorithm with takes account the binary tree structure of the wavelet packet bases which computes the Bayes optimal estimator in O(N log N). We will comfirm the Bayesian optimality through some expiriments.


  • An Algorithm of Arithmetic Code Considering the Error on the Estimation of Probability

    HIRAI Masato, NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   100 ( 174 ) 25 - 30  2000.07

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    In loss-less coding, when the probability ditribution of source is given, the lower bound of average codeword length is given by entropy-rate. It's also given by universal coding asymptotically when the probability distribution of source isn't given. In general, universal codings have a function for estimating the probability distribution of source. In the 1-pass universal coding, however, the estimated probability distribution has potential to contain about 1/2log n erorrs for real probability distribution of source which depends on the source length n. In this paper, we propose how to decide the probability to use for encoding in consideration of the error on the estimation of probability in the 1-pass universal coding. Moreover, we give how to decide the number of decimal places in product operation of arithmetic coding. We also analyze the codeword length and compational complexity in using the number of decimal places.


  • A study of redundancy of Ziv-Lempel Code

    TODA Yohei, NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   100 ( 174 ) 31 - 36  2000.07

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    Recently, Ziv-Lempel code is one of the most active subject in the research of Universal code. Ziv-Lempel code have been proved asymptotically optimal for the stationary source. On the other hand, it is important to see how Ziv-Lempel code perform for the finite source. It is known that Ziv-Lempel code performs not so good especially for the finite Markovian source. For this reason, there are three point of view in the previous research. In this paper, we show the upper bound of the average redundancy of Ziv-Lempel code from a point of view for Markovian source and give some notes from simulation.


  • A Study Concerned with the Random Excitation of the CELP Speech Coding Algorithm


    IEICE technical report. Information theory   99 ( 187 ) 85 - 90  1999.07

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    The CELP speech coding algorithm is one of the most efficient way of coding speech with low bit rate. The coder and the decoder synthesize speech by filtering a random excitation through a AR filter. There are coders which use sparse excitations which are constructed of only a few pulses. In this paper,we will analize the properties of the sparse excitation in a way to understand the nature of the model. And we will present an example of the way to determine the positions of the pulse which is not the usual procedure of the typical sparse excitation coders.


  • On Bayes Coding in the case of limited memories

    NOMURA Ryo, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   96 ( 161 ) 31 - 36  1996.07

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    Recently, Bayes Coding is one of the most active subject in the research of universal coding. Bayes Coding is constructed based on statistic decision theory, and it determines the coding probability in the point of minimization of mean redundancy. Though, in the Bayes Coding algorithm for FSMX sources, the coding probability is calculated using a context tree it needs enormous memories. In this paper, first we show the lower bound of mean code length in limited memories. Secondly, we propose Bayes Coding algorithm under limited memories, and investigate its performance.


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Social Activities

  • 電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ 情報理論とその応用サブソサイエティ委員


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  • 第35回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム プログラム委員会幹事

    電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ 情報理論とその応用サブソサイエティ 

  • 電子情報通信学会 情報理論研究専門委員会幹事

  • 第31回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム プログラム委員


  • 電子情報通信学会 英文論文誌A 小特集(情報理論とその応用)編集委員


  • 第31回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム 実行委員


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Academic Activities

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    Competition, symposium, etc.


  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 情報スペクトル理論に基づく仮説検定問題に関する基礎的研究


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  • 不完全データを伴う仮説検定問題に対する情報スペクトル的アプローチ


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  • 情報スペクトル理論に基づく不完全データを伴う仮説検定問題に関する基礎的研究


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  • 確率構造が未知の乱数生成問題に対する情報スペクトル的アプローチ


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    本研究は情報理論で近年発展している情報スペクトル理論を様々な問題に適用することを目標としたものである.特に,2020年度は確率構造が未知の状況における乱数生成問題を対象とした.情報理論における代表的な乱数生成問題としては,任意の与えられた確率分布を一様乱数を用いて近似する問題(RESOLVABILITY問題)および,一様乱数から任意の確率分布を近似する問題(INTRINSIC RANDOMNESS問題)の二つがある.いずれの問題においても重要な指標は,確率分布の近似尺度と一様乱数のサイズである.確率分布の近似尺度としては従来変動距離やKullback-Leibler距離などがあるが本研究ではこれをより一般的なf-ダイバージェンスまで拡張し,その上で,目的とする確率分布と作成した確率分布の間のf-ダイバージェンスが一定値以下になるもとでの一様乱数サイズについて分析することが目標となる.2020年度はResolvability問題における最適一様乱数サイズについて,従来得られている表現と異なる数量で評価できることが分かった.また同様の考えをIntrinsic Randomness問題に対して適用可能であることも分かった.今後この研究を発展させて確率構造が未知のIntrinsic Randomness問題について調査する.

  • ユニバーサル予測問題に対する情報スペクトル的アプローチ


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  • データ伝送・保存における高圧縮無杢符号化に関する研究


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