Updated on 2025/02/05


OGIHARA, Atsushi
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
博士(医学) ( 順天堂大学 )

Research Experience


    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences


    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences


    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences


    Tokyo University of Science,Yamaguchi   Faculty of Science and Engineering


    Waseda University   School of Human Sciences

Education Background


    Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University   Graduate School of Medicine   Department of Social Medicine  


    University of Tsukuba   Graduate School of Health and Sport Sciences   Master's Program in Health Education  


    Tokyo University of Science   School of Science and Engineering   Department of Applied Biological Science  

Committee Memberships

  • 2018

    所沢市街づくり基本方針改定委員会  所沢市街づくり基本方針改定委員会委員

  • 2016

    所沢市保健医療福祉計画推進委員会  所沢市保健医療福祉計画推進委員会(副委員長)

Professional Memberships








    Central Eurasia Studies society





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Research Areas

  • Social welfare / Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory) / Hygiene and public health (laboratory)

Research Interests

  • Public health


  • The United Nations University Akino Memorial Research Fellowship




  • Report of the Symposium : Lessons from 12 years of experiences after Fukushima nuclear accident -From the dialogue between young victims and researchers : The second session-

    Kim, Jihye, Hirata, Shuzo, Sato, Haruka, Yagi, Yosuke, Arai, Mayuka, Atsumi, Ai, Fujimoto, Natsuko, Funane, Ryota, Tanba, Niina, Kasada, Yu, Akimitsu, Taito, Kanno, Hanna, Tsunori, Shizuka, Nohara, Souta, Wakana, Watanabe, Itsuki, Enomoto, Shiyu, Kojima, Takaya, Akedo, Takahiro, Hidaka, Tomoo, Ogihara, Atsushi, Taga, Tsutomu, Tsujiuchi, Takuya

    Waseda Journal of Human Sciences   37 ( 1補遺 ) 214 - 226  2024.03

  • Determining Important Features in Multidimensional Health Data for Individualized Precision Healthcare

    Ruichen Cong, Jianlun Wu, Shoji Nishimura, Atsushi Ogihara, Qun Jin

    2023 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech)    2023.11


  • Process of developing a cervical cancer education program for female university students in a Health and Physical Education teacher training course: an action research

    Hiroko Yako-Suketomo, Kayoko Katayama, Atsushi Ogihara, Mikiko Asai-Sato

    BMC Women's Health   23 ( 1 )  2023.04

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a cervical cancer education program for students and evaluate the process for female students of an HPE teacher education university who were training to become Japanese Health and Physical Education teachers.


    This study used Action Research (AR) methodology. In developing program, we analyzed the description of the teaching material development process, the lectures, and the students’ report contents, which was the main activity in the program development. Thirty five third- and fourth-year students majoring in health promotion at a Health and Physical Education teacher education university, which trains Health and Physical Education teachers in Tokyo, Japan, participated in this study.


    After a review of the prototype version of the cervical cancer education material, six out of nine reviewers determined that it can be published. In the revised cervical cancer education materials, messages from students, university lecturers, and gynecologists have been added as a column in the section on 'how to prevent cervical cancer. Analysis of the contents of the texts (16,792 characters in total) of 35 student reports resulted in the generation of 51 codes, 3 categories, and 15 subcategories.


    This study reflects the intentions of female university students to contribute their knowledge to the development of educational materials on cervical cancer, which, alongside the lectures, have deepened the knowledge and awareness of cervical cancer. Based on this, the teaching material development process, lectures by experts, and students’ mindset after learning about cervical cancer is reported in this study. There is a need for more educational programs on cervical cancer that are implemented through the education of female university students.



  • Causal Discovery of Health Features from Wearable Device and Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis Data

    Yuxi Li, Ou Deng, Atsushi Ogihara, Shoji Nishimura, Qun Jin

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   14055 LNCS   556 - 569  2023

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    This paper explores the cause-and-effect relationships among a set of health indices using causal discovery. The data we used to analyze was obtained from wearable devices, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis, and self-assessment of subjects in an experiment. Firstly, three machine learning algorithms were employed to address the issue of excessive missing values in the integrated dataset, and the coherence of this improved data was validated by statistical test. The NOTEARS algorithm was then employed to assess the causal relationships within the overall population as well as within subgroups based on gender, physical activity levels, and sleep duration. The results demonstrated that the NOTEARS algorithm yielded interesting and plausible outcomes, suggesting the presence of causal connections between variables of wearable devices and TCM diagnosis, as well as daily lifestyle habits.



  • Multidimensional Data Integration and Analysis for Youth Health Care During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

    Jianlun Wu, Yaping Ye, Yuxi Li, Ruichen Cong, Yishan Bian, Yuerong Chen, Kiichi Tago, Shoji Nishimura, Atsushi Ogihara, Qun Jin

    HCI (19)     154 - 168  2023



  • A Trustworthy Decentralized System for Health Data Integration and Sharing: Design and Experimental Validation.

    Ruichen Cong, Yaping Ye, Jianlun Wu, Yuxi Li, Yuerong Chen, Yishan Bian, Kiichi Tago, Shoji Nishimura, Atsushi Ogihara, Qun Jin

    HCI (35)     125 - 134  2023



  • A New Early Warning Method for Human-Computer Interaction of Alzheimer's Disease Patients Based on Deep Learning

    Yujia Wang, Chen Wang, Bo Wu, Tong Chen, Hengge Xie, Atsushi Ogihara, Xiaowen Ma, Siyu Zhou, Shouqiang Huang, Shuwu Li, Jiakang Liu, Kai Li

    Traitement du Signal   39 ( 5 ) 1655 - 1662  2022.11

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD), an incurable disease, poses a major health problem. It is important to identify patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early AD. Clock rendering test (CDT) is an effect way to screen AD patients quickly in the community. However, the current CDT methods require specific equipment to collect features, and the existing prediction models are inefficient in early warning of MCI. To solve the problem, this paper replaces digital pen with fingertip interaction, and proposes an early warning model for AD early dCDT images based on ResNet50. The dCDT tests were carried out on normal cognitive elderly, MCI patients and mild AD patients, and the results were used to verify the analysis and classification ability of the ResNet50-based early AD prediction model, in contrast to the clock score-based early AD prediction model. The comparison shows that the ResNet50-based early AD prediction model is efficient in early warning than the other model, and is suitable for large-scale screening of AD patients in the community, in the absence of doctors.



  • Effectiveness, Policy, and User Acceptance of COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Apps in the Post–COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Experience and Comparative Study

    Ming Xin Liu, Si Yu Zhou, Qun Jin, Shoji Nishimura, Atsushi Ogihara

    JMIR Public Health and Surveillance   8 ( 10 )  2022.10

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    Background: In the post–COVID-19 pandemic era, many countries have launched apps to trace contacts of COVID-19 infections. Each contact-tracing app (CTA) faces a variety of issues owing to different national policies or technologies for tracing contacts. Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate all the CTAs used to trace contacts in various countries worldwide, including the technology used by each CTA, the availability of knowledge about the CTA from official websites, the interoperability of CTAs in various countries, and the infection detection rates and policies of the specific country that launched the CTA, and to summarize the current problems of the apps based on the information collected. Methods: We investigated CTAs launched in all countries through Google, Google Scholar, and PubMed. We experimented with all apps that could be installed and compiled information about apps that could not be installed or used by consulting official websites and previous literature. We compared the information collected by us on CTAs with relevant previous literature to understand and analyze the data. Results: After screening 166 COVID-19 apps developed in 197 countries worldwide, we selected 98 (59%) apps from 95 (48.2%) countries, of which 63 (66.3%) apps were usable. The methods of contact tracing are divided into 3 main categories: Bluetooth, geolocation, and QR codes. At the technical level, CTAs face 3 major problems. First, the distance and time for Bluetooth- and geolocation-based CTAs to record contact are generally set to 2 meters and 15 minutes; however, this distance should be lengthened, and the time should be shortened for more infectious variants. Second, Bluetooth- or geolocation-based CTAs also face the problem of lack of accuracy. For example, individuals in 2 adjacent vehicles during traffic jams may be at a distance of ≤2 meters to make the CTA trace contact, but the 2 users may actually be separated by car doors, which could prevent transmission and infection. In addition, we investigated infection detection rates in 33 countries, 16 (48.5%) of which had significantly low infection detection rates, wherein CTAs could have lacked effectiveness in reducing virus propagation. Regarding policy, CTAs in most countries can only be used in their own countries and lack interoperability among other countries. In addition, 7 countries have already discontinued CTAs, but we believe that it was too early to discontinue them. Regarding user acceptance, 28.6% (28/98) of CTAs had no official source of information that could reduce user acceptance. Conclusions: We surveyed all CTAs worldwide, identified their technological policy and acceptance issues, and provided solutions for each of the issues we identified. This study aimed to provide useful guidance and suggestions for updating the existing CTAs and the subsequent development of new CTAs.

    DOI PubMed


  • Content Analysis of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine-Related Videos on YouTube in Japan (Preprint)

    Yinghan Xu, Masahiko Sakaguchi, Kayoko Katayama, Mikiko Asai-Sato, Yutaka Ueda, Yuri Ito, Atsushi Ogihara


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    BACKGROUND<p>Internet content about the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine may affect people's decisions to get vaccinated. Therefore, it is important to provide information on all the aspects of the HPV vaccine on YouTube, one of the most popular social media platforms. However, few studies have focused on Japanese videos about these vaccines.</p> OBJECTIVE<p>This study aimed to describe the YouTube content on HPV vaccines by analyzing the related Japanese videos in context of the account characteristics, attitude towards the vaccine, and thumbnail characteristics.</p> METHODS<p>Relevant videos with keywords “HPV vaccine” and “cervical cancer vaccine” uploaded before November 11, 2021 were collected using the YouTube data application programming interface. The videos were accessed using unique IDs after being independently coded by two different coders. Differences in the coding results were resolved by discussion. The main outcome measures included channel information and classification, attitude towards HPV vaccine, description of reimbursement, designation of the vaccine, and the thumbnail details.</p> RESULTS<p>As of November 11, 2021, positive and negative attitude videos regarding HPV vaccines accounted for approximately 44% of the Japanese YouTube videos. In the year 2013, an increase in negative videos was observed, while from 2019 onwards, majority of the videos uploaded had positive attitudes towards the vaccine. Videos with negative tones generally used the terminology "cervical cancer vaccines ". Majority of the negative videos were uploaded by individual accounts, whereas all the videos uploaded by medical workers were positive or neutral. Only four videos mentioned side-effect compensation. The most frequently used thumbnails were the photographs of people who appeared in the videos.</p> CONCLUSIONS<p>This study summarizes the characteristics of Japanese YouTube videos about the HPV vaccine. Compared to the English version, there are fewer anti-vaccine videos in Japan, but there is also a lack of videos uploaded by credible authorities.</p>


  • 中国・動画サイトにおけるヒトハピローマウイルスワクチン動画の特徴

    徐 桜かん, 阪口 昌彦, 片山 佳代子, 扇原 淳

    社会医学研究   ( 特別号2022 ) 92 - 92  2022.08

  • 東日本大震災被災者におけるメンタルヘルスと社会経済文化的要因との関連

    伊藤 和哉, 赤根 歩, 岩垣 穂大, 金 智慧, 増田 和高, 平田 修三, 日高 友郎, 桂川 泰典, 小島 隆矢, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳, 辻内 琢也

    社会医学研究   ( 特別号2021 ) 55 - 55  2021.11

  • 原発事故による県外避難者のメンタルヘルスと生活状況との関連 震災支援ネットワーク埼玉による2018年の調査から

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 金 智慧, 大橋 美の里, 賈 一凡, 中川 博之, 愛甲 裕, 猪股 正, 扇原 淳

    心身医学   61 ( 7 ) 629 - 641  2021.10

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  • Improving Diagnosis Estimation by Considering the Periodic Span of the Life Cycle Based on Personal Health Data

    Kiichi Tago, Shoji Nishimura, Atsushi Ogihara, Qun Jin

    Big Data Research   23   100176 - 100176  2021.02



  • Analysis of the Conversations on Twitter regarding HPV Vaccine

    Daisuke Suzuki, Shoji Nishimura, Qun Jin, Atsushi Ogihara

    Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet   25 ( 4 ) 397 - 406  2021

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    Background and objectives: Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer, and vaccination is an effective method to prevent HPV infection. In Japan, adverse reactions were reported in some HPV-vaccinated people in March 2013, and while Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare withdrew active recommendation of the vaccine in June 2013, the social movement to refuse vaccination has continued. The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) has devised a plan to accurately disseminate information that promotes vaccination, but less than 1% of the eligible population was vaccinated, and the number has not increased. Besides, inaccurate information about health information can disseminate rapidly on social networks. Social networking services (SNS), mainly used by young people, can be used by the public to obtain medical information. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), SNSs are prone to spreading inauthentic and misleading information when it comes to information related to health and medical care. “Infodemic” is defined as a situation in which unidentified and false information is widely disseminated on SNS, causing WHO to issue international alerts. This study aimed to organize information about HPV vaccination disseminated on SNS in Japan. Methods: We extracted 208 tweets with the keyword “HPV vaccine” posted in Japan between April 1, 2014, and September 30, 2017. The extracted tweets included data points such as ID, language, posting date and time, and latitude and longitude. The location information of the senders was obtained from the latitude and longitude, and the tweets were organized by prefecture, city, town, village, and ID. Then, we evaluated whether the information at the URLs was accurate by examining retweets, likes, and the number of comments on the tweet. Python version 3.7.7 was used to extract the tweets. Results: The results of classification of the tweets by prefecture are as follows: the Hokkaido prefecture accounted for four tweets; the northeast, six tweets; southern Kanto, 123 tweets; northern Kanto-Koshin, six tweets; Hokuriku, five tweets; Tokai, 35 tweets; Kinki, 10 tweets; Chugoku 4 tweets; Shikoku, three tweets; and Kyushu, nine tweets. A total of 93 users posted tweets; four users posted five or more tweets; 14 users posted 2–4 tweets, and 75 users posted one tweet. In particular, 66 tweets in Kanagawa prefecture, 14 tweets in Shizuoka prefecture, and two tweets in Tokyo were posted from the same ID. Regarding the type of tweet, there were 109 tweets, 65 retweets, and 34 replies. There were 137 tweets with and 71 tweets without URLs. When organized by the linked URL, 50 posts linked to a blog, 46 posts linked to a news item, seven posts linked to Facebook, five posts linked to a government agency homepage, four posts linked to YouTube, three posts linked to the home page of the City Council rep, two posts linked to a medical site, and 20 posts linked to other sources that could not be categorized. In terms of the authenticity of the posts, 25 tweets were judged as “accurate,” 14 were judged to be “inaccurate,” and 16 were judged as “unknown.” We classified the posts as follows; “accurate” for those that contained accurate information and “inaccurate” for those that contained inaccurate information. Discussion: The distribution of tweets and the uneven distribution of the users suggest that few people spread information about the HPV Vaccine on Twitter in Japan. Regarding the content, more than half of the tweets could not be judged as accurate or inaccurate because the verification results regarding adverse reactions of the HPV vaccine were not published at the time of sending, and in news and blog articles, personal opinions were stated rather than authentic medical information. In this study, we clarified the characteristics of tweets regarding HPV vaccination in Japan and the status of transmission. In the future, it will be necessary to change the keywords and time periods for which tweets need to be extracted, and the data set used for the analysis will need to be compared and examined.



  • Analysis of health changes and the association of health indicators in the elderly using TCM pulse diagnosis assisted with ICT devices: A time series study

    Siyu Zhou, Atsushi Ogihara, Shoji Nishimura, Qun Jin

    European Journal of Integrative Medicine   27   105 - 113  2019.04

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    © 2019 Elsevier GmbH Introduction: The utilization of information and communications technology (ICT) devices is a new way to record and analyze health data of the elderly. This time-series study aimed to analyze health changes, and the correlation between pulse manifestation and health indicators, in the elderly. Methods: We conducted continuous 93-day monitoring of health data and pulse records in 8 elderly participants. A time series method was used to analyze health changes in participants. The correlation between pulse manifestation and health indicators was analyzed using a structural equation model. Results: During the use of ICT devices, the number of steps taken by the elderly showed a significant increase (p < 0.05). According to the time series prediction formula, the number of steps predicted on day 94 was 8869.8. In practice, steps on day 94 were 8267.3; the difference between these values was within 10%. Personal health information, health habits, and physiological indicators had a direct impact on pulse manifestation; influence coefficients were 0.14, 0.18, and 0.05 respectively. Conclusion: Through the use of ICT devices, we can understand the health status of the elderly and make behavior predictions. Pulse manifestation data can indicate the health status of the elderly. Thus, ICT devices can be used as health management tools and assist doctors in making simple diagnoses.



  • Correction to: Perceptions of traditional Chinese medicine for chronic disease care and prevention: A cross-sectional study of Chinese hospital-based health care professionals (BMC Complement AlternMed (2018) 18 (209) DOI: 10.1186/s12906-018-2273-y)

    Xiaoqing Fan, Fanli Meng, Dahui Wang, Qing Guo, Zhuoyu Ji, Lei Yang, Atsushi Ogihara

    BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine   19 ( 1 )  2019.01

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Following publication of the original article [1], the author reported that the funding information was missing from the original article. The funding information is as follows: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71603068). The project is online and offline health management service path of middle-aged and young people's hypertension in community:a research based on process reengineering.

    DOI PubMed


  • Analysis of Pulse Diagnosis Data from a TCM Doctor and a Device by Random Forest

    Kiichi Tago, Atsushi Ogihara, Shoji Nishimura, Qun Jin

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   11717 LNAI   74 - 80  2019

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    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Pulse diagnosis is a typical diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). However, it is not clear if there is any relationship between the result of pulse diagnosis and other health related data. In this study, we investigate this and analyze pulse diagnosis data from a TCM doctor and a pulse diagnostic instrument (PDI) by Random Forest. Subjects’ vital signs and pulse diagnosis data from a TCM doctor are used as training data. We classify vital signs which have the PDI’s diagnoses labels. As a result, classification accuracies were over 60% in all cases. Our experiment results imply that better pulse diagnosis may be made with assistance of personal health data analysis.



  • Correlation Analysis of Health and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Pulse Diagnosis for the Elderly Using Wearable Devices

    Siyu Zhou, Atsushi Ogihara, Shoji Nishimura, Qun Jin

    Proceedings - 9th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2018     745 - 749  2018.12

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    © 2018 IEEE. This study used wearable devices and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnosis, which verifies the promotion of wearable devices on the health habits of the elderly, and the correlation between pulse diagnosis and health. We used wearable devices and TCM diagnosis (including TCM doctor diagnosis and Pulse diagnosis instrument) to record health information for the elderly. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine health changes. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between pulse and health indicators. There was significant change in the number of steps for the elderly before and after using the wearable device. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was negatively correlated with pulse wave time. Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was negatively correlated with pulse duration. Pulse diagnosis can be used as an indicator to report the health of the elderly. And used wearable devices can quantify health indicators and improve the health awareness.



  • 高齢者における居住・食事形態とQOLとの関連

    上田 菜央, 信太 直己, 岩垣 穂大, 扇原 淳

    日本食生活学会誌   29 ( 2 ) 99 - 104  2018.09  [Refereed]

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  • Perceptions of traditional Chinese medicine for chronic disease care and prevention: A cross-sectional study of Chinese hospital-based health care professionals

    Xiaoqing Fan, Fanli Meng, Dahui Wang, Qing Guo, Zhuoyu Ji, Lei Yang, Atsushi Ogihara

    BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine   18 ( 1 )  2018.07

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: In China, demands for disease prevention and health care and the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases have increased. TCM and general hospitals are increasingly utilizing TCM strategies for chronic non-communicable disease care and prevention. This study aimed to investigate health care professionals' (HCPs') perceptions of TCM for prevention, their TCM knowledge, and their abilities to provide such services in TCM and general hospitals. Methods: This cross-sectional study investigated Chinese medicine hospitals and Chinese medicine departments in general hospitals in five Chinese cities. A self-designed questionnaire used to study 400 HCPs focused on basic demographic data, the demand for and effects of TCM for prevention and treatment, and their perceptions of such service implementation. The data analysis included chi-squared tests and descriptive and multi-factor analyses. Results: The 335 HCP respondents comprised 230 (68.7%) females and 105 (31.3%) males, 75.5% of whom overall had knowledge of TCM preventive and health care services. Respondents older than 40 years (28.6%) had greater knowledge of and satisfaction with TCM for preventive and health care services than younger respondents. Moreover, 97.7% of the older respondents were clearly willing to provide TCM preventive services for chronic diseases, 67.8% of whom indicated that their hospitals already provided TCM for prevention and treatment. According to the chi-squared test results, the TCM service characteristics in hospitals, hospital outlooks regarding TCM and TCM development in hospitals were the primary factors affecting the respondents' perceptions of TCM for chronic disease care and prevention. The multivariate analysis showed high satisfaction as significantly associated with older providers and those with lengthier work experience, particularly among those who worked in hospitals that provided typical TCM services and had positive attitudes towards TCM. Conclusion: The study HCPs had relatively satisfactory knowledge of and positive attitudes towards TCM for chronic disease care and prevention and would use it in practice. Their perceptions and satisfaction levels correlated closely with the successful application of TCM for preventive care and treatment in hospitals. While the use of TCM for prevention and treatment was well developed in some hospitals, further improvements are warranted.

    DOI PubMed


  • Analyzing the changes of health condition and social capital of elderly people using wearable devices

    Zhou Siyu, Ogihara Atsushi, Nishimura Shoji, Jin Qun




  • Building a Community Café to Promote Local Exchanges Using ICT

    Journal of The Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization   9   293 - 299  2018.04


  • Analysis on Local Government’s Making and Management/Operation of a List of People Requiring Disaster Evacuation Assistance

      32 ( 10 ) 1 - 9  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • Disaster-Resistant Community Development Efforts on Use of Social Capital-Based on the Experience of Accepting Out-of-Prefecture Evacuees of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident-

      12   46 - 58  2018.01  [Refereed]

  • Analysis of Health and Physiological Index Based on Sleep and Walking Steps by Wearable Devices for the Elderly

    Siyu Zhou, Atsushi Ogihara, Shoji Nishimura, Qun Jin

    Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, SOCA 2017   2017-   245 - 250  2017.12  [Refereed]

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    In this study, we use wearable devices to monitor the health and physiological indicators of the elderly, and analyze the effects of the elderly's walking steps and sleep as the measurable health and physiological indexes. Eighteen cases of the elderly who received health management services are selected. We establish the generalized linear mixed model, and Pearson correlation analysis result shows statistically significant for the number of walking steps and systolic blood pressure/diastolic blood pressure. The number of walking steps is positively correlated with the systolic/diastolic pressure. The more walking steps and the better the sleep quality, the more stable the daily blood pressure is. Therefore, it is possible to effectively control the elderly's blood pressure by exercising and managing sleeping. It can be better for the elderly to have self-esteem health managed by using wearable devices, and encourage the elderly to exercise at a certain extent.



  • 地域伝統食材と乳製品を統合した新メニューによる地域活性化

    「学生のための乳の研究活動支援事業」平成29年度研究活動成果報告会資料集     122 - 126  2017.12

  • Characteristics of Articles About Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Japanese Newspapers: Time-Series Analysis Study

    JMIR Public Health and Surveillance   3 ( 4 ) e97  2017.12



  • Social capital and antenatal depression among Chinese primiparas: A cross-sectional survey

    Chi Zhou, Atsushi Ogihara, Hao Chen, Weijue Wang, Liu Huang, Baodan Zhang, Xueni Zhang, Liangwen Xu, Lei Yang

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH   257   533 - 539  2017.11  [Refereed]

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the associations between social capital and antenatal depression among Chinese primiparas. A cross-sectional design was used and a questionnaire survey was conducted with 1471 participants using the intercept method at the provincial hospital in Zhejiang in 2016. Antenatal depression was evaluated using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and social capital was assessed by the Chinese version of Social Capital Assessment Questionnaire (C-SCAQ). The prevalence of antenatal depression was assessed among Chinese primiparas in their third trimesters. The antenatal depression prevalence among subgroups with lower social trust (ST), social reciprocity (SR), social network (SN), and social participation (SP) were significantly higher than those among higher score sub-groups. In the fully adjusted model, primiparas' antenatal depression was significantly associated with ST, SR, SN, and SP. Compared to the structural social capital, the cognitive social capital was a more crucial dimension to the prevalence of antenatal depression. For future community pregnancy health care management programs in China, it might be beneficial to add more social capital related intervention.



  • Social Capital and Mental Health in a Major Disaster : Findings and Suggestions from the Survey and Social-support after Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

    Iwagaki Takahiro, Tsujiuchi Takuya, Ogihara Atsushi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   57 ( 10 ) 1013 - 1019  2017.10

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    <p>The role of social capital in disaster restoration is gaining attention. Social capital means "society-related capital," and it pertains to the strength of human relationships that are evaluated based on trust towards others, consciousness of mutual cooperation, network, social participation, etc. Previous studies reported low risk of onset of mental illnesses such as PTSD and depression in regions with high social capital when a disaster occurs.</p><p>The present study investigated the relationship between the social capital and mental health of evacuees from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster. The surveys on the elderly and on mothers raising children revealed that the higher the individual's level of social capital was, the less likely it was for his/her mental health to worsen.</p><p>In future, it is important to implement a disaster recovery policy that incorporates methods to foster social capital.</p>


  • Association between low maternal low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the second trimester and delivery of small for gestational age infants at term: a case-control study of the national center for child health and development birth cohort

    Kana Serizawa, Kohei Ogawa, Naoko Arata, Atsushi Ogihara, Reiko Horikawa, Naoko Sakamoto

    JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE   30 ( 12 ) 1383 - 1387  2017.06  [Refereed]

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    Maternal malnutrition during pregnancy can lead to a small for gestational age (SGA) status among infants. In the present study, we compared the lipid levels during the second trimester in women who delivered SGA infants at term with those in women who delivered appropriate for gestational age infants at term, to examine whether abnormalities in maternal lipid levels could be a risk factor for the delivery of an SGA infant. We enrolled pregnant women who gave birth at the National Center for Child Health and Development (NCCHD), their infants, and who volunteered in a Birth cohort study at the NCCHD. We analyzed a total of 843 blood samples obtained from the women during the second trimester. Moreover, we used multi-regression analysis to assess the relationship between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels during the second trimester and the risk of delivering an SGA infant. The adjusted odds ratio (OR) for LDL-C levels was 0.99 (95% CI, 0.98-0.99). These results indicate that a low LDL-C level during the second trimester was associated with an increased risk of delivering an SGA infant at term. The finding would not only help predict future SGA infant birth, but can also help prevent SGA infant birth.



  • 大学生の就職活動に関連した自殺の新聞報道の特徴

    松下 幸平, 三上 遼, 小野田 太郎, 扇原 淳

    自殺予防と危機介入   37 ( 1 ) 34 - 39  2017.03  [Refereed]

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  • 福島原子力発電所事故により県外避難する高齢者の個人レベルのソーシャル・キャピタルとメンタルヘルスとの関連

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 増田 和高, 小牧 久見子, 福田 千加子, 持田 隆平, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 山口 摩弥, 猪股 正, 根ヶ山 光一, 小島 隆矢, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳

    心身医学   57 ( 2 ) 173 - 184  2017.02

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  • 福島原子力発電所事故により自主避難する母親の家族関係及び個人レベルのソーシャル・キャピタルとメンタルヘルスとの関連

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 小牧 久見子, 福田 千加子, 持田 隆平, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 小島 隆矢, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳

    社会医学研究   34 ( 1 ) 21 - 29  2017.02  [Refereed]

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  • Relationships between Individual Social Capital and Mental Health in Elderly People who Left the Prefecture Due to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

    Iwagaki Takahiro, Tsujiuchi Takuya, Masuda Kazutaka, Komaki Kumiko, Fukuda Chikako, Mochida Ryuhei, Ishikawa Noriko, Akano Yamato, Yamaguchi Maya, Inomata Tadashi, Negayama Koichi, Kojima Takaya, Kumano Hiroaki, Ogihara Atsushi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   57 ( 2 ) 173 - 184  2017

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    <p>Background : As of March 2014, three years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, 58,624 residents were relocated to other regions within the Fukushima prefecture, and 47,683 residents were relocated to other prefectures. Attenuation of human relationships due to the disruption of regional ties nurtured in the past heightens stress. This highlights the need to create a new community focused on establishing ties with neighbors. Among evacuees, providing support for elderly adults suffering from a decline in physical functioning and a deteriorating mental health is necessary. Objective : This study investigated the relationship between individual social capital and mental health in elderly adults, specifically focusing on the role of social capital in reconstruction after the earthquake. Methods : A self-report questionnaire was conducted at Waseda University and Shinsai Shien Network, Saitama. Evacuees from Fukushima prefecture (n=3,599) who lived in Saitama prefecture and Tokyo were asked to complete the Stress Response Scale-18 comprising questions related to social capital with cognitive and structural indicators. There were 772 replies (response rate=21.5%) and 229 respondents were analyzed. In addition, a multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship between social capital and mental health in elderly adults. Results : The group with low confidence in neighbors relative to the group with high confidence in neighbors had a 5.192 times higher chance of being in the high-stress group (95%CI=1.042-25.865). In addition, the group with lower confidence in acquiring their neighbors assistance if a disaster occurred again, had a 2.172 times higher chance of being in the high-stress group (95%CI=1.051-4.487). Furthermore, people who have never participated in regional activities (e.g., hobbies, sports, entertainment, etc.) had a 3.112 times higher chance of being high-stressed relative to the group who participated two or three times (95%CI=1.059-9.150). Finally, the group that never greeted neighbors had a 3.317 times higher chance of being high-stressed relative to the group that had five or more greeted neighbors (95%CI=1.177-9.346). Conclusion : Lower social-capital cognitive indicators such as "trusting one's neighbors" and "helping one's neighbors" were correlated with higher stress levels. Therefore, elderly adults can presumably maintain good mental health by developing a neighborhood relationship and building mutual trust. Furthermore, lower social-capital structural indicators such as "number of greeted neighbors" and "participation frequency in regional activities" were correlated with higher stress levels. It is important to encourage social participation of evacuees and provide them with support.</p>


  • The situation of social support and its relationship with antenatal depression among 1075 Zhejiang primiparas in their third trimesters

    Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine   51 ( 8 ) 740 - 745  2017  [Refereed]

  • Social Factors Affecting Psychological Stress of the Evacuees Out of Fukushima Prefecture by the Cause of Nuclear Accident after the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Yamaguchi Maya, Tsujiuchi Takuya, Masuda Kazutaka, Iwagaki Takahiro, Ishikawa Noriko, Fukuda Chikako, Hirata Shuzo, Inomata Tadashi, Negayama Koichi, Kojima Takaya, Ogihara Atsushi, Kumano Hiroaki

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   56 ( 8 ) 819 - 832  2016.08

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    <p>Backgrounds : This study reports the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in the households consisting of inhabitants of Fukushima Prefecture who have evacuated to Saitama Prefecture or Tokyo Metropolis at one and two years after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 has been expanded to the nuclear power plant disaster. Consequently, approximately 56,920 inhabitants of Fukushima evacuated to other prefectures as of March 2013. This consequence sets the 2011 earthquake apart from previous natural disasters. Method : This survey was conducted by "Earthquake and human sciences project" of Waseda University and Shinsai Shien Network Saitama. Psychological stress of the evacuees (2,011 households in 2012 ; 1,875 households in Saitama and 2,393 households in Tokyo in 2013) were examined one year and two years after the disaster respectively. The questionnaire also contained such items as severity of housing destruction, Tsunami affection, worries about livelihood sustainability etc. In this study, psychological stress was measured using the Stress Response Scale-18 (SRS-18). Results : The results revealed that the stress reaction level of the evacuees from Fukushima Prefecture living in other prefectures is still "somewhat higher" despite two years passed since the disaster. A chi-square test was used to determine psychosocial factors influencing stress reactions. Results of the survey in 2012 revealed that anxiety about living costs or joblessness influenced stress reactions in men, whereas damaged houses, personal relationships, and compensation problems related to the nuclear power plant influenced stress reactions in women. However, according to the results of the 2013 survey, difficult economic conditions, aggravated health conditions, negative labeling as an evacuee, and dissatisfaction with relationships with family and neighbors influenced stress reactions in both men and women. Conclusion : The results revealed that the psychological stress is strongly related to several social factors ; economic conditions, health status, family and community relationships, and dwelling environments. By the comparison between first year result and second year result, the causes of stressors have been changed from the damage of earthquake disaster itself into the circumstances of shelter life over time. Therefore, the work in cooperation among medicine, clinical psychology, social welfare, and legal support is necessary in order to obtain mental health recovery.</p>


  • High-level Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms of the Residents in Fukushima Temporary Housing : Bio-psycho-social Impacts by Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

    Tsujiuchi Takuya, Komaki Kumiko, Iwagaki Takahiro, Masuda Kazutaka, Yamaguchi Maya, Fukuda Chikako, Ishikawa Noriko, Mochida Ryuhei, Kojima Takaya, Negayama Koichi, Ogihara Atsushi, Kumano Hiroaki

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   56 ( 7 ) 723 - 736  2016.07

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    Backgrounds : Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster occurred following the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. It bears comparison with the incident in Chernobyl in 1986 in the degree of radiological contamination to the surrounding environment. 164,218 residents were displaced losing their home-land by this serious incident, of which 97,321 were relocated to other regions within the Fukushima prefecture, and 57,135 residents were relocated to other prefectures. The evacuees from Fukushima can be considered the largest number of 'internally displaced persons' or 'domestic refugees' in Japan after the world war two. Objective : This study investigated the scale of post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms in the evacuees as of two years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. It also tried to identify the impact of bio-psycho-social factors related to PTS symptoms. Samples and methods : Questionnaire survey was conducted by Waseda University and Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK). 2,425 households living at temporary housings within Fukushima prefecture were asked to answer the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) and the self-report questionnaires that we generated in order to evaluate the damage by the disaster in relation to several bio-psycho-social factors in refugee lives. There were 745 replies (the cooperation rate ; 30.7%), of which 661 were analyzed. Besides, multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to examine several bio-psycho-social factors as predictors for probable PTSD. Results : High level PTS symptoms were found. The mean score of IES-R was 34.20±20.56, and 62.56% were over 24/25 cut-off point determined as broadly defined PTSD which means high-risk presence of probable PTSD. The significant differences by chi-square test of high-risk subjects were found among economic difficulty (p=.000), concerns about compensation (p=.000), lost jobs (p=.023), unsatisfying housing (p=.025), unsatisfying environment around temporary housing (p=.000), having chronic disease (p=.003), aggravation of chronic disease (p=.000), affection of new disease (p=.000), lack of necessary information (p=.000), family split-up (p=.031), and lack of acquaintance support (p=.000). By the result of multiple logistic regression analysis, the significant predictors of probable PTSD were economic difficulty (OR : 2.34, 95%CI : 1.30-4.24), concerns about compensation (OR : 4.16, 95%CI 1.26-13.76), aggravation of chronic disease (OR : 2.94, 95%CI : 1.63-5.30), affection of new disease (OR : 2.20, 95%CI : 1.21-3.99), and lack of acquaintance support (OR : 1.92, 95%CI : 1.07-3.42). Conclusion : The findings revealed that there is a high-risk presence of probable PTSD strongly related to a number of bio-psycho-social factors due to the nuclear power plant disaster and its consequent evacuation. Our findings underscore the specific characteristics of the nuclear disaster as man-made disaster. Since the socio-economic problems such as compensation and reparation have not been solved, it is suggested that prolonged uncertainty regarding the insufficient salvation of the evacuees might account for the high-level PTS symptoms.


  • Emotional Bonds with Places::As Seen in Loss and Prospects of Residence of Evacuees Caused by The Great East Japan Earthquake

    MOCHIDA Ryuhei, ISHIKAWA Noriko, AKANO Yamato, MASUDA Kazutaka, NEGAYAMA Kouichi, TSUJIUCHI Takuya, KOJIMA Takaya, OGIHARA Atsushi, KATSURAGAWA Taisuke, IWAGAKI Takahiro, KOMAKI Kumiko, FUKUDA Chikako

    ABSTRACTS of the Annual Meeting, The Human Geographical Society of Japan   2016 ( 0 ) 162 - 163  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Amount of Physical Activity and Change of Mood in University Students Engaged in Farm Work

    Ryuichi INAGI, Takahiro IWAGAKI, Atsushi OGIHARA

      64 ( 5 ) 819 - 826  2016.01  [Refereed]

  • Ubi-Liven: A Human-Centric Safe and Secure Framework of Ubiquitous Living Environments for the Elderly

    Qun Jin, Bo Wu, Shoji Nishimura, Atsushi Ogihara


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    The world has become an aging society with exponentially increasing social security benefit expenditure and nursing care costs. To help solve these issues and challenges, utilization of advanced ICT is highly expected to allow more elderly people to remain independent for their proactive social participation irrespective of age. In this study, we propose a human-centric safe and secure framework of ubiquitous living environments (Ubi-Liven) for the elderly people towards seamless integration of the cyber-enabled ubiquitous holistic living support system with a physical living environment. We further address and discuss the design and technical issues for the implementation of a smart living environment on the fly under the proposed framework, empowered by ubiquitous assistive technologies such as cloud, IoT and big data analytics based on life logs to provide holistic support for the elderly's activities of daily living and healthcare.


  • Empirical Study on the Characteristics of Newspaper Reports about Juvenile Suicides

    Nao TAGUCHI, Taro ONODA, Atsushi OGIHARA

    自殺予防と危機介入   35 ( 1 ) 33 - 40  2015


  • 低出生体重児出生率の地域差に関する検討

    芹澤加奈, 扇原 淳

    厚生の指標   62 ( 7 ) 19 - 24  2015

  • カザフスタン共和国のナウルズ(НАУРЫЗ)に見る食の文化的・歴史的特徴

    岩垣穂大, 齋藤 篤, Amantay Zhanar, 下田妙子, 扇原 淳

    日本食生活学会誌   24 ( 4 ) 254 - 260  2014

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    This study investigated the cultural background and historical transformation of the ethnic cuisine served at Nowruz Festival which celebrates the Lunar New Year in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This study aims to clarify (1) The present condition of the ethnic cuisine called Koje that is main dish at the festival, (2)The meaning of ingredients put into the Koje and (3)How the festival and ethnic cuisine have changed through the Soviet era, the independence period and present era. In previous studies, nutritional assessment and meal survey of Kazakh have been performed since around 1994. In addition, dining etiquette and meals at the time of performing religious rituals have also been researched. However, the study to clarify the cultural and historical background of the ethnic cuisine in a festival like Nowruz has not been done. The research method was participant observations for the events related to Nowruz and interviews of residents using the semi-structured interview technique.As a result, the following results were clarified. (1)Koje had been freely distributed to every people in the square of all races which live in Kazakhstan that participate in a festival. (2)It was common in all the homes to put in 7 ingredients such as horsemeat and white ingredients in order to wish for the family?s prosperity and happiness. (3)There are 3 types of celebrations of Nowruz in the Soviet era depend on the geographical, psychological and political distance from the Soviet government and population density of the Kazakh people. Based on this study, we were able to show that the values and daily lives of the Kazakh people strongly affect to the ethnic cuisine in Nowruz.

    DOI CiNii

  • 高齢者介護施設における感染症予防策と対応策の検討

    大浦絢子, 山崎貴裕, 扇原 淳, 町田 和彦

    厚生の指標   61 ( 6 ) 33 - 38  2014


  • 介護保険料滞納者の生活・健康状況の実態に関する自治体調査

    高橋和行, 扇原 淳

    社会医学研究   31 ( 2 ) 49 - 56  2014


  • 高齢者介護施設における職員満足に関する要因の構造分析

    山路 学, 大浦 絢子, 扇原 淳

    社会医学研究   31 ( 2 ) 41 - 48  2014


  • The Transfiguration Accompanying the Globalization of the Traditional Festival“Nowruz” and the Traditional Beverage “Kumiss” in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Iwagaki T, Saito A, Amantay Zh, Shimoda T, Ogihara A

    Asian Rural Sociology V   1   219 - 223  2014

  • The Meaning of and Changes in “ТОЙ” in Life Event Ceremonies in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Saito A, Ogihara A

    Asian Rural Sociology V   1   224 - 227  2014

  • Structure Modeling of Improvement in the Quality of Welfare Service and Research Trends on Welfare Industry in Japan

    Oura A, Yamaji M, Ogihara A

    American Journal of Health Sciences   3 ( 2 ) 141 - 158  2012

  • 都道府県庁公式ウェブサイトにおける外国人向け医療情報提供の実態

    上田 麻絵, 山路 学, 三谷 博明, 扇原 淳

    社会医学研究   29 ( 1 ) 63 - 71  2012


  • A comparative study of certification systems based on ethical codes of medical information on the Internet

    Ueda A, Yamaji M, Mitani H, Ogihara A

    American Journal of Health Sciences   3 ( 3 ) 169 - 184  2012

  • Proposal for applying quality management techniques to manage welfare facilities for the elderly

    Yamaji M, Oura A, Ogihara A

    International Business &amp; Economics Research Journal   10 ( 8 ) 97 - 102  2011

  • 新聞記事データベースを用いた我が国の自殺報道の特徴に関する研究

    小野田 太郎, 齋藤 篤, 扇原 淳

    日本臨床死生学会誌   16 ( 1 ) 55 - 66  2011

  • 歩行等の日常行動を非日常の場で意識的に行うことが日常生活に及ぼす効果

    大賀 英史, 扇原 淳, 中村 京子

    ウォーキング研究   14 ( 14 ) 87 - 93  2010


  • 「喘息児サマーキャンプ」が学生ボランティアの自己概念に与える影響

    池原 賢代, 扇原 淳, 吉村 正

    幼少児健康教育研究   15 ( 1 ) 73 - 79  2009


  • メディアの自殺報道に関する基礎的検討

    扇原 淳, 渡邉 絵梨香

    自殺予防と危機介入   29 ( 1 ) 28 - 33  2009


  • Visualizing relationship between geographical distribution of day service facilities for the elderly and local elderly residents using geographic information system

    Takahashi K, Ogihara A

    社会医学研究   26 ( 2 ) 75 - 85  2009

  • メディアによる硫化水素自殺報道の実態とその特徴

    小野田太郎, 扇原 淳

    日本臨床死生学会誌   14 ( 1 ) 27 - 34  2009

  • テキストマイニングによる特別養護老人ホームにおける総合的品質経営の課題に関する探索的分析

    扇原 淳, 武藤 充, 山路 学, 町田和彦

    介護経営   4 ( 1 ) 45 - 58  2009

  • 介護技術・技能の変革による介護作業価値向上に関する基礎的検討

    扇原 淳, 武藤 充, 山路 学

    介護経営   3 ( 1 ) 43 - 51  2008

  • 高齢者福祉施設における業務プロセスの改善に関する研究

    扇原 淳, 関根淳美, 沖 繁希, 山路 学

    介護経営   2 ( 1 ) 52 - 57  2007

  • 幼稚園における健康管理に関する調査研究 第一報

    池原賢代, 扇原 淳, 前橋 明, 吉村 正

    運動・健康教育研究   12 ( 2 ) 17 - 24  2005


  • Trends in the incidence of gastric cancer in Japan and their associations with Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric mucosal atrophy

    Takanori Kobayashi, Shogo Kikuchi, Yingsong Lin, Kiyoko Yagyu, Yuki Obata, Atsushi Ogihara, Ayako Hasegawa, Kazumasa Miki, Eizo Kaneko, Hiroshi Mizukoshi, Tsuguo Sakiyama, Hiroshi Tenjin

    Gastric Cancer   7 ( 4 ) 233 - 239  2004.12

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    Background. Although age-adjusted mortality from gastric cancer has been decreasing in Japan, the crude incidence of gastric cancer shows a slight increase. Methods. We have observed trends in the incidence of gastric cancer by sex and 20-year age groups over the past two decades (1976-1996). Source data were obtained from the cancer statistics materials provided by the Research Group for Population-Based Cancer Registration in Japan. Simultaneously, we observed changes in the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection and in serological atrophy of the gastric mucosa, and compared the results with those involving changes hi the incidence of gastric cancer. Results. A slight decline was observed in all age groups over 40 years old, in both men and women, between 1986 and 1996. However, a marked decline in incidence was observed for those aged 20-39 years. The prevalence of H. pylori infection declined in both sexes between 1989 and 1998. The frequency of serological atrophy of the gastric mucosa significantly declined in all age groups between 1989 and 1996, with young age groups experiencing a more marked decrease. Conclusion. The marked decline in gastric cancer incidence observed in the young population will also begin to occur in the elderly population in the future.

    DOI PubMed


  • Seroconversion and seroreversion of Helicobacter pylori antibodies over a 9-year period and related factors in Japanese adults

    Shogo Kikuchi, Atsushi Ohgihara, Ayako Hasegawa, Kazumasa Miki, Eizo Kaneko, Hiroshi Mizukoshi

    Helicobacter   9 ( 4 ) 335 - 341  2004

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    Background. There are still insufficient data on the frequency of seroconversion and seroreversion of Helicobacter pylori antibodies. The frequency of serochange and related factors were investigated in this study over 9 years. Subjects and methods. Using sera from 3104 workers who underwent health checks in 1989 and again in 1998, II. pylori antibodies were measured. Those with intermediate serology were excluded from the study. Information on past history was collected using a questionnaire. Results. Of the 912 seronegative and 1286 seropositive subjects in 1989, seroconversion was observed in 57 and seroreversion in 91 subjects. Seroconversion and seroreversion rates over the 9-year period were 6.3% and 7.1%, respectively, giving rates per 1000 person-years (with 95% confidence interval) of 7.0 (5.2-8.7) and 7.9 (6.3-9.4), respectively. Subjects that reported abdominal symptoms or gastric fiberscope use showed significantly higher seroconversion rates than controls (8.7 vs. 4.5 and 9.2 vs. 1.6, respectively), which remained significant after adjustment for age and gender. Those with a history of duodenal ulcers, a smoking habit or a drinking habit showed significantly lower seroreversion rates than controls (3.5 vs. 8.9, 5.4 vs. 9.2 and 5.9 vs. 13.3, respectively). After adjustment, the association between seroreversion and smoking habit disappeared, while the associations with history of duodenal ulcers and drinking habit remained. Conclusions. Those with a history of nonspecific abdominal symptoms and those with a history of gastric fiberscope use showed higher seroconversion rates. Alcohol consumption and duodenal ulcers may inhibit the autoeradication of H. pylori, possibly through increased acid secretion.

    DOI PubMed

  • Diagnostic accuracy of serological kits for Helicobacter pylori infection with the same assay system but different antigens in a Japanese patient population

    Y Obata, S Kikuchi, H Miwa, K Yagyu, YS Lin, A Ogihara

    JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY   52 ( 10 ) 889 - 892  2003.10  [Refereed]

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    Helicobacter pylori infection is thought to be a causal risk factor for gastric carcinoma. Recently, diagnostic accuracy of serological kits for H. pylori infection that were made in Western countries has been reported to be lower when used among Oriental populations. Diagnostic accuracy of two serological kits [HMI-CAP and HM-CAP with antigens extracted from clinically isolated Japanese H. pylori strains (J-HM-CAP)] was investigated in 440 samples from a Japanese patient population by using the C-13-urea breath test as gold standard. According to the original optimal cut-off value, HIM-CAP provided 87.5 % sensitivity and 84.8 % specificity with 86.8 % accuracy and J-HM-CAP provided 95.5 % sensitivity and 81.9 % specificity with 92.3 % accuracy. This study suggests that antigens from HM-CAP are satisfactory for examining a Japanese patient population, but that using local antigens improves accuracy.

  • 万歩計を用いた高齢者の運動評価と健康指標との関連性

    北山誠太, 栗山孝雄, 坂口武洋, 坂口早苗, 扇原 淳, 鈴木克彦, 町田和彦

    体力・運動・免疫学雑誌   13 ( 2 ) 132 - 141  2003

  • Validity and reliability of single-item questions about physical activity

    Nobuo Iwai, Shigeru Hisamichi, Norihiko Hayakawa, Yutaka Inaba, Tadashi Nagaoka, Hiroki Sugimori, Nao Seki, Kiyomi Sakata, Koji Suzuki, Akiko Tamakoshi, Yosikazu Nakamura, Akio Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Nishino, Atsushi Ogihara, Naoyuki Okamoto, Hiroshi Suzuki, Seiji Morioka, Yoshinori Ito, Kenji Wakai, Toshiyuki Ojima, Heizo Tanaka, Takayuki Nose, Yoshiyuki Ohno

    Journal of Epidemiology   11 ( 5 ) 211 - 218  2001

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    The Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk Sponsored by Monbusho (JACC Study) included in its self-administered questionnaires some single-item questions concerning physical activity. We examined the validity of the questions among 1,730 Japanese adults and the reliability of the questions among 1,075 Japanese adults. The validity of the sports and physical exercise questions was estimated by comparing the self-administered questionnaire responses with the time spent on the activity and the energy expenditure index for the previous 12-month period, elicited by the interviewing method used in the Japan Lifestyle Monitoring Study with a minor modification. The Spearman's rank correlation coefficients ranged from 0.43 to 0.60, showing moderate correlations. On the other hand, test-retest reliability was estimated by comparing the responses from two separate surveys conducted roughly one year apart. Weighted kappa coefficients of sports and physical exercise questions, classified according to sex and age, ranged from 0.39 to 0.56, showing moderate reliability
    and those of a question about walking ranged from 0.25 to 0.39, showing fair reliability. We suggest that measuring physical activity level with these single-item questions may be appropriate for establishing baseline data that reflects long-term physical activity in a large-scale cohort study targeting lifestyle-related diseases. validity, reliability, physical activity, single-item question, lifestyle-related disease.

    DOI PubMed


  • 保護者による喘息児のためのサマーキャンプ参加児童の参加後の変化の認知とキャンプへの期待

    加藤健吾, 扇原 淳, 国府真紀, 一之瀬 貴, 吉村 正, 丸山克俊

    運動・健康教育研究   11 ( 1 ) 26 - 34  2001


  • 喘息児のティーボールの試合中における心拍数

    安達芝幸, 扇原 淳, 一之瀬 貴, 山並幸子, 吉村 正, 丸山克俊

    運動・健康教育研究   11 ( 1 ) 20 - 25  2001


  • Relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection and smoking and drinking habits

    A Ogihara, S Kikuchi, A Hasegawa, M Kurosawa, K Miki, E Kaneko, H Mizukoshi

    JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY   15 ( 3 ) 271 - 276  2000.03  [Refereed]

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori is a major cause of various gastroduodenal diseases. Some risk factors related to H. pylori infection have been reported; however, studies on the relationship between H. pylori infection and smoking or drinking habits have given conflicting results. In the present study, these relationships were investigated by collecting sera and information from 8837 subjects.
    Methods: Serum H. pylori immunoglobulin G antibody was measured by an enzyme-linked immunoassay. In addition to sex and age, information on smoking and drinking habits was collected by questionnaire. Age- and sex-adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of smoking and alcohol consumption were calculated for H. pylori seropositivity using logistic regression models.
    Results: Current smokers had a 0.82 (0.74-0.91)-fold greater risk of H. pylori seropositivity than those who had never smoked. Current cigarette consumption showed a dose-dependently negative association with H. pylori seropositivity, and the association between smoking and H. pylori infection was strong in younger subjects. Current drinkers had a 0.88 (0.79-0.98)-fold greater risk of H. pylori seropositivity than those who had never drunk alcohol. The volume of alcohol consumed showed a negative association with H. pylori seropositivity.
    Conclusions: In the current study, smoking was negatively associated with H. pylori infection. The risk of H. pylori seropositivity decreased linearly with cigarette consumption per day. Increased gastric acidity in the stomach through smoking may be a cause of the dose-dependently negative association between H. pylori and smoking. Drinking was negatively and dose-dependently associated with H. pylori positivity, although the effect of drinking was weaker than that of smoking. (C) 2000 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.

  • Insufficient diagnostic accuracy of imported serological kits for Helicobacter pylori infection in Japanese population

    H Miwa, S Kikuchi, K Ohtaka, O Kobayashi, A Ogihara, M Hojo, A Nagahara, N Sato

    DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE   36 ( 2 ) 95 - 99  2000.02  [Refereed]

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    Although there are many reports of the high diagnostic accuracy of commercially available serologic kits for Helicobacter pylori infection in Western countries, they rarely has been investigated in oriental population. Accordingly we examined their usefulness in 492 Japanese patients with dyspeptic symptoms. Diagnostic accuracy of 4 imported serologic kits (HEL-p TESTTM, HM CAP(TM), G.A.P IgG(TM), Helico G2(TM)) was investigated using the C-13-urea breath test as the gold standard. When intermediate results were excluded, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of these serologic tests ranged from 88.6% to 97.8%, 67.9% to 85.9%, and 87.9% to 91.4%, respectively, which were comparable with reported median accuracy in the Western population. However, there were many intermediate results in these tests, ranging from 5.3% to 23.0%. Their usefulness seemed to be limited in our patient population because of the large number of intermediate results. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • 第5回東アジアスタディツアー(中国・高齢者福祉ビジネスの最前線)


  • 第18回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(高齢者介護)


  • 第4回東アジアスタディツアー(韓国・生活の中の東洋医学)


  • 第3回東アジアスタディツアー(中国・高齢者福祉ビジネスの最前線)


  • 第17回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(障害者福祉)


  • 第16回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(児童養護・学校給食制度・女性の社会参加)



  • シルクロードスタディツアー2014(イラン・トルコ)の企画・運営



  • ラオススタディツアー2014の企画・運営



  • The Summer Study Tour in Japan 2014の企画・運営



  • 農作業を通じた多世代交流研究教育プログラムの展開(所沢市シルバー人材センターとの共同事業)



  • 第15回中央アジアスタディツアー(伝統飲料と健康)



  • 第13回中央アジアスタディツアー(ウズベキスタン)および国際学生シンポジウムの企画・運営



  • 第14回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第2回東アジアスタディツアー(中国東洋医学の実態調査)および国際学生フォーラムの企画・運営



  • The Summer Study Tour in Japan 2013の企画・運営



  • The 1st Global Health and Medical Staff for Improving the Quality of Medical Care 2013


  • 第12回中央アジアスタディツアー



  • 第11回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第1回東アジアスタディツアー(韓国東洋医学の実態調査)の企画・運営



  • 中山間地域ふるさと事業調査研究業務:埼玉県秩父郡皆野町三沢地区



  • 第10回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第9回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第8回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第7回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第6回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第5回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第4回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第3回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第2回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



  • 第1回中央アジアスタディツアーおよび国際学生シンポジウム(持続可能な未来の ための健康と社会)の企画・運営



▼display all


  • 重度障害者介護者の安全・健康管理に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • テキストマイニングによる絵本の読み聞かせ感想文の分析


    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • A Study on the Ritual in Marriage Process of Kazakhs named "Kyz Uzatu"

    The 6th Asian Rural Sociology Association International Conference 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 大学生の運動習慣及び生活習慣とメンタルヘルスとの関連


    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • 留学生のメンタルヘルスとライフスタイル及びソーシャル・キャピタルとの関連

    志水美友, 王 鴻, 岩垣穂大, 齋藤 篤, 扇原 淳


    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • 絵本の読み聞かせ活動は大学生をどのように成長させたか

    日本福祉教育・ボランティア学習学会 第23回長野大会 in 信州うえだ 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 大学生の生活支援コーディネーター経験と進路選択

    日本福祉教育・ボランティア学習学会 第23回長野大会 in 信州うえだ 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 相談援助 & ケアマネジメントの業務効率化

    一般財団法人 埼玉県老人福祉施設協議会

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Highly-skilled health care workers exhibit tacit knowledge and advanced skills for preventing disordered swallowing and aspiration pneumonia in their patients

    The 30th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection 2017  (Taiwan) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 高齢者福祉施設における調和的問題解決能力育成研修の開発と評価

    第13回 日本介護経営学会学術大会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Analysis of Health and Physiological Index Based on Sleep and Walking Steps by a wearable device for the elderly

    The 10th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • つながりと健康



    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 「共に生きる」地域で支えるとは

    「介護講座」もしも家族が倒れたら  所沢市市民部

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 中国杭州市における中高年期の介護不安とその関連要因に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 介護観の多面的理解を促す国際交流プログラムの検討

    第25回日本介護福祉学会大会  (岩手) 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 地域伝統食と乳製品を組み合わせた新メニューによる地域活性化


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 中山間地域を舞台にした中学生と留学生が協働で行う地域観光プランの提案


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • ICTを活用した地域交流を促進するコミュニティカフェの創造


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 乳文化を利用した多世代多文化交流健康生成プログラム開発


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 読み聞かせボランティアの継続的な参加が読み手の成長に与える影響


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 多世代多文化交流による中山間地域高齢者の食習慣・食イメージの変容


    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • Relationship between intraoral condition and social participation among local residents in Japan

    39th Asia Pacific Dental Congress  (Macao) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 社会福祉施設を対象とした感染症対策研修会の検討


    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • 感染症対策研修向けビジュアル・マニュアルの開発


    Presentation date: 2017.01

  • 環境と健康


    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 障がいを持つ人の「いのち」のケアを考える


    第22回臨床死生学会大会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 居住地喪失と将来展望にみる東日本大震災避難者の場所との情緒的な結びつき

    2016年人文地理学会大会  (京都) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 災害時要援護者対策と地域見守り活動における個人情報取扱いに関する研究

    第75回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (大阪) 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 食事形態とQOL及び主観的健康感,抑うつとの関連

    第75回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (大阪) 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 多世代多文化交流による地域活性化の試み

    地域活性学会第8回研究大会  (長野) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 高齢者施設における感染対策を目的とした研修プログラムの開発

    第24回日本介護福祉学会大会  (長野) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 高齢者福祉施設における食事介助に関する動作分析

    第24回日本介護福祉学会大会  (長野) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 在宅死希望に関連する社会経済文化的要因の検討

    第24回日本介護福祉学会大会  (長野) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Relationship between intraoral condition and social capital among local residents

    The 48th Asia Pasific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Support of the evacuees outside the prefecture due to Fukushima nuclear disaster—a study from the viewpoints of the disaster and social capital

    The 48th Asia Pasific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Ubi-Liven: A Human-Centric Safe and Secure Framework of Ubiquitous Living Environments for the Elderly

    Q. Jin, B. Wu, S. Nishimura, A. Ogihara

    The 4th International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data)/FFC2016 (2016 Forum of Future Computing) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 所沢市議会ワールドカフェ「みみ丸カフェ2016」ファシリテーター

    所沢市議会ワールドカフェ「みみ丸カフェ2016」  (埼玉) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 健康ポスターからみた児童の健康観に関する研究

    第57回日本社会医学会総会  (滋賀) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 持続可能な地域包括ケアシステムの構築に向けたヘルスプロモーション活動

    第57回日本社会医学会総会  (滋賀) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • PTA活動が保護者のソーシャル・キャピタル醸成に及ぼす影響

    日本家庭教育学会第31回大会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • Relationship between the presence or absence of family dentist and QOL

    The 38th Asia Pacific Dental Congress  (Hongkong) 

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 所沢市における「地域交流室」の利用状況と課題

    日本地域福祉学会第30回記念大会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • Attitudes toward Childrearing of Young Kazakhs: A Comparative Discussion

    The 5th Central Eurasia Studies Society Regional Conference  (Kazan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • 自閉症参加者に対するイルカ介在療法のプログラムに関する研究

    第22回ヒトと動物の関係学会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Японские студенты в Алматы изучают казахский язык

    Almaty TV  Almaty TV

    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • フォーラム 高齢者支援考える

    毎日新聞. 2016年2月4日地方版 

    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • 子宮頸がんワクチンに関する新聞報道の時系列分析

    JIMAインターネット医療フォーラム2015  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • 就職活動に関係する自殺に関する新聞報道の特徴

    JIMAインターネット医療フォーラム2015  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • 東日本大震災の健康・環境影響

    所沢市家庭教育学級  (埼玉) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 中山間地域支援活動は地域住民にどのような意識の変化をもたらしたのか

    日本福祉教育・ボランティア学習学会第21回やまぐち大会  (山口) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 内容分析を用いた学生ボランティアによる中山間地域支援活動の検討

    日本福祉教育・ボランティア学習学会第21回やまぐち大会  (山口) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 保護者が感じるイルカ介在療法の効用に関する検討

    第8回動物介在教育・療法学会学術大会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 原発事故による被災者の放射線・放射能のイメージとストレスの関連

    第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (長崎) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 中華人民共和国浙江省杭州市中高齢者の介護に関するニーズ分析

    第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (長崎) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 地域住民の口腔内状態とQOL及びソーシャル・キャピタルとの関連

    第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (長崎) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 東日本大震災における仮設住宅居住者のPTSDとソーシャル・キャピタルとの関連

    第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (長崎) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 大都市近郊在住高齢者の健康状態と社会参加に関する研究

    第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (長崎) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 大都市近郊住民の地域行事の関わり方とQOLとの関連

    第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (長崎) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 地域住民のソーシャル・キャピタルとQOLとの関連

    第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (長崎) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • PTA 活動とソーシャル・キャピタルに関する研究:複線径路・等至性モデルによる分析

    第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会  (長崎) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 2015年度WAMIPOP中間報告

    平成27年度中山間「ふるさと支援隊」中間活動報告会  (埼玉) 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 年を取るということは:高齢者疑似体験

    平成27年度吾妻まちづくりセンター介護講座  (埼玉) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 土がつくる,土でつくる健康創成論

    ピアところ第15回講演会  (埼玉) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 「調和的問題解決能力」の育成を目的とした高齢者福祉施設職員対象研修プログラムの開発とその評価

    第56回日本社会医学会総会  (福岡) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 特別養護老人ホームにおける感染症対策の課題:内容分析による検討

    第56回日本社会医学会総会  (福岡) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • ビジュアルマニュアルを用いた高齢者介護施設感染対策研修システムの提案

    (福岡)  第56回日本社会医学会総会

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • カザフスタン共和国における馬乳酒(クムス)の摂取と健康状態との関連

    第56回日本社会医学会総会  (福岡) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 原発事故の避難指示解除に伴う帰還者と「新たな自主避難者」の課題

    第56回日本社会医学会総会  (福岡) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 持続可能な地域包括ケアに向けたヘルスプロモーション活動:第一回みかじま健康まつりの報告

    第56回日本社会医学会総会  (福岡) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 社会調査実施時における追跡調査同意群と非同意群の回答傾向

    第56回日本社会医学会総会  (福岡) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 健康生成におけるソーシャルキャピタル(社会的絆)の重要性:社会医学の立場から

    早稲田大学災害復興医療人類学研究所第2回公開研究会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 原発事故に伴う避難生活長期化の影響:孤立化に関連する社会的要因とストレス

    第56回日本心身医学総会ならびに学術講演会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 原発事故に伴う避難生活長期化の影響:自由記述アンケートの質的分析

    第56回日本心身医学総会ならびに学術講演会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 原発事故被害者にみられる高い外傷後ストレス症状:トラウマとソーシャル・バイオレンス

    第56回日本心身医学総会ならびに学術講演会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • A systematic literature review of the relationship between the in take of soy products and congnitive function

    12th Asian Congress of Nutrition  (Kanagawa) 

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • Relationships between Norovirus and MRSA Infection and Methods of Infection Control in Special Nursing Homes for the Elderly in Japan

    The 7th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control  (Taipei) 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 2014年度WAMIPOP活動報告

    平成26年度中山間地域ふるさと支援隊活動報告会  (埼玉) 

    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • WHO自殺予防ガイドラインからみた日本のメディアによる自殺報道の特徴


    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • 介護保険制度改革に関する自治体アンケート結果


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 特別養護老人ホームにおける感染管理に関する全国調査(第1報)


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 特別養護老人ホームにおける感染管理に関する全国調査(第2報)


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 特別養護老人ホームにおける感染管理に関する全国調査(第3報)


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 埼玉県所沢市におけるソーシャル・キャピタルと主観的健康度との関連


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 中国における医療サービス満足度に関する研究—中国杭州市下城区を事例として


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 原発事故による被災者の孤立感と生活困難及びソーシャル・キャピタルとの関連


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • Comparison of end-of-life perspectives and issues between Kazakhstan and Japan

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 時系列分析による 日本の未成年者自殺に関する新聞報道の特徴


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • The Transfiguration Accompanying the Globalization of the Traditional Festival“Nowruz” and the Traditional Beverage “Kumiss” in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociology Association (Laos) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • The Meaning of and Changes in “ТОЙ” in Life Event Ceremonies in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociology Association (Laos) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • A study on the living and health status of the elderly who fail to pay premiums of the long-term care insurance in Japan

    The IEA World Congress of Epidemiology 2014 (USA) 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Relationship between LBW infant rate by prefecture and biological socio-economic factors in Japan: an ecological study

    The International Epidemiology Association World Congress of Epidemiology 2014 (USA) 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • 全国特別養護老人ホームにおける感染管理に関する調査報告


    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • 地域の支え合いの意識と主観的健康度との関連


    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • PTA役員活動が保護者の子育て不安感に及ぼす影響


    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • がんの年齢調整死亡率と標高の関連


    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • 中央アジアにおける東洋医学教育


    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • A Study on Geographical Difference of Low Birth Weight Rate in Japan

    27th Annual Meeting Seattle, Society of Pediatric and Perinatal Research (USA) 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • カザフスタン共和国における馬乳酒(クムス)の製造販売・栄養・飲用に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • WAMIPOP活動報告


    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • 大学生における農作業が身体活動量と気分に及ぼす影響に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • 中山間地域における祭りによるソーシャル・キャピタル醸成 —埼玉県皆野町中三沢地区瑞穂神社氏子総代の語りから—


    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • インターネット上の乳がん患者の語りの分析ー乳がん患者と情報との関わりー


    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • 農作業ボランティア活動の運動量と活動前後の気分の変化


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • ミャンマー連邦共和国ハンセン病元患者の抱える問題:半構造化面接による検討


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • カザフスタンにおける終末期医療に関する基礎的研究


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 日本語‐カザフ語辞書作成の試みとその評価


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • デイサービスにおけるTQM活動の実践とその評価


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 低出生体重児出生後の疾病および障害に関する体系的文献レビュー


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 高齢介護施設における感染症予防策の検討:平成19年全国調査より


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 地方自治体のまちづくりにおける健康福祉施策と関連指標の変遷


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • ワークライフバランスを指標とした介護職場環境改善に関するベースライン調査


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 農作業プログラムが大学生の食意識に及ぼす影響


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Preventive Methods of Infectious Diseases at Special Nursing Homes in Japan

    IARMM 2nd World Congress of Clinical Safety, International Association of Risk Management in Medicine(Germany) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 大学生における農作業が運動量・気分に及ぼす影響に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • 子どもの体力と社会・経済・文化的要因の関連


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • カザフスタン共和国における児童・生徒の健康・生活習慣の検討


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • テキストマイニングによるインターネット上のがん患者の語りの分析


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • 低出生体重児出生率と生物社会経済指標に関する地域相関研究


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • 高齢者施設におけるワーク・ライフバランスコンサルティングと疲労評価による取り組み(第一報)


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • 予防接種に関するメディア報道の時系列分析


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • Promoting and Evaluating Total Quality Management for Nurses

    The 12th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference in conjunction with The 18th Asia Pacific DSI Conference(Indonesia) 

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • 福祉施設における労働環境向上に関する要因の構造分析


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • カザフスタン共和国のナウルズ(НАУРЫЗ)に見る食の文化的・歴史的特徴.


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 医療施設における業務改善プロセスに着目した看護の質改善活動


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • テキストマイニングによるインターネット上のがん患者の語りの分析


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • WAMIPOPの活動成果と今後の計画


    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • WAMIPOP 2012年度活動報告


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 中央アジアの環境変動から我が国の課題を考える〜カザフスタンにおける核実験が人々に与えた影響


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • Current Status and Issues of Caring for the elderly in Japan

    The 3rd Uzbek-Japan Academic Forum(Teleconference, Saitama-Tashkent) 

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • Current Status and Issues of Child-Rising Support in Japan

    The 3rd Uzbek-Japan Academic Forum(Teleconference, Saitama-Tashkent) 

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • テキストマイニングを用いた我が国の未成年者自殺に関する新聞報道の検討


    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • 介護老人福祉施設における感染症の実態とその予防策および対策の効果の検討


    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • 自治体規模と介護保険料滞納高齢者の特徴からみた所得・健康格差に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • GISを用いた低出生体重児に関する地理的空間的分析


    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • WAMIPOP 2012年度上半期活動報告


    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • 予防接種に関する新聞報道の時系列分析


    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • 高齢者福祉施設における総合的品質経営を達成するための職員満足への影響要因


    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • Ceremonies Related To Marriage in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Central Eurasian Studies Society 3rd Regional Conference(Georgia) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • 福祉施設におけるTQM展開を促進する職員満足度向上モデルの提案


    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • GISを用いた首都圏における飛び込み自殺に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • 全国調査にみる介護保険料滞納者に対する自治体対応の検討


    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • カザフスタン共和国における青少年の健康意識と態度に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • 低出生体重児の発現要因に関する体系的文献レビュー


    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • The Charasteristics and Acculturation of Nowruz in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Central Eurasian Studies Society 3rd Regional Conference(Georgia) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • 早稲田大学人間科学部での取り組み(GIS教育)

    第8回 GISコミュニティフォーラム(東京) 

    Presentation date: 2012.06

  • 予防接種に関する新聞報道の特徴


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • ICTによる健康管理サービスに関する研究


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 新聞メディアにおける未成年者の自殺報道に関する時系列分析


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 地理情報システムを用いた首都圏における飛び込み自殺の空間疫学的研究


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • ICTによる健康管理サービスに関する研究


    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • Supporting system for International research in Japanese universities

    The International Seminar "Dynamic Integration into International Scientific and Educational Community" devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan(Kazakhstan) 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • 高齢者福祉施設におけるリスクマネジメントを目的とした職員研修の検討


    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • 介護保険料滞納高齢者に関する経済・健康格差に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • 自治体ウェブサイトにおける外国人向け医療情報提供の実態


    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • Trends and Issues on Sport and Health Education in University of Japan

    International Students Scientific Conference “University Sport: Health and prosperity of the nation” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan(Kazakhstan) 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • Research Trends in the Quality of Service provided in Welfare Facilities for the Elderly in Japan

    International Conference on Business &amp; Information 2011(USA) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Proposal and Applicability of Quality Management Model of Welfare Facilities for the Elderly

    International Conference on Business &amp; Information 2011(USA) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Importance of School Health Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Viewpoint of Human Development Index (MDI) and Its Actual Condition

    Central Eurasian Studies Society 12th Annual Conference(USA) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 日本国内発行の英字新聞における自殺報道の特徴


    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 未成年者の自殺を扱った新聞報道に関する実証的研究


    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • A study on the medical information disseminated to foreigners using the Internet on the web pages of local governments

    21st Asia-Pacific Social Work Conference(Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • A study on propertied oh toys for severely multiple handicapped children in Japan

    21st Asia-Pacific Social Work Conference(Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • A systematic review of the quality management of service provided in medical industry

    21st Asia-Pacific Social Work Conference(Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • インターネット上の医療情報に関するガイドラインの検討


    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • 介護老人福祉施設におけるノロウィルス感染症予防に関する施設内研修の試み


    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • 介護保険料滞納高齢者に関する経済・健康格差に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • インターネット上の医療の質の確保について


    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • A comparative analysis of the quality of healthcare information on the Internet

    International Conference on Management(Malaysia) 

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • インターネットによる医療情報の提供の在り方に関する研究(第1報)


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • インターネットによる医療情報の提供の在り方に関する研究(第2報)


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • 全国自治体調査からみた介護保険料滞納高齢者の経済・健康格差の実態と対策の現状


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • カザフスタン共和国における学校健康教育科目「健康と生活習慣」開発の動向


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • 記述疫学的分析による関東地方における飛び込み自殺の特徴


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • Expectation and Possibility of Modern Health Issues and School-based Health Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Central Eurasian Studies Society 11th Annual Conference(USA) 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • カザフスタン共和国における学校健康教育科目開発の動向と課題(第2報)


    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • 介護保険料納付状況からみた高齢者の健康格差と行政による介入可能性の検討


    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • ドクターヘリ事業における費用効果分析に関する研究.


    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • 首都圏における飛び込み自殺に関する記述疫学的研究


    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • Trend and Issues on School Health Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Second Central Eurasian Studies Society Regional Conference(Turkey) 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • 自治体ウェブページにおける外国人向け医療情報提供の実態


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • 歩行などの無意識の日常行動を非日常の場で意識的に行うことが日常生活に及ぼす効果


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • 5要因マインドフルネス質問表FFMQの日本語版の信頼性と妥当性の検討


    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • Базовое изучение вопросов по внесение казахстанского школьного предмета по воспитанию ЗОЖ в число обязательных дисциплин


    International Conference on Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle-the main strategy of Kazakhstan 

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • インターネットにおける医療情報ガイドラインに関する国際比較


    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • カザフスタン共和国における学校健康教育科目開発の動向と課題


    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 介護保険料滞納者の健康格差および経済格差の実態と介入可能性の検討


    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • インターネットにおける医療情報ガイドラインに関する国際比較研究


    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • カザフスタン共和国における学校健康教育プログラム開発に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • Investigation of renal function and urinaly element concentrations of children living near the Aral Sea


    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • 介護保険料滞納者に対する介護保険サービスのあり方に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • Система образавания японий.

    Материалы XXXIX научно-методической конференций профессорско-преподавательского состава КазНУ им.аль-Фараби(Kazakhstan) 

    Presentation date: 2009.01

  • 福祉施設における品質経営の必要性


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • メディアによる自殺報道におけるリスクコミュニケーション研究(第二報)


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • 科学的アプローチを用いた高齢者福祉施設業務プロセスの改善(第三報)


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • 要介護ハイリスク集団に対する早期介入のための生活困難者の把握


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • 科学的アプローチを用いた高齢者福祉施設業務プロセスの改善(第四報)


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • 特別養護老人ホームにおける品質経営の在り方に関する研究(第一報)


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • 要介護ハイリスク集団としての生活困窮者に対する早期介入の必要性


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • メディアによる自殺報道におけるリスクコミュニケーション研究(第二報)


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • Ecological distraction of the Aral Sea and the socioeconomic and health status of its residents

    The First Regional Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society(Kyrgyz) 

    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • アラル海東側に住む学童の摂取食品の季節差と地域差


    Presentation date: 2008.05

  • 麻疹流行による大学休講期間中の大学生行動のタイムスタディの検討

    第82 回感染症学会総会(島根) 

    Presentation date: 2008.04

  • 利用者の地理的分布からみた通所介護施設における送迎サービスの実態


    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • カザフスタン共和国の学校健康教育の現状と課題


    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • メディアの自殺報道におけるリスクコミュニケーションに関する研究


    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • GISを用いた高齢者福祉施設のアクセス評価に関する研究

    Spatial Information Science CSIS DAYS 2007(千葉) 

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 高齢者福祉施設における総合的防災計画作成に向けた基礎的検討


    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • ケース対応の困難事例からみた介護支援専門員の効果的な支援方策の提案(第一報)


    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 特別養護老人ホームにおける業務プロセスの改善に関する研究


    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 高齢者の介護施設への地理的アクセスの格差−地域高齢者福祉政策の評価−


    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • Seasonal variations in the food intake frequency of children living in the Aral Sea region

    3rd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health Satellite Symposium(Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • GISによる通所介護施設利用者の地理的分布と送迎サービスに関する検討


    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • 科学的アプローチを用いた高齢者福祉施設業務プロセスの改善(第一報)


    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • 科学的アプローチを用いた高齢者福祉施設業務プロセスの改善(第二報)


    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • Iron status of seasonal variation investigated in children living near the Aral Sea, Kazakhstan

    10th Asian Congress of Nutrition(Taiwan) 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • GISを用いた所沢市における通所介護施設と高齢者人口の分布に関する検討


    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • Analyses of environmental samples (dust and soils)

    The International Conference "Children's Environmental Health for a Sustainable Future Focus on the Central Asia Republics"(Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • Study Design and Conditions of Health and Socio-Economics

    The International Conference "Children's Environmental Health for a Sustainable Future Focus on the Central Asia Republics"(Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • カザフスタン共和国における学校健康教育の制度的側面からみた特徴


    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • カザフスタン共和国アラル海付近の飲料水中細菌と小児の健康状態:地域差と季節差


    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • GIS(地理情報システム)を用いた通所介護施設の地理的アクセスの評価


    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • アラル海沿岸地域調査における血中および尿中元素濃度と飲料水中元素濃度の関係


    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • アラル海東側に住む学童の摂取食品の季節差と地域差


    Presentation date: 2006.05

  • アラル海東側地域に住む小児の尿元素濃度と生化学指標の地域差と季節差


    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • 飲料水中元素濃度と地域差と季節差−アラル海東側地域における調査


    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • アラル海東側地域における飲料水と消化器系疾患との関連


    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • Drinking water quality from the aspect of element concentrations

    8th International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences(Brazil) 

    Presentation date: 2005.04

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Development of a program to spread cervical cancer preventive measures to the community centered on public health nurses

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 原発事故被災者の移住・帰還・避難継続における新たな居住福祉に関する人間科学的研究

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Development of cervical cancer and HPV related cancer preventive education program by peer education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Katayama Kayoko

     View Summary

    Due to low rates of cervical cancer (CC) screening and HPV vaccination, the incidence of CC among young women in Japan is increasing. To change this situation, effective health education for young people is critical. In this study, we aimed to validate the benefits of peer education (PE) among students of a college for health educators.
    A baseline survey was conducted in 2016. We evaluated the health literacy using the literacy scale Japanese version of the European version for all grades of certain physical education university. Eight 3rd year students who volunteered to be peer educators were provided with lectures and basic education materials about CC prevention by health professionals. Afterward, the peer-educators created their own education materials and gave 30-minute PE lectures to 2nd year students. Compared with the non-intervention group, the PE intervention group had a higher health literacy score and a higher cancer screening rate.

  • 熟練介護者の暗黙知・熟練技術の学習を可能とするeラーニングシステムの開発


    Project Year :


     View Summary

    本研究は,熟練介者がもつ食事介助に関する暗黙知・熟練技術を解明し,その知見を活用した研修プログラムの開発を目的としている.平成 28 年度は,熟練介護者の持つ一連の食事介助場面における暗黙知・技術の抽出のために,研究協力機関の高齢者福祉施設において,食事介助・口腔ケア場面の動画撮影(初任者・熟練介護者),熟練介護者へのヒアリングを行った.特に,撮影した動画をもとにした作業過程の分析を行い,熟練介護者が持つ食事介助・口腔ケアに関する意思決定フローチャートを作成した.その結果,熟練介助者は初任者と比較して,利用者の状態確認場面・頻度が異なっていることが明らかとなった.さらに食事介助者にウェアラブルのアイカメラを装着し,介助者側の目からみた映像を収集・解析した.その結果,食事介助における熟練介護者が有する暗黙知として,利用者の眼と喉を集中的に観察していること,その理由として,眼からは利用者の要求と状態のアセスメント,喉からは食事のスムーズな摂取と誤嚥状況のアセスメントを行っていることが明らかとなった.また,食事介助場面で出現する暗黙知と熟練技術を抽出し,食事介助フローにもとづいた重要場面と重要情報を組み込んだビジュアル・マニュアルを作成した.教育コンテンツの一つである確認テストの作成や,口腔ケアにおける動画コンテンツの作成が完了していないことから,やや遅れていると考えられる.前年度に開発した食事介助動画コンテンツ,ビジュアル・マニュアルに加え,事前事後テスト,さらには口腔ケアに関するコンテンツを作成し,研究の結果明らかになった熟練介護者が持つ暗黙知・熟練介護技術を実装した学習管理システム(動画コンテンツの配信,学習者の登録,学習履歴の管理,学習進捗の管理)を開発する.研究協力について同意の得られた高齢者福祉施設の職員を対象に,開発したシステムを活用してもらい,学習効果の測定に加えて,利便性を含めた開発システムの評価を行う.なお,学習履歴や BBS の書き込みの内容を分析し,高齢者介護施設職員の学習傾向や学習ニーズに関する特徴を洗い出す.得られた評価結果をシステムの改善に反映させ,高齢者介護施設職員向け研修プログラムのプロトタイプを提案する.研究成果の公表と専門家との情報交換を目的とする学会参加旅費への計上を予定している

  • 熟練介護者の暗黙知・熟練技術の学習を可能とするeラーニングシステムの開発


    Project Year :


     View Summary

    本研究は,熟練介者がもつ食事介助に関する暗黙知・熟練技術を解明し,その知見を活用した研修プログラムの開発を目的としている.平成 28 年度は,熟練介護者の持つ一連の食事介助場面における暗黙知・技術の抽出のために,研究協力機関の高齢者福祉施設において,食事介助・口腔ケア場面の動画撮影(初任者・熟練介護者),熟練介護者へのヒアリングを行った.特に,撮影した動画をもとにした作業過程の分析を行い,熟練介護者が持つ食事介助・口腔ケアに関する意思決定フローチャートを作成した.その結果,熟練介助者は初任者と比較して,利用者の状態確認場面・頻度が異なっていることが明らかとなった.さらに食事介助者にウェアラブルのアイカメラを装着し,介助者側の目からみた映像を収集・解析した.その結果,食事介助における熟練介護者が有する暗黙知として,利用者の眼と喉を集中的に観察していること,その理由として,眼からは利用者の要求と状態のアセスメント,喉からは食事のスムーズな摂取と誤嚥状況のアセスメントを行っていることが明らかとなった.また,食事介助場面で出現する暗黙知と熟練技術を抽出し,食事介助フローにもとづいた重要場面と重要情報を組み込んだビジュアル・マニュアルを作成した.教育コンテンツの一つである確認テストの作成や,口腔ケアにおける動画コンテンツの作成が完了していないことから,やや遅れていると考えられる.前年度に開発した食事介助動画コンテンツ,ビジュアル・マニュアルに加え,事前事後テスト,さらには口腔ケアに関するコンテンツを作成し,研究の結果明らかになった熟練介護者が持つ暗黙知・熟練介護技術を実装した学習管理システム(動画コンテンツの配信,学習者の登録,学習履歴の管理,学習進捗の管理)を開発する.研究協力について同意の得られた高齢者福祉施設の職員を対象に,開発したシステムを活用してもらい,学習効果の測定に加えて,利便性を含めた開発システムの評価を行う.なお,学習履歴や BBS の書き込みの内容を分析し,高齢者介護施設職員の学習傾向や学習ニーズに関する特徴を洗い出す.得られた評価結果をシステムの改善に反映させ,高齢者介護施設職員向け研修プログラムのプロトタイプを提案する.研究成果の公表と専門家との情報交換を目的とする学会参加旅費への計上を予定している

  • A study on infection control measures in elderly care facilities and development of a training program for those facilities staff

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Ogihara Atsushi, YAMAJI Manabu

     View Summary

    In the current study, we evaluated the actual state of infection control in elderly care facilities and then developed and evaluated a training program for infection control. After an infection outbreak, we could not rule out the importance of training and of preparing an infection control manual. Furthermore, a learning management system including a visual manual regarding infection control was developed, and the effect of the system was examined. As a result, the training program developed was positively evaluated; however, several needs for improvement were identified with respect to the method of presenting image contents. In the future, means of customizing the infection control training program that take into account the individuality of the care facility staff with diverse backgrounds, including education and employment history, need to be examined

  • 公益財団法人サイサン環境保全基金(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • Development of a Package of Dementia Support Programs based on Multi-generational Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kase Hiroko, Kumno Hiroaki, Kojima Takaya, Oogihara Astushi, Asada Tadashi, Ono Mitsukazu, Sano Tomonori

     View Summary

    [Purpose]This research aimed to develop a package of multi-generational programs to support people with dementia(PWD).[Method]Questionnaires were mailed to citizens age 40 and older. A package of six action research studies was conducted: implementing a series of lectures and workshops ; delivering a study program in elementary schools; organizing a volunteer group;collaborating regular meetings of community care professionals; delivering mindfulness therapy for caregivers; and intervening to in old apartments. The Social Capital Scale administrated at baseline and at 24 months. [Results] The respondents in the follow-up survey confirmed the decline of the ratio of participants in community activities; however the increased ratio of people who hoped to help neighbors was statistically significant.[Conclusion] Multi-generational education programs,including volunteer placement and support, must encourage residents to join activities to help PWD and their families

  • Analysis of vocational motivations and work stress of care workers ; development of new management strategy of personnel in nursing homes

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    [Purpose] The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship with work stress and vocational motivation of staff in nursing homes to explore the new management strategy .[Method] A questionnaire survey was conducted to 178 care workers and a qualitative study among the directors of nursing homes which had zero turnover rates during last 3 years was conducted.[Results] We were extracted on a vocational motivation model of three factors and a work stress model of four factors.The results showed that care workers with‘human relationship' motivation have a significant positive coefficient to work stress. We confirmed the directors were focusing on management of ‘care systems’ and ‘communication among staff ’ towards performing ‘ thinking- based care’.[Conclusion] Vocational motivation and work stress of nursing home staff was revealed. To improve their motivation , the management of towards performing ‘ thinking-based care', has been considerable

  • 平成28年度「食と教育」学術研究 乳文化を利用した多世代多文化交流健康生成プログラムの開発

    Project Year :


  • 高齢者介護施設における感染症対策の科学的検証と施設職員研修プログラムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


  • 日本学術振興会 基盤研究(B) 高齢者介護施設における感染症対策の科学的検証と施設職員研修プログラムの開発(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • みそ健康づくり委員会(全国味噌工業協同組合連合会) 味噌の摂取と認知機能の改善に関する総合的研究(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 公益信託富士フイルム・グリーンファンド 中山間地域をフィールドにした留学生向け日本文化体験プログラム(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 早稲田大学特定課題研究 カザフにおけるトイの実態・変容の解明およびソーシャルキャピタル(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 早稲田大学特定課題研究 高齢者介護施設における感染症予防策に関する追跡調査(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 早稲田大学特定課題研究 中央アジアにおける持続可能な学校健康教育の展開に関する国際比較(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 財団法人ファイザー ヘルスリサーチ振興財団 介護保険料滞納者にみる高齢者の経済格差と健康格差に関する研究(代表:高橋和行,流山市役所)

    Project Year :


  • Development of sustainable comprehensive school health program in Aral Sea region

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OGIHARA Atsushi

     View Summary

    The aim of this study is to clear trends and issues of development of school health education subject in the Republic of Kazakhstan for developing school health program around Aral Sea. We analyzed Валеология Программа, Здоровье и жизненные навыки Программe, and Государственный общеобязательный стандарт среднегообщего образования Республики Казахстан for material and interviewed for Kazakh health authorities and policy makers. The main results were as follows:1) Term of elementary and secondary education is currently 11 years. Preparation for change of it to 12 years is progressing.2) The subject of school health education named "Валеолoгия" was established in 1998 to cope with problems of students related to their health.3) Dr. Adilhanov Almuhamed, then chief of National Center for Problems of Healthy Lifestyle Development mainly developed Валеолoгия.4) Валеология teachers are trained at universities of sports, medicine, and education.5) Здоровье и жизненные навыки was established in 2005, through integrating scattered contents in various subjects related to health. It is thought that the subject of school health education in the Republic of Kazakhstan has to reveal scope and sequence of its contents in developing its curriculum. Moreover, this process should be carried out adding not only school teachers but some professionals regarding pediatrics, hygiene, and pedagogy

  • 日本学術振興会 若手研究(B) アラル海周辺地域における持続可能な包括的学校保健プログラムの開発

    Project Year :


  • 早稲田大学人間総合研究センター 障がいのある学生を支援するインクルーシブなバリアフリーキャンパス構築をめざす心理・社会・工学的学際研究 (代表:田中 英樹,早稲田大学教授)

    Project Year :


  • 早稲田大学特定課題研究 エコロジカルディジーズの予防を中心とした持続可能な学校保健プログラムの開発(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 早稲田大学特定課題研究 地理情報システムを用いた地域における高齢者保健福祉計画に関する実証的研究(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 早稲田大学人間総合研究センター 医療・健康・福祉に関する個人情報の活用のあり方に関する研究 (代表:山内 繁,早稲田大学教授)

    Project Year :


  • ファイザーヘルスリサーチ振興財団研究助成金 地理情報システム技術を用いた高齢者支援施設の地理的アクセスの評価(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 早稲田大学特定課題研究 アラル海東側地域の環境と住民の健康に関する研究(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 日本学術振興会 若手研究(B) アラル海周辺地域における水と住民の健康に関する研究(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 財団法人 科学技術振興会国際交流助成(代表:扇原 淳)

    Project Year :


  • 2004年度国連大学秋野記念奨学金 Reserch on relationship between environmental water and residents' haelth in the Aral Sea region

    Project Year :


  • アラル海周辺地域における水と住民の健康に関する研究

     View Summary


▼display all


  • The Practice of Social Care on Inter-professional Collaboration: Multi-vocal Analysis of Supporters after Fukushima Nuclear Accident

    KIM Jihye, KIM Jihye, 大橋美の里, JIA Yifan, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 増田和高, 辻内優子, 辻内優子, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 根ヶ山光一, 根ヶ山光一, 熊野宏昭, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也, 辻内琢也

    日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集   62nd (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 福島原発事故首都圏被害者に持続する甚大な精神的被害-人間科学的実証研究から

    辻内琢也, 辻内琢也, 金智慧, 金智慧, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 平田修三, 平田修三, 日高友郎, 日高友郎, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 熊野宏昭, 熊野宏昭

    日本トラウマティック・ストレス学会大会プログラム・抄録集   20th  2021


  • Social Factors Related to Psychological Stress Symptoms in Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Victims-From the Analysis of 2020 Survey-

    JIA Yifan, KIM Jihye, KIM Jihye, 大橋美の里, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 辻内優子, 辻内優子, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 熊野宏昭, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也, 辻内琢也

    日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集   62nd (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 生活支援コーディネーターと地域住民の協働による所沢市の「金山食堂だれでもランチ」の取り組み

    岩垣 穂大, 長瀬 健吾, 扇原 淳

    地域福祉実践研究   ( 11 ) 66 - 71  2020.06

     View Summary


  • 大学生のヘルスリテラシーとがんの知識との関連(第5報) ピア学生の養成プロセス

    助友 裕子, 片山 佳代子, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   78回   363 - 363  2019.10

  • 大学生のヘルスリテラシーとがんの知識との関連(第6報) ピア教育の効果検証

    片山 佳代子, 助友 裕子, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   78回   363 - 363  2019.10

  • 大学生のヘルスリテラシーとがんの知識との関連(第7報) 中国大学生による検討

    鈴木 大介, 王 鴻, 周 馳, 扇原 淳, 助友 裕子, 片山 佳代子

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   78回   364 - 364  2019.10

  • 福島原発事故被災者の社会経済的要因と心的ストレス症状との関連:2017年調査から

    大橋美の里, JIA Iifan, KIM Jihye, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 辻内優子, 辻内優子, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 熊野宏明, 熊野宏明, 辻内琢也, 辻内琢也

    日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集   60th  2019


  • 福島原発事故被災者の社会経済的要因と心的ストレス症状との関連:2016年調査から

    JIA Iifan, 大橋美の里, KIM Jihye, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 辻内優子, 辻内優子, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 熊野宏明, 熊野宏明, 辻内琢也, 辻内琢也

    日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集   60th  2019


  • 異文化交流ワークショップ「秩父音頭からChichibu Ondoへ」活動報告

    岩垣 穂大, 鈴木 大介, 齋藤 篤, 扇原 淳

    地域活性研究   10   164 - 169  2019


  • 大学生のヘルスリテラシーとがんの知識との関連(第2報) ピア教育開発過程

    助友 裕子, 片山 佳代子, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   77回   361 - 361  2018.10

  • 大学生のヘルスリテラシーとがんの知識との関連(第3報) 体育大学での調査研究

    片山 佳代子, 助友 裕子, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   77回   361 - 361  2018.10

  • 大学生のヘルスリテラシーとがんの知識との関連(第4報) 総合大学でのweb調査研究

    王 鴻, 周 思宇, 扇原 淳, 助友 裕子, 片山 佳代子

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   77回   361 - 361  2018.10

  • 福島原子力発電所事故の県外避難者におけるメンタルヘルスと生活における課題

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   77回   503 - 503  2018.10

  • 医療通訳研究に関する系統的文献レビュー

    田村 智恵, 齋藤 篤, 岩垣 穂大, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   77回   583 - 583  2018.10

  • Highly-skilled heath care workers exhibit tacit knowledge and advanced skills for preventing disordered swallowing and aspiration pneumonia in their patients

    Nao Ueda, Manabu Yamaji, Moyuan Li, Kohei Matsushita, Qun Jin, Shoji Nishimura, Atsushi Ogihara


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 大学生のヘルスリテラシー(HLS-EU-Q47)とがんの知識および生活習慣との関連

    片山 佳代子, 扇原 淳, 助友 裕子

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   76回   457 - 457  2017.10

  • 福島原発事故により避難指示の指定を受けた被災者の心的外傷後ストレス症状

    小牧 久見子, 持田 隆平, 岩垣 穂大, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    心身医学   57 ( 6 ) 684 - 684  2017.06

  • 社会福祉施設を対象とした感染症対策研修会の検討

    小川 泰卓, 岸本 剛, 扇原 淳, 本多 麻夫

    日本環境感染学会総会プログラム・抄録集   32回   388 - 388  2017.02

  • 東日本大震災が生み出した自主的避難者における心的外傷後ストレス症状

    小牧 久見子, 持田 隆平, 岩垣 穂大, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   20 ( 別冊 ) 109 - 109  2016.12

  • 災害時要援護者対策と地域見守り活動における個人情報取扱いに関する研究

    高橋 和行, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   75回   611 - 611  2016.10

  • 地域住民における居住・食事形態とQOL及び主観的健康感、抑うつとの関連

    上田 菜央, 岩垣 穂大, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   75回   637 - 637  2016.10

  • 東日本大震災4年目の宮城県被災者の外傷後ストレス症状に影響をあたえる身体・心理・社会的要因

    高橋 光咲, 辻内 琢也, 岩垣 穂大, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳, 熊野 宏昭

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 676 - 676  2016.06

  • 東日本大震災4年目の岩手県被災者の外傷後ストレス症状に影響をあたえる身体・心理・社会的要因

    川崎 拓真, 小牧 久見子, 岩垣 穂大, 赤野 大和, 高橋 光咲, 福田 千加子, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 677 - 677  2016.06

  • 原子力発電所事故4年後の被災者の放射線・放射能のイメージとストレス度との関連

    小牧 久見子, 岩垣 穂大, 赤野 大和, 川崎 拓真, 高橋 光咲, 福田 千加子, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 677 - 677  2016.06

  • 自閉症参加者に対するイルカ介在療法のプログラムに関する研究

    石高 志保, 扇原 淳

    ヒトと動物の関係学会誌   43   68 - 68  2016.03

  • 保護者が感じるイルカ介在療法の効用に関する検討

    石高 志保, 川名 はつ子, 扇原 淳

    動物介在教育・療法学雑誌   7 ( 1-2 ) 12 - 12  2016.03

  • 福島原子力発電所事故による自主的避難者のストレス 現居住地の放射線に対する安心感に着目して

    小牧 久見子, 岩垣 穂大, 持田 隆平, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 石川 則子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   19 ( 別冊 ) 93 - 93  2015.11

  • 福島原子力発電所事故による母子避難者のストレス 家族関係とソーシャルキャピタルに着目して

    岩垣 穂大, 小牧 久見子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 持田 隆平, 石川 則子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   19 ( 別冊 ) 94 - 94  2015.11

  • 大都市近郊在住高齢者の健康状態と社会参加に関する研究

    高橋 和行, 岩垣 穂大, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   74回   358 - 358  2015.10

  • 大都市近郊住民の地域行事の関わり方とQOLとの関連

    松下 幸平, 石高 志保, 田口 奈於, 上田 菜央, 岩垣 穂大, 高橋 和行, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   74回   361 - 361  2015.10

  • 中華人民共和国浙江省杭州市中高齢者の介護に関するニーズ分析

    周 思宇, 李 墨淵, 山路 学, 多賀 努, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   74回   400 - 400  2015.10

  • PTA活動とソーシャル・キャピタルに関する研究 複線径路・等至性モデルによる分析

    稲木 隆一, 岩垣 穂大, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   74回   403 - 403  2015.10

  • 地域住民のソーシャル・キャピタルとQOLとの関連

    宮嶋 かおり, 勝眞 瞳, 上田 菜央, 田口 奈於, 稲木 隆一, 岩垣 穂大, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   74回   403 - 403  2015.10

  • 地域住民の口腔内状態とQOL及びソーシャル・キャピタルとの関連

    上田 菜央, 岩垣 穂大, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   74回   444 - 444  2015.10

  • 東日本大震災における仮設住宅居住者のPTSDとソーシャル・キャピタルとの関連

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 小牧 久見子, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   74回   473 - 473  2015.10

  • 原発事故による被災者の放射線・放射能のイメージとストレスの関連

    小牧 久見子, 辻内 琢也, 岩垣 穂大, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   74回   475 - 475  2015.10

  • 福島原子力発電所事故による強制避難者のストレス-帰還をめぐる予測と気持ちに着目して-

    赤野大和, 小牧久見子, 岩垣穂大, 福田千加子, 持田隆平, 石川則子, 桂川泰典, 増田和高, 多賀努, 小島隆矢, 根ケ山光一, 扇原淳, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也, 桂川泰典, 増田和高, 多賀努, 小島隆矢, 根ケ山光一, 扇原淳, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   19  2015


  • 全国特別養護老人ホームにおける感染管理に関する調査報告

    大浦 絢子, 松下 幸平, 青地 ゆり, 岸本 剛, 斎藤 章暢, 石田 篤史, 扇原 淳, 町田 和彦

    体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌   24 ( 3 ) 213 - 215  2014.12

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  • 科学的アプローチを用いた高齢者福祉施設の業務プロセスの改善(第3報)

    武藤 充, 扇原 淳, 沖 繁希, 山路 学

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   67回   517 - 517  2008.10

  • 科学的アプローチを用いた高齢者福祉施設の業務プロセスの改善(第4報)

    扇原 淳, 武藤 充, 沖 繁希, 山路 学

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   67回   517 - 517  2008.10

  • 利用者の地理的分布からみた通所介護施設における送迎サービスの実態

    高橋 和行, 扇原 淳

    日本衞生學雜誌   63 ( 2 ) 568 - 568  2008.03


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  • 保育士

  • 精神保健福祉士...

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  • 社会福祉士...

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  • 高等学校教諭一種免許状(理科)

  • 中学校教諭一種免許状(理科)



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Social Activities

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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 農福等連携事業によるウェルビーイング社会構築に関する研究


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    高齢社会の進展に伴い,農村地域での高齢者の増加や農業人口の減少,地域コミュニティの弱体化が指摘されている.近年,地方公共団体や福祉事業者,農業団体などが連携し,地域資源の活用や人材育成などを行う政策や施策が導入されている.しかしながら,農福連携事業について,地域の組織間連携の強化や持続可能性,参加者の満足度,効果測定,資金面,人材育成の課題が指摘されている. そこで,本研究では,農福連携事業を展開する2法人を対象に,事業運営に関する課題に関するインタビューとフィールド調査を行った.その結果,生産する農産物の高品質化,利用者の特性に応じた役割の創出,他業種,他機関との緊密な連携による販路創出,社会環境の変化に応じた事業内容の見直し,が事業継続の鍵となっていた.これらの課題を踏まえ,より効果的な農福連携のモデルや運営方法,地域の特性やニーズに応じた柔軟な地域域社会への普及要因の解明が求められる.

  • 産官学民連携による子育て支援情報共有システムの検討


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  • 社会的孤立・孤独の予防・防止のための情報情報共有システムに関する研究


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    ICTの利活用による社会のDX化が,世界共通の課題であるSDGsの実現に重要な役割を果たすと期待されている.ICTがもたらす自動化やオンライン化は,外出やコミュニケーションに困難を抱える障害のある人や高齢者をはじめ,すべての人に役立つ.一方,日本政府は,2021年2月に孤独・孤立対策担当相を新設し,内閣官房に孤独・孤立対策担当室を設置するなど,深刻化する社会的孤立・孤独対応について「経済財政運営と改革の基本方針2021」(2021年6月)の中で具体的な方策を盛り込んだもののいずれも網羅的であり,ICT利活用との関係については不明確なままとなっている. この問題解決のためには,高齢者・障害者に配慮したICTのインタフェースの提供に加え,サービス内容そのものの改善が求められる。しかし,従来の紙を中心とした行政プロセスにおいては,住民情報の収集および多様なサービス間でのデータ連携が困難であり,住民に望まれるサービスを適切に提供・評価するための仕組みが十分に構築されていない. そこで,本研究では,高齢者・障害者の社会的孤立防止のための地域・福祉サービス連携システムの開発を目指して,産官学連携による地域・福祉サービス連携システムの構築のための検討を行った. その結果,多くの自治体では,現行住民サービスの提供方法が担当部署ごとの縦割りになっていて利用者視点の設計がなされていない,サービス提供機関および利用者にとってもICT機器の導入・利用のハードルが高い,電子化による利用履歴分析による政策立案・評価に対する合意形成が課題であることが明らかとなった. 今後は,大学,自治体,企業,住民参加型のプラットフォーム構築と公共施策や技術開発との連携が必要であることが求められる.

  • 市民実感データと地域データの統合データ連携プラットフォームの構築


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  • 地域福祉支援者間の有機的な連携を実現する情報共有システムの検討


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  • 思わず歩きたくなる街の条件に関する基礎的研究


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    近年,人々の徒歩移動による日常生活の中の身体活動量を増加させ,人々の健康増進に都市環境の側から働きかける仕組みとして都市のウォーカビリティという概念が注目されている.このウォーカビリティに関連して,思わず歩きたくなる街づくりを標榜する自治体も出てきている.しかしながら,ウォーカビリティや思わず歩きたくなる街を評価する指標について標準化されたものはない.そこで,本研究では,まずウォーカビリティ指標について先行研究を整理し,続いて,ウォーカビリティを構成する要素の一つとして,地域公共交通を取り上げ,現状分析を行った.その結果,ウォーカビリティの評価方法は主に,質問紙による評価,観察による評価,地理情報システムによる評価の3つであった. A市の地域公共交通について,ウォーカビリティの観点から検討した結果,特にバス停配置の点で課題があることが明らかとなった.

  • 災害対策と福祉対策をつなぐ避難行動要支援者対策の提案


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  • 熟練介護者の暗黙知・熟練技術の学習を可能とするeラーニングシステムの開発

    2017   山路 学

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  • 地域見守り活動と災害時要援護者対策に関わる個人情報の取扱いに関する研究


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  • カザフにおけるトイの実態・変容の解明およびソーシャルキャピタルと健康度の関連


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    本研究は,カザフスタン共和国における伝統的トイ(儀礼・祝祭)の一つ,「ノウルーズ」の実態の解明と,トイがどのようにソーシャルキャピタル(以下,SC)と健康度に関連するのかを明らかにすることを目的に,現地での参与観察と文献資料収集を行った. その結果,公共の場での祝賀行事は,行政の担当者によって取り仕切られており,カザフ文化の復興を掲げ,カザフ文化を「見せる」ということに重点が置かれていた.トイで行われる贈答交換や共食・相互扶助は互酬性を伴うソーシャルネットワーク形成の基礎であり,SCの概念で捉えることが可能と思われた.

  • 高齢者介護施設における感染症予防策に関する追跡調査


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  • 中央アジアにおける持続可能な学校健康教育の展開に関する国際比較研究


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    中央アジアにおける持続可能な学校健康教育の展開に関する国際比較を行った.中央アジア5か国の中で,学校健康教育分野でリード役を果たしているカザフスタン共和国(以下カザフ)のKazakh National Center for Healthy Lifestyle Development等で,聞き取り調査および資料収集を行った.その結果,カザフでは,教育制度改革の中で学校健康教育教科の扱いについて大きく2つの主張が存在していた. また,カザフ以外の中央アジア諸国の保健医療関係者や教育関係者は,カザフのこうした一連の試みを注目しており,担当者レベルで知見を取り入れようとしていた.

  • エコロジカルディジーズの予防を中心とした持続可能な学校保健プログラムの開発


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  • 地理情報システムを用いた地域における高齢者保健福祉計画に関する実証的研究


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  • アラル海東側地域の環境と住民の健康に関する研究


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     アラル海縮小に伴う環境変化が小児の健康に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的として,カザフスタン共和国カザリンスク地域において,水道水供給地域(A地域)と井戸水利用地域(B地域)の児童を対象とし,各世帯の飲料水の一般細菌群(一),大腸菌群(大)のコロニー数と消化器系症状の有無との関連を検討した. その結果,夏では,A地域で,腹痛と(大),調査したすべての症状と(一)の間に関連が認められたが,B地域では統計学的に有意な関連の見られた項目はなかった.冬は,A地域では,腹痛および嘔吐と(大),嘔吐と(一),B地域については,腹痛および吐き気と(大),吐き気と(一)との間に関連がみられた.

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