Updated on 2025/03/14


KOMIYA, Chizuko
Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus
修士(文学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2010.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of International Research and Education

  • 2003.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics

  • 2002.04

    Waseda University   Center for Japanese Language

  • 1991.04

    Chuogakuin University   Faculty of Commerce

  • 1990.04

    Chuogakuin University

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Education Background

  • 1979

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Economics  

Professional Memberships

  • 1979.04



    The Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan


    The Society for Japanese Liguistics


    Japanese Language Education Methods


    The Society of Technical Japanese Education

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Research Areas

  • Japanese language education

Research Interests

  • Japanese Language Teaching, Vocabulary


  • Waseda University Presidential Teachig Award

    2021.09   Waseda University   Subject:Practical Study on Teaching Japanese as a Second Language(6)

    Winner: Chizuko KOMIYA

  • Waseda University Presidential Teaching Award

    2017.09   Waseda University   Subject:Practical Study on Teaching Japanese as a Second Language(6)



  • 留学生のための専門連語の4分野比較ー経済・数学・物理・化学を対象にー


    早稲田日本語教育実践研究   ( 11 ) 39 - 54  2023.03  [Refereed]

  • A Comparison of Basic Technical Terms for International Students in five fields : Economy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

    Chizuko KOMIYA

    Journal of Technical Japanese Education   ( 24 ) 43 - 50  2022.12  [Refereed]

  • Basic Mathematics Vocabulary for International Students

    Chizuko KOMIYA

    早稲田大学日本語学会設立60周年記念論文集 第1冊 言葉のしくみ     217 - 232  2021.12

  • Basic Chemistry Terms for International Students


    Journal of Technical Japanese Education   ( 20 ) 43 - 48  2018.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    International students studying science and technology must learn chemistry terms used in high school before entering university.In this research,I selected high-school-level chemistry terms because it is difficult for international students to learn these terms after they enter university.I found 774 terms that existed in more than half of 30 junior high and high school textbook indexes covering three chemistry-related subjects.The breakdown was 74 terms from junior high school,529 terms from Chemistry IB,and 171 terms from Chemistry
    Ⅱ,both taught in high school. As the level of the subjects rose,the difficulty of the terms increased with longer words of Chinese origin.The selected vocabulary
    is also useful for international students, who received elementary and junior high school education in Japan.It will help improve studying chemistry terms by disclosing them on the internet as an audio dictionary, or using them to create chemistry textbooks.

  • 留学生のための物理の基礎的専門語


    早稲田日本語研究   ( 27 ) 37 - 48  2018.03  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 言葉のしくみ第1冊

    ( Part: Joint editor, 「留学生のための数学の基礎的専門語」の選定)

    ひつじ書房  2021.12 ISBN: 9784823411182

  • 公共日本語教育学 ―社会をつくる日本語教育

    川上, 郁雄( Part: Contributor, 大学留学生のための日本語教育)

    くろしお出版  2017.05 ISBN: 4874247334


  • テーマから引ける「留学生のための経済の専門語学習辞典」の作成


    科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書  2011.03

  • 社会科学系留学生のための類義の専門連語集の作成と分析


    科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書  2009.03

  • 理工系留学生のための「専門連語」集の作成


    科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書  2005.12

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  • 学部留学生のための専門連語の役割



    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • "専門連語"が示唆するもの―連語の単位性と専門概念の名づけをめぐってー


    日本語学会2019年度秋季大会  (宮城県仙台市)  日本語学会

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • Selection of Fundamental Specialized Mathmatics Terms for International Students


    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 留学生のための基礎的専門連語の分野比較ー経済・物理・化学・数学を対象にー


    2017年度日本語教育学会秋季大会  日本語教育学会

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 留学生のための基礎的専門語の分野比較―経済・物理・化学・生物・数学を対象に―


    2017年度日本語教育学会春季大会  日本語教育学会

    Presentation date: 2017.05

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Research Projects

  • Creation of a "Learning Dictionary of Economics Terminology for Overseas Students" divided into themes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMIYA Chizuko

     View Summary

    I have developed a site for learning based on a dictionary of academic and news terms in economics divided into themes. The dictionary is aimed at overseas students majoring in economics at Japanese universities, as well as those from other majors who seek employment in Japanese companies, in line with their different objectives. The site includes meanings and usage (collocation) of terminology, as well as example sentences of actual collocation. Meanings and usage are translated into English, Chinese and Korean, while all terms, usage and example sentences are accompanied by voice recordings and the example sentences may also be used for dictation practice

  • テーマから引ける「留学生のための経済の専門語学習辞典」の作成

    Project Year :


  • Compilation and Analysis of a List of Synonymous Technical Collocations for the International Students of Social Sciences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMIYA Chizuko

     View Summary

    The first purpose of this study was to create a new selection of a list of technical collocations in economics (along with the manner in which they are used), for the reference of international students receiving specialized training in social sciences in Japanese. The second purpose was to compile and analyze a list of synonymous technical collocations. A“technical collocation" is a grouping of words, such as bukka ga agaru (prices rise) or shohin no seisan (production of goods), that as a phrase, expresses a specialized concept, and therefore, needs to be defined as a technical term.First, 226 technical terms were chosen as raw material for a survey of technical collocations. The data comprise the indices of the 8 junior high school civic textbooks for the year 2006 and of the 16 high school contemporary society textbooks for the year 2005. Terms listed in the indices of half or more of the textbooks were then selected for the survey.Next, a survey was conducted to identify the technical collocations that contain technical terms. Sample sentences containing these terms were taken from the above textbooks; an analytical program was then used to isolate technical collocations such as bukka ga agaru (prices rise). If a collocation appeared in two or more examples, three economics experts were asked to rule on whether it constituted a technical collocation. These experts were unanimous in their ruling and determined 658 technical collocations from the 1398 word groupings. After the selection, the experts were interviewed with regard to their selection of technical collocations.Finally, 111 (45 sets) synonymous technical collocations in economics were chosen from the 658 identified. The synonymous technical collocations were classified into (1) verbs of technical collocations that are synonymous, such as shohisha ga erabu and shohisha ga senteisuru (consumers select) and (2) verbs of technical collocations that are not synonymous, such as keiki ga akkasuru and keikiga kotaisuru (economy deteriorates). In the former category, the main verbs in technical collocations were wago (native Japanese words) set and wago-kango (loanwords from Chinese) set

  • Construction and Analysis of a Compound Words Database for Japanese Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMASHITA Kiyo, AKIMOTO Miharu, KOMIYA Chizuko

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    The author compiled a database of constituent elements of compounds consisting of approximately 4, 800 pieces of data by extracting affixes and word components from nine kinds of source materials, including a Japanese dictionary. The database includes various categories of information, such as headwords, orthography, word connections, types of words, word examples and frequency of usage.Based on the database, the author extracted compound words involving those word components from Word List by Semantic Principles, Revised and Enlarged Edition. In addition, focusing on the affixes and bases of those compound words, the author extracted words whose affixes or bases are included in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test : Test Content Specifications Vocabulary Terms List and obtained approximately 32, 600 compound words. The author compiled a database of compound words on the basis of the results. The author added various categories of information, such as headwords, reading, parts of speech, types of words, word components, base, frequency of use in newspapers and frequency of use on the Internet to the database.Few materials have been compiled presenting comprehensive data for Japanese word components. The database of constituent elements of compounds complied by the author will be useful materials for future Japanese vocabulary studies. Furthermore, there have been few cases in which a database of word components and compound words was displayed as basic materials for Japanese education. The author's databases will contribute to compiling teaching materials and dictionaries for middle- and high-level Japanese learners in the future.In the report on this study, the author showed the compilation methodology of the two databases and their analysis results. The author also attached a CD-ROM recording the text files of the databases to the report

  • 社会科学系留学生のための類義の専門連語集の作成と分析

    Project Year :


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 留学生のための経済の専門語学習サイトの多言語化と専門基礎科目のための専門語調査


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     本研究の申請時の目的は、2010年に公開した留学生用の高校卒業程度の専門語学習サイト「経済のにほんご」(http://keizai-nihongo.com/)を多言語化し、大学学部初年次における専門語学習支援のために大学経済教科書の経済用語を調査することだったが、後者は交付決定額の関係で実施が困難になり、2016年度は前者のみを実施した。 「経済のにほんご」は、2016年4月の時点で英語・中国語・韓国語・ベトナム語の4言語版があったが、本研究の成果としてタイ語版とインドネシア語版を公開することができた。その結果、公開前後の本サイトの閲覧数の順位は、タイは10位から2位へ、インドネシアは12位から9位へそれぞれ上昇し、両言語版の公開の効果が確認された。 

  • 留学生のための経済の専門語学習サイトの改修と拡充


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      本研究は、2010年に公開した留学生のための専門語学習サイト「経済のにほんご」(http://keizai-nihongo.com/)の改修と拡充を目的としたものである。改修としては、PCでの利用を前提としていた本サイトのデザインをモバイル対応用に変更した。その結果、約87%を占めていたPC利用が約17%減少し、その分モバイル利用が増加した。また、専門語の重要度を示す☆の付け方に最新研究の成果を反映させ、中学教科書に多用される用語の重要度を高校教科書初出の用語より上げた。拡充としては、英語版・中国語版・韓国語版に加えて、新たにベトナム語版を公開した。当初はイタリア語版の公開を予定していたが、コンテンツの翻訳で研究期間が終了し、公開は今後の課題となった。 The aim of this research was to modify and expand the “Keizai no Nihongo”(http://keizai-nihongo.com/) Japanese technical term learning site for international students, which was launched in 2010. The modification involved changes to the site design. While the original design assumed PC use, the site is now compatible with mobiles. As a result, PC use (which previously accounted for about 87%) has decreased by about 17%, with mobile use increasing to the same degree. Meanwhile, to reflect the latest research outcome, the use of the star symbol indicating levels of importance has also changed. Now, terms used frequently in junior high school textbooks are assigned greater importance than those first appearing in senior high school textbooks. The expansion of the site involved adding a new Vietnamese version to the existing English, Chinese and Korean ones. There were originally plans to add an Italian version, but this was deferred for later consideration, as the research period ended with the translation of the content. 

  • 社会科学系留学生のための類義の専門連語集の作成と分析


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     本研究は、外国人留学生の多数を占める社会科学系留学生が日本人学生ならば高校卒業までに学習する「物価」「公定歩合」など社会科学の基本的な専門語を適切に使用できるようになることを最終的な目的とし、「物価が上がる」などの専門的な概念を表す「専門連語」(本研究代表者が提唱する概念)のうち留学生からの要望の多い「物価が上がる」「物価が上昇する」など類義の専門連語について専門語、連語、用例文から成る専門連語集を作成し、その分析を行うことを直接的な目的としている。 本年度は秋に科学研究費補助金に追加合格した関係で特定課題の研究費は科学研究費補助金と入れ替わる形で年度打ち切られた。そのため、特定課題による研究成果は不十分であるが、下記のとおりである。<専門連語集の対象となる専門語選定のための基礎資料の作成> ・平成17年度使用の中学教科書『中学公民』8冊の索引の入力と校正  ・『現代社会用語集(新課程用)』(山川出版社、2004)の入力と校正

  • 理工系留学生のための「専門連語」集の作成


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     本研究の目的は、理工系の専門教育を日本語で受ける留学生に必要な物理学・化学・数学の基本的専門語の使い方を専門連語で示すために、高校教科書を資料とした専門連語集を作成することである。専門連語とは、「音波が伝わる」「窒素の沸点」のように、専門語と一般語とから成る連語のうち連語としても専門的概念を表すもので、専門語の使い方として学習者に示すべき連語である。①専門連語の選定を行う専門語の決定 2002年度版高校教科書の、物理ⅠB14冊、物理Ⅱ7冊、化学ⅠB15冊、化学Ⅱ10冊、数学Ⅰ26冊、数学Ⅱ26冊、数学Ⅲ20冊の索引の語のうち半数以上の教科書の索引にあった専門語とした。すなわち、物理は1771語中422語(23.8%)、化学は2693語中737語(27.4%)、数学は783語中173語(22.1%)である。全体の専門語数は、化学が最も多く、次いで物理で、数学は最も少なく化学の3分の1以下だった。また、半数以上の教科書にあった専門語は、3科目とも全体の4分の1前後だった。②専門連語候補の抽出 係り受けの解析プログラムであるcabochaを用いて①で決定した専門語を含む連語を教科書の本文から抽出し、2冊以上の教科書にあった専門連語候補から明らかに専門連語でないものを除いたものを各科目3名の専門家に専門連語か否かの判定を依頼した。専門連語の判定の依頼をした専門連語候補の数は、次のとおりである。物理2747件、化学4304件、数学1053件    ③専門連語の判定 各科目とも3名の判定者が一致して専門連語と判定した専門連語候補を専門連語とした。④専門連語集の作成 専門連語と判定された連語を含む用例文を科目別、専門語別にまとめて専門連語集とした。