Updated on 2025/03/12


MANO, Yoshiyuki
Faculty of Sport Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. ( Waseda University )

Committee Memberships

  • 2013

    文部科学省 スポーツ庁の在り方に関する調査研究事業有識者検討会議  スポーツ庁の在り方に関する調査研究事業有識者検討会議

  • 2012

    文部科学省 ロンドンオリンピック検証チーム委員  ロンドンオリンピック検証チーム委員

  • 2012

    日本政策投資銀行 スマート・ベニュー研究会委員長  スマート・ベニュー研究会委員長

  • 2011

    笹川スポーツ財団  国内調査委員会委員長

  • 2011

    笹川スポーツ財団 国内調査委員会委員長  国内調査委員会委員長

  • 2005

    笹川スポーツ財団 スポーツ白書編集委員  スポーツ白書編集委員

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Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Sports sciences

Research Interests

  • sport policy


  • 日本スポーツ産業学会大賞


  • 日本スポーツ産業学会奨励賞


  • 日本スポーツ産業学会奨励賞


  • 第13回日本スポーツ産業学会大会賞




  • チーム・アイデンティフィケーションと地域愛着間の媒介変数に関する考察

    菅文彦, 古川拓也, 舟橋弘晃, 間野義之

    スポーツ産業学研究   28 ( 4 ) 321 - 335  2018  [Refereed]

  • 発展途上国における障害者スポーツ振興への影響要因:タイ王国を事例として

    遠藤華英, 菅文彦, 舟橋弘晃, 間野義之

    スポーツ産業学研究   28 ( 3 ) 213 - 224  2018  [Refereed]

  • 人事労務管理から見た新しい企業スポーツモデル:「アスナビ」をケースとした雇用に関する概念抽出を通して

    山中義博, 上林功, 澤井和彦, 間野義之

    スポーツ産業学研究   28 ( 2 ) 189 - 205  2018  [Refereed]

  • School grade and sex differences in domain-specific sedentary behaviors among Japanese elementary school children: a cross-sectional study

    Kaori Ishii, Ai Shibata, Minoru Adachi, Yoshiyuki Mano, Koichiro Oka

    BMC PUBLIC HEALTH   17 ( 1 )  2017.04  [Refereed]

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    Background: It is vital to reduce the proportion of sedentary behavior in children. Understanding the duration and behavioral context is needed. The present study examined school-grade and sex differences in domain-specific sedentary times and concurrence with screen-time guidelines among Japanese elementary school children.
    Methods: A total of 625 children (330 boys) were surveyed in 2010 and 2014. Using a questionnaire, data regarding participants' grade (first through third grades: lower grades; fourth through six grades: higher grades), sex, weight, and height were collected in addition to the time spent per day engaging in each specific sedentary behavior separately: (1) reading or listening to music, (2) TV or video viewing, (3) TV game use, (4) internet use excluding class, (5) homework, and (6) car travel. Two-way analysis of covariance and logistic regression analyses, adjusted for BMI and moderate to vigorous physical activity, were used to examine school-grade and sex differences in sedentary behaviors and the independent risk of exceeding recommended total daily screen time (< 2 h).
    Results: On 625 children, mean minutes (SD) of sedentary behavior per week in (1) - (6) were 90.3 (123.4), 535.0 (356.6), 167.3 (222.1), 23.9 (70.9), 264.9 (185.3), and 33.4 (61.2) in weekdays and 42.1 (70.0), 323.9 (232.0), 123.0 (96.4), 15.8 (49.9), 74.4 (96.4), and 71.3 (84.9) in weekends, respectively. There were differences in the minutes of sedentary behavior between participants of 2010 and 2014; e.g., TV game use and homework in weekdays and weekdays and car travel in weekends. Boys spent more time in TV game use, and girls spent more time reading, listening to music, doing homework, and car travel. Higher-grade students spent more time reading or listening to music, using a computer, and doing homework. Higher-grade students were 2.09 times (95% CI: 1.32 - 3.30) in whole week, 2.08 times (95% CI: 1.45 - 3.00) in weekday, and 1.88 times (95% CI: 1.29 - 2.74) in weekend more likely to spend >= 2 h per day in domains (2) - (4) (screen-time) than lower-grade students.
    Conclusions: Time spent engaging in each domain-specific sedentary behavior differed according to sex and school grade. Higher-grade students were less likely to meet screen-time guidelines. These findings highlight the need for domain-focused strategies to decrease sedentary behavior in Japanese school-age children.



  • Objectively Measured Sedentary Behavior, Obesity, and Psychological Well-Being: A Cross-Sectional Study of Japanese Schoolchildren

    Kaori Ishii, Ai Shibata, Minoru Adachi, Yoshiyuki Mano, Koichiro Oka

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH   14 ( 4 ) 270 - 274  2017.04  [Refereed]

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    Background: Sedentary behaviors (SB) are associated with health indicators; however, there are currently very few studies that have examined these associations, especially in conjunction with psychological factors, in children. The current study examined the independent relationship between objectively assessed SB, and indicators of obesity and psychological, well-being, among Japanese children. Methods: A total of 967 elementary-school children completed a cross-sectional survey. SB was measured with accelerometers for 7 consecutive days. Psychological well-being data (eg, anxiety and behavior problems) were collected via a self-report questionnaire. To determine the relationship of SB with degree of obesity and psychological well-being, linear regression analyses were conducted to relate the indicators of obesity and psychological well-being on SB, adjusted by gender, grade, percentage of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per day, duration spent wearing the accelerometer, and degree of obesity. Results: SB was significantly related to behavioral/emotional problems (beta = .280, P = .010, R-2 = .015). There was a statistically significant relationship between SB and anxiety (beta = .206, P = .059, R-2 = .007). No significant association with degree of obesity was found. Conclusions: Excess SB relates higher levels of behavioral/emotional problems and anxiety. These results can inspire the development of interventions that promote well-being and enhance psychological health, by focusing on SB in Japanese children.



  • スポーツ観戦意図及び行動と地域密着の関係分析:FC今治を事例として

    菅文彦, 古川拓也, 舟橋弘晃, 間野義之

    スポーツ産業学研究   27 ( 3 ) 223 - 232  2017  [Refereed]

  • オリンピックを控えた地方の活性化:GSYsを契機とした取り組み


    体育・スポーツ政策研究    2017

  • Development of Mental Toughness Scale for Elite Swimmers

    ITO Hanae, YAMADA Kai, FUNAHASHI Hiroaki, UEBAYASHI Isao, MANO Yoshiyuki, HIROSAWA Masataka

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   27 ( 3 ) 3_203 - 3_221  2017

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        The purpose of this research was to develop a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory. In the pilot survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 Japanese individual sports Olympic medalists (4 males, 3 females) in order to identify the characteristics of elite swimmers’ mental toughness using a qualitative analysis method, the KJ method, considering higher- and lower-order structures. In the main research, a questionnaire regarding mental toughness was conducted on 254 swimmers (151 males, 103 females) who met the finishing time set by the Japan Swimming Federation with the purpose of enhancing swimmers’ competitiveness (assumed as elite swimmers in this study). The development of a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory was attempted using a questionnaire developed by extracting swimmers’ mental toughness characteristics revealed in the pilot survey. After excluding defective answers, 194 (117 males, 77 females) samples were included in analysis. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the inventory consisted of five factors and three items. After scrutiny of what constituted the extracted five factors, they were named the following: “Fortitude,” “Commitment to the Sport,” “Psychological Conditioning,” “Self-control,” and “Resilience.” Exploratory factor analysis was once again conducted through the maximum-likelihood method and Promax rotation and it confirmed internal validity. Conversion validity and divergent validity were examined, both of which adequately fulfilled the Goodness of Fit Index and standard path coefficient. Finally, adequate criterion-related validity was verified using correlation analysis with DIPCA.3. The factors of mental toughness in elite swimmers were similar to those in other sports. Japanese elite swimmers’ mental toughness characteristics were identified and a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory was developed. This scale will be useful for helping coaches to understand Japanese elite swimmers’ mental toughness.


  • アスリートがドーピングを行わなかったことに影響した要因:オリンピックメダリストを対象とした質的検証

    日比野幹生, 舟橋弘晃, 青柳健隆, 間野義之

    スポーツ産業学研究   26 ( 1 ) 13 - 28  2016  [Refereed]

  • わが国における国内スポーツ総生産(GDSP)の推移と経年変化

    庄子博人, 加賀瑛司, 桂田隆行, 澤井和彦, 間野義之

    スポーツ産業学研究   26 ( 2 ) 255 - 268  2016  [Refereed]

  • Classification of International Development Initiatives through Sport

    Hanae ENDO, Hiroaki FUNAHASHI, Yoshiyuki MANO

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   26 ( 2 ) 2_291 - 2_302  2016

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        Over the last decade, there has been an intensification of initiatives, and an increase in the number of organizations that focus on international development through sport. Also In Japan, Japanese government promote the international development initiatives through sports by starting Sports for Tomorrow. However, no systematic effort has been made to understand how these initiatives are implemented. The purpose of this paper is to explore the international development initiatives through sports carried out by all organizations based in Japan. We collected text data reporting on the international development through sports from website of each member of the Sport for Tomorrow consortium and analysed it through a content analysis. The authors find 16 forms of activities, these forms are classified based on the type of offerings made by these activities. Five forms are categorized as economic cooperation, five forms are categorized as material cooperration, and six forms are categorized as personnel cooperation. The results suggest that many organizations other than public institutions have implemented the international development through sports initiatives in accordance with their features or resources.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Teachers' Stressors in Junior High School-Based Extracurricular Sports Activities: Development of a Stressor Scale and Comparison among Attributes

    FURUKAWA Takuya, FUNAHASHI Hiroaki, YOKOTA Masatoshi, MANO Yoshiyuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   26 ( 1 ) 1_29 - 1_44  2016

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    The aim of this study was to develop a teacher's stressor scale for junior high school-based extracurricular sports activities and to compare cognition of stressors among attributes. The participants of this investigation were 1042 teachers who coach extracurricular sports activities; randomly selected by stratified sampling. Respondents were 373 teachers (males : 293, females : 80). Exploratory factor analysis revealed 7 factors (e.g. time burden of extracurricular sports activities and difficulty of communication with students) that were composed of 24 items. In addition, construct validity and reliability of the scale were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha. The result of t test and one-way analysis of variance revealed significant differences between attributes. In this study the validity and reliability of the teacher's stressor scale for junior high school-based extracurricular sports activities were confirmed. The results of comparisons among attributes suggested that different teachers' attributes were also different from the cognition of stressors.


  • Understanding public acceptance of elite sport policy in Japan: a structural equation modelling approach

    Hiroaki Funahashi, Veerle De Bosscher, Yoshiyuki Mano

    EUROPEAN SPORT MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY   15 ( 4 ) 478 - 504  2015.08  [Refereed]

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    Research question: Considering the current upward trend of public investment in elite sport, the importance of the public's acceptance cannot be ignored; however, little has been reported on the public's attitude towards elite sport policy. The present study seeks to answer the following research question: What are the significant socio-psychological determinants that influence public acceptance of the promotion of Japan's elite sport policy?Research methods: Data were collected from 921 Japanese respondents by means of a Internet-based survey. Five socio-psychological constructs were analysed in order to identify their impact on public acceptance of elite sport policy: personal benefit, social benefit, risk, trust, and athletes as role models. Structural equation modelling was used to test the causal model consisting of 10 hypotheses.Results and findings: Public acceptance is positively determined by their perception of personal/social benefits and negatively by perceived risks. These constructs are further determined by the public's trust in elite sport policy actors and athlete role model perception.Implications: The present study deepens the discussion on, How a nation can increase the public acceptance of elite sport policy?' and found theoretical and methodological approaches to fill the research gap. To enhance public acceptance of elite sport policy, policy-makers should focus on the social benefits and values that stem from promoting the policy and variable measures. The development of athletes who act as role models is a crucial requirement of the current Japanese elite sport system, as this construct has the strongest total effect on public acceptance.



  • Socio-psychological factors associated with the public’s willingness to pay for elite sport policy: Does risk perception matter?

    Hiroaki Funahashi, Yoshiyuki Mano

    Managing Sport and Leisure   20 ( 2 ) 77 - 99  2015  [Refereed]

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    We present the results of an application of the contingent valuation method to an elite sport policy. Specifically, we aimed to address the literature gap by introducing risk perception as one of the socio-psychological factors explaining the willingness to pay (WTP) for the elite sport policy which is based on an attitudinal framework. The respondents were asked about their WTP for the Japanese elite sport policy. The annual median and truncated mean WTP were estimated at 513 and 1802 JPY (€4.15 and €14.59), respectively, through a log logit model. The statistical analysis of WTP determinants indicated that the value of an elite sport policy is based not only on the perceived positive aspects of the outcome of the policy (benefit perception), but also on the negative aspects associated with elite sport development (risk perception). Moreover, viewing athletes as role models was found to be a value driver.



  • 一般成人におけるタイプ別スポーツ参加と社会経済的特徴の関係

    束原文郎, 石澤伸弘, 山本理人, 間野義之, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   25 ( 2 ) 253 - 268  2015  [Refereed]

  • 休み時間の用具提供による小学校児童の身体活動推進の効果

    石井香織, 高橋亮平, 青柳健隆, 間野義之, 岡浩一朗

    日本健康教育学会誌   23 ( 4 ) 299 - 306  2015  [Refereed]

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  • 2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピックに向けたレガシーの創造


    土木学会誌   100 ( 11 ) 26 - 29  2015

  • The Relationship between Types of Sport Participation andSocio-economic Characteristics of Adults

    TSUKAHARA Fumio, ISHIZAWA Nobuhiro, YAMAMOTO Rihito, MANO Yoshiyuki, NAKAMURA Yoshio

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   25 ( 2 ) 2_253 - 2_268  2015

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    The purposes of this study were to categorize sport activities and to evaluate the possible association between those types and adults′ socio-economic characteristics. In order to describe them, the authors utilized the binary logistic regression model to analyze a "Questionnaire regarding S-city Residents′ Sport Participation and Environment." <BR>    The findings in this study can be summarized as follows: <BR>1) Sport activities investigated in this survey were classified into 10 types: Pool Exercise (PE) ; Indoor Exercise (IE) ; Road Exercise (RE) ; Space Free Exercise (SFE) ; Indoor Sport (IS) ; Field Sport (FS) ; Summer Leisure (SL) ; Winter Leisure (WL) ; Golf (G) ; and Park-golf (PG) , depending mainly on factors of facility and human resource requirements. <BR>    As a result of statistical analysis, 2) it was clarified that people do RE and SFE at least once per year, independently of their socio-economic characteristics (RE:χ2=25.682, Nglk. R2=0.072; SFE:χ 2=34.999, Nglk.R2=0.109) . On the contrary, 3) as for IS, FS, WL, and G, several independent valuables have definite interpretability (IS:χ 2=41.761, Nglk.R2=0.191; FS:χ 2=63.077, Nglk.R2=0.267; WL:χ 2=76.953, Nglk.R2=0.276; G:χ 2=90.428, Nglk.R2=0.278) . Participations in those types were mainly influenced by annual-income (Standard: less than 3 million yen. IS 3-5.9 million yen: OR=2.510, 95%CI=1.060-5.944; FS 3-5.9 million yen: OR=2.701, 95%CI=1.121-6.508; WL 3-5.9 million yen: OR=4.115, 95%CI=1.862-9.091; WL over 6 million yen: OR=4.098, 95%CI=1.440-11.663; G over 6 million yen: OR=3.373, 95%CI=1.368-8.320) ; and sport experience throughout the person′s high school and college days (Standard: no experience. IS: OR=2.762, 95%CI=1.035-7.372; FS: OR=3.904, 95%CI=1.516-10.054; G: OR=3.292, 95%CI=1.395-7.767) . The above results can be understood from the perspective of the sport resource′s accessibility. <BR>    However, 4) whereas authors have successfully described the relations between residents′ socio-characteristics and participation in IE, PE, PG, and SL, those results could not be construed appropriately from the viewpoint of sport resource theory, which shows the limitation of this study′s design.


  • 仮想市場法を用いた日本のエリートスポーツ政策の貨幣的評価:縦断データによる時間的信頼性の検証

    舟橋弘晃, 間野義之

    体育学研究   59 ( 2 ) 465 - 481  2014  [Refereed]

  • 北海道マラソンの参加動機の構造と大会満足度に関する研究: PUSh-PUll に着目して

    大後茂雄, 庄子博人, 間野義之

    ランニング学研究   25 ( 2 ) 1 - 16  2014  [Refereed]


  • Success Drivers in the Japanese Elite Sport System: An Examination Based on Evaluations of the Elite Sport Climate by Elite Athletes

    Hiroaki Funahashi, Yoshiyuki Mano

    Asian Sport Management Review   7   61 - 98  2014  [Refereed]

  • Monetary Valuation of Elite Sport Policy in Japan Using the Contingent Valuation Method: A Temporal Reliability Test

    Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences    2014

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    This article reports an application of the contingent valuation method for estimating the monetary value of elite sport policy in Japan. In particular, we tested the temporal reliability issue, which is one of the main limitations reported in the literature, by using a longitudinal survey design. A series of longitudinal questionnaires were administered via an internet-based survey to a sex- and age-stratified random sample of 850 adult Japanese respondents. Baseline assessment took place immediately before the 2012 Summer Olympics (T1: July 2012), with post-assessment (T2: August 2012) and a follow-up 6 months later (T3: February 2013). In each survey, the respondents were asked to state their willingness to pay (WTP) for elite sport policy, which aims to achieve the official target of 'The Sports Basic Plan' (i.e. ranking in the top five for the total number of gold medals won in the Summer Olympics and the top ten in the Winter Olympics) in a hypothesised scenario. WTP was elicited using a double-bounded dichotomous-choice approach. Statistical analysis of 613 respondents who completed the entire survey revealed that there were no significant changes in the WTP between the time points. Consequently, the total WTP was reliably estimated to be within the region of \50.9-59.3 billion, which was two and half times higher than public elite sport expenditure (around \22.7 billion).


  • A Conceptual Management Model Focusing on How to Develop Cooperation Relationships between Football Clubs and Local Governments : Case of the J-League Club in the Special City

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   24 ( 1 ) 1_71 - 1_83  2014

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    Triggered by the establishment of the J-league in 1993, the football club activities in Japan have been shifted from corporate clubs and school clubs to community clubs. While this phenomenon has been studied from the point of view of sports business, including the aspects of vision, marketing, human resources development and the like, to the best knowledge of the authors, there exists no research in the literature focusing on the evolutionary process of football clubs from their infancy to the establishment of professional clubs. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by proposing a conceptual management model to guide such evolutionary paths, with focus on how to develop cooperative relationships with local governments through different stages. The conceptual management model is created by the Modified Grounded Theory approach. Two clubs that exist in the special city and were promoted to the J-League from amateur clubs in the region are surveyed as a case study.


  • 女子マラソン選手の中学校時代における競技活動の特徴~日本代表 経験の有無に着目して~

    高橋昌彦, 中村英仁, 藤原哲郎, 間野義之

    ランニング学研究   24 ( 1 ) 21 - 28  2013  [Refereed]


  • The Value of Elite Sports for the Public : Monetary Valuation of Elite Sports Policy Using Contingent Valuation Method

    FUNAHASHI Hiroaki, MANO Yoshiyuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   23 ( 2 ) 2_145 - 2_154  2013

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    Elite sports investment is usually justified on the basis that elite sports success has a wide range of social-psychological benefits among the general population. However, insufficient evidence about these positive effects has made it difficult to show the validity to 'alternative voices' opposed to the elite sports funding. The purpose of the present study was to estimate the monetary value of elite sports success in Japan by using the contingent valuation method (CVM) addressing the problems in sports management literatures. Data was collected from n=850 stratified randomly selected Japanese by means of an Internet survey. Respondents were asked to state their willingness-to-pay for elite sports policy, which aims Japan being ranked in the top-five in total number of gold medals in the summer Olympics and the top-ten in winter, which is the official target of 'The Sports Basic Plan' , using a double-bounded dichotomous choice. The results revealed that median WTP was 405 JPY with a certain amount of validity, which was calculated from the whole population as 42.2 billion JPY. Our results suggest that Japanese believed that social-psychological benefits generated by the elite sports policy exceeded the government elite sports budget (about 16 billion) .

    DOI CiNii

  • Effects of Coaches' Attributes on Their Obtaining of Qualifications

    ISHIGURO Emi, NAKAMURA Yoshio, MANO Yoshiyuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   23 ( 1 ) 1_55 - 1_61  2013

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate why coaches obtain qualifications, and to clarify the effect of coaches' attributes on their doing so.<BR>    In this study, we used 455 samples from the data of JASA' s research, which was conducted by random sampling in 2008.<BR>    Logistic regression was used in this study, and sex, age, and place of activity were adopted for explanatory variables. We found that these variables had significant effect on reasons for obtaining qualifications in 5 of 11 items (ex. "to get social trust" , "advantageous in getting job" .) The main results were following;<BR>1) Coaches' main reason for obtaining qualification was improving their qualities.<BR>2) Gender did not have significant effects on any of the 11 items.<BR>3) School coach and 40s age group had significant effect on "qualification is necessary for getting along in the game."

    DOI CiNii

  • 公共スポーツ施設の指定管理者制度の導入による公費負担ならびに利用者数の変化: A 市スポーツセンターの事例研究

    間野義之, 庄子博人, 本目えみ

    体育・スポーツ経営学研究   25   17 - 23  2012  [Refereed]

  • 校庭の芝生化による児童の休み時間における身体活動の変化

    佐藤舞, 石井香織, 柴田愛, 川淵三郎, 間野義之, 岡浩一朗

    運動疫学研究   14 ( 2 ) 135 - 142  2012  [Refereed]

  • Stages of Change for Top Sports Leagues' Spectating Behavior Scale: Examining the Reliability and Validity of the Relationship with Sports Spectating Behavior Index

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   22 ( 2 ) 271 - 279  2012

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    Most researches on sports spectators have concentrated on how to increase spectating frequencies and they have conducted surveys only on sports spectators. The potential spectator market was reported to be 39.3%, which is equivalent to the actual Japan' s spectators' market. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on potential spectators. In the Behavioral Science domain one of the most effective models is the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change (TTM) , which can be applied to various behaviors. The present study examined the application of the TTM to sports spectating behavior, especially in the case of several ball games held in a top sports league. In particular, questionnaires were administered to adults aged 20-69 to assess the reliability and validity of the stages of change for the sports spectating behavior scale. In study I, (reliability test) , data collected from 166 adults through the internet showed a good reliability among the 2-week test-retest [Kappa Index (κ) =.67] . Then, in study II, (validity test) , the relationship between the stages of behavioral changes of sports spectating and the degree of self-reported sports spectating behavior (the annual length of spectating time, intention of spectating) was investigated among adults in A city. The results revealed that sports spectating behavior significantly differentiated among the stages of change. Specifically, participants in the post-adoption stages (preparation, action, and maintenance) reported a significantly greater amount of annual sports spectating time compared to those in pre-adoption stages (pre-contemplation and contemplation) . Moreover, participants in pre-contemplation stages reported a significantly lower score in intention of spectating compared to those in other stages. The TTM, originally developed for various behaviors such as healthy and unhealthy ones, can be generalized for use in evaluating sports spectating behavior.


  • Introduction of Circuit Training Program to Community-based Sports Clubs in Urban Areas and the Prediction Method of Market Scale

    HARA Takeshi, HARADA Kazuhiro, MANO Yoshiyuki, NAKAMURA Yoshio

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   22 ( 1 ) 131 - 139  2012

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    BACKGROUND : Since the decline of children′s muscle strength has become a problem, resistance training (RT) is effective for improving muscle strength even of children. Introducing the circuit training (CT) program into community-based sports clubs (SC) would be a one of the effective strategies to promote RT for children. In order to disseminate this, CT prediction of the market scale is necessary.<BR>PURPOSE : The purposes of this study were 1) to examine whether there is a feasibility of introducing CT programs in urban areas SC from the viewpoint of willingness to pay of potential customers, and 2) to identify the price that will generate the largest market scale.<BR>STUDY I : In the WTP survey, the participants were 694 parents of children attending public elementary school in Tokyo. A questionnaire survey was conducted. The answers of 403 participants were valid. The prevalence of potential customers who were willing to pay was 74.94 ± 4.23% for over 3,000 yen, and was 48.14 ± 4.88% for over 5,000 yen. The percentage of them decreased to 17.62±3.7% in for 6,000 yen.<BR>STUDY II : The market scale was investigated by the offer price based on the results of study I. The price was estimated in the case of introduction to one city in the Edogawa Ward, Tokyo. The largest market scale found in a month was 2.35-2.88 million yen in the case provided by 5,000 yen, 2.01-2.43 million yen in case provided by 4,000 yen and 2.30-2.58 million yen in the case provided by 3,000 yen.<BR>DISCUSSION : These results suggest that introduction of CT programs would be feasible to establish SC in urban areas, and that the price of 5,000 yen a month would be appropriate for creating the largest market size considering operational efficiency.

    DOI CiNii

  • Changes in Public Financial Expenditures and the Number of Users of Public Sport Centers Before and After the Introduction of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) : A Case Study of City Sport Centers in Japan

    MANO Yoshiyuki, SHOJI Hiroto, HONME Emi

    Japanese journal of management for physical education and sports   25   17 - 23  2012.01

     View Summary

    The present research aimed to clarify the changes in financial expenditures and the number of users of public sport centers before and after the introduction of compulsory competitive tendering (CCT) in one city in Japan as a case study, and to compare performance data before and after the introduction of CCT. The "before CCT" data were collected in 2003, 2004 and 2005, and the "post-CCT" data were collected in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. The mean number of users of public sport centers after CCT was significantly higher than that before CCT. Mean financial expenditures after CCT were significantly lower than those before CCT.


  • 国際競技力に関する研究の動向―マクロレベルのオリンピック研究に着目して―

    舟橋弘晃, 間野義之

    Japanese Jorunal of Elite Sports Support   5  2011  [Refereed]

  • Gender and grade differences in school recess physical activity among Japanese elementary school children

    Sato Mai, Ishii Kaori, Shibata Ai, Mano Yoshiyuki, Oka Koichiro

    Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research   2011 ( 54 ) 54_11 - 54_17  2011

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    Objective:The present study examined physical activity(PA)levels and differences in PA by gender and grades during school recess periods. Method:PA levels of two hundred and thirty children(55% boys, 42%younger)from two elementary schools in Japan were measured with accelerometry for seven consecutive days. Time spent in sedentary, light PA, moderate PA, vigorous PA during break(25 minutes)and lunch recess(15 minutes), and total recess(40 minutes)was determined. Two-way analysis of variance was used to examine differences in PA variables by gender and grades. Results:Data of one hundred and eighty four children(52% boys, 56% younger)was available. Time spent in sedentary, light PA, moderate PA, and vigorous PA was 8.5±4.9, 12.9±3.8, 1.6±1.2, and 2.9±2.8 minutes during break, and 3.5±2.5, 9.5±2.2, 1.4±0.9, and 1.6±1.4 minutes during lunch recess, respectively. There were no significant interactions between gender and grades. Significant main effects of PA variables were found for gender and grades. Boys had fewer sedentary time(p=0.017)and higher vigorous PA time(p<0.001)than girls during total recess. Younger engaged in more sedentary(p=0.045)and less light(p=0.023)and moderate PA(p=0.006)than older at break. On the other hand, at lunch recess, younger had significantly longer light(p=0.015)and vigorous PA(p<0.001)and shorter sedentary time(p<0.001)than older. Conclusion:Overall, boys were less sedentary and engaged in PA at higher intensity levels than girls during school recess. Different pattern in PA was shown between break and lunch recess by grades.

    DOI CiNii

  • Relationship between Distance Decay of J-League Season Tickets Purchase Rate and the Other Competing Clubs

    SHOJI Hiroto, MANO Yoshiyuki, NAKAMURA Yoshio

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 207 - 215  2011

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    It is important to clarify the impact of competition among J-League clubs on the distance decay parameters of season ticket purchase rate for J-clubs marketing.<BR>    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the distance decay parameters of J-league season ticket purchase rate and the other competing clubs when two clubs are located close together, using the distance decay model.<BR>    All of the respondents were J-League season ticket holders of four clubs: theYokohama F·Marinos, Shonan Bellmare, Gamba Osaka and Cerezo Osaka. Postal code were collected in 2008 January. Season ticket purchase rate and the distance between each stadium and center of cities were calculated using geographic information system. Through the distance decay model, we estimated the distance decay parameters.<BR>    The results of the present study suggested that the season ticket purchase rates of the higher performance clubs are widely distributed (distance decay slope is gentle) , while the season ticket purchase rates of the lower performance clubs are precipitously distributed (distance decay slope is steep) . In conclusion, it is possible that the distance decay parameters of J-League season ticket purchase rates are affected by the existence of other competing when two clubs are located close together.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of a Social Support Scale for Sports : Examination of Reliability and Validity

    SUGA Koki, SHOJI Hiroto, OKA Koichiro, NAKAMURA Yoshio, MANO Yoshiyuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 169 - 177  2011

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a Social Support Scale for Sports and to clarify the differences in evaluations of social support according to differences in the frequency of participation in sports.<BR>    The survey was carried out by a questionnaire mailed to 5,000 people aged 18 and over, randomly selected from the Basic Resident Register in "city A" .<BR>    Using factor analysis, 2 factors were extracted : "instrumental support" and "emotional support." The results showed that both factors' social support scores showed higher values as the participation in sports became more frequent. <BR>    The results suggest that the Social Support Scale for Sports has validity for sports.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study about Consistency of Team Identification : The Case of Club A

    TASHIRO Motoki, MANO Yoshiyuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 141 - 148  2011

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    It has been said that Team Identification has consistency. However, there has been no study that proves the consistency of Team Identification. The purpose of this study was to measure the Team Identification of fans at all home games (17 games) in 2009 of Club A, which belonged to the Japan Football League, and test for consistency. As a result of measuring Team Identification of 40 members of Club A′s Fan Club during the 17 games, and comparing it, there were no statistical significances between each of the matches. In addition, as a result of measuring the Team Identification of spectators at the first match and the final match of Club A′s home games (first match : N=101, final match : N=113) , and comparing these results, there were no statistical significances between the matches. In this study, we measured Team Identification of a professional soccer club' s fans and found that there were no statistical significances between the matches.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) on Customer Satisfaction of a Public Sports Center in Japan : Comparing "Existing" and "New" Customers in "A" Sports Center

    HONME Emi, SHOJI Hiroto, MANO Yoshiyuki, NAKAMURA Yoshio

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 1 ) 57 - 66  2011

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    The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of introduction of Compulsory Competitive tendering (CCT) on "existing" and "new" customers' satisfaction in a public sports center. A questionnaire (consisting of 19 items) and interview was conducted in "A" sports center, which introduced CCT in April 2006. The survey before CCT was conducted in February 2006 and after CCT in every February of 2007, 2008, and 2009. In total, 1,941 respondents answered the questionnaire. The interviews were conducted by facility managers in June 2007 and May 2008. <BR>Results of ANOVA and two-way ANOVA were following ; <BR>—  For "existing" customers, the mean scores of 9 items were significantly higher after CCT than before, but "Number of people in the pool" , "Number of people in the activity spaces" , and "Overall satisfaction" showed opposite results. <BR>—  For "new" customers, there were significant differences in 3 items. For example, the mean scores of items about staff in 2007 and 2008 were lower than in 2006. <BR>—  From two-way ANOVA, there ware interaction between <existing/new> and <year> in four items. This suggests that the effect of the CCT on customers' satisfaction of "existing" customers and "new" customers was not the same.

    DOI CiNii

  • Association between Perception of Propriety of Resistance Training for Elementary School Children and Intention to Recommend Circuit Training Program among Parents

    HARA Takeshi, HARADA Kazuhiro, MANO Yoshiyuki, NAKAMURA Yoshio

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 1 ) 41 - 48  2011

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    The purpose of this study was 1) to examine whether parents have the intention to recommend resistance training (RT) as the circuit training (CT) program for their children, and 2) to identify the perception of resistance training associated with the intention. <BR>    The participants were 694 parents of children attending public elementary school in Tokyo. Questionnaire survey was conducted. Research items were 1) perception of Children′s RT, 2) perception of Children′s training (9 items) , 3) intention to recommend Children′s CT program. Logistic regression analysis was utilized to identify the perceptions related to intention to recommend. <BR>    As results, the answers of 403 participants were valid. Regarding the perception of Children′s RT, 45.1% of participants' answers were negative, and 9.7% were positive. In contrast, regarding the intention to recommend Children′s CT program, 9.6% were negative, and 43.2% were positive. Among the perceptions, enjoyment of RT (OR=4.32 ; %CI=2.38-7.85) , RT for busy children (OR=3.16 ; %CI=1.79-5.59) , RT for health promotion (OR=3.02; %CI=1.02-8.94) , RT of continuance to adult (OR=2.07 ; %CI=1.13-3.79) , and RT for prevention of injury and disability (OR=2.02 ; %CI=1.02-4.03) were significantly associated with the intention. No significant associations were observed with perception of Children′s RT (OR=2.73 ; %CI=0.95-7.85) and safety of RT (OR=1.52 ; %CI=0.73-3.19) . <BR>    These results indicate that there would be a possibility to provide the RT through the CT program even if the perception of parents toward child RT is negative, that enjoyment of RT might be more important than safety of RT for promoting the direct intention.

    DOI CiNii

  • 指定管理者制度導入によるスタジアムのサービス・クオリティの変化」—Aスタジアムの観戦者を対象とした事例研究—

    間野義之, 庄子博人

    スポーツ産業学研究   Vol.20 ( 1 ) 73 - 79  2010.03

     View Summary

    The aim of this research was to clarify the change in service quality of a stadium before and after the introduction of CCT using one facility in Japan as a case study, and to compare some performance data before and after the introduction of CCT. The data before CCT were collected in May 2006 and the post- CCT data were collected in November 2008. Random sampling of respondents was used in those years. In total, 758 respondents in 2006 and 292 respondents in 2008 were asked to complete the questionnaire after the football game. Some of the mean scores of "Cleanliness and comfort" , "Food and drink" , "Litter box" , "Toilet" and "Staff" were significantly higher than those of before CCT. However, the service quality of "Easy to watch" did not change between those years significantly.

    DOI CiNii

  • スポーツ政策研究の潮流と課題-指定管理者制度の実証研究に向けて-


    体育・スポーツ政策研究   19 ( 1 ) 81 - 86  2010

  • Factors Influencing Booster Club Members' Continuance Intentions in the bj-league: Focusing on the Service Quality of the Booster Club

    SATO Yukina, MANO Yoshiyuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   20 ( 2 ) 231 - 242  2010

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    The purpose of the present study was to clarify the influence of service quality on booster club members' continuance intentions in the bj-league.<BR>    Data was obtained according to replies from 99 out of 1207 members during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 seasons of the three teams who belonged to the bj-league.<BR>    The service quality item was examined by referring to the previous work and preparatory investigations, and three factors and 19 items were extracted. When influence on continuance intention was seen, admission satisfaction and staff of service quality factor intention were influenced. Staff factor and admission satisfaction showed a significant difference when comparing the continuance intentions separately between a high continuance intention group and a low continuance intention group. In addition, when admission satisfaction was assumed to be an induced variable, the high continuance intention group influenced watching satisfaction and sense of belonging, and, on the other hand, the low continuance intention group influenced watching satisfaction.

    DOI CiNii

  • Changes in the Number of Full-time Employees in Public Sports Facilities before and after the Introduction of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT)

    MANO Yoshiyuki, SHOJI Hiroto, IIJIMA Saori, HONME Emi

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   20 ( 2 ) 211 - 215  2010

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    The Local Authority Act of Japan was revised in September 2003 in order to reduce the costs and improve the quality of public services. As a result of the Act, all local authorities had to introduce CCT for public sports facilities by September 2006. The aim of this research was to clarify the change in the number of full-time employees in public sports facilities before and after the introduction of CCT. The pre-CCT data were collected in March 2005 and the post-CCT data were collected in September 2007. In total, 333 respondents in both 2005 and 2007 were asked to complete the questionnaire. The mean number of full-time employees was significantly higher after the introduction of CCT than before it.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Economic Value of Having a Professional Sports Team in a City

    ISHIZAKA Keizo, MANO Yoshiyuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   20 ( 2 ) 159 - 171  2010

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    There have been some quantitative studies about the economic impact of professional sports teams on local regions, but there hasn' t been any study in Japan that quantified the value, including the intangible or public goods value of a professional sports team, for a city. The objective of this paper was to estimate the money value, including intangible value, of a professional sports team for a city by using CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) and to find if the evaluation of the public goods aspect of a professional sport team by local residents has a positive effect on WTP (willingness to pay) . We selected the Japanese professional baseball team "A" and conducted CVM surveys in "B" city in which "A" team locates its home stadium. We estimated that the value of "A" team for "B" city is 141~341 million yen minimum, and 488~1,175 million yen maximum for a year and the present value as 2.4~5.9 billion yen minimum and 8.4~20.3 billion yen maximum. And we found that the evaluation of the public goods aspect of a professional sports team by local residents has a positive effect on WTP.

    DOI CiNii

  • 公共スポーツ施設の指定管理者制度導入前後の利用者満足度の変化—A体育館を対象とした事例研究—

    間野義之, 庄子博人, 本目えみ

    スポーツ産業学研究,   Vol.19 ( 2 ) 223 - 229  2009.09

     View Summary

    The Local Authority Act of Japan, revised in September 2003, aimed to reduce costs for public services and to enrich public service quality. As a result of the Act, all local authorities had to introduce CCT for public sports facilities by September 2006. The aim of this research was to clarify the change in customer satisfaction of a sports facility before and after the introduction of CCT using one facility in Japan as a case study, and to compare some performance data before and after the introduction of CCT. The data before CCT were collected in February 2006 and the post-CCT data were collected in February 2007 and 2008. Random sampling of respondents was used in those years. In total, 377 respondents in 2006, 587 respondents in 2007 and 457 respondents in 2008 were asked to complete the questionnaire after their activity. Some of the mean scores of users′ satisfaction were significantly higher than those recorded before CCT. However, the satisfaction of "Number of people in the pool" , and "Number of people in the activity spaces" in 2007 was significantly lower than satisfaction in two categories in 2006. The mean scores of "Overall satisfaction" of users in 2007 were significantly lower than those in 2006, but after that they recovered in 2008.

    DOI CiNii

  • Distance Decay of J-League Season Ticket Purchase Rate and Its Determining Factors

    SHOJI Hiroto, KURAMOTO Tadashi, MANO Yoshiyuki, NAKAMURA Yoshio

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   19 ( 2 ) 119 - 127  2009  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the distance decay parameters of J-League season ticket purchase rate, and to clarify the relationship between the distance decay parameters and population densities/competition of catchment areas. The total number of the sample was 53,727 which came from the season ticket holders of 20 J-League clubs in 2007. The distance and the population were calculated by using Geographic Information System. The findings of the analyses are summarized as follows;<BR>    A gradually weakening relationship between J-League season ticket purchase rate and distance from stadium was observed. Also it was shown that the distance factor has an effect on the J-League season ticket purchase rate. The distance decay rate of densely populated area is low (distance decay slope is gentle) , while the distance decay rate of thinly populated area is high (distance decay slope is steep) . The catchment areas of J-league season ticket compete with other clubs′ catchment areas in the densely populated regions. That is to say the spatial demand, which is the distance decay rate of J-League season tickets, is affected by the difference of city size and the existence of other competing clubs.

    DOI CiNii

  • Geographic Distribution of Public Sports Center Users in the Distance Decay Model ; Focusing on the Level of Use Frequency in the A Gymnasium

    SHOJI Hiroto, NIINA Kenji, MANO Yoshiyuki, NAKAMURA Yoshio

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   19 ( 2 ) 217 - 222  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to clarify the geographic distribution of public sports center users with regard to the distance decay model, and to verify the difference of the parameters of the use frequency level. The findings of the analyses are summarized as follows ; <BR>    A logarithmic relationship was observed between the distance from sports center and number of users (R2=.572) . This suggests that the distribution of public sports center users is affected by the distance.<BR>    And the distance decay parameter of low frequency users is much smaller than that of high and middle frequency users. This suggests that there is a possibility that users who live a short distance from the sports center would be higher frequency users than those who live a long distance from the sports center.

    DOI CiNii

  • スポーツファシリティマネジャーの役割と育成


    日本体育・スポーツ経営学研究    2008.03

  • 公共スポーツ施設の民営化の「今」、連載体育・教育時評「今」を大いに語る⑦


    体育科教育、大修館書店   53 ( 10 ) 70 - 70  2006.10

  • プロスポーツ活性化に不可欠な運動選手のキャリア支援


    新鐘、「働く」、早稲田大学学生部   シリーズ9 ( 73 ) 100 - 101  2006.10

  • 指定管理者制度の今後の方向性


    指定管理、春陽社   ( 7・8月 ) 19 - 24  2006.07

  • クラブの活動拠点の確保


    テクニカルニュース、財団法人日本サッカー協会   13   44 - 45  2006.05

  • 指定管理者制度におけるモニタリング


    指定管理、春陽社   ( 5・6月 ) 19 - 24  2006.05

  • 指定管理者制度とスポーツ振興


    時事トップコンフィデンシャル、時事通信社   11309   5 - 10  2006.04

  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブによる子育て支援の可能性


    子育てネットワークによる小・中学生交流事業 報告書、財団法人児童育成協会     21 - 21  2006.02

  • 公共スポーツ施設の成果と行政評価


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   21   88 - 89  2005.11

  • モニタリングの客観性と妥当性


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   20   104 - 105  2005.09

  • 地域スポーツ振興の新たな取り組み、「成功」「失敗」それぞれの理由


    時事トップコンフィデンシャル、時事通信社   ( 11248 ) 6 - 10  2005.08

  • 指定管理者制度のこれから


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   19   80 - 81  2005.07

  • 日本のスポーツリーグのビジネスモデルを考える(その3)

    間野義之, 小倉俊行, 小坂伸吉, 澤井和彦, 山谷拓志

    日本スポーツ産業学会 第14回大会号、日本スポーツ産業学会     11 - 11  2005.07

  • プロスポーツ、新たな価値創造のカギ、地方自治体との連携が相互の利益に


    時事トップコンフィデンシャル、時事通信社   ( 11224 ) 6 - 11  2005.05

  • 日本のスポーツリーグのビジネスモデルを考える(その2)

    間野義之, 小倉俊行, 小坂伸吉, 澤井和彦, 山谷拓志

    スポーツ産業シンポジウム2004、日本スポーツ産業学会     70 - 80  2005.03

  • プロスポーツ選手のキャリアサポートに関する研究〜プロ野球OBのライフスキル習得プロセスについて〜

    間野義之, 坂田賢二, 宮崎千枝

    日本スポーツ産業学会 第13回大会号、日本スポーツ産業学会     64 - 65  2004.07

  • すすむ公共スポーツ施設の民営化


    月刊体育施設、体育施設出版   2004年6月号 ( 420 ) 5 - 13  2004.05

  • Macroeconomic study focusing on products,incomes and expenditure in sport industry

    Yoshiyuki Mano, Ai Komatsu, Naoyuki Harada, Fumihiro Nakamura, Kazuhiko Kimura, Yoshio Nakamura, Munehiko Harada, Takanori Miyauchi

    Book of Abstracts 11th European Sport Management Congress、European Association for Sport Management     116 - 117  2003.09

  • 国内スポーツ総生産(GDSP)基礎講座


    日本スポーツ産業学会 第12回学会大会号     13 - 14  2003.07

  • フィットネスクラブと構造改革特区


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   No.5   44 - 47  2003.03

  • 「場」の選択余地と経済的自立の可能性


    指導者のためのスポーツジャーナル、日本体育協会   2003年3・4月号 ( 253 ) 14 - 17  2003.03

  • 国内スポーツ総生産(GDSP)について〜スポーツ産業における生産・所得・消費支出に関するマクロ経済学的な分析


    スポーツ産業シンポジウム2003、日本スポーツ産業学会     92 - 101  2003.03

  • 日本のスポーツリーグのビジネスモデルを考える〜球技系アマチュアリーグのビジネス化に向けたファーストステップを考える〜

    間野義之, 小倉俊行, 小坂伸吉, 澤井和彦, 山谷拓志

    スポーツ産業学シンポジウム2003、日本スポーツ産業学会     70 - 91  2003.03

  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブとフィットネスクラブの共存共栄


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   No.4   48 - 51  2003.01  [Refereed]

  • PFIによるフィットネスビジネスの方向性


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   No.3   44 - 47  2002.11

  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブの可能性


    季刊「体力つくり情報」、(財)健康体力つくり事業財団   No.70   2 - 5  2002.11

  • 完全学校週5日制時代の学校体育施設


    月刊スクールアメニティ、(株)ボイックス   17 ( 10 ) 38 - 41  2002.09

  • 公共スポーツ施設の民営化にみるビジネスチャンス


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   No.2   44 - 47  2002.09

  • 公共スポーツ施設整備におけるNew Public Managementの導入可能性〜地方公共団体における公共スポーツ施設整備に際してのPFI導入状況-

    間野義之, 石田善顕

    日本スポーツ産業学研究 第11回大会号     22 - 25  2002.07

  • スポーツ新時代への提言

    間野義之, 黒須充, 長ケ原誠

    月刊トレーニングジャーナル、ブックハウスエイチ・ディ   24 ( 4 ) 10 - 14  2002.03

  • 3-2生涯学習施設の民営化論


    「ネットワーク社会における生涯学習」財団法人高度映像情報センター    2001.10

  • 新たなスポーツ振興財源を


    NEXT・ING 三菱総合研究所   2001;1  2001.01

  • スポーツNPO・スポーツPFIを活用したスポーツクラブのつくり方(その2


    指導者のためのスポーツジャーナル/(財)日本体育協会   1999.2, 4-7  1999.02

  • スポーツNPO・スポーツPFIを活用したスポーツクラブのつくり方(その1),


    指導者のためのスポーツジャーナル/(財)日本体育協会   1998.12  1998.12

  • スポーツ振興の時代と地方自治体の果たす役割

    月刊自治フォーラム   Vol.419  1994.09

  • プロ野球スタジアムの観戦満足度と座席位置に関する研究~施設環境に着目したスタジアムのセグメンテーション研究(その1)~

    上林功, 間野義之, 仙田満

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   80 ( 710 ) 795 - 801  [Refereed]

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 『スポーツビジネスの未来』

    間野義之( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    日経BP社  2017

  • 『震災後に考えるー東日本大震災と向き合う92の分析と提言』

    ( Part: Contributor)

    早稲田大学・震災復興研究論集編集委員会  2015

  • Sports Management and Sports Humanities

    Kanosue,K, chief edito( Part: Contributor)

    Springer  2015

  • 『奇跡の3年 2019・2020・2021 ゴールデン・スポーツイヤーズが地方を変える』

    間野義之( Part: Edit)

    徳間書店  2015

  • 早稲田アスリートプログラムーテキストブックー



  • 2014年度版地域ハンドブック

    ( Part: Contributor)


  • 『スポーツマネジメント教育の課題と展望』

    ( Part: Contributor)

    創文企画  2013

  • 『オリンピック・レガシー~2020年東京をこう変える~』

    間野義之( Part: Sole author)

    ポプラ社  2013

  • 改訂スポーツ産業論入門

    原田宗彦( Part: Contributor)

    杏林書院  2011

  • スポーツ政策論

    菊幸一, 真山達志, 横山勝彦, 斎藤健司( Part: Other)

    弘文堂  2011

  • 『スポーツファシリティマネジメント』

    ( Part: Edit)

    大修館書店  2011

  • 10章公共スポーツ施設のマネジメント、『スポーツ産業論第4版』原田宗彦編著、pp108-116、(分担執筆)


    杏林書院  2010

  • Sport in the Greater Tokyo Area, ”Sport im Wettbewerb der Metropolregionen”, Trosien,G.,(Hrsg),pp276-291(分担執筆)

    Yoshiyuki Mano

    epubli GmbH,  2008.08

  • 第4章施設マネジメントと総合型地域スポーツクラブ、『総合型地域スポーツクラブの時代2、行政とクラブとの協同』黒須充編著、pp51-62、(分担執筆)


    創文企画  2008.06

  • 第4章 施設マネジメントと総合型地域スポーツクラブ,「総合型地域スポーツクラブの時代2,行政とクラブとの協同」黒須充編著,,pp51-62.


    創文企画  2008

  • Sport in the Greater Tokyo Area, Sport im Wettbewerb der Metropolregionen, Trosien,G.,(Hrsg), pp276-291.

    Yoshiyuki Mano

    epubli GmbH,  2008

  • 9章公共スポーツ施設のマネジメント、『スポーツ産業論第4版』原田宗彦編著、pp108-116、(分担執筆)


    杏林書院  2007

  • 公共スポーツ施設のマネジメント

    間野義之( Part: Sole author)

    体育施設出版  2007

  • 法制度、『最新スポーツ科学事典』、(社)日本体育学会監修、(分担執筆)


    平凡社  2006.09

  • 第4章運営 活動拠点の確保、『公認クラブマネジャー養成テキスト』、(分担執筆)


    財団法人日本体育協会  2006.09

  • 第6章評価、『公認クラブマネジャー養成テキスト』、(分担執筆)

    間野義之, 横田匡俊

    財団法人日本体育協会  2006.09

  • 第2章スポーツ施設、Ⅰ‐1スポーツ施設の定義、Ⅰ‐2わが国のスポーツ施設整備状況、『スポーツ白書』、(分担執筆)


    SSF笹川スポーツ財団  2006.03

  • 第2章基礎Ⅱ 1.クラブのつくり方、クラブの運営1)3)5)6)7)9)、『公認アシスタントマネジャー養成テキスト』、(分担執筆)


    財団法人日本体育協会  2006.03

  • 第3部 5.スポーツとビジネス、『教養としての体育原理』、友添秀則・岡出美則編、(分担執筆)


    大修館書店  2005.04

  • 13.スポーツ・運動関連公益法人、『新訂保健体育 健康志向と競技志向の運動』、宮下充正、臼井永男、(分担執筆)


    財団法人放送大学教育振興会  2005.03

  • 12.スポーツ用具と運動施設、『新訂保健体育 健康志向と競技志向の運動』宮下充正、臼井永男編著、(分担執筆)


    財団法人放送大学教育振興会  2005.03

  • 第1部、1-(1)(2)、2-(2)(4)、『クラブハウス・ガイドブック』、間野義之編著


    SSF笹川スポーツ財団  2004.06

  • 14章.公共スポーツ施設をマネジメントする、『改訂スポーツ産業論入門第3版』、原田宗彦編著、(分担執筆)


    杏林書院  2003.04

  • 8.スポーツNPOを活用したスポーツクラブのつくり方、『ジグゾーパズルで描く総合型地域スポーツクラブ』黒須充、水上博司編著、(分担執筆)


    大修館書店  2002.10

  • 2-4活動拠点の確保、『総合型地域スポーツ マネジャー養成講習会テキスト』(分担執筆)


    文部科学省スポーツ青少年局生涯スポーツ課  2001.03

  • 2.6スポーツ政策の統計情報、『スポーツの統計学』大澤清二編、(分担執筆)


    朝倉書店  2000.11

  • 第10章 政治環境の変化とスポーツ政策の課題、『スポーツの政治学』、池田勝、守能信次編著、(分担執筆)


    杏林書院  1999.10

  • 6.スポーツ振興財源、『スポーツの経済学』、池田勝、守能信次編著、(分担執筆)


    杏林書院  1999.07

  • 5.スポーツ振興における公共部門の役割、『スポーツの経済学』、池田勝、守能信次編著、(分担執筆)


    杏林書院  1999.07

  • 10.スポーツ経済統計の活用、『スポーツの経済学』、池田勝、守能信次編著、(分担執筆)


    杏林書院  1999.07

  • 第5章スポーツ産業の連携と今後の方向性、『スポーツインテリジェンス』、宮下充正編著、(分担執筆)


    大修館書店  1996.06

  • 『全予測95』(分担執筆)


    ダイヤモンド社  1994.10

  • 13.自由時間社会の文化創造、第3章9生活文化としてのスポーツ・レクリエーション、『21世紀の地方自治戦略』、平本一雄編著、(分担執筆)

    末吉一成, 間野義之

    ぎょうせい  1993.06

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Research Projects

  • Transformation of Elitist Sport Policy Networks: from Comparative on Olympic Cycle

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIBINO Mikio

     View Summary

    This study aims to analyse the elite sport policy in Japan in the context of the network structure and dynamic among actors in the process of policy making process, and to identify the transformation between the Sydney Olympic cycle and the Rio De Janeiro Olympic cycle. It revealed the structure of policy network whose four key analysing phases are membership, integration, resources as well as power. This research found the key transformation of policy network in the community of elite sport policy in Japan between the Sydney Olympic cycle and the Rio De Janeiro Olympic cycle.

  • Maintenance and increase of resident population of local cities by promotion of professional sports

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Mano Yoshiyuki, Kan Fumihiko

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to clarify the process by which a professional sports team enhances the place attachment. The survey target was residents of Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, where FC Imabari is based.Based on a total of three longitudinal surveys, we divided the group into a rising group and a non-rising group of team identification for FC Imabari and verified the time-series changes in place attachment.It became clear that the place attachment degree was significantly enhanced by the rising group compared to the non-raising group. In addition, it also became clear that “social assessment of the area” functions as an intermediary variable in the relation structure. Through this research, it is suggested that the professional sports team may increase the place attachment degree of local residents and contribute to the maintenance and expansion of the settlement population

  • Research on the factors that determine the non-use value of public sports facilities

    Project Year :


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    We estimated and compared WTP (willingness to pay) of 17 public sports centers and 10 multipurpose halls in Yokohama using CVM (Contingent Valuation Method).As a result, WTP of the sports center was median 668 yen, average value 2,341 yen, WTP of the multipurpose hall was median 786 yen, average value 3,238 yen. The factors that the WTP of the sports center is lower than the multipurpose halls are the evaluation bias due to "interest in sports", the low evaluation of the vicarious values as the non-use value of the facility, and the lower response rate for the items which are more basic value for the citizen's life, like “because it is for citizen's rights” and “because it is necessary for citizen's cultural life” as the reason why we should maintain the facilities. These results include issues to be considered in enhancing the non-use value of sports centers

  • "Smart Venue" as and Olympic legacy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yoshiyuki Mano

     View Summary

    There is a huge societal demand for the construction of Smart Venue, a multifunctional stadium/arena attracts private investment, across Japan. The purpose of this research was to investigate practical implications for developing Smart Venue as an Olympic legacy in Japan. On-site surveys were conducted at past Olympic host cities and some best practice arenas and stadiums in Europe and the United States, resulting in identifying the important elements for successful implementation

  • プロスポーツ振興による地方都市の定住人口の維持・増加

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


  • Statistical Study of Exercise and Sport Participation for Sports Policy Making

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    In this study we have clarified the structure and dynamics of Exercise and Sport participation in Japan using secondary analysis of SSF National Sports-Life Survey 1996 to 2014 leading to implications with sports policy making in Japan. The participation in “Exercises” such as strolling, walking and jogging have been significantly risen for these years and needs for these Exercises are so high in Japan. Because most of these Exercises have practiced in “public space” such as road and park, we should keep up these spaces, not “sport facilities”, for promotion of Exercises.On the other hand, the participation in “Competitive Sports” such as baseball, soccer and basketball have been decreased or hovering near the bottom for all these years. We found however that the needs for watching Competitive Sports are much higher than that for playing, which gives us implication that “Stadium and Arena”, not “Ground and Gymnasium”, are needed for the development of Competitive Sports

  • Evaluation of the Japanese elite sport system: An international comparison

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MANO Yoshiyuki

     View Summary

    The purpose of this research was to examine policy-related success drivers and major weakness of the current elite sport system in Japan in order to improve elite athletes' climate and international sporting success. We achieved this purpose by participating in 'SPLISS' which is an international network of research cooperation that coordinates, develops and shares expertise in innovative, high-performance sport policy research in cooperation with policy makers, National Olympic Committees (NOCs), international (sport) organisations, and researchers worldwide. Compared with other nations, the Japanese elite sport system showed the advantage in 'training facility', '(inter)national competition', and 'scientific research', however research has revealed that there are certain weakness in 'sport participation' and 'talent identification and development'

  • The study of Benchmarking for Public Sport Facilities through Compulsory Competitive Tendering.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MANO Yoshiyuki

     View Summary

    The Local Authority Act of Japan revised in September 2003, aimed to reduce costs for public services and to enrich public service quality. As a result of the Act, all local authorities had to introduce CCT for public sports facilities by September 2006. The aim of this research was to clarify the change in number of full-time employment in publice sports facilities before and after the introduction of CCT. The data before CCT were collected in March 2005 and the post CCT data were collected in September 2007. In total, 333 respondents in both 2005 and 2007 were asked to complete the questionnaire. The mean number of full-time employment were significantly higher than those of before CCT

  • Regional Revitalization by the Connection between Community Sport Club and Tourism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIMURA Kazuhiko, MIYAUCHI Takanori, MANO Yoshiyuki, SAKUNO Seiichi, YOKOTA Masatoshi

     View Summary

    Two researches were conducted on the review of precedent studies and questionnaires in 2005. The purpose of these studies was to examine the possibility of Karuizawa Community Sport Club that was established in 2004 as sport tourism (Survey 1 and Survey 2). The summaries of main findings in 2005 are:
    1. More than 50% Tourists have a participation intention to the club without of the tourists and sport tourists.
    2. With the villa visitor, it became clear with sports enforcer that participation intention to the Karuizawa community sport club was high in a low person of the satisfaction for sports.
    On the basis of Karuizawa-cho investigation, it was expected not only the sports club but also a sporting event became an important factor for regional revitalization from as a viewpoint of the sports tourism. Therefore, for the citizens' marathon meet that many tourists called Ishigaki-jima Island and Kawaguchiko participated in, it was clarified that the characteristic of the participant and inspected it about contribution possibility to the regional revitalization (Survey 3 and Survey 4). The summaries of main findings in 2006 are:
    3. As a result, the tourist of the citizens' marathon conventionalist understood that there were core sport tourists aimed for only marathon participation and extended sport tourists aimed for marathon participation and sightseeing.
    4. We understood that the extended sport tourists were important for increasing a repeater and the participation of the woman, a point of the economic effect. Therefore it was suggested that it was important that the destination did promotion of charm (a pull factor) as the sightseeing spot effectively.

  • Effect of job creation according to privatization of public sport facilities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MANO Yoshiyuki, YOKOTA Masatoshi, NAKAMURA Yoshio, KIMURA Kazuhiko, SAKUNO Seiichi, MIYAUCHI Takanori

     View Summary

    The purpose of this research was to have clarified the employment created by privatizing public sports facilities. It was assumed that this research was ended based on the finding obtained by this, some new subjects are added, and it succeeded to project number 18000213. Therefore, this report is a process of our research.
    1. Results on Questionnaire survey execution and making of database
    We conducted questionnaire survey for 15,068 facilities which joined Japan Sports Facilities Association (JSFA) in cooperation with JSFA in 2005.
    #1 Question items ;
    a) Characteristics : facility type, scale, year of construction, Establisher etc.
    b) Employment : number of staff, personnel expenses etc.
    c) Expenses for consignment contracts
    d) Income and expenditure
    #2 Results.
    i) 2,974 useful questionnaires were returned (return rate is 19.7%)
    ii) We are never satisfied with this rate, but it is the first time that such a research was performed and as a result of having been provided this time, it is valuable and we are convinced that it help a future study very much.
    iii) And we used Geographic Information System (GIS) Data (2000 Census of Japan),
    analyzed geographical convenience environment, peripheral people, a family income, competing facilities and traffic convenience into every facility where there was an answer.
    #3 Our Database
    Therefore, the database which we made combined an answer of a questionnaire with analysis of GIS. This will help a certain facility when it examines privatization.
    2. Results on Interview Research in England
    #1 Purpose
    Research on privatization case with public sports facilities in London ; we interviewed some managers of facilities, municipal government and researchers on privatization of public sports facilities.
    #2 Findings
    a) PFI of public sports facilities in England is not advanced too much compared with Japan. The reason is that England facilities are supported by Lottery funding.
    b) It was clarified to privatization in England that there was able to be not only private enterprises but also consignment to the non-profit organizations.

  • 学校体育施設・公共スポーツ施設へのニューパブリックマネジメントの導入に関する研究

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  • 指定管理者制度導入によるスタジアムのサービス・クオリティの変化」—Aスタジアムの観戦者を対象とした事例研究—

    間野義之, 庄子博人

    スポーツ産業学研究   Vol.20 ( 1 ) 73 - 79  2010.03  [Refereed]

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    The aim of this research was to clarify the change in service quality of a stadium before and after the introduction of CCT using one facility in Japan as a case study, and to compare some performance data before and after the introduction of CCT. The data before CCT were collected in May 2006 and the post- CCT data were collected in November 2008. Random sampling of respondents was used in those years. In total, 758 respondents in 2006 and 292 respondents in 2008 were asked to complete the questionnaire after the football game. Some of the mean scores of "Cleanliness and comfort" , "Food and drink" , "Litter box" , "Toilet" and "Staff" were significantly higher than those of before CCT. However, the service quality of "Easy to watch" did not change between those years significantly.

    DOI CiNii

  • 公共スポーツ施設の指定管理者制度導入前後の利用者満足度の変化—A体育館を対象とした事例研究—

    間野義之, 庄子博人, 本目えみ

    スポーツ産業学研究,   Vol.19 ( 2 ) 223 - 229  2009.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Local Authority Act of Japan, revised in September 2003, aimed to reduce costs for public services and to enrich public service quality. As a result of the Act, all local authorities had to introduce CCT for public sports facilities by September 2006. The aim of this research was to clarify the change in customer satisfaction of a sports facility before and after the introduction of CCT using one facility in Japan as a case study, and to compare some performance data before and after the introduction of CCT. The data before CCT were collected in February 2006 and the post-CCT data were collected in February 2007 and 2008. Random sampling of respondents was used in those years. In total, 377 respondents in 2006, 587 respondents in 2007 and 457 respondents in 2008 were asked to complete the questionnaire after their activity. Some of the mean scores of users′ satisfaction were significantly higher than those recorded before CCT. However, the satisfaction of "Number of people in the pool" , and "Number of people in the activity spaces" in 2007 was significantly lower than satisfaction in two categories in 2006. The mean scores of "Overall satisfaction" of users in 2007 were significantly lower than those in 2006, but after that they recovered in 2008.

    DOI CiNii

  • スポーツファシリティマネジャーの役割と育成


    日本体育・スポーツ経営学研究    2008.03  [Refereed]

  • 公共スポーツ施設の民営化の「今」、連載体育・教育時評「今」を大いに語る⑦


    体育科教育、大修館書店   53 ( 10 ) 70 - 70  2006.10

  • プロスポーツ活性化に不可欠な運動選手のキャリア支援


    新鐘、「働く」、早稲田大学学生部   シリーズ9 ( 73 ) 100 - 101  2006.10  [Refereed]

  • 指定管理者制度の今後の方向性


    指定管理、春陽社   ( 7・8月 ) 19 - 24  2006.07  [Refereed]

  • クラブの活動拠点の確保


    テクニカルニュース、財団法人日本サッカー協会   13   44 - 45  2006.05  [Refereed]

  • 指定管理者制度におけるモニタリング


    指定管理、春陽社   ( 5・6月 ) 19 - 24  2006.05  [Refereed]

  • 指定管理者制度とスポーツ振興


    時事トップコンフィデンシャル、時事通信社   11309   5 - 10  2006.04  [Refereed]

  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブによる子育て支援の可能性


    子育てネットワークによる小・中学生交流事業 報告書、財団法人児童育成協会     21 - 21  2006.02  [Refereed]

  • 公共スポーツ施設の成果と行政評価


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   21   88 - 89  2005.11  [Refereed]

  • モニタリングの客観性と妥当性


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   20   104 - 105  2005.09  [Refereed]

  • 地域スポーツ振興の新たな取り組み、「成功」「失敗」それぞれの理由


    時事トップコンフィデンシャル、時事通信社   ( 11248 ) 6 - 10  2005.08  [Refereed]

  • 指定管理者制度のこれから


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   19   80 - 81  2005.07  [Refereed]

  • 日本のスポーツリーグのビジネスモデルを考える(その3)

    間野義之, 小倉俊行, 小坂伸吉, 澤井和彦, 山谷拓志

    日本スポーツ産業学会 第14回大会号、日本スポーツ産業学会     11 - 11  2005.07  [Refereed]

  • プロスポーツ、新たな価値創造のカギ、地方自治体との連携が相互の利益に


    時事トップコンフィデンシャル、時事通信社   ( 11224 ) 6 - 11  2005.05  [Refereed]

  • 日本のスポーツリーグのビジネスモデルを考える(その2)

    間野義之, 小倉俊行, 小坂伸吉, 澤井和彦, 山谷拓志

    スポーツ産業シンポジウム2004、日本スポーツ産業学会     70 - 80  2005.03  [Refereed]

  • プロスポーツ選手のキャリアサポートに関する研究〜プロ野球OBのライフスキル習得プロセスについて〜

    間野義之, 坂田賢二, 宮崎千枝

    日本スポーツ産業学会 第13回大会号、日本スポーツ産業学会     64 - 65  2004.07  [Refereed]

  • すすむ公共スポーツ施設の民営化


    月刊体育施設、体育施設出版   2004年6月号 ( 420 ) 5 - 13  2004.05  [Refereed]

  • Macroeconomic study focusing on products,incomes and expenditure in sport industry

    Yoshiyuki Mano, Ai Komatsu, Naoyuki Harada, Fumihiro Nakamura, Kazuhiko Kimura, Yoshio Nakamura, Munehiko Harada, Takanori Miyauchi

    Book of Abstracts 11th European Sport Management Congress、European Association for Sport Management     116 - 117  2003.09

  • 国内スポーツ総生産(GDSP)基礎講座


    日本スポーツ産業学会 第12回学会大会号     13 - 14  2003.07  [Refereed]

  • フィットネスクラブと構造改革特区


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   No.5   44 - 47  2003.03  [Refereed]

  • 「場」の選択余地と経済的自立の可能性


    指導者のためのスポーツジャーナル、日本体育協会   2003年3・4月号 ( 253 ) 14 - 17  2003.03  [Refereed]

  • 国内スポーツ総生産(GDSP)について〜スポーツ産業における生産・所得・消費支出に関するマクロ経済学的な分析


    スポーツ産業シンポジウム2003、日本スポーツ産業学会     92 - 101  2003.03  [Refereed]

  • 日本のスポーツリーグのビジネスモデルを考える〜球技系アマチュアリーグのビジネス化に向けたファーストステップを考える〜

    間野義之, 小倉俊行, 小坂伸吉, 澤井和彦, 山谷拓志

    スポーツ産業学シンポジウム2003、日本スポーツ産業学会     70 - 91  2003.03  [Refereed]

  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブとフィットネスクラブの共存共栄


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   No.4   48 - 51  2003.01

  • PFIによるフィットネスビジネスの方向性


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   No.3   44 - 47  2002.11  [Refereed]

  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブの可能性


    季刊「体力つくり情報」、(財)健康体力つくり事業財団   No.70   2 - 5  2002.11  [Refereed]

  • 完全学校週5日制時代の学校体育施設


    月刊スクールアメニティ、(株)ボイックス   17 ( 10 ) 38 - 41  2002.09  [Refereed]

  • 公共スポーツ施設の民営化にみるビジネスチャンス


    フィットネスビジネス、クラブビジネスジャパン   No.2   44 - 47  2002.09

  • 公共スポーツ施設整備におけるNew Public Managementの導入可能性〜地方公共団体における公共スポーツ施設整備に際してのPFI導入状況-

    間野義之, 石田善顕

    日本スポーツ産業学研究 第11回大会号     22 - 25  2002.07  [Refereed]

  • スポーツ新時代への提言

    間野義之, 黒須充, 長ケ原誠

    月刊トレーニングジャーナル、ブックハウスエイチ・ディ   24 ( 4 ) 10 - 14  2002.03  [Refereed]

  • 3-2生涯学習施設の民営化論


    「ネットワーク社会における生涯学習」財団法人高度映像情報センター    2001.10  [Refereed]

  • 新たなスポーツ振興財源を


    NEXT・ING 三菱総合研究所   2001;1  2001.01

  • スポーツNPO・スポーツPFIを活用したスポーツクラブのつくり方(その2


    指導者のためのスポーツジャーナル/(財)日本体育協会   1999.2, 4-7  1999.02  [Refereed]

  • スポーツNPO・スポーツPFIを活用したスポーツクラブのつくり方(その1),


    指導者のためのスポーツジャーナル/(財)日本体育協会   1998.12  1998.12  [Refereed]

  • スポーツ振興の時代と地方自治体の果たす役割

    月刊自治フォーラム   Vol.419  1994.09  [Refereed]

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  • 公共スポーツ施設のベンチマーキングに関する研究


    イギリス   ハーラム大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • アジア新興国におけるスマートべニューの展開


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    世界のスタジアムビジネスの中心市場は欧州であったが,今後はインド,ASEAN諸国を中心に「スタジアムでのセキュリティ強化,安全性確保,ファン体験の向上を目的としたデジタル技術の導入事例が急速に増えている」ことから,同地域の急成長も予測されている(NASDAQ OMX's News Release Distribution Channel,2018)。そこで本研究では,アジア新興国において多機能複合型のスタジアム・アリーナである「スマート・ベニュー」化した事例を特定するために,報道記事などの文献収集,スポーツ行政関係者へのインタビューを通じ,アジア地域におけるスタジアム・アリーナ整備状況について調査した。本研究は,①国際大会の恒常的開催,②プロスポーツリーグの所有,③国民スポーツ大会の全国展開の条件を満たす国家が,スタジアム・アリーナの新設・改修需要が高いと判断した。さらに,④日本の産業交流・国際協力相手の上位国であるマレーシアを調査対象とした。マレーシア国内のスポーツ興行会場および国際競技大会の開催会場の建設状況および付帯施設を調査したところ,KL Sports Cityが複合型施設に該当すること明らかになった。KL SportsCityは2017年に開催されたSEA Gamesのメイン会場として改修された。元々は1998年コモンウェルスゲームズの自国開催に際して建設されたが,付帯施設に関する事業計画は盛り込まれず,単機能型スポーツ施設となっていた。2017年の改修事業では,居住施設やコンベンションホールなど付帯施設を含めたスポーツタウン整備計画の一部として実施され,市民からトップアスリートに至るまであらゆる人々の利用を前提として計画が遂行された。2017年の国際大会は,第1段階である競技施設の改修工事を完了させる期日として設定され,大会閉会後に付帯施設の建設を開始する計画で進められた。このように,マレーシアにおいてもスタジアム・アリーナの建設・改修計画は競技以外の利用を踏まえた都市整備計画として実行されている。今後,さらにアジアの途上国・新興国においてスタジアム・アリーナの建設需要が高まるにつれ,「スマート・ベニュー」化したスタジアム・アリーナは増加するものと予想される。

  • 途上国における国際競技大会を契機としたレガシー構想


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  • 途上国における障害者スポーツ政策の現状調査

    2017   遠藤華英, 菅文彦

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  • スポーツによる震災復興と好循環社会システムの構築


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  • スポーツ立国戦略の実現に向けた学校体育施設の有効活用方策の研究

    2011   舟橋弘晃

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    2010年の「スポーツ立国戦略」を受けて、2011年6月に「スポーツ基本法」が制定された。同法は立国戦略を具体的に法令化したものである。同戦略ならびに同法の特徴は、エリートアスリートが引退後、地域の総合型地域スポーツクラブや学校運動部活動等において、子どもたちに指導を行い、指導を受けた子どものなかからエリートアスリートが誕生し、引退後はやがて地域に還ってくるといった「好循環」の創出である。本研究では、わが国のエリートアスリートのセカンドキャリア等についてアンケート調査を行った。また、わが国よりも競技力の高い韓国における引退後のアスリートの状況について、韓国のエリートアスリートにインタビュー調査を行った。アンケート調査結果については英文に訳し、ヨーロッパスポーツマネジメント学会にて口頭発表するとともに、英文誌に投稿する。調査の概要等を以下に示す。AIM OF ABSTRACT/PAPER AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDIn recent years, many countries have adopted the elite sport system framework first developed in the former Soviet Union and former East Germany, which itself was developed against the political background of these countries’ attempts to spread an ideology (Green and Houlihan, 2005; Bergsgard et al., 2007; Hill, 2007). While the elite sport system is made up of an infrastructure and practices to improve a country’s international sporting competitiveness (Houlihan and Green, 2008; B&ouml;hlke and Robinson, 2009), the elite sport climate refers to “the social and organisational environment that provides the circumstances in which athletes can develop into elite sport athletes and can continue to achieve at the highest levels in their branch of sport” (van Bottenburg, 2000). In short, the elite sport climate is a sub-concept within the elite sport system, and it can also refer to the competition environment surrounding athletes that is created by the elite system. De Bosscher et al. (2008; 2009) conducted a survey on elite sport climate of elite athletes and elite coaches, who are deemed to be the primary users of the elite sport system, in order to evaluate items that are difficult to measure objectively and quantitatively. Therefore it is possible to examine the success factors in elite sport by evaluating the elite sport climate from the viewpoint of the consumer of the elite sport system (De Bosscher et al., 2009). The aim of this research was to examine policy-related success drivers of Japanese elite sport system by conducting an evaluation of the elite sport climate with Japanese elite athletes as the survey subjects (n=105). The sub-analysis investigated which specific policy-related factors describe difference between medallist (Elite α: n=43) and un-medallist (Elite β: n=62).METHODOLOGY, RESEARCH DESIGN AND DATA ANALYSISThe questionnaires were administered by mail and at athlete group survey. A total of 155 questionnaires were sent to Japanese elite athletes (selected by few criteria) belonging to those NGBs that agreed to co-operate with the survey and 105 were returned, giving a response rate of 69.5%. The survey items pertained to basic attributes and the elite sport climate. For elite athletes to evaluate the elite sport climate, 21 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) associated with 7 pillars were selected from the 126 CSFs in 9 elite sport policy pillars that had been extracted by specialists in elite sport policies in various countries; moreover, an overall evaluation scale for the elite sport climate was used. Each pillar’s evaluation score was calculated based on the scoring system (De Bosscher et al., 2009; 2010). The subjects were classified into Elite α and Elite β and a t-test of the independent sample was conducted, with an overall evaluation of the elite sport climate as the dependent variable and sporting achievements as the independent variable. Finally, the scoring system was used to calculate each pillar’s score for both Elite α and Elite β.RESULTS, DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONSThe result showed that the elite sport climate was very well maintained for the evaluation items of ‘talent identification and development system’, ‘athletic support’, ‘training facilities’, and ‘coaching provision and coach development’, and these items could be considered to be policy-related success drivers in the Japanese elite sport system. In contrast, the elite sport climate was not adequately maintained in terms of ‘post career support’, and this item could be regarded as an underdeveloped area. The sub-analysis revealed that there was no correlation between athletes’ overall evaluation of the elite sport climate and the winning of medals at international competitions, which suggested that the elite sport climate for Elite α and Elite β are maintained to the same standard. Furthermore, on analysing the differences in evaluation in each pillar according to sporting achievements, it was found that Elite α evaluated ‘scientific research’ lower than Elite β. This suggests that elite athletes with a higher level of achievement are less satisfied with the ‘scientific research’ climate.REFERENCES &#8211; LIMITED TO 5Bergsgard, N. A., Houlihan, B., Mangset, P., Nodland, S. I., and Rommetveldt, H. (2007) Sport policy. A comparative analysis of stability and change. Oxford: Elsevier.De Bosscher, V., De Knop, P., van Bottenburg, M., Shibli, S., and Bingham, J. (2009) Explaining international sporting success. An International comparison of elite sport systems and policies in six nations. Sport Management Review, 12: 113-136De Bosscher, V., De Knop, P., Van Bottenburg, M., Shibli, S., and Truyens, J. (2010) Developing a methodology for comparing the elite sport systems and policies in six nations. Sport Management Review, 24: 567-600.Funahashi, H and Mano, Y. (2011) The Trend of Research in International Sporting Success: Review of Macro Level Olympic Study. Japanese Journal of Elite Sports Support, 5: 1-17. (in Japanese)Houlihan, B. and Green, M. (2008) Comparative elite sport development: systems structures and public policy. Oxford: Elsevier.

  • 公共スポーツ施設の経営データ検索・提供(アクティブ・プレイス・パワー)の研究


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  • 公共スポーツ施設のPFI導入に伴う定性的評価に関する研究


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    1.調査対象【PFI整備事業】①岡山市:当新田環境センター余熱利用施設整備・運営PFI事業②岡山市:東部余熱利用健康増進施設整備・運営PFI事業③加古川市:加古川市立総合体育館整備PFI事業【公設民営事業】①神戸市:神戸市立垂水体育館民間委託事業②神戸市:(社)神戸レガッタ アンド アスレチック倶楽部 クラブハウス運営管理事業③岡山市:岡山市立出石小学校施設暫定活用管理運営事業(※)④神戸市:神戸市立生涯学習センター管理運営事業(※)※「出石小学校施設暫定活用管理運営事業」「神戸市立生涯学習センター管理運営事業」については、施設見学のみを行った。2.調査から得られた知見2-1.公共スポーツ施設のPFI整備事業について・民間企業のノウハウを利用:民間企業からの提案を、柔軟に受け入れることによって、サービスの向上、経費の削減が期待される。(岡山市東部余熱利用施設)・地域スポーツクラブとの関係:3件ともに仕様書の中では、地域スポーツクラブ等との事業の提携・協力関係についての記載はない。インタビューでは、担当者からその可能性は期待したいような発言もあったが、事業遂行能力の評価が困難であり、現状では組織の実態も把握し難いため、仕様書や提案書の評価項目には加えられていない。(岡山市、加古川市)・効率性を考えた既存意思決定システムの改革:事業の決裁期限の委譲や権限の集中を行うなど、庁内における意思決定の仕組みを統一し、事業手続きにロスが生じないようにした。(加古川市)・運営・サービス提供の段階へ:審査・選定・設計・建設の段階を経て、今後、運営・サービス提供の段階へと移行するうえで、選定された事業者のマネジメント手法や運営能力、リスク管理能力、などを含めた総合的評価(定性的・定量的評価)が必要とされる。また、特に初期の段階においては、民間事業者が提供するサービスの内容と水準を監視し、必要に応じて効果的な介入を行っていくことが公共側に求められる。(岡山市、加古川市)2-2.公共スポーツ施設及び文教施設の管理運営の民間委託事業について・新しいサービスをより安く:地域スポーツクラブのセンター的な役割を果たし、また、多様なニーズに対応できる新しいサービスの提供、そしてコストの削減の可能性を探る。(神戸市)・評価基準・目標設定の必要性:現段階では、委託運営に対する評価・判断基準はない。今後、民間委託をすすめるうえで、あるいは見直しを図るうえにおいても、質、量ともに公平かつ客観的な評価基準と目標設定の必要がある。(神戸市)・受託団体の組織基盤強化および公益性:委託側としては、スポーツあるいは文教施設の管理運営において経験やノウハウを有し、また財政的にも安定した組織・団体であることが前提にある。また、公共施設運営の委託は、地方自治法により、公益法人であることが条件として定められている。(神戸市)・管理運営受託者の範囲拡大:管理運営の委託について、その施設に対応した管理受託者の範囲拡大が求められる(公物管理法の見直し)。非営利・営利を問わず法人形態を柔軟に考え、NPO、第三セクターに限らず純民間事業者にも範囲を拡大すべきである。(神戸市、岡山市)・会員限定から地域の核となる施設へ:会員限定の施設から、地域にある関係組織へネットワーク作りやコミュニケーションの場を提供する施設へと展開する提案がクラブから出されているなかで、これまで会員限定であったことが資金確保の障壁となっている。(神戸レガッタ アンド アスレチッククラブ)

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