Updated on 2025/03/12


ASADA, Tadashi
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title

Education Background


    Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Human Sciences   Pedagogy  


    Osaka University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Human Sciences  

Professional Memberships


    British Educational Research Association




    American Educational Research Association







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Research Areas

  • Education / Educational psychology / Educational technology

Research Interests

  • Teacher Education≤Curriculum Development, Action Research, Mentoring, School Learning, the Development of Self Concept


  • 日本教育工学会研究奨励賞(前任校)




  • An examination of the meaning of kounai-ken by the elementary and junior high school teachers

    MAEDA Natsumi, ASADA Tadashi

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   43 ( 4 ) 447 - 456  2020

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    <p>"Kounai-ken", the training for teachers within school, have been played a essential role for Japanese education. School teachers can develop their own growth and establish the relationship among them for their learning about their jobs through "Kounai-ken", then it can serve to lead the effective school improvement. In this way "Kounai-ken" has the multi-function for teachers. However, there is the difference in the meaning of "Kounai-ken" among teachers, so that "Kounai-ken" can not necessarily play the role for them. This study focuses on what the meaning of "Kounai-ken" is for teachers. We used two methods, questionnaire survey and metaphor-making task to explore the meaning of "Kounai-ken". The participant is 120 elementary and junior-high school teachers. We found out that the teachers tend to lack awareness about the the aspect of making report as their research product compared to the aspect as the place of individual learning of "Kounai-ken". In addition, from the answers obtained by the metaphor-making task, it suggested that the negative images for "Kounai-ken" include their negative recognition for the extracurricularity of class presentation and preparation, and the dissatisfaction about the limited their freedom at inquiry process and the unclearity of its product.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • The function of Kounai-ken as school-based research for young teachers' change:From the analysis of one year interview with elementary school teachers

    Maeda Natsumi, Asada Tadashi

    Japan Bulletin of Educators for Human Development   22 ( 1 ) 13 - 23  2019  [Refereed]

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    Kounai-ken (in-school lesson study) provides opportunities for teachers to join a school-wide collaborative inquiry. However, there are only a few studies that have revealed the effect of the fullness of school-based collaborative inquiry on the ability of individual teachers to improve their competence. In this research, we tried to clarify how the context of school research influences learning in lesson studies by interviewing two young teachers for one year. We used the theme analysis to discuss the relation between categories. As a result, though each process of learning had different characteristics, it was observed that their understanding of school research and improvement of their own practical skills were mutually deepened. Our result shows empirically that participating in the school research and the growth of individual teachers can be treated as the two sides of the same coin.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Re-examination of Teachers' Interactive Decision-Making from the Viewpoint of Sensemaking

    MAEDA Natsumi, ASADA Tadashi

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   39 ( 0 ) 109 - 112  2016  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Identifying Issues of School Organization from Teachers' View Points in a Comprehensive Upper Secondary School

    YAMAMOTO Yuko, ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   30 ( 4 ) 409 - 418  2007

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    This study tried to explore the relation of current issues about the school organization perceived by teachers, and to identify the causes of explored issues by using TOC (Theory of Constraints). We interviewed 13 teachers working in a comprehensive upper secondary school and made the participant observation to reveal the issues of the school organization. This school is the pioneering high school based on some reports of educational reforms, and it has a different system from traditional schools. As results, issues of the school organization were classified by four clusters; 1) Stress and busyness of teachers, 2) Difficulty in collaboration among teachers (individualism), 3) Top-down style of school management, 4) Dilemma between university entrance examination system and the school policies. The fourth cluster included the other clusters. These issues come from the features of this school. That is to say, there might be discrepancy between the teachers' work and school system.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Problems in Individual Learning : A Case Study of Teacher's Support and Learning Outcomes

    YAMASHITA Mariko, UOSAKI Yuko, ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   30   185 - 188  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effectiveness of Teacher's Techniques in Students' Selecting and Organizing the Data in the Period for Integrated Study

    UOSAKI Yuko, ASADA Tadashi

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   30   89 - 92  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • A Case Study on Identifying Issues of School Organization Management

    YAMAMOTO Yuko, ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   29 ( 4 ) 567 - 575  2006

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    This study aimed to identify teachers' issues on school organization management. We investigated the length of working time and what they did. We explored the relationship between teachers' work and their attributes. Seven teachers in a credit-system high school were asked to write on the schedule sheets what and when they did as their work for two weeks. In addition to that, we interviewed teachers how they realized for their work, complementing the schedule sheets data. The results showed that teachers' attributes seemed to make the differences in the contents of their work and the recognition of the issues on school organization management. It has suggested that art subjects might specify teachers' work in this school. Based on these results, we expressed teachers' issues in the figure and tried to examine the correlation between issues on school organization management and various elements which constitute school. Moreover, it was considered as the fundamental data for issues improvement.

    DOI CiNii

  • アクションリサーチに基づく教師の力量発達を支援するメンタリングに関する研究

    浅田 匡

    科学研究費補助金(基盤(B)(1))研究成果報告書    2005.03

  • 教育目標と評価基準を考える

    浅田 匡

    教育フォーラム 金子書房   ( 35 ) 6 - 15  2005.02

  • 教師として成長すること-教員の資質向上を考える-

    浅田 匡

    日本教育新聞社    2004.12

  • A Practice of the "Campus" Model e-Learning : Case Study of "e-School" of Human Sciences, Waseda University

    NISHIMURA Shoji, ASADA Tadashi, KOGO Chiharu, KIKUCHI Hideaki, JIN Qun, MATSUI Tatsunori, NOJIMA Eiichiro

      20   149 - 152  2004.09


  • 指導力を育成する教師教育

    浅田 匡

    教育フォーラム 金子書房   ( 34 ) 72 - 84  2004.08

  • E-school of Waseda University : Perspective on e-Learning in Higher Education

    KOGO Chiharu, NISHIMURA Shoji, ASADA Tadashi, KIKUCHI Hideaki, JIN Qun, NOJIMA Eiichiro

    Research report of JET Conferences   2004 ( 3 ) 17 - 23  2004.05


  • 教師教育の視座に立つ子どもの社会化と教師の認知様式に関する実践研究

    浅田 匡, 蘭千壽他

    科学研究費補助金研究報告書(基盤研究B(2))    2000.03

  • 授業設計・運営における教室情報の活用に関する事例研究:経験教師と若手教師との比較

    浅田 匡

    日本教育工学雑誌   22 ( 1 ) 57 - 69  1998.06

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    This study proposed three types of classroom information used by a teacher, and the reconsideration of a process for planning lessons. The proposed classroom information consisted of three kinds of information : 1) determinant information for ways of implementing successive lessons, 2) feed-forward information for the next lesson planned, and 3) feedback information for improvement of the lesson. As a case study, this study explored how to use classroom information by comparing an experienced teacher with an inexperienced (second-year) teacher. The results were as follows : 1) there was a difference between the experienced and inexperienced teacher in using determinant information for successive ways of implementing the lesson ; 2) there were no basic differences between them in using feed-forward information for the next lesson plan ; and 3) there was no difference between them basically in using feedback information for improvement of the lesson. While the inexperienced teacher referred to teaching skill based on feedback information, the experienced teacher referred to construction of the lesson based on feedback information. It is thought that these differences were due to personal teaching theory, the quantity of episodic knowledge on lesson, and their usage. Finally, the descriptive model of using classroom information by a teacher was proposed and the relationship between using classroom information and teacher growth was discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • テレビゲーム・アニメーションの面白さに関する研究-時間変数に着目して-

    浅田 匡, 米田麻美

    神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要   5 ( 2 ) 167 - 187  1998.03

    DOI CiNii

  • 子どもの「自己」把握様式と教育評価との関係

    浅田 匡

    神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要   5 ( 1 ) 245 - 261  1997.09

  • "Children's Understanding and Discussion in class"

    ASADA Tadashi

    JSSE Research Report   6 ( 6 ) 51 - 54  1992

    DOI CiNii

  • 授業場面における経営行動の抽出とそのモデル化-授業分析における経営的視点の導入について-

    浅田 匡, 佐古秀一

    日本教育工学雑誌   15 ( 3 ) 105 - 113  1991.12

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    Teaching is an interweave of both instructional and managerial activities. The purpose of this study was (1) to identify and classify classroom management behaviors, (2) to build a model explicating such behaviors, and (3) to outline the implications of this model in instructional research. Because the authors aimed at describing actual classroom management behaviors, believed by the teacher to be rational, the classroom management behavior model can be characterized by the following : 1. It not only describes differences in classroom management behaviors among teachers but also describes those acted out by the same teacher. 2. It describes two types of classroom management behaviors. One type is planned and deliberate. For example, the teacher inserts new materials into the instruction in order to promote the students' intellectual engagement in the lesson. The other is spontaneous. Again, for example, the teacher makes changes in the students' activities or perhaps his or her questioning sequence. This paper also presents two examples of the model in actual use. The first is related to planned management behaviors, the second to spontaneous behaviors.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • 実践研究における理論の探求-実践の改善プロセスにおける研究とは-

    浅田 匡

    『教育心理学の新しいかたち』 誠信書房  2005.02

  • 授業体験の知

    浅田 匡

    『授業の知 学校と大学の教育革新』 有斐閣  2004.02

  • 中等教育ルネッサンス-生徒が育つ・教師が育つ学校づくり-

    中島章夫, 浅田 匡

    学事出版  2003.03

  • 教授学習過程における「時間」の意味を考える ヒトの反応時間に着目した授業分析

    浅田 匡

    『教育実践を記述する 教えること・学ぶことの技法』 金子書房  2002.02

  • 成長する教師〜教師学への誘い〜

    浅田 匡

    金子書房  1998.05

Research Projects

  • 感情的意思決定論による授業場面での教師の認知・判断・思考に関する実証研究

    Project Year :


  • 幼稚園教師のわざとしての教師の動線と思考内容との関連

    Project Year :


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  • 授業認知の位相転換に基づく授業技術の向上を支援するVR映像プラットフォームの構築

    Project Year :


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    2019年度は、1)授業の設計、2)授業の360°カメラによる記録、3)VR映像による授業検討とそ の記録を行い、4)授業プロトコルと映像を合成してプラットフォームの基礎データを作成した。これをもとに、5)教員研修のために暗黙知、メンタリング 、非同期的研修を行った。 1)授業の設計では教材解釈・授業方略・授業メディア・学習者特性などを記録し、2)授業記録は360°カメラ2台とワイアレスマイクでの音声を合成しVR映像を作成した。3)このVR映像を活用し、非同期型の授業検討を実施し、エビデンスべースによる暗黙知の表出を試みた。暗黙知を含む熟達者のわざを記録し抽出するには、長期に渡る授業記録を必要とすることから、定期的に授業をVR記録した。このことで、子どもの成長発達に応じた教師のわざが把握され、わざの特性が映像として記録把握できた。本年度は、VRによる授業検討会を実質化することで、教師及び参観者が自らのわざをVR映像をもとに授業認知・判断・決定を語ることで、自己のわざを対象化する とともに、各自の主観を語り交換しあうことで、授業研究にける間主観性を組みこんだ体制を検討することができた。VR授業検討をとおして、従来の非同 期的検討会とともに新たな非同期的研修の基礎データを得ることができた。以上の研究成果は、INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE COGNITION AND EXPLORATORY IN DIGITAL AGE,日本教育工学会、日本教育実践学会、日本教師学学会 等で発表した。現在までに、360度カメラを駆使して授業を記録し、VR授業映像を開発した。これを授業者及び授業参観者に活用してもらう過程を経て、① 授業者が自己の授業を省察する際にVR授業の意義を、従来のビデオと比べて、明確に意識するようになった。②授業参観者の授業認知が、一過性ではなく、VRによる再生可能性により、他者の認知の多様性を知るようになった。③本システムの構内研修への活用は、VR編集などテクニカルな要素があり、直ちに一般校へは課題があるが、その可能性が確かめられた。④海外の学会発表もVR授業研修は評価された。開発したVR授業映像を、一般の教師に活用してもらい、非同期的授業研修での有用性を確認するとともに、暗黙知としての教師のわざの習得に関わり研究成果をまとめ、社会に公表する

  • A Comprehensive Study on 'Waza' as Knowledge Embedded in Situations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Asada Tadashi

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the features of teachers’ and nurses’ ‘waza(crafts/skills)’ and to develop a method of handing down and teaching ‘waza’. We developed a desktop simulation method as an approach to the ‘waza’ of teachers and nurses. In each case, not only was it found how clinical judgement by teachers or nurses in their practice, but it was also shown to be useful as a method of teaching ‘waza’ including the clinical judgement process. Based on these research findings, we held the international conference with the theme “how people learn ‘waza’” inviting five oversees researchers who are engaged in educational research such as coaching, reflective nursing, simulation education, and work-based education. As a result, we have been able to build a research base for ‘waza’ research in teacher and nurse education.

  • A Study on Teacher's Proficiency Process from the Viewpoint of "Automation" and "Sensemaking"

    Project Year :


  • The Pilot Study on the development of a mentoring system through on-going cognitive intervention for novice teachers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Asada Tadashi

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    This study is to develop the mentoring system through on-going cognitive intervention for helping a mentor to learn teaching skills. This system consists of three phases, co-planning, on-going cognitive intervention, and reflective conversation. To explore the effectiveness of this system, this system were used at 3 elementary schools and one junior-high school. Participants were 3 elementary teachers, 1 junior-high teacher and 3 mentors. All conversations were recorded by IC recorder.As the result of content analysis of conversations, this system was effective for a mentee because a mentor provided teaching skills based on a concrete teaching situation. And in reflective conversation, a mentor made his personal practical teaching theory explicit, that is, why he gave the on-going comment in that situation, so a mentee could learn both teaching skill and practical knowledge. This study suggests the possibility of teaching teaching skills through this developed system

  • Development of a Package of Dementia Support Programs based on Multi-generational Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kase Hiroko, Kumno Hiroaki, Kojima Takaya, Oogihara Astushi, Asada Tadashi, Ono Mitsukazu, Sano Tomonori

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    [Purpose]This research aimed to develop a package of multi-generational programs to support people with dementia(PWD).[Method]Questionnaires were mailed to citizens age 40 and older. A package of six action research studies was conducted: implementing a series of lectures and workshops ; delivering a study program in elementary schools; organizing a volunteer group;collaborating regular meetings of community care professionals; delivering mindfulness therapy for caregivers; and intervening to in old apartments. The Social Capital Scale administrated at baseline and at 24 months. [Results] The respondents in the follow-up survey confirmed the decline of the ratio of participants in community activities; however the increased ratio of people who hoped to help neighbors was statistically significant.[Conclusion] Multi-generational education programs,including volunteer placement and support, must encourage residents to join activities to help PWD and their families

  • 若手教員育成のための介入授業型メンタリングシステムの基礎研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


  • A Basic Research on the New Network Program Development for Kindergarten Teacher Professional Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study aimed to explore the availability of a lesson plan and a video clip as a resource for in-service teacher training network program in order to develpo the network system among some kindergartens through ICT. The results showed that a lesson plan and a video clip serve teacher professional development as a resource. Teachers interacted among one another about their practice, beliefs, and something related to their practice. However, in the process of discussion among teachers, someone who takes the role of asking them critically about practice or a lesson plan would be required because each teacher tended to speak about his/her practice based on own kindergarten context.The future research is to explore how to match individual tasks with resource based on the individual kindergarten context because teachers from different kindergartens participate in this program

  • Cognitive Structure of Secondary School Teachers about Academic Achievement in their-made test

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HOSOKAWA Kazuhito, GOTOH Shinichi, ASADA Tadashi

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    The purpose of this study is to explore teachers' practical intelligence when making achievement test. We focus on their practical cognition, dicision making and judgement using semi-structured interview and arranged questionnaire. Through those survey, we generate seven categories of teacher's point of view when they make test, for example feedback and feed forward of information about evaluation. Future studies will focus on the collaboration of teachers in evaluation and assessment of students

  • A Basic Research on the New Network Program Development for Kindergarten Teacher Professional Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study aimed to explore the availability of a lesson plan and a video clip as a resource for in-service teacher training network program in order to develpo the network system among some kindergartens through ICT. The results showed that a lesson plan and a video clip serve teacher professional development as a resource. Teachers interacted among one another about their practice, beliefs, and something related to their practice. However, in the process of discussion among teachers, someone who takes the role of asking them critically about practice or a lesson plan would be required because each teacher tended to speak about his/her practice based on own kindergarten context.
    The future research is to explore how to match individual tasks with resource based on the individual kindergarten context because teachers from different kindergartens participate in this program.

  • Cognitive Structure of Secondary School Teachers about Academic Achievement in their-made test

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HOSOKAWA Kazuhito, GOTOH Shinichi, ASADA Tadashi

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    The purpose of this study is to explore teachers' practical intelligence when making achievement test. We focus on their practical cognition, dicision making and judgement using semi-structured interview and arranged questionnaire. Through those survey, we generate seven categories of teacher's point of view when they make test, for example feedback and feed forward of information about evaluation. Future studies will focus on the collaboration of teachers in evaluation and assessment of students.

  • A positive research on school learning systems to support the continuing professional development of teacher

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, ASADA Tadashi, IKUTA Takashi, SAWABE Jun

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    A key-concept of the school improvement is the Continuing Professional Development of teacher. In the study, we referred two practical models which were designed to accomplish our educational objectives and to certificate their validity. One is a case study on sustainable complex PDCA systems which was held in Hojo elementary school in TATEYAMA city. Another one is case study of sustainable school improvement through the internship between Meiho elementary school in TOKOROZAWA city and WASEDA University

  • ライブ映像はEスクールにおいてなぜ有効か?

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


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  • Study about a change in the scholastic aptitude look seen in a report card

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


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    It was possible to collect the historical testimony with which a Turning Point of a historical change in the evaluation look from the postwar to present and the scholastic aptitude look in the background is concerned through an interview investigation to the person concerned about a guideline revision from the second half in 1970's to 2000.It was possible to pick the school personal achievement look out from a quantitative analysis about the use pattern and the subject special quality through a category analysis of the terminology used for a report card

  • Development of teacher training system based on mentoring and e-learning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKUTA Takashi, KUBOTA Kenichi, SUZUKI Katuaki, ASADA Tadashi, YOSIZAKI Shizuo, GOTOU Yasushi, KONDOU Isao

  • An Empirical Study on School-Based Teacher Training System to Support Curriculum Development by Teachers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TADASHI Asada, EIICHIRO Nojima, YUKO Uosaki, SAKO Hidekazu, FUCHIGAMI Katsuyoshi

  • An empirical research to examine the effects that the active learning behavior that appeared during the lesson was caused for the study promotion

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, ASADA Tadashi, SAITO Miho, KOGO Chiharu, UOSAKI Yuko, KISHI Toshiyuki

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    This research was done to examine effects that the active learning behavior that appeared during the lesson was caused for the study promotion.
    This research was focus on 1) Raising hand behavior in the classroom, 2) Note-taking , 3) Underlining to the texts, 4) The research of the modality of the use of e-learning in the lecture type class that uses e-learning together has been brought together.
    Those results were as follows.
    1) This study was tried to investigate mechanism of the behavior of the raising hand through the observation of an actual classroom class scene. The result was shown that raising hand behavior was provided for by a class environmental factor of the class acknowledgment of not only child individuals' belief but also the child.
    2) This study investigated the relation to the test score with the Note-taking in the lecture after the fact. Information on the lecture was classified by the key sentence, the item of note-taking and the amount were examined, and the relation to the score of the test that had been imposed two weeks teaching later was analyzed. As a result, high correlations were shown the amount of note-taking and the test score.
    3) This study investigated the effectiveness of underling while reading on readers' understanding of textual information. The result showed that the promoting improved the subjects' recall of the underlined information regardless of the texts' defficults or the length of reading time.
    4) This study investigated the learner's learning process in lecture class of university together with e-learning. The result showed that a learner may access e-learning when he/she doesn't know that he/she can understand content of lecture, and when he/she perceive necessity of re-taking the lecture. This result suggests that learners can use it when they perceive necessity of re-taking the lecture after they know that they don't understand content of lecture.

  • e-learning機能を付加した高次講義型授業方式の実践と評価

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


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  • ポートフォリオ評価を活用したオンディマンド型講義における学生評価法の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


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    学生生活面では、ホームルームBBSのカテゴリー分析を行なった結果、学習者同士のコミュニティの形成にホームルーム(HR)が役立っていることが示された。HRは、学習者の社会心理的なサポートと学習活動スキルや学習に関する情報の共有といった学業的支援の両面を持っていると考えられた。しかし、ROM(read only member)がクラスの60%存在し、受動的参加にとどまっていると推察された。

  • Development of new prototypes and models of higher education utilizing broadband networks.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOGO Chiharu, ASADA Tadashi, KIKUCHI Hideaki, NISHIMURA Shoji, NOJIMA Eiichiro, SUZUKI Katsuaki

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    To get substantive outcomes of e-learning courses, it is necessary for e-learning system including learning management systems to facilitate learners learning. Also it is necessary for teachers, coaches, and supporting staffs to work respectively. Teachers have three types of work: design, management and evaluation of the courses. Designing the detailed course structure is the new and important part of work for the teachers. And then online coaches appear to have a greater part of work to support the teacher and to facilitate classroom activities. Coaches have three types of work: facilitating the classroom activities, making classroom atmosphere and standards, facilitating the discussion processes. Many kind of learning management systems are now available free or commercially. The minimum functions are video streaming, bulletin board system, and testing, but these functions should be carefully designed and become more usable to get more substantive learning outcomes. Talking about the future learning environments, learner will be able to access directly his/her own working spaces by opening web brouser.

  • Development of practical knowledge of teacher by using an action research

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKUTA Takashi, NOJIMA Eiitirou, YOSIZAKI Sizuo, NISHINOSONO Haruo, ASADA Tadashi, MATUI Kenji

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    Purpose :This research aims to clarify the teacher's teaching practical knowledge in the teaching process and the mentor' roles regarding the formation of teachers' abilities, using an action research.Method :In this research, the observers are teachers employed at a state primary school (with 12 years teaching experience) who observed an actual class and engaged in on-going cognition. Observer records quiet comments on what she/he notice while observing classes. The observer participates in the evaluation (mentoring) meetings of the classes as mentor, and they help a teacher develop self-awareness. The speeches of the participants are recorded on audio tape or video. The records of the ongoing observation and mentoring are documented (transformed to protocol data), and then undergo analysis.Results :Through this research, we fined the mentor's roles in the development of the ability of teachers. They are the reflective role, creative role and role for the realization of growth. These roles play key functions in the action research process for the improvement of teaching practice. Especially, reflective function by mentoring is the key factor in action research for teachers. So, the action research based teacher training plays the important role for professional development of teaches

  • A Study on Mentoring for supporting professional Development Based on Action Research

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, AKITA Kiyomi, IKUTA Takashi, SAKAI Akira, FUCHIGAMI Katsuyoshi

     View Summary

    This Study explored what functions are mentoring in lesson planning and in pre-service teacher training. The first study focused on the thought process of lesson planning. As A result, in lesson planning it was effective that mentor ask poor experienced teacher the question to shake severely the knowledge based on teaching experience. The second study analyzed student teachers' change process about their belief on teaching, professionalism, and relationship between mentor and student teachers through mentoring. This study suggested that the relationship between mentor and mentee was a strong apprenticeship so that this relationship constrained the extent of student teacher's learning about teaching. The third study also explored the function of mentor in initial education in the secondary school. This mentoring through watching video-recorded lesson was effective for student teachers. The watching video facilitated to reflect their lessons and be aware of the problem in teaching. The role of mentor was to direct student teacher's thinking way to discover the problem of teaching.The forth study was to investigate about the self-disclosure for teachers, which has been pointed the barrier to do action research and mentoring in Japan. And the fifth study explored the difference between experienced and un-experienced teacher on cognition of teaching process. This study focused on the identifying the problem of lesson, which was the important phase in action research cycle.The report included these five studies and two articles on the trend of action research and how the kounai-ken is effective for professional development from the view point of English researcher

  • Development of the lesson archives of Human sciences and a trial of it through cable TV network for the life long education.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, NISHIMURA Shoji, NOZAKI Norio, ASADA Tadashi, YOSHINO Shiho, SAITOH Miho

     View Summary

    At the beginning of our project, we had intention to acquire our own cable channel which is available to our application concerned to life long education. But, the wave of the reform of university is very urgent, we are asked to build a e-school in Tokorozawa Campus by our president. So, we had presented our proposal to ministry of education. And we got permission to start our e-school at 2003.
    The e-school is targeted towards working adults. Contents of the e-school courses were mainly constructed by videotaping live performances of instructors in the classes of the Faculty of human sciences. The curriculum of the e-school is almost the same as that of the traditional counterpart in the school of Human Sciences.
    Half of the school system is common to traditional universities, but the other half consists of private companies involved in the administration of networks and the development of instructional content. Thus, we call our e-school system a hybrid school system.
    A tutor is assigned to each class of 30 students. He or she assists students' learning of particular subjects. Each tutor must have a master's degree.
    Advantages of an e-school are as follows.
    1) Expansion of educational functions in time and space.
    2) Improvement of the quality of instruction by making it public.
    3) Realization of individualized instruction by the aid of BBS' and tutors.
    4) Financial and educational reward systems for graduate students by providing them with positions as tutors.
    Challenges an e-school faces
    1) Higher tuitions in comparison to other correspondence courses.
    2) Difficulty of offering various kinds of classes such as laboratory sessions, field research, seminars, etc.
    3) Heavy work load of instructors in preparing teaching materials and supervising students.
    4) Instructors' negative attitude towards e-schools.
    5) Difficulty of employing and training tutors.

  • Development and Evaluation of In-service Teacher Training system using IT Networks : Cooperation with Public Primary Schools, Educational Research Center, Attached School and the University

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUNAKOSHI Syunsuke, KUTA Takashi, ASADA Tadashi, SHIBA Mariko, INAGAKI Shigenori, NOJIMA Eachao

     View Summary

    (1) We developed in-service teacher training system using VOD and TV conference system. This system was extended the infrastructures of Akashi city, such as CATV network, WWW saver, and VOD server, Akashi Curriculum Development Center attached to Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, Akashi City Educational Research Center, and Akashi Municipal Futami-Nishi Primary School were linked by this system.(2) We developed 15 programs for in-service teacher training. These programs were "Introduction of Dance Therapy to School Education", "Mathematics Education", "Interdisciplinary and Comprehensive Learning", and "Child Care".(3) To evaluate the effectiveness of in-service teacher training using these programs, We did experimental research 3 times. In-service teachers of Futami-Nishi Primary School and Akashi public schools participated in the research.(4) We discussed with the administration and educational staffs of Akashi city about "in-service teacher training" and "University and Society Collaboration" for information and communication technology society.(5) We held the symposium about in-service teacher training using IT networks.(6) We held the workshop for in-service teacher of Akashi schools about mentoring

  • Research on New Methods of Educational Measurement Embedded in a Context of Teaching Learning Process

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, IKUTA Takashi, KAJITA Masami, NISHIMURA Shoji, ASADA Tadashi

     View Summary

    The Flexibility of men were proved experimentally as follows,
    1) The effectiveness putting partner's face image into the screen during cooperative work using computer was proved. That is, they became more cooperative in the case of putting partner's face into their screen.
    2) Even typical Impulsive and Reflective student, they can adopt opposite strategy when they understood which is letter.
    3) The activity of pupil changes drastically when they study open space, and tranditional space.
    To make clear these results, many apparatuses as actometer and environment was developped.
    And also, many approach oriented ethnomethodology were tried out.

  • Development of the database and network for education for preventing disasters in the focus area of Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DOI Syozo, INAGAKI Shigenori, KOISHI Hirofumi, TAINOSHO Yoshiaki, YOSHINAGA Jyun, ASADA Tadashi

     View Summary

    This research aims at the following thing.
    (1) To systemize the curriculum and related data about the education for preventing disasters which developed at the elementary and junior high schools of the focus region in Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake disaster.
    (2) To build a database about these education for preventing disasters.
    (3) To build a system to open these database on the WWW.
    To these purposes a result is as follows
    At first we announced at the meeting of Japan Society for Science Education(1999). The title of our own symposium was "Development of Database on Earthquake Damage and Education for Preventing Disasters". And contents were some problem about the earthquake, and Education for Preventing Disasters what had been planned and carried out. The next we held open lesson on "Importance of Life Learned by Experience of Earthquake Disaster" at 2000 March and December. In the lesson, we used database and get a result.
    We gathered the data about "Earthquake Damage and Education for Preventing Disasters, Mental Care" from 1998 to 2001 and built a database. And also built a system to use the database on the WWW.The database is divided to literatures and pictures. The pictures are also divided to foundations damage and school damage. And built a homepage on the WWW in order to make possible to search these data on the web.
    It passed from the earthquake for six years. And it is worried that earthquake experience will be forgotten. So, it is necessary to effort to develop these system so that they are used more effective.

  • Life Skills of the Elderly and SuossfulAging

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ODA Toshikatsu, ASADA Tadashi, NOGAMI Tomoyuki, KOISHI Hirofumi

     View Summary

    Successful Aging' has been the most interesting research theme for many researchers in social gerontology and aging studies. However, very few, researchers have tried to investigate successful aging from the view point of life Skills' of the elderly, hi this research project, we developed scales to measure successful aging and Life Skills of the elderly based on extensive mail survey. The number of respondents is 2,732 from 5,000 randomly sampled in Kobe with 237,000 senior citizens aged 65 and over. Questionnaire contained about 700 questions. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling were applied to develop e scales. Scales for measuring successful aging are Positive Life 'View in Old Age' and "Negative Life View in Old Age", Positive Affect" and "Negative Affect', 'Subjective Aging in Daily Activities' and 'Subjective Psyco-Socdlal Aging'.
    Fifty five uni-dimensional scales for measuring Life Skills are developed, among which twenty nine uni-dimensional scales were proposed from the view point of structural stability and scale reliability. Then, the effects of Life Skills on successful aging were analyzed. As a result, the following findings were gotten. Life Skills such as 'Caring oneself', 'Goal Setting', 'Stress Coping", Bright and Cheerful" promote Positive Life View in Old Age" more strongly than socio-demographic attributes such as age and living standard. 'Faithful to oneself', Mnaging Anger and Conflict', 'Aloofness', 'Active Intimacy' promote "Negative Life View in Old Age'. 'Aspiration', 'Skill with the hand', 'Show one's Individuality', promote Positive Affect'. Dressing up', 'Narcissism', 'Affinitypromote Negative Affect". 'Subjective Aging" is promoted by Isolation", 'Show one's Individuality, Aloofness", Dependency", 'Narcissism', 'Affinity, "Naughty". The abpve mentioned findings seem to be newly information requesting reconsideration existing understandings on successful aging and various programs for the elderly.
    T. Oda, Social View of Elderly Japanese as a Second Majority Group, Human sciences Research, 9-1, 2001, 1-31
    T. Oda, TV Watching Behavior and Program Preference of Elderly Japanese, Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, 8-2, 2001, 255-269
    T. Oda, Living Bahavior of Elderly Japanese in Urban Area, Kobe, Human Sciences Research, 8, 2000, 1-28
    T. Oda, Independent living in Old Age and Everyday Competence, Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, 7- 1, 1999, 201-222

  • 総合学科・総合選択制高校のアカウンタビリティの研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

    Project Year :


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  • The Practical Study on Children's Socialization and Cognitive Style of Teachers from the Viewpoint of Teacher Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASADA Tadashi, ARARAGI Shitoshi, INAGAKI Shigenori

     View Summary

    This study attempts to improve teacher education from the viewpoint of children's socialization in instruction. We used two approaches in this study, and these approaches employed was as follows ;
    <Children's socialization in instruction>
    1.We considered the significance of socio-cultural approach for empirical instructional analysis in science education. In addition, we analyzed science classes of the 6th grade by mutual action analysis. The result of our analysis clearly shows that teacher and children dealt with various social language(expression or utterance or word), as a consequence, they learned from each other. 2.The results of our analysis also shoes that the relationship among children effected on learning outcome. The relationship is not necessarily relevant to cognitive learning outcome in the one lesson, but it is cleared that the degree of intimacy among the learning group members is relevant to children's commitment to learning activities.
    <Adjustment to class>
    1.Based on the example of teacher and children's activities in instructional situation for two years, we examined the non-equilibrium cognitive theory about the transitional process of personal cognition. We considered teacher and children's dynamic cognitive transitional process from the viewpoint of micro-macro structure, closed-opened class, and self-generation by self-reference. 2.This study examined the process of adjustment of a transfer to the class from the viewpoint of transitional process of a transfer's consciousness. As a result, it is cleared that the change of others and one's viewpoint have importance to adaptation of a transfer to the class. 3.This study examined the issue of children's socialization from the viewpoint of "public" and "private" self. In other words, we paid attention to "What is the individual?" and "What is publicity?". As a result, it is cleared that there is a close relation between formal education and self-decision. 4.This study examined the issue of children's maladjustment to the class from the viewpoint of Children's selves. That is to say, we paid attention to the Children's selves from the viewpoint of other's evaluation and children's the cognition of it, because we attempted investigate the relation between children's selves and maladjustment to the class. And, we also examined the teacher's cognitive framework for children.

  • A study on the development of multi-media for teachers' practical skills based on educational clinical knowledge

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKUTA Takashi, FUJIOKA Kannji, NOJIMA Eiichirou, MIZUKOSHI Toshiyuki, KURODA Takashi, MATSUI Hitoshi

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a muti-media system based on educational clinical knowledge. It was known that reflective thinking through cognition of teaching and learning events and adaptation of teaching skills are most important for the development of practical performance for teachers. So, this study try to develop the vod system that allow a flexible access to many information about lesson plan and also reflect their own lesson plan, rewrite the plan with their own paces. This system was constructed from three module with a Japanese subject for elementary school. (1) The Home Page is written in html for the student teachers' use. The home page consists of contents of a textbook, a lesson plan (object, unit, subject matter, flow chart of lesson etc.), protocol and a MPEG code video of the lesson. (2) Common gate interface described by Perl that records the data when the link, setting on the home page on each terminal, is clicked. It was named "checked cgi". (3) Common gate interface described by Perl that changes the data request recording into the data request chart on the selected terminal and present it visually. It was named "request browse cgi". Using this system, we find the followings. (1) Student teachers made reflect thinking for making lesson plan. (2) This system visualizes the pattern of the data reuest from the student teacher. The analyzed chart shows us the student teachers' demands. (3) The student teacher demands information for understanding the subject matter related to making a lesson plan rather than the information about student's interest. (4) These analyzed charts that include the relationship between text information and visual information are useful for redeveloping and the optimization of Hyper-text presentation.

  • 授業における実践的知識獲得過程に基づく教師モデルの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(神戸大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

    Project Year :


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    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOGAMI Tomoyuki, NAKAJIMA Hideto, OGAWA Masakata, ASADA Tadashi, JYO Hiroshi, KAWABATA Teturo

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    This project had two aims.
    1. To make clear the idea of Life Skills in Scientific and Technological Society of 21st Century
    2. To develop the teaching materials or curriculum for students to develop their Life skills in school.
    The first year we could find the concepts of life Skills as below :
    (1) We must realize our life is highly technolozied, and our society is information technolozied society.
    (2) We must have a competence or skills to manage the technological subjects, to select proper information, to educate by myself, to develop self esteem, and to be decision making by ourselves.
    We developed life skill teaching programs in the Akashi experimental schools attached Faculty of Human Development of Kobe University. We could find we should develop the cross-curriculum or comprehensive activity programs for students to develop their Life Skills.
    Through the experimental approach to develop new materials in elementary schools in Kobe, We can find the project leader must be play the talented life skill manager.

  • Integrated researchs of didactic systems for higher education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAJITA Eiichi, ASADA Tadashi, ITOH Hideko, SUGIMOTO Hitoshi, ISHIMURA Masao, TNAKA Tsunemi

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    The major objective of this project is to make further development of both theoretical and practical studies on didactic methods and systems for higher education.
    The following are the main activities which this project undertook.
    1.Investigation and research of creative thinking and its development through higher education.
    2.Record and analysis of the experimental lecture (1996-1997) by Professor TANAKA.
    3.International and statiscal researches on staff development.
    4.Development of evaluation systems for university education.
    5.Reform of university curricula, including exemiplification of educational contnts in various fields and levels.

  • 初任者教師の授業運営能力の獲得過程の分析

    科学研究費助成事業(神戸大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • 授業における初任者教師の教授理論形成に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(神戸大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Positive Research on The Function of Teacher's Knowledge in Teaching

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJIOKA Kanji, ASADA Tadashi, OSHIMA Akira, KAGEYAMA Seishiro

     View Summary

    1) The reflecton on teaching is applyed to five classrooms and they are described in terms of "unit of meaning" emerged from reflection. Through the analisys using eleven categories it revealed that anticipation of children's behavior and teacher's feeling affect to the planning and teaching activity.
    2) By appling Card Structuring Method to classroom observation it revealed that individual differences of observers' knowledge on classroom make the differences among their observation.
    3) By researching the change of novice teacher's interpretation on classroom, we found that they tend to make the decisions strongly affected by temporal situation, beside the experienced teacher who is interested in consistent situation. And novice teachers tend to pay attention to classroom management in the first stage of the school year, but in the later their attention focus on theirselves and their teaching methods.
    4) On relations between teachers belief and their teaching behavior, teachers put stress on the affective domain, high level congnitive abilities as problem solving, and cooperation of children. But they failed to realize them in the classroom activities. Their behaviors are also affected by their thoughts on students, classroom management and teaching method.
    5) Effects of teacher's knowledge in students' activities with computers were investigated by participant observation, questionnaire, and reflection report using video and computer. The result shows that (1) charcteristics of the teacher affects the direction and variety of students' activities (2) beliefs of the teacher and knowledge of each student and computers secondarily affect teacher's understanding of the situation.

  • A experimental study on supplementing information in reading a text

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INOUE Shobi, OOKUMA Tooru, IWANAGA Masafumi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, ASADA Tadashi

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    We Studied on how to supplement information in reading a text.Now we think the concept of supplementing information in reading a text isn't established. Therefore, firstly we discussed it from the view points of reader and subject matter.
    Second, we investigated about how to understand a text. As a result, we suggest it makes an influence to understand the content of a text to give children a picture, but some children misunderstand the content by giving a picture. We indicate at least that to give a picture or supplement verbal information makes an influence to understand the content of a text. We planned a lesson according to the above result and implement it.
    Third, we investigated how to supplement information in planning a lesson.Teachers tend to give a verbal information on an central instructional objective and give a visual information (picture)on premise objectives. They require children to think about a central objective and on premise objectives they require children to have images by giving a visual information.

  • マルチメディア電子ニュースシステムにおけるモニタ機能と記事評価機能に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • 授業における教師の情況判断と信念・知識に関する研究-教師の成長過程との関連から-

    科学研究費助成事業(神戸大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • An empirical study on the effectiveness of comprehensive school in the case of Inagakuen Comprehansive Upper Secondary School.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKO Toshihiko, MIMIDUKA Hiroaki, IKEDA Terumasa, MUTA Hiromitu, FUJIOKA Kanji, NOJIMA Eiichirou

     View Summary

    From different point of view we evaluated Inagakuen Comprehensive Upper Secondary School that was the only large-scale comprehensive school in Japan. After reviewing the creation planning and present administration of the school, we examined effects of the unique characteristics of this school such as the various subject selection system, the large-scale enrolling 3300 students, and the schools-within-a-school plan which divided a large school into several small schools. Main results were as follows.
    1.The subject classroom system and the large-scale architecture restrict teachers' space use.
    2.The balance between anonymnity of large-scale school settings and intimacy of small-scale settings is essential.
    3.Sex and course differences exist in the relation between subject selection and satisfaction.
    4.Self-realization and cynicism are components of the graduates' self image.
    5.Case studies show the importance of school life guidance as well as career guidance.
    6.According to a comparative survey of career choice, Inagakuen students' university entrance aspiration maintains relatively high level while other schools' students tend to separate high and low corresponding to their achievement.
    7.A financial analysis of school management shows that investment expenses for architecture and equipments are slightly high but standard administration expense is average.
    8.Variety and quantity of work for information processing are rather serious. Reinforcement of the system and staff taining are needed.

  • The Construct of a New Instructional Model on Teaching Language and The Development of a New Research Method on Instruction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INOUE Shobi, OOKUMA Tooru, IWANAGA Masafumi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, ASADA Tadashi

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    Most of researches on teaching language has focused on the cognitive domain of subject matters. There were few literatures on communication analysis dealing with interaction between teacher and student and the relationship between cognitive and affective domain.
    First, the present study explored some factors related to teachers' decision-making and judgment during instruction. As the result, teachers' recognition on students' reaction, classroom atmosphere, and a quality of interaction between teacher and student influence on teachers' interactive decision-making and judgment.
    Second, We attempted to understand the relationships between teaching method and student thought process. One teaching method is the deductive method and another is the inductive method. We analyzed the students' internal process of cognitive and affective domain.
    Third, We developed some materials about writing. The concept of development is to contribute to how to write, which is based on language art.
    Fourth, We recognized that' The grammatical sentence theory (Bunporon-Bunshoron)' is a useful technique in planning for instruction and an analytical view point of instruction.
    Finally, We proposed a new model of teaching language and discussed it.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HOSHIMURA Heiwa, KANEKO Kunihide, NAKAMURA Tetsu, IWATA Kazuhiko, TODA Yoshiharu, KUDO Bunzo

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  • 授業場面における教師の状況判断に関する実証研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    浅田 匡

  • A Fundamental Study of an Electronic Dictionary and Transforming System of Japanese Wordprocessing for Primary/Secondary School Use

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OSUMI Norikazu, ASADA Tadashi, SAKAMOTO Takashi, KOBAYASHI Kazuhito, NOMURA Masaaki, NAGANO Kazuo

     View Summary

    This study is based on the project which has been carried out for two years from 1989 to 1990. The result of the project is as follows :
    1. Development of a Basic Electronic Dictionary of a Japanese Wordprocessor for Teaching and Learning :
    The authors have anallzed the vocabularies in school textbooks to set framework and a design for making the dictionary for elementary and secondary school use. The completed dictionary is a floppy disk type, which is consisted of word dictionary (291KB) and kanji dictionary (74 KB). Approximately 20,000 words are ready to be retrieved. This dictionary has been getting a good reputation from the primary and secondary school teachers. Now we are planning to let primary and secondary school students use the dictionary to improve its reliability.
    2. Discussion on Transforming System :
    From the result of researches conducted at cooperative schools, it is preferable to introduce the Japanese Bunsetsu transforming system for the students who are still in the middle of developing stage in their learning Japanese. The Bunsetsu transforming system can convert a word written in Japanese Hiragana into a word mixed with Japanese Kanji and Hiragana automatically. For their elaborated research must be done for clarifying this point of view.
    3. Differences between Writing by Hand and Writing with a Wordprocessor :
    From the comparative study between two composition classes ; one class wrote composition by hand and another wrote using a wordprocessor, some prominent differences has been shown. Writing composition with a wordprocessing could motivate students more than hand writing, and was more convenient for students when they have to rewrite. Furthermore, in the compositions written with a word processor, number of using Kanji and idiom are much larger and the each amount of composition was longer than those of hand writing. However, it is notable that some teachers pointed out the importance of kanji larning and composition writing by hand writing.
    4. Development of Analyzing System of Japanese Input Sentences :
    We have developed a software for analyzing Japanese input sentences using a personal computer system. It can search Kanjis and idioms, categorize them into certain groups, and count the number automatically. The development of this system could encourage the researches in this field. It proved that this system could be applied into practical Japanese language education.

  • Individualization of education supported by multi media system

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIZUKOSHI Toshiyuki, KUROKAMI Haruo, TANAKA Hiroyuki, SUGAI Katsuo

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    (1) Comparative of teaching-learning strategies and lesson plan in the field of the optional subject at the junior high school level.
    (2) Observational analysis for the open system in elementary school, from the points of view space utilization, and multi media buck up system.
    (3) Experimental study of the cognitive CAL program for elementary arithmetic.
    (4) Experimental study of the Road Safety Education for the 4th grade, mainly, lesson plan making and media package developing.

▼display all


  • Student Teaching in Kindergarten : Functions of Mentoring(Educational Psychology and Practical Activities)

    ASADA Tadashi

      46   156 - 165  2007

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    In Japan, students studying to be teachers do student teaching for only 4 weeks in their senior year. University staff seldom go to the schools where the students are teaching, so that student teachers are trained mainly by school teachers. Mentoring by these teachers is supposed to play a critical role in teacher training. Participants in the present study were 3 student teachers and 3 mentors who were experienced kindergarten teachers. Data collected were: (1) the student teachers' journals and comments on them by the mentors, (2) a weekly survey on the student teachers' relations with their mentors, completed by the students, and (3) transcriptions of audio recordings of conversations among the mentors and student teachers. The results were as follows: (1) the student teachers and their mentors had an apprenticeship relationship, (2) mentoring did not always facilitate the development of a vocational identity as a teacher, (3) face-to-face communication was more effective in supporting reflective teaching than contact through a mailing list, and (4) communication via the mailing list was limited between each pair. These results suggest strongly that mentoring does not always play a critical role for student teachers.


  • アクションリサーチに基づく教師の力量発達を支援するメンタリングに関する研究

    浅田 匡

    科学研究費補助金(基盤(B)(1))研究成果報告書    2005.03

  • 教育目標と評価基準を考える

    浅田 匡

    教育フォーラム 金子書房   ( 35 ) 6 - 15  2005.02  [Refereed]

  • 教師として成長すること-教員の資質向上を考える-

    浅田 匡

    日本教育新聞社    2004.12  [Refereed]

  • A Case Study on School System based on Teacher's Work

    YAMAMOTO Yuko, ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro

      20   1041 - 1042  2004.09


  • The Relationship between Markings on the Handouts and Selection of Information in Integrated Learning

    UOSAKI Yuko, ASADA Tadashi

      20   437 - 438  2004.09


  • A Study of the Teaching Practice by Means of the On-going Cognition Method and the Reflection Method

    IKUTA Takashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, ASADA Tadashi, TAKAHASHI Takeshi, OGINO Manami

      20   45 - 48  2004.09


  • 指導力を育成する教師教育

    浅田 匡

    教育フォーラム 金子書房   ( 34 ) 72 - 84  2004.08  [Refereed]

  • A Description of Developing Process of Learners in the International Collaborative Curriculum using Internet by applying Activity Theory

    TSUJI Takaaki, ASADA Tadashi, NISHIMURA Shoji, NOJIMA Eiichiro

      18   553 - 554  2002.11


  • A Case Study on Instructional design for Kindergarten Based on Practical knowledge through self-reflection II

    IWAHAMA Rieko, ASADA Tadashi

      18   341 - 342  2002.11


  • A Basic Study on Image-Based Approach to Teacher's Practical Knowledge

    ASADA Tadashi

      18   343 - 344  2002.11


  • A Case Study on Using Teaching Skills Based on Teacher's Judgement of Instructional Situation

    ASADA Tadashi

    The Joint Conference on Educational Technology   6 ( 1 ) 471 - 474  2000.10


  • A Basic Study on Knowledge Interaction among Teachers in 'kounai-ken'

    KOTANI Keisuke, ASADA Tadashi

      6 ( 2 ) 485 - 486  2000.10


  • A Basic Study on the Interaction among Teachers in "Ennai-ken"

    YONEDA Mami, ASADA Tadashi

      6 ( 2 ) 483 - 484  2000.10


  • 教師教育の視座に立つ子どもの社会化と教師の認知様式に関する実践研究

    浅田 匡, 蘭千壽他

    科学研究費補助金研究報告書(基盤研究B(2))    2000.03  [Refereed]

  • A Pilot Study on Teacher's Prediction of Learning Activities based on Evaluation of Pupils

    ASADA Tadashi

      14   55 - 56  1998.09


  • 授業設計・運営における教室情報の活用に関する事例研究:経験教師と若手教師との比較

    浅田 匡

    日本教育工学雑誌   22 ( 1 ) 57 - 69  1998.06  [Refereed]

  • テレビゲーム・アニメーションの面白さに関する研究-時間変数に着目して-

    浅田 匡, 米田麻美

    神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要   5 ( 2 ) 167 - 187  1998.03  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 子どもの「自己」把握様式と教育評価との関係

    浅田 匡

    神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要   5 ( 1 ) 245 - 261  1997.09  [Refereed]

  • A Study on Function of Teacher's Belief in Instruction Situation

    ASADA Tadashi

      12   125 - 126  1996.11


  • A Relationship between Teacher's Anticipation and Judgment in Instructual Situation

    ASADA Tadashi, AIDA Kenichi

      12   267 - 268  1996.11


  • An Analysis of Beginning Teachers' Growth Process

    ASADA Tadashi, TAKAYAMA Munehiro

      11   93 - 94  1995.11


  • Classroom Management for Facilitating to Learn

    ASADA Tadashi

    Child study   49 ( 8 ) 54 - 58  1995


  • How to Build Unmeasured Academic Ability

    ASADA Tadashi

    Child study   47 ( 13 ) 21 - 25  1993


  • 授業場面における経営行動の抽出とそのモデル化-授業分析における経営的視点の導入について-

    浅田 匡, 佐古秀一

    日本教育工学雑誌   15 ( 3 ) 105 - 113  1991.12  [Refereed]

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    Teaching is an interweave of both instructional and managerial activities. The purpose of this study was (1) to identify and classify classroom management behaviors, (2) to build a model explicating such behaviors, and (3) to outline the implications of this model in instructional research. Because the authors aimed at describing actual classroom management behaviors, believed by the teacher to be rational, the classroom management behavior model can be characterized by the following : 1. It not only describes differences in classroom management behaviors among teachers but also describes those acted out by the same teacher. 2. It describes two types of classroom management behaviors. One type is planned and deliberate. For example, the teacher inserts new materials into the instruction in order to promote the students' intellectual engagement in the lesson. The other is spontaneous. Again, for example, the teacher makes changes in the students' activities or perhaps his or her questioning sequence. This paper also presents two examples of the model in actual use. The first is related to planned management behaviors, the second to spontaneous behaviors.

    DOI CiNii

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Overseas Activities

  • 教師の成長を支える教師教育及び学校改革に関する研究


    イギリス   ダンディ大学

    ニュージーランド   ワイカト大学

  • アクションリサーチ及びメンタリングによる教師教育プログラムの開発


    イギリス   ロンドン大学


  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 教師学の視座に立つ人を相手とする専門家のわざ・知恵の継承に関する総合的研究

    2014   野嶋栄一郎

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    ヨーロッパ教育学会2014(European Conference for Educational Research2014 at Porto)にて,口頭発表を行った.日本教育工学会第30回全国大会(岐阜大学)にて,ポスター発表を行った.

  • メンタリングを用いた授業に関する「わざ」共有化システムの開発


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     初任者研修におけるメンターとメンティとの関係、互いに持つ期待とメンターのコンピテンシィの評価との関連、およびメンティの学びに関する評価研究の発表をヨーロッパ教育学会にて行った。その結果として、メンティの期待は全般的に高く、メンターに依存的であった。学びの内容についても教師としてのあり方から指導法や学級経営にいたるまで広範であった。また、教材研究に関しての言及も多かった。このことから、教員養成段階において、授業に関する「わざ」はうまく伝承されているとは言い難く、メンタリングによる「わざ」の共有化は、初任者研修においては重要な側面であることが示された。 また、授業において重要と考えられる指導法に関する教師の認知についての調査研究を行った。対象は、小学校教師122名であった。その結果、①導入段階で児童の興味・関心が持てる発問や教材を提示する、②本時のねらいにそった課題、発問を出し、児童の興味・関心の持続を図る、③児童の実態を把握し、教材研究をする、の3つが重要だと認知され、また実施されていた。一方、児童の発言をつなげる、学び方を学べる授業をすること、は重要とされながらも実施はあまりされていなかった。また実施に移せない理由として、技術不足と準備不足という2点があげられた。以上から、教師は授業において行うべき指導法を知っていながら、実際には実行できない指導法があり、実行に移せない一因として教師の信念(教師は~であるべきだ)が影響していることが示唆された。 さらに、経験教師を対象とした教授ストラテジーと教授スキルとの関連に関する事例研究を行った。その結果、教授ストラテジーを授業において実現するために用いられる教授スキルへと変換する際に、単元に関する知識など、9つの知識が用いられていることが明らかにされたとともに、学級が異なることで変換される教授スキルが異なること、などが明らかになった。 以上から、本研究では、経験教師と若手あるいは新任教師との関係、授業において重視される指導法(わざ)、また指導法が実行できない要因、そして教授ストラテジーを教授スキル(わざ)へと変換するための知識、といったことが明らかになり、わざを共有化するためのシステムに必要とされる要件の一部が明らかにされた。

  • デザイン実験アプローチによる学校を基盤とした持続型現職教育システムの開発

    2011   今村 こころ

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     学校と大学との連携による現職教育を支援するシステム構築のために、埼玉県内小学校2校との協働を行った。具体的な取り組みとして、1)学生ボランティアによる教育活動支援、2)デジタル教科書の活用による授業の開発、3)校内研修での情報提供、4)国際交流活動の支援、5)ゼミの開放、などがあげられる。これらは、教育研究あるいは教育実践研究において問題とされてきた、理論と実践との乖離という課題に関して、イギリスにおいてこれからの教師の資質能力として提唱されたキャパシティ概念をいかに伸長するか、ということへの1つの試みである。 その結果、デジタル教科書の活用やボランティアの活用など、新たな教育実践への取り組みにおいて、若手及び経験教師間の協働や学校を超えての教師の協働が生起した。それ故、新たな教育実践に向けて大学が協働することが、教師の学びや協働にポジティブな影響をもたらすことが示された。 しかしながら同時に、学校と大学とのパートナーシップの確立は容易ではないことも明らかになった。とりわけ学生と各教師との関係性のあり方は、この協働の成果を左右することが示された。また、校長をはじめとする学校管理職が学生ボランティアをどのように意味づけるか、ということも重要な要因であることが示唆された。すなわち、この協働によって学生を教育するという視点に立つ場合と、それぞれの教育実践をより改善するということを第一に考える立場に立つ場合とでは、学生に求められる活動が異なり、学生による授業等の支援が十分には行われないことが生じた。さらに、教師にとってゼミ参加のハードルは高いことが示された。教師の多忙化の問題はあるにしろ、むしろ研究へのアレルギーともいえる感情的な要因が障害になっていると思われた。 これらの問題に関して、学生ボランティアとして、ボランティア活動をより有用に行えるように、アクション・リサーチの考え方に基づき実践を積み重ね、学生が成長するとともに、教師との関係が成立していくことが示された。 これらを踏まえて、今後進めていく予定であるICTを活用した支援システム開発の開発コンセプトとして、関係性と情緒的要因をどのように組み入れるかが課題であることが示された。

  • 制約理論による職業的自己概念の変容をもたらす幼稚園スクールリーダーのスキル開発


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     規模が小さく、研修が困難だと言われている幼稚園において、幼稚園教師の職業的自己概念に変容をもたらすような研修を行うことを支援することができる道具の開発を目的として、幼稚園スクールリーダーとして、兵庫県内公立幼稚園園長および主任(市町村によっては教頭)各3名を対象に、インタビュー調査を行った。調査内容は、主任クラスは保育において必ず行わなければならないこと(保育の設計・実施・評価における保育スキル)、園長には園において教師の成長発達を促すために行うべき園経営の具体的な方策・園長としての行動についてのインタビューである。これらのインタビュー調査に基づき、保育を行う上で幼稚園教師として重要なスキルを明らかにした。例えば、幼児理解は一般に重要だと言われているが、具体的に「教師が意識して行ったこと(保育活動)について子どもはどのように反応し、その活動から子どもに何が育ったのかを見つける」というようにチェックできる項目として作成した。また、評価に関しては、「保育記録は、子どもの行動、言葉、仕草、表情、できれば視線を記録する」という項目である。これらの項目によって、幼稚園教師として行うべき行動項目暫定版を作成した。 同様に、園長に対して行ったインタビューに基づき、園長として行うべき行動項目暫定版を作成した。これら暫定版が研修を支援する道具の1つである。ただ本年度は、行動項目暫定版の作成にとどまったが、今後、これらの幼稚園教師としての行動項目および園長としての行動項目について、重要度と実行度(実際に行っているかどうか)を調査し、重要度は高いが実行できていない項目を明らかにし、実行できない理由を探る予定である。さらに、実行できない理由を分析することにより、保育の改善と幼稚園における教師の成長を制約する要因を明らかにすることにより、幼稚園リーダーとして求められるスキルを探る。

  • キャパシティ概念に基づく大学と連携した学校基盤の持続可能な現職教育システムの開発

    2010   油布佐和子, 夛屋早菊

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     本研究において、埼玉県所沢市内小学校2校との連携プロジェクトを実施した。プロジェクト内容は、①学生による教育ボランティア、②大学ゼミの開放、③学生による授業分析及びそれに基づく授業検討会、である。これらは、教師の(実践)能力とされるcapacityの獲得を促すことを目的とした。すなわち、教育実践に関する研究情報へのアクセス、授業実践の分析による課題発見など教師のモチベーションの喚起、学生をはじめとするリソースの活用、を保障することであった。プロジェクトを試行した結果、以下のようないくつかの課題が明らかになった。1)多様なボランティア経験を学生にさせることを意図して学年を固定化しなかったことが、教師とのコミュニケーション不足を招きボランティア活動の差が大きかった。2)教育ボランティアに対する教師の理解が、教育実習と同様といった捉えがあり、本来3つの活動が有機的に結びつけたプロジェクトが教育ボランティアが主になった。3)ゼミへの参加、あるいは授業を公開するという点に関する教師の心理的なハードルが高く、それを軽減する有効な方法を見出せなかった。 これらの課題を踏まえて、2011年度は同一の2校と之連携プロジェクトを継続する予定である。 また、本研究においては、静岡県内公立小学校2校の教師及び児童を対象に、教師の指導理論と子どもの学習理論とのズレが子どもの学び(いわゆる勉強嫌い)と関係の調査研究を行った。その結果、教師の指導理論と子どもの学習理論とのズレの様相は、それぞれのクラス固有である傾向が強く、また必ずしも教師の指導理論が子どもの学びには反映せず、むしろ子どもの学習理論が反映していることが明らかになった。すなわち、大学との連携において現職教育を進める場合も、クラス単位での活動をベースすることが重要であることが示唆されるとともに、クラス単位での活動の成果をそのように学校として共有化するかが課題であることが示された。

  • 看護における人に対する技術習得過程の同定とその改善プログラムの開発

    2008   田村 由美

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  • 看護における人に対する技術習得過程の同定とその改善プログラムの開発


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    本研究は、看護における人に対する技術獲得過程をメンタリングのプロセスから明らかにすることを目的とした。わが国ではメンタリングは企業内教育で数多く行なわれているが、看護のような専門家養成に関してはほとんど研究が行われていない。本研究では、プリセプターシップを看護におけるメンタリングとして捉え、プリセプターへの研修プログラムの分析を行なった。そこでは、技術そのもの獲得よりも看護して行なわれた技術を患者と看護の両視点から捉え直すという思考様式の獲得に力点が行われていることが明らかになった。また、同時に熟達看護師(いわゆるスーパーナース)が研修を担当する場合、熟達看護師と経験の少ない看護師との関係性、特にコミュニケーションのあり方が思考様式を含む技術獲得に重要な役割を果たすことが示唆された。それらの示唆を含めて、新任教師あるいは教育実習生へのメンタリングにおいて重要とされるメンターからメンティへの期待とメンティからメンターへの期待に関するチェック項目から、プリセプターシップにおけるプリセプターとプリセプティとの関係性を調べる質問項目の開発を行なった。さらに、メンターに求められる9つのコンピテンシー(有能さ)に関する調査項目を、教師教育用項目を参照にしながら作成した。 これらに加えて、看護師の技術獲得において重要な意味を持つエピソードの記述方法の開発を行なった。いわゆるナラティブ・アプローチの変型と考えられるが、看護師とその人間関係の中で自己把握を行う絵画図法である。 以上、質問項目及びエピソードを捉える方法の開発が本年度の成果概要であり、看護師を対象とした調査を行い看護師としての思考様式に影響を与えたエピソードとメンタリングとの関係を明らかにする予定である。

  • ポートフォリオ評価を活用したオンディマンド型講義における学生評価法の開発

    2004   野嶋 栄一郎, 佐古 順彦

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    オンディマンド型講義の改善のための基礎研究として、以下の研究を行なった。(1)Blogを活用した協調学習の場としての中学と大学の連携による総合的な学習の実践所沢市立中央中学校において、環境教育(前期:総合的な学習、第2学年全6クラス)の支援を実施する。中央中の教員とカリキュラムの設計を行った後、環境科学の専門家による入門講義(デジタルビデオコンテンツ)の提供、授業時間中のPC操作サポート、Blogを活用した生徒による協同作業支援(サーバの提供、トラブル対応)、インターネットを利用した生徒への調べ学習サポート(アドバイス)を実施した。そのとり組みの一部を第55回関東甲信越地方放送教育研究大会埼玉大会(第52回関東甲信越が校視聴覚教育大会/第8回埼玉県教育メディア 活用大会)(2004年11月26日、所沢市)において公開授業として紹介した。(2)動画像BBSによる教員研修支援動画像の添付が可能な電子掲示板システム(動画像BBS)を構築し、所沢市の教員研修で活用した。教員研修のメンバーは小学校教諭:6名、中学教諭:1 名、教育センター指導主事:1名、早稲田大学:西村昭治で、動画像BBSを用い日頃の授業/教室での工夫点等の情報を交換し、教員研修用動画像コンテンツの素材とした。動画像BBSに投稿された記事数は約500で、そのうち動画像が添付されたものは約100であった。この研修については「コンピュータ を使った遠隔研修(e-learning)研究部 研究報告:所沢市教育委員会」としてまとめられた。(3)高等教育機関におけるe-Learningの実践/評価ほぼすべての授業がストリーミング動画像として配信される早稲田大学人間科学部通信教育課程の実践において、主として収録場所(スタジオ、教室)の違い、画質、音質等の観点から授業コンテンツの品質の評価を実施し、日本教育工学会等で報告した。(4)e-スクールにおけるHRの機能分析e-learningにおいて、学習者の孤立化を軽減させ、学習活動を維持していくことをねらいとしたHRのログを分析し、その機能を明らかにした。

  • ナレッジ・マネジメントの視座に立つ学校を基盤としたカリキュラム開発のモデル構築


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    本研究は、公立小学校における事前研究会-研究授業-事後研究会を校内研究ととらえ、事前および事後研究会における教師により表出された経験的知識を会話分析により明らかにすることを目的とした。分析の視点として、それぞれの教師が持つ経験知が、研究授業の観察という共通の体験により表出され、新たな指導法あるいはカリキュラムなど教育実践に関する知識創造が行なわれるかという知識変換という視点を用いた。その結果、教師から表出される知識は、研究授業の内容に依存するものの、多くは指導法および教材という1時間の研究授業に焦点化され、カリキュラムなどに言及されることは少ないことが明らかになった。年間を通して実施される校内研究には継続性がなく、むしろ各研究授業で完結する傾向が強いということである。また、教師同士の会話のつながりを見てみると、研究授業に依拠した発話に対しては、同じレベルでの応答がなされており、研究授業という具体的な事実から抽象化された知識への変換が十分にはなされていないことも明らかになった。それは、具体的な知識を抽象的な知識(授業内容に依存しない形式の知識)へと転換する、いわゆるナレッジ・マネージャーの存在の欠如が一因として考えられた。校内研究では、いわゆる研究部と称される教師がその役割を果たすことになると考えられるが、必ずしも機能していないことも明らかになった。あるいは、教師自身による経験知の表出が難しいということも考えられる。暗黙知といわれる臨床の知あるいは実践知という知識の表現の難しさである。したがって、校内研究が学校を基盤としたカリキュラム開発の重要な場であるにもかかわらず、必ずしも現状では十分に機能していないということ、それは、ナレッジ・マネージャーという役割の存在が欠如していることが明らかになった。同時に、暗黙知をいかに記述するのか、あるいは表出するのかが課題である。これについては、image-based approachによる予備的研究を行ない、暗黙知の表現可能性は示唆された。

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