Education Background
Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Human Sciences Pedagogy
Osaka University Faculty of Human Sciences Human Sciences
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2024/12/07
Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Human Sciences Pedagogy
Osaka University Faculty of Human Sciences Human Sciences
British Educational Research Association
American Educational Research Association
Teacher Education≤Curriculum Development, Action Research, Mentoring, School Learning, the Development of Self Concept
An examination of the meaning of kounai-ken by the elementary and junior high school teachers
MAEDA Natsumi, ASADA Tadashi
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 43 ( 4 ) 447 - 456 2020
A Re-examination of Teachers' Interactive Decision-Making from the Viewpoint of Sensemaking
MAEDA Natsumi, ASADA Tadashi
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 39 ( 0 ) 109 - 112 2016 [Refereed]
YAMAMOTO Yuko, ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 30 ( 4 ) 409 - 418 2007
The Problems in Individual Learning : A Case Study of Teacher's Support and Learning Outcomes
YAMASHITA Mariko, UOSAKI Yuko, ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 30 185 - 188 2006
UOSAKI Yuko, ASADA Tadashi
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 30 89 - 92 2006
A Case Study on Identifying Issues of School Organization Management
YAMAMOTO Yuko, ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 29 ( 4 ) 567 - 575 2006
浅田 匡
科学研究費補助金(基盤(B)(1))研究成果報告書 2005.03
浅田 匡
教育フォーラム 金子書房 ( 35 ) 6 - 15 2005.02
浅田 匡
日本教育新聞社 2004.12
A Practice of the "Campus" Model e-Learning : Case Study of "e-School" of Human Sciences, Waseda University
NISHIMURA Shoji, ASADA Tadashi, KOGO Chiharu, KIKUCHI Hideaki, JIN Qun, MATSUI Tatsunori, NOJIMA Eiichiro
20 149 - 152 2004.09
浅田 匡
教育フォーラム 金子書房 ( 34 ) 72 - 84 2004.08
E-school of Waseda University : Perspective on e-Learning in Higher Education
KOGO Chiharu, NISHIMURA Shoji, ASADA Tadashi, KIKUCHI Hideaki, JIN Qun, NOJIMA Eiichiro
Research report of JET Conferences 2004 ( 3 ) 17 - 23 2004.05
浅田 匡, 蘭千壽他
科学研究費補助金研究報告書(基盤研究B(2)) 2000.03
浅田 匡
神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要 5 ( 1 ) 245 - 261 1997.09
浅田 匡
『教育心理学の新しいかたち』 誠信書房 2005.02
浅田 匡
『授業の知 学校と大学の教育革新』 有斐閣 2004.02
中島章夫, 浅田 匡
学事出版 2003.03
教授学習過程における「時間」の意味を考える ヒトの反応時間に着目した授業分析
浅田 匡
『教育実践を記述する 教えること・学ぶことの技法』 金子書房 2002.02
浅田 匡
金子書房 1998.05
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
A Comprehensive Study on 'Waza' as Knowledge Embedded in Situations
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Asada Tadashi
A Study on Teacher's Proficiency Process from the Viewpoint of "Automation" and "Sensemaking"
Project Year :
The Pilot Study on the development of a mentoring system through on-going cognitive intervention for novice teachers
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Asada Tadashi
Development of a Package of Dementia Support Programs based on Multi-generational Approach
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Kase Hiroko, Kumno Hiroaki, Kojima Takaya, Oogihara Astushi, Asada Tadashi, Ono Mitsukazu, Sano Tomonori
A Basic Research on the New Network Program Development for Kindergarten Teacher Professional Development
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Cognitive Structure of Secondary School Teachers about Academic Achievement in their-made test
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOSOKAWA Kazuhito, GOTOH Shinichi, ASADA Tadashi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Cognitive Structure of Secondary School Teachers about Academic Achievement in their-made test
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOSOKAWA Kazuhito, GOTOH Shinichi, ASADA Tadashi
A positive research on school learning systems to support the continuing professional development of teacher
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NOJIMA Eiichiro, ASADA Tadashi, IKUTA Takashi, SAWABE Jun
Study about a change in the scholastic aptitude look seen in a report card
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Development of teacher training system based on mentoring and e-learning
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
IKUTA Takashi, KUBOTA Kenichi, SUZUKI Katuaki, ASADA Tadashi, YOSIZAKI Shizuo, GOTOU Yasushi, KONDOU Isao
An Empirical Study on School-Based Teacher Training System to Support Curriculum Development by Teachers
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
TADASHI Asada, EIICHIRO Nojima, YUKO Uosaki, SAKO Hidekazu, FUCHIGAMI Katsuyoshi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NOJIMA Eiichiro, ASADA Tadashi, SAITO Miho, KOGO Chiharu, UOSAKI Yuko, KISHI Toshiyuki
Development of new prototypes and models of higher education utilizing broadband networks.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KOGO Chiharu, ASADA Tadashi, KIKUCHI Hideaki, NISHIMURA Shoji, NOJIMA Eiichiro, SUZUKI Katsuaki
Development of practical knowledge of teacher by using an action research
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
IKUTA Takashi, NOJIMA Eiitirou, YOSIZAKI Sizuo, NISHINOSONO Haruo, ASADA Tadashi, MATUI Kenji
A Study on Mentoring for supporting professional Development Based on Action Research
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, AKITA Kiyomi, IKUTA Takashi, SAKAI Akira, FUCHIGAMI Katsuyoshi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Development and Evaluation of In-service Teacher Training system using IT Networks : Cooperation with Public Primary Schools, Educational Research Center, Attached School and the University
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUNAKOSHI Syunsuke, KUTA Takashi, ASADA Tadashi, SHIBA Mariko, INAGAKI Shigenori, NOJIMA Eachao
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, IKUTA Takashi, KAJITA Masami, NISHIMURA Shoji, ASADA Tadashi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
DOI Syozo, INAGAKI Shigenori, KOISHI Hirofumi, TAINOSHO Yoshiaki, YOSHINAGA Jyun, ASADA Tadashi
Life Skills of the Elderly and SuossfulAging
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ODA Toshikatsu, ASADA Tadashi, NOGAMI Tomoyuki, KOISHI Hirofumi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ASADA Tadashi, ARARAGI Shitoshi, INAGAKI Shigenori
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
IKUTA Takashi, FUJIOKA Kannji, NOJIMA Eiichirou, MIZUKOSHI Toshiyuki, KURODA Takashi, MATSUI Hitoshi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NOGAMI Tomoyuki, NAKAJIMA Hideto, OGAWA Masakata, ASADA Tadashi, JYO Hiroshi, KAWABATA Teturo
Integrated researchs of didactic systems for higher education
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KAJITA Eiichi, ASADA Tadashi, ITOH Hideko, SUGIMOTO Hitoshi, ISHIMURA Masao, TNAKA Tsunemi
Positive Research on The Function of Teacher's Knowledge in Teaching
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUJIOKA Kanji, ASADA Tadashi, OSHIMA Akira, KAGEYAMA Seishiro
A experimental study on supplementing information in reading a text
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
INOUE Shobi, OOKUMA Tooru, IWANAGA Masafumi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, ASADA Tadashi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SAKO Toshihiko, MIMIDUKA Hiroaki, IKEDA Terumasa, MUTA Hiromitu, FUJIOKA Kanji, NOJIMA Eiichirou
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
INOUE Shobi, OOKUMA Tooru, IWANAGA Masafumi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, ASADA Tadashi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HOSHIMURA Heiwa, KANEKO Kunihide, NAKAMURA Tetsu, IWATA Kazuhiko, TODA Yoshiharu, KUDO Bunzo
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
浅田 匡
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
OSUMI Norikazu, ASADA Tadashi, SAKAMOTO Takashi, KOBAYASHI Kazuhito, NOMURA Masaaki, NAGANO Kazuo
Individualization of education supported by multi media system
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MIZUKOSHI Toshiyuki, KUROKAMI Haruo, TANAKA Hiroyuki, SUGAI Katsuo
ASADA Tadashi
46 156 - 165 2007
浅田 匡
科学研究費補助金(基盤(B)(1))研究成果報告書 2005.03
浅田 匡
教育フォーラム 金子書房 ( 35 ) 6 - 15 2005.02 [Refereed]
浅田 匡
日本教育新聞社 2004.12 [Refereed]
A Case Study on School System based on Teacher's Work
YAMAMOTO Yuko, ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro
20 1041 - 1042 2004.09
The Relationship between Markings on the Handouts and Selection of Information in Integrated Learning
UOSAKI Yuko, ASADA Tadashi
20 437 - 438 2004.09
A Study of the Teaching Practice by Means of the On-going Cognition Method and the Reflection Method
IKUTA Takashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, ASADA Tadashi, TAKAHASHI Takeshi, OGINO Manami
20 45 - 48 2004.09
浅田 匡
教育フォーラム 金子書房 ( 34 ) 72 - 84 2004.08 [Refereed]
A Description of Developing Process of Learners in the International Collaborative Curriculum using Internet by applying Activity Theory
TSUJI Takaaki, ASADA Tadashi, NISHIMURA Shoji, NOJIMA Eiichiro
18 553 - 554 2002.11
A Case Study on Instructional design for Kindergarten Based on Practical knowledge through self-reflection II
IWAHAMA Rieko, ASADA Tadashi
18 341 - 342 2002.11
A Basic Study on Image-Based Approach to Teacher's Practical Knowledge
ASADA Tadashi
18 343 - 344 2002.11
A Case Study on Using Teaching Skills Based on Teacher's Judgement of Instructional Situation
ASADA Tadashi
The Joint Conference on Educational Technology 6 ( 1 ) 471 - 474 2000.10
A Basic Study on Knowledge Interaction among Teachers in 'kounai-ken'
KOTANI Keisuke, ASADA Tadashi
6 ( 2 ) 485 - 486 2000.10
A Basic Study on the Interaction among Teachers in "Ennai-ken"
YONEDA Mami, ASADA Tadashi
6 ( 2 ) 483 - 484 2000.10
浅田 匡
総合教育技術 55 ( 11 ) 38 - 41 2000.10
浅田 匡, 蘭千壽他
科学研究費補助金研究報告書(基盤研究B(2)) 2000.03 [Refereed]
A Pilot Study on Teacher's Prediction of Learning Activities based on Evaluation of Pupils
ASADA Tadashi
14 55 - 56 1998.09
事例で考える/「授業への不適応現象」と「教師の指導の在り方」--子どもを理解するということを問い直す (特集 <授業>再生--「分からない」「つまらない」という子を前に)
浅田 匡
総合教育技術 53 ( 5 ) 34 - 37 1998.07
浅田 匡
日本教育工学雑誌 22 ( 1 ) 57 - 69 1998.06 [Refereed]
浅田 匡
神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要 5 ( 1 ) 245 - 261 1997.09 [Refereed]
A Study on Function of Teacher's Belief in Instruction Situation
ASADA Tadashi
12 125 - 126 1996.11
A Relationship between Teacher's Anticipation and Judgment in Instructual Situation
ASADA Tadashi, AIDA Kenichi
12 267 - 268 1996.11
An Analysis of Beginning Teachers' Growth Process
ASADA Tadashi, TAKAYAMA Munehiro
11 93 - 94 1995.11
Seminar of Graduation Thesis Research II (Theory in Educational Practice)
School of Human Sciences
2024 fall semester
Seminar of Graduation Thesis Research I (Theory in Educational Practice)
School of Human Sciences
2024 spring semester
Seminar(Theory in Educational Practice) (fall)
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2024 fall semester
Seminar(Theory in Educational Practice) (spring)
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2024 spring semester
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2024 fall semester
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2024 spring semester
イギリス ダンディ大学
ニュージーランド ワイカト大学
イギリス ロンドン大学
Faculty of Human Sciences Graduate School of Human Sciences
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
2014 野嶋栄一郎
2011 今村 こころ
2010 油布佐和子, 夛屋早菊
2008 田村 由美
2004 野嶋 栄一郎, 佐古 順彦
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