Updated on 2024/10/24

Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
修士(現代日本研究) ( オックスフォード大学(イギリス) )
MSc in Modern Japanese Studies with Distinction ( Oxford University (UK) )
博士(応用言語学) ( エセックス大学(イギリス) )
P.hD in Applied Linguistics ( University of Essex (UK) )
修士(応用言語学) ( エセックス大学(イギリス) )
MA in Applied Linguistics ( University of Essex (UK) )
ディプロマ(TEFL) ( エセックス大学(イギリス) )
Diploma with Distinction ( University of Essex (UK) )

Education Background


    Waseda University   School of Literature   English Literature  

Professional Memberships


    Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (日本語名なし)


    The Japan Association of College English Teachers (大学英語教育学会)


    The British Association for Applied Linguistics (日本語名なし)


    International Political Science Association

Research Areas

  • Foreign language education / Linguistics / Area studies / Politics

Research Interests

  • Applied Linguistics, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Discourse Analysis, Political speeches, Media Studies, Contemporary Japan, Postcolonial Study, Mauritius



  • Effects of the Media, Economy, and Independent Voters on Post-War Japanese Prime Ministers’ General Policy Speeches


    The annuals of the Japanese political science association    2018  [Refereed]

  • The Practice of Teaching English to Prepare Japanese Students for English-Medium-Instruction Courses in an Era of Global Competition for Knowledge

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    WINPEC Working Paper Series No.E1617    2017.03

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    Since the 1990s, higher education institutions worldwide have been offering a growing number of English -medium-instruction (EMI) degree programs. This rapid globalization movement has been predominantly top down, promoted by olicymakers and university boards, and little has been reported in the way this change has affected language teaching curricula and actual classroom practices, and what challenges educators face today. This paper reports a case where an EMI program has been expanding with foreign and returnee students, but faces the issue of how to integrate the majority of home students into the system by means of reforming the English curriculum, promoting learner autonomy, and systematizing lecturers’ interdisciplinary collaboration.


  • The Rise of Consumer-Oriented Politics in Japan? Exploring the Party-Citizen Relationship through Discourse Analaysis

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    Japanese Journal of Political Science    2014  [Refereed]

  • Student Attitudes towards the Use of Kreol (Creole) as a Medium of Instruction in Mauritius

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    Tsuda Journal of Language and Culture   27   33 - 41  2012.07

  • 言語学からみた日本政治-2009年総選挙における麻生・鳩山スピーチの分析-


    早稲田政治経済学雑誌   384   36 - 41  2012

  • The Rise of the Japanese Consumer? Exploring the party-citizen relationship through discourse analysis

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    M.Sc. dissertation (with distinction) Oxford University    2010

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    The discourse analysis of three Japanese prime ministers in the twenty-first century – Koizumi, Aso and Hatoyama – exhibits how each leader constructed and promoted a particular relationship with the voter in order to advocate his proposed economic policy. The outcome indicates a major paradigm shift in the party-citizen relationship: from patron-client to business-consumer. Whereas Aso’s patron-client discourse pinpoints the role of the responsible and bureaucratic state in protecting Japan, the business-consumer discourse of both Koizumi and Hatoyama demonstrates the entrepreneurial leaders’ willingness to listen to individuals in order to meet their needs and expectations. We speculate that the social norms and values of the business-consumer model might have played a role in attracting a large number of unorganised voters to Koizumi in 2005 and in turn to Hatoyama in 2009.

    consumerism, discourse, Japan, party-citizen relationship, prime minister

  • Designing and Evaluating an EAP Reading textbook: English for Political Science and Economics

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   13 ( 1 ) 1 - 21  2009.07

  • Language Choice in Multilingual Mauritius: National Unity and Socioeconomic Advancement

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    Journal of Liberal Arts, Waseda University   126 ( 126 ) 99 - 130  2009.03


  • Unity and Diversity of Language Policy in Japan

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    Journal of Liberal Arts, Waseda University   125 ( 125 ) 47 - 73  2008.12


  • 外国語教育シンポジウム・アンケート調査結果と分析

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    早大生よ、世界を学べ!-外国語教育と多様性-,早稲田大学創立125周年記念政治経済学術院外国語教育シンポジウム,教養諸学研究特集号     115 - 135  2008.03

  • Japanese Learners' Choice to Overcome Babel - Standard English, Globish or Japlish? -

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    Journal of Liberal Arts, Waseda University   124 ( 124 ) 55 - 68  2008.03


  • CCDL Teaching Materials and Methods - English Online

    Emi Uchida, Tony Newell

    Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2007, 大学英語教育学会(JACET)ICT特別委員会     117 - 149  2008.03

  • Japanese Learners' Oral and Written Identification of L2 Loanwords

    Emi Uchida

    The Language Teacher, The Japan Association for Language Teaching   31 ( 9 ) 19 - 22  2007.09

  • Vocabulary Analysis in a Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Course Based on Computer-Mediated Communication

    Emi Uchida, Tony Newell

    Journal of Liberal Arts, Waseda University   122 ( 122 ) 23 - 46  2007.03


  • English loanword cognates(katakana-eigo)and the teaching of English in Japan

    Emi Uchida

    The Jasec Bulletin, JASEC   12 ( 1 ) 79 - 91  2003.12


  • A study on the comprehension of English-Japanese loan word cognates in L2 reading

    Emi Uchida

    English Literature, Waseda University   86   94 - 114  2003.09

  • The role of English loanwords in ELT classrooms

    Emi Uchida

    Journal of Liberal Arts, Waseda University   113 ( 113 ) 19 - 43  2002.12


  • Synchronous text-based exchanges through networked computers; learners’ perception of the computer mediated communication and their use of communication strategies

    Suzuko Anai, Emi Uchida

    The Proceedings of the 6th PAAL/Korea: Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     265 - 278  2001.12

  • Dictionary evaluation and instruction for Japanese learners of English

    Emi Uchida

    The Bulletin of Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University/ Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University   50   70 - 82  2001.12

  • The Use of Cognate Inferencing Strategies by Japanese Learners of English

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

    the proceedings of the 1st BATJ/ Nihongo Centre Joint Conference for Japanese Language Teachers in Higher Education, London, UK    2001.04

  • The Use of Cognate Inferencing Strategies by Japanese Learners of English

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida


  • Audio and visual identification of unknown L2 cognates involving different scripts

    Emi Uchida

    Essex Graduate Student Papers in Language & Linguistics/Essex University   3   211 - 230  2001.01

  • The advantage of katakana words: English learners' ability to identify English loan-word cognates in Japanese

    Emi Uchida, Taichi Nakamura

    BATJ Journal/London:BATJ (British Association for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language)   1   17 - 28  2000.06

  • How do your students cope with a new Japanese word?: the use of dictionaries by English learners of Japanese

    Emi Uchida

    The Proceedings of the 1988 Conference for Japanese Language Teachers in Higher Education/London: BATJ     50 - 60  1999.07

  • Implications for L2 instruction from L1 spelling development: the case of Japanese learners of English

    Emi Uchida

    English Literature, Waseda University   74 ( 74 ) 92 - 112  1997.10

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Books and Other Publications

  • Critical Media Analysis of Prime Ministers' Visit to Yasukuni Shrine ”Voices from Japan in a multilingual world : prospects for fostering human resources and global communication”

    ( Part: Contributor)

    Asahi Shuppan  2016.03 ISBN: 9784255009100

  • An Analysis of Newspaper Opinion Discourse on Western Loanwords in the Japanese Language (1990~2014) ”Voices from Japan in a multilingual world : prospects for fostering human resources and global communication”

    Kazuko Sunaoka, Yoshiyuki Muroi( Part: Contributor)

    Asahi Press  2016.03


  • Teaching Discourse Analysis as a Tool for Understanding Journalism Practices in an Era of Media Convergence

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida  [Invited]

    the 3rd International Forum for Yuelu Media and Culture Development  (Funan Univeristy) 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

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    The purpose of this study is twofold: First, the paper will discuss the theoretical framework of discourse analysis, examining how it can offer useful tools for studies of journalism in an era of media convergence. Discourse analysis decodes how social actors’ identity, relationship with others, and ideology have been socially constructed, as well as how certain political positions were legitimized and rationalized, while others were rejected. We shall provide examples of media discourse analysis on whaling issues in Britain and Japan. The second part will be a report on the author’s action research in the classroom. It starts with a brief description of a course on media discourse analysis the author has been offering to a small group of Japanese and Chinese students in the Journalism School of Waseda University, in Japan. This is followed by a close examination of how the 16 students enrolled in the course have developed their analytical skills by assessing their essays. The outcome suggests that students found the framework of lexical choice, identity, narrative, and legitimization as most accessible. There was little difference between native and nonnative speakers in their analytical skills after training. Although the results of such small-scale research are not appropriate for generalization, we find discourse analysis offers useful tools to examine media texts in relation to sociocultural context and producer-consumer relations. Such in-depth text analysis will contribute to enhancing students’ critical awareness toward increasingly complex global communication in the era of media convergence. Key words: Discourse Analysis, Media, Pedagogy

  • The Practice of Teaching English to Prepare Japanese Students for English-Medium-Instruction Courses

    Emi Sauzier-Uchida  [Invited]

    Oxford EMI Training at ICU,  Oxford EMI

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • An analysis of newspaper opinion discourse on western loanwords in the Japanese language

    Emi Sauzier

    The Fifth New Zealand Discourse Conference  (New Zealand)  AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand

    Presentation date: 2015.12

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    The mass media are the most active borrowers of western loanwords in Japan (Daulton, 2003). The ratio of English loanwords in the Japanese press has steadily increased since the end of WWII. Even so, voices from newspaper editorials and readers’ columns have frequently exhibited deep resentment against this influx of western loanwords and have called for a halt to or restriction on such words. My discussion first takes a historical approach, analyzing the social, political, and economic contexts that have nurtured these seemingly contradictory attitudes toward western loanwords from the 19th century till today. Second, I conduct an analysis of newspaper opinion discourse on western loanwords, as expressed by journalists, intellectuals, and readers, in the Asahi Shimbun and the Yomiuri Shimbun, the two most widely circulated newspapers in Japan, over the same period of time. Fairclough’s (1989) notion of presupposition reveals the taken-for-granted social norms of the Japanese language (e.g., moral values attached to a “pure” or “hybrid” Japanese language), whereas van Leeuwen’s (2008) actor analysis indicates the tangled power structure between the west and Japan, elites and the public, the producer and the consumer, the elderly and the young, the educated and the uneducated, and native and non-native speakers.

  • モーリシャス共和国における英語とクレオール語の共生

    津田塾大学言語文化研究所 「英語圏文学におけるポストコロニアリズム研究会」 

    Presentation date: 2012.10

Research Projects

  • 戦後日本の首相演説における認知フレーム形成と変容:概念メタファーを用いた実証研究

    Project Year :


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    概念メタファーの枠組みを用いて、戦後日本首相の国会演説に示される認知フレームの通時的変化を示す。メタファーは、既存の言葉で表現するのが難しい、複雑で抽象的な概念の一側面を、他の具体的な経験に基づいて理解を促すが、同時に、有権者の感情に訴えたり、複雑な現実を単純化したり、不都合な現実を曖昧化したりする機能を持つ。 周到に準備された国会演説には、各時代における政府側が有権者に対してどのように語るべきだと考えているか、その意識のあり方が現れる。本研究では、認知フレームの変化には、メディアの発達、経済や安全保障の動向、無党派層の増加といった社会的状況が影響を及ぼしたとの仮説を実証的に検証する。本研究には以下の三つの軸から展開する。(1)戦後日本の首相演説は、どのような概念メタファー(Conceptual Metaphor) (e.g., Lakoff 1993; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, 1999, 2003)による認知フレーム(cognitive framing)を形成して有権者に支持を訴えてきたのか。(2)概念メタファーにより形成された認知フレームはどのような通時的変化を経たのか。(3)どのような社会的要因の影響を受けて通時的変化がもたらされたのか。研究代表者は、初年度に当たる2019年に、政治学分野・言語学分野における概念メタファー分析(Conceptual Metaphor Analysis)に関する幅広い文献研究を行った。同時に、すでに収集済みの日本首相による所信表明演説と施政方針演説を用いて、より信頼性の高いメタファー抽出方法を検討している。そのために、まずヒューマン・コーディングによるメタファー抽出作業を行った。そして、抽出されたメタファーを以下の6つの概念メタファー領域群に分類した。(1)旅や経験、動きに関わる領域群(2)擬人化に関わる領域群(3)建物や構造に関わる領域群(4)自然に関わる領域群(5)戦いや競技に関わる領域群(6)ビジネスに関わる領域群。次に、これらのメタファーを計量分析に向けて、内容分析のためのコンピュータ・ソフトウェア(KHコーダー)のコンコーダンスや共起ネットワークを併用し、対象語彙・句の文脈内での意味を比較分析することで比喩性を確認する作業を行っている。メタファー抽出の信頼性を高めることを追求しているが、先行研究の多くは抽出方法を詳細に記していない。そこで、本研究ではコーディング・ルールを作成し、メタファー抽出のための指標を明確にし、再現性を高めるべく検証を重ねている。研究計画書における初年度の目標(第一段階)は完了している。日本政治におけるメタファー分析は先例がないため、6つの概念メタファー領域群に関する言説分析の論文を執筆している。メタファーの概念や類型の変化は、現代日本政治における価値観の変化を表し得るものである。本研究が最終目標としている計量的な実証研究とともに、質的な言説分析の結果も進め、発表していきたい。2020年度は、まずは、信頼性を確保したメタファー抽出方法を確定する。そのうえで、各演説において上記6つの概念メタファー領域群における使用頻度を計算する。さらに、de Landtsheer & de Vrij(2004)の枠組みを応用し、メタファーの意味の拡大パターン(感情表現や規範的表現との共起)を数値化する(意味指数)。そして、首相演説をそのトピック(経済、外交、安全保障、民主主義、グローバリゼーション、愛国心など)を基に分ける。そして、各トピックにおいて、どの概念メタファー領域群が使われたか(使用頻度)、どのくらいメタファーの意味が拡大されたか(意味指数)を計量分析によって明かにして可視化する。2021年度は、メタファーの使用頻度と意味指数を従属変数とする実証研究を行う。各首相による概念メタファー使用の差異は、個々の首相の言説スタイルではなく、認知フレームの変化を表すと考える。本研究では、メタファー使用の変化は社会経済並びに政治状況の変化に依存すると仮説を立て、検証する

  • Analyzing the Process of Standardizing and Introducing Kreol to School Education in the Republic of Mauritius

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Emi Sauzier-Uchida

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    The Republic of Mauritius, which retained English as its official language after independence in 1968, came to standardize Kreol, the vernacular language of the majority of its nation, in 2011, planning to introduce it into primary education the following year. The prime data for this research were collected though surveys to 57 Kreol teachers and teacher trainees, as well as 1,346 students in 18 secondary schools and a university, supplemented by classroom observation and the contents of Kreol textbooks. Findings suggest that Kreol teachers perceive the most important role of Kreol to be a means of enabling children to engage in effective learning through their mother tongue. Students’ attitudes toward Kreol are determined not by ethnicity or religion, but by residential area and gender. The tendency of rural dwellers and females to support the promotion of Kreol is significantly stronger than that found among their counterparts

  • Research on the Use of English and Creole in Postcolonial Mauritius

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The Republic of Mauritius is a postcolonial multilingual nation with 1.2 million inhabitants of Indian, African, French and Chinese descendents. Since its independence in 1968, Mauritius has come to be one of the most economically successful countries in Africa, moving from a sugar cane production economy to a more diversified model with strong services, textile, tourism, BPO and IT industry sectors. This study was carried out through the use of questionnaires distributed to and interviews conducted with 562 students and 45 teachers attending 6 secondary schools of varying statuses.All participants were multilingual and switched languages depending of the environment they were in. For example, they spoke Creole to friends and family, English and French to school teachers, Hindi, Arabic or French in religious ceremonies, and English and Creole when communicating by email or online chatting. The language of instruction at school was primarily English followed by a less frequent use of French and Creole. Creole was more popular among rural school teachers as compared to urban school teachers. There was a higher ratio of students in rural school who considered that Creole should be used as a language of instruction and that the spelling of Creole should be standardized. In general, English and French were considered as being internationally recognized languages associated with socio-economic success and prestige rather than the languages of former colonists. The ancestral languages were associated with the respect to ethnic and cultural origins but were also widely considered as not having great practical value. Creole was considered as being intrinsic to the Mauritian identity but views differed as to whether it should be made a formal national language. All in all, younger Mauritians were proud of their multicultural heritage and had a tendency to part with their colonial baggage and gave more value to economic success.Japan differs greatly from Mauritius inasmuch as Japanese education is founded on Japanese social, historical and economic paradigms and is taught almost invariably in the Japanese mother tongue. The ease with which Mauritians can dissociate the language in which education is being proffered and the substance of what is being taught is probably enhanced by their past colony status. However, due to increased globalization, immersion programs where the target language (such as English) is also used as a medium of instruction have increased in importance. As such, we would stand to benefit from taking a similar approach to that currently embraced by the Mauritian education system. We would, however, pay due regards to the fact that the mother tongue is essential for ensuring and/or confirming that the students have grasped the essence of what is being taught in a foreign global language. The example given would be that of Mauritian rural area teachers using Creole to supplement gaps of understanding faced by their students

  • カタカナ語が英語教育にもたらす課題と展望-コミュニケーション能力育成の観点から

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    世界におけるWorld Englishesの存在や言語とアイデンティティの結びつきについての講義を受けたが学習者であっても、多くが英米人に英語を学びたいと考え、Japanese Englishなど新種の英語には否定的な考えを持つことが検証された。またSinglishなどの他の新種の英語やGlobishなどの人工言語に対しての関心はあるが、「標準的な」英語を学ぶことで国際的な相互理解を目指すべきだという意見が多い。しかし彼らの「標準」に対する定義は曖昧で、アングロ・サクソン文化への憧れが強く見られ、グラムシ的なヘゲモニーを感じさせる回答もままあった。言語と文化の離脱が難しいことを表すが、義務教育としての英語教育がなされる以上、学習者が国際語としての英語をより多角的に考えられるような工夫がなされるべきであろう。(詳細は現在論文を執筆中)カタカナ英語の英語教育に対する役割についての意見は賛否両論であるが、学習者の多くがカタカナを英語学習の一環として捉えたことがないため、うまく語彙学習ストラテジーとして利用できていない。CALL学習者のチャット、BBS上の作文の分析においても、和製英語を外国人との交流に使用している例が見られるが、多くの場合相手方から理解不可能を訴えるnegative feedbackがないため、誤用を指摘されることなく、よって本人も気づかずに終わっている。しかし会話においては、カタカナ英語の発音が通じないという経験は直接的なnegative feedbackを伴うため、学習に繋がることが多い。しかしこの失敗経験からカタカナ英語は役に立たないという考え方を身につけている学生も多い。メンタル・レキシコンに存在する資源を活用しきれず使用回避(avoidance)に繋がっている可能性もあるため、適切な指導が必要であろう。(結果の一部は下記論文に記載。他論文執筆中




Social Activities

  • GRACE、世界文化社



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    グレース大学院 公開講座




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  • The British Council

    The British Council 


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    英国留学帰国者(UK ALUMNI)歓迎会留学後のキャリアを考える

  • FRAU 15周年記念号 講談社

    FRAU 15周年記念号 講談社 


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  • Children's Express

    Children's Express 


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    子どもたちの声を社会に −ミリョク的な大人 http://www.cenews-japan.org/news/social/051203_miryoku.html

  • Waseda.com on Asahi.com 朝日新聞社

    Waseda.com on Asahi.com 朝日新聞社 


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    これからの英語教育を考える http://www.asahi.com/ad/clients/waseda/opinion/2003bn.html

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Overseas Activities

  • 日本の政治言説分析、 モーリシャス共和国における英語とクレオール語の共生


    イギリス   オックスフォード大学


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日米政治リーダーの演説変化をめぐる実証研究


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  • 首相スピーチの通時的変容に関する実証研究-政治的勢力の影響を中心に


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    戦後日本首相の所信表明を過程構成型(Halliday, 1994)により分類すると、戦後直後は、個人の内的意識を述べる(「考えます」)割合が高かったが、時代が進むと減少し、国民への約束や働きかけ等外的行動を表す(「実行します」)割合が増加した。このアカウンタビリティへの意識を従属変数とし、マクロ経済・メディア普及率・無党派層の比率を独立変数として重回帰分析を行なった。高度成長期には、首相演説はメディア普及率に最も強く影響を受け、次に経済動向の影響を受けた。安定成長期も、メディアの普及率に最も強く影響を受け、次に経済の影響を受けた。バブル経済崩壊後は、メディアに最も強く影響を受けたが、同時に無党派層急増の影響も受けた。

  • 首相の靖国神社参拝をめぐる日・中・米新聞報道のディスコース分析


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  • 戦後日本の首相演説の研究:Discourse Analysisを用いた実証研究


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  • 英語学習におけるカタカナ英語の意義


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    本研究の目的はカタカナ英語が英語学習に及ぼす影響を探ることである。また著者の博士論文の一部として行われた実験をより厳密にコントロールし、またより多くのカタカナ英語をサンプルの対象として行うことである。多少の遅れと変更はあったが、全体的にはほぼ予定通りに進んでいると言える。 4-6月は関連資料収集に多くの時間を費やした。また、応用言語学の権威であるRod Ellis先生による実験方法(research methodology)に関するセミナー(昭和女子大学にて)に4日間参加し、本研究に関連する有益なアドバイスを頂いた。また、実験を通して言語学的要素の効果を調べることを目的とているため、英語の意味、音、語形、頻度などを分析した。8月にはイギリスのエセックス大学にて、私の博士課程における指導教官であったPhil Scholfield先生にお会いし、研究の様々な点においてご指摘を頂いた。また、当初予定していたコンピュータによるメソッドでは、学生の自然な言語行動とはかけ離れた結果をもたらす可能性が否定できないため、今回は教室を基にNaturalistic Approachを取ることとした。この変更のため、テスト作成に予想以上の時間を要した。2002年9月-2003年1月にかけては3度に渡るパイロット・スタディを行った。完成したテストを4月に学生に対して行い、現在データを入力、分析中である。今年の夏には結果をまとめ、論文を国際ジャーナルに投稿する予定である。