Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
Master of Science ( University of Tokyo )
Doctor of Science ( Osaka University )

Research Experience

  • 2001

    Waseda Unviersity, Professor

  • 1993

    Osaka University, Associate Professor

  • 1992

    Max-Plank Institute for Mathematics (Bonn, Germany), Researcher

  • 1990

    Osaka University, Lecturer

  • 1991

    Institute for Advanced Studies (Princeton, USA), Member

  • 1982

    Osaka University, Research Assistant

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Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Science   Mathematics  


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Science   Department of Mathematics  

Professional Memberships


    The Mathematical Society of Japan

Research Areas

  • Mathematical analysis / Algebra / Geometry

Research Interests

  • 3-manifold, knot theory, quantum invariant, representation theory


  • MSJ Geometry Prize

    2021   Mathematical Society of Japan  




    Qingtao Chen, Jun Murakami

    Journal of Differential Geometry   123 ( 1 ) 1 - 20  2023.01

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    The asymptotics of the quantum 6j symbols corresponding to a hyperbolic tetrahedron is investigated and the first two leading terms are determined for the case that the tetrahedron has an ideal or an ultra-ideal vertex. These terms are given by the volume and the determinant of the Gram matrix of the tetrahedron.



  • Quantized representations of knot groups

    Jun Murakami, Roland van der Veen

    Quantum Topology   14 ( 4 ) 659 - 692  2023

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    We propose a new non-commutative generalization of the representation variety and the character variety of a knot group. Our strategy is to reformulate the construction of the algebra of functions on the space of representations in terms of Hopf algebra objects in a braided category (braided Hopf algebra). The construction works under the assumption that the algebra is braided commutative. The resulting knot invariant is a module with a coadjoint action. Taking the coinvariants yields a new quantum character variety that may be thought of as an alternative to the skein module. We give concrete examples for a few of the simplest knots and links.



  • Non-semisimple 3-manifold invariants derived from the Kauffman bracket

    Marco De Renzi, Jun Murakami

    Quantum Topology   13 ( 2 ) 255 - 333  2022

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    We recover the family of non-semisimple quantum invariants of closed oriented 3-manifolds associated with the small quantum group of sl2 using purely combinatorial meth-ods based on Temperley–Lieb algebras and Kauffman bracket polynomials. These invariants can be understood as a first-order extension of Witten–Reshetikhin–Turaev invariants, which can be reformulated following our approach in the case of rational homology spheres.




    C. Blanchet, M. De Renzi, J. Murakami

    Transformation Groups    2021

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    We provide a combinatorial description of the monoidal category generated by the fundamental representation of the small quantum group of sl2 at a root of unity q of odd order. Our approach is diagrammatic, and it relies on an extension of the Temperley–Lieb category specialized at δ = −q − q−1.



  • Combinatorial Decompositions, Kirillov–Reshetikhin Invariants, and the Volume Conjecture for Hyperbolic Polyhedra

    Alexander Kolpakov, Jun Murakami

    Experimental Mathematics   27 ( 2 ) 193 - 207  2018.04

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    We sugges. method of computing volume fo. simple polytop. in three-dimensional hyperbolic space H3. This method combines the combinatorial reduction o. a. trivalent graph Γ (the 1-skeleton of P) by I–H, or Whitehead, moves (together with shrinking of triangular faces) aligned with its geometric splitting into generalized tetrahedra. With each decomposition (under some conditions), we associat. potential function Φ such that the volume o. can be expressed throug. critical values of Φ. The results of our numeric experiments with this method suggest that one may associate the above-mentioned sequence of combinatorial moves with the sequence of moves required for computing the Kirillov–Reshetikhin invariants of the trivalent graph Γ. Then the corresponding geometric decomposition o. might be used in order to establis. link between the volume o. and the asymptotic behavior of the Kirillov–Reshetikhin invariants of Γ, which is colloquially known as the Volume Conjecture.



  • Reidemeister transformations of the potential function and the solution

    Jinseok Cho, Jun Murakami

    JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS   26 ( 12 )  2017.10  [Refereed]

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    The potential function of the optimistic limit of the colored Jones polynomial and the construction of the solution of the hyperbolicity equations were defined in the authors' previous papers. In this paper, we define the Reidemeister transformations of the potential function and the solution by the changes of them under the Reidemeister moves of the link diagram and show the explicit formulas. These two formulas enable us to see the changes of the complex volume formula under the Reidemeister moves. As an application, we can simply specify the discrete faithful representation of the link group by showing a link diagram and one geometric solution.



  • Generalized kashaev invariants for knots in three manifolds

    Jun Murakami

    Quantum Topology   8 ( 1 ) 35 - 73  2017

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    Kashaev’s invariants for a knot in a three sphere are generalized to invariants of a knot in a three manifold. A relation between the newly constructed invariants and the hyperbolic volume of the knot complement is observed for some knots in lens spaces.



  • Yokota type invariants derived from non-integral highest weight representations of U-q(sl(2))

    Atsuhiko Mizusawa, Jun Murakami

    JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS   25 ( 10 )  2016.09  [Refereed]

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    We define invariants for colored oriented spatial graphs by generalizing CM invariants [F. Costantino and J. Murakami, On SL(2, C) quantum 6j-symbols and their relation to the hyperbolic volume, Quantum Topol. 4 (2013) 303-351], which were defined via non-integral highest weight representations of U-q(sl(2)). We apply the same method used to define Yokota's invariants, and we call these invariants Yokota type invariants. Then, we propose a volume conjecture of the Yokota type invariants of plane graphs, which relates to volumes of hyperbolic polyhedra corresponding to the graphs, and check it numerically for some square pyramids and pentagonal pyramids.



  • The Dual Jacobian of a Generalised Hyperbolic Tetrahedron, and Volumes of Prisms

    Alexander Kolpakov, Jun Murakami

    TOKYO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   39 ( 1 ) 45 - 67  2016.06  [Refereed]

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    We derive an analytic formula for the dual Jacobian matrix of a generalised hyperbolic tetrahedron. Two cases are considered: a mildly truncated and a prism truncated tetrahedron. The Jacobian for the latter arises as an analytic continuation of the former, that falls in line with a similar behaviour of the corresponding volume formulae.
    Also, we obtain a volume formula for a hyperbolic n-gonal prism: the proof requires the above mentioned Jacobian, employed in the analysis of the edge lengths behaviour of such a prism, needed later for the Schldfli formula.


    Atsuhiko Mizusawa, Jun Murakami

    JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS   22 ( 11 ) 1350068  2013.10  [Refereed]

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    We construct quantum U-q(sl(2)) type invariants for handlebody-knots in the 3-sphere S-3. A handlebody-knot is an embedding of a handlebody in a 3-manifold. These invariants are linear sums of Yokota's invariants for colored spatial graphs which are defined by using the Kauffman bracket. We give a table of calculations of our invariants for genus 2 handlebody-knots up to six crossings. We also show our invariants are identified with special cases of the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants.



  • Volume of a doubly truncated hyperbolic tetrahedron

    Alexander Kolpakov, Jun Murakami

    AEQUATIONES MATHEMATICAE   85 ( 3 ) 449 - 463  2013.06  [Refereed]

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    The present paper regards the volume function of a doubly truncated hyperbolic tetrahedron. Starting from the earlier results of J. Murakami, U. Yano and A. Ushijima, we have developed a unified approach to express the volume in different geometric cases by dilogarithm functions and to treat properly the many analytic strata of the latter. Finally, several numeric examples are given.



  • On SL(2, C) quantum 6j-symbol and its relation to the hyperbolic volume

    Francesco Costantino, Jun Murakami

    Quantum Topology   4 ( 3 ) 303 - 351  2013


  • Optimistic limits of the colored Jones polynomials

    Jinseok Cho, Jun Murakami

    Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society   50 ( 3 ) 641 - 693  2013

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    We show that the optimistic limits of the colored Jones polynomials of the hyperbolic knots coincide with the optimistic limits of the Kashaev invariants modulo 4π2. © 2013 The Korean Mathematical Society.




    Jun Murakami

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY   140 ( 9 ) 3289 - 3295  2012.09  [Refereed]

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    The present paper gives two concrete formulas for the volume of an arbitrary spherical tetrahedron that is in a 3-dimensional spherical space of constant curvature +1. One formula is given in terms of dihedral angles, and another one is given in terms of edge lengths.


    Jinseok Cho, Jun Murakami

    JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS   19 ( 11 ) 1401 - 1421  2010.11  [Refereed]

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    For a hyperbolic knot, an ideal triangulation of the knot complement corresponding to the colored Jones polynomial was introduced by Thurston. Considering this triangulation of a twist knot, we find a function which gives the hyperbolicity equations and the complex volume of the knot complement, using Zickert&apos;s theory of the extended Bloch group and the complex volume.
    We also consider a formal approximation of the colored Jones polynomial. Following Ohnuki&apos;s theory of 2-bridge knots, we define another function which comes from the approximation. We show that this function is essentially the same as the previous function, and therefore it also gives the same hyperbolicity equations and the complex volume.
    Finally we compare this result with our previous one which dealt with Yokota theory, and, as an application to Yokota theory, present a refined formula of the complex volumes for any twist knots.




    Jinseok Cho, Jun Murakami, Yoshiyuki Yokota

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY   137 ( 10 ) 3533 - 3541  2009.10  [Refereed]

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    For a given hyperbolic knot, the third author defined a function whose imaginary part gives the hyperbolic volume of the knot complement. We show that, for a twist knot, the function actually gives the complex volume of the knot complement using Zickert&apos;s and Neumann&apos;s theory of the extended Bloch groups and the complex volumes.


    Jinseok Cho, Jun Murakami

    JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS   18 ( 9 ) 1271 - 1286  2009.09  [Refereed]

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    We calculate certain limits of the colored Alexander invariant of the figure-eight knot for some cases and show that this limit is related to the volume of hyperbolic orbifolds whose singular set is the figure-eight knot.




    Jun Murakami, Kiyokazu Nagatomo

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   19 ( 10 ) 1203 - 1213  2008.11  [Refereed]

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    We construct knot invariants from the radical part of projective modules of the restricted quantum group (U) over bar (q)(sl(2)) at q = exp(pi root-1/p), and we also show a relation between these invariants and the colored Alexander invariants. These projective modules are related to logarithmic conformal field theories.

  • Colored Alexander invariants and cone-manifolds

    Jun Murakami

    OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   45 ( 2 ) 541 - 564  2008.06  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we reconstruct the link invariant of framed links introduced in I I by the universal R-matrix of Uq(sl(2)) and name it the colored Alexander invariant. We check that the optimistic limit o-lim of this invariant is determined by the volume of the knot and link cone-manifold for figure eight knot, Whitehead link and Borromean rings. We also propose the A-polynomials of these examples obtained from the colored Alexander invariant.

  • A volume formula for hyperbolic tetrahedra in terms of edge lengths

    Jun Murakami, Akira Ushijima

    Journal of Geometry   83 ( 1-2 ) 153 - 163  2005.12

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    We give a closed formula for volumes of generic hyperbolic tetrahedra in terms of edge lengths. The cue of our formula is by the volume conjecture for the Turaev-Viro invariant of closed 3-manifolds, which is defined from the quantum 6j -symbols. This formula contains the dilogarithm functions, and we specify the adequate branch to get the actual value of the volumes. © Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2005.



  • On the volume of a hyperbolic and spherical tetrahedron

    J Murakami, M Yano

    COMMUNICATIONS IN ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY   13 ( 2 ) 379 - 400  2005.03  [Refereed]

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    A new formula for the volume of a hyperbolic and spherical tetrahedron is obtained from the quantum 6j-symbol. This formula is of symmetric form with respect to the symmetry of the tetrahedron.

  • Actual computation for the coplexified hyperbolic volume conjecture

    Jun Murakami

    Volume Conjecture とその周辺,数理解析研究所講究録   1279   67 - 85  2002.08


  • Generalized volume and geometric structure of 3-manifolds

    Jun Murakami

    明日の低次元トポロジー、京都大学数理解析研究所   1272   91 - 113  2002.06

  • 量子 6j-symbol の漸近挙動と双曲4面体の体積

    村上 順

    結び目のトポロジー IV(大阪市立大学、2001年12月17日〜20日)     103 - 112  2002.02

  • Kashaev's conjecture and the Chern-Simons invariants of knots and links

    H Murakami, J Murakami, M Okamoto, T Takata, Y Yokota

    EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS   11 ( 3 ) 427 - 435  2002  [Refereed]

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    R. M. Kashaev conjectured that the asymptotic behavior of the link invariant he introduced [Kashaev 95], which equals the colored Jones polynomial evaluated at a root of unity, determines the hyperbolic volume of any hyperbolic link complement. We observe numerically that for knots 6(3), 8(9) and 8(20) and for the Whitehead link, the colored Jones polynomials are related to the hyperbolic volumes and the Chern-Simons invariants and propose a complexification of Kashaev's conjecture.

  • The colored Jones polynomials and the simplicial volume of a knot

    H Murakami, J Murakami

    ACTA MATHEMATICA   186 ( 1 ) 85 - 104  2001  [Refereed]

  • A three-manifold invariant via the Kontsevich integral

    TTQ Le, H Murakami, J Murakami, T Ohtsuki

    OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   36 ( 2 ) 365 - 395  1999.06  [Refereed]

  • On web diagmrams

    Jun Murakami

    研究集会報告集「結び目の数理」(1998年10月26日〜29日,関西セミナーハウス)作間誠編     46 - 65  1999.02

  • Finite-type invariants detecting the mutant knots

    Jun Murakami

    Knot Theory - Dedicated to Professor Kunio Murasugi for hits 70th birthday -     46 - 65  1999.02

  • Heisenberg algebraによるコード図の表現について

    村上 順

    「代数群と量子群の表現論」研究集会(2000年6月30日〜7月2日)報告集     133 - 144  1998.11

  • On a universal perturbative invariant of 3-manifolds

    TTQ Le, J Murakami, T Ohtsuki

    TOPOLOGY   37 ( 3 ) 539 - 574  1998.05  [Refereed]

  • Parallel version of the universal Vassiliev-Kontsevich invariant

    TTQ Le, J Murakami

    JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA   121 ( 3 ) 271 - 291  1997.10  [Refereed]

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    Let (Z) over cap(f) be the universal Vassiliev-Kontsevich invariant for framed links in [13], which is a generalization of Kontsevich's invariant in [10, 1]. Let K be a framed knot and K-(r) be its r-parallel. Then we show (Z) over cap(f)(K-(r)) = Delta((r))((Z) over cap(f)(K)), where Delta((r)) is an operation of chord diagrams which replace the Wilson loop by r copies. We calculate the values of (Z) over cap(f) of the Hopf links and the change of (Z) over cap(f) under the Kirby moves. An explicit formula of an important normalization factor, which is the value of the trivial knot, in the universal enveloping algebra U(g) of any Lie algebra is given. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

  • Topological quantum field theory for the universal quantum invariant

    J Murakami, T Ohtsuki

    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS   188 ( 3 ) 501 - 520  1997.10  [Refereed]

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    We extend the universal quantum invariant defined in [15] to an invariant of 3-manifolds with boundaries, and show that the invariant satisfies modified axioms of TQFT.

  • Kontsevich's integral for the Kauffman polynomial

    TTQ Le, J Murakami

    NAGOYA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL   142   39 - 65  1996.06  [Refereed]

  • The universal Vassiliev-Kontsevich invariant for framed oriented links

    LTQ Thang, J Murakami

    COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA   102 ( 1 ) 41 - 64  1996.05  [Refereed]

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    We give a generalization of the Reshetikhin-Turaev functor for tangles to get a combinatorial formula for the Kontsevich integral for framed oriented links. The rationality of the Kontsevich integral is established. Many properties of the universal Vassiliev-Kontsevich invariant are discussed. Connections to invariants coming from quantum groups and to multiple zeta functions are explained.

  • 反復積分を用いた結び目の不変量と多重ゼータ関数への応用

    村上 順

    第39回代数学シンポジウム報告集     73 - 79  1995.07




  • 反復積分を用いた結び目の不変量からできる3次元多様体の不変量

    村上 順

    研究集会「Art of Low Dimensional Topology」報告集     1 - 11  1995.05



    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS   168 ( 3 ) 535 - 562  1995.04  [Refereed]

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    Applying Kontsevich's iterated integral for tangles, we get an isotopy invariant of tangles. We give a method to compute the integral of a tangle combinatorially from modified integrals of some simple tangles. We localize the integral by moving the end points of the tangle to an extreme configuration, and modify the integral so that it is convergent. By using a similar technique, we generalize Kontsevich's invariant to a framed tangle.



    TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS   62 ( 2 ) 193 - 206  1995.03  [Refereed]

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    Kontsevich's integral for the Homfly polynomial is studied by using representations of the chord diagram algebras via classical r-matrices for sl(N) and via a Kauffman type state model. We compute the actual value of the image of W(gamma) by these representations, where gamma is the normalization factor to construct an invariant from the integral. This formula implies relations between values of multiple zeta functions.




  • Kontsevich's integral for the HOMFLY polynomial and its applications

    Jun Murakami

    無限可積分系の幾何的側面,数理解析研究所講究録   883   134 - 147  1994.08


  • Centralizer algebras of the mixed tensor representations of quantum group Uq(gl(n, C))

    Masashi Kosuda, Jun Murakami

    Osaka Journal of Mathematic   30   475 - 507  1994

  • 結び目のVassiliev-Kontsevich不変量とその応用

    村上 順

    研究集会「位相不変量とその関連」(1993年10月24日〜27日)報告集     23 - 36  1994.01



    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS   155 ( 3 ) 511 - 522  1993.08  [Refereed]

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    The Yamada polynomial for embeddings of graphs is widely generalized by using knit semigroups and polytangles. To construct and investigate them, we use a diagrammatic method combined with the theory of algebras H(N,M)(a,q), which are quotients of knit semigroups and are generalizations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras H(n)(q). Our invariants are versions of Turaev-Reshetikhin's invariants for ribbon graphs, but our construction is more specific and computable.



    PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   157 ( 1 ) 109 - 135  1993.01  [Refereed]

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    We construct a vertex type state model in Turaev's sense for the multi-variable (non-reduced) Alexander polynomial. Our model is a colored version of the 6-vertex free fermion model. To show the correspondence of our model and the multi-variable Alexander polynomial, we introduce colored braid groups and their Magnus representations. By using this model, a new set of axioms for the multi-variable Alexander polynomial is obtained.







  • Yang-Baxter 方程式と表現論

    Jun Murakami

    表現論とその物理的応用,数理解析研究所講究録   700   48 - 63  1989.08


  • Invariant of rigit 4-vartex graphs in S^3

    Jun Murakami

    結び目の構造の多様性とその応用     221 - 233  1989.05



    OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   26 ( 1 ) 1 - 55  1989.03  [Refereed]




  • Brauerのcentralizer algebraのq-analogue表現の構成

    村上 順

    組み合わせ論とその周辺の研究,数理解析研究所講究録   670   251 - 257  1988.09




    OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   24 ( 4 ) 745 - 758  1987.12  [Refereed]

  • 数理物理とリンクの多項式不変量

    村上 順

    低次元トポロジーの諸問題と最近の成果,数理解析研究所講究録   636   141 - 152  1987.12


  • Iwahori(Hecke)algebraとlinkの多項式不変量

    村上 順

    第33回代数学シンポジウム(1987年7月27日〜30日,福井大学)報告集     305 - 318  1987.10

  • リンクの不変量のパラレルバージョンについて

    村上 順

    「低次元トポロジーの幾何と代数」研究集会報告集,数理解析研究所講究録   624   7 - 17  1987.05


  • ソリッドトーラス中の絡み目とaffine Weyl群のHecke環

    村上 順

    群論, 数理解析研究所講究録   580   70 - 76  1986.02


  • Solid Torus の Link の Polynomial Invariant

    村上 順

    低次元多様体の幾何学的諸相     57 - 60  1985.12

  • Linkの2変数多項式のmuSIMP/muMATHによる計算

    村上 順

    コンピューターを用いた低次元トポロジーの研究, 数理解析研究所講究録   561   136 - 141  1985.05


  • Q&lt;SUB&gt;p&lt;/SUB&gt;上の概均質ベクトル空間の相対不変式の複素べきの Fourier 変換について

    村上 順

    概均質ベクトル空間の展望, 数理解析研究所講究録   555   85 - 92  1985.03


  • 対称群の表現の新しい構成法について

    Jun Murakami

    代数群とその周辺,数理解析研究所講究録   512   22 - 39  1984.02


  • Lobachevsky 空間の discrete group について - Vinberg の一連の仕事の紹介(III) ー

    Jun Murakami

    リー環,代数群とその周辺,数理解析研究所講究録   394   138 - 149  1980.08

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Books and Other Publications

  • 結び目と量子群

    村上 順

    朝倉書店  2000

  • 量子不変量

    大槻 知忠

    日本評論社  1999

  • 現代数学序説 2

    宮西 正宜, 川久保, 勝夫

    大阪大学出版会  1998.10

  • Representation of mapping class groups via the universal perturbative invariant

    Jun Murakami

    Proceedings of Knots 96, ed. S. Suzuki, World Scientific  1997

  • The Casson invariant for a knot in a 3-manifold

    Jun Murakami

    Geomatry and Physics (Ed. Anderson, Dupont Pedersen and Swan), Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics  1996

  • The Casson invariant for a knot in a 3-manifold

    Jun Murakami

    Geometry and Physics (Ed. Anderson, Dupont, Pedersen and Swan), Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics  1996

  • On local relations to determine the multi-variable Alexander polynomial of colored links

    Jun Murakami

    Knot 90 (Osaka, 1990), de Gruyter  1992

  • The multi-variable Alexander polynomial and a one-parameter family of representations of Uq(sl(n, C)) at q2=1

    Jun Murakami

    Quantum groups (Leningrad, 1990), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer  1992

  • Invariants of spatial graphs

    Jun Murakami

    Aspects of Low Dimensional Manifolds, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics  1992

  • On local relations to determine the multi-variable Alexander polynomial of colored links

    Jun Murakami

    Knot 90 (Osaka 1990), de Gruyter  1992

  • The free-fermion model in presence of field related to the quantum group Uq(sl2) of affine type and the multi-variable Alexander polynomial of links

    Jun Murakami

    Infinite analysis, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics  1991

  • The free-fermion model in presence of field related to the quantum group Uq(sl2) of affine type and the multi-variable Alexander polynomial of links

    Jun Murakami

    Infinite analysis, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics  1991

  • 結び目理論

    河内 明夫

    シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京  1990.06

  • Solvable lattice models and algebras of face operators

    Jun Murakami

    Integrable systems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Academic Press  1989

  • Solvable lattice models and algebras of face operators

    Jun Murakami

    Integrable systems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Academic Press  1989

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  • Volume conjecture for the logarithmic invariant

    Jun Murakami

    Volume Conjecture in Tokyo  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • On a q-deformation of PSL(2) representation of knot groups

    Jun Murakami

    Low dimensional topology and number theory X  (Fukuoka) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Presentation of knots by a braided Hopf algebra

    Jun Murakami

    Modular Forms and Quantum Knot Invariants  (Banff)  Banff International Research Station

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Braided Wirtinger presentation of knots

    Jun MUrakami

    Representation Spaces, Teichmüller Theory, and their Relationship with 3-manifolds from the Classical and Quantum Viewpoints  (Marseille)  Centre International de Rencontres Mathemiques

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • On the volume conjecture of quantum knot invariants

    Jun Murakami

    Low-dimensional Topology and Number Theory  (Oberwolfach)  Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • On the asymptotics of quantum 6j symbols

    Jun Murakami

    Invariants in low dimensional geometry & topology  (Toulouse) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • On the volume conjecture for quantum 6j symbols

    Jun Murakami

    Workshop on Teichmüller and Grothendieck-Teichmüller theories  (Tianjin)  Chern Institute of Mathematics

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • On the volume conjecture of various SO(3) invariants

    Jun Murakami

    Topology and Analysis of Discrete Groups and Hyperbolic Spaces  (Kyoto)  Research Institute for Matheatical Sciences, Kyoto University

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • Volume conjecture for quantum 6j symvols

    Jun Murakami

    Mini workshop "Growth3"  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2016.04

  • Volume formula for hyperbolic and spherical polyhedron

    Jun Murakami

    PMI Quantum Topology Seminar  (Pohan) 

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • Volume conjecture for quantum 6j symbols

    Jun Murakami

    PMI Quantum Topology Seminar  (Pohan) 

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • Logarithmic invariant of knots and its applications

    Jun Murakami

    Braids, Configuration Spaces, and Quantum Topology  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Logarithmic invariants of knots in a three manifold

    Jun Murakami

    New Developments in TQFT  (Aarhus)  Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • Volumes of hyperbolic an spherical polyhedrons

    Jun Murakami

    Japan Mathematical Society 2015 annual meeting 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • Volumes of hyperbolic an spherical polyhedrons

    Jun Murakami

    8th Australia New Zealand Mathematics Convention  (Merbobourne) 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • Logarithmic invariants of links

    Jun Murakami

    Quantum Topology and Physics 2014 in Fukuoka 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Logarithmic invariant of knots

    Jun Murakami  [Invited]

    Quantum Curves and Quantum Knot Invariants  Banff International Research Station

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • Volume conjecture for logarithmic invariant of knots

    Jun Murakami

    Mini-workshop on the Volume conjecture  Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • On representations of mapping class groups via the LMO inariant

    Jun Murakami

    Séminaire de Topologie  (Paris)  Institut Mathématiques de Jussieu

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Generalized Kashaev invariants for knots in three-manifods

    Modern Trends in Topological Quantum Field Theory, Workshop II 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Knots invariants coming from the small guantum group

    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • Volume formulas for a spherical tetrahedron

    Geometric structures on low-dimensional manifolds 

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • On the logarithmic knot invariants and the hyperbolic volume

    Low dimensional topology and number theory V 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Logarithmic invariants of knots in three manifolds

    Exact results in SUSY gauge theories and integrable systems 

    Presentation date: 2013.01

  • Quantum 6j-symbols for non-integral highest weight representations of U_q(sl_2) at root of unity

    Jun Murakami

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • 結び目の量子不変量とその応用

    Summer School 数理物理 2012 結び目の数理と物理 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • Logarithmic invariants for knots in three manifolds

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • Quantum invariants of knots and the hyperbolic volume

    The 29th international colloquium on group-theoretical methods in physics 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • 3次元球面内の四面体の体積公式


    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • On the relation between projective representations of Uq(sl2) and hyperbolic volume

    Diagram algebras and related topics 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • Some generalizations of the colored Alexander invariant

    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • On the tensor category of projective modules of the small quantum groups

    Category Theory, Computer Science, and Topology 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • Generalized quantum 6j-symbols and the colored Alexander invariant

    Topology seminar 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • On the quautum 6j symbols for the non-integral highest weight representations of U_q(sl_2) at root of 1

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • On logarithmic knot invariant and volume conjecture

    Séminaire de Théorie des Noeuds 

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • On the extra quantum group U_xi^(r)(sl_2) at root of 1

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • On logarithmic knot invariant

    Braids in Paris 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 量子不変量の様々な state model, 量子 6j-symbol と双曲四面体の体積, Colored Alexander 不変量と体積予想


    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • On branch problem of complex volume

    Topology and Computer 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • Beyond the quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds

    Topology Seminar 

    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • On the TQFT Coming from the Restricted Quantum Group

    Finite Type Invariants, Fat Graphs and Torelli-Johnson-Morita Theory 

    Presentation date: 2008.04

  • On the invariants of knots and 3-manifolds related to the restricted quantum group

    Topology Friday Seminor 

    Presentation date: 2008.04

  • On representations of mapping class groups related to U_q(sl_2)

    Workshop on linear representations of the mapping class group and related topics 

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • Colored Alexander invariant and cone manifolds

    Workshop Hyperbolic Volume 2007 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • On the colored Alexander polynomials

    Third East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics (February 5-8, 2007 at Osaka City University) 

    Presentation date: 2007.02

  • On the volume conjecture for the colored Jones and Alexander polynomials

    Around the Volume Conjecture 

    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • Quantum 6j-symbols and volumes of hyperbolic tetrahedra

    Towards the quantum geometry of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 

    Presentation date: 2004.06

  • On the volume conjecture for the Turaev-Viro invariant

    Geometry and physics of three-dimensional quantum gravity 

    Presentation date: 2003.07

  • On the relation of the volume of the tetrahedron and the quantum 6j-symbol

    Geometric Topology - A satellite conference of ICM 2002 (Xi'an, CHINA) 

    Presentation date: 2002.08

  • A formula for the volume of a tetrahedron and its application

    Knots in Montreal II 

    Presentation date: 2002.04

  • 量子 6j-symbol の漸近挙動と双曲4面体の体積

    結び目のトポロジー IV(大阪市立大学、2001年12月17日〜20日) 

    Presentation date: 2001.12

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Research Projects

  • Study of the geometric structure of three manifolds by using quantum invariants

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Research on a complexification of hyperbolic tetrahedra

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Diagramatic construction of non-semisimple TQFT

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Quantization of the fundamental group by dual quantum group

    Project Year :


  • 双対量子群による基本群の量子化

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


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    組み紐型の量子群を用いて結び目の基本群の SL(2) 表現の量子化を構成し、対応する Cheeger-Chern-Simons 類をみることで双曲体積や Chern-Simons 不変量の量子化を構成する。

  • Discrete quantization of low-dimensional geometry with quantum invariants

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Murakami Jun

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    The aim of this research is to construct discretized quantum geometry for 2 and 3 dimensional case. To do this, various quantum invariants and their relations are studied. For example, we study the colored Jones invariant, the colored Alexander invariant, the Hennings invariant and the logarithmic invariant. Quantum invariants for knotted graphs and its relation to the geometric structure is also studied. Especially, we get the relation between quantum invariants and hyperbolic volume determined by the geometric structure for various quantum invariants

  • Study in phantom of the quantum groups

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Murakami Jun

     View Summary

    Quantum groups whose quantum parameter q are roots of unity have projective representations which is not always semisimple. In this research, properties of such representations are studied, invariants of knots and 3-maniolfds related to such representations are constructed, and properties of such invariants are studied. Such invariant for knot is already constructed as the logarithmic invariant, and it is extended in this research to invariants of knots in 3-manifolds. The relation of logarithmic invariant and its generalization to the hyperbolic volume of the corresponding manifold is also given, which is a version of the volume conjecture of quantum invariants

  • Study of modular/quasimodular forms and multiple zeta values appearing in various aspects of mathematics and physics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kaneko Masanobu, MATSUMOTO Makoto, MURAKAMI Jun, NAGATOMO Kiyokazu, HOSONO Shinobu, HIKAMI Kazuhiro, TAGUCHI Yuichiro, TAKATA Toshie

     View Summary

    For modular forms of one variable, we obtained some congruence results on Fourier coefficients of certain meromorphic modular forms, constructed newforms associated to elliptic curves over the rationals which can be written as eta products via differential equations satisfied by modular forms, and found relations between period polynomials of modular forms and double zeta values of level 2. This last result creates a bridge between modular forms and multiple zeta values. For multiple zeta values proper, we obtained a formula for the height one MZV in terms of MZVs of maximal height, defined and studied a kind of sibling function of the so called Arakawa-Kaneko zeta function, and studied basic properties of finite multiple zeta values. Notably, by introducing symmetric multiple zeta values, we proposed an astonishing main conjecture in the theory of finite multiple zeta values

  • Iterated integrals, geometric structures of configuration spaces and applications to quantum topological invariants

    Project Year :


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    We clarified the relation between quantum representations of braid groups appearing as the monodromy representations of KZ equations and homological representations of braid groups. We gave an expression for the basis of the space of conformal blocks in conformal field theory on Riemann sphere by means of mlti-variable hypergeometric functions by specifying integration cycles. We showed that the KZ connection in conformal field theory can be regarded as a Gauss-Maninconnection. By developing the notion of Chen's formal homology connection and iterated integrals of logarithmic forms, we constructed higher category extensions of quantum representaitons of braid groups as representations of homotopy path groupoids of configuration spaces as higher categories

  • Quantum Topology and Modular Forms in Mathematical Physics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIKAMI Kazuhiro, EGUCHI Tohru, MURAKAMI Hitoshi, MURAKAMI Jun, KANEKO Masanobu

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    Quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds has been developed since Jones and Witten. We have studied a geometric aspect of the colored Jones polynomial. Some of the colored Jones polynomial was shown to have a nearly-modular property.We have applied a method of the Ramanujan mock theta function to the superconformal algebra. We have studied "moonshine" phenomena which suggests a strange relationship between Fourier coefficients of mock theta function and irreducible representation of finite groups

  • Representations of the quantum groups at roots of unity and its application to knot theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    We did research rerated to the ‘Volume Conjecture’ which gives a relation between the quantum invariant related to the quantum group Uq(sl2), and, by noticing the non-semisimple representation of it, such representations and the related knot invariants were studied. By applying the volume conjecture, the geometric structure of a knot complement and the volumes of polyhedrons in a three space with a constant curvature were studied. Moreover, new invariants of knots in a three manifolds were constructed from the non-semisimple representations

  • 結び目の体積予想の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    村上 順, CHO Jinseok

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  • Noether's Problem for Cremona Groups over algebraic number fields and its application to Number theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Kiichiro, KOMATSU Keiichi, MURAKAMI Jun, MIYAKE Katsuya, KIDA Masanari, TSUNOGAI Hiroshi

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    We studied the Noether's Problem, which asks the rationality of the fixed field of the rational function field of several variables over a given field, with respect to a given finite subgroup G of the Cremona group. We solved this problem affirmatively in the case where G is one of the transitive permutation groups of degree six, and obtained the explicit description of the fixed field as expected. The results are now being collected and prepared in some papers, although it will take some time before the completion. During the period of the research, we had in each year a workshop entitled as "Galois theory and related topics", and discussed the various related problems.. They were held in the university of Yamagata (2007), Tokushima (2008), and Kanazawa (2009). We also had a conference on number theory each year at Waseda university and communicated with many experts of this subject, including those from foreign countries.

  • Volume conjecture for knots and 3-manifolds

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOKOTA Yoshiyuki, MURAKAMI Jun, RINAT Kashaev

  • General research of the volume conjecture of knots

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOKOTA Yoshiyuki, MURAKAMI Jun

     View Summary

    The volume conjecture of knots states that the asymptotic behavior of the colored Jones polynomial determines the simplicial volume of the knot complement. This conjecture was first proposed by R.Kashaev for hyperbolic knots, and generalized by H.Murakami and J.Murakami for general knots. This conjecture was further generalized to involve the Chern-Simons invariant through computer experiments made by H.Murakami, J.Murakami, M.Okamoto, T.Takata and Y.Yokota. Finally, S.Gukov and ft Murakami conjectured that various limit of the colored Jones polynomial dominates not only the volume of the knot complement but also the volumes of the closed 3-manifolds obtained by Dehn surgeries, or the Neumann-Zagier function on the deformation space of the knot complement. Our strategy to prove the hyperbolic volume conjecture, the first one proposed by Kashaev, is :(1) express the colored Jones polynomial as an integral over a torus(2) apply the saddle point method by using Morse theoryAlong this strategy, with Kashaev at University of Geneva, we achieved (1) for any knot, and (2) for some knots. We have reported these in many workshops abroad, and I am writing a paper on the Neumann-Zagier function of knot complements, which is necessary to connect the limit of the colored Jones polynomial with the volume, a paper to describe the algorithm to realize (1) for any knot and a paper on (2) for some knots simulteneoualy. On the other hand, the co-researcher J. Murakami observed that the asymptotic behavior of the Akutsu-Deguchi-Ohtsuki invariant of Whitehead link and Borromean rings gives the volumes of the orbifolds they define. This is an interesting generalization of the conjecture made by S.Gukov and H.Murakami

  • Construction of Generic Polynomials in Galois Theory and application to Number Theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Kiichiro, KOMATSU Keiichi, MURAKAMI Jun, MIYAKE Katsuya, FUKUDA Takashi, TSUNOGAI Hiroshi

     View Summary

    Thanks to the current Grant-in-Aid, we were able to organize seven research workshops inviting the most active mathematicians on this field, through which we had many discussions on our subjects.
    This enabled us to make a considerable developments along our reseach project on Galois theory.
    As for the main theme of constructing generic polynomials with given finite groups over Q, our first result is the construction of concrete and simple families of quintic polynomials with two parameters for each of the five transitive permutation groups of degree 5. As a remarkable application we have established the proof of the genericity of the famous family of A_5 polynomials of degree 6 found by A.Bumer, in connection with algebraic curves of genus two whose Jacobian have real multiplication of discriminant 5.
    Our second result is concerned with the Noethers' Problem for the meta abelian groups of exponent 8 which are subgroups of the affine transformation group over Z/8Z. We have proved the affirmative answer for the linear representation of degree 4 for each of them, in contrast with the negative answer for cyclic group of order 8. As a biproduct of this result, we obtained a simple criterion for a cyclic extension L/K of degree 4 to be embedded into a cyclic extension of degree 8.

  • De Rham Theory of Loop Spaces and Quantum Topological Invariants

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOHNO Toshitake, MURAKAMI Jun, MORITA Shigeyuki

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    We investigated the algebraic structure of the homology of the loop spaces of configuration spaces and clarified its relation to finite type topological invariants for braids. Especially, we studied the homology of the loop spaces of configuration spaces and finite type topological invariants. We focused on the homology of the loop spaces of orbit configuration spaces associated with the action of Fuchsian groups on the complex upper half plane. We showed that the total homology of such loop space is isomorphic to the algebra of horizontal chord diagrams on the quotient surface. We introduced a structure of a Poisson algebra for the homology of the iterated loop space of the orbit configuration space based on the Browder operation.We gave a complete description of the space of conformal blocks for the conformal field theory on the Riemann sphere in terms of hypergeometric integrals. In particular, we clarified the integration cycles as the regularizable cycles in the homology of locally finite chains with coefficients in a certain local system defined over the complement a disrciminantal arrangement.Morita investigated the structure of various moduli spaces as well as their associated modular groups, such as the moduli space of Riemann surface -mapping class groups and the moduli space of graphs -outer automorphism group of free groups. Murakami gave a new point of view on a conjecture concerning the asymptotics of the Jones invariants for knots, the hyperbolic volume of the knot complement, and the geometric structure of 3-manifolds

  • 低次元トポロジーの総合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京工業大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


    村上 斉, 齋藤 恭司, 小林 毅, 大槻 知忠, 村上 順, 谷山 公規

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    4月に研究代表者と村上順は,カナダ・ケベック大学モントリオール校で開かれた体積予想に関する研究集会に招待され講演を行なった.体積予想というのは,R.Kashaevの予想を村上順と研究代表者が一般化したものであり,Jones多項式を初めとする量子不変量と幾何構造を結びつけるという意味から多くの研究者の注目を集めている.また,小林は7月に韓国高等高等理工学研究所に招かれて,3次元多様体論についての連続講義を行ない,谷山は8月に中国西安で開かれた,国際数学者会議のサテライト会議「Geometric Topology」においてグラフの成す絡み目に関する招待講演を行なった.大槻はこれまでに得られた量子不変量に関する成果を専門書「Quantum invariants,-A study of knots,3-manifolds, and their sets」の形にまとめた.

  • Representation theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWANAKA Noriaki, MIKI Kei, MURAKAMI Jun, DATE Etsuro, ARIKI Susumu, TANISAKI Toshiyuki

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    Below, we state our main results on (1) affine Lie algebras, (2) Hecke algebras, (3) finite Chevalley groups, (4) complex reflection groups, and (5) quantum groups.
    (1) T.Tanisaki (jointly with M.Kashiwara) completely determined the characters of irreducible modules with non-critical highest weight over affine Lie algebras. This was done by reducing, using Jantzen's trick, the problem to the case of rational weights, the case already treated previously by Tanisaki and Kashiwara.
    (2) K.Uno conjectured, in 1992, the condition under which the number of equivalence Classes of indecomposable Hecke algebra modules is finite. S.Ariki settled this Uno conjecture affirmatively in the classical cases. The remaining exceptional cases also seem to be within our reach.
    (3) T.Shoji gave a combinatorial method by which one can construct Green functions of finite classical groups. This generalizes the wellknown result of Green for finite general linear groups. It is interesting to note that the same procedure makes sense for certain complex reflection groups.
    (4) N.Kawanaka introduced new invariants for the irreducible characters of finite complex reflection groups, and calculated them explicitly in the imprimiteve cases. Gyoja and others calculated the same invariants for any finite Weyl groups, and observed a strange relation with Lusztig's notion of two-sided cells.
    (5) J.Murakami (jointly with H.Murakami) showed the Kashaev knot-invariant is nothing but a specialization of colored Jones invariant defined using quantum R-matrices corresponding to irreducible representations of quantum groups U_q (sl_2), and, using this, generarlzed the Kashaev conjecture, stating a connection of this invariant with hyperbolic volumes of complements of hyperbolic knots, to the case of general knots.

  • 共形場理論におけるモノドロミーのガロア表現への応用

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

    Project Year :


    河野 俊丈, 村上 順, 寺杣 友秀, 織田 孝幸

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  • ウェブ図の代数的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

    Project Year :


    村上 順

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  • Representation theory of the quantized enveloping algebras and the quantized enveloping superalgebras

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMANE Hiroyuki, MURAKAMI Jun, DATE Etsuro, KAWANAKA Noriaki, NAGATOMO Kiyokazu, WATANABE Takao

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    Yamane gave a Serre type theorem for the affine Lie superalgebras G, namely he gave a presentation of G by the Chevalley generators and defining relations satisfied by them. He also gave a similar result for the affine quantised superalgebras U_qG. He alos gave a a presentation of U_qG of type A(M|N)^<(1)> by the Drinfeld generators and defining relations satisfied by them, and defining relations satisfied by them. Dnlike the non-super case, the defining relations are very complicate. However, by comparing the defining relations of G with the ones of U_qG, we can find out the coincidense of the dimensions of the weight sapaces of the Verma modules of G with the ones of U_qG. Let R = C[s^<±1>,t^<±1>] be the two variable Laurent polynomials ring. Let D be the universal central extention of sl(2|2). Then dim D/sl(2|2) = 2., and D(R) = D 【cross product】 R 【symmetry】 Ω_R/dR is the universal central extention of sl(2|2) 【cross product】 R. He gave a presentation of D(R) by the finite Chevalley generators and finite definig relations, and also did the same thing for the D type affine Lie superalgebra D^<(1)> = D 【cross product】 C[t^<±1>] + Cc. It is easy to describe the kernel of the natural map D(R)→ sl(2|2)(R) by using the generators. By the fact, we can also give a presentation of sl(2|2)(R) by the finite Chevalley generators and infinite definig relations.
    Yamane gave a Serre type theorem for the affine Lie superalgebras G, namely he gave a presentation of G by the Chevalley generators and defining relations satisfied by them. He also gave a similar result for the affine quantised superalgebras U_qG. He alos gave a a presentation of U_qG of type A(M|N)^<(1)> by the Drinfeld generators and defining relations satisfied by them. Unlike the non-super case, the defining relations are very complicate. However, by comparing the defining relations of G with the ones of U_qG, we can find out the coincidence of the dimensions of the weight sapaces of the Verma modules of G with the ones of U_qG. Let R = C[s^<±1>,t^<±1>] be the two variable Laurent polynomial ring. Let D be the universal central extension of sl(2|2). Then dim D|sl(2|2) = 2., and D(R) = D 【cross product】 R 【symmetry】 Ω_R/dR is the universal central extension of sl(2|2) 【cross product】 R. He gave a presentation of D(R) by the finite Chevalley generators and finite defining relations, and also did the same thing for the D type affine Lie superalgebra D^<(1)> = D 【cross product】 C[t^<±1>] + Cc. It is easy to describe the kernel of the natural map D(R) → sl(2|2)(R) by using the generators. By the fact, we can also give a presentation of sl(2|2)(R) by the finite Chevalley generators and infinite defining relations.
    Nagatomo has developed the representation theory of vertex operator algebras, and has applied it to problems arising from conformal field theory. One of the important results is the classification of simple modules for the charge conjugation orbifold model, which opened a way to study conformal field theories with central charge more than or equal to one. On the other hand he applied the systematic study for correlation functions to a construction of modular forms and quasi-modular forms, which attracts much attention of those who work on the theory of modular forms.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    We have investigated the structure of the mapping class group of surfaces as well as the geometry of moduli space of Riemann surfaces mainly from the viewpoints of topology. The main results we obtained are as follows.
    (i) The subalgebra of the rational cohomology algebra of the mapping class group of surfaces generated by the Mumford-Morita classes is called the tautological algebra. There have been three approaches to the study of this tautological algebra. The first is based on the twisted Mumford-Morita classes introduced by Kawazumi, the second is in terms of invariants for trivalent graphs and the third is through symplectic representation theory. Summarizing previous results, we found that the above three approaches correspond exactly to each others.
    (ii) The theory of secondary characteristic classes of the mapping class group is still a largely unknown area. However, in this research, we proved that these secondary characteristic classes have deep structures that cannot be detected by the nilpotent completion of the Torelli group. It seems highly likely that the solvable or semi-simple structure of the Torelli group will become more and more important in the future.
    (iii) We made significant progress in understanding the algebro-geometrical as well as the topological structure of families of Riemann surfaces. In particular, we obtained many results concerning the monodromies of symplectic fibrations.

  • Quantum structure of Riemann surfaces and its application to low-climensional topology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MURUKAMI Jun, UNO Katsuhiro, NAGATOMO Kiyokazu, KAWANAKA Noriaki, MIKI Kei, SAKUMA Makoto

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    The aim of this research is to construct a new unifying method to study low dimensional topology from a view point of the quantum structure of Riemann surfaces. To do this, research was done for two areas. One is geometric aspect and the other is algebraic aspect. It is revealed that the volume of the complement of a hyperbolic knot is given by quantum invariants of the knot. Moreover, there is some indication that the volume of a hyperbolic three-manifold is also given by the quantum invariants of the manifold. These facts suggest that the quantum invariants of knots and three-manifolds include various geometric information, and efficiency of the method to study geometric properties from quantum invariants are pointed out.
    We also study about the finite-type invariants and the web diagrams, which are related to certain expansion of quantum invariants, and get some new properties of them.
    Quantum invariants are closely related to conformal field theory and theory of q-deformation, and some results for these theories are obtained. In the study of vertex operator algebras, the relation between modular forms and the correlation functions in conformal field theory is given. In the study of the theory of q-deformation, modular representations of finite groups are studied. The heart (quotient of the radical by the socle) of projective indecomposable modules are investigated, and the case that the heart is not indecomposable is determined. Moreover, q-deformation of a Frobenius-Schur character of complex reflection groups is defined and computed actually for the symmetric groups and imprimitive complex reflection groups.

  • 結び目の解消トンネルと双曲構造

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

    Project Year :


    作間 誠, 田村 誠, 和久井 道久, 村上 順

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    Jorgensenの方法を用いることにより(代表的なGenus 1,1-bridge knotである)(-2,3,7)型Pretzel結び目補空間を底空間にもち,その解消トンネルを錐軸とする双曲的コーン多様体の連続族を錐角が0から2πの範囲で具体的に構成した.錐角がπ以下の錐多様体については,都合の良い様々な性質が成立することが証明されており,それらを用いることによりThurstonの軌道体幾何化定理が証明されていた.しかしながら錐角がπ以上となった時にどのような現象が起こるのかまだ殆ど何もわかっていない状況であるので,この具体例を手掛かりに錐角π以上の錐多様体に対する一般論を展開するのが今後の課題である.
    向き保存周期写像fを持つ任意の有向閉3次元多様体Mは周期的絡み目Lのデーン手術により構成され,しかも周期写像fはLの周期性を与える周期写像が自然に誘導するものと共役であることを証明した.これは,任意の有向閉3次元多様体は3次元球面内の絡み輪のデーン手術により得られると言うWallaceとLickorishによる古典的結果の同変版といえる.この結果の応用として9交点以下の双曲的2成分絡み目補空間の全ての等長写像を"視覚化" した.

  • Topological Field Theory and Related Geometry

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOHNO Toshitake, MURAKAMI Jun, SAITO Kyoji, MORITA Shigeyuki, SHIMIZU Yuji

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    We have made the following progress in conformal field theory, field theory, finite type topological invariants, moduli space of surfaces and the theory of period integrals. J. Murakami constructed a universal finite type invariant for 3-manifold in collaboration with T. Ohtsuki and others. Moreover, we discovered a relationship between such finite type invariants and the cohomology of the loop spaces of configuration spaces (T. Kohno). S. Morita investigated the geometry of the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces as well as the structure of the mapping class group of surfaces mainly from the point of view of topology and established important results on the Torelli group. Y. Shimizu found an explecit description of the projectively flat connection for the conformal fieldtheory of Riemann surfaces of higher genera. The theory of elliptic root system due to K. Saito shead new lights on the study of primitive integrals in relation with topological field theory.

  • Heegaand spliffings and hyperbolic structures of 3-manifolds

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKUMA Makoto, MUSAKAMI Jun, EUOKI Tchiro, MABUCHI Toshiki, YAMASHITU Yasushi, WADA Masaaki

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    The study of Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds has been one of the most important themes in 3-manifold theory, and we already have deep understanding of the Heegaard splittings of "non-hyperbolike" 3-manifolds. However, our understanding of those of hyperbolic manifolds is far from satisfaction. In particular, as far as we know, no relationship between the hyperbolic structures and the Heegaard splittigs had been known.
    In this project we have proved that the hyperbolic structure of a 2-bridge knot complement is intimately related with its bridge structure, which is a kind of Heegaard splitting. In fact, we have given a concrete construction of the hyperbolic structure of a 2-bridge knot complement by using the 2-bridge structure. To be more precise, we have constructed a continuous family of hyperbolic cone-manifold structures on a 2-bridge knot complement which have singularities along the upper and lower tunnels, where the cone angle varies from 0 to 2π. The cone-manifold structure with cone angle 0 corresponds to a rational boundary group of the quasi-Fuchsian once-punctured torus space and that with cone angle 2π gives the hyperbolic structure of the 2-bridge knot complement. To establish this result, we have given an explicit formulation and a full proof to (a part of) the theory announced by Jorgensen on the quasi-Fuchsian once-punctured torus groups, and generalized the theory to that for the groups outside the quasi-Fuchsian once-punctured space. The computer program "OPTI" developed by Masaaki Wada for this project visualizes Jorgensen's theory and its generalization, and it has been an indispensable tool not only for this project but also for the study of Teichmuller spaces. We hope the result we have obtained in this project is the beginning of the study of the relationship between the hyperbolic structures and the Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds.

  • Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIYANISHI Masayoshi, NAMIKAWA Yoshinori, FUJIKI Akira, HIBI Takayuki, OHNO Koji, HIRACHI Kengo

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    1. The head investigator, Masayoshi Miyanishi, investigated jointly with Kayo Masuda, an automorphism of infinite order of the affine space such that the automorpism fixes pointwise a subvariety and that the codimension of the subvariety is small. As a by-product, they obtained an algebro-geometric characterization of the affine 3-space in terms of GィイD2mィエD2-actions. The head investigator also worked out, jointly with R.V.Gurjar of the Tata Institute, a generalization of the Jacobian Conjecture to the Q-homology planes and proved that the conjecture holds true if the logarihmic Kodaira dimension is l and in the most cases if the logarithmic Kodaira dimension is 0 or -∞. A major work of the head investigator during this period of research under the above title is to have written down a book on open algebraic surfaces which is to be published from the American Mathematical Society.
    2. Takayuki Hibi investigate finite graphs via the algebras associated to such graphs and the ideals of the algebras. Study of the Betti numbers of the algebras associated to various simplical complexes provides us with abundant imformations and has become an effective tool which combines combinatorics, commutative algebras and algebraic geometry.
    3. Akira Fujiki obtained interesting results via an investigation of algebraic reduction of the twistor spaces on Hopf surfaces. Twistor space is a notion which is close to projective space bundle and expected to clarify differences between algebraic varieties and complex manifolds.
    4. Yoshinori Namikawa investigated Calabi-Yau manifolds via deformation theory. He also reconstructed flops via deformation theory which appear in the study of birational mappings of higher dimensional algebraic varieties.
    5. Jun Murakami constructed a new invariant for three-dimensional manifolds which is based on the Kontsevich invariant for the knots and studied its properties. He constructed a topological quantum theory by making use of this invariant, and a family of mapping groups of surfaces as its application.
    6. Koji Yanagawa made a joint research with E.Ballico on h-vectors of the Poincare series which are defined by Cohen-Macaulay domains over a field of characteristic ρ.

  • Learning Baysian Networks based on the MDL principle

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In this study, the computational issue in the problem of learning Bayesian belief networks (BBNs) based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle is addressed.Based on an asymptotic formula of description length, we apply the branch and bound technique to finding true network structures.The resulting algorithm searches considerably saves the computation yet successfully searches the network structure with the minimum value of the formula.Thus far, there has been no search algorithm that finds the optimal solution for examples of practical size and a set of network structures in the sense of the maximum posterior probability, and heuristic searches such as K2 and K3 trap in local optima due to the greedy nature even when the sample size is large.The proposed algorithm, since it minimizes the description length, eventually selects the true network structure as the sample size goes to infinity.

  • Completely integrable systema and representation theory of infinite dimen-sional algebras

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DATE Etsuro, MIKI Kei, NAGATOMO Kiyokazu, SUZUKI Tkashi, KOTANI Shin'ichi, KAWANAKA Noriaki

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    In a collaboration with Professor S.S.Roan of Academia Sinica (Taipei), the head investigator of this research project has determined the structure of quotient of the Onsager algebra by ideals of it in the case when the quotients do not have central elements. This almost determines the structure of quotients of the Onsager algebra. In particular the case not determined in the previous researches are fixed by finding a relation with the project of classifying nilpotent Lie algebras by classifying the ideals in the nilpotent part of Kac-Moody Lie algebras. To find such relationship computer algebra system on a workstation was very helpful and indispensable, especially in computing examples. The Onsager algebra can be viewed as a Lie algebra deformation of the nilpotent part of the affine Lie algebra A^<(1)>_1. If we identify A^<(1)>_1 with a central extension of the current algebra, the Onsager algebra is a fixed point set of an involution. By using this presentation we can study the structures of ideals of the Onsager algebra. In order to fix the remining case, we used the principal (twisted) realization of A^<(1)>_1. We think that this kind of principal realization will play some important role in the study of deformation of nilpotent parts of other affine Lie algebras in connection with conformal field theory. We are preparing manuscript on this result. Other investigators in this research project have obtained new results in the study of spectrum of one dimensional Schrodinger operator with a random potential, an identity involving Schur functions, positive solutions of sernilinear elliptic partial differential equations, classification of irreducible representations of vertex operator algebras related with free fermions, relationship of L operators in quantum inverse scattering method and Drinfeld's genarators in affine quantum enveloping algebras and other areas.

  • 表現論における新手法の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

    Project Year :


    村上 順

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  • Experimental Method of Mathematics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAMOTO Yoshihiko, OHYAMA Yohsuke, MURAKAMI Jun, KOMATSU Gen, MATSUMURA Akitaka, HIBI Takayuki

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    We worked, by usisng softwares for the computer algebra, manily in the fields of arithmetics, algebraic geometry, automorphic functions, Riemann surfaces and cryptosystems and gots many interesting results, some of them are as follows :
    1. Algebraic Number Thoery : (1) Computation of classnumbers and fundamental units of number fields. (2) Relations between certain residule class groups of real quadratic fields and class groups of imaginary quadratic fields. (3) Numerical computations of Kronecker's limit-formula of real quadratic fields. (4) Group structures of the unit groups of Dihedral extensions over the rational number field.
    2. Arithmetics in elliptic curves defined over the rational field : (1) Existence of the canonical parameters and canonical power series solutions, (2) Uniformizaton of elliptic curves by automorphic functions. (3) Algorithmic Computation of canonical power series and the global zeta-function over the ring of rational integers. (4) Existence of canonical arithmetic-structures in elliptic curves.
    3. Application of 3D-graphical representation of complex functions : (1) Represatations of Riemann surfaces by Complex Plot commands. (2) Investigating periodical properties of complex functions given by power series. (3) Automorphic properties of canonical power seires of elliptic curves.

  • 有限半順序集合の組合せ論における代数的基礎理論の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


    日比 孝之, 大野 浩司, 山根 宏之, 村上 順, 宇野 勝博

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  • 頂点作用素代数の数理物理学への応用

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • ファインマン図を用いた幾何や数理物理の新しい手法とその応用

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

    Project Year :


    村上 順

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  • Geometric Study of Algebraic Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIYANISHI Masayoshi, YAMANE Hiroyuki, KONNO Kazuhiro, MURAKAMI Jun, USUI Sanpei, FUJIKI Akira

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    1.The head investigator, Masayoshi Miyanishi, gave new proofs to the Abhyankar-Moh Theorem and the Lin-Zaidenberg Theorem which are based on the classification theory of open algebraic surfaces. He considered the embeddings of affine curves with one-place points at infinity into the affine plane and classified such embeddings of possibly minimal degree when the genus is low. He, furthermore, simplified a proof in P.Roberts' counterexample to the fourteenth problem of Hilbert.
    2.Akira Fujiki found a natural partial compactification of hyper kahler manifolds as quaternionic manifolds which are obtained as hyper Kahler quotinet spaces of certain kinds. He also investigated the variation via moment maps of Kahler quotient spaces by making use of equivariant cohomology groups.
    3.Sanpei Usui proved that one can recover vanishing cycles by using log geometry. As applications of this result, he clarified the Z-structure of the variation of Hodge structures and the description of monodromies.
    4.Jun Murakami constructed a new invariant for three-dimensional manifolds which is based on the Kontsevich invariant for the knots and studied its properties. He constructed a topological quantum theory by making use of this invariant, and a family of mapping groups of surfaces as its application.
    5.Kazuhiro Konno defined a new index for surfaces with non-hyperelliptic pencils and found some general method to investigate the lower bound of the slopes of surfaces. He also an index, called the Horikawa index, for degenerate fibers.
    6.Hiroyuki Yamane obtained a new technique to calculate the index of the BMW algebras which are defined in a paper of Rham.

  • 結び目や3次元多様体の表現論的な手法を用いた分類

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

    Project Year :


    村上 順

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    まず、Thang T.Q.Le氏とともに、結び目やタングルの普遍バシリフ・コンツェビッチ不変量について研究した。そして、タングルのある紐を平行化したときの普遍バシリフ・コンツェビッチ不変量を求めるための公式を導いた。また、タングルの普遍バシリフ・コンツェビッチ不変量が“グループライク"という性質を持つことを示した。
    次に、大槻知忠氏、Thang T.Q.Le氏、及び村上斉氏とともに、普遍バシリフ・コンツェビッチ不変量の3次元多様体の不変量への一般化を試みた。先に求めた平行化の公式をもちい、普通ジシリフ・コンツェビッチ不変量で使われているコード図の空間をさらにある3項関係式で割って、さらに適当に正規化したものが、カ-ビ-変形で不変となることが、さきにもとめた平行化の公式などからわかる。従ってこれが3次元多様体の不変量となる。この不変量は2次元線型空間に値をとり、3次元多様体の1次のホモロジー群の位数と、キャッソン・ウォーカ-不変量とで張られる。

  • 単項式イデアルの極小自由分解の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


    日比 孝之, 和久井 道久, 小川 裕之, 鈴木 讓, 村上 順, 松村 昭孝

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  • Arithmetics on Jacobian Varieties

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAMOTO Yoshihiko, OGAWA Hiroyuki, MURAKAMI Jun, KIYOKAZU Nagatomo, HIRAMINE Yutaka, MATSUMURA Akitaka

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    1. Classification of Jacobian varieties of hyperelliptic curves defined over finite fields : We tried to (1) classify hyperelliptic cureves of genus g defined overfinite field of order q then (2) classify Jacobian varieties of curves classifyed by (1) in specific cases. In case q = 3,5 all hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 are classified and get isogeny classes by computing congruence zeta fanction of each curve. Then we determied the endmorphism rings of each Jacobians.
    2. Construction of abelian varieties of with a rational point of large order : (1) Orders of specific points on Jacobian varieties of hperelliptic curves can be given by the periods of continued fractional expansion of corrsponding functions on the curves. (2) We found a series of hyperelliptic curves of geneus 2 over the rationalfield, whose Jacobian varieties have a point of order 23.
    3. Computation of Galois groups of the n-division fields of abelian varieties : For the Jacobian varieties of hyperelliptic curves of gunus 2,2 and 3-division equations are determied by computational-procession.
    4. Construction of algebraic curves with many ration points : We got some series of algebraic curves over funcion fields with many rational points, by using the n-division equation of Jacobian varieties.

  • ブレイド群の表現論

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


    村上 順, 和久井 道久, 宇野 勝博, 川中 宣明, 横川 光司, 宮西 正宜

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  • Fixed point theorems and cobordism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWAKUBO Katsuo, KASUE Atsushi, MURAKAMI Jun, OZEKI Hideki, MIYANISHI Masayoshi, NAGASAKI Ikumitsu

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    Kawakubo constructed G-manifolds which are G-s-cobordant, but are not G-homeomorphic for arbitrary compact Lie groups G.Nagasaki computed the structure of the LH groups which are introduced for the purpose of investigating the linearity of homotopy representations of finite groups. As an application, he determined the set of finite groups whose homotopy representations are always linear. Murakami constructed a vertex type state model in Turaev's sense for the multi-variable Alexander polynomial. By using this model, a new set of axioms for the multi-variable Alexander polynomial is obtained. He also determined the structure of the centralizer algebra of the mixed tensor representations of the quantum group U_q (gl (n, c) ). This algebra can be considered as a generalization of the Iwahori Hecke algebra of type A.Using this algebra, he generalized the Yamada polynomial, which is an invariant of embeddings of a spatial graph in S^3. He also investigated representations of the category of tangles using Kontsevich's iterated integral, and succeeded in giving a combinatorial description of Kontsevich's integrals of knots, links and tangles.

  • Representations of Groups, Lie Algebras, and Algebras

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWANAKA Noriaki, SATAKE Ikuo, YAMANE Hiroyuki, MURAKAMI Jun, NAGATOMO Kiyokazu, MIYANISHI Masayoshi

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    Nagatomo constructed infinitely many rational solutions of the Ernst equation in general relativity. Murakami constructed a vertex type state model in Turaev's sense for the multi-variable Alexander polynomial. By using this model, a new set of axioms for the multi-variable Alexander polynomial is obtained. Murakami also determined the structure of the centralizer algebra of the mixed tensor representations of the quantum group U_q(gl(n, c)). This algebra can be considered as a generalization of the lwahori Hecke algebra of type A.Using this algebra, Murakami generalized the Yamada polynomial, which is an invariant of embeddings of a spatial graph in S^3. Murakami also investigated representations of the category of tangles using Kontsevich's interated integral, and succeeded in giving a combinatorial description of Kontsevich's integrals of knots, links and tangles. Satake investigated the simple elliptic singularity of type E6^^^, and constructed explicitly the flat theta invariants in the sense of K.Saito. Yamane constructed a new quasi-triangular Hopf algebra by quantizing the enveloping algebras of simple Lie superalgebras. He defined this Hopt algebra by generators and relations similarly as Drinfeld and Jimbo did for simple Lie algebras. His main contribution is the descovery of new kinds of defining relations which have no connterpart in the case of simple Lie algebras. Even for the enveloping algebras of simple Lie superalgebra, these relations were not known in this precise form. Yamane's results will have applications in mathematical physics and low dimensional topology. For example, he gave a formula for the universal R-matrix of his quasi-triangular Hopt algebra, and using this formula he found a representation theoretic interpretation for the R-matrix of Perk and Schultz.

  • 環境の動的構造を学習する神経回路網の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

    Project Year :


    辻下 徹, 平地 健吾, 新田 貴士, 小林 毅, 村上 順, 山本 芳彦

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  • 動的パタ-ンの神経回路網による認識と学習の機構

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

    Project Year :


    辻下 徹, 小林 毅, 村上 順, 池田 信行

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  • 同変Sーコボルディズム理論と誘導定理

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


    川久保 勝夫, 谷口 義治, 小林 毅, 村上 順, 坂根 由昌, 川中 宣明

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  • 楕円曲線の整数論

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


    山本 芳彦, 張 徳棋, 村上 順, 角田 秀一郎, 宮西 正宣, 川中 宣明

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    4.二次体Q(√<-3>),Q(√<-1>)の整環を虚数乗法に持つ楕円曲線については、階数はかなり評価することができる.それとBirchーSwinnerton Dyerの予想を組み合わせることによりゼ-タ関数のs=1におけるべき級数展開の最初の項の係数の近似値は計算できたがその値の整数論的性質がわかる程精密な数値計算はできなかった.今後この計算に数式処理的方法を取り入れることを考えたい.

  • ヘッケ環の表現論

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


    川中 宣明, 金子 昌信, 宇野 勝博, 村上 順, 川久保 勝夫, 宮西 正宣

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  • 有限群と代数群の表現論

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


    川中 宣明, 川中 宜明, 村上 順, 川久保 勝夫, 山本 芳彦, 宮西 正宣, 永尾 汎

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    1.次数づけられた半単純リー環の斉次なべき零軌道を, 重みのついた, ディンキン図形を用いて分類する方法を見出した. これにより, べき零元の中心化群の詳しい構造なども, 対応するディンキン図形から比較的容易に計算できるようになった.
    2.一般化されたゲルファンド・グラエフ表現を研究し, 有限体上の半単純代数群の指標の理論に応用した. 特に, 例外型の単純群のべき単指標の値を計算した.
    3.一般化されたゲルファンド・グラエフ表現は, 局所体上の半単純代数群に対しても定義できる. 有限体の場合に得られた結果を分析することにより, 局所体上の場合に得られることが期待される結果についての予想を発表した.
    4.ヘッケ環やそれに類似の環の表現論を研究し, 結び目・絡み目の理論に応用した. 特にカオフマン多項式の表現論的意味を明らかにし, 多項式不変量の平行化の組織的研究を行った.
    5.ブラウアーの中心化多元環のqー類似を構成し, その表現論を展開した.

  • Arrangement に作用する群の表現論

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    村上 順

  • Mapping Class Group of Surfaces and Geometry of Moduli Spaces

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    In this project, we focussed on the study of the structure of the mapping class group of surfaces (m.c.g. for short) as well as the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces, together with various problems closely related with this. They include the following thema : cohomology group of m.c.g., the theory of the Floer homotopy types, topological invariants based on gauge theory, construction of the harmonic Magnus expansion of m.c.g., structure of the Grothendieck-Teichm\"uller group, the volume conjecture, non-commutative geometry in dimensions 3,4, finite subgroups of m.c.g., the Jones representation of m.c.g., relation between m.c.g. with 4-dimensional topology. From the interactions of these thema, we found new directions of research such as the relation between the geometry of m.c.g. and the symplectic topology as well as the comparaison between m.c.g. and the outer automorphism group of free groups

  • Geometry of Groups and Moduli Spaces (2)

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    The moduli space of Riemann surfaces and the moduli space of graphs, as well as their associated modular groups such as the mapping class groups of surfaces and the automorphism groups of free groups, are among the most important research subjects of diverse branches of mathematics including algebraic geometry, complex analysis, differential geometry, topology and mathematical physics. The present project investigated these moduli spaces and modular groups, mainly form the point of view of topology, and obtained many interesting results. Furthermore, we obtained new results as well as conjectures in the closely related theories of 3 and 4 dimensional manifolds and transversely symplectic foliations. We also proposed a deep problem towards new directions of our research including number theory

  • Study on geometry of knots and three manifolds by using representation theory of quantum groups

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    The volume conjecture for the quantum invariants of knots is studied from the view point of the colored Alexander invariant, and the logarithmic invariants and SL (2, C) quantum 6j symbols are constructed. The relation between these and the hyperbolic volume is given

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  • 最近,量子 6j-記...

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    最近,量子 6j-記号が3次元重力理論において注目されている.結び目や3次元多様体の量子不変量と,体積や幾何構造との関係を研究することは3次元重力理論における幾何構造を研究することにもつながり,幾何学や代数学ばかりでなく,数理物理学にとっても大変興味深い.



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  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 結び目の基本群の量子化の研究

    2019   Roland van der Veen

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    本研究では結び目群,すなわち3次元空間中の結び目の補空間の基本群の SL(2, C) への表現の量子化を試みた.表現は群から群への準同型であるが,これを群環から群環へのホップ代数としての準同型と見直し,このホップ代数を S. Majid の構成した SL(2, C) の変形となっている組み紐型のホップ代数 BSL(2, C) に一般化することで量子化を得た.結び目群のSL(2, C) への表現の全体は表現空間と呼ばれるが,この表現空間が量子化されたのである.SL(2, C) に限らず,半単純な線形群に対しては対応した組み紐型のホップ代数が存在するため,この構成法から結び目群の半単純なリー群への表現も量子化できることがわかった.

  • 多様な量子群の研究

    2018   Alexander KOLPAKOV, Qingtao CHEN, Marco DE RENZI, Roland VAN DER VEEN, Anh TRAN

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    量子群とは,リー環の普遍展開環を「量子化」,すなわち量子化のパラメータ q により1変数変形したもののことである.量子群を用いて3次元空間中の結び目の不変量を構成できるのであるが,この不変量と結び目補空間の幾何構造との間の関係が近年徐々に明らかになってきている.この関係の応用として,3次元双曲空間内の多面体の体積を求める方法を A. Kolpakov とともに開発し,学術雑誌 Experimental Math. に発表した.また,R. van der Veen とともに,組紐型の量子群をもちいて結び目補空間の基本群の SL(2) 表現と呼ばれるものの量子化を構成し,現在論文を投稿中である.

  • 基本群の量子化の研究

    2017   Roland van der VEEN, QIngtao CHEN, Jinseok CHO

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    結び目に注目し、本研究の中心的なテーマである基本群の量子化の研究を Roland van der Veen と行った.基本群の SL(2) 表現と呼ばれるものが結び目の補空間の幾何構造と深く関係するものとして詳しく研究されているのであるが、この SL(2) を Majid による組紐型の量子 SL(2) というものに置き換えることで、通常の SL(2) 表現を量子化することができた.さらに、指標多様体と呼ばれる表現全体を表すような空間についても、幾つかの例で量子化することができた.この研究については現在論文執筆中である.

  • 角度の量子化による低次元量子幾何学の構築

    2017   Qingtao CHEN, Jinseok CHO, Roland van der VEEN

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    3次元幾何学において角度に注目して幾何構造の量子化を考えるために、まず対象の3次元多様体を四面体分割し、それぞれの四面体での角の量子化を構成することを考えた.そのために準古典極限が双曲体積に対応する量子 6j 記号に注目し、その漸近的な性質を Qingtao Chen とともに調べ、その成果を現在投稿中である.通常の 6j 記号はリー環 sl(2) の表現のテンソル積の分解に関連する量で、リー環を量子群に置き換えることで、6j 記号は量子 6j 記号へと一般化される.本研究では、量子 6j 記号の漸近展開において、主要項が体積に対応するだけでなく、主要項の次の展開係数についても、四面体のグラム行列式と呼ばれる幾何学的なデータで表すことができることを示した.

  • 表現論における嶺 (ridge) の研究

    2016   KOLPAKOV, Alexander, CHEN, Qingtao

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    ジョーンズ多項式の発見を契機として研究が開始された結び目や3次元多様体の量子不変量についての研究を行った.特に,3次元球面や一般の3次元多様体内の結び目に対する logarighmic 不変量の研究や,空間グラフに対する量子不変量の研究を行った.また,平面グラフに対するこれらの不変量と,対応する多面体のの双曲体積や幾何構造との関係も調べた.これにより,ジョーンズ多項式に対して発見された不変量と対応する3次元多様体の双曲体積との関係から,3次元双曲多面体の体積を求める公式を得ることがをできることが分かった.

  • 結び目不変量の研究

    2016   KOLPAKOV, Alexander

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    ジョーンズ多項式の発見を契機として研究が開始された結び目や3次元多様体の量子不変量についての研究を行った.特に,3次元球面や一般の3次元多様体内の結び目に対する logarighmic 不変量の研究や,ハンドル体結び目に対する量子不変量の研究を行った.また,これらの不変量と,対応する3次元多様体の双曲体積や幾何構造との関係も調べた.これにより,ジョーンズ多項式に対して発見された不変量と対応する3次元多様体の双曲体積との関係が,一般の3次元多様体中の結び目やハンドル体結び目の量子不変量に対して拡張できることを確かめた.

  • 結び目や3次元多様体の電子不変量とその応用

    2005   橋本 喜一朗, 上野 喜三雄, 奥田 順一, 塚本 達也

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    結び目や3次元多様体の量子不変量に関して,特に近年明らかにされたこれらの不変量と幾何的な構造との関係について研究を進めた.このような関係は最初 Kashaev によって予想され,村上らにより体積予想 (volume conjecture) として一般化されたものである. 幾何構造と量子不変量と関係は,これまで colored Jones 多項式に関して詳しく研究されてきたのであるが,本研究では,colored Alexander 不変量と幾何構造との関係について明らかにした.結び目理論においては,Alexander 多項式と呼ばれる代数的な不変量が,基本群との関係もあることからよく研究されてきたが,大槻-出口-阿久津 により,colored Alexander 不変量というものに拡張された.これについて,量子不変量と幾何構造の関係を調べる既知の方法を適用し,従来知られていた対応に対して,その変形理論という形での一般化を与えることに成功した. これらの成果については,コロンビア大学での国際会議 "Arround the Volume Conjecture" で発表したが,論文でも発表する予定である.

  • 数学にあらわれる多様な量子化,非可換化の統一的理解

    2005   橋本 喜一朗, 上野 喜三雄, 奥田 順一

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    本研究では,代数学や幾何学,さらには理論物理学に潜む表現論的な共通原理を見いだすことを目標としており,以下のアプローチを行った. 一つは,大阪大学の永友清和氏とテンソル圏とモジュラー関手に関する共同研究を進め,これまで数学でよく扱われている半単純な場合についての研究を,必ずしも半単純ではない場合に拡張する一般的な方法について模索した. もう一つは,専門家による交流の場として不定期に開催している早大理工トポロジーセミナーにおいて,様々な研究者の研究成果の講演を通じて,その根底に潜む原理を探るという試みてある.以下の人たちに講演をお願いした.駒澤大学・小沢 誠 氏(結び目理論),UNY at Buffalo・William W. Menasco 氏(組紐群),早稲田大学・塚本 達也 氏(結び目理論),大阪産業大学・市原 一裕 氏(トポロジー),東京工業大学・長郷 文和 氏(量子不変量),琉球大学・小須田 雅 氏(表現論),大阪大学・石井 敦 氏(量子不変量) これらの研究活動を通じて,colored Alexander 不変量と呼ばれる結び目の不変量に対応するテンソル圏が,半単純ではないが半単純に近い性質を持ったよい例であることがわかってきた.

  • 量子不変量の諸相


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    本研究では,結び目や3次元多様体の量子不変量を様々な観点から研究することを目標としていた.なかでも,最近量子不変量が結び目の補空間や3次元多様体の幾何的性質との関係が明らかになってきたので,このことについて重点的に研究を進めた.その結果,Akutsu-Deguchi-Ohtsuki 不変量と呼ばれる,量子群 Uq(sl2) のq が1の冪根のときの表現の1パラメータ族と対応する結び目の不変量と,対応する補空間の双曲体積などとの関係を明らかにすることができた.

  • 3次元多様体の体積予想と幾何構造


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    本研究では3次元多様体の体積予想について研究することと,体積予想に関する研究の成果を生かして3次元多様体の幾何構造について研究することを目的とした. 体積予想とは,結び目や3次元多様体の量子不変量と呼ばれるものと,双曲体積と呼ばれる結び目補空間や多様体の幾何構造から定まる体積との関連を示唆するものである.この予想は,量子 6j-symbol と呼ばれる,重力理論で使われる量が,3次元定曲率空間(双曲空間,または3次元球)の4面体の体積と関係することを示唆しており,このことを用いて,定曲率空間の4面体の体積を表す,非常に対称性の高い新しい公式を得ることができた.これは,三角形の面積を表すヘロンの公式の3次元化に当たるものである.この公式は,最近になってヘリウム原子,リチウム原子の3電子系の研究にも応用されている. 現在は,この公式を幾何構造の決定に応用する研究を推進している. なお,この研究に関連して下記の国際学会にて研究発表を行った.A formula for the volume of a tetrahedron and its applicationKnots in Montreal II (Montreal, CANADA)2002 年 4 月On the relation of the volume of the tetrahedron and the quantum 6j-symbolGeometric Topology - A satellite conference of ICM 2002 (Xi'an, CHINA)2002 年 8 月On the volume conjecture for the Turaev-Viro invariantGeometry & physics of three-dimensional quantum gravity (Edinburg, UK)2003 年 7 月さらに,この研究のため,次の国際研究集会を組織し,4名の海外からの研究者も加わって双曲体積に関して活発に議論された."Workshop on Hyperbolic volumes",December 9 (Tue.) -- December 11 (Thu.), 2003 at Third conference room, Second floor, S55 building Waseda University (Ohkubo campus)http://www.f.waseda.jp/murakami/workshop2003/workshoptop.html

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