Education Background
University of Auckland Faculty of the Arts Language Learning and Teaching
Chiba University Graduate School, Division of Letters Department of European and American Languages and Literature
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
University of Auckland Faculty of the Arts Language Learning and Teaching
Chiba University Graduate School, Division of Letters Department of European and American Languages and Literature
Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, English Language Education
Using Task-based Language Teaching in the Second Language Classroom: Developing Global Communication Competencies
Sheppard, C
In E. Manalo (Ed.), Deeper Learning, Dialogic Learning, and Critical Thinking (pp. 321-338). New York: Routledge. 2019.09 [Refereed] [Invited]
Authorship:Lead author
The effect of discrimination training on Japanese listeners’ perception of English coda consonants as in ‘rose’ and ‘roads’
Grenon, I, Sheppard, C, Archibald, J
In J. M. Levis, E. Todey, & C. Nagle (Eds.). Proceedings of the 10th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference (pp. 127 – 136). Iowa State University, Iowa. 2019.09 [Refereed]
Identification and discrimination training yield comparable results for contrasting vowels.
Wee. D. T. J, Grenon, I, Sheppard, C, Archibald, J
In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain, & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XIX) (pp. 939 - 943). Melbourne, Australia. 2019.08 [Refereed]
Which is better: Identification or discrimination training for the acquisition of an English coda contrast
Law, I. L. G, Grenon, I, Sheppard, C, Archibald, J
In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain, & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XIX) (pp. 919 - 923). Melbourne, Australia. 2019.08 [Refereed]
Learning to perceive a non-native vowel contrast without listening: A first report.
Grenon, I, Sheppard, C, Archibald, J
In S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain, & P. Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XIX) (pp. 2223 - 2227). Melbourne, Australia. 2019.08 [Refereed]
Discrimination training for learning sound contrasts
Izabelle Grenon, Chris Sheppard, John Archibald
International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2018) 51 - 56 2018.09 [Refereed]
Sheppard, C, Ellis, R
In. M. Bygate (Ed.), Language Learning through Task Repetition (pp. 171-192). Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins 2018.09 [Refereed]
The development of critical thinking skills and foreign language education
Manalo, E, Sheppard, C, Kinoshita, N
In Kusumi, T. & Michita, K (Eds.), Critical Thinking: Literacy for the 21st century] (pp. 122-127). Tokyo: Shinyosha 新曜社. 2016.06 [Refereed] [Invited]
Foreign Language Education
Manalo, E, Sheppard, C, Kinoshita, N
In Kusumi, T. & Michita, Y. (Eds.). World map Critical Thinking. Tokyo: Shinyousha 122 - 127 2015.01
Applying Language Learning Principles to Curriculum Design in a Large-Scale ESP Program.
Sheppard, C
In T. Tinnefeld (Ed.), Fremdsprachenunterricht im Spannungsfeld zwischen Sprachwissen und Sprachkönnen (Vol. 2). Saarbrucken: Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes. 321 - 336 2014.10
Authorship:Lead author
Do language structure or language proficiency affect critical evaluation?
Manalo, E, Watanabe, K, Sheppard, C
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 2967 - 2972 2013
Kinoshita, N. Sheppard, C
韓日語文論集 17 93 - 104 2013
Validating Acoustic Measures of Speech Rhythm for Second Language Acquisition
Kinoshita, N. &am, Sheppard, C
ICPHS XVII 1086 - 1089 2011.08
Video Conferencing and Distance Education: Fostering Negotiation of Meaning through Tasks in Japanese as a Foreign Language
Sheppard, C., &am, Kinoshita, N
世界日本語教育大会2010 (International Conference on Japanese Language Education 2010) ( 1584 ) 1 - 9 2010.08
Nakagawa, C, Sheppard, C., &am, Kinoshita, N
The 2008 Autumn Conference of the Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language 146 - 151 2008.10
The effects of the acoustic properties of second language vowel production on pronunciation evaluation
Sheppard, C
ISCA Experimental Linguistics 2008 201 - 204 2008.08
The acquisition of lexical rhythm and duration by Japanese second language learners
Kinoshita, N, am, Sheppard, C
Laboratory Phonology 11 79 - 80 2008.07
A comparison of the learning methods of more and less successful learners of Japanese pronunciation
Nakagawa, C, Kinoshita, N, am, Sheppard, C
IMICICON 2008 1 - 10 2008.03
Factors accounting for attainment in foreign language phonological competence
Sheppard, C, Hayashi, C., &am, Ohmori, A
ICPhS XVI 1597 - 1600 2007.08
Factors determining evaluated pronunciation levels of Japanese university learners of English.
Sheppard, C., &am, Kinoshita, N
the 19th General Meeting of the Phonetics Society of Japan 167 - 172 2005.09
Task performance, language learning and videoconferencing: An experiment in across-border collaboration
Sheppard, C., &, Kawaguchi, Y
In M. H. Field & J. Fegan (Eds.), Education Across Borders: Philosophy, Policy, Pedagogy, New Paradigms and Challenges 237 - 258 2005
学習スタイル調査研究—信頼性のある調査質問紙の検討— (Learning Style Research: An investigation of questionnaire reliability)
Kinoshita, N, Sheppard, C, Koike, T, Shizuya, A, am, Tohyama, C
The International Conference on Japanese-Language Teaching 2004 191 - 196 2004.08
The Measurement of Second Language Production: The Validity of Fluency, Accuracy and Complexity
Sheppard, C
ICU Language Research Bulletin 19 139 - 156 2004
The perceptual learning styles of Japanese learners: An investigation of a questionnaire's validity and reliability
Shizuya, A, Kinoshita, N, Koike, T, Sheppard, C., &am, Tohyama, C
Bulletin of the Institute of Language Teaching Waseda University 59 69 - 88 2004
Sheppard, C
Bulletin of the Institute of Language Teaching Waseda University 59 ( 59 ) 39 - 68 2004
The Development of the Academic Writing Skills of Intermediate Japanese University Students
Sheppard, C
In C. Sheppard, I. Isemonger & M. H. Field (Eds.), Voices in Writing Vol. 3 173 - 185 2004
The Theories of Language Learning: The Last Thirty Years
Sheppard, C
In C. Sheppard & et al. (Eds.), 40周年記念早稲田大学語学教育研究所総合講座講義録 (The 40th Anniversary Lecture Series of the Institute of Language Teaching, Waseda University) 31 - 40 2004
The Theories of Second Language Learning: The Cognitive Theory
Sheppard, C
40周年記念早稲田大学語学教育研究所総合講座講義録 (The 40th Anniversary Lecture Series of the Institute of Language Teaching, Waseda University) 41 - 48 2004
Attainment in Phonology: A Pilot Study of Japanese Speakers of English
Ohmori, A., &am, Sheppard, C
Bulletin of the Institute of Language Teaching Waseda University 58 153 - 190 2003
Improving learners' accuracy in production through task repetition
Sheppard, C
Bulletin of the Institute of Language Teaching Waseda University 58 ( 58 ) 111 - 133 2003
A Preliminary Evaluation of a Video-Conferencing Exchange
Field, M. H, Fegan, J, am, Sheppard, C
Bulletin of the Institute of Language Teaching Waseda University 57 57 - 82 2002
Sheppard, C, Kinoshita, N, Isemonger, I
The Institute of Language Teaching Waseda University 57 ( 57 ) 123 - 154 2002
Task Complexity in Language Learning and Teaching: Why Tasks Fail
Sheppard, C
KOTESOL 2000 81 - 89 2000 [Refereed]
Designing a task-based syllabus (for the Korean context)
Sheppard, C
The English Connection 4(3) 6 - 9 2000
The role of feedback in the SLA process
Sheppard, C
Journal of Chiba University Eurasian Society 1 170 - 195 1998
40周年記念早稲田大学語学教育研究所総合講座講義録 (The 40th Anniversary Lecture Series of the Institute of Language Teaching, Waseda University).
Morohoshi, K, Okamura, S, Shioda, M, Tamura, S, Fubukuro, H, Sheppard, C
Institute of Language Teaching. Waseda University 2004.03
Voices in Writing 2004 (Vol. 3).
Sheppard, C, Isemonger, I., &am, Field, M, H
Institute of Language Teaching. Waseda University 2004.03
Voices in Writing 2003 (Vol. 2).
Field, M. H, Sheppard, C., &am, Isemonger, I
Institute of Language Teaching, Waseda University. 2003.03
Voices in Writing 2002 (Vol. 1).
Field, M. H, am, Sheppard, C
Institute of Language Teaching, Waseda University. 2002.03
Applying language learning principles to curriculum design in a large scale ESP program
2. Saarbrucker Fremdsprachentagung
Presentation date: 2013.11
Increasing the influence on Japanese Education Research: Research Methodology
Presentation date: 2013.09
First and second year university education for Science and Engineering students
55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
Presentation date: 2013.06
Testing in an ESP Program: CEFR vs. Criterion-referenced Assessment
Presentation date: 2013.06
Ability grouping in ESL: Beneficial or detrimental
NYS TESOL 34th Applied Linguistics Winter Conference
Presentation date: 2013.03
Critical evaluation: Language related influences and instructional effects
Invited seminar presentation at the Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University
Presentation date: 2013.02
Measurement and definition of perceptual learning styles: Definition through working memory
Windows to the mind research symposium, CELESE
Presentation date: 2013.01
Factors explaining student failure in higher learning
54th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
Presentation date: 2012.11
Research methods in Japanese language education: Empirical research and statistical analysis
ICJLE 2012
Presentation date: 2012.08
The evaluation of a task-based curriculum for EST
TBLT 2011
Presentation date: 2011.11
The acquisition of pronunciation, age, and the critical period hypothesis
Tokyo Phonetics Research Group
Presentation date: 2011.10
Validating Acoustic Measures of Speech Rhythm for Second Language Acquisition
Presentation date: 2011.08
Applying language learning theory to curriculum design
NYS TESOL 32nd Annual Applied Linguistics Winter Conference
Presentation date: 2011.02
The use of Video-conferencing for Distance Education
ICJLE 2010
Presentation date: 2010.08
An Evaluation of an ESP Writing Program
th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level.
Presentation date: 2009.10
The differential effects of input during task production
Task-based Language Teaching 2009
Presentation date: 2009.09
The Implementation of a Task-based Syllabus for an English for Specific Purposes Program
IEEE PCSJ Annual Seminar 2008
Presentation date: 2008.11
The learning styles and strategies of more and less successful learners of Japanese pronunciation
The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language 2008 Autumn General Meeting
Presentation date: 2008.10
Noticing the gap, hypothesis testing, and the uptake of subsequent feedback
Second Language Research Forum 2008
Presentation date: 2008.10
The effects of the acoustic properties of second language vowel production
Experimental Linguistics 2008
Presentation date: 2008.08
The acquisition of lexical rhythm and duration by Japanese second language learners
Laboratory Phonology 11
Presentation date: 2008.07
A framework for designing English language curriculum: Application to a Japanese content
Invited talk at Tokai University
Presentation date: 2008.06
A comparison of the learning methods of more and less successful learners of Japanese pronunciation
International Conference on language Teaching and Learning
Presentation date: 2008.03
A comparison of the learning methods of more and less successful learners of Japanese pronunciation
Sixth International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese (ICPLJ6)
Presentation date: 2008.02
Authentic Texts, Simplified Texts, and Text Comprehension
JACET 46th Annual Convention
Presentation date: 2007.09
The measurement of task-based second language production: The validity of fluency, accuracy and complexity
Task-Based Language Teaching 2007
Presentation date: 2007.09
Applying TBLT to videoconferencing: The effects of pre-task preparation on performance
Task-Based Language Teaching 2007
Presentation date: 2007.09
Factors Accounting for Attainment in Foreign Language Phonological Competence
Presentation date: 2007.08
Vocabulary Level Profile Tool for the Evaluation and Simplification of Language Course Materials,
Presentation date: 2007.03
Predicting the Development of Pronunciation Skill in Foreign Language Learners
Second Language Research Forum 2006
Presentation date: 2006.10
Noticing the gap and second language acquisition: A role for output in uptake and subsequent incorporation
The 5th Pacific Second Language Research Forum
Presentation date: 2006.07
Using Questionnaires as Content: The Evaluation of a 1st and 2nd Year Writing Course
Waseda Symposium of Teaching and Research in Academic Writing
Presentation date: 2006.03
L2 Vocabulary Knowledge and Authentic Academic Text Comprehension
The 22nd Research Meeting of the Japanese Language Testing Association
Presentation date: 2005.12
Developing a Teacher Peer Support Research Group
JALT 2005
Presentation date: 2005.10
Factors determining evaluated pronunciation levels of Japanese university learners of English
The 19th General Meeting of the Phonetics Society of Japan
Presentation date: 2005.09
L2 Vocabulary Knowledge and Authentic Academic Text Comprehension
JACET 44th Annual Convention
Presentation date: 2005.09
The pronunciation of good-learners
The Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education 2005
Presentation date: 2005.08
Learner perception, learning styles and measurement in second language education
AILA 2005
Presentation date: 2005.07
Learning Styles: Measurement and the reliability of questionnaires
International Conference of Japanese-Language Teaching, Tokyo
Presentation date: 2004.08
Video Conferencing in Content-based Language Learning Classrooms
Presentation date: 2004.06
Learning Style Research: The creation of a Japanese version of a questionnaire
The Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education
Presentation date: 2003.08
Task Complexity in Language Learning and Teaching
Presentation date: 2000.10
The design and use of ranking activities in the classroom
KoTESOL Busan Chapter Meeting
Project Year :
The mechanism of the acquisition of rhythm at the lexical level
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Understanding, measuring, and promoting crucial 21st century skills: Global communication, deep learning, and critical thinking competencies
Project Year :
The Development of Critical Thinking Skills and English Education
Project Year :
Noticing the gap, hypothesis testing, and the uptake of subsequent feedback
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Studies in the Phonological Acquisition Process of Second Languages
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
The Use of the Video-Conference in Language Education
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Seminar on Applied Information Science B2
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Applied Information Science B1
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Seminar on Applied Information Science A2
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Applied Information Science A1
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2025 spring semester
Research on Applied Information Science
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2025 full year
Research on Applied Information Science
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
2025 full year
Faculty of International Research and Education Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics
Faculty of International Research and Education School of International Liberal Studies
Faculty of International Research and Education Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies
Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering Concurrent Researcher
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