Research Experience
Waseda University
Waseda University
Waseda University
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Waseda University
Waseda University
Waseda University
BiLSTM Multi-Task Learning Based Combined Load Forecasting Considering the Loads Coupling Relationship for Multi-Energy System
Yixiu Guo, Yong Li, Xuebo Qiao, Zhenyu Zhang, Wangfeng Zhou, Yujie Mei, Jinjie Lin, Yicheng Zhou, Yosuke Nakanishi
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2022
Modelling and analysis of a two-level incentive mechanism based peer-to-peer energy sharing community
Yahui Wang, Yijia Cao, Yong Li, Lin Jiang, Yilin Long, Youyue Deng, Yicheng Zhou, Yosuke Nakanishi
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 133 2021.12
Distributed Operation for Integrated Electricity and Heat System With Hybrid Stochastic/Robust Optimization
Junjie Zhong, Yi Tan, Yong Li, Yijia Cao, Yanjian Peng, Zilong Zeng, Yosuke Nakanishi, Yicheng Zhou
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 128 2021.06
Arbitrary polynomial chaos expansion and its application to power flow analysis-Fast approximation of probability distribution by arbitrary polynomial expansion
Yuki Katagiri, Kazuaki Iwamura, Yosuke Nakanishi, Sachio Takano, Ryohei Suzuki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1780 ( 1 ) 2021.02
Facility planning optimization platform, ggod, for expandable cluster-type micro-grid installations and operations
Kazuaki Iwamura, Yosuke Nakanishi, Udom Lewlomphaisarl, Noel Estoperez, Abraham Lomi
Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A 58 ( S ) 101 - 107 2021
Cost-based approach for time of use pricing decision
Yicheng Zhou, Fudong Li, Jinhua She, Chongqing Kang, Yosuke Nakanishi
2020 IEEE 4th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration: Connecting the Grids Towards a Low-Carbon High-Efficiency Energy System, EI2 2020 3535 - 3539 2020.10
Optimization of Electric Transmission Line Routing for a Renewable Energy Based Micro-Grid System using Geographic Information System (GIS) Spatial Analysis
Rovick P. Tarife, Yosuke Nakanishi, John Vincent S. Bondaug, Regielon V. Irosido, Anacita P. Tahud, Noel R. Estoperez
9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2020 215 - 220 2020.09
Planning Optimization Platform for Cluster Type Micro-grid Installations and Operations
Kazuaki Iwamura, Yosuke Nakanishi, Udom Lewlomphaisarl, Noel Estoperez, Abraham Lomi
iSPEC 2019 - 2019 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference: Grid Modernization for Energy Revolution, Proceedings 1705 - 1710 2019.11
Optimization Design Suite for Expandable Micro-Grid Clusters
Kazuaki Iwamura, Yosuke Nakanishi, Hiroshi Takamori, Udom Lewlomphaisarl, Noel Estoperez, Abraham Lomi
7th International IEEE Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2018 354 - 359 2018.12
Iwamura Kazuaki, Nakanishi Yosuke, Takamori Hiroshi, Nakanishi Yosuke, Lewlomphaisarl Udom, Estoperez Noel, Lomi Abraham
Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference and Exhibition 2018.06
A Study of Correlation of Wind Power Generation and Battery Allocation for Mitigation of Wind Farm's Fluctuation in Northern Part of Japan
Motegi Fumiya, Iba Kenji, Nakanishi Yosuke
International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2018.06
Location Optimization Method of Newly Installable Wind Farms
Nishiyama Kohei, Ryo Kobayashi, Iwamura Kazuaki, Nakanishi Yosuke
International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2018.06
Unit Commitment considering Frequency Dynamic Constraint and Wind Power Forecast Uncertainties
Nguyen Nhung Hong, Nakanish Yosuke
IEEJ P&ESIEEE PES Thailand Joint Symposium 2018.03
Development of Small Signal Stability Model for Power Systems considering the Network Transients
Nguyen Nhung Hong, Nguyen-Duc Huy, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ P&ESIEEE PES Thailand Joint Symposium 2018.03
Study on Transmission Pricing Method under Congested Transmission in Extendable Micro-Grid Clusters
Morimoto Yusuke, Tanaka Akito, Takamori Hiroshi, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ P&ESIEEE PES Thailand Joint Symposium 2018.03
Multi-area State Estimation based on Detection of Bad Data and Analysis using M-estimator
Miyake Shuhei, Magori Hideki, Iwamura Kazuaki, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ P&ESIEEE PES Thailand Joint Symposium 2018.03
Optimal Allocation Method for Introduction of a Large Amount of Wind Farms and Substations in Wind Farms
Nishiyama Kohei, Iwamura Kazuaki, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ P&ESIEEE PES Thailand Joint Symposium 2018.03
Optimal Transmission Planning in Wind Farm using Proposed K-means Clustering Method
IEEJ P&ESIEEE PES Thailand Joint Symposium 2017.03
Study on the current analysis of a transmission system with wind power penetration using stochastic power flow calculations
Akihiko Sakai, Zuo Hu, Kazuaki Iwamura, Yosuke Nakanishi, Kenji Iba
IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON 884 - 887 2017.02 [Refereed]
Geospatial approaches to design of wind power transmission networks and operation of microgrids
Kazuaki Iwamura, Yosuke Nakanishi, Yuya Kino, Go Sakaguchi, Ryusuke Kuno, Noriko Tanaka
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe 58 - 64 2016.12 [Refereed]
Load Flow analysis for the transmission dedicated to wind generation
2015 ( 9 ) 83 - 88 2015.09
Application of optimum design method for new transmission lines dedicated to wind farms
2015 ( 9 ) 77 - 82 2015.09
The study of power system construction method aimed at renewable energy expansion
2015 ( 9 ) 57 - 63 2015.09
A determination method for the optimal operation of controllable generators in micro grids that copes with unstable outputs of renewable energy generation
Hirotaka Takano, Peng Zhang, Junichi Murata, Takuhei Hashiguchi, Tadahiro Goda, Tatsuya Iizaka, Yosuke Nakanishi
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi) 190 ( 4 ) 56 - 65 2015.03 [Refereed]
Naoto Ishibashi, Tatsuya Iizaka, Tohru Katsuno, Yosuke Nakanishi, Yuya Kimura, Satoshi Takayama, Atsushi Ishigame
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 135 ( 1 ) 35 - 41 2015
2014 ( 115 ) 115 - 120 2014.09
Cost Minimum Transmission Planning for Large Scale Introduction of Wind Farms by Tabu Search
Control technologies for renewable energy integration
Nakanishi Yosuke
ICEE2014 2014.06
Next steps for Japan:Smart Community Demonstration in Kitakyushu
Nakanishi Yosuke
ISGAN (Clean Energy Ministeria)Web Seminor 2014.05
Kitakyushu smart community & technologies
Nakanishi Yosuke
Considerations of the optimization planning of power lines in the Wind Firm
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe 2014.02
A wind power forecasting method and its confidence interval estimation
Tatsuya Iizaka, Toru Jintsugawa, Hideyuki Kondo, Yosuke Nakanishi, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Hiroyuki Mori
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi) 186 ( 2 ) 52 - 60 2014.01 [Refereed]
Development of demand and supply control system for micro grid
Naoki Hayashi, Yuuichi Shimasaki, Hideyuki Kondo, Yuuto Osada, Tatsuya Iizaka, Tohru Katsuno, Yosuke Nakanishi
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 134 ( 1 ) 40 - 48 2014
Hirotaka Takano, Peng Zhang, Junichi Murata, Takuhei Hashiguchi, Tadahiro Goda, Tatsuya Iizaka, Yosuke Nakanishi
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 133 ( 10 ) 1897 - 1904 2013.10
酒井 明彦, 中西 要祐, 伊庭 健二
日本風力発電協会雑誌 2013.08
Optimal Generation Schedule of Micro-Grids Considering the Uncertainties of Forecasts
P. Zhang, H. Takano, J. Murata, T. Iizaka, Y. Nakanishi
Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems 826 2013.07 [Refereed]
Naoto Ishibashi, Tatsuya Iizaka, Ryoko Ohira, Yosuke Nakanishi
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 133 ( 1 ) 64 - 71 2013.01
A Determination Method for the Optimal Operation of Controllable Generators in a Micro Grid that Copes with Unstable Outputs of Renewable Energy Generation
TAKANO Hirotaka, MURATA Junichi, ZHANG Peng, HASHIGUCHI Takuhei, GODA Tadahiro, IIZAKA Tatsuya, NAKANISHI Yosuke
2012 ( 76 ) 69 - 74 2012.08
A wind power forecasting method and its confidence interval estimation
Tatsuya Iizaka, Ryo Jintsugawa, Hideyuki Kondo, Yousuke Nakanishi, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Hiroyuki Mori
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 131 ( 10 ) 1672 - 1678 2011.10
A Study on the Unit Commitment Method for a Small Isolated Power System Considering Forecast Error of Intermittent Renewable Energy
OKADA Shinya, SHIMA Koji, SASAKI Yutaka, ZOKA Yoshifumi, YORINO Naoto, NAKAZAWA Chikashi, NAKANISHI Yosuke
2011 ( 1 ) 41 - 46 2011.01
A Study on the Unit Commitment Program considering on Small Independent Power System
SASAKI Yutaka, OKADA Shinya, SHIMA Koji, ZOKA Yoshifumi, YORINO Naoto, NAKAZAWA Chikashi, NAKANISHI Yosuke
2010 ( 149 ) 7 - 12 2010.09
Development of the Power Supply/Demand Control System for Isolated Small Power System
YORINO Naoto, SASAKI Yutaka, NAKAZUMI Mamoru, ISEKI Tomohiro, ZOKA Yoshifumi, NAKAZAWA Chikashi, NAKANISHI Yosuke
2010 ( 77 ) 143 - 148 2010.09
Development of the Dynamic Economical Load Dispatching Method for an Isolated Small Power System : Consideration of Network Constraints
SASAKI Yutaka, YORINO Naoto, OHIRA Akifumi, ZOKA Yoshifumi, NAKAZAWA Chikashi, NAKANISHI Yosuke
2010 ( 149 ) 1 - 6 2010.09
Reference governer for output smoothing of natural energy generation
2010 ( 148 ) 101 - 106 2010.09
Development of New islanding detectors & Voltage control systems by experimental studies supported by NEDO
S. Morozumi, K. Watanabe, K. Yoshida, K. Kouchi, Y. Nakanishi, H. Ota
43rd International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2010, CIGRE 2010 2010
An introduction effect evaluation tool for distributed generators
Hiroshi Kojima, Tohru Katsuno, Yosuke Nakanishi, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Hideki Matsuda, Yasuhisa Kanazawa
Proceeding of International Conference on Power Engineering, ICOPE 2009 371 - 376 2009 [Refereed]
Control scheme for wind power fluctuation using the hybrid batteries system
2008 ( 12 ) 19 - 24 2008.01
Centralized control of clustered PV generations for loss minimization and power quality
Kiyoshi Yoshida, Katsuhiko Kouchi, Yosuke Nakanishi, Hiromitsu Ota, Ryuichi Yokoyama
IEEE Power and Energy Society 2008 General Meeting: Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, PES 2008
Stability Estimation of SVCs in Distribution Systems
Keiichi Shimizu, Takamu Genji, Chikashi Nakazawa, Yosuke Nakanishi
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 125 ( 5 ) 521 - 529 2005.05
Study of impacts of physical contracts and financial contracts on bidding strategies of GENCOs
Xiaoling Chen, Y. He, Y. H. Song, Yosuke Nakanishi, Chikashi Nakanishi, Satoru Takahashi, Yoshinori Sekine
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy System 26 ( 9 ) 715 - 723 2004.11
Interaction of a dispersed generation, SVC, and SVR in Distribution Systems
2003 ( 139 ) 49 - 54 2003.09
Comparative study of modern heuristic algorithms to service restoration in distribution systems
Sakae Toune, Hiroyuki Fudo, Takamu Genji, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Yosuke Nakanishi
Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference 2 ( 1 ) 787 - 181 2002.01 [Refereed]
Simulation Methods for Distribution Power Systems
Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 122 ( 9 ) 965 - 968 2002
Application of reactive tabu search for service restoration in distribution systems and its comparison with the genetic algorithm and parallel simulated annealing
Hiroyuki Fudo, Sakae Toune, Takamu Genji, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Yosuke Nakanishi
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi) 133 ( 3 ) 71 - 82 2000.11 [Refereed]
Analysis on Requirements of Islanding Detection Systems for Distributed Induction Generators
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 120 ( 5 ) 678 - 685 2000.05
Genetic algorithm for network reconfiguration using three phase unbalanced load flow
Hiroyuki Fudou, Takamu Genji, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Yosuke Nakanishi
International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications 8 ( 1 ) 19 - 24 2000.03
Yamamoto Fumio, Kitamura Akio, Fujita Nobufuyu, Nakanishi Yosuke, Nagasawa Makoto
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 120 ( 10 ) 1239 - 1247 2000
Annual review of editorial committee activities
Editorial committee of P&E society
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 119 ( 10 ) 1013 - 1015 1999.10
A Fast Contingency Analysis by Distributed Parallel Processing
1999 ( 151 ) 65 - 70 1999.09
Measurements and Simulations of Behavior of Distributed Generator in distribution system
SHIMIZU Keiichi, TOHNE Sakae, GENJI Takamu, NAKANISHI Yosuke, ODA Toshiyuki
1999 ( 134 ) 49 - 54 1999.09
A study on An Optimal Control Problem for TCUL Transformers
YORINO Naoto, NISHIMOTO Masaomi, SASAKI Hiroshi, SUGIHARA Hiroaki, SHUTO Takanori, NAKANISHI Yosuke
1999 ( 119 ) 1 - 6 1999.09
Development of Equipment Models for Fast Distribution Load Flow Calculation Considering Interconnection of Distributed Generators
TOHNE Sakae, GENJI Takamu, YURA Toshiki, FUKUYAMA Yoshikazu, WATANABE Takuya, NAKANISHI Yosuke
1999 ( 103 ) 49 - 54 1999.09
The generation of ZIP-V curves for tracing power system steady state stationary behavior due to load and generation variations
Hua Li, Hsiao Dong Chiang, Hirotaka Yoshida, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Yosuke Nakanishi
1999 IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, PES 1999 - Conference Proceedings 2 647 - 651 1999
Particle swarm optimization for reactive power and voltage control in electric power systems considering voltage security assessment
Hirotaka Yoshida, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Shinichi Takayama, Yosuke Nakanishi
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 6 1999
Fudo Hiroyuki, Toune Sakae, Genji Takamu, Fukuyama Yoshikazu, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 119 ( 3 ) 317 - 325 1999
A Distributed Autonomous Control Method for TCUL Transformers Using a Fuzzy Adaptive Control Scheme
Yorino Naoto, Shuto Takanori, Nishimoto Masaomi, Sasaki Hiroshi, Sugihara Hiroaki, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 119 ( 12 ) 1455 - 1461 1999
Yoshida Hirotaka, Kawata Kenichi, Fukuyama Yoshikazu, Takayama Shinichi, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 119 ( 12 ) 1462 - 1469 1999
Reactive tabu search for service restoration in electric power distribution systems
Sakae Toune, Hiroyuki Fudo, Takamu Genji, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Yosuke Nakanishi
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, ICEC 763 - 768 1998
On Autonomous Decentralized Contorl of On-Load Tap-Changers
Yorino Naoto, Fujimura Tsutomu, Uena Katsuhisa, Sugihara Hiroaki, Sugiyama Katunori, Nakanisi Yosuke
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 118 ( 6 ) 658 - 664 1998
On Autonomous Decentralized Control for coordinating quality of voltage and frequency of control action
YORINO Naoto, UENA Katsuhisa, SASAKI Hiroshi, SUGIHARA Hiroaki, SUGIYAMA Katunori, NAKANISI Yosuke
1997 ( 63 ) 69 - 74 1997.10
Evaluation and Analysis of Loss Minimization Conditions in Distribution Systems
FUDO Hiroyuki, GENJI Takamu, NAKANISHI Yosuke, FUKUYAMA Yoshikazu, KUWAYAMA Jinpei, KUSAMA Satoru
1997 ( 32 ) 7 - 12 1997.10
Application of Reactive Tabu Search for Network Reconfiguration in Distribution Systems
FUDO Hiroyuki, GENJI Takamu, FUKUYAMA Yoshikazu, NAKANISHI Yosuke
1997 ( 32 ) 1 - 6 1997.10
A Criteria for Reverse Control Action of TCUL Controls and Their Deactivation Timings
Yorino Naoto, Fujimura Tsutomu, Sasaki Hiroshi, Sugihara Hiroaki, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 117 ( 9 ) 1238 - 1244 1997
Application of Meta-heuristic techniques to Service Restoration in Power Distribution Systems
FUKUYAMA Yoshikazu, NAKANISHI Yosuke, FUDO Hiroyuki, GENJI Takamu
6 334 - 337 1996.10
Studies on a Loss Minimization Method in Distribution Systems
FUDOU Hiroyuki, GENJI Takamu, FUKUYAMA Yoshikazu, NAKANISHI Yosuke
1996 ( 60 ) 21 - 30 1996.09
Parallel power flow calculation in electric distribution networks
Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Yosuke Nakanishi, Hsaio Dong Chiang
Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 1 669 - 672 1996
Hybrid system for service restoration using expert system and genetic algorithm
Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Hiroshi Endo, Yosuke Nakanishi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 394 - 398 1996
Parallel genetic algorithm for generation expansion planning
Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Yosuke Nakanishi, Hsaio Dong Chiang
International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications 4 ( 1 ) 49 - 56 1996
Fukuyama Yoshikazu, Nakanishi Yosuke
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 116 ( 1 ) 20 - 26 1996
Tomiyama Katsuyuki, Nakanishi Yosuke, Tamura Yasuo
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 113 ( 11 ) 1274 - 1282 1993
Considerations of time delays in information gathering, processing, decision-making and dispatching in power system operation
Y. Tamura, T. Ogata, T. Motoyoshi, Y. Tayama, Y. Nakanishi
IFAC Symposia Series - Proceedings of a Triennial World Congress 6 79 - 84 1991
Interactions between regulating equipments in voltage instability environment
Y. Tamura, T. Ogata, T. Motoyoshi, Y. Tayama, Y. Nakanishi
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1 326 - 331 1989
A Load Flow Calculation Method for III-Conditioned Power Systems
Iwamoto Shinichi, Nakanishi Yosuke, Tamura Yasuo
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 100 ( 2 ) 109 - 115 1980
Yousuke Nakanishi, Kenji Yamada, Hiroshi Nagasawa, Yasuo Tamura, Shin Ichi Iivamoto
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 100 ( 6 ) 337 - 344 1980.01
Wind Power Forecasting Based on Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
2019 ( 58 ) 51 - 56 2019.05
Geospatial information technologies for expanding renewable energy
Kazuaki Iwamura, Yosuke Nakanishi
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 138 ( 11 ) 850 - 853 2018.11
石橋直人, 飯坂達也, 勝野徹, 中西要祐, 木村友哉, 高山聡志, 石亀篤司
電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM) 2014 ROMBUNNO.28 2014.09
Optimal generation schedule in micro-grids considering the possible damage by uncertainties of forecasts
Peng Zhang, Hirotaka Takano, Junichi Murata, Tatsuya Iizaka, Yosuke Nakanishi
Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University 18 ( 2 ) 75 - 83 2013.07 [Refereed]
Current and future trends in energy solution technologies
Fuji electric journal 81 ( 3 ) 190 - 193 2008.05
High speed large capacity inverter for power system apparatus
Akira Nakamori, Naoya Eguchi, Yoske Nakanishi
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 4 4472 - 4473 1996
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering Concurrent Researcher
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