Updated on 2025/02/05


HANAI, Shunsuke
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2006

    VIsiting Scholar, The Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan

  • 2001

    Current Position

  • 1997

    Associate Professor (School of Economics, Kyushu Univ.)

  • 1995

    Associate Professor (School of Econpmics, Kagawa Univ.)

  • 1994

    Lecturer (School of Economics, Kagawa Univ.)

  • 1989

    Researcher (Mitsui Research Institute for Social and Economic History)

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Education Background

  • 1983.04

    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Economics   Economic Theory and History  

  • 1981.04

    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Economics  

  • 1976.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Economics  

Professional Memberships


    Historical Science Society of Japan


    The Political Economy and Economic History Society


    Business History Society of Japan


    The Socio-Economic History Society

Research Areas

  • Economic history


  • Prize from Forum for Entreprenuerial Studies, 2016

    2016.07   Forum for Entreprenuerial Studies  



  • オーストラリア国立公文書館シドニー分館所蔵・戦前期日本商社資料の利用可能性に関する一試論:三井物産「シドニー支店羊毛課日誌(戦時濠州羊毛管理ノ経過)」に即して

    Shunsuke Hanai

    『早稲田商学』   ( 438 )  2013.12

  • 戦前期における製糸企業の成長構造

    花井俊介, 公文蔵人

    『産業経営』、早稲田大学産業経営研究所   ( 36 ) 135 - 170  2004.12

  • 20 世紀日本企業の企業統治と企業行動・パフォーマンス

    Shunsuke Hanai

    『季刊企業と法創造』   ( 1 )  2004.04

  • Book Review: Tamara K. Hareven, "The Silk Weavers of Kyoto", University of California Press, 2002

    Shunsuke Hanai

    "Social Science Japan Journal", The Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo ( Published jointly with Oxford University Press)   7 ( 1 )  2004.04

  • 真壁町史料 近現代編 Ⅳ 醸造業

    花井俊介, 井奥成彦, 谷本雅之

    真壁町     1 - 415  2003.03

  • 田崎洋佑家所蔵史料と田崎家の醤油経営


    『真壁町史料 近現代編 Ⅳ 醸造業』、真壁町     18 - 25  2003.03

  • 大正昭和戦前期廣海家の蓄積基盤と有価証券投資


    経営史学会第37回全国大会パネルディスカッション「近世・近代日本の中規模商家の多角的経営展開」    2001.10

  • 近代日本における在来産業の展開基盤に関する基礎的研究(1998-2000年度, 科学研究費補助金・基盤研究C2)



  • 関東における中小醤油経営の展開


    社会経済史学会関西部会夏季シンポジウム    1999.08

  • 転換期の在来産業経営


    『経済学研究』、九州大学経済学会     43 - 70  1998.12

  • 両大戦間期日本蚕糸業の構造変動に関する基礎的研究(1996-97年度科学研究費補助金・基盤研究C2)


  • 書評:荒木幹雄『日本蚕糸業発達とその基盤—養蚕農家経営—』


    『経済学論集』、東京大学   63 ( 4 ) 106 - 111  1998.01

  • 真壁町史料 近現代 Ⅲ 製糸業2

    花井俊介, 石井寛治

    真壁町     1 - 513  1992.03

  • 両大戦間期の真壁製糸業


    『真壁町史料 近現代Ⅲ 製糸業』、真壁町     33 - 102  1992.03

  • 大正末・昭和初期における巨大製糸経営の一断面


    『三井文庫論叢』、財団法人三井文庫   ( 24 ) 75 - 177  1990.12

  • 真壁町史料 近現代 Ⅱ 製糸業

    花井俊介, 石井寛治

    真壁町     1 - 541  1988.03

  • 谷口家の製糸経営


    『真壁町史料 近現代 Ⅱ 製糸業』、真壁町     24 - 51  1988.03

  • 繭特約取引の形成と展開


    『土地制度史学』   ( 118 ) 1 - 19  1988.01

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Books and Other Publications

  • Production System of the Giant Soysauce Brewer, Takanashi Family Co. around the turn of the 20th Century

    Shunsuke Hanai

    井奥成彦・中西聡編著(上花輪歴史館監修)『醤油醸造業と地域の工業化-髙梨兵左衛門家の研究』,慶應義塾大学出版会  2016.06

  • Investment Behavior and Risk Control - A Casestudy of Oguri Saburo Family from 1890s to 1930s

    Shunsuke Hanai

    中西聡・井奥成彦編『近代日本の地方事業家- 萬三商店小栗家と地域の工業化』,日本経済評論社  2015.11

  • 紡織工業


    鈴木邦夫編『満州企業史研究』、日本経済評論社  2007.02

  • 南満州鉄道系企業


    鈴木邦夫編『満州企業史研究』、日本経済評論社  2007.02

  • 財閥と大手事業法人系企業

    花井俊介, 鈴木邦夫, 疋田康行, 須永徳武

    鈴木邦夫編『満州企業史研究』、日本経済評論社  2007.02

  • 収益基盤の転換と多様化

    花井俊介, 中西聡

    石井寛治・中西聡編『産業化と商家経営』、名古屋大学出版会  2006.03

  • 大正・昭和戦前期の有価証券投資


    石井寛治・中西聡編『産業化と商家経営』、名古屋大学出版会  2006.03

  • 野田の醤油醸造業


    林玲子・天野雅敏編『日本の味・醤油の歴史』、吉川弘文館  2005.03

  • 農村地域の中小醸造家


    林玲子・天野雅敏編『日本の味・醤油の歴史』、吉川弘文館  2005.03

  • 製糸結社から大製糸企業へ


    日本経営史学会編『日本経営史の基礎知識』、有斐閣  2004.10

  • 軽工業の資本蓄積


    石井寛治・原朗・武田晴人編『日本経済史 2 産業革命期』、東京大学出版会  2000.12

  • 転換期の在来産業経営


    林玲子・天野雅敏編『東と西の醤油史』、吉川弘文館  1999.06

  • 三井系企業の進出

    鈴木邦夫, 花井俊介

    疋田康行編『南方共栄圏-戦時日本の東南アジア経済支配』、多賀出版  1995.02

  • 軍政と企業活動


    疋田康行編『南方共栄圏-戦時日本の東南アジア経済支配』、多賀出版  1995.02

  • 農家経済の動向

    大川裕嗣, 花井俊介, 大豆生田稔

    西田美昭編『戦後改革期の農業問題-埼玉県を事例として』、日本経済評論社  1994.02

  • 食糧危機下埼玉県における供出問題の展開


    西田美昭編著『戦後改革期の農業問題-埼玉県を事例として』、日本経済評論社  1994.02

  • 三蔵協定前後期のヤマサ醤油


    林玲子編『醤油醸造業史の研究』、吉川弘文館  1990.02

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Research Projects

  • 戦前期東京・大阪株式市場の統合過程と価格形成機能の数量的分析

    Project Year :


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  • 醸造業による農村工業化と和食文化の形成に関する地域比較研究

    Project Year :


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  • A comprehensive research on urban-rural inter-relational industrialization and living environment in modern Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKANISHI Satoru, YAMAGUCHI Yoshito, IOKU Shigehiko, KITAZAWA Mitsuru, KOBORI Satoru, YOSHIKAWA Takuji, NISHIZAWA Yasuhiko, MIZOGUCHI Tsunetoshi, HOTTA Yoshihiro, HANAI Shunsuke, NAKAMURA Naofumi, OCHIAI Kou, ICHIKAWA Daisuke, MIYACHI Hidetoshi, OSHIMA Tomotaka, NAKANISHI Tomoko, TAMURA Hitoshi, MIKI Masafumi, NAITO Takao, KORESAWA Noriko, YUZAWA Noriko, ISHII Rie, HAYAKAWA Daisuke, KURODA Yoshihiko, NAGASHIMA Takeshi, MIKAMI Atsushi, NAKAMOTO Takatoshi, NAKAMURA Kazunari, MITSUZONO Isamu, ISHII Kanji, ITO Toshio, HATTORI Ayumi, MATSUGI Takafumi, KATO Satoshi

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    This research has analyzed the correlation between industrialization and living environment in Japan from early modern to modern times, aiming to obtain suggestions for sustainable development with a balanced urban-rural composition in the future.In particular, in order to re-evaluate the structure of industrialization involving urban-rural interactions in Japan and its potential resilience to economic crises during the first half of the 20th century, we have focused upon the brewing and textile industries in Aichi Prefecture which developed initially as ‘rural’ industries. Our research has found out that, in those industries, leading entrepreneurs played an important role in the provision of safety-nets in the local community by means of job creation, building of infrastructure, and so on

  • Socio-Economic History of the Japan-Australia Trade in the Prewar Period : A Study Based on the Records Seized by the Controller of Enemy Property of Australia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AMANO Masatoshi, TANIMOTO Masayuki, HANAI Shunsuke, SHIGETOMI Kimio, TESSA Morris-suzuki, TAMURA Keiko

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    The purpose of this research project shed new light on the prewar Japan-Australia economic relationship and on the development of Japanese trading companies operating in prewar Australia. The large number of documents confiscated from Japanese trading companies by the Australian government at the start of the Pacific War are held in Sydney office of the National Archives of Australia. We found out a lot of important documents about Japanese trading companies in prewar Australia held in the National Archives' collection. Based on the research of these documents and other sources, The Historical Study of Prewar Japan-Australia Trade : The Case of F. Kanematsu Trading Company and Mitsui Bussan was published by Masatoshi Amano.After the Research Forum Arising from the Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research Project on 19 February 2012, the Research-results Report : Socio-Economic History of the Japan-Australia Trade in the Prewar Period : A Study Based on the Records Seized by the Controller of Enemy Property of Australia was drawn up by the office of Masatoshi Amano at Kobe University

  • Socio-Economic History of the Japan-Australia Trade in the Prewar Period : A Study Based on the Records Seized by the Controller of Enemy Property of Australia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AMANO Masatoshi, TANIMOTO Masayuki, HANAI Shunsuke, SHIGETOMI Kimio, TESSA Morris-suzuki, TAMURA Keiko

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    The purpose of this research project shed new light on the prewar Japan-Australia economic relationship and on the development of Japanese trading companies operating in prewar Australia. The large number of documents confiscated from Japanese trading companies by the Australian government at the start of the Pacific War are held in Sydney office of the National Archives of Australia. We found out a lot of important documents about Japanese trading companies in prewar Australia held in the National Archives' collection. Based on the research of these documents and other sources, The Historical Study of Prewar Japan-Australia Trade : The Case of F. Kanematsu Trading Company and Mitsui Bussan was published by Masatoshi Amano.After the Research Forum Arising from the Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research Project on 19 February 2012, the Research-results Report : Socio-Economic History of the Japan-Australia Trade in the Prewar Period : A Study Based on the Records Seized by the Controller of Enemy Property of Australia was drawn up by the office of Masatoshi Amano at Kobe University

  • Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance and Economic Development in Japan : 1900-1955

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIYAJIMA Hideaki, NAKAMURA Naofumi, KASUYA Makoto, HANAI Shunsuke, KUMON Kurato, WATANABE Junko

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    This project made it the main subject to analyze comprehensively the relationship of the corporate finance, corporate governance, corporate behaviors, and performance in the prewar period Japan, using the database that consists of the micro level data of Japanese enterprises.
    This database contains almost all of large firms in the prewar Japan (the number of firms changes with time before and behind 150-300 companies), and it consists of several parts as follows.
    (2)earning statements
    (3)profit disposal analysis sheet
    (4)share prices
    (5)large shareholders
    (6)board composition
    The comprehensive database dealing with whole (1)-(6) does not exist, so our database has possibility to become very precious and useful one for academic circles.
    We reported fruits of work at the Business History Society (Japan) held at Kyoto University in November, where Shunsuke Hanai acts as a chairman, and Hideaki Miyajima, Makoto Kasuya, Junko Watanabe and others report. In addition, we reported at Business History Conference held in Lowell in June, 2003.
    As the results of work, eight papers (six Japanese, two English) are included in the result accounts (this is going to be published in the near future). In addition, many papers were published as parts of some academic journals for three years from 2001 to 2003.

  • Study on the development of traditional manufactures in prewar Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HANAI Shunsuke

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    In this research project, I aimed to make clear the managerial conditions leading to the development of traditional Japanese manufacturers in prewar days through the case study of soy sauce brewers. Research results are as follows.1. Data collection on the management of the soy sauce brewes both in eastern and in western Japan. As for large breweries, managerial data on Marukin Shoyu (Kagawa Pref.) and Kinoyene Shoyu (Chiba Pref.) could be collected. Marukin's rapid growth in Kansai soy sauce market from the end of the Meiji era can be explained through the analysis of the abundant documents on its management. And what influences cartel between the big three (Kikkoman, Yamasa, and Higeta shoyu) in Tokyo soy sauce Market from 1926 to 1933 exerted upon the market behavior of the outsiders are expected to be elucidated by analyzing the data of Kinoyene shoyu. On medium size breweries, managerial data of several manufacturers was discovered. Among them, Izutsu shoyu (Kagawa Pref.) was the most important in abundant volume of the documents left and in superior quality of the data, although the documents are now under arrangement and just part of them is available at present.2. Articles. The article on the management of Tazaki shoyu, a small brewer in Ibaragi Pref., from 1920s to 30s appeared in "Journal of Political Economy (Kyushu Univ.), 64-1・2, Dec.1998", where I pointed out that reciprocal trading network within small economy in rural area and the behavior of manager, based on the necessity to maintain his/her own family business, were supposed to be the keys to the development of traditional Japanese manufacturers. Abstract of the article was presented at the summer symposium held by the society of Socio-economic History, Aug.1999, at Osaka

  • An analysis on the development of the Japanese silk industry during the inter-war period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HANAI Shunsuke

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    This research project aims at analyzing the structural factor for the development of the Japanese silk industry during the inter-war period. The results of the project are as follows.1.Benefited from the help of Gunze Co., a lot of managerial documents of prewar Gunze Silk Manufacturing Co., which had grown to be among the top two firms in Japan as late as 1920, could be collected through this project. These managerial data, including unknown ones, would be of much use in answering two basic questions : why, unlike many other Japanese silk reeling entrepreneurs, did Gunze together with Katakura Company, another one of the big two, keep getting bigger in the size of the firm (the number of the basins) during the whole prewar period, and on what condition was the enlargement made possible?2.Although the bulky and new managerial documents of the small or medium silk manufacturers couldn't be discovered, the managerial analysis focusing on the cause and the process to bankruptcy in the Great Crisis was advanced with the already collected data on Makabe Seishi Goshigaisha (Makabe Silk & Co.) in the Ibaragi prefecture.Examining the role of the state for fostering the silk industry was also progressed through this project, focusing on the function of the prefectural authorities with the help of the silk and/or sericulture association

  • On the Japanese Economic Control of the South-East Asia During the 15 Years War Period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIKITA Yasuyuki, HANAI Shunsuke, SUZUKI Kunio, KOBAYASHI Hideo, KURASAWA Aiko

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    Since 1990. We have been engaged mainly in searching for and collecting the documents concerning our reseach, and investigating those documents. The summary of the research results is as follows ;1. The Informations of the Documents ; As our search for the reservation of documents, there are many documents not-opened to the public in the governmental institutions, such as Diplomatic Record Office, Library of the National Defense College Military Archives, Library of Congress and so on. These are still under or waiting for classifying. Similarly, many documents concerning the activities of companies still have not been opend to the public. It will be long for most of these documents to be opened to the public, but we intend to get them as early as we can. National archives of foreign countries reserve many documents. too. For instance, National Archives of Malaysia reserves Japanese documents issued by Japanese Military occupying British Malaysia, and National Archives of Thailand keeps the memorandum of negotiations between Japanese officers and Thai bureaucrats.2. Obtained Documents and the Results from Investigation ; We have got many documents, most of them are diplomatic, financial and military. We collected many published materials from Institute of Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University and other libraries. Some of the results of investigation are as follows ;(1) In late 1930s, Japan activated lier expantion toward the south-east Asia. Two special companies were newly organized and they competed with each other in investing to the area. Few Japanese companies had enterd to FrenchIndochina by mid-1930s, but one of the special companies broke through the way and massively invested to mining and other industries. (2) ln 1940, Japanese government planed the economic control policy of the South-east Asia backed-up with its military power. In 1941, Japan agreed the economic "co-operation" with French-Indochina. The negotitation with the government and the companies of Dutch-East Indies was carryed out by Seizah Ueshima, a director of Furukawa Electric Industry Co., who had close connection with the business group of the country, and Ichizoh Kobayashi, Minister of Commerce and Industry. Ueshima had been playing his role successfully, but Japanese alliance with Nazi-Germany shut the door to the economic co-operation. (3) Japanese companies competed with each other to get the profitable concessions in the South-east Asian countries under the Japanese occupation, and they oftenly draged the Japanese economic control agencies. But. under the war, they did not always gained. The South-east Asian branches of Mitsui Trading Company was heavily lost during the war. (4) Military money was issued, although temporarily, even in French-Indochina where Japan had not governed by her military until March 1945. (5) In Dutch-East Indies, Japan issued military money and, after April 1943, note of "Nan-poh Kaihatsu Kinko", but there were controversies between the central office of Ministry of Finance and the branches in the area

  • 両大戦間期日本蚕糸業の構造分析-製糸経営類型化のための基礎的研究

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  • 戦間期日本蚕糸業の構造変動に関する基礎的研究-製系経営類型化の試み-

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  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Commerce

Research Institute

  • 2019

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher